kit %:l * ; " 'V'vKv$S j-i-v . i^-'iv; "t- $% 1 .'< J ...--------- f.'J*lj WILKINSON'S i'OH Ohoioo Fresh Oronnrios, Provisions, Tonu, Ouifuon and Spines. Special hm>u in Crockery, Christian Endeavor SociatJ ^ tit, I'huI'h Church, TUESDAY EVO,, JULY 16th Everybody Oomo. VOL JCI. No 28. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. JULY 12, 1895. WHOLE No, 640 n F. A. & Co CQid^^^J?^ Our Summer Clearing Sale is in full .swing, 3?or one month we will eacrifioe profits to the main object of turning all seasonable goods into cash and room. Our fall importa tions are coming forward early and we want empty shelves *to receive them. All summer Dry goods, Furnishings, Mil- ilinery, Olotbing and Shoes will suffer, in price to hurry 'them oul/ during the next month, it will pay you to investigate this. No trouble goods. GREAT CUT PRICE SALE i SANDWICH. Tho KocordH, of Windnor, defeated tho jTatiorinls, of Detroit, hint Friday, oil the Auuuniptiou <^ollu(^ grounds. Score 8 to la. Mr Jos .1* >ihmhsr has olosad bin black- smith ehop hero and started ouo in Wind sor. Mr ,T U Balfour, toaohor of Hohnol No 1, thinks of roniijnin* liiu position to take tho place of Mr Cullender, principal of tho east tsontrul Mchool, Windsor. If tho Rami- wich trwuiooH do not hnstlo and raise bin pniHHHt rnilary (S5G0) tlioy . may lone Irim, for thu Winduor trwHtoow are very anxious to.ct him. Tho offer of 87.10 is too tempt ing Mayor Girardot has gouoo* an extended trip through the 13 mi tarn Provinces. Ho will combino 1>uhihohb with pleasure That poHt-efuoe uppointmont in not not- tlod yet. Thu applicants aro : Miuh Agnes Ouullctto, Moftiiru. Bpears, Marcobto, Baby A Co. James Smith, proprietor of the Royal Oak Hotel is oxtrenaely happy. His horse took nuuoud money at tho Itivor Cauard races laat wo ok. Our gonial butohar, Iliohard MoKao, out hia bund very badly laut Friday. Dr. Par, drcaaod tho out und bo bad to put in tun utitobos. Sandwich hi getting to he quito a snm- rnor resort for Americans. An many as ton (ilmtheu aro stopping at tho different hotels. Mi ha II, Brammor, asaiutaut toachor of school Mo. 1, iii spending bur vacation m -Loudon, Out. Mrs Dawno, boufiolteoper for Mr.' X'. Noal, has onUvod a'suit for ulandor agaiuat Turnkey F. Ilor. NORTH IlIDGE. Mitiu Blaucbo Billing returned homo from Woodntoclc laat Monday. William Parker, wife, und only sou call- on relative!* here land Sunday afternoon. Mr. Isaac Milieu will preach in th North Uidgo Methodist nhnrch ou next Sabbath, 1-ith, ut 11 o'clock, a. m. Koruian Ilor, of Cololientor, and Miue Lena Wiylo, of Ooafiold South, wero the yuehtB of Samuel Baiter and wife laut Sunday. Menard. CrOHiley and Hunter, Mothodiut evaut!uliMtM, wero attoutive listonora at tho .11 a. in. Hervioo hint Sumlayjn tho Motho- diub ohuroh hero. Ttioy were^travollinu on their bicyclen and declined-to go into thu pulpit in oyclo coHtuuao. Key. CroKwIuy ,prayed at tho clone of the uervico, but did noj ask for ruin, winch m jtmt what wo nocd moro than anythiuy cIhs at preuout. noMi: Kitoivi oami*. Xko KKti: linitailon rJuum Itlurohliia; lioiiko an Suturluy liuwt* Tho Kuiox Battiilion arrived in Winduor luwt Suturday, aftor thoir two woukfi'tay in tho military bar racks at London. The companion din- poruad for thoir iicveral boitdquartorfl, on tho ovoniii trainu, No. II Co.,of thU town, roachinn homo about 6:110. Tha company wmi raaroliml to tho drill Hbfid, wbfii'o Oapt. IliiHHoll dmnandod thorn. An tho evntiinu was vory warm, tho men worn all ploanod to ho "at ojuio," While it in not all play by any inoanti, tlio mmi enjoyed thoir Htay in London. Quartern in tho military uolieol burraoku woro rnmili moro oomfjrtablo than toutiny on thn plain. Unfortunately thre wuh ouo tfap in the rankn, Tho plaoo of Matthew