IBS' ' ' ' -.". <r- ^';l I'lV j :. '.': v -.'."-.".'!.'^'.^ ' - . ' <a WILKINSON'S irot^ Ohoioo ITroah O rooarioH. m Prcvialoua, Toiih, OoITuoh *j and SpionH. A- Special linoa in Crockery. to Christian Endeavor Society^ Bt. I'aul'M Church; ' -^ TUESDAY EVG., AUG. 20, Everybody Come. " " - VOL JCI. No S3. ESSEX, ONT., PRIDA.Y. AUGUST 40, 1895> WHOLE No. 564 F I. t L .1" 'r ,' ty ( ItV' i ? Loading Store of Essex. OUR great LATTtJHtKR " Is stall in prorosn. For tlio romamdor of August wo will continue the sacrifice of all jenBonablegooda to make room for our Fall importations* which are now commencing to arrive. Wo only a' Ghost Of a show that to convince you COT'PAM.. IWhh Hlmw, daughter of Uev. W. II. Kliuw, in villi tin/* her pufontn. Mr.- II. iUoCrecry in now running bin Hiiwrnili, n ft or having it repaired. Minn R. Bontt, of Norwood, in vimtiug her Dialer, Mm. Jameu Tuckaberry. Air; P. Clark, fruit tree agent, who hau been nearly a year horn, ban loft to work up other plaeea. Ray." Mr. Whalcu from Kaultvrilo and Harrow, oxolmngod vmlpitH with ltov. A. Jj. Bovurlj laut Humiay. It hi reported that Robert Small, who loft hero a few. wocku ago for Cleveland, wiahou to return '* " work in fjcarco thoro. Mr. F. Awroy Icadn in it lar^o yield of oatn. IIo threuhed fourteen ucreu which yielded 1,000 bunhclfi, and had twenty-ieix aorofi more to throah. ^- toKKESFONPEN'CE Foroitfii Bicycle Tour. a avixixu conr.i>i'0!;i>KM'i' m-: tails jii kxh;u- tr.snE to rui:n ruunu ui'AM'iiii, We Lead the Procession in values, and .are giving the > Biggest Dollar's Worth In Essex, All we ask is that you compare valuefl 'before buying. "" AtTBumrrier Dress materials at clearing f?alc prices, Cotton </roponne dress goods at 10c a ., yard; all Laces and Bmbroid- j.erief? at clearing sale prices;. alf"3fjfio"G Curtains at clearing sale prices; all.Carpets at clear ing eale prices; all 10c Prints afc 7c a yard; pure iJnen Tab ling,. 60 inches wide, at 25c a yard; Standard Shirtings at 10c a yard; best Oiled Linen Window Shades, full si/-e, eomplote, at 45c each; all men -and boys' Readymade Cloth ing at clearing sale prices; all Millinery at half price; all 'Wall Papers at reduced prices, SHOES At old prices. We bought largely before tho recent heavy advance and can save you money on footwear. Odd lines clearing out cheap. Lar gest stock in Essex! Cottum ohoofio factory nlunped 11(10 choeno thin wool:, whicli woro jmrchuRcd by tho Hon. T. ltalhmtyno, Into Speaker of tho Ontario Lcgifdaturo. A letter hau been rocoivod from Jlov. T. It. Whito, of Starratt, I*arry Hound, Riving an iiitorcntin^' ultetch of bin lifo ninco he tan^ht no iccopfcfthl/ in U. S. S. No. 7, Godflcld North. Wo nro al way a ^lad to hear from "our IStv. Whito," ao. ho wao known when horo. We. noticed umoiiK tho Outturn iterasi in Tlio Kin^uvillo Reporter of Aufjaab il Komo unkind irad unjuHt-irllTTuTdnH to tho Oottaui choir, Allow mo toauy that in tho general opinion tho niu^orn in naid choir are wor thy of praiHo, and worth lintoning to -all of them worthv you:i(,' people, whilo noruo aro truly connflcrated men and womonwho l^ivo tho niolody of thoir voicon nu a thank offoring-to God. "Tho altar aoautiiiOH tho, Rift." Your correspondent hau often fIt faith revived and chriatiau love Htronpth- od whilo Hflteniiifl; to tho inUHic of Cottarn choir. Tho words ttrwhich I muko r:fur- onco woro : "Our choir will auarcely bo oxeui.ed, liven an a baud of now bo^innorn, ' All mercy now u\\n*l be roCiinod To siuch a "(it uf croakin;; Kinncra. %-'; fa'-1.',- ' - pv.', IS, . 