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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 30, 1895, p. 1

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mi WILKINSON'S iron )ioa Fresh Groourios Provisions, Tuns, CoiTooH and Spiuon. Special linos in Crockery. $$* r ^-v ^^fw^^- The Essex Iwv /t! isfw* i'( ' 7 i , V '1,1 r 't PRESS. v ,< V Christian Endeavor Society St. Paul's Church, TUESDAY EVa SEPT. 3 IS Very body* Oomo. VOL XL No 85. ESSEX, ONT., FBIDAY. AUGUST 30, 1895. WHOLE No. 566 27 F.A.&Co Leading Store of Essex OUR CHEAT UMMER S :n ->-. oi laughter ale; Is still in progress "For tlio remainder of August we will continue tlio sacriflco of all jasonabl^goods to make room tox^&Kr Fall importations, iich are now commencing to arrive. We only Want a Ghost Of a that We show to convince you Lead the Procession in values, and are-giving-the Biggest Dollar's Worth In Essex. All wo ask is that you comparo values before buying. tlnnrmmerl)res& materials at clearing Hale prices, CoLMta? ^repoTHie dress goods at luc & .yard; all Laces and Embroid eries at clearing sale prices; lJo*ice Curtains at clearing iale prices; all Carpets at clear ing sale prices; all 10c Prints at 7c a yard; pure iJnen Tab- I ling, 60 inches wide, at 25c a yard; Standard Shirtings at 10c a yard; best Oiled Linen f'Windo *r Shades, full size, complete, at 45c each; all men 'and boys' Headyniade Cloth ing at clearing sale prices; all Millinery at half price; all Wall Papore at reduced prices. SHOES At old prices. We bought 'largely before the recent heavy , advance and can save you (money on footwear. Odd alines clearing out cheap. Lar- fgest stock in Essex! f ____ KUTHVEN. Saturday, August tilth, win. tlio day advertised for tbo uraafc buna bull gamo be tween Kouunlsand Knthvon, Ah n roHult ovm 1000 people woro vn hand to witness tlio fjtinia About .'I p. m. tho spociul from Wnlkoivillo pulled into tho depot bearing thu renownod Windsor Itccoids, winner* o* 100 fighte, and a liii^jo turnout of admirem accompanied them with the oxpoctatiou of Hieing the Invinoibleu badly wol)opd, but their v;un hopes proved futile. Hiuoo tbo KocorlH about throo wooku ago dofoatod tlio Ifoamiuutou clubby a score of thirty, throo tc oi|jlit and an innings to tiparo thoy warn very anxious to ^ut a whack at tbo Invincible*, and our boyn woro plucky onou^li to bo (load willing, and, hko Napo leon Jionaparto, tbo Kocoi'ds mot tltoir ' Waterloo11 atlaHt. Tho Rooordn went to bat and wore noarly blaulcod at tbo com* mcuoaiiieut, but suacondod in machine homo oucfl. Tho Iuvinciblau scored livo ruuu in thoir half In tlio Kocond inning tbo Recordi! suffered tlio presentation of a Uooho oi>nt and Ituthven battlod Wallaoo for tux runs. In the third and foutbli lion* una woro ovon, each olub leeeiviu^ five runs for tbo two innings, making tho tjonr nineteen to iux. Tho Hooords mado two in lho fifth to tlioir oppouonte one run. In tho Hijcth inning both pitohorfl fjot n^lit at themselvon and oach ixmrn failod to scare. In tbo novoutli tho Uccordo crotiKod home plato twico and Iluthvon Hcorud five und fpiled to scoro m tbsoifjbth. In tbo mUh muiuyu au-our-pitobor, Chartor, wau bath- lug hu wad nbruak in tlio nck by a hot pitched ball dcllVcrad by Wallace, and thitt interforod with bio pitahing towurdo tbo hint, aH thtllooordo ftcprd fiv -in oighth and four in Hiiitb, tatahuf* 19 to 22, und an innmfjH to iparo in favor of Iluthvon. Th GaUum obueiio factory mulco morn ohooHn thiiH tbrnn ntbrni m KhuuH. Ou'j roaHon ih tlm looation in ^ood, and unothor