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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 30, 1895, p. 2

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JL)& JtSSfcJ^^SL FTOFSTS RRjtt36* TfaB- ESSEX FREE PRESS Mamsoc, OiTT. that Tireu Feeling Hood's Sarsaparllla Glvaa tho Published Every Friday Morning frjrom'fcho cflloo ou Talbot Htreot, nuxt Dtmntau J J look. Bpooial attention in paid to tho publica tion of matter of Inual imporfcunuo, noour- to and rhabIo roporU o! Town, neighbor ing Towuihip and County Council proooou inue, local vtid county market roporls, oto,, tho oairtfu. and juriioiouH mftiiafjenioiit of Tun Fjikk Pnxflu, with runpuot to tlnmo and *>her ourront mat turn of local imiiortanoo, fans jlivon it a widuHproud pruuti^o in tlio oontro of Ubhox ootinty.whion in recognized m ono of tho best agricultural tlinkriotti m Ontaria. Tina 1'iikk Piikhh ih tho only medium oiroulatini; thoroughly in thiH central portiou of tho Comity, aud ih aon* Bequoutfy.without doubt.tliooiily thorough advertising medium for IniHinoHH pooplo wishing to roaoh that ohms of customer*!. OOHhKHrONnHNCM. Our columns m-o always opon for thy poaoeablo diHouBoion of muttum portnlniw^ to tho pubUo welfare, if Ablo correspondents in all tho Rurrjfrnd. og looalitioa furnish rollublo ron^JtH of tents of iutoroHb, ooonrrinmu thflfipHovoral Mhertiu; and tho publisherJ^CvX nil timet- leased to rooaivo inteb{lnft items ol *ws from ny dmp< sojj/to forward oontri itiona.* AU.Jfljjgj)|(QoutIonB 0f tt pnviito and Mdtial naturo, should ho no marked tho oumitlo of tho onvolopo. HUIIHOHU'TION I'MCE |1,00 por annum, Htnotly in advance, .50 por annum if nob ho paid; ana all Jrfroai" oharKod at that rato. XDVKItTiaKSIKNTfl. Transient legal and mnmoipal advor- fcinomontH, notioog, oto., ohar/ijod at tho rato of ton contn por huo, for first inBGrtiou, and fivo cents pnr lino for each Bubsoquout wfiertion. All yuoh adVortisflmontH are moanurod by a naalo of twelve lines to tho inch. Locsl reading and othor notioou pub lfcthod ainoiii: local nown mattor chargod at ibo rato of ton c(mtu por running; lino for eaoh insertion. All notices of church or nooioty ontor fcinmontti of any donenption, at whloh an ftdmiRBion foe m oharRod, aro ro^arded u ttctvortfriomontn, and full advertising ratoe harmed in nil mi oh caHoa, Noticos of gath* eriuga or meetings not for pouuuiury bouo- fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully published fna charge. Spooml oontraot ratoe mado for display Htandinf advts. All legal orprofoHHion- undor ono inoh, $fi por annum. joh on coMUEncuii raiNxmo. I'bo U'ukk P'ukiih Job Printing Do partraout is umlar tho juruirviHiou if tliordu^hly compbteut mochiuiicH, and poo ml attention is paid to thin branch of tbo trade, Our faoihtioH lor tho oxoontion of all kincla of fiook and Tino Job Printing are uuoxoollnd. Stoam power prenaoa. A oall Holioitod. llDaiNKflU DKOUIiATlOHEI. All Job Printing and Tranmont Advortieing acoonntH, otriotly caalr. Advortlmna aoooantti with rogulut pntrona aro cottlod qaartorly. Sub tiriptiona due in advanco. No flulwoription to tho PnuK Paksh, or advortiBomont publmhod in its columnn will bo diROonVinued until all arroarn aro paid in full. ObangGB for adyortisoaiontn, to nocnro kiBortiou in tho curront muo, munt hu hmdod iu not lator thau noon of tho Tuon- Jay proccdiug, and notico of huoI) intond- d chango is roqairod on tbo Monday pre- ceding. Notioo of dmaontinuanoo of advoiDiiu- montH muBt Do nivon at lount ono wank in advanao of tho isnno in which thoy aro loBirod to la Fit appour. ^ Desired Health and Strength, You often hoar people complniji of WoukiiuHH and a tlrod, nm down feel- bxy;. The a&wte of tho trouble 1* lxnpuro or lmpovoriHlicd blood, and whoa In thta condition itcnnnot cufry hoalth to tho orgunH and tUeues of tho body. Purify, vitalizes and enrich tho blood with Hood'H SarBiiparilla tuitl thoHO riihngi'tioiiblo