|K WILKINSON'S >'^^^ Volt > "oholoo Froiib CI rnui;riHt "' ' ProyiHioiis, Tims, Column .' , and Kpinmi. ': Spooial linos in tirnoltory. PMtntjRwi* l^>*TiiS'i '.'P- " '^ Christian Endeavor Socioty--,,,,,. Bt. Puul'n Clmroh, 'J TUESDAY! EVQ.P DEFT, 17 ' Kyorybody Gome. XS VOL XI. No .17 ESSEX, --ONT., FMDAY, SKl'T'EMBEE 13,1896. WHOLE No.568 3* fifm'+ty;:* A. & Co Our Fall Goods arc pouring in fchoao day a and rapidly fiilinp; up our sfcorofl. Tho now goods arc cheaper than ovor, Wo placed, lar^o ordor.s oarly, in anticipation of tho heavy advances which havo -awopfc through foreign and domestic manufacturers. Wo wore fortunato enough to buy at the low water miirk of pricos and are ablo, therefore, to do better for our customers thau thoao who do not buy direct or did nofcforaeotho impending advances. During tho past weak wo liavo passed into stock a heavy importa tion of English, Scotch and Irish goods^directjrenn tho old country to "uTpeFSTKAMHiin1 *-*Bwknos Aykkan," through no middlomou, but straiglit from fcho place of manufacture to us. Only ono profit to pay on goods bought horo! Direct also from tho factory of Max Mullor, Berlin, Germany, whoso uamo aud farno arc known tho world ovor as fcho first and foremost jacket manufacturer of Europe, wo' received bor Steamship "Kaxskb Wilhelm," our fall jackets and capos. Wo" iiro Bole agonts in Essex for this factory, ihd stako our reputation on tho luality, stylo and value of our man-- Lies and capes. . Also at hand heavy shipments of Domestic Dry Goods, Woolens rind Cloths, Hew Hats and Furs, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes. In the last mentioned lino BOOTS AND SHOES wo aro specially strong, having ar- . ranged for oxolusivo agoncy of throo of the-best factories in Canada, nnd got thoir production direct, thus sav- !; ing tho jobber'8, or middleman's pro fit. j ONE PRICE FO'ft ALL! h all goods marked in plain $ ' FIGURES. ; BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED! & taw, m m ythe, Anderson ESSEX, ONT. J'rl".1 USAMINO'FON. Hoe Lua, of Komnoy, was in town Sun day. Maiifio \Villiamn linn rotuni<j(l to Til bury. Mm Georgia Kimpiion ban returned homo. J. F, MuKay, Chatham, wiut in town ovor Kuuchiy. Sol, Soucord noil another drovo of cattle by unction hero lant Saturday. Throe weodingu aro, on tho programme (or tho near future. Wo will toll you [ator. Lewis Wiglo ban ^ot millions of meloiin. Ho plantud twenty acros.and thoy aro jimt gattiug.ripo. Jaw*ofi. Washburn loft on Sunday on il yisit to hiu paruntH in Booton, Ont. H bought a return tickot. Wm, Fox, tlio popular sand marchant: is loading n lar^o itchnonor with Hand at thift dock for Buy City. lluii. Wilo ami Orvo Wilkinson aro putting no thoy can "toss horo* shoos" nieul.y. It makoa u good f|umo for Sun- day. Milt. Ilooktwitli in after Hignaturun to a potition to hayothu breakwater at thft foot of Erio Htrsot -ropairotl. Som of tho timborN aro naid to bo i an uunafo cou dition. How wuld you like to bo tho poaHoauor of a "bcHt ijirl" that would not allow you to get a new unit of clothoH uulorni nha noon tho namploo und noUctcd tho uloth. Suoli in tho cutie with a youn^ coupls in our town. ..... ... ' On Monday lunt an annanlt uud battery cauo was broufiht boforo JP. M. Selkirk, tho partioa boiii Pftrnoua va.