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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 2, 1895, p. 7

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It. - '^ >craped Off the Flosh Mounted Thom. and KNOWN TO HAVE DISPOSED OF FOUR Th Run Who |Ud ,! ^oHf fw tho XtchH Vlllnln T.IU of HI* to.nih,^ WUh HuIihcm ...ul I H . ftoWd, Chicago, .Tuiv 1*8 deiM.-i! 0r murdVr * kutflewood tlu cd tlnnmitnltnhle ovU Ht tho, llolmi'ii' CiiHtl'i wn hint ui^ht plvxu'd In ""lidHoriiiiJiKMitoi- FiUjinlrie loilHt . ... ,.._...... That ( four iMpplo have Iwmmi murder* 11 thiM uhamhor o! horrora in now a P^u-tlcLl certainty. Abu "kuloton or oiirn'of Holmed' victim". uWH*Jdly that or Mr. Julwi O'Connor, ruUOVV. in tll hwp^torV nffien In' tho' wty Uall. xho other MUelotoiin which Come from tho name place will be uliicort hi jmhwahIoii to-morrow. A fourth ' ^S/Jli DRAINAGE BY-LAW NO. 84. A. BY.JLjAW to provide for drainage work in tho Townahlpof MafcUtouo, in tho County of I'jimox, und for borrowing on thu urodifc of the municipality of Gofdlnlu North, thomtm of Throe Hundred nnd 'Nlnoty-threo doling and nine ooiitH, tho proportion to b contributed by mdd mumoJpnlity for ooinplotlnft tho Bams. LYoviHiomtlly udoptod tho 2()tb day of June, lBOfi. -----WuitmcAii' JuinrvSlowMl owiiur of lot Bt, I" tho Bth oodccbhIou of tho ToWiwhln of MaliT- .done " rvml^upon tlw n ui l" ml onuncll of tho yah! township, , writtmi uottou Uml thol'uoo or No KJT S >rX.or I "liVully ouut.riiL(t undorti.o iirovlnlou- ofllw OuUrio DritlMiitfji Aot.wiim lumlu by tin ovmllow of witur from tlio "Ma arain. body him hoon traeod to Philadelphia, JikI I to rocipit'iit there will no doubt ho djuuiovorod in tho eoim<o of a few dn.yiu Tho man,who produced thin . otartlinK evidence wan ch*ieti?d with tho InHpec*. tor /mil Doteetivew Ndrlon and Fitxpat- nek from i\ yil !) o'clock liuit .niRht. Tho '""VQGip/t^&Wiwn to make hhi nainor u at pri'tu'iit, for tho renwon that it would handicap bin further inventica- tionfl. ThUi man'n tory In that ho firnt mot Uolmi'M in rwipomic to an advertisement for a mnehinUt, which apjienrml in a dally nuwupnpor, Thin wiui in tho immnifr of X8(>2. Uo worked for Holmfrf iu that enpneity for evfral inonthw. Ojio day HoIiuph catnu to him mid nkod him if hi could' mount a dkolctou. Tho man Haid h could. IJolm^u conducted him to a dark room on tho nocond floor.in tho central jmrt ol tho huildiiiK. and thoru pointod out tho ronmihfl of a nwin. Thoro wiui coimiderablo fleuli on tho lower Iinilw,hut tho arm* won? prncticnlly bare. Uo took tho- arm bonco and hUuH away with him that nip;ht. Tho nort day Holnu' brought tho remainder of tho etclotou to the nutchiinHt'H hoiio. Thin wiw Oct. 1, ]892, On Jan. 2, 3803, Holmon cjinn' to Itim, and nnkctl him lo articulate' another alcoloton for him-. Another trip to the dark room 'produced nnoUuir human body, thin timo tlwitj of a femalo, Thiti body had much morii flcrili on it than the other. TMh i.s tlio ulcelcton now in poReo- ioiJ of tho InHiwtor, who bolioi-es it to bc.iUI that in left of Mm. Julia ConiHir. In .Tnno, 1803, Uw man war called upon by Holme/i to articulato a third Blceletou, which wiw prodncod from tlm same dark and mjTf/tcricnu) o.luLmber in. this cufltlc. Jlolnuw paid him $30 4ach for two of Uio ftkcflcttmn, and t<wk them awny. Tho third ho did not cull for. AuoUior inosrt important fonturo <d thi/i iiuui'h ntory wnii h\ (Uatpmi'iit that dur- hijj; all thm timo that he wan fi^inc;, up kd-'toitfi for Holmeu Pat Quiiiilan .wiw nl>out l.ho in-CJniwio oikI nocmed' to' bo ITo'iiioh' ti-iinU'd inane. ' To verify bin etatcment in tliiw repard Quinlan was feejit for and confronted byt he mnuhiiimt and mounter of l;o)oLoiiflt WJnit took plc3 butwetiii