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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 16, 1895, p. 8

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,:'"'; |jffif^^^v' ^i THk "t^SI^X KWRK " >KECSi e i V- > New Patrons Daily AT THE Bankrupt Stock Store As a. result of a, with pjttejjgtppfes for Dry Goods, "BB^^d^wear Clothing, Hats & Japs, Furnishings, Boots & Shoes The Four Corner Stones of this Business are. Reliable Goods, Money's Worth, One Price to all, Cash Basis. Butter and E^g Taken as Gash. JA8. 0. ANDERSON' & Go.. BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel Cssex. Monny to loan on Farinurfi'NuluB; Notu::bought Ol' Colluded; Munoy to Icmn ou-Mort^uHu.i lit owout niton and bust tonun. Drafts iHStioil imyixldn at par nt all| principal polutfl, Fire Insurance Agents, etc. I.J '-flOA^** *~r tDQAl!?PEROJftL .HiaaBortha Thnrniui in vihitiii^ rrioorJR iu KhiiiBvilln. Aldormun Iloao. returned on Hutu May, alter upending tlio week iu Ootroit. 'MiHsesi Webber is.nd Isaaca, of WaUer- villo, are visiting :,ht* M].->:i<!.s Millar, Minn Kato fviiehtir, <jf Uod/M-y, in tho ^iiL-Ht of Mifih A. li. (I-il ]|ji'l:i iIih ^v.-'uk. MlHH BrOWI), Ol' ri,inil.l, i-i tin; {JUOHt. of Min-j Jiortha Bau^hnmi. Mr. Petit isrol.oviiii^ Mr. Barn :h, M. 0 It. ni^ht operator, hum. Mihs Dolly Rohm, of Detroit, ui upending 0. month at the hornu of her purt-nts, horo. Minn Mugtjio Ncubitt I'-i't Tneudiiy to flpend her holidays with frn-iulH in Owohmo, Mich. Miaa Almu Baylorreturned ou Hutunhiy lust from an extomlul vinitwith iriutidtf in Exeter. Uifia Jonnii' Horn and Miu U. MeCnbhin, of Chattmii), havu l-cm visiting Mini Lizzie Brown. RJru. T. \V. Burke and tumilv, of Wind. tiOr, are viaftiiiH 11^, "Win. Nimhitt, Maple. Grove. J. A. Dic-bol rei.nriiHrl on Mo id ay, nltei Hpoudmtf a fow day* vimtuu liin mother, who in ill, at Wntorloo. Mr. J,. MoDiiujiall, oi l.hiiuui, haw Boour- od u puakiou with M< mvl Forr-ythe, Au- doraoti it.Co- here. / Manager Chas. Whit.!, of th.i i-;,riix branch of tb*. Inipurul Bank, aucomptiuicd ' by MfH. White- an I tfan'or G<;m.1 1, jM H(. jourm'titf at Port S'ivuIo/. . ,** Mi* Nellie Nenbhr who "a*, "(1.f)T vit-it* *' iuglriendH in Detroit-and WJudaor (cfr tho '.v past twerwookH rfctumcl Mottduy 'ovening, >Ir. untl Mro. AVox, Wulla^o,. actiQmfatti- : od hy MiaH'l-jfini^^oft on Tilonday for a trip upthfllakflM .Xhtywilf upend a'cmt^l*- fef x(|ek8 In Mth. Minn litbel Laih^ roturued yentorday from a holiday vihit with friends in Wel- and and other oaHtfru pointH. Mia.H Ij. KichaiaHon, of Wiitford, is visit- ia;i hoi brother, W. JI. Riohardiion, V. B., in town. ^Ir. n. 0. Pc-rltin, of Momphin, Tenn., haa been viKitint; l^is neice, Mrt, W. T). Beiimuh, and other frioudi! in town. Aleaara. .1. .lohnocu and Ij. Plummor are attandin^ I. O. O. I1'. Graud Lod^o tliie wcok at Hamilton. Wru. ami Dclbert, noua of Wm. Triccblo, Colohodtor North, lot Tuesday for an ox- tando.l visit with'rulativeH in Manitoba. Mr. Onjfnllold, M. C. R. freight afient horn, in ill at liiu homo in Hillfldale, Mich. TV!r. .John Ahb'jl.f, operator, i taking hia place. Miss-Ijizzio Brown, who baa been vifiit- in in ^oiuinnglon, roturned homo lasi wcok aocoaipanied by lier sinter, Mrrt. K. Kteveiirfoy- and child. Uev. M. P. (Janipboll'H brother, who it- jiantor of a leading Haptiut oburuli in New Turk city, haa been viHitine; our town thiu r;oil(. Mr. liMwin Liddlu, of Huthytin, in roliov in^ MitjH Corbctt of hm- dutioa at tho local tidf^raph ollico wJiile Miu9 0. spondn her Vacation at her home u- Florence. Hrketj Whuat redpor bmihel ....0 Go to li.j Wheat, white ------ <Jf> Corn .... -ifl OatH ----- 22 to . 