1 ;.V7S f THE; RS8E3C FREE PRE3fc>. .TO RUIN OUR FARMERS And Make Thorn Pay Their Own Undoing* For* INTERCOLONIAL COMPETITION- Tu <JuVi<ruiiiki( Hulikltll/** Kteuitilk> la lirlutr .ltf*lciil<wrnl 1'rodMr.W from Otbrt* <'olilrN I" turner til Ion With Urn Ta\"Ku*leud Ci- dUu farmer. Ottawa, AtiR. 12.-TIW thlrty-nlno Comiervatlvo momlMM'ti Irom Ontario who threii'u-ncd to "kick' on the Do minion (Jovernmont until an cxtiam-:,- Hlon wmi rromhiiKl them havo much to ho roHpomiible for. In 3K'.*U the C.\- crnmo.it reim^ontpd to Parliament that AuatraluHla furnhJhea a nromuhi. market for thu fiurpluii maiuitactui' a ot Canada, and j;ot an Act piujhpU t-u- abllnir thorn to pay ttffi.OOO yearly for u monthly Una of jiteamoiii from Bilt- lah Columbia to Australia, nominally to supply clump mtott t<> Auk nil In. oi Canadian mnnufacturorH. not a won being Maid about return cargoes, or farm products. . First, then, what 1h this scheme Wo quote from Urn ^"^VTmmJ, tho Colonial Confevence held nt oil. - wa Unit mimmor on Sir Miu-U.;^ Bowoll'n invltatlun. Tin* hphiw la to necure "a Cutnm arianci'ment m tSSen Great Britain and h-r rnlnnlon colonrpS'may be empowvn-d " to plaoo imch other'H products. In wlml*' ox in nart ma m0re favm'e.l UiiHtoma ba nkflun % accorded to tho HU- pro- duct" of foreign eountrl"; amlino - dor to Interchanpc produrth, a nrwi clasH mall and piuwenp-r nervlce with all the model n appliance.* for the stor a^o and carrying of perhihahle I oodn bo established on the Atlantic and I a- cHlc Oceans connecting Austniluala and Great lirltain acroan Canada and that immediate steps be taken to pro vide telegraphic communication be tween Canada and Australia. ------The estimated coat of one lnKleca- blo 1m about $10,000,000. Two or more will of cotirBe have to bo la d to p.o- vlde for interruption by acrldenta If England joins in tho arranKPment. nnnntla in to - pay nno-tmru oi -gSsm cost If Bho Vlll not Can ada IB to Pay one-half or about $10,000,000, for two cablPH, th lowt-Rl number that can bo managed with. Thelonrtb of tho cable will be over 7000 mile* with no intermediatc, polntH where it can Rut buBlne.a. Pho" ar already cables from Kn^land to aus- sup ported* largely by V W"*"*Xn0^ and'Sir John Pender probal>ly tin hlKhest authority on cable matters, c .* tlmatea that, above all earn nKa, ne. ly a million dollars a year will he_i -a ili od to he contributed by the fiu rn , menta (Canada included) towar^* k h-P- ' Se the Canadian cable In condition As to the steamship lines, the c-ui.i- dlan Government Is now paying fl->." 000 a v.-ar for a monthly steamer to Au'iml a and last year got an act pa"se0 aillho.lzl.iB ^em to jay J7^* 000 a ywir for a fast Atlantic sen, ice to England. At the Colonial Conference the sub- lect of a liist Atlantic and Pacific sc-r- ilce as lon.lden-d, and Mr. ITuddart Htated that a yearly subsidy of J1.C00 - 000 would be r-Miuimd to maintain a weekly line on the Atlantic and a fort- nlBhtly on- -n the Paelllc. and the Canadian Covernment, through bir Mackeii/.!.- isowr-ll. Sir Adolphe Caron uno Mr. Fost-r, their representatives at the confiTen<-<\ expn-Hsod their ap proval of Canada cnntrlbutlnff JS^,- 000 a year na th.-lr proportion. ir tne cable communication and the atearn- Bhlp communication." Mr. Footer sale! "shall be carried nut within the next three or four yeais, I venture to aay that no RlnRle action that has taken plrrcc wdl do more for tho nritisb Em pire as regard4 the unity and the co- honion of those distant p.irta than this very aame line of action \v* hiivo re commended. W'Q cannot huht* n too fTSt." Now, \,hat Is there in this scheme for the farmers of Canada or Canada itseliv'.? This Involvea an examination of the reaources of Australia, for the return car^oea to Canada and Great Britain will he composed of the sur- plua products of AuHtr.illn. Sir Mac iconzle Howell, on his return from Aus tralia,reports as follows: "V oxen mut ton ranka next to wool and gold among the exports of Australia. This industry which was only bc^un by New Zea land In 18S2, has now reached enorm ous proportions, and is shared in by nearly all the colonies. The exprots for 1801, the last year for which com- blete flKiimR are available, were as follows : Cwt. New South Wales ........... 