^Codar.' Mm. lJamouo claimed that Oodar aud bio wife boat her, and Codar doniod tho cbar^o. After conoidorabln talking tho cauo' wun Bottlod, Codar afjrooing to move off tho Parnon property. IjAWN NOOIAIj At I?If, Al<U. lllii'Oo'iV'oll***. COTTAM. Tho pulpit in tho Methodist ohurch lufit Sunday night wan fillod by Mr. Footbam, from Easox, who npoko quito oloquoutly. Tho Euglioli Church pulpit wuh filled by Mr. Staph an Willcinuau whose oloquonco BurpriHnd a fow, Lei|htou Purkor intends taking hialouvo with Inn machmo on Monday nit for Pen Hold noar Calgary. Tho triomla of Mr. Siduoy CaRhill iuteuu aonding him a lib- oral supply of Canada f>reon tobacco. Soma aro nonding out applan and othor fruitH to friondn there, oao of our old citizonti hao Hout to Cottara foraight pounds of twonty five conttoa, and tho cash for payment. ' It appears that cuounibtmi do not ({row wull thoro bo a supply will be cont to thorn. OLIN0A. MiaH WiUon and Mion Bortha Fox upont throo daya at tho Falls lant weak. On Monauy, Sept. 9th Alien Nawwau and W. J. LovoUae cat 6J aorob of heavy aorn in ton hours. Who auu'beut it ? Thsyouug daughter of Mr. Phillipu who hau boon uiak for BOtuo time with tho fovor ia improving under thoaaro of Dr. Briou. Minn Ceailia Sqniru halt boon viutting MiRO Bollo Sloan, of Morsoa townHhii*, tareviouu to tho lattor'y departure to ipond the winter wilh hor sitter in Wanlimgtou tato. NORTH RIDGE. Our school wan photographed last Friday afttruoon. Miss Bloudin, of Detroit, is tho client f Mro.C. U. Tedd. Mrw. Walter W. Colountt, of Wiudoor, oallcid ou rolativQO horo la8t Friday. John CJormly, of EBBOJtrTowu.Ktme war. don, oallod on oomo of our oitizonn last week. Hov. w. H. Shaw will proaob, D. V,, la tho North Ridgo Mothodiufc ahurah ou Sab* bath, 15th inst., at 11 a.m. A. Wnmor threuhed throo hundred and sixty louuhulu of oata lait Monday in flfty- eiffht minutes for Obarlou Loaubury of r.hin pluoo. Two lare gMifia of taeu aro hard at work digging a drain and laying gas pipo toroHS our townuhip on tho rear road, ono mile south of thin plaoo. Pretty hot lot Septombor, only 03 in tho ahado laatTuoaday ana Wodncsday. Sev eral men who wore working oh the it9 lino in tho drain and lying pipo got "buoh. ad" ii it i oallod, and bad to atop work for a while on account of tho croat hoat. A.. Warnor'B "HelHe," tho pot uame he has for his traction enciuo, Cot,hito the pas drain Inst. Monday night on the rear roudfloutb of this plaoo,wbilo bo wan tn tfOHto to Henry BarloW'o on tho ninth eon- OMdlon, andaftor a 'gang of won got-hor pried out with layors tho blaolmmith xnoudod !. broken partH he wont on hiu way rojoioiug and arrived at his dontinatioH about daylight TuuHday morujng. Jfii. J'jiim'oh, -Tn purmmn n\ouu tlin road ntar tho. Whit^ou oliuroh on biiHimiHii I wan piutrting a ludy who appoarod to bo in a hurry, (joinf* uftwr hr hdWh, uh thoro wan a Lawn Putnpkin*pio tuicial at Mr. Mc Dowell'", tho uuxt Iiouho, and hIwj vim vory unxiouH to |^o thoro to-ni^lit and uid "you had bnttor go to." I, hoing nlightly lmnli- ful, replied that I did wot know anything about it and wan untproparod an I wan ou bunino'jH, hni Ihout'ht to mytiolf, and oupo" oially whan I mtw'tho tuhlen, tlmt T idinuld and muHt take that in at nil ha/.nrdii. WIiou I jlmuhod ui> biuinoHU and wan ro- turning aud miw tliu tablsn loadnd down with every dolieacy of the noanori, unit top- pad off with pumpkin pio, I fully roHolvod in iny mind to notroquiro too much coax ing whim a good looking wtn.it living there about came oui and awkod mo to join thm I without fitrthor huuitation or mock buuli- fiilneim, with a watering mouth and appe tite for thorn* mniit delioioUH odibloii which wo poor hungry foliowh do not ofton Hot in town, turned my homo m. Tho oulv fault I fouud waft that tho nnp- por way not quite ready and tho crowd wan not KufUciuutly largo to att dowu, but did not have to await vory Ion;; thoro until thoy boijan to como in linggies, oartu, domooratH, watfoiiH, and