>te? \'i:yy. ,.(' Vtt& -KSSStCSK,' jTMSsiXs; "jP*fc&S.S ft OCEAN LINEK. AVY EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE ST. LOUIS. Her Captain Alomi l{(ti!ym *,nc Hl- *ry, but U.o iiuu for Coulr yuppUM( . and Wnr and T.ar urn 1'hiormou* Much ban boon wrlttciu-.abDut-.tho tfreat Amorluan . HtunnVuhlp St. 1/mln, which promlm-a to bo tho forerunner Of a magnificent fleet of YunUno built and Yanlu',. dovlnod tnimmthuitlc lin ers. Hlt many vondorn of "workman- flhlp and her jrceut .ontflnon havo all, 'teen dwioribod and applauded. Naval experts .have Htiulled her to discover jhor worth an a war veniiel, an who |ow bloutfit to the auxiliary navy of Uncle 9am, and Hun boon bo construct ed that nlmoHt luiitnntiincouiily nho can bo converted Into a nwlfo cruiHcr, with pecd enough to catch up with or run away. If the liittor be necH'tm-'iry, from anything that iloutH, An InteroHtJmr fouturw <"f the Ht. Loula, hut otU- whloh hn not Iw-s.-n, touched upon, h the cotit of rnalnto-ln- ingr her, Blie Ik a llttlo city or munici pality In hemelf, the captain .bnlnK the I Mayor, and the oitlcerq the Hoard oH jAldormch. The nxont;* of the biff ocean liners jltq lneliiu'il to be nhy about talking of the expense of their Hteiimeni na tho rivalry between the different 'Jlnea ,!h o Intense that none of thorn cafo to ,tflve out information which ay bo buidne!*:* urn munition for an other, ClomoniTA. Gfincom, jr., Hon of ,the .president of the line, controlling 'tho St. IjOuIh, however, aj-reed to tflve some figures on the qiiK-thm, when noon by tho writer. ITn floured for dome .time, and then wild that tho expense jot tho round trip of a steamer like tho St, Louis, avemK"S between $(10,000 rind '58f),0o0, according to the nonHon. This Is the hunlcst time of tho year for tho bljjf llneisi,. nnd' when the St. Lou I a ftetri hack from Houthnmpton lier maiden voynfco both ways acrotm tho Atlantic will have coat fully $80,000. Tho voyage between the two ports will tako a trifle more than seven days,. miiktnr; the daily cost of operating one of these hugh'sea monsters, something llko jr,500. In the winter time, when the passenger trade Is down to a min imum, the expenses, of course, are much less, and that 1h when the cost jjets down to JfiO.onO for the round trip. Men who upend $10,000 ji month-on t% ! Bitoam yacht, an Commodore KldrUlRO | T. Gerry does, are regarded ;X$i terribly' extravagant, but maintaining a vesseli like the St. Loulu for a month would i oost something-appronchlng tho sum of } J200.000. j No single Individual on tho St. Loul I /gots a large smUry. Of course the I captain heads the list, Rotting about ,__ $6,000 a year. Captains on smaller pas- rcriger. sti-amers only receive $3,000 a year, which In those times of groat sal- arlea is not any too largo. The chjet thO-St. Loiils peta only about $l,r>00; which Is somewhat small when It Is remembered that the bulk of the heavy work falls upon his phoulders. .The second officer's pay rangon from $000 to $1,200, according to thc.slzo' oC the nhlp, while the third fleers only get from ?000 to $900. All, of these nion hnvo to perform duties Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY JDY TAKING Ayer's Pills "I wan troubled along tlmo with (tick lutaiinchu. I tried tt uooil many ifmiea rnaiinimuiKUMl lot Unit comuhdht; but it was not until I Began taking Ayer's Pills that X rocclvod permanent lament. A lunula box of these plllit f rood mo from lioauaahus, and I am now a woll man." -C. H. HuTcuiNoa, Host Auburn, Mo. Awardocl Medal at World's Pa\t Aycr'H 8arsaj>ariU<t i3 the JUcat. "While tho expenses