Vf , THE ESSEX EREB5 PRE. OFTHETOWN FKIDAY. BKPTEMUKtt in, 180/5. HO Id .'. O woman, iu your propor dronn, A vision of truo lovelhionn, But when you put tho bloomtirH on Your tit&QB and aotnoliueau are jjono. Nioo'wcuthor for lovem of ino eruani. A number of Kstiox pooplo aro utUwlinfj the f*ir hi Totouto thiu week. Khbox fall uHfiiiion will bo hold at Sand wich, on Tuciiday, Boptomhor 17- The village of Harrow in putting down Heyon water timku for protection n^ninut flro; Hirutn Wullairit Soun, of Windsor, will give $iJ00 1:1 Hpuom! prized for onttla- unci corn at tho Bnuox Fair.' Tho Uffjli School at Loaraington . which wan to have opanod on tho Int of Septem ber will not optm until January. When two ot three bicycliHtn are leath ered kofiothor, tho ^roat quontionrt aro, Wfiat did yonrn cont ?" and "Whet doon it woigl: ?" Eo nuro and go to M. J. Wiglo * Go.' for fruit canii. Recent appointments in the Salvation Army: Cadet Coy, Chatham, Out., to bo lieutenant at) Loaminiiton; Cadet Harper, JiltiHox, to be lioutonant at Itidfjotown. t Win. Shoomakor in now proparod to do- I livor frenh broad to any part, of tho town, f givo him a callt ' The KlHfiavillo Cavalry troop will bo | prenent in a body on tho second day of tho Great Southwestern Fair and will-act an an ancorfc for tho Iiiout..Governor and party during their visit. Vat frosh oaken and confeotionory of all I kinds go to Bhoomaltor, tho bakor. IjQwi,H Witflo, ox-M. P., of "Ijoiimiugtoij, SpfiriioontBtl"lih~fH~ye!ir with" waWrTnlfloUfT .-._. tts.ft Hold crop in Khfiox County, Ho plant ed 20 ftorca and tho crop will bo qood. Hb enHmaton hinarap will bo worth 83,000. iioad Smith's ad for Menday'u npooinln; l*rof. Craig, of tho Ottawa experimental farm, and A. H. Pattit, of lirirauby, have boon in Esaox County iiinpotiue tho opray- ed trooH. Thoy find thorn in a hoalt|iior condition and tho fruit largbr ,thuu thooo VVoudor how much ioo oroam J, II. ub Uutlivon on Wodno'eday. "Jttak tho nn^Kor" Ih following up bin ' profiijiol' In Brantford. Tho IndianH of Walpolo Inland will havo r, Clinntitkii Kndoavor Sooioty. A profoHiional ljuiaoriiit utnl a baby huguv- ll,l(1 to*(l tno J*^M ** took it for a "kid." Ehhox has for a fnw daya boon poutorod with a flung of traiu)pu, A hum hi^u that work i Houruu. Tho tulouraph who tmod in tlio UnitficI Statuii would o around the world uotuu. tiling liko llftoon tirnuu, M. J. WIrIb A Co. u,ro tho ololhiuru ot Khhox. Tho aoaffold upon whioh IIondoi'Mhott aud Woltor wore hau^od linn boon ont up for wood. It madu two cordn. cud aot Hprayod. A nico aBBortmont of lad ion" and boy'o Bbirt waiutu at May'w Bazar. Our baud boys havo boon, doing uomo totioluK latoly. They intond goiujj to 'Cotfcom oU( Monday ovening uoxt to" play ".HavtuH ou tarado," at the harvowt hom aervicoa to bo hold in tho Ennlmh ohurob. And then fair time will Boon bo at hand U and w* aro lookiuc ahoud for Homo oxcol- lenb mnsio. Bargain day at Smith's on Monday. Goad phanoo to ^ot barf-ftinfl, briny a|on your oaah. Tho Sunday Sokool convention of tho Hethodiut church of tho Windnor distriot will he hold at Ruth von on Taonday, Sopt. 34th. Thor* will be afternoon uud evon- inK BoflHiona held in tho Mathodist chnroh. The annual financial dintriot meotinR will be hold in tho forenoon of tho nam* day, A man can indulgo in family prayom for yearn without tho neighbors knowinir it. but if ho cornea horns to find that tho baby, with tho aid of a pin, Hub boen invonti^at- lUR tho innor *ubo of tho tiro on bin huw whool, aud daron to put in worda tho (ool- ingfl hia heart ih burdened with, the fact will be blazoned on tbu walln. Whool. * Extra values in uhoea at Smith'H cheap. {.; . If ovdry porbon in town owned n HaBh aud door fiiotory our HtreotH would not be ! in-wuntpf pood BidewarkH. Wo notioo that !; Mt)nrn. Johufaon Broi*. luve laid a noat | , Bidbwalk in front of their propurty ou Vio- ' .