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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 23, 1895, p. 5

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i "<% THE ESSEj?C JEEE1_JEKI3S& FTHE TOWN FllIDAY, AUGUST a, 1805, J _ ..... . . _. __ .J ~Th womaifimw may ilftrtTutid doAnd weild thu pun nut] fjuvol; JJut the old mini utill muHt foot tho bill, Aud kucpou naratohint; Khiyol. Ourl'ubllo uud lligh KchoulH open on Monday, AiiR.'ifi. Por tvoah oakon und oonfootiouory of all kinds go to Bhoomukor, tho faiiknr. W. H. Iturk, of Cottnm P-fdnu tha-uker! 600 bunholn of oittH from u. Uld of nix icioa ono day hint wook. TbiH bontn tho rooord. WALLET FOUND. CJontuiniuff booku and papuM, with writing iu iiliorlhaud. Ownut may huva hiiiiio ou iipHyluK a- o"'c of Tina }?ittiu rn:i:4. Me. RL.Piuk, our popular jowollcr, huu btiflti miprovjuu the luiiuir appL'aratico of bimiout (ttoro bv oructiutf a partition at tho roar. Wo thought K. L. had tbiugn about ri^ht but. iiifl fmo taiitu in fmfmfiud now. A luco uusortmont of ladio'n and boy'a uhirt waiutii at May'H Hussar. In tho Salvation Army hall, on Auyuut 28th, Mhh, Brigadier Mar>;ottH, iiuoumpiiu- iod by Mro. Adjt. Turner, will myo a loo- turo on "Tori Yoarn Salvation Wur." A Vory intaroHtiiu^ time in u\puctud. All aro cordially invited. Silver oclluotiou at the door. Win, Shoemaker in now prepared to do- liver fronh broad to auy part of tho town, givo him a call. Mr. J. Burton, preBcnt manager of tho Koyal Uotol, ImB.duriutf tho punt tortni^ht, boon ro-furuiuhintf hm hotel, every room huu boon clouuod und now furniture put m, and a nuntor or hotter i quipped hotel lor tho accommodation oE tho travulliufj pub lic oftunofc bo found. Wo wiab him auccobH. GautH1 fiimiHlimgH, ohoupor than tho ohiBpaiit, and batter than tho bun',, at. AI. J. W'gloA Co.'n. Ladioa uuel gouts, if you Mant fnru thia your leave your order with mi, wo win Bayo ouo third, G.K. Smith Si Co. Ou Monday whilo W. II. Itiehardnou, Y. G., xVaR examining a homo ou tho ntrost bolontfintf to Mr.J ones, the aMinul bomuno uiiiftuy and liho Dr. reooivod a lusk en tho ha ad whirti otuunod him for a short timo. Na bovu/uh injuriou wuro inflictod, only th r^lotokod a thonub ho had itpunt a day it a oolebmtion. For hoHt vahio in clothing i<o Lo M. J. Wifilo * Co. 91.00 and $l.'2u htraw hato rodiKittl to Qfl coutu, at KiHhpH. In hint wcen'ii Fnci: I'iii.hh thero up- poarod a local itf m ntutnifj that Ili^h Bchuola and public i-chooln in ciliou, tuwun and ineoiporatod villa^cH \\(;iild opon on tho 2ud of September Wo art) infoimod in proper uutlionty that thin ii iiieorreot and that sohoulti will open on Monday, August iiGtb, Our read- r-i will pletine ro- moraher thin. Mea'a ouitH olothen from 83 W up at Bmith'o. -J^I.'J. Wiglo A Co 'h Mid Hiiinmor hale it. in full Hiving with burj^aiuH on ovoiy liaud. Mr. Daniel Fox, an old reBideut, of Cnl ohOBter Butith aud who him lived in what 1H bottor known uh tho Her Settlement, uaH found doatl in his hud on Wednesday raorninf,'. Mr. Fox rohrod in lim umtn.1 health on luefiday tai^ht, und lim fncndti wcro (/roatly hhockiid to learn of bin nud- doi) doatb. IIo in a bacliolor