fooltiiffd will dlsuppcur, hi'Dtuto tlio blood \eili tlion carry hiMilth and vigor to every organ of tho body. radicals Will hole They Propose to Re-Cast tho Liberal Platform- AN IMPORTANT POLITICAL HOVE JLDVEnTlBEIltl, Subooribern and pairono qonorally aro Mquosted to road tbo nbovo rogulationu aarofullV) iu order that confnoion may Ve avoidod, as they wilt in all oauos bo adhorod to. Addreas all coramuniaatiouo to IS. JT. LOVELACE. Pabllohor tbo Eannx'FniEC FniEnn, Eogot. Out 0.1. Hood A Co., Lowell, Wrw.: 11 Gentlemen: An it tonic and bloo4 pntlQtr X ImiIIbva Hood's SaroaparlllM U th Very bitt. My whole nyntem watt ntlrt)]y van down, and II appeared to mo KB though ther wm but UttU blood in my YInn. t wan no weak I Gould Scarcely Get Around to do my work. I finally began to tmkm Hood's Sarsaparllln, and utter \inh\g fl bottl I found that my ntrngth had returned and my appetlta wm vry tnuoh bttr. In fact, I now fl an utrous ft* vr." Mn. Kutiouv, DWallhiBtoa Av. Toronto, Ontario. Ylredl All Over-Could Not Bleep* "Itmffordi mt tnuah plcanur* to twtlfy to the moritu of Hood'a Urapayllla. "hXy whole ny*tom wu run down. X felt tlnd ail over my, body and could not alwp m% nlf ht and my appetite wan vtary poor. X tried evral pbyaiclans but with poor ucoese. 1 heard Hood'H Bamaparlll* apoken of no highly X determined to try It, which X did with great rwalta. That tired feeling' is gone, vay appetite Is good and I JMI like a now woratn." Ma*. KATJiraLajY- 1M Elizabeth St., Toronto. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently befora the public *y today. And it ii thorofora the Ideal building-up medicine. Bo sure to get Hood'*. riUUU JrIlls fawiiy eaUurthJ* tt^ A CahVention Called * Which ibe Vrlah May He Hbelved lltoRrlher-lUboW" cbere lelrioM ef ttrtioalna KloMehrry From the lUiailnl-'lilp London, Auk. 2(1. Am both tbtf Kx- outlvo Commlttopfi of tho National Llb- I oral Federation and tho Central -Llb- > eral Annoclatlon, wlilcli mainly holdft tho party puroo, have hesitated to convene a ftonoral National Conference tho Political Commltteo at tho National ' Liberal Club hnu tulcon m>on lUolf tho rcHponslblllty of mimmonlnK a con- irreuii for October ^9. Ilhhi aetlon marlcH a new party departure of the proutewt moment and will more than evor rontrallae the control of the Lon don and Provlnrhil organisation!! with in tho National Ubnral Club. th(* Htroinreot t'lemcnt In which I'l Itndlcal. Tt will ciimu1 u root and branch ie- forni In the National Liberal Federa tion and had to the con-Ultutlon of a permanent rautum, which will irive or- dera to, lnatcad of if (riving them from, the party whlpn, who have hitherto nominated nnd inlrd the commlttcen of tlio federation, The Initial impetus of thla movement arone from a nerles of Radical com mittee meetings, at which the collapse of the Liberal patty wan dlncuHiiert In nil itt* bfailnn1. The eommlttec uuk- tfeHtcd that the federation be recon- dtltutcd by the fiee election of all the commlttepH and ofHelala, no an to make the body the llvlnjf ropreaonta- tlve of democratic force. The exUt- JnK- ofllciai whlp.H and other hole and corner nomlneen do not approve of tho holding of a confeienee; nevertheless they mu4t how before Its rleclHlonn. J3very Liberal amiot latlon has prom- Ined to (tend delegates. All Liberal mombrrfl and candldateH abtent!nff theWHelvea will he marked men. Amon^ erent orcanlzatlonfi that will be repre sents aro tho National Reform Union, the Midland Liberal Association and the London, Scottish and Welnh.A(io- clatlonn. The wire-puller^ and boflu- cs will alone make a poor ahow at the conference. Apart from tho main ques tion of re-orpranlzatlon, an attempt will be made to re-cant the platform, of which by fat the moat delicate i plank \h temperance leRrlnlatlon. th* future rclntlonH of the Llberahi with the Irish Parliamentary party comlnK next In Importance. There hi homo doubt as to whether the IrlHh