mx. =': m -. ".v. : IP*; WILKINSON'S '$<;'-"' .. Choice Fresh Groceries, If.':.;;. Provisions, Touh, CofTooH "'"'. and SpicoH. Special linos in Crockery. ifcr. Christian Endeavor Scciety'"1 Bfc. Pttul'H Ohurob, )*'-M TUESDAY EVG., : OCT. 1ST 7$] Everybody Oomo. VOL XI. No W. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1896 WHOLE No.570"tl f" Co. fnvife You to their NORTH WDGE. Afro. Adolphuii Noble viuitod relatiyeH in WalkervlMo hut week, Jack Front nhowod tin 1i;h pale fiico hint 1!ui!Mtl'iy morning for tho Unit time thin HCll'i'ill, Philemon Gil boo, and wife, of MaulHtono Ci'O'id, wort) iho fjitotitn of Potor Cttlbon, and wife, f tliin pluou, laftt Runday. Thoro'n h lair m tho Town of Kiinox noxt TuoHd'uyf" Wounoflday and Thursday. Do nuro to attend and don't forgot it. illin^ry enin g Friday, ^Sept. 27th, and following days. Our display of Pattern Hats is very choice, and represents the very latest French and Amerioan styles. In Mantles and Gapes our selection exoels in style, quality and price. We are sole agents in Essex for Max ^r Muller, the acknowledged king of cloak makers. COTTAM. Mrn. W. B. Jtollott bait [jono to yiuit frioudH in Detroit, Mr. and Mru. Jolin Smith havo lout tlioir youn^Ht ahild who diod laiit Tuca duy. Mrn, J. T. Brown ban gone on an ox* tendod vinit to hor old homo, Grand Itnpidii. 'Loightrm Pi^ltor loft Monday for tlio Northwest. A. Warnar, on ticoount of liio uon having tho typhoid fovor, will not bo ublo to leave for noma tirno, Itfimi G. Shaw, from Illinoin, in vinitmg linr fatbtir, Kov. *V. Vi, Sliaw. Kho in it gifted muiiaiiui, and has Hucurod a number of pupilu to tiiko Iohooiiii in inotruuiqntal munio. .Siib hau a rich alto yoice, excelled by fow. Hor ninj>inu ancl1 playing show Kroat culture. SANDWICH. Chariot; Puque^uot vifiitod tbu London Fair. 3-00 Pago, of tlia firm of Pago it Dcaroa- iorn, returned Iaat Sunday from hiu wed ding tour. Ho wout Monday on abuaineotj trip. AntoinoLafforty, B.A., LX.B.,of Wind- HorVtook-diiVrteHftHtrHTnrduy^vTth bin men - tor, J. P. Jubenvillo, ax-toucher, and now ol the ox2iao. Tho managing couimittao of the North Eu9ex Teachem' AHHoeiation, mot last Sat urday at Inspector Girardot'H oiuno and docided to hold tho convention ju Sand wich on tho 2Hh and 25th of Ootobnr. Ed. Douuolly, of tbo Evortfruon Poultry Yardti, swept uvcrytbinj,' at the Toronto Fair in tho Light Brahma lino. At the clone of tho fair ho Hold a brooding pun of htfht Bralunaa to a party from Indiana for tho small riiuii of tJiO. On Saturday, thu 2Ut iutit,.-Juleii Uobi- net broke grouud for a throu-atory build- ( Iiik on thu corner of Bedford and Mill -utreetur- Uiioof tho floora will bo uod for a hull, whioh iH vrv much nuodotl. Tlio lower otoroy will bo a atore. turio Nuturtil Ohm On. of tho Tronoli :H"n^, Gamp No. '2, dcmlro to iixproart tboir appre- oiatinii of tbu vm-y ugmoiLblo nntmicr in whioli you havo lillod your pouitiou in ru- upoot to your unt)oiiLtinnn with tho moii undor your nuporviiiion. lu tokoii of tbo oHtdom borno you. \vw dowiro you to itooopt thid Hmull gift, uinbloniatic of tho ordor 11* whioh you tuko much intoronb. Wo pro- wont it, not buauum- of Hh intriruiio valuo, but puroly an a tokon ol our j^ratitudo and approoiation of your kindnoun. Ilopin/; you will t.-vnr woar it in romembranoo of ttimooiutioii of (.-amp No. '2, Tronoli Gtmii, wo ari;, till!u(id <>" bohalf of Trouoh Gung, Camp No. *2, Ontario Natural Gnu Co. fit. B. Campjiumj, Committoo j W. D.Ahamh, (itoincuT Wilcox. Kbbox, Sept. 2lKt, lflOii. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. "Efu:x, Sispt. 