tho two m^n tho, Infijx^c- tor declin-.'d to Hay, hut when Pat eamo out or Ui>' hwont-ljox thia timo he looked toji yoni-H older, and UiH whole bearing art that of abject" depah*. Only, abou/t on hour before Quiailan bad tcon caBcd upon to face tlm wLtin^ir wJioflo tcfltimonj' wtut ditmag-inp; Xor him and Hobncia. T^iia witiicHa won Ccpluui Kiilmpbrcy a colored man, who Iuvch at C213 PcorisfL-ntreet, and riiiiw an oxprvria wagon. HutaaJpTmsy tobd the iiuiiMjctor that ia Juno, 1803, Ublimcs cftme to him ' oniO. dn-y and nMccd liim. if Hie couII:d take it. tnilalc and boi to tJio tlniion Deplyt. "I toUL Hxri\ I BonJId," Kaid llumphi-ey. "I xtrn&t you to ooirao for tho ntufE alxvuft d^.rk," Bawl Hbliiica, " on I do not ttur to'luavo tho ueiighboja turn it go H'UWp'liroy caUcd. Ho woa conductod to tbo cQimmbor of horrors mcatioood by tho ttuicJhiniffi and oven raoro vividly deacrib- 6d by tbo BUpcrtitLtlouja colored lraaii. "It wwi an awfuli loolcmg place," lie Knixl. " T'ltero wcro no wi/ndoww in it at) B.11, and only a heavy door ojieinnp; into lit. It Tniado my flcwli irn;ep to go in llic-rc. Ii fLt at if Boraothi3i/j wim wronjj;, . Imt Mr. IJol'mJjfl did not givo mo mutib firaw to tJiink about tiiat." Uampbroy then went on to tell bow he had, foutnd a large box which looked like tbo enfling ordinarily tuied for n. coifia. Tiiiw box ho carried downatJiirH and Htart- wl to sot upon end on the Hideu-alk. Holmco was watching him from a win dow upstairs and rapped vigorously to attract hid attention. "Don't do that," he cnllcd to the ex- preaman. "Lay it down flat." Ho then went buck and got the trunk. 0olmee iimtmctcd him in takf both to tho Duion Dopot and leave them at a certain place on tho platform. He told Humph rey ho waa not to nay njiything to any body at tho depot, mi a ini.n ihero wn/i expecting the package mid would take caro of.it. Humphrey Haid, mi well, lie recollected IIiiIiii'-h told hnu the box wiuj to go to Philadelphia, but ho could not remember where he mud tlu- trunk waa to bo H0at. The uxpivosman ami jiuuMiiuiut wero both detained hy L|l0 innpector, and Will not be allowed to leave the cus tody of au oifictir until more Hearching uvetttigation in made Ln regard to their itorii'fl. jilts* Jltity Jo/tntan Ayer's Pills 111 have taken Ayor'n. Pills for hinny yfiar.i, nnd nlway.i derived tlio host re- milts from their use. For Stomach arid Liver troubles, ami for tho. euro of hcarinchfi caused hy those dorani;eieiitfi, Ayer'ii 1'IIN eami'tt hu emiiUed, They nro cany to lake, and Are the Best nil-round fitmllv medicine ! lisivo evrr known." Mrs. a!av JuiiKHON,3C3lltdcr Ave,, J^ow York City. AYER'S PILLS . Highest Awards nt World's Falr"- * r Aycv'sSayf*ajutrliUi farthe blood* ni-vriopraorrt tr-amo to inTfl xa*aay m w* ITulnicaV cauie. It wnn in the form oi a letter written from Chicago by II. \V. MinchoH to a Philadelphia friend of IbdToc/i, ' The recipient of tbo letter do- _ dined to allow Inn naiati to be luted!, TIhj epistle re add : Chicago, .Tuly 18, 18{>r>. Dear Sir, I liave jimt retiir.ned from Kurope, and wan wirpriHed when I learn- ed that my friend Tlnlmon wan charged with killing the children of Benjamin Pitencl in Toronto. I hardly think thera caji be any truth in the charge. I knew of Mr. IloliricH' wliei-eaboutH at tho timo th" little girln are nid to have been; murdered. I eiun Hay, without fear of I't-.itrajlietion, that he waft not in To ronto or vicinity at tho tinu- the mwr- ileni aj-e alleged to luivo been committed.' Tf I he .children wen' killed Mr.'Holmetf had no hand in the crime. Let mo U<**\v if T can lx' of iin.v service in tlus ' iw. I am wn*iti:iiK -Mr. Iloliiv'fl by t'.:in mail. U. W. MbSCIIO^. Attorney Shoemaker, who reprenentd Ilolineu, wao