^f^'^PP^.'^^W a,l' ' if * WILKINSON'S IWi Choice tfrosli Groaeriuit, PtoyiBiomi, Toan, ColYooH aud bpicuii. Special linoa m Crockery, 0 -A Christian Endeavor Society Vj-| Bt. Paul'* Church, !v| TTO3DAY EVO., AUG. 20 ' ' ;?; J-Worybody Como, . i- VOL XI. No S3. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST ]0, 1896> ; WHOLE No, 564 ^^^^.^^^itt.CtawP^. i? j 1*3 n1 I; I 1: tt. Leading Store of Essex. OUR GREAT AHa33 Is Biill in progress. For tlio romaindov of August wo will -oontinuo the .sacrifice of all joiiHonable goods to make room for our Fall importation**, which are now commoiicing to arrive. We only a Ghost Of a show to convince you that We Lead the Procession in values, and arc giving the Biggest Dollar's Worth In Essex. All we ask is that you compare values bo fore buying. COTTAM. Mihh Kliaw, iltiuKhtr ot Kov. W. IT. Kliaw, in vuutuif; hor partuiU". Mr. II. iUoCreery in now rumiiun bin hhw mill, after having it ropaircd. I\rntfi K. Kcnit, nf Norwood, in vhutintf her hi'ttor, Mm. J amen Tuekabei'ry. Air, V. Clark, fruit trun u^imt, who Jian been nearly a your hero, huu left to work Up otllfJl* plllCPH. ltev. Mr. WIuilou from fiuekvillo and Harrow, exchanged pulpitti with llov. A. ij. Ue-vurlj hud* Buiulay. It i'i loportnl Hint Robert Bniall, who loft here a few wooku ii|io for Cleveland, wiuhcn to return tin work ih ncarco tlioro. Mr. ]'\ Awroy leud'i in a lur^e yiolfl of outn. Ho throuhed fourtoou uoren which yielded 1,000 buiihcln, and ban twonty-eix acrct moro to thronli. COKKESF0NP-ENCE roioitri lUcyela Tour. a fiviiciAr. c(}iir.r.rroN*ii;\r nnr.iiL't hih i:xn:u inNcic io uti:i: muni; ui:aiji:hii. All summer Dregs, materials , at clearing sale prices. Cotton . ^Oroponno dress goods at 10c a '/yardj nil Laces and .Embroid- ""wories at clearing sale prices; alf"Lac'o Curtains at clearing Hale prices; all Carpets at clear ing sale pricos; all 10c Prints at 7c a yard; pure Lauen Tab ling,. 00 inches wide, at 25c a yard; Standard Shirtings at 10c a yard; best Oiled Linen Window' Shades, full size, eomplete, at 45c each; all men and boys' Headymade* Cloth ing at clearing sale prices; all Millinery at half price; all Wall Tapei*3 at reduced prices. SHOES Cottam ohoono factory nhippod .'100 choeno thin week, which wore purehuncd hy tho lion. T. Bulluntyno, lato Hpoakor ot tho Ontario Lo^jifilaturo. A lcttor han becin rocoivod from llov. T. It. White, of Bturratt, Parry tiouuil, tfivintf an iuterentm^ idietch of bin lifo niuco ho taught fio acceptably in U. B. S. No. 7, Goidiold North. Wo arc ahvayii filad to hoar from "nur Mr. White," aft ho waa known when hero. Wo noticed umonj; tho Cottam itom.H in ThoKin^nviUi) Heporfor of Aunast i) some unkind and unjust ulluaiouB to tho Cottam choir, Allow mo to a ay that in tho general opinion tho eiii^orn in fiuid choir are wor thy of prawn, and wortli liHtonins to all of thorn worthv young people, while noino aro truly connucrated iyiok und women who fjivo fcho molody of thoir voicoh tni a thank olfurintf to God. "Tho ultiir ucuutifioH tlic Rift." Your corrcfipoudont han ofton folt faith revived ami chnatiau love