zmk^ >"*". J*-." ' ' - 7 ' ' ' jam *$&&&! ' ^RBB * >*tm& -j______j ESSEX FRKETttKSK Published vEvrry Friday MohJng From'tho cMwm>u Talbot Htmid, noxL llJuTiBthti Hhick. tipociul attention in jmid to thu puldion tion of multot of local importance, iiccnr- atottud re-mule rnporLH of Town, nufi'.hhm ing Towuh nip (uid County Council proceed inil9r local unci county marital report!!, etc, tiio onrtifu, and judimnuii miLiiu.|(<imi'!it ol Thb Fuuk iMiKHH, with roiiptiot to thosn and oMiof c-ummt muUom of louul importunue, httBjpvonit a widouproitd proitti^" lnLi centre of JiIhhox enmity,which in recnj.pji.a'd aa ono of th hvi>l agricultural diutrictu m Onturia. Tun Vuya: l-iiKim m tho only medium oirouluiiiiij? thoioii'jlily in Huh central portion of tho County, and in uon- aequontly.without doubt,tho only thorough adyortiHin^ medium for huwnenH proph- wiidim-,' to nmnh Mint claim of ciiHtomoiH. coiiui:iU'ONr>i:s< i:. Our columiiH uro ulwtnn open for tlio poucoablo diHonniuon of mattem pu'tuuiinu to tho puhlio welfare. Ablo eorniHpondoulu in all the HUrroiind J u# .coalition furniuh ndmhlo loportu ,/ ovontu of liitoptfHt, oooniTiiti,1 m thuirnuvi*tf{t aphoron; and thu puuluher ih at ilIJ,'nmi i- "rioiiuuci to roooivo inturutin|^ftoinu ot town from uny dii-iponori to f>tfwiwd contn VtlOUM. All oommmiimitiou*^* a private and ^'^liil#J4((M*i,"^dioiil<l be tio miirkod lo onifudo of tlio envelope. HUItflCHIl'TIOVI 1'IUCL. Jl.OQ por annum, utrietly in advance, .SO por uuiium if tiot no paid; una all rtOari charged at that i ate. Avi:itTiHi:MNrfl. Transient logal and municipal advor- tiuomontH, notiocu, otc, charged ^ at tho mto of ton ooiitn por lino, for tiral insertion, and live contn pnr lino for oaoh atibHumiout insertion, All ouch advortiHomontit arc mouitiirori by a flculu of twolvo IniOH to Urn inoh. Loaid *admi; und other noticed pub lifihod amoup; local newH matter ah urged at tho rate of ton confu per running lino for -each inHC-rtion. All notiouu of church or nocioty entor- taiumontH of auy dtaonptiuu, at which an admiHHion foo m charged, are regarded hh fldvortiHumontH, und full udvoi-timu^ niton oiiaruod m all Biioli ensnn. Notices of nath- Bk-iu^H or mooting" not tor pecuniary hone fit or aid, will hu cheerfully publmhacl fr- o ohar^o. Special contract ratcn madu for dinplay SiUncJingadvU. All letfiil nrprofosmop- undor ono inch, ^J5 por aununi. SOU OH COMMKUCIAI* I'llINl'INO. yXho Fkbk Job l^innnc Dc- partmout in under tho Miporvinion of thoroughly competent mechamc, and BBOCiul attention in paid to thin buttnoh" of tho trade. Our facility for tho execution of all IuuUh of Book aud Fine Job Printing are uuexoollnU. btuaiu power pronat'0 TOHWaR hf-dPTSU v U M m: CORRLCT FORMULAS FtO FUAGHAn'.' SXTHACIS AND 1 OlLt: r WATERS. Ul/nUHH. tUv WW* "* S"<'r"tM ""' A(-<'wiirlcM ill' h Uomini'" 'l.llt't. ivrfmiipti niul th- l"1" '">'*' ' luv,, Ullt |-M!idnnn nliill/ .." .n;;.-it m.Hh'in thniM. 11 miiy hi tin i i u oll'i onil ! ' "i , ,tl>I Ul. o.iiiiucnls ./ A, i.</ r-!' ' Id I in> )i .ii'iii.Li'tim i i( c:i( h ,L!\(1 I > li otn ' V *|K1IT1.1 '" ,ll'* f in liJ'.iht<Ml U'lt' <i . aci'l t i<- </ Mi - HI l. ^ Purified Blood Bavcd nn opcrnlion in '*ho followlnfi cuno. Hood's Sui'hiipnrflla currs whrn n'.l nthni'M i;iil. ]t mnkott pnrn blood. " A year uijo my fiither, William Tliomp* B"n, was taken Buddenly ill with lnflam* mtinn of tlio blnddor. Homiffared a (jreat dfui and \uifi vorvjIo\v fornomu time. A* licit the doet j.-nnld ho would wot ffet well tinloH'i un ojicnition waH performed. At thi'i thno wo rend about Hood'u Barimpa- rillii nrid decidtid to try It, Jloforo ho lined liul/,/ bottlft hij uppc'Lito lmd eotnu bnclt to Jiim, wlicreaH hnfdrti lie could eat but little. Wlieii lie JiitcX tnken three bottlun ,of the mulicino h*i wan mi well ni ever." Fiiantih J, TnoMryoN, lVniiiHulji I^nke, Onturlo. Komernher Hood's Sarsap&rilla Is the On (L ; in ... 