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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 16, 1895, p. 6

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Ii . ' ' i I ' "1 ^JC cs~ THb Jt^SSJ^X b KEM^ PKtSSS 25 CENTS! BEST OFFER .EVER MADE... THE ESSEX FHK PRESS For the4>alance of 1895 for j'><- ./' 25 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. ADDBEB E. J. LOVELAOE, Proprietor, Easex, Ont, tfO tfjJE .'DEED. B^sr OE30. ^A-isrviLXuK wmiajsr. .w^ f^to 'to hi: continued.) CHAPTER XXXVIII Till: HUM" I-KAD. H that horrible, rustling Hound behind -Wainscot wan hoard, tho two hardonod in tho old passage nhrank away to or and end,-while tho cold aweat bedow- Guont'n fucp, and Km breath folt labored. JChon Micro wan a reaction. Old memories Unshed through hia brum, und he soizod Stratton'u arm. ' "Old frn-nds," he muttered "I can't formden hnii now.'" Tho arm lit gnpped fell nmd "und cold, but Ktraiton mmlo no movoment, nn..mgn, ond at that m intmt they amv the aergcunl flash i.liu light down into tho narcopliiigua like nicuptaclu ; for, ttmiika to the mmiu- facturera, our bat ha ate made an aiif/geativo of a man's hint rooting-plnce as they can ho donigncd. Tlicro wan utter RiKtnco then for a mo ment. Thru the imrgmuit uttorud a low whimle :>nd uxcliiiincd ; "Well, I am tib-uued ?" "Ami he there V mud the workmun, fiom the door. "Como and louk, Jwn." Jem went m slowly, looking down in 'he bath, winch wnu lit up by tho rayu from the lantern, .imi tht-n utturcd a low, chuck ling fl* mud, while (Juchl tried to make out tho meaning of the htrun^" ('Xprcaiuon, dim ly fli<eii, cm hih fi-u-niTa fiwe I^or Blrattfm'n cvim ijiuwud wlwtu urcies about the irueti, uh he now leaned foiuaul to p.n'/.o into the tmtli (Jiicbt Han the hint to look into the white emunolod voaael, oik;.third full of what B-t-ined to bo water. Inn ft<m the picidnir nh i which roHO fioin the tun fuee, nvnh'iiily \\iiU not. S'mtton wan mlent ; mid in tho atrungo eMutation ho folt on niiiMnf> that all mo liei i ura he bad lniugmud were va.ni and empty, Gncmt nhoutcii : *'Bah ! What cock and-bull Morn*-* you policemen hatch !" Tho sergeant, who liad been regularly taken ubuctc, recovered himiiulf at this. "Como, mr," ho crledj "I lil;o that, You come to iin nnd nay your fiiend'ji imam na, and you think ho is lying deud in hia cham- here. 'All right,' we my-------" "Wrong," cried Ouet with a laugh, which sounded atrango and forced. "So it in, bit wrong," said the sergeant. **We como and do our duty, and I follow up tho scent mi clear no clear, right tip tn this nod I put it to you cento, aa gentle* mon, oughtn't your friend to have boon murdered and o-lying there ?' 'Well/' said Giuiut, wuh another forced laugh, n* he glanced uncaoily as Straitou ; **it did look suwpicioiiB, and yon worked it u 11 up si theatrically Unit ] wun a little im- prosm-d." "Theatrical ! Iinprenatul, air ! Why. it wa nil us roul to me ; and I auy again your friend ought to bo lying there. ^ What do you cay, Jem V . "Cerfnly.". "T.ut lie ie riot," Said Guest tilmrplyi"an.! it has all been a fiiJao fvlarno, you kco, and I'm very, very glud." "Course you are, nir, and BO aVo we," kaid Jem huskily. "Don't apologize. Unn'i make a bit o* difihens to ub. Wn'ru p^ul nl) tho name.