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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 11, 1895, p. 7

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nv fe, US HAP NO FAITH IN ANAD- AII(k(dWUb Bud Cold.'HIs Tron ic Wu* From Had to Worw Until koVu Tlir'ie*d WlH Uom- "tiw\At*i-TUn Dr. William* Flnlt Pi)U<iired Aer Otner Wed- |V-._jfcl *<**' ________________^ rom tboYivruiontli. N. H..TitnoH. '. Thtt romatkitbio aurow tttfuotisd by Dr. J*- Wilhumd'PlnkPillu hat*, longb'uonamat ter of newnpnpr notoriety, uud luauy of r them hnvo t>pen iu onr own province, but. wo b'alieva o fur nope b ivo boon publinhud from Yar mouth. A Timuft r|:re.oiitativij auqutrtil , in a quurti-r where eh mutturn would I- likely bo known, ai'd learned that thor* were several remarkable onueH of roator- ation to health directly trucuublo to Dr. Willtxiuh1 Pink VWU, Hjrbt in our mubd. CurioaH to itBoortaiu the fuot* in relation thereto, onr representative called on Mr. CUaHs i3, Trak, Who had boon known tn have exporinoed & lonfi illnuus, afld now was apparently "in oxaollent health, hi* [v^curobL'iui! attributed to Pink Ville. Mr , who has beeu an accountant in Yttr> mouth for many yearn, wub in huiofHco on John Htruefc when tho reporter waitud on j .C'?"'*.vu-.i. ,., ...,- --v.'-:- >V^'v:l.',;/' V0UW1>MH. tlBK.m III! 01THCK. him. "Yen," bo Bnid," Microoun bo nopoBaiblo donbt of.Ktie fcfficaoy; of/.Dr.Williawu' Pi"^ PillBiumy oafio.amdl will bo ploaBed if rT~^b^pubH^tmn;ot..Jho._XttotB :hjdpa-MQWi' other enfforer back to health. I caught cold, woh aarleoH and caught more cold. The first thing I know 1* wan Horicusly ill. I could not walk. A.U Btroufitu noomod to b&vo left my loga and the, wouknoBB in. creased. t'Vom boin^ obliged to rotnain in the homo I beoame obliged to remain in b3t but still supposed it was but a very bad oold. I b oca mo so bolplucn X could nnt mov in bed without help; I hud good ab tendance end tho bout of core arid uurtung, bat as wo'-k ouoceeded woik I Hcewed t<> , grovf wonio iflntea-d of better, till I wau V9-rn to a menj'.'flbadgv anflibbgitn, to care 'jirVllit'tte'if I^ver, recovered. Ahint thai W.SW^fi.tbt^a^n^d ;w|di flouiotbiug^called locbraotbr ataxia reminded a friflkid that my ouwflHcomcd Rimilar to aomo of those ;dflscnbed,in,tho.TimGa, which had boim 'cured'by r- Williama' rinkVlllH. and thin jflrafc'drow attention to thorn iw-a pqemble aid to mo. I admit that I wan skeptical Very Rkopticul tboro are bo mauy niedi oineB boinR advortiand jnHt now, and X wan never much pf a bojievorjiu ,thont. Well. i)r. WiUittmu' Pink Pillu were purohaaod a&dl took thou), as I auppouo X would have taken anytbinK olao. btmply ae thi rouiitioot a mok room. Thu first box eemod to Bhowlittlo eifuct, and by tin time I had got thvooffh with tho third box there could be no doubt my condition uhowefl a marked improvomont, and I wan QQrjfcHpondingly uwcoaragrd. The pills wcr* continued and X beoume rapidly bot. ter, no that I wtii ablo to Bit up and fto about tho hoUBa, and oaoamonally ^o our it tho weatbor wan fine. Day by day I grew Rtroupcr, and to make a bnr ntory abort, I fuel I am to-day in aa good health an ever I wan in ray life, and I can hardly rcalUol am tho amo man who anfferoii' for eiit mouthu, a holplcBH, doapondent bo iatf, who uever expected to be on hm foe* again. Whllo I hitve no domco for publio" ity X tkta quite willing theno facta dhould b.