rotiNon m tl.itt thu rtlrootrn npar<id no puiiui on tlutir part to multo i^ ' bUcoohm. I muiitaijain rofor to thu UnLtum oorroo pondont of tbo Kin[*Hvillo Haportor, not- witliiitandinq tbo iwvoro ilrubbinj; T rv- coivod athiu bandii limb wcok. In rnfoi- nnj* to tho oattlti Htnahiifj; ouho iiayii, "Tho plamtifl IMiilhpH mudt^ont a vory ihmny oauo," diffoimt: iu opinion from A. II. Clarko, l'iui.,oounty attorney, w!io adviuod tho magifttrutn to (loud tbo dofoiuhnit up for trial, A p'lrnon may bo aula to quote from Ilyinn Nlinlwflpoiirp, lluriiu, Gail}la and Uunkiu, and yet not utulcrntund pointa inlaw mi well an our J. I1, or aomity at- touioy. UCOItK. 3 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 6 12 10 5 0 r. Just Arrived iPer steamer Empress of Japan land 0- P. Ry., our special im- |portation of the first picking M new seasons Japan Tea iojs the genuine uncolored Article*, and we guarantee it /to be the best value to be had Anywhere for 25c a lb. K|3roceries alwayB fresh and at [bottom, prices. Pine Larpe "'BaiBins at $1 a box f 28 H pounds. ft One Price to All. Ms marked in plain Figures. i Goods Delivered Promptly. ONT. Total, lluthvan ... .5 6' I 2 1 0 5 0 2U Recordu ....103230254 VJ Tho Lpanaiuiiton crowd oaino up for tbo purpone of RHoiitiiif,' tlio Uooordo by thoir roasting propoiiaitien of whuih they ure noted for, and ovon wont no far noino of them an to iitaad on tho bane runner'H lm o and vory timo our pitohor, Charter, wont to dullvor tko hall thty would point Htioka at him and yell, alno trying to rattle our buHomtm in every poumblo way. Tho urn- pirn roaHtod tho IaviaoibluH enouyb with out tbo uflaiHtunce of Huch a umg of toagho an repraaontod Loamintfloii that day. One would nnturally thinlt that a town within threo railoa of us, a'i .Leamington io, would bo dfifiirotis or h*ciuk thoir Hintoi olub win, and especially u* in this cane uh tho Kocorda boat Leamington no badly about three weoka uyo it would look uioro uenfliblo for thcra to winh thoir BUcneBaful rivato, the Eacordn, to bo beatou. If Leamin^tomaun ponuat in dauiouatratin^ such unfriendly feolingH towards us thqy will urouae from thoir lethargy aomo fino oormny and wondor why their forraor cuii- tomarB fiom Buthvtn and South Goofiald do cot go down and purchase their cloth* ig. crocoriflH, and got a hair cut, patronize tbir laundry, and why tho Kuthyon boyn "blow in" thoir lnninga eltwhro than go to Leatuincton ai formerly for tho indiu- ponijubluu of lifo. Well when thiti comoa to panel, an it will if tbero u no change of tha bitter foohugn bow oxntin^ betwotn tbo two plaaon, they. Will iUroly uadorotand. 111HK uiro. The KutUven InvinoibieH are ebampioui of saox. Ha-liR I Saturday tho Kecordu vn. Bubhvan wil play tho return match at Wiuduor. An exouroion wdl bo ran that day. Managar BloHay eaya Dr. Oliyor i* the bout Bocond baBemau ih Ontario. Tbo Racordd now say thoy wero handi capped. Ghqbd they woro by Uutbyen, Get ready Esaex to play un flometimee next week. Our boyu put up uo, ulmegt errorlsao f/amo In the flold. Dolanoy on cntoriu^ tho grounda said: "Wo don't have to play ball to-day, we'll show the hayHooda a thing or two." So thoy did. COTTAM. Tho placing of the gaB pipoa from tho wolla in South Goailold to WiudHor io pro ((rousting favorably. Tho di^gom aro now oppooito Mr. Fletcher Awroy'o on tbo douth roar road, and will prooood along tbo roar road pant Eauox. Tho mam pipo will bo tappod uoar Mr. DeGows mill to aupply Easox. He. Robert Small nold bin poiutet do AaoktoMr.I. O. Noil, of Saudwioh, foe toil diraon. Mm