*:;;: totia utreot. Wowiih tho town would tioto the improvement and build anew tb many other dilapidated sidowalkn in tho towo. W* loud in 25 cent tea. Kmith A Co, A lawyor in a court room way oall a man liar, uooundrol, villain, or u. thiof, and no fcpe makoa a complaint when court ad- journtj* inirnowQpuper printa nuah a re flection on a man's oharaotor, thore in a k: ilbi-l huH or a doad editor. ThtH in owiim n'"-.:fco'the Hot that the pooplo bolievo what an li'-V/editor Haya; what a lawyor aayH oula no 'g future. -. The 35o toa of M. J, Wiglu A Co.'h ih %;i ^reat on tho draw. It io drawing ouutoin iVreiffl tot miloH around. , A fow uightfl ago young Charlie Ghano j1' aod Roy Ra5moudwayUftf'Wm. odlou, jr., and had tliu natiofuation ofa grudga that tho Itoya held aqainst Allon, by Riving him : a tleeoiiitf. Allon retaliated by having the boy arreat&d. Cbano uottlod his at onoo by paying 11.05, bnt Raymond put bio off : until tun laub aud thenthou^bt ho had bet , tar aettlo it rather tliau flght tho oane. ECiU ooMtd wore 81.96.. ,-\;'.'JB'or noma time fttrmerB in Sandwioh Et iittvo had hojjRRtplon, and tho polic of Wintoor wore culh-d in. Tho oano wao gWento Bor^t. Naiili and Oftieor GiIoh, of , 'Windsor, and early Woilnooday morning 'feihfty caught Albert Lqzod, of Windnor, in tihe act Of killiim a pitf bolonnlnti to Joneph ftrentj of the Tooumfioh road. Loaon ,&b a.luuue at Nuh with the axe, und jb knobUcd down. 'He ploadod tfulHy In JlS'ih^ipoJioe ooott, and said hie family wan !"-' atarviuR. He wa vemauded for a weiik. w'"'"" ' " ' y'.t'tti'f: Tho Fnicj; I'nKHirfor 20 eentii to tho of 18yfi. Try it. BaiiinniH failaroti thfonghout tho Do minion thin week number ID, mi a^ainnt 10 m the iamu wook lant year. Ah rivorii to the ocoan flow, to upend thoir gathered prison; ho do the utroawia of buyoru i;o to him that advortinon. Monduy'fl npocntln at Bmith'n, 1 <]t. fruit jaru 8'Jo a don; 2 i|tn 1.10 a doss. All other goods teu por oont oil for caBh. If you oonnidor what you havo to noil worth udvertiniug, monfc bnyorn will ar^uo that it munb bo "a ^ood ihin^," and holp you "punh it along." Wow fall goodn aie coming to band M.J. WirIo cV Co.'h. Valued novor woro hotter. Twouty-nix patieutn aro now rocintorwd ub tho Chatham Qenoral Hospital, tho lar^ont number at any onu tima tiiuco the tho hanpitat opened. You cau intorfeflt pooplo while yon aro talking to thorn, hut tho minttte you ntop tho iuterant coanon. It in prooioly tho Game with your advertining. Samuel Alalott, of Goniiuld, Eiisex, han an applo troo 9 foot 8 inohon in cirourafor- anco, and the extoumon of tho troo iu 05 foot. It in oyer 60 yoan old. ' Wo are in receipt thio wook of tho Hpccial Cycliuj; Editiow publinhod by tho Potrolea Adyorfciner. Tho papor in a orodit to the workmen of that office. Farmorn winhiug to tako nhoop on Kood eany torran >rtould do woll to write to Mr-. W. B. Robinson, of Leamington. Ho baa eovon flrnt-.clann ahoep to put out witli ro- flponaihlo partiea. . Minn L. VanVelzer, ijradaato of Alma ConBorvutory of IVIuuio, in prepared to givo inotruotinnn in vocal and piano munio. Can give the bent of reforonccfi an to ability. For particular a)ply at W. Dowar'n, Alioo ntroct. Thoro w ono thinu in oonneotion with bioyolon that ahould go a groat way to ro- ooncilu pooplo to tho danger and annoyance thoy