i'A'. 5T* y i' ^ ftv i*w ^ V>' fiai M* -t THE TCftSE^ FREE ^]PIfeSP> .. * -XHM- r Publlshed Every Friday Morning ^ ' * JrAm the tfflo'e op Talbot ptriot, next ^ r .. -DanUo Block. >t \h' tents, ot in to re i Special attention is paid to tho pubuW tlooof matter of local importunao, uuour- teaud reliable reports of Town, noighhor- ing Townenip and County Council praoood tofl 'OOfti ind county market reports, ulu., .ftheoacefo. and judiuiouu maunkoniotit or Thi Fan JPukbb, with rearioofc to theuo nnd other current matteiu of looal importance, baegivonit a widoapioud iirowti^*' ui tliu centre of Ebpci county,which in racooniz il oneof the beet agricultural dlBtnofctnu Ontario. Thk Fuke Vmaa i tho only medium circulating thoroughly in thin central portion of tho Oeuutv. "d :h cm equGutly, without donbt,the only moron, I. adTortiBing medium for biuunobH people wishing to reaoh that olaafl of cuntotuorn. COBBEflfONUttNCK. Oar columns are alwaja open for t , peaceable diwmeaiou of r **"-" Xflfl*tfui u to the public welfare. _____ Able oorrenpondepuyftyfl) lUP BUCr0ud log localitiee 'nrnjJfrrf,abIo r0pOrtH ot warring in thoirnovorel _p patillaher i at all time* , receive NnteroBting itomH oi any disposed to forward oontri "&u" ooinmunicatioun of a private nnd toof dential naturo, should bo ho marUod Ml the ouiaido of tho envolopu. BOUflOnil'TlON 1'IUOIS Ik 00 per anuum, Htriotly in advance ftt,tjp6r annum if not ho paid; ana nil art-oar" ohar^od at that rata. ADVHKTI PHmp NTH. Transient legal * uud municipal adver tisements, noticoa, ola,, oharued t the rab of ien oentfl per line, for nrot insertion, and five cants per line for eaoh attbuequeut lmwtinn. All HUoh ftdvertiBemeuta are moaBUrod by a Bdalo of twelve hneB to tho inch. Local reading and other notices -pub lifihod amouR local oowh matter oharpjed ut the rate of ton oouto por ruuuiuif line for eaob insertion. AH noticed of ohuroh or aooioty ontor* taiumenta of any dosonpliod, at wbioh an adraiHflioo fooiH charged, aro ro^afdod i advortiHomeutH, and full advortiHiug ratoa charged in all auoh caaoa Noticea of flath- erinRfl or mootiufia not for pecuniary bouo fit or aid. will bo cheerfully published free of charge. Special contract ratcn made for diapluj or standing advtfi. All lofjulorprofoHaion- al oarda under one iot 815 por auoum. yon ob oouWKnoujj iiniNTino. The Vtmn 3Phkhh Job Printing .Be partmout Ih under tho euporviaion of thoroughly oom potent moohanioa, and apooial attention iu paid to thin branch of tho, trade. Our faoilitioR for the exooution of all kinds of Book and Fine Job Printing aro unoxoollod. Stoam power prcasoa. A call aolioitod. nDHINKBB nilOULATIOHH. All Job Printing and Trimmem Advortiuint! accouuty, atrlotly cash. Advertising accouuta with rogubu patrons aro aottlod qnartorly. Sub crintioua duo in advauoo. 'No Bubaoription to tho Fkkm Phkhb, or advortiBemont pubhahod in its colnmna will ho difloontiuued until all arrears arc paid in full. Ohangea for adyertiHomonta, to ooauro InRortion in Lh ourront. mimo, mast hu handed iu not Jaiur than noon of tho Tugh- day prooodin(4, and notico of Huoh iotond- edebango la roqmrod on the Monday pro- oedfng, Notioa of diHoontinuanco of advoitlae- meutH mnat bo given at loaat ouo wonk in ad van a o of tho iosuo iu which they are desired to laat appear. ADVKnTIBKllB, f ^nbaoribora and patrons generally aro ' reqiloated to road tho abovo regulations oarefully, in order that confunion may bd avoided, au tUoy will in all oauca bo adherod to, AddTaaa all communications to K. JT. LOVKCACIC. ^ -Pabllnbar the Boibi Fuuu Pn&na, ^>. . EflBdlt, Out AJ-AOB ETBAMBnO. LOW RAYHC fcLfeVELAND. < ( BUIFPALjO ani all p0int5 hast ^v ' HvailV HVHNIMa MHTWHHM PETR0IT#;CLEVELAND Connecting with earliest trains at Cleveland 7o?all pbliitW East, South aud Southwest, lundaylrtpsJuM, Jtiily, Aunuit nndSeptomtcr On!: VPotm Tmim i-* WvUtr'avTWDHM TOLEDO, DETROIT#teKPD ^EtOSfceY, THE " 300," MARQUETTE*, AND'bULUTH. KH new tteel ^Wasenget* stcntnefti have liiBt l built for (Our .Upper tako Koute, ca^finff V each, Send for Illustrated pamphlet, A. A. CHANT2. . v. A v, a. ' 'JtmradiTi uiom. "'tOEBniT. Ji feUMEUUtB' SIEHI MM. (ft V " ' NN'i^Mr.