hou in i-efertMice to the li'ttj-r. He aid ; '* I .tN'fiifle to uay wiiethor or not I know Mr. MiwclioH," 'IMie lfctpicnt of the letter otated that " Miocbolf " in. an old friend of Holmeu, lie furUier declared that Holmeu could not ho proved guilty of the Torointo inlinler. ll.'fli<L'n that of the man. Atiochof! it u-ao given out to-day that IIoLnu-H^iaa ii ninnlwr of otlwr aiibin that; will ac count for hiit nrovementtt during the time that he (Kotowo) m tmpponed to have lieou butchering Alice and Nellie Pitezel. DiHtricl-Attorney Grnjlmm riaid : "'* I have not eajd that Holmeu would be tried here for murder or that ho would i:<'L be. The (itiOHtioii ban not yet been 'licidi'd. Wo are doing all \s-a can, 'how ever, to Hift ont tho evidence againnt liim, and when our iuvontlgatioim are ' Oi.cludi'd I jnny iwive hoiucthing more to ay." oonkrlbotloii tliuruto. HUtltJU hh ti.mlly UM Ho on ltifurlnu liability, wliliili, fu bin opinion, will bo tu/u work by ovory rotd or lot, or portion of lot, tut tiiturly an bo oun the proportion of boiiollt, outlot liability und i dovivod or luniirrod iu oonuoijumioo of uuuh drain- lu/O W(irK DV ovury uitu - , ... ,................., tilt) llllld ILHHflHBIllOtH H3 Hindu huillK tlio atlllOIHI- mnnt horolmtftur by tlilH by-luw itiiiiutotl to bo iifomuund and luvlod Upon tbo roadii and lotn, or iHirtfi of lotH. Iniroliiaftur In that behalf cipcoiallv Hut forth and dimorlboil, ami tlio report of the mild .fan. H. Jjulrd hi ronpout tlioreof, and of tho drainage work, boluu an lollowo: To tho Houvo, Doputy-Itoovo and Municipal Couuulllorn, of tho Township of Maidutono, lu ooun- oll ihiiioinblud: (jHNTU'.mkk,-In acKordaucm with iniitruotinuH' from your honorubln body. I hnvo tnkoit tlio nntleoHimiod by Henry llowtdl and have examined No, 10 Tap Drain, known art tin) IMico Drain, from tho townllno Imtwimn Mcjimuld North and Maidutono, north uloiiij tho contro of tlm fitli con, of Mnidfitono to tho Maiden rond, and \)ou to ronort thoroon aH followtt: I find that the uald drain wan uotnitruotod aliouc 111 yuarii aifo, and that thoro hnti boon uoth- luu, done to it nlnoe, except u few lfi[(n taken out ol It ovory fow yoarti, I iiIho find that tho uald drain lunroaLly.Mllod up and inhcii in nood of iinprovomont. I Hud that tburo lit only about :Ui0 aoroH lu tlio nahl Townnbip of Muhliitotio that can.lino uald drain, und nomo ol that to a vorv nll(;btoxtont. Tliero hi 720aorou in tho Towuiildp of UouJlold North aiitlUlII in tho Town of Kmiox, that will mio the nald drain an an outlet thrnunuuut, ILh otitlro loii|(tli.' 1 find that It will cent, all oxponuoii included, ?7K7 tu put liald drain ia n |(ood ntato of repair. Of thin amount I have taxed the la ml ii in Maidtitnuu for hunoilt will) ^',hM0, and foroutUjt with 1!t7,JH; tho landu in Gontlold North for outlot with $:im> (W, and for bouolU with 84; and tho landii in tho Town of Khiiox with 8i:tf',0S for outlot. Actummanj ion yon will find jdaiui, p;-onloft, iipocihotLtloiut. luiiionomontn, tmtl- matofi and all othor papero uoueiiiiury for uidancn in tho cleaning out of nald drain. Tldrt drain nhall bti kopt in repair by a tax on tho landii and ronibi now luitioHftoil, and in the itaiao proportion oxoopt tho onuiuoor in ohurce of tho eluauin^ out hi of the opinion that, tlio x>roportdon oui;ht to be ohauu'id. I have tbo honor to bo, auutlniuon, your obodiout Horvaut, (tliljucd) JAMKSS.LATUD.O. L. G. Enuox.Oet. l.ia'Ji. And Wiikhhah tho council of naid municipulity of Maldiitono did norvo tho head of tho mun- lolpallty of (loiiUold Nortli with n copy of tho abovu ronort and of the above tuoutlouod phmii, apooillcatlnnii and eiitimaten for tho rooalr ol Urn No. In or I'nco drain. Ano WniiiiKAii tho Fiaideoiinellof (ioidluld North aroof tho opinion that tbo draimifio of tbo nroa doncriboil in doitirable. Tlioroforo thoiiaid inunlcipal eounuil of tbo naid Townohip of Goiiflold North, punmant to tho proviniouu or tlio Drainann Aot, lttlH, onuotu ii'i followii: Int. Tho naid roport, pbum, iipuoitlimtionu and uHiionnuioiitn, no far an they xolato to tho Town- nufpqf Goiiftold North, aro horoby iidoptodtind tho dminaiio work au thorofu indieatod and not forth, nhall bo mado und constructed in aooordanco therewith. Qnd. Tho Itoovo of tlm naid Towmibip may borrow on tho orodit of tlio CJorporatlou' of tlio naid Township of Goidluld North tlio imm of SUUH.OU boing nald liiuuieipallty'ii proportion of the fundii nocoHHiiry for tlio work, and-may Imiuo dobonturon of tho' Corporation to that amount, iu luunu of not loim than ^ftl) oaoh, and payablo within iivo vourti from tbo dato thoroof, with intoi-oitt at tho rate or fi por coiit.iior annum, that hi to iiay, In iivo oqual aiiuual iudtalmontu, tjtioh dobontureii to bo pnyablo at tlio Imperial Uaultat tho Town of Kiinex and to havo attaehod to thorn eoupouH for tlio payment ol iutortuit. ilrd. For pavluii tlm timn of &l.i)u, tlio iimoiint charged aualunt tho mild landu and roadn foi bonoiH, and tho num of fliV.l.Oi, (ho amount charjjod atjaiuiit tho uald lauds and roiuhi for outlot Ihibilit-y, apart from tlio landii audroadfi l)doni,du(i to or eontrollod by tho muuioipality, and for covering interoii: thoroon for iivo yoaru at tlio rato of fivo per oont. por annum, tbo following total npoeial ratoit, over and above all.othor niton nhall bo tumosinod, lovfod aud collootod (In tho ttarao manner and attho itamo tiuio an other taxoii nro loviod and collootod) ujiou and from tho imdor- montlouoil lota or parts of lots, and roads, and tlio amount of tlio said total upocial raton and intorost aualiiut oaoh lot or part of lot roupootlvelly, nhall lio divided into five oqual parts, and ono suohpart uball bo inisiu'imid, levied aud collectod tin aforesaid, in oacti yoai for iivo yours nftor tho dual paiminc of thin iiy-lnw, duriui; wbloli tho said dobonturcu have to ruu. Sohedulo of Undo Asaotiuod iu GoHtiold Nortn for tho Puco Drain Ilopuiru iu Maidutono a. o 11 NTB Mtiiclliic C'l^ruiid'u Tiitlicr Found. Lu/ayoto, Ind., July 27. After two ilnya' search by wire, Peter Cigrand, tho father of Mine Kmeliue Cignind, Holinen' Hiippoaed victim, hnu been located at Audernon, Ind, He- had not heard from li'H miHHing daughter Hince the time of tier nupponed jnarrLage. Tho letter ho received then wnn to-(ho-refect that who wan going to Eurojwt to upend the fallow ing year. A*tur failing to hear from her again, he wrote to Ilolmeo, and later heard from him, HtaUng that be had not eeh her eince hi! had married PbelpH, autl that he did not know where she wen. The old .inn.n wilh prustrntcd when lie learned for the fimt lime that bin daugh ter wnn being uenrched for, and why. CONFEHHKH TO KIII,IN<. ;w OMCN. VnltlU rillcil V11IU <lnb!illiiir. Clilcmgo, Jnly 20. Eiui-ly Van, ThpsoI, ho haa boon mioning 'from her homo _..uco June, 1802, in thought to hiivo ' ^ boon another of Holinen' vietim.s. Hlie livod at Gil North Huby.ir(.(.i. j|,.r ijc- CUpation won that ul cjihii-r in a fruit tore, and it wujj here Una nhe met IJolmoo All that the jutlice an- nhle to . r uncertain about her conneciiou with Pi Holmeu if* tlilit he haw her on lour uc- V Ciiflionfl. Bho nhowoil a reiu.ai'l;alHi' Jik- Vlirjj for UolihcA aud her juoLIht btdievi-n, :\/in tho, light of recent rmvlatiuiiH i.h to '.!. Uohnee' character, tliat she wi-ut with liim. Not a tunglo cluo to her fa to ha oVor been received oiiico 'die left home,and ; tliero ifl little doubt in the mimUi of her " frionda that rdie is dead. Tbo workmen digging in tin? cellar of , the HolmcH' lioum' in Knglewuod this ' ' aitornbon mieurthud two brick vnulte, tkreo and one-lniU feet beneath the nur- faco. The vaulta are oix feet long by throe feet wide, and jmit deep enough to ualco a grave for a ningle body each. Both wore filled with quick lime. Near fcyw'ae found another bunch of hair clot ted with blood. : CUlof Baduiiocb haa detailed men to Inveatigato tho .iiuopicion that Hornce WUUnnifl, brother of Minnie nnd Annie fl :',W[UUttmii, w* murdered by Holmes. Th.