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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 30, 1895, p. 5

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' Y't.V: V ^i :'^ THE ESSEX PFBB FRE5SSi. FlUDAY, ATJGtIHT 30,1805, !=5 Bfe: Monday 1. Labor Day. Allbunin.ua placet* ulona on Mondny. Staples ii to havo a Catholic oliuroh. Tht TJIbuty tinios ha juut eiitcrod iU "teen.." The S"BtaK Piikbb lor 2fi ooniH to the cud otmi. Try it. What did you think of John MoCIintio'* "turn-onl" on WotlucHdiiy ? For fresh cakeB and ooufooiiouory of nil kinds go to Shoamahor. tho bailor. Windsor is to Imvu anothor Io^'al ilrm. It id oompoHoa of A. L, Latterly und F. Aj Davis, of Aylrnar. Our %a Bluid ts bun no quul. Try a frao namplo. G. E. Smith A Oo. The Ontario Gila and Oil Company navy MVfiXtff towns Iiiiuliug (4uu jiipo* from, tho wtation yard hero. They arc orotping to ward Wiud&or WALLET 1'OUND. CoutainiwE boolm ami pspuru, with, writing in imorbband. Owner in ay huv* mimo on applying at office of Tub Fnfei! Fiikkh. A nice tumortmont of ladion' and boy'o shirt vvuiutu at May'B ttaniir. Walkorvillo offers a froe oito, 935,000 oaah and frao gnu .nud water for tlia r*- ' moval of tho oouuty building from Sand wich to Wulkortilla. Tho -'iHnttor wan voted on yenterday. Ah a party of young pooplo from Dotroit wero leaving tho grounds of tho Oatholio pionia on Wednesday the axle of th rig boo am o dutaehed, throwing the ocoupanta out and painfully brmun(< eovoral of thorn. No honour dnmago was done. M. J. Wiglo A Co.'n now 20c toa" in a groat trado winner ; havo you tried *it"?~~ Chatham has paid out ovor 87,000 thin year for ^runolithio pavement. Lea-mi tig' tor baa also paid unb r-n-id thouiiand dollars for th* namo kind of walks. Wo wodr when Euhox will upond a few Jol- Urn iu aidowalkii to improvo tho appear* auoe of tho town. Tlioy am nooded badly. Gouts' fancy top uhirts at about half prioa at Smith'M. An Ohio-^ohian-waB-raoeLtly trying to lifjht % (fanoliuo Htoyo when bpr lare,o uUevoi biornio inflated with ^am and rais- ed hor to the oiling, whro fa utayd till ill* [r*a evoapad, and thou gradually re- jainod grouud, unhurt. Wiiat n. luoky thing lor htr that fdio didn't wear bloom- ml Ou Tuoeday hint a band of Italutnn otruck our town with a wild beuat mIiow, oanmfitiug of four bourn, two moultuyH and a boy ua diirk no un Indium After giving two or three opun mr ptrformuucfH on our otrootH, furnittbint: am tine men t for chose who watobod them, thoy left ii few penmen bettor off than when thoy oarau, Gouts' furiur-hinjijh, cheaper than the -OhRpit, and better than tho lit-H',, at M, J, WifiloA Co.'o. Mr. John Thrabher hay on tihibition at tho Abordoou au oarly Crawford poaon, whioh wun growu on tJio farm of Mr. A. Quick, near Harrow, ineoHurmg 10J jecIioa in oiraomfaronc*. Mr, TiiriiHhar, who io alwaVfl to tho front, purolnuHud Hcveni) .buRhols of thin luciouH fruit, and hu bciii|> a gonial cood-koarted ^ i.tloman, rcraom- bored tbo Fkke Piiebu staff. Auk nemo for an advertinmunt or a tow Jftcnltt and thoy will nay tiny don't buhovo in advertising -a papor in never road. L-t ono of them l.o caught kiaaiui,' bin uoij,'J)- bor'n wifo, or trying to bold up tlio aido of a building flowioMma, mid if t.ho printing office ia in tho garret of a seventeen