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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 11, 1895, p. 6

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";;^^Vk^^v:,V\:"t'"V'/;.'-,.A-";:'v. B!W^.V-v;;^V.>,'::,-y . IK:"-' ,0.'; j* ' ' ' ' ,'., rV1;1 .vl^'.r,.['.. W-l -!t.' l'n-~< ' *"" bjPP sr w 'H" mm. txc - -'7T wc k*- +. - Push it BY OHIO. ^^#^5^!^^^^ i>T 'to in-;, fl*HTiNr ) fjtnts to order for $3.00, rogulur prico $1.00, J^b^ji^'prfte^fbr $I}:25, regular prioa' $&&0t-in Jwolvo pe&eirn*. Blaok, m twelve pattorn^iVood, in fcwolvo pr'L^ ", ' fliijta.ip onfe'r.for $13-00, regular pripol^i(J.0Ot Tweed. ' flutfff io:order;fo^ $14.00', regular prioo &17.UG, Two#l,; SuitsJto order for $16.60, regular pnoo $18.00, Tv probably," soul Brettiaon, "I often try lo think about it; but It doss n*it multer. I nay." .'lW "Doctor's Vtiry proud oj >riy ease. Isn't !> ?" "Oh, yufl, vry," your ftid. J And bo on right We are bouinfl ta -*v: c|fthfer^ulftr^fj0e the entire stock of iVeeak. Te goods, they are worth every cent ut down to corifc they come for ^intend this to be a o don't be the tost' wlhile the;stock: is fresh. to place your ordtfr, but plovce it Our &J*JL*X*' Are a in. Dunstan BloQk. TflEASUHEfl'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. XUWN Oi1 feSSBXl Wiierkab by virtue of a warrant imiupd bytb^MayoroftheT^wn TO. WIT. I of.I5n.flox iu.tho Gouoty of Ettaox uqd aotlioptipo-tGd by tm cor porate Boal of tbo said Towu boa ring ditto tbo sixth day of August; 1805, and to me directed oommundina mo to lovy upou tho following lota or parcols of lands in arroarfl for taxes duo thereon with cob^m, I heroby give notice that ",plpns tbo aaid fcaxpH aud ooata a.ro sooner paid I Hhall.on WednoHday, tho fourth day of December, 1896, at tho hour of ton o'oloolcin tho fore noon at Pock's Hall,in tho Town.of.Eflsox, procood to .noil bv publio auction tho said Iffnjtyipr BO(mucMh,0reqf aa.maybo aufuoio^t.to pay auoh arroarp oUaxo^ftutfalTlBAV- fal.aoatfl.iuourred; Plan, ' Lots. TaxoH. CoHts. Total. 822 7 8 lOandpart'J____............................$18 09 82 03 $15 W 206 0.........................,.................:...... 55 21; 3 OC 8.3-1 i81 1 Ul 32 su'and fiS......'..'..:......>.:.......... ono .in 7 nt 217*11 307 0 lfi 20 21 B3-34 35 30 37 -10 i% C^ i6 10 & 48 *" 1V i UJ *kt 307 41.......................i............;............ -6 10 1 Ofi 7 85 179 MIddio partalC, 17andlt).;......................... 7211 350 7501 223 11................................................. 13 61- 2 04 lfi B8 179 8and8..............................:;............103 32 4 25 300 C7 181 North half of 21.................................;.., 28 28 3 40 80 08 303 4............I.-'.................................. 31 40 2 47 38 Oil 267 3...................................";;........... 44 83 2 83 47 05 llrt 64 4fi 17 48 SO 53,;ftf 1.l3;ll'i W l.i3 137- 13D and 4 U2 40 5 70 167 lfi 30*.-North ballot 6 .........../..................V... 20 73 2 44 32 17 300 3 1 5 0 7audl0...,..........................2440 2 31 20 71 285 G................................................. 27 09 2 39 30 38' 179 ISIU............................................... 3B-.B5 2-6J 30 09 iBiobk 3D.;........................................ 4 89 1 95 0 77 Blook 54.......................................... 11 93 2 00 13 93 BIoolC 40.......................................... 31 \S 2 47 33 00 Blocks 48 and 49.................'................. 