ttr* irrcat, bt course, tho Income Is proportionately! large, A round trip that coflts JSO.Wfl should brlnsf at loiuit $100,000 into th coffers of tho company if.not consid erably more. But when the expenses are down to $00,000 the company Is glad to break even. Here are some odd factti about tho St. Louis. There are fully 1,000 tons of piping of various kinds hi tho nhlp. The condensers will pump up at leant 50,000,000 gallons of cooling water n day. The furnaces will conaumo no loya than 7,500,000 cubic foot of air an hour, Tho boiler tubes, if placed In a straight lino, would stretch nearly ten miles, and the condenser tuben more than 26 mlloH. The total number of separata ptccon of utee] in the mnin structure of the ship Is not Joss than 40,000, and tho total number of cubic feet of tim ber used in the conntructlon In moro than 100.O0fl.-The total number of rivets la not far from l,2f>0.000. A distinguished marine officer of TCngland one esti mated that In a ship of' this slzo If all the stool which composes It wer* mado Into needles and placed in a lino, they would reach more than ten timet! around the earth, or the distance to the moon, 340,000 mlloH, Another ex pert him estimated that if the ship Woro propelled by galley oarsman, ns In ancient times, H would require a forco of ITt.OOO men continuously at work to 'develop the same power that the en- IghaOfl of thla ship will produce. St. 3LouIa Republic. STEVENSON'S PIRATICAL JOKE, ]Ub V: "i 5 "of a responsible kind, and as there are no bonuses attached to their work. It can bo seen that they arc not over paid. These Items also show that while the vast sums of money are expended >n running ships of tin* hIzo of the St. fjouls, none of It is thrown away. Tho crew of the St. Louis numbers ttO men. Two hundred of these are in tho engineer's department, and all of them are directly under the authority Of tho chief. The steward's depart ment Is the next largent, numbering 170 in all. The sailors, including tho clock officers, number 40. The onci teer*** department is the most expensive Of tho ship, owing to the immense coal "bills. The St. Louis bums more than 300 tons a day, or about -1,500 tonB the round trip. This means an expenditure of $1G,000 alone. The salaries of the men, *h engineering supplies, Including the thousand and one things needed for tho vast machinery of a great ship, call for $fi,000 more every round trip. Tho chief engineer drawn JU.OOO a year, .and his Immediate assistants re- ceivo $1,500, $1,200, and $1,000 respective ly. The stokers or firemen average about $30 per month, and the furnaces of tho St. Louis require 1H0 of them working in different shifts. The. purser, who la the most import ant person on board, does not get much in tho way of a salary, as the com pany, In fixing his pay, figured on tho large bonuaen he receives for chang ing1 money and preforming the little services which the wealthy traveller .does not hesitate to pay for liDcraliy. His salary. Is only $1,000 a year, but he makes another $2,000 In fees, and some- .ttwes considerably more. The whip's surgeon only receives $000 a year for (he came reason. Ho la brought In contact with numerous real and fancied Invalidei of the wealthy class, and, al though no one Is compelled to fee him. ,teW full to do so, and a big popular p like the 9t. IjOuIb is worth In the neighborhood of $3,000 to $4,000 a year. Tho steward'** department 1b one of tho costliest on the ship, as it provides [i,j.fl, tho provisions for all the passenger? and crew. Tho jv'ovIhIotim for a round trip cost In the neighborhood of $12,- 