1-Itii, 1805. Council m-3t in upooial no.iniou, tlio may or in tho ahair. PrnHont: Al'iyor, roovo, tlcputj -raevo, and roiMoillorii Goo. Bartli, 1>. Wldtnoy, J. A. Ilioks, A. Kainou, J. A. Kofio, G. J. Thatnim, and J*'. IiobiiiHOii. A co^tniinicuticii wan road from Mr. J. M. Hiokd nFiking tho privilogo of boUiiu; bonoH and raoftinj; tallow on blookl07, thoro being no hou-iuH within 000 foot of whoro th-j work in i . bu limnj. Movt*d by Air. Birth, nocoiided by Mr. Tuonvui, th-Lf. the 'communication of Mr. Hickrt b-j laiil 'ivf-r for further oonnideru- tion. Carried. -fiom Im'Hm itM^ontod'Woroou motion of Mr. Jj'iirJ, n'i-.o-](\fi(\ hy Mr. IJartb, roforrtsd to tho Fiii:'iiuj ctjitirnittoo.' Miovod by Air, Laird. Huoondnd by Mr Barth, ih U t.-.i-j o-miraunioation of Mr, Winmor re indaivatkii bu ftlot for future roformioo. (J'^rri-'d. By-law N\>. 2U0 to animaH and levy rulcy for XH\)i> \v*lh road a hrnt tirno. County rato 1 1/10 iiu'.:1m, Public School 7 in ills, and Hitib Koliu d mte 2j mUlti woro ayreod upon. ' XboPiouucO-OOoimittooroportod rouom- mouding payment of $3.'. % to Jmnufl Bot- oono (or cutting Llnnlloa, Gn motion <d ivi>*. Barth, Hocondod by Mr. Wiiaiu^y, tho roport wau tidoptud. Conuoil thun iidjournod to TuoHtJuy ovon- iiitf, Clio 17th of September. .Ions Waltkiu, P. A. Dkwah, Clark. Mayor. a-'or^ira JtIcylo Tour* A fll'KOIATj COUUlIHPOHOlINT MiTAII/l IflHllXI'lfU' IKNCI.J TO I'll KM 1'llHHH llWAM-lHit. Auj{. '.U.lHIi.l. BARRETT & Co j^>:,,Tj; Mias . Hutton is still in l^'.pharge of the department, and f^wiifi a good staff of assistants ^;-wiII be pleased' >io welcome r|;!.;all! ESSEX, ONT. Gun .Notes. Siuoo tho inception of diiigintf and pipe laying by tho O. N. Gaa Co., tbo supply of laborerd ban moro than oxcoodod tho do- maud. Pui.L oxporiouco brni taught tho company JoaHouu in handling th work moro idulfully und nuooonnfully. Akhou|{li tho Wduthor.boB btn vory hot and aultry, and tho ground hard to dig> yot th proa out Fttuff of oiHoiala uro mantonj of their Hovoral dopartments. l-'or tho oonvenienoo of tboir onoployeoB tho corapauy havo Iaryo tontinK outflta, which, uuder the cirouuiHtanacit, aro a nocoQidty. While many of tho moii havo found board at privato Iiouuoh and botohi along tho linn, thoro hnvo boon mou com- ing and goiug almont daily, who would tmvo dihloulty in gotMiig board, houoo tbo wiiJotn of the company m boiut; tbufl pro- purod. Ah in common to all puplio wotks, mon hava worked on tba Imo who havo boon in all pttrtH of tbo globe. Mon who havo fjogu aotivo iiorvioo in tbo array aud navy of Groat Britain, but through nogloot and mictfortuuQ havo no hopo of rotriovinj; tboir pasc looulI and lnittuaial utatus. OnSaturday, Supt. 2lsfc, Moaora. Potor- sou and Sloan, with tboir roapootivo ganp>ii madooouuflotionH with Mr. Prient'ii Boation a oar Maidatouo Cross. Tko prcoodin^ oveuiiiL'it loukod out araon^Ht Mr. Pator. uoh'h mon that ho wan aeon buying grapon, poaohoH aud taoloua to troat tho boyn with on tho noxt duy ut tho worko. Not to bo outdono by tboir \ory popular foreman, tboy organized'a committoo and mado tho purchaaa of a boautiful old chain, with charm attached, having tboomblom of the' I, 0. F.,o it, and prouontod it with an ad- dreofl, road by R, W, Ail worth, timo- koopor on the worko. It iu noodlono toudd that Mr. Potomon wan bo nveraomo with aurpriuo and emotion that it took Mm all hi time to niaotor h\ faoultioH. Tina ho did in a noat and tolling upcooh, thanking thorn for ilieir kintiuosH, aud by Inviting all hunrlfi to ntay right with him whilo ho had