S(r>inkn, s. mmnbor of No. 1 company, Winduor wiih vaoatod by doath. Hu wan attaukod luut weQk4by wpinal nnmiujiHiH, and Inter by brain /over, and iliod on Saturday at V2:IG, about tho timo tho battalion wan leaving for homo. In camp ho had tho bout poa- uible oaro and treatment, and later in tho hoHpitur, where ho wan couvoved novo ml dayo before bin doath. Ilia body roue hod home on Saturday ovonintf, iu charge of his brother. Auotber accident while tar^ot pruotiHing at tho riflo buttHone day. A ball pierced the heavy butto and inflicted a scalp wound ou Kiohard Campbell, of No. 3 Co. IIo wiiu not dan^erouidy woundod. Tho butta woro condomnod, and tlic practico diHCou- tiuuod for a fow duyu. The London Adyertinor ymiri tho Kuuox Battalion a high comphnaont, iu the follow- inu tormn':. "Tho Twonty-firiitliattalion wan about the laut to loave. It had boon quartered in the burrnoItH. tmd had tho freedom of ovorythiuf {oioopt-tho. ciinteon) tondored tonderod thorn by tku mon of No. 1 Com- any. Tho Eauox boyn.wero a fine, noldiorly MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. KMNW3t COWN, JiiHHKX, .IlJI.V % lHllfi. Ccimuil mot in ruimlar iieMHion, Mayor in th oliair. Prt-Mcnt tho Aluyor, Itaevo and ooumnllorH Goo. Ihiith, ,]. A. Itoiui, I). Whitney, J. A. . HickH, Dr. I'otlH, .T. U. OickH, V. RqbhiHon and O. J. Thomim, Minutoii of proylouH mooting and npesiul mooting wor* rend and on motion adopted, A communication wiih roitd from Mr, MuKwun ro tho land tukoujiu right of way for Irwin avo. Moved liy Mr. Laird, iiuoondcd by 'J. A.. nioUu, thut thu communioatioi) from Mr. MoKwan bo referred to tho Finance Com- mitteo to report at next mooting, renard- intf tho road through Iiih place. Carriod, Moved bj Mr. .1. A. DiokH, Hooondod by Mr. 1 lavtli, that tho matior of outtiiu; hay on the fair fjroundu bo loft witli.tho chair man of tlio Property Committors. Carried, A nuinbor of billh wuro prenontod, whiMi on motion of Mr. Laird, Hecondod by J. A. lilickn, wuro referred to tho Finunco Com mittee. Moved by Mr. Laird, Huoondiid by J. A. Iliolui, that tho comminnionorn in oacli ward look aftor tlio thiHtlea on the vuount lots and alflo on the Htroot* whoro they aro not out proporly. Carried. Moved by Mr. Laird, nocondod by Mr. Rone, that tho chairman ot thu JL'rbporty Cownnittco bo'authorized to fill up thoopon wolliu tho fair grouody. -Curriud. Tho Finance Committed rsported, ro- commending payment of tho following: W.SiHHon, mil and an chiof couHtablo$17 00 Jan. R. Laird, levellinf/.......rrrrr 6 00 JoH.Towmiond, ditohin^,..:.... ~ ... 8 32 Thomau HobinHon.wkat wat.orworkH 1 25 .A STORY MR -MOTHERS,- WHICH MAY SA.V15 THI3 MAVIS* OF TlllOIIt uAUGii'ricn's. ANOTHER A loitfhi^ Vjiidy "( rirrl< Uvllln SnVed WIiom Nmik lUAHili'u l>o*r -Jjtar III- uuiiw iiraii(_'lu AH-oiil by 1llmnlw k<H!iiMuk'(* UvrHvX iluly 0flSlVy In Willcli 'JTIioy dun Uc wuccoyulu) From the Ottawa Cltlinn. Clothing - War IN WINDSOU. lot,-and-loar_ol We will not be undersold, e are able to compete with iy and all in the matter of ailing goods cheap, and only jk a fair comparison of val [es. Some special values in rocery department at present ir 25c Japan" Tea is the gen- me uncolored article and lould not be compared with TJiie' cheaper, colored Japana goan.e are Belling at that price. COTTAM PLAINS. Win. Muoouit \h erecting a frame otablo on bin farm. .Hunry Burk Br. has hia now barn roudy t* recoivo the prf?duota of hia fielda, Our old aflliatod friend Charley Gilboo diod on Saturday, Juno 30ih. Mr, and Aim. Jool Whitnoy and two ot their children have returned from vibit- in friondu at Wuluorvillo. ,J;T. Brown, Ehq., haa recently arootod a etuble on hiu farm in the Flame. wau auuounctid No. 1 CJotnpauy.'lined both mdoH of tl;u Elizuboth atreot arched ou- tlfti'H-cu