Htruui;th- cd whilo lifltQiihi^ to tho wunicof Cottam choir. Tho words to whicli I muJio r;fer- onco were : "Our choir will ouarcedy bocxcu'.ed, ljven as i- htt*id of. now betfuuuera. All murcy now nuict ho roCn'-ctl To smch a ni-t of croultinf; Hinnorn. IJ>ron,':-^ JOHght At old pricoH. Wo largely before the recent heavy advance and can nave you money on footwear. Odd lines clearing out cheap. Lar gest .stock in Essex! Just Arrived Per steamer Empress uf Japan and C. P. iiy., our special im portation of the firtit picking of new Heason.s .Japan Tea Thin i the genuine uncDlored article, and we guarantee it to be the best value to be had anywhere (or 25c a lb. Groceries always fresh and at bottom prices. Pine Larpre Raisins at $ & bos: oi'^s pounds. One Price to AIL Goods marked in plain Figures. Goods delivered Promptly. ESSEX. QOT. HOUTH WOUDSLEE. Mr. O. W. Undcrhill spent Hmulay io ilul^utown, MiidH J'hnruiL Cylter, of Dutroil, ni upcuJ- iiifi the holiday a with her mother, Pilrn. E. Cotter. Mr. Win. JiOfjj;n unci Mr. Jan. Alurpliy UjII for Cornell la:.t HiiturJay. Mri. D. A. Youns ^ vinitiu^ her brother, liov. J. E. Ilunttr, .St. Thomas. Mihij Ilelt'ii Itorko, ot Jackaou, Alich,, who Iuih hoon viHitin^ her hiotlioi. Dr. Rjrlie, h tr, for that city on Monday. Mrn. H. C. ItoefH i'. HpenclinH a few dayn with friendit in camp ut tho Eau, Mid It Uillier. \Mfu ot Dr. U. llillior, Learnin^Loii, who has hotn vihitniii frionthi m thin villain and vicinitv. it-lurnod Lo hor liome liiHt Saturday._ Mrn. Joliu Mulhiirf, of Chicago, who hurt boen vimtmf,' hor fathur, Mr. TJ. A. Ilo^an, aud othpr friL-nd'! hi-rii, for ilie paMt two tuonih'i, loft for hor Uovao on Monday. All. K. B. Cohoc who Iuih Hj>ent tho pant year in Duluth, Minn., is homo on a yinit toliiHpuwiti, Mr. and Mrs. A W. Cohoo- Ilia old friunda aru pleaHcd to sea hjm. Mr. J. -I. Dcwliir-jt, litiyinj^ Hcourerl con tract lo do construction work for the M. C. It. Co , ntmr Cornell, Out., movod hi'i plan^ to that place on Monday. HANUWIGIi. Hutfono L'lbfiiUiHfj lias had diphtheria in in* family. Mr. und Mrs. O, W. Ma-iou have return. cd frotn tliL'ir uaHteru trip. Coqu^.y Troaauror Morand wont Lo Te- cumrioh Ihhc idonday co attond tho tunorul of Ins mother. ( AJlrod Luchanto, teacher ut Ilollo Rtvori wan viHitinfj his many frioudn hint Satur- ilay aud Bnnday, TIioho bullooti tiHCienaiouH at Lho Mineral hsprin^d were not BUCccHHful and liavo beon ducou tinned. l^ii^ouo iiud Gcoi'^o Dupnia, formorly with r'jt|uu^not it Co., luvo bou^lit out Mrn Ileudurbdii'ri stock of dry /oous und j^roccricH. Itev. Fr, Scuiande, of AuanrDptitu churcn hi uor.a on atrip to tho Bco" BuvrtH. A. Cotn and A. Montrcuil urc in charter That Vont Oiiioo uppniutmtnt ia at M^t aottlod. John fc'piom |mfl takou cliiu'Ci?. ?Jo hao tho aaico in tho roar of Ih'h Htorc. Two Dotroifi Iornoliten, Wouvur and Bechol, wero in town lan-t wuok. Wouvor who wbh onco a halir Ki.thio town, cumfl to pluco nomi nconunts ih Uin hand*) of t/)io Diyi^on Ooiwc Clerk, duly, IH. Near Waterloo. Dear Mr. I'hlitor; I r-oiKdudod my last lcttor ut Bt. Gor- niftin whtJic wo not our