^bOhTb41Vicorlritn*tyyeari' Afr. Jnrol) Wiloox of 8t. Thomas, Ontario, ia ono of ibr heat known men lit that vicinity. Ho Ih now, ho sayM, an old man. but Hood's Saranparllla haa mndo him fcol young nprain. "About n. year apo I had a vorv devoro attack of tho grip, which roaulDod In my not having a well day lorjg^mil moutha ott^rwardH. T wan roi**Ctoly run down and my uynlom wiu/ m a Torrlbl^ -feondltlon. I lout lhjak ^nd bocamo depressed I'Wr^rlCrFlnany a friend who bad boon Sited'by ItoodVSurHapnrnU advfced .o to try It and I did no. I continued tak ing It utH I uflod twelve bottlu* "d CONHl'|(>* l-KOTKHT TO *fft I'OJfcTB ' Armeiiltim Ar>4ldL;to iMmrt Mu>l<r for CoiuitantlndttlO, 0(j(t& The Mult of .the #(>nferene ho^ ?t*y thorfprid(jn rpTorrinWricl* 10' coil#Wer tho -idttui tion uiIhIiik from the rioting on Mon day and Tuendny wai that th Drago man u of tlu several jambaaalefi nod le- eattoua wore directed to protest to tin* X^ortlgn Minister agalnat the cjccihi'u of tin- police, und equally agalnat the harfmriiy of the Mussulman mob-In io- piiifl tn tho arrratud and wounded Ar- mmlunn. Hi-vdiil or whom wore hit*n to di.itli with bludgfons, whlh' ntinia wore ciuolly mutilated. The J->rago- miuia Wi ro also dlroctod to call tho l-'orlo'a am low attention to the wtmia ulVith, and to hig Iho foreign Minis ter to (. tliut monauros were adopted to pn>vi'iil foirlunorit from suffering und to u iitdui order. The- oltv hi qnlol. it la evident that ,tlic fiiucimmmt has taken ovoiy piu- I caution to nw-voit miy fnrthui- dlHor- dcr and lo t\\u II any i lot Ing Hhould it ofcur in Hpltc of tho mi'inimcii adoptod to movent II One of tho pioruiitlon-4 taken umi the postlmr of riiuidH mound tin Turkish <ninrieic to pu- veut lb" lulKLblt(in,ta frnui I< iivtn" thorn In order to r.a to tlm a i-ulu of tho elty nrcnplcd by Ainienhui-. Aimenlan refugeoa, fern Ing that tney uie marked for nuuiHiieie, Hllll Ofiwil the ehurelien, evidently hoping to find a mi tic tuni y there. The polleo have not carried out their thrjnt to iitnrm tho AimMilm I'atil- aiclmto U tin- icfugoeH neeldng ) an ty today 1 can honcatly nay Hood a Baraa- thPr(, (|ffl not BUProrKjpr, jn the Pith narlllft Has roatorod me to my former church alone there are uOO Armenia" health." JACOli V/XLCOX, St. Thomas, Ontario. Hood's Sarsapanlla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in tho public yo today. It ouvw when all other preparations fall, w v ^ run tho aftor-dlmur pill anu MOOd S PHIS family catlmrUa, iWau uii vi\t imli. mm: sow refurttfi. 'Hie Armenian C*dh pfc at Oalntn bn<i been cloaod, owing to the tin cat a ol Mahommediin thcologienl Htiidentu to attack it. Thnsn f.tmh nta have takin n very piomlnrnt part in the dliitui'bnncc.'i, and It lit tho gen- oral oploion of tho foreign '.esldents that the f'oveinment neede In Keep a clone wnloli upon thoti> or they will make ftuthor trouble The (-.plrlt of fanaticism amonir them ban been deep ly niousid, and they'Indulge In many tint.its of vh.it lhe,\ will do to tho cnrmicfi of their faith, A deputation of forty ArmenlnnH vi-dted the TiitKh l^mbatisy in order to nppe.il tu Kii Philip Currle, tho Hrit- Idi Anibn'ciador. Upon being Informed that he hud gone to Thorapla, the de putation withdrew, e>;pieasing nn In tention to vlalt him at that place. It la learned from a tollable tiouroo that more than 1000 Armcnlann have been arretted nnd en/it Into prison on the charge nf having been actively concerned In tho rioting or having In stigated the tiouble. Although 11k i e have been no further overt actfi of disorder, there is a docp- ne.ited feeling of unrest and anxlely evcrywhcie difiplaved. One riignUlcant fnrt Ih that the Tnika are purchanlng revolvers and cartridges. An Englhdi denier In flteUrilTH heic nayn he has ro- funed to aoll revolvers to at leant !