t t if. V-( * i vfl Tj tf i ' *M -THB- |? ESSEX FREEiPRESS saacHoc, - wortsri*. Published Evory Friday Morning JTrom'tho cOioo on Talbot Bfcroot, noxt Dunnlim Block. Special attontfon is paid to tltn publfoa. Uod of niattor ol local importunoo, uoour- tteand rohublo report* of Town, noij'hbor- tog Township and County Council prooood- tngr local nd county markut roportii, olo., IbeoarafUv and judlolouu manauomont of Tub FnrcE lJnKaa, with ruHpoot to thono and Other current rnattorH of local importance, baa tflvou it a widoHproad probtijjo in tlio Centre of lihmox oounty,whioh in rooojunyud aaonoof tho boat agricultural dintnotfl in Ontario. The I'hkk Pukhu m tho only medium circulating thoroughly in thin Qoutral portion of the County, and m con- Se<iuoutiy,witliotit doubt.tho only thorough advortinnig medium for buflinanii ponplo Wishing to roach that ahum of ouHtomuni. OOUltKHl'ONDKNCK. Our columnn arc alwuyn opou for tho poaooablo diHoumuonof nmttoru pcrtainiiif- lo tho public wolfaro. Able GorrtiBpotidoula in all the Hurround* ng iooalitioa furnish roliablo report^ of Orantu of iutoroHt, ooourtinR m thoirHngWl aphcroit; and tho puldiahor in at tyjfC-^ou Bloaaod to ruooivo intoroHtin&^Jmu of 9ewa from any dwpouud tp^Jj^ard eimtii- ntionn. -H All oommuttioatiou(^0( a private and ofldontial JyymtS^ahouUl ho no maraud ioof tho onvolopo. BUUHOMl-rtON 1'IIICK, 61.00 por annum, iitnctly in udvanoo, ..60 por annum if not ho paid; ana all , iroarM obar^od at that rato. ADVPnTIHr.MllNTfi. Tranniont logal and mnuioipal advor- tiHomontH, uotlQQV, etc., charged at lio rato of ton oontii por lino, for firnt nsortion, and livo ooutn pur line or oaoh nubnoquont mnortion. All ouch dvortiHomoutn nro moanurod by a oaalo of wolvo linoH to tho inch. Local roading and other notioea pub- E&hod amoutf local uown matter charged at fcba rato of ton oontn por running lino for oaoh inuortion. All notioos of ohuroh or nooioty ontor tjaiuraonta of any deimnption, at wbioh an ttdmibuion foo ih ohartfod, aro ro^ardod an Odvortiitoraontn, and full advortiniotf ratoo Ohargod in all ouch crhqb. Noticou of ^ath- oriufts or mooting not for poonniary bono- it or aid, t/ill bo ohcorfully pubhnhod f reo of char go. Spooial oontraat ratoa mado for dioplay or Htanding advtt.. All legal orprofomnon. al cardti undor ouo inoh, 5 por annum. joh on coiiinsncun rmsTisa. Tho Frisk Frishh Job Printing De- partmont ib undor tho Buporvision of thoroughly oompotent mochamcn, and upooial .attention in paid to thin branch* of tho trado. Our faoilitioR fortbo oxocution or all kinds of Book and 3Fino Job Printing aro unoxcollrd. Btoano powor prQHaco, A call Holicitod. BtHUNEBB Ui:QOTiA.TIQMH. *"a|V*~ Job 'Printing "and; TraiiHtont Advortimng accouute, otriotly cuub. Advortinmg accountH with rogulru* patrouti aro fiottlod quartorly. Sub- Boriptiona duo iu advanoo. No nubncription to tho 1?iu:e Piwhh, or advortibomont publmhad in its columns Will bo diHContiuuod uutil all arreurh are paid in.fujl. Qha..ni*0B for adyortiHomontH, to aeouro inbrtion in tho curroat ibhuq, muHt bo handed iu not lator than noon of tho Tugh- day procodinfi, und uotico of nuoh intend* Qd ohango is required on tho Monday pro coding. Notioo of dinoontinuunce of auvouifio- montu muot bo given at loaat one nook in advance of tho iuauo iu which '_they are dooirod to la>it uppoar. ADVnimBKliB, BubaariborB and patrons getiorally aro tCQUODtod to read tho above rcgalationa Qiirofully, iu order that confqaion may io avoided, ao they will in all oanoa be aflhored to. AddrofiB