11'iiiiPi"- j in i h i j|[ I 11 oil I 1 "III ItM i.'-iih'1. pi i d<' i u * i \{ True Blood Purifier Prominently hi tho public oyo today._____ %4t\f\A*a D31Ig euro all liver Ills, hlllftua- Winch it wori-(*. inip'-iMonrneitt lor life or a ]if*-lnnu rlihi* >hi , lilu- ^cufnl t. tor maniple? Thu foni"-r. cio tmnlv .vould b'* pu-feriihlti were it rot tlmf Av r'n Sur- fliipurillii cm iiw'iv. i'"in* l'. tho ronunn tiin' ^ive thu pooi snrrurt*! hr l'h, ht: -vnjjth, and bit piinttSH. - A Tlmi-Iy I2.ii)tiid,T. 'ill Crll.I < i( inlur iii ;i Mnv or n : ri Uii.> In :t\ ll> (ln\\ i I -lui u"t';;n.i Li i t t licy .il'i- ( Jill 'd Mil ml t' i DM l> * Hri n *- \ run pM ii '! i i III I I 1,1 i i .npoi l 'I'll" * ^I'llli.ll nil ' iV ,"> ji t'v < in.iilc .'I Hi i 'i'i.iN;- w'J i . i 'I li\ il'i II ( I .!( i i ol ' i " I " J U'.n t Th ' n*i*l h< I Im m inpli Sil pi n1-!' Veil Jin t i h.l " nil ' I 1 'ill ni i (, > 'e.ikc i ,'i i pint hi i ' |1pi lOl* - Ull\' t llV i! l Willi II 111 .1 'l.-.m not lie. I 'I ' '111- rout flit , n i |it il ' il li'ini J' i i -i i '."iili"il. 'IM-. it illi L" i|( l-M . J. |.\ihl I'll" ' T)h tii ii.itti< (jnit i ' i' ii >I .111 i *lli lull l lid \ I'M '-t I Ti .' f I i,ii, vh'i'h n ill hiipin f v f , ' I :-i -i ,it \,ain doc:. \ "c ' "I tills (.". : un?.- u 111 be -. 11 v (r,i . it h ,7rr fl a it" Ui'p .LL Jl It.1 . * \t . ,- r- '* i ' ' tie- ,i i ( r "_. i (11 yc .1 M ,-- * I," tmuK iu "yen'-iMiiu wujiiaij wu* j/* nouiicr tt-i will -pi aimniinui Uev or or* neo by -HUch odorft nn'miiHk or pi'-toh- ouly, Tlie piTi'inii"' of the \lolift Jm no dWl- cat.t tint u>/uni'H may 'it.i> Il In uoim- Airni I'm* fJ'i'V l'rl of th lwilh, t Miin-t'Ui, iuieh.-l'i -til lukiloiil of thf lovi:li_bum Uowur, ntir| v--t m-vur b'- ovt'ipo\u"'lnj'-ly li.iKf'int _AUvny:> loIi el \b>let n* Mn- mo.T dt-lHtitf bel li tropi' I'-'i i b -i" mnl j. i nunc, [l In in far betlcr ' at" lop n sMunnn'to ipio hilt oil' odor ifti .1 llm" Unit in |<> uny, Ut UMo \ |n|i'i, It' 11..ii lip In r pludi'i', foi ,ii'l" lininHci'i b'*l \ti fl, |n|Vt wnli-r, *( 11 * ((., ,iii 1 jpit tfi lit \ Liu . |i"i- fiirti"' u It 11 !" Hi !'l) ' ip,i" ui whlLo Th" . i ( lift ;. .. iiu'i'li ai < of all M .1 . . I ' , , il |'\ I 1 \ HI l ll 1" (it di , u a i <}. a'l-i b j m ill ,i wi r', A ' l'i ^i't .. lliilnj-f l"r tho ( |n. i-l i.i.u wlib b 't 1'ii.inULy "tlti d j .<> W (|- Y ll.l ', 1j. i n i 0: it't 'i.irhur I -, lIh- i i - i/i-, nri'i 11 bill c i ill .i ml i ot tmi wool. \ iU i i ip hi II',ti up' and .in ii b in viiJth and u|,il.; It Ir i'\\ ed in THE BiTTLE TOOHARD " I Profor Doath to Sootnpf My Children Suffer./' t-A I HAVE EATEM'MY LAST BREAD." up Lh. n i'i im - iti'Ifr a p .made fi run the i" : (Ic.ll ol Ii itli-in i und Mi'iiC nt-'ip.. '\.Ly to il . t ,i dc in t ur ic 21, i: ' l II '. To ti. i v unit" I tin I'O) -li.'.-if 1'n-m a dciliT In |n "', im- r 1 j ii tm ^, adoja -d lovr pliln;; r *i <*lj. 3i -: p.1*'o (it \vhlt< i'Mji-vjy cotton Jjtil-a h-i hU'i tchi'd upon irbi and In tin u iln c'-y riii ihi^ftK d wHh ii 1 jii" almond- 'hoi or b.-u. On I Ik- i'I.iI1! p> in-M lil'f 1, LliIn Kiy^r ol' tin- fi --*-.**- |> 1'i- K- >i M*i . I-*.-, and (-.tell n ami*, .' i tnuti ioum'mL. i*< pinct-d on tin.* pi^-i i-dlii;< ono mi H a (Vnnj)uet plli* ot fihx-m \a rah1 fi'. In tivfiity -iiiur Ilj* thirty hm^i ' h* How pra ai'r rppbLe'M by fivsii. i-sr>-i tliIL^ is Mpi-ap d tvi-rj day a' * "^' r; Knell hcu-nu fort-ft* ii| un our < iI'-kIith- \ otlior day until si*vn or i Ipht fuiti-i 'ii tinnit4nwiMif-nli-u .htiIh to l - ! th" oil -ha*, h(cm, milllciiTitly cliar^i i..l U.'li 111 t i, lo.i i J u odd> it .11. i Lh' '..> . I i :iii '"in ' d 1'jH-i . Ll i 1 i- i nv -* up i . fi i,:r. i i .\ rh .. . . I I U i i , lUl p villi pi 1 \ 11 .11 i 1 I ' t. I ol i I ' I. ' - a'nl linilb i>h ..i ,th -'ltd ioiin ti' lh . ni i 'i. \ .u ( ) i' ipi i'i - n.i'- . i i i it U'.l.. .