oaiiBo. To rido a bioyolo munt be to a treat oxtont a badgo of tomperauco. Drinking habits and bicycled do not go toHoihor. Thu npootaclo of a drunKen hi. cyoler in almout h rare a,a tho oea nurpout, and whun witHo^sod in a comical ni^ht to fieo. The oyBtor woanon opcuod on Monday IftHt. Th^n year tho orop is tho InrKoat aud bant for yoaro. On ucconnt of tho dnllncao of trade ]a>t yoar, thero wan a compara tively Bmall demand upon the bodo. Dur ing the pant four montba witbont the **R," the npawuing has multiphod a millionfoTd, ana in oonnaquonoo tho output will bo the larfiflut for many uoaaone. Ou Wedntociay of l^Bt wookji couple of BquuwH came to lioamingtoir lojiull their bankoto and purchase uotnu nooonarieu aud unnoaeunarion. Tho unuonoutmrioa did tlio damage. They aot druuk on their way homo and resulted in ono uquaw striking tho othur on the houd with a olub which ahnonti proved futul. Lator raporU utato that nho is utill alivo. A doublo wedding took plaeo in bt. Andrew's ohurou, Londou, on Tusuday, wuon ihoRov.-Wm. Puttoraon, B. A,, uf Luauiutiton, wuu united iu holy.wodlook to Minn Laura BiUun, London, and tho Rev. AU-x. MaWilliam, B. A., of Potorboro, wae married to Mint) Carbon, London. Both young Udioa aro membra of tit. Audrew'u choii, una both are aotive ohuroh workuru. A ouriouu cuno in reported from the Chatlium hopitul, A linuood poultice freui a typhoid paliopt wuu thrown out, and a unmbor of ohiokouu which were running around UovouruU itnaRerly. They were boou taken down with aoiaue ailment und quo after another shufllod aff thin mortal ooii. They had evidently taken typhoid fuvcr with fatal rnsultu. If the front dolayn itu appouranooaslong aa it usually dooa, we oan again indulgo in tho delicious ntrawborry. Chan. Reid, liv- in^at the went ond of tho town hao a lar^a fluid again in full bloom. The bor- rioa are forming and in Iobh than throo wooka ho will havo a ueqond orop of fruit* No other county in Ontario oan nhow yuoh n growth. Leaminaton Boat. Hiram Walker A Bona offor tho foliowiur apooial prizes for competition tit tho (Jroat Southwentorn Fair: For tho bont hord of Hhoithornu (ono bull and fonr oowu) 1st prtao WO, 2nd prize $10. For the bout herd of dairy oattlo, vtlinr than uborthorne (one bull and four cowo) a prizo of 820. For tho boat display of oern in tho stock* (tho extent of tliodmplav, tbelongthof the utalk and tho quality of the corn, all to be oounirierod) 1st prizo 820, 2ml prizo 10. For tho boat display of corn in tho ear, nob loaathan two varieties and two1 ouabain of eaflh variety, (to be shown in basketn or boxanJ-lBt prlxe Hi, 2nd prizu 88. Tho oonnt) council baH'deoidod to ad- vorti for tondorn to ropnir thu old county buildinua. KKRVANT GIKL WANTKD . Wae fthrou fifty pur wook. Apply to Mm, B. Oreuii, . A baunhall name hail boon nrrangod ha. twotiii the Uooordu and tiio Uutlivon tumn, to he played at Ktithvoii next Baturday, Tho Ontario Natural Gan Oo. put a gang of OB mon to work Tutmdny uioriiing lay- inrtpipn between Mnidutono ami' Baiidwioh South. It iu rnporU'l tliut during the utonri yon- torduy a number of tolophonn pontn near North llidgo wore HtmoU with lightoulne; and nhatterod to piccosi. It in probable that do^a will he a noarco article next yoai. it in ro ported that at Olinda there ban boon nomo twonty dogn killed. Ill wan foarnl that thny were talcing hydrophobin. While T. G. Bolton,"of Uutlivon. wus out driving on Tuchdny hm home bociuno friKhtencd and run away, throwing him out. IIih lag wan caught in tho wbeol and broke it above tho knoo. ,Normau( ManPoniild, barritfter,' St. Thomas, diod on Hlonday