- mado knowu for the houetit of othora, and am ready at any time toboar ho arty tciiti mouy to tho eonuino wotth of Dr. Wil- llara*'Pink Pillar Thoy reBtored rae to health wbou I noyor expebtod to bo abom '^ "iflam."-: ' Mr. Trunk oortaiuly lookstlie nioturo of health, and ramoinborinf* tho lonfi period wbon ho had been laid up, our roproaenta- ____left,.full convinced that Dr. WUUanm* 11 ' Piiik PilU have well donerved all that wan .' laid of thera rlflowhofo. When Huob caiev- r / b*a Wpointed torn bur own midst thoro v oan o tobger ba aay doubt of the relit- 'Vi tihty of the many atatomontaof wonderful l!?V^-;,'1.oiireg,Bff*otieS."throKi(!hnut tho country. ?0nCl^^^t^rf>r His Bul lets Testifies. HE WAS SHOT AT FIVE TIMES. Oa-fiood productive. JTntm Property at 60.4 6 per oenU.btrai^ht. r-1. "'I .- . Kal^n^W*.^*8 Bf1 iarOoDVeyancinji Done up in Neat Style Fire and Life nsuranc^ vr^tDfiftCH Rthcnc b* aiarjr *f cb ' Cutlou MIlU Mnrrlrr **bat H*. Bhoot ,: Said ttbortU. w/ba ArrcHted, "I Dirt Know vmy 1 Klllnd Thffl Men." Deauhiu-nola, Que., OcL >. John Xjowu, ciiHhler of tho cotton mlllB, WM tho llrst wltnoBu called 'for th Crown In the trial of ShorllH for the Valley- tleld lrturdoi-u. Ho told the story ot tho manner In which the, hands, are paid In the mill, and also all about the time and manner In whloh the money U received from Montreal,' Me then told the wtory of the nbrht or tho murder In detail. The Crown then filed oxklblt. Which wua. a. map of the Willi, ehowlng all the details of office and mill, and-also showing'the courau which Wilson traveled In en- denvorhiK to onoapo frcm Shortly, Thl map Mr. Xjowe explained to tho Jiidire and jury In both language*!. X^owo pointed -out the dirtcront apartments and began relating In detail what oc- curred on tho fateful night ot last March. During his wtory tho prisoner kept blii eyoa utcadfitatly fixed on liLm. Tho witn* ws roauoBtfid to Mtep down when riiluVay. In hl evidoneo, and Mr. Kilo Polrlor, chiof of police, Vallcyricld. Wait culled. Ke appeared with all tho exhibits,- Including two revolvora, cartrldu^ bullets, a bam boo cane, tho broken teloplro-nc, tho- olothqM.of tho victims, etc., which were Xctt In Uie -poaBCHslon of tho court- Mr. Lowe was then recalled, and completed hlu narrative. .The wltnesu wjia afterwards put through a rigid cross-examination. Hugh A. WllMon, n youthful-looking Hereon*'-tenoned ^hat ho wan In thy mill omcesonvthc nleht ot the tragedy. He was at work when he w<itf shot by ShortlH. Hd" Horeamcd and fell, but While Shortltt wa^i nhootlntr Loy ha crawled Into the corridor. Shortls followed and flred and again struck-him. Me flred again-and ml4- ed.'.LHo .got on JilH^feet and hurried forward, but fell from weakness, Ho rallied nuruclently to proceed a uhort dlutance further, and managed to got under a bench. Shortia reappeared with a lantern and discovering him, fired, at- him again, the ball aRaln taklnjr effect. He waa Iftft for dead. When alono once more he crawled to the boiler room, and reaching a bench, Bank on It ok- nauHtod. Ho was found uubHcqucritly by Dr. Sutherlnnd and Watchman Dellalo. and told them who hud done thu deed. The recital of Wllnon'a evidence waH listened to Intently by tho vast audl- OJICO. r>r. Sutherland wna n'e'jct sworn. 