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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 11, 1895, p. 1

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,,; W1LKINS0FS ]} . * Choice Fresh GrooorieB, , Provisions, Teas, Ooffnoa Bind Spiooa, Special lines in Orookory, istian Mewo*$ Bfc, Ftft't Ohor^M TUESDAT BTO., Ortilflfr Everybody Come; '<-f-r------Vti.'i VOI^JLL No-fc ESSEX, ONT. PRIDAY. OCTOBER -11,1895, WHOLE No 5f# i VI Leading Store of Essex. Departments : "Ti^fr Dry Gooasr*" v Gents' FuVrtLehing^ Ladies' Furrf&hi^ga^ Ready-madeJ^Clo.thing, V.J.Tailoring, Hats, Caps and Furs. Millinery, Cloaks and capes, Boots and Shoes, Groceries. Largest and Cheapest in Essex. liif.'- v." I'i':-- Anderson &6o e lf';,;' fe .',. ESSEX, ONT. NoitTmiiixm (Grow<h>dout laafc Woolf.) W lliatn ItoavoH aud wife vifcitad relatives in IWmnoy, Koufc oo.unty !aat week. Loighton Burkor bought two lambs from John H. Montgomery and took thorn to ltyd Di;or, Alberts, thoy woro Lointurn. There wiim another nharp froab hint Mon day and Tiitmday nights. Three yoars ago John ii. Montgomery obtained Hix kihdH of oats" in ruin pound paobagoa from the Ontario Agrioultural and Experimental Union, of Guulph. A few Ouyii go ho threahod. and thia in the product of third mowing : Whito Poland, Dfl bnuhols; White Tartarian, 80; Wlutn Odorbruokor, 96; Whito Siberian, 81; Blaok Tartarian, 81; Blaak Joauotte, 80. Farmers do you want money at fij put cent.? If bo writo A. G. Baker, Loaraiugtaa, Onb. Terma 6( payaieut of prinoipal to unit borrowora. . COTTAM. Dr. E. Orton wau homo last wookaovoral daya attondibg hin brothera, L^win and Hamilton, who aro niok with tho ftivor- Ira Tate in ablo to bo up and out.. Guy Waruor is improving ho vapidly that hia -fathor intoutln louvinc for Rod Boor thin w^ek. MiH Julia nayofl, froo^ Dotroit is vimt- itt MiHB Abbid Biowu. Misu B. Jon oh, from Ghioago, in visitinu Iier friond MittM G. Shaw. Mrs. K. MarkH lian tho fovor. Norm Baokland Jh oouvaloHeout. Minn A. Stophonn in improving in hoaltb. Mr. Chaw. Small and Mr. John Pylon in cutting tirab&r for William a &. Co. fell a tron aoro39 a valuable oow belongluy to Mr. Wen. Mooro, iujuring ber bo badly that sho htid to bt killtid. Mrs. (Rev.) SaUndora.of Downov'n Orove, Hi., IB visiting hor paroatu, P.ov. and Mm* Shaw, of thi placo, Mma JonoH, of Ghi- oiiro, who huH bean vinitin(j at tho parson- u^o, hin} roturnod homo. FarmcrH do you want uaouoy ut fij por oont? If do writo A.. G. lialtor, IjBannuK- tou, Ont. TermH o paymono of principal ta amt borro^vorg. VII- G0SFII3LD NORTH. . .MjfHiJ. W, Duftou and'ohildron aro itiug hur Motor, M.vu. S. Mitlon. Addio Jbnen who waK hurt in the aooi- dont at Eobu'x in roportftd m improving. MrE. C. MoAffeo had a vory ploaoant liatherin^ at their homo on Tuesday ovoir inff in honor of'their futhor, Mr, AIoAfoo, CJitford Oo., who hai hoon vitiilin^j tUom for a fow wooUa and in returuiiiR homo. Mr. Jolly and tioioo, Minn Jolly, Gray Co., aro visiting Mrs. Jolly'a daughtor Mm. W. Taylor. MoHnra. 1' airohild and Murray havo movod on tWoir f arm on,8th_BQpaoFiH]on. A hiirvoHt thankBgivumjigrviap wao""h'il'd: Iaht Sunday in thu Mohhodiot-.