^OT^twV ' " l* . .r ( 1 W*"^ fO*t- TKLH,. iit>.i^ FREfi E>KFSfc> COMPLETE TBBNOVEB Lord Salisbury's Majority May Total 140. -VICTORY-Ca^FINED-Ttf NU SECT18M ItvilKh Uct'IiuuH -.1 JMxt of tli WJ* llnuiiKlii'd si.iUmiit-a Wlio Will KUy at Now York. July ill. i>,auc N, Foid ciiblu., Hum Luiuuu lu Th< Till'iinu uJ toijuu-i. 'Jlii.' ulu iiLui-y ahmit Nuali'tl tiu-mJ, who thought it w-tuM not, b4 muui or jl t-liuwii- altir ah, Ii.lm l>t-H;U i'ii nuiny JjtbtiMJ Jlp- iJii - nt*<di. I^oid huilii^bury, Air, J,.ilt'i>U(, -Mi. Chamber* luln jiiui all tin Ir nl.nni.i h.ivi- be* n In Lhu* .ii'lc with Hit- lull Unluiilu iiii'- nuj;uj It, and haw 'ji'-n \fij L-jni(uvU- ablu, * 'but thu tiuubhd u.itiiu uUL.-.iiio havu lioon riding i.t'.idily mm tin.' di HpuhniK Lab- oiul.i, Nu polltk.il p.uty in Kn^l.uid I5.vau i-vi r owi \\h. hm d with ;i more NUsititiouu d* iu.it ; thru' has boi'ii noth ing I1H1' it lur uirue jp.m>ratums All the jju-.u luwdm h.ue turned .1^,iin.it the Ijibcraly, and th eouuiitJh huve ul- Jovvucl the buiuUiilm. All thu local i:i- mii'.M on \vhhh the luii ty h adui*.^ depend ed have Let n rLpudl.iUd. JDuiby hay f;on<- huin.-.t Lhu lorai veto, Web.h di. <-.aabii.duin.-ut hat, bi <.-n answered: by Unionn.t fraius In CurdiU', i'einbruku and bw.iiULd The -London pi u^r.un ha.* produced u rt-ni.irkj.bNi turnover of Liluui ViJtu-D tu tli LJniuiil.m.'j, The di-uueruaic budget made no Irdenda ajiywiiuif. lNL'WL.iHilr r J< eta Hume Ku.l- in ilh- i)cr.,un id' ith chief Kuia'llt.h advueau, Jur. ;durl.y. Lju.c i.shlu , with Uh jiiUu.^ui.Ll lu\i'!,, hi nut more niipiuu.L than Lhe .ij;r*ciiltuial shlreu tn dL'elaiiru,' atr.Lin.st the NuwcMtitle pro- fc'i'am. 'i i.o b'nlonh.L k.iiiih are not uuiilntAi lj any ucctiun, cUlmi or indus trial intent.... Tin.*, swing aiound o the eunsilLQi nc.efj i.-j A^nenil and inde- Itundent ut' lucal condiLiouu. It hay in volved In i-oniu inbtamub. thi- turning 01' uv^f 2000 vott ^ in thitif yeaia. The result lit bu Htupi'iidoua that all purtlban attempts ao explain It away are lutllc. Sumo aj^luy.ats bf^aa by cha.L'iiiy the working claabta Willi troauju.-iy, tlie Irihh I.ictlon with stu- p*dit>, ujid Jucal cojittltuoiu'lea witll intfjaiuud-- ; but, in thu lace u thu Oj.e.a. au.iioruliztttion of .Liberal vot- uih, iui.1 in m<-ro boaLliif; of the air. Otnoi LOinjiH'iuatorH abM'i t tb.it the pany Inu l-mii pu:iish*d b< cuu.se It utiui...itiud th i..i-l blunder <-f ohoOd- h I." 'i- j'Orr t i h ..u t.u .i.shault upon tiw .^uiiae ui L-'iuS , bui thu wi^ht of tlie pru:UKU<- u-rai ut Sur' VMUUm Vernon JluicuuiL uiiUiid.* th>- Ijn^iat- worlcb ot Uorb> d(>t'., u.k ^,vr i-jjkir to [hatj uMaujni^tiuu. lother explajiation tends to show liil the ulei tor.i havi- not [ropudlati'd IJUeial ].rincUlctt, but mly condemned liberal tactica; )Ut that la too lino it dla- FUxicUon. Modern deraucrucy dtHia not aj)lit haira in clioosln^ between parties. PrJncIplea and Uictlcu go together when the aUeep am divided from the oat* |ln h. national election. Tho bi-znc-talliHta JO contend it their Issue wo* of )aramfDv5^f Importance^ and ci-rtaiuly factor of tho result In Lanu.i- and other Industrial c*-ntiea, al- ;h It wojj leao influential m thu ;ultural clalrea ; but it ia plain that general elections have not boon car- Ion the currency question. eafeat generalization that can be Cornicd 13 that, with Mr. Gladstone in retirement* Mr. Parnell duad, the IrJ^b jarty rent with feuda, and the Liberal lera unable to carry out the N<uv- itlo program, and unwilling to inaku tn aggressive Ilffht agalnwt tho Lordw. ('people have considered it neeebbiiry have a-change, and to, ivu Mi*. Lmbcrlafm.a chance to ohow'what can do With his Tory democracy. :o thitf may bo added the fr2t that ie Unionists had a BUpeiiur organiza- and all tho money they nr*edud ^or successful canvass. The Liberals iked