\ " >n .i io k i L ml li idi' -u tin- i.i ino. aim '.. man h.i\ i Im i r i,i u1-In d .i ml i [i.iii fd ,'fUi wo irint' i|p tu'i ' t in i a u :-.< I insiflo Ifi t to p- ui oi ilnd il't, LMliL HI i ill'H nil l 1 llli 'Jlli flt'i L to -x.i .u them a'-r in ?M>v 'I'm l ol 'JLikiur a s"1id h- lr , tl i oi ildii.ttlnu -Liid In ip In f .i "bind , r ^ U li t\< . clt t.,, a nd liuld-, t b" tl ".*. i i jilor. Hi :t iiiOKiUi't li'.fi 1" i^ ".> an I P I- it oi li r ll j\\i i tiioi tllL. ' li tilled I'o I' JlP hot i I Lot to 1**1 tilt-in k >*h< 1* III"" * U l 1-,- pi Ol t S I. Tuu will ii-ijuLn* a hull . for >nm i lU't tniwili r. uirls is alu'JijH K*ao i 1 i* tip -"indoor nifp-. , eiiicfullv jilcli- i '. ' '/ :. di b d ilnd pulvt rl'/.od, is a la- u.Kt- \ iLh m m1,, 'J^o malt" a d< liploiiii j-iv.i* i. oli.'t pon'dM* take powdfro'l y\' -r -nun post- ,tT\>>ii air dilc'il. ti n ouncen; muHl: In mi )> i, tu't iPy grains; lavender 'b>\\< ^, two ouacis; ci\ct ten KULln-. MJx. \\\-l\ and lo-ep elo^idy rnrked until .tuiti \i, to Umi' tor tho (uciieta. t i - \i in i. 1'ivv/deied nr-iii or relmtiior monn. one AUtii-i|>t--(l Hiilrltl.orii lloiilniil >lVkiiM "I lliui- inUUUt ;m Mui'U jih I.h-i I oi*I( lmd nut i|> lllm'ry. Hut i -Uavt' ^<t lloi-o Uvuntl HM'l Hv HiMil- Ah int 11 ai, Qin- . ->pt. V Afi'" fli orp-<* T'lruei, -'t |-_ i 'jini i e im , . l '..nil In a u , hu .'on in ' m ,i i le i no i with n b<ul" oi' l.iuil.iiium 1" od bi-r on i taldi ,L In* ,. i , in i\ i I i > t |n- Notre I lain* I I li.pita I .io! ti 'i P <l, and lni]>"ii n i'i i-vii.i-11 .i i in d no in i n- ' aind a Io :d> I I'unK i ,u,i! the I '.Hot. p ', wlilrh t< II tin ,i.( t id : H'-i> ! lJi'J'i. I'"(il Mai v, - , hout * n I am In " s-ri I t maid' , *- I ha......i . i w ,-.'d"fl in i a i1 i> on ( ni mi'v l i i' >i to boi - fiv.* a in I > i hi Id ni I \ i iiii,ui |, i .my 11 win 'i ,i i, h on , nd to ii,|i, it xik -lii- -air i ni 111 Mm ol .i mi pi> ii nd v. Ill W'O . hinl In lab- i..mi \ bv i hi- i nd o Mhi ui; p n mil i I ".' ml <- siinrt fJouriioyH on a Ijoiij; XtOiXiJt _ i I bit ( IniiiieleilHi'; r it If if n ^w )'.- ( it* d Ixiolc (jontuoiini' over iinc humlrod' iMj;t,iOf i'li'inriin:;ly written diHnriptioaa- , ."mhiimi i K'Horlii in -h" eonntry inath and ' i-it of C'lii(, n'o. 'V\ft rtiidpij'uiattdr i ii i\v, the ilhiiitriUliiim .'t-a noiv, and thn i-ri- mn/*uiioij ther"ih \,. I b, mw to uhiiout cv i,ynlmi. A copy of "S1 ort ^iiiiiujt uu u TjOU^' Kotld" Will he mo,t 1 W'- Jo nu\fiini wllO Will' Hliol I'-*'* tl 0 fi "tit *(fo ,'cv po'itiinu) to Cl-'O II Iliuioup, Co fn.-i I'o-'Kinj.;er A^.ont (!lhi iipo, t '! 1'ini] Uiulway, I Mr.^n'jo, III. iidvinr ot full rimls nninv redu/jwd >t re ii .'th nd \ lyor, pontlv jirepnA-d continUfi the bnsiiji-oi ot hfo strictly catih with reguliLi quarterly. Sub A cull Holicitod. UDHISl.Ha llLQUl.UIONH. All Job Print inf* and Xtanniunt Advortiamt; account h, Advortiaiii!4 aucountH patronu aro Bottlod criptiona duo in advance. Ko Hubicripttou tn tho l-'imn Pitr.hH, oi advortibomcut publiHhod iu im columrih will ho discontinued until idl arrourH-aruj. paid in full. Chunked for udyeitiHuinoutH, to uceui a Intiortiou in thn current insuu, mimt t><! handed ip not later than noon ot the Tuoh day precodin^, utid notice of hucIi iutund- od ohauge la required on tho Monday pre coding. . Notice of dihooutiuuiiuce of advuitme- UiontH must bo j^iven ut louot one uooli in oovanao of tho instio iu which thuy a desired to luwt uppeur. in to Tho itLoui- n"li and IhiwdU, liio (41 .".viiv f>f mnnial icouomy, in onjifonilly liublh to dihoi'der in the fall, Tin* mrvouiv njtt'im ban aluo Huffcrod in the htru-jtdi*. Typhoid ft*Vot und malaria in jinrticulur ilftd in the lull that combination of eartli , uir and water thtjt inurU 'inn. .u.uHtui im ftipJ'r"!11'/ 11,11)^ roiih. The full inn h 'iM."