all communicatioua]to i. jr. Lovnir.Acii. Fubllunor tho Eubici^Fiirr Paimn, Egboi, Ont CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Foe a Rromnt anuwnr nntl un honest ojilninn. write to 1IJNN A- (.JO., who hftvolmtlnuurly liny yuaru' oxporionco In tlio patent- buuUictii. f'orninunlca- tlonaBtriotlycontldcntlnl. A IlumlboiiU oiln- ijormatlon cancofiitnii I'ntmitH nnrt how to ob- tAlJi tlinra nont free. Alno n riitiilocuo or niCLhan- ictil and ocioiitlllti Ijnnltti cent.lrt.e. ratnnti) liiUon llironuli .Munn &. Co. rccclvo Bpoolul potlculntlio ht'li'iitlllc Ainoi'trnii. anil ttmu nro broni'lit wlduly buioruihu iiuIjIIcmlIi- out cont to tho Invtimor. Tlln unlcnrllri jmpcr, ItumodwooUly.oloL'amlyllliiHtrurra. liiuibyfurthn *-ruot olroulfttltJO of any ueiontlUo work In tho wcrld. sauyenr. fanmiilp cotuuu neiit iron. Uulldlwr IJ'lftton.montlily, J'-150a year. Hlnftlo conloi), _!. cuiUb. Kvory numner conttilnn 1m un- tlltil platan, In colors, ijml plimojrrnphn of ih-w ItousoH. with plana, uii1uir liiiildeta loahowthu K latOBt <Hultni lamlHPcurowintrant-. Addrcia MLTN -J &CO. Mi.iv Yoaic. tiiil IliioAnwAY PALAOB STBAMBW8. LOW RATHC* TO CLEVELAND, PITTSBURG, ^ BUFFALO ano AIX POINTS BAST HVHftV HVMNINQ BHTWBHH DETROIT .# CLEVELAND CoanettlnKwlthenrlleat tralua nt Cleveland , for all points Enat, Soutli and Southwest* Sunday Yrlps June, July* AuQUst und Bentembor Only POUH YttmM MHH VfUIMiC BiVWHWH TOLEDO, DETROIT # MACKINAC ^ETOSKBV, TUG SOO," MAJftQUnTT0, AND DULUTH. *'vo new bUcI lu&scuger ftteninerfl Imve just I built for our Upper Lake Route, coatitiff ion each. Scud for illustrated pamphlet. A- A- OOHANTZ, ,. m, * Y. : barnoiT.. mioh. Mr. Jaoot> WUcoy of St. Tliomns, Ontario, Ih oho of the heal known wen In tliut vicinity. 31o Ih now, ho aayn, an old man, but Hood's SarHaparilln liiw rnndo him feci yoiuifif ngaln. "About n year ago I had a vory eovorfl ttttaok of tho prlp, wlileh roimltcd Iu my taob litivliiRr a woll day for Hovoral montha Dltorwards, X won complotoly run down and my tiyntom %vn In a Torrlblo Condition. I loHt iloiih and boenmo dopresnod luaplrltB. Finally afrlond who bad boon benoiltod by ITood'n Sartiapnrllln ndvlnod tiio to tty It Mid I did no. I continued tfllc" flip; It until I uttod twolvo bottlea and 'today I can bonontly nay Ilood'o Barfla- jiiirllla baa rowtorcd me to my former health." Jacou "WilcoX! St- ThomuH, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Proinlnontly In tho publlo oyo today. It cur on when all othor preparation^ fall. HrtArl'o r>lllc tlm tdter^llnner pill and UOUU s X'llia family cathartic, fiia* Hlltf.l.Hl "11 t. hi < I tO d I'l'lllt 1 .'.ill o' Un- t*Hjo)t ..< ,in.' n Ilrpi-cHnloii III ft II llV H,-|| NYu 11 t\t*.i, J i.o o V iinvt'l o[)ora- t,M in t in ^i'i i u ii j< i Jin i.i 'il by an Ai *oul i |ih\ i.ri.i i ii i tin tw (i-iiioiith i -nhl inn ru IjIw.h 1 1". i i \ oi tl" k.liii pi ice :i den ' i t\m u, u riic * luld fell out ( ! n I .until i u mil ii-i hkull \\ an hidlj UJUIlli, Hi '.l.ll il I Ml 1,11 Itf it ^ iftdc- () -t i'(i in . I,- ati jii'h 'lii- iloctor L'on- tmi'd a i u i.-un jiikI [uu.-ihil little -hic- ti , , ip | \ i (I it l \ > ll lf(l t't |*lf-ti)li 111 t iiLl (li hiinkiMi fiiLit df tin* fikull Ul\\ u,i i i'.ii it^ prnii i jil u*o \\itli a pdpp.n^ hi ink lln* child, \lli('ll hid bt'iMi inH.-Nfiibh' unci tin* nrculfnt, 10- {.' ll (d CnilM'lfillUMi'Hft lit (Jllf'i , llll'I IH Ul- i|dlj Kt'ttinK ^tll *t:iulH fit Ui' Itftlcm-rjl oTECIh X ^ >-. M'nitrcal, Quo., Jul> 'J> Trie ualcis oC The World will r( n i-mlici I h ,m- fortun.itc f sea pad e oi thf liev AI die Guyhot, a pniniJjj!