lnt, hut not leant, a wagon witli a wood rack ou junt packed witli ladios and gentlemen and every lady having a lar^e baidtetof oatablon. I began to wouder where and what thoy wore going to do with alt tbune eatable*, but in looking ovor the orowd I mado up my mind that it would take a lot of grub to appoano tho hunger of such a lot of puoplo. I mado up my mind however, of oourm to myself, yon know, that I would do my bout to not allow any of thoao |^ood tkingH to spoil thin hot weather. I therefore wont in tha flrut op portunity, to do my bot. I think thoro woro two long tablofl emptied three timed boforo tho pooplo were all sorvod. Mr. Korr dono liis duty collecting the infant aum of 15 oontu each, and whon counted up ho hud 831.80, and a lot of good food left. Now, Mr. Editor, I think it would bo wioo for you to attend al] of thonu Lawn pumpkin pio oooiala or pumpkin pie lawn uecialfl, which ever you prefer, to neo thu good pooplo iipreud on boforo you Hiich odibloH ao would take tho cromie and wrinkles oat of that long, loan, lank, Bhcll of yourw, and get acquuiutod, get fat, and get your oubooription liut onlargod. I hav fully mado up my mind that I wonld attend all I wan hereaftor ankad to attend. After all being Horved thoro was muwc, opuaking, rooitationii and all tho araoH- mnntu attendant ou all nucIi oocauiouu, by the reHtdont minifltoru and othorB of tho neighborhood. After the people were oat- is Quel with all that ooald bo uervod in thin way, thoy_ repaired _.to.. thoir roHpeetivo bomeH, wull natiafied wilh tho ovoniug'u f uu and tho way thoy woro Horved by their hout and hoiiteiiH, Mr. and MtB. Alex. Mc- Dowoll. Yonrs truly, Lovun of Pumpkin Pib. SuWuvallcs. A JLosuon From a Cemotory. Take a walk through any of tho cuno. torioH throughout tho country and yon will almoBt believo that the fool* are dlowly but ouroly pausing away. You pans tho laat resting plaoo of a man who blew into an empty gun. Tho tombwtoue of him who lighted tho nro with keroaouo. Tho gram carpeted mound which oovors'tho remain of tho man who took the mule by the tail. Tho tall monument of tho man who didn't know it wan Ioadod ovornbadown tho mau who jumped from tho earn to nave a ten rodci' walk. Bide by aide lie tho ethereal creature who kept her coteot laood to tho laat hole, aud tho intelligent idiot who rode a bicycle nine miion iu ton miuuten* Horo repose a a doctor who took a doeo of hia own modioine, aud the old fool wba married a young wife. Eight oyer yonder in tlie northweit corner, the breezes oi^b through tho weeping willows that bond over the lowly bod where lies tho fellow who told his mother-in-law she lied. Down tbero in a potter's field, with bin foot utiekiog out to tho cold blunt of whiter and tho blistering rays of the summer imu, ih ntretoUed the earthly remains of the misguided regulator, who tried to liok the editor, while the broken bonen of tho man who would not pay for hiu paper are piled np in a corner of the fence. Over by tho gate ropoBoo the boy who went swimming ou Sunday, and tho old woman who kept baking powdor vide by side with strychnine in tho cupboard. Tho old fool-killer gathers thorn in ouo by ono and by and by wo will havo a protty deoont world to live in. Ex. Mu, Kiimm, Dkaii Hiu, T.h ytmr orimmniitu in your local ailumnu laiit wenk regarding tho co/i- ditio^i of our iddowalkM it ti';t:iiiM to mo you woro Hoariiclv junt, u> th<i town, ft munt ho admitted tlmt wo have iiomn very poor Hidowalkii. Hut I think it must altm ho lulmi'.ttd that wn luivn unnio. that aro vory t;noil. TIigmhi von nmkri no nit-ntinn of whatever, and a h! ranger tu the place