*'.' Ill,'.' .,,, ' If.' ." J ' " Y " WILKINSON'S... roil Ohoiou Fruah <! roourum, Provisions, Touh, Coifeeu umt Bpic<jn. Special lines in Grookory. ::M Christian" Endeavor Society HI. IVuI'h Churoh, . TUESDAY! EVO., SEPT. io w Hyurybody Corao. :,*$ , ! :A 'VOL XL No .!C ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. SKt'TBMIiliSB C. L895. WHOLE No,5('.7 FA Leading Siore of Essex. OUR creat Suotiyie:r ALI "*' Is stilkin progress. For the rerckfjBlor of A.ucrust wo will ie tho sacrifice of all seasonable goods to mttke room for our Pall importations, which are now eommoncing to arrive. We only Want \r / Of a that show to convince you We Lead the Procession in values, and are giving tho Biggest Dollar's Worth In Essex. All wo ask is that you compare values before buying. K1NGSVILLK. Pndtan Orton in 1)WK <|uil" low Wlta oonnumption at. hilt rtiHidonoe. Mihm Mabel Knmrt. who hai' beiM) con- ilnuil fo tho Jiduhu with sickufjHH, in improv ing. Hurry Wiglo loft Monday for Tnruufo to attend tho military iiuhool of that place, A larg* quantity of applou iire coming in to tho evaporating workii from thu sur- rounding country. Kov, .Shaw, of Cottam, will lilt tho pulpi.t utili'i M, E. churoh in tho absoneoof Xluy. Muttouough an Sunday. A. harvest homo festival wmi hold at tho Ghuruh of tho Epiphany on Monday even ing. A number of caroln and anthems wore roudurod by tho choir, after which an uddress wan dolivoro) by Rov. VVra. John- tion and olIiorH. Labor day wiih observed by our kjlt- chants and buBinoHH mon on Monday. Buhiuosu way (mupondod on tho day and a largo crowd attoudod the principal feature of tho day, u onolcot match botwoon thu married and single mon of tho town. Groat rivalry Iiuh oxintod between thoHo two tiiutriK and it wiih at thin game that tho single mon hoped to wipa up tho earth with their opponents and thereby' sooth tho wound caused by their defeat of the hint game. 'Tho married mon utartud 'the Came with tho determination that their flag of viotory should Htill wave, and in thin thoy wore awarded with u ncoro of 0l>_ to fif in their favor. Tin: <;ril"at mo.U'i HWI-IST. I All Bummer Dress materials at clearing .ale prices. Cotton 'reponne dress goods at 10c a yard; all Laees and Embroid eries at clearing sale prices; all Lace Curtains at clearing sale prices; all Carpets at clear ing sale prices; all 10c Prints at 7c a yard; pure uinen Tab . ling, 60 inches wide, at 25c a yard; Standard Shirtings at 10c a yard; best Oiled Linen Windo v Shades, full size, complete, at 45c each; all men andJboysi.Jieadymado... Cloth ing at clearing sale prices; all Millinery at half price; all Wall.Papers at reduced prices. SHOES At old prices. We bought largely before the recent heavy advance and can save you money on footwear. Odd lines clearing out cheap, Lar* gest stock in Essex! SANDWICH. MivHGu Bolle. Onellotto au*i AucUHtme Pago will (]o to tho Hamilton Co.ivout MiHriMaria Morund and bar two little uiulitrH will uttond tho Sacrod Heard Cou- TOUtrLondon.. Foutmabtr SpiorH hau plauod Iitti order foyjt firat-oldHH pnit oflice outfit with tho Globei Furtiituro Co. of Walkcrvjllo. . W*<*ftV...<Ju.H*y,*. <-if">*t WviilMtioii V*-t I-reuiiiiU'd. i,,u:in; m.si' of i-nxmi, I'luzsii. Tho penplu of . Hh-kix county aro thin yeuir looking forward to thn oxliihition at Khhux Town, on Ootohur lut, '2nd i*nd 'ti'il, with fii'uutor mteroHt tjian ovor buToro. Thu o.thibitH promiuu to bt; mora numoronti and vai'iuil than over hIiowii at a laii* in Uiifi (lintrict, an, botiiiloit tho libural liut, wliioiTtlio qonibinotl ftindu of tho two Rid*- \ujf- HociotitiH and tho ('oIuIiohLoL* North Souiuty otiahlo tho diruoUmi to off or, thoro in a Itir^o liHt of upouml pri/.OH, uioluii'iiii #100 for npuciultt on liordu of Bliorthoiu and JJairy cattlu and corn in tho oar ami in tho iitook, otfurmi by Hiram Walkov it Bonu; S20 for pena of hrttfn. offurod by A, J. Grooii, and a ir.U) mlvor medal, for tliu hunt J'jouex county factory ohooiio, bfforod by Lho proHidont. Tho greater part of tho U[iucc in thu iniiin building hau alroady been on* gugtid.by Gxlubitorn of mauufaoturou and othor mouiIh, and tho whole building ac commodation will bo taxed lo ti) utuiotit with tlui livu Hock aud agricultural dm- playii. Tho liuutouant-^uvomor of On tario ana Hon, Johu Drydoti will .oluonilly opon tho fair, and two iutoreotiMf* ud- d'-cAnon mny be oxpocted, while thoro will ho LrhdH of opoud aud othor iipuoiiil attritc- tioiiH. On tho Hituiu day, an well uh on tho third day, there will bo bicyilo raceit, foot ball uiutuliGu, bauohall matclioH, apd other upucial attractions, wlnloon tho third day alno tlior*j will bo additional triula of apoud. Tlio people of Eahox Town aro joimi)({ wiilr-tho-dirootorH in order tomaka tho oc- oahiun a f^ala tiiuo in tho town, which will bo appropriately doooratud. Bmylo fare rateft will bo yivon on the fil. G. It. and Jj. li. k >, It. railwayu. W. D, BoiLtnan, JJhmhx i\ O-i i'-i tba ooorotary. IK 111 It inn vm* K'iHNf.v , Ijahor Pay w;th (::d"hratud in Ivioox vory ([iliolJy. ,\Ii lui'-iiuitin wun tinijpuinh'd and thoHo wlio didn't ^.i out of town ciipecially the y uiiiior ohiinont, went to lb" park to Kiio tho horiK! t(jitii ivi<-!itlo \vir,h tlm cdiain- pioii . of tho county. The ^aino wa'i i:allod at .'t p. in, and mi tier the niiiihinoi! of Win! Wilo, of Kuth- vu:}, tlm fullnwiny iiiiilh cuiiio to hut in tho urdor r.ameil: Ui;rnvKN. ...! 'J ;J i C C, 1 H '.) H 1 o o i) i ooi o :t I I) 0 (I 0 0 0 f) 0 - 1 U 1) () 0 0 0 0 f) (> - 0 1 O 1 Oil 0 (I 0 0 - 2 W. Catiuailduu, r f. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 '2 C, Orton, If...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 !.'. Shank*, a ii____ 0 (I 0 I) 1 0 H 0 ^ C, OHUfidilon. c f.. 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 I 0 5 S. ttiuiri, Uh...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 ___.'.X. 4QKAESP0NDENCE G. -K\, n..... ll. IklllHK.I'V, II). .J. VViMey.'lth... I'1. (.'Iiartt.'i*, )) . . ToUd i una.............f. .. .. H> JiafiKX- 1 2 ;i 1.1 It 7 H 'J It \V. Noble, o...... 0 0 I) ( 0. 1 0 I) 0 1 A. Guurhiy. If____ 0U0OU I I) 1 II- 2 L. Stottn, of...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U. W. Sawyer,,'Jb.. 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0 0-, 1 .J. Gourlay, iim____ I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. White, of...... Ij 1 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0- 1 II. Williaani, lb .. I) I U 1 0 II 0 (1 0 2 W. Clmttfrtoii, lib 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P. Murpliy, p.. .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 It. A. Howie. Rev. Fr. Formiuoii for 18 yoam profeunor of Rhetorio aud Jiugliah Literature; at Au- flumption College, hue deoidod ta retire from active life and ho will bo aucueedbd b} Fr, Albert Dumouohollo of St. Miohad'H Collogo, Toronto. It in uutlimited that Fr. Fert;uflon baa tauchb 1500 ntudentH, many of whom hayo attained prominonco. Tlio jiot inoludoH uoverul priotita now attachc-d to the dioceao of Dotroit. Arncr, Just Arrived Per steamer Empress of Japan and O. P. Ey., our special im portation of the first picking of "new seasons / Japan Tea This is the genuine uncolored article, and we guarantee it fflyto be the best value to be had anywhere for 25c a lb. m ' M Groceries always fresh and at m; bottom prices. Fine Large li Baisins at $1 a box of 28 fe -. -' pounds. One Price io AIL ioods marked fn plain Figures, joods Delivered Promptly mp % -.OKT. NOItTH IUDGE. IDarid McCreorv and wifo, of npont Sunday with rolativau hero. Lyman and Andrew Queen, of Gump Palmer, united on rolativon here laut Sun day. Mrs. i'oter Gilboo had loft for Detroit. She purpoaoH npondmtf a .few duya With n.