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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 9, 1895, p. 1

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[;W V.'V*J mirwrfi-' it /', i ' <*! f4, WILKINSON'S l'OH 'hoioo tfrcuh .(iroimnuH, t'tOVlblODH, TtJUH, (JollVcil aud Rpiotsti. Ipaciul lincH in Crockery, Christian Endeavor Society tffc. Paul's Church, XUE3DAV EVfl., WJO, 13 Jalforybody Coma. VOL XL No :J3- ESS1SX, ONTf> FHIBAtf, AUOUKT 1895. >>/ III- Suirinicv Cleaving ^alc |i full swing, For one Ai wo Avill aacrifitio profit:; lioiniiin object of turning Reasonable goods into cash room. Oar fall hriporta- [y are coming ibrwurtl early we want empty shelves [cceivo them. All aummur goods, Fumiflhinffs, Mil- j', Clothing and Shoos Buffer in prico Lo hurry out during the next Itfch. It will pay you to [estimate tliiM. No (rouble diow floods. E! north uinun. Ttio 'MivM-.n Klorctico, J-Mini and Ktbnl Khniluid, of Hutniit, uro ttni ['.UO'd.ii of V. (J. IJi'.lell .fid v.iff. r.Ii.i Ktlnd Mulc^lcr i.-r the i/ii.-*t (J In r undo II -ury I 'ijiput, wit'-- und bunily ,.; V. ,.]!.< i\ilh-, I t \>o k, I:. tli ' if,'!)' l if t In-- Khiii ii 1". ..i ,. i-ul In; 'I dim i promotion r,Mp tlin name "il-rcy A. llrulj'i n. Her 0 irt'u.t n.'iiM! i i Mi lies .'v. Pi a 'n c u rent and obh,;e. Hubert Cilhri" .leliv<rtd s hirj* load of live li.r i, 1;lI , ol "(jiii c, sit I ai ' ninj-i'on U-' WYdnehd iv lui- whicu In. v.'a i p-iid [Our dolku i and lifly ('..'lit. i p'-r bundled llVO WOlJ'llt. I'll' re w,t i a no I lit f ,'kn 1 )U , J ): "-. in lv-i c h it Tut N> ni'in in,",, the ^uith. pa!b'i of tie; r lih on thu ro f continued for 'iboiit an 1 nun and a halt. Thin -.viii lr> a In Iji to [lolutoci irid till loot cropM. It will til-o hiln llio com v.hicli ni, prcfia uirnmb - i the h]",v it uiop i'Vit rui' t il hum. H'^iiiu t xtianrdiuary crops of o b. M"" alnuly n j oit.nl but v.e i;uc:,.3 thi.i (,ne b ' i'm tl.e'n -il, o:i. in.in, a Vl a<[< h(, (A tlot- turn L'l.tii..1. : IlmiIoiI in .in tl.u 'in il one Iimii till i i hf; I (-' Wlio ."A) uU; I lull) of iii,.t ci:i s cK-.-iu oat'i, mid this ^'Vi-v; on oik. i[ti(i.rtiT <ii i ii nci'f. lHutllii'-l il \i n cj)i, 1 ut tJot/L ho tibout it. N'LiJiL', j 11 fi1.-- Htittm."^ ------- Min-i i\I.i(*,'i(' Armj-tiuiJ;', ' f St]Uth:-oy .v.t'- tlic ;;iui.t of i>U tu it- iiK.jni j iii.d 'i.L- ijuauituitui;'. h(ji*j laiit wot 'c, .-Ji' i Ai'-.u- :itrnn;; taught \)u> \ou:'.|_: ; t< . ,\v tu ^li'iot 111 (JUr public tchool tLliOUt U (Jccmb; i1 ;>.; ILl.d V/C ItltJ till pit ,M-( 'I !(l ('" Im'I 0..ll!j!i;^ fiii i> Hti.i)ii,'*,.;L uti. JiIjo iii lit pi' > ut 11 tcuclu'.r in IStriLthii y \.hei(; nlif- li'i-i Ik- m iii i-t/.i-i:i! y; ".r;:. 1)1 tl." \,Till'.i ,1 iy..' , i' .1 J'lity j t :.i:) !';',d, .\1ij51iHt .">, , 1 > pirlt', JiLlIw \'llu't ..f J'\jnllllll (\>., 1 ll.t'LIK), II V. Olll b S> .\K"thu(h.-; Aim .tuf 1 i*onoii!.C'"(r ',." p' n Mi t' imb.' ;.i 1 A: t-'i .' ,' ( U>h. n 1 mm !j i'.tj 1 wil :! CjKti'i/.ii K liuvf r,1 uLtl he:-.1, btloxi 1 lj _i 1 lii '. ly I* tiii--*:. A few of i In :r m.u.y friuuu.i hero ik.i/r- mi', it tu b-t tin in I :i..v; tiu't tin \r -o.l-I -n v- ri ii, ,-m [ iL ' pi.i ty dm Ml ndtiy l vi-iiu.y I .M , Au : !'.' '1 AI-m: t tl.n t \' ii I'-nd . c ilh'il en 11. ' ' 1 ' Mn, ] m! '!i ,m pi'i id :.,:>- [[ ii * . .'in fr'-'-i 1 vrrv j j rl of t ' !_) tillt"i tin, 1 ion.. .*. 'I'llnMl t 1 .'AlA-' l\ 1.1 \. . .1 . 