- she 'decay. ni{* voj^etablei. contrihutu th^i-f M>iaie of 0 intiimination. Jlood'a Surr^pn-rdia fur-- niilioi. u mint valui'lilo HiLfe/^ar.l at 1 hftyj TOfiOitun*- poratH, nn 1 y]\ >u,\S he used ,u 1 til heloto MiimtiH hickin-H * hai laid \.*u low. I x 1 with their odor. The cotton t Fofch~ .ir"1" iVvn r.ireftiHy cn>M*.et'ti und ii iHiriiirti* ' t( pov\ er'ail pn-aMire, and i li prc.'med oil" which flows tnon i hem T.inced ns'tlo In --orked bottle'-, m inrn to it-ttle Al'ter :,oine time it 1mm ouh-1- tierXeelly clean 4 nd J.s tiion 1 iiuly to be u-ciuited Into other bottles and.tii'pt foi diMllllnjr. The lieMt flu-*'/era for the -.'..>vo pur pose In Anierti'a are violet, Moni-y.suek* re Aiivr.nriin:i SubecribpuR and piitroim tsoimrally are rcquestotl to read the above re^ulatiomi -aarofully, -m order that coufuHiou um> bo aYOidod, ua they will in all canon be adhorod to. AddroHH all coaimunicnt-ioiia to IE. JT. LOVGLACK. t'uhliahor thu RuiKxTanr,, 1'jHhCX, Out 'A Warning to Smokers. Tor home tune pnat uvrtuiu di*aliiEa havu in en Holliun interior bnvndH of tobimco when "TA IV i-j a->ked for, thus aofc ouly trmim^ en the ro'uHtition ot the munufac- turtislait ttlh'i iujiirii'u tlio ntv'ie of tho article, rin; Gi-q. K TueUett \ Son Co., of Hum l'tnn iiave t'ik*<u the milLut 111 hand and lu'.ini t pru^f-cutim". ihu olfundorH. KnioUui ttiiouhl ho ciLutnl to seu the "T A II ' htninp 011 eticli [dn*4UH, to Jiain extra protit, unycrupulf u*. dealers tear the ta^ off o* 1 1 ' !, .1 I s i> i i-. "T A B" and 1 j i^t. :>a j'.nod.' elnIdi 1 1 d p< ll ' 1 iM 1.' i\ mi atid f ciin' 11 a ht 1 h : Ml 1 '[, tV 1 "1 oil* '1 ab ut n , il -ll 1 - n 1 1"h . iiimikci: i\\ im; bo 'id- tn> lei 1 1' 1 U a h" lol- Io' IT li/ii - in I'i . , II "it <1 ' ' JO 1 ii eh'i'h 1 'i 1 1" t* .!'"' 1 . 1 ' 11 '-,- 1 ! 1 1 111 :1 . 1 os t v 0 ll.l \ 1 full",lit an nj.o h ,c ' 1 1 < j '. NI ;i i-,,i hi"-1 1 -jy in b>- 1 "v . bul 1 1 IM * mo 1 e bi e.ul tinl 1 nn 1 h i 11 .. . ' 1 1 v nir. Jilaiiu- iiu ii'H' 1j' "on biii! 1 1 K oi" i'i. I am tiie only THE AMERICAN HOTEL,. Esnex, - Ontar-lo, (/ .' SAJ( K, i'U'H'l iKTOK, JfAH UK KM Vj, tlioioiifldv |i> .n.-i'd aud icplniilHlaod. %'iit, (w tin iiitiin- l>v . > Jifi wii.t jironviotot. r \iini{ iiaic: l.l"lON\*I ' HrW. I ti'ii riii'in Acroinniintio.r(iininitiifiml, VV JSlJM JiSLtU HiiIiihidpii In lmiK-U-a 0111 hiinly Ciuiiiilboi (ii.twii Nnrnni'y Htnak, Wo- paiuniiibMi hiiLi'ifiictirni iu 1 tr) irf uitu ta tl von mid: riihtd.yimii. fur mmiiiyioH iifi* tlio liLWOHfc'lip tin !o\iihiKii, o\i 1 Too ii'Mmi. No iinbhtitnMon hi unl'iii Jai-Iuhiv'i tt'i.dairy find libuniltoirnl** tn . . ulo 01 purt 1 hue Kitonhi Writ** 11 STONK .> M'KMdN'flTOK, 1 Uiml oilli-i'l'l'nionto, Oii'i' '. uil', intifiurj in J.iuiida lifivffii.' tniithiid' 11 - (ionsi bb j 1 1.' on foi t In' .11 1 i h.i v ' T'( in" ti d " The " Min,in' ,1 li 1 nd foi mt of tnlor *o h -ip in.itt"! s nlo'i;,- tin- W'ir.,1.1 opi do.! v.. small ciipdy 1 >n-, onh" to 1^1 a'l th/- lit tie inniMV sin- ha 1 .iinsn], The In- i.n M'l ' It to b,o]i for \i< rk. und A A III ' let t "I ' t.' 1" lui'llll' .< JPd ul. \i"ornr. tlini-i, .suit 1 1 ri* d bad, hence the il'i'spall" of tin- inorJn p. All in" i-'m"- o, . |- inj'hi'.' of Mrs. Tt irnor as j u .;'< u 1" r. 1 1 h 01 unit) ll-Lm, ESSEX utand "V ..i i\ i'i 3.4.1 (i It!r "i]iir Wr 1 OOI IILL!.-*. -un-itE rollo\***rl <>d\ i{est<<I, iHlurt nt Kaso. CAN Srnir ID COPYRIG I OI1TA1N A PATIiVT-f I'o.- 1. -irninpt niiHWur niul un lionet opinion, wrlns (lilNN* tV^Cn.. who haves laul neiirW tlity jc.ii' fcXPOrmnci'Ul Hit) Jiotunt bii'ini'""'. Cniiiimnu.i. OoniiBirli'tly rnniiiloiuiul. A MniulliiMilt; 01 In formation rnnivrmn.: I'lilcnm anil now to nii- tul.i thiMu in nt irt'c. A ho 11 nn iioj*auor .'vjaimi teal anil hiai-nilili-tinfiUs-i'lii im,-. TaomTil tuKiin tlnoii Co receive .Ipoelill notice in tlio M-ientillr AlilCl'H-iin. JPi'i tliUB nru bruiiirlit (vlih'o lii-iu.-ihu pul-ln -. 1..1 "" ' ' "otiK'Onnt'tf]'tiioOnvi'ir'.ir. -/I'iilo.