-re |g,'U' ronton to believe that Ihiu i;t true, bocaUBO the young unm had bio life iu. jnred for $25110 in .favor of bin winter ^Minnie, which wiw equivalent to making ,'Hplmefl the beneficiary. An .illh) for H.- oi -. FbiladclphLftT- July 2T.-Au la ;irlaufc.. m l>r Nell Ouiiiii or Qmbee llnJic* u Con- fruition Which It, ^nutlucl ;r hy (he Dull Chnpljilii Lomlon, July 20. In The Kuntlny Com- l:triion, Llie Unv.-fi. P. Merricl;, chaplain of Hollo way jail, tolls a otory of tht; imtnli'ivr, Dr. Xeal Cream of Quebec, w;-.i, it w'll Ik* ri'iiiemh.TL'd, wan exe cuted for tin1 murder of neveral wome.a in li'.atdou hy t ; ;ulni:ui;*Li-iitiim ofi nt r;.'( I;pine ln. no..-aled in oapHUlen. AL'e,rdin;< Lo tie1 c:i:i]>'.,. in of llidh/way j.M.U wji ; [ , t !.:i t ii" had nui-d -ed in v. 'Id b'o d :m fi'wer t'.:an thii'iv five w..-ni'ii. U .. pjn n . :i timl wiille in .Vin-'ri.-a ho toiff -red injm*i,*n- tn"it for n. crim which had 1h-i':i traced to Siiuii by a wonmn, .'l',hi.-j woman detec tive 5iad beguiled him until hi-i guilt wuh brought to tight. When he entile to England he believed, or aid ho be lieved, Lhat every woutaii who tqioke to hi'm wtiu a police decoy, o.nd ho sacrificed tllCTll, Strangely enough, lie was one of the most proficient lliblo etudentn over ad mitted to Holloway jail. lie could rc- cito from, memory nlinotft (half tho Biblo. >vai,la<.-i;-,4 ur-i;i,i:<;TKo\ a^huiio. Delesatea Ka Koiito lo Us It Tax Thuit lie-' Kara Dili amll<latuk-e- MomtrcaX July 20. Hon. Clarko Wal lace, wflio lort thin cvonlug 'for Halifax., diijd a good deaL of q'tnict work aiaougKti tlie, mombora or the order, and hiw fricudfl oay tlio Grand Master in a candidate- for rc-elAJction, and wall bo ouccew-irul. lix- Mjiyur" ClXLrka, wiho Li to oppoao tho pre sent Grand Ma/itter, altio poaaod through to-day togetliar wiith E. Cochrane, M.P., Ab^iander MblCny, M.P.. Col. TyrwQiltt, fctP., Goorgo Taylor. M.P., \V. .Av Mc- CuHa, Ex-M.(p., C. \V. Sawyer, of Pctcr- boro, Rev. Mr. Mad.aU, W. II. Willoiig-hby, ILL.A., O. b. EnBh, M.U., Andrew Itro- dcr, Bx-M-LA., Oa^^v I^lton, Ex-M-P- and otUera. ;( . 1 w pt 1 o pt l27iS n o pt w hi 17H u w p.t a7'J"0-pt 27J h u pt 27'J o h w hf 271) w hf w hf 280 H w pt 280 ii o pt > 280 n hf 281 u pt h qr 281 n pt lie cor 281 ii hf a hf 2R1 h hf u hf 281 n hf n hf 282 n w pt 282 a o pb < 111 fio >:> 7o ;io 10 50 50 -10 so 100 i:l. 1 50 ' 50 50 ct 1 .<CJ a Oi a tc a 'u a I 50 1 00 1 50 Total /or benefit " outlet " injuring BoadH of Municipality Total 1 00 37'J 01 10 05 a03 0'J a 0 20 3 50 13 50 10 50 18 00 5 40 27 U0 27 00 2.1 (JO 27 00 5-1 00 7 00 54 27 00 2700 27 00 1 80 a ;m 370 04 -W-S? - 1*4 XI O aJ z & Ii 1.-5 -^ " ^ 2 o O l- " >t o 1 20 ,7(i 2J 2 10 fi30 7 55 85 1,15 1 15 IJ \\u 4 10 h at) 1 10 11 4-15 4 15 4 15 70 1713 H00 5 20 175 15 HO 10 80 oG 15 G25 .11 15 HI 15 21 05 ill, 15 02 30 a io 05 31 15 31 15 J1 15 5G5 13 10 59 2(1 442 30 I 55 11 (JO 00 81 453 00 a rt a* in m oj O tj < ul.