might infer from your remarkii that any or nil of our HidewallcH woro in a very dan- grroim condition. -1 preitum it in human nature for a man to walk Hovoral milen on a good Hidewulli and take uo uetico of it lv.il, thf! iriomtjiit that liiisineiH rr inolina. tion riujuirori liim to go a few hundred vardn en a broSteu walk ami when ho had a tubbed liiii Uiv.n a half dok;on timoti and loHt hmtempor ho would bo roajy to do- el aro thoro wuw not a foot of good mdowalk in tho whole town. Huh it ovor ocoured to yon Mr. lSditor to make an ontimato of tlio extent of really ;ood uidewalk wo havo in chJH town of Ehhox. I voaturo to nay it haii not nor I bulinvo to many of our citi- zenH. I beg leave to give you a few utatiu- ticu in thin regard, taken from local im provement by-lawa and from mapti of tho town, whioh will bo found noarly corroot. On Talbot Htroot, Houth uide from Hifih School to Dr. Briou'n ronideiice, thoro aro 5.300 feet of really good iddowalk, nomo of whioh iu ton or twolvn fact in width. Ou Talbot iitroot, imrtli^ddOj^Jrom-^loyu-Urio*- tol to Mr. Maylor'a flouriug mill, 1900 foot good wide Hidowalk. On Laird avouue, from Mr.'llieku' furniture warorooroii to .Mr, DoGow'h Htavo rnilln, -i.GOO foot of good walk. On Arthuruvonuo, from the fonndry to Mr. C. Si. Nuylor'a ntavo mill and be yond to tho IimiU of the corporation, 1,300 feofc of good walk. On Victoria atreut there aru 3,000 foot; of fairly good walk, be- QidoH-500-feet that ia yory'good. On Ceutro fti-oolt inoluding, both aided, 1,4-10 foot, Alioo Htroet, both Bides, l.lCOfoot. Wilson avQtuirt GCO feet. To Metho'diat church 120 feet. On Brieii aveuuo 378 foot. On Belle avenue 750 foot. On Rosaoll utroot 400 fot that in fairly good. Those'dis tances added togothor muke a total of 2-1,378 foot, Dr junt 018 foot over 4J miles- Thin dueu not inolude one foot of tho side walk recommended by the uommiHiionurH to bo torn up or ropairod. Now I think you will agree with mo iu saying tbat tbia in not a bad showing for a town of two or throo thounand of a popnlution, and if tho citizens had beou content to have had thoir resident t< a little closer together there woul.i bo >.tiut<j sufficient of nood sidewalks to accomodate all. If citizens will, how. ever, msiut ou living qo remote from each other and disperse themselvoH oyor so wide an area thoy oannot expect tho town to build sidewalk'* to uoh man's residence. Snoh could not he dono in all oasos without makiug tint* so hi^h on lands, noma of whioh aro usod only for farming purpouos, or porhaps unproductive commous, and to tho owuors of which it would bo a grono iu- juatico seeing that no bo no fit to thorn would bo derivod therefrom. However if those citizens desire te havo good sidewalks and aro willing to build them they havo only t go to- work aud do so and roheve the town from tho opprobrium whioh you think attaches to it, and if thoy do so I venture to guarantee no person will sav thom nay. Thanking you for apaoo Mr. Editor, I urn Vory truly yours, Emm Horn our travel worn appearance oxoited mtiuli mirth or idno tho inhabitant,!* urn Very pUuuanl. and laughter loviug. Mvery place of iiitnreHt whioh v/n visited lout Uh attraction fur otlierM and wo became the objimt of Ofiinnmiit. .The Cathedral and Citadel wore iu|oronting. The latter en- pauially beoauiutiP' was founded in the year 9, B. C Jlut wmit we Haw, wan, on the wholo, not of ifflterost to you- in far off America and I nW1Btl haston to toll our ox- poriouco whnu w\VG't Mayouue Ak wo panned tft<(!b tn" ur,'t town, oallod iroclielieim, wo c^Wi'fd happily and rojoieod that wo woro iu a ooupi* f htium to ho at rent iu Frankfurt whore .friend.1* ware to entertain uti for uevimil days.'