otory building bo will olicuh up to tho top and beg tho editor to koup quiet not to pub- lialo it in tho pipur. Tho puper iu not rpftd oh no ' Tho21nt IChhox Bat'.alion (FuoiliorH) won ihe third prizo of '20 in tli Battalion toara ohoot at the Ontario lliilu Ahhooju- tion matchoH at Toronto laat weak. Tho flrnt and aoco.nl tuutnv ouuh Houurod '2'2li pd tho Knunx team auored 222. Privuto S, Wftmoqtt, of tho 3Ut, won a 81.00 prize in tho Gilmour match; Private W. J. Smith and Privatb E S. Saltn, both of the Ijii..- alafc, Mob woaftn prizaH,-itnd Private W. F. RobortHOn a $3 prian m tho Canada ' Ooioopany Kaatob. Private M. M. Kerr of tho Slat, WOO a 93 prizo iu tho Mfcbonald ronton: Private J. Smith, of tlm 2lHt, won' : a 81 priao in tho Walkor rnatoh, und Pri ' vato Kori* also wou a $3 pristo m tho Gnr. don match. Mr. T. C. Hood, oncn an Ebhox boy, who atUttdod thftHigh Bobool horo and tanght th* North llidgo aohool for a ooupU of yoarfl, bat now of tho Toronto Tluivoraity, baa., been in our midut for tbo pant few woekH. Mr. B[ooflt haa many warm fnonda in Khwcx who gladly welcomed him during hid atay. Smoo leaving Enuex he han been preparing liimsolC for the PrGHbytoriau -.miuiatry, and indioationn of hiy murlmd ability 'hav ln'en Honn during the paub fmv : Buodaya whilo ho Iiuh boen filling Rev. M*. Klomiug'H pulpit in the PFuvibytorian oliuroh hero. J'3aoti Sunday ho hau boon liatonod .,. tu by largo and attontiyo oongrcgutiona.l ' "-, jrfr. Hood having only put in two yearn at tbo uulvaraitv, intends to return and fin-' ' ivfo, his coiiruo of Mtudy. His rauuy MauW ,Wieb hiro suooeas and hopo bo may ba snared to do luuob good work for his Maa. Bnap in aliooa at Smith'a. XIoiho poiHonorB are oporating Hi Col- ohnutor townuhip, and a vifilauoo commit- te ha* boon,jj/fianizod. Model lohool at Windwor npnim at 0 aim? on TuokUv, Bept. 4, uuder Prinalpal Ohinhohn. All ouudidatetf ahould bo ]ttoa- oni at tho opening, Tho corner Mtone of .St. Andrewfu now ohuroh, Windnor, will bo laid about Sept. Int. lUv. Dr. Cavon, of Knox oollcgo, has baoii inviUd to oilloiate at tho ceremony. Head Rraith'u udvt. Bpoolalu for Ttteu- day, ileav* J. 8. Laird and Deputy-lleevu Johta nioDougaU *roiu Baniwloh thiHW*k attending county uounoil. wlilofa held a Hpuoial mooting, commnaing ou Tuemlay. 1'arrnorn wlnlun^ to take nheop on good may teriuHMotild do well to writn to Mr* W. H. HobinHon, of Leamington. Ho hau auvoki nrat-aliuiii nhoop to put out with ro- Hponuiblti partioii. Wbq. Shoomalcor in now prepared to do- livor TroHh broad to any part of tbo town, givo him a oall. Laut wook tho Harrow, Cottam aud Union faotorioa Bold U50 July oIioohu to Ballantyno A Bonn, of Stratford, at 7J ocutaporlb. This iH a good nalo, oonnid oriu .tho Btato of tho market. Boy a' aohool pants at 7fio Bda awd ftl.00 extra valued, ai; U. J. Wiglo & Co.'h. LOBT. O* Mouday, 26fch of Augunt, a pookot book containing 810, between Eihox und Blford on tho towuliuo. Fiud*r will pleaHo'loavo at Fwsk Pbkuh ofllco and re- aoivo a auitablo roward. DKOWNKO IN A WISIjYj. "rlitt i.iui.