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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 9, 1895, p. 5

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........^wrgwp ?HE ESSEX JREE PRESS i> HA , ' I. 0. ANDERSON & Go,, BANKERS, Next to Abordoon Hotol EosoX. Monoy to loftii on Vu.y iiiovb' NoLuii; NofiMi bnui'lit w ColJootod; llnuoy to Itmu on MoTrlijutfoii at owuut futon itmt hunt tonmi. _ .Vtiittn itnwiti \mytL\i\n nt pur at ullj prlnutpid Fire Insuranco Agents, etc ^'/f TA LK OFTHETOVWf^ 1'liIDAY, AUGUST i), 18B. The Vuki: 1*]ikh for '20 could to thu md of 1805. Try it. Mr. P. 8. Adaina liuu moved his houtio- hold etfootii into Wm now homo on Tulbofc htreat tlii(J woolt, Tho Town of Hut-ex him roaoncU from tli* Onlnrio Goyornmnnt ? 175,0ft ati ito whnro of the* Bi>uth Khbcx liquor Iicouho fund. Mouurn, Laimf llrou. huvo nocured tho contract for building n now ot air Way and making othor improvomontH ui the 'Ilijjh Gohool Building, -^_-, - - Mr. G. 13. Wijjhlmiiij, of thw town, Im.s aooiimd tho Kilgnr IM i 11 h hqIioqI for the oomiht; torm, uud will outer upon bin du- tien utter tho vacation in cvr, Tuosday'a haayy hIiowovh wero gladly hailed by all oIuhhok *u tho community. Tho farraorn cupooially, aro clisorful at tho ptoapecta of pood fall ptiatureii. Mr. T. 0. Hood will occupy the pulpit in tho Prfinbyterian church at 11 a. m. and 7 . m- each Sabbath, bofnnnin \lth luiit., while Kir. Fleming iu aboonton bin vacation. Rend Smith's advt. FOIt SALE, Now Eiitfijy, ir.ado to ordor, uphjltitorctl in morocco lcuthor. A Bargain. Ewjuiro at tho I'm r, Fm:ru, Tho Pulaio School Bourd has mad.-a demand of Z'lflQQ for general hcIiooI cx- ptinHOH for tho year comywouoinfl Aug. Int. Thiu ia aboat 5200 lowor than ltiht your'ii demand. Tho ISwbqx biiHO-bftll team haa been cn- KO(jod to piny a match jjunio of baBobull with tlio Ruthvouliivinoiblun ut Blytlms- wood OK Friday noit, Kith hint., tho occu- won being a P, of I. picnic to bo hold there on that ddte. lVlrT Joha Greaveu, councillor of Sand wich South,.at hifl JirBt threshinc; cjh day laot wflok, i^ot ayiflhl of 182 biu-halHof bur. ley from a field of only tlireo acreH. Who can beat thin? Tho voterH' hat for the Town of Ebhox haa been printed and ia now in tho huudi* of Mr. WaliotH, town dark. Tho hut con- taiutf tho nuinoi of .")H*j municipal voters, audi 3'Jl lo^ialutivo aimerably voters. 273 peraons ou tho hut uro quahllod to nor von* jurorn. Threshoro report jirmu in Kmiiox county uei yielding almont unprcccdeuted amounts thiBjaar, Wheat, r\o, burlay, and putfl aro far in adrunuu ot the orop of any re- cBt yoarH. Mr. Win. Nonbitt, living on the Talbot road, jut weat of Ehhox, throahod 24 i buoliolM of rye from four ae ro 0 the othsr day. A mad dog running at lai'[*ti in Leutaiuj^- ton a few d&yu u^o bit a nnmbtr f animalH in and about the town before ho xau shot. Bvral of his victirm httvo ninoo shown . unmiHtakcable |Hymptom of (hydrophobia, and tho mayr hau iHhnod a proclamation aythonxint* the destruction nf u.11 do^ja run ninfj at hir^a in the town. Tho town utrtiot conuniBiioiiorH have beon irjMtructcd to examine tho indewulki* ou all the Htroutu cicopt Tailiot strcot, and to tour up all uidewulkn tliat hvn ^ona too far forropainnc, aad to repair those that aro worthy of repair. It ia hoped '.hat be fore many o?utnni'H have eUptiud, boiu mora now mdowalliti may be coiiHtruotod. 