und a well to do farmer, btioji about b0 yearn of aj^o. Ho had boon a mibjoet of heart fmltiru. Job lot fine ohoen reduced from 83.50 and S'1.50 to 81,49 Monday, at fiiiiuh*a. ftoye' school pauts at 7fto B.'io and 81.UO oitra valued, ai- M. J. Wiylo tt Cu.'n. "&lr. .John Milne. P. G. W. W , Grand Oftianizer in Outano tor thn United Work mou, in not a member of our Order, hut, -allthoaamo. wo cannot rufriun from ox- )rtiBniuj> our adrairatioii of the tuaunor in ho (HaohrrgeH tho dutioH of Inn im County <Joiinoil mtofc ou Tundayp Aug- U7. on Hiiocial bumnHH. 10 % diBOount Monday at Bmith'a on all linoil of KoJa, poial litiou at about half rirloo. UciiiorU: "A Canadian living in OUvoUiul hail in von tod a noii-atoalubla umbrella. Xlihi buatH porpotual motion," Tay the duty on a carload and iilup tboiu to Loam- ii((ton. Durham day, Monday at|Htith'u; road ad Aiiordoied hy tho Htot oomniiiiHlonurH of tha town, idl th "prickly Uttuoo" found g rov/iuff ou tho different utreotii hau boon ottt down und doHtroynd. Comjilainta aro uiiiilo that it atill in allowed to xiut on tho M.C.It. proporty, and tho quuntioti now in "wlon willtboM.C.ll. Co, fall iu lino," M. J. Wlglo & Co.'u now 2Cc toa in a Hroitt trado wmutir ; huvo you triod it ? On TucHday vouiiif; a largo number of tho young fiiondn of Mihh Mabel Luinfj Hathorud at bur homo proparatory to ar- raiiHuiuentii and gavo hor a Hurpriao. Tha yoimjf fviauduupunt a very ploaaaut ovuu- iH in danoinjf, card playing and other amuHtmoutii. At a lato hour, in time to ranch their horaou boforo morning, tho happy uathpiin^ brokoup. Tho Fuuji J'liKRii for 2o oentH to tho und of lnj. Try it. Tho PatroiiH of Indnatry hold a moot ing in tho Timporanco Hall karo on Satur day avouiuf.', Autf. 17. Sorao ntod apoakoru fioni different partH of tbo ooauty wera proHcnt, all making npoaohoa bearing on tho FaU'Qtm' part of political Mattitrii, Alno Mr. IlayoooU, M. 1\ P., loadar of the Patronn iu the Ontario Loyinlaturo gavo a voryublo iipcoch. Mr. G, K. WiRhtman occupied tho chair. Although tho crowd wan Hot vory largo thu mooting was of iiitorot. IAiohAuu Ilalford, of Maidatono town- h hip, nnderwenfc a vory critical operation loot week. About thirteen yearn ago oho hail tho mifi'otuno to reooivo a rupture not no huil but that oho wan ablo to per form uortio hoUHohold dutiod. About a week or two ngo whilo olio wan doinf* hor wanhiriKHhQ overworked hornolf, cauiin^' tho Btrangnlation to beeoroo larger and vory daiipjeroua. Modioal aid wan callad in and tho operation nucoonofully por- fonnud. Minn Ilalford w improving aiuely witliout any danger of bor noil* rooovery. Hon. G. W. Kohh, Miumter of ICducation, ih unking thu Behool Boards and truant olliccrnof tho Province their opinion in regaid "to tho truancy which provailn in nach district, wliothoritn to ignorance, U: difference or poverty of parcntn, or to thu libBonco of proper family control. ' Hm intnutionn aro at tho next eenbion of the Ontario Le^ialaturo to rovino the Truancy Act, und would like to know if it would be inlvinablo to prescribe nomo puuiBhmout for children an well an for puroatn. Wo tlijnli that Much an action would bo for tho bent un