authority on tho worko.' Tlio mon to, Hponded to hiu vopiforouu ohoor- ing. Following in tbo Hrtdroaa road to him: To Normuu , Pororeon, 3ijH(J,, . X^ornmnn 'iVouoh Gaiig, Camp No.;2, 0. N. G. Co. Dear Sir. Thoomployoea of tbo On- j ISh3ex, Sept. 17tii, 1895. Council met pursuant to adjournmont,. the mn.yor in tho chair. Pronfjiifc: Mayor, deputv-reeya, and councillorn Goo. Barth, D. Whitnoy, Dr. Pottn, A. ItaiuoH, J. M. Hickw. ! *. Kobinnou, and u. J. Thouaao. A communication wan road from tho Board of Health 'ibIuu^ that tho council do not grMtit tljta pri/ilogo to any paraou- or purHotiH to bod.bono^ or tallow within.tho limits "I liiim municipality. M'dvvd Tiy Dr. Potta, noooudod by Mr. RainoH, that tho commuttioations from tho Board of Eloallh. and alao from Mr, J. M. Hickn laid over from lunt mootinp: of ooun- ail bo hud over till noxt mooting and that tho bcidth uommittoo of tho oouncil inopoct in tho moan timo. Carried. Mr.D, Whitnoy,gavo notioo vlu followo "I horeby uiyt notiao that at tho noxt regular meotiui? of tbiH counoil I will intro duce a by-law to authorise tho building of athroofoot piuo plank mdowalk on tho north iiidoof AlborL unroot from tho town- lino to Modora avonuo and on tho wont dido of Modora avonao from Albort atroot to Talbot Htroob, and to aa'-horizo tho levying of a ftootago tax on tbo proporty bauollttod tboruby for payment of the name. (Signod) David Whitnky. Counoil thou adjourned to Woduoaday ovonini.', tho 18th inot. Jqun WAwuna, P. A. DicwAn, Clerk, Mayor.. Essex, Sept. 18tii, 160j. . Council mot pursuant to adjournment,' tha mayor id tho obair. Present, aud counoiljflrji; JXWuitnoy, ,T, A. Hicks, Dr. PottH, d.M. Ilioku.'aud G. J. Thomau. The loiuutuH of tho luut opcoial moatipg, and adjourned moctiugof tho 17th of Sopt. woro roud and oqnllrmod. An acoonnt of Laing Bro. of 87.74, laid ovor from laufc inooting, for matorial for oroBfllntin,'wan prenontod to tho'council, Moved by Mr. Ijaird, seconded by J. A. Hiokn, that tho account of Laing Bron. bo paid. Mr. J. M. Hicks who had mado applica tion to.tho otunoil for'pornuBtiiori to boil bonou and tallow within tho limito of tho corporation, witbdrow naid application. By-Iaw No. 200 to aimoan and levy ratea for tho yoar 1806 wan then road a Hocohd tima and tbo ratOH flxed 'ita foliowa: County'rufco 11/10 mills on tho dollar, Municipal tiito 2 mHiu on tho dollar; Illgb Holiool ra^o,2J millH aud Public uohool rato 7 ntlUdou tho dollar, WafcorworkH dohon-, turon JJ millH, and iionoral doboaturo rate H millH on tliodollur. By-law No.'2U0 :Wa thon road n third time and finally panaod. CounolUbon adjourned to no^t regular moothiR on Uotobor 1st, '067 John WALTicnsi Olerk. On Board "Worn, Doar Mr. Kditor: With Btnttwhiiri; boliind tin and Baslo an our goal, wo wheeled over aporfcot nrmuad- timiy.iul road and thmu^h a fortiUi dbitriot whoro tobacco wmi lh ohiof article culti* Vated. I-jy"'ry city nluiig Hie Kluno vnll^y im utrongly fortil'iM!], but I'.^oopt. buin^ dtoppod nt:oiiNinitn)ly ulnsn Il'irry trion to ndii into aij ai>/j'.i:tl or 1 ut/umpt- to oronu a parado ground, we u'yro u;*t Jiinderod bo* oauho of moatu and walln and fortH inuiim* orabU, At Banle wii woro hailed by cuutom hointo official* and mfm'med'thafi a doponit of 2'A franuH wan n> (Mumary hoforn wo ouuld cuter Swit/nrlaud with our whothi. Thin wmi to ho rcturiH'd at our dnjiarturo. VVo oompliofl, woro properly uig^t^d, tickotod and rocoiptod and outuiod Balno. Tbero wuh a fair tl^i'-H on **fl'. ;i wo puiihod our Whyolu Hlowly.through the throng, wo oh. Horvod tho vnriouw coiitriv.irioen w Inch fallen and vtindon. invont loooax tho noun from the Bwimi, who likod to Ij- git 11 o 1 in well an Amurioann. The lli.nny toyn and gondii indeaoriablo aro there in niyriad-'fortno. With hicyolocj upon our handn, wu w*ro .