- Idtivey thera. Alon/o Bridfioii took thirty-ano ba^o fulj of oittn to Gump Palmer laut Friday, lm had nevuuty-oitfht buidiola. The Minnou Clara and JCvn Gilboo re turned to Dotroit laat Wednesday after vioitiu^rtlativna hero for about bwo wooko. Mian Jauo Joyce, ajjod 10, died laat Sun day morning, on tho north boundary, Bb wan the oldest daughter of Koberk Joyco. Kiohard Mnlcaoter and wifo, and thoir daujjhtsr, Mioa Martha, of Camp Palmer, called on rolativen hero on Wednesday of laat wool!,' . _____ Borne of our citizens went to Kingnvillu. laat Saturday aud atte'udad the funeral of the late Robert Ellison of that plaoo, he was interred in tho North Kidgo Comotory Tho fuaoral oortego of the Into Honry Hopijood panned through hero last Sunday .ftoruoon. There wan oipfbty-fivQ rig m- oladmfi tho hearse; it wan a vory Inr^e funeral, tho lur^sat thit ban putiiiod through our villado for nomo time. Sevoral oopieB of the Dfctroit Sunday San waa difltributod liore last Saturday night; it contained a' nnroratio artinle beaded, "A Graak at tho Flypooriton of tho North Ricbjo Motbodiht Ohurob," it oaaned a ponnation, and tho condition of our churoli nioniburo minda la tiomowhat uirri- lur to a nraoldsring volaauo ainco they road tho article in quution. GESTO. Viva. Crait'o infant jh hotter. Mm. Pat Cunningham is Kottiuj.' better. Mr. ami Mro. Buirrett, hayo taken a trip ciaat. You Mhoul'i see Mr. Joaeph Sweet. It's a hoy. Mra. Bunnell io viHlting her dauahtor m the cftat. Mr. Swift has loft Goako for his reaidewoe on tho farm. Minn Katie Cunningham, ia vimting friends in Gunto. 'Aim. Hhorntnn was visiting hor dauph* tr hero on Sunday. Mr. and Ufru, Humbor whi viidtin^ friends hero on Sunday. Mies Emma Niohol, of BUuheim, Is v b- iting lioraiaier, Ura, McLaughlin. > .'. By requuHt ot liev. W. II. Shaw wo in- inaortod the following obituary from' tho toiuutcH of tho Mothodiot Coufwrence at Loudon: Robert A. Howie wan horn at Fort Erie, Woliand Co., on tho 10th day of May, 18*27, and wan coiiynrted to God in a rovival aorvice conducted by ltov. A. E. Griflitb, on tho Norwich Circuit, m tho month of Jaaunry, 1850, whon he iU oneo couneotod himaelf with tho Mothodiat Epicopaj Church, Norwich circuit. Ho wu united in marriage to Misa E. Brott, on tho 10th January, 1818, who i'h uow culled upon to mourn hor Iobh. Four cona and tw dauhtera, itlao, Htill Hurvivehim. Brother Howio entered tho minimry of tho Metho- ditit Epiacojial Churcli, in 1871. During hie miniatry in that ChuroU ho travelled the followintl circuits; Xtuiuha^, Nun- tiooke, Hartford, Norwich, Uulahido. Viouna, Stanley and Italoigh, After tho union with tho .Mothodiat Churoh, hia oharyoH woro Harrow, Geato, Wanatoad and Merlin. On hiajuat ohar^e, hialaboro were very severe, and ho wan obliged, through failing health, to auk at tt e htht Conference for buperunuuation. He then rttirod to the quiet of bin home on tho Cottara Circuit, to rest, aa ho hopod, for only one year, fully anticipating a return to bin greatly boloyed work at tho expira tion of tlio year. But bin hoaveuly Father otherwise ordered it. Hia illneaa wan uhort and very Hevero. - - ..