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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 18, 1895, p. 5

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1 'i * i ----------^-------------------1__ Vtite " JE5SSKJX"' FRB PREt>, &z$vzi OFTKErTO '"WN -FlUDAYrOOTOBUR , 18 1895, Thankngiviog turkey on ThurHduy Nov. 31. A numbor of Enex peopleattondd Har row fair Wednesday, mid report the hIiow a a Rood one generally. Conaidorable typhoid fever in yet previ. lent In WiniUor. ThecauiB in KUppoaed to result from the oity'a watfir supply. Kingtvillo talks of having an (dootrio liRht plunk. Hvidatitly the people of tliat town bliove oleotria llghtu uuprior to yaw. Mann' all wool friuzo uHtora only $0.00 at&T. .T. Wiglo\i&Co>. Farm* for Halo one Ufi aero buuh and one 50 dore improved; G. JG. Smith A Go. Among the marriage Uoouhoh grantud in Detroit Tuesday w(ih: \Vin..H,nYan,U0, Hamburg; Kli/.abetb O'Connor, 25, Emhqk, Onfc. -Work on tho 0. B.ll. oxUnttiot] into Am- bemtburg iti m progr*nli. John Dow hint' of WooJhIco, ban tho gviidm|> contract. A now station will bo built uptown. Lily, Hooud daughter, of Xmv. T. ft. Gundy, of Windsor, died *m Wednoaday afternoon o! typhoid fovor. Mr. Gundy in roporiod ay recovering from bin Horioau ill- tietm of fovor. Tho quuil ohooting itonuon npon*d on Tuesday, aud every nun in tho locality was brought Into piny. Ah lor ournelvun wo don't hunt, but nro informed that birdH arojunt fairly plentiful, Tho*Foho suya : "Tho fall faira of Kent Lambton and Elgin Counties wero all hub urea tliiu year. Hotter all unit* with Fa- ox in one grand fair in thin county lor the Boutliwoatarn diutriot." Heud'e levol. AlenVfelt htitH.jublot at half price for one woek at firai'h'ii. Extra valuoa in mon'e double biuatitod . fcweod units at M. ,1. Wigla* Go.'h. vL'bflT. At Ebbox fair ground** on OctJ 2nd; a largo onvelopo, containing two or three notes, payablo to tho order of Alti*uay tlurriB Co. Notes aro of no uno to under, Suitable rewardjon leaving at o lllce of J. F. titouo, Ehhox.' Tho annual full fair of the Tilbury "Went and North agricultural uocioty wuq hold at Combor on Wedneflduy and Tharatlay of lant week. Tho attendance wnatond and the ohow of exhibition rcportod better than in fornaer years. ChurlpH Salter, Albort Allen, and floruo jklhem woroout driving on Sunday oveniug, iin a collision at the cant eud of tho several cf ilicra wora thrown out of Mga, and more or leaa injured. Mflfjiatrato lieaman let Lhem go with u reprimand, Ah announced lunt woolc,' tho M. C. 11. liavo Anally fltntiored ft flagman, .Ino, Fitzgorald.late of St. Thoman.at tho Talbot Street cronaing here. Tho iutnutiou of thu . kailwaj corapany la to have'tho croaking wtriotly guarded at all timea daring tho day, and tho. ilujjman ih to be ruliavod by bagua^ornan McHardio, while at his raoala. Mens ovorooatH in ^rent viirioty, and at priceH hitherto unltnovTn in Eaeox, at M. J. WikIo & Co.'a. Tlin lar^ont ranUo 2!i ceut dross finods iu town at Smith'H. Suu theai. Edward Moon^y, of Sundwich South, who anfforod tho death of hia^two boiih* at the railway acoidoni hereon Oct. '2nd, it, himflolf conflntd to thohouHQ from injunem received to hut le^ at tho time of tho acoi- dorjt, and ia boinn attended by