07 4,0 3 58 7104 W. D. BE AM AN, Troasuror. . Vpn AXilJ KINDS OP Window- Blinds away down Novelties, '."' VBookfi and Stationery, ,8tfbo6l'Supplies, . ,-lj|?d^a.idf'allikitida, .'"' Berlin Wools and Fingering Tarns, i-;j\:JTew-Stock of late Wall Paper |y Holier ' Milk hv .,' 9X Hollar MID the sarvioes of Mobu Doodi and thoronghl Th&nklng tbd poop as'remodeled'Tbo Bs- ,t Btbachin; an eiperi y competent) miller, tie of the town and. county :i;' ik rw^fta^itiflf^otion la tliq fpti^ra $&f$Wpif* a THE BBRTOBADBS OP FLOUR, FBBDAKD GOBNMBAIj bbpt in atook and SpLO Place in thoworUtfor younnmon nud wonioti to tiocuroa llUHlnodu EilaoatIorj;m)Oftlia.nil,lo.,la tbo DoLioH IJUHlnoflB Unlvorslty. Da- trait, Mich Illuetrated oatiiloKiio I-'roo. Kaforoncee: All Detroit, W. P. JKWI3LL, Prow. P. B, BPISNOJflB, Soo'y. PERSONS TO TRAVEL. WANTED. Sovoral fttitbrul fiontlomou oud ladiou to travel foe oat^bhaho'd houao. Salary $780,00 and Expenses* Pniiltlou pornunont if omtod; also in- oroaao. Stato rotoronoo and onoloao wolf addroHHod Htampod oavolono. THE NATIONAL. 810 317-318 Omulm-: B|di, Otiioieo. Til. SOUTH WOODSLEE! IT MUST BE TRUE iFor every person aayn that G. in tlio County of " } .VCakou tho bat Harncsn . Essex. It will paj you to oome toSouthjWoodsleo to buy your;Hurneii; . Stock Second to Mono In tho -.). Piuo fitook of itoraft, Bjanbots just oponod out.'. ' . s Duii't think ho ban stolon Clio Imllet, do No,of oourt'j not."'iaiJ,Barron thought- fully,pm he i^ink ba^'c In Uia chair and wunt w am<*leiii|{. ,^ ,ii'i'rf'tino "pvlto to him ajmm and ic. hi, hut liiw tvot'Ut had nob thn ttliylitost uHf- ; iliu niatm*m*d pqrf;0tly' iini!rtiitili)Us (A Ml i hut' liti rtulil, ,inl ti,t Ut thorn was n tap at Din (Joor.tiKtl th{> nui'HA oiHorod with a tray, uml a liUlti tururm'of hoof tea, with thin alldo^'of'MWat, "Hb ^lw^a Ima thia, ir, about this tinio,1' wd ' tliu nuraQ apo^etioally, i\\p\iif>qitit aiii'l thai It must bo girt*a regU- lurJy.M" . ..i,.-> "Quito right, Mary. Of oour*;" -"llu'jiaa beon Ulklug aL IUlb3; v$ti? .'" Ob, ye*,'far a time," a'ad' 'thou ho JKU1;c(I'e and wo haVo'hot Ud'* word hico."/' ' l ';' "" \ , "No, afr, and you wpujijl, not;' till to- ' morrow now, w|iii hM( wuti up' a little ] nflain,aild talk aboat wh*t * 'wonderful can* jfiSi-fc**'1" '. * ' J '*J?Of')t fqllowl" ani(l BreltlaOn oohipag- aloantolk < "Audho nlwayn Baemji to l)o,ve ({o tbkt ' bullt oli hifl brain, slri" ,lNoluriOly,,r muttered Uruttlnon. HA'nd.iryouMl bolievo in'^lr, if ho didn't najk ui Id oonffttH y:atordd,y tliafc I'd itoUo iL to nhew to pcopk.bocautohii wu lUch a cilrimi.Jcnio. 'SUhUou glanced it tho man watod there, Btilt aiii^kin^ p!noi*llv, and oyideutly not grvinlfy| a word that Wa'a aid'-J itipMby WMUlcen to him. nd b auh- m^ii^^|tQ.th pip* bIug raimOTed from his hfcild... #**' Widoh, hi perfent 'Heuoe, and itifibe nioat rrieah^nicai inuhheV h went nn with>hif) mlpal. while, >(Uir,"w- ^w moro word* with tho imrso.ljrcitimni led tho way otjitiutbLUe^C'tttd, iiad ho nad Stratton wont hfrbk.toTrardtho West End." '^o^'Mid Bruttinon at Ufftt "you bavo ttnHi) our deadly em my.