*- Hih wull-niarkexl Chriutian oonfidopce, bis implioit trust in the power of onr Lord Jobus Christ to conduct biro aafa into tho rout thut romain'eth for the peolo of God, was moat comforting tohisdoar lovod onou, an alaoto thi brothreu in the Miniatry or the Churoh, who were privilegod to visit him in bin aftlictioii. Brother Howio waa a true and oovoted sorvaiit of oar Lord deaua Cbriat, euooeaa. ful and proatty bnloYod in all Inn lioldn of labor. In manner- ho waa ao kind and gentle that ho could noon win hii way in to tho-tatooni aud afjfeotiou of all whom beoamo acquainted with him, Brother Howie panned away, Sabbatk morning, January 27th, aud waa buried in tba Albuna enmotory, Euthvon Circuit, ho haviui! a dear child laid away tho re soma tinao previous Tho lurmoti wa preuohod jn tho Alhuua ohurob by bio pastor, Rov. W. H. Shaw, anointed by the Reve. John Heudoraou, WooJalee ; E. Mndd, Huthveu; C W. Konnofly, Goato, and A. E. Sawnder'a Downor'a Grove, Illinoia. The hir^o oon- oourueof aorrowiuc friends asGombled ou thin oooaaion gave further cvidunco of tho groat reapootin whieh our deceased brother wan held. "One army of the living God, To bid command we bow; Part of bin bont have orosaod thu Hood, Attd^flft aro oroanin^ now," Total ruuri.................. ti Until yen won tho toua and wotil to bat. Gord Fox led with a bum) hit, Bolihhov fol lowed with a Hin^lo, Willoy etruck nut and Chartur hoiH Fox and Bouauey lunuu ou a tliroo-bu^^ui'. Charter cume homu on a pawaed ball aud Cahoadden and Orton went out at tho bat. Ebacx wiih abut uut in their half. In tho Hticond Kuthvou got ono run ou Cai-caddei'a two-ba^or aud Willoy'a three baaeH. Euat-x {Jot three in their half. Tho third netted Ruthvoii throe while Ehhox were abut out. Kuthyon t^ot.tho ^ooho 0(JK in thofourtli, Ehlox junt rniaaini; it. In thd fifth Iluthvon atolo tlireo more oouiitera, but Enaox wero honeafc. _._Iu.tho flixtb- Ituthven ^ot another egu and Ehrox acoroi.1 throe. Tba soyonth j;avi ono to Buthven. Tho eighth wan tho hoodoo for Etiaox, aoino atar fumbling boinfi done iu th rr- ^ion of tiecoud baao. Neiiher oido wcored in tho ninth, leaving the Hume whore it belonged. Iiiuhveu i/eflorvoB credit for the reliable nteady quiot (jama thoy play, and ic iu lo bo hopod thoy neouro tho county chum* pioiiHhip. They will if Wiglo nmpirca. Ilutbven could oawily afford to (jiyo him the walary thov give thoir pitober. Tho batterioa of oaoh team are noarly ou a par. Murphy utruck out morn men thun Charter, hut Fax caught mora out at second ouhu than Moblo. At tho bat Ehiivx did iuuih i.;,ii!ar stick worlc, but they failed to Jul ul mo uriticul timofl, which, howiivor, Kuthvou didn't fail to du. Th boya will now return to football, u game ub which thoy can win for tho name reaaou that Rutbvcu wine at baaebatl, vi/,., couatant attention to tho ijumu. Foreitrii Itluyblia Tom*. a ni'ia'i.u, (;okui:hi'Onih;nt im'.taim iiih kxi'KR- m:nci: io pukk I'tinmi ni;,un:iui. Carhirube, Car., July 'JIV'n"-. Dear Air. Editor : To roiminu my travels il|' tlm beautiful Jlliino, I muHt bejui with thu fitoriod old watoh tower at Andernnuh, with itn octa gonal aiiinirn't, and tho hu^o miar in itn f;ido whloh tulhi of French cunnonadiiui in HiH8. Wu ntop and ataru at unoh tliitif^i whilo tho crowd atarea at uh. Every1 town aloiif.; huro ban nomo extraordinary wine. Either nomo Knij.;ht of renown or hero died hero aud iiuprovud tlio wine or Hcinio dragon'a blood atill flltora through the vino and tiivoa a ma^io.flavor to lho liijuor, At Newwoid, aro tho Maraoian Brotliura, tho Quakora of Gorinany, for merly followerti of Huhh. "Lovo foantn" aud thu dwollini; apart ot unuiarriod brethon aro pcculiantieo uf tlna Hect. Ono of tho char ma of traveling in liio toric old Europo io tho gaziuf> rovornntly upon tho tornb of uomo.horo or tfroat man, aetinc bin birtliphi.cn or thu houaeiu whieh Home Croat, work waa aceompliiihud. At Bonn wo hilw Bauthoyon'n birthplace; and throughout tlio lthiue