ilrnt fdinip<io of I'urin. Kiorn there, wo rodu through mih- urlian towun, noihy and huny an a city, to tho gale of I'urin. Tho fortifications aro no diii(Miiert at Oiin point, that ono hcdu only an iron ^utt: wide and hcupitably opouoil. Wo rodo in v;ithout having onr tiro otivrnitit tl l>y the ollicais to unc: if thoy containofl wnic. That m the latest modo ot nmua^Vwii vvuio into Pur in aud nuvorul liavo been dutfjtited. At unoo wc iiuw tho Aroh of Triumph m thu diHtanoo and ho immonno in it, that wo wuro greatly do- coivod rt'Kiirdiiifj tho distance to it. Uarry'u rid cap and our {nnurul tiaddlo-fioro aud woary appourauco an well an tho oxtrcmo height of our wlietla at onco [;ot tho at tention of tho crowd. Even PariH htobped in thu roidnt of hor und riot and paid the homage of curiosity to thonc Ion(,r, lank, American ^loha-trottorn. Wo paimod the Aroh of Triumph, glided umonfj tho my riad cabn in tho Chanipfi 1'jlyHoen, and reached tho ;;urdeiiM of tho Ttiilorioft. Here we Bwetvod aaido and paused tho Louvra, thn'Vonfc Nfuf, and rcuchal our hotel, Bt. I'iurre, wheru v/o wore f^lud to get four brmlrwallH'ahoufc im and rocovor from the vortigo which PariH had j^ivch us. I don't winh to annoy you with tlio oft told tali) of HceiiiK Parin hut there may bo intcreat in lUiowtntl tlio rapidity of an Amoricun bitiyolint in "rioiug"* Pana.^On tlio firht morning, thero wan ram and wo wont to tho Lonvr wluro wo wandered through endluHU ^allerieR of ptuntinp, sculpture, antifjnitiou, aud ennomtnm. V/c haw tho Voniin da Milo, hut her groat fiffo pre- veutid tho (jcHtaaioti of admiration duo ho fumoiiH ft beauty, nad nhe bctu youngor Will I can't iipeak foi Harry. Thonpliin- xji stared ut uh with tho iwma hx^n and otolid foatureu which thoy liud prenervjd for tt'-cs. Wo cuuld ahtouiih Turin but if thu Hphin.\eH woro moved tliey did not nhow it. Anionfj tho painting', wc found difficulty in goinf; into bpaaniHJiibt ut tho correct and cTunvuntioual tiiutj. Great uiaHturn weuriod uh wlule Kjudoi' li^htn won our [jyinputhiea. Kubona, Mnrillo, and Iiuphacl, however, wero mantein of our le(dinj,'a und we graciously giMuted thum unBtnited praiHo. By noon, wo ha \ trav ersed nearly ovory gallery of tho Louvre and wo loft it to trump for a wbdo ainidht the wonders ot Parirf. First, thu Bourne, or chuMbcr of commerce-, where wo arrived tit the buGic.'it hour and watohoil tho writh- ini!, ^OhticuhLtion, Bhoutiiifj and apparently mad Frenchmen buying and Hcllm^atuckf).1 Ip wilu a Babylon, Bedloin, and purgatory loorfod. Chioafo arid Now York chambois of coiiimorco are more nlucpfoldo compared with thiH. aiu, wo ulao attrautod attention and we rtiodiMtly uuhdrevv. Wo it rolled on toward tho Opera- Houho, and niudo hovorul ineffectual attemptH to depoait mail in hro alarm boxoa. Tho Hyetetn of inmlinji lertern in Purin iu a myatory yet. There aro uomn pliaHos of Pacinian lifo pecuhur, to hay thu lou.st. There aro four placid in PariH v/horo you cau Kot u drink of water and 100,000 wharo you can <4ut wine. Bananas cannot bo bought io Parin. You can drop a nicklo in a'blot and /,'ot a cup of hot