-Church Bello Ri Jit roud. Tho ohiiroh waa yory oloboratoly deoornted with fjraiu, fruit- Vfigotiiblen und llowcrii which woro very liborully providod by friondu of tboohurch- Tlie sorvicoi woro oonduotod by tho paw tor Bev. W. H. Shaw, morning and ovomutf aud hit (jo coinjrogationB woro prutmut. On T\1 outlay ovoniuj; a dinnar wan' uqrvod by this ladioH of thu churoh, whodonorvo great' oro lit for tho bountiful ropiwt that wan served to tlio (juoHto at tho tublo. .Aftor which all UHuomblod ii) tho uhuroh to feant on th'^Kood thiuga providud by thir pun- tor, whoonoupind tho ohair. Mr.Foathum, Ehuox, wan cullod ou and (avb tli ooncro- Ration a vory pleauaut addroso, Itev. Mr. Aycri-t, WoodHU'O.followed.aiHl olcquontly pointed his tioaruiu to tho Huro aouroo of porfect happinoHH, Rov. Dr. Pubooq, Et-cex* addrtfiatd tho qiithoriug' on "Powu and thoir Ok'oupnntH". Tho sleepy pow camo in for iiomo laughable illuntratioua. Boeiidn tho muBioprovidod by the choir, Kov. Mr: Shaw and daughter aunt! a dnot. Tho MiBseu Foothiim, Enaex, duiifilitod iho audiatioo with uoloa ii.ud duottii, intornpern" od between the npotiohoB, procooda SB5.00 to bo applied to repairing tho ohuroh. Farmoradoyou want moiioy at 5% por cout.? If oo writo A. G. Dalcor, Lonnainu- tou, Onfc, TormH of payment of piinoipal to (tuit bonowoiH. MUNICirAL COUNCILS. ntAIDMTOMIC. Town Haijj Maidhtonh, Siu-r. 2B 'Ofi. Oouuoil mot thin day pHrnuant to to ad- journmont, all tho membrn prosont. Miu- nteaof the provionH muethiu: wero read and ou motion mlo^luti ilk riiiiu and uiUnud. Counoil took into oouiiidnration tho tin- (/iuoor'H report on tho Walluoo Druin, Many of tho aHHowiod partum woro proHun t and ((ayo t'XproHiiion to thoiropiniou rol- atiyu bo tho oonHtruotion of tlio naid dram und Uwir a;itnoNnimiltH thorofor. On motion of Mobhch. Prioy aud Datum,, a furthur oonnidoration of tho said roport WHBadjournod to next mooting of tha coun cil, tho rooyu i tho tnoantimo to tuko ad- vioe of oouhoil rolativn to mmo, On motion of M&nnn(. Ellin and Damcti, Mr. Damm way uutlioviisod to oonatruot ono hundred rod of dltoh ou oawt Hide of. tho road oaat of Piko. Mr. Pnrviw oomplainod to oouuoil that tho froo flow of tho wator iu Browu'H Greek wan impodud by tho proHGiico of Bovftfal larjjo 1o#h undor tho Grand Trunk Itailway bridge on Haid orook. Movod by Mr. Plant, tuioondod by Mr. EIHh, that tho Clork bo iriHtruotod t> not ify tho Railway Co. to rotnovo tho Haid loun immodiatoly. Carried. W. S. Cummiford proMontod a bill of 932,02 biiliuico dtio on South Woodaloo Lookup. On motion of Moaara. Prlco und pamm paid. Sylvester Fitoh made alYlduvit to having throe flhoop killed by unknown doti and ontimatod hiii Iohh ut 312.00. On motion of Motiurn, Ellia and Plant Mr. Fttoh way paid 33 in full HatiufauLion of bin oliiirn. Abraham Cala.roportod to council that owing to a dofoofc in tho pnbho highway his bug(!y received daraagata tho amount of 82 and roqueatod oouuoil to pay uamo. On Motion of Moftara. Ellia aud Datum, Mr. Buotb'a bill was paid. On motion oouuoil adjourned to meet again ou Saturday, Nov. '1 1805, at-Towu- Hall. Thoy