valley, creator or loan eelobritioii havu hallowed many a a pot and made it a ttbrino. Tho univoroity building at Bouu aro antique piloa, crumb ling and cracking aud replete with hi'^ua of ago. I miiat hurry you on to CobleBz, whoro wo atooct on tho Moiiolle bridt'o and woro hypnotized by tho power and majoaty bC the fortification of Ehronbreitatein. That hu^e fortrous baa the appouranco of growing there aa it ataudu in ita rea suud- atono miUinivouoftQ ou a bold, beetling lioad- laud. Nature made it unpro^uable and mau baa improvod ou naturo. It ia ao ar tistic that it ia tho -charm of tho river at thin point. ,Wo viewed it a^uie aa wo walked alout; tho beautiful Kbino I'roni. onadu. Tho ' laitoj:__ih h Pin-ndjqn. .for CANADA'S li'AVORITE TIiTIr<'d PellUK J In a, oo mm on complaint and tt ia a dauer> oaa symptom. It mean* thut the aye torn la aUbihtatrtd beeaue* oMm[mr- blood, aud Jnthli condition it ifl eapeolnlly liabU to attacks of diaaaae. ' Hood'fi Bataaparilla is tho remedy for this oondl'tlou, aod also for that weakneaa which prevail* at lho ohauge of seaiou, thmato or Uf . The 27"lli Aununl Fnlr, OldUMf ih Caii- uda. - On the 12th of thia mouth thia ^reat Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibition, Tlio Weutoru Fair, London, will bo ready to rocoivo ita thounandu of visitors who annually athyr to Hoe tho ohoiacat Hptcimouo of every churn of pure br^d animala and tao boat of the old tried var- iotiea and all tho new vanotios of Agricul tural and Hortioultural produotu, together with tho latent deviees and inventions in labor-Having machinery for farm and man- ufucturinn purpoaca. . Tho ontrioH are meat encourafjiug, boiu^ far iu advance af any former fair, and the preBpocta woro nevor as bright for a mucU largor attoudauaa. Tho tie of our raadera who purpoao being exhibitora should not dolay in making thoir entrtOB, if not al roady in; ua tho dato of olouing io Septem- bar 5th; axaept the live otook, whiah is tho 12th. Tho parade of the prizo wiuniug laimala will colipao all former efforts, though ad mittedly grand heretofore, aa tho manage mont have tauen Bpoaial paina to nee that all will bo in the ring arid at tho advertised time. The Bpeoial foatureB aro eomething be yond the usual run of fir attractions and will bo uomotbiui; wall worth aeeing, judy- iu^ from the oflioial programme. The Wdd East Arabian Show being the leader. Tho railway oompauiee bavo granted apooial low ratonou certain daya, making it within tho financial reach of every fam. ily. There le no bettor place to enjoy a holiday than in Loudon at tho Fair, aa no oxtra ratoH are oharged for anything and the accommodation for a la rye crowd ia ex cellent, Tlio elootrio cars will be running all over the oity and will be quite neve], being of a, different Hat tern from any others now ia uho in Canada. Prize beta and program men of thoattrao- tioim ut*3 btima mailed far and wide by the Btioretary and hie large utatf, who ar kopt eonatautly employed attending to tho wants of their many patrouu, A copy of either oab be had free by making it known. Rem amber the dataa, 13th to 31at of Sep tember. Cupid'a vietima and'^a-hio- for tho* lorn* .potstto. Leaving Coblontz, wo wore aonn again ridiuf* betwoon tho almont perpendicular walla of tho river. It i* wonderful how a garden in made and thrivoa on a nlopo of 15 doK^ocH* Wo call them gothio ^ardent-. Tho vineu are [jrown on torracea only a few foot in width aud aa thane aru faced with (lint and bamltici rock, it appeara to one looking from below aa if tho viuen grow upon rouku. Ouo huge headland after au< othor thruulii ita. uouo out into thu nvur aud holds upon itH aeorcuut'ly inaeceahiblo flummit, a mighty ruin which tells of chivalry