tliii bud habit ih too frequently i-i- duluf ti in. Annual Picnic. Tin* ludiPH of Kt Mury'H church, Maid- stem, und St .John'H ohuroh, Khqox, will hold ihuir annual picnic next WedueHday, Augut 'J8 N'a painnliavo boon nparod to miilcu tliih niie rjf the moot intorntinK pie men evor i^i vtn by thn church ffor tho pant month Rev. C. K. McGcq aud his congregation ha^c hoan biiby arranging to muke thia one of fiucaHg. Ono of tho main ft-atuiennf r,ho day will bo awarding of the prized to tho perwonti who huvo thu lucky iiunibtTB. Thoru will bo an oxen in^ hanebiLll rautuh in tho iiftoriioon between two leading toams, HWinflin^ and atheletic nport'f. U lime will he fnrniahed by a iirwt- cl44 Htrun; band. Kverythmn to muko the duy ono of pleasure. Diunor and Hup- per will be norveJ on the gruuiulo. Thero Will alno be a ci)ntt;iit for a ^olu-hcaded umio botwecu Wtu MtGuHor M. P., S. White, ox-M. P P., and Mr HoiunuO, Patron. Death ofjon. Omidy. J. V. It,, sou of llov. J. It. Gundy, paatur of tho Windsor Ayouua Methodist ohuroh, and formerly pastor of KumoX Motbodlnt ohuroh, dlod at eight o'clock, on Saturday moruin^ at hm homo in Wnnluor. 'X'lio mown ot li(n doath u a too with u sad uhook to all iu thfloommumty who hud tho pleuuuro of hin aan;unintanoo. Hin illnanu ban boon brief a little ovir a wek. On th 37ih lm told bin partnern iu thu olltu that ho waH ftielint! vory uuwoll and ho wan advm. nil Ib o homo aud root. Nxt day ho wan no ill thai M*t father, after aoaompanyin^ hid ooh^rw^utinn to Su^ar Inland, judgad it hu duty to return homa at once and at- luwi bin nun, about whom ho felt no tminh conoorii. For Homo dayrt previoun to Kin leaving huunjomi tho docoimod coir.)olainud ofattacknof hnmmorraj^o tit the none, an woll nu iuuomnia, hut with that charactor* intio poroiHtonoy whioh won him hi[h hon or and prformont in bin profonniou. ho io- fuod to diyoin to hin growiug incapacity. Tho trouble waHnoon pronoimoed typhoid fovor, winch dovolopod into a moat malign- nut typo. Thoiro novor ivan a young man whone fuliure hold more apparent promino. Pivo yearn a^o ho waH articled to Grown Attor ney Clarke at Eiiftox and ban norvod con- tinuoiudy witk him at 13ubox and m thin city after the firm booamA Clarke, Uartlet Dartlot, excepting two tormn piumod at tin- law nohool and in tho oflicn of Mohh. TIoyloH A Aylooworth, Toronto. IIo \yan a young man of brilliant partn and doggod pomo- vorauco, but above all he wna the ooul of honor and oculd ho truiitod on all occatuonti and under all circumHtanoen. Of tliui there cau ho no bottor ovidouco than tho fact thai when lie took bin final law examina tion hint Juno and wan called to tho bar at tho ajio of 21, ho wan at once taken into tho firm, which uh told in theno columnn a fow dayn nyo, bcoamo Clarke, Burtlot oV Gundy, After hoi tig callod to tho bar ho took at Trinity univemity ilia Jlrat oxanunatiou in the B. C. Ij. oonrae. Iu bin pnvato life hu wan a model of do- portmojit and a primo hoculI ravorito, ro- npected and admired for bin candor and aedato munuorH, which werothonoof a man of mature yeiiVH. IIo waH a member of hm father'** church and a prominent worker in tho Y. M. C. A., whom