10G.S10 Victoria ........................ 110 Queensland .................... 10G.3B7 South Australia .............. W0 New Zen Ki nd .................. 998,277 1,212,-114 "The jjiipu il surplus of pheep In the above 'ol.nij,^ ri'teheti 4 .*i)0,0<)f, and Jjie exportation <if \i-wn mutton has to s-nmi' exu-nt Ml\t-d the problem of dis posal. Tlie numtei of sheep In the co lonics in the M-iii Ju-U referred lu \v:ih: \i ; New Houth Wal. ; Victoria Queensland South Auatralla We-Jti rn 1 N m.^jo.-uo V2.UHS.14R 7.74fi,5(1 9 801 186 ' ">-'<i...w ................... ^u,j^:j,t),i south Auatralla ............ 7,74f),M Ve-Jti rn A us trail i ..... ' i")f\"> { rasmnr.in ..............;;;;;; i^n^SO <e\v Zealand ................. Ki.128,18 124.M7.M8 Speaking at t!.e Ottawa Conference loftt June, Hon. Mr. Prater, one of the Australian deiegites, 8.1H: "Cheap frelffht is the pn-at eonsmeration for our frozen mutton, nnd even now they are malcinp Immense stride** in that re- Bpect, and in Victoria we are just com mencing to erect large frozen ware houses, nnd I predict that In a very pliort time Indeed the trade will be immense. We have in four colonies 100,000,000- sheen, and we could easily Increase them if we, naw a profitahle outlet for the surplus produce,. We can multiply our frozen mutton pro duce immensely if we can see our way to dispose of It. In some cancn we really havo had to boil down large numbers of sheep becaune we had no market. In one property I am con nected with in Now South Wales you would be surprised to learn that we have had to boll down for tallow about 4,r>,000 ewes simply because we had no markot end no place to fteexe them -to advantage. Now Jill that would be auloltly * handed, and you can easily beo that It in Only a drop In the ocean eornpored with what wo can do. Mil lions nd millions of sboep have been hnilod down In Queensland and N'W tviuth Wales for thoir tallow. The l" ilintr down esta.bllHhtnentH have risen like maelc alt over New South .Wales and Queensland ,but Itjtwill not, oon- tlrtue ions when we ^e arrange ments for cheap frebjbfi and we *j*t, nips bull*, parrying ^,0* carerae* of mutton." Then Mr. Waiter ffors on to Bbito thai the lowest rate of fn \nht to \u- about three farthln/rs a pound. lion, MY. Kutton of New Knuth W.ilen tlu n said: "Our i:real at:tple liuhiMiy in AusLi'alla In Wool, and it fa n tu< in nuiatlon ni' I)r;ii"'iif; al out ,. ' >:^-t relatimishlp lietui'ei, ,1s1 : 1 ' - > iend eneles (Canada and AuMralla) 10 os- tiLbllMh what will ultimately he a'lnr^'c trade In that commodity. Von (that in, Canada) have only about 2,r'iHUH! idieep. In the Australian colonli a wo have- now abnni iy,(10O.n00 sheep, ami you can eaally h&o that we have an enormous amount of wool at our di.^- I" 'sn I for" export. * * * I have no doubt u lar^n trade can ho built up 111 this di.ectlon. * * * * .and we may iiak whether we murht not establlnh a trade In butter for your winter months." Mr. Lee Smith of Now Zealand then stated that New Zealand could supply Canada with woollen ffoodii, tweeds and sheepskins, frozen mutton; and Mr. Howell said: "A nllj;ht study has convinced me that Australian mutton can be carried as far east as Chicago nt a profit, and pay tho American duty." The same thine; can bo done In Canada. lion. Mr. Fitzgerald, Vic toria, then added: "Last year tho value of the exports (from Victoria) amounted tonearly ono million pounds sterliiuT bi butter, and tho trade la growing largely." Hon. Mr. Fraser of Australia said: "Wo can send you tinned meats," and spealtlne; at the public banquet at Ottawa, j;iven to tho Australian delegates, Hon. Mr. Thymic of Queensland stated that they bad an annual surplus of over 000,000 cattle, and when this scheme was carried out they would bo able to deliver