*' , "Of course," cried Guest, keeping up the pot-it ion of tho leader, for Stratum stood Siting down into tho bath lik one in a ream. "There, ftorgeunr, wn are vty niurih obliged, and it's all right; so your man hd Pellet surew down tho bafh lid Again,*" "But it Isn't all right, sir/' said the ergtnnt testily, and he gave Ids ear a oistob. "I don't Uke giving up just for a check. *' "I'vn got is far an bore, and I mik It io you; the gontlomtn ought to ha^o boon in that thing, and I# Isn't." "That'll plain eaough," said Gueufc hur riedly. "Then whero is ho?" "In the country, I suppose, collecting." "That's your opinion, sir. P'r'aps your friond'll speak. What do you say, nir?" "Nothing," Baid Stratton, with an effort. "There is nothing to nay," said Guest aharply. "Queer for this place to have boen ncrewod up both the door and tho bath." "Oh, no; I feco why," fluid Guest quickly. "Had nmolhi, perhaps, from the wastes pip- ac-wergas." "Don't smell like bad gin," said Join, sniffing about and ending by dipping u finger in tho hath and holding it to tin none, after which ho gavo a peculiar grunt, "Weill" "Sporrita." "Nonsense, man 1" cried Guest. "What! That?" 'That's apornts, tmre onough, air," aaid tho man, dipping hie fingor iu tho bath again. "Opon that there lantern, pard- ner." The Horgonnt obeyed, and his companion thrust in his finger, for it to ho enveloped directly with a bluish flame, ' Mind what you're doing" said tho sor- geant hastily, "or wo shall have- tho whole place a-fire." "Alt right, pardnor, Sporrits it is, and, I should my, como in them cans." Ho gavo ono of tho great bins & tap with Inn too, and it sent forth a dull, metallic sound, "Very likely," Baid Guest. "Our friond is a naturalist, and uses spirits to proaorvc things in." "Look yo hero/' said tho workman oracu larly, and he worked one hand about no In -<[j('kfl. "I don't purfoas to know no mon 1 hiLii what's my trade, which in locks atn> rd jobs o* Unit sort. My pnrdnor bun-',, im you, gents, that I'll facu anything fn-m inp'iiy (-adlock up lua strung room ni i. ,'.ierii sate ; Inn I'vn got a thought hore a- io..y bo u brighi 'tin. or only a bit of a man1.' n.Triil fug. You want to find this gem. jlon't you !r" "Y--i," uunl (Jqout ; and tho tone of thai 'ye-'* suggested plainly enough, "no." "Whtat h.i\o you got in that wooden to*.nl of yours now. Join':" growled the ' Wat* ii minute, my lad, and you'll hettr " 'There's no occasion for ua to stqp hero," Haul Uul'hi liuiriedly. *Ou'y a ininuto. ir, mid UiJu I'll screw down the lid" What I" wanted to" say, g^nto huvun't m found tho party, after a.l?V "What 1" cried Guest. "Whore?" "Here, sir. 1 don't understand spernts but what I u,iy is : mayn't tlio gent be in there, after all, in alooshun int-lu-d uwny iu the aperrits, like a lump o' ittitiiu in a man's tea ?*' "J'Jn, In; inayn'l/' said tint sergaut. clo* tig the hd wi^li a bung. "Don't you lake no notice of him, gentlemen ; he's handlml ncicwb till lie's a rog'Iar screw himaelf," "But what I say is------" "Hold \uur,row, and not mako a fool of y# n-welf, inute. Get your work done, and then go homo mid try experiment* with a i iiit o' pui-uftin and a rut. 'Toe man ntloied a grow], and uttucksd iiui biith hd kiignly, serwing it dowu uh ibti light was held for him, and thbnj going 'wi.h ihn others, into the. slttlng-rooin, u intr* hd wkhi restored lie old door to lis i i'hit statu, lb?re being no sign, when ho !..