and, too, ot dark agoa and op. prflfjHioj]-__ThrpngB-ofJiiatorio naaociatiouB iiurround tbe old Kcuigs Stuhl or kiag's chair, which nttuda uow in lonoly majtaty by tho aide of tho Bhiuo, Hero no many Gorman kinjja woro ohoaen by tho olectorn, who uivt in tbio open octagonal edifice of utQue, looked upon tho Rhitae and choao a hiugforit. Every town along tbia won derful Rhino ia a picture with itH ivy. covered ohurob; ita uarrow, oongouUd uLruoin; iU doorwuya where dam eh an old, it oeomu; au their dweihu^a, ait and knit or merely croon; ita old mon,. too, with thoir fat, wrinkled faooH aud the long, atommed pipoo which omoko away an HtenJily ua volcanooa; and, hietly, tho over present groups of aoldtor boys, Oormauy is a vast military camp and war see more young men in uuiforma than without. It ia intoreatiug to note tho,changes timo hao wrought. Benediotioo monastorioH and uunuerioa have booomo hydropathic oatabliBkinouts or jaiusoume, ahurohea bavo bocomo town bally, and jails.and dungeons, wino oollara. Tho twm castUn at Born- hofen have a legend, pieap jug and pathetic Conrad and Hoiurioh, brothora, and lovers of tho beautiful Hildogarde, .aro the hereaa. Hoinrioh Icavos the fair prixo to hia brother aud goer* away to the CrufiudoB. Tho father of tho youtha builds tlio legended caution for Conrad and liu pro posed bride. Love nooln, Conrad goo a also to tho Orueddta aud raturne with a beautiful Grecian brido. Hildegarde shut hereolf in a lonely castle room and see's no no. Hoinrich returusand chiv alrously oballenges Conrad to mortal com- bat. Hildegarde interposeii, wins a re- luctaut reoouoihation aad retires to tho ebuveut ol Bornhofon. The Grooiau bride Is falso, Conrad begs his brother's forctive- nots and tho eatrangemout.ooassa; they live iu the ancestral castle* while too now ono is forevfjr desertad. The Two Brothers, us the oautlos are called, are charming ruius. Near St. Gear we saw fcho ensile deris ively called thd "House," by the haughty wner of tho "Kstss" near St. Goar. We wore not initiated according to the good old dUfltom at St. Goar, whioh compelled every stranger to ohooae one of two ordeals -^water or wide. Water, and he Kot a good ducking in the Rhine. Wine, and he drank a goblet to the memory of Cbario- m.auKe, ths Queen, of EnsUpd, tba reign ing priuca and then bepame a member of their seblety upon giving, a smaU donatiea for tin* poor. Genial cmiUmil Iloro at- truotioiiH oaino thick and tt\nt. Tin) grand aud gloomy old catitle of the Ithinefnln, tho "Kanlr," a nunkon crag over whioh tho water Hoolhen in r.tfiidn and whirling od - dioa, ita companionpiooo, tho "Liirlui," t:ri prooipitio from which tho nymph hhihI to entice thu iiailor to tlm oruel watorn of. tho rapidn. Homo aitw tho poetry of tbia aud pruuorved it in hia famotiH halUd. From poetry to biifiinoHH. Thorn aro nalmon flaliorfua n*nr Iiit^- olij yua! and a fa'i-oou echo. Tho rockii of tlio Seven Virgins stand aa a fearful winning t the girl, amhttiouH liovftr to wod. Tho rivor god wrathfully wrought thri n^ofcarnorphoiiiii and' now theao aweot girla have t lie there m tho wot forever. A few more caailoa and then tho Pfalz, .a tower atanding on a rook m tt:e midat of tho.Klnno atream. Thin odi- llco baa a pentagonal tower and extromoly uonightly roof, but^fl-auggt'Hjayo of every Hong and utory. At Kochurach Gotiiie trefoil formed ruin of the church of St. Werner, built bocauao tho aiuuto'l boy St. Woruor, floated up-utroam after being murdered, . and ntopped there. Now wo Haw tho moHt pioturesquo of all caatloa, tho ItliBinBtom, and roaolved to visit it. We clambered up tlm zigzag pathway where the rooku have formed in ao many grotoHijuo unci beautiful hhupss and at laat