1-V* testimony dealt with, tho finding of Wl'pon, dann-oroiiHlv wounded, and us to how he nnd Police had a^med tbem- SelvoH^wtth gas pips and went !n g^nrrth of the murderer. Hcnrlng XjOwc'h iwarnlnnr from th vauif. thnt Rhorti" wns nrmed, he and Drd'ule Hprang *o opprH*tp RldcH of the hall. He order- c'l Rhortiq to thro"' ur hi" linndu, r>"d told of thf imrrondnr nf tho prisoner. who remarked, "Shoot me, nhoot m". I don't,Unow-twhv T.killed thono men," Napoleon Bel'sle. the n'prht wntrh- man, -gave evidence which coincided with the doetor'fl. Arthur .ILeboeuf came next. His evidence was corroborative of that given by Xiowe. Dayld Smith, Becrotary and treasur er of ho yalleyfleld mill, was exam ined. His story dealt with-,his-sum mons to the scene of the murder, llir unlocking of, the y.a.ult.and liberation of the lmprlBoned men. Shortls. he said, had alao requeatod blm.to shoot him, .but ho replied* that he, deserved Bomothlng more severe,, iu\d that ho Would .'get It W UVNHVA CUT** TttT * StTHS K Th HltMHflnn in tli** * nut WnnM If-routc * ot Yhrfnti* iie , Londow, Oct. E.r-rWUh the reported ceaalon of Port Arthur to Itussla, which, however, has since been semi officially denied from St. Petersburg, tho eoatern question has suddenly come to the front again, and Is now the' leading subject:of discussion In London'a political -circles and chief or gans of tho pross, Tho prevalent opinion is thatr^the re-adjuiitmont of European Influence in the Koflt and China's future are matters the settlement of which can not further be delayed, 'J he English p<ipera arc anticipating that Japan win not be induced to evacuate - the Llao-Tung peninsula without the possibility of friction with ilusain* On this point Mr. ICato, the Japa nese Minister to England, aays ;"Thor* need bo no mystery sis to our delay in evacuating the penlnsu!a>Tho Japa nese ore, ttlmply wnitlng'fbr the . flrat paymonts 'stipulated by. the- .treaty of Slmonesekl. When those payments are made the Japanese troopa will he wl'ha'rawn." Mr.-Kato eald he did not Iwlleve the roport that ^ort Arthur had been coded to Itussla. He continues : i "Japan wa forced to yl^ld Port" Arthur on the plea that her persevering in tho occupation of It would harm Eastern trade. . There fore, I\ cannot sec how Russia could t:ke poree-sslon <of-,tho-placo and avqld the1 appll^iitlon of^tho :samo uraumoat to her pretension." "If this ecwflon. to Ilursla worb con firmed,"Wad asked, "what Would bo' the JajKaheseCoutloook In Corea ?" "Very threatening," ,WflB Hbt Kxcel- lency'a reply; "with llusslan troopa at Via Uvoa'ock-. on the .ono hapd, and Port Arthur on thd other,;But if this would bo, threatening to' Japan, it would,-ln my opinion, bo,oven more bo to China.". :.' Vluu. WHfrM tuntlrt 1h Ohtarlo. Xlon. -.Wilfrid i,l)auricr will reach Montreal'oh'MOridaV. Oct. 7, and on Tuesday morning will loavo for On tario toattendaseries of meetings an nounced aa follows; Morrlfjburgpl'ucu-' .day. Oct. arPrescoM.AVednesday^Oot 0; Brockvllio,- Thursday, Oct; 10; illen-* KW, ^turday, Oct., U: .MorHckville, Monday,^OotMi(4;. ,DeVtid!liOWednosday, P/t. lot- gydenham, Friday,. OcX IBr (Markbo1mfy8atu^dayt.OctAl9; Lindsay. Jionday, Oct. il;-aaiT^TuesdnyJ Oct. HH,'in*huradayu!obt;iJ24.i;': $2106 Stolen From the Offloe OPERATOR NEARLY ^URDERLD. ftbl>ra Blunnrd lllm Witb CanpUng rii, UoutuJ a.ik 1 OiuHiydflllm. Ititiu KlUnU Ibc hitlV. dI' n (i>UOi)U l'.i- prt* l'nt'Uliun autt