000, and the aalnrlen or" the steward's \jtion amount to $3,000 men;. Tho stew ards - are tho least pnld of any on the Bhip, for tho reason that In the fnes of the passengers thPV eolket a very respectable sum annually. All the pay they get is $20 a month, but they talc- W* ' In $40 a month In tlpn, The real down right Beasick man and woman are al most willing to give their last cent for uorne little service, and the stewards Who ore constnntly .thrown In with this clasjs of unfortunates reap a good ly hnrvent. . Tho chief steward receives $l,r00 n. year, and also comes In for his share of th tipa, as U Is within his power to place many .delicacies in the way of tho liberal tourist. The chief cook is ETat vnaa on tho ship, almost as groat as the captain, and In all makes $3,000 a year out of hi* Job, The break age and wear and tear on the uhlp and Its furniture Is very heavy, re- 'mitring "h expenditure In Incidentals of ajjout .$5,000-Jonc-h round trip. There arc cotintlena little thlng to bo replac ed, and a comparatively little thing like ' the washing of the ship's linen, moans fln expenditure big enough to support a man for a year in tho lap of luxury. 1* Telia How Many It Would bo to I<oudon IXotolH on Surdity. Tho last timo I-had tho happiness of meeting Stevenson was on Sunday, August 21, 1887. He had been brought up from Bournemouth tho day before in a wretched condition of health, and was lodged In a private hotel in Flns- --bury Circus, In the city, ready to be easily moved to a steamer In tho Thames on the morrow. I was warned, In a note, of his passage through town and of. the uncertainty whether ho could bo seen. On the chance I went over early on tho morrow, and, very happily for me, he had had a fair night, and could see ine for an hour or two. No one else but Mrs. Stevenson wui With him. His position was one which might haveWdaunted any man's spirit, doomed to exile, in miserable health,- starting vaguely across the Atlantic, With all his domestic Interests rooted up, and wlth.no notion where, if at all, they should be replanted. If over a man of Imagination could be excused for repining it was now. But LoulO showed no white feather. He was ra diantly humorous and romantic. It was church time, and there was some talk of my witnessing his will, which I did not do, because there could be found no other reputable witness, the whole crow of the hotel being at church. This set him oft' on a splen did dream of romance. "This," he said, "is the way in which our valuable city hotels packed, doubtless, with rich objects of jewelry are deserted on a.Sunday morning. Some bold, pi ratical fellow, defying tho spirit of Sabbatarianism, might make a hand some revenue by sacking the derelict hotels between the hou r.s of 10 and 12. One hotel a week would suffice to enable such a man to retire Into pri vate life within tho space of a year. A mask might, perhaps, be worn for tho mere fancy of the thing, and to ter rify kitchen maids, but no real dls- eulso would bo .needful to an enter prise that would require nothing but a fornvo heart and a careful study of tho City Postal Directory." Ho spoke of the matter with so much flre and gal- hintry that I blushed for the youth of England and its lack of manly enter prise. No one ever could describe pre posterous conduct with such a convinc ing nlr as Louis could. Common sonse was positively humbled in his pres ence. July Century. <'<>Illu>4l Mfflinii Hecbrrc Gibraltar, Aug. 12. The Anchor Line Bteamor Victoria,. Captain Craig, from New York, July 'Zl for Mediterranean ports, has arrived hen- with Ii-m* port bow