*.i.i.uuiitl.'p'0 -H tiifluctiwooldy.<ilf'Kanil.* dlumi iti'ii.Uaibyhu un- Iffrucut ctrt'iihitlnn of un-' bun-nf UIl* ullt lit tin- world. ;t ft vi'.ir. nuiiiiI.' coin, i himit :rce. nnlWImtKilitton. mnntlily.H lOajcir, t-insl. Mil Id I net eoplOH, 'J.T cuiuu livury miiutier rent 11111 ),> a tttui rlotf-H, In colorii, mat tihntopjaplm of mi houiioa. with planii, otmlHlnu \ulP; o-Hm/tli. i-' Adiin .* Min'. i > Wi.W Vohu Hiil l"o\i.n-A-v '1 hat m what it n .vimu travelling on the fuHt t r nun of tin Cl e it'll, Milwaukee A Ht. Paul Uuil\Mi>, bfii li i I bore im 110 chance o'dncli,' hu* thi- uu oiiiinodatiomi aro 1111 to dale ti e i.iui.- I p moving rt<:lit aloim and ^ut iln-re on '.nit". The so hues ihor- oii^hly eoser the terriuiry hutwoeu Chicajio, La (JiOHhc, WJ;. Paul. Minneapolis!, Aber- diun, Mi'chf-ll, hion . Fa]!n, Sioux City Vunktun, CouiKMi Bhilfn, 'Jmalui and Nor- tlit-ni Michigan. All O10 principal oities o d tiawn in tlial tuiritory are ruuehed hy tlio "St Paul" lines, eoiimjoliu^ at B&. taul. Oouneil liliiffn und Omaha with all hni-u tor im mtn in tlio far wohI. Wnte to \.'.I* "t'.iylot', -(r!ai'atd'n-U'.l,.aJ,a,-r..Af;fniLv..li7.| Yoi k f-3LiLf*t, Toionto, Out , for ono of their uiap time tiftlofi'll.iU'lf'bfrJS^ fh 1 I'm io-] r,f the Conip-i ft incut tilft pum !u- '1 iki'td luinlshijij by any Coupon ii'i 1 L tijjf m in 1 ho United Statetf and Can in. 'll.o fmcHf dining earn in tho world run on the solid ventibuletl, oloatric- i,lii< d 11 ud litoaiu he ttod traiut* of thu Chi- neo, Milwaukoo A Ht". I'niil Huilway. "ITVTirni'^rofK'. jonquil, Ja.smlm a*J.rcisHUM oranj,'^ ami'myrtle lilo-smnd. 1 -.-1 \i . ni itnsi:-i An iixciuljitte ruse nee of Mi-es may 1 Iliads an ((jllowt,: Take ot! petals ':C' lnsit, {frtsill threu pound;1. n.^_iipdiiprio and lectitleti nplrit. HO per cunt.., hvo iinpci' quarts; digest t'.ic i^tals, iiiPlt- ud to plvces. In hIic ^jjlttr. tor twi'n'jy- I'uiir hours, then dlatll t. 1 ihyiieHM by *;ho hont of a w.Uer-bi'.r.h. tkf dl'itillnte, product of fJi^tlllatlon Ofi a Cresh quantity of ros* tuitals, and, re ditu il an hofoi'o, and tvp-eiit the j>ro- r esH of maceration -tad tllHtlllatpm a third, fourth, tilth and sixth Urru* or r.ft'-ncr, the laat time taking care ti> conduct the distillation rapidly, ;ii)d to draw over one gallon, which is tile os- ttnee. It In delicately and delightfully fragrant and improve;- by aK". The product of this loceipt is very superior and has a pocidiar delicacy oi! flavor which dlHtlnj*rui."tioH it from t>joue- \>i-+- parcd fiom tho otto. Violets arc so dllllcult to extract the od ii'oin th 11 the iierfumers tfetti only a very HllKht percentaRe of tin* teal flower odor in" all the tou^ of violet w.iteiH and *-xtractH annually manu- l'.n tui'L'd, and orris root Is masquerad \i\K under all sorts of violet names. There is no such thins as heliotrope 01 lor made from the tin wet. All mo- I 1 lied hellotrnjii' extracts and watei.s ii 1*1 pioduci d iroin th' vanilla bean as .: lia.sis-, w It 11 other inf-rreilu 11 tn which p vt U I he fieshni-ss of a tljwer odor. Tmiv id Lhe nioHt buecoatifnl ocjors are II .h iaimuace ot the pi rfumer, "boil fin. ts" that is to say, mado by corn l Ininpf -i vi ral odors. KraiiRiimnnl, foi 1 xaiuph , is niade of half a do'/a-n odors, md the handkeriihief extrai. t known . s "nean d'lOspagne" i.s compotied of f'. ni-rlpannl and patchouli, half und half It Is a curious fact that tho inor- panic woild has never yielded a hIukIi* p rinnie. The few such as musk, am- 1 rt;ri:i and elbet, which are obtained "f.Trii-di^-ainimal kingdom, arc not^of lln mseU t-s ap;recable. They are ex- ,u^iMnel.v,.;ir-cessary ip.^ohlins and huh- '..inhiK ilowor odor.s, but alone they t, not at all to be compared with tho "mm of any ono a "ninny flowers, ijivcnder water Is a delleato and es sentially clean odor, delicious for the bath, from which It derives its generic n me and preferred by ;i iinid; powder ul boi'samot peel, one- .0 ii h.