> would-bo purohancn!. During tho rioting on Tuesday crowds of Mahom- modnmt took advnnlnge of the great cxciteinent to loot many Armenian Hhopi and ofllcoM Their spoil ia_rc-_ ported to have been quite valuable, AitMi-Mi". \n ormr.ri. r, U. ItlHrMuiIJ or ,iiMinl. ro:.imlfH SiiU elilc U\ ^\\<.< (httr. Toronto, Oct. I "My mind la all gone, now; I mii'il have softening Jf Ihe hrnfn; T can'l tM 1 . ^rlte, or do anything." i bee u 111' t' ") >> ' 'var ' Waktfiel 1 J 1.' 1 !i \ i. . sil fi lin daughter "n 'i . - ' \ I ihtl , t 10 o'clock >tMeiday imi nL.g tu 'inl'ni- tunate man shot hlmselt thioi,,'i tnt head in the bathroom of liL, i m iu., No. an \\ci d->fctrtet. , _____ Mr. JllarJhall 'ivart ."" yo'i-i r>r n';f and a dc iler in hf >! I hu. n' v\ < hi ory. lie was 1 i o*,ui af> -., muiuu., and eairled on bu^IncbC In 1-oinn t . Htrret, also rondti'ting an tstahlmh- ment in HuH' 1 \ In the e.irly -, he paid a long if.liua J It to f'lilea- Ko and while ttitio hq nv i\\oil-ed hl'n- ;teir that his h il h \>cs hli loudly af fected. IIH nine's, InvevLT, did not rts-u,ne an acute t i m I'pti' Mr nil U'e i August, \ 'mi l-e *iddenly ruirrul tni resolution to al-ai don sj. oi*lh", t" will h lo had for jt is b rn Inveter atcly a'ddleted. I3\t rme nt r\ous pioh- tration following, for v hit h tho de ceased was treated by in- ,7^bn fawn of Onrlton-tsreet. w Itliout appnreni benefit. Ye&toiday morning, Misi Plaelthnll notlelne; Hint her lather appeared more despondent than usual, peisuad ed him to remain in the house. Vi went upbtahs at H 30, saying he wai going to lie down, but his daughter found him In the bithroam shot tly afterwards nnd Induced him to de scend with her. 'linn M las Blackball became alarmed and her mother hur ried off t Hiimmun Pr. Cavm, despite her hi shar d'.s objf tlonn. Decea ed r turned to tho bathroom, and In a few moments Miss Maud exceed fiom 300 to 300. The tt>prU Wr*rt-*HtH-Hll-** CU^mll/ London, Oct. n, Tho cvnenpOM lent o| Thi- Pall Mall Gazette In Conatantl- nople send an Interview with a European delegate attached to the Commlbuloii of Inquiry which had been conducting an ovamination at Sas- noon into the ahoged atrocities cono- mittcd in that p.n l of Armenia i The dtk'gaL- dccUius that the stat*- ments of ihe prtas corespondents m icgatd to the atiocltlea, especially those of Mi. Dlllo.i In The Dally Telo- graph, of London, and his English con- ten, porarlei), aie gioiH exaggeiatlono. When tho report of the commission la DUbllhhed, he sayn, it will be found that the number of killed in the light ing attend ng the capture of the vil- 1 ges of Semal, Sh male, GhuIIghuzan and in tlk ilgluln-, elfaewheie, did not HIaekhall, a younger daughter, he rd- the report of a pistol, Kntrance was .-TJiere i no evidence, says the dele gate, that number.s ot pen-ona wtuo THE TURNING POINT TO IIOUS COMFORT AND SUCCESS IS GAlK'RD DV THE USE OK il. .y ,i v-iiobiutton odo<4Tftfaaoratfni'natf Wptf fco'ob- - ' f^^l^wkontfrf^AlMn wloauaof uecbau- ' jC<>r-weW8 SboUI nDtlealnthaJ44ent|n0 America**, ana at mrm broiifhe whMr befbra^ttablla jrkh- fut~*m <o m fyntor. Tblt iD lend Id paprr, wtno AT effected to the room, where Mr. I3lack- (killed in cold blood or that thoie \ms hall was found lyintr on tho floor with any mutilation of woim*it and cliUdien a wound beiilnd the rteht ear. Death Thi> finding of 40 bodies bulled m had been Instantaneoun, tho bullot n P't at Ghelighuzan, out oT which the having penetrated the brain. By tho correspondents made bo much cap tab doad man'o a|dc wns found a 32 call- I as welt as the story of women throiv- bre revolver, one chamber empty. In !" thcmselvea over .t cliff to efccapi tho meantime Dr. Onven arrived but ' db bono ^ " nhsolutelv false 'I )\<* his services could do no ixood. * report of the commissioners, the de e- cate aaset ts, wlli a s*i disprov ul. 