Clark is improving to health. Joanio White tailed of taking in an oxaur. man to tbo N. W. Torritoriea and ufiiisb in taking off the bar vest. Wo boliovo thut return tloketa wero sold ai 910, good for three months. NOUTII RTIKiK. Mm. Gjorgu Luing, of London, wilh born laot weak yimting bor ^mmlpnroutfi, Mr. and lfrti. JamoH Cummiford. The MiEiHoii Clara and Kv, oldoiit duiigh- corn of Andrew (Jilboo, of Dotroit, worn boro hint week on a vinit to thoir grand* parentH, Mr. and Mrn. I*etor Gilboo. Efubort Wright, of Tifliu, Ohio, wan boro lai't wookviftitinj; roIativoH, ho wan on hm whool and whoolod from Tifliu to Dotroit in ono day, a dintanco of uoarly one hun dred and fifty miloH. A. travelling wild beaut monagono paHHed through our burijh Iait Monday evoning* Thoro wan * mini and woman, four young wamon ami about half dozen cUildron of both noxofiof various agon; thoy had a cv- ThroHhing.niaahjmoa are numoroua here thie HoaHon and fhoy are all bney nepam. ting tho golden gram from the atraw and chaff; grout cropa of nuts are roportod all around on nearly every farm. Wheat in yioldiny bettor than wuh oxpected uomo fntoo before JiuryoHt. Lart'o qaautitioH of gaB pipo wuro hauled through our villago from Ehuox Town to tho nouth r**ar road htut week and thir-; wo uotioo tb pipu wan maunfuotnred in Yountjotowii, Ohio. Thin new gan lino in being put in through our towouhip on tho Houth roar road noaily quo milo. Wo hope the oiti/oun of the two 'rival cition of tLo atrtuta will be fully supplied with gun for all time. > A dog oi dogu Uilljtl a valuable hhcop for Aloxauder Tylor one night hint woelt. Samuol Balt/or nUot a vnry largu grr y aquirrdl Iart TuoBday afternoon iu VVilhum Henry Billmg'H woodn. Robert LanoaHter, wife and famil}' ef ton ohtldteu lolt foi West liruucli, Micbigau, laHt Tuooday morning. Thoy havo ruturn- od to tho miaie pluoo thoy liyed in boforo coming boro. Thoy lived hero about ten moutliH. ored wa^'gou, throo lioinon and two eoltH two largo brown beara and to modiura- ui/ed black bdara, two monkeya, aud threo or four dogH. Tho Jirty mctloy erowd eamped on the romlmdo outmde our ichonl bouuo Monday night, and tbo board and moultoyH woro quite an attraction to the school childrou last Tueaday morning ; the beam danced, climbed a telephone polo, walked on tlioir hind lcgn, oto.; tbo old woman wan boun of thaoonglomeratioa and nhe ruled oupromo with an iron will and aauoy tongap^ alio peeped into tho eohool houAc'aTtor the school was oa.Uod, und ulie uaid that alio never ttaw a school before. Thoy otartod went ut 10:30 a. in. After spending a month with rolativon in Gontiold North, Eaaox Town, Maidotono, Windeor, Walkorvillo and Colohefltor North, Mum Eliza Jano Johuo loft on her wheel for hor homo iu lilxotor, Huron Co., laat Friday morniuj;. Sbo Will soil on acquaintance!} and relatives in Learning ton, Blenlioim, Port Alma, Morpoth, Riduatown, St. Thomaa, and London, ou- routo. Thu following pjuty left by iinl Bun- 'day inrjrning to Hfmiul a wttck among tho mlaiidn of Liiko IJrio I'Vud Fry, Colo Wlll- uunn, Ilonn. UohHon. Thoy will pitch their font on J'nlcc and prneocd to Anil, nhoot, dunk grkpe wine, and oxploro tho iHlaudn in gouotul. Tho eportu of our town aro m a grout uxoitomont over the poiuumug of uomo dojju. Lant Thumday nioriuuy an .lamnij Hiaolc wan loading Iuh boautiful (totter dog up town, tbo dog npiod a largo piuco of fiuefc lying on tho tuduwtilk and made for it. Jim triod te check tbo dog, but failed, and tliufdng nwaUftwd tho food, In about twunty imnutflH ho wild