2H Timothy Beod .... 2 flfl Clover Seud ----- 5 7">*o <"> 75 AlsiUe .... f> '(' Hay per ton............ 7 00lSOO Beer per owt............ A 00 to 5 50 Pork ...i........ 5 50 to o oli Mntton ............ ii 00 to ooO liiden............ f.O OhiokonH jnr lb.......... K ft Butter .......... M 14 Lard ........... 13 1!1 l^tiH. por doz . J-.-.-...... 10 Potatoca, per baubol .... laotol 20 OnioiiD .... 1 20 to 1 20 Applcli .... 80 to 80 Turuir.ft .... Otp 50 Carrotu .... -10 BoetH ----- CO Pawnipu .... 40 TuritoyH por lb......------- bio ) DucUh.......... . S fJolery per do/ .......... ' 1 00 Cabba^o J......... 2i lllfutn XVuBlu-ft-.V Sonw Mni']itVtepovl No. 1 liyo, fior budlinl ..., -IB I Com ',...' 15 ufcH -1.. ,26 Thp abovo \mam aro paid Uyt H, Walktir Boue, WoJlwcviHo; Owt, A Mum Fftd. TliOKiiotit at tho botol liiblo wnn.tio'fc dtttlHileiHiy n. ftront di-jil with ilmiiiouu, and ho wan bud Uiimnored ouon^ij to nay BO. "Porliapn, Hir," Bald tho wuitor polito- Iyt "youM liUo hojho of tlio nun pancli.w "Tho what?" ______ "Tho rum jmnoli, nir." "Woll.briu^ it; on imd lot mo fioo, Tvo tried your rum meat awl rum vt'j.'otahlril and rum bread find a dozen moro nim thintfu you'vo ^ot horo, and maybo I won't bo disappointed in your rum punch. Krin;*-it on n'nd bo In n hurry about it." Dotruifc J^roo Presfj. GaticrtJ. WKT IHiATIl IS OlVr.KH WAYS. All I'liliHliii) Niimhi-r- of It'atullHrit to I**ir* lr.1.1. itt . Toledo, Ohio, Aui,'. 11!; A upoclul from Tontoniruny, Ohio, aaya JloUttL-BprJuK oi: ^fom'ord, Ont who, "tvlth hi* b-n- Jlui-r. wiih tramping to ClnelnnaK, fi'om tliolr homo In Cimnda, whh Htruok by a fatit train on tho Cincinnati, Hamil ton and Dayton Railroad""buiE "eVvUlnrr and Inntiuitly lclllnd. The men i!b;i- jiod fi-oin one trnolc to another to avoll a piuiMln/; frolirht, ' imd failed tu nn- tlt:o tho expn.'ttM train, whloll win* run-, in/f at a hlrrb rato of Hpood. The bro ther oaeapo.l 'loath by a' mlrnele, lm: Xtobert'n body wan fearfully mamcle'l. .lf.l((ril niul Mint nt tho I'alN. Niagara Kalbi. Aiur 11.-'-An Ibillnn laborer on llm Niagara KnlUi and T*ow- iid.on Railroad wan run over and Kill ed by tin; eoiiiitruetlon train to-day. A number of bin eonntrym^n beennie Incenneil and tbrcntened the liven of tho engineer and flremnn. Rerlniui trouble wnn prevnt'-rl by tlm (irrlval of tho police, who placed tho (MiKbi"<ki' and fireman umkr nrre.tit. Kulwomient- ly they were relentied. Tho Swootost Do you lovo mo moro than you ever loved any other girl, George? Tho Dearest I know I do by tho nicltcning fear I have whenever I fieoyour father. Truth. Mlniicd MIh Opportunity. lb "i.s often rrmarl:d that thero aro many persons who w> about liopin^ that thoy will moot with boiho mishap in order that they may present; a claim against a corporal ion forclumnges, Tho other afternoon a young man who wan riding on tho roar platform of a street ear accidentally stood with ono foot on H fiteel. bolt; while thu loose end of! tho wire that cotmeeis tho light wire in tho motor with tlio iamo hind of a wiro In tin?trailer touched the Hide of bin neck. The electric idiodt