leaders,-organizers, candidates id money. The mortality among the lberal leaders haa been remarkable. sven official or BDml-oiileia] members tho last Government have been al- ady defeated. There ia u marked tontruise between Sir William Har- l^urt'u manner of uccupting a aituatian Mr. Morley's retirement fiom New- jtle before the Unionists had llnlshed ^UKhirif,' over his misfortune Sir Wil- Hareourt was at Tiedegar Hght- for the Welsh seat with his Ubuul rresslveneas. Air. John Morley, in (our of defeat, tbajik. d his follow- rjjiclr devotion and zeal, praised opponenta for treating him with >aa and courtesy, and uc epted hla fatolllco a philOB>pher. Mr. Arnold rley, Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, Sir John Ibbert and Sir E. J. Hued Jm-ve all jt their places on-the front Unpoal- bench. An evening journal faee- iUBly BUBffeat that Sir Augustus Is may be willing to supply "aup- " from the Grand Opera to iill their fa'tfl. Mr- Asqulth, Air. Gampbell- E|jnerman and Mr. Herbert Gladstone ^S&te. the last plucked like a brand tho burning. Mr. Speaker Gully also re-elected, despite the tnter- itlon- ot Mr. Balfour, [r. Itlder Haffgard had a melancholy rtonco In Uast Norfolk, where ho is' defeated after being rooWjed by >terb7~l,^7o'~"w3hTd have been more lgenially employed In the wilds of Jhiland than in an election scramble I' a pefl-ocful agricultural county of inland. liBxcIuslvc of to-day's pollings, the ilonlst.gains are G3, equivalent to n LJorlty of abmt 100, with a pr.>b lble ajorlty of 140 in the- next Parliament, ' curront Is running strongly In one Eeotipn and nteadlly Increasing m er. It Is i rohablo that their ma- 'will ojccod 120 when tho elec- qjw c'lot'(l. This inajority will Lord Salisbury and Mr. Bal- _>m.dependence upon Mr. Cham- Jin whose political alms and am* _j'na would hitve heen better nerved ft jcas eweeplntf victory. While tho Bterala bavo been harassed, three With a. small malorltv. tli'o tluton- If' ' i,-'f' i "bitiJ *uy ** embarrassed by hnvlnir nnr i,o bl/r iui to bo unmuniigr-ahje. II1 any tlnlonlnt lender cm elalm ' In,; - h.'iro of the credit for the vl-toiy. It [i Mr. t*ha:uh"rlulu. n,. |ili'\>i]l d (In pa J uig.j of Ml, t' :.ii lu* me' i! ,( ; i,n Kule 1)111, orgjiii/a I ih.- Uulunl'it rr. Htlcn, and hfld it together durim? trr pi-.sent fJinviiiit. ;jim lu-heirn1 <>i 'lemoi nil,: r<M'< rn Ii.im been ' *- ill I Mite for tjio Nuwfuiiii,. pruh'r m \ - Mcllctaii and org.-nl/.er, he hat n' ^ ]. .t i In I'higHnh polltleii, ami !ln '-' ' i'"Ut in du In large mciimu t-. h.- piartlea! talent in that line ->wo*!., n Mr. Miihiletoii, the chlei-Gon- iirvillV" agent, \ylll not d y. Tint .Mr. Cliamberlaln has alwiiyn W< r a n ,l|i-),s and iimnaniigeable Mlnt'^ti- lil ( ' 11. Lf.'iie. 1'Iveii now h-1 li:in t*tk 'ii :JI icllvi-ii p irt In Hip eauva**v anil ll> '<' trniphlng ovtr the r<tinlts of 'he elretl -n 1 o fist, ntatlou dy an .n .lifeiii> Mr ltilfoiu's prestlKu n; ieider^hlp. II' nu.....s\ moreover, :n providing h m 1 timely fur all lil<i pohtleil Mliwri) 111' i'\i:iteil till leSentm-'Ut uf h')l|H' !.! I'diI.-m. With u narrower inajoritj, Mr. Half our would he at Mr Clnunlei- 'l;'in"'i mercy ; with a huge maj nilv the notes -of Tory deinfu racy m iy g" to protest, like the Irr.'deeniabl Hit eurrcney of tho ItOKcbery < luvi-rnmeiit. Tin- Irish elee.iions are hotly i untest ed In taetional llght'i. Mr. Unlmoiid l' doing more than holding bin ground and may have a balter'n down of heuts before tho pollings close. Mr, Ilealy, ha\lng had a Ineak with Mcbhih. nil- Ion, Ulake and McCarthy, may lw loncetl ultimately Into an alliance with Mr, Hedmond. A lender with a sluing will Mice Parnell is iiculnl to restore the pri'Mtlge of tho Irish cause, but no man of bin .stature anil cominamiliiK genius In now in sight. The iinoppo^cj leturn of Mr. John Daly for-Limerick, 'while he la In prison, ia an unfortunate incident. The Independent 3Labor party In" ]o-u meat of its strength In the Com mons, fclthough It has lorcd the L!in rals In many twroughs tn reroKnl^e Its Influence. Ki Ir-IIardle liao b<H>n beaten, nivl John Purna haa had a narrow escape In UiLUertea, through the third party movement. Many Liberal tioati wen- sicrlder-d, and the labor caufwi lias hei-n not back a decade In the Com- I.1D1IH. Many partisans proclaim that lh.