IJHO** f Olht-r \lotmtU. Whitby, Ont., Oct I. Night Operator Courtenay at Myrtle on thu C.P.U., was attacked bytmluiown men- at 1,20 thin morning while Itxltig tho sema phore. Hb wuh Htiuiiied appavcatly by a coupling ph\, carried Into tho baggage room and bound and gauged Tho naf was opened, and a J20M Western -Bank packagu from Whitby to Toronto by the Dominion lOxpresa Was taken, also $H5 of other express monoy, together with JJli belonj;lK to lExptoHM McHseng^r HehenuorhOtn, who drives the,--utago coach, from Oslvuva and Whitby to Myrtle, and who looked up the afe late last night. Courtenay's pockets were rhled of what money he had and nemo old coins and his watch taken. He was unconscious until 4.30 this morning, when the trainmen of a pass ing freight finding some thing wrona broke into tho station and'mo "learned of tho robbery. Thoy wakened Frank Harrlnon, the day Operator, usluop , upstairs, and Oeorge Schermerhom, thestnge driver, who lives near by. There Is no clue whatever to the rob bers. Oourtenuy's InluHep are very serious. There In s bruise on the back of his head and h^ received serious Internal and bodily injuries. uvmv.uh nii;io' hk unoatn t<>-i>ay. Th Trhil Ua* IJ>-tr.l 'tti liayi <'. it.' MUi*aH KCrKlaiiii 4Ur AHHlitnui InW "-rkMlil)* nf (iti* 4'rtinni'* Montreal, Oct. 4.-C. H. Mlgnault,. (Q.C., of (hit city, has resigned his po sition of aitslstant law clerk of the House of Commons, to which ho wan appolnted'ln March. 1804. His ruction' roqulred his residence In Ottawa", and he did not desire to break off his pro fessional connection In Montreal, F. W. Hltby, formerly an ofueer of the Montreal Garrison Artillery, who retired from tho service with the rank of lieutenant, haa been asked to nc- cept the command of Nfo. 1 trnon or the^Duke of Con<miught'H Own Cana- 'dlan Xtussars.whlch oiganl'/r.tlon war- .deprived of Its only commisHlowd of ficer by the death of Captain Alton F, Clerk. . The Dement murder trial, which ho& been, In .progrcas for 2b dayy,_4a pjc^ pected-to close to-morrow. The a J dronsaes for the defence occupied thl* afternoon and evening. Tho lirevally Ing feeling In that there, will/be a,dls~ agreement. ~~~*~ shot at A iiort.i ui:t:i>i'ki. Jdliw UarduiaH **t >*.rulfo*-l Kent Oowh fur "Tbri XrnV Stratford, Ont., Oct. 4. Tho cane of John Hardman, accused of shooting Mr. Cameron, proprietor of the Albion Hotel here, In December last, with in- tont to kill, was tried to-day. On Doc. 25 Ilnrdman entered the hotel, and without any warning ex cept to say, " Sum, I'm going to kill you," fired.a revolver at Cameron, the bullet being afterwards found In a bundle of letters in tho breast pockot of his coat Hard man was sentenced to throe years and two months . in Kingston Penitentiary. *-* im ll ' it^^^ n owr east wr ,. wards. M.P.j O. W. Dawson, MP Hon G. W;'Rosl3, M.P.P,, Wllluwr Mu- ^*^i&;^l!l^^0.nl^P Ar chibald Carfipbell;;M.P;1^ JaSb, ] rniea \*WQSPM- Joma (MriMlltan; vMlPcjriffxftiipis' T. ameS Tho K.lquor anckiliVu ituhln* tbe Crasd Old Hlnkl London, Oct, 4. Mr. Gladstone has written a lottor to the Temperance Congress, In which ho aays; "While profoundly uonnible of the Immense importance of tho'liquor question, X cannot pretend that I have mauteret* Its'dimcultiea. I so It clearly In Cer tain-of its aspects, but as a whole it bullies me. I havo no doubt that the local option principle 1m