doad. HbvcjniI doijn havo mot thou dojitli in tbo t'ttnp.. way 'iinco. Th rtiROal who put the pomon out ih known and hu bad hotter "fly tho kite." A-MTIKRHTBUHG. J. A. Gilloan ban gone to Loudon to at tend high uehool in that oity. Rov, )Pr. Ryan in npondiug a- wcok at a rotreat of priOHtn being hold in Toronto, Imipootor Maxwell and hiraily h&yo re turned from thoir viait with ral-itivon iw Potroloa. Mrs. M. W. Auld, Htrathroy. accompan ied by hor graiid-dauiditor, ia yimtrng bar uon, Koovo Auld. Mrii J. David Burk nnd ehtldron ro- turnod home hint week Iron their vinit with rolativon in Toronto, Mth. (Rov.) J. A. Holt iu quito ill aud her daughter Lottie, aged ni\ yearH, ie vory low with brain favor. Mi'H. Fd. Mac*uire nnd uhildron havo re turned from a trip to Hpamiih Rivorn ou tlio MunifitiquQ with Capt. Maguiro. Mra. D. Auntin and Mina Miunio Ganoo aro npondmg a woek with rolativon and fnndn in Windaor and Walkervtllo. Minn Birchard, of the Public achool iitaff, returned en Wednot'dy from spending hor vacation ut hor homo in Lambton Co. Hho came down from Wuidnur ou hor wheel. Mrn. II, RowJsby, with her hoii Harry, will leave ou Wednoflday next^for Pokoa-. key, Mich.; to vimt hoi brottTe'r', Philip Miduledith. Harry will remain tho re to attend Hohool. D. IT, Terry, who broke bin arm by fall ing off hiu bicycle naviral weoka ni;o in having considorablo trouble thorowith on account of tbo broken beno faihnu' to knit properly. Conductor Bttrry ih off on a tbraa weekn' vucation, and Iuh place m being takon by Conductor Lurdau Mru. Barry and fain ily have boon vieiting fnondo in Bt. Thora- an tho pRDt week. Thu fainih f Councillor Au^uoto Baa. Hon moved to Detroit on Tuesday, wboro thoy will lenide in tbo future and where mont of tho mombern of bin family bold good situations Mr. Baition, howovor* will ruuiuin in AmiierfltWurg. CO^KFONPENCt '-d>J> KINGSVILLK. Mru. Robinscu, of Leamington, who visitiuc with Mrfi. Jaraon Leo in vory ill. IS LEAMINGTON. "Chock" uliiggod the ball. A. W. Suidor, of Euaox, ih visiting at S. G. Yates. B. P. Hall, of Godoiiob, in yaoatiug at W. IX Cox'b. Mini] Khada Foutor in upending a few wocka ut Higugatu, Dr. Branton ban roturnod from a nhect visit in St. Tboma*. Wo noticed Wm. Roaoh, of Ridfiotown, in our town on Taouday. It wub nmuiiiug to rho tho way Leaming ton cheered for Win door at tho ball game Saturday. Loamington and iluthvon ba^oball toams playodou Wcdnogday on tho Kutb- ven grouudii. J, D. Sutliorlaud liau raturnod after bin vacation and ia ready to begin work as eoon as Hobool aommonoon. Word bao boon reooivod from tbo man that wont to Mauitaba from hero. Thoy havo all obt&iuod employmont. Thoro 1b it big kiok in our town about tbo bow that appoarn in & aortaln Amort- can paper. Somobody will havo to pay for lb if it ia nod stopped. ; Miau Muggio Loe ban returuod from the oant wboro ulie bao been upending hor holi- dayn. Miau llaggio Torry, Simooa, and Minn Maggie Bonuott, of WalkorvJTIo, are visit ing at laaao Terry'n. Hov. Mr, Sceinboff, fermorly paotor of the Baptist oharoh boro, but now of IIli- noio, waain town laot week. Ur, King bad Dr. Allworch appointed bin eucooaaor ay colleotor of customs %t thin port. It ib utill in tho family. A large gang of men aro omployed in tbo gan camp. The lino commenced a ahort dintanco uorth of Couklin'o mill, titrilciug tha roar road about a milo this aide of Talbot nt. Morchanta from town aro dolivering large quantities of Mupplioo daily. Etarry Ciow ban tho ooutraot to fnrninh rho bread and Herman craft will furuislt the