Alliance will be retained. The Irljth or^anii, Parnelllte and antl- Parnelllte alike, have adopted an ex pectant attitude towards the Govern ment. Whatever reforms. ayw the Freeman's Journal, the "Government undertaken will have the Htrenuouw a- alstance of the Nationalists aa ald to Home Rule. The Dublin Independ ent nnyn that muc1iTrnnHH-likr'ly--trrbp- done during- the time that the Karl a U1IVUI WJIO pi emu t.ci U u<u*v '+<" *** faat train. It 1b utter rabblHh, be dceluri'd, to say that n fat train on- tallM u irreater etiulp on tho nerves. Thi. knowledge that precaution*) nro taken ti> keep tho lino el ear for flyera tuln-a a deal of anxiety from tho driv er's mind Am a cIumh, thoy aro not ably hfulthy and lonir-llvud. Thin Anu-tlean dilver nayi he known a nninlxr of di Ivora who rutlrod when they weie 70 yearw old, and thoy wero then enjoying lohuKt health. One of the moHl daring drlvcm In the United Stateii lit (i.( yoant old and Ih the ple- tine of health Accident*! to tralnM when i imnlny at hljjh apeed have been exceedingly rare. With rooiI roadu anil lolllnir utook acldintii omrht not to occni. He contends that It hi per fectly sa/e to run eighty miles an hour I The Mnuid of Trade dcnlen It Ih Ihe Intention to tiend a dolea(o to Wajihliuvton to uiianjfo a Joint 'icheinc to dentioy deifllctn, moie e.'ipeelally tlimie floatinj; In th" North Atlantic, which action lri'i been ni'L'ed upon the com mittee of Lloyd's The Hoard of Trade holilH that the queHtlnn In a diplomatic one, and that It hi within tho func- tlonn of the Forohrn Ofllce. The authoi fjf the " Speech of Mon- kev(," Mr It L Onrnet, who after a Caboon. Afile.i, In (ends to utay In Africa hut a few mnnthii to aeeuie ;lev- eial younj; apes Ih it have been captui- fd for him. which In will take dheetly to New York In continuance of hU Inventliratlrm of th lr lan^uarye. He will avohl Kurope and make the vov.u?e homo with IiIh apt s by way of the Azorea. the in itlnh climate bavins plover] too vigorous foi uiWu < llinateil upCH, Mr fhirmn 'i hiMt ffillectlon of them ha\ Itiif sncf umln d to pneumo nia In London Mi Cuinei cv.pi ' Is h educate his ne\t batch of vr)unr" mon- kevi In the rudinuntH of llrrlKh, no' " Kh nnv view of p( iHunal fit* ' ' as li I i a man of Indep* ml Mil nn ) e< ami li.it umlei tnken hi* e\j)eilip. n| lv I'Jt* his (iv.n plea'tmc h* ^i\\ I lis fad hnu excited only i ifllcuk i 1 Mid, luit hi Ki.inef liiv . Uoit'i .i i -.tdi i - ntely \wit(l.ed, and he rla i to be pot wholly without honoi al iim c Keveial American army odh ers have Mti it >\ the AiiK'iiit iimnoi uvich In Ti 1 nl ,md .ire K*olnff home enthui- i.i^M i'oi slrnllai niobilUatl ms an nually In the United States They weie much Improvised to llnd at Ald"i- hot. Just outside of London, a force outnumberlnj; entire atandlnj; army of the Unite 1 States In this force wore 10 OOf) vnlunteeia, who are Hlml- lar In all renpeeta to the American Nn- (loniil rjiutrd. These volunteers were Included In ninety corps ^ath^r d fnnn .ill parts of te TTnlted Kingdom and, in the opinion of American ofll roji, the uniform discipline and th * ciintact with \olunteeia fiom varlou.-i nertirniH of the (ountry, iiu well ns their asoiiciatlon with rcRUlars, could not beotheiwise than extremely bene- tidal " - -------------- CANADA IN BRITAIN. Tho Thundoror on Canadian Copyright ADVISES REJECTION OF THL ACT- ,i ulil Mimftlt ouly a tdw Canadian hr4itn*, Miiyu Ikutt Xulbok-lty Hov- itunt lo\vura<l <Ilvln^ tho OiiluuK'A fc-xefriitlul Jruite. New York, Autf. "M. Iuaac N. Foia abiuj The Tiibuuo: Tho death of .kL... * aULJuutJi, wJio dualt Jusl.j . i , . ^..^uiijy \vuii i^nyiiHU authoi , i i.uu ta. iiienuatdp of ThuL..