tsUmned'liim for an iimlanj. He fell to tho floor of,tho plat form, but immediately-got up again all rifjht. "Are yrm hurt?" aslced tho conductor. "Ni>, not ;i bit," tmhl tho yotinjj man, Tho foiiduc'tor' took his namo and writedown tho answer ho had made. "Now, if 1 hud '.only liTnl""Krjnsa-eiKi.yIi- not to have j^nt up and to-huvo quivered like a man badly hurl;, 1 mi^'ljthave had them up at my houno .settling, with mo for "j()0 cnsli wilhin threo hours," said theyoun^miui after he had got off tho ear. "It is what a fellow gets for not thinking boi'uro ho Kpealca." Indianapo lis New:!. YluliUal. Tho royal navago was stirred to ro- HOntment. "But your majesty," persisted tho councilor, "mmfc remember that your people aro the most coma rvativo in dark est Africa. They cling to tho traditions of tho past and am idow to approve of your majesty^ progressivo idcun. It were better not to .-diock them with rad ical departures in pvliey."----^., Defumco gleamed iu tho eye of tho po tentate, "I will teach them" IXo paused. His anger bad (lashed liko the Hpark of tho Hint and had ay suddenly subsided. "But no. You aro right." I lis face .softened. "Tell tho (sowing circle people," ho eawl simply, "when they como again, thalt I havo reconsidered my determina tion to accept from themtbat red shirt with passementerie trimmings." De troit Newa-Tribuue. lilin-.l Ity l.lulifnln:; Hepworlli, Out.. Aug. 12. While, a few frlendu had gaHiejv.l at '.he home of Jaineji Curry Vrldny nl;;bl, l"i;r mlb'M I'roiii b(M**"', llir'if.alng ; truck ti'e fvable end of I he Vm*\ Irllllng .lolrrr Currlo limtnntly, and Injuring iw. other young- men, nametl Win. Haui- niond and Wesley TjoiicIim. r.Hirrli- iv;i.: abniit IS yearn of ap\ Tho otiier two will recover. k'Nlirnriiiui lUUtMl mi IUU I!'ial. Kniithamptcm. Ont., Aug. 11. Sat'ur- day mornlh/:, when about nfl' (lie Sni- bb Tioaeh, a. flKheniiaii named ('.:ihr!<'! OranvIU, was Ptmelc and Insbnitly IfU'led by ligb tnin;:. IU: wan iitandltu: afcatnst the foremast wle-n the n.ai-t v^n5i atruelt. Mndi-ay ,Ont., Aug. 12. Itobt. Thex- trm of' IJn Ms-ay, contractor, Willi drowned Hntiirdny. His tug w;i -i tow ing tbreo barg'-'M of wood, utifl be w:is measuring the wood, and when ne.ir the landing lie fell Into tho river. lie could not swim. Ilimtci' nrul 4'onrlimnii Ityo'Wii^U. Chicago, Aug. 12. Mai-HhaM T- nreeric, President oi' the Chicago lum ber C'omjwuiy, wi.i ilrmvne-tl I.'ujt night with Ms eoacdiman, Soren Soronunn, at nigliland J'ark. Th': mini wore rowing In tho lake. IfVIl l-'roni n S;iifTM In IfcMittL .Mont re:il, a ug.-~l2_-==-V-.pudntf>r .nanyl_ i Kthlor come to a violent death' Hatur- day afternoon at VI St. Charlesrstreet. While working on a scafrold the un fortunate rn:.i n :-H|>p"I .'inl tell tT the ground, hki be:ol striking on a nt.^el rail, and causing ruch Injuries that he died before.' reardibig the hospital. i'hoUeclir.rrlra nntt }li\U ii luridly I*)t ^linden, Aug. IU. 16-year- olii daughter of Joseph Herd, died sud denly after two days' UlneHu, the re sult of eating cbokeeUerrloii on Wed nesday and aftei-\vn.rds drinking new JTiUlc. j5IEBEIT^~BRIOKERBr Aftlii>r I0,e. A city girl laid spent her whole Hum mer in trying ' to elevate tho simple country people with whom sho wag boarding. Now she v.1 as bidding them adieu. "Groodby, Mr. Stiles,V who naid, "I liope my vihit here hasn't been entirely