chocolate. If you nit down be neath the Eifal tower, an old lady comob around with a rocoipt for two houh and oolltctH it, too. Hat onr fright flo&iuK. Af ter tha Opera with itu miiH'dfleoncn^ and Ljraodeur of uruhiteoturo, wo weilt to tlio Madeleine, tho edifice mirromidod with moiiHtt-r Coniithiun colunfa and with aa interior which awoa aud ovorwludmii by its solemnity and tho mi^geativo Hacrednoos of ovory adornment. Picturea and des criptions of thoao pJutioH are ho mii-oeroua tbatl pans thorn with haatc. After vmit- iiifj iiumorous umiillor placoH of interest, we return to our hotel. ,and on tho follow ing day rodo out to St. Cloud, BovreH and Vornfiilleu, At the lat'or pluoo, wo linger- od aoine time m tho Muguincimt ^ardcnti, where every urtifico had been tried to multo a prince happy. Tho Gullory of Battleu, and tho upartmonttr of tho qneou next and tho Salle del' Oeil lioeuf, Rceno of famous mtri^aos. At noon, iiont huato back to Pari.s. A yiait to tho Trocadoro, Eifel Tower, Champa do Mara aud an hour in tho Lmxembonr^ art-gallery, bun- day mm the Prenoh national foto duy, -Jcdobrated much like our 1th of duly, aud becuiiHo it liuppened on Sunday wart col-' ubratod with houjucIi moro vifjor. Early, wo vittited, the Place do hi Bantilo, findinj; that aud all tho tifcrouta oxtravujautIy deo- ouited with tho tricolor. Thou to tho Pero Luchaino oomotorv whoj'o bo many world famonn mon are buried ami from hero wo rodo our wheolfi' through un in triouto thropti <>* cnhe,liaehn and trnso'tH to, thq, Aroh of Triumph. XJulong ono ia aft mhoh at home nwket I uu fa foot, oiao eali- not ventiirj on Parinhm houlnviirrlu or narrow nlroi-t on n bioyolo. Thu buck- mon delitrht in idinutim; and attoniptint; to oonfuiiM a whoolman. Wo naw a cayttlry piirudo and the preuidont of Kranoo in hm oarria:;c followed by munornuri other mon nf nolo. -Kytii-y park wan occupied by von- dcri) of iiHoleii't ioyn and by falto ahowu of in/lnito vurinty. lint tlio uvenlnu. Then Pnri'H oolohralod arid \yo wont lifoot both iri (ho uwoll quartern mid tho nliimii. Dau- clinii ruled nuprern-,; every ono wan drmik or vnrtfinj{ upon it. Gauiiii of utudantH from tho Latin quurtor, with tiirln paradod tlio Htrjot. Tlio f^irhi throw ono arm about tho'r fnllow'n ne(dc and made drunkon ,^>ratiou'i with the other, Haukft undcuhn rolled by \vith tdiriekuif; comiianitm of ({irlu and mon. 'The true.1! in parkii wero thickly hnnj^ with rod eliinenu hinternti, which throw a fiondi'di fclovj ovor thono riotoun proceedni|jn. Bjuaath tlm troofl, daneod HolJifi* boy) with drunken fjirln. Old men panned i:j Willi their t;irhnli ciiptora v/l^om tlioy ot;led and himrkod at ludcoiu>]>. Olc t^irl, drofiited in bloomern with poekotn m fchonri, Hwa^;;ercd indolently down a main boulevard Hhoutintf and Bin^in^, whila hor handu wore pluu^od in horpackctn. To un th.'n wan all afoverhih dream, a phantuHtna, and wearied ac hint wo retired and ou tho following moruinj; uf-or tieoing tho tomb of Napoloou, wo left Parin to recovor from itfi debauch cry, and rodo out into tho quiet and peaceful ccuutry towurdH BniHooln. C. II. V\n