< Liberal party haj, b^<n destroyed. That u as said also in 1871, but the party returned to power triumphantly In Mjc y ar.'i. Great partloa do not die e;ir.lly. A Heaven Mfiit >Io*** New Torlc, July H. Harold Frederic tables from London to Tho Times : Kx- Home Secretary II. IF. Asqulth turning up witli a notably-increased majority In In ita way quite as dramatic an epi- iod> on the ehKitoral battlefield as liar* loui'I'h phtriomenal tumble at tho vory nutlet uf tlie fight, Ilia deloat had tjt en i-o entirely taken for gninted that Ik t.s of 10 to 1 against him wero ofnwvd s tirically in the National Libera' t'lub Thursday night, amidst laughter at the* notion that anybo<iy would be silly enough to take them. Naturally tlie amazement nt his victory, which hi wholly ti personal triumph over Irn- uienati odds, is promptly followed tiy the excited conclusion that he la a In aven-fccnt Moses who is to lead tlw L:b--rala out of the wilderness, and p o- pie talk as If ho would be hailed with acclamation at oncu- as tin- leid r of the party. This la nut the can*. No \oice will lx; raided when the f jrlorn remnants of the party get togotlu r \r. opposition to Ilarcourfs re-election .c-1 Its chief in the Ilousu of Comiauin, K>KB.It\ f.OWvVir I---------- ll i'uut .PuLAlxitvuM, llwi <'*m|iMfr, H**tT>03 ti> <'nll u Voiihk MoniRn lll *Ti>o(kIc 0n sucfi Oiic." London, July 21. A ij'ind7.i Jury h.i iiiukted the conipuHer JaKobowski o( Xew York in Mie s>uin ot 7)0 In a suit I ,r bie.ii li of promise of marriage brought by the open tic artiste Car-1 a bag mar. No defence waa made the ideiidant tailing to appua-i-, i>o >plv lie- pIalntlfL""s side of th etory w..y h'-aid. According to this, tlie d"fend- fint, after bee. ming encaged to th* p a.ntiff, married in New Yorlc a wld< \v 5.1 nii-d liniwn Shortly aft^rw u 'Is he urote to ^Tl^a Dagmar's sl-U^r. spying Something has occuriej, linanei.i ll.-ind othi revise, tliat obliges nut to g,v. '.a k my jjroniise to Garla. I cars nc\ er pport her, mid am now utterly brok". I'orn- ib-r me u stringer in iutur-*." In his letter to Miss Uagraur, the dc- 'i -id nt call, d her bin " Tootsie jw i n't one," and dtclaied that he was r i eedy tu kiss hi'O" DIad i nf (1 In Hi nt IS IQonltiH London, July 21. A baby show for . Idldren of arlstocraHe parents Inii been held during the week past at th residence of Mrs. Robert Crawshay. "he llrst prize for children under 1 year of age was awarded to Dermot, son of Lord Castle Cioss, 11 months old, wati rv, Ighed li'i pounds." The prize lor weight and general development for . hlldren over 1 year old went to An- gida, daughter of Lord Ashbi urne, IS months old, who weighed 28 puumls,unj had cut H teeth. A rmuIMafr ' **? Ilnll^irla'u Tlirono. New York, July 21. It Is htated that Prince Adolphus of Teck, who married the daughtei of the Duke of Westminster, is a candidate f<o- the throne of Bulgaria. Tliis doHpatch would in pi*, Ih it l-hlnce- Ferdinand of Bulgaria will have tn go to make room for a successor fat 's actory to both Itu^la and Knglnn 1 l'lince Ferdinand Ih now at C-ulfdia-j, hiding himself fiom public places, in J In constant dread of ass.Lssi'iaU u. Stambuloff's death, whh h pa-t!al!y rcmovea ltussla's most powerful bar rier In dealing with Bulgari ., will t nd to complicate matters, Prltioe Adolphus has a powerful In tluenoo behind him In Pmrland, r nd 1 Russia can be dlplomat^ta'dy a .a ^-is i with his candidacy for rhe Bulgarian throne is sure to give Prinoa Ferdinand come uneasiness. At" nvhnUfu*t niril IMcil Wo'odutock, July 21. s Chnntter, nptd SO, an inmate of the Ho'ia- o1 In dustry. h(q a hearty" brjakfuu. Sjtur- day morning-, leaned bade lu his chair unit rtjrniri'd- Muny H'ltuitonunnt Orowtirtl, I^i Spezla, Italy, July ^t.