advancement wan one of lno durliug OhjftCtll, Tho aflhotod parcntn and family have thooympathy of tho entire comuannity in tho Bad diapouoation which ban ovortaKon th o tn. "---------------- . The funeral tooK placo on Alonday at Exeter, Out., whore tho family burial place IH. A MINISTERIAL PRESS Each French Mlnlstor Now Owns a Papor- MffwOUIMET PURCHASES IE MONDE SuccoBHinl Candidato*;. Tho follovriug f>tudeuta paM-od tho Uifth School Junior and Senior Lioaviin;, Uatriuulntion anil Honor Eiuminntionn ut Windfior and Equex. .1 Hiir<aiir,Mr,l Arrin)>]lrr ut tlirt Moii- trrni Hi-riMi^ IliiUor itrfint - A tui-k or tli<i \lrn;hi u Unit in k'nMi-l<m of u KoiitrtMil Montreal, Amr. ir Tt In idntt'd hen- to-day that lb- ,f. A. Oulni"t h is purchuned u r-onti olllni; Int. n -t In Iju Afondo new.'iiiajn i, vWiii h, is ui.itli'i'ii polltlctil, ban ln*en nil t li u" ut tlinci nnd nothing 1'iliK N.nli "' the Krenoh-Cnnadlnn Mlnl^tcm i n h,iM an orjran. Sir Adnlphe -'iimi ( niltlOlH l4;i MllU'I V'e, nil-I With ul Mhil'itor of Public Woi-Igm, with I.- Jlondt- at hl'i buck, tin* ('nnnf i \ ,i 'I' p.uty will la* well Junked alter In till* district. Home time ii|,'u Mchsi"', lit m ^( h-11 und Turte, M.I'.'h, luek hold <<i Li' Monde'ii editorial oiliiinini .nu' mail) thorn red hot Libonl, hut now <> < hfin^e will have to 1m* m;id< . KudorlHc Clark, who (lining' --MiMi nut ion in tho ai Hon i mie yi st.-i d . ndniltted that he bad taken pan in tin- fli Intf of Boyd Ai Co.'n pi > mi' - wan nrrentod thin afternoon. An *'t- f vt \a to he made to tnln^ Imi k An drew itoyd, formerly u pmmlnent mei- ehant hero, on a clmifrc oi belni^ i n- noctf-d with a lire nn bin im mlw . Hoyd, It In aald, attempted to commit Htilcldf shortly before leaving Mont real. PcrhapH It In not generally known by wicked outnldei.s thnt Montreal po- aoHfies a nloco of tin1 Mb used VI) join's hair, or at least that nuch K the el.ilm put forth by the Roman Catholic r<- llRlonn authorities or thla city. Thh hair 1m at the Uttb Bonsi eours chut'-n and the chaplain, Rev. Mr. I-epnir. "xplalnn tho pronenno nf thii Intensr- Inw" mile an follow.** : The tnss m question, which Is alienor! to have Ihm n worn by tho Virgin Mary, w.i1. foini i- Iv in pns ^esfilon of the ArchhNlum of Florence, Italy, who p;a\o It to l In Uev. Abbe CViptler while Ulc latt.M was traveling In the Old Wei Id U* Ahhe Li'iioh ht.if ^ thnL lit h is ill the nf-nosHarj' jiapfi s attf-.stiue; to t h< authenticity of th in piceioua icUl liiitiiu ro ioik OMutio Will lie Arrompnnlril tty Mf-vornl or III- l"i*lnrlpnl rjeufrmiin^ TTon. Wilfrid T.aurlor will make an other tour of Ontario thlfl fall, nnd will hi c.ik In various cnunth'H which wen- not visited on his prevlnu.s trip. Tie juou;ram of mr*tlnp;M_hun not yet 1( i iu i-aiijied, but fliev will extend i i o- the Utter part of September thiourh October. Mr. Lanrb-r will be asslnted b> hlH varloUH UeutennntH. In On* Ijiy In ottmin. - Ottaw a, Aupr, 15 To-day w ah civb- holiday, which was extondod to the civil uervlcn. Sir Adolphc Cat on left for Palo de I'itp, Lake TomiacnmlnRUe, thf new French settlement, where he Hpoal's at a French picnic on Saturday. TltliNU