- The vory cobble Htoiimi wlikdi are alwavfion tho main streets of towns (teemed to joli/w J^ioutnutitim hns long bullied tho modi out. My rear who*.] hau boon padohod ou tiifl outer tube until it loolm like a bw/:/.- saw an J. ride. 'J'lin patrlieH am ounoiutiiig, iMgs, pincnn of lentlinr and fragments of old -truui,. Tint we nhall utill go mareliiug on, C. LI. Vam Tv.\);. RHEUMATISM CONQUERED. A OTttlOAT ADVANCK IN MKD- A tnucovny tVnlrl.'KIiU fuintul I>U- ,.>UHe <;unn<>t Uiulut Mr. If UIumiIuII, oi I'liriw, Owl., irtcluiOH UIm * '- leiiiu With tii*- <ur<- I'arin, Ont., Itview. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Henry Hopgood and family wish to exprooa their tliauks through tho col- nmns of fcho FnuK Fiirbb, to thoir friends and nolghbort* for the vory kind asslHtauoe renderoa them duritifrtho very biiaf Illness of Mr, Hopuood, who died on tho B0 of August, and especially to those who were so very kind and thoughtful as to present the family with tho beautiful wreaths. Mas. Hbhby Ho?ooo, Foreign Hlcyclo Tour. k SPECIAL COltltKBPONDENT DETAILS HIS KIPKn- IBNCB TO yRKB mWlfl KKADKHU. Doar Mr, Editor: Falls of tho Rhine, July 29,1805. Wo were ncarintf Bingen when I closed my last lettor. Biogea ou the Rhiao, of win eh soug and poatry havo told so much, was % bitter disappointment. Tho river, to be sure, makes a boautiful ourvo horo, but the town ia a dirty, ovilomolhntf plaoo with old. decayed buildiugs not even , pio turosquely antique. Everything is awry, and tho pooplo all have relatives in Am- tinoa at least everyone w* talked with or asked a question aisured us of that faot first. I think myself thst it in a good plaoo to emigrate from. Wo left tho town and tho Rhine, beoause the road makes an air lino for Mayouoa. For a mile, we toilod np a hill at whoso summit wo gained a grand viow of. tho Rhiuo valloy. Such au oxpanso of oouatry beaUtiful scenery too- I novor-*W-at ono time. At loaat ao vil lage a and cities woro iu el^ht, and all tho rest unbroken (arming land with the sil very Rhluo threading its eonter. The wlMd was behind us and away wo apod on 4tnu fcablo-laudto whioh w had olimed, All went well until wo saw a troa Ioadod with black oherrlos and that oaueed an unavoidable delay. The obstruction leini than uoual, W panned llnmi anrl wore junt spurtiuc along on noon road when a huf{3 otiicer in blue eloLjen, hnuu but- tonn and a helmet, hailed u/i. Thin min ion of tho Jaw wan actually auvun feet tall and ho looked ton foot aH ho utood morn aud stolid before mi, "Rio uubuu lioin uummor." "You have no nimibor," ho Haid. "No.r but why should wo V ' "Como with me," ho said, and.wo came. I put on my Araorioau norvo aud told him who wo woro and what doing and after giving him fjood proof, informed Into that wo could nob talk muoh Gorman. Ho wont un'yioldingly alon^, roaoliod tho burgmnis> tor's oflleo and motiouod uu to outer. When inside, ho motiouod us to romovy our bats. Wo did. Ho told our awful Hiu to hiu ohiuf and this iramoble uttipid drew from hiH desk a moiiHter book, began at uha boginning and elowly turned tho paue until ho roaahod tho H70th, and aslcod me if I coald road. I naid "Yes," and pro- ooaded to my iirst Icshou in Gerrann law. I finally dincovorod that, sinfullj and crim.. iually, wo had ridden bioyclo? through the towa witliout nnmboru. Six. markit was tho flno and as I knew that I might as well romotiHtratc with a steam ongino I paid up at onoe. Alan, not all. Ho motiouod us, to Wait, drew out a multitude of papers wroto upon six for my aaso und six for Harry'B and