--th' bofng who crushes down Mie future of two people 1 lovcj What da you RnyT" Strattonwa* silent fnr a fow momenta, "Will he recoveir' he Saitl at loll'. "Not.ln'thia world. The bullet lodged nomawh&ro ftbout the brain, dud it has pro duced, by its proBHiiru, ihU peculiar form of imbuoLliby. I'lio past is uu uttor blank to Inm.tttnl it is only forji sliort time every morning that htt has tho. power 6l*ipt(SH: inj? hihisolf tttall." "Youfeol oflrta,ia tbtit ho wllf ri^ re- oovorT" *'I have had tho opinions of two of our most famous specialists, aud they say it '. Is'impoairf&hv ' TJlomari is;Uo all in- touts and purjioflOB, montall doad. NTpw, then, an an enemy, Myra has; no'oauiaw- foar hiw." "Nona." He can noyr trouble you or liar for blackmail, oven if he had durad, after what hus padf.uclj to I tli n.lc lio may be lefr out of the qtioBti<m iiltogotlier. You wilViioi, I sm euro, tlifuk of handing the man over \o tho polico." Stratton wassilont for a few minutes, " No," ha said at last ; "it ia impos- iblfc" "I thought you would feel like tliis," said ftrcttjspn. "I-ot tho poor wretch ond his daya in peace." . __L_ "At your cost ?" said Stratton uharply. "Oh, pooh 1 A mero nothing, my .dear boy," cried Brottisoii ; and I urn not poor." "I cannot allow that," aaid Stratton, aftor * few moments' thought; "and we must do something else. Tiiere should be no rialc ot thoao two over coming fac'o to fuoe npjaui." "Well, h it likely? West find and , Kant End do nob ofUn mix." "No, but theie is alwaya the posaihility. Ah ucoidoiit mi^ht brihtf Xlym'to somo apot whoro he had boon tukeu. Who cart guard ngulnst suoh ihingaV "None of us ; but I thought I had taken proouutioiiH enough." "But wo muHt lake the gratet," said. Stratton oxcitoilly. ' "Wliiit would you do ?" Stratton made no reply, and bio mod * pi unpad in thought that iirottiaon rettpeot* oil hid nilonae, and they rode buck together!, with tho old muiiYfaoo Hghtiiip; up as ho felt more at rant und satisu'ed with the way in which ninttocK had shaped thoimulyou. They raaolied the nulrrow uabrHiiico'to tho Inn in due cAume, and Stratton Iod the way up into hia chambers, oloeod tho door, and' pointed to u seat, but kept on pacing the room himself; thoughtful and ailont, as if somo dnuht as to his omirso was still linger ing in hia mind, At lust ho threw himself into a obalr. "Tliis is neither the timo nor plnco to talk of your dovotion to me, llretLlsoh. Hoavoh roward you for It 1 Vou have brought me buck, to a now, oven if hopeless, life. Lot ua now talk of the future. "Voa, yen," said Uiottisou eagerly, for he had grown uunuuy at his friend^ words. "Thoro must never bo the slightest risk of Myra and that man. meeting ngaih. Hero in England it would always be pos- liblo." "No, no ; don't nay you will send the poor wretoh baok to the prison." MNn ; ns I have said beforo. thai Is out of tho question now, but he must leave EnKhmil." . "Yob ; but how 1" "You must help me again, Brottiuoii. "Of enurie, hoy hut how ?" "You arc a wandoror; ready to go .'any- where to study plant life ?" "Yes," "Tlton you muHt seloot aome t>lnee to bo ffin with und Bottlu there tor a time nuy in Brittany, inlund or on the ooaut. Lei that .man be with you, aud his urt and al- ways under your eye/" "WillinKly." . ; "Whim tired of one plaeo go to another} but ho must not be left." ' "VllrtO;*^' a|tl Brettiaon engerly* , kLl'.fci'iow;!yiiu would. Bi|t listen; .1 ahall share ynur: tas(t,">i"I'll give, up everything to'guard against that horror, ' \VUI you help irie'r'. "My boy, I U11 you yes ; and gladly, toor now- that this blaok shadow laj belijg, swept frora^yojir life." . :' j . '*Tfjaitk.you, Brettlson. W* ffUl-atat*, totnorrow, it poBBiblej If net, aaaoonaall i-- t>lHi you, my boy I II gives ma Hie to tea v.Mi lirowing 6rm and Ilka yourself again.1 \Vli-\ ihat?" ! Ifn u*r;o'baa, ha stood up aad olaspod St[^'"i)"l|ftiifl, fop there was a sharp tmitik' knqdk a| thejnuter door. < ' Sutton. "Tbera, our t biu i.r made. * They are tor ourselves ! ftlonA. I trust Guest, but not yes with' l MO' .