boef lit Canada at one-Ilfth the present price In Canada, mutton at two cents il pound, and other agricultural products at proportionately reduced prices." Now, we ask any fair-minded person whether Canada should use the public money of her peoplo to pay for running vessels from Auatralla to Canada ai.i ICnpland to carry Australian products to compete with our own farm pro ducts and thus ruin Canadian farm- In^? Uy bad management the Gov ernment caused England to prohibit tlie Importation of Canadian cattle In to EnRland, nnd now they aro using- Canadian money larprcly collected from thu farmers to enable tho Australians to undersell Canadian farmers in- mtik- Umd, and even In Canada, in beef, Wut- ton, wool, tallow, hlden, pork, apples, canned meats, cheese, butter, etc. When this scheme is completed, we ask, In Hcrloun earnestness, wktat Is to become of tho Canadian farmer? In 1887 Australasia contained 1.437,fl0i horses; in 1S!>1 the number had in creased to 3.77I.fiCO. In tho name pe riod the number of horned cattle in creased from 8,S8ri,796 to U.fMO.fiiM, and the number of sheep from 07,2;i;i,-17H to 124,187,189; that Is, In the five years In question the number of sheep alone Increased by over twenty-six million^, being ten times more than all the sheep In Canada. Let It be rernein- beied that not a sixth of the. AuMtra- Ifislan agricultural lands are yet tak en up and It at once becomes appar ent that the Australian farmer threat ens to become the moat dangerous ri- \:.l in the woild to the Canadian farm er. In l>f>2 Australasia" raised -11,000.000 1-mh.iI.H ol wheat, 16,000,000 bushels of o.its and 7.;i70,li00 bushels of corn. Re- "< tly. with the development of dalry- loe;, An. tralasla has begun raising' pIlts, and in a very brief period the number has risen to nearly a million, nnd already she Is exporting pork. The Australian vear book for 1X01 i-hous that Australia and Tasmania alone, not including New Zealand, ex ported In 1892 farm products of the following value, namely: Valup, stcr. Ihitter 11 nd cheese ............. C 17ri.HU) Me.iH ...................... 711,1100 riour and biseuitu ............ i.irw.om W heat ....................... l.lfiO.r.sr. I'ntiitue-i .................... lni,!Kl Wuttl ......................... iM.O'!2. I.'O 'J'alluw ...................... S7i.K.[."> Leather ..................... riHH.olu Hides ........................ i.r**y..vi.i Timber ....................... :UO,i;71 Llw hluel; ................... 2.'2VJ.7!H Mnldng ................... ,"(,'Jllli.-'lsO or a total of o\ er $101,000,000. Add in these llgures the value of tho expo-t from New Zealand and other Au>tiv.* las Ian colonies, and on.* may form a slight Idea ol* the formidable ilvil in the Paeitic which our Government proposes to develop at the expense of the Canadian farmer. In 1S*)3, Victoria (in Australia) ex ported butter to the value of iv.i rlv JH,000,000, and speaking of the d..liy prosjiurts of New Zealand, Mr. S. Tf i\ < i^ reported in the great lOnglish trade Journal, tlu* Ijondon Commerce, of a recent Issue, as saying: "New Zea land has tho best pastures and elimriLo of any country in the, world, and I a n confident will ultimately cxei-l all ' .e other colonies.........The Vi'iuui Government established a s> st+-11 of Ixmntli'S which wiought their to'uiiv to the front. They gave money or ad vanced It on easy terms for the er e- tion of factories and the putting up nt' machinery. The sto.te always tonic tho milk from the farms to tin- nei in cites free........ These aids developed the industry at a tremendously rapid nite," etc. A liberal bounty Is el-o given on cheepo exported and Mr. hn e added: "It probably costs less to send 11 iargo of butter from New Zen la nd to London than it Would from I/indun to Manchester. Now Zealand but pt comes 1^,000 milea for h'sn than one p' nny a pound." Frozen mutton, tallow, tinned meats nd butter from Australia are now be- Ung delivered by tho Canadian Onv- i-rnment subsidized line of steamers In ItritUdi Columba, and are finding- their " ay east to Ontario. For oxample.the foljowlnpf advertisement of a Sudbury t-rm of merchants tppenred In the I<--mi^ of The Sudbury Times of May 2, ISM : "From Auttntlla, ex S^. Warrimoo to Vancouver, thence by the C.I'.K. trans- ' ontlnu-ntal line to Sudbury direct: We herald the arrival of invoices of " eamery butter from tlie celebrated Rosebud Creamery of Newcastle, New S ruth Wales, also tinned meats, the ; mducts of the country. This Is a 'ample trip, and all thing* commer- ' ';i llv satisfactory, we look forward : havfFuV closer trade relations wllh sister colonv. It will faoilltute ' I'tters g.catly to know that wo shall ' v- swift tranaportntion over the <l. On the way hither: Ten eaji.-^ ';^t nillun butter, four cases tbin <] 'i tralian meat, one ease AustiT.li.^n "v, one en ho Australian wool.'" '"beM.. are the firnt fruits of the n w "oUey of the Canadian Government for '^'doping trade with the Australian "lonies, with two steamers, vdth a " monthly service at a cost to the Cana dian people for bounties of $U!fi,000 a ynr. What 1b it Hue);' to be llv- or ten years hence, with lines'of steamers on the Atlantic and Pacific sustalm d bv yearly grants of Jl.aOO.OOO to pro vide cheap carriage fur beef, mutUm, pork, tallow lard. WoI. cheese, butter nppIoR, brea<lHtuffH and other Wrieul- tural products from Australia nnd New Zealand to Canada and Great Britain? The total exports of Canadian fni-n products to Australasia even with all the proposed expenditure amount to leas than forty dollars a year. London, Auk, 11. The body of Fred erick Jungehi, tno late head of the In ternational Hoclallstic movement, wan cirmated at Woking yesterday. il lv lkli>>ilclnni*-rfovliirll ' l**llvo Iterlln. Gnt., ug.A 11. Deleclh^ deer 1 1 Toronto arrived In Iterlln Thurs day evt ning to proiieeule the In pilry Into the llnudau murder mysteiy. With Ueteellve Kllppert he net out t i-oay lor" the scene of the tragedy, and it is expected will spend several \u >'<u In that locality on the esse. The to .*;- oner has retained a (luelph lawyci.Mr. ,1. Arowat, for his defence. Mr. Mmvnt worked up the defence in the Itelu- hnrdt stabbing case at New Ilarnlmrp; noini' years ago. The County Crown Altorney receiv ed the following eommunic.itIon Tiiiirii- ilny ; friiclph, Out., Aug. hth, 1 V.Ti, Dear Sir, Would you kindly alhuv Ur. M Inch In to see the prlsmim for the imrpnse nf examining' the <n r.i L- elii'M on his face. This reque ,r Is on behalf <jf tie* jiilsoai-r, as his c'un- Md. Yours truly, j: a. mowat, Crown Attorney llowlhy gave an or der to the Jailer to admit six physi cians to examine the prisoner, At 10 o'clock this morning t'uw following; physicians examined the pitsoiier, \\v.., Dr XX D. Rowlby, Dr. Laekner, Dr. Webb, Dr. Clemen and Dr. C. IT. Rowlby, on behalf of the Crown, and Dr. Mlnchln on the prisoner's behalf. Mr. A. Jeanneret ot Klmlrn, a brother of the victim, arrived In TVrlln Thurs day morning and proceeded to Mr. ITagey's to hear from the family's lips the story of the crime, Ilc'went over the ground, visiting the spot where hla brother's remains were found. Mr. Jeanneret and his deceased bro ther came to Canada from Switzerland some 17 yearn ago. The murdered man was 1C years his elder, and would havo been 50 years old In December. Speaking of hia brother he said In* was of a kind disposition and tho last man In the world to seek a quar rel. There are five sisters and a brother In the Old Country, both parent;! be - tug dead.and there were hue the two brothers In America. xtorriA j:<;<-i:i> tiii: .u imia< i: HcrloviB ttlofu In Klin on hi OmIiiu; to nil Olijfrflounhle IVi-fornmim1. Vienna, Aug. 10. Serious riots have occurred during- the p^ust few days at ICsseg, the chief town of Slavonla, tho Slav Inhabitants of the town wish ing to stop the performances of a company of Hungarian actors. Last evening a mob attacked the .ludienco as the latter were leaving the theatre and pelted them with rotten e^p;s and fruit. The authorities then called on the mllltla for assistance in restoring; order, the police being unequal tu the task. The troops were promptly sent to the scimi4-^>~-thTrTfolTng and orders were given for the mob to disperse. No attention was paid to the orders, and the military then charged the riot ers with fixed bayonets. Several of the mob weiv wounded. Some of the ringleaders were arrested. u,iti;i;\u.ivs < iiia\Ki siketh r.i>.tv Tlia Bejoliiilor to Ihr Iteiiirillnl Orrlir "111 He tliirUKitr<l Sir .John Hrhuli? UoCimiN. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 0. Sir John Schultz, Governor of Manitoba, re turned to Winnipeg to-day from tho Pacific coast. I[e say:-, that while ho met Premier Row( II at-the coast he did not discuss the school question nor had their meeting any political bear ings. Sir John also stated (Emphati cally that he had not received any in timation that his successor as Govern or had been appointed. Premier G.eenway returned to the city to-day and summoned a meeting of his Cabinet for to-morrow. At this meeting the Dominion Government's rejoinder to the Remedial Order will be discussed, but a reply l^ not ex pected for a week or so. r.MiiTBk Mini 1 ebe: u3iei:i> man The Woman** lSra(li<'i*H ,lsmlwtcd In tIt** Rn- ino\al f EBrr 4;<>o:U and (liuttH*. Novar, Ont., Aug. 10. Mrs. Harry Rogers of Chaffey eloped on Saturday last with the hired man, Steve Non l;i. The woman's brothi-ra assisted In re moving the sewing machine and tlu; dishes she had packed up to the station. A wa rrant for Norrls resulted In his arrest, and he will not be at liberty for six months.' llru Tnliuuuc'H I'utntt' New York, Aug. 10.-^-The Uev. Do- wut Talmage tiled for probate to-day the will of his late wife. It gives the estate of tlie testatrix absolutely to her husband, who Is made sole execu tor of the will without bond. A sched ule annexed estimates the value ot the estate to he $30,000 In real property and $i:iG.G()0 in periionalty. Hnjor-^eiierul lErrbert Ilonornl. London, Aug. 10. The Gazette an nounces that Major-General Ivor J.C Herbert of the Grenadier Guards, lately In command of tlie Canadian militia, has been created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St George, A TIHcil Voraev London, Aug. 10, Lady Gunning:, stop-mother of Sir George \V. Gun - nlns, Baronet, and a relative of Enrl Spencer, who was recently arrested here on charges of forgery,was to-day brought up on remand In the Bow- street Police Court, and committed for trial. HollMPt* AtipUj \lalloii 4li)im^rr. Chlcago.Aupf. 10. Workmen have un covered, in a room on the second floor of the Holmes' Castle, a gas pipe run ning Into the windowless room,where it Is believed that Mrs, Julia Conner and perhaps others were murdered. In another room Is a cut-off whire the gas could, be turned off and on at tho pleasure of the occupant. This cut off was carefully concealed beneath a board In the floor. Cardinr-New York H<ritm<lilii ' ln London, Aug. 10. It Is reported that a company has been formed with Sir \V. T. Lewlo as chairman, to establish n regular line of nteumerH to run di rect between Cardiff and New Yorlc. ThG lino will carry both passengers and freight. Sir W. T. Lewin lo the chief coal mine owner of New South Wales. Ur. Yemrn Af<jnit * Stratford, Aup. 10. The volhro Mg- ostrato this afternoon dmmiKt.ed the tt&su against Dr. Yemen, charged with performing a criminal operation on Miss Dunn of Mount Foreat. ',' AUCTIONEER i 'Should* A, John*. CURED BY TAKING Sar^a- AYERS pari I la "I was afflicted for clftht years with .Salt parllliL, nnd before I Imd liiilshcd tho fourth itottlo, my hands were au Free from Eruptions na ever they wuro. My Imsine.HM, which \n that of il i-ah-drlver, reriulici mu to lie out In cold and wet weather, often without fdovcii, but the trouble litis never returned." TIIOMAB A. JoiINU, Btratford, Ont. Ayer'sifeSarsaparilla Admlttnd at thn World't* Vair, J.yer'ti X*illa (Jlcansc tho Xioivclx, "^caitt auct DM* UJUiU5U UUHDW. IT'COME fROM F. S ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A