'J.v J' , . !">" Just Arrived Per Hteamer Empress of Japan and C. P. Uy., our special im portation of the firtit picking of new sensons Japan Tea This is the genuine uncoloi-ed article, and we guarantee it to be the best value to be hud anywhere for 25c a lb. Groceries always fresh and at bottom prices. Fino Large Raisins at ^j[ *& 1>03 f 2S pounds. One Price to All. Goods marked in plain Figures. Goods SeUvered Pi ompfiy. ~X.:i. Wd"- Aador^oa & Co., '.;'. es6b5c SOUTH WOODSLIiK. Mr. C. W. Unrfcrhil] npent Kunciay in Rul^utfjwn. MifjH Einina Cutter, of Detroit, i:i finend- in^ the holidays with her mother. Mrn. 13. Cotter. Mr. Win. JiO^rf and Mr. >I:u*. Murphy letl for Cornell hu>t Saturday. Mrc. I). A. Youn^ io viaitiu^ her brother, ltov. J. E. Hunter, St. Thomas. Minn Ut.den Uorko, ot Jackson, Mich., who ban been vinitin^ her hrotliei, Dr. Itorka, luft for thut city on Monday. 'AfrH. 1-1. C Uoch is Hpendinj a fow dayn with friondfi in camp at tho Euu. Mru. R- Hillicr. wiftj of Vv, U. Hillier, .Leamington, who liusi been vinitm^ friundH in tldfi villu^u anil vicinity, rutunuid m h'or homo ItiKt Srttnrday. Mrn. John MulhiiH, of Chicago, who han bamj"vifiitiiiK horfutli(;r, ^Ir. .J. A. Ilogau, aod other fricnids Jit'r*;, for tins pant two months, iaft iur her liomo on Monday. Mr. K. B, Cahoe who has Hponl. tho punt, year in Dululh, Minu., in homo on a yiHit to hiH p'treot-*, Mr. and lira. A. W. (Jolioo- Ills oJd fritmda aro pleaHed to see liiin. Mr. J. J. Dawliirrtt, having Hocurcfl cou- tract to (Jo coiiHtruetion work for tho SI. C. It. Co., noHi* Cornell, Out., moved hut plan^ to that place on Monday. SANDWICH. BuRono Lubaalinu has had diphtheria in his family. "J*>-^. Mr. and Mrs. G>, W, Mil-ion have return ed from tiieir uaHtern trip. Couur.y Treasurer Morand wont to To- eurriHeh luat Monday to attend tlio iunoral of his mother. ( Alfred Lticluinte, teacher at 13olio Rivori wan viHitin^ bia many friondti hiKt Satur day and Sunday. Those balloon uncenaiouri at tho Mineral Springs wove not HUoccHnful and have hcon discontinued. Ktitfuuo and George Dnpnia, formerly with I'-jfjue^not A Co.. havo bought out Mih. H^udcrnou'ri stock of dry ^oolIh and KrouerieH. Rev. Fr. S<-uiaude, of Aaanropti(.u churon hio j.-or^ on atrip to tho Sco* Rqvuh. A. Goto ana A. Montrcui.I -are ill Thut Post Ohiao appointment ib at hbt settlod. Jolin fc'pierH Iuib taken cliaitc. Ho has tho afiieo in tho rear of liid atorc. Two Dotrolt Iarnoliteh, Woavur and Bobhbl, woro In town laat vrtmls. Weaver who whh once a hakor Kn this town, ciiroja to pluao Honn acbonntii in Uio hantVof.tjio Diyiy^on Ooiwt Clerk.. .July, in, Near Wutorloo. Dear Mr. Kditor : 1 concluded my hint letter at St. Our? main when.' we not our firut plinipHO nf Ptirin. rVdm thorn, wo rodo tlirou/;li uub- nrbait towuii, i,ioihy and huny an a city, to the gate uf Parni. Tho fortilioatiomi ard no ditifUiHed at tliia point, thai ono nocju only an iron gate wide and hcapitably oprmtut. We rodo in without having our tirow oKiitniiK.Ll b\ the oflicorx to iiuo if thoy containod wino. That in tho latent modo of urmitffflintf wine into Pariti and noveral Inivo btitu doteuted. Atonco we imw tho Aroh of Triumph in"tho diutanco und no imtnonco in it, that wo were greatly ilo- coived regarding the diHtaneo to it. Ilarry'u rd oaj) and our jfutural hiiddlo-aoro and woary appaarauco na well an tho extreme height of our whetlo at once (jot tho at tention of tlio crowd. J'jVon PuriH htobped in the rnidHt of her mad riot and paid tho hottutgo of curiosity to thooo long, lank, American glohe-trottcrn.. \Vo paiiaod the Arch of Triumph, glided among the my