Tvhi;. NORTH KIDGK. I\LiaH Kuto Hhaw, (;f Colclionter Houth wan tho (,'ueut o^ relativoH hero for a few diiyn hint week. Lloyd Buit/ur, of Colchentor Booth waH waa ht-ro lant Saturday and .Sunday, call- in:* on relatives David McCreer}', wife and Hun,Glon,woro vinitin^i bore hint Saturday and Sunday, We weroblemied with another gloriouu tihowor, or rather two nhowcrn laac'Bnnduy, for which wo feel ^rutoful to tho fiiyor of all tfood. Sidney dohnoon returned frim Belleville last .vouk, ho has been thero attending John my! & Bobinhou'H Onturio- BuHincnn Cclle^o. Wo are ^hid to In av that ho rad uafced with honoru. dfijueh Hoptoad, late a butelier of Wind- ior, with bin \\\(l aiid ynu'.i^'.'.st non JJelroer, ij at pn'hf ut living witli lnn brother, Grovo Ilopijood, of this place. A I urge number of our rewdenta went to Kin^'tiyillo last Thursday to hod tho fun and Jicur tlio band play. Mr*. Leonard McCroory returned homo from Eastern Ontario hf-.t Tuesday, Kho wuh viwitiu^ rolativeH in Carlotou Co., near Ottawa. Wilhfini Trimble, nr., and wifo tiftcr re- hidi.it! b i \ oral monttm in Carloton Cb., near Ottawa havo uj;aiu returned to Kusox. Aliiib Jolley of Grey Co. will t)e Ijore in a few dayn to take charge of the Bella Piver Iloaci public ficbool. Our heartfelt, thanks are due t'he Essex band boys for playing "Bwaet Bye und Bye" and "EritiMi Giouidieiu" through our villa^o lubt Thurydiiy nig!it when ro- turning liomo from tho I. O. O. F, domon- dtration at Kin^^yulo. Scvcrul UcrdH of" liu/TnloGN And tlioiuiatidn of el.tn, doer, otc, lire to bo found in tlio Yollowtitoue Park. It ia the only pluoo whero the bulhilo can bo found to-day, go nieroilOHsly havo they been Hlanghtornd. Thoy aro j^ono irom tho plains und prairies,und thoromnuut now loft can thank tho United Btutoa Govornmcnt for the privilege of living. Tho Yollowutono Park i'i thoir home and there thoy aro sate, Tho Park is patrolled by Boldioru both summer and winter to capture poaoho and oifoudero and severe punishment in footed out to intruders. In summer tho buffalo ratifjo iu tho hi^hlandp, near Yollowstone Lake. Iu wintor thoy work over into llayden Valley and surroundin;; country, whero tho hot springs and waters koop tho snow moltod. away. Otior and elk range ovor the entire Yellawutouo Park. Thua boaideB tho great murvolo of nature met with iu thia wonder land, theroare akso the liuost specimons of our Iurgo game. Tamo and dooilo, they four not man. Scotches of Woudorlaiul, uu lllufitratod book published by tho Northern Pacific Railroad describes thio woudorland. It will ontbo u by Char. S. Fe'i:, tho Gou'l Agont, Bt. Paul, Minn., upon rcooipt of bix centii iu Htiimps. Til 10 Wl^hTJftiltN IA1 It, f'uiuu1ii*M l':.)