1'. V, '1;1 SpoIlL^riJ '!!, ti'.'l in .1 Ii" : !il:.'- '> c(i;i| I. , In- 10M of '!)' in 1 ' (, Lilt. uOL 1. '1' wtty-i f< Lit il on tb - 11 Mr >a('i.]ii! ^ hiL'l ,il lo' f ii- th lit' -. H 1 f 1 tin tvo; tliv obi We will not be underaold. We are able to compete with any and all in the matter of selling goods cheap, and only ask a fair comparison of val ues. Some special values in grocery department at present Our 25c Japan Tea in the gen uine . uncolored article and I. should.not be compared with L'the .cheaper, colored Japans l"iome are ^selling at that price. Produce taken as Gash. Goods marked in plain Fipres. E8BEX ONtr. ni.Liiy ;;onil iju(<bt;i 11 I bii-t tin y ',','. ] .l| it i iih_ 111 polll hm ki : \ u rii&i Ki f[ b : I ml I .obi i: ! o'onlitb'.tt-1 i vor :.:c" Lj", hi.A pin p i ',lil on all 1 f hln:nlt.-rt Ai tln.s :;iuil d coil. lb' then pri ii liti'd IUr> ?[c( lomhi wit h a bcim- till I i < c! ii ubuir .unj ?Jr. M(,Ooinb 1 \. it li i* funjiiji Ihblu uvui i ba.i, :m 1 W'1 are ^nr<.' y 1:, r in,- ny yruin tO ! tot.LllH f)l ,( ',(' (til 1 I'L'hpt'rl by tiuir tr.i ui'd :iini i .-i^l .bni -. Alii l- Liu- jut-.1 ii f :ti i> 'l nil pit.: fiit fat duw n to boil nti- tul n t ,'. 1 of l^oo.1 tliitiM,. t,(J \j\iu |. atuplt' |U'ti'i w 11 ilujn; ll.iiih . the huo,l\, whit'h I'din-ri'H of Stupid.n McCnnib'i ;oui liH wtirihv uifc umi tlw ir clau/^hu-r Sarah, ut'J twn ^1'iiifJ hoih >\hn rohi K< with them, tlu re; wuir pr-'>(-nt, A. (.1. linli.U und wito, Sain lul ISali/.i.T v.itc, und ibiuuhtei* .luiniUJ, Alljf-rt Ciininiiford mid wife, and daughter (jliulx^, Arthur ('.it mini font and wiiu ami chili], ThoiiHiH McOroary, MrH. J'uti;i' Gil- hoc, Mn Ivatio is'o))li', Mm, Oavul llop- Ktmd, Mis Mmy Jialt^or, Mihh Ivalie Ilultz- or, Mis. ('Iiulily Todil, who iti ii nintor of Sti:|iin.-u Mc('onibH, JtlnioKt IJop^oad, Urd- mor riopi^oocl,, Nor man Swucklmmnicr, UoiJLi-t Nohlo, Willie J'.illinu, V. J. liodull, and lb" Mihhl-h Inlliu Noble, Mu.udo Ctjm- miforJ, Floreuuo, Kdna and Kllnd Slior- ItLIld (ll Of.tlOlL. KLKOIt D. Fied Chapman in on the molt liHt. Mr. Win. Baldwin haw purchuaod a bow butf^y and haruean. Quitu a number of Elfordjtoa took ift tho Camp Puliuur ooaiul luat wook. MrH. Robert Garlick is nonounly uiok. Dr. McKcuzio ia attondiD^ bor, Tho int'unt noil of Mr. Jan. Mfiuub m atoadily roaovftrm^ from itn lontf opeli of BickngaH. Mr. Edward l'orkor, of Kqhox, him pn ohaaod the Hill farm. IIo in havinc oloarocl up. Mr. ThomnH Woyburn ih rocoyeirinR favorably from tho ampuUtion ef ' hie thumb u few wokn u^o. *l What uauBon bad droamo ia % queutiou tliEbhaspoyorboD uatigfaotoniy auaworccl, .bufe, in nino oanoB oufc of ten, frightful dreams ato tb reuulfa of imperfect di0H. t'ou, whlab afew (Ioboh of Ayor'fl Har*ap. arilU wlll'offflatually tvraeiy. Don't de*. lny tty it to-day. 4C01\f\E^0NI)f:N(L S"or<kii*n li-ii'yclc To.ii'. i i i'i i i .i. i ir.r.i >\>i i ni. i -.n. uii < i mcm'i; i o n:i:t: I'tio.in i.i:.Uj].h;o ii i' ilr, ViUi Tyiii>, *jf t In i|i,i;oi '.it; ; ' Aim Arbor, ic i-\i>.n,iiii'^ hi % y.'U".it ion "i ii'mr . Ourhnl(i"ii by thn wayhid j in thin ic-oon ai'c old tnnijil (,t,onn fniroTTTiui'l wnnliollbi with it.nr l.upfo fitim \.birli i.