_ixiL4h43- r ot'~nTo-STrF" plchm i^iLsthood, wl h i 'i w!C" oi! a wi 11-knuwn lawyer In this citj, an.l tho clo\or young cler^\ i.r. r- i\ p.n *- uro from tho city .som^ Lhn-c y. at* .ipo To the sunwise of all, tlu nn. g n tl* - man ariivi d In 'ho cty it tl ly on* ihe wuy to the llarr m^ P' ov lit < ^. lioinfi- asked how lie \\\l-> k t int; .i onj; In the States, ho h"lijr i pmiVi o n a Philadelphia coll^go, ih<^ fill n Kul- plrlan said : ' V* ry well , lean rny Uvlnp, like yourself. I am still a piie.st, and will likely rcmUn -o :o th<* en 1 I nrn, Jio^\ ever, in corres[onden( e w Itli the Vatican, trjdnjr to Im* rt'll -veil of my vows, hut I do rot hell^vc I will Hiicoed You can also say th'it half tht* -torle.s told about rrn w *iu not true " Ahhe Ouyhot wear*? a Ion,; beard and a Koman collar and 'rock c it. lie stitcs that lif wlU return co France next S* ptemhfr. DRAINAGE BY-LAW No. 83. ' llmm.nnTto^nmnn'^ of^tiio'iaurl"- "nii.i in.i'.V. 'in i"i i.Vi.Viit*.'n"l,v iiu.-h dralnawn or'L'nneilt, outlet lliihlllty. ami iiiJuHmi liuhi tl, Minim 'lhlooniiiuiiionoo!MU(!tidriilnayowoikJ.y..yiMiIu!i.i m^ in in it n it will lie ilc) Ivii'l M ( I 1 )'M1 <)[ |Ot, tl)(i lllltll iiiiitu) to In i iiiicuiitul iiuil il! t j i i Mil! v i'*l foi til HII'L I n I 1(1 till! I IL Hi {IrllllllllJU > tint Iim i ilia humm H. A BY.l \'V to provlda for draino^o work in ilwi IV wnv! m *>t cjnUbwM' t Nfnin m Hie Tiv liipcf Oolohontnr North in tho Coumv i.l K-n * '""' rr-wnn'ou ilio or< ( Iluin.n d mid Hli'lity twt (ollurit nd Sovoiifcy gents, tho proportion In hn roiil i it ittc.l by "'<l'l M'nil- cdj ti i y for domplutintf tho oamo, l'roviHionitJly ii h[ (ml 'hi VI*'11 dii> of Jnim, 1BH/S. Win Drulni" iiiadit I od to 1. ttumiri pluiiii, anil in wotlt, i propoi-' Of 1 ilci11 iuii in uuiimii<i'"j-'"............------"w- "". -', -:, iiiifiniiHiii intnomiiilo bulim tlio iinuuHHinont liuroh aft. r i.y tin Invlnil uiioii tlioonrtadlntBoi puVtii of lotHhcuitmiltm in tint 1. (lonnrll)oil, timl tlio nn ort of tho mild ,Iiiiiih H J.uinl In n np< - r in. i. . work uftr bolnu nmoiiclod by tho tirdor of tlm ri)f*rno,itnil unii ih Ijiilnl Utilint mi followir To tho liuovottiul Mnuioipal Coulioilloni of tho TowmiMp of (hilolnn,ri 'imtli in (\mnell ilhihuu- hlod: OhntlkmuNi Tii ticconliinco withiniitructh tm from y ur IiomoihI in \>> dy muii -iukIi i u pnti- tlou from -John A, Thnmiu unit othoni wheutby I wan illn^Lnd in mill' nu xamniatinn or Dm Hnydor Unumh Dinln in your townnhtp with a \ low tn iinprcvu a mni prtn ido u miiiloUuii, uml jironor outlet to convoy tlm wiitor brought down fiom tip* lilj,ln'r linidi to tlm i not in tho town- Hhhm of Goiiflohl flouth and OoiilUId North and to pn.vnt tin in fum, nvci llnwinr und diuna(- liili thohindHtidJiiodnt to th laid drain in your tuwiniliip, I ham mml.. tli'i iiM-utroil uxamlna- tion amlropott tliomon aa followii I mid that tho anl drain in vory muoh In Hfiid of nnpi D\onn-nt In mino placed it in utoatly obiitruotod with Iokh, hruiih, and rubbtnh of ovnry dnhnni'tinii In otlifn phu m it in i mtiiy illlnd up with mind and othor itodlmonfc which nro livoui'ht down riom ilin ni; hm lands to 1 ho oaur. In tho uatd towuiijilpu of (louflold Houth und Gonllold Nortli I nl.iu Mud tnnt tlm nald dialn in now too nrn nil to contain tlio wator that In brought Into it from tin mini lm dti to tlm mint Tim pin- powfld drahincn worlm will oommniioo nix ro'JH want of the wctt in In 'if ihutoiniliiin hi-twoon (Jni- Ilold Worth mid Cololiflfitur Nwrth and oxtond wuutorlv alnip t*u< nld hm'l v Jiriiin h diulu, n dl i- tanoo of WWrodH. 