-) ^ teg 1 78 1 04 35 3 12 0 3fi 11 23 1 25 0 23 0 23 4 00 0 23 12 40 102 13 G23 0 23 G 23 1 13 2 02 88 4G 2 82 00 78 4tb. For payinc tho uum of $10.06, tbo amount nunormod aRaUnit tbo imid roudo (and lnndnl o tho municipality, and for covorinj; intorout thnmon for llvo yoarn at tho rate of ttvo por cent, nor annum, a Bpuciul rato on tho dollar, uumoiont to proiluco tho roqufrod yearly amount therefor, ahull, over and ahovo nil other niton.ho loviod and collootod (in tho name manner aud at tbo ciamo timo an taxco nro loviod nnd collootod,) upon and from tho wholoratoahlo property in tho onid Townnbip oi Gonilold North iu onoh year for tho poriod of fivo yoarn attor tho dual puflafmiof thiu by-law, durine which tho naid dohunturon havo to run. - 6th. Tbiitthln by-law nhall bo puhliuhodoiico in ovory wook, for fouroonaooutlvo wookii. in tbo Khbkx FmcE 1'jninH, newspaper, publiuhod in'tbo Town of liuaox, nnd that thia by-law nhall como into forco upon and after tho mini puauiug thereof, and may ho cited mid roforrod to mi tho "No. H-l or Fuco Drain Itopuirii iiy-lftw." (Slimed) JOHN a'. HHOWW, Itoovo. I3.VAC JA.CKBON, Clork. [ Heiiehy CmtTiw that tho fortroIiir in a true copy of n Uy-lnw jirovlnionallyndoptod ou tho 29th day of June, 1HU5, by the municipal council of tho unld Townuhip of Gonllold North. J 1SAAO JAC1CBON, Townohip Clork. JNTO^XCJaES. Kotico in borebv fdvfcu that tho Court of Itoviuion will bo hold at tho Town Hull, Cottam, on Saturday, tho 27th ilny of July, A.D. 1M)5, n% 1(1 o'clock in tho forouoon, for tho honrinft and trial oi nimoidn mado aijainnt tho above aiiiioimmont, or any part tboroof, In tho zunnnor proviilod l>y^ tbo Uruinauo Act, ltifJ-l, und that iiuy pot Hon jhtondinp; to appeal iiftaiunt tho abovo aniieiifimont, or any nurt thoroor, muht, not lutor than tha iIiivh hoforo tho timo llxod for tho holdinR of nnid court, norvo an tho clerk of tho municipality n written uotico of nuch appealer othorwino ho will bo too lato to bo honrd in that behalf. And furtbor notice in heroby lilvon that uny oornon intending to mnko application to havo fmch by-luw, or any part thereof, ommhod, munt, not lator than ton days after tho ilnal piuifliuR thoroof, norvo a uctico in writiufi upon tho Itoovo or otlior bond oflloor, and upon tho oiorlt of tho Municipulity of Gotmold North of bin intention to mako application for that purpouo to tho Uich Court n* Toronto, (luriue tho aix wooku next onHuinfj tho final pannlni* of thin by-law. I6AA0 JAUKKON, Townohip Clork. Dntod nt, Gonftold North tho 2!)th day of Jund, IB33. C It A VI! <HAK<;i: AflAVMftT A DKNTVMT, I>r. Ynmeii r Htrnirord AIIpkcI to Ilnva committtiii n Criminal Ottrratlou. Stratford, July 20. Dr. J. G. Gorniiin* dontiflt.o! thin city, waa orreatod last oroiiiuff and charged with having iwr-' fprmod an abortion on an unmarried woman named AHco Dunn, at ^reaont living In Mount Forcat. On beiue takeii boforo tho PolLto llagjotrato ho nloadod not guilty, vnw Admitted to bail in $10,- $000. bbndA]kan<dixottLftndfoil until Ffldjiy Tho alleged affonco i eaid to havo beoii icommlttod hero on Juno 20 lant, eincft which time Mlea imn has b&cn 111, wid latterly alio luas been getting worao. Several Herds of ISuJTuloe.s And thouBanda of oiks, deer, etc., are to bo found in tho Yellowstone Park. It in tho only placo where lIio buffalo can be found to-diiy, so ruercilcmnlv luivo tboy been alansUtered. Tbey -are ^ouo from tbo plaiiao and prainc-H.and the romnunt now leftcan thank tile United Btatea Government for tho privilege of living. Tho Yollowutono Park ih their homo and tboro they aronufo. ThePurlciH patrolled by aoldiora both admme-r and winter to capture poaoho and offoudors and aevore puniiihrnoni in moted out to intruders. In Rumraer the buffalo range in tho highlaudu, near Yellowiitone Lake. In wiutor thoy work over into Haydon Valley and ourrounding oonutry, whoro tho .hot ppringu and-watorn \<,aop tho naow molted away. Door and oik range over tho entire Yollowntouo Park. Timn botiidou