to tho bariucka. Tho Twenty:firat fell iu on the hquure at 0 o'clock, and, headed by the baud, marched out. Ah tho rod ooato paunod through tho arch the crowdo on both mdfH ^avo Uicrn a roiminti farowoll, iu the form of tbreo clicora and tho waving of hats. The Twenty-tlrHt Band played of home, and an tha battalion diHappoarod from viow tho uchool mon re turned to tho lotitH in a itomewhat Horrow- f ul mood ovar tha departure of what thoy termed the battalion which was almoat equal to reculara." Tho liattalion was ulao highly com- plimtod by Dwputy-Adjutant General Smith, who had cliarge of tho review, during tfie onoampment, - ,; E. J. LovdIuco, pnutiuR............ 4 60 W. GuJliuiKor....................75 J. MflGlintio.haulinf,' rayo(........ 7 00 W. It. ThompHon, outtinp; tliiotlon., 7 00 John Waltera, walary poutu^o, oto ., 2fi. (1/j W. Lainti, electric light for Juno .. .'13 111 Bamuel .Dona.................... 06 nurture Scott Taylor, wood for waterworks 16 00 - " ' - - ' 00 A New Store. i>I' J. llnr-acc A: <J. Ntoclc In miksex. Open u Joan Gormloy, work at.wutorwork" 1 A. W. Gardner. h.uI for Juuo und ex. prt-KH ohar^OH.................. 10 05 Frank Brown, wk on catch biiflinii.. 10 30 Boll Telephone Co., moHfiafc(j...... H 20 JamoB Hatlor.................... (i 75 W. Dddoy, Hanitary work (if cortiliod to)............................ 13 00 (Signed) G. J. Tuoouui, (Jliuirmau. Moved by Mr. Laird, Hooouded by Mr. Barth, that tho report of tho Finance Com mittee be adopted. Carried. Movod jby Mr. Laird, Hoconded by Mr. Bobo, that tho collector'!! tiino bo extonded nniil tho next regular roeoting, Carried. Couu(!il theu adjnurno'l to next rojjalar mooting on Antfuat Gtb, '05. John Wai/tehb, Clerk. .' 'S"i IV' Produce taken as Gash. Goods marked In plaio Figures. COMBLR. A-aiid ouHo of poiHomni; ocourrod here' Saturday nicht. Tho two-yoar-old aon of- Jno.Campboll swallowod the conteuU of a: bottle containing Bulpburio , acid, The bottlowuH left on the table by Mro, Camp- boll, who had boon uiiu% it and while nbo ' had her baok turnod the child took tha bottle and Hwallowod tho contoiUa, Dr. Abbot wan summoned aud did all. poouible to roliovo him. Tho child diod ,t tbre o'elock Monday njornin^. The Ho city MountulUN. Along tho line of tho Northern. Pacific Hujlroad abound in large game. Moooc, door, boar, elk, -mountain liono, etc., can yet bo found there. Tho truo sportsman n willing to i;o cliero for tliem. A little book called "Natural Gamo I5roBorvjt" publiHhcd by the Northern Paolfioltuilroad. will be>icut upon receipt of four ceutu m 0tampn by Chah. S.Feii, Gen'l PftHH.A(;eut, St. Paul, Minn. :3Pryt!ho^ f'~ te::: W- . : * F^SEX, ONT. ^^^^M^M&j^^^ Btark'H Powdorn, eaoh paokuRo of which containa two preparation^ one in a round wooden box, the oovor of which formo a moaHuro for one dono, an iminodiato relief for costivonoEH, Siok Hoadaoho uud Stom ach, alho Menral^ia and all kindn of nerv. ouh painn, and '.mother in unpnulmi, (from i to ^ of ono io nn. ordinary douo) which acts- on tho bowoln, livor and ntninimh fok-mins anovor failing porfoot tro'atmobt for all head andvatomj^oh oomplaiute. Thoy do not, uh mot pllla and bo many other raedi- oiutiB do, Icbo thoir etfoot, or produco aftor cuUHtipi.tiou, they are nico to take, '25c a bon at all medicine doalera. lirvr AIooBrii. J. T. Barrett and Co., late of TilHonburg, oponod up a, couple of bank rupt otockn of rooiIh in the DuiiHtan Blook on Friday of la^t week. ProvioUH to the arrival of their (jooda, tho head of tho firm made uppliaation f^r a trader's been bo to noil I'oodH, under the old Trandiunt Trud- or'w By-law ouaotod fteveral yeara ajjo by tho town council for tho purpowo of oolloct- in# a foo from vondoreof bankrupt ftoadit. At the lawt heauiou of the Ontario