*. > i Weak aud Nervoim D^Bcriboo tho condition to tlionitudii of panplu utthiR iifjiiaon. Tlmv Imvu no up. potito, oann *t elcop, and corajilain of the prostrating oCfoct of warm wonther. This condition may bu ro.iiL-died by IJood'n Stir aapanlla, which oreateti an npp-tuo and tones up all the or^anu It u-ivou ^ood health by making tho blood pure. '* Body KoHfed, IYIIimI at KiiNe " ^AVEATSJRADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAtV X OBTAIN A tPATKNT? Fot a ttiY)mr>t aiiBwnr and an lionoHt opinion, wrlto to M U N N tfc CO.* wlio havo litid nearly fifty yonru' exporlanca in tho patent bunlnosn. Comrannlcn- tlona Btrlctly confldontlnl. A ilantlboU of In formation coneomlne l'ntcntn anil how to ot>- talJi thnraHontfrne, Alsion catnloguoof mochan- VsaI and nduntlflo tiookn coin fruo. Patents taken tlirouirli iluun & Co. vocclvo apodal notlcolutho Seicnilllc Auiertcnn. una Ibufl aro broiiu'tit wlUoly bororotlio public witli- Jiac eoat to tho inventor. '1 hiti ipiondid nnper, wuodwookly, olfJBuntlyl|hinirfltfi(l. ha* l)yf(ir tlio .ii'COfit nlroulntlnu of nny HCinntlllo work in tho world, sanyenr. bamplo cnniooeont fren. llulldlntf Edition, monthly, $2 ton yonr. Hltislo copies, tSA ocnis. ICvery numlior oontatn* be un til Ut platdH, In colors, and photocranial of now tiouBDii, with plan*, oiinbllnir uult'lc - to nliow tho atORt d8l(mH and noeuro contractB. AddroiH MUh-.'if OO Nlw YOltlC. al Duoauwav PALAOB STBAMBHO, LOW WATBC CLEVELAND. ^ B PITTSBURO, TO BUPPALO ano ALL POINTS EAST Una io what it ib when trtivullii.u ou tho faut tcuintt of tboCbicutio, iMilwiuilteo it St. Paul Railway, bubideu theru mi nu Llmnco to "luok," for tliu iiccornruodatitmtt uro up to date, the iraitm koop rnovinf" riiiut alouK and jjet thero ou time. Thorns hiifu thor oughly covor tho territory bulww. n Clnciifjo, La (JrouHe, Kt Paul. MiudukpoIih, Abor- deoti, Mrcholl, Sioux FiiIIh. Sioux City. YuuktoUt Council Blufia, Omulin nnd Nor thern Michigan. AH tho principal cnu-u and townii in thtit territory urti leticht-d by tho "St. Paul" Iiuuq, ciiuiiuuiiuu tit S&. Paul, Council Bluffo und Omuhn with all lines for pointu iu tho fat wut Write to A.J.Taylor, Ctiuadtan PunVr Ayent, 87 York Street, Tortiuto.'Ont . fur one of rhoir map timo tahlon and a broehnre, i^ivin^ description of tho Conipurtmnot. Ble.i pint; Jhth. Tiokota fiiriiudiod l>v any ci upon icket a^cnt in tho TJintod Stutuu und Can .ila. Iho finout dining uutk id itie world run on tho solid vi -til ulwl, electric lyhkud uud Btoam-hoiitud tnunHof ibo Chi- Ugo, Milwankeo A, Bt Piul lluilu-uv. A KBBAT DISCOVER Fast. .J For Cottott Diamond es. and Mixed Goods* HVUHV hvuninq hhywmhm DETROIT # CLEVELAND Oonnecilu^wlth t*rUtit tralui at Cleveland for all points Bait, South and Southwest. Baruhey Trips Jum, July," Aurjutt and Septoniber OnlL' Toledo, DMit>*IHckinag NBTOSKBYwTtW "pOO," AUKQUETTH, A1HP DULUTtl >o new etcel puueMgcr steamere have juat I built for our Uppdr Lake Route, ww each. Scud far Illustrated pnutphlet. A. A. frOHANf 2, .. ^. i v."*. Dorrndir. mioh* mm & cLEvaui steam m. im Tho Only Com- pi oto Dyo on the Market that Make Fa*t and Unfading; Colorot. ' The Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton end Mixed Coods(i2 colors) are triumphs of science. They ore new and im portant discover ies controlled by Diamond Dyci, nnd are found in no other pacIcnRO of Cadop;an holdi the Vleeroynhlp of Ireland. It addsr "Let the dead pnwt bury lt dead In the general Interests of civilisation nnd proj^rewH." Ob- vlounly the Parnellltefi and antl-Par- nollltea are ready to throw alde their Liberal allien. Mr. Henry T-.ahouchere, the well- known Hndlcal leader, came from Marlenhad to London to nttend the meetlnpH of the Radical Commute*, lie pendatfl In hlfl contention that the flrat essential la to depone Lord Rone- bery from hln poidtlon ns lender of the Liberal party, and It In likely that the comlnpf conference will assent to the deposition of the ex-Prime Mln- lBter Mr. Lnbouehere and Sir "Wlll- |nm Vernon Harcourt. ex-Crvancellor of tho Rxchequcr, arc about to start for Lake Coma It has transpired that at a flecret meeting of the Radical members of thL liausa- of