^'J"Vmtod from'- buyiiu', with oxa pliuii of Harry'u purohauo of uotnit uLuoiinabln oalco-i. Bub that in an infirmity of liiu and miint bo ovorlookod. Wo wure in tlio land ut cIi.j liulvetti, of I'll* ruythic Williaoi T-ll, wliero, uh Gold- HiniM) writer: "Tho bloak Swimi their otoriiv nmiiHioii troud, An-1 force a clHirlin|i tioil for m: mty bread." I mUMt toll you in iidvanco that thin m tho "Pronuaod Land" for bioycld riuem. Ooly a photograph can do.uribu Bmlf. It in anoient. It to odd. It in grotosqm!. anl fautaistie. Nothing in Hymraobrical. No, not ovon tlio people, Thu language in partly'Gormuii. partly Frunoii. After yon oiicapo, you can oinomber nothing iu par. ticular, but you rojiU a .phanfcanrnio con- ; 1 JiiiHr&tiuu of .-ill. " Wo cronaod a-j old bridgj whioh had figured banilrnkfi ut botli oodn (ChoBo are tli-j heraldic nyinbolH af liaalo, and after wheel iug liaif a mile, wu-ra in German territory again and received our dopo.Jit. Wo wore to ride up tha Rhino to Constance on tho Gormu.ii'eido. It in ut BrbIo that tho I'randour of the ltliiue Hconery begimi Attain aft'o-'iiu far oxtentliut', ovon-aurfaood, tiimplo ooauty, found continuing from Muina to thin point. The mm w\lh low iu tho woiit an wo loft Baelo and it was rain ing slightly from an overhanging cloud. Tho Khmo lies far bolow tho road botwoon wtoon ban!' of minglod rocks'and irrasny pIotM. An' *i\ l>' ir-id crow, floating and idtigitifc,', wore rotui otn j from a row up the river. Boya from tho villaii on tho oppo* site haul; were p.tddlaig in boat a bouuatli tho utoup ehoro. All very picturoaqao, but wo wantad reutma place. Darlcnemn oion- od abovd tin. Thu moon was among tho oloudti ttboyo,tho mountain topn, and thoro was a solitary dim lovolinois whioh almost compensated for our phyaioal uiBuomfort. Tho rain mado tho roads olippory and Harry tdtJkriin'ijjnorainioua tamblo iut> tbo dirt, kvery houio wan a tavorn. Boer wan plenty, but bods soaroo. Wo wore getting doapcrate whoH ho last a patroniz ing Gorman, a Icafor at ono of tho tivorn, told us,to follow him. Wo did and liscen- oti rospoobfully whilo lie. informed yu that ho had studied Grcok and Latin, and could talk innumerable langaagoa oxoopt Eng lish af tor I paid that I could apeak a littlo Fronoh, Ho did, how ovor, show uo a small, but cloan, botol and loft ua to marvel over hiu loam in i^. Noxt day wo followed tbo RUiuo an it wound itu way amouj; tho many-foldod mouutainn. At every turn aomo new bounty or unporb vists opened boforo us. Streams rusbod down the raountaiii side to join tho Rhino. Thoy outer through gnlfn and ohaamB with a roar and surge. High abovo wo flso th< fconguoloonoavornsand hartho whinporin^ piuos. TUa Valley Bidoo vary from a gruy rook doohvity to a iovoly, firaaay incline. Tho color of vegetation changes with rapid ity. Applo croon, nile firoon, every groon whioh. ia". coneolvable. Bomotimss th* grooved and pitted Mountainside bnstloa with oragd and thon, a new turn, thora is a.mantU oE volyot. The cottagOB In the valloy.aro gonorally thickly thatohod with wtraw und this often ovorgrownwith niot- tlod velvot moss. Vory nice to look afc, but tolivo 10 no, I bayo boon inuitltt. I could, not tako spaco to toll about all tho picturo-liko townn through whioh wo pans- ed; tho town with Gothio roofs of tod tile iiud whose walls woro also tho