night of innohilila. Though ho had boon ailing for some timet bin iloath wan wholly unoxpeutod. Mr. iVlacDonald wan ooiumol for the accunod in tho Welter-HendorHhott aane. Tho Special Haryont Thanbgiving or- victift in tho town hull, Cottain, on Sunday next will bo oonduotod by tho Ruv. F. G. Nowton, of Btrnthrow. A npooial oollco- fcion will bo taken in aid of now ohuroh funds. A flritt claim dinner and ontortam- mont will bo given in thu ball on Monday ovoning Sopt. 10th. Tho Rev. F. G. Nowton, of Btrathruy, will bo in town tncondunt Ilarvout Thanku giving Borvioop en Sunday noxt, 1.1 innt, MiHB L. Van Voly.'or haft ahn bean iioourod to aing. ' Special thankngiving offering in aidoilohurch dobt. Thu annual thanha- giving dinnor and ontortainmont will bo on Monday Soptornbor 10th. Goorgo London, charged with furious driving ou front Htrooti liaid for his pleanuro to tho tunoot 57.35,wl'rioh uum.waa dropped in tho town troanury. Thin in the Ornt cano of tho kind takou in hand m Ehhpx. Tho potioohave boon after offend- arn agalnnt thia aot for Homo tirao and Goorgo London wai tho flmt to "fall in." Lot thodo iutoroiitod tako warning an they say tho noxt offendor will pay all tho law will allow. Inopootor Maxwell, in bin report to tho Board of Education, on Tuesday, rccom- motidcd that records be kfpt by teuchora and uoorotary no that the truant ofiioor may bo notifiod iu oaao of non-attondanco of pupils of nebool ajjo. Ho roportud thero aro unrolled this term 1,755 pupilH. Thono aro taught by forty-one teacbom, an avor- ago of forty-two uud a half pupils iu a rooni / - Fatal AccKlont. Shortly after the I'lug omno In from Amhuratburg on WoJnediiy night to luend thu ucaoniodution from the WtinL Khd tho mall from tho mint, nown spread of tlio Had ncoidout whioh Iiad befallun breakman Wheatloy, Ho wan brought dowii on tho plug to Hhhox to bo taken to tho Hi. Thowaw nonpital, and erowdii noon guthei- od to aoo tho uufortuuato man who had onu log out off between tbo ktuifi and foot and tho other cut off o]on to tho body. Uu wmi a horrible night, boing quo maim of blood. Mr. Frod Wheutluy had only boon called from hm home tho day boforo to tako tho pliioo of tho usual breaktnan who had damaged his band nhortly before. Tho accident coourod whib thoy woro making up tlio trnin in the Amberntburg yard, llo wan utanding on the ond of a boxcar which wan detaohod from the truin and wlion tho main part of thtj train came upagaiUHt tho car on whioh ho was standing it oyer balanced him and he lil on tho broad of IiIh back on the track, which iitmmod him no that ho wan unable to got out of tho way in timo. Dr. J. W, Briou, of EaHox, boarded tho train with Mr. Whontloy and it wan thought ho Tnight reach Inn homo alivo, winch iu in St, Thomas, hut ho diod at Comber. Mr. Wheutluy in a young man and Ioilvom a young widow to mourn bin Iohii. Minn Ann Halford, of Mnidntono, who wan obliged to undergo nuoh a critical oper ation a few days ago, in progronaing favor ably undor the care ot Dro. Brien & Brion. No norvicon woro held in St. Fanl'H ohuroh, Knaox, on Bunday lant, owiutj to tho illnoHH of Bay. A, L. Bovorly. Wo are ploanod to roport tnat Mr. Bovorly is around again. ^ \* T> pETuns. At Enuex, on Monday, Sept. 0th, to Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Potorn, a daugh ter, ........