Bound, bui they must bo of very ynngulnb tem perament who believe that it Is suffi cient to dispose of tho entire question. Tho method of the wale of liquor'ror public account which exists In parts of Scandinavia presents groat advan tages, and if adopted here ought to be adopted in Its best form. Tho plan of, free trade with strict police super vision and adequate taxation was un fortunately refused a fair trial m Great Britain". Of the scheme or mere limitation by reducing the mim- bor of llconsea 1 havc-a poor opinion." TWHUWa BI-Et'lMKNH WHIN*. yers " ! Jiave tiilien Ayer'H Vlll'i for ninny Vfiin. ;iml )'.t\Mrfvr derived the -hvM ro- iii ^ ti'iiiji i'j.j,- M-": " >v For Stioanwch and Liver h-miMci, m;il for the. f-nre of heiidaclm cmiM'd !,> !'"'; <( (UMiui|:i!im;iihi,"Ave)-'s I ibi c.-.i.n ! '.t; v(|!mli.!i|. They aro ;;i.iy y\re ih? Scst ;ll.vmurl I'fiuiily dI'mMi-Iik: 'f iirivo ttvi'r known.1'--."*( , M-iv.JoliNSnj,', jfiK Itldci* A.VJ., Nitw VtHlt niy. AVER'S PILLS Wii;Voftt Award;) nt WorfH"s Fair.. " It . Ayer'nMamawtrlfta forthe hU><nU SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Mr. Tarta Comos Out Flatfoot- od Aeralnat Thom. FAVORS PURE SECULAR TEACHING valuable HoIomsIiikm r Ui* <>)offlew1-^* ttiirduriit U^rD^rr<l by IN<ju)uiu^, Winnipeg, Oct 4. When Mr, J. B. Tyrrell of Westoia, Ont., was return ing some two years ago from art ex ploratory trip through tho Barren Lands, ho w*m compelled to abaxidon his' specimens and instruments, Tand cached them upon tho shoro^ofL_the Hudson Bay at a point considerably to the north of Churchill. Tho follow ing year Mr. Tyrrell again returned to Churchill,' but was unable to re cover this valuablo-proporty, which, it was fearedi had fallen Into the- handa of tho Esquimaux and had probably been-destroyed; ..- ' . Dr. G.; W, Dawson, tho director of the Gcologloal -Survey,, requested the aid. of the Hudson's Day Company in 'thi important searoh, and tho Minis ter of the Interior aluo Interested:him- solf In" thp matter. A party of Esquimaux were engaged and the missing property located. A few of tho articles had been daruaged by-wolves;'.but everything of special value Is Intact. Tho property hari been shipped to tho Geological Department at Ottawa. .'..',' $XO0O iOH A JtltOKKX XIXSAlir. l"rrn<ll*UH .VHm^K .)rtiur Miivl )Tr fov. . JlKlnu: ^lIXMbflth S lie*." Stratford; Ont.,'Oct i MisB Kliia- both Belles .Was 'awarded 45000 dam ages In a breach of pronilBe case against James Jumos. , y/ho formerly kept an hotel.ln, Lpndon^ Plaintiff was hi his omploir a*.cook- for oomo i'eq.rp and James prpmlHed.tb marry hef, but lately ho' ha^tmaVHcd a young woman In London;.hen.ee,stha suit No otie'ap" peared for the dof<;hce r WUa <p (he>v X*Mr^f7 London* Oct. 5.~The Daily JlfewB soya that Is has -beep, assured thkt Prime Minister flallabury kfcaa rei qlyed to ap6pi"t K-^>OeXlaan4atean?Buco BaJOn 4 '^ atfRjSH|i^ l*U Oo Not lu Any Way Hi thn Ifrtict^al KIIIIUV of H*i>n^ulf fihoolu liu OnUrio tor Kvrit Iu tU l4>mlMlou,*-Mi*U,u) in Hit UaiiuUt Hnlllli ltltqu tinVfuplott Affalri. Montreal, Oct. 4. Thoro is a great _ deal of talk In political circles over the sudden somersault of Mr, ;J. Israel Tarto, M.I*., on tho question" of religious' Instruction In the public schools; This l whmt the member for Tj'lslot writes: "H la in - tho bosom' Of the family and tho church where thet child learns Its