riad cab" in tho Champa Elyaoea, and reached tho gurdeiui of tho Tuiloriea, Here wo awervod atiido and paused tho Louvra, tho Pont Nouf, and rcuched our hoUl, St. Pitirre, where v/o wore gluil to .f-'est four bnok.wnllH about tm anil recover from the vertigo which Pa-ri/i had givun mi. I don't wirth to annoy you with tlio oft told talo of Hceii]}* Parin but there may ho interest in knowing tlio rapidity of an American biuyclint in "rtoiuff" Parin. On tho firhfc morning, there wan rain nnd we went to the Louvr whsro we wandured through endluHsi gullGrisfT of puinting, oculpturo, antirjnitietj, and eun'ofdtiuH. Wu Haw tho VonuR de Milo, but her great ago pre- vcutd the ecHtasie'fl of admiration duo ho fauiouH il beauty. Had ahe be*n yoUnge^ wvll I can't speak for Harry. Thouphni- x-jfl stared at uh with tho fiatno fixdd and fftoliil I*3iiturcfj.which tlicy hud prcaerv^d for age:!. Wu cuuhi afitoniah Paris but if the Eiphinxea woro moved they did not .show it. Anions tho paintings, wo found dilliculty in ffomj; into t.pafnriH juBt at tlio correct and <fon volitional time. Great tnaHtci'ri wearied ub while Icuhor li^hta won our tiympathicB. Uubenu, tMnrillo, and Ka[>har |, however, woro manteiH of our feelingn and we ^racinupjy gl-iiuted thorn unntinted praiHo, By riuou, we had tra.v- eruc'd nearly every gullery of tho Louvro and wo loft it, to tramp for a while anmhtl the wouduH of Puria. -Pirot. tho Bourne, or chtirobcrof conimeroo, where wo arrived at the buiiiusit, hour and watohod the writh- mj;, "tifiticulation, ahouting and apparently mad Frenchmen haying and KelliugstijokH.' It wau aliabjlou, liedlom, and purgutory looaod. Chicago and Now York chamborfi of commerce are morcnhcepfoldocompared with til in. Hero ii^aui, wu alao attracted attention, and v;o modt-jtly witlitlrew. Wo .strolled on toward the Opera Houbc, and made sovoral ineffectual attoniptH to dopoait mail in tiro alarm boxea. The Hyateni of mailing lottery in Pnria ih- a myntery yet, There aro houki phanei of Pariaian life peculiar, to nay tho leant. There aro [our plucaa in Paria where you can f^ot a drink of water und 100.000 wharo you ean get wine. Bananas ounnot ho bought iu Paris. You can drop a nicldo iu a blot and jet a cup of Jint chocolate. If you Hit down be- noatlj the Kifel tower, an old lady comes around with a rocoipt for two sons' and ooIlectM it, too. Jlut our Might Hoeing. Af ter th.M Opera with ita rnngriifieonco and grandeur of architecturo, wo went to tho JJadekduo, tho edifico nurronudyd with monster Coriiithian aolums and with an interior which awos and overwhelms by ita solemnity and the aufjgeative HiiorodneaH of overy adorntnent. Picttiroa and den- criptions of these plaeen are ho uuineroun that I paua them with haste. After viait- iiif,' numerous amallar placua of interest, wo return to our hotel,tand on tho follow ing day rodo out to St. Cloud. Sevrcn und Versailles At tho latter plco, wo linger ed (ioin.e time in tho magnificent garden a, where every artifice had been tried to make a princo happy. Tho Gallery of taofc venturj on Parisian boulnvardtt or narrow titruutn on a biuyolu. Tho hack- men delight in iilioiitiug und aftomptlnt.' to confuiie a whuelmitn. Wo saw a cuyalry parade and the prtmident of JVranon in hut carriage followed by iiiunornuH other men nf note. Kyory pi^it whh occupied by you- deni of Uflohjiis tuyii iuid by i'aito hIiowh of infinite variflty. Hut tho uvenin^. Then Paris culflhratod and Wo wont afoot both in the swell quartern and tint slums. Bac- chnri ruled'[lupretn:-; every ono wan drnnk or vor^in^ iipou il. Gantia of atudnta from tho Latin quarter, with cjurhi paraded .the utraofc, Tim girh; throw one arm about thuir fellow'n neck, and made drunkou gyrations with tho other. Tracks andcahu rolled by withshriclang companies of ^irlii and men. 