tho groat mtirvoln of nature mot with in thin wonder- land.thero nro also tbo fluopb flpcoiraono of our largo gamo. fear not man. Tamo and dooilo, thoy ilSkwtohoB ol! Wonderland, an lllnnfcrated- booh publiahe'd by . tho Northorn Paoiflo- Railroad denenbed tbia woudorlaud. .It willontboB byCnxg'. S. Fkk, tho Gon'l Agont, Ut, I'aul, Minn., upon receipt of BixoentB in Htumpn. "Uody Itcfitert, MUuVm at Kase." That is what it m when travelling on tho jfaat trninn of tho Chicago, Milwaukeo it St. Paul Euilway; bot-idea there iu no chanoo to "kick," for tho accommodations aro np to date, tbo trninn koop moving right along aud got tliero on time. TheRO linou thor oughly cover the turrilory between Cbioago, La (JroflHe, bit. Puul, lUinnoapolio, Abor- dcen, Mitchell, Sioux FiiIIh, Bioux (Jity. Yankton, Council HluCfn, Omulm and Nor- them Michigan. All tbo priuoipal oitiea und tow^o in that territory aro roaohed by the "St. Paul" lines, connecting at Stt Paul. Council Blnffn and _ Omaha with u\linos for pointn in tho far woet. Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Putm'r 'Agout, 87 York Stroot, Toronto, Out., for ono of their map time tnblcR and ajbvooimro, giving doBonption of tho Gompattmoiit Sleeping Jartt. Tiokotu fiirninlieil by any coupon iicket agent iu tho United Btatuu and Can- vln't 1'ho fincat dining earn in tlio world run on tho nolid vcutibulod, elootric iglited aud ntoatn-boated traitm of tho ChU ngo, Milwaukee it St. Paul Railway. --------, . -^*--------------- "Have tried othorH, bub like Ayot'B host" ia tho atatomoiifc rqailoovor and over a^aln by tboHo who toatifyi to the bonout derived from tho two of Ayer'u Sarnaparillaj DiH- oaao never had a (jreiitorouomy than thitt powerful blood-buriuer, It makes the weak strong. J. GOTJRLAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT . . . THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLERU, . - DESCRIPTION- Tfiifl Maoiiino consiata of a horizontal caafc oylindor, with wrought iron bfira, ^vith hdooI tooth boltorl to tbo oylindor bo as to bo rovoraiblo whou tka tooth hocomo worn on tho front Bitta, running in a porforaled concavo^ iron filioll, which tho ehollod corn paBdoa through into a ahoot iron onso, with a. fan or clonnov attaolicd below, which takes all tho duafc from tho grain. Tho choapoet, bowt, moat simplo and durable Power Corn Shollor in u6; sholla corn poi'footly cloau in any condition Hhollin J and cleaning from ono to two thousand bushola of oars per day, according to powoi Dimenqionh. Length, 5 ft. 3 ttK>{?ullcy, 10 in, diam eter, 0 in. fa'co; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions por minutoTW^gbt, 550 lbs* EVERY SHELLEft WARRANTED. ^ >* J. GOURLAY ii ^liSlNYOUTBi LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN J Iff THE DECiiiT or ik-uomnco und folly in yonth, ovoroxrirtion of mind and body biduc-|# 14 { IIL ilLOULt oil byJuHUinuoxoomironro conHtautly wrookinv tlio Jivnit andfuturofl MliuppinoHiioiltliouRnHdsofpromiHlnfryciuntfinon. Homo fado arid wither nt an pnrly ngofi Km. tho hliiHiiom of manhood, -whiloothorn nro forood to draff out a wonry, frnltjorta mid., innlaiichnli ni:int/iiii'c. OUhth ronoh matrimony but find no Holnco or comfort tlioro. Iboij vlotimmiro Imuwl in till htatioiiii of llfo:-Tho farm, tho oillco, tho worlcshop, tlio pulpit,C tho irndeumid the profosinionn. ..__________. J!RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY ORG. K. & K. g coAB.jnium'Y;.* K S Wm. A. WALKElt. Wm. A. WALKKIt. wns.ciiAS.FEiiny, Sdefout; TnB,vTau!iiT Ai^mn tiiieatmbnt Divorced hot united nftnbl !2TN0 NAMES 0 TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN COWSEWT^El SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Wm. A. Walknr.of 10th Btroot nnyn^'I hnvo nnfforod nntold H(tnnit>!i for my "tftiy lifo." I was indlncrootwhon, yonnir nnd ignorant. An "Ono of tho Hoyn" {contracted HyphiliH nncl other Private dinonnon. 