-ii' nn niiiuw; powderi d acacia,, to -f'oiirth of an ounce; musk, Uvunty li*.lS. i, Hitched: v\dii* -It lsalu.t>s far better to ad I ,'u lltth- muik ti j it, us the music holds iln* ;oifunu . The odor frmiu-ihe orris rontt . trculy nM'.tctt-d by many fustldluufp Fi'nch wonio ., and It is (pilto a com.. . at pp cth v to thro.v an orris root; tv: blai lire tlie dual wqter used, Im 'men of IJise elee/aiit Paria. I. - p. - * .* s .',1 that or )i* "Krenclnvfimaii, ' *,oi Im 1 n-_, jT'profich ui by per eonl'i -4 i .r 1 ncc 'n this -.'l. * tion, copii'ed that if she were goinj.',, 'c ; crd'tl <u> -die int itided t.i wo sniell- ' ,- 011 K nil ^iie slid rim thought t-v -n ' . -iliain majesty \*ould Ilnd tt ; In*..-Ian. *, than stl-Vhur. 1 i>-- 1. 1 . -. \i ni-ir 1 ewpbii pn^vder- r t ro 1 Ii-.'\ cs, one pound; rI?onkj i ,:i jiii'.vibi. six o-inces; vanllli hi .v - ;iiipee ounce*-; musk, in grains, .' fl.ripi-i, fhHMneo ot almonds, live , Mix It and rif"S through a in J Tfl-vo. INI ionm.:, ij.y w unci enjoy the 1 ^rfumc of, P.-.C Ol SW 'et-SCfn.tcd IKlbtllleS. Th" n . -.-, of tlw church Is c*)Uijoscd a.i ' 1 '.lUV" 1 ^bnnuni, true, seven ounces; #um /.oil 1, two oimi-e^, nilx and add en - > a.-ilia ope uiiricL'. 1-turn In a eeic-or ' i. on a h<\( plate. ' UK Ml l.\ I OH 1 \i [il, 1 (il.iioNl. Kssfn e-- 4em e of cition, 1 ^.'.miuus, - ,scn,'" o. mernll, 10 diops, i-asein < of origan, u drops; essence of rumarin, -0 orop,, oranj-'i*- tlower wat , .10 grammes; trl- rle-dL-atlllfd alcohol, o7H cubes. THE GIRLS AND THEIR WAYS. "Come lh and have a soda," said tlu younj-,' woman in the "ti iped \\a . >. "No," replied the youiiR woman wifi Uiu flrulntj hat, "f don't care foi It.' "Oh, come alunjjr." persist" d Stii'.r- Waist; and she entcicd the soda *dio followed With evident unwillingness h, FlarlnK lint. The wa\s of the sou.. pirls arf> wonderfully like those of Uu cocktail man. lioston Transcript. *'*i !1 roll , Sullivan, I .id. .5-pt. 7 The ruwit h'>r- Mido muidoi a.ii'J sulfide in rho hla- 'ttvy of this country occurrnd lust tit-flit. .lalne,, Ward killed; Aaron Uuniir, hi;i laLlo.i in-law, and John Hunter, his l-r^l hcr-ln-lau1. Wat d jut oil th" Ik'c.'J ol tin elddr Hunter 1 nd sjdit wide , [ion the Iie;oJ of the ion. Kiimilv u! o icru-i-s ai e mpposed to h.'ive b il to ">* crilin I.a'iit nlj^ht it U fi'clock VVird and Aaron Hunter wore In town, and hid ij'parent \y irriv_efl nt \\ sit.Hsf'i',,orv 'iniL-'i'.-'-ai d- t-riK". ^\ ard ih'idsti-d, iinwc"i 1*, up' 11 tho old mnn ifiiniK ii tli,; vojods :cr the purpope .-f tniyitlntr cf.orri'* Willie the huut waii n iooL,iess, -Ij 1111 I" was idttinr, ni. *i .-tiooji, W.'ad hit him on the neck- with an i..\'. -lis he-ad as sjdlt wide open. \ h'n ITuntor fell Ward irric ' hi- pr .sti-r.'e body sixain and'.tu off iho h-a-b Th*- .1x0 ' ioun 1 Tlti1-murdorcr then prop* *<nu>i to Kiel tin* .lead of his victim alum-: I" ip*u ^ nt ho ..*, n ,\ ol e lii < if- 1 !.<-: !.d 1 a< 1 to call hcv hi' i'i v as- .i" ami in- old man hud lit'- p 'on, imi'I nsk hi'm to come and li*:.. -ll tbe Live. rh,. yi 'in^ri nuutei' j.11 ir ii[i .1 ii'I *\"iu ait into tho Has Ju^H&c-Bived Th^ Fmm\ and iiesi fis^rtmentfrff Boots and Shoes In Essex^ Men's S^rnes and Oxf^-iis , Ladies' snd ChiltJroir^,^ (oej anc'iOvforcls. Tiba Ch<iii|mHfi in tlu..- .L and. Gib*I and Eripjrhno-iand ius* on- vlnoocfoi'o*- yoursolutac* 3if a.s, Stirn eti lUir <;tl(len Din (J 1, --------"------------: 1 . ___ . ^A/hitney Block - ' p.ssQii ' yard fl PALAOB STeAManO. LOW RAT EC CLEVELAND, PBTTSBURa, ^ BUFFALO and AIX POINTS EAST ^tv HVan/ BVBWINQ BBTWBBM DETROIT .