slightly damaged. S'e i oporto that at 0 o'clock on the night of Aug. .1, while running In a fr*K,. sUii collided With an iceberg; Fortunately th glancing blow, she struck the berg was not sevem enough to do any great damage. Thi" rwr'- ntritiiMMou Moscow, Aug. 1**--It is officially an nounced here that the coronation of Cssar Nicholas II. will probably toko place In April. BY-LAW NO. 228- - tMag^a i t. .1.. A. BY-LAW toprovldo forth* rlBior and payment or thesum.of' $13-1.06, boin th moanfc of wooiBniont ma.d by th Uunioipt Council of tht Township or Maid- Maidstone, in tho caunty of Ebmx. against thf> lands and roads in tii Town of Iagx in connection with tha Puao Tap Dram, Provisionally adopted the 6th day of Aucuife, ite rounio|<UlHjr c, th. ifownship of Ualaatono proourod an ott >,|of iho nalu loo al oxamln- pBtant for mioh Pmpotfo.lo! iho Bald loouhty proposed t b .H.p\Draln, nml nUo ]>roour<Ml plaiui and atlma.tflu of.the work Wukmcas thooounoll of the dtloii to bo miwle by nporaonaoin drained by tho repair of the Pace *l' to bo mado and an assefiamontof tho real proporty to bo bononttoilihy tTio^opalTorthflkultl dinui Btiitlug nearly ofl may bo tho pror>6i-Uou of beiMflt will bo dorlvod lu oouwxiuonoe of auali ro- nalra by evory road or lot or part of lot. Aki> WubbmU tho mild oounoil of thoTuiUitlolnalltyof th* Towmhlunf Maldatono did Borv thn bead of the OoiiuqII ol tho Town .of EbboX with a oopy of the report, plunfl, aKHouanionta and Booelnoatioiii a* nforoHakl of tho work to bo dona ami tho report In rouiioat thoruof in ay followa, yu : To tho Itcovo, rjopnty-ltoBTo and Municipal Council of tho Townablp of MaUlatotia, CiiCNTLKMKH, lu acoordaiioo wltli luatruotloUB frotn you* hoiiok'ablo body, 1 ba notjoo alitnodby lloury Howoll, ami havo examined the No, lit Tap drain, known an tho Ptioo draliJ, from tho town line batwosn Ooaflokl and MaltUtona, north idonu the oontru cotioGBHloti Maidstone to the Mahlau road, and hau to roport hereon im followu :-~ I And that thi Bald drain Was ooiutruotod about hlxteeu yuard Buo.und that tlmro lnm boon uothluK douu to It alnoe oxoopt a few loan taktm out of It every tow yearn, I idto Hud that tlm Uflh hi new! of nnprovoimmt. I and that tlmro are only about vo taken tho w at thu tith Hald drain it uroally flllod up and m _ ..,...........__.......^<___r^mj ___ !i50 aorH la tlU Bald Towibihlp of Mald&toue that oah UNO the Hald drain, and noma of til'it to a ' * Thore are 730 acrn In tho Townnhlp of GoBUoldKortb andulll ilotoh In the Ita at Hatd drain in ood ii of Matdutouu for boiu,.^-.v., w ., , mid North for outlet with ftS^MK), and the Undi In the Town of very allwlit oituiit. Town / Keen* that will tiae tho said drain throughout Ha entire lentftli. I flvul that It. will cot, all oxpomeBlnohidfld, 87(17.00 to put Hald drain In ((oodntaU of l-opaly. Of thin ittnount I havo taxed bn laudM of thu Towuiihip of Matdutotiu for bounnt with uy.l(), and with outlet botient witU8ia7.40< " ... , ......." ' _______... _. Uhiux with 9134,0ft for outlet. Accompanying you will find plaiiu, proflloa, ipoolflaatloiiH, aNneuu- lilellt*, OBtlmaUH and all other paperrtnoouHnary for uuldatiou lb thuleauitt|{ out of thu wild draft), Tills drain Bhall bo kept hi repair by a tax on tho litudB and roadH now aiinouiuid, and In tho uatna proportion, oxoapt the engluuor lu ohat^e of thu oloauin^ out In of opinion that the pro portion ounht to heohaU([od, I havo thu honor to bo, jfoutlomou, your olio (Hunt norvunt, (HIH0d) JAMKfl H. LAirtD, P. b. B. Kauox.Oot. l.lflOt. Ano Wiikhmah thu Bald coutioll In of opluloti that tho repair