Corn- mono over which Mr. Ilonry Lahou- chcre presided, n memorial was draft ed Invltnre Sir William Vernon liar- court to aanume the leadership of the Liberal party Only neventecn mem bers nlfrned the memorial and It waa therefore droppad. The committee of the Enjyllah Church Union recntly startled church circles by declaring that civil marrlap;ea were an offence against church discipline. Partlfn who had Incurred cenaure by entering Into such marriages oupht, according to the committee, to obtiln absolution before being- admitted tn communion. The further ceremonlew of the rinjr and the Joining of handn ou/yht to occur and the benediction be fflven The report oven stneffered the council of the Union, as throwing doubt on the validity of the civil con tract. The matter wan apaln referred to the committee, who now report that they did not mean to suffjrest the nec essity for a relitfloUH renewal of the marriage contract, but only a solemn acknowledgment In face of the church by the parties who had contracted civil marriages. The council now pro poses to seek a deliverance from the; Church Convocation. The question arouseH the keenest fcelinfi; amonp; church Adherents. Acocrdlnpr to The Speaker, the weekly organ of the Liberals, the attitude of [ that party on the Chinese mission out- 1 rages 1m distinctly In favor of active intervention. Lord Salisbury, the paper declares, should obtain an Anglo- American entente, under which the first work should be further opening up of China The Government at Pe- kin would be wluo to accept foreign aid to restore order, if only to save Itself A family council of tho nntlonn could, without difficulty, sentence China to the tutelage of a native gendnim- crle oflflcorcd by Europeans. This is not yet probable, although it would b certain to benefit the central Govern ment, but It will come soon unload the vPekin Government responds to the just demands of the powers. Tho Board of Agriculture threatens to withdraw the privilege given to American Inspectors to verify at the ports of landing alleged cases of pleu- ro-pneumonla In cattle. Two Cana dian cnttlo suffering pleuropneumo nia wore recently landed in Deptford, nnd the Canadian authorities were re fused permission to examine them A clamor to obtain for Canadians the game privileges the American Inspec- tora enjoy la now being raised, The trtlgh Hah. Waited H. Long, President of the Board of Agriculture, contends that there is no provision In the Act of Parliament permitting foreign In Bpeotora here. Tho Washington Gov ernment may, therefore, be prepared to learn that tho privilege accorded the American inspectors has boon rescind ed. < u ui:u ::i, uvs voutiicN roue*. lit* WnitM I'iui Vuiiwrrlwl PuutU ta Utility Unllwayii mnl k'roniotr I.'oIuhImI Ikf-vrloputrktt. New York, Aug. 26, Mr. Ianc N. Pnrd cables from London to Tho Trl- -buno : Gly_one speech In Parliament this week will be remembered after the -vision ends. It wan made by Mr. Chamherlain, when th ilrnncla] vot' "T51' the 'CoToTTml orih was re.iehed after mld+night, ThuiMlay. It was *i Hiort speech, dellveied quietly and m Uhout nourish of trumpets, but It contained evidence that the k*ador who formulated 20 years ago In Birming ham great municipal policies grounde I upon new Ideas of the functions r; lfieal government 1m preparing to revo lutionize colonial relatfon:' Mr. Chamberlain hn in mind huge plans of colonial poncy. based on new principles. What waea :nost slgniilcant in this speech was '.he declaration that many of the British colonies were In the condition of undeveloped es- t.iteii, which could not bo developed without Imperial assistance. There were acme colonies, he added, for which British rule had done absolute ly nothing; and England could jiot *Mdc with them so long an they were undeveloped. He would be prepared to consider carefully any case in which by a Judicious investment of Imperial money, these colonies could