# tlM ConncetlnR with cnrlicbt trnlnn nt Cleveland for all paints Lust, South nud Southv7ei>t, Sunday Trips Juno, July, AujjUBt and September onl. POUM tHIMtt VMM V/WIIH UtirWIICM "ETOSKBY, THB "SOG," MARQUETTB. AND DU'-UTH. TOLEDO, DETROIT/ iiTOSKBY, THB "SOO," j AND DU'.UTH new psawrnftfr f-tenmeffl have Juit ------1 built for our Upper Lake Route, co'-nnj; x each. Send fot illustrated piimpnlet. baa, 1 A. A. 80HANT2- - r. * v. 0HTnOtT# MIOH. mm 1 vmm sru uurJim HASY HOME DIHN I' i-. now possible for an inexpericn- I' - lo dye cotton, wool, silk, fCii:h< t . .u k that will not ciOL-k, fade ur i' ' , iai ihu Diamond Dyes With a ten cent package/^ of nny one ofh f-> Uic three faU^ - Mack dyes for wool, foir cotton, and for silk and feathers the very fm.t triu! Iijringfl success, nnd tho directions on the package are uo mmple tlmt even n child can cot the best results. , There are more f.un forty, colors of Diamond Dyes nil reliable and ea&y to use, nnd their Kuperinrily n ur* questioned. We send samples of dyed cloth and direction book free. WiaLS &*IiiciiAitDf;oN Co. Montreal. many to bay rum or Florida water, ffoie are three excellent formulas: I.AVKNIiA.t 'l'OH.KI' WAri'Jlf. Take two ounces, avoirdupois, flnoat oil of lavender, Mlleham, eHHence of musk, finest, one imperial fluid ounce, ..i-. (nci' of amberfjrin, finest, and oil of hciKamot, "recent, of each one-half rectified splrltfl, DO per cent., '(.rf*** 1.1 ^ : nit-c on. \\ hcrr Ward, ulii-i n strfdfe ot uv axe felled' him to irte RiniMil. Youim** Ituntcr died ahpo: r immed lat >\\- with hlj. In nd HiiK o'ii n I SeTor-: ma nv in ai 1: : -..* r 1 me wiit* generall'r kiioun. und ,1 no.i c :"-l--t- MHT ot' mincr.'j iind fjirnn .m st. ml on tin* hiiiit tor Ward, .i^-uifrd with v.-l- 1 irm.s weai^Jirt. .Tu^t (iH thev had Incwjted Ward ion? .surrounded lhe fh hi in which lie imrt In 1 11 lidln*-', a rdimlc .-dud \raH hctvj'd. The Di!i--*-i' closed tn n the spot I'v-m wbenc- the firtnK hau' eonm and found Waivf on 1i!m hack on the mound vuth a nvi'iKiT In ellhti- iiand and a 1 ollet wound under the 1 * ^t ey.-. lie -van aln:ady d* ud. I l'lt0ir.<19O\ Hl\rrlSlO lo Ir 3 m* 11 ft I tn Mu< '.rti'ih EJiTliirii<fi nt Oiwe Lmiilon. Sept. .1 The Itlp-ht Ffon. J.imeH howther, al-P. fur Hie teWi or Thanet. dlvl-lon r-i' Kent, pi sh ip at a mei'tin,-; t.-day, at v hl'h it ..'a resolv- eit to addri " a m-itili"-i.i lo t.*-* l'hi^- li j- li iieojile In r.t tor (f tii" tidcpuon or n piote.'ti-.- p'dlf v -.\ lt ii pi. ii-rcntlal tri atiTient oi tlv. .Hi li: h 1'd^r-.".--^. IU'IiImIi VI 01 :.(-!< n *a luil l"rotr"tloil. Cai'dllt". Pi Tit. C- -Tin' Trades Con- ri* upon tlie (!n\ * 1 nrront '< l"r."i t ;. clause in aM Go vi m'cejit mntruets pro\ Idlr.R that the " .uul otIn*i f( 1 'l.s M.pil'-il t\\' nit innidc In the 1'nlteil ]<iiup'!unu fdiall !* or Hrltinh o" rri^h rr-intil'ucl in.-, and . n-trtiets the Piirliiun'-nt'iiy ("inn- Ilt-'e t> taK" im- rnt dlati st'ps for the lu ft Iterance; at thi:> ohjet t ESSEX Holler * r) uilimiii . ui . ..nt* I'D' iJiJiinty fif i'/jiiiix, thuT In in ,-1 ii t>\ liolier 'ln'lo miOKinn; '>')] I. N. *! ili* .Hi Thiiitiitif, n.n'1., .ti m l'il k-Li opperciiuity 01 tlio Town und fj<U>|..d thuKu- uiti nri'puroil by alfiO Btonruij the mi vii'i - : 'OisHii .il>r *c iian, an ti-pofi- tiuu"tl .'lul'.i.juj.'itv cuujif-iia uL imlldr. riiuuMi, ,-tl'tMrtiiiph) nr '.iiv.i/ i-y-i and county for thu j>a.r juufifi huHtow M4i 11 pon him In tbo pint, will .",i'ii 4nt. n 8uri_i9.jiiJ ou in thn tuturtx Gris'^Las; and -! Sp<a,c;n'ifc v. e Tit;-; hi>a cuadhs ui yj <.'UItN.4f>:AL KKl'T *P- >W at uron"', jt AilTH, KREDAND 'O.IK AND KOLD 1CKH. Cash Paid for Wk eat and Oats. I'liicn in ,ti "U'l \' i\s> #1 win Id ffi) yeunu lllOD , ni <m < me n Bufajioaa KuiifiO.i.tJ , -hi)ittiiuni],()tn.liu tbo )><t' nil) ^1 in mi Hiilvt'riiity, Do- in u .'uli 1 Hit ti i .itnd ontillotilio I in ii ' AH Detroit, V. .n.W fid , 1' t s p. )i M-KN\ i'lH.Huo'y- one-half Ballon; mix by nek ounce, scentless, tatlon. KI.OK1DA WATHlt. Ti\Up two drama cacn.of tl^!