~A terrible accident, reauHIng In the loss of \\H lives, ocouirtd m>iir the mouth of the Gulf of Hpe:d!i to-day, At hall'-pui.t I o'clock thin morning the utoumcra Or- tlg^a and Maria P. ran Into each oilier, and the latter veunel wau so b dly diumiwred that mho sunk in a vci'iLHhnrt tim<\ Tho ivlurla V. hud on boaid, In addition to hor crew, 178 paninngi'm bound from Naplea for tho Uiver Plat , by far the larger part of whom wi re emigrants. Tho night won pltr h dark when the colliuion occurred, and the Hceiie on boartl the winking nb*amer almost deflen dcHcrlptlom Mont of the pansmirp rs wtTc aslis-p In their bunkn at lhe time, and were awakened by tlie cr ishlng of the ste.inier'n platei, deck beaim ami plankn. ITrom tin* report'i of Um disaster re ceived here, It la Impossible to il< ter- mlne wh'-Ujor any attempt wsii' n iele by the Maria P. to clenr awaj and launch her omall boats, but, judging from the accounts given by the e\elf d pa.;,: eiigers, It ia surmiai d that tu" nteamer witii, down too quickly to .l1- low this lu'Inff done, though one bo it got away. The blackness of th" n'ght added to tho terror of those on board, and It Is understood that some of tin paiisengcr-i, craw d with fi ar, Jump 'd overboard. The Ortlgla on her pn-vtnu i vtfyng" oaHldrVl In the name npnt with a Fren< h (rteamer, find this fact odds sir ugih to the belief that ohe was re-p m lb! for this mornlng'o-dlsfrster. Adm rul Morin, Mlnlsti-r of Marine, ijylH mil i" I an lmjulry to be made into the aiia.r to i>huu> the re.*r[)oni,Ibnity. XVopurtiig for tho \c\t <ont-"t. Ilerlln, July 21, The Chlnesi finvrn- ment Is placing l.irg.- tontiait- I i* rifles with German ilrnv*. China Is .il o negotiating for 'a nuniU'i* of hiij-e Krupp guns,, with a view of dhc udlng her heavy British ordnance. Tin Col- none TCnvoy ban obtiin.d tin- ,n-stnt of the War OlUce to ongipre 100 G-nn. n olllcers to drill the reorganized Gaiuc-.e army. *4cv<*r< riRlitlnir Itejxirti-il London, July 2L Tlie Cliroiii"|e pub. liHh"n a den]iatch I row Pliilippupolh, Hav ing thai be void fighting lia* tnla-u j>l.e*f at Djurno. on tlw ItulgiLrian-Ma/ iMjuMm, frontier. The Turkwh trno|W ut lliit plucci were attaclavl by a hand o( K>)(l iT.Hurgeiitn and d'fcatt'd wllh Ihmvt loff^s.. Tin* lohrt of tlie iiiMirgeiitn w.i.i alio heu.vy. 'lhe nitration is m-rious. lot*nn(< llat-U^tH I^mir Tr.t'h* I" very qulofc and prbxei an* uruhuiiKi'd. t'ltraitUe rolliini urn (pn.t- (vd nt Ji.Bd tn $J,90, TonmUo frt*lghtu. Ilrini limn ii (inn, m-lllng ut omi.d ta J1C.50, Tin onto fH'W.dU.4. SluM-tR $10. Wh* txir TIuj iriarL-ikt In (juiot, with n limit/*! ijeinii.n.1. Hithi uro boin,? imLod for iuw Mheiit. A mil of nld whlt, T>r.in to fi-^hrht^ In reportflit nt. flQc In tho Wimt rjwl Ih <[iiot<iil ut Tin, .\laniUil.t ."V '. T 'I'oriuitu fiolgUta. pricoB unoliungud AYER'S Hair VIGOR Koatorou natural color to tho hair, tond"ttlBo- provontu^ It fulllnti- out. Mro. XT. W. ITonwlok, oi rtltfby, N. B-, Dayu: "A littli-t moro thun two years uko my linir 'to limi k r a y ilikI fall out. Af ter thn U9C of onu hotllo of Ayor'H TTairViKor my hair w:w restored to its original color and ceased falling out. Art occasional application has since kept tho hair in Rood rondition." Mr.'i. II. P. yi;NU'icK, Digiiy, N. S. AUCTIONEER IITKNIlV Uliniil' K, AiM'Mnnnn H n 1 * 1 prompLlv ittlMldml tn Audi. ,in Hotitb ' 'line In . .inivii nit !']'