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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 27, 1895, p. 5

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Mm-- t.V' JE&Lm - ESSEX ^WBJJSl-JPRHji^a .-tVa> M> fc i#-TALr. .QL JLTpWN * /V*"/^ <"\ / Vw* * FRIDAY, SIUTEMBEU27. ISO^i. ^ V BOY RANTED,-At Urn Fukk 1'iikhh office, apply at onco. Wanteu. -By yuunu warned man, three famished rooms. Apply at thin office, Leamington 1'alr opened ou WodueHdoy and will conclude to-day, Hay is mlliutf at S10 a ton in Ennnx the boat prioo of Home year* punt. Twenty cuhub of typhoid (over are im ported in the.Chatham hospital. Bov. J. B, Gundy, of Windsor, io roport. ed BunoiiHly ill of typhoid fever. Typhoid fewr U rnnro pruvulent at Windsor thin year than for nuuiy yearn pant. Paimnor Iriiftlo westbound on tho M. 0. 11. in reported an somewhat heavy at pruBunt: Tho Lord's Supper will ha obsurvod in tho Preubutorian ohuroh next Sabbath ormug WA^TAd. 100 cords of 1 foot wood, atd 25 cords of liO inch wood. Apply to Wm. XjAINJ. The town couuail have iinally flxod tho rate of taxation for 'l895 ut 25 110 0 milla in the dollar. A trifle ovor tho rata of 18'J-i. Road Smith's Advortihomont. I'orolotliiuc and gout's funmihinfiii o to M.J. Witflo&Co's. .For froflll cakes und confectionery of nil kinds go to Shoemaker, tlio bakor. ' Grand Millinory opening at tho Croat Corner Btoro, Friday September 27th, and following days. -Two.farraH for no-la, ouo 25 aorcw nnim- proved.ono 50 acres improvod. Tatms easy. G. E. Smith* no., Essex. Dr. Boaharcl, of Belle Kivor, now haugs .....outbiu uhiuglo in Windsor. Tho froutior oity aportfl oi^hteon doctors. What a iinup for tho uudortakorG, Ratopayoru of tho town of Blonhoim . have votod a by-law authorizing tho build ing of a now town hall. Blonhoim is up- pareutly very much ahvo yet. Ease* morohautH mo making groat pre parations for th* coming fair. Everybody expents a bin crowd will bo prewont at tho Great Southwestern this your. The" Lake Erio and Dotroit Bailway Co. havo a Hfcaff of onginoorH at work aurvoy- inf tho routo of their propoHod extonhion from BidtJotoww to St. Thomaa. Owing to tho county fairs juat about ommoneing, tho County Epworth Loagno Invention, to have boon held thin month lngavillti, has bi-on postponed. o Ponmaulur Oil and .Can Coil pany q villago of Tilbury, is tho latOBt vou 'o in tbo gas buflinusn. Tilbury has Avideutly go no oat of tho canal business. Tho M. C K. shanty whioh doos duty as -dopot at Windsor, wan on firo last Sun day making tho third time in about a yoar. It Htill Ht&ndo a a monuaient of tbo M. C. B. Co.'b goneroBity to Windsor. A lively and onthuniatjlm ^arao of base ball was playod bocwoon tbo homo Loam and a toum from tho Shuol anttloraem, JSandwioh South on Saturday aftoruoon Although tho (jurao wan nnannounood a {ow lovorfl of tho amo woru on han 1. Pork packing merchants aro writiou Bun ox ao u uly buyer* aguio, complaining nf tho groat quantity of soft pork that comon from this coun.ty. Bjjhox faroierH arc "killing tho gonuo that iayii tho goldun etiii'1 in tUiu habit of giving too much soft toed to thuir pork for the purpose of producing |y qniuu results. PaolterH threaten) to rufuHe S - eutiroly any pork bought in Ebboi county. | . MatohoH, fl boxen for 25o at fcJmith'H. |; Now'dreBB goodH, extra valufcB at M. J. ' Wiglo &. Co'u.. ';-, Wm. Shoomakf-r ih now prepared to du ty Jivor fresh bread to auy part of tbo town, | V give him a call. \. Tho attention of Pbmc PiiEBn rt*adori^ jh % directed to tho advt, uf J. MickleboroUKli, I'drygoodoimporier, St. Thoruaa, in auothi.r i.