- fimahfd, of iu biiviltg b*n touched, I'l.i-ii, ufiofa glnoce rcund, with ^Bratti- *raing to watch, them t'*ity, the outerdoor waa oioki, and tha llttlo party returned to Btratton'* olmoi- bere, whrtre certain oniim worn passed from nand to hand, ovidoiilly to tho groat lathe faction of the two men, for Join begau to chuckle ond (diajfi bis head. "Well," Maid thn Murgoaiit J "what now?" "I was thinking, pardner', about'baths'*11 "Yutf, yos," mild (JuHt hurriedly ; "but that will do." , , % "Yes, nir, I'm going i but there your gouta as guns mid brcakx tho lco in tho hiur- poutino, and thotn its go^s to be oookod hi a hovon, and tdiainponod ; and yo pull your strings and lt'lH it in showers, and your hot Water* and "old WmIoih ; hut this gallt seiimu to Imvti liked his stronger than any- onu I over linowod afore, I say, purdnor, that'll hav ng your lotion, and no sham." "I'onh !" said tlio nergnaut. "Look here," said fluent quickly, and bo slipped another tiovfiimgn into tho norgoant*M hand, "thin hu alt bo en a foolish mmtakn, I was too hasty." "Only did your duly/sir," replied the man. "It wan quite right, and I'm glad, for all concerned, that it was a mint-iko," "Vou understand,, then ; wo don't want It to be talked about m tlio inn, or anywhere, in fact," "Pon't be afraid about that, sir," miid tlio nifin quietly. "I don't wondor nt you. It did look nmqijciouii, but that's all right, sir. (Jond-niglit, gmtlcmon both." "lint your man V "(Jloiioiiaa nut, nir ; arsn'tyou, Jem " "Rather," naid that pernciiago, with a growl. "Night, sir." Ho stepped out, and tlio sorgoant fol lowed. As Guest was cloning the door upon him, ho whispered : "Quito upset your friend, air. WliY, h turned gliantly; couldn't havo looked worse if we'd found tho-------" "Exactly, Bad health," smd Guest hur riedly. "Goodnight." And ho cloned both doors ; and then, with a peculiar eeiiiiiulon of shrinking, turned to faco Stratton where he stood by ths fireplace. CHAPTER XXXIX. ^ HUKKT'tf MKIOKSTION. Bbratton did not move, but stood as if lout in thought, while involuntarily GuoBt'n oyoa wore directed toward tlio door on his left. A Uoy had always boon visible, in old times, by tho handle a key about which Outsit had bnntorod his friend and cut J'okcs in which tho spirit-stand and Mrs. Irado'a name wcro brought into contaot. But there was no key there now, and ho recalled how Stratton had endoavorsd to keep him away from that door. A triflo then, bub looking singularly suggestive now. A dozen littlo facta began to grow and spread into horrora, all pointing 'to tho cimno pf Strattnu'ii fiuddou chatica, and Btrengtbonitig Gu-'Hi'ii ideas that|thoro must havo been a quarrel on tho morning ap pointed for tbu wedding, ponaibly connoctod with tnonoy matters, and thou in a fit of rago and excitement- disappointment, per haps, at not willingly receiving tho help he had anticipated a blow had boon otruclc, ono that unintentionally had proved fatal. All Guest's ideas sot m this direction, and onco startott everything fitted in exactly, so that at last ho felt perfectly convinced that his friend had killed Brot- tifion and in ooma way dispoaod of the body. For a moment ho wau disposed to cast tho ideas out as utterly absurd and im probable, but the idoas would flow back again ; and, try how ho would to find Botno bettor solution of the puxzlo, there soemod to bo only that ono way. Stratton stood there by tho fireplace, pale, haggard, and wrapped in thought, appar ently utterly unconscious of his friond's presence, till Gueut took a atop or two for ward and rested bid hand upon tho table. Hero ho romained for a few minutos, try ing to think out his couroo. For ho felt now full of a guilty knowledge, and in that knowledge, if he did not make it known, a sharer in a murdor For io tho