^i,(1 Bjiv^ .vtock l^lill.lV-i,,,,, The annual udvt rtinemoi^t of the Woid- crn Pair hiui been received, ij.!u| uppoarn in unothor pluou in this inuuo. J^ Tho directors aro deturmiued w,0 give tho people of thin province nuuli an iVdyancod and eduoativo oAhibition ai haf n witnessed upon their grounds, It in tboir aim to ho ohange tlio Pa ovtuy possible partiuular that it, alia dovcid of any iitnlo or worn out rupotiti of fortuor-year'), but on tho contrary t( muko it a live, pru^n'tsivo Ilhow, lepleto with new and iut'-rchtiiig dx In bits, arid Dpooial feuturcii that are plusin^ aud t n- tcrtuiuing liccuiitio of ihuir immeiiHo pro portions and rarity. Tho Tri^o List huh been carefully and tlmroughly reviewed, revised, and iiiuended, and n now complctu and exhauutivu. Tlu wants of the exlubi- toru have boon carefully utulffd, uorl con- crjHHiotiH niado wheruver thu Jixlul/ition could be proportionately Htron^tboncd liberality being displayed in the Prizes of fered with a view to tlm expansion of tho number of tho exhibits. It in thoroforo roiinonablo to expoot the Show will bo one of unusual liiyh order ar.d merit. Tho uocomodationii provided for holding this Pair arotecond to none plenty of well arranged stalls and pons, good water and plenty of utraw for exhibitors of Live Stouk, spuoioui buildings for other displays and oxhibitu, and the most beautiful grounds, With tho best amingniliontn for tlio public comfort, cheap railway and exprehB rales, electric cars to tho grounds, live stock, machinery and goods of all kinds did hartal by tlio G. T. It. euro m thu ^roundn. tha ve ry host live stock market available, tho choiceut animals for salt, and a large num ber of buyers in attendance. Tho Secretary staton fhut Special AttiMe- tiouu have been aurefully selected aud con tracted for without regard to coat, procur ing the very b"Ut ayadablu, thu tinu ol Uin niii.iugemout being to atisfy the ptjople, and though tlioy may u.vpund moro tor the plouaure and education of their patrons |,l)?in tntii; y*mv I hey Uih* \ I: will result bwi t liciall;, in Che future. The Grott Wd'I JJ.-ijt fihmv eon -ii-.ing lI ,10 people, first olaqn artisth m th*ir ie'>pc-;. tive linen -Arabian.-, Turks, Syrjaiin, (Je doniHi, und J,i lit h m| ih'- Turu'di 1'iNw, with th'ii Hollos, Carjichi and Do,iku)4, Will be lho iiili'Mit ft uttno of lho Fair, and is tiiu larg- hi n ii 'iio. r, ixpen-.v **p-oi'd attraction rvcr olferr v) .i ('uiiadian tmblic. The progr.trnmi' n tiu long tu detail, but the leading foiti cousi H ol IIuinn V\ ra uud.4, Sword Combats, Mit'dinr, Gun and l^a^gci ll.\irt ifiLH, lifilo i.ti Tumbling and Oaucing and tlte G<;riimin Wbirhug, Howl, mg DiuhmIict and ' Turkish Unn-m " Aja\, 'In* Jnvcr, from a tower 7'> ttet in small tank or watur ; Alvini, liied irom a Cannon attach"d tf1 th' Liallo u ; l*tirtel[o Coined)'Coninain ; Mar'-dla. the Swinging Wire Arti.nt ; K'husom, tho Strong--t Man ir. tli-** Worlrl ; Trained A'l.nmlt', i-co. ; the most idaboriLti Ditip' iy <jt Km w^rks (,-aoli oventn^. - Tlionn who duHlro l'ntf.