without good results." "Sartin not," tiaid Fanner Ktiles, ".sarfin not. You've learnt a heap since you first come; but, by cracky! you wan about tho greenest one we over had on our handti." Exchange. (Thowen Vati-licx and Dlrd Belleville, Ont., Aug. 11. A' nltjld nturied Handy wan rteilsoned In Mayo Township by chewing matches. Chorcrd B!j: n B*lw. tit Ileal. Amhorfitbiirg, Out., Aug. 32. A five yea.r-old-clxUct of John Whltohouso of the M.C.n.,-wfm choked to doatli. at the Kiii)per table by a p'u-oe of meat lodging in her thruat. (Jara orTIuuiks. Tii' wilow and bimil> of the lute Jameti Tiio o i u f'oiire i.<> tlianli tnnir b-i'-udn und uei^li'r.i-i of I'j'jsox and vicinity for the aiin-.tatice and liiinlnouK rendered thorn during tin; illeciis of Mr. Thomson, und ut, bia >!< nth und njtt-rnient. Gratefully, Mi;-, .b\!i. TnoMaoN ami Family. '/V' jD -or- l>n WoiiL-Tnn Fur. They had not met for years. "Do yon re-member," bo asked, "tho liulo sapling wo planted together nan bey and girlV" Her eyes softuned at tho recollection. **^ns." she answered, "I remember it Well." "That sapling," ho continued dreami ly, "must bo a strong and sturdy oalc now." Tho softnens all died out of her eycs> und conversation stated. New York Herald.__________________ GoiiortMiB. Penwiper A year ago, sir, I cumo to you and asked you for a raise in my sal ary, and you\vvould not. rant it.. Sinco then a Uttlo child has come to blcus otir homo, and now, air, I ask you again. Head of Firm Urn. I don't think I can givo you a .raitso, Penwiper, but I tell you what I will do, la it. a boy? Penwiper Yea, sir. Head of Firm Well, whon bo's- big enough, I'll try and mnko a pluco for him.- Gloak Royiow. An ii Mcnbiiro of,Kooiiomy. i(Hot cbeBtnutB?" said tho etreotcornor merchant BnggeaUvely. "No!. Wlmfc do I want of your hot chestmits'f" retorted tho chrysanthemum yoimg^inan who wttB^wwy^UP'^ ^ , "Put 'om in ypnr owercoat pnekelftt" called <?ut tho ni^rchimt nftor, .him. "Keep your hands'%Hrm. Suva you a week's firtlury in buyftl'tt pair o' gloflar\. -Chiwigo Tribune. . CLEBK'S First Posting of. Voters' List. Voters' I ist, lHibj, Municipality of the Town of t'issex, County of FiHsex. Notice: h hernby tdvun, that 1 havo triinH- im ted td' deliv" ri-d to the perbomi men- tionud m tin third and fourth uucliomi of "Thu \niun' LiHtM Act," tliu eopii?i ro 4Uirud tjy Muid station to he no tranumittud ur ilolivi:i-i:d of tho h^t, rnudu pnrhnant to Huid Aet, ur nil persouu iippoariiiH by the lkiit i't vm'it A'^^-.e^HInent ItoP of tho haiu Munitapii-iiiy to he uiititlud to yoto in the mud Municipality at elections fur memboru of tn.- bt*!.'i**iutiyi! Ansemhly and at Aluni- cipal l.n i;lion-; and l hut httid lint, Was* first panted iij- tit my (-tliu'? u.t thu Town ot Fiitiex, on the 15t.li day ol' August, lyjo, und 11 mu'iih ibere for itiHrtiutioti. I'huiMnr- iu-l' c i-lle.i aeon to examine the hiuiI iJHi.iind it any oitmiiioiiH or otiier ur- mrn in liiunl ..la. nun. to i.alto lmineahute pr<i'.'