hoof. *>- if AUHUSAT SCOOP. J. O. Peck SocurcM tUe Quollotte Cor net*. Whon J. 0. Pack bought tbo McLonn bankrupt stock it wan not generally known that lift had already ouanrod a loaso of tho store. Owing to tbo promtuonoo of tho oornor, dozonfl of others wore falling over each 'other in tboir efforts to aoouro this dosir- ablo locution. Ono firm oyon wont so far as to Bond a solicitor from Hamilton with iuiitruoMoua to Beouro tho Ntand at any pnoe, in ordor to keep Pook out, "bat J. 0. has boon too nhrowd and tbo leauo wan alroady bli. With tbo MoLonp otaok of 815,COO, bought at 50 aoutii on tbo dollar, J. O'b. wo 11 known hualing abilities and tho Ioontion bo aontra], the people of Windsor can l*ok forward to uomo lively tmfou in tho ol a thing trndo. . Tbo sale of tho MoLcnu bankrupt ntook will opon ou Baturduy and thooutiro stock maHt be oloHod out in time to mako oiion- live improvement!! for the fall irnlfl. C- 'orcltrn Blcycltt Tour, a Hi'Lmr, coiiiti'iii'onnuMi rn.rAir.'i itiw i xitji- Il.NC'l! 10 1 IllU, PUKHH UKAIilUlfi. I'VanKfuvt, July 25, >%. Doar Mr. Editor ; My hint letter cloned with a attempt to doeoriho Holland, or thu ntrip into winch wo innocently utrayed. A peculiarity whiolr I omitted iu tho frequently kohh Mtone towei n, round and tun-pot idiaped or trunoatod eono. Thoy noeni abnolutoly UHoloHn and jtiut lianguig around an wo nay. They look fully an intolhgont an tlio round tthoulilorod, lilo^giHh IJutchmon who nturo at uu titi wo puna. Vharaoh'H ahiokenn are tho only bird L can boo that tho latter re- Homblo and tbej aro an im,porvioun to Jim proHuiann au an armadillo, Tho country m porfootly lovel. ho they novor have to look up nor down, e.nd, theiafnro, gn/e ohuiliab- ly and gloomily auaad. Wo wero noanng the German boundanen and en our foam by day and our nijfhtmnren by uight had boon of the Germim en^tom Iiouho wo had many and omnioun thnmp- inga about our hoarta and wo (|uakod in wardly. At lanh we Hightod tbo dread mou nter nnd advanced with unutoady whnolit to tho ordoal* A big, nmihng-facod Gorman in an awc-iniipiriug uniform accontod no and wo said wo woro Auaoricann and bo gan fumbling for our paHftportn. Tho mon ster aaid in good, honoat Gorman ; "All right, gantlonien," wavd Inn hand majon- tically aud lot uii panu without uuoing a paper. Wo Jpifitoiiod ftloug until nut of night and thoH wont into aonviiltiouH and poandod inch othor for joy. Aix la Cha- pollo is inhabitad by peoplo endowed wieh raoro than human curiosity. No soouor woro wo woll in tho city than wo woio nurroundod and jKontly mobbod. Small boyo fought and bled for a night of uh and wo foarod pohco intervention. At lant by loaving our whoola at our hotel and taking rafiifio in an old onthndral built by Cbarlo- ~mwgno, wo oaoapJjd tbo ctowd and witnonn- od ono of tho raoit lmproHtuvo nervicon imaginable. In that vast nave amid hun dred fl of devout woruhippurH, with tlio nnl- omn huflh followed by tha ch'mt of tbo choir, revorence and awe wan all ono could fool. On tho following morning, wo not out for Cologne, fiO mileo away, and though it rainod continually yot the roadu woro pei- foct and at noon wo roaohnd our dcHtmatiou. What can I nay of tho Cologne cathedral? Ono oan only thinlt of that grand odifico. Gdfcho naid of gothio aiohiteoturo, that when wo look up and think of climbing tbero thought itself nlidos off, and indeed it dooi hero. Ono cannot ranp its im* monsity mentally. Only thopbyoioal aoti* yity of walking and climbing conviucco onocif the roul dimomiona I don't bur den you with all wo boo in