- Ijil)ts or L'ro- yrammi s- uiving full inbtnuation <>r th o at tractions' *iiid coiiddiauM uf oalo ol indvi- ltigos hlirmht allien the ri*'riituiy, AIrt Thoa. A. Hiowno, who will be ^Iouho;! to ond them free to any uddreaa. Stark's Powdors, ouoli packugo of which contaiuu two proparationu, one in a round woodon box. tho covor of which forma a : aioahuro for ono doso, nu immediate rohof for oostivoiiBg-i, Biok Haaduoha und Stom-. aoh, albo JNonralgfa and all kinds o( uerv- oiifl paino, and another in oapRuloH, (from J to ^ of ono io an ordinary doaa) wliioh acta .on tho bowels, livor Urtd stolDaoli formiag a uovbr failing porfodt troatniout for nil head and wtouiaoh. dompliHUtu. T.h*jy do not, uh most pills aiid cio mu^ other mtdiy olutis do, Ioho thoir t'jToot, or" pruduco afUJjg constipation, tlioy wta nieo to tabo. 25i a I'ox at a)l medicine dealers. FATHRR AND SON CCIJEI) Till): VILI.A'OK uv wiim-;- SINSA TION. Tilt) fill In1 r AttiK-lt.Ml will. MSlM-iiiuu- (I bin iiiid (lie '-on with s'( VIiun Uniifi' A ^'Cory llijicrnil be \rollchod for liyAIl th Nolzrlibor*. From tho ^'in^ham Adva'ioo. Mr. JoM'ph Nixon ih tho propiiutor o the only 'mt. i in tho villain >i Whito ghurcli, and ih known to tho whole country. Hide ivj a man xvho thoro g i y nndorqtanda bin biihincbF, and a jovial companion aa well. It it) Wfdl known in thia part of On tario that Air. Niso.A butt I wuh dr Hroyecl by lire, out with that ini'-rgy which ih char- aoteriHtic or bun, be q'lii.kty net to work to rodiimd. ITii Btory. as t )'d a reporter of the Wingluim Advance, idm it-iu-m\y had oooiiriion t'i *-'ioi*". bit liohtnlry. will provo of inteie*' T v ^ bo pmg in (}>a ijut tho cellar,' h< i-, r\ ni r. m .1 c cb tiiprii b>* and "I Wa.ii tA-r^ti t.m ou'rariK cipr.u'rt." nold I aontractod rhoumatiHiu whish nottlod :n my riglit hip. It got no bud that I couldn't nit in a chair without doubling my l"g back at tlio vidu of the chair, and I couldn't ridw in a buggy without letting tho aflcotcd log hang out, I Hul't'ered a groat doiil moro from tho troubU than any ono who huu not been rimdarly nlfeotfld ran imagine. Ifow I wan ourod is even moro interesting. Ond day t> huw a noigh- bor whom I knew Iud rliouniatiHin vory bad, running down tho^road. I called hltn mid ttdked what had cured Iiih rlnffUmatiBUi, Dr. WilliamH' rink Villa ho "replied, und determined mo to try tho fnmio rem- 'y. Well, tho retiult in Tinlc PiUn cured v% and that in i>nmothiug othor modiaiodH d to do. I don't know what in in thorn ] do anew that, 1'ink Pillu in a wonder- '" ^^cjdieine. And it in not only in my own *unu." continued Mr. Nixon,, "that I havo roi..<ori to bo ijrutoful for what Ilia medicine liV^ done. My nun, Prod, about ' twelve yearn of^go, wan taken with un ut. t'ick of co'd. ' InilanY.'jUtttion of tho lunge rift m aud an ho wan recovfaTrn|!Si^uii Una, other complicationn followed wbjah t! oped into Ht. Vifcun danco, whioh got no bud tbat ho could not pomubly (itiuid utill Wo gftvu him Dr. WilliumH1 Pink TiIIh, with tho rcnult that ho in now thoroughly cureJ, and lookuan thouah ho hud novdr had a day'n mcknewi in his hfo, audit thono facts, which aro Jcnown to all tho noighboni will bo of bone/it to u.jyouo olne, you aro a liborty to publinb iiiem." Dr. William-t' Tiuk Pilln aro a iipociuo for -ill diaeuaou uritnn^froui an impavorinh- edconhtion of tho iilood or a ahuttorcd t ite of the nervouH forcoB.Hiich aa Bt. VitiiH danco. locomotor ataxia, rhoumatiHtn, par- iiUmh, hchiticu, tho after effects of hi crippo, lOTirnfirppctltL', laaduoho, diz/inliin^cTiroitio. oiy-djtla.