Sec Mo ou My Ftct*_l. Mra. J, W. Maokou, wife of tho afmooaor of Foroat nays, "I havo unod Stark'n Pow- dor with tho ^roato.st auacoya in vory hq voro hoad and ntomaoh comphiintd. Thoy not rao on my foot, having proviaimly trio! numbor.i of othar iromodicEt unau0aodfully can fjiyo thim tho highoU rooommsnda. tion to unffororn from liQadaoho, biliounncnH arid livor ooir.plaiutu. Thoy are inyalu- ablo.V Price 2Bo a bos, 5 boxoti for 91, at all medicine dotilora. Sept. 27. Hiirli School NotcHi Altiqbra Examination Form II M Wiehtman fi9; L. Grifllth 87; 1j. Thibaa- doau 83, S. Wiiihtnmir70j S; RuMHell. 70; F. Arnald 63; M. 11. Jackoon C3-, M Tbibau- doau 61; L. HcnHoll til; J. A. Crozior -19; O. GoimolUG; A. CaHlor-ll;N, B. Slator -U; N. DoLoatf -13; Ijiioinda ^Viglo ill. Tho following lire-tho natnotj of thoso ob tuininj,' 10% or over in pxaminationa ; .. - Engliah Grammar Fonno II add III M. II. Jaolibon, 02; F. Arnold, S2j A. D. Potter, 82; L. ThibaudoMi, 80; A. II. Baemiin, 80; H. B. Slator, 70; L. UuhboII, 71; W. Wight- man, .70; S. .ItiiHaull, fi8; E. Itiohardaou, 70; N.'Oliftou, 08; B. Tri-nhlo, 0B; M.-Guroroa- ford,fi3:L. Wiuk'Ci; J. J.'TulIy, 02; M, MuRac. 5U; E. Irwin, 50; II. Ooll, . 5A; S. Mcliiiiiiililiu, fiG: L. Griffuh, 55, W. Potter, fi:i;S. Ci'iu'u'iutihum. A3; F. Cummiford. ii2; U M. Coolio, 10; K. Hongo.)d, 40; J, Bit ten, 42;. Eniiliah Hititorv, Form II. M. 0, Jack- non, 81; L. rtuimull, 08; II. Trimblo, 04; E, Howo, fill; J..Tnlly, 55, H. .Wiehtman, '50; F. Arnold, 48; F. V. Cummiford, 15;^ H. M. Coolcc, 45; S. Ciiimiu^ha.ra, -14; A. 1*1, Lainu.;il; M, Cummifoi'di40; M. MoHugh, 40; II. B. Bhiter.40. rof^itrn U*cyI Tour, X BVKCtKh COnKHl'ONI>I!N'r DKTAIIiH 111(1 KXl'KH- IKNfJW TO IMIKK 1'UKHH HKADKUH, (Orow<1<>d out lant wocik,) Dkaii Mh. Enrroii: Aftur our two day" ahuoitt iauiurnoptiblo climb, wo rcauhwl NcwluniHon and thu FhIIh of iho Uh)n. -Iniitioall it anm, and apply a fnw Wiiok adjootivt'H but do-' tonrilm it- woll uu intnut.an<'ous4 photo graph aanitdt tlo it; a painting uuntiot; ovon tho print Bayard Taylor faihi whim hr-n'iyn that "it winnowa a utormy olmff ctf nparklin/.; diampiidfi." A phonograph mii;ht roproduco tho tmiind for yon, but yon mtiiit Ioho tho j^rand varloty of motion unloijH.you tako your own ynB thore. ' I oan toll you that it ha tin irrogulur rooky lodijo to plunrjn from, that four huiio lima- atone roolta aoom to attompfc ta bar ita way and that ono of thorn him boon buttroimod to keep lb from bointj hurlod away ; that fchero aro rainhoww in tho oloud of Hilvnry Hpray and that tho omrrald {{roon maim of water ruhhoB hy tho fjtone parapufc, whoro we Htuad, with a mar hko tho hungry aoa; but adcquutoly doHonbo It, I oannofc. Wo loft it and woro da nod and huohod by ita beauty and yraudour until wo reaoliod Sbaffhausdu. two miloa beyond whoro wow aud Htrau^0 hooiwh wakonod na. A iino old round tower hitdi on a hill aud tho cathedral in which in tho boll whioh imtpirod Bohillor'y "8onK of tho Boll," aro tboohiel! attraotiona. nifii:nnt mntmi.iiiiH bohind it Ib btmutiful Qtiouch to be humitt'd by a wholo aquariam of wator didtioH. Bub loveliont of all lathe wealth of tradition And wtory whioh is as. aooiatod with itH bankn. It U an altogether lovely npot if one could on"V OHoape the hotel, tho uah, tho atoamboat, aud other voxatioiiH for whioh natufo and the ^ouiub of thw pluuo aro not to 1)1 amo. Wtilin^orod- alunii aud whoolod away fnluotl^'v. Bornn had now booome our oal. ?