-volvr a<i {> ii- tb.r'iU I', ii-. an < b plii.nL walk . Tho" iibjcct povnrty bore ir.ukit.i :i\o hcai I - i aid' . Kui'f ,i of old inoti ami wniufii am in- j fi' laid',' h " i'd mid rcpulnivf. T!i,i pt- /i- ' n r I t \ .i i 1.rjf*\,- li v in diii'iU villi) (r; mi ,' nd ;;o [mil untn tiifiif to v.'oid'. in biddrt. Sn tin* j v. . n. tl c count ry 'trrtchc i nv-uy unbn.lt- I c.i \'\ fi'i'.f i or lunn hu'i'on and c^cit. h j ( c) p ifi-ii join' if u Iiiiirntjnn m> wo i.i'cli I e:>i.b loll t'Jio i nui iMk' ,'. \ ijI'j IiilNliH ' cl'i ci\L i' l:1 i'd nri-ak'"l -vnh jo-omot "c;d (jil.. \' L luul'.i:.{j toi th.- L'. i)., mid felt -fi il \m \: '.' v. il, i riainl. Spun, It -ily c ml o! n puun iciin; i*n <', ii n d will v.iilfj (s. i' id*, i i,i It'.tcr.i f-i))('crilly for thn l-'ai'iK I'ui.hH. "I'"- Van Tyn \v-illtni\cl ovu- t\..> oonLincnt on hi ', oicyi L-, 'n:d thn , .iriiua pou : cd iid rti'i it v.ill b<- yi-it^n in. 1 da -cnli'-d. Tb' i i ! t he ,ti 1 if.lu r M the H"ii -,. ( f i'.1 - t.1-;!! uis'I Ho y > honl I i'd he mi iGfd b' om* l'oiuh.n/. 1'uiu. July 13, 1 4i.1. Dcui- Mr. K htor :- - Ou." I'ur i ii trip i"\ bo i f)rt'|.(tly b^- f,~u un tbo .it tui i.v mi n; .!,.!, ,'ib, v, him lb.' icvmul reel y ;'-.jiofi of fj]i,".land ami tb* hdo of Wi'^ht, roacln il Uoulo^iv?, Fiance, and hi nub d u.,, to^ju tiler wit li it liir^a party. \'icwc 1 from about, a milo nut, at iv:'i, tho coii'it bun: p:- ficnlH u iptain't una cliuriniu^ net tit:. 1 lore the bind om m do\ -n to tb- ca, t.ti i ,< rn.l IjTl1; tili'10 If, 1 InpKl l.ll(j l'L'C]H ;M'fJll 1 w 111 r> WiUwl'j od;;u, ami ' l*o ', crilvuv .,(,;.: ir rJict an anccnt wlutt-Wiisiifii cbuK^u. A'i onr ttjiidof iiuarud tf o | icr, \."-' i"i"' jrtodrin n .1 T/ii,li rtd ti'onier:]. )d^rj coatu Mitt v 1 h .tii; ) .;..'.tMiti with Vftii'd tfd ban In',, trolvi'-i'l \.hiidi lu'iitat.d i.ii bway buL*n. jii lunj^ and buirkei hoc!:.'> -, fl.nd frocrka uf 1 Ini < vnr a.1! jtlcri'.I c\tending iiciirl\ to 1 !.c l:m c. 'i'btj br,'k^roi:.Hl of rbi \ pictmo '.-'a'i ' '. Into c jl,b)c -iloi r u, vlnt. pbtait I'cd \."1!> ol i tore;!, and tho r.d tile i which ion fed thins _ Jf Kip Van WniUln had ilcpt backwanl ."')() yi nrn, he v/ovild hwn lolt much mt i\ c Hid. W'v v. our \s buds tbfciu'i tl:-j ctiijtom cllict b> :i Piii'iai nindMMOiscdlf v. fijond n whip-hoard, tvi:f- t't ikfit J 'run cli t .. in tit as the c' irird '. On re in Un/ tUiout:;, .,'.' v.'i:i.i .lUrr'nimh'.1* iji n ho'vhn/r niob id draj nun, [ "aaunt", oi^cir niLit. t'li'l Minall bciVH, Mlbo i-i.it tb'.y v.'^nn} 1 th yt:]LS'i W -rul m in doMtfit'i hero. T'./u iliayintu looi u r'j^ular ^'/J-t a'a'iii? t i at", kih! u-n-.u bnyH . li'l ;;*].. 1 t!.' purti tcd_7 r.:r l'j-) twinn. At b.r-t, wo moiinr^'d, Init thu it>a*.'u:;:ciit lulled i'o. l-'ir'.t ci:11 i iAu oi tho st i.^ul, tin n tht olKtir, v, ua tin l.i^iio1 t. \V<: >'n ciit *ti liiat our bil'.i ti f,Lill b'- ii t hi ir "' a It ;; . I'or I wo bom ti il.,i i tiJ<\ i I: i'i that bdl-jV. v ni'.ti.jti. '1 ' d t.:- [u I lu nil. 'u '.: ^ r. ii i, \; .-,:r'---(: yr in cLialle;,. Iuvnliintiirdv 1. I'cpt lool .n-' ini \'a"j nam' j,*io' t. Wc yic-werl the chat- uan \> In ii) Ijoiok L'.apgb.on ivi.n tin pi lt.oni d foi : . iitoii, itrnl an odd old Koruu.ii ohinrch with ita ll/ii.p but t rtiiif .:-. Tliftu v.o v/uin o'P into tin' country ou-routu for i'miH. II'.