1 had nlcorrf in the mouth and throat, bono paimi, linlr loono, .pimploa on faco, iinKornnilo enmoofi, ominnionn, bocamo tliln and iloflponilont. Snvon <lootorH trontod mo witli Morooryt Potnsli, etc, Thoy helped mo but could not euro mo. ,____________,________ i,inallynfriondindncodmototryWr(j.KonnodyA;Korft(in.B| 'heir Now Method Treatment onrod mo ia a Fow woekii. Their trontmont ifl wondorfol.fi I hnvo novor board oC thoir fulllne to euro in abliiglo<p r*7"CURES QUAnANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED IMPOTEIMCY VABICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED. waii I hoartily rocommond tliom." 2^You foul yoiirfMilC gnininft ovory day. Capf.. (iiufi. Furry Biiyn: "I owo my H'o to Dm. K. it K. AtlilhmniodnLmdlmbit. At ^1 I hod nil tho itymptoma &of Homiiml Wonknotm nnd Hpormatorrhcca, liminaionu wcro driiininir and wonltoninir my vitality. I married nt Klil undor iidvico of my family doctor, hut it wnti u flndoxporii'iien- In eihtoi-.n monthd wo wero divorced. I then connultod Dru. K. tt K., who rostorod mo to manhood by thoir Afciu Method Treatment. Ifoltnnow life thrill through my nnrvon. ' Wo woro united aitala and aro hnppy. Thin uix yoaru uro. Pro. K. &, K, nro iiciontiuo opouiuhiitn and !I l&rtVt! treat and curt Varicocele y Emi^iont, Nervous Debility, Seminal QtVea/ettess, G/set, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural DiscAarjftrs, Self Abfym 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK DKT/ir^te'DI Are you a victim? Havo yon lout bono? Are yon- contomplntlnff mar-J* ritHUlLri ! rhino? Him your Blood boon dtbotutod? Hnvo you any wonknomii' Onrlf Now Method Trontmont will euro kou. Whutit Inuidouu for otlirro it will do for you."* ^CONSULTATION FREE. No matto* who bun trontod' you, wrlto for an honoitt opinion FrooSS ~a2 (Jlinrgo. ChnrcoHroaBonabIo.*,BOOKS FREE "Tho Goldou Moultor" (lllnatmtod), on Ditsoaaca oEtlon. Inolouo poataRO. 2 conta. Sculou. WtSy-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-& VatE. No medicine oont C. O. D. Nonamoo on boxey or nvoI-2 Idones* Everything oonfldontlal. Quostlon list and cost of Troat-C Dmont, FREE. --------------------- W kDRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN.^V^KSk Kii . , ' iff + >: v v li 'i V 1 King of ell x Bicycles. ^>0O Light Weight and Rigidity. EvoryMn chiiiefully warranted Absolutely the Best. Superior ti&icAai and Scientific Work manship. 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Colombian Exposition. S*ttd twoceat stamp tor our 34-paga Cotulogtie-A work of Art* Monarch Cycle Company, RctairSaiesroom, ato Wabash Avo. Lake nod Halted Sis., CHICAGO, ILL* M tasggRssggj^^ That Tired lading Ib a" oomraon oonaplnuifc and it ia a danger* ou Bymptoni.^I^moauti that tlio ayfltem ih dobilitatod beoiiaHQ ml impiiro blood, nutl in thin condition it 1b oBpooUily~"laoie t0 attaekn'ofldlaaaHO. Hood'a BtiwApfcrilU ib, tho romody^c* thm oondlt'iQrj, and aUo for thut Wouknou x7hiqh prevaTlB at the obaajjc aH nea*bueUmato o* life. ...... Weak nutl Nrvou DoBOribofl tho aonditlon ol! thousands ol people at tide NoaBou. They have uo ar> potito, oariqot tjlocp, and complain of tho . prostrating oftout ot warm weather. Thia condition may be remedied bv Hood's Bar--. Mtpardla, whiqb. oroate au appotito aoi tpuestlp all the o^aua. It my^B roo4. health by making tho blood pare. '%< Hood'a PiIIb are. Iho beat altor-dinn^ plllSt MBlsfc digOBtlon, oare beadaohe. :vr>S '* Sm , 1" 'Wit M m y-:'fm Ll :, & 'ttti-&:*\'. S^,a^y|^jii^ffi 31

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