^SiiL^r'0'1 P,ulburo ^an^ anc*' .high abovo?u!autifnl piuo foroutH pleaded the oyoa and muj onr ndo , doli^htfnl, Tho hfjim.n roinind UH of that of Little Hud mdiiiKhood'u i^initaoUuii'. Groat bulky, round dhoulderod mountatfiJHfisoftt timon ri^ht bofor'o vou aud aathey Hit upo ihuir throuoa of roou with thoir robeB of foroatii tbuy Hoom mnj(intiaally to dofy your pauiui^o hut tho road fto<tu round and tho irallrdad goodnaturedly divoi through. Tho lino of (oroBH truou la drawn on a mountam-uido with r|iioh military proounon hat Dirnamii wood Hoomud to bomarobin^ u very truth. Mountain Htroamtt aro oromed by covorod bridgoH and tho roof is ho hui^o that it unually hau tho appearanco of haviof! Hpuolohed tho brid^o. How we reaohod Borne and what wo did I shall toll you later. iA.' <h ... - '. '. . A man named tyioHall'a foil off a tufi at Windttor early hint Monday morning and witB drowuod. Ho had boou trying to dmw up a heavylofid and foil ovorboard Ho laavon a wife and ono ohild. Tho rctiiiovo tho conutipu'tcd habit, tho only tiafo treatment iu a courBo of Ayer'a Pilla followed by. a hntutivo diet. Mont otheront1iartio$do harm than good,there-, forelewdiuu phyeioand reoominenedAyer's Pills, fettp(ocially ub a family phyido. ' Don't you know that Hood' Saraaparilla, will oyorcome that tired feolinfl and fltve yon reoewed yigqrand vitality? '\. JsTottco. Tako notion thut a hy lay is intended to bo par He'd by tho municipal council of tho corporation of-the Town of. EhbcX, to levy a frontauo ruto to pay for the building of a three foot pine plunk nidewalk on tho north hide of Albort utrflet, from tho Maidntouo Towiiline to Medora avenuo, and a four foot pinu plunk aidowalk on tho woat Hido of Medora avenue from Albort Htroefc to Talbot titroot, and that-a Htatonient show- inu the lau'dn liable to pay tho (mid vato and tho uamea of the ownots thoroof, ao far an they turn bo aHoertaiiod from tho lawt revlnod aaHOHiimout i-pll, in now Qlod in iho ofllco of tho 'clerk of. tho municipality .and iii open for innpetition .during ollioo houru. Tho ootit of tho work in 134.00 of which 911.411 1b to bo pvovidoil out of tho uanor'ul fundu of the inuuioipallty. A oonrt of rovmion will bo held at tho Town Hall on. Tuemiav tho 15tlr October, at H o'olooU p. m., for tho purpouo of hour ihtfcomplainfcH a^ainet the proponed aa- fieuHimnU or aoenraoy^of'froutago meufl- tireiifieutri or auv other eompUint which purwonH iutorefttad may dottiro to make and whioh it* by law cognizable by the court. .John-Waltkhb, Olork.