* Ho threw opnri the iimer- dotr, aqd un- r'mloiHid i he outer, whieh,;WfcavdrWn frOm hi* bu"dt nud th* man regarding whom ilu<y hid bnmi pliiniilug, lookup intent and .triiH'^'. h-ti'mjti into the room.' < " J.MHc* rturroii I1. *'\'f!M ; I Imvn businssa witb'TOi'i sir/' be i-Jd in^ulte hli .dd t6nV; "Mr. Mslcolto HUatton, I believe?" ' Kf.^BHlHO BAOk- TO t(P^ KlrBttUou luitpod from his oh sir, and S'nLU;i lit orally staggored hack agttinat a' <l*ua oiuia so vioftjittly that a figure upon U wtJ1 *t-.r it-^1.*"' Bnd thi,,l to your If I've b*haYeomr<Si trump. Wrli oui trlekS.-,You'ilKjaay:|al^or iffi." eai . - Yoi Vioks.fNow, then, W* faright. Batter than) bout nothing, Wha* it pretty unpleasant for alt concerned I Mil you. All rlghtryon'll be square. oau'.e aQoid-ito , ar agreed,1 ebt-^h havinga- fnrloua row doyoqsayr' ,rI Was abt about to speak to my friond.sir/ said Stratton: qaletly, -- Then turning to Brettiaon~<fnow what do you thlnki we must complotflly.ilUr our pUnay" "Yss/'said'Brsttlaon, with a sigh. 'Make your plans, gentleman, whoti you have setilnd With'me/ snid the man stern ly, aud he jarked one hand up to his nook again, and' withdrew It with gHa. tore of ann^yauce. "Come, Hirst- ton, its only a few lines written with a peo, and ypu win. all you, want. Where do you ktepVyouy eheck-bonkT In your Ubl*^dr4wer;7 ' "Thstis'on,ly Qa wsy out of the difti oulty, BrettUon," said Stratton, with a ;. "Only one," said the old:man ssdly. "Bravo, .that's common, seiihe," cried tliu man. "Hound wisdom. X told you ao. Out with that bhock-bttok al onoe," "I'm alr*id,air," said Stratiou aUruly, "that we areras cross, purposes." "What do/you mean*' "That no money* would ever buy yoilr silsnce, even if I were disponed lo play the part ot a scoundrel. You will get no hush money, frtun mei" "Whab^ "There is only one way out of this difti- oalty." "Oh, Indeed 1" said the man sarcastically;. >Utid that is- " . "To h,and you over to the police/* "What!* "You hard'my worda, lr I 'I used not repeat ahem. The prison U the only place npided rtVMr* and1 fell with xj crash', M if 1 inbhunUthi of ^nother'ditWtifull.of all'hopW F-r it e'nHiiii}1'iMeinoldJblif: "- Little ;'itore xiiun an.hour before llioy hud tuft thle mart ttpparoutly a Impetus* imbecile, unable lo concentrate hi* mental iacuMna ub.v upori ouo point, and only at certh.il! timos upon tht,atu|l othfji ho|inleBdy. bl^nk, Willi-j now th"'vacilUy..b^ 4ipvrJii.Jy'dapart'nd^ hifl face looked eo0e/an^'nim^^df unnV^he linlplcsu log haiLUntattb into! aJ 'rtahgoVouJ euomy, whoso fresh comj^g.upo^i.'ths-gpen* .eumplutely upset all cul^uUtiJuw, wnd-the question sturincf them in the face was how to act next. H-i iDbko as tjsreely ans if it wero~To an ohsUu^ dog, am) RrHtison sank back in rh <j*y.chiii\ lonUhV^atUjnued. ' 'iThai/s righ'tj riow you, Stratton, you'd bettor squat down, too. I've come on pariicuhv*)buBi.<iafl< lexpoet^d you, to t^VhiUty, Vfc&KnV oiaite.:prepsirad V , He tapped his breast where he.hail talt ' hf-th4 roVoTvoV^aiid-aioot-'oiF-ToV cunning orojias(l hi^heHyy faj^y: ti: ration also aank| into a chair not so much in obodionoe'fo tho'man'a words as to time and nettle upon some plan of I,'it';} will'. % gain time and nettle upon .aOtion. . t : "Come, that's, sensible," said the man, stnlftng."' "I soe we'shall com* to good tenon suitable to all parties. I hate quar. relingi-specially.when all the goodourtls am in my hand, It's. like.being .forced to tstee a">aoWardly advantagw of the other sMs:M'-:i " "" ':'"' ISrottisoo turned a hopeless1 look upon Stritton, and the man u,W it and said ~uliarp|y:......