of tho said drain In doulraldo, IJ It thevefovo onaoUid by tho munloipul couuoll of thu Town ofEnuox, puriamnt to the pro- vluIouHofthe Munlolnal Act, lut. That the Bald report, plana and uRthnutoH, lu no fur an thu hiiiud inluto to the 't'owu of Kiiflex, bo adopted, and tho nald drain and tlio vovkn ootiueotod thc>rwIttvjbo inndo and uon> truutod la aaoordanootberowlth. Urd. Thiit lot the ptirpoao of paying tho tnnn of lIll.0>V>ohitf the nmouMt ohar^od auaiimt tho uald hmdtf no bonontted u n.forould, ethor than roadu boloiuilui/ to tho muulclpalliy, iho follow ing Bp^olal rtituu over and above all other rutou uball bo a&Buttiiod and Uvlod hi tho uiimo miibiier and at the Hamo time aH tuxoa ure lovlod \i\um tho umleruieutlonod totu mid piuto of Iota and the amount of the uald bpoolal ratou aa aforouald uliall bo aBumiHOd and levied at/ulwit each lot or part of lot, in tho yoar ifitia. Lint of lotH and putts of lottt m tho Town of Ehibx auueHuod for the oloaniiij; out of the Puco or ISo. 10 Tap drain \u tho Towuahip of Maidstone. Con, or PIttu. Lotu or partM of Lota, No. of aoroH, N T Plan n 17 Block 72 Lot 1 la 168,1(58 lotn, 10o oaok lBi Npt B pfc 1IQ 100 II 2fi7 tt 368 II 285 II 292 l 285 II 800 (1 SI5 II' 2:15 .1 3-12 <l SOS 1 aoa f 1 30 N 3 K lot 181 to 211, 30 lota, lOo each lotn A, B AOJ lota, 15c snob lot* 1 to SO, SO lots, lOo each lotl lotH 5 to 16 A blockH 81, 81, 8a lotH 1 too, 9 lata, lOo oacb lotu 1 to 17, 17 lota, 10o oaoh lotn 1 to S5, 3S IoLh, lOo oaoh lotH 1 to 4,1 lofiTrlOo oaoh lots ft to 41, 37 lotH, 10c each lota 1 to 7, 7 lota, lOo oaoh leUl.fco'J.l, Sllota, 30o lotH 2/3 to .17,13 lota, rtOe oaoh ioU38 to 47, 10 lot, SOooaoh blook f55 on " 07 " fi8 " ftO "70 "71 " 75 7i " 78 " 70 " 83 ." 84 " 85 o pt " 85 w pt' >t lot 281 HtroetiH in Eanex Total 2-5 3-5 h 1-6 %' 1 1 4 0-10 1-7 1-4 u rV U 13-20 13 5 14 n 2 4 5 11 1 8i 4 23$ ui a* 8 1 14i mi VkJ. of Imp't. 8 Kj 10 80 35 So 3 00 45 3 00 16 i no oo l 70 3 B0 40 3 70 70 7 20 7 ttO 3 00 80 4 20 1 50 80 55 4 00 30 12 70 NamoH ot Ownoru. Frd. Itobinflon. .7 U Mm Ilicka. Jano DaviH, D. C. Ainuley. John Milne. G 3 1 1 4 7 27 20 % 20 40 fln 30 55. 80 00 T. Irwtn. W J Johnflton. G E Naylor. .T Irwin Eatato. B D Labar. XhomtB Irwiu, John Milno. J Irwiu lifltate, Oameron Eatuto, T Irwiu. T Irwio. J McEwan. W D Ktamun. lurntc Thornton. C S 11 R Company. Town of Ehrox. *133 85 Urd. For tho puruone af paying the amn of 927,00, tminc total auiount nnnoneod apaiuot Btroeti In town of Ebiox.u Bulnciont upoolal rata Bhall, ovor and auovo all otlior rat on, bo lovlod lu the nnmo ruannor and at th& oame tiuio an tax on ara lovlod, upon t hu wholo ratoublo property in tho town of Kbsox In tho year 1603. 4th. Tbnt tliio by-Wv ah all bo publlBhad onco in ovory wo ok, for four oouseoutlvo wcelto.in tbo Kuhkx i?iiKK Piif.bk, and nhall oomo into forco on and after tho tlnal panulnft thsroor, and uhall bu known and may bo oited as "Tho Puoo or No. lu" Tap Drain Ropalrn Hy-law." J JOHN WAhTKUB, Clerk, heroby certify that the foroKOing in ft tnio wpy of a by-law provinlonnUy ndoptod by the ounoil of tho'corporatlon of tho Town of Enaox on tho Otli day JOHN WALTEItH, muuloipal counoi of AUHUHt, 1H05, Town Clork. 3STOTIOB, Notlco in horobyjjlvou that a Court of Rovlfliou, will ho hold at tho Aday tho oth day of Soptcnnbor, at tho hour of H o'clook p.m. for tho PurpOHo of hourinpand trial o! appoalamudo agalnPttho foyocolnR nniioauuiont,.or any part tliureof. In tho Town Hall,- Ehrox, on Mon trial ofappoalamudo ago.