la-t'go stock, all now goods fina1 latest Novolfcies, I take no'back seat on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, cought at bottom prices, nnd can beat thorn ail foi* prion and quality. Call and aoo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN ~~~ ' - ON - Farm Harness,' Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness of:every description. A largo stock nnd it must go. Gall and hco me bofcro buying elsowhero Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line - F. S. Adams* wo iloor" cunt of Bato'itCurrlnee WorhH, Kbdox. Goorgc I- ^Jorxcp, NUHSEHYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poaoh, Poitr, Plum, Apple and Quinou Troofl, Roues, EvorgreonBt Borry Bunnon, Kuopberry, Bluckborry and Curront Bushoa. All tirut-claHB - - - Save atfontu' Big Profits ! and writo for pricoa. Wo will cheer fully anBwor you by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees, A1"id ovory reon*ct, SI2 PER 100 - $12, Money to Loan On ftood productive Fflrm Property at fij, & 0 por oont. straight. No Valuation Fees, 11...... > \3? Oouvoyanomg Done up in Neat B^^do Fire and Life nsuranco- .. A. E. LOVELACE, "-tiSBSX* our mrOtAam: WbUncy Sleek, spvUira H Woo tfmy BNUY HKl>Uh K, t!:;rwi/u,It.h. Kur,K.>u; it Auutlouoor. SjUh AiidruHB HOUtlJ .K to WI0IIT6 Hi* M. IIKDHlOK, Balon- oouUuuf <l l '" I t X; l jnfniirj.rH niiiy MuTUonib'i. lie. I'iihciou, i'nstor. Home* eVoi 7 Huinlay ufc U u. m, ioul 7. p, ni. Hnbba4h Bohocl tiLSl:i>< ! *'" lil' Naylor, Huiiorlutond' intol -hfiol. K(iw<nt)i LeaKuopraynaooUjug fuuoda^ . UDilmiutH o'oloolt, Ounu/al piaTAr mdiitmu"" 'rhurflduyovoiilns. Citvnau 01/ KNfiriANn ltinr. A.lj.havorly, li- oiinihout, Kt. 1'uuIh, Khbox. DViuoBorvltJb oVLi-y bunduy ut 7 o'oloolt, p m Han Bohool 11b II) tt, 111. i'rhilty Cuurob, North HI v-I>lvlnu mirvlmm ovory Humlay at si p, in.; B1 day Holmol at l,4(,p. k. Tint jmhlio aro dlally iiivitiwl. J "uCKNBKn'AUbl'IONKKU tar tho County of Piinit Al lkin.1.1 or fiirin ntoU naloit, dt., Vo;&#.inptly -nil 011 .hort notlo*.. I^ run.u.Piil.U.. Pnronu ilflH rulil > to nw "J'" ,Ly loHoliyculUnijut tho Ii'iikk 1'iin'm f> jPl-lylmito j.GOKMM'JY, i> o * l05 ' Kll""X|0"tl j^/iCliOmCKY, Muldiitono, tlilrtv- I^ltANK Xm^,,](iiorlocii ilh nn auotloufiorln 1 iiuviin yoaril^iij HitioHBoiitluctodpifOUiiitJy, thoCountv nf KiiHttxnftwv-tiiH. I'lUftinn donirhirf to and 011 r)itnniinl)lo tt^iLoj (lavo thianH(ilvi' a fix till) .llltO for H Hillfl 3!^K I'UBHB OlIlOO. \VO .1..! ... I... .... Itl..u .. 1 II,,. -" ^^ I'jtifiinivrjiJiitAM. W. M.FlouiIuKi 1'aator* BP- vlouxoii Hitblmth utll a.m. aud 7 .UO p, iu.8at* oath Huhool atU:IU) p. i. Prayor kmetlns and Hantor'ii lilblo clitnu on TaoHday at7.U0 p. m Hoclal Union owWodiniiiduV lit ft,15p. juvtiht CiiuucJH. Jlo^vM. V, Oampholl, Pa- cor. Hurvloeiuiiioh Huhbatli at 11 11. m. and 7 p. ni. Pruyor mmulun tm WudiiOHday iivoaUjp ut H oVJook. comod, Huntiilroii. AU ar*i tiurdially w- Itoiua Cjltiiqlic. Vr. U, I". MoMouamtn puiitov. iUnr^iuo ovury otlior Huuduy utflJiO m. Sunday dobool at lip. m. One Hundred NEWLY jtMw g*lfc " The Niagara Falls Rouie." OOINO KAflT rakiiiK tllwt Mayjlfltb, 1H05. Dotrmt. . Wiadflor ... J'olton..... Maidiitonuo Khhux..... WoodHloti ... Huiicoiiih ... Corabor HiilRotowu . Hoduoy...... Ht. Thoium Loudon ...... 4t. ThotniiB... Uoilnoy....... Itidgotown..... d'ombur. . Huocoiub....... Wooilttlfo..... Kcsox.......... Muidfituno Or Poltou .. Wlnduor....... Detroit......... Mull u.in. 7ir . 7.10 H.fj.J H.11 H.'Jl 8 ^ H.:i7 a.-15 jo,17 ll.Iill i:P. a m. is 20 11 TiO a, m. J 10 1U.1U 7.i!(i 10.113 HA7 10.UU ooiNn waT. p.m. ia.30 3.ii0 107 nuo 5.11 5QU (i.l-l 11.60 1.05 IL.HI. 11.35 id.:) 1 11.4.1 0. IS 7.10 1U.10 12.43 Amherlliurn; l^oeal Xrnluw. WUHT I'-AHT |> til. (L.tl). II.III. 0,11) 11.60 (U5 12.03 12.10 12 SO 18.M) 6 yO IS 50 o.:ia ICfiBOX Kdfiarn h E & U It Xing MoGtroRor Amhorfitbiirg C.60 10 1.02 4.50 4.31 All traina nro run on coiitral otaudard tiaio, which Id alxty mluutoii Blowor than ISobox timo. For information and mton to colon- lntn Biovinij Wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pos- honcor Aizout, Bt. Thomiio. O. W. IIubiiIoii, Gon- orn.rPuoaoiiKer ana Ticket Asont, ChiesRO, 111 orA.O Btimoru. Auont.EflHOX, ***" L-E. & p. R. Ry. TIUK TABLK- NO. 18r taking 'ofitoot Sntnrday Juno 20,1KI5. Trninn irun by Eaotorn Stund- nrd Timo. Dailv oxcopt Sunday M3 ^S ' M A M,X M 0^1(1 12 00 0.17 it.yo tKfiS'l'J 10 10.