-. "Never mind him. I'll tell you, as you were not here. T propose a haudsouia sum down. ' Hallo l he has pnokotedithoao notes that were on the table. But It doosu't mat ter, tliey'ro eauily brought out. A hatid- goino sum down, and a regular quarterly payment Ho baa only to agree to-1 that, Knd James Barren goes about in the dark and, he, nuver boss him... It'll he - ju?b as if . Jturifi Barron was shot and drowned, its the papers Said, in an attempt to escape off The Foreland one dark night' about ayeAr ago1. Cfglv 1 it was rough work," ho added with U shudder, "and I denerve a little extra for leaving the lady aloiae for so long. Now, then,' isn't thatii fair offer'f* ' Brettison's'lips moved as he aatthsro per fectly prostruted, wishing that,in hta zeal hs had not interfered ; for had he hot, the man hoforo them would have' been dead and powerleas to work all this o*U unlcan dlsoovery. had mod* him si nitre deadly eucmystill. "I aay, Isn't that a fair otlW f he re- pouted. "Silcnco givos ooimont. Thsre we are, then. Conns, Stratton. Thiy rhustbe jrernty to start Tor tlio church, by this' ibn<*; ho look alive and \u\/n got the businot)B,doue. Just a fw'w:'struken of tho poo, the- hand in ovm of somo filthy lucre in tho shape notes Bank of Knglund, mind," ho said with a pooullar laugh,, "nono'of your'Rus- oiafi rubles.' By jingo, what hotis thono woio, though. Tlioy didn't ibid 'emout for years. Well?" He looked from one to tho other as they sat watching him in helpless disnmy. . "Omo ; don't, fool. You are .keeping the Udy waiting, and old [Jorrold is a rogu;! Ur Tartar, It can toll yixs, IW will noi-. stand any iionsonso. 1 know htm of old,< Come, what ij it to bo t" He looked fixedly at Stratton, as if nrg- inghhn to ppok but no woidsoamo. "I ay, what in H to bo ?" orJed the man fiorcaly. "No shilly-shally I Pon't. put nVe out, "or I shall bo-more nasty than you llko. -Thero, there, don't lot's quarrel, gentleniun." ho ori*d, changing , his toim. . "We're til of the world, and wti'ye got to- ' doal : with an; Ugly diilioulty. Lot's imttlo it sensibly. I'm sorrv for you, 'Stratton. It's disap pointing for you to havo a dead man oomo' to life and claim hi wife just us you ate going to take the pretty widow ;tu the: olniroh; but these aooldonis will occur, and' when they do lei's rt'pair damages the best way we can. Well {why don't you speak: don't Irt me do all the talking/1' Str*ttort drmv a deep breath. "Oh, iVa of no uao to stgh , over it, sir,. not a bit- Nothing to sigh for, Oome,- hung it all,* Myra Uarron'e -worth, a fe>r hundjod down, and a little iuoome tor her jugful lorcU- I dou't want ber, but loauTt afford to sell :her-tob cheaply hapg the ' " ':' ' Ho gave his bead an Uneasy ierk, and hie1 haii'dpja'yed'MlvU^liisrie'ok: and'iHe;baokvrof 'o'ii ajt-ldr':-" A /feW'.-mome^xs^'>aB^'J^*oaie(-1,' thlhg4reu|ilodvhimjv B^^^BWf^-?