_ Tho Mothodinta of South Woodnloo will hold thoir Harvoat Homo and Thankogiv- ing norvicon iu that village on Sunday, September 22nd, aud on tho following Monday night a tea-mooting will bo given iu Mr. Mitclioll'n hull on Main ittroot. The oommittoe aro npuring uo pninn to mako thin onw of tho mout HncceHnfnl thoy have over hold. Addruanon will bo-jivon by the neighboring minmtoru. Ic in very nnnatiHfactory for tba toaohora and a drawback to tho nebool in general to havo ohildron sorning to iiuhool one day and staying out two. In town ohpooially it iu not understood why ohildron cannot attond moro rogularly. Principal Hflndor- aon ntatun that thoao pupiln who attond aohool irregularly cannot bo promoted. Tho work munt bo thoroughly covered. Parents w'U ploaae note thin fact. A young aou of Wm. Moo, of Gosflold North, about a year und a half old, while playing about the houuo fell into an opon woll whioh wan about 16 foot deep, but for- tunutoly oontained only about 18 inohon of of wator. It in stniod that tho little follow way in the woll tlvo minnton boforo ho wau found. When cbo child wai renouod ho wan unconscious, but owing to prompt ac tion of the parontw and dootor itn life wan naved. Frinoipul Hendcraon munt fool gratifiod at the reception bin little publication, "The Entrance," hua rccoivod from tho tonehing profominn throughout! Ontario. Inloss thanUicotLWoolui after aouding out a u a tuple number dm uubaoription .list numbered 5,500. It in mill goiug up. Wo think lor High School entrance work it aannot bo bontnn. Wo aro glad to neo itn tditor mooting with fiuoh nuooofla- G. E. isahustlor. Dr. J. W. Brion, of this town, wastheflratiubsoribor to "Tho Entrance." Moiunci. At JVIoGrogor, on -Tuesday, Sept.10th., to Mr. and \fi-n. Lnko Mor- anoi.'a non. Bwbrt AtUouto, on Auguab SI, to Mr. and Mm. Jon. Swoot, anon. Roaduodhb At Camp Palmer, on Sopt. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Cliuu. Roadbouno, a daughter. . Our Monday Bargain Days have proved to be a success and crowds of customers, new and old, take ad vantage of the first day-of the week to save money by trading with us. On all cash purchases of $10 and upwards we allow a discount ot 10 per cent., which includes all lines of Dry Goods, Clothing, JBoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps an^G-rocer- ies, (Grain Bags, cotton wi yarn nett). We show the latest in Capes and Jackets for fall; buy on Monday and save 10 per cent. Our specials for Monday, 16th, are Napkins, Table Linens, Towels and Toweling, 25 per cent off regu lar prices. Ask for coupons for Furniture and Pictures as premiums. Dowkky At Eauox, Soptombor 9th, 1805, by Rov. M. P. Campbell. Mr. Wm. Downoy to Mimi Georgia Louisa IJer, both of Goofield North. Picr/nwn At Eflnox.Soptombor 11th, 180B, by Rev. M. P. Campbell, Mr. Frank Poltier to Misn Jennie Andoraon, both of ColohoHtor North, EkroxCo. Ont. FARM FOR SALE. 'IpHE HOOPEJi FAItM, BEING THE NORTH X half of lot280, fioutli of the Talbot road In tho Townnhlp of Qotiflold North, containing 00 ucroa more or Inns. Thin farm is titimtod on the Talbot rotd about ono milo aaut of Ccttam, six .miles from tho Town of Ennox and nix mllos from KinRvlllo, In nearly till oloarod and In one of too host fermn In tbu tawtmhip. l*or partfcalarn anil tormn of salo epply te E. A. WISMISn, or to MItS. IIOI1T. HOOPER, Harris tor, 4c, Esnnx. Cottam. 