10 lbflcboioo nithiua 25c ut Brn'tli's. Thurhday ww civic holidav /or tho town of Eouox and HevartU othtir townu in thu county. According to tho official procla mation all goodoitizBiio were called on to ebaerv that day an a holiday. Tho chief attraction [or tho day wan tho Odd Fellows' doiTTJ-rtmtratiou ujid picnic at Purtidwe fjrovo at Kiiilfovitld. Souiutituu aj;o a few of the proimLeut Odd FeUuwa of Kent and Kuhl-x concluded that ouu day each ycur bonld bo sot apart tiu a wort of reunion of tho dif ferent lod^en and Rood weather favored tho lmmonno ci uwd that gathered to jjivo tho achomo a Btait ott, Th. Odd Follown from Uhuqx wont dowu early and aud at 11 o'clock a parado took pluco, with fioata em- hlomatia of the ordoi. Thu Duuuhtera of llebokah aro a powerful luljunct lo tho coltibrutiou and they exompliflod thoir do- ^reo v/ork during tho day. There wero wore alflo yumea and dancing u.t tho (jrove. Uvorythinj/ wafl quiet for thoao who rt- mtimed at home, i^a a few did. bmith'a 2.1c toa bast in Khuqx. PL J. Witflu A Od.'h yroat huiuiumc h-Ub in now in full Bwijj;, and luoUy aro the people who art* taJtH^.advantage of it. Win, t-ihoenmki'r in now prepared to do- Jlvor frenh bi'Hud to any part of tho town, givo hnn 11 call. Why buy plated flat ware when you can purchaao tho nturling nilvor toa upoona at Purk*H from SH.00 10 fi 10,00 pur doxou. Tablo forl<o or upoonu ut itl 35 per dozen. u A nico aanortmont of ladie'a and boy'a aliirfc warm wtuthor ^ooUr -at Mt.yM Bttzu*. A Oruinl Ooiuicrt. A Gratid Union Conoort uiiilt-r tho huh. picot' of Mm Metbodifit and Prowbylorian church clioiVM will be idven lu the Pronby* tnrian ohuroh, Eatiox, on Friday oveuiii^, Au^. Kith. The lecal tultnt will bo anHiat- od by Air. H. AI. Cowpor, tonor, of Winni peg, formerly of Krmex. Mr. Cowpor'n many irlondH will bo ^htd of thin opportu nity of hearing hnn a^iiin. All oxnolktiit pvo^nmimo hii't boon ar- rani;od. J3ooih opori at M o'clock, pro- (jrummn bo^iuu at H::it). 'J'inketM 25 eontn. Mim. Wm. JjAino I I'tojjniwmfi Mit. W. A, GaiuiniihJ Committon. By an *.ot pimuad ut tho Iimt ueuaion of th Ontario Lo^inlatiifo, ohtitlod tho "Tim Act," tho timo uued 111 Toronto, and known 101 "-EaHtorn Btundurd Timo," in madu the lo^al timo for thm iliutriot of Ontario. ThiH timo baa boon oommonly uuud for buHinoBB purponon, but nomo muni cipal authoritisu liavo buen UHinii uo-callcid "Hun Tmio,"1 which 111 now Hiatal heio. Tho iioxt fjittinjjH of tho divimon oourtu in Khhbx OoUvity will bo h*M aa follown: iioll Kiver, Monday Aujguut 'MMh ; Am- horutburK, Tuonday, Aujiwat 27th ; Baud- which, Wodocsduy, Augimt 2Htli ; Windnor, Thuraday, Auj^ueui li'.ith; Efriox Town* Friday, AiifjuHt ;mth; llnrrow, nlonday, fioptembor 2nd ; Kiu^uville, . Tnonday, Sopteinber 3rd ; IjCamin^ton, Wodnenday, September, 1th; Cumbor, Thmfuday,'Sop-. tomoor ."ith.' Since tho rotiromant