- Bated at-Uanux, Out. 2nd, 1805. , Uld Vou Kycr riiluk That you Onunot bo woll nnlcas you have pUro, riohblood? If you aro weak, tired, languid and all run down, it is because ybur blood'-to lropoyer.iMhed and laoka vi tality. TheHO troublea^ay, be overoomo by Hood> SuraapUtilla, because Hood'p BarpapardlamakoHpur'e.ricli Wood; It ii i^'^ia>iliit^eRr^\.UM^'t)Qnfli.e)r;;; ' Now boyitn our roal rido in tho Alpa, for wo ab out for Zurich. What ih riding it bicycle in fha Alph? It i partly betnpj a bird, flying and Hoatiug, partly being a Galley olavo, toiling atid "moiling, We would maito a long anaont with onr mu- olen tant and tho nprockct ohain onakihg and our miudR all oblivioua to tho billowy hills aboui ua, then from the Humruit all h relaxed and with feet on tbo aoastera, wo float for two or three milon and exclaim ovory now and then iu wonder or admir ation ovcr-HOuao-Viaw aro now porfootly free to oujoy. Wo reaohod Zur ich, Think of ii hi',0 inhabitatod in pro- hi6torio4imoa^flJQaDaBtr4niu;omain how.' Imagine a long, pah greoo lake, whoao uhoron arn outlinod by orchardn, vinoyarda and rilhigou. Behind thin uoono, conjure lofty alpine mountuinn with their diadem ofnuowuud tho fantastic poultH of tho ItoHHtook rango. Fancy yourBL-lf ou along bridge whioh npunn the end of tho lake whoro tho river ontera, upon whoso banlfN tbo oity of Zurich lieu. Then look up tho rivor lined by qnumt hounoa, a modorn library,, and an old timo stained cathodral. Bet you cannot make youraolf an unoom* fortablo ao wo wore whim wo tried to Und the wiy to Hag. TJnro aro oovon bof.t waya and we found aovon different pooplo who flpoliu itvti difleront ,laugu lro and vebomontly advise a cortain route and an- uortod solemnly that all othern woro un- paasable. In doflnntation,wo took our map, dhut our teeth hard tojjothor and not out on n routo whioh wo cIioko ouniolvea.. Wo noon got into a raco with aatoam thimway and uneonaiouflly cuvorod it great deal of ground and ouniolvea with cheap glory by boating tho oam. Darlmena camo on and we were on a lonoly mountain overarched by.piuo trooo. In tho twilight thoro wan a light groon hazo over evorything. Tho air wuh pure und tbo night innootabuaily bum- mod about ui but our apced miyod ue from any unploBjiaiii.,Jt^ppriqnaea. At Icint a louu glorioiiH count aud we found ourHolveii in Zug whoro a night's rout left im Up\v hearted und opun oyod for tho lakp boantlon about mi. Viowa of tho Ili^i "mouutaina ond Pilatufi and tho Bornono AlpB aro tho chtirm of Zug together with its antiquo walla and towers. On a lonoly road wo act out lor Lucerne, Tho oracli of a team ntora whip alone dinturbod tho otillnoHH. Thin toamhtor of tho raountaina always goto lim cart and oxen at an anglo ahrout, tho roud and thou atopa thorn to noo you go hy when jou oan't. Tho valloy of tho, E'mmo io a ohuractoriatio S^ibb ?a 1 y where tho (ttacp Qidoti aro dotted with oot- taRco and tho bottom laudn havo an oo- oaHiouat town. Tho proapcroua.' Swifla farmor haa a cottago with au umbrella like roof whioh projootn aometimeB ton foot ovor tho BideB, and, the Hiding looka hko tho fcoaloa of a largo fiah, Tho wind ows aro ofton llllod witb flowero. Thodo dwollingo are very.ploaaiug and pretty iu their plaoo and that iu a Bwiaa valley, Thoy seem part of tho lundacapo. Wo woro obliged to buy our dinner at ono of thoHo oottugoo of tho huuiblor aluad and while wo ato our coarse broad and milk and Harry