^oolumn. The firm mukea a spocialty of ilmportod gcodH, and tbouo wishing to buy rthe lar^o ouutrcs would do well to write- r.Mioklcborough for partiaularH *a epooial for Muuday AOch, ^ off on ^.all drBD fiooda worth JlOa and over por ir-yrd, one duy only. I?. Tho dinuor and concert giveu oo Tuco IL iftj^ovoning in connection with St. Puul'b ohoroh waa a lnost dtoided auccess, and ^'loflootod great orodit upon tho congrega- lotion of that church. Tho dinner, winch Vr;Vaa given in Mr. Sin^on'H rink, was daut By prepared and cvurythfng that a portion's ^appetite could wish wrh to bo ha 1- ^'About 8 o'clock whou every por.ion haJ douo ample juitio* at tho tab!a tho gutmtx ':'. repaired to the hall whoro an oxuellont .maaioul programmo hv<t been arrangid. . Tlieconimittoo had oparod no painu in | /'procuring the boat musical talont, and the i;big uudiouoo. showod iiu approoiation by jj'<tbt) hearty oncoroa that each fmltjotion w -givou. Tho luttbr p'irt of tho p';o 'u'liripMia waL* rtceiv<d with ua mnuh enthuaiasm aw tho commonoomont. . Mr. "iXaug, of Windsor, wa* utniblo to bo prm ? cut, but llifl part wa^ ulily filled by au ad Jjflitioual hoIo from Mifta VanVolsor. I^-'.'St.-J- Wiglo A.Co.'h ton trado in tholurtf- i^ieitJu the hiutory of their bu&hu.Bfl. Tbo lison ih not bard to guetrn. jSirMeQ and boyo clothing, extra good yftluo fefcSmith's during fair week. MP- A I $126,000 worth of Dry Goods in all-its various and important branches placed within easy access of the people of Essex .and vicinity.. THE COMMANDING CONDITIONS OF TRADE has become a very Worthy and interesting quoBbion with the public mind in. outlying town, and counties. Tim remedy for umall find Htalo bIooIcb of Dry Goodu with high and uncertain price- m boing rapidly fipphfid with ody mnrvolouH succoan. BIGHT ALONG THIS LINE tho peoplo arc linding it a Ki'owingnocoHBity to reach ii lur^cr tniding contro. Our i-touk cuiiHif-ta of colored uud black Dn.sm Cru'oda, Silica mid Volyotn, etc, $15,000;. Millinory and iUfin- tloa, $2a,0()0; PrintH, Tablo Linoni], Towoliiigfi, &c., 0,000; llouvy Staplos,- $9,000; Ilonicry, Glovnri, &c, $G,000; Lacoa, Bmall-waroa, AoM $-.1,000; Drcnn Trimmingo, Lining?, ttc, gfi.000; Ladion' Underwear and Coraots, itc, $<J,000; OontH* Furmuhi'Qga,. MoiVb Furs, &o., $M,O0O; Ordered and Hoady-madc Clothing, otc, $10,000; Carpota and Houflo Furnifdiinga, otc, 55*21,000; all bought direct from Europoan malcorH. Our Central Location Oar oxcollcnt railway accommodation; our twonty-two yoava corinootion with tho great mannfactnrintc centres of J'hivopo, our uigantio and very comploto stock in ovary dopartmont; oursplondid mnnagomcnl and stifc principled of transacting buHinoBa; oiu* ability to noil at a closo margin on malcors* cost, all point tbo people to - thin immonso merchandising establishment. It will bo in tho intovoafc of tlio pooplo to eomo ono hundred miloH to trado with ua. We guarantee a big saving on every dollar. Mickleboro 243 and 245 Talbot Street, St Thomas. gh Ur.tiKl Band Social. Tho Ladion' Aid of tho WnriouH town oimrchoti havo aomplotod arrangements for a arand BOoial for tho boneflt of tho Ehqsx BraKB Band, which will bo tfivon on tho lawn at T. U. DoCew'u roHidonoo tbi" ovoniug (Friday). Toa will bo