(Mi 10.13 10.18 10 25 NU2 10.-12 10,61! 10.5U 11.10 11.2-1 11.31 n.ao 11,14 U,5*2 11.60 12 01 12. ia IS 18 12/22 IC.fl 12.40 l'J.df r m ii:20 0.27 o ____ (1.40 12.C3 0 47 1.10 6 M 1.23 li.CO 1.40; 7.07 2.001 7.14 2.18' 7.24 2.501 7,31 3 00)7.43 fl. 7B2 4.10! H.O J.tiO 4,50 5.80 G.dfi 5,55 COS 0.16 G.25 0.45 fl.Sfi 7.10 P. M. Stationq. M W ,A M PopWalUory'lo Ari9 W Walliorvillo Jupc. 0 0-1 ........Polton.........,8 57 ......t OldcaBtlt)......B T)3 .....+ Paqnotto...... 8 47 ..... McGroRor ...... 0 42 ...t Now Caiman... 8 M ... t Htti-abUclrt ... 8 29 ...... Ui.rrow ...... t) 22 ........+ Amor.........8 11 ......Kinpdvlllo......8 01 ..... Uuthvon ...... 7 51 ... Loauilncton ... 7 10 ......Whoatley......7 24 fl.17.....t Itonwiok......7 IJj B,22......CoatBWorth ... 7 10 B.H2......tGlonwoul H.40.........Morlin 6,47......+ Buxton. 8,58...... Bandieon ...... 0 0O ...iOodarBpriUKB... (1.07 Blonholm Junot'n 0,13......Blonholm 020.........+ \VilUl6.........- nn 0.31 ay lLldKtovn Dop 0 00 P. M A'U A M (1.00 5.10 5.8S 5.17 6.(8 c.ou 4.40 OD 426 4.00 1UB 11.10 2,40 1.M 1.38 . . 1.15 7 00 12 30 0 69 0 46 0 40 0 31 8 24 020 13.Q1 IQ.U 12.05 11.28 11.20 11.15 (i 10 10.15 10.00 & M V M 7.40 7.81 7.27 7.23 7.17 7.12 7.00 0.50 B.E2 0.41 0.31 0.21 5.10 fi.61 6.45 5.40 5.30 5.22 5.16 5.10 6.01 4.54 4.50 4.40 4.80 V.M.Il*. M t Una Btatlony. XmiDB Btor *f ^J!} troUifl wo at al tlmoB oabjoot to b oomooucki (UbVATioK ;Aumy. T. II. .Woljood. Gaptata. Halvittluii iiuiutlncii on \Vudtionday, Thurwluy and Hunday ovouIiiijh; t-'i-tio and 1'luny, Haliurd*y ovonluH and 3 p.m. Uundiiy; llollnnim moetinfta for olnrii'tiauH Kridny ovonniBiindll a, m. Bu- ilayj Kuou Drill 7 a,Lnj,:JVory Biniday. All.ato wuloomo. WANTED To buy Furniture at priooH that aro lriuht down to LuroVmri. and propnrad to fuirmnh every thine; JpJ "hupo ot Furnituro khat a nood liouuftmolr nooda, AIho a line lint! of Baby OWrfagoH at pncoH that aro ri(jht cloHo. ICftidly call and innpoot tho t;oodn, it will pay j ou to do no hoforo luy- infj olHowhoro. It tioatn yon nothing to (jot prison. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A. upcciulty. Everything dono up iu f^ood Hhupo. AH rtoooHHitry carriage!! furnished, BuhinoHQ promptly utteuded to at allhourn. Will comparu pricoa with any uudortakor of uuy town. Unvo two flno hoarHen iu good condition, and will not ho uudtTBold in tho liuQR I reprouont. J. A. Hicks, S X Aucom p.in. 1 LD 5.05 5.11) 5.aa MIO r. r.o 0.(11 7 10 TM sin a in. 5.16 g as 7.33 8 01) oati 0.38 0.15 001 10.01 10.12 IC.OO 10.65 a.m. a.m. p.in 7.15 0.50 5.30 7.00 0.10 SKIS 0.30 IU0 LEGAL. rETEKB JiarrlHtor, Bolioltoi-. Notaff Y j-^^hllo Monoy to toau. OiUoo <n f\ * pjHyiii111' kuko3c contr*}'_____________ lUrrtHtu*, Bollo|U)r, MotwrJ loan, OmaoB,l>ai 71 A. WIHMflfil JlJii Public Ao. gtan Block, up-ntalrH. KhuoX. pLAltKK, lUUTLRT A BAll'I'IjlST, UmST VJ torH.uto. OUloeu, MndluryBlouk, WlndBat Prlvato fiiailn to loan. ' '-5tu,Iu.1 A. II. CLAT1KIS, Ij. Ii. B. N. A. BA11TU31. A. It. Baiitlkt. B. A. HKNIIY -0 WALTERS, L.L.B., Attoioy and CoiiiiBolorat law; with AtUJiJsou&U*laU!t ConuroBfl nt want, Dotrolt, Allah. (Canadian olalmn ur.'ajnat nomoiiM in U United Btatoii oolloctod.) Itoforonooni Imporlal Bank. Kdhox, Out, n \J' V$Qrat 1'flfI" Bawliitdr, ota Khmx Oi. h.