ato no mo horrible pork which ho purohaaod additional, I noted tho interior. A utouo floor, a ceiliug supported by hugp beams smoked black, a stove about tlio a>xo and Hhapo of a Btoumor trunk, a.olook with a bruaa faoo and a lame tiok, a ruuor hung over tho door like JDamootoa aWord,. and yanoua roligiouu oliromoe comploto tho vimblo intormr, but there la an odoriferous and aunferpua interior whioh cannot, bo told, I am going to Rive a, nort of onndena- ed ^uide book deeoriptioD of Luoerne. It has walls and ' nno anoient watoh-tow- era. Itfaoeathe unow-clad' Alps of tho Uri.: There are modiBoval covered bridges painted with ^oenoe from thvvliveu of sainte. i?ho fanioua "Lion pt LuoernVvjB-.by Ttiorwoldeen. The lako. with ""%^^ Diaii Mn. Emron; Wo found as much that waa truly Bwioa *n our rido to Bdrto an in all tho rout of our wandoringa, Thoro aro numberlcBB tayorna along tho roadido with their queer aigntf whioh Boom todod- ioato thorn to the Lion, to tho Bear, tho Sword or Crown. Bouoath tho far-project* iug root io a wooden imago of a Golden Lion, or Brown Boar or bouio hidooun drugoh "whlbli"aWeri~the"right to the numoadoptod. Evoryouo boo ma to havo hia plaoo of baninodH aud roaidouco unitod, und wo iiiid tho oobblor, tho tinner and varioua tradeamop all working iu <hoir owri oottagoa. Thea thoro aro thomakorn of a thouaaud toya and nioknaokH of pido wood, working indiiatrioualy at homo, Thoy havo tho blookH of wood piled artia- tioally in front of tho houue bouoath tie Hunbouuot roof and at the door ia nailed a humblosigu tolliug thoir vocation. Riding amid moan tain's i delightful, Whou wo aro weary, thoro ia alwayn a oloau, graasy plot whoro wo ho down by a stream and allow tho babbling brook to talk UBto aloop. Thoro ia nothing ao oou- duoivo to alnmbor a a long bic'yalo rido and ono of thoBalulling, whiaporingHtroaralotii. Thon tho abundauoo of chorrioo and har- veHtapplog ia Botunploaaant- Wo tried to kcop a railroad in sight during thia ridi>, but it waa a voritablo will o-tho-wiap aud at timoa would dodf;o ntraight into tho aide of tho mountain aud roappoar again, toaninnly, aftor wo had a long rido around. I nearly forgot tho intoroeting feature in arobitootnro whioh givoa a Swiaa.houpo GO wiudowa in tho front. Tho gablu ond ia tho front aud when tho roof ban made iiu raajeatis "awcop to oithor oido and nils brooding over GO windows, there ia a do- oidedly etartliug efleot. Tho SwiflH liko offoctii uuoh ua a brown or yollow field of grain atrotoiiod upon a greon monutain aide whoro it looka liko a huge, tawny lion'a nkiu. But you have boon waiting for rao to roach Berne. Wo reached thut cityjuotao tho auu waa doHoondin'if and tho Alpine ylow waa beautifying all tho glorioua mountain acauery. jporno, city of many fountains; built.on a HandaUno ,>iorilD6Ulit formod.r^it^jAjiiJrj itaatriolB Jll'i^od b^tjirwdtiVor dbver'o'd way.B'foffoot ptwuftrrgoro: oity.r.whoro i*$ifb arbTooTluo old oTook with,tho erowihg cock and proceaHion of boara." 