Dr. Brien. Mr, Mooi'oy hao decided to diajio^e of all his furm fltook, tmplomeutB, etc., and will ti'no up farminc for a tim. TIo hold hm firflt halo lant Mbndty, at which a lar^e amount of stuff waa sold, and will hold another shortly. Tho Ureen vh. Andorfion oaoo vvhiph ex- cittid no ranch intf)rent at the fall anui^eH at Sandwich, baa been finally decid ed. In the daily rupcrta of tho Court of Quonn'H Beach at Toronfo, wo find that JfiiHtico Faloonbridffo. on Monday, rendered a deoiHion in tho caao an followM: Judfj- |.rjoont in action trio J whhouta jury at Hand- ?juh. Action for dumaueo for deceit and 3d "reprpnontationu, whereby plaintiff wafl induced to purohtmo an interest in an invention. Tho loarned judge iinda dtfon iunt liable to contribute one half of 1,750 . paid by plaintiff. Judgment to bo entered on find after tho hgcoiiu dny of tho next .sittingHof tho Divinioniil Court for plain- tiff fr S875 wiHu-tit enwtn. A TI CliirUo, Windsor, and Bartlei, \Vindnor, for plain tiff. M. WilMon. Q.C.,.und J. L. Patmfli Essex, for defendant. Mon'n heavy wool hox 15 contb a pair at Smith'n. '. M J. Wiglo & Co. liavo a fine range of underwear for men, boys and ladies; ftrnt clasfl goodf), at oont pricoH. 1^- A <7ONS01IKNTnrOliJKTfOUNl,OltjAV Tb VottowUtti Nlutcniwnl 1m M*ki bllwh- Uly liteq**#***- -, X conflid* ^ y duty to in form the pub- lio.of'be tfxtrurno boneflb I have received frow the use of your South Aniurican Rheumatic Curo. I bavo teen a Rreat flufl'er&rfoK several yoarnfrom rheumatiHin, "2nd used tbiHraraody, with tb. bmt r- XaltB. Ttruafc others will fellow ray ex- 'mpl. and bolide if they do no they will taUf r*teful M I do for taa boefH do- rived thereby. ,rt , M Batbp, 7,1 Glooaeoter Bt., Joronto, ..Forttiehy J- Thorn0t It wub rsporUd to tho li'anK Vuiwt Ihn other duy that only ono 1>um1i okh mnn in Ksaex rofuHod tti sabHcribeto-tbo fuud for thu oreotioii of the aroh on main tiirufit during tho fair, and h*i did it ho' ruduly au to offolid tliOHo who nollcilud the fundn, iTortuubUly Efloj has not many buoIi buuinoaH men, Kdwiti l'laut, troanuryr of thu Grunt Bouthwuuteru aBsuuiation was in town on Mouduuy and Thu^day of this weok, pay- inii priae hionov to winners ut thiw year'a fair. Fully Jl.COO have boon paid In priz:'H alone wliilo about flyn or ait hundrad rloU lai-M morn will bo pud out for expound in aondUotlng the fair. The balauoa left in the treauurer'n haudu aftor ull llabllitmH art* HutfcUd will be betwosn two aud tlinio himdrod Uollarn. Boys' all wool friexo uluborH from $11.60 at M* J. WikIu tfe Go.'u. We lrad m bootH and nhnoH, opeoial Hint waterproof bootii at Hniith'iJ. COAL STOVE for Salo, or will oxclninjjn for u luryo box hLovg. Apply Vwk Pukhu oft) 00. * It hna boun bianied that the cauw of thu aeoident to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barlow, while driving homo front church on the ninht of Eimiday Ootobor Dili, was the '.'o- moval of tho burr which holds tho front wheel to' the bu^y axlo, by noaio maliuioun or extremely thoughfleiw poreons while the hauuy wa iu tho oburoh abed. The burr wan found iu tho church shod a fow aayn uftitr. Thuperpotratornof thu deed wurmly deworve prcetoulion. It puya to advortmo in tho I'iikk Tnt;n. Whilo the Grout tJouthwihtorn