worvod a 30 o'olook, program of mnoio oto.. to com inonoo at 8 o oloolc. Everybody ia invitod to conao out an give tho couoort a boom. Potito L'oto poatortioo, thiH aouutv, lUo dead booaime nobody out in that homo of tho oarly radiali witntH to bo potitmaBter. Tno oold Wiwa of Monday laofc oauaod tho ceul dnaleruo chu'ekta iu Iuh bIoovo, uh lie commonuod to solicit ordora for iho cominR wintcr'a Hupply. Walter J.. Dowar, tho old .reliabla mor- cham tailor, bau a word for our ruadorw in another oolurau. Wulior oujoyfl tho dig- tiuotion of boiug ouo of tho piouoer mer chants* of Esaox. For tha Groat BoutbwHtctrn Fair at Ebbsx Town, thu M. C. R. will uoll tiokotn at iiingle fare for thu round trip, good (joiug Oatobur lot, '2nd iind 3rd, i{ood to roturu until Ootobor 4tb. J. B. Scott, a Loauiingtou fruit grownr, huB iittomptud tho uxporiment of i.l.ippmu fruit diroot to England. Aftor <T. B. getH rttHinn he will probubly wih bo had ped died hia fruit in Ehpdx county. iMoaHra. E. 0. Luck, forraorly landlord of tho Araoriuan Iiouao, horo, aud Harry North, who huh uJbo connected with tho American, have leuaod tho SollarH* Houbv, Combor, and will tultu poHooaHion on tho lut of Ootobor. A looturu ou mitiaioii work in Japan, iiluBtratod by Btorooptinon vicwi, watt jfiv^n in St. Fanl'Q church lunt Friday evening, by J Uoopor Rcr-iuuon who haa had ai'x yuaro' ojeporionoo in tbo worlt. Ho wan aocorjQpuined by a nativo of Japan. Lonoon morchantu uro "kicking" at tho inaoauerH of tbo Wohteru Fair, hold in that oity. Tbuy claim tho fair iu held too oarly in tbo hijuhoii to bti ut any bcuoQt in the way of trado. They 'idiouldu't try t got iu uhoud of tbo Grt^at SouthwoBteru. Fruit Jam: pintH 70 coutB, quarto 80 OQiitH, hnlf-cailoiiH &1, por doz. at M. J. Wi^l <Si Co.'u. Conjo quick. Laat Friday evoui*^ the' MiBHion Band of tho Baptiat ohurci) bold an open moating, Tbo programmo connintdd of hinging and rooitatiouB. It wua moat nucoounful and enjoyable inoutititf. Tho proooedh wont for thu payment of u carpet Bont to Grand Lifiue miniiion, Quobea. Tho mn id born o( tho HJhoox tounu olub arc very grateful to tbo aoutlumaulv(?) author of the artiolo in laut week's Am- horatbur/4 Loador, regarding the mutohen playtid hero botwoon tho Itaudallu and homo players. If tho prod notion in tho Loader iu a fair sumploof tho literary abil ity of thu fjautletnun whofle aignaturc uppoara mvortud, a ^roat futuro lien before hluo aay on a publication iiko the Detroit Sunday Bun-. Tho annual mooting of tho local W. 0. T. U. waa hold at Mr*. (Dr.) Brieu'tion Ihb' 2nd inBt. Buoiuons of tho paat year waa' diflouRnod and oQIcera for tho propoat year floated, uflfoliowfi: Mm. Church, Proei dent; Mrs, Jaa. Bricm, lift Vioo Prouident MrB. Campbell, 2nd Vioe-Proijidout; Mrn. Stono, aorreflpondinji and roRording ttcoro tary; Afr. MoiSwan. Trouaurtir. Two now mombora woro roooivod into tho union. Jtfcdogatou were olettted to attond tho County Convention. What have you to oxohan^o' for a npw fanning mill, or will sell chnHp for cash, M, J. W^U'.fcCo. Young John McCliutio bad hm collar bono broken in a peculiar manner whilo oatahing bohiud tho bat at a ball f'amo on Saturday. Whilo iu tlio not of taking tho ball behind tho battar ho reached pretty far' forward und rocoivod a blo\v from tho hat an tho umpiro,called "atrilto ouel" Mr, W. L. Stuttn, Cottatn, brought to thiH oflloo tho othor day a half doaon oara of wbuo aud yellow