religious duties and is fortified In its particular faith. To delegto~tliItTTmpoftant mission to the school .teacher fa, to say the least, rlslty, and In order to Justify what I 4iave~taidrL-ha4rfr-only to appeal to all those who read those lines, praying them to look back to tho time when thoy attended the village school. What kind of explanAtions did they receive regarding the amaller catechism," The above la surprising, but that which follows is still mbro astounding and places Mr. Tarto in a new role- altogether. Hero is what ho writes, in block and white ; "Allow mo to nay, In all sincerity, that I do not in any way sco tho practical utility o' Separate Schools In the Province of,. Ontario or oven in the Dominion, If It is only to permit the. teaching of JTrench on a large ncale." To-day the affairs of the Banquc dtt Pouplo re;died a most interesting stage, and it is now ovldent that the. largo depositors hold the key to^ tho, situation. A circular has been pre pared and will be sent to the deposi tors asking thorn to allow tholr de- .posits to remain on conditions stated in this column yesterday. In plain KngllHh, If the gentlemen who have the larger portion of the $4,000,000 now deposltetd In tho bank will leave it there and accept deposit receipts, pay able la six, twelve, eighteen and twen- ty^four months, and hearing Interest at 4 per cent., tho bank will, with .the aid of $i;000,000,.now In tho vaults, bo able In a week or two to open Its door* and Tosume business. If thO majority refuse to act upon this suggestion, nothing can prevent the Banque du Pouplo from going Into liquidation,. . All aorta of fakea are being sot afloat In connection with tho Comers case. Mr. Cemteirala, who Is defend ing the accused, received a letter from an unknown lady, stating that ir Do- mers la found guilty, tho writer will give the name Of tho real culprit. Neither Ca Patrlo nor I/Electour has explained why both so gleefully reported Hon. Mr. Laurlor's . alleged wordH, "Thank God there are no Or angemen in tho Liberal party." A cablegram received here to-day states that Sir Donald Smith broke his loft arm while traveling in the Scotch Highlands, hut his genoral *hoalth Is good. Alderman-II. Wilson Smith has the sympathy of his many.friends to-day in the death of his second daughter* who has boon ill for a long time. ,. the trade-in all ttkmiVof ^uildjng, Material, Wooftpoyfe for house*, ^plain '$qA oum^nentnl), S3f*vfn dumber, -BUngles of H\\ grades,;<B6otB} Saab, Chestnut Coal. W^lf' -WINDMILLS V, 0 nre Bolo Agents in tho County for . Of OhiouKo. wliich took Hiuhest Awards>t the World's Fair. C*ui furniBh either Pumping or Po^er Outfits at lowest pricea. A Vrlttou liaaranfceo with ovory Oukflc. 1 "M --."- :rm ......::_.. ^M ' 'ill "',* 1 <'i-'.<x 'A lirMs. \"i 'HPfin* m AKRMaiou; 1" ^ :'^4 J. GOURXAY & S ESSEX. ONT *M ... THE TRIUMPH CORN 8HELLER , . . r>BSORIPT!ON. " """ Thin Machine ooaeiafca of a.horizontal oaafc oylindor, with wrought iron ])HiQt witb stflol tooth boltod to tjio oyli Jder Bd as to bo rovorsiblo whoa \h* tooth hocorao worn on fcho i'rbnt aido/-gunning in a porforfltcot concave iron shell, wliich tho ehollod corn passes through into a sheet iron case, with h fan pr olonuor attaohod bolow, which takes all tho dust from tho grain. Tha cheapest, bost, most snnplo and durable Power Corn Sholler in use; shells corn perfectly