of CuHtomn Col- loctoy Jo]ui Brown, of thin place, to the tmperanmiation hat, a, uurabor of | Rppli- canta aro in tho field for tho pouition. Collector Goti, of Amhcrutburg, who baa beon in town lntimutoit that Mr, Brown may at;cin bo appointed to aotivo aorvioo horo, but thin ia thought improbablo. M, C. B. ajjout Stimern ia at prewent looking after tho dntiofi f tho offtci. Mr. Brown litm boon in Euuax about ten yoaru. An item haa bcoii coinu the rouuda to the effect that uevernl firmw wero f^oing to tnunufaoturo bicyoloH to be placed on tho retail niarkot noityoar at 830 each. Tlu ih not a comparison to tho offer that an Ku- itox firm propoaoii to make This enter- priding firm will buy up a quantity of bak- '"R powdor, and will (^ivo away a bicycle aa a premium with ovory pound can of powder. TIip cyolos will bo ot the name malarial as the now oar whool, made entnroly of papor. Thia utorv ia vouchod for by Mr, .L W. Gibson, of Andarhon J* Co 'a bank. Ladien' vestH, G for 2o at Bmith'H. For fresh cakmi and confectionery af all kmdfl0 to Shoeiiiiiker, tlio baker. iJaro you tried M.J. Witflo A Co.'a new 2<jc ton; the ladieo aay it ia tho fin011 m tho uiaikct. Count your coupons, ^ood te j;at framed picturoe, reduced from N30 purchaaoH to 820. Bo quick and tfet tirat oboioe. G. B iamith <.V Co. IMUMARY KXAMINATMO'NS. Llut of Siit'eeHUful aiitllcluteH at Kunvx una Yi'lutlHor. Tho followmf; ih tho roport of tho joint Hoard of Kxaininoi'H ou the roHuh of tho primary oxammatiou : Candidatoi wIioho mimes appear in hut No. 2 have pannod tho July part of tho primary examination, but havu not paaaed the commercial examination. Tliti coitificitefi of uuocoaaful candidatoH and the mar It a uf iho nnauccoDHful cuudi- dateH will Ijo aunt to thu principal of Hifjh ^clioola ami Public School Inapectora, ai tlio cauo may he, after tho results of tho leaving aiid matriculation oxamiuanoiia have been annoiiuct-d. In n cano will ko marks bo reported direct by the dapart- inout to tlio u'indidutuM. Candidales who have failud and who may doairH to appual are requentod to wait until they have racoivud thoir markw beforo uittlii'i^ u. piotuht. CouAty Hoard* oT Kxaminoru aro not anthon/.ud to admit oaudidaten to tho Model Hchool v h f'til to preuent tho ui-uun- wary non. ptofdaaicnal cortitieato. Of thu number who uttefldutj the 1'lum.x Ilijjh School, 21 uandidatLB wroto at tho Hsaniinutiun, of wh -m fourteen of tho fol lowing wore auccoBhful. W. Clifford did not attend at Eantx tho luot your. A. Jioouian, J. Heemau, W. Cliliord, E. Dodaou, K. Uoraett, (i. Jonea, L. Milla, M, MeGormau, L. UaLau^blin, B McMullon, A.Oueltolto, E. llichurduon, K, Binolair, W. WiKMtinuu aud ii. Youn^. WlNDSOIt. Liut No. 1. 0, Barker, K. Fothorotouo, (' Hinckn, F. Ilinuku, W. Lyouu, C. La- iniint, F. itioharda, U. Btowart, 10, Wher ry, M. Wnerry, M. Wooabridt{o. Liit No, 2. - M. Wiglitrnan. tofe*****?