Exhibition waH in pro^jreHd, Both Itunn, of Hutbvi'i,, loHt a valine on biu way Irotii tliuI'Viiv mid promptly came in and ndvrrtbn il it. N xt day, thu Under S. Moore, of Cotlarn, euu.u in to udvortieo the ^atno nrtiulo. TIiuh the loner aud fludor woro brought tocother, and the lout nropnrty roturnod to it owner The other day a younp; lad fonnd a pair ot Mpoctuoleo on tho utroet not far irom thu Kukj: I'bkhu ofiioe, and loft them in to Im udv^rtiHiul. In a few hourH, tho lady who lout them u]ho oumo in to advei^iuu, und was ayroeubly surpriuod to find her pro perty awaiting its ownor. Tho Eukl: VuicHfl will utraiuhton out all hiioIi kinkti. Ludiea wo have a ran^e of eoata at pricfju to fluit, O. E- Bmitii A Go. Don't bviy overooatfl or i-uitn before hqo- int4 oui'N, overooatn 83,05. nn, at Smith'a, On Wednesuay, Out; 33, J. A. Coulter will aell hm farm etook and irnpluuiQata by public auction. B. titcord will dittpoHo of a uumbur of milch cowh by public anqtion at ltone'e livery rttable.n on Saturday, Oct. 10, 'U'cnclicrn' luHtituto. A iwcotinK f fcho South Euhok Toaohorn' Inutitnto will bo hold in Ehhox Hi^h Scnool, on Thurnday and Friday, Novfim- bor 7th and 8th, 1805. Thu lirnt eoiiuiou opbna ut 10:.'lO a. in. Tho programme [tiubject to rearrun^e- niMnt,] will bu about as. follows ; 1. Uiihinoan-oleGtion of ofliceru, troaeur- ei-'fl roport, otu. 2. How to teach decimal fraotiouo lo befiiuue-rrt. Mr. Guoi'^u Peureo. 3. flow to tuaoli geography to bej,jin- noni. Mr. J. U. Copoland. Mr. W, C. Painty. L, The tfmeber in tho Hchool. Mr. C. OniHBwcllor, M. A. 0 How to teaoh mioa of partioiplen, Mr V Voaden. 7. A conception of mental growth. D A Maxwell. 8. School raauagomtmt, Mr J W Smith. 0. Litorature, D A Maxwoll. On 'Ihuradi'.y evening at 7:30 thoro will bo a loiituro by Eev. Morgan Wood, of Detroit. The Hiibjoot i not vet announced. Further announcement may follow. -----------------at- Lar^e hized bhiiikutt* 00 conta por pair at Smith'a. Wouldi) yarnn i:j centd per lb. at Smith'n Dumpiiv, By tho Bov. M. P. G-imnbnll. at Esnux, on Monday. Ooiobor 11. Ri'vid'D.imphy to Emily Schooley, all of Woodhlee. TniMJiMc BnooitEiKr-At Eflflox. Ootoher Oth. by RovJtkT. Campbell, Mr. Wil liam TrimWfo to Mian Ma^in'o Bronker, both of Gohfiold North EhBOX Co. Out. GounukY,- At Eaaox, on Saturday, Oct 12 to Mr and Mm John O >urlay jr, a son. weak ana Nwvvouw DoHoriben tho condition of thonflaudfl of peoplo xli thin Hoanou. Tboyhave no-appe tite, and oannoV olenp and com- plain of the prostrating, effect of war mer wcathov, Thifl condition may bo rero- odiod by Flool'n flarapafilltt.Wliiob croaten an appetite and tonen p all tho ovaMa It"'uiv'flg need heuHh by the blood pure. Hood'a PilU are the best after-dianr pillii, &HHiafc digestion, onre headaobe. OW TO GET RICH .L SAVE YOUR MO ^ YOTJ "*n bc^in to lay the foundation of vour fortune'by putting in tho bank tho $5 or 10 that you save by buy nig from uh your Winter Suit and Overcoat You iniw think that thin is a blow, but wo say not and we can prove it that we soil better qualities at lowor priceH thnn any other house in this section. Beautiful Patterns, Correct Styles, Well made and Trimmed, Prices Lowest. These four requisites are the essentials of successful trade uml as we_rmvirthe combination al all the gouda we Hell, we claim your patronage Oak-JaB- Glolhiers W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Sandwich si w. Windsor < III 1M IIIII-V AM>rulIIM' Ml'III ILK -iilll AuittlKri* i'liiiiiL'r lii llin ln(R Itfltlfit- imildH, Kvht .IKan and i'U-i'uy to (Ifllrlntr, New York, Oct. l;i. lira. W, K. Van- fl( rhilt and her daughter, Ml:;:i Con- .sui.