clean in any cottdition flholling and cleaning from one to fcwtt thousand -bushels of oars per day, according to powor. Dimknbions. Pulley, 10 in. diam- otor, rt in. faco;-Motion,.80.n to 800 revolutions per minute; Weight,650llw- EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J- COURLAY & SONS/ 9 WW F^il^rf>ono Skirt Bone 1 FOR CIVINC STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES'DRESSES. Por oalftby loading Dry Goods Dealers. A light, pliable, elastic bono made from quills. It is soft and yioldinj; conforming readily to foldi, yet giving proper shape to kirk or dreafl. - "r . The only Skirt Bouo that may, be wpfc without injary. The OelebratedFoathorbono Coraets are. oordod with ^ this material. .&_ XJfeaaoer 4--. NTJHSBKYMAN, " RUTHVEN. ESSEX COUNTY Peach, Pear/ IMuon Apple, and . Quince Trees, Roses, Evergreens, . Berry. Bushes, lUapberry, Blabkoerry aud iOurrant pushoa. All urat-eUn^ oods. . Save afienU*, Big Profits -., and write.for price*. !W will obeer- iully ahawe^ von by, retyrn .mtd}f: > ; '<i ..'. , ,. AlinVoywyjrt^b^ot,; LATER EXCiESSes'lN MANHOOD MAKE NkRVQClS. DISEASED MEN fHERESULT o: iennnnco and folly in yooth, ovoroxfirtlon of mind imdbody .1 wlbyhmtiuaclojtpoburoiwr* onsfcuhtl wrookintftholh ...... Sa'uJ)nrii^oftiioiimndH'ippnimninffyiminon- Home fndft nnii wlthor nt .an earlr *"', ti *i.e iHOHiicm r? ihuhIumhI, vbilootVe** tirt> forml to-draff flot'n! woorr, >traiUea*. uiaiunojin':)- o;c;*tmi.-i'.' titiinrs ronoh mlitrimony batfiridnoBolJicoori'.inlorfc thwoj 1 '........,mvnrlihii-l'Iiufarm',tho oliio-, tht) womahop, tho p> vmlitrim roit*.0Hl in nlK;t.itl/m^ tbo trnJen mid Lbo yrotudalous. %EGTORBO TO MApMpOO 0Y >f?^- K- A ]K. Wm. A. WAUvKll. Wu. A. WALKER. AtiiB.'cMABi'rttiunr, oHAsiraB^. ft 1 % \\xs\;.:: 'jiacwsnaw Aran TnEATWittrr. icm NAME 8YPHL.IS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED' iivorowlbqtWtedagain -"I Q OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT V.'RITTEM CONSENT.*"*;' hY AVtrt. A. Wttlkor of 10th etroot untold iwnlMi for my " life.!* I vMtadUoMrt when voiintf and iknorunt. Aa^Ono o* tho Boya't I ooate^wa, - Byi>hIlU and other Prhato'(Hubsh. 1 had uU to tar m'outli and thront; bono jmlnn. 'hair looaft, pinjplea faco, Ihuror nulla camdofti qmlulo^ twonmv u4n .doapondeiit BoVoti doctors treated mft With Potui1!!, oto. ,Tbey:holp*d mo, bqt,coold not ca ^ ^,'iii-il ' >..rn~-.__________ , Kiaall 'nfpiendlmhib^hiototryOw.Kennedy&B Ef'.lif .: : 'wLlioda^witiiiont oiirod nioiu a,^e^" VoVkai.JTheli.jarwWPen.tr awijd K'Wju JouIpboU eointuff ovury day.' I have novor hoard of their fauioff toopeina taJ> ' C^^OUnESCUAnANT^EppRMpNEY.R^UNpEO ...Vt'hava-'BttffL vofllndiBorectwl v K Copt. ("mo.'JJorrVBitrfl! 'Motwvray Jlfe t" ^Dru. K..--A, K. . AtUllouriicdahwlIuiblt. At 31 Umd'all tho mnnutphis ; r tkml'Tl woa'i n nnd B|w>rrnetor Iicm, Jiinijaiona w-Wt (irniniiK ri(l wonVonhm jny<:viuiUty: l/mnrrioa at f'iAt l'-f] L W I - ~^- - rZi nndor ndvico of my. family doctor, not it w a UmA cxjwjrl' n'c-' lii eijihtiHti months w wcro ^ivoroid. X UhbM'flrihHiiltwl Jiw&Vi&.K., who nt^rpdi me to mnnliood ?hy tholr iViia itetktd 7Vwi*tMi .who nt^rpdime to monhoott r. ifoitttyiowlif,<hrllij*rpnh IMPOTENCVa VARieqCELE' : > ilfrfrVnKt. Mijyonraub. TO.K.&K.araeMentlfiobw* aQataandlhoartilrreiimn^:ttiMiiy^: if Viwii m Kfrl'i

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