dont corn, winch have boon very much admirod. Tho nix' oars woighod 9 poundB and 7$ ouncoa. The largoht mauHurod 10 incbou in ciruumfor- onco, and 13 inoheB in Ungth. Who wants to boat that. AnniyorBary Bprviooa will bo bold in tbo Baptmt ohuroh on Sunday, October 13th, for whioh arraDj/crxuntB are now boing made. It lBcxpooiod Rev. A. J. Vining, of Windaor, will preach annivonmry eor- iuodb, and will dollver a leotnre ou Juanon, tho aroat Baptist miBdionary, on tha follow- ioc evoninfi Ootobor Mth. Pnnoipal Hundorhon saya: "LaBfc Fri day aftoruoon nino mombera of my third olriBB wore abHeut from Q'jhool. If paronta expect their childrou to piiun oxamJHationu with an uttondauoo auoh an this, tiicyMl.be 9udly miutaken in thoir naloulation, u no pupil who fuilH to cover the work laid down in tho courno will reooiyo promotion. Thin applica._tQ.uvory clona in tho school. A man named Halsteid, who wan work ing ou tho H'Xh lino above folton, wun hurt by u polo which waa uuod iu unloading tho pipe the other day. Ho was utauding in front of tho wauon whoa tho pipe fell and tho pole Htruck him on buo head knocking hiradown. Ho was inaonsiblo for a few liourfl, but waB brought to Eaaox for modi- uul ire&tmont, He ih recovorinu. Tbo annu&I county convention of tho W. C. T. Xi. will bo held in KingBvillo on Thuraduy aud Friday, October 10 and 11. All who arc interested in temperance work are invited to attend. A good programmo will bo prepared. Minn Ifholps, tho wi-11- known teuapfcruncu lecturer, haying In-en on a trip to tho old country, will givo a v*ry interesting luGi.uro.ia the evening. Mho. C. E. Navlor. Boa. Uf Halo ut Smith's Monday on dritmi goodn. Spfccia] valut-o in bhtuk drtBn qoodH W. J. Wigleft OoV A Snrt Fatality. A fand acoitiont, through whioh Mra. Robt. Girliok, of Elford, loHt her li'fa, oc curred laut Sunday oyoning. MrH. Garlick wau roturninc from Camp Palmer, and waa driving alone in a democrat wagon toward hor homo, ou tho townline, whou tbo horfi(*B booarao unmauagaable and run away, She waa thrown out on tho romi, in front of Jaraou Saltor'ti whither abe wau carried in au uncouooiouR condition. Dr. MalCouziu wau Bummouod, but on examination, held out no hope of horro- oovery, aud dottth eudod her Buffering about uix o'clock ou Monday morning. Tho romaiua woro taken to tho fawly homo lifter whioh fuuorat Horviooa woro bold at Elfoid Mothodiub ohuroh ou Tuo. day, followed by interment at KingBvillo. Rov. O. W. Konnody oiliaiatod. DoooftHud waa auod 48 yoarw, and wan tbo naothor of Right children. Shn way an active momher of tbo IVlethodiut ohuroh and will bo much mioued in tno neighbor hood KShox AhhIzoh. Fuhnor vo. Kinnoy.-^ Action brought to rooover 91.000. prico of au 80 aoro farm in Mich,, traded to R'. O, Kinney for a Iiouho and lot in Detroit and Home Windfior property. The, Detroit property wau novor fourth coming. . Judgment for plaintiff for 81,'250 coat* and dnmagon, no dofouBo. Queen vh. Geo. and Thou. Knight, charg ed with Hloaling a nteur bo|onj;ing to UriaH PhilHpH, vordiot of notguihy was roturned. Qaeon VH.RIyroo, Thin was tho burg. lury v.BMQ in which Mr. R>ohardflon, of this town, wrh the informaut,. TheparticularB of tho ca^e -aro pretty woll known. Tho jury woreunablo to agreo and oro dia- raiHBud. Tho oubo wau laid over to tho spring UHniz*H. Greou va. AndorHon. Thia was a case in whioh A. J. Groon, of Eibox, buob to re cover from J. D. Anderson, bIbo