-., Huiofula, no. They aro uIho a npcoific for tho trouhloH peculiar to tho U- mule uyutem, correcting lrro^ulariticH,' nup- preiHiom; and ill formn of fomalo woaknond, budding unuw tho blood* and rentoring tho glow of health to pa] and nallow chaokfi. in the can i of men they eflfnot a radical cure in all cuhuh arising from mental worry, ovcrwoik. or eve.-iH of any nature. Dr. \Yilliaui4' Pink PiUa aro nold ouly in boxoa Tiounng the firru'n trade mark and wrapper (prm^d iu r^d ink), and m%y bo had of all drugg'stn or dircet by mail from Dr. Wi hunin' Mfdu'in jCornpauy, Hrockvxlle, On or Ivdi'juecr,.. ^-n N. V.,' at M) contft a or ni\ hovo for fG ."0. I.iUt<! lAUivary News. Not- ninco "Tho Anglomaniuoj" had knurt! been .-.o clover a nocioty natiro a.H": Henry Kuller'n "l'ilgnm Bonn," whioh ia publmhi'd in the August CoHniopolita/t, The prohlomt involved in woraiin'n una of the bic\idu re uo ntartlinj und ho nuraorouH ui:uui tliuT.ipid rvolntion of thio ait, that ouu wtdcoirii'H ii c ireful dineuHoion of tho aiibjcct by no trained a mind and uo clovor a writer an Mr*. Koginuld do Koven. Tho Cosmopolitan ilIu'Uraten Mfd. d't Kovan'n iLfi a norien of ponen by jirofea* sioml rrMdulH, A now nport, moro thrilling than any known loJNmirod, wore danger- ' ouh than wu'i evi'i- <j.Mporieuuod by oven a Buffalo Till 1, U exploited in the oamo laauo in uu article on "Photographing Big Cumo in the Iloeky Mountains," boforo Hhootitig Thu idea tin. fen oents for Tho Conmopoh'. tan meaiiH inferioiity from a literary point of yie-v )n difipolJod hy tho appearance iu thin uumbor of unch writorn un Sir Lewis Morrid, Sir Edwin Arnold. Edurl"awcotfc, / Tubb, W. Clurk ItnnfioU, Lang, Saroey^ 55dugwill, Agnea Koppiior, Gto. Nclf cua' wo entertain tho idea of inferiority in illustration, with huob names afl Hamilton GibHon, Donmun, Van Sohaick, Lix, Sand, hum, otc, flgariug an tho chief artintfi of a mufti** month'n iauie, GOSTTIEIiD NOHTH. Mius Jolly hag iiocnrod tho poaitioa of teuohor m School Soction No. 11, Mr, J. W. Ilopbum, of St. Thurnas, called on hid ai*itor, Mrn. S. Millon Mon- day Jant. . ' Mikj L Aoh Iijb loft for Port Arthur to vinit lior aunt. Tho Methodht Sunday School of Ttolfo Rivor picnicked at Paradise grovo, Autf, Q, i Farraorn aro through harvest im this vioiiuty und report tho grain a*uored in the fineafc condition, ," , Mibii Noblo, Rutbvoo in vidltlnff her \uncle, Mr, D. Ncralo. ; Mra. (Dr.) Hilllor, LoaminKtou, in visit. '"I iiift at Mr. C.IIiUier'H. . ',' w VaeuUon Xljn ) in at band and in gladly welcomed hy all/ flopcoiully tbobo'whoRO duti9 iu lifo have ' ..y'^ oausod thciu to groatJv rua down- their 4i$ tjyatom to meat tho requiremeafcB,! pllya- \\nyM ioal and mautol, (orood njion thom. "With. 'itip 'thono und othoru, k ib important, wbethw' ^ at homo', ul tho aoaubore or in tlio coqnjry,, p'jn that soma thought bo iiven to diet, an^ ftB/,^;S further tiafluitanco to hafcune, a good h$\$^M iujj up rnedioiife like ^>^'fl Sa^qapfti^iJ -tyrf1 had boat b^asortad 'tc ih poor, liv^r deranged and ih* aoh*r aeem to be tbfe r^^ tnro to thoir^liamHf toihed Btato off58|',~