-lo Vaiulorbilt, who have been Htay- int? -nt"Thn~fc3nvoy Hotel, went. to the t:oiintry yt-Hterdny to vinlt friends, hut l't;turo Lhelr cleinirture the Important matUT of iixlnt; the data of MIhs Vau- (Jerhilt'a wt;UUiii with the Duke of rjaiiborouKh way .settled, the date chuiiL'ii hciiitc WL'dncMday, Nov. G. and the church St. Thomas'. The cere- i.iony wll take place at noon. Three distinguished prelate*! will be within the chancel rulla during the ceremony ibe Itev. Dr. John Wesley Ifruwn, rt-clur of St. Thomas'; Bishop Uttlejuhii and the Bishop of tho Ulo- ccwo of Now YorJc, the Right Itev. ilunry 0. Potter, who will purform the rnarrhiKC cuivmony. The other detailH of the wedding have i.nL yet hoen eoniplctcU. In all ]tiHb- ubility the young ladles whn.se names were mentioned a week ago will act i\n bridfsiualds and maids of honor. These are MLss. Marie Wtnthrop, (laughter of Mr, Buchanan'Winthrop, and Miss Kvrlyn Burden, dnughier of -Mr. I. TuwiiHL'iui Burden, both of whom have had two or throe seasons hi so- olety. '1'he others are all much younger, ;mi'1 have not yet been Introduced. They are Miss Klsa Bronson, dauglittT f Mr. Frederic Bronson; Miss 1 alsy '<ist, second daughter of Mr. William fast; MIssMay Oocdet, daughter "C .Mr. Ogden (loeht; Miss Katheiine? Huor. dauehier of Mr. William Duer, and Miss Julia Jay, one or the daugh ters of Colonel William Jay. The Duke of Marlborough Is still In 'tin.- 1'Iue (Iriiss region, and his attend ants have not yet been named, though tin-re have been several conjectures as to Ufhors and best man Wheat rod por buahel....9 Wheat, white .... Corn .... Gate .... Timothy Seed ..... Clover Bond Aliiike .... Hay per ton............ lioof per owt............ Pork M uttou ............ Hides ............ ChiokouH per lb.......... Butter.......... Lard .......... KtiUB, por doz .......... Potatooil, por buohol .... Onionti .... Applea .... Turuifn .... Currota .... Heats .... Pamnipo .... Turlcoytt por lb.......... Ducku ........., flelerv por doz .......... CabbuRo .......... hEKETJ 58 to 08 58 -10 2'2 2 fiO G 75 to 5 75 1 50 8 00 5 00 5 00 550 3 60 *} 17 11 20 to 7 00 to 4 fiOto 5 00 to 5 00 to 0 17 11 30 to 80 to 80 to 50 to 8tp 15 30 80 80 50 10 50 10 0 8 00 25 IK Irani Wnllccr <fc Sona ItKarkot Mlepori No. 1 Uyo, por huuhol .... 50 1 old Oorn 1 Outfi 1 Darloy cwfc 2 ,, * owt Tho above pncoti are paid by, II, Walltor Bonn, Walltervillo, One. Smith's Special for October, Most pooplo in Khuojc iitid surrounding crmity know us by our fair dealing nnd low pricuu for bont quality ot RootlH, Our ealoa for the'past montin of 1805 aro no far ahoad of IBH'1 that it in a g^ood sign of inoroasing -proHpority in th country, and a auro Bign of tho growing popularity, of our Htoro. Wo aro uatiHfiod with tho roHulfc. Thoro ih not a storoin Eflsoxbuy, or soil ^ooda cheaper tlian wo do. Wo could give