^ gJRJHS Wiiitb, At Camp Palmer, on Wodnoaday, Aujj. 7, the wifo of Wm. White of a won. Li'i'i.ttu, At Maidotone. on Thuraday, Au.u;uut lat, the wifo of Lovi Loilor, of a turn. Ki.ijh, At Maidhtono, on Monday, Auyuat ilt\, the wife of .luhn KIHh. of a hon. Double fold dre-t ^oodu 7 yd at Sruith'a M. J- Witflo A Co, Mtill lead tho trado in ready madu and ordured t (dothing aud (joiiU1 furiduliintiB Funcy H'vaw haM reducid from ill and 91 25 to' 3;lo at Smith'u. M. J. \V|ta A Co. aro uolimg bnhl, fioHh new ^oo.ln ab bankrupt prieoa. WILLNOTCUHPROIIISE Ouuboc Senators Docllno to Yluld on School Quotation. ikBISHOPo TIRtu UI- AGIuYliOu (.. ij|>riucb> l'iuor 4oiP'l*, ""i htlaiUurM .tui>r, l.a.xli'i. t- tajul Uvi'llt I" ktlilUli Aloiitrcu.!, Auu, 6. TI1010 nru unnu j,t uj/jl 111 thin I'luviiici v.i.o ulI n>J u .uul put 1'jltll r\ei> i-lluiL l<> i-v - , .1 .l hi*Ul< mi ill 01 i-ijiiij 1 u.nl. 1 It - i f, . < -( ln-d In 11 n< m if u r id Un- .\J.n.l l 11 a huoii>. . I lIi 1 m 1 L' th 1 - Hi iTIMlt tllU-i- .\1 11 l( i alwi h ulii ui ui up to UhMlik thi. AilililtU:.ti at u:i u . ul' the hnlf said i!,l Llii'ir I UiMi i . U .ill L hi* tl Oh! 1' uv.H < .LUH'-d l> ' i'A Si'iiatoiij wlut i\lif indiiiid iiiiit. ... Anj;i-r:i, anil h.iv In/ no mi, !. - !U . '< will I',1 - ... i'\ lyhody I'lfic .sliuuld Ii- :>.u'ii.n> ., -' K>ni; .in tJn-y Ihfiii'.t'K t :i ui a- hi 'i. i.j , '\i} b'-ynnd th>- iiju-li (ii ..n hit' 1 1-; n l>uhiii- opinion. '1 lil.M Mtatc of lliini,;. has i-.\b.t<'d ov< 1 ..mi- J'.u li;mn nt wu-! pi ui ul in-d Mi ui! ihi- au'hld.slioph ami hislmps i : th- l'lii\lni'0 Of C^lll'lil'C, I'U'i'pt nil', .11 Ii- irtlly tirod of tIn- n-iitrnhni Ui l 1 * |>t"t t <> \i-ars, and whlh* tin m- v ikm .1 lilo \>v - hit -h cilcd halt to 11 c r y-hiiK mm- lii it- 01' St. Hoiilfnee, .tiid an* (! n t li.-lr Lest to have Ih-- o,ui ' i!i-i tied ou^ddt' 0!' r.ullnr e-.it, S ut 1 -' I f 11: .i, Ln lull j , i :*Mi 101, and o n- u two moio uik oinpriimt'i nj; r. I.ch ot . ,'.'.-t yi't n't rff.'i * 1 Ifd .1^" an- I'^h ii'v thf hUjipm'tiT1-. 11' :i 1 ompi n nK s\ lih all tlu-lr mi ,ht. II l.s hellfvud, lKiw-'ViM1, that th' l.f-lioj.s will 11 iimi] li, tor the pnM , t llf s' li" w (. pou>- , \ 17... t In dh 1 - t a p- I * 1 r,i t he .Ma n't -l>a niiitiu ly 1 ih ii.iiiiu.ii' (;<iv 1 riiiii-'iit fur 1 rli'f .-> ., i. in kin:; M-r\ r ipid h" -dw a> he < ani'Mif^t all '-IlitdfM of npini' 11 Tln-rc are JLill two nr three n -w-i- P p-'i-. do\*ot 'i lo the ^'uiiatiulii r - Mil'hM! , and tho lion. Mr. .'ii-'fi'V "I'rau I- me ut' the 'iii'iihi'i". I." M -id t"iir ijf I,. \ is In its hut i mi . aya "\'f 1I1 not li-li. v.- tiiat Mjrr. I/uar - \'iu or tli" Canadian h'jd eopaey havi jt :i ompi omiS'- Wit 1 ' anil. .1 a unli -,:-. tiny liav a i-t*j.i 1 :l:i t ih 1' this pi'ovinoi* w 1U (" a1-. I" p . 1 u:e ih ('athohc miaority .nd i.lL lite 1 omproiJiKf will nci/,'iu/e n' iinlntfiin the rlwhiH of Catli db'^ to 'p'-l.lte vrhoOl.S. It Wollld Ijf i'lil- P i'*MIm a back now, and to ar- i 'pt 1 f, n on! 1 l.f ' on mi it tiriK a-wrouL? :' v Iii h 1 nr Kpi.s* oji icy eon Id not ' : ih v h- tfu lr>." All thh. road- '. '"1, T 'l' the H.HllOpS nt* (Jlli bee will iul n. t ! 11 h:h11 in d hy the nn o, t (!k> f->u,nder' an I 1 oniont- - "' ihe fci I a^ltapo 1. It Is many years sine.