1 liavo hanod tho ruporfc and aiHU'iiiitncni i.ml imul* ntv plaint, inollhin, and iinoolfioationa on tlio promint o\iiithitf ntato of draiiiiiini b tui mi t nlch.-ntci Nm th and (loullnld Nortb and iilao hi view of tho wliolo nyutom of drainii|[n nn [In* purl at innlli Id Nmlli and ou Ihn part of Colchmitor North. It In not lutondod by thn pn-fmntdriiin in in iko toy numtoi outlut for tho watoni from Goidlflhl North but only to provida an outlet t<u iiint tuiui uuro nf tlio water that now arofifioti from GoHllold Nortli Into Oolohcutoi Nortli at tho mud s aiI* r Hi audi apd pmvi nt it from dainafiinK tlio laiulH In Cnluliotitor North. It in not it t(*n led b\ thlndritn to touch tlio nix rod Iminodiiitoly wont of tho nald townltno i.or tlm oiilvmt iickih iliu nanl tnunlhin. Tlioy ar*9 to ho Uft by tilt* work tbo ttaino an thoy aro ho an to hi I im n Iim 1 mr >iinl prcMinl iho m, utm from Gonhntd North croiuiliif( into Colchontcr Nortli In a t r mini nlnuin thiui at pri'hoiit Tlio Hnydnr livanch drain iunn acronti Uttn, iiumbi'is 21 j> H', lb mid nnrt of 17 in tlio Dili ooiiQonnion of Uolohoiitor Nortli, titoHV tfh^coruiro of haid * oni'in^inn. l'litm itt abo alaitfo diatti on tho road nllo^anoa north ofimld Uth coucciuuoii and a t.mulln nuu on tho iimtli und of tlio iiald 0th concouulon which draiim tlio north and noutli ' ii', of tin h ml (a!i nnin u ,1,1011 loin ho thai thoro In ouly about 1W aoron whloli would bo directly bmiutltti'd by tlio do hAuh nut of mild drain I alno found that pat of tho wntor from 717 aoron in tlm tmwi-dup ( (Jin IU Id houth would find itu way into tho iiaid Hnydor Hranoh drain by moans of mulem) draimi toimli u< ted Wy tho abnvo nuined towntibipn of Gonflold North und Gontlold Houth 1 m|i,o found Unit piu'nf tho wator from H-115 aoroiiln tho Townnhln of Ootillold North would llnd itu wa\ mio t*ai 1 drain by nioann of artificial dralnn coimtmotad by the townilhip of Gn.iflnld Sinth 1111 1 old Godbd 1 I alno foun I that nomo of tho wator from ii.l'Jl nornii in thotowiihhip of ('(ilulu*iti*i Noiiii uuulil l\nd it'i way Into eahl drain by inoanfior artlllolal (IraiiiHconKtruotcd \>s tlm touiinlii|in of Cosfiold North, old Goiiflold and ColchoHtor North. 'Ilio wator from thu lnnt mn itnninn irimini i\iinid only outer iiald drain noarltii woiitond. Tho Bald Huydor drain i now about ihauL ,dc nt tlm top and only for tbo wator that In now brought down by tho mud at nib nil dmlu^ in 1 In HAvntdiipn of Gon- llold North and Goiiflold Houth 11 nix-foot drain would bn Hiflli-mtt for the lainl.iin ('olcliontfir North and tho drain that In thoro now iu mora than mUlHmit fni tin* htnds In fVilchontor Nortli On account of tho largo body of wator hioucht down by tlio 11 ai I artitb ml ilrahn, trmn tbo liinda of Gonftold North and Gonflold tlouth and oromdnc tho tuv/ulinc nt tno -tidd Siivfli-r branch roat- ly dnmafjoB tho land adjaoont to tho Bnydor Hrancb at L\nry fnhhotantl in iinmn froidmtn tho I an d 11 aloufi tho drain arc* completely nubmorfjod. I have tliorufnin charijfiil all tlio hinda from which wator in by any moaun onwiiod to flow and dam iru the lamhi in Coidiontiu* North with a jiifit oharo of thoennt of conntruotlnjj tho drain to earrv tho water nn to un outh-t and provont dainuQO to tlio laudii udjaoont. Tlio landu in the townt.lup of G miltld North I luivo mipohuod 8:iti^.7u for iniurinu liability, and tho Iambi in tlio touindii|i of Gonfhild Mmith