law and tho world would judgo it. And then there- was Kdio 1 A shiver of dread and mieory ran through him as her bright littlo face crossed his mind, and ho saw that by keeping silenco till the discovery ho would bn so implicated that ho would sharo his friend's arrest ; and, even if mattors did not turn out serious with him as far as tho law wis concerned, his position with tho admiral's family would bo tha samo as Stratton'a everything would bo at an ond his lova affair liKe thkt of tho mborablo man before him ; the man who now turned to him with a scarod, horrified, hunted look in liis eyes, startled by Guest's advance. It was time to speak, Giunt thought, but the words would not come at first, and b could only gaxo wildly at tho wretched being boforo him, and think of their old schooldays together, then of their first fresh manhood, and always togotber, sharinj purses, pleasures, troubles, full confidanos always till this troublo had come. For the moment ho hatod and loathed the man before him: but tho feoltncr was momentary. Stratton would not willfully have thrust himself into Biich a position. He felt that thorc must bo aomothiug more than ho know, and, softening down, he said liunltily: *'Wcll? Stratton, what have you to say!" Thcro was no answer. Stratton gaiod at him with a far off, fixed ataro, full of help' leas misery, which drew his friend far nearer to bis heart, and ho apoke mora freely now. "Come," he said ; "speak out. In apiio of everything, 1 am your old friend. I want to help you. Will you trust mo!" "Trust you? Yes," said Stratton slowly, "Tell mo, then, evorything, beginning from the morning when you were to be married." Stratton slowly ihook his head. "Come, man ; thin is no time for reti cence Toll me all," oried Gtiost excitedly; and ho spoke in a hoarse whisper, and glanced to door and window, aa if afraid of bein overheard. Thore was tne samo desponding rnovo* mont. "Am I not worthy of your confidence? I tell you I om ready to share it ready to help you if you will only bo honoat with me, and toll mo frankly everything." There was no reply, ' Stratton, old follow," cried Guost pile- ously, you must ene&k. I do nob behove that you could have been intentionally guilty." Stratton glanced at him quickly, but the eager look diod out. "I tell you that you are injuring *' well as yourself. You havo blighted your lifs; for God'e sake iW* blight wine, ton." "What what do you moan?" cried Stmt ton, who ataftod au if^stung at Ilia friond'H reference bo bis future, and when the appeal came, took a step or two for ward. , "That, knowing what I Jo. com pulled from our old uaaociatiotis to be silent, I cannot dare not go bear her again." "Guest 1" , "I have said it How c*n I take her In- accent hand?" . - ^, AMMtHANO. i t'rorti 'n tin h hi y "Unit! Clone up, ther-!" Tho order runic nut Hhnrply, echotni; from rook t<i rock, nnd n-emlnjr to die uwny In Imllnw inui'iiiurn up the pn- clpltoiiti uiwl blenk i hh i. of tu<> hllln. Tim little band of ftnlliui .'inidh-ry clmtod Up rapidly u>< thulr tfrlnKk'd old oaotnlti Hpolce, und fiu'"d lilm silently with tln-h* curhliieji groiind'-d .iml tin* link oi' du 1 and upatliotb- dt:t dpi ne on Hi r t icon that In chartu'trrlMlr oi tin ir i l*-" "My mon," nald ih-- ue.itnoi u nt "i nnd gniy-lifiidf'd b-ndi'i, i s.udliiK t'i' m fslmrply from und*i' hbi nluihf.y >'f - brown, "tin* wolf Im driven to bin bin lah*. All, oi nearly nl!. of li it I <-",j|r have hocn Uilb-i] ofl* duiine tlio \\ t i-l'.