-u v.j riidi; bctv.'iu'ii bi^h htalpe'* and tor firm hr-uaea aiu imping- iiitblc in France. A tuick gic;wth of. tit -a bclimJ tllo i-toui ui.ll prcVbiitH inotu tiicu a dimp/.u n! tho uhiiteiiii. Th'.i'o in no f;ool Ainerioan farmer'a wif with her j;ia:n i.f milk and n doii;;bnut to com fort the v f ;ir) wln.idinan. Wv I avu ill; ol ut cly porfect matin in.d a en'in vv oi'imijif-utoil by every tlavice of r- tislic (uiltiv.tf.on. Valley n'ulcn uhu\r ion- mimriii'ttj hkill m uheckured nrranycmiiiit", of vurioiiH jirain.t. Tho yollow rrhaal liiddu urii iluckly dotted with a red tlov/or what thai bloasorn ia I cannot iincl out. Tlioy uisk bio for "cinq nou," o ceutH, evory time I fcii<]Uirc. Am wo puna through famuli vii- laueo, tluuft m a chorua of dcManila for olio "hou" which wo liiujjliliiHly ignore. At ulnioHt tjvioy crohH road, in a croflH of rou, tun Jt'tt hili with a ijrotosiiue figure, in bronzu, of Christ, crnoifiud. Kcmambor that ill i J iu in Nor mainly, and Kormau churoheu aro frcquout. Tbeao aro ho old, orunabliufi and weathr-ntfiinad that wo feel hh if among monumontu of tltj doatf. To mcroiine tliiu feeling', thsro uro tho church-yardw lilKid with mom-covered atoufcH upon which are hun^ iuvariably wire fraunm to hold llowont. Tlicao framoa aro of all douignn. 12you in Enropa, a whuelniiu eats, and ufttsr a thirty.mile riclq, wo Hat down iu a quear little cnfo ia a villugo whero every a tore Hoewod to b u cafe. Above tho door wan a round clock with poirl fiuuroH and tho outline a uoricu of Hixtoen ocollopif. The floor was tile, itruwn with Hand. On ono eida of tho room wtia a martial .array of lo&von of bread, one and on th floor und the othor loo-uinq a^ainot tho wall 3 feet above, A bur ro&ohtd half-way acroiai the othor aide, ou which wore odd j^lacaoa and bottlon. Whon ws aakod for water to drmlc he landlady coultl not understand (though my French wan faultiest) and made mo- tioua tie if waahinR her hands. I inuisfeod that It wh to drink, anJ in a dazed way kIio wont and returnod with a lonp-nockod bottle, BQoh an the stork iu the fable off or. id the fox. This filled wifcb clear water. Then alio walohed us ounounly, and when w drank she got her husband and daugh ter to com* and e thoa* ataplubiottB orea. tufoi. Wtoerver we aU for water they look taeredulouB. auk over BRaiu. und.fiup. plomeut by a queBtiouin^ "lo drink ?" il'irt.- ' l ^ ' ^ ' h . o! \ ( iln"'" ) r 11 n, t lu a m h1' , I i f o!n i 11,,'." ; ', -nd .mot !lrT o! eof- ic i <hir d pndti, ' nd tins vu i"d by hlui'l.'i nf / 11 o", piv jile, HcuTli't; all b' Undc i, pt r* b'.[ i o. a s-.tri'1'U ol \,htte. !'.e|;ind tbi'i n il n h i;. '>'< i "I .v*ib A'.'i h I it hern .'. issr et a fji.'nl miluii t tdi"p!;ei,l in lihi mud '..b,t fn I , --id, v. linct *; - co.'i, p.oct'i Mon.i nl b uvdo jp'd "i'r'- ilurteii ti ih-v/niri' n f liouldenn^ m bint j ,V ii' 'dm 11 mn Wimnd lit:'.'. AllCin, II . !"' 'i i .1 111 in of ;.U in] in >; fell..',', i, i"i I i.i il b ;;n Viari , and v/otrin^ bliKt fi'ncl.'. 'J lieir hurd-ijintiob'd fm;i a li'.-ar v. i;t'iLii 'Oi.lh', but tli'y link 'itrniplit uht'itl 'i il plnd 'don;;. Wo 'u into poyLHUtt,' hoiat.i at tiimri, t.uvaunus pHite^la, and erbut'u the dirt in i.el too deep, the antiipiity of all ia anius- uii.;, Ancient lirc-phice-i \--ith a p-jt ux'/line on the iioti-i, nnd abov.) tins a row o! urn ;!.- fld [d,ittjs v. iidi hunft tJmvLra p'i iitt* d dnllj upun|tbn bowl, tho omniprcLi ut j.callopt d 'Jo dc, a cnnpltj of ca ua-nuat id clnur-i, an nn- bai uic ,;1 trtljle, nml a bt r advurtm mr.i.t chroiiin i:oui| lotc tho picture. Bonn cosrbc fjjrtiined halt vm fjivin mi to fJavrr t,';;j;a \wiicli w,i u'e ut fiiiu p'-nstint'ti liouiic, nu.I f eotuaHy bchnvn tlnit it Imd b.irniii thu /at.Mly'j prjJi.r >'don for ^otu-ritlur.