I \ui\o aiiiio^Hud S70.1U for injurhi'! liability,, and tho lundu in townolup of rnlfnci-iii North 1 luivn annoHHud S1H2.08 for bouollt and injuring liability, which auiienmiient I di ( in fair and jimt, taldnff all tbi.no oirouniHtancoH into coniiidorfttlon. I havo prapured pluiiH, prnilbti' pcc|flcai iouh, oti., (itatinu what, 1b roquirod to bo douo to provont tho wator fiom danin^inn tlu* lmdt, alon^ iiaid Hnydur Branch drain, Tbo coot of cleaning out naid drain and putting it hi a proper auto of rnpalr, all cxponnon lncludnd.I llnd to bfi $014,80, Thill drain iihull lm Unpt iu repali lt\ a t\ on tho landii and-roadtt in tho flaino niannor nfl nowuuHHQiitlod oxcopt lm i-ln^ineor in cb iri.i (if tho ropiurn doomnit nacouiiary lo ohan^'oiiald proportion on aci omit nf tho oliun,;(nl h\ itein of iliainaijo. I havo tho honor to ho I'l'ntloiiion, Vnur obudiuut Htivant, Edflox, JunoSl.lfOI. (Bifinod) .1AM11H 8 TiMJID, P. L fi Ann Wju:iu;aii tho naid council aro of opinion that tlio diniiiiifsn ui the muu donoribod in donlrahlo. Thoioforo tho naid municipal oouncil of tho nuld townidup of Gohthld Nnitb, lturimant to tho provlHloiui of tho Dratuai'o Aot of IftQI, onacta im follnwii: Kit. Tho iiaid report, plumi, iipoeilloation'), nciiionhnientH mi I eiilhiii.tc, 1,0 rar an thoy idatoto tho tftwmihtp of Goullold North, aro lioroby auoptod and tbo drain nuu umit as theridn Judiuatud and not forth nhall bo mudo and ooiiHtruotod in accordance thorowith, 2nd. Tho Hoove of tho naid Townehip may borrow on the culit of tho cot partition of tlio tiaid towunhip of Goiiflold Nortb tho mini of Throe Hundred and Kinhtj-two dollar** and Kevfcnty cento, boinc naid muuielpality'n nroportiini of tho fundn lucnunaii, fni the work und may Ihcuio dobontnroH of tho corporation to that iimount in fiuom of not Khh tnan *V) natli, and payable within two yearn from tbo date thoroof with Intoroiitat tlm lute of fi\o pur omituin per annum, that in to nay in two equal annual iniituhnontii, hucIi ilebeiiturun 11 ho pavabhi ut thejiRunoy of tho Imporial JlauU ut tbo Town of Ennox and to have attachod to tlmnj con pooh for ttio navmout of Intorunt. 3rd. Forpayina tho ourn of 8-177.S3, tbo amount rliai^od against ^aid lands and loadfl foi iu- juriuf: liability, apart from hinduand roada bolon^inn to a cou trolloil bj the liitiuiidpallty, and for covorinu intoient thoroon for two yoara at the rate of flvo jior ceutuni per annum the follow itifj total tipi-'ciol ratoii ovor and abovo all othor ratoa hhall he iiii'irnmed luvu J mid i oductud) up on and from tbo undermentioned lotn and parts of lotn and roadn and tho amount "f tbo fluid total npocialraton and iiitoront acaiuBt oach lot or put t of lot roHpwtmily uhall h divided into two oqual pintH, and oiiu imch pftrt shall bo i^oomiod, lu\md and t olleotod an af in on id 111 ouch yoar for two juurs aftor tbo fluid puanlnft of thin by-law din inn wliloii the naid doben uri'HlniM' to|run. 3 Best IMaco in tho world for youn^mou and women to ho euro a Jtuidnoiai Kducu.tioi],Hhorthand,e>to ,id tiki Detroit Huiiluoiia Uuivovcdty. Pa- trolt, Mich Ilhintiated catalouuo Proo. lioforonrcn: All Detroit, W, F, JKWKLL, Proa 1*. K. HI'KNCKH, Boc'y. Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Bath Soaps,B&th Brushes with our Fans. G< A. SHEHmNy Essex: Medical Hall- Eosex, - Ontario. Ip O. LTJCK, PHOPIlIETOn, HAR JJEBN U thorouRhly lain tod and roptanl^hftd with now lurnlturo by tbo proHonlDropriator. TjilldlB HAtlN 1U tlONKl OTIOM. l?lrt-(Jhi.ii Aooomodatlon Cuarantoed, Short Journeys on a l.oiik Road. |THE AMERICAN HOTEL Is the oharaetorifitia tltlo of a profutmly Il lustrated book containing over ono hundred pagan of charmingly written doBoriptione of Hammer roftortn iu tho country north and woitt of. (JhlouKo. Tho"roadin^ matter is now, tho illiiHtrtLtloiiH uro now, and tho in formation thoruin will ho now to almost ovoryoiie. A copy of MRhort .lonrnoyt on a Long Hoad" will ho nont froo to anjono who will utiulof-a ton tiuiiht (to pay poHta^o) to Oi'o II. TtuKvvoiuti Gunoral I'uHnengor A/;ont ChioaKo, Milwaukee t^ St. I'atil Ilmlway, Chicago, III. it XWT A lWrnpX*T\ r'0<,'Ll ,l"'* ^ritvollnrf WW -%-JJl JLMUMJ HiLloiiinAU to handle our Ifuldy Unnadiun Grown Niuiiory Htock, Wo Kiinriinue HatlHfuottorrto ru)ireiioiitiitlvei and ouutomerH. Our nurimrloH uro tho layout in tho immlninn, over Wo nrreu. No mihatltntlon hi owloru. JiXoluulvo territory and liberal torins to whole or part tlmo aifontii. Write uu. BTON1J is WP.M*TNOTON, (Ifond olilce)Toronto,Ont (Tho only nuiHory iu Canada bavla tfiHtlu^ orthardii.) 113m SSJS1 Most Modern and progressive ] or i irf iloia* or Inforinatlon wiltc to "Mfi MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., New Maven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest Saue in Canada. Sohodulo of IiukIh aaaoimed in Goahold Nort-h for tho ropmr of the Snyder Branch Dram in Colchoator North. I <-> a o Trailr In Ciinmln New York, Ju.;y 20 li. aihrtroct'fl saya:, Tlu* hpjiHoiuthlu tr.ule rop^rtid tlirougliout; Tu ted Staten in mo.it linos ch.ir-icU'r- .ers thu cjiangen of tnidc at Montreal, \.lix*iYi UbH uiu*afiuu)3ii in now felt over tlu* pohhihlt; loiiM'qiu iicci ol tho bank ornhjurruj-i-nioiit tl.< ro The Provuito oC Qurljoc li i mfiring froia i^ra.s-*3K>pi*cra and iipedfl rain In Nova Srotm tra<le in rather, lightor tli.ui uiiuai at thi Bcaioa, _ i<t fiiiin.iij"What mny I do in humanity *'" Hor bo, m h. ii < with i h. k<v it i mot run t h.t i h 11 i1 In i hi' 11 t. "I ^ otilrl .i\ Mi ' ' In- ( i 1' d In I i t- uMi'-ly.! Sh w i in whit uric rtain \. li th( i -in w uii il ,!i n \ i nun i hj bf- roniln,, ,i i n 11 i \ n n i n b\ h i\ ihtr a dull \ i 'i 1 i j ut (j h id > clu De- tioit Till uni . , to <)irohL Minr ^TiirjiLiMt, \oirlh Oxfonl Patrons uml TroliIMtlonUU I'liini u Man la flic I 1<*I<1. Wm'hUxL, .Tul'y 21). Tlu- P.itrww or Nim tb tKloril lu'ht a convention hi ro H^it- um!m\, when ltu^li M^DoiiadJ, prolnbi- ti<miHt, w i-i inuuiunou-li chusi-n uh their cimlidati1 to (jipc^e Mr. .hinn-d Kuthor- laud ut the fuming idi ctioiui. Ki-nolu- tirnii wiii' pujtHi'd loiidi'irmn)^ Mr. Huth- 11 land h Attl ttuil on tlm tciiipcrani'O qi'Mtio'i mid tli> Dominion GoVrriiinnnt Tor-put jipMTnff promptly with tin* Jlnni- toh.v iu liriid ipifbtioii. ;*i:oisihi i n>\ \s-ri: ii Tlu lli-arlnu Si Iou Tr \c\t Tlm ru tin) Loiidmi, .Inb 117. rrin Orrtnrin prfthi- bi ti m appi al otiHii will h,. l,(.(l rd Li-fniL' tin' Pnv\ Cuinn'il on 'Miuind l> m \t. tin th\fi Muuat ifi hcif in i Miiui'ct ion With the f.i-nf, to win* 11 much intcrmt \h t1tu< In d. 'I hv einj did nut ^o on jitrU'ldu,) tis w ,m t \hr<. t d. Itroli*- MUh \vch l>v IU in-. Grnir-hy, dn'i'y lill Tl** whiiik nrui, Ali-xiaiid.'i l^iirun.injilli d wli b di\ui^ eft the piiM' Saturday, died at 10 i.el(-k 8unda> morning. I li npiual fiilunui luul bot'it iincluicil a little h< low tlu* tuno oi the unci;. Mrltpi! t\ tt'U Ihritii'ih 31'u I'ciirt. M'iudrtor, Out., -lu'r- U7, <huhi (Jnoil- clnld, u^t'd about -H y a*>, I'riu^; near Am' inri.huru. \- lnl ntlcndi ,; l>u In iac Ln a HUibl' J'"iUv afti-i mn, \a\tUi Vi'd ti t'.i le'L mii*, On* 'i hit i in i U" ti hi'ol. M u i "i p-lu'Linu-d h.s laait, Uillui ^ "Mm, nii.t in'ly. __ __ , =t( uil-lrnr ir Jjiirnu |-< nil Godcr'. ."n, -Ki'y 20 fi aiar tor tin, Utn' )i. a ton, died Sunday at tho a^u i>! ou. b in o a o 0 0] > ai u -Q O 0) 2.