'if tho stories of wholesale massacres nnd violation of women, and show that only a flying column of Turkluh regu lars operated against tho Armenians, who wore well supplied with flro-aima. Tho correopondent of the Exohnntro Tolcffwsfr1! Company, at Constantinople, wires that tho report of the CommU- Blon of Inquiry, sitting at Sasoon,wlll entirely dUcred t the yonBat'onal utorl*a of massacres, vlolat'ons, etc., which have been ho porslstontlv clrculnted. Instead of HO 000 Christians "h vlng been driven into exile, up n loped, the report will show that the entire num ber of Inlinb'tants of the dlfturbed dis trict, Moslem and ChilPtian, did not exceed 4000, It will also be eho'vn that the Armenians, histoid of being rcmorselfsslv butcliered while in a con dition of holplossnoHS, bo'ng unarmed, were well armed nnd made a most Bplr- ited stand against th^ trooyps, The stories of the dOpredatlons and horr'ble crue'tles of the Kurds In the conflicts are pure notion, an there were wo ICurdtt enrraged In any of the bat tles In short, the correspondent tfsys, tho whole affair has been mout crrossly exaggerated, The absolutely bael*si Ktorles of horrible butch^rl tt havfr been Invented by Armenians and inspired by political motives. HHHirkiU <;tiii:0i )tw witiioiiv n\n. JT A. Mttilili Iff la in VTInMl^rn- ,1U a of Sir Frank Smith, of Toronto, was placed under arrest by tho police lato last night. Smith is charged -with raising money by false pretences, in Issuing cheques on the Bank of Mont real, where he had no funda, Tn cheques were presented, It iu stated, at the Hlngston, Smith Arms Com pany, Itynn's nnd other establish ments. The accused Has been in tho city for some days, a guost at tne Manitoba, and was Just returning horns aftor a jaunt In tho west. Tho amount Smith realized wa^ $100. Ho was released on ball to-day. The trial Is net for Monday, but it is ex pected tho case Will bo settled before that date by repayment of those vle- tlmlSfld. DIAMOND DYES. These Wonderful Dyca cave thousand* of Jol! .rt, annunliy t h\\ ny home; in Gnndi. At this fccasun, oid, iau^d uiul ,su..td"..-- >tsi capes, jackets, and mens' nnd boys* tuits can be re-dyed, and made to look as well ns new, .it a cost of ten ceijtn. Diamond Dyea are the casicnt tn use; they arc the brightc t, *.lnigeat and most durable. Ask for the "Diamond"; refute all others * Direction Booh and samples of colored cloth frte; address Wblls & RiciiakpionCo., Montreal r. Q. ' i POWDERS CW S/CW ADACe-nd Nepmlgln (tu Jrq MiMUtma, *bo omo Tonftun. Dixn- Wtal.llinoUihoW, PalrtintUeSido.ConrtlptUon, rTwid JMjer. B*d Breo^h. ^^*y ouwd^wi 'l II ii MRS.' I The Crown's Case Cotrrfcletaty Collapses. JUD5E AND ACQUIESCE- rim Tnt.u Prow Ihr Jury by CUnu- Uor Byd. Who UxprvM* h *n' Vlctlun lliut So Crhua Wi *-' "' u.lti.wl- Ih" Uciull ireetrd MUli <iil A|n . reterbom, Hept. 27. The trial of Hcs- ,.lfi.fty tov tlu murdor of David Scol- lle enme to nn abrupt termination hnru tills nioinbiFf. Tho Crown's case ajralnat the pil^oner failed completely, and after thre,. witneflHes had been heard In boh If of the defence, Chnn- < .dloi v.....eicd the tnse to he (iu id, mkJ dltt'ctud the Jury to ro- i ore! a verdict of not Killlty. When tho court iou last evenlnj; Mevcial wMtiiei.ncs yet remained to be failed for the Crown, but when this morning's ue'islon opened Mr. Clute nra ti U ."tuioiiri.nl the abnndon- nunt of tl c pron'Ttitlon, % hen he arono and stated to Ills kordiiblp thut ho would offer no further testimony. "Do you put pose calling any wltneMiios V vn-t Hl Lordship's shcnlHoant ques tion to P.rr. fitratton, counsel for de fence, "i inive a few, whoso testimony f would llk<> tlie court nnd Jury to henr," lepllcd Ulr. Stiatton. With the testimony of William Leahy a near nHtrhbor of the Oraya, tho de fence opr nod their case. Leahy swore to !mvii.r, him ii tbo body of Scollle w lien It was t Uon from tho ruins. Tho mak and shoulders bore every nppear* < of havlnpf boon In a ficver lira. The neck was burned to a taper, tho bones protruding out from the body. lie saw no blood on the cloth ing, though there wer^i a few drops '^Aioten a i t t1ll/!