^]1,' for such an you, whor& the po'woV of doing inisohief Is beyond you. Brettison, go' down aud fetch a policeman -at onoe." "Let him atlr; and I'll send a bullet through his skill." cried the man tioroely*, as bu hand was thrust behind him beneath his coat. "Goat once, Brsttlson, I'll take care ha does not harm yoti," "Don't H.iea to him, you, sir," cried the scoundrel; "I warn you; you stir from that-, ahalr.and you're a dead man I" VMy dsar Stratton," said Brettiaon/ _rW'.jg.rrom his scat. "Go at onoe I Never mTud~Ms threats,", said Stratton,fiercely. "AH Hght, I've warned you," aaid tho man, drawing baok his lipa from his tooth like some wild animal about to bite, and alepning quickly to the door lie stood near it with his hand behind him still, as if about to draw, a revolver from his hip, poaket. Brettison did not stir. . "He has a pistol thrre," he whispered. "Of course. Suppose I wis coining on a. job like this, to make my gentleman thorn digorge, and not hava a male to back mo:? "X consnltod doctors who'Wedcrlpe3 Tor mo, but to no purpoKo, I sufloredin"agony no von long years. Finally, I began toklfig Ayor's'BarsftpaHllaj In'a"^e*^or);tw> I ~X8.a^%iPS5?osi!taisnR: aged . ---------------- month or o th& sorn bosanito .both.* after using tho HarflartMllTaforslx monU ,^ tlio mat'tmoo of Ihe'edVeArttlaBppeandJ1^- jAM',a -KuKic^opBQK, Kloreac^yl^o,;^- fl- Ayer'si^Sarsaparilla Admitted fttttho,WorId>ffMy4_ Now thon, both get into a p'->. eheckinale v here mv rim better take ttij. a few hundreds t. f mi ; it's of no use to 'i threaten police. I little tool I have . There, you had tratton. What sru I give up tho girl and hor fortune j wtiut more do you want'?- A* for myself, I only wish for enough tb. live oomforubly and in peace without troubling anybody, There, 1st s talk again like men af the world. You put my back up when you begin talking all that non- Benae about the police. Be sensible, Mr, Stratton. I've bad one doso of ovor yonder that was not pleasant, I dou't want to get on trial for shooting you if caught." He aaid the last words with a forcad laugh, and took a atep or two forward in a' jaunty fashion, in wonderful contrast with his manner an hour or bo before. "Now, then, Mr. Stratton, we'll forget all that, please. Sit down ai X aaid before, and writo that check." Stratton stood motionless in the middli of the room, with hia eyes fixod upon his visitor ; and his strength of mind and de termination seemed to grow rapidly. The old nervous horror was gono, nud, quite L equal to lus task, he never for a inoiiieut removed his eyes from his advoraary. "Come, we'ro wasting time, Mr. Strut- ton. You're wantd yondor. No more shilly-shallying, ploaio j that check." "Ketch tho' polioo, Brettiaon, aaid Stratton sternly ; and, in ohedienae to the or dor, Brottisoti took a step forward while the savage aspect came again into tlio, eX'Onnvltit's countenance as he took a step bauk aud covered the door. "No, you don't," ha said, making a ges ture as if tugging a pistol from hia pocket. "I warn you both, I'm a denperate man. I've,boon skulking ahout for over a twelve month now, waiting for my chance, audit's aoine; I'll lnvo that money before I go. Write out th.it check, and got it cashed. Send him, I aay again, to get tho money; and as for you," he snarled as ho turned his eyes on Brettiaon, "you play any games, you ao much as look^at a police- man while you are out, and t Warn you he'll suffer tor it before you can break in bore with any of your curbed liounda." "It's of no mho,", said. BrottiHn hoarser ly. * "Let him sayjiow. iuitcli ha. wants. sn^lk i;il writo. a . check .and gt the money;". "HuhlThal'a talking sonwe," aftid the mmi exultantly, hut n^verfor a moment ro- Jaxing his watuhfulnoHS keeping bi eye4 upou Straiton, but noting at well.Brolti- '*Body K ' ' That is what it ia wheD.