cities because Bacdeckor or Bayaid Taylor or Mark Twain can furnish that io muoh bettor, but I assure yon that, with truo Amoriaan ontorprioo, wo got a rapid view of all tho guide book calla for. Ah wo noarod tbo famom bridgo of boats, wo got our flrat ghmMao of rho Rhino and our oyon, loyal thou to tbo Hudion, aaw only a muddy, narrow stream not to" bo compared, with the Hudson. But wait! Even patriotism nacouraba to thooharmsof tho upper .Rhine and I havo ne moro to Ray. yo loft tho oity of porfuniOB oil of which I aasuro you aro not awoot and be gan to rido on the moBt wonderful road, aa wo behove, in tbo world. From Cologno to Bingon, this road followa dovotddly tho ourvofl of tho rivor, levl as a table aud smooth an marble. Rain or shine and we bad both in rapid oucooaniou tho road in porfeot. It m an I naid, a tnaryallous road and I would onoourago every enthusi astic American whoolman to make that ride if ho baa to soil hiu bioyulo to got home. It would be a ploasuro to Wdo there if both a id oh of tho road were walled high witk empty temato cann. But when the mind and eye aro dolightod with evory beauty that nature, art and antiquity oan lavish, then tbo journoy beoomes a dream or a fautasy of boauty. Our droam wan muoh aa follows: A short rido to Bonn brought us to tho moot pio- tmjpBquo portion^of the rivor. From tho wotit bank whora wo were throughout, wo saw tbo ruin ou tho Dragon Kook. This rook bnotion over tho broad nwelbug Kbino and the vino-ooverod hillnideu and the banks of trooa and tho cavern whore Siegfried, the hero of tbo Lew CoautrioH, alow tho dragon. Tho wine produced nour horo io oalled tho drtigou'o blood. By bo-thing himself in tha dragon'o goto, Soigfriod bo- oarao invaluorable. I BUpposo that is what those who soak themsolvoB in win* iu this rogion are aackin^ to do. On bait alio took bey on i and on tbo west tdilo in Roland's arch, a oatitlo rotdnant about which oliugo a legend wbioh I mnafi briefly tell yaa, It rolatOB how bravo knight Koloud aaw and loved aud woood tb* daughter of tho lord of the Seven Mountains. Then Cbarlfl- rnagn* Hamwonad him to tbo crusadM* HilloKrnnde, the maiden, heard Bad Irn- inorii of hiBOiipturo by inlldoln nnd nbu an torod" h eloitltor. ItuUiid ruttirnod and found that Uilde^rtnuhi wait lout to him. Hu built this oantto whono crumbling aroh rumninn und JivmI in nohtudo watohing daily the poiiivo nun nt her devotions. Then ho mintwl ho aud after tho funeral prociHbion axaurtid lum that hIio wan gone,' ho opoke no mora and at lant wan found dead with bin hfeloiiu oyon Hjcod upon the convent walk). Our yon fuimteil loti upon the uavan blue ttiuuntiiinn wliono graceful outline ohangnd with overy now point of view. Vilhifl and tho onohouting npium of old and rnodurn oburohon pawn eonntiiiitly before tho viHinti. A^am and itgairi, hmtoty mil- matHs a tA'/ico or thrioft doad rum and tho inugie prouonoo of Frederic Uarbaronmt or dhurlomaceo or nomn oth*.r mighty Teu ton flroo tho imagination. Tho Apolliuar- inkiruheotirs tho fancy with tho aHOoiatod talo of tbo ahifi which rofunod to go lilowu tho Ithino uwtil tl^o hoiid of Bt. ApolliimriF wan doponitod thJwXjJrodorio tho BeJ JJoarrlod wan sending the JttTThoV tQwC^lom For niippor that fir'it ovouiu^S Rhino, wo purchftjod uomo rollH and a" Iiftlo bultor, uomo otfgH and a few cakes and uto our Mca] while nittin^ in Nature'n vaHt diniug room with threo romantio can tlon porcliftd high above and amid bird onga and rustling vino loavew. It was nnough to make a poet out of a man. We- iioriouHly thought of