^ v MTokm iiaoro*f' ItmUtmieo fti p*t<~'ViQtlic4?by *< *ibler ft^Bpsmaoil i Hamroon. Oct. B. Mayor t*wurj libit raining oxpreea^d the opinion tiiat a couHus should btfttttren.-provia^ Ing the work will not be too expen sive and It It altogether probuble on Will bo taken before long. In oommu tlon with the small Increase during th yeflJV-thtf-foot that about W) r.iindlLt. In ihe north end moved to WuIIucl burg to work in the KlaSa factoxy >. reHponsible to some e:a-nt for tu> poor showing *'nt wdb tn* . :' i of two now schoob tliii. yi a, n h- uccotuniodutlon now is *tt a promt Jo and tho a tsesuord themselves adui.i that theh figures cannot ho leil.n uoon. Thu pollcu wfliu udvlsed to-nlgld tlut John l.utclay, with two other notnu oUB.characteis from C'orktown, lui orit*red tho storti of Mrs. Hlo imlrintMJ John-streot aoulh, and carrird olf i quantity of tilochlng. A squ.id of pnlli* men were neat to search tho south uu for tho mar.mdaro, and V. C^ TIuiHUi. finally located Barclay hldden'ln Coik town with' a quantity of stolen r;on| With him. When the ofMcer rr<"t" him he put up a blu light, M< ' Uij -n " biting freely. P. C. IlaillSjy tan u Tlmori'B uHNltstanoc, but wu i klelced in tho broat juitt knocked down. Tlun was a lively time before the prison : could be taken to Jail. Mm. Ciirrlo Faulkhor, widow of the latt Thomas Faulknor, who died fio.n inJurlcH received while at voik In Mv Hunter-street tunnel on Aug. M, lis*' bep:un an action through her solicitors, Teetsiel Hntrlson & McTlrayne, against P. C, Clifford & Sons and Andrew On- derdemk for 510,000 damages. Th' names of four Infant Faulkner child ren are mentioned In tho writ as plain tiffs, the aetlon being brought on their behalf by their mother. The plaint Iff h claim that Tliomri" Kaul!cnor's death was caused by the defendants negligence In not having the bnnk shored up so as* to pi event accident. The ledrrer keoper In the Hank of Commerce hns been suspended No sus picion of dlshonr-stv rests against him, but the hank authorities think It v/.m careleflsness on his part that Palmer got uwnv with tho amount be did. The authorities , deny the defnleition amounted to $50,000, and $111,000 Is now set down as tho amount The Inqufeflt on the death of Isabella Marshall'w child that died yesterday In Mrs. Pinkett's baby farm, TTunter- came away from the neck when the body wua removed. Annie Gray, the 13-yoar-old daughter street wewt, resulted in a verdict ho of the prisoner, a Hllght little thing. In^ >roUKht in that the child earned AitprulHlna: tUc 4Jonl.l ttiint*. New York, Oct. 4rt-Surrogate **It*- Borald"has returned to' DaVId .MeClUr-, appraiser of the Jay Gould estate, his report on Jts value lr order .that tne collateral Inheritance tax may" be ibv- led. Who report values the personal property, of tjio iestate at fSO,93il,5sor and the real estate'at $3,000,000.