- three nn.n l*.t * lif en indi^f d 111 any 01 c tain in I he Mopt real jail i'linrir- ' <\ uiih muiili 1, In loriM-inifiiff t tin*- n 11 usual Map- id .iH'air-', and !'i- 1 ir:,'" iuiin1'"l o.' inisimi'i:^ t'v l. 1 , 3 . . V.'llc. li is iii'-tltui. 'I a m v. i -i! l>y u h!eh 'he out ire lu-lson i p .Liollerl 1 '. n nifht. Tile wisdom ot tills rule u,',1 hown 1 h* alight h--fure last, \vl e authior, tho murdfi'fr, atti mpti-d ^u 1 :,}.-. I To would h-iw Mirei edfd in Hi 'tempt hut tor (he arrival 01, t a uanH. (hnithioi has, on tin* re o u ..'t mht'ion of tho jail doctor, been i-l I <> in dh al tn atnifiit. lie is hadly hro I n up thioiiKh his actions of tin- 1 1 t i- u flays, in tact was und.-r modi a r r< a' uietit when h'- committed tie l rime. j I)i. ha ha die 'of Notrt* fmrnc-."ti ( ' it]ill liii'ii i ailed In to Canthier's lir.-a-- liv his mother, and lie irnw the on some medicine, as his state refiuii- '1 The family tlioiifjrlit he was .sonie'\h'i troubled, and say they k'-pt a look ut for htm. Thin morning rjanthh-r \ * s - aid to bo fi ollnK o,uietcr and l>--lie id- sp-nt a quiet riltfht,. and Is iiinli-i the eye of the Kuards at all niomen's of the day and ni^iit. The odl'd lI- an 'f tf rnilin-fl 1 liit no oHiey at t--iii[>t a' suirdd*' will ho nnidf. The tfiianls ai .- held ri-sponnilj]o by the jailer for thf 11 prison <tm' safe-he--pi ii ir. (hiuthior is greatly di-pio<-sod an J ' fenis now to realize the poult ion in which ho now finds himself. The pris oner's ngvd mother htm not y-c-t he n to see him nt the jail, but she H ex pected to j.'o down Lo-morif,)\v. Drmor.s and Shortin are tho only n - rupants of the farnoii1- ward No. 10, in whlcli porsonn eiiarnotl with munhr are oonflnofl. Tho rem* of tho rolls fac o on Notre I>ame-treet. to tlio v.ost of tlio main ontranco, on tlio second j-tmy. Pomers I'eeis eonildent that he will h fu'ciuli teiJ, and ShorLis dens not dlsouts his case at all. Tho i.'omniunity was shookoil last e\- oiling to leni-n of thf v >vy juirhirn tlealh of Oeorgo 10. Jarquos, tho well- known forwarder and mainuTi r uf the "afi-ohants' Liiu' or steamers, lie leit ')i>nio In I In afternoon in apparent ; uud lioalth, and whllo en route for tiio Turkish bath took 111 and died In 1 >r Kngland's otllce, St Oathorine- Mtn'el. Dfcea.sod. who w.ih born In is III, had been a prominent Free mason, and w aa prominent in Y M.C.A. clrcl -h ;ind a member of St. James' Method!.d <'hurcli. JJe loaves a widow and tout idiildren. and will be buried Tuesday afternoon. Jt Is nulto probable that other ai- 1 ests may follow In connect ion wi'h tho Porter embezzlement cas>* at Quo- 1'fC. It Is learned that the dny C',eorge Porter left the Quebec branch of the Hank of Montreal to po to his hou.^e on the Island of Orleans, ho put biek 510,000, and still them was a dencienoy of ovt r $-J0,O0a. The bank now holds I-orter's Huretlos to the amount of 53^,- OCl). The approximate earnings' of the Canadian Pacific lift 11 way for th" wool:, ending .lint July last were. $500.