'The trees in parka were thickly hunjj vvith rod chinono lanternu, which throw a iio:idi*ili glow over thono riotous proceeding. Beneath tlio trees, danced soldier boyn with drunken girln. Old men panned i:a with thoir i;irlish captors v/hom tlioy o^lod and hinirkod at bideouiily, Oto girl, dreused in bloomers with pockets m fchnm, fiwa^'jjeted insolently down a main boulevard Hhonting and flinging, while hot* hands were phingmt in herj)aokotfl. Tons this was all a feverish dream, aphantasnia, and wearied at laat wo retired und on tho following morning ufler tiaoing tho tomb of Napoleon, wo left Parin to recovor from its debaiichory, and rodo out into tho quiet and peaceful ccuntry towarda Brussels. C. II. VanTyhk. TIIH WJMWTISRN FAIU. lxlill>lV)olI> Stork NORTH niUGM. Misfl Kate Hlmw, of Colchonter South was tlio fluent of relatives hero for a few duyu last week. Lloyd Balt/.or. of Colchester South wim was h'-re lust Saturday and Sunday, call, ins; on relatives), David McOroorj', wife and son,Glon,wor visiting here hint Saturday and Sunday. We woro bleiiacd with another glorious shower, or rather two nhowora lane Snnday, for which wu fuel ^ratoful to tho fiiyor of all good. Sidney .lohtifion returned from Belleville last ivoek, he )ias been there attending John'son it KobinRou'n Ontario Busincos Ccllege. Wo aro glad to luar that he ^rad uated with honorc. Jamefj Hopfjood, late a butcher of Wind-. mr, with hja wif'i.uLid youngest oon JJeJcoer, io at. present living with bin brother, Cirovo llopgood, of this place. A largo number of our residents went to Kiugfiyillci last Thursday to hoo ""the fun and hear tho bund play. Mrn. Jjoonard McCreery returned home from Eastern Ontario last Tuesday. Sho The annuiil advertianmm^t of the West- oi*n Pair han been received, i?nd appears iu -mother place in this issue, i^ The directors are determined u<0 give tho people of thin province miuli an u>rlyuncod and ouuoativo exhibition as Iiils n witnossud upon their grounds. It hi thoir aim to so change the Fa^k^j every posiiiblo particular thut it> aha devoid of any stale or worn out ropetitu of former years, but on the contrary t make it a live, progressive Hliow, replete with new and interfiling oxhilnto, and i![jecisl features that are ploiuuug and en- tcrtainin^ hecaude of their iiuiiieitho pro. portions mid rarity. Tho J'rizo Liot han boon carefully and thoroughly reviowctl, reviuad, and amendeii, and i;i now complete and cxhaufitivii). The wants of tho oxhibi- toru havu boon carefully Htudind, and eon- coHHionu inado wberover the Kxhibition could bo proportionately strengthened liborahty being displayed in the Pnxes of- fored with a view to the e.-cpunnioii of tho number of tho exhibits, ft is thoruforo ronnonablo to oxpoct the Hliow will be one of unusual lii^h order und merit. Tho accomodation., provided for holding this P'air aronecond to none plenty of well arranged stalls and pons, good water and plonty of hLi'uw for exhibitors of Live Stock, spacious buildings for other displays and exhibits, and the most beautiful grounds, with tlio best arran^omoutu far the. public comfort, cheap railway and exprehs rates, oloctrie cars to tho grounds, livo htock, niaehinery and go.)ils of ail l:indn dulivurnd by. tho G. T. H. enra injhe grounds, the very best livo stock market available, the choicest animals for Rale, and a large num ber of buyers iu attendance. Tho Bacretary states that Sneeiul Attrac tions have been carefully selected and con tracted for without regard to coat, procur ing the very btut ayadablu, the aim ol the management boiun to satkify the people, and though they may expend more for tho pleasure aud education of their patrons lluLti ^'frriiTrmi^y. icturnc-.i thin yeur they kno.v i: will resulr, boi i fjcially in tlio future. The Grout Wild Jil^st Show eoii.'d.'