^ 5* ID -J -J ^r X a! **>3 Ol 3 STK atii n J 2bl H pt am H w pt iiiil H pt '2."i.j il o pt 2i)'i n w pt h j.t 261 A. 2(i5 20b m pt n 200 n o pt 2ti(i n o pt 2i)ti n w cor 2(iG i 2i,7 n I 2i-7 h i 21)8 o I n o 4 2(1H u w 2ba h 4 20H w 4 n e 4 ib'J n 4 21 ( h 4 270 n 4 270 H 4 271 no pt 271 ho pt 271 n m pt 271 n w pt 271 a w -f 272 w 4 ii 4 272 a and o pt 27:i o 4 27d w pt 27d m pt 271 n pt 271 B pt 27."* e 4 275 w 4 27h e pt * 27fl in pt 27fi pt n w pt 277 o pt 277 v, pt o pt 277 w 4 w 4 277 o 4 w 4 27H o A 27H w J 2711 no} 271> n w i 270 b pt 2H0 n 4 280 h 4 2H1 opt u o I 1 n pt 1 in pt 1 h pt 2 n pt a a pt 3 4 and 5 In 4 1 n pt 2 n w pt 2 o Pt;n 4 2n 4 3 B A an 4 -in 4 4a J oho} fi W pt 6 n pfc G n pt ti h e pt (J no pt 100 51 15 U 10 V> 100 H7 r> 8 :t 100 108 100 2!) 58 100 28 100 100 100 100 20 10 !J0 m 50 r>o 112 100 GO 10 wo 70 100 100 81 08 11 PJ 10 uO 50 100 100 no oO 100 87 .SO 10 G 25 11 81 80 100 72 25 21 25 75 100 100 100 100 100 fiO 100 no 18 i 50 90 $,J 00 1 Ui 1") ,J.J 1 17 2 -2r, i 00 2(il Of, 2 1 :i on ,-i tl li OU 1 -Mi 2 til 1 *ji) 1 ,10 1 ."() 1 -10 1 .10 1 50 110 1 80 1 3,-> 2 4-i 2 25 i 2.*i '.) 1 50 2 70 1 80 5 8 j 3 15 1 50 1 50 .1 78 1 11 li) 2 20 2 20 2 25 2*25 4 50 1 50 2 25 2 25 150 !J 01 1 115 15 22 112 on 3 78 8 GO 4 50 .121 1 12 108 112 3 37 150 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 9 2/i 4 50 135 2 18 07 3 25 00 24 U 0"i Oi 00 17 21 21 02 02 01 21 2b 21 10 21 ill 10 .11 31 111 01) H 11 1') 17 17 U) 31 20 12 15 25 31 .11 .10 33 05 18 18 17 17 31 111 17 17 31 31 11 05 02 10 05 30 S>8 34 to 10 OH 10 27 34 34 4 31 31 17 34 11 18 0B 17 06 3 21 1 71 50 3i; 1 20 2 12 3 2 1 2 82 08 2 10 3 21 3 50 3 21 1 10 2 82 181 1 40 1 SI 1 HI 1 81 181 t Ob 01 1G (12 12 12 fi 8b 1 81 2 110 1 1)2 G 30 3 10 4 81 4 81 4 08 174 o2 38 2 3H 2 J2 2 12 4 81 1 81 2 12 2 42 4 81 4 22 1 4G 50 21 1 22 G8 1 01 3 88 4 81 3 50 12a 1 10 129 UG1 4 84 4 81 4 81 4 81 4 84 2 42 4 Si 1 4(t 2 3(1 73 2 43 DO $1G2 87 25 18 G3 1 21 1G3 1 15 01 13 05 1G2 17i> 1 02 70 1 11 2 12 * 70 2 12 2 12 2 42 2 12 IS 07 73 131 121 121 3 11 2 12 145 0G 3 15 1 VQ 2 12 2 42 2 01 2 37 27 no 110 1 21 121 2 42 2 42 131 12i 2 12 2 11 73 25 12 Gl 31 2 04 101 2 42 1 75 01 B5o 01 I83 .3 13 2 4g 2 4y 3 4a 3 2i 121 2 43 H7 II9 G *?1 Has Just Received The Finest and Best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoos arvdJ3jcfoxd$. Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfordsi The Cheapest in the Land* Call and Eciamino arid bo Con vinced for yourselves* Jas. Douglas, V*-Jltr ot Hie Go I don Itoot, Whitney Block Essay ESSEX Holler MitteT JAMl'.B NAYLOlt ftlcofl ttilfl opportunity of announcing 1.0 cno pooplo cf too Town and County of Dttnax, that ho huii romodolod tho En- no* Itollor Millu Recording to plami proparodby H.N, Prico, Ht. Thomiu!, and lnui alno noouroi] tbo aorviaon of ltonunT Btiiachan, an oxporl- oncou" and thoroughly compotout millor. Thanking tho pooplo of tho town and couBty for tho natronaso hontowoa upon hira in tho paatr-wllHiuarauteo-wMrtfflfltloaJfl- UiaJutara Gristing and Chopping a Snecialtv. TOE BEST GltADES or FLOUIt, PltED AND COllNMIUXi KEPT IN BTOCK AKD 80TJ> AT ItlGHT PIirOBB, Gash Patd for Wheat and 0at$< 7 55 8 24 7 1 u 4 25 1 U 4 H 4 15 1 H pt 10 2w4 100 2 0 4 ino 3 