--. that wo have been Lolhiwlni: Ibfin <H' r tllefie dn-tii'y hlll't. Hi robber, tin* Andreatio oi' the bib <-' j'- not lust out binder now. la bom- 1., come, |f we lire but wn-teliful, \ p u.t 1 up hi' 1i;im In en driven, oft- n n -n . fnllliH; Into our haiidn, \<-t m" o i n c cuplng-. Now, behind blm rl e. th nheor, Mtnilj;ht line of ihe hlll'i, <w eith er iilde are two K'>od coiiip.inic- ul om men ; we ntuml In the front. Th iTreat AndreiLmo, tct nir f>f r*lii- IiMim" the captain Imucliud i^t.y In IiIk tin..... ~"ls alnaUy ir w your wrdefM ; htt li to ue nbot (low ri like m. dog- by Oie nirnt man wli > hikh; him. You miderutand?" A l0W, deep 1 -A-n*.-- /Ollt 11 the men, and tiion 'j a limie Bpoke ; the ap^iik. , who Mb o 1 front rank, giving; t*-.e iclute i:i| " Hut, my captain, what of the 'The old ui.iU kaiAfd on h in Ii "Tke child! What ehUi?' Th* noldler ti little, ,1th-, t-wttr.hv man, with gleaming while tifl'i ; h n- in# under bin brown mou-t Hi.- luted airaln. "The child, my captain, he biuimv.* from MasHallno, below there In the vai ley. The child of the. woman who ha i lovod him. The captain, Interested In : [ilte * : hlmflclf, ltnltteil Ids browa and bu!- ;1m boldler procoud, "What of this child ? You nm> t poalc." Thus encounitfpd, the little rnfin with the (jleamin^ teeth 9'iluted one moi- *, nnd, with many a giittuie ol finKiM^. HhoulderM and oyebrowH, raj dly t'd i hlM Htory. " 'Twn.4 but a year a-'O, my captain The woman had loved him In the dayn when be was a lad tilling thft Hekhi down tlu-u-. She wuh alone. Her frlemhi were tle.i ! or had left her. There was no one ],ui tho prh'Ht vim rould helii her, nnd th prleHt wan too poor. What would youV" with an appealing jinnee nt IiIh fidlow and rilpid nhrtifr of Mm should' r . "^'he had been married thin woman who Irul loved the Andreano and had a eh K*. a glr! child ; but her mm lay in tin Handy Graveyard ov* r arm I mi t tho vll- lngo church, yonder, dead, a year be fore, of the fever, hi ah "h nt to An dreano." Ho paused for a moment, apat quick ly upon the prround nn'd wont on apMln. " She Hertt a mcHMa^e to him up here In the hllln, my captain, and he came to her. Tie" came down In the night and nuv her came, armed to the teeth, and daring all or any to touch him. And In the morning, when the sun van coming up over the hlllH, ho had jrono, ,md tho child with him, and the woman who had loved him lay uVnd, with a Hmile on her far.-. That Is all, my captain.' 'J he man saluted ng-nin ;inddrew bade "And the child, wh< r-- l-i It now?' nsl: d the captain, slowly, " Pin* child Is with him, ray eapt.iln." " What matters it?' murtM'od-the ca t In "Kill the child, to >. K II oft the whop- brnnd Come, we w iste t me. I'*i t \v i rd!" Y> t. fie- all Ui^tt, na the cajitaln man-hud at th.- heau of his men w irh 1.ii 11ti r 1 brn'..s he wie s'l m and very tho' yhtiVl, .md rnlrht a'uMHt have b-' n thought to h ive b< e i n iloubt. One oi* twice he slwnk hl'l ll.*:if| "!n\vlv a"d muttered --omethii a; lien a*h hW hr ,iih. lb-, too, had he d l'>e furiRf -*o v at an ia'1'e- I'm h d he.