!.MS eMUsi, h. hilUkick ?, WooiIhIiih, Out. I'dlllOMll "(' umy lonvii uonl tit, tint I i'ia tl_____ |\ HIMildlll, t for tl|u "(Jaunty f Miumx. l*n illlf of Kiulith Divinlixi (Jourt, All klndii of KiU'in foul otlmr Hiiluii coiidiuiLi-il pioiaptlv Jtateit riiii^oiiRbUt nil finnh.bii.l nn auplli utiim. I'hntulriiri' may npulV-uUVV-n. Ilnmiiaii'nnlJlim, ornt tlin i>iJ*,2 ol Ulvliiloii Comb Clink, Mr. .Tnlm Miliui. for tlirco years, and it has restored hair, whioh wanfast lieeomiiiK ffrnv, back in itn natural color." Ii. \V. IlASKLUOi'F, 1-jitcrson, -N. J, Ayep.'s Hair Vigor riusi'Auun nv DR. J. C. AYER & GO,, LOWELL, MASS., U .S. K Avcy'sJPMs euro SlcJc Xfeadachc* -CAN'T tlUST llAllHLiS KOUDWt IfCflMC WttM"'" liard urn"tiiiiige<l at, Uo Pt^ifl Trado dull and aJt 57o tn t>tbt, -*v<'jit. Hurh'v Trailo in dull wltli Ilttlo of nono offortne. (i.i^B Tlio denni-ittl \n nUnv und \*r\niM lincluuig'Hl. White quottwl nuts I do lit 7/Jo to 32 1-3", und euru <ci track ut 36*. Uy- Nothing iloinj; and price* purely nominal. OtLtira^l Marltot W dull. wlth^prltwa ,n,,.imil at ?t td 34 10 mi fnnlr l-Iiltrtl I'l I KiT\.lI foil I'llN. What Jiojte . \l'l-il for the est.ihlKb- ment of st ite i.i. st u-i.t i vat ions on tlif i-oniTiieiiiJalde pi.in sugg< ^t- d b> I >r Itothrock ol the |N-nni?ylvania Poiestry ABsociatWn Ii.'ls iaik*n through as *.n of the negk-ets of the lygfMatuie t . take action on a very important move ment. Tlie forest products of the st.it.- represent a revenue of V.7,ooo,W0 an nually, and foi^Kt rutiwiations, s vit ally necessary If anything shall b saved to the watershed system in sec tions now sulfeilng every year from draught, n>u3d be establish d at a cost of !00,000. This sum would provide I*i0,000 acrtai of forest.-, of constantly In creasing value, and the f.lOO.Ouo lemdr-M to Becure this result enveri "but th'M- days' earnings of the foioHt and is like wise1 less than what ' even eounti.-H paid out In Hood damages In the Ja?t two \ftiirB, Philadelphia Times. A GBJAT DISCOVER! Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. . A large Block, all new goods and latest Novelties. I take no back seitt-ou-pricoa. ^___ SCHOOL BAGS, 1 have a largo stack, ctm^ht at bottom price", nnr] can beat tliom all for price and quality. (Jail and Boo thorn. : PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - JEarm Harness,. Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness '~ :op:every description. A ln,iv>e stock and it must #0, Call slid see mo before lm^iny elsewhere Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. --------0-------- wo doom omit ol Jinto'i) Cdrriaco Worlcn, Khhwx. Oepxrge 1 Jeaos, JOHN (lOUMbKY. rJ bMJKNHKD AUCTIONMI'.H for thn County of Kt.fio'C. AM itlndu of fiirm titock iiidtui, etc, conducted in'omptly und on iilmrt notlco, Itatmi i-iiiiiioi>iLl)lo, PoriiriDii dutlndil'i to arrango luilnn may lo no by culling at tho i'ltr.n l'iu:iiii ollluo oi ly applymit to 4 - .l.fHUlMUiV, P. O, Hox 1^1 Km t>\. Out. CHURCH DIRECTORY MK'inriMiiiT. Dr. I'ttiiooo, 1'antor. Hurvioo voryhiiiniuviitllu. m.anil7. p. m. Hiibbatto u.i ool att!..Jif p. " Nitylor, Huporliitoncl- am orndhool. ilpwmth Xmn.tiiioyva.30t mooting riiwidiiynvmiiM.'idH o'ulooli. ()uo/ixl Vuiyar .uot.tlii|(Oii Tlni/iHlayovoiduK- 'J_ Oiiuudu Ol' KNor.ANu Itov. A.Xj.Kovurly, U*- duiiihuut, St. I'wilii, Khkox. Diyinmiorvloo bvdvy v initlay fit V. o cdoek, p *n KUndqw Holuiol at j(J 11. in. iVinity Churoh,North Itldfai -Dlviuo iHirvlcon (ivory Kunday at :i p. iu.; Hold JuyHoliool at l.lfil'. w* 'i'lio imhllo uro co- JhUlyiuvitod. 