kept five aud gavo us ono. Tboy worn recoijtts aud evidences of our depravity aud shame. We bad lost two hours, mx marlts and wore informed that we must walk through all tuwns or got a number oaoh timo. Ono and one-hulf marks for each liconso, Crestfallon and wsary wo rode hotweon town* and walkod through until at last wo reached Frank fort. Thoro wo walked tho wholo length of tho town and bitterly watched tho smiles of tho police. But our haven of root repaid tho toil we endured. Good Gorman hospitality, tho boit cooking, we had ovor knowu and hearty sympathy mado us op- tomistio again, and wo decided tnat the world wan not all bad after all. Wo saw tho town aud delighted in its antiquity. Thoro are remiudors of the Romano and of Charlemagne, of Gutou- berg and Goethe. The hitter's birthplace is a very interesting, eld mansion. There iu tho old bridge at whoso center is tho cook, pwt thoro, us logond ban it, because the architect vowed to Baerifico tbo tirst living crc&turo whioh paused over and tho unfortunate rooster made the firat trip. Tho Itomar or town hall iu the scene of the oboioo of many an emperor of tho Holy Remau Erxpiro. Then, the original house of the Rothohilds m the Jewish quarter. We entered tho old oathodral while tho morn int; uorviaes were in progress. The odorous Incense, the low, solemn obant.tho reverent tiptoeing of the worshiporn und tho orgau tones soukaing through tbo yast na/o and transopt unitsd with our know! edge of the awoinspiriug history of the ahurah to improan uo doeply. We remem ber the crowning of tho emporors there and imagination roproducod tbo oeroroony for us. No one cau go to Frankfurt without eoing the marvelous work of tbo sculptor Dannookor, "Anadno and tho Panther.1' O* afternoon we wont to tho Palm Gar den, pride of tho frankfurter, aud tbn woro persuaded to drink apfolwein and oat pretzels. Apfolwein is simply aider, case hardened. Wo wore dizzy after oho glues and gave up in diograoe for it Is a weakness in Frankfurt not to , drink apfolwoiu as freely an water. Wo could not rido our wheels whito in Frankfurt without a liconso and we found that to the oast a bioyolo was a ourue. In every small town, wo must get a Jioonse or walk. Then, too, wo must have a bell, a lantern and a brake. Our plan was to rido to Dresden, Prague and Munich and then through Switzerland, but these facts havo changed our mind and we resolved to ride south and get out of tho land whore to ride a wheol was tho mark of Gain. A Gorman bioyolo ready for uso in a thing to uiurvol at. It looks liko a eoaoli aud four First the whools aro heavy, then loaded with a largo lantern and a brake, a bulky oyolometor, a hup* bell, a steel uud guard for both front and roar wheoU and a tin projeotmg with a uumber. Besides this a German wheelnuu out of town always has a large packet strapped to hw.'baok and goes along at tho rate of a boneoar. Needless to aey that ladies don't rido in th.n.landa, at least we kayo, not soon one alnoe we entered Germany. Thoro aro o niany sharp stonee In theifl othorwiat iOio :ai p('( cal pTofontiioi). Ifedioino for oxtornul and internal \irW ban been prodiicod, planters tried," olectffoliy oxporimsntod with, hoi and cold bathfi amd "- thousauaothortliingi tried, hut witliouN**^^1- -Rboumatisni still held tho fort, making victims ono of misery and pain. Tho nrsl real "top toward oonquaring rhsumatisr* wan mado when tho preparation khowti Dr. Williams' Fink Pills far Fain Ffloplo was discovered, and sinoo that time tfious- andn have testified to thoir wonderful efficacy in this, as well as in other troubles, tho origin of whioh may bo traced to the