Blood at the eaatlo gate. Tho castle ban been restored in ancient stylo and wo woro piloted by a charming Gorman dumaol through armorial bulla and maaaivo pin nacled Lowum. - A huo collection of arntor and auijquitios is eliown and wo saw tho bo.iroom uaod by Frodoriok of Prussia, A nhort way down tho rivor in tho Bmgen Loch or rapida aud thou tho ialaud with the mouao^toworr Archbishop Hatto, compared tho famine. Buffering people to mioo aud caused some to be burned in u barn, WaH purauod by the real vermin oven to .iho towor of re fuge and there devoured. Then Biugen, but that must wait until next time, C. H. Van Tynjj. . From a Friend in Cubn. ^HftL'hu following letter wao handed the jgti:n Punaa -by tho relatives of MUa Matilda Hovioll, whoao paroijts live iu this town, and who baa many acquaintances here herself, Mnia Howoll writos and tella ut tho trouble and war that ia going on in that ialand. : Cienfuegoe, Aug. 22, 1895. Wo camo to tho city four weeks ago ow- iug to tho dangers of thu war. So many places burnt by the iuHurgenta, nobody fools safe in the country now. People flock into the city, whilo thoew who can, loave Cuba altogether. Ciogfaegos and tho whole Provinoo of Villa, Clara, this province, ia surrounded by troops. All the plautura aro ordurud by tUuyovuruutont lo put two forta on oaoh of their outatos iu thu country. The lnsurgonta Bay thoy will burn tlio sugarcane and ovorythiug if thoy do. So.you hoc ono is botucen two .fires. Tbia city ia throatoned with dyna- mito, hb it is the richest and strongest oitv in .favor of tho jjovornmont. You may fauoy the terror of moot pooplo and tbo sorrow of othorn devastation of .property and many Uvea ou hoili sides are to be the sacrifice. It is sickening to thiuk of. I have known nothing of war before ma I reulizo it now. To aoo lino mau wounded in the way I now do makes my heart aabe. Why Will Spaiu not give the uoblo privil- ogos we eajoy in our favored laud.and spare hor bravo men? Their sufferings from yollow fovor, dyaentery and all the ills of this Horco climate, with these who fall in battle, there will bo few to tell the nad tale or to retnrn to their homes. Since April fifteen thousand have porisuegV thoro. Fifty thousand more will soon r five, and if uocoBsary one hundred thous and, before thoy will givo au ton amy. The insurgents say thoy will bog accept even that now, but X think tho great majority would. Thus you see the horrors of a war like this. A civil war on tho guerilla plau. Once m the moantaian and oavos the insurgents ara secure. If the troops fol low them or try to find them they are caught in a trap. There has been bat one great battle; that of Bayarao, whtre the groat General Sautooildea and one of his adjutants fell, aud but a few weeks before, they had stood with us watching the pro- ; cession of Corpus Christie- There has been much clemoupy shown on both sides to persons of war, bat now all are to be uhpt. It is dreadful. Yester day a ybuug chief of insurants was put to death'it Makmzas, he died like a OnriatUu and a hero, imploriug bie be loved mother not t* grieve for him, as he was too happy to dje for bis oauntry. He ;. js the first to meet the nw penalty | but as ' ho said, he wonld not be tb* last. , ? ' -^'Mi, Do uot be alarmed abont me. I am < ,u;;^|i Bafer than othpra. I have my pMa'po^'v',^'.^^ and good frienda among thJe' oonauls, Jt ';v'*v^i hope to be os^ful to all my friends flwfcr . ;'-5| aad',.'i ^ both believe in wy 'Byrapathy \aa4-"h^,::;^^ip when possible. -X'aro deeply'rn'ofaid^.the.';'^;^-^^ horrer-;about me.'. 1 tyao^'ttyjffliy^ there are enoouutere alt the time 'b>|wa^;';:'v >|^. the troops aud iomrinnU.', !' ;';-, ', : >". ^'v"^^ :% gIlEffi:.:-:i:^