* Tbe residuary estate ^mounts 'to 173,224,^47. "i--------- " ' i---------"" Keflwatin, Ooils 4!. Cart. Ltindstrom fell on a aaw atf'th'e Keewatin Xumber- bcarlrgr many of the characteristic fcatuics of bet* mother, gavo her evi dence in a~manner that was'remark able from one so young and placed In so peculiar a position. She had aeeu Scollle In the house when she retired the night of the fire, bho and her ulster ilcuaio slept hi " bedroom downstairs In which there waa two beds, lior mother and two brothets occupied tho othor bed. There were two stoves in tho house, one In the kitchen and another In tho room wh-re -thoy slept. On tha morning of the (ire the witness said she waa awakened by wnoke in the room. She awakened her mother, who rose, lit the lamp and started toward the door. The mother tried to open tho door leading to the hall, but tho flames drove her bvck* Tho mother got the ax from be hind the bureau and broke the win dow and they all scrambled out an best they could. The witness and hot- brother were ajmout naked .until they could put on sumo of tho clotlrntg the mother thiew out of the window to them. When they got dressed they went over to McGregor's. Tho wltnetn said that Scollle waa In the habit of reading after he hud gone to bed, A long crosa-examinatlon by Mr. Clute f. Ued to nnako the testimony of tho witness In any particular. "Be- cauHe Mr. Bumham was a rich man and wo did not like to go therewith no dressLi on," was the reason the witness assigned for passing Burn- ham's and going to McGregor's to give the alarm. Tommie Gray, the chubby-faced 11- year-old brother followed. He said that the night of the fire he and his mother went out to the barn to do the chores and when they came in Si ollio had gone to bed. Ilia story of the ordei of events on the morning of the flro was substantially the same as that told by hln sister. To .'Is Dordshlp tho witness mild after ho and his moth er cr mo Into the houne they had a drink of ten, made some ahnvlntffl and went to bed. In answer to Mr. Clute, ho said the only fire that was In the house when thoy went to bed waa In the kitchen stove. The little fellow gave his evi dence in a manner that hnprofmed those who heard him with Its truth fulness. When ho stepped from tho witness box Mr. Stratton called for the noxt witness, when His Lordship interpos ed and said he did not think the case should go any further, unloss the jury men wanted to have some further evi dence. The jurymen shook their heads, and one of tholr number rose from his seat and expressed tho opin ion that enough had already been said. " Tho case was very weak at the clone of tho Crown's testimony," said the Chancellor, " and whatever suspicious circumstances were brought out have been set nt rest by the evidence of these children. They told tho story In a straightforward manner, and I am sure everyone believed them. If you do believe them there eottalnly was no murder." In reply to a question from lila Lord ship, Mr Clute said he did not desire to Bay anything to the Jury, as hu was cntlroly nt tho discretion of the court. Turning afirain to the jury His Lordship explained to them thai Mr. Clute was there only to see jus tice done, ns he and they were. " Th* death of Scollle was peculiar, and cer tainly should have been Investigated," continued His Lordship. "Th# threats made by tho prisoner and hei husband wore very foolish, very wick ed, but do not convict them of crime It seems highly Improbablo that lit could have boon murdered there and leave no signs of a struggle, no blood, lie was a strong, healthy man, very vigorous. Mrs Gray wns there all alone, within two months of confine ment, and It Is inofedible that she could have committed the deed," When His Lordship diroctod tho Jury to return a verdict of not guilty, tho court-room was Imediately filled with a doafonlng aplauso. whlph neither the sheriff nor his officers made any at tempt to quell. Mrs. Gray was mov ed to tears by tho announcement of her acquittal. There is still a charge of murder against Gray, ond a charge of'aradn aeralhst both prlponora. >ut these will In all probability be dropped. v i- AtaUD4eft' nw* mi iufJiyil^ <Kxpm|IiI*. London, Sept. ,27.