-Jn^ if iit) people, lirst ely,s.-', artistn in tli*ir respe-j. live linen -Arabians, Turin-., Syrian^, TJc douiHM, snd J.adit'H ol' the Tur.u-di Pulh';e. w:th their JforGcn^ CtwnulM and Doid'.eys, will'be the salient fruture of lhe Pair, and is thu lur^eHf mii mf;i.r. (xpennivr- up .'ci'il attraction f.vet" offeri'd a Canadian public. Tho programme i^ Km loin1, to duL.ii], but the leadiu;^ fe.-ds coiir*ist oi IIu;u<i.n Pyra cold 1 contracted rheumafciwm whnh sottlod in my right hip. It got so bad that I couldn't sit m a chair without doubling my, leg back rtt tho uido of the chair, und I couldn't ridu iu a buggy without lotting tho ufl'eoted log ban;! out. 1 uufiorod a Uroat doal more from tho troubU than any one who him not been nhnibivly nffootod can inisgino. Flow I whh cured is bvqm more intofonting. Qua day I aaw a neigh bor whom I kituw liul rhoumatism very bad, running down thojjroad. I oallod him and atikert what had cured bis rhoumatiBm, Dr. Williams' Pink PillH hn replied, and that determined mo to try tho name rem- 'v. Well, the result is Pink Pdla cured , and that is houiething obher lmidioi/ioB d to do. I don't know what iu in thorn I do kuow that Pink Pills in a wonder- "lrmta"diuine. And it is not only in my own *,lho." continued Mr. Nixon, "that I have rei-..t0 to ua grateful for what (,hfi medieine hVy done. My son, Prod, nboul twelve years of\g0, wan iulcun with an at': tack of co!d. Inilanr.^uation of tho IungH Hnt in mid an he was r<-cov7nsrti|^Uamthia( other complications followed which if? oped into St. Vitus dance, which got'no had that ho could not posmhly iitand still We cavo him Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with the result thab-ho is now thoroughly curej, and lookans though ho had never had a day's sickness in his lifo, and it those facts, which uro known io all tho neighbors will be of bonellb to anyone oise, you aro a lihorty to publish i.iiem." Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills nro a specific for all ui'ieuflou arising from an impoverish ed condition of tho blood or a ohattored state of the nervous foroon,Huch ao St. ViiuH dance. locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, par-" alysis, sciatica, tho after effoots of la cWppo, loin of appe'titeTTiHuIacho, dizzioess,chroic. oryMipu'TiiH, scrofula, etc. Tliey aro hIho a specific for tho troubles peculiar to tho (a- male system, correcting irregularities aup- prefnions and all forma of fomalo wouknooH, budding uuew tlio bbod' and roHtoring'tho -' glower health to pah* and sallow olioolcu. In Lhe can:) of men they olYnot a radical cure in all caHOH arising from mental worry , overwork, or c;:;cohh of miy nature. Jpr. Williams' Piuk PiIIh are soldoulyin boxoa bouring the tirrn's'tratio mark.and wrapper (prinsed in rd ink), aud may bo had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Wi liams' McdiciM.j Compauy, Brockville, On or S'di'juect'.:Iyn N. V.* at .r.O cents a or u\k boKO!', for $i!.,~i). was visiting relatives in Carloton Co., uear j ,niL-ri Wwon' CombatH, Mie-k.w. Gun und Ottawa. Da-ger K.