reasons why, but (he Htatoracnfc in mifliciont. If you don't think ao compare our valuoa with any and bo convincod. You aro invited to call when in town and aro welcome, purchasing or not. . Dress Goods. % ..'t.v'- Itjiwrall v lili'i'il. Toledo, (*., Oct. li;, Henry Myers, a boy, J7 yt.ars old, objected to his sister KK'Iny a bh'ihduy'ijai'ty at their home, i-nd in oider to discourage any future attempts In the same line mixed two (. unces of eroton oil with the coilei* ihat was served to the guests. As a rtwvilt 12 of the young people who at tended the party are now In a aorlous condition and l'atnl restilta aro expect ed from some of them. The Portuguese ohoe has a wooden sole and heel, with a vamp made of "pa- ton t leather, fancifully allowing the flesh side of the tdcln. The Pendan footgear In a raiHod shoe and is often a foot high. It la made of light wood richly Inlaid with a strap extending over the Instep. Tho Muscovite tshoo In hnnd-woven on a wooden frame, and but little, attention la paid to the ahape of the; foot. Leather Is nomotlmoa uccd, but the eandal la gonorallv imulo af allk cordiige and woollen cloth. The Stam Bhoo haa the form ftf an ^nolent canoe, with a gondola bow aud anopon too. The Hole la made of wood, and tho upper part of Inlaid wood and eloth, and tho exterior la elaborately, orna mented In colore with gold nnd allvor. Tho aandal worn by tho Kgyptlanu Is composed of a. gole made by sticking together three th'teknessca oX leather^ This Is hold to thrf foot by pnanlng jl band across tb^o Instep. Th^ sandal Is bcatltlfully fitltoh)|d with . threads, of different colore', FARM FOR SALE. ffHlil HOOPER FAIIM. BEING TTTE NOltTH M. hnlfof lotSOG.floutli of the Talbot road In tun Tow nub )ji of OoBflold North, aontalnln^ 00 iiuroii moro or loiifi. Thbifaimiii bituatod on the Talbot JOftd dbnut ono.mllo uunt of Ccttain, nix mil on from tho Town of Kiitiox nnd nix mlloa from KIiirbvIUo , In noavly all olournd nnd la ono of tlio bont farms in tbo townflhlp. For iiartlonlnni and tormii of Haln apply to E. A. WIBMI3R, or to MAS. V.0B1. HOOPI3R, DurrlotQ)*, &a, Gottam. Kaflox. :ir-4i Medical Hall i lloudquartora for all acbool Boolui, Sohool Bup|iHeflf Btittion- cry. lukri, Muotlego, Boliool Cray on, Dluoltboark Btuohca, rusa Books, etc. . Every t*aaher, prtaoher and Htucbint Bhouid have one of those patent linker'h Open-Book Holder. Prioo only 25 o'eota; V , G. A. 8HERRIN. , , ^:|;.' '.. PbiumaoUt, Etx. '/'.'- Which oonniutB of tho loading linos. Wo pay particular attootlou to Bli___ \ and Navy Blue, Miopo aro tho loinling nliudun for Fall nnd Winter. Wo oun- \ not kivo you uny idea of tho values, you must fleu them. June think of It, \;doubh> fold rlrodH jvondH 10-iiioboH wid, for llle, spnoiul valhoH at 2fio: aud C0- '\$aU all'wool Hiir^oii, worth UOa, for Uflu. CJreateiit valuo over h1iowd.| \-yf " J| Staplev<roods. Our liteeK'1' Staplo OooiIh hi verv clioiip, quality oouHldtred. tipnela) prioos in Cottoi/by ill0 plooo. 'Uonrt Towolin^, Hbirtinn, Flanneilotui, VtiuU and A.rt MumIi/hi, JicY^r yard; Tublo Napltinn. lar^e.'JOo pur aozjn; Table liiiuiti. 