-i. (t v/iu. Uai-V with handling, V/n Iulvl aniuif. in;,' i q'tji it ncf.ii v/ilh our nitiall titotdi nf Fi'entli. I v.-j,ii*-e.l h. nun bieytdo Oil, I'.nd coidd not tjiink uf c v\(jid fur "tjpcriu1"' i-o I atilu-d for t! it- "oil of tli a whale," m L'rcrinh. J'lui g; u;j;i A laii'liTil und bivui'u-d out < \- iM'tly v. h.tt ] v-.-uUit.________________________ T :u 'vhr.;li-ii cai'tr i.ic -W:e nnlv ^ .: 1' dis jceii in fariniiij; dl.it) i :U,t and to tins" . ; i iiTin- ft.ni t. very cuiiot lyablo iJui*n '-tic-i t 1 man n ')d wi-nian. A Jo lb. y ! tidtud vi .n-Hi.'dy at n j m 1 \, n.< pit ' l.t- 'inc 1 >utr\ iirneh nr.tal licnoath vcndoi'i' <:: i! in n ird, i.n 1 vi :y i^ava^fly th^y do it lo ,. : :. n r. - i ni.d i;iUu.iii\ and d> b.ruo! v til "(.It .1 il 1 1'. nil Iv..au . 11 MIfNKMI'AL COUNCILS. t.SSL'.'C 'MKV,\, IV'^i:'., \l i.I'M' <i IU, IH',Jri, Council i.let ki I-1; uIpi hi h lion, I ho- may or in 1 ( bail . rri-'eiit, -Mayur, Uf* c, !;< piiry-KncM', iLtiil ct-uncdlor'. (>' '. bi'.rlli, li, V/bitiit-y, ,1. A. llu leu, I>r. I'oil , \. Ki.m ; , .1. M. IliuU'i and ('<. A. Tin m i . 'l'\,r iniiitt'.i' . uf I't. I m* ( toip, ,i:-,d 'i[i dinl liU'et itic i \.*ei < ! 1. On riiotiu.i < f Mis I- mi nl, f e.itubi I by Mr. .Mi, I tou^'di, i' euaiinu :oc l ' .mi t 1 i.-; inbn- in ttiou n, w '.' en'.'" "I. v n . i't f. 111 I to ol ia If man id Fire, \V< t< i an t In^ l.t I In in. A li L! til h T Of IlcCJHUlfi UU': pi'^.U'eii which no u nhmi ot .or. i. n:d, u't/i.r. I by "STr. Faith, \.*i;i.i ruU if. i c_ ' onininil ti is 'J ho i iHiMi/r.ti".' n pi ' ml ll' t i iiv, t .,ti/;at'.: tic i:l r . "t ' Pf (aiiupoii i-'dou Pi I ' m ia Ut .i1, nun rep um\i d :i -. inlJov. i ' <:bii"i "r -Ai , .J. It. "dcKwan I'm ( n'npi li f'U* Hlr'J'd, the 'Fri u'.cn i jinimt' e i - i.in- iiieiul th ' \a :ie to I.. (halt with m the inaiiU' r plo\nbal fur aiu'll e! Uin * 'Hid. r tl)<.- .tittuLoa." (ll it,-]. 'CnnM vi. ' 'I::l irniait M'*v d by Mr. J. A. llicl'ti, hLCoii'l-.l by Mr. Ibirlli, that the t.-pr>rt ol tho Fiiiaina com mi tie i n .I.F Mcl'b.van ai .1 t Im T. i"u I i '.' : i' 1 hai I. lul n.inromiiiiiliu lu eel 1< >; id ad\ .ce m 1 report at in \t mLotinp, ol cfjuuciJ. --'Jar. IMovcd by Mi. I* ird. .ecoudt... 1 by .'I:. llaitb,that tiio ^ri"Vai.ce . I Mr. r'. \)v>u io (deaiuii;' r.cviiline diti.h be refurn u to ?iit. Wliitmy v.ith poiii...1 tu (n-,,. -(bn_riel. .Mi)vetl hy Mr. F'uid, '(-(..'idedby ?tlr. .J. A. Hiclia, liiat th Maym* h 'nilho: i/. -A t,wn:j!ii ii '..'kiru.t ihreotinj the trsasuri i to advertntf an 1 -ell nil lot > ;b-it are li.il 1" to la ^uld inr li'];i'. tliH yi ar. djar ied. Mnv(;d by 'Ir. Ultimo, 1 ijy ). A. Hickatbat tho cdrupbu.al o! Mr. .VoDou;1, all ro no '". nitary iitate -A out led I., 1 iln drain be ait' vdcA \ . by I Kali n counnitt. n.~~thu , A lio Fir..ni i < 'omn.il ic i'"ports l.rccom- tile t dlO'VJl,' in; tn it* : in c.crv viUfi'Mj, you could not *-Cil' in is'.ntb i iiilu in ('an ..1. , ,u;d r"' l L ! a'. i. ni'.r pilu'riFiia^r1, wo put f V ' ba: d, iu ..o.in ; f ii:r luski;: e nodi ' ir . U,tt na from tin: narrower il!e\ ol aril, 'ico ;.:.i:;. at ivut -i'i,7.". wuLi r. ll e narrow i-tttf,ty Obi v/onit n bent d pis l , . i '.' th'; r-itjiii- 111 %-)-;-iiIh.-- Othrr.i With t*rim monthit ait sum I.nit iiffunt thoir dor rt, lloti.L.'