_oll oi lavender, heruiimot and lemon; ono- draehm eacb of tincture of tumeric and oil of neroli, thirty drops oil of balm and ten drops oil of rose; mix th* ubove with two pints of deodorized alcohol.- WEST INDIA HAV HUM Tako two poundH of leavefi of the myrtuu acrlo, one-half pound carda mom, two ounces! caHHlii. 01 c and one- half ounccH doves and nine qiuirts rum. Distil ono and one-half gallons. Bay rum may bo colored with tincture of naffron, or with a mixture of UqUnl piirtu caramel and tincture of tumeric-. Tho osccoBBlvo ubo of porfumea la vulgar. The annlontn s^ tnom lM al* moat Bttrtlnc qiiantltteri, bin one cannot i'liimn I.lltlc Nnthi't;;-t. What mints of Itioiw y fl i-iri (an spend In no time and for no'h nt; at ah. Shopkeepers, like desi;,niii-j *>; Idcr**, (ill - up their windows wltli cu.i 1 7 ^'imeraelca and alllty Curbi I own. Ann alone; come the .shuppcr, wim takt., out- little pcop at the fasclnatliiK window.' Then .slie thinks she'll m> Iu **ju>t ii, look aiound, but not to huy" 1 the sillv, unulhe little lly, she's sv , in into the web and lost. And .she's lucky 1: she haa a nickel left with which to pay her. .cur faro back home. rcvcrv year oeems to Innc se the "little nothings" necoHsaiy to woman- f ross. And those s;.me "little no th ings" wblilc money away ,1.4 siin&liliie sips up dew. And how wlrls do dotr on those little luxuries! Chicago Iie- cord. - How to (let 'I Mht. ^ The woman who wn.ds to be thin m usL drink large quan Ules of hot tea. She must not sleep too much. must practice with dumb-holla ' luie nie is, " muat eat aah on dry tonst. -.: ' 'iiiaj (I:lnU ten or roffco h r- , n ,l\ v.'lii a huci t'hlct. ..1- inn : omit oil liym salad drcnt> Ut". ..'ter hri'.LkfaHt, rain or whine, mjc j, .* u" rei.i". though Xtomo fan. "In- im i, kcL-p. lior mouth olouecfc v. b;.e' u rnklrttf^~mrrl~zrr7r'; ~ --~ L"du.- muii a bicycle to, reduce her >s . 1 ,u"i ' ulce a bath'very twenty- l" ' ..U..IU. Not in ::v i> iiiis'.it. Hammo cks, Sponges, Spci-ag.-e Bags, Bath Soapr j,Bath Brushes i,P Whtw tln< \i j \mi-2' Vliailtl IIo -im Sji Jti^t "> Montreal. Fcpt. 7, Bw "William Van llorne'b opinions on thi; v-.-.\ed ques-Uon ot the ri* la ot m ndoi't- to ndx M'ouired win at with M:inltoi)di JCn. 1 hayd' do not 1 xaetlv eol-u id" u ith thn.-ic ex- pio*-sed liy the 1'iK't'f: of Trade of To ronto and Montn-nt Speaklns to a reporter concern i'i--; the action oC the Ur ntioller of Inln.'ur li/viniic itt pont- pt.ulnj^ the h'.'i'i-K-i' of tlie proposed urdi r-in-eonncil i.-strletlnK tlu* mixing th.* Pn-sident ol th*' Canadian l'aclllc llnllwiiy Maid ' "I think the Government wan quit* rifht in not excludim-; wheat which hud hcen treated for smut hy hrushlnR, from the hif<h^r iwndo, if She hrushlng ha? made it lit tor that jrrade. To hfive excluded It \souhl have Hvnrlcod a KiTiit hardship to 11 lav<o numlrer of .funnels. I think there will he much I tens amut this year than luat, and that when tho next tieecHnpr time cornea overybndy will join In hucIi treatment of the seed as will Ket rid of the dlftl- culty and then we will hear no more cf .IU" r.M.iv itKrtmHi i*ic\m:. Aliorl ftptiflfliffi thn IttlU Ht (he Annul Oiiflntt " l*oir HluklUy. Port Stanley, Aup*. 31. A thousand people attended the annual Reform picnic of IiJlKln County herp Friday and the proceedings worn enltvoned, with music, sportti and a drill compe tition. Mr. Caron, president, took the cljiilr, and tifldres.sen were dollverod by the local rnemlwi-H and cundldatOH. -*Dcr-Lap{|flr^lu_arj^L?-'on, r>. Mllla. All "lhe HpeecTlos wore smoi't. kooi* 1 with, our Fans. Ffigex Hail. Safest, Simplest, Stron ircst, otia , Top Receiver. Lightest, Worklnff, Most Xccuratti+ Compact, Most Modern and progresslvo For enrtnloffiio or information wrlto to THE MARLIN FIRE ARM5 CO,, New Haven, Conn. iVlARLlN REPEATING <WLE5 FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEMD Larg3T Sauk in Canada- ar,\.. V1 IXvuif Ll '!'* ni-ii- t'T 18