il\i:. lMMO<MTION iilr CUnrlfH Hlverx-WlUon A(l(|4 tlreilns In Nmv Vorli. Hie i:rhj:\. Junior Leaving XI. Arnold, L. Bird, V Leak, B. jjyppn.J. MiIIh, E. Heid. Kauior Leaving A. Gardner, D.CiUien, D Trim ble. Matriculation M. AH worth, firnt Jli<'yc!tiH for Hire. pol ffico. Wo read bin monthly report }n the Canadian Woiknniu, and it in a splotidid rooord of the ^reat work acooin i>>( , plished. Wo have pleauant recolloutioiiH l^.v'of Mr. Miino pronidiny at a mooting that ViV we addrcuiied in Ehoox, whun ho who May- ^ ortof tho bur^li. W notice that ho hao { jakon "up hiB retudenoo permanently in 1 l Toronto." Independent Poreuter, f., Tbo Union Choir Concert of tho Pn-nby 'rt. iarian and Ucthodint churchea, given at ?*< the Prcabytorian church lant Friday oven- in^ was attondod tyy probably a couple of hundred people. In confiidoration' of the very warm evening, tho attondanoo waH (>ocd. Tho chief attraction wan Mr. II. JUL Cowpor, konor, of Winnipeg. Mr. Cow- t per waB in excellent form, and Hanfiuoveral aoloH with lino effect, "boiug ouoored at , every appoamnco, Ilib friondo think bin voice ha unproyod in tho lant your or ko, "although ho wan hIwuh popular hero. Other ntimboro on tho programme wore ir piano duet by Mm. W Lamp and Mmr Naylor, a coronet nolo by W, .1. Dowar, a olari9ot Hoto'by W. MoOuire, a baaa aolo by W. A. Oardnor, and a duot by Mihroh rover and Hotoono. A aouplo of ohornnoo ere also woll rouderod. Mrn. Vfra, Laing acted afl acuompuniut. Job Jot print, ohtLllien, nnd drentt gootlo pf regular price '-"om 12 to lG oonts ohnioo 5 % '> til" . ' - If you wiut to tako a rido don't borrow your neif*hhor'H wheel, but tall on W. 11. Hiahardiion and ho will hire you ono by the hour or b} the day if you aro a eurefnl ridct. New York, Auk. 15. Tho committee of iU presidents appointed hy the Tiunk Line Association umd the Central Tiai.- ilc Ah.soclatlon to consider the best means for maintaining cast and wist hound rates in joint committee terri tory, that is, the territory cant of the Ml.sslssJppi River, and ndrtli of the Ohio Itlver, met this morning pur.su- claiis honoru in Gorman, Hocond claati in i ant to thy all oi Chairman Infills, KngliHh.hiHtorya.TdKooi/raphjr.matboyna- in, n'1- nllT("^ ' lhl' T,r""^ !'lno ^V"1" , . / rt , n \ , misHion in the (Vnir.U Itulldlnfr. West tic*., Ironch; JJ. CrilliH, flriit-olaHH honors! and LllM-rty-.streeta. The nu-etlne; tu rn mathematics, zoology, second class hon tJ,iy Is tu puns upon the iiiru-c-nn nt ,^,_ .-, , , , . , , piovlded for the meeting of the sub- oram Jintthsh, history an) ooKraphy, !.niTiniUtee l.st July, to the effect that chommtry, botany ; D. Trimblo, firnt-.d.iub( a soit o| govet nlng conimh.slon he atfi * cnunt to be The t I; on uramiuar, hintorj and (Jicoiiraphy. luithme-. l,|d wvorr- penalties are to be Inflict* d eiiimjiuiry, uoiauy; u. a.rimDio, iinit-.ti.iuu a soil oi governing conimis.sio honor? in history and Kooyrnphr', second' ^Pl olntetl und. r an agur-nunt . . n . ", i wr rr , ontcred Into hy nil the mad*. olaan in English, classics; W. Knmtrr,' niovMann are naid tn be eusi Die; B. Turvillo, yrarnmar, history and gaogruphy, arithmetic. WINPHQlt. Junior