Lo^is. latnre, an act wan paswod empowering ruuiiioipalition toinapooe a foe of $250 on such traders. In viow of thiH foot, a naaot- ing of tho town council waa hastily called tha purpose of deciding whtbt ntcpH uhould be taken, and what tho amount of the licGUBe fee should be plaood at. An tho new firm had complied with tho require ments of the old b$ -lav/an exifltonoq in the town, it wan decided bout not te intorforo in thie inotauoo, but a by-daw wua paauad, dixint; tho liconao ftje for tbo fufcnro for tranaieut traderti ut $2.10. :MeaorB. Barrett A Co. dopotiited th 350 foa with tho treanurer uudor the piwiriBionB of ttho old by-law. If they remain in Esaoit for a yoar, they will be refanded tho mon- oy Iohh municipal taxeu on thoir aasoBBment but tho amount will bo forfeited to tho town if thoy leave boforo thait time. Mr. Barrott informtj tho .Fjihk Piikhb that ihiH tirra may decide to looato per manently m Ksuex. -. . Buuday Bathe* JOrowued. A Leamington doupntoh ,flays ; Walter Koid, about 18-yoaro of'age, yocRet sou of Jabu M. tRaid, of this place was aooidont- ally drqwnoii iu the kito bore Bnnday about 11 n. m'. HiH oldflr brother and ho bad drivon to the lak for the purpoao of haviuK a bttth', and, while bathina,' thought of taking the horae out alao. Deooauod und ayouuu mnu named Kounedy mounted tlio animal ami went out acouNideraltle diatancd, uud, whon tnruiuj; to' oohja auhore.Hho horwo either rollod over or th youuj! mon ahppod off, and young Roid, bemji unable to Hwioo,. waa drowned. Hj0 brother and Kenuady wetetilao uuuble'.to HwimbntlittlG, and did not- realize his danger until they could not hblp him. Hit body wau found alrapHt iit the Moot sj^ofc where'tbpttocident'occurred. Kshkx, July.1, ,(J5. A Hpecial meeting of tho council, Mayor in tlio chair. Present tho Mayor, Iloeve und oouucillura Geo. Barth, J, A, Koii0| D. Whitnoy, J. A. Hickn, Dr. Ptta, A. ItiLinen, J. M. Uicka, G. J. Thomas aud F. Robinson. The Muyor explaiuod tho object oi tho spooial mooting which wan to take into conuidoratiou the ad visibility ot ptQuin^ a by-law lUiug tbo amount* of tho liconuo too and dopoait rerjuirod of transient traderu in acoordanoe with the Htatutou of the log- lalature reooutly pasoed. Aftor same dincuieion of tho matter be fore tho council, JJr. O. J. Thomas fjave uotice of a motion as follpwa: I horoby ^ivo notioo that at tho next meeting of this council I will mnvofor an amendment to by-law No. 116, to raiuo'tho fee for Iran hi on t traders to 8250, aa provid ed for by the laat act of tho loginlatare, .(Signed) G, J. Thomas. Council thou adjourned to July 5th, at 0:aO o'clock a.m. John WiWititi. Olcrk. Ebqkx, July fi, '95. Council met uh par adjournment, the Mayor in the chair- Prooont tho Mayor, Koovo and councillor Goo. Barth, J, A. Kobo, J. A. Hclui, A. RainGH, J, M. Bicku and G.J. Thomau, The clerk laid a communication boforo the council, showing that Mr T J Barrett hud made application m due fpren aud in compliance with tho provisiouu of by-law Fo. 115, for a tranmout trador'iporaon to uell and offer for Halo goodw, wuren and merohaudtae, in tho Town of Euuex, and requesting the council to inutruct him im to what eliould o done in rogurd to tha matter. Moved by Mr. McDougull, socondod by Mi. Barth, that tlio permit to T, J.Burrott bo j;rauted.