-. witli rila.atcr hi fo^, abd hu;4' holtii iu tl"- nlu'jter, and \.'itb tbatohod I'f.'.li aru tin. liomc; . of 'lice wrutehea. A oompoijitu inc-utal picture of a peasant village in a tbi':diii|_; while, wiih Htrnnp; imprtjumoti of inpm In'*. I don't intend to opprn.^ri you with propui- iiam<iu, but a f.*nnoi*al outlinu of uiir route tn Farm may be hud by tmdtn^ ou vour maii 1'ltaplo, Abbeville itu lino (lollno church with its elaborately uoulpturod fa unae, and u houtiy of Ihancoa I., Mora, and St.. Gormnin aituatfd on an eminenco \'A niilcu from 1'uiin. Hoil1 wo uaw tho chatotiu of I^rancc.-i I., and from the lofty tunaco, from who' cu many Fmncb Iuu/jh Imd f;iL/ud, _wo looked upon FariH for the first iimu. At thu foot of thu turrauo windn tint Heine mid beyond atrttchoa tho im- ini uiie plum iu which memory putu iio mu.;h liumau hmtury. Iu doncouding from tins torracu wo trundlod our itiaclnnen bo- cuuao common huihc, and tho Bicycle Touriug Club of Franco told us to do ho. In France you aru notified of cvory long iitofjp hill, und at t-vury tura you aro told whero to t^o and how fur. Near late,* citicfl are hounea for bicycle ndern to rent id; imd il broai bioyclo path naves a ride over cobble utoneH. Tho roads aru macad amized in the country and made smooth an aiiphalt and ut Bortuiu interVnla are an- thorized ropmr-bhopa. But you cannot got chain paato; thoy quo vaBclino aud nov el' board of any othor lubricant. Of our entrance to Paris and exporionco thoro, I ahull tell next time. C. H. Van Tyhr. p'yrrrr Crjlllll-J, \/liU'i ell ]Il.,t 11)11 e! uli'b ! OV Mr, Ilt'ik ', ". !', adopt, d : Jidiu f i n nil- \ b il.' v' ar'-- t-ai.1 rvc* n'mi i I a*\ li..q '. .!.e;, **2(1 W. lb (; ,lbinu,vi Liiti:iiM i hi ilO tt-n| it i.'Oi', ' ' '- l" I I'W til'i.',, ,oT '. \\ . F il ilbui^ r null ri;: , /. -.A ., -1. A (oirdm r tile, ' .'), -J. II. Alliaj v.aL^rv.'url.a ^UjjjiI.l - Y inTm 1 o J'airbanl: [>u . p I >, \.'ui i:-., *,*-7 >. \. L. I'hii-k , lo.l; 1 it .v. ' :\: J.i, :,A. > In. Mi C' li 1*1 11 , .ii11- ai \ .. a !. ami p,ia\ el, T>'i 7'>. Juhi.'-lon Fro", mat in nil tor waturv. oi ko, F. -J. I.jVCl.U'e pruitine, :u.l ll>. IVoVr Hullt \' wood tor v, aturworUn, t-lll.i"!). Win. hull cleidrio hj-ht for July, r>:J J.IJ t. A. \V. Gardner tialar)- tur July, "*, 10, und 111 i^bt*7-r' cnih. CiiiO, 'J'lioriit.ut work at v,aterwoi 1< ,*?l.-;.'). Tnos. liobimoii cutting ihiatlea, -rlUj'ti). Frank 11 rowu pujlicc* dury, ftl.-lu. A. Haines for lillnii; wwll on fa1 r ^rouiiih;, ;M..7tb .1. It. iJcIlwan aidary uh tux ctJlector, ^10(1.08. Wm. T. Jonoi ditching, "rl 1 ..*i/. Kamiiel Demi ditching, ^1.2 1. .1. Gourlay .V Hoiio rtspiurh on waterv/urkH hoilor, <17d.7". atoved by Mr. Laird, liooondud by Mr. Barth, that tho reqmmL;uu of tho I'ublm Hchool Board for 2,iKK) bu ttucuptcd and placed in tho estimatta. Carried. Moved by J. A. Ilickn, seconded by Mr. Jtarth, that, rho oommiiihiouora in each ward exam in o tho flidewalka aud order tlicae pulled up which aro too bad to be repairod and to repuir thofio they doom worthy of repairing. Carriod. On motion eotfno'.l adjourned to Titular raeetiw^. Jons Wawkuh, Clerk. WriOLK No SG NKAHTHK DARK VAIXRY. 