11MIANK McChOHKMV, Miililiitono, Lhlrty- i iiovonynaririitporkiiirrrmiiiniiuctloiKjorrii tluiCoiintv'dr-iiiifix. SiLleiii'f)iiVi<iifi promptly, and ou roiuinmildf) toimn. Purtli" <h)iilrln,{ to t\x thn (Into for a im-lfi ran iiilvo tL^oinnlvwu' a drivo by r-ullhifi nt thn 1; an; I'liriiii ot Jc"; y11 hnvn iirranf'od with Mr, .MoClonkuy and** dll lix the diihiH fori uluu by tfjli giuph, ontimly h\, , nil t'liiirco to tho nor on hnhlinu thn 1 aln. \Ad- clrniin l.'riinlcMcClo/iUov.MtLldhtoiHiCinith.Oiii,' his PHKiiiiYTV.itUN. W.M.VlumlnUt I'atttor' Bo*- vluunon Maljbul.il at 11 u.m.ionl 7 .UO p. m, Hab- oatli Bchooliit'J-'iOl'. m. Pray or nuolhiij una Puntor'11 blblo clftfii* on Tuomluy utY.JO p. m* Koalal Union on WmhiuHduvHt H.16p. UAi'TiiiT cuuurm-llov.M. 1*. Oaaipholl, I'ua- toi. Hr\ lemi imiih Hablmth nt II 11. m. and 7 p in. J'ntyor mooting 011 Wijdiiondny ovimmg at, a o'ulouk. UOIIM'd. Hu'Ltiihix). All urn I'ordlally \io\- NKWLY WANTKO To buy Furniture at pnccii that uro richt down to biLidpiui, unci jirepured to furmnb every thing in tlie nhupo (,t I- urnituio that u good liou-ekenper noedn, Also a fine lino ol IIi(by Curnu^es at priccu that are right clone. Kindl> call und inspect the t"oodn, it will pity you tu do ho before l.uy- ing eluewhore. It codtn you nothing to tiet prices. UNDERTAKING AND. EMBALMING A Hftociulty. Kvorythin^ douo up in nood Hhtipe. All neceiisary eurrin/^OH furuiHhed. Buwudhh promjitly utteuddd to ut all hours. Will compare pneeu with any uudeitakor of any towu. Have two iitio huurneh in I^oocl condition, and will not bo uudt-rHold in olio linen I represent. A. Hicks, ; The Niagara Falls Route." aoi.No i:a8t T^.khiRClfoct Muyll'Jth, lhflfl. .A NUKSKUYMAN, KUTh3VEM, ESSEX COUWTY Fast Diamond es VW*- Por Cotton and Mixed Goods. The Ort\y Oortit- plct'ts Dyes an -- ihc SWarkct thai: Make Fast and Unfading * Colors, The Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton and Mixed Goods( 12 color*.) nrc triumphs of-science. They are new and im portant discover ies controlled by Diamond Dyes, nnd are found in noofiwr p:tcl*;:ic d>i.. They will**e0ga: color more poods than other package dyes, ar.d make color, that nrc absolutely fast to light and washing. lie sure that you get Fast Dia< mond Dye;, for Cotton and Mixed Goods, as they excel all others. bald e\i'rjliuri'. 7~irDirection Look and fortj on-irdt't. of oolored cloili trcu, > LLLb A IticiuuiDfcON Co., Montreal, P.Q. Plum, Apple and ItoHUH, Jiver^rfco-nH, 13eiry BuhIjoh, ltaiipberry, Bluokbcrry Currunt Dushcti. AH hrat.cluHh Savo afjentH' " .Touch, Bear, Quiute Treen, und IMLroit. Wmdijor .. l'olton MaiitHtonoc WoodHloo,.. IbiBooinh . Com bo r "Uitlgotowi]. Itod-ooj. St. Thonm.1 London ... Ht. ThomiiH.. Itoduuy...... Kulgotown. ... Cninbiir . Ituftcoinb..' . Woodiiloo... . Khiios . . . Mmdiitoijo Cr Pulton..... Wludiior........ Dotroit. . Mud a.m. 7 r. 7 10 hill H 11 -jrii H ~M H.I. >.r> 10,17 ll.0 i:m. a in. h 'JO 0 rj(j ti.ll 10.UU uolno \vi;ht. ji.iu JUIU i-in a..m 107 B 'JU ,rj-ll 5o0 ti.0.t t;. 11 0.15 7.10 a, in. 'I 10 II).IN 10 !i I 11 SO 1 U5 a 10. 9..J1 id a 1 11 u KM0 12.1C At; cum p.in. \ ie f Ufi fi.l'.l 5 ~'!> 6. I'l r> 00 r, rin (JUl 7 in 7 JU .1 iu a 111 .>.ir, 0..J5 7.i.1 HIM) 0 :to n:i8 U.15 u.ci 1U.U1 10.1a IC.1I0 10.C5 KOMAHCATIIOM0.-Fr. O. P. MoMoiuiWlu I'utitov, Horvict ovnry other Huuuuy utlWO m, Hunilay Baliool at :ip. m._____________ Hama'iion Ak.mi.-T. 11. Mcbood, Oaptiilu. Hiilvatlun HioiJtiiKJB on Wodiiinday, Tlitirnday and hunday ovohIiikh, i-'ruo ilud IJiuiy, Hatnrduy evHiihiK anil :j p in. Hundiiy; HolinouH iuotithi(U loi clnintiiiiju I l'uliiy (ivbinnijaiid 11 a. in. Him- day, Knuo Drill 7 a.(.ni, '.uvory -Hnndiiy, All uro WolttUliin. LEGAL. 1 httor. Solicitor, Notmr^. Moiiny to^k dtnithurn' Hank. JjIIiiox Corn 1 ij rKTKitH'inr '9> Publln A V,^ A. WIHMKU, IliuriBtor, Boll J J Public [lu. Mouoy to louu. 11 tan block, up- ituiui, J,unoX. Othl Notai; rtLVItKI-h IJAItTbHT & nAllTLET, UarrlC K.J t(r, etc. Ulllufiii, Medbury Block, WindiWi 1'livatn ftijulii lo loan. A. H. Claiiius. Ij- b. Ii. N. A. Uiiix-oni!. A, It. ItAHIM'.T. li. A. HKMtY (J. WAhTKUS.L.b.H., Attornoy and (Juuniiuloi- at law; with Atliiniiou *STHiilfjU.W Coniiruini nt. wont, Dutroit, Mich. (Ciuiiidlan clalimi uipihiDt poraoiiii in tl I lilted HtutOH unllcctod.) Hi forcjiiut'fii Iitiporlal liank, I'!