-*Cur3riiid. Mr G Jplioiuiui'lhou iotwidupod by-law >Io 227, nf which notice had ben given at tho proyious meetiug to umeud by-law No nr>: Movod 'oy Mr MoDoufjall, ticoonded by Mr JBartb, that by-law No 227 bo read a firet timo. Oarried. By law No 227 was tbop ' read b, first timo. ^ On inotioyi of Mr Kaiuotf. uconddby Mif Koho, by-law No 227 was then read a aoc- oud time and ,it cluneeB ditmunwd apd agreed upon. \ - Qumotioo of Mr Laird, seconded by Mr Jf "A Hioka, by-law No 227 Wat then road a third time aud. finally paseod. ' Jobh. W*iiT*i& Girk, PorhapH thare is no boaltluer people on tho continent of than tho roHidontu of tlm pioturowquo vilhigo of Miuriokville, iiituatod on tlio Ridonu river, and tho reason iu not ho much in itinialub- rioiiHohtaiato aa m the wmo prootiutioitfi taken Uy itn itihubitautri in warding off dineiino by a timely nno of proper medioino. Tho groiitQHt faverito iu Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, and many aro tho teutimouiala iu ro- yard to thoir virtuoa. Your oorrotjpondeBt on Monday lust culled at the ronidonce ot Mr. and Mrn. II. Euittou, aud intorviuwed thoir daughter, Minu Hutcio EaatoH, a biindaomo yonng lady of 20 yeara, who in known to havo boon vorv low and has boeu rofttorod to health by tho mho of Pink Pills. "Yan," uhe mid', "I Buffered a great doalt but I am so thankful that I am onoo more roatored to health, You have no idoa what it ih to bo ho noar tho mortalo and foel that everything in lifo'n future in about to slip from your grasp aud an oarly grave your doom, I wan takon ill four yearn ago with troubles poouliar to my iiox, aud which hau hurried many a young woumi to her doom an early grave.. 1 have taken in all about twouty boson of Pink Pihd. and I am ocl> ton glad to~lat"luo world know what theuo wondorful little pallets have douo for nio, hoping that norao othor un fortunate young woman may be beijwfittod uh I waa. Whn:i ttixtueti yearn of ngo I began to grow pale, and weak and many thought I waa going into decline. I becarno .Hubject to fuiuting npells and at timca would become uueoDHcioaH. My ttrongth gradually deoruaand and J booamo ho em aciated that I wan simply a living nkeleton. My blood oeemod to turn to wator and my face was the color of a corpno. I had tried different kinde of medicmeo, but thoy did me no good. I was at hint confined to ity room for aovoral montha aud hope ot my recovery wan givoi. up. At* laat a frioud atronjilv urged the uuo of Dr.' Pink Pilln and aftor uaing a few boxes I nogau to grow slightly stronger, I con tinued their mm until I bad uod about twelve boxou, when I found myHolf rodtorod to heulth. I wow qiiit niiiug tho pills and for uix rnoHtliH I never felt bettor in my lifo. Then 1 bofian to feel that I wuh not aa regular as I should bo and io fool tho old tired feeling onoe moro cowing on. Onoo mort I resorted to Pink IJillu, and by the time I hud ntujd nix boxeo I found my. aelf fully restored. I acsp a box by mo and occasionally whon I feel any symptoma of a roturn of tho old trouble, I tako a fow and I am all right again. I cannot find words of aufficiout weight to cxpreas my appreciation fr tho wondorful an rati ve -lualitivou of Dr. Williams1 Pink Pille and sinoovoly hopo that all who aro afflicted aa I waa will give thow a trial and I am oortain thoy will Und ronnwod health. The facts above relatod are important to paroutB na tboro aro many young girla jnst budding into womanhood whose condition in, to-say tho loaot, uoro oritieal than their parontu imnijina. Thoir oomploxian ia palo and waxy in tij*pearanoe, troubled with heart palpitation, hoadaohoa, maormeaH of broath, on tho nl'i'lUimt exoroisA, fnutueoB and othor diatreaaiufi Bymptom* whioh in- variably led to a premature grave unloas prompt atepa are takon to bring about a natural oouditiou of iioaltb, Iu this tm- orgonoy hq remedy yot dinoovord can uup- plv tha plaoa of Dr. Williamn* Pink Pills, whioh build anew tko blood, atrongtbeH the nerves aud rootore the glow of health .to pale and nallow obooks. They aro. cer tain cure for all troubles pooo-iiar to the female nystom, young or old.' yoljT^Wjneiobor.'hw wc W: tho'Snefc^0'* Ovojwatt 'oil, tha 3^ on -v<. winter, i'l^ht ia MEN'S STJI' We are again maHtern of the Hituution. . . $3,95 $3,95 Ih our prioo for mon'n Huito.woll madeand trim- mod and as good in ovory way an other stores are trying to got 8fi' Sf'j for, and at tho nan-o time toll yon they aro selling oboap. OUR ( BOY'S SUITS At $1.95 niclnHo Hnita from 83- to 84, you want any of thtmo big bargaina If COME QUICK :.