- 000, against 5100,000 for the name per iod last year, showing tho aatlafactory lncreane of $51,000. rWICXlY JUIN HH l NTOMttKti. I>yuuniltu lo Ito litrtl To VAXcc.t Thetr Itr- Ijondon, Aug, fl. Nono of tho twenty minurfl left in tho floodod mino nt .Siilt- coatii, SootUvnd, hnvo yot been roue uud. Tin* inflowing wator liaii jaminod tho imi- tmuoo to tho mino with dobrin, uud though attempt** Uavo huou madu to clejir tho vrtvy by tlio iujo of dynamite tho pit is Htill cholcod up. It It ho- li-cvod tlutt ot\\ of tlio mon liavo por- itiibtid. live Ml 11 cm Itruciietl. London, Aug. 4. A' doopatch from Saltcou,ts,--on."tho Bay of Ayr, Kooc- land, pays that five miners havo boon talccn out allvo from tho Auclwjniiarvlo colliery, which wan flooded yofltcrdjiy. Tho roucued men wero compUdnrdy - liauHted. The rciiculnR party rura con tinuing tho iicarch for tho other minora who woro In tho colliery at tho thru* nt thu aooldont. BOUND TO BE HANGED But rVlur'clor'or Gauthlor Want- od to Dolt Himself. CUT DOWN BY THE JAIL GUARD Monday, Aug". 5 WE START BUSINESS BY GIVING Mo U <omin1tir*l to M*ud Uli Trlnl-Hli Vletlu Dui-ltNl lu lt(iii-oiQ*o<:*'nted ttrouud - HkorlU HUumilrai-d ly i:ifi>iHit ou I- tuiilty. 1 Montreal, Quebec, Aug. 3. TMti httil boon a lod-Itdter day in tho already eventful Iho ot Azriq Guuthh-r. tho flayur of CVlhin Contlnny. At 'J, o'clock thia muiidnj.;, whhe occupylnj; a <-l11 In munlereiii iow,.Montrc.il Jail, Uau- thf or luro lnu bed dOlltu Into i.tilpu uud tried to iiui<; hluiMelt' with a cord thus iniide, and ut "J 'clock this uft- eriioon Judi^e lJeaioyers t'urmiihy com* mltted the aec u.-ed to stand hi:] tilal iL tlio ,~.i>teulhev term of tho Court of Que !*'*- 1 -fin h. Had tho KiutrdJl not rusli d in .uul * ut iihn duwji, (iau- thier would ha\e heeii deafl In nhort 01 dt 1, iimi \\ li'-u he I'liiiiu Into court and faced the n [> i'l;i'.,' In- drew hfci rl^ht inn- i.uK 1 .teinsi Ills throat to Indicate what he had 1 ei-n about. Ho- iriK qmsthmed an to tin- attempt upon his own lile, <;,uiLhler * in lul a (ghast ly uinlli and remarked that It \va:i bet ter to rile tliat way Ihan* in r-o out of tin* world Hiandiri'r ui> b t'oro a blif crowd of [> ojde. The lnurdM'i r hi apparently quite In- differ- nt .u id his late. 11 nd a broad Ki'ln sjironl iivir his fare when Mr. St. .Ii an. hi; liwyer, was lnatruftlriff the prisoner to plead not guilty. CiUJ- thler se.-inod tn think th it lilo trial wan nvi-r when he hud been committed ami he itaid t 1 Ids emin-ol, wYou havf handled my * as" vvy aldy, and I am v< ly Ki-at> i'l], anil us for Ihe pay wo will ."( ahoin that liter on." In -imnth'-i ' ml nf the city a sadder portion of tli.- dinmn was belns ena< t- ed. Tt was I a:nei , arher in the day that nlthou'-m tho parenL-i and Crlon-dn nf the mui'don d sirl. Cellna CVwtlwny, hiid made fJhrlstlin but ih would in t > orti;: Dos : possible ellort to havo P' 111 -f-e tib's ". ho I T J! I. i\hn K ..- - ll.LV". d.iv tie- very u t ri 1 i'c 'le.s astieal authorities he.'r (,f it. and the funeral oe .1 ' to that part of Cntn I fV,,,et"]-y reserved fok* mil rly i eprivt d of the last t In- eiirreli, .uid lor child re 11 w I h ut h.-inj*- b 1 ptlxeil. rk. ? n e-'iib mlont of tho d V .> hi in, K In^stun, f")nt.. 'fii.men-ed his examination of ' M, Iho \'al eydo'd mm'cl rer, *s>n mc 1, c impl -t-d his labors yeaker- a i ti no 111. def. ne . M .