<",ox, Out. r li. 1'otor i, ICnf|,, Harrintur, oto., ICriiox, O* li. A. WiiaiHtr, 1'iiKj., Uarrliiti i\ ale, I'iimox, Ol 1 D MEDICAL. ICH HJtlKN .t nilTPIN. Jan. lln< n, M. \) , Ji. H.,C. P. H.t (TiHluato of Quuiin'11 t'uivorfuty, Kinniiton,linomuur of Col- lti'ju of I'hysiciiiiin und HurrtQonH.Ontiu-io. Gmd- nutn ol Now York. I'oHt flraduuto Modlonl (Jol- U)jro. J. W Hrlon.M I>., (J M V. T. M. C. Honor Kradiiulo of Ttinitv Modical Collnnn. Honor in-adiiato of TriiiityUiiivornity. Momhor of tho t'ollcfjo of Pli>Biiiiiin anil HuriUionn, Ont. Grad- uutn or K. ^v Voik. I'ont Ctiailuato' Modilal Collo/io. Oillcoovcr IJtHo\ Modlcal rial I drug etoro. Coii'mltatiou roonm, both on ((round lloor and Unit Hat abovo, Tulupliono in both otlioo and reiildoiico, All c'dln attoudod to from oflloo, "ilriiH ittoro, or rciiiiloncti. Jtoiddonco, Talbot fitrnot, front of fah (,'ioundii. D UH. DMWAIt A MoKKNZIIl. P, A, Duwak, M. U. C M., F. T. M. R. 'tto Trinity Unlvernlty. Mombur Collouo Phyi ieUnii and Burcoun, Ont. ItuHfdonoe, Talho St Uuut. d. M0K1 >xii., M, V. C. M., FoUow Trinity Mtulicul Gollefji'. (iraduatu Trinity Unlvorulty Jtoiiifluuoo Talbot htreet, wont of M, O. It, Olllcohoiirii s to li 11. m.( 1 to .j and (I to H p. in UIjc in Iiiiphin.l Unik blcok, ground door, nn\t to Tboi no'o dru;; More, Tolijphouoin ooimoction with olUco und roal- .donco. Ordcra loft at Tliorin promptly dtto.-idod to. driur utoro ulll "On*. DENTAL, HP. MARTIN. I) D H., I,. 0. B. Gradimto in Dontititry, Itoyal College of Doutal SuiKnoiiK, Ontario, ami Umvoridty of Toronto. Oljurfjuh, modomto (illico, ovor llnon & Co a 3ruK atoie. lb-ly VETERINARY. WII. lUCUAUlitiOS, Veterinary Sinv . kooii, dradiiHto of tho Ontario Votor- mary L'ollnf'n, Toronto, troatu all diHounoH of doniuiiticiitud amniiilii. Tulophono in couiioo- tion hnntiatiy a (.pocmltj. Ituuidonoo -four doorH boutli of Grht .mil. Ollleo fn poatotllca buildiiif;; Uillruniry ilirootly oppoHltt1. Big Profits ! and write for pneoa. Wfo will cheer fully uiiHwer you by roturn mail. Splendid Apple Trees, Al"m every reflpect. $12 PER 100 - $12. Money to Loan Ou Rood productive Furra Property at fil.A 6 por cont, atraigbt. AniiierNlbut'tr t<ornl Xrnliih, WKhT KAflT p 111. 11.in. a m a.m. a.m. p.m U.10 ll.fiO fl.ir> Khhox 7.15 il.RO 5 uu fi.iW 1"J.0!I H.25 EilKiira 7.00 !) 10 .1 10 0.UH lli.JO ll.:i!J L 13 <lc U H Xin ti.ftO !l :JG 1.52 (Will 12 )U 8.35 McG70(?or U.iS II.IJ0 -1.(10 oso jy/io H.firi Aiuhoutburfj i)..io 0,10 <i..ju All trafnn aro mn on contral otandard thuo, which hi aixty ininutoH nlowor than Khiiox time. Por iufoiinutlou anil ratoa to oolon- iiitii movinn wont apply to John G. Lavou, Pan- fionpor Acont, St. Thomiui. O. ^V^. ItURKloii, Gcn- orul PatmonKor ami Tickot Afiout, Chlango, 111 or A, O. Btiiuoru, Acout, Eobox, BAKER. TIIKoldoiit bnaineaa in town. Kntal)Uauo 18T. Firiit-cUhfi broad and cakon of al kindn. Woddiiifj cfilEOHii Hpooiality. OrocoriOH nrovlBloiia, Hour, fuod, nalt and pork. Conloo- tionory, crookory.Kliiiiuwaro. Cimnoilfrultfland yoRotaliloa of all kindn. Goodu promptly r|0 llvorodto allpartiioltho town. JUi-tl prompt J. M. U IOKB. r - 1 u SOCIETIES 0. ! KNTKUPItlBK Lodfjo No 3Iti mootoovory Thurdday, evening at 7.30 hi Dddfollown Hull, in third utoroy Dunntan ploolt Waiting moniborfl ufothoi* lodf.'eawill rooolvo 0 jratorniil woloomc, J. JOHNSTON. N.G. OIGNTUAL KNCAMPBIKNT, No. liO, niflOtnln Oddfoilown'Hall.Pnnotan'o Bloolt, on tUo flrnt and third Tuonday luoach month. VinitorBonr dlally roooivod. ATomburii of flubordinutn lodfio* In tli*. jurJndlotlon, iavitod to Jolu. 0. UANNAN. 