Loavinn J Jacknon, French fjrammar. Senior L*av mil -Id , Cloury, O. Gow; J. Gow, alio physics Hecowd cIiihs honoru chemistry ; W. Mo- Doaald ; I, Butterworth, second clannhon orn French ; N. Clenry, second clann hon oru Fionch , L. Bcott, second cIilhb honorn Fronch ; W. Uutton, grammar, history and geography, arithmotic ; G. McDonald, Ger man. for any violation thereon Contrary to ginfial cxj>ectit|on anil "onti,iry to his original Intention, Kli ^hailen RIvimh Wilson, the new pu--i dent of the Grand Trunk Railway oi Canada, attended the meeting nf the * ummlttec to-day. \]c wa.s accomp inl- ed Ji> Ij, ,T. Soaigt-ant, manager of that line, by whom he wan Inti educed to ,1. F. cjoddurd, the chairman, and the mi-mberj, of the comniiUeo. .w.ii.s utoii ii u;;mo\. '8Mi American Hotel. Thu Aiuuriunn Uotol, lately occupied by IZ. C. Luok, and owned by Mrs, Chas. Wilkuiao.*, in now under tho manugoraont of Mrs WilkiuHqu. Mrs. Wilkinoou had tultan poiiueimion of tho houoo and will m futurn carry on tho buoiueas, UKETJ ?<^v^>r> IBIRJHS j^,---------------------------------------------, Bimms, At North Ridgo, Tuendav Aag. 20, to Ur. and Mru. Waltor fli asms, a dauijhtor. Baki-ow, At Gonfield North, on Monday Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mrs Stanley Bar low, a kou, Buuuii, Maidatono, on Tnooday, Aug. 20 to Mr. aud Mm. Brush, a nan. BfcoTis, Ati Edsox, on Saturday, Aug. 17, tho infant child, of Mr. aud Utr. Joh. Bloto, u^etl 13 mouths *nd one week. Wheat red por bunhe] Whoat, white Corn Oats Timothy Sood Clover Sood Aluiko Hay por tou........ lioof per cwt........ Pork ........ ft! titton ........ IIidt'Q ........ ChiokonH por lb...... Butter ...... Lard ..... Kggo, por doz ...... Potatooo, per busbol Onions Apples Turnira Carrota Boo tn Parsnipa Turkoyn por lb..... Ducks ..... Celery per do^ ..... Cabbflgo ..... no to 20 to (10 KO i in1 2 50 5 75 to 5 75 -1 fid 7 00 to 8 00 t 60 to 5 0 0 5 50 to 5 50 5 00 to 560 i 60 a K M 11 10 IS 10 Soto 8fi 1 20tol 20 80 to 80 Oto 50 10 o0 10 to 0 b 1 00 2f VVlrnui X*raliter V Honw lilfiirliet lteporl No. 1 ftyo, por husbol .... -jc .. i.r) Oats ----- 2(> The above prices aro paid by, Et, Walko* Sons, Walltorvillo, Ont. WoaknBBiB tbo sympkom, impoyoriuh. od blo/id the catto, Hooi'ii Saruapanlhi tho oura. It makes the woak strong. I O.O !'. (.rniHl I odjie I led Olllei-ri .! Cllnno >lnj Hi-riire i;,iii^ 1 ni.ilhj nt (he Itoncli Hamilton, Aug. 15. The .second wm- alon of the Grand Lodf7u of tho Inde- pf.nrh nt Order of Foresters opt in d thli mornlnff, W. IJ. Hoylo, Grand Mastei, pieHidlntr. John Oliver, P.O.M.. preHented thi- report of tlic Committee on Flection RetnrnB. Total vote for Oiand Mas ter. Thomas Woadyutt, Urantfoid, 7GD; for Deputy Grand Master. II. White, Pert Hope, 77.1; Grand Secretary, J. u. Klnff, Toronto, 771; Grand Treatmier, William liadenach, Toronto, 71. The Grand Master declared these officers elected. There wan a total of l!10(i votctt cast for Grand Warden, distri buted anions the many aaplrantn, an follows: S. K. Binkley, 69; J. McLurR, 1U7; J. A. Young, 301; W. Wamock, 170; J. 30. Farewell, 170; Robert Meelc, 971; J. W. Giote, 159; W. J. Saundorn, C4; A. W. Cameron, 