-! ding's to huve the naiii crroiH ec.r- roc.tcil ! nJtng to law. J)..ud thio lfith day of Ao^nfit. 1HU5. JNO. WALTI3KS. Glork uf thu miid Mnnioip.ility. apKsbras cot, est wo, 30 piecea bet nil wool Challies, regular price 3;*)c reduced to I0o yard. 15 pieces colored IVngeo, 7c yard /JO piecea 11*4-in. Prints He yd 15 picooH black and wJiito Chullics ralnee-d to 10c yunl Laclica' IUU bind: IEoho re- tluced to 10c pair fiO pnir.4 Ooracta (ill sizoa for Hoc pair I) do/, Jttdics' Vests sc oncli Special reductions iu Silk Mitta and Gloves 1.0 piccoH new Flannelette, special at ">c yard -."New ereations in JUonlottes iu 1'ink, Blue and Cream at 10 cents a yard. All Bummer Dress Fabrics ufc' cost and under. , Boots and Shoes j Men'H reel Harvest Shoes ft! it pair Men'H find Dongola Gon- gresH $1.05 pair LudLes' Polish calf Ox- forda Toe pair Ladieti* fine Dongola Kid 81.75 pair Men's Tweed Tunis 1.00 p'r jMun'd all wool Tweed suita reduced from 7.^0, B.OO and Ii.u6.to -I .OH a suit loO roiunants of J^rcan Goods at half prico. Alcn'a Cotton Bocks throe pi* 25 cenl.s Special reductions in carpets Lace Curtains and Od Cloths. .hint opened 150 new ladies' Mantles, Capos and Wraps. Call and see thorn. The Great Oorn'er Store, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. -OL' first Posting of Voters' List, Voter*"List, 181)5, Municipality of tho Township of Go^ttold North, County of Essex. . Noticoiw herub\ nivvti, 'diatl havotrano- mitterl nr delivered to the percoim raun- tiontal iu tin- thifd und fonnh eoctionti of "Tho Vott-iu' lj;^th Act," the copicK ro- quiieil by natd Hotslieti to he ho irantnuittod or didivonal of the lint, made jmrbu-.int to Hniil Act, of nil portioni appear'tipr hv tlio lrt ri'viced AhHCfiunosit Htdl of Urn naid Miuiuip.liiy tc bo entitled to veto m the 4 .nl Mum.'ijmli'y itt eU'Ctioi^ fdiv me in burn izifilutjvM -\fif* rubly arid ut Milni- . imc-i1 up hi rny iSi'wo. ui Cutnun, on thoj '.'7th (ho of ,l<uy li)3, und icroAinH fcli*>-^ i.' irihi't dttnii. ' ! . x 't.it un- ci.ll-'d open to oxainino tbV on . ;n.d if un.V omikHion or othor. o-- i- i.tt fout.d tln>i"in, to raku immudlate iMivt- iij: . , M jnivo'"'th<t nuid: err'^rrt xjor- .......i isjMii'i,' t' lay. DJ i '1 -in . 'J7'h duvo< Jaly, 18uo. . IHAAO\TAaKSn*f, UOCIBKNTKH, bit Joaelum, Aufi. 3rd. lyi).'>. Tho council met an per announcomont, with mombors nil pryweut. Miuuto^ woro roud and confirmed. Mr. Wilcox reported that bridge over Kiver Rur.com, (icon., wan in ft bud nuito of repai;-. Ladouoeur and DeivliirHt, that lilr. Wil- eXjx ho appointed to let and auporintend tho repair of bridge on (ith con., B. M. It. Carried. Naroihflu Painaonnouult asilta to havt* lain land tranfiferred from B. B. No. 3 to S. S. No. 8, Wilcox and Ludoueeur, that Mr. Pain- tionneuult'H lnudH hb trautiferred au ra- queated. Carried. A lottor-was ro.td from lilllirt EHii ro Kuinter road nllowanee. -M-u DewhirHt roponod ro Mr. Geortjo Qcii'/.cVu complaint, thai ditch 13 plenty doiP-rsnoutfh for the roadbod. It would take 850 or $7"> to complete tho work, and he did not wjnh to incur auch an expend iture without tho copscufa of tbo council. LadnncGur and Bylventor, that tho re port of Mr. Dowhirnt bo adoptad, bat that no action bo taken. Carried. Mr. F. Millor appeared baforo eouncil and complaitiod that tho Moiuon. drain outlet was in a bad otato. It should be cleaned up to tho C. 1*. R. DewhirHt and Wilcox, that Monara. La- douconr and Sylvoittro bo appointed to loolt iuto Mr. Sliller'a coiqplniut and report, Carried. Mr. Henry Hedrick applied for ditch bo- twoou lots 1 and 5. Mr. Witeoxafcatod that thero wore(\vorRG placet! in tho towuBhip^nd wftfl nob m favor of making a nruot.; Would Hot oppoHo it if Hudr'icU wmliod to commuto hiti otatuto labor. Hylvotitro and Ladoncour, that no action bo taken in Mr. Hodriok'soomplaint. Gar. Treuonror Sfcroufj presented hio monthly iltatomont. Rooo'iptH, 83.4lM.G3; oxpondi- turoH &l,.100.