of this town, 81.750 advanced on a patent ne gotiated by ono Cnthbertson, of Chioiigo, Thu ouiiLi occupied uovoral days and has oxcitod much intercut from ita oomplioatud nature. Soverul wituonneB woro oxammod. Judgment waa reserved, i+ ~ Ladio't oapod and coata at Ioob than maJiufu3furor'n prices at Smith'u. Smith's Special for October. Moot people in-KmicX und surrounding'county know uu by our fair douling and low priooH for bout quality ol goodn, Our.oaloa for-ilio past months of 18W> are ho far ahoad of 18S4 that'it in il good; wign of inoroasing protjpority in tho country, and u nuro aign of tho growing popularity of our Htore.-Wc aro-natiH/iod with tbo ronult, Tboro is not a Htoro in ISaaoxbdy or hqII troodf) choapor iibnn wo do. Wo could give roanOnn wliy, but tbo Mtutomont urnuniciont. If you don't think ho compa.ro our vahiow with any and bo convinced. You aro invitod to call wlion in town and aro welcome, purelnuing or noL. Dress Goods. Which ooiiHiiitn of the loading linos. Wo pay particular' attention to Black and Navy Ulun, thot'o are tho leading nharinH for Fall mid Wintor. Wo ottn- notgivo you miy idea of tho values, you numb nee tbom. Just think of if, double fold dniiH goodu 10-inehuH wide, for KIu, upoeinl valued at 2Sc: and fiO- inch all waul hIkoh, worth flOo, for .'JBc. Oroatest valuo over shown. Staple G-oocls, (Jur Htnck r rtiuplo Goodti i^i vurv cheap, quality couuidi-roU. Special priuiiH in Cotton by the pieou. Good Toweling, Blurting, JFInnnollotio. l^rints^ and Art MuuliiiH, -iio por vardj Tablo.Napliliui, large, OOo por doxflir, Tablo Linen, 17^0 poryarii; Grey FJanuclH, JO40. hotter and all wool, Mc; Feather Tioking,l3c; CptAuado, extra ho-ivy. Uiq: Floor Oil Cloth, 87a>r y^'U Wlitta Blankota, 90o per pair; Genttt' Undomhirtu and Drawurn, aii wool, <io each; Ladion' Winter VcHtf and Drawers, whonHuifc Hold together, 42da ouch. Top Shirts and Cardigan Jackets iu groat varittY. Ladies' Mantles. In Ladiei.' Mantles wu haye iiocurod a job lotVf As-mploFi at a low rate on tho dollar. Wnvjfmr thnm at ahout ono-third mider pW^H wanted by othor ruor. chantii, rpffiilar97.o0and 8 0O hue for 36 7/5; *0.0u^#1(l 3l0 00 'or"M.76; ftll.OO and 81.1.00 fur 81000; a hpuoial. line, regular JiJ^OOgoodB for 'J.6B. L <ioot Htyleji in Wintor Capun. The quantity ut above ouTilMA^^VtM^Jojr iiod. Don't put off your buying until all are pold. Will bo pleaaoJ to hOpurchuHing or not.' Ready-Made or Ordered Olotliing. In Itondy-Mrulc or Orderod Clothing It in impossible for u* to doioribo, or toll of the good things wo have for you. You nmnt aoo thorn, to judge. Boyn' B11 i10 from OOo up; Men's All Wool Two*d Suits, UJ.05 up, thu greatest Bn*p yon ever nuw; Extra Long and heavy Overcoats for mini, ft'1.08; only a limited numhor to ho sold.at thono pricrn. VVo m-iko a upociulty of ordered clothing, nothing ohoap or nhoddy, a iit. (.'tianmteod. AM Wool Twcod SnitH made from 8111.75 up; Fancy Worsteds, 815.76 up. Give ub a trial. Ladies' and (rents' Fine Shoes. Ladies' and Genta' Fine Shoos ut prices to 1111 it all. llomombnr that all lines of JiootH and SiioitH have advanced from 35 to GO por cent, but for all that wo aro mdling Winter Bootw. during Oct.nbur, at old pricutt. With ready oaub and anticipating au ad.vanao wo bonghi ourly, having an eyo to oar ouBtomara' pnokHtit as woll as our own. Aide tonne our Ladion' und Children's Kangora, Shoes und Gouts' Grain and Veal Kop