* mi t tho ioro[omBniiB08iimont,.or nny part tlmreor, in the manner pro- vldod by tha ABHonament Aot, n notico of auob apjioul to ho norvod on the Clork of thin Municipal ity at loaat ton dayubeforo tho mooting of unid Court. And furthornotiDe-lB horoby (,'iven that any f.no Intowlinff to iipplyto havo nuch by-law, or any part thoroof, quashod, muiit, within ton dayn uttor tho liaal panning the rod I. aorvo a notico In writlnc, upon tho Mayor or other hoad otticar, nod upon the Clork of tho Municipality of hlH lntoution to make application for tbat purnono, to one of Tier Mnjooty'n Buporior Courtti of Law utToronto.durlnnibo Bix wookw noxt onauluc tho Dual panBiueof tutu by-law, JOUN WALTlSHS, Town Clerf*. Dated at Kkeox this Gth day of AuBUBt, 1H05. To Smokers To moot tho winhoo of thoir The Goo. E. Tuokott & Bon Qamiltou, Ont., havo plucod marlcet A Combination Plug of cuMtomorB, Uo., Ltd., upon tho 5 1 "T & SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies o long felt want, giv ing tho consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece, or a fl cent, piece of tho famous fcl"l* 5c IB^ Itrand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag ilT & B" is on every poo. WOODSLEE W. G WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Thu beat of Leather and Grat-clana Work- mannhip. All handwork. Evory HarneBH Hold by m mado iu Wood' Bloc. My Stock of Light aud Heavy HaruoHH ih now complete, and a Hplon-' did h too It of all Homo Ooorhj. Repairing done promptly and cheap. WRIGHT G. SMITH, South Woodsloe. J. GOUBLAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT: . . . THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLER , - . TliiB Machino confji/ts of a horizontal caafc cylindor, with wrought iron- bare, with stool tooth bolted to tho cylindor so aa to bo rovorBiblo whontha tooth hocomo worn on thi^ front eido, running in n perforated coneavo irOtt Aboil, which tho shollod cotn pasaoa through into a shoot iron coso, with ^ fan or olonuor attnohod bolow. which takes all tho dust from tho grain. Tha- ohoapost, boflt, moat simplo and durablo Powor Corn Shollor in uho; sholla corn porfootly cloan in any condition" flholling and cloaning from ono to two ' thousand buahols of oars per day, according to power. Dimmnsionh. Pulley, 10 in. dianv tor, 0 in. face; Motion, COO to 800 rovdJ^tiona per niinuto; Woighfc, KK0 lba*. BVERY SHELLER WAftRANf ED.V j. g^,^Y & SONS. 1AB1TS IN YOUTHS LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD ? MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN K StLIC DETPIHTo" innornnconnd folly in youth, ovm-nxftrtlon of mind and body lnddo-1 III IlL nCuULI nd by hint and o*notinronr ennatantly wrodlclntf tho Hvom and rutnroj "hHiM>Tn(iMiofthou;iandiol!j)rnmIfiinKynnrmon. Homo fado and wlthor wfc an wirly ao,S Bat tho lilnnnnm of iiumhomt, whiloottiora uro forced to draff out n wonry, trmtlOM nndp inoUnchoiy i'2iir*to]ii-(>. Otlmrn roncli nintrimony nut find no nolaco or inmfort tlioro, Tho ^-vlotlnid am fo;md in nil fitntionnoflifo:-Tho farm, tho oilier, tho workflhop, tho pulpit. Htho trndciH and iho itrofoBfilonn. .------------------ | S RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DR&.K. A K. S wh. a. wavjKEu. ......"............." " iTVM. A. WALKKU. MRS. CIIAS. FEUHY, H JlWVf HE TIUCATMKMT r:?^-N0 NAME K h K SYPHILIS 1EIWI5SIO.NS STRICTURE CURED AViisn tiiKXTMBH* - Dlvorcotl hat nnltodauain S OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN C0NSENY.'t Wm. A. Walknr of lflth BtrMit iinyfl:-^"I havo nnfforod' untold iionioii for my "Ray lifo." 1 wanindInoro<>fcwhon|L - yonnjr nud iim'ornnt. Aa "Ono of tho Iloya" I eontrnotodj* ByphTliH nnd othor P.rlvuto difionacn. 