-day the lawyeiH fer in.. <!ir_ unid.Fo-.t'T, 1 4 OFF ALL-LIN ES M.irtin ami C'iioiuud, r-'C ived the of- ilei-il inedleal report. T>r. T'larko's rotv- l-*-titlt'M'j are in sut^tanc the same na Dr. AiikIIh suhmltted two weeks utfO, to the erreet ib'it th" aec-uneil Is in- tM no. The Llht ral-Oonsorvn tlvo party held a lai7**o and n'prosonlatlvo mooting tills evenih'Jr find nominated C. A. Mr- Ponnell to eontest St Anne's .division In -Hie Ijoertl llaiee. ^I-rr-?!-W*:F'^ti>ntll-Ja_l oik* of the risini,' youn'^ men of Mont real, In a splendid speaker and will lie a fine nrquMtlon to the debating powre of the Ministerial side of tho House, If elected. Ills nomination wan unanimous' \ ., Tn a letter tn the Pnard of Gover nors. (the~ now prlneipal of MrOlU T'nlversltv, Prof. William Peterson, late of the Uundoo College. Seotland, intlrnnfes his Intention of sailing for this eity on Thursday next, Autx 8, havliifr taken passage on the Domin ion liner Labrador. PJeh-ird Luttrell, nfront of the CJrnnd Trunk Railway for many years, dl"d m da v. Mr. Lut troll was formerly "i-ent nt UnmlUnn, rint., and als 1 at York Ont.-nnd wtn *, eM-known to the Canadian lallway pubhr. lowovro imi'w.ii it<.sa>s. c------------- HubhrrlhtMl for Tnlcr ivcr In tlir Jf.optlim .-tfonry .Mntrhct, London, Auk. li. -Tho Toronto Hall way Company, whioh opera tea by elec tric power tho only street railway In Toionto, hns issued :1U3,0(H), of flrrtt mortiriifrc'4 \-?. por cent, sterlinjr bond.s. Of thia amount lir>0,OOG was insued In Panada and the remfilnder in Lon don. The snhseriptlon list (dosed here at 1 o'clock this afternoon. when about 130,0000 had been tubbcrlbed. lire at Urn-iK-. UI v Wanl.svillo, Out., Auff. 2 A lire broke nut Ibis morning about i o'i I^ek tn the harness nllop of Mr. Willam Sh-'p.ud, which, with contents, wan totally consumed. C.ni'-e of (Ire un known. The F01 esters' held their lodge meeting upstairs aUivo the shop Inst nlprht and wepe the last 1 e sons in the bulldlnff. The fire spro-d rapidly to the residence of in*. Gordon, burn- Ins: It to the Ri-oiind. Tn ICilUhlim '!'im no Ifn tkli^K Perlln, Aug. 2. Tho two Russian towns of Graylwo, near the Prims tan frontier, and Slerleeheuv. in Rndom, hnvc been burned Se\ en persona per ished.-------- - TrMwnl'rT ^1"" - "'HI <:niie. Teeswater, Aug 2. Zlnjrrr's woolen mill was fired to-day. piesumahly hy spontaneous combustion. Tho ma chinery -was saved. Loss, J'--O0. IlrmnH'd 3>ci'd nt i!h> m[|im InecrGolll, Aug. 3. William Coyne, with Mb wife, an Ived here last night to visit their son. and, as Mr. Coyne was stepping fmrn the station plat form, he fell dead from heart disease. K-'<ju;r<t l,v> .! In It/Nl. Buffalo, Aug. y WMIIam P. Slrrot, well-known cltl/.on, politician and cap italist, was found dead in bed thin afternoon at his home, 101R Main* Btrcbt. Heart trouble is suiitic sed to havo pauned his deith._______ Tim KU nllvi-'n I'rt'kt'iit lo Hi**- H11IIO1. Constantinople, Aug. 3. It is rumor ed that the Khedive of Ifcypt, who ar rived here on July 18, haa brought to the Sultnu a present of SBOO.OOO with a \K-w of enlisting more