blood. Among those who Hpeak in tho highest terms of Dr. Witliamn' Pink Pills is Mr. Blasdell, of thin town, who is known not only to all our citizenn but to residents of this snction, and ho in an highly apiteemed an ho is widely known. To tho editor of tho lloview Mr. Blasdell rooontly said: "1 havo reason to speak in torms of tho warm- ont praino of Dr. Williams' Fink Fills, as thoy not only saved mo a big doctor's bill but havo roRtorod me to health, which was impaired by rheumatism and uonralgia. Those troubles- woro, I think, tho after of. foots of an attack of meanloK. Aftor tbo latter troubla had diHiipoourod I felt an awful pain in my head, nook, and down my baok. I tried a nMinborof romodios, but without effect. I was then advisod by Rlrn. Homing of Copotown, who had been cured of paralysis by tbo' uso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, to give thom a trial I followod hor advice, and aftor usiti a box or two I bo^tn to feel mnoh hotter, and wuh thoir continued uso 1 constantly im- proved in health, and am now fooling bet ter tlacu I havo done in ten yoars. I am satisfied that but for the timely use ol Pink Pills I would to-day havo beou a phyaieal wreck, living a life of constant pain, and I cannot dpeak too highly of thoir curative poworn, or recommend them too strongly to othor sufferers. I cheerful ly give pormiwion to publish my state ment in the hopo that some other sufferer may road and profit by it." Dr. Williams' Pink Fills strike at tho root of the disoato, driving it;..from....the system and restoring the pationt to health and Btreugth, In oaona of paralysis, spinal' troublou.locomotor ataxia, uoUtica, rheum atism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubled, etc., thoao pill* aro superior to all other treat ment. Thoy are also a speoiflje for tbo troubles whioh raako the livos of so many women abnrdo,ad speedily restore tho rich glow of health to palo and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or exaounci, will find In Pink Pills a cortain onro. Bold by all dealers or ion* by mail post paid, at 0 cents a box or six boxon for 83.50, by addressing tho Dr* Williams' Medicine C6 Brookvillo, Oat., or Schenectady, N. Y. Bowaro .of imi tations and nubstiUtoH alleged to be "just an good," having boon partly removed wa went on and eoon coasted three miles mto Mayeiaooi really goodroads tha* our tires are kadi; IIit'll School Notes. The attendance keeps ou tuoraasiu^. Now seats have boon ordered aud will be put in on Saturday. About C5% of the at tendance bo far is from tho county. Word has boon reaoived from Toronto that W. W. Cunningham has panned on tbo aubjoots required to give him Matricula tion standing. His name was overlooked in the first plaoo. Certificates! having patuiod Part I of tho Matriculation Examination have, boon awardod to Q. W, McKee and Misa E M. Smith, they having taken the required per centage ia English Grammar, Arithmolio, HiBtory and Geography, and Physios at. tho recent Junior Leaviue Emaaination. .The following havo boeu eleoted uu the ofiloers of Iho High Sohool Lya'auM 'or the fall term: Pros. W.A. Donti (acol.) Vioo-Pre. Mifl P. Arnold. See'v. Miss H. Arnold, (acol.) Troas. -Miss Lypps. FJditor.-^W. H. Kuieter. Oritio. M. H. -Taokson. Keportor. Q. Coll. Miss JDeljong, Committeejllise Yoaox, E.'Howo. A hacking oou^h keeps the bronehial tubas in a state of ooneiant irritation, whioh if not epeodily removed, ipay load to ohronio bronobiti*. No prompter rem- ody can be found than Ayer'e Cherry Pec toral; Its effect is immediate and the result permanent; y ' "'.i.f 'l.'-'-t-i...1l fe.;::.., , .' ]-^m