-*-A despatch fron New . Sputh .Wales says that Premier Hold hauinviiedthc AUBtralian colon-' lea to co-operate lnrja new Sp.uth Wales antarctic-expedition. , Tasmania.ban fcccepted (- ther inVltajSlon * arid othvr colonies areixpeiB^ed'tOrdoJlKewIse. (- ter u 2^MfeMk4^. he -Execu- Its death from natural causes, but a doctor should have been called In be fore It died. Tok-otiktAt-iiY ov iiv.nutsv hv.a. V.H Mpbrt nt tha Coknkunnrtrr nt th* ' Mir*kntr tllmfrft*N. Washington, Oct. A,~Tho report of IJeutenant-Conmimandor Drake of the Fum Commission btcamer Albatross of his ftummer's bruise In De-hrlng Sea, containing tho result of tho investi gations made on the Siberian coast of Br-hrltiff Boa that It Is marked on t'le charts about 160 rolled .further east than it oujrht to he, has boen received In Washington". Commander Drnke'g errand was two-fold, to watch for Vio lators of the sealing regulations and to determine by careful and extensive soun-dinga tho general submarine to pography of Behrlnt? SiOa. Tho soundings developed the fict that the Eehrlnjg Sea bawin is a vast sunken plain, ^\ hich is chnrractorlstlc Of all tlw great bodies oX water. Commander Drake mjide a careful examination of th^ rookeries, in Prlbl- loff Islunds and aluo of the extensive rookeries on Behrlng Island. Of the American position he says : "i am convinced that the rookeries are fist being depleted and that the virtual extinction of the seals Is a question of only a few years. If their slaughter Is permitted to continue an at present. The catch thin year will not vary ttvuch from that of last year. 1 dis covered no violation of the law, and bclleae that the sealers are generally Inclined to rcspoet Its provisions," In dlscuaalng Comnumlcr Drake's assertion regarding the location of the Siberian coast, otiKlala of tho Coan and Geological Survey cay they are not surprised at the stutoment. Con sidering the character of the appliances and the general conditions that ob tained when the surveys -of the Siber ian eaaat, to which Commander Drake refers, were mode, the co^st f\\ ve - of ficials say It would be a matur o surprise if there were not more scioi s errors tlian the location of a line 1 mllea out of place, committed. TorMiiM Uurli"!*.. Flour-Trade Ih dull, with buyers nnd nailers .-iijjart. a r.lght rollers un quoted at $a to J3.10, Toronto rre.mith. llriui Trade dull and pi lees Hteidy ai Til. Toronto freights. HhorU, $U to $lfi. Wheat The , market iti weaker to dny. with inoiG lllienil orfrrlngH 'J'hero wen* salos of white at 0-il^o on'the Northern. nnd rod orrera nt fl-ic, with 03c bid. No 1 Manitoba hard sold at 00c to 7(le, Toronto frelghtH, nnd, at 71c, Montreal frelghti. 1'oiu Trade is quiet and prices uiieliniu*- quoted nt 4Bc. north a- uud ed. Cars west. Oats-Tlie market Ih dull and prion Bteiirty. SiiIph of mixed at 22%a outside, and of wlilto at 2:1 Vie. Biirloy There Ih a quiet trade, with fowl ing qualities nailing nt nOe outside. No. 1 quoted ut U7c to UOo wint. Iluckwltnnt Sjilcrs woro made outside to- duy at Mf'L' to 10c. Ityo The demand Is limited, with ualvn ontnido nt 4'\a to -14c. uiitmeitl IhiHluesH quiet, with prices nominal at nhout &1.20. Coinmltf'doii urlccs: Butter, choice tub HU to 17c; buLiis', tic to 12c ; poiitMl rolls. 18c to ^0c- ; larrfo rolls, l3e to 15u ; crt-iim- ory tub ut lite to atie, and tolls at 21o lo 22c, Kbkh Htendv at lite to i:tV4e per doa. In cauo lois, and lie to Hu per flov lu small lots of fresh. Clieone Htoudy ut Be to 8'/jC. Jobbing nitues : ChlckenH, frttxb, 30a to 40e per pair, ducks SO** to COc, ifoese st 7u, and turkoys He to lOo iter lb. DreHSt'd h'Jijrt atoiuly at JF510 to *.*-** bin i.kul luiiiK 101 j" to lie. liellMH irt'yje In lie, sucks il'/jo lo 10c, rolls 7>,u. alei-s pork VI I to $H.6l>. Mh^rt cut *K> lo >l.l.KO iMtiir'shmildor muss ?13 to JfU.'lrtO. bone elear hiiruti 7'iC" to 7Vje. Bard, tierces. He; tubs S'^e, [mils S'^c. Hot f iinchitiiired, forequurtors 3ViO to -t'&c, und hhulR U'^o to Sol mutton, r.e to G&o; veal, (lo to Ku; lamb. O'/jO to He. UKKTCBH MAWCKTS. Llvernool, Out. rod, ftH 2d ti Cs JW I .Ko. 1 Onllforiila, !i UVA to Bh 3d, com. a rid ! sons, lis ovtd : pork, 6K l)l : lurd. 30s,<W:.heavy bacon, HU td : do., llxht, 34a Ud ; tallow, no stoek ; cltofHo. "louS, ^Oot. 4.