11, la now a coninuai thini; iu tiilH Io(;ab it. 7 to hear people it .iktiowlr.dp.i! tlwi WO- doi'lul b.'iiolit liny havn deiiyuil from tho n , * of I )r. Wilham..' I'lt.u Till i, aud it in not to bo wiitnl *rcd at thV. (hi- ilruc^iHtii find the i, ilo ol tliM roinai'l'.alilu nuahcino Lin bui'o ami ' ' ' eMiManlly in^rDa'im^. V/o i; jUld iliv.: :i:-y tin in hi i* o: iratance.i of uploiidid ruMiilt < lollowin^ tho mtu of Pink WW i, but no ni'u.y of tin, .u rm './oil ltnov/n tu many of our ri>ail a .i i to it >\> n 'od ru- oipitulatniii. ihiv/ow r, rn/.v and ail'.iiw a ci i , ,' mot" ih.Ln ii'tu'l iiilf'H.'J ariiMJ, a:nL wu will iji-' th ; piu-iiouhir.i of mo of Hie ;() i.^r Lh'j l>cm"4t ot the public at Iarj;o. S ^ie* :,c,u i .wo ,'. viciii" i.i'rl oi ll, a dui.MiEi / of \lv. 1.1.oil Duv, v. v,tdl known a,,d i' .peii'.i 1 t-f 'itlfiico .>; Coimvall, bo- f.iii l i fl:n/ .triou i :.', inpt'Hii.-, uud cvnirjci her ii",ihr r ..] Vi^nitxioty. tth > wan juut ii' tb. fM'.iuiJ p(\i'^r^ii^l,if". i"""1 modi- oid ai'l was oalb'Ll i\J H-lid ev< ry i fn SiiUeroil lor ovor IIO Vunvii-'JPi'led Cvoi'yiuiiijr una Kmployod Vwo orVliroo Doctor*, X woll. known farmer Hayu: Lot 282, Tuorold TowuBhip, Wolland P. O., "For ovor no yoara my wife had been a Buffaror from moHt dreadful hoadnohea ; at timoa thoy woro bo bad bug oould ' neither sit or lie down but her head Beamed an if it would eplit. Bho tried evorything eho could hear of and wan nttondod by two or throo doc torn, but could not Hud relief until wo got Btark'fl Powdom for hoadaoho, biliouimoHH, contiYnoso( neuralgia and. tli6 liver. Smoothon abo has been free from. Hufforin({i and any tendanoy to pain Stark's Powders romovo.-ifnnloilifttoly. Thov.arothfl oolv taodioino nho over (jot that has boon of benefit." Jonathan jPace," Price 2ho a box, & boxoi %\, at all mndiv oiuo dealera. i Niop| immodiate aud per* | poker pi ay in J mristTbe atopped, anion h minect.. July 26. COTTAM. Andrew Brown roturned to Alothorwell tliia week. ' Miaa Famiv-Poarco, ot Harrow,' vinited friondfl here lant wocK. A much-noodeJ. rain him come at lat. A letter recoivo'l from Kod Door, from ono who loft hero, hilvh tlint for oue dry day they have two or three wot ouea. Mr. Luii;hton Parker espoota bia throHh- \r\\i maohino uoro iu a few days. Ho will rnn it about ono month, and than qo out west in time for tho thrashing thoro. Mr. A. Warner talks of talting hm macbino and going with him. Mr. A, Warnor ban an attachment to bin threuhing ougmo tauk, ho that ho can drop tho hoso into a woll anil pump tho tauk full in a fow minutee, or he can throw water with quito a force and height an nbown lately. Ho had hie tank fall oppo- oito ono of our blaokmnith uliopa, whon be wae informed that thbre wasiome "pokur" playing going u in tho Bhop. He at ouoo ran tho tank over to the ehop and tumodahoMy utraam ia through the win dow. The players ran eut at the encHloor aud escaped a he^y dranohinf. The u- lookorp wore muok amused aud it was i- markod "that Warner will not allow any wore poker playing in Gobtaxn, and that (Warner) had tinxe to take a hand i it." "' \i h a!'!.*, a .iiiaiiou or ui:h ioii-hi^'. tu ii- Ifi In... Kt.it it uppL'itvd to bj uap. IfiiH, am! tv.a h after wm<k hhc c,i:itinuf;d to :';o'..