0. P.. G. F. HIT^L, G. B. L. E. & D. R. Ry. TIHKTABIjK NO. ia, tftHins olfoot Saturday Juno 2% 1H05. Triiinu ran by Kantorn Stand ard Tinio. Pailyoxcopt Sunday 9* v _ o (1:20 0,S!7 (i.iUi POWDERS StCff H3**OAGKW and Mb-irulgh >J mwutbo. > ti'^'l To'i.jiU, nu.'i- -.1.....hit' ".in iiiVS ji-, <"c. Mipnlloi, "O - 1 . 1- : ir. utli. in >i.r. ott.isi aKu .^' - 1* i/a ,?i* n??tf rc> TAKXt* No Validation F^es. 1ST CJouvoyiinoinit; Dono up in Noat Btjdo Fire and Life nsurance. A,E. LOVELACE, IS*Oulo-: Whituey Block, upBtairs A St A Jl 0 mi coo o.i7'ia.:io 0.fi5 12 IU 0.AII 12.45 10.011 12 fill (J. 17 10.13 1.10 B.6I 1.23 6. CO 1.40 7.07 2,00 7.M 2.13, 7.C4 t!.G0'7,ni 3.00, 7.43 1).-13 7G2 1.10 4,00 4.50 5.80 ft. 55 6.05 0.15 G.25 0.15 0.53 7.1Q r. sr. 10.1H 10 fM 10,112 10.12 10,5'J 10.30 11.10 11.21 1131 11.80 11.11 11.63 ll.fill 12 01 12 12 12 1ft jo an IC.7I 12.10 ] sr. 8.0 ;a.l7 B,22 B.:f2 8.10 8 17 B.B9 000 0.07 0,12 0 20 0.01 P.M BTATION11. M W A 3! Dop Walltory'Io Ar 0 30 Walkorvillo Juno. 0 Ot Polton.......8 57 ......( Oldcantlo..... JB BU .....j Paquotto......N 17 ..... McGreRor......b 42 ...t Now Canaan... 8 HO .9 : o A 1 Marnhllold ...... Harrow ,. ........I Amor..... ......KlnRuvillo.. ...... Kuthvon .. ... Tjoamhicton ......Whoatley .. ......I llomvlou t'ontaworth ... ......tGlouwood...... .........Morlin......... .. . t Buxton......... ...... Bnndiflon ...... ...ICodarSpringo... BlODboIm Junct'n Blunhoim...... ........tWIIklo......... Ar Kigjjo"t4i'Wn Dop 8 20 8 23 8 11 8 CI 7G1 7 40 7 21 7 15 7 10 7 00 0 Hi Q 45 a 40 Qfil n" 21 Q 2/) (i 10 G 00 A.M. A ll 0.00 5.W GJM 5.17 ft.18 5.00 1.40 4.33 I 2fl 1.00 3.45 3.15 2.10 1.51 1.38 1.15 12.30 12.21 12.1-' 12.05 11.28 11.20 11.15 10.15 10.00 P.M. r m 7.40 7.01 7.27 7.y.'l 7,17 7.12 7.00 0.50 0,52 0.11 fl.!H 0.21 11.10 5.51 5.45 6.10 5.30 5.22 5.15 5.10 6.01 4.51 4.50 1.1(1 1.30 P. M ESHEX FIttE imiGADE. Friday ovening. Diirid Waanor, Captain; MEETS EVEHV ptafn; DllQO, Androw Parkor, biontonant; Palmer Secretary; Frederick Hyatt, Troaouror. COURT ROYAIi, NO. 212. I. O. F. Muuta second aiuj fourth TuOBday'B in oaoli month in l.O. O. F. Hall at 8 o'clock )>. in. Vihitiuijbrothorn willboRivon a fraternal wol- S?1"?0;.,.*1, uCaufllHna. 0. li., \V. 0. Bhaw, Socy. M. J.WJQlo, O.B. JI.U, R, t FlaR Statlonu. Trainn ntop only whon thoro aro paBBcnnora at or for thono HtatlonH. Mlxod traliiii aro at al tlnaou bubjoot to bo cancollod WII 'WOOUruATT, Gcooral S-aporlntondent. The Rocky MowntuInH. Along the lino ot tho Northuru Puoifio Kailroad aljonnd in larfco game. Mooao, deor, beur. clk/mouutain lions, oto.f can yot bo found thevo. Tho truo sportsman 0 willing to go tboro for thorn. A. little book oallfxl "Natural ' Gamo PraeorveB," pabliBhed by tbfl Northern Paoifia Bailroad. will be Rent upon receipt of four ceutfl in Rtampu by Chab. 8. Feb, Qqb'1 Pass Agent, Bt. Paul, Minu. lAND AND LOAN AGENTS GEOHGE J. THOMAS, Convoyancor, Cora- ., mlnaionor, fu High Court of Juotloo; doalor in Uoal Eutato and MortRiinon. Mouoy to loim attholowoBt rate of iuturout. Farmu bouKbt andaold. Innurancc takon in tho moutrollablo. oompauiofi. DrnwinROf dooda, -mortgagon and loaaon a npooialty. Charjioo modorato und all bnaluonp promptly attoudod to. Call at tlio Contral Tolonhono offloo, EnaoxContro. 60-ly MARmACE LICENSES. MARItrAGE Licoiiiioo or Wcchlhifl Tlltw bo proouvod at E. L. Parh'n. tho old > lidblo juwollor, Enitox, Ont. W. D, BBAMAK, loouor of Marriago* Liconaon. Inourauoo a npoo- NltjUtomoo at Dwollluc. W2& MDAKKETT. ioimor of Manri'^a IiIoombm, CommioalonorinC.J.,oto. QflBto, On*. J AUKS S. LAIRD, ProvJuoiftll'un'l Surveyor and County Knffhioflr, Karox Contro, Ont Offloo, Dauatau BIooC. upstairs. ARCHITECTS. TOHN A. MA.YCOCK, . ARCHITECT, &o Room XO and 11,'Floming Building, Wlnduor, On! Phono 210. UNDERTAKING- H PLUM ME R, tTndortakor and FnrnUuf, * Doalor. Coffins, hbihe and faotorynurde >omato3a Mcaroaor. Out 0-i HtfJLV*'.-.. .0 ". vj &3 I .'i '. 4129