1 had nloora in tlietf month nnd thront, bono nainii, hnir Ioobo, pimploa on*l face, iinnror nallncnmo on, ominruonn, boennio thin nnd Hvi!u doctors troatod mo with Morenry^tl doHporidont- Potash, otc. Ttioy holpod mo hat conld not euro mo. ________________________I'inall v a f riontl induced mo to try DnUConni'dy & Kmah. hr-irKdW Method Trmitmontonrnd mo In n fow woolen. , Thoir trnatmont in ,wondorful.B " " vm^olf gainiiu: uvory day. I liuvo novor lionrd of thoir fullinu to euro In. uulimle^i. 157-CURE3 GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Cnpt. ("hn::. l?orry miyn: "loTTomylifo to Drn, K. A K. RAt ffi'lflurned n htuli'i'iiibit. At 21 I'hnd nil tlio nymptpma oof Somlnnl WoaxnouH and Bpormatorrhcon, EiniRnlonn Hwi-rn tlrnin.nK and woakoninw my vitality. 1 nmrrlod at 1/21 undnr ndvico of my family doctor, bat It won n Hfladoxporli-nco- lnoinhtnui montlm wu won, divorced. I i-tlion onnBultod Pro. K. i K., who mitorwl mo to manhood STbytliclr New Method Treatment. Ifolta now lifo thrill throtih .------ TliiHwan Dmy iiorvon. Wo woro unitinl nttain and uro happy, oi* yoani afto. Dm. IC, &, K. nro (lolontiuc uptiQiulu R IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED into nnd I heartily rocoraraond thorn." K a K D R Q BSTf-K? trtai and curt Varicocele, Emissioni. Nervous Debility, Seminal** QlVta&tiess,. Gl<ct> SMcfure,'Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges^ Self Abused Kidney and Bladder Diseases,____________ * 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURHD. NO RISK DCArtFO f Aroyonu vlctim?T JInvo you lout hopo?^ Aroyon contomp^lntintf rnnr K K ..................................A Ki _>- i*r9^* m m r-iUROf* Huh your Illood bcon dinoaHod? HoToyon any wflaknoatu' Onru Now ftlotho/11'! rontniont will oniovou. What it tuwdono for oth-r.4 it will do Tor yoa.J* iCONSULTA'fl >ti FREE. Nomnttor wholuui treated yoii.writn fnr ar* 'mntwt opinion Frot>SS 'o^OimrRo. CJharci'H ronHonnblo. BOOKS FREE~"Tho Goldon Mo^^or" UllnatratodJ.on D liluoaocij of ilon. liiclouq potitniro. 2 conta. Soalod, (SS-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-D waV Nomodlolrio sent C O. D Nonamoe on bo^fri or onvol-" Kyorythlngoonfldontial. Question lista<i;i co^tof Troat-C 'Spree: DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN,NDk^^L^ST.| SK&KSPRS K aK=PRS KBtK tlio trado in nil kinds of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doolh, Sash, Cliestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. "Uo ore Solo AfiontH iu tho County tot Of Chicago, which took Hitfioat Awardn at tho World'B Pair. Can furnish-either Piiiipingor Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantee with ovory Outfit. Laing Bros., Essex. Is thu o.iufia tirutbat tirud.^lauHuid foojit g which ufiliotB you ut thiHjBuution, Th blooil ifl inapuro and hua boaomo thin and poor. That in why you hava no Htro.inth, no apneiit.-, aaridot aluup. Purify your witli Bood.H Sara[uitilla( whi >h will Rive you aminuriGitu, touu yourt-tomaoh, and lnvuoratu your norvtm, liood'H 1" 1 Uh 'are tuny to take, ouy Xtt aot tun and. Hiiro in etfyot; 25u. "OiuiHt thonmlniHtfii* to a mind diuaah^. o-l?" iiHkn Macbeth. Certainly, nay lorA tho oondition of tho rnlbd dopeuia lar^ly^ ; if not nololyt en tho aaadiiioia of tho aunt ' H aoh, livar, and bowels, lot all of whioj^ \ :fci oomplaiuta Ayer*a Pilla ate Vthe aovareif-i^, 'iiffl ttBttkiugbu earth." V "-', .'" ;'J Inayuto blood i tin cauHj.of bcila, rim^f plflK and Oblior <rupkiny. 0ooi'a BarfaZ^ pulll* m&toi rioh, re 1 blood ftii.f'ves t*^' Mewed vigor. ffl ~n . '*".1 w-.: . .',"Su ^ia^ 15