\tioi.iL-:, Willism Trimldo,Hr,, and wife after ro- sidi;i<'. h. r vend months in Carleton Co., near Ottawa have again returiied to.Kaaox. I\Ii:iH Jolley of Grey Co. will be horo in a few days to take charge of the Bello Piver Road public nehool. Our heartfelt thauJ;s uroduo the Khsox band boys for playing "Sweet Bye and Bye" and "British Grcmdieie" through our villa^o Jant Thuraduy nigat when re. turning homo from tho I. O. O. P. demon- ritration at Kiu^sviilu. Several Herds ol' lSuffalous Battleu, and tho apartments of tho queou next and the Salle del' Oeil Bouuf, aeeno of famoua intriguca. At noon, poat haato back to Paris. A \iu\t to tho Trocadnro, Eifel Tower, Champa de Mars and iiu hour in tbo'Lu-vomhouri* avt-gallery. bn'n- dfty waa the Frencli national fete day, -C'dcbrated much like oiir lth of July, aud hecaiiHo it tiuppencd on Sunday wao eel-1 cbrat.ed with HO-ixiueh mere vigor. Early, we visited the Place do lu Bastilo, finding that, aud all tin? streets oxtravugantly dec orated'with tho tricolor, Then to tho Pero LacJuiino' oernetorv whore- so many "world famoua mon aro buried aivd from horo wo rodo our wheolH through an in trioato thropj! of cabc, hacka and trujckti to thn Aroh of Triumph. Uulosa one ia a much tit home hwhet-A nu Ha foot, ono flan- And thousaudn of el^y, doer, etc, tiro to be found in tho Yellowutoue Park. It is tho only plaao where tho buffalo can be found to-day, so iiiercilebHly havo thoy been slaughtered. They aro ^oiie from the plains and prairies,and thoremimut now loffcean thank the United Statoa Government for the privilege of liviug. Tho Vellowutono Park iu thoir home and there thoy aro sate. The Park ia patrolled by aoldiora both Hummer aud winter to capture poaoho ami offeudero und bo voce punishment is meted out to intruders. In summer tho buffalo ratigo iu tho highlands, near Yellowstone Lake, In winter thoy work over into Haj'den Valley aud aurroundiut! country, whore tho hot springu and waters koop tho auow molted away. Doer and cdk-rango over the entire YellowHtoue Park. Thus besides tho great murvolu of nature met with iu this wonder land, there are alsu tho flnost Hpcclmona of our largo gamo. Tame and docile, they four not man. Sliotohea of Woudorland, an illuatratod book published by tho Korthorn Pacific Railroad deacrihus this woudorland. It will entba b by Ciiah. S. Fjse,- tho Gou'l Af^ont, St. Paul, Jlinn., upon receipt of six cents iu stamps. . IJediKi.ii Tumbling s.nd Daueint.' and the Genuine Whirling. Howl ing Dervnhoi and "Turkish Harem." Aja\, Uie \>\ver, from a tower 7o feet in small tuck nf water ; Alviui, lired irom a Cannon attached io tin1 Ballon; Partello Comedy. Cnnioany ; Mar'-dla, tlio Hwingiin; Wire Artist; Hiloihoii, thu Strontj-.'-L Wan ii; tlio World ; Trained Amnm's, eco. ; the' most elaborate Dh*p!i,y ot P i< (.works eao b oveninu'. Tho.HC who denire I.Vih-j Dnitt or Pro- gramri'ii-s miv'in*_i full information or the at tractions, and couditiohM of on hi of privi leges hi ion hi add re is Llia .Socretary, .'\Ir< Tbos. A. Bi'owtio, who will bo plouscttl to oud them free to any address. Stark's Powdora, oaoh packago of which contains two'preparation a, ono in around wooden box. the uover of which forma a moasuro for one doao, an imincdiato rohof for poHtivonea-), Siolc Ifoadaoho nod Stom ach, also Noumlyia and all ltiuda of uerv- oiw paino, and another iiioa'pBulea, (from to of ono io an ordmarv doso)^ which aotu on tho bowels, liver -Unil etomaoh formhig n uovl'r failing porfodt ttoutmeu6 for all hfad and atomaoli oomptiMnta. T.hey do ru)t, an most pills ati.dno mai^ other mtdiv olueu do, lose'their cffoo(t, or" produc.o'afU^g conntti)(btioD,tl'oy ato nice to fcalto. 