-u-i how this terlhle ads man r- (1 with a prior- mion h s h i I. Iri 1 j* > down Into the valh y men ready and willing t" m*n }i]n t rying his life In his h .nd, to sen a p pant woman who )r>d " , hud heard, ton, hn\v the robber h id < rled the child Into the hills i,n 1 h carofullv tended It there e\er sine U was late In the afternoon when f,u little company drew near the end of it-- (pief-t, and, with levelled carbines, i-i opt silently on amid the rocks that lay fjtrown about the place. Suddenly on man the little Holdier with the tfteanv iiifr; teeth, "Who had spoken befor. cried out sharply : "See, my captain, he comes with th * child !" Jt was true. Even an they looked fhev saw nn active,picturesque figure spr; jj- Ing from rock to rock toward t'lem. bearing on Its shoulders a laughing, crowing, dark haired child. One hvnl of the man held the baby, the o-h*- grasped a carbine, and the late arte - noon sun gleamed on the weapons in his belt. They saw, too, that the b by had, fastened lightly to one chubby fist, a fluttering white cloth. Seeing them. the man stood quite otlll watrh'nr them, only the white cloth fluttering n the wind. "A flag of truce l" grunted the cap tain, sharply calling a halt lro was too true a slldler not to regard such a sign. "What does he want, I wonder ? Lower' your arma there, men, thoro.ls plenty of time," he added grimly. The robber came on again rapidly, nnd finally hulted allttle distance above them, with the baby still perched upon his shoulder. Then he, too, lowered his carbine and ntood there, with head up- rained, looking at them defiantly. "You have me !" he cried at last, his voice ringing out clearly through tho still air. "You have tracked mo up hero you, a hundred ngalnst ono man. Yet, even now, you should pot have taken me calmly thus, oven though I stanjj.. alone you should not have taken me thus, 'but for the little orie." lie glanced up for it moment at tha baby on his tihoulder'and draw ono lit tle hand down to tilH1 lips, and thon faced the soldiery Wain* BpoakUig di rectly *or tho first) tlm to the old ofll- cer: / 1(You nre n brive man, captain," ho said, most app*'allngly, "and nneh men do not make war onMnfanta. What do you do with the little one my captnlnr". The captain) shrugghd his shoulders. "The child \f nothing, Andreano," fin cald sternly./ "She muy die with you," WttSrfe. boAnd the ban-lit, hd Eprdrig N . h.ii'i'i r.Ivc It to unucl was o!T nin unouiuer ami nomnu him, and lie knelt there with hH cur- bine levelled, (h-rooly fai Ing tln-nl. ' jU'imtH 1" he cried. "? eonio to you under the white ling, well knowing tint I muHt die, and asking nothing for m>- i-'idf. i crave only that you should spam to,* Innocent little one. Know LhW, ih> n, s nee you will not i will kill the el 1 d lather than Mhe^hall mil Ik in uUryouY iniird'-inun bows, jiti>l will d < sui b a (!' lltll US few ni' 11 ll'iVe illeil, v lib ;i dozen coward 'kjuIs to hear mine own to In 11. Now, wli t -.i v \ on V ' II" kn It then- quit'- < ,ibnl.v w'Ui li ( i il lll.ie h Vi led r.d with tin elil <hrust behind hlm lint the old < pt i.i hud i b pped l'oi*^ a rd and i.il d n m ban 1 '.- lop, Amli ea no !" Il" r i h ], ' Y u i V V\'i du ii"t iii.ilt- *\ it* no i :i 'i i m lnjntl.ig ihwn oi one m^n I. [, ,1 tie to v\y liUIn*.: i.imI 1 v. Ill no; ion it mure. Tile chilli t' h I fe." The man 'ot. niid lt|il down hi. - i- ' i.') Hid t oh li o I ,,e 1111 1 a; .1 M. "And tie- i* t' one -li ill ]*o w.th y u lov. n Into t h. ,]I ." i" i.' t '" li" !m <l s o\> 1,. ' I ha\e i iv- ri in*, woid Mil ill coal' to li.