climbiiiu wpawdHloop- iu^r in one of those old cpntlnu that night, but thoughts of rliouusatitim and othor ponniblo ills tlotorred us and wo very pro- HjLu:ail\ wont to a liotel. Thu next day we paasod cantlo aftor cuiitlc, riunud wallo and tomplou bmU by tho Itonmns iu tlioir groatont dnyn, ohuroh- en and abbays built by the ntunly Tontouu, and-tha ateop oliffn raising perpendicular from the wall. At ono point, wo climbed down tko rocky wall and took'a owim in tho romantic rivor. Whiiojwe thun don* ported ournelvcH, a paHsonger beat passod un and when thoy saw our whoola up on tho bunk tho people uoomod muoh amused. Gorman cnrionlty still exorouica ito]f upon uo and it in an actual fiat that they stop ped a ntreot oar whioh run out to a Hubnrb to ul'ow tho panuongors and crew to ox- amiOB uu whilo wo wero oiling ouV whoola* Our pilgrimmago rosomhloH a pagont aa we pasn through villngoo and towns. Men aud women in front and a tnporing line of childrou in tno roar Perhaps a comot aorven tho motaphor hotter. Ghimca of bolln often greet un as Wo outer a town but wo are modest enough to interpret that as meroly announcing tbo linur. 1 can't *ell you raoro now but in my noxt lottor I shall take you with me up to Bingen, C. H. Van- Tynf, HARVEST UOAIC EXCURSION A Grnml Three-day VCxcurloit to Nluirnrn ITullu und CI I ft on ArrangomeiitH have boon mado fpr a three-day excursion to bo run over tho M. C. 11., from Leamington and Ebhox and all ntationa to_ Wolland on Thursday, Sept. fith, 161)1. The rates aro vory low. Take your children along and onjoy ono of tho most delightful exour&ionu of the season. Tbo excursion train will loavoEsaox at 5 a. m. and Leaimu^ton at i jO a, m. Faro onlv $3.25 frOm Bmox and 83.50 from Loam- lngtou, children halt faro of adultn. Re turning will leave Clifton at G w. m., but parties winning to step over until the Uth or 7th can db io. Tbero ia no plaoo on the oontiusnt that poasoBsea in so sraa 11 acorn- paan ee many attrnctfena aa Niagara Falls and vicinity. By npooial train, nviving at tha Fallci at 11:25: Clifton 11:30 Returning! spooial train loaves Clifton at G p. m. Tiokots good to return by regular trainu except on limited tramo, up to ani innlnd- ine train No. 37, but paDHongera mnet tco that thin train is ichcdulod to etop at tho station at whioh fchoy wiah to got off, or olao take au oarlior train which does etop at their station. PaBBoncoro oan thu en- enjoy a fall day ndminufi tho grand und maguifloonfc aconery aronnd the mystoriona Niagara. Partica wiflhinp to vloit the Toronto In- daotnal Exhibition can ehango oara at Haeeraville or Waterford and visit Ilam- ilton and Toronto, or take eho boat at Ni&Rata for Toronto anclfioo tha j;rand Ex- hibition and return in fcimft for the trains west on tin** 7th. Thioladne of tho boat ohauoos ever given over thin popular road. The com mitter who havo tho management will spare no paiuo to mako everybody oomfor- table. Special arrangements have boon made with all attractions, tho olootne railway, Ao.; at reduced rates, and tiokots will be gold by tho coinmittoo ou tho excursion train. Come with ub. It is the loot and best largo excursion of tho Hoauoa. Beo posters far further particulars. The Children)'* Kuemy. BorofuH often shows itsolf iu early life and is aharaoterued by swelling*, abscesses' hip disease, oto, Consumption is scrofula of tho lungs. In this class of disease Boott's Emulbion ia Unqnestlonably th most reliable ma3ioi*e. \. "J rj 01 1 .1 ,irt* l A& 1 < 7-' ,'J.kn frdi

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