2Si a box at ujl medicine dealer. FATHER AND SON" CURED THR VlIihAGM OF- \VHITJ3- ch-h;!.ccjii i>3-:vi5r,OP.* a SPN'SATION. Tlio Km lti>r AlliK-h.-U 'wlilr. llliiiiu- tlum und tlie "on wlili fit. VIIun IUinci'--A .Wiory t\mt <*Hii.bi> Voucliod l'r liyAll itio Neliiliborji. From the VVintjham Ailvauco. Mr. Jt'M.mli Nixou in tlio proprietor o the only not. I in the villain > f Whito ahurcli, and i knowu to tho whelo country- dido as a man who thoro; <r i:y nnderfitandfl hia bUHinehr-, and " eompaniou as well. It is well knov/u in this part, of On- taiio that Mr. Nixon'-- hnii 1 wii.i di'^troyed by tlr.\ but with that rn--rgy which in char- aaten'Htie of him. he qit ickly net io work to ro-bu'ld. Him story, a*4 told a reporter of the Wingham Advance, who r:t.'^ntly had ocoiisioii t>\ vffti*; hit hoH-t'clry, will prove of intero*' T v i-. ho piny to d't1 out tho cellar,' hi ?v\'i 'ni ii m ; 1.1- (\t riipncHH and ' I WA-- ii x,v*iit\ am out this cKi*i-Vn." IjhLc hltcrary News. Not uinen "Th AnglQmaniuoi" ha "itJru been tio clover a Hociefcy Hatiro ari "iJ Henry FnlJer'n "I'ilqrim Sonn,"..which itt publiiibo.i in tho August Coamopohturt. The prcblemt iu vulval in woman'* noo of lhe bicycle are no startling and ho numorouB ' imuor ih.^rapid evolution of thin ait, tliafc one widcoiTiMM >\ careful dincuHuion of tlioi subject by do trained a mind and ao clovor/ a writer uh Mr*. Rngiuald do Koveu. Tho (Jotiinopalitiin dlu^tratcn i\I<h. rlo Kovun'B article with a nerieH of poaen by profeff- mouil ;r.'*ilclM. A now nport, more thrilling than any known to Nimrod, more daiiKGr- ouh than h'um uvur experifluood by ovon ii Buffalo 13111. ia exploited in the name ibuo . in au article on "Photographing Big Guma in the iioeky MountainH," before whooting The idea thu. ren centH fur Tho Canmapoll- tan mean.-j inferiority from a literary point of yie.v jn diapulled by tho apptaranco in thin number of hucIi writorH un Sir Lewis Morrio, Sir Edwin Arnold. Kdaar Jj'awcotfc, Tuhb, W. "Crark IvupboII, Laug, Sarccy, JSangwillv "AguM Koppllor, oto. JNcjC oaa wo entertain tho idea of iafon'orifcy in illuntratiou with f,uch names an Hamilton Gibbon, Dcnman, Van Sohaiok, Lix, Band- hum, etc., figuring an tho ohmf uitiatu of a fiiugle month'ii iaiuiu. GOSPIELD NORTH." Miaa Jolly has aeeurod tho poaitiou .of teacher in School SactionNo. 11. Mr. J. W. Hepburu, of St. 'Thomas', called an hi'n aiator, Alrn. 8, IVIillbn Mon day laat. ; ,Mina L Aah htiH laft for Port Arthur to visit her aunt. Tho Methodifit Sunday School of BolJo Rivor picnickod afc Paraditio grove* Aug, 8/ l^arraorn aro through harvont in this - vioinity and report tho graiu ^aruored In, the fineat cenditioa, Mi nil Noble, Iluthvoh ifl viHlting her nnclo, Mr, D. Ntfblp. *" Mra. (Dr.).Sillier! Ioawingtou, iA visit- "] in at Mr. C. Hillier'a, , ' ' 'A&. Vueailou Time Ioat hand and in gladly, welcomed by all,:, eapeoially ttoho'whose.dutiti in life bays oatuiccl thero to pfYontlv rua 'down'-their',:,,'*\'M Bvatom to meet tho requiremeritg, pnyq- ' ',:[:vt| ical aud meutol, foroorl upon thorn. WUIiv'.'i/.;^ 'thfldo and othore, it ,i, important, .wiiothlBr';^^ at home', at thoeoaalwre or in .tlio icotntry :i?$fa that soma 'thought baciven t6fii^,.jaol9;:,MJg^p[ further aaaUtance to hafcUDe, a. good fctLfliSjijpJ iu up medicJife iike ,3f>(^'a'. Sa^apaV^jt^l had toe't bdfcssorted '16T 3 fchp '^^;i|If| lb poor, Uvor;deranged' 'ftu3 ^^;*nt.'J.i^^'lS aebr seem to be tib &> dhanjpja^.tyi.aqjto^'jIoi.-/i tarn to their hittfmf ?${; tt%\ied etate ofWn-' >. Iii&^i^ . . .:. -,,.-.^fl 52