Boota. Woguaruntoo them wutorproof a.m\ not to get hard. Hats and Gaps- All the latost in Jj'mII and Wintor HatH and Caps. Capp, largo range, 25o; Gouts'Folt HatH. -lOo up. Groceries. Choice and FrHh GroooritiH at prices always the cheaptht. To ho siir* wo have tho licit '2Cm Tun in Ehucx, ask for free uamplo, A Doxoo BoHt Matchoa for 25o. -- , - Ladies and Gents , Do you want a bargain in Fur OoatH and Capoa or anything in tbo Fur liiio. We will exhibit at the Euhox Fair, Ootobor 1, 2 and 3. tho largest aflnortmonfc evor shown in Essex-, and guarantee that you got thorn at wholoflttlo pricuH. Ik moans a Having to you of at loaHt 50, por oont. Wo wilt tako your ordor and deliver gdoda at any time wanted iu noxb throe rao^thii, giving you tho bonofit of wholeyalo price. Wo Holicit a aharo of your patronage, fooling sura wo can ploaHo you. HlL'h School Kotou. The following aro tho ntimos of thoiiq ob taining 40% or evor on Arithmetic exam* inatiouH, In forum H and III. L. Grif fith 83. M. Wightman 78, L. Thibaudoan 73, N. D. Slator 71, K. Ruaaell 70, J. A. Cronior 08, M. Cummiford 05, fit. H. JaokBonCG, hi. Canninghum CO, M. Thi- bandoftu 58, A. C. Walters 55, L. WigJo fi-i, J. Tolly B3, F. Arnold 46, M. McHao 44. ... ^------ You ami buy fuia at Siriith'n next week at cost prices. Tbo bitut hue of boots and shooa is at Smith's. D rt. TROUPE, M. v, Univoreitv o' Toronto, M- B., Trinity Univor BitvM. O. I*. B. 0., lato of fit; Bartholoinow'n Boiipltal and Moorflolil'n Itoyal Ophthahnlb noHpUul,Loudon. Knitlund. Hpocial aUcntioti clvou to diBoaiioB of tho eyo,oar, nofla and throat onTjo hour1* 11 to 12 11 in,, 1 to a and 7 to fl p. ,n. Ollloo und ruiildoueo, 05 Ouollatto ayo., vVindiior, oppoolto St. Marj'o Aoadamy. Tol. 10B. UKETJ nxVMKNT At EfltfQX ' Si'pt. 19, 1805, by Rev. M. P. Campbell, V m Elian flayweut to Mian Mimiie 'McD .p, aid, hath of Staples. Wheat rod per buBbel..,.$ 52 to fiJ Wheat, white .... 5(> Corn .... JO Oata .... 20 to .22 Timolhv Siod .... 2 50 Clover Bond ____ 5 75 to 5 7G Alaike .... -1 50 Hay per ton............ 7 00 to B 00 in-of per owe .____....... 1 60 to 5 00 Pork ............ 5 50 to 5 50 Mutton ............ 5 00 to 550 .Hideo............ , 4. 50 ohieltomi por lb.......... ..8 8 Butter .......... 18 Hi Lard .......... 10 10 Egga, per doss .......... 10 Potatoes, per buehol .... 80 to SO Onions :..." 80 to 80 Applon ' .... 80 to 80 Turnifft Oto ^ Carrota .... . '10 Bcota -.. 5n Parsnips .... 40 Turkoyn per lb..'........ 8to 0 Duoks.......... y Celery por doss .......... ; 1 00 Cabbage ...... *. 2B Ulrum tWullcor A-Uoii*MujrkctUeprl No. 1 Rye, per hushol .... 4B '15 1 OatH ..... 20 , I Barley . owfc 90 , 3 0Wt 8 The 'a novo prion'1* am n aid by. IT, Wff>V* Son*, \Vtilk.rviU.i, Onr. :'..;.- Whitney Block, Ehhox. G. B. SMITH & Co. .: 'jeryW- m.iovoj* JVCilner Wagons Sell at Right. Why ? Because tbey aro boilfc right. Pry na for Buggies, Plows and HarroWfl. W. H. RICHARDSON Hardware, Essex. Is expected to visit the Great South-Western Exhibition here next week.when I expect to show him and all the rest of the crowd what we can do right here in Essex in the CarriageBuilding line Anyone desiring a first-class. Buggy or Market Wagon, please give me a call at my stand in the Fair G^rotinds, where yon will find the article and prieeto suit you. Carrei'a'g Wi#rky, Talbot ^t, east a. '"> -::' IH r-'J : .. iS RIM

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