'I'ho hoar: ia tho city's omblom a boar'ti'doo; lV'tnainbainod at tho oity-)o oxponHO. Tho old bridge acroati tho' Aar afiorda a lloo visw. of old anduow rauuioip. al buildiniia. But I ^oau't make vou nop those queer old atruoturoa oo I ahaljJiUrry you along to tlio old oity of Froib'urg which woroaahod boforo noon tho following day. Wo ttaw it flrat from a auapoutnon bridge, 200 foeb abovo a largo part of. tho city. Down far below, the tile roofa and ' atrcota with moving afcreama of people, appoarod ntraii({o ouough. At eaoh ond of' tho bridgo wan. part of tho town an the. bridge levol, altofjothor tho oddout town wo had Boon. An old lima troe thoro haa a pleas ing leftoud utyuohed thut it was 'originally a twig noma'to that city by a lad to herald tho victory of M fir at. After leaving tho ancient' wallH and1 panning near an old, round watoh.'towor, worodo oogorly under the inapiring thonyhfc of noon Booing. Luko Geneva-. Tho approach ia a otiporb mountain dibtriot'whoro Btu- pondous hojghtu, abrupt' proaipiotw and bootling olifia gavo aud took out breath in altomatiuK awo, admiratiou cr horror; At oiio titno wo radp iuto a deep valloy, (Hied with u droad inapirlng uaiat, soon wo vrcra faced by an almost perpendicular imr menaity of rook, 1 know then that Dante did not imagine tho depths of hell but he had' seen them in mountain .faBtneaaes, T^lie miat rolled away and mats of forests, mate of wheat and vegetable,fields lay'^p. on the paoiintain Bide.,. Ahead waflabare, Bnow-oladmapn^in and aa >e rounded a oliff tiiiki GeneValay.'before na far blow, Thatflitat sight 'stopped' tha beating of;ray heartV qPbe.enadftn.bnrat 0f transoendejit oppoeitfi Bids. (Jrofeu hllle rolled ftl from our plaoo of vlow down to the waller's edge. Vovey and other aroall oitiee.lft] whit* aud gllotonfng at the lake side. !JI blue of Luke Loman Ib a Itiyer of Para blue. We ooastod rapidly down into very boaom of this Uvelinesi. Zij went the road and now we turned our ej to our ri^ht, now left upon the mfcjea ohnrintj of the lake. At last we ware.] its nulo und it wim lovoly as before-#11 tbo udded grace of lako birds, tho fli gulla arid Hoa awallowa. What names lake conjure* with" ita beauty. Romkseatx; Voltaire, Byron, Dumaa. and tthelley HtiV all woven a pootio woof aud paimted ita^ deep blue enchantment* there: Bo maii ged, auuwy peakrt rise about it, _Tb* rt SiPot au Midi, the saokarriue Hagi Loaf, thfTrWii0' MeUlerie and the PU adea'an win idtej*tio0; . We '** ":*>&. the lako shore an^|aaae* thoir Klymum fdodi waw thodin^yold Oaatle of* iaolattid rook and trieuj to fanioy* peering fro'm hiHdnugoon, Then up; Ithouo valloy where we passed the u| at St. Maurioo, a little old town, with old abbey, oldentiu Switzerland. Itaol time hospitality in no more, they wouldn^jj lot uh atay all ni^lit. There is a fai^ji! grotto near. The owtior gets two frur^bf; lor exhibiting the fairies and a cssDada.: , It wua Oold, bitterly cold when we start ed next uiominii. Not oven enthosiaam could warm uh when we Haw through,-* lateral valloy tho anowy doomed Mt. Biano. The spray of a^iiaoude whioh we paeaed only made us more ohilly, Tho Rhone valley is low aud marshy but with a glgan- tio range of mountains ou both sides. A turn m tho vallov revealed tho first rays of the mm. and an tho