- tuo-Tcar-uld sou >t Mr. W. 1>* kleutlln ntaotu a. NUddflll Do nth. -------------- On Mondny morning ahotit nine o'olook, Stowiiri Arlington, youngest Htm of Mr. and Mrs, \V. D. JUe&ttio. waa drowned by falling in a well. Tho UMlo follow had only bttnn out of the houHe but a low mi. Utoti wlinii nemo noighbor ehiUlrmi oallcd to piny with the child, tho mother on not llnding the child in tbo house beim a no a rub for him. Tbo fooling nf th toother oan hardly be imagined when iihu found tho libtlu fellow flaating in the bot tom of u well whioh oontitinod only about a fool, of water. The well, whioh wan hix- toon- fret deep, wan usually kept cloHod, but by noma aooidant wan loft uncovered tho night before The opening in th well wau only about ono foot aquaro and tho cliild evidently inn ft t have met hia death from the fall, ao a wound wan in- fliotod on bin forehead. Medical aid wau at onoo itutnmouod and evory j*onaibla romoily wan rodortod to but lifo could not bu roHtorod, ' Tin* fuuernl Horviaea wore oonduotod at St. Paul'H church on VVedneuday at 10 a, m., aud intormont au Coltam comotcry. The nor rowing parontH havo tho nym- pathy of tho entire community iu their imd beroavomont, Tho Industry Vitally Restricted By Protoctlon. THE LIBERAL TARIFF POLICY-. Illirh Sclhool Notes. Monday in Labor Day, Htor* olonod. TuoHilay will bo our bargain day no.xt week. Speoiald all prmta undor IGo yd at Bflc, Fanoy laoe at half prioo. 10 per cent, off all othor gootlH aold for oaah, G.E. Smith A Co. Whilo throahing .on tho farm of .7ohn Gibb, Maldun, Tliuroday laut. oparka flaw from the in^ino, Hotting tho ataoka ou fire. Boforo tho flaraoa could bo oxtinguiahod most of tbo crop_of_jvhoafc and oata woro 'deHtroyod. MM. Wigle it Co.'h Mid-Hummor oalo in in full owing with bargaiun on ovory hand. Dr. Sidney A. King, Conaoryativo can didate for Santb Ehhox, Jjilh roHigned bin poaitiou aa ouh-colleotor of cuntomu at Jtinguvillo. His rosignatioM wan aocoptod by order-iu*oouncil on the 16th liaot. Dr. JB'.-mA. Allworth hau donoall tho oflico work at Kingnvillo for aome yonro pant aud will no doubt bo offored tbo poaitiou. For boat value in- clothing go to M. J. WjkIo A Co. Ou Monday J^hhox rtubho and High Sohoola opotiid. In tho publio aohool tho Rtrliolara koop coming in and tho teacher" are-anxioua to sou tbo full attendant aa aoon an ppjuiihlo. Tho Httiff in the publio oohool ooiiHirtt thin term of Mr. G. E. Hon- dt-rHun, Principal; Mifes Williama, MJhm Hall. Mioh Ci'iLRHwellor, Minu Shaw, Mibh Aobenon. In tbo High School tho attend ance is above tho avorago, with aataff'co'j- hiMtingofG. L. CrasHWL'ller, B. A., Prin cipal; A. 11. Cuahing and llr. W. A. Deut. A very plcittiant tea party was' given by Mr. uu'i Mid. J. A. Uoho on Friday oven- ing biBt. It wan tho 10th auniveruary of their mm Hurry, and arrangemouta had boon mado to entertain a number of hia young friencia. Thoru wero about twenty preHont aiid all bad a very anjoyablo time at tho Junnh tablu, aa well aa at gamen. The lawn preaentod a lovojy appearance, dotted here and there with omall tabloa laduii with delioaoiou. On Aloiidtiy oytjiiing the Women'o Mia- aion Circle, of tno Baptist Church bald their regular monthly open mooting at Rov. Mi*, and Mm. Campboll'ii. A la rye uumber ot old an well aa young poopl* woro in atteudanco. At the conoluaion of the buainohH part of the meeting rofroHh- metttn were m-rved after whioh Miaa B Gaulpbiill wiiB preaonted with a puriic, pievioiiu If* her df'parturo to Brampton whure alio will utteiid