-10; balance on haad82.004.l-l. I Dobonturcn pornmjj duo nhortly will unit, to S1.7C7.70, and taking thio amount out of tho oaoh on ImtiU.will loavo only SliiO.M. ILadouccur and Wilcox, that tho clorkbo iiiHtvnctod to wnto Ex-Treiuiurer Math^ro and Collootor Byrne to qotil tlinir mdebt. odnertH.to tbotowtmhip with the trflaiiurcr at ouc6. Xf Hottjomont ib not made at on'oo tho roovo. io lioroby inotruoted to ou'ter.ao* tion to rooovor nrai3. Carriml. .John MoKnlley oofrfphunii that tlio road Wod In in-bad condition on.tho 8th edn.,ow-1 lug to'thc fact that Htandintj iSmb#r' ou tho ttidea of tbo road keopn tho liun out. Wiho'x and pdwhlrat, tViar. tho olerlt bo InutruaUd *i w id to tho excoutors 0! tho CiK>0rou t'Rta.lo Io have Naid timVor cut mt onco. Car. Martin Bbron^aakod thocoitnoil toHraut' tho Maidstone and Rochoutor AKrioultural Society 550 towardn'holding a fall fair in tho vicinitv of li.'dlo ltivitr. Ijadouceur and Wilcox, thafc Kochcator ;;r:uitt3 350 to tho M:tidi'tonc audRoohonter Agricultural Society, providing that tho corporations of Dtdli- Uivcr and Maidatouo yivo aimilarnuma. ' - irriod. By-law l'J-i, to rai->.' tho novoral tutaa for the curront year, v;>>.> rotd tho dflual UHra- htvT of timof) and [w ,-od. Tho by-law pro- videH for ruittiufj tin; total Qitm of 80123.75. 1* iftoorj milln in the dollar ta thp rata leviod- tn raiao tlio above alnount^ By-luw 10'">, to raiHo tho ratou for tho, Hchools, vjhh read tho.initial numbor oE times und paaaod.. Itaton 2,558.00, Ho'whirnt and Ladoncour, that tbo"Bfc; ioaohim cht-cao faotorv bo exouapt from taxation. Carried. ACCOUNTS r-AID. Job, Trepanier, 515, nmkiug abrido bw tho llth ooncoHBion road. N. Lomiro, SI.-0, rcpairiu^biridf/o on tho lth concoHHion road. D. Sauvc, 84.75, cutting tbiatlca 011 4th cenooijfdon and Bano Lino. Julieu Lalondtt, 3.75, rtipnirlug .bridge on Tfoumpeh road, E. Vcrboncoor, $!(,' ropainn^ bridge R. It. Tooamaeh road. N. Boaulicn, $5, charity. .* r' . ' ' H. Ducharmo, ^50, part salary, Adjouruod tj Saturday, Sept, 14,. at Runcornb Station. NiiflTored for Over 30- Voa^n-Trtcd Hvt'iyiaint: aiiit Kniploy<i(l Two . or Throe xtoetoru. . A well Unowa furmor nays: Lot 2iJ'2, Thorold Township, Wulland P, 0., l,For , ovor ,*{0 years my wife hud boon a aufforer- ' from moat droadful hoadachou; at times thoy ivorc bo had hIio oould noithcr sit or lio down but. hor head scouacd aa if it '/ would Hplit. Bho fcriod everything ehe could hoar ofaud wan attaudpd by two or : ' throu doutors, but oould not iiad relief ' .Until <vo cot.Stttrk'al'owderM'or'headaohe:' ' hiliououeKf, cofitiyoucBB, nouralfila and th6;,r liver. Sinco tlnm_td;u;hn.B boan-fme from Hiifferiui.', and. any toruliwoy to* pain . : Stark'H Po'vdoro rumovo inim'odiately. . Thovarothconlv modwlno &ho oVer not !.p that 1ms boon of .boiH:flt.,> $ Pritjo 25o a box. 0 bo.vo8 $1, at. all mtuJi-- i^ cino doalerfi^' Nice, iinmcdiato- mid i pW\.i.vjjl mftnftnt. July 2fl. '.{ . -- iili.^ 'd* practitioner, iu Bp,11pviUo. - Ooi^rly^*;^.!^^^' writofi: "For wanting diHeaeoB endBorfl^^fl I hiio" uaed fioptt's Emulwon i'WiiJi' 'tw, ^M moit sat^af acUry reftalt*" '..'] .- ::f:\ "A >,^|f

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