be devel- r'M'd. These vague generalities would have meant loss if any other leader h id uttered them. Mr. Chamberlain te Known In Birmingham by his works. I'olMea which he Introduced In munf- eipnl government there have been b'ghly successful. * Municipal owner- 'Vp of water, gas and tramwnyn and the transformation of tho slums Into ^1 lend Id business thoroughfares by Investments of corporation funds, which will ultimately enrich the town, an* now accepted throughout England ns enlightened measures of progres- M\e* local government "When a Ieadei w 1th a record of having changed the whole order of municipal government in Rngland advocates judicous Investment of Imperial money for promoting the de velopment of the neglected efitates of the Empire, the echoes of bin npee<v. will be heard around tho world wl or ever the British Hag flutters in th" breeze. Mr. Chamberlain spoke con (Id n'lv almost lmpotuously, of many lOlonia) problmn, and discussed them with breadth of view. If railways weie nooded in tropical Africa, they should be built under colonial or Imperial Administrations, rather than be hand ed over to private speculators. If there was tn be trade with the colonies exposed to native disturbances, then punitive expeditions were necessary, and thostf who protest against them were against the only system that would lead to the civilization of Afri ca Bechuanaland had been annexed because the Cape Parliament had de clared for it, and tho Home Govern ment were bound to respect the wishes of the colonics. But federation was as necejcmry in Africa an in Australia. Mr. Chamberlain's speech showed that he had been thinking deeply on matters of colonial policy and had some crratlvo policies to propose and carry out. Hla views were reiterated yesterday strongly In his reply to tho West African railways delegation. CABLE TO HAWAII. .^^..ini aim .Diyiuell, enables .....uu i urn u to anproa.cn by .-O-.0, ,n a long article, the su ^. Lii.- Canadian Copyright Act. . ^u iu tue eneigy ot the loiiim...- .ju ut jiiiitniuui authors and i* ' - ... muni In scouring the paasage ot .u ...-n luiuonal Copyright Act, i*nd ko -.*u iuiuiuo tnculais, offering w . I ..t>iijM tin. bolder clieap1 leprtnth >i uool(4 by Ann rlcun authors; and \u- Lually auviaiH Mr. Chamberlain io in ject the Canadian act. It remaiks tli tt u .Heenui linidly worth while to briiitf to the ground the laboriously con - ujiiHtructed edifice of international honesty for the sake of putting money Into the pockets of acven or eight Canadian flrma. A point which neither The Tlmeg nor tho English authors seem to con- aider hi the Impracticability of tho Colonial oillce putting a veto upon tho Canadian raiding operations ngainHt International copyright. ICngl md ac cepted the Borne convention without diinmlttlng Canada to the copyright pilnclple. Canad.L adopted the Berne pioposals with the explicit understand ing that It could withdraw after giv ing a year's notice, if Mr. Chamber lain throws out the Canadian act, tho Dominion may nerve notice of Itl withdrawal from the Berne conven tion. Canadian printero would then be at liberty to pirate American books, and Impair, If not destroy, the vnlua of the contracts of English author* with American publishers It Is a very awkward business to manage, an the Ro'iebery Government acknowled ged when thpy anked the Dominion Government to sftnd out n special agent -to talk over tho question. Mr. Cham berlain Is known to be studying the controversy In detail, but in not like ly to ad prematurely. Mr. Mamton, of a well-known pub lishing (lrm, writes to The Times to day, giving a new version of the Cana dian Copyright controversy. He ridi cules the Idea that Americans havtt anything to fear from Canadian re prints of English books. If only for the reason that their Importation could be stopped by our customs, and declares that the present American outcry against the proposed Dominion law Is