actlVR sympa thy on the part 01' the latter In tho l^fryptian question. The r.ipnrorhcnvnt brought about b twi en RuhsI 1 and Turkey and the existing goid r la - tions h tuoen Rufl-'ur : nd Fiasco Of Wool DrosH Goods, Fancy Trimmings, Silk GIovch and Mitiw, Printn, GinghamH, Tablo Liuens and Napkins, GrotoncH, Muslinw, Laco Curtains, Curtain Polos, Roller Blinds and oilier articles. Wo liavo u. low fiummoj gooila loft of ftoou quality and pvotty, worth from :25c to $\.fJo per yanl, your choice at lfic yuc yd. Tina iii tho Hiiaji of tho aoaaon. PaniHola at about hall" price. Wo have too many fine hIioob and slippers, J- oft inoaiiB that you K^t tlti'in at lc-h than coHt prico. esco ouiw>b lot of fino ahoon worth from $3 to 1.50. Your choice Joy 1.(111 pair. Having had a Kuccossful soason in Ordered & Readpade balance of ntock ^ooa at | ofl' regular pricey, \Vo quoto Boyn' suita from 91 up. Men's ^3./i0, all new and heat makoa. 1-4 Off Felt Hats aud Caps Choice of 7.">c, $1.00, $1.25 straw hats for 8ilc each. Ladies' and Gcnta Circulars and Watorproof Coats. 1-1 oil'. Wo make thoso those goods to order. Over 100 samples to choose from Gents' timey top shirts about half price. * GROCERIES Fresh stock on hand all the timo. Kxtra choice Canned Goods for campers. -Try our sardines, H cand for 25c Gcfc one of those beautiful Framed Pictures, givon frco after pur chasing goods4o the-amounL of ,^20. Chairs, Tables, Book Oases etc with ^'J0 purchases. THIS SALE ON FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. G & CO. WHITKEY BLO0K, ESSEX *1Z? Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Farm Imple ments, Milner Wagons, Buggies, at very close prices this month- in i >Fi iii i 11 Timim 11<ii-jjiibrK'kihiuuUnfMiiJfuwuiliiH'UmUtrtlflf.IIjhnwumi.di*JHtflul l-LIUIIIIiW'. CSL3HD3 ' t"V X. W.H. RICHARDSON Hardware, Essex. wMWMarti ^aMHauiMatt| TF YOUWANTA . Glass Buggy i KllLi^,tV.,';'A *^<jl linv i.otHllelprl) rtuo shrcll shr*l .cinCw havo, It \JF thnucrht, promi-toil tlio Khndlvo'ti artion, ft*iinMuiH'lit r BBnvim Too H^otv Pari!!, Aue- 3. Tho Ftparo publlnhc an nrtlclft orltlclzlnpr and denouncinR tho Blow pnipi'CHa which In being ma>ln by the French expedition In ^radaKn.s- enr, and Llnc-atenn to malco rcvolatior.s which wlll-nrouso public wrath. IHnt Totrln-it IHvor^M-^- Now York, Auk. 2. Judfro Ollder- <jlcovc, ln tin* BiTporlov Curt, to-dny ulKTH-d a di-erco KranUnK' MrM. OUU Corbt'tt an (ihaoluto dlvoton from V6 Place your order with me. You can then Bee what yon are getting. I am always pleased to show my customorB the raw material from which their rig is made, including Wheels, Springs, Woodwork, Goods for the Tops, Cushions, etc, all of which will be found J first class in every particular. It pays to buy the best i>1y Prices are made to Suit You. Special Qor-. . We are Well equipped and-J[thoroughly understand the^j Tiro'Pctting Business, and during thia lponth and August^ will set Buggy and Wagon tires at $1.50 per set for all'G AStt'$ customers, (fonaral Repairing Promptly Executed. J. Bate CarriagAVorkB, Talbot st^east. v4g

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