-OponltiE-Wheat otf coast dull, o-pattsiig< catder, whh ilciiiiiinl let active. ,Biig|l country mnrlcetn thm. Millie oa* eoaot quiet, on pfts-nlfo qulei LlV>"pootTrSl>ot who*t dull ; j.;rotr*n flteady atM PA& ,f Nov. ami tJH fid for Utf." MaIko BttfadyVat'aK.iiUd for Uit. nuU Nov, nhd 3a -l%d tor pec. Flour, Mh 3d. * Wrlrf wheatriOf. fo>'Nor.:'tmd flour uif. SWUj for- i,Nov i preach country ;iarketn " r.oiuloii^-Cloie "Wheat off cooat ipilor, o possutfo jiomlitnliy .pm.po.aged, MM,id*o on* const qulk.'On nnBg^w'fftoady.. ' ., ."tl'jirU jjhrat IBfWOQe.ior $ov,} flour -Htt ^Ivefnofi^loW^Wfceat^t-'turure^ * **** . aud 3s Wiorhe*. *i! . I , ,,, ^ ... . "Tl I ~----------------------- ,,^LjveWplivOe^rf4-^awdlanwappiea dren Shrink frfip taking: tnedictno. ^hay d^S'tlikoitstaste, !B^t^eykro edgvr to* take--what tbpy^ktv- Scott's Emulsion, for instance. Children almost always like Scott'a Emulsion. And it does them good, Scott's Emulsion is the easiest, most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil, with tho Ilypophosphltcs of Lime and Soda added to nourish the bones and lone tip the ner vous system. The way child ren gain flesh and strength on Scott's Emulsion is surprising even to physicians. All delicate children need it, Don't It) pcrtuadeil to aeeqit a mljtUuUt Scott L Bowno, UclUllla, 50c. and %l m Short tJoiiiiicjH on a Kong Hoad IJ Ha iluu'ii.ii i m't (i u,)(t.( fuU y il luiitratid beolwnnlainii v nvdi out' hqpdrod pil^i'H of lil!UlhllJ^l> \MlMi j, ilii.f iij'nious of HUtom.r remrturn thotour(tr^ noitli Aid" woit of (h.io'q'o, Tbo tt-mJin^Tiuuter is, now, the illm trationn are new, ihmi tlm in- formali(/u therein will bo m \v to a)moat everyone. A copy of "Short Jomneyt otr u^Louk H nui ' will bv went free to at wtnu wlio will u i oli h i* ii c tn tt- (*t pH_\ pfhtii^t) to Oko II Hi aim id Ot luisl I'uin ijjir Afjcnt Ghieiiuo iMilwnuliee A B J'i.u'i itnilwuy, Chii'm.[ I I. 1 Nf 4IWERICAM HOTEL. Esnox, - Ontur-fo. T? C bU(K, PltOPIIJKTOlt, HAS I11JEN J J* tl oroeuhly pnhitid m d rcplcultdiod wltb tiuw uitnitu'o ty tlio prmrnt propria tor, I-jtllOW 1UKN IN (OMNKOTrON. Fhut-Chisu Accomodation GutiritntbLd. XK/ A TW TTTl lomji nii'i Tnivollng WW %* J-Jui/ hvUtmn tn hiimllv our lit idj Ciiriudif u (>iov/i ^ t.ifoi^ f lock. Wo BUHirni Uv iifltlnliiuiif n to ti ] fditittlvia and cnirtrmotf ( ur liinncrliu am the hirront In the Diiniaira.ovu IVOacroa Wo nnbiitltutlon in ojreerN Eschiuivn teriltorv end llbnridtorms to whole or pint time iiRpntH Write uh BTONK A WKhUNOrON, (Hrnd ottlce) lei onto, Oat (Tbo only narcory in Cosftda liuvi/iff tentInR orohavdll) li Urn ESSEX - Has Just Received The Finest and > - best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In E^spx, Great Value in Men's Shoe? and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoe* and Oxfords._____ The Cheapest in the Land* Call and Eqamlno and beOon- vincod for yourselves. Nlt;n ot the old*u Boot* Whitney Blt*ck - Pssex Medical 4fall! notxlquurters for all Bchool hookH, Bchool SupjfiliaH, Station ery, Ihka, Muoilpgt*. S,ahooItOray- on, B lack ban rh BiusheH,' Fasi Books, oto. Even- teacher, preacher and ntudent Hliould Iibvo one of those putDut Baker'H Open-Book Holder. Prioe only 26 cenU. L "I a i 'I Y, Pbarmaoiafc, <bmx. Safcat, i Simplest.^ Strofiu^at, 5olld Top Receiver. ^riffSftk. REPEATING ^IFLE5,' Lightest. tEitslcst Working, Most -- Accurate, MoU Modern end erq^reailve l^or cnUlojrue or infornittMOR.1m-IM(>to t::h marun fire arms co., New Havenj Conn. FOR TVYENTY-FJfVE YFAR8 DUNN'S 1H ,';^i M THECOOrCSBES 763139934 42