17^0 iitir yiird; Grey'-^Janueln, lOjo, butter and all wool, Mo; I'onthor TioUihg, lilo; Cottonuda, oxtnt ifiiavy. l'!; IMoor Oil Cloth, ii7o por yard; Whlta BUulfbtn, OOo per pair; GentHK\hrti&,rHn,lrl(! un'^ ^ruwern, all wool, 'ir>o eaoh; Laulen* Winter VohtHKndI)raworH7^ne^Al^'ol(I to^ethor, lifiouaoli. Top SblrU (Tl^rE'AiiHold loi rcut vn.riotyT^ and Ciirdi^au Jackets iu gt Ladies' Mantles, In Ijinlion' Mantloa wo hayo isecurod a job lot of wimples at iTW^Ytl^ on ^hv dollar. Wo offer them at about ono-tlurd under priooH wanted l>y^"Dr Tnor- chantn, regular 87.50 and R 00 lino for $5 7/1; #9.00 and 51000V' 90.75; 8M.00 and 81.1.00 for 810 CO; a Hpocuil lino, ri^nlar SJ5 00 tfooda -foSJ2-fi5- L .teat ntylon m Wintor CapeH. The quantity at above out priuos will be itod. Don't put off your buying until all aro Maid. Will bo pleased to show, purohuuinK or not. Ready-Made or Ordered Clothing. In Itoiu'y-Mado or Ordorod Clotbinc it in impouaiblo for uh to'doaofiba, or tell of tho cooil things wo havo for you. You muHt neo thorn to jutlgti. Hoys' Suits, from 00o up; Meri*n All Wool Twood Buitn, 8.1.05 up, thu ^rontn'it "miup you over saw; ICxtra Long and heavy Ovorooats lor rnon, Q'-i.%; only a hmitoa numbor to bo iiobl at thoso pricon. Wo mike a Hnoutalty of ordered clothing, nothing ohoap or ithoddy, a lit, guaranteed. All Wool Tweed fluitu made from 813.7u up; Fancy Worsteds, $15.75 up. Give us a trial. adies' and Gents' Fine Shoes. Lbdicn* and Gentw' Finp tihoco at prioea to suit all. Romombor that all line* of Hoots and Shoes hayo advanced from 35 t.i 50 por cent, but for all that w are ttoiliufl Wintor Boots, during October, at old prices. With roady oash and anticipating au advance wo bough; narly, buving an oyo to our uustoraers' poclu'tH us well an our own. Ank to two our Ludios' nnd Childron's KLangorft poclu ... ... . _ Bhoos and Genta' Grain and Veal Kep Hooty, and not to get hard; Wu guarantee them waterproof Hats and Caps. All the latnofcin Fall and Wintor Hats and Capa. Caps, largo rautjo, SJicf Gents' Felt Hatn, -10o up. G-roceries. , Choico and Froah Groocrion at pricps always tlie oheapent. To bo oure w havo tho lu-flt iifio Tea in IHhol-x, aiilt foi- froo sample 6 Uoxos Bost AlatohoA . for 25fi. Ladies and G-ents Do you want a bargain in Fur Coats and CupoH or anything in tho Fur lino. We will t-.xbibit at the Ehhcx Fuir, October 1, y and il. the.largoot aafiortmonk ever shown in EnHex, and guaruutce that yu ^ct them at whelenalo prioua. It meann a naving to you of at least 50 par cent. Wo will take your order and deliver goods at any tune wanted iu next tlirco mowths, giving you tho bouoflt of wholuHitlo price. We solicit a abaro of your patronage, fouling sure wo can plijuuo you. B Whitney. B'cclt, Kbhcx. G. El. SMITH & Co WH. RICHARDSON Stoves and Hardware. cles and Sporting Goods, Wagons and Buggies, farm inyc^HiHja^EEisnrs. a I desire to thitnk my numerous customers for their patronage for tho pnst six years and hope by continuing as : in the pnat, to build only firnt-rfaBS.and thoroughly reliable , -(] work, to merit a continuation of public support for the I Anyone desiring a first-class Buggy or Market Wagon please give me a call at my stand in the Fair G-rounds, where you will find the article and price to suit yon. CatnagftiWorkB/Talto^ eBst J'.' fc^ySA-k.^'i^lS li'l^A^^^y^

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