&.. Exclaim6 thouaaada of people who have taken Hood's Barsaparilla at thi 'season of the yoar, aud who hav* noted the ano oeae of tho medicmo io giviutf them rahaf from that tirod fesling, wanting appetite and slato of e^tromo exhaustion after the oloae confinomont of a long winter, season, tbo busy timo attendant upo* a large and prouamg buBiaeas daring tbo spring manthi mud with vacation timo yet aonae waek distant diataat, It in theu that the building-up powura of Hood'H Baraaparilla sr fully appreciated, It leoma perfectly adapted . t* oyarconia tltat prostration cauBd by obnngo of caaaon, oliooato or lif; add while it touaa and suataiua the ayg. tein, it puriflea and .vlsalives the blood. Now Divorce Ralincr- Rumo mouths ago, Michael Moloney, jr of Amheratburu, filed a bill iu tho Detroit , courts for a divorce from hia wife, H&ttio Molonoy,.retaining.Hpury P. Waltora, fr-_ raorly of tho Fiwb Piucrh, but now with AtkniBon A' Hatch, to look after his cam, The clmrfc waft doaortion, tlrtt1 husband claiming that nho voluntarily left hi, withoin any fault on hia part, and Hhe baa, for the past threo yeara, poaitivoly rofaBod to live with him. It in tho general pruotio* and iu fact u rule of court, that the wif iu a divorco caae has tho right to appear in court and demaud au order to compel hor husband to support her during the pendency of the carte, aud alno to pay the oxpenaes of hor auit, whether she is tha defendant er the complainant. lit thi oaHo. Mia. Moloney made tho usual da- roond for solicitor's foe aud alimouy, rap- rosontinu that abo waa without Meana, aud (hat hor husband wai abundantly abla to provide for hor. In defence *f the oafl Mr. Molonoy had a uumbcr of affidavits prepared in which thoro wan a strong buow- iog that tho defendant in a woman of bad charuotor ; that alio has paaiod aH a mes. moriat, fortuno tollor, ohuryoyant, utrcet walkar, and oonaorts with a low olaea ,of cnmpaniona. Judge Donovan, as won as tho affidavit!) woro produced, danied the" woman's application, refusing to hear her Holieitor'B argument, holding that the w- man bad no right to auk for any favors, as , it appeared thut aha was getting a better living byuor jisroputablo methods, 'tbtn, tbo husband soouroa by houost work. In this caso Judge Douooan has applied a bran new rule which, if adopted by tha,, courts of Michigan, will be of wide apread interest to tbo bar, ftB well as to husbands whose wives ate of nuBavory cuaracUr, The above was the first inetatooe *whor ' Huoh aa objection waa raised and Mr, Wal-. ters has boeu rocoivion congratulationa oa all aides on the manner in which ho band- led the case. ".' . U- I)on!tyeu kaowthai Hood's Buraapar- illa will overcome, that tire* feeling aad gijfc yon renewed V^or. ind Titality. , fh Kx-AKayor o< L,Uto>vH kiuvlJ tardedaUOttiera' Ho BayR ; "! have for years been te. saf-^.T^ ferer from very severo bilious aud neural.:;'..vj| gra headaches, aud X bave tried many;;:-& kiude of irieliome some with-very' fair:^M roaulta. But about a year ago used SftWi y'0^ Powders, and have sUoo .tkem. dlseardefl" all other remediea, as I foubd they,'c*t;.; imediate'a*o'a perfect relief." ^| hardware merehant, ex-raayor ^etoweU. ,v^f "Stark's; Powde.-a; for Goitiyoness, >Sic;f^| audNeryoua HaadaOhe, BiUoasneM^ eu-|f ralgia, the stomach and .-liver.', -ttwo."."PW*^^ parationa in ^acfc box. ^we to ta^-Br,i*oi 'aaediate'and permanent., Sold by all drug v$ gists > "^i$u\j t&^'lS - '^"'0'^