normal school. The auuual (JatholicPtonio held at Maid- gtone Crosa *n Wudnoaday last wan attend ed by over 2,000 people and waa a linamial anccoiH, ovtrj thing wan prepared to malte the lay one of enjoyment. Tho main fea tures! of tho day woro dancing, opoaiiing and baao ball. SpnechoH wore dehvorod by W. McGregor, M. P.; Sol. White, ox-M'; P.P. Dr. Briou, ox II. P. for South Eeaox, Mr. McGoe, M. P, 1VI. K. Cowan,oaudidato for South Enaex, Lawyer fiickloateol, ani j-iiiwyor Lnffortv dualing with moot overy topic excopt politiea. At tho olouo eanio tho drawing of tho pnssea. Ur.John AIUhb, of Ehhox, drew tho lucky number for the ailvorwatch, and Mr. MoGre^or gob the gold-boudodoano by a largo majority o' voted. Hohool opouad on Monday,, Mr. W. A. Dent taking ubar^o of the olaanuo formtrly taught by Miaa Lennox. Tho attendance thin weak ia tho largest yot rogiuterod during thoiirnt woek of tba fall term, io Hpito of the oxodua of souior tittidonta to the Modul Beluulii, School of Pedagogy, oto. MiHH Gardner will attend the School of Pedagogy, Miaa Campbell Model School at Bramptom, Uiim Barnes at Chatham and Mr. Cillioa at St. Tboman. A number will attend at Wnidaor, tbair namoo will bo fjivon later. Next Monday baing Labor Day na a legal boliday and comiRQiiontly nohool will ba cloned. Ttaobora throughout tho country will do wall to bear iu miud that tho old com- rheroul examination ia aboliihod und that itu -pTnoo i'< taken by tho High School Firat Form Exitmiuatiou covering book-kooping, drawing, botany, goograpby aud reudittg. If thoy wiah to prapare pnpiln for tbiathoy mhould uoud to tho Eiluoatioa Dopartmout for tho dotaijs of tho ai>urao. Tbora woro uoiYiD lailuroa among puUlio nchool pupihi at the recent Commercial Examination oauaed aololy by Jack of knowlodgo of tho Departmental RegulatioiiH. Tko following utudantn of Eiaox High School have been huocobhIuI in obtaining Commercial Oortiiicotts: Julia Crosier, Franluo Jarmin, J. D. Lonaltury, Annio B. Oiiollotto, A.I). Pnttor, B. Yonng, J. Bat ten, P. R. Ch'ipman, II. Al.Corko, M, Cum' miford, S. Cuntnnghara, E Irwin, M. H, JuckHon, L. Kaano, A. E. Laing, L. Millar, W. 13. Potter. C. II,...Ruauoll, L. RiiBnoll, B. KiiHHflll, N. B. Slater, Jtuby-*PriiD.ble( S. Wijtjhtman, R. Wiglo. Allowihg for dup licate* '10 atudiritu of tbo hqIioo! cut of an avorago attendance of If), havo obtained government certiiicateo of ono grade or an other, 4 of tho 40 winning two oortifloaken each, and it ist hopod that appimlu may add 1 or 2 moro. oiiNly llNtiti^rnd liy Kxr.eaelv ImiiI-w hironntn It U Nut a 1*hj*'*"! <"- <l|l<t<fy IfK. <'|i<*rMrt Hi* i'tttol ("-illof.tr Hit* Blum* .1 fll^lr. Ottawa. Aui^. 27, Won. Wilfrid Lau- rler hnn bold a fierlen of meotlnga In IiIm natlvo province and ' oxpeetH dur ing tin; month of October to (uldrean a nmnher of Kictliorl*iK In the Pro vince of. Ontnrlo. At thene domon- iitratlOnM the fhicn! policy nf tin: (fov- (.'rurncnt will no doubt receive a largo nicaniire of attention, for thon* la no (|iie.'itlon but that the; National Policy baa been curried tar beyond what IhoHO. who brought it Into effect In 1H78 exi)i<et(>d. It wan to he a tempo- niry mcaimro. The Tin [ted Htatca would not give ua reciprocity of trade no we would give them reciprocity of tnrlffM. (t wan argued a