u w } 50 3llOJ; GO 3u 4 100 4 h w pt 120 4 0 pt 80 Coot 50 Caw} 50 5 n o f 50 0 n vj i 50 G w pt 125 0 0 pt 75 7 n 4 100 7b 404 50 7 n 40 4 50 8 n pb a pt 10 8 s pt a pt 50 8 u pt u hf 20 8 u pt 674 (1 n w pt 70 pn 9 and 10 70 G 1 n 4 n J 50 lnf 150 2 n 4 100 24 100 3 w hf 100 3o hf a hf 50 4 vv hf 0 hf 50 4 n hf 100 lahf 100 5o hf 100 5 whf 100 G w hf 100 G oh! 100 7 n hf > 100 7ahf 100 8 u 0 qr 50 8 b 0 qv 50 8 n w qt 60 8 n 0 qr 50 'Jowf 150 9 n oqr 50 10 0 pt 70 10 ra pt 70 11 45 Total for bonotlt Outlot Injurin/r Roads of munioipality 2 47 19 2Gf 133 11 01 12 00 1 12 10 122 01 1 13 il 124 02 120 10 130 65 (>75 51 7 2G 3G3 6 75 51 7 2G 3G3 3 50 28 3 78 189 2 25 17 2 42 121 7 00 51 7 51 3 77 8 10 04 9 01 4 52 5 GO 42 6 02 3 01 a 50 28 3 78 189 3 50 28 3 78 189 3 50 28 S78 180 3 50 28 3 78 180 8 75 07 9 12 4 71 5 25 41 j GO 2 83 700 51 7 51 8 77 3 50 28 3 78 180 3 50 28 3 78 189 180 11 101 07 2 25 17 2 12 121 00 OU 06 48 3 01 21 3 28 104 3 15 2 "J 3 40 170 3 15 25 3 40 170 4 50 31 4 84 2 42 9 00 G8 9 68 4 81 0 38 50 0 88 3 44 3 75 29 401 2 02 3 75 29 401 2 02 1 88 li 2 02 101 1 88 11 2 02 101 :i 75 29 4 04 2 02 3 G5 29 101 202 3 75 29 1 01 2 02 3 75 29 4 01 2 03 3 75 29 4 01 2 02 3 75 29 4 01 3 02, 3 00 21 3 21 1 02 a 00 24 3 24 1 62 1 50 13 1 G2 81 1 50 12 1 02 81 1 50 12 1 02 ' 81 1 50 13 1 02 81 4 50 31 4 81 2 42 1 50 12 1 02 81 2 10 10 2 2G 1 18 2 10 16 2 2G 1 13 1 35 11 1 40 73 820 25 ft 100.78 9203.30 9377.53 5.17 39 5.50 9 79 Total 5382.70 820.01 8112.31 $200.17 a vnv nvinf thn niim of 35 17. tho amount annoiuwl ag&lnab tho naid roada and lands of tho munioTpilltyyanYtoV to* * at thfi rato of flvo por oontum por Sumaiflota mifflfllont to produco tho required yearly amount tiwefo^ 2v?ii , J,,n?i ,7wnnii nlhor ratoa. ho lovod and collootod in tho mimo nmnnor and at tho Samo Smo S^^^^A^dmoJ&au upon and from tho wholo ratonhlo proparty In wU TTnaSrinBiB I niBM nowipopor, pttWlflhoil in tho Town of Ebbox, and that tnin by-law shall eottM tato iofao"nni? i?A5?S" tho final paaainR thoroof, and may ho citod uudrofcrrod to as "rhaHa. B3 or Suydo^ Branch Drain lhjpa^By law. ^ 1 " I8AAO .TA.OICSON, OlorlC T hnrobv certify that tho foroRoinpt in a trno copy of a by-law pwvljlopally ttjopUd tho 80th day of Sua.* A.P. fMB, by thomunioipal counoil of1 tho naid frowuBhip o^ortloW^^ ^^ 3STOTIOES. N0U00 U horoby p.ivon that tho Court of Koviflion, will ha hold at tho Town Hall, OotUm, on Batiirday, tho 2tth day of July, A. D. 3BQB, at 1 b'oloolt in the^*f ternoou, for tho hoaWn and trial of apnoalB mudo nuafuBt tho abovo aaneBflmottt,, or any part thoroof. in tho manner trovldod by tho Dralim Aot.lffM, and that any person iatdudJug to appeal atfalnnfc 1tlm abovo aaaoaeiuant or any part thoroof, muac^ not Jator thau tan days befow tlio tlmo aUUad for tho holding taU Court, Korvo on tlio Olorlt of thin munioipttllty, * wrltton uotiooof ouoh appeal, or otWwIao be will ho too lato to ho hoard iu that bohalf. And further notioo iu hereby given that any persru iniopdlne to make application to havo Biioh by-law, or any part tkareoK qaaahed, muat, not later thaw ten dayB aftor tho flnol paaalnfi thoroof. norvo a notioo In writing, nVon tho Keevo or other liood offloer, abd upou the^Olerk oi tho Municipality of his Intention to make application for that purnou, to the High Court at Toronto, during tho six woekfl next enaulng the flnel pauln of thlu by-law. . ^ " Datfid at Goaflold North thUOrthdayor June, A,D. 1890 vfc^DrtW m ,,', ^1"" ISAAC JAOKBOM Township Olaifc. w 1 ~_ 1 < r 4 w< '1 1 I) & tVA** ^3!