- Ti'iiin1, until it wit i evident nlio wan f.iht going into a decline. A bucking otjUjdi ^r t in, :iuti tho poor girl, who wiw ftirnn t'iy pluruiiu nl henliJiy looking, with t*-:glit i\.ny oIk i It -, ln-g ui to w i;,tn awuv, aii I m i ff,w ijionili i \,M'j nn,in!v a shadow nf In-,* jm-iMor .1 -if. if it mother hail about I'M ill I opo of -avi:i;; 'be youm* irl'fi Ijt'o, 'It dia"or i b-one -.p*. i rrniiy mnilJo tu Jo jf>n ut tho my- c r..mj ! ib-a-'i-,-. ,\: leneth tin. mothor'a 'JteiiUt.n v.i, dinit'.d ti Dr. SVilh jtura' i'u.i. Filbi, a:: 1 * iiecidon tn tn\c tlieiii a 'rial. A bid \,:i-, t il:,,n, a'ni, iu tlio (drl Jit! not ih. -./ anv V ibl -.e.Lo. <,| miiiiovQ- tiioni, b r nu i hi r w aa uii tho point o: ilin- contMioijig tb-: Kietiioine whan a neighbor p"v.-u'ii . !. lee v:h i not n Ii.1l ti-i-il, an 1 induct '1 lo-r to conthiiici tho billii by tho i ui- iiiiii'iinl \u)k wan oom ph' i the'** u. r i,i:,|. iiup.'co r rnont not i, a'/i - ..J ihet " .. : ] jy lu roa^, umull bote i hi I i, <lo i tin ni.iro p^rii'iahi-.n VdH V.t Oi d to --..Lit iuut- t la LrtaUaiect. Tiio i.ne n. rhu Pi- k Filia wm, lid ii continued fur t -mm mon h ., bv wliit.h liniu llu.: youug ;.'n 1 liad ouitipF t iy ivcovr-rod hor b.eultn ynd rj .pie- ;.:i.: nf ]ie;lbh i,,i -j,,. .. inr in iJt.r- cin-cka i'i a.H bri;;iit ,L . i. wio b-jturc hei illnetig cot.niiuiic1) 1, Jo llnnjiMVliujiiw ln.r during Ihf iIlj j i of her i)hi -. and siifluriug, liar rtooveiy la little v.ort ot a mi rah.1. I\Irn. J) j re frmdy' ijuvu thti ^randard reporter ]iLrun-j!rHin to j.u'di.di an account of hot* dauehter'H illny.iH and rmovjey. Sha aaid h!io could not i\nd wordw htrong' onou^h tj HApri'i" tnc ^r.iMtudj for tlio luiruoulourt euro tbui grunt lifn-uavb g mediciuf) liad feli'jctuu in her dauc.hter'H caao, and who hoped lint teatimouy might bu^tho uieanu of leading otlimro miuilarly alilioted to givo them a trial. AfLor wt-itiug tho abovo, tho repooter aijain called .on MrH. Dn:o and read it to hor, nuking hor if it wan entirely oorricb. She replied that Hbe would hk to givo even atronjjer nxprehHion to Iter apprecia tion of chin wonderful metlicme. Bho farthar onid that Pink Pilla hail grently helped horuulf. She had boon Hnfforiug from tho olfeota of an attack of la grippe, and tiio Pink P. 11b had reatorod hor to health, tlor daughter atao exproflBed her gratitude for tho extraordinary olmnge thin medioino hud wrought in bar health, Tu tho caao of young girls wlio aro pale or tallow, liatloHB, troubled with a flutter ing or palpitation ol tho heart, weak and easily tired, no time u hou Id bo lost in talc- iu^a course of Dr. 'Williams' Piuk Pills, which will Hpoedily onrioh tho blood, and brint; a tony ulow of baiilth to tho ohooku. ThoBe pills aro a pomlivo euro for all, troubles ariuing from a vitiatotl oondition of the blood or a nhattoi'tid uorvouB uvutom." Thoy aro a apeoifio for troubled pttoaliar to fomalfid, correcting eupproseionH, irreg- ulariiicu, aud all forum of woakunuy, Manufaoturod by tho Dr. WillianiHy Ktodioiuc Co., BrooLyillo, Ont-, awd 6ohen- ootady, K. Y., and sold in boxou (neyor in loeko form'by tho dozou Ar hundred) at 50 O0Mtn a box, or uix boxeH for SU.CO. May be had ef airdruggiita or direct by niail from Dr. Williams' Modioma Company at eltbor addreaH. ___________* Tub beat iu what you want when you are in Bead of a mediaine. That in why you should imdufc upon Hood'* Saraaparilla. ('Mamma! wae that a. ugar-plum you just ave me ?" asked little Mabel; "Ho; dear, it wa ono of. Dr. .Ayer* Pilla.",' ' dear; one of those nioe pills la all you 'need at preeent, beeaase: every dose is effaotive.", \v.. .-./, .i.. 'r.i-. . y.\'<:, '.!: vai^te^ ^^^M^^d^^M^mk , ,-\-^m

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