90. The Pant Grand Masters In nomina tion for the1 olllce of Boverolffn Grand ljod^e representative received tho fol lowing vote: R. W. Hell. Poterboro', 107; Henry Robertson, Collinf-wood, 779; Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Campbellford, 603; P. 13. Ftt-/patrlck, HumUton, G32. Tliene returns nhowlng no election, a ballot In prand ljodfre waH necessary. The battle for tho honors pertalninp; to the ofllce of Grand Warden waged fu riously for over throe houro, making It necessary to extend the hour of ad journment till 1 o'clock. Prior to the last ballot, J. 10. Farewell retired from the held, leaving the struggle be tween Robert Meek (Kingston) and J. A. Young (ThamoHford). The result was a victory for J. A, Young. f;ooi-go Spi-nce, a carpenter living In Liberty-street, fell from the roof of a house upon which he wan working ou the Reach Road, near Fitch's, tl'bi afternoon and wrh killed. Ho was shingling the. roof, and the eloat up on which ho was sitting broke away and be fell to the ground, a dlutunoo of 30 foot, lighting on his bond, on a brink. Dr. Farewell ordered the man to bo removed to tho city hospital, but he .died In tho ambulance, Deceas ed Wan about (W years old and hi a a ^-own-up family. " Bargain Day! / Eacli and every Monday^vill be wifchua bargain day on all cash purchases of $1 and upvWds, n diflcounfcof 10 per cent ff will bo allowed. This includes our entire stock of Drcflft .Goods, Gonoral Dry Goods, Carpetir/iffu^g, Oapa, Ready-made or Ordered Clothing, Boots, Slioen and OrhcfiticH. In addition to above discount wo will each bargain hal special lines in job lota equal to about half regular prico. 10 per cent in profits but to encourage customers in acl- dopting the cuhIi system wo willingly sacrifice all profits of* tlio day. Giving this discount docs not deprive you of your coupons givon for furniture and pictured uh promiumg. Try tho cash system with uh, it will pay. Our t-pocial for Monday, Aug, 20th a few do?cn pairs ol) Ladios* Fino Shoes, regular pric-OH from IjpJJ.OO to JJI.oO, your choice 1.40 a pair. Watcli thia paper each week for change of .specials. Grain Uagp, Cotton Warp and Yarn are next. Uh h &co. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX fM,Wf<V< - " Milner Wagons Sell at sight. Wliy ? Hecausu thoy uro boilt right. Try us for Buggies, Plows and Harrows. W. H. RICHARDSON Hardware, Essex. t.~: If you want a ... -* First - Class Buggy! Place your order with me. You can then see what you are getting. I am always pleased to show^ ray customers the raw material from whioh their rig is made, including Wheels, Springs, Woodwork, Goods for the Tops, Cushions, etc., all of which will be found first class in every particular, ft pays to buy the best, My Prices are made to Suit You, Special Offer. We are well equipped and thoroughly understand the Tiro1 setting Business, and during this month and August will set Buggy and Wagon tires at $1.50 per set for all O A.SH customers. General Repairing Promptly Executed ,!i -i J Carriage Works,^Talbot st/Jeast. V .;> .. ii V.V - / '.KO If III &vVi '"l-tif'-h

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