37-41 TO CONTRACTORS. CI4A.LED propouala will bo rooolved at tho C1 ofllesnf the Connty Olnrk, Riindwloh, Ont^ until 10 o'clock, n. m.,on MOND4V. N*i>ietu bei* SOIlit ISHfi. for the re-modelintf and rpairing tho Court House and Gaol at Sauct- wlon; the constmotlou of a brlok building to bo uatd as a, Gnoler's roBldenao, and foe a fteam boating apparatus to bo placed In the Court Hon no and Gnol, Itoahitry ofilco and Connty Troutiuror'N ofQon aud Gaol or* a renldence, all In uooordanea with tho draw!n(,'n and HpaalAa&tionu oopinn of which may bo neon at tlio Comity Glork'n office, Bandwich, or at tho offloo of Ma- lion it Hloe, Arcliitoota, dOOrlnwold 8troot, Do- trolt.Uioh. IM(U will ho nubmltUrt udoh blanks fnrnlabed for that purponn, and shall be aaoompnntod by anoi-tiflod eliookfor a sum ot &GQ0.O0, to be for feited in oas of failure to enter luto contract with Kbuox County, with good and approvod euroty, within ton days after notloe of aaoop- tancu oftimdoi. Tho light In rosorvod torejoot any or all tomUirn. rropoaala will bo endorsed on the envolono, "I>ronoBalo for th ra.modo'Uina and r opal ring tho Uourt Hon so and Gaol, the orcotlon of a G not or'a resldouoo, and tho boating of the said buildings Including tho Jteaistry and Oouaty Troarmry HuildiuR*1', and addreasad to THOB. MoKKK, County Clerk Bandwlolt. TnOS. UoKlCVS, ' M.DABRKtT. COunty Cleric. . War don. Saudwlob, Bopt. 11th, 1808. 37-21 G. E. & CO. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX Tho poDtmastotr of Olinda has boon null ed to reni^u bin pomtlou. Probnbly there is no othor man in the provinoo at Mr. Fox's age who haa attonded to uuoh a duty. Mr. J. C. JTox ia a boot, 00 yearn of ago and ban beou postraautor at Olinda for a great nuwbor of years, in faot it wan he who flrat fli'nt tfot an offiao at that pjuce, and oompluintii hayo uovor been nmdo nnbilthe prenont year. H baa now reaobod the age thathii hoariug s fuihn^ him and it is bard for him to uudoretaud what people want at tho efifioo. Othorv/ino tho old Routloman in halo and hearty and to look at him you would think ho wan Kood for an- othor toil years nt'thb pent oflloo, Hin mind but at odd fcimou iu good, and bo in ablo to eouvomo with you on moat any nub- jeot. tAv. Po^ was novor ltnowu to wear glances in bis hfo, notwitbstanain the vant amount of Mailing ho ban dono, neither wan ho ever seen with a cane In bis hand, and walha more ereofc than nomo men do at tkiny. . -s .'. ' | ..I--' UKEti Wheat rod por bnnhel .. ..8 52 to 51 Wheat, whito .... 50 Corn .... 40 Oats .... 20 to 23 Timothy Bood .... 2 50 Glover Seed .... B 75 to 5 75 Aluiko .... 4 50 7 oo to a oo Beef per owt............ 4 50 to 5 00 Pork ............ 5 BO u> n 50 5 00 to 550 4 60 lildon............ Ohiokonn por lb.......... 8 8 Butter .......... 10 10 10 10 10 Etffi, par doss . .......... Potatoen, por buobol .... 30 to SO Onions .... 60 to 80 Applon .... 80 to 80 Tutuipn .... Oto 50 Oariotu * '10 BootH .... " fifl- .pa^nnipa Turlceya por lb.......... '!< HtO . \Due kn .......... . b Oolery por doz .......... . 1 00 Oabbuco . #........ 25 Soil at flight. Why ? Uocauso thoy tiro boilfc right. Try us for Buggies, Plows and Harrows. W. H. RICHARDSON Hardware, Elssex. IF YOU WANT A . . . - First -Class Buggy i III rum WpHkerA: Bourn >Iurkt We|i..n No. 1 ftyo, per bashel *K . I old Oorh .. .* <1.S v*-. . ao t, 1 Barley owfc ,90 > owfc 80 The above prioea are paid by, I", WallfOr Sous, Walkerville. Opt. Place your order with me. You can then see what yon are getting. I am always pleased to show my customers the raw material from which their rig is made, including Wheels, Springs, Woodwork, Goods for the Tops,'Cushions, etc., all of which will be found firat^olass in every particular. It pays to buy the beat. My Prices are made to Suit You. Special Ofosu We are well equipped and thoroughly understand the Tire'setting Busin'ess, and during this month and August will set Buggy and Wagoti tires at $1.50 per set. for all CASH;, customers. General Repairing: Promptly Executed.) c si ;m ,' :. Xi W ^M J. Bate, Carriage WprkH, TaUot st, east. ,.v'^^i% . v^r 'hi lSI^:>i^