valley runs east and wout, thereafter we woro warm enough' The vegofcation began to be rankly inxuH^ ant. ApplpH, plume, apricots, poaohea and_ all ripo und in oaay roaoh as we ride by;< my rmombrauon and droam of that rl*B Kvoryouo oarrioa a basket balanaed n^imj the haad and the women all knit Industrie oualyauthoy all walk along with la4<$ baukota. Tho lowor alopea of tho grjpjf paraloll mountain ranges have vlneyaretgS ai)d voaotablo.plots bub bitfb above all are I haiQ rooka, enow aud itolitudo. Again and] and again tho valloy aeoraa blocked by jtCa Gyclopoan rook aurmountod by a ciistle andtl wail. BomotiujQB thoro iu a break in thai ooutinuoua wall whoro a turbid atreanif] riiHliea through a'gorgo to join the RhoneM The outor tuna on tho r*ar wheel of myl bioyala burata ru^alurlv onoe a day poi and wo ait down roaiguedly to w"iiid-oi woro pifloo of leatfier or old tiro about'tt^J Thoohanceaof it puuoturo are small'$'<& oauee thoro in a double lay or of outer Wran^ pint; at uaarly ovory point in the oiroamJJ fcreneo. The old ahip.ia getting autteaJ worthy but wo shall not ubuudou hVj while patnhoa will keop hor up, Wei:'t|*((| juat uniahed one of tlioae reparationjj whou a crowd of young meu with al iitocka appeared-and~wo" veGoguisse^jJl ua tho old crowd on tho "Voedj Truly, tho world is not vory larg oxoUanged RroQtin^a and they antouiHhmeut if we were really going tho paaa among thn glauiers with Choi hioyclcH. Wo.anuworcd by bidding tti^m ({oodbyo and wheoling ou \ toward Briejjj where thu groat paas bogine to aaOQioffl Beforo roaohiug Brleg wo mado a purbJiaSi of a quart of luaoious mountiuii B>r^Wb rioH for about two oouto; moro about :.Xb5 " later, at proBent, romembor that we;;,] them carefully in mv oaso.' XJonT;OB iirrivul at Brir;;, wu Wore surrouod.ed/ anfl harraaned hy a orawd of hotel drumroejjj who ussurod ub that at tbub hour (6^ it xvaa impoafublo and absurd to BtarUoyJ tho Bimplon. Vi of thoir importuuiticr, and half in af d! of advouture, puahod tbo koo eager i uhuJu,'bought a l&af of bread and'.'.etavl up tho paaa walkimi and pushing 'it whoola. ".' H ^ ----- '... ' -:/r-'m CllVXtCil OFTHK ASOKB(i HAMILTON. ICV W- *>"- ^Vn4-, Uector tf Hi toa'N lieadlntr Kudorwu* Dr. Potvder, JgplaoDpal "Qfiw m A leader of tho Epieoopal denom.il in Oundada, ifl the Kov. W. H. Wadej tor of the Ohuroh of -.i-At"1" Among the merxibers of thia pbm numbers of the moat wealthy and'Vfajl able people of the AmbitlouBOity^ini loved indeed ia thoir reator, laX&T hehas'uaedDr. A^new'B Oatarrtfa der, and been more tbau pleased^W good rtir*.*lt obtained.. The aatfi has been euoh that over hia own:.rai he has fraoklysaid to the " '*" "" that thia uibdioiuo i. a ^ gives the relief that la elf One abort puff of the the Blower, Bapplied \wMftV; Or, ARuow,a;0atarrfr|n;,1t17, thia Powder over the aorfaoe passages. Pain leas and delft it reliyes in teh mint:tea, 'an^ ly oures fcjatpjfr)iy Hay Fever^Ci ache, Sore Tbrpnt^TpnBllitlB.W]. eooents.- .Bam^l^^tl^-iiri^SB on' reaelpt of two wee^^nl; sta" Det^hon.OOhnroh street, Tor, piaw^ioU.ybi'i^^^ '.";, '" ."V^'vi'1

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