- lilt 'e one, nje." The robber UI.s i'il the b.lb>':' soft f<o- passionately -one md then moved qmi kly tov/aid the captain down the i oehs, . nd pa isi d t h i hil'i .iito lils arms, "l thank yon, mv ruptaln," he sld, cravely. "And now you aie to sho d Lie V" "Such are our orders, Andreano." The other sTiruj-r^ed |*|u 'dioulrb rs. "So be it," he sril : ioftly "only comt th> face of the little one Uiat she m.iv not S"e." The captain pawned the child Into th1"* hands of tin* little soldier of the swar thy face,and they Look it pulcltly out of his sight. Then came an order rapidly given and another; a volley ram; out starting the echoes on those lonely hills for a moment; there was a half sobbing cry, and Andn-ano's course was run. So It came about that wh-n th- sol diers marched down Into the valley again one of them bore upon a l'ght pole the head of the notorious b'Hid-t for nil the wide eyed pent-'nntry to gapo at, and, strangest sight of all, upon the front of the captain's saddle, with th1 captaln'3 arm about her,sat a laughing^ crowing, dark-haired baby. Kti'efly. Too Murh K>u!u ttHUr Montreal, Que., Aug. 11. Magloire Gauthier. a young French-Canadian, was found In a dying condition to-day, having swallowed a .whole bottle of pn.ln-k.Ulcr. He Is not expocted to re cover. W*-M*4l My nMth Oneida, N.Y., Aug. 11. Supervisor A. W. Hustisfl of Crown Point and. Miss Helen VI. Randall of Onolda, were -4tUl^-rrTr^h6-W<wf-Yoidc-Central tracks last night.' The young people W-orc innn to be married, and were- return ing from this place to the house of M it's , Randall's father. I.lvrri n Mouth Willi a i'.rolLftt V-vli. Palermo, Ont., Aug 11. Chas. Porter, a well-to-do farmer near Appleby, Township of Nelson, Is dead. Mr. Por ter was crushed under a lqal of wheat ou July ]fl, sustaining fractures of the lifth cervical vertebrae, causing par- alyids and loss of sensation and mo tion from hlH neck clown. lie died Saturday. ._ , ('irtren Virtlniw or (In* Collapsed ItiiHrihiK Now York, Aug. 11. Three more bo dies of workmen who perished In the collapse of the building at South FlfCli- avenue and Third-street last Thurs day have been recoveied from the ruins. They were all In such a muti lated and decomposed state as to he ttnrfcognizable. Two men are still mh-MiiR. These will make 15 victims in all. lEi.oour.iu in oyi:n num. I,:ni'rH Lurully Km*aiii* Drouitlnc When Their Uunl *ii>tlsr-u. Norwich, Conn., Ang. 11. Mrs. J. C. Vormllye of No. H3E) West Twenty-* third-.treet, Kow York, w:ia nailing In a small boat"_thls morning with Miss Hylngton. A "pust of wind capsized tho boat. Tho ladles wore bloomers, which buoyed them, and they were able to ewlox Forp their Own Fetters. Paiue's Celery Compound Banishes Disease and Releases all Captive Sufferers. Mon und women fori'G thoir own fottcra and HhaoklttH. Tboy permit theHQHelveo io bo oomplotoly bound and enchained by tho common ilia of bfo, aud tho result U miB- ory and intenuo suflonnn. The law* of hlth, when dinrrgiirdod, bnnc Bovero peuultion; und it ih well t know tkat nnleHd effootiyo mcanB aru ueod to rmovoUioko penaltieu,chronic ailmentu tcnult, mid Ufa m iu duni/ar. "'Modiottl experi^nco proven that tho oooi| men ills of life, Qtioh aa dyspepsia, indicts tiou, lioadaohoti, neuralgia, rhenmatifim, inuomniu.t'kldiifcy Hiid liver troublua, uud blood duieaaeH, oun, iu a v-hort time, bo it- feotuaUy-bauinho 1 by that wandrons mudl- oltio, Pamo's Celery fiomponnd. Woftk, norvouy and unftw'mtt ,meu aud wdmoii ara soon u adu 8tron(j and vigorous whou Paino's Oilry Oomponud is use.'