\. WlBmor, Ktiq., Biirriiitor, oto., liuaax, Oi, D JWEDIOAL. IIS. BIUBNA BUIBN. Jus. nriim. M. p., L It., O. V. 3.. aradnaUi of QuoonuUDlvoriifty, Klnniitoa, 'mumbor of Col- hiL'o of PhyBlolauii and BuniooaH.Outaylo. GtiLrU iiato of Now York. IoHt Graduato Ktadleal Ool- lojru. -r. W. Brian, M. D O. M\, V. T. M. 0. lloaov Kraduato of Trinltv Modloal Collcj'o, Uonoa Kwiduato of Trinity tJnivomity. Uomborof tho ( olloRoof PJiynloIaiiB and flumoonii, Ont. Gyad- lUtn of ^ow York. I'ogt Glrudimto U&Oilul Colloiio. *> Offlcoovar Kmiox Modloal Hall <lmg toror ConiuiUiition roomn, both on ((round floot- aud flrnt flat nbDvo Tolophono Iu both oflldd imd rouldonon. All oalln attondud to from oftlco druR litoro, or yonidoiioo. Xtonldouoo. Talbob iitruot, front of fuir Broun tin, ' D KB. DEWAit & MgKENZIE. T, A, Diiwah, M. D. 0. M., P. T. M. B. lto Trinity Uulvoraity, Mombor C'olloco.Phyi I0U11H aud BuruooiiB, Out. -ItuHfdonoo, Talbo *^t. Eaut. O. McKknku:, M. D. G, M.f Follow Trinltv Modloul C'oUoro. Graduato Trinity Uulvoraity KoHidonoo: Talbot Rtreet, wont of M. 0, It. Ollloohoura atoiia. m.,1 to a and R to 8 p. m llicu in Inijioriiil Bank block, Rrouud floor,. uost to Tboi-iHi'H druR Htoro. Tulopliono in connoctlou with oOlflo nnd roai- doneo. Ordcrg loft at Tliorpu'a drujr utoro will bo promprly nttondod to. DENTAL. HP. MAIITIN.D.D, B., L. D. S. Graduate in Doutiotry, Itoyul Colloga of Dental flurfioonn, Ontario, and Uiiivorflity of Toronto. OhurRou, moderate. OtOco, over BHon & Co fl JruR otoro. 18-ly VETERINARY. \\r H. KICHAIIDUON, Votorlnary Bur- Vy . neon, Oraduato of tho Ontario Votor lnary Colli'RO, Toronto, troatu all dlHcaaoe of dotnoHtlcatud unimaln. Toloithouo in conn00- tion. ImntiBtry a iijiochilty. Kdflifloiioorfonr" noorH boiith of firiat Mill. Oiflco hi noBtoMce- butldiDR; lullrniary directly oppoalto. BAKER. 'pnEoldont biiHlnoflo in town. 1 1H7(5. Fli'iit-olann broad and Establiehe - oakoH of al kindii. WoddiiiR oakOBa opociality. Grooonea provinionn,Hour, fond, nult and pork. Gonroo- tionory.orookorv.RlaRBwaro. Oatmodfrultriand voRotablotiof all klndn. Goods promptly *ie livorod to all porta of tbo town. J. M. XTIOKH. J01-tf SOCIETIES ". O. O. F.-ENTEIU^KISE Lodg6 No 81B ' mootBovory Thureday, ovouing afc 7.1JO tb Oddfollowa Half, in third utoroyDuuntan Block- , VlHltinRmomboiro of otlior lodKoiwlll roooiveo \] .rntornal woloomo. J. JOHN&TON. N, G. OENTBAIi KMOAMPMHNT, No. SO. moote Utt Oddfollowfl'Hall.Dunotan'B Block, on the flrot and third Tuesday inoaoh month. Visitora oor diully rooolvod. Moinburs ot aubordinato lodgoe in jihfc Jurimllotion, Invitod to Join. C. HAINAN. 0. P., G. F. HILL, G, B. I "^BBEX PIKE BRIGADE. MEETB BVEUY ..J Friday evening. David Waimor, ' .. Captain; Androw Parkoi", Llontonant; Pahno* DIIm, Socrotary; Frcdorlolc Hyatt, Troanuror.' COURT ROYAL, NO. 212, I. 0. P. Jloctn Bocond and fourth Tuosday's iu aea month in 1. 0. O. P. JTall at H o'clock v, m.- Vlrdting brothorn will bo Rivon a frat*rual wol- coruo, E MoCannland. O. K., W, 0. 8haw, Socy. M.j.'wicio.c.D. n. u.n.- lAND AND LOAN AGENTS C EORGE J. THOMAS, Convoyauoor, Com- t mlBBionor, in High Court of Jn&tW dealer - m Heal Entate and UottRtifioa. Money to loan il at the lowout rut** of in tore et. Fanul boacht .^ andsold. Inaumnoo takou in tuo mostreU&o)t>SO aompanioB. Drawing of doeda. mortgages anfl ff ioaooe a opooialty. Cbargon taodorate and oJtJ/^ biiuln6ii.promptly attended to. Call at tho Central Telephone oulce EefiexCcntre, 0ft-lf -- ' ~\. Tlie Kocky MowntulnH. ; - JVIodk tb^Huo ot the NortherV f'aciiio JUilroad fabouud iu l***e ^e.. Moose, aeeir.fce^olk/wouutain Iiobb, 6tc.t can yet be found there. The true *pt>tUtnw* h willing to goKliete for them. A Utile boob called "Natural' Gates Vt^Mrttnr published by.th Northern PaciftDBailwad. -wjll bf> Bent\ipon receipb o fohr oenU xb tampa by oW S. F* QeB'l PRS Atnt, St. IW, MLJnV ' ' " ' * - ',-'. ^ MAEIUAGK LiconBOflor Wfctldlng RIdkb 1 bo procurod at PJ. tu Park's, tlie old liable luwollor, Ebbcx, Out. W. D. BEAMAK, Ioimor of Unrrini;otX.ioonH<,a. Inouranoe aHpac^iii NiKbt olflco at Dwelling. fjilaw*-a M BAWIBTT. iaaiiBr of Martvtg lilocnwi;,^ -| ARCHITECTS^ TOHK A- MAYCOOK, ARCHITECT, eN Boom 10 *nd n.tFlexolng BuOdtot, Windsor, On i rhoD uo. * " , UNDERTAKING^ 14 ' ' :'i HPLUMMK .R, TJaOnrtalnr * ' Dealr. Coffin*, been*. M*. .is froitto*80. Hcax**xf***.<*\Ai 0149