protective ityii- tnm would In ItHt-lf confer nnine hene- llt upon the country, but ho uncer- titln wait tilt; faith of Uh ft'amern (n ItH eiutentlul principle that they placed mucli of their reliance In the prom hie <(lint It would be reciprocity of tariffm for a uliort time only, and then reci procity of trade. Ah for the tndufltrlen which T.vere to grow up under the Na tional Policy a few yearn' fonterlng would he Hufllclent, and they were to have obtained a HUfUclent eatabllnh- mont by the time thai the United Htatea, having ben brought to their w>nei!, abould give un a trading ar rangement. Tcmporarlne.'jH wan thun the oKHence of tho prornbiosi und-^r which the people of the country wero cajoled Into accepting the policy of 1S78. In 1891 no discredited had protection become that the Government confessed It publicly by changing the battle ground while a till, however, placing their reliance upon the cotton Iprda, .sugar baronn, and other nobility of our new feudallnm. At laat the coun try had had enough of a war of tarlffa, und no noe can doubt that, the Gov ernment would have been utterly rout ed but for their deception about nego tiation:! with the Washington uuthorl- tlen. Since then there han been the pretended revision of the tariff. Noth ing la lacking to the complete discredit ing of the N. P. None of Its promised have been fulfilled. The exoduu waa to be Htupped, it has doubled In annual volume. Home competition wan to keep prices of manufactured articles aa low In Canada as anywhere In the world; the ncceanlty which called forth the futile combiner! act "In the GoX'orn- rnnnt'H reply to Its own promise. The farmers were to get higher prices In a. borne market: they export more than ever nnrt prlceo wero never so low. The Northwnat was to be filled up an a part of the National Policy ncbeme; It is notorious that there arc In that count ry not a quarter of the number of people promised. The "balance of trade" was against un, wo were toldj- It' was a terrible state nf thlnga from i which the National Policv would rescue ur. Hut the balance has con tinued against us and Is likely still tn be. There were to ho no sncm thiniru as deficits, yet this year nnrt last will run up a deficit propter than (lie .-mm of all the niuoh-tnllked-nf deficits of rho Mackenzie period. Hard flmpH u-ore never to trouble us when n-n Rhonld Ivivo "dlvorHlflnd nomiTtn f io' '- hut not er-M "rlfverslli Bargrain Day! \. \.. Each and every Monday wiuN^-with us bargain day on all cash purchases-of $1 and upwardV a discount of 10 percent tiff will be allowed. This includes otWv^itire stock of Drew Goods, General Dry Goods, Carpets, HauftJl^ Ready-mf or Ordered Clothing, Boots, Shoes and GrocenS? speci In addition to above discount we will each bargain .havo' '^ i al lines in job lots equal to about half regular price .. -i Tilhury'H Gala Day. -.10 percent iw a large hole in profits but to encourage eufltomers in adopting the cash system we willingly sacrifice all profits of tbo day, Giving this discount (Iogej not deprive you of your coupo.imgivon. for furniture and picturoa as premiums. Try tho csh system with us, it will pfty. Monday being Lnbor Day, wo will bo closed. Ttioflday will bo our ' Bargain Day. SPECIALS choico of any Prints .under 15c yd at tyc. Clioice of 