wall-of tho rivor aiid in whoso midst roao an hmooaflH* THE ORB AT 0>I^ ^3SJS3ES3l Aro fjoing to onll your n ttontion thitf week to their immense sitoelc of Cloth- in, BoofcH and Shuca, and (cr tho next monil; will give yon unprecedented vuluon in these department*. WE WANT x Tboro are in E.ssox and country tributary to it hundred*! of cnatomore who lenow a good thing when diTored ami have consulted then* own mterosts firafc, by the icoro than liberal patronage extended to ua miico wo opened up LmsinesB in this town. ^ Tho crowds of buyora that Itavo viaitud our store in tho pint two months in fair evidence that our efforts to ploaso tho buying public have not boon in vain.and in conaoquonco of our sutjcefls wo havo decided to ostablish a perman ent buainoBS hero, doing so will endeav or to noil nothing; but roliablo goods at the cloaosd poaaiblo prices for cash, for produce). Having an extensive biiaiuoai ia TilKonburgl an well us hero enables ua lo bny in large quan tities, which moans and- as-tt groainTrrrtTOTrnt' our .goods aro b.tuglit at a rate on tho dollar for spotc ash, and soiling tta wo do for cash (or produco) only, places us in a position to undoraoil those who soil on tirno. At this atoro tho cash customer is not charged a long price for goods in-order to malco up for Iossqh wo would hauo t sa-itain woro. wo doing a credit business. Una stock of l~*rosa Goods, CMotning, Mats and Caps, fnrnishiuga, Boots and Shoes is nearly complete for fall-trade. C,>mo oarly and gut first ohoice. Sliow your friends what can be done at this store, or if only looking wo will ho pleased to show you throiiij'-. Ono ]>rico t j all. firing your Buttor and Eggs, wo prize them as cash. Respectfully yours, TREASURER'S SALEJPLflKBS FOR TAXES. TU'WK OFESEEX) Whkiikas by virtue of a wurruut ithurd bv iho Mi-yorof tlio Town- TO WIT. i of Erniex in tlio Cculij of Etecx and nutlnuticatt'd by thuaor- porato Boal of tho oaid Town bearing dam the sixth duy of August, 1B95, and to mo directed comuuuidiny coo to levy upon the following Joto or paroWw of landfl in urre&rt) for ta.xen duo then on with coata. 1 Iioroby qivo notice that unions the uaid taxfcH aud corns uro sooner paid I nha!l,ou WodneRday, tho fourth day of December, 1805, at the hour oi ten o'clock iu tho fore noon at Poclt'o Hall in tho Town of EnJ.e.\, proceed to Bell bv pnblio auction tho naid landa or no much thereof aa mnybo aufficiont to pay auoh arrearH of toeu und all law ful coatu inournd : Plan. LotM. -Tuxei). im 7 B lOaiid p'artU................................13 00 200 "(i................................................ 2i 181 1 fl] 82 Saand Cfl.-'f........................... ofto^o 807 (J 15 20 21 33 IM 35 30 37 -10 42 J3 4* 15 -10 & 4H fcUJ u 307 41................................................ 5 10 - 17!) Middle purinlO, 17 und IS......................... 72 U 293 11................................................ 13 fiJ 170 2 and 3..........;....................".............102 32 181 North Half of 21........................:........... 28 28 303 4............................................ ..* 31 -ifi 207 3.................................'.".............. 44 83 ' 170 04 45 47 48 50 fi3 55 J13 114 115 183 1S7 139 and 4 102 -10 . 303 North half of 0.................................... 20 75 300 3 15 0 7 and 10..............................24 40 285 0.................................................27 09 170 31................................................ 33 55 Block D.......................................... 4 82 Block 64.......................................... U 03 Block 41).......................................... 