^ravelKrjgQn'ihe fat truiriH of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft'Sfc. Paul Hailwuy; boHidcfl thoro is Jjo obauoe to "kick," for tbo accommodatidns aro bp to date,'tho trains hedp moviagrightiilong and get there on time. ' These 'lines 'thor oughly cover the territory hot woebOhtoago, La:CroBRO, Bt. Paul. Minneapolis', -Aber- deon, Mitbhell', Sionk Pttllfl;.HtoBxv;Ctty, Yankton, Council Bluffs; Ora&h&tandtiNor- thorn Mibbigrtri, All tho' principal aitiea and towna ill that territopy are roaobedfby tho "St. Pftul" lincfl; counccting, at-'St. Paul. Council Bluffs and Omaha,, witb.all linea for'polnfH in tho far went. Wri^to- A.( J. Taylori Cuuadidn Paaa'r AKet*l87 York Street, Torouto. Ont-i forone,of their' map timo tabloH and a bronhare^ giving dpsoriptiou of tho Compartment Sleeping Jam, Tickota fumiHliod byany-oonpon iiukot ngont ui the United 0tajtefl,a>nd((Mn- ' ilia. Tlie finoat dining earn in trjp world run on tho solid VOMMtmled. clootric- ightod and otpiam-lioated truirirt ofthoiChU;. jigo.Milwaukoo itBt- i'u-ul Railway. Hcverul Uer<tbi of KuflTaoes i And thonaande of oiks, deer, etc., tare to/jj befouudin tho YollowBtone Park. Ii la the only plaoo whore the buffalo can found 46'day, so rocroilossly bavo tbeybeesl Blaogbteredi They aro gono from the plains-and prairieB.and tho romuaut now leftcaathank / the TJnitod Btatos Govornmont for the privilege of liviug. Tho Yollawfttonoj^ark in their home arid there they aro safe/ Tbo Park iu patrolled by eo!diere both ' summer and winter to capture poaobo and offondors and aovera putiibbrnent' U . mctod out to Intrudore. In da mm or tho buffalo range in the ghlandfl . near Yellowstone liakn. In winter they work over into Haydon Valley and aurroundiug oonutry, whoro tho hot/ springy and water keop the snow melted.. away, Door and elk range over the^ej^ire , Yollowutono Park. Thun bosidoB tho great marvels of nature mob.with in this wonder- laudithoronrc alao tho flnost Bpeoimens of our lurgo game. Tamo and docile, they '. four nob man. ; ' r Skotohoa of Wotidorlttud, an illustrated. '.* fl hook publibhed by tlio Northern Paoifib:^] -r.^:t. '_ .-i 1_____!L. L^L.J.'- Ti" 41 It ail road d^aoribetr thiy will mitbo by Chas/ S. Agon|i, 8fc. Paul, Mmn.f Hixconta iu m&mps. . woudorland. It pEtflj the Oen'l upon receipt, of Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VAUSIES, A largo 8tookt all now goods fri latest Novolties. I tako uo back Boat on pricoa. w ' I son's nations as he took out his pocket' book ' and drew a blank check from one of the folds. r "Kow muob must 1 draw tliis for, Mr. CouitlntT'he said hurriedly.. , Coasin?/ Who's MrvCoiialn?. .-Draw.iV' ifi Jjunea,^ Barrbn, l'^qulref V N-,v',,What foif^ t)raw it to yourself .'Five^huudred'; pounds, now,*' '..' BretLiaon ihrugged his- ahouhlors, and unoved toward the tnble. . '-: ' ,^ ; - "Stopl^criedStratton^nilyi'^Whatart; you.going to '. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a large stock, '.cnugbft W.,;,-; bottom prices; ondf'can beat fchym ,j all for price and quality. ^Cap&jt and aoo thorn. ' |V ^'^1 PRICES AWAY OOWU SSS Farm Harness^ ' " rv'^.~Ma| Truck Harness - Heavjr Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . A ;lar6'.stook and it pautt: '?y T...vf Gall nnd see iu6i before"bnyin'ff .:" v,:;;..;.;-;.,; v:,^ elsewhere. EeTyfhingvin:|:t|i^iH|r|eI A:

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