60_difYoront patterns of Laco at half prioo*" Look out for next week's specials. <. Grain BagH, Cotton Warp and Yarn aro next. G. E. SMITH & CO. WHITJMEY BLOCK, ESSEX Tilbury ih prep^rin^ for a mountor dom onHtration, to be held on tho 5th of Bept. Appearanoeo would indicate that thia on- turprinintf and proHporoun town waa about to coyer herself with clory and gain a Htand- inc! equal to any other town for attraotivo holiday wportH, for the fiiving of pleasure to all who muy attend thorn. A larfio umauut of monoy ban been Hiib- hcribecl and j^ood healthy purweH are offered for hor'o racing und athletic sports. A bafju ball tnuteli botwoou Etmoxand Tilbury tuaiDB will aloo bo a feature In tho home f ween a 8120 purno is offered for 2:2H clase, 8100 for 2:-15 claHo, green raoa and running riu-o. >*v mi 'v" ter who baa culled him to that work. & DKLJionit, A.* Eosox, Friday, Aug. 1G, to Mr. and Mm. p. Dolmofo, a da\ihtor. PAHENT. At. nolohoHtor, Tuomiay, Auji. 20, to Mr. and Mm. horoy Parent, a Hon. Ibuiflit.-.At Ehupx, Tueaduy, Aug. '20, to Mr. aud Alrn. H. Uruab, a auuubtor. HAiiPKit, Friday, Au. 98, to Mr. and Mru. HarpBr, u Q0nt . to *CrMKKB, AtColt.aw, Friduy, Au^. 23 , Mr. and Mm, E. Olarlto, a dauKbtor.' Hmukij, At Oolohentor, Mouc]ayt Au^. 12, to Mr. and Mm. ITuhvrl Ubuol, a aon. MbttANOM, At OnloheHtftr, Saturday, Aug. Mi. in Mr. und Hra, F. Moraneo, a dau- Wheat rod per bushel ....? Wheat, white .... Corn .... Oats ..-.. Timothy Seed .*.. Clover Soud .... Aloike Hay per tou............ IJoof per owt............ Pork ........ Mutton ............ Hi don.......... .., Obickojie per lb.,,i...... JJuttor .......... L>ird Fjt,'t*o, per doz.......... Potatooi), per buuhol .... Oniono .... Appleo .... Turiiirfi .... Carroto ...'. 13e0tH ...-. Panmiyia.. * ...... TurJwyH per lb........*.. DncltH .......... Oolery po'r doz ,.......... Cabbage '.....'"* nUKETJ co to no (to 15 20 to '22 2 fiO 5 73 to 5 75" i (10 7 00 to 8 00 1 50 to 5 00 G fiOtofi 50 5 00 to 550 I 60 ee to 17 Tiers ami other*. Tt in lltontuy true that protection IU'V- er made a pound of chce.se In thiK country. It hover made u niarlcet for a pound of our cheuse abroad; and never kept the chee.Hi? of other coun tries out of our market. So far an the protective MhciiI -polir>ie.s of IMIh country and the United States affect our dairy interest^ they art? injurious, that i-s, protection addn to the taxa tion of dairymen Hnd rcHtrictH the market for Cunadljin.s. A frrent deal of the maclilnery' used by Canadian dairymen Is made in the United Ktutmi and will continue to he made there, while tho bnndnjres a very larere Item and sonic other materials which en ter into the production of chee-He and hutter, are also Imported, duty and these- duties the dairy .hwdnoKS. Moreover the fact. Is that whilo Can adian cheese noUa hitrJier in tli-1 Brit ish marltet than American, at '|.<ast an a general thlnK, the Americaii-- have recently been Kottine; from one to two cents a pound more for ihfir eheose in their own coiintry than O.ni- ndtans pot In Britain. In other word.'i I he people of the [Filled R'."er :--i' p.'tylnpr a higher prfce for their in"-- .-'-,,. ch-'Pfio llian Caiiadinn.s /<ci , fr a i^rc.vf::' .surcrlor article. It In a!-- .Lohin Iv (rue that if We had tvclprur ily with the TTnlted Slates to-dav i I'.f finest of O.