laised purely to screen, our own Improper claims upon Canada. IIo ad vises the Canadians to abandon their present position and pass In- Htead a strong law, to exclude Am erican *cprints of copyright books from Canada. This seems rather mud dle-headed, for the Canadian book market Is no small as not to be In dis pute, but Mr. Maraton nets It forth u'I*h great vigor. Incidentally lie saysi that he underntands the projected Do minion law Is not hi tho least likely to be passed here, and that accords u-Ith what othTM say of Mr. Cham- hTMn't attlti In in the matter Mr. V IT Scott, President of the Ontnrv Publishing Co. of New York, v bo is now In London, In an Interview regarding the Canadian copyright law, cays the scheme will not be of any bene fit to authors or literature of Canada, where the market Is small, while <t will be a serious menace to the rights * authors in the United Rtatei The spectator, referring to the matter.savn Canada wants something which will bring the whole system of Intcrantion- 11 copyright to ruin. Notice has been given by Mr.Vincent that he will, at an early day, move, iu the Houho of Commons, a resolution that Great Britain give a year's notice to the Governments of Belgium and Geimany of the elimination of tho clauses In tho commercial treaties with those countries of 18G.J and lSfJ5 respec tively, precluding the treatment of British goods In British colo nies upon more advantageous terms than are accorded foreign qoods. The Statist advises Mr. Cham berlain, Secretary of State for the Co lonies, to give notice of the termina tion of these treaties, and expresses the belief that should this be done Germany would not take any retalia tory stops. It is announced that Lord Lans - downo. Secretary of State for War, will make a statement In the House of Lords, Monday, In regard to the Commandershlp-in-Chlef of the British army. The report that Field Marshal Lord Walseley will succeed the Duke of Cambridge as Commander-in-Chief Is regarded nu true. The question of the development of mines In Brltltih Columbia is at pre sent attracting much attention In fi nancial circles In the city, and It Is probable that neveral mining experts will visit the province In the autumn. If tho reports made by them of tho re sults of their Investigations shall be favorable, a large Influx of British capital may bo expected. Short JouruoyH on u Long r Ib the chariuileriniu ntlo n( u profusely il lustrated bflokconlaiiiiiiH ever one hundred pages of olninuuifdy written dcieoriptions of Himlmer rehortmn Urn country north and wowt of Cliioii(/o Th" hitdnifi matter is pow, tho illustrations uru mev, and tho In formation therein will bi in w to almost uvoryoim. Acorn/of "Hhori .lournev* on a Long Hoiid" will be Htnt fruu io kiijnno who will o nolobo tern conth (to pay |i<mtnj/n) to Geo II. XivAvvoitu, (linirul PuwHnigor Agent Chioago, Milwaukee v Hi Pmil Railway, Chiuttiio. III. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Ebb ox, - Ontario* Eo. luck, pitojMiimon, hah been '# thoroughly pumUil uud ropUtdahed with nuw (iiriiltutu by tho iirtiiimit proprietor, r,A)LOM 1IJUIN IN CONN! ( HON. ttim-GlaHB Accomodation (Juarautoocl. XXT A W*TT Tj(t(!ltl liri<i Traveling W JLXH M-Xj&J HidoHiiuiii to handle our HiiMy C'auailluii Orewu Nuirniiry Htook. Wo guaraiitoit autlHfaotlon to yriprnnntiitlve aud ouNtomiird, Cur nurnericH uro tbo largest in tho Bomhilon, ovr V(W ucriH, Nn mibhtltntlon' Iu ordoM llKoluulvii tunrltory iivid Hboraltermj to whol or part timo iif(<mtn Write nn. HTOKK A wjxrdNflTON> (T/eruln|llflrraV>routo,Oo (Iho onhy immory in Catmda hTTTtoJe^t'DB 44 Ui ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoe* and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land, Call and Equmlnojnnd be Con-el vlnood for yourselves* Jets. Douglas, Nls:ii ot tiie ^i(|>ki koj(, Whitney Block P.ssey ESSEX Roller Mills* JAMK&NAYLOlt *akon tnla opportunity oi nunoqnoin ^ nio puo|)|ocf tlio Town and County of lOauox, tbuthu lma mriodolud theUa* aox ItolJor Mills aocowUng to platiR prtipayod by - Ii. N, rJco, tit. Thoiunn, a>n) ban a I no socuroa tbo norvicoo of Koiiiiut Rthachan, an oxpiui oncod and thoroughly oomnotfuit millor. Thanalrm tlio people ol tliu town and county tor tlio pntronajjo bostowou upon h\vi in the paofc, will cuarautoo nuti(riantion hi thu future. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. TH13 DEBT GKADKB OF PLOUB, I'KKDAKTJ COIINMEAI, KKPT IN HTOOK AND SOLD AT HIGH? FML'KS, Gssh Paid for Wheat and Oats. Best Placo in tho world for yoitnumen nnd women to uncum a Burilnert K(hication,8horthandtoto.|is the Dotroit Himiiioni! Utiivorsity. Do- .trolt, Mich Iliuntrutod aotalogua Free, I{ofi(juLin . All Detroit; W. P JKWKLL, ProB. P. It amNCEB, BooV- Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Bath Soaps,Bath Brushes keep k:ooi* i with our Fai^s. C A. SHRRINF Eeseac Medical HalL vr>jiTiiouKi,.iNi> uii:-i:i,ix'iko.v 4 VlKoroHl lyes, TheywUl and washing. Be sure that you get tat Dia " .....J - monu.Byes for Cotton and Mixed Goods, ai they excel all oth?KS. Sold evoirywh^re. ptT'Dlroctlon Book una totii inipioB ot colored cloth iroo. WttLLfl Jt niciLUmUOX CO., Montrta], 1\Q. have ovoked dlcuBHlon an to the dan- erH to'paascntforn and tho nervom> strain on tho drivers. Tho UoHt opin ion published comofi from a man \vh' tor IX yearn wan tho onirlneor of a exprciia train on tho Vfew York Cuv *l! Tlatiroarf. H ajLvm >i* hv**h mh Win Htalr Aakrd For u *UC0,00 Twenty Yean** HulMliIy, f^an. Pranclaco, Auer. 20. Col. K. a. Spaldlniy, who has obtained pxcIuhIvu conconslon from tho Hawaiian Govern ment for a telegraph cable from tho United States tto Honolulu, had a con ference with the truateeit of the Cham ber of Commorce yesterday. He ex plained his project in full, nnd the tikmtecs pledged themselves to give 't all the aid In their power. Col. Spald- Inir dcnlreii to obtain from the V. B. Government a nubsldy of ^260.000 a year for 20 yearn, which, with that already noourod, will ntfffrcffnto $.100,000 a year. He estimate? that tho cable r^aulrcH * 1,000.000 capital. _ -i-'"" IhiuUawd nud Wit* ink* Chloral Boflton, Auff. 21. I-ouIff Hammond, aged lin years, ahd bit* wUo Kainurlncr, aired about 30, woro found dead In their room at the American Hous<huv^nff committed/sulcld by taking vllrt*al th( I Vizht Ueiua WaXCfl-VolUHjf Nmxt Hulurtln)' Dorchester, N.B., Aug. IS. Nomination of candidate for n frnt lit tho Houuo of Com- monn vacutod by the ulectlon of Joslah Wcod to tho Senate, took placo to-dny. A Inrge number wore prosont. Mr. Pow ell for tlio Government and Mr. Klllnm for tho Opposition wero nominated. A hoc contest Ih on, tho Llboralu evidently being determined on a hot flcbt for tho sent. Thoy hnvo In tho comity, besides local men to uddreutt meatmen. P*vlo*f Franor, Turto niul ChofuiBt,l6, mombfrrs of Pnrl hi incut, who will Htump tho country for tho next lx day. TUo Government candidate at [nut eleotlon had a majority of over two thouiiuttd. tub Ci*In* HlnKur'a Opluluu U Thi RUKHUta IutrijfH Cnuofd 111* Trawl)1t>, New York, Auk.' 18. The Herald.Nm London correspond*nt saya: Kunir TA- ^lon, the Chinese Minister .X^enipotan- tlary to the Courts Of London, Brus- *!, iPoJrls and Rome, In referring to the, rtwnt iiiaaHa.crea Of tho miaslon- uxiieti ded&red tby were on this. a on previous occasion*, malnry tho work of IlUBslaOji, -who bad availed them- aclvcH of tho exceptlonml crrcumstancea Jn obdwr to work mlachlef and loot property to tn* ooofukwi wh\ch en- Smltit, i SbaplMtnJ 5olld Top U*celvef. Lightest. Busiest Working, Moat Accurate, Compact. Most Modern and progressive Tor citfjdotftie or Information wrlto to .:.E MARLIN PIRE ARMS CO., N*w Havon. Com f^ARLlni REPEATING RIFLES in. POR TWENTY-FIVE Y*ARS DUMiMS 1j 1*f t WE'JOnlCSBESTfiaHWJ ' Ahut-at sa;k in Canada*

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