31 38 BlookB-48 and to.................................. 07 '10 Cobte. Total. 82 03 *15 12 3 0C 58 24 7 9B 217 33 1 95 7 39 3 50 75 01 2 04 1/. fiS 4 25 JOG 5*7 2 40 30 flfl 2 47 33 91) 2 82 47 fif> 5 70 107 U 2 4-J 33 17 2 31 20 71 2-30 30 38 2 B4 38'00 1 95 77 2 00 13 93 2 47 33 GO a se . 71 04 W. D. BEAM AN, Troauuter. ovory bouBo, and boar tho olokoniufj jargon of tbo vondorH, and fool tho pitiful protionco of povorty, if you could oxporiouoo all thooo I waufd toil In;vain to mako you oo tho pootry. iblo, tiolitary rock orownod by a oautlo, and uoar whioh the broad Ithiuo Htroiun w'tw OQuliuodm a'narrow gorgo whoru itbooanio a maelstrom, u Heothin^, writhing lorrout with romantio, Ufjendary loro of bdfoan who had paBHad valiantly through lb; thou tho loivn wboHO main Htfoofc waa eloaod ut both onda by a oaatle-liko building <ind into whioh wo outorod by an arbb wliilu, abovo, ii ^ato'liiiaji tliroateniuftly. IIow iioetlo tbeae towiiN are to toll about,! but if you oould amoll tho odoriferous Btdtoh and see tbo bonps of manure wbiob etand before During tho booodcI day ^roin JJaulo wh rodo all dav throuyh ovorgroon arohon* flowor arohoo, maple arohoH, and flanking ub \yore flaflfl in profusion. Evorybo3y wan dr*BHod up and Boomed ta bo oxpectin^ ho moo no. \Vo roociyod no much attention that wo might eamly havo boon oonvinood that all wan for uu, Soldivm patrollod tbo wholo road, Boomlnfly on sentry.duty. At hist, whon it began to rain and wo ontcrod a imialj town, tho oouumdrum watf nolvod. Tho Qermau princo and tho JJuko ot BavuricL woro driving with Ihoir rotluue from Lako Conatanoo to Bafllo. Tho ocowl blookod tho highway und when wo, with Amorioau auduoity, attempted to puab our way .through wo woro ycy doolnlvoly ocdor- eid by a hu(*0: Gorman officer to step buck add Wait. Wo pulled oar waterproof over our nhouldora aud watched. Tbero wore. orowila of wido-uyed littla fiirla, draflsed iu White, and large irlB in similar fiarb, .Be- BidoB the divert uniforms dlfiaa aoldiory, ihoro wei'o local oluba/with their uniforms. TbeDult atid Prince oaino,;Everybody took off thoirbatB, put down their umbrel las and made themBelves aa uncomfortable UBpoadble whilo tbo royalty paHBed. Wo Haw, and whilo tho orowd followed wo 1ih- toitod on. Tho rain booh booawe o' bud . w* put up for tho day, The tavorn where we stopped was adorned within by mottoes* ono of which I will irannii-te: "Be huppy in this world don't think it will ho.better," in othor words, "Di'iuk my boor aid boi morry.'1 We paBed tho ovouin^ studying ,. tho taveru ohurftotors: Urn blusterer, the, qbaflatau, tbo fool, und the t-obor old Dutohman, who novor Hmiled but just steadily drank u\ ma afUr ylaHa of beer, and bliiiked. Next uioruitifi. after taking toll from a haryoat upplo-trao, wo fltarted for;' Sohafflmuaon aud the Ft I In of the Kbine,".. tweaty miloB away. C. H. VanTvne. - ' VI Tlioy Hat Mo on juy ITcot, Mra.J. W..Maokou, wife o{-the','aaBflaabr-'.. /"V'l'-^M of 1'orest Hays.. "I Imvn naed'Bta^k'a Pow- '!-.y.'>\\^^ dora with the (jreatiirtt. Hnaoeae in very!' se- * .>';;r voro head.and stomaoh complaints,. They. 'V/'T^'iS Bet mo on my foyt,,liaviu{ proviouely ;tri>d-'"'".'-1; r-^\^ numbera of other reniddiea unancoegpfully ;, ^viM^ I ban iye thBm tho hiRheat irecomnjinda- ':,'^/'M iion to aufferora fro^: hoadaebe, bilioaBueBB 'v*:5t5S| ikjxd liver oomplaiutH. V/S|i L' "" ~ ioe-26c a box,"^5"io^.tlir!jl,'\atV.|V,';;;!:^ffl le,dedierg*. ./'w'M *nd able." Price ffdl medjoine l^^^aii^MiMiB^^iaMii 06