-madlnn eh. e;^> ^v'^ ll!^t l-""1 sellhur in the jjreat cities ov-- there nt two or three cents more than we are now R-ottlnf,' for it. That Is the bind Thoy pay are a tax on ion 8 U 13 35 to 1 20tol 80 to Oto BtO 8 U 13 10 .15 00 fifi fit) 10' 50 '10 M 00 fl"0 4k IBIruai Wullcot* Jk Son Murlcec Hop^tfi No. I Hya, por hualiol .':. 4fi ....-, -15 u 1 Oats *..:,.. Tb* Above pricoa uro paid by. H Soiim, Wwlktfxvillu, Our.' 20 Wufker pound K ........ which the dairy indiintry of this country I.s pay ing for rt'titrlctloii. Am] tho benefit nf redproiliy would probahly he ptiM .i-rfatrr In the oa.se of butter. Ami, moreover. If all restrictions were re- movod" American ehecHo would not >sell in Canada. Why should It ? It 1h in ferior to nuw; and the homo doma-d fur oh(.t:fie amnnff Cantidlan.s Is so trl.'l- Iiifr that II.' has not the hI Urn tost ef fect un prl'nua. Cnnudians are not likt-ly to rat ' poor Aaicrlcan clico^o when they fail to cat the Buperlor ar- tii !c manufactured by themselves. An to United Stit'-s cheese paHalng through Cannda, that Is a mere matter of trade regulation which could be pro vided for. A consideration of the cheese Indus try and Its pnuHlblllties Is the atronp;cBt argument which we know of to-day In favor nf reciprocity, with the United States. ICvery dairyman,' no matter what his politics, thoroughly realizes thin. But wo will, not allow Conser vative Journals'to make capital out of the sueceaa of1 an Industry which wnfi created In the first place by the inventive frenlus of our people, and carried to ita present enormoua pro portions noleiy throiurh intolllKenco.en- torprlFe niul i.ntlenty indiiRtry, -without any relln'n.M* on ihi'ion. Wo ad vise protectionist Journals to leave tho dairy Industry alone when they are seeking politico! "apltnl. And at the name ' time li. nrdrht be pood advice to pupffCHt that ti--:' t-ap-fed manufac turers of the com: try lmltato the self- rellanco and enterprise of Canadian dairymen. We know.of n'*llilnsr- which .equate the absurdity ViV.' t!ie. contention that, the ' dairy lmluity ban been created or aaalst'etl hv yi'nto t^on, uriless It bo the ai'Kiim'Mii!! ,"' leh tho patcrnulinta am now nshi;- :. f .vor. of an export bounty en >-.r"e-. The re.isonlntf In either."caHe w'il' not bear*.a moment's Investiiri'UoL',, ' The doBcm of th,e Ldhera) party on Sell at flight. Why ? XSbchmbq they aro boilt right. 'Pry us for Buggies, Plows and Harrows. . H. RICHARDSON Hardware, Elssex. TF YOU WANT A . . . -* First -Class Boggy [ 'Place your order Math me, You can chen see what, yon are getting. I am always pleased to Hhow -rny customer the raw material from whioh their rig is', made, including Wheels, Springs, Woodwork, Goods' for the Tops,-Cushions, eto'., all of which will be found;: first clasB in every particular. It pays to buy the best.' My Prices are made fo Suit You. .it pQcial Offer. :;':::^<A . ^ We are well equipped and thoroughly understand the, Tire1 setting Business^and during thi9 month and August -^ will set Buggy and,Wagon tires at j>1.50 per set for all 0 A^Sfe'^ castomera. General Repairing Promptly Exficutedvi-'^il ' ^jJ~y'X""-:A,:'r$m ' ' ,.... { M i -) :-'^^| ' T ' '< i^^^/'^^kiv^iMU\. ;/':;|Carria^^ 17677034

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