. .Iho lire blood iu purlnfid liml couroh throuflh tho body in a healthj etat*. For paU, tmllow, Uorvous and overworked women, i*aino'* CeUry Compound in a God-vend. It in juat tha'no-ididno that makes poop bfjahby nnd atrong duiing tb* lie-it of sum- tnr. P'me' OeVry Compound has oured *honMJdii and will rwrely mtt. your cam., Don't Forget thut when you buy Scott's Emul- sion you aro not p;cttinp; a secret' mixture' containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion tahltoitt sec ret for an analysts reveals: all there is in it. Consequently the endorse ment of tho medical world means something. Scott's Emulsion overcomes Wasting, promotcsTftif - making of Solid J?/es/it and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, SoroThroat, Bronchitis, Woak Lungs( Consumption, Scrofula, Anaomla, Emaciation, nnd Wasting Diseases of Children; Scott St Downs, Ucllovillo. All DrugQltU. tJOc. b %t BUSINESS CHfiflCE. \ Partner with Capital and BuiJ wanted in tho moat cantrul inhuranow ol in 1-otroit, No ntUtr bnniiieHn affordu b? Hint:, permuiM-nt and lur^o an income on ibe amount invented. If thiu intoruntHyou come to Douoit ut unco for confidential in- turviow. Apply 21 Wet Fort fit.. Detroit, Mich. LOANS. Money loaned on farmu ivi I^siiex on cany tcroiH. Apply poraonnlly 12'J Crmwold nt.. (oppoiuto Citv Hall) Detroit, Mich. CALL AT Bazaar, roil ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brab, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. PERSONS TO TRAVEL, WANTED. Sovofal'faaiiful gonfll pnd lttdien to travol for outabhshed houl Salary $780,00 and Expenses. Pmntinn pcrmanont if Huitod; alao in- croiiHo. Stiito rtjtcronoe and oiiqIqho nalf- uddroflHed Htamped onvolopo. THE NATIONAL, HUS.S17-318 Omaha Bldy., Ch'icago, III. POWDERS Curu SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia In so MiNuraa, olso Coat ad ToiiKiio. Diwi- n<""'., HhIoliiiiu*;*,, Hiiln In tho Shlo, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Had breath, to stay cured also rt-gulato tho bywclo. vaV WlOB to TAtcm. ^Pmoa SB Cents at Onuq Storbs<T Webster's Oidtiotiary , Iitvalttablo in OUloo, Sohoottau<l Jfoutai New from Cover io Cover **\ RucMHnttr of thft -i "ttuuIjrJfljM." Rtunditrdof tho XJ, S. flov't X'rbit- J(f0mi-o.tpor,5( BuprcnioCnitrtm of neinly nl! (( ficlmolhoelCH. \VlinnlyJ~liim- mmnlcd by Hlute Bu]wn'lnten(liint4 of flcliools, and ciLlierKihieatorHlil- mosb without mun- ____ ber. Tho Olio Qroat Standard Authority, HowrllCBHon.U. J. J-rower,- * .hintlco U. a. Hnpreiuo Court A CoHou;o l*W*Hltloiit wrltcat "For "t'Uflo xfllb ivlilcli tho f>yo finds tb-< "word sought, tor uecxtrtkcyol doflTol- "tlon, for *nJotlvo mHi<>lB inlndl- 'NiitliiK prntiuuclutloti, for toria yet "t'niijirnhouuUo Rtutcmontu nl fnotK, "niil f-1- pra*n<*l m* na working "r.4i* i. "v, 'WolJBttsr'BInternational' "t-Mv - ii..y othor fchiKlo volume." o. .0 r. jirrr?r??,ijir Co., Publishers, aor Foti'l Io 1' n p'lhlJcliern fnv f r*>j> tminplilet a#- Iiu iiticttnyciic.il> it-jirlntB nr aiiou*n edlUoni.,^ MIkuai^ to HirMuHiiirn |*lr on the Trav WrrrU **t thn Mlrntidff -UjkM Into au Ifltrr-z. New York, Aug. 11 The stc*nrr.*5i Travo of the North Gorman Uoy Wne sailed Saturday morning to.' &-M thampton and Bremen on si*)i duif tlmrt, not having been delayed by tfljj flro In tho cargo !n nor hold 1 st evm ing, which was promptly extlnfrniKbc-A-j WwfgM cr ttrltauay ' L-ondon, Ane. 30. The steamer a antia, stranded on Juraent, KoClri BOUthweatem point of the inland , XJtshant. off Kritanny, France. Th*3 \v< eel was bo fcSuiy damusfefl that 'fl sank. Nothing is known concermn her crew. Tho night was pitch, dar, when the accident ooourrod, and'Vi heavy sea was running.; A sn-.'Y'Ai boat went up to the steamer peso;

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