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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 5, 1895, p. 7

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rroi 'ittffi* ""' v, :::(^'^ f^-^ .... :'ri'.^ Vf*l& JiiSStCX- r<'JMfit:K Jr^jW. !; W.' The Prom lor Will Ihmi.h- n tVfanl- fotilo on Wo'i'iiuotliiy. FU1L LIST OF THE i.E A' GABIHEi' Hliil4lvr)al A iipo In tin fill >4 oni.dull.) -l Uouilivtl - ICiiwl'llfl-y ILyrcui'Jll.il MH'l tho Order ol l)ie I hi- i.- i iam *iiy H'U'i Ii'ihM i I'll' 't.lUl^J I it -i 1 U'. I '.1.1 11 e 1, I. if / Tjomlnii, .June i!x;--.Tli" :'.i!lMU-ii ir Vh ltiLijri.il ;L|ii)nliitiii> hi.-, ;i.-' H'1' ' -bv :ti iioutit.-cil : Lord llJtlMburv. J-.uid 11 lor. Vlseotiut ('loss. Loi'l n: ' Sir Jli-nry Jiiiu.- Dliehy <d' .1 jiiiii/a;;!*-r. Sir AUtlhew \\ , tary. The Mdruuid m" \*. n '1' i". tary (if hi.ii.- I".* Wei. .Lon] <;i;o; ; K: .i.ii'i. 11'. ii.i 1- n rotary ol' Slate i<r I ndi.t, it.ijrht Hun. riuirlfH 'I'. I: n , h.e,. 1 (lent nf tilt- Hoard 'il' 'I'la.li-. Kiifl O.u'fuiV.i ,i, l^uid I.' i; i...i. Ireland. Jjiird AHlil)unr:if, i ,i,v : t h n .- ; rh-laiid. - T.jnril Itall'iilir ..I" j ii. iv. ::; , S ," for Ki ntland. '--------.All (if fllr fiii'i L'.d.ll;; \V.i: !- l.e Of til -.d t t on In Mr. Hubert Willia.n 1, na .r.. .i:.. boon n]i]iniiii> (I Kin nr::, : r. .a the: Treasury .and M r. < I i Curaon, Umh r S Affairs. _Tlu' other Cabin vkutaly jiinnmin'i-il Lord Salitf miry, Seeretnry of i-d a ; Tim Duke of I)r-v. oJ tho L'uiiueil. \\\%\\\ llo:i. A. ). ItalM.nr, i".i-<i the Trenmiry. ll:lit Una .h;.'"j.ji "If mi /:l:r.i:. tii ry ol Sfalo I'm- li.r (. < - . HiRht Hon. \i\v m;..-i.....l iiici.- Clui.iu't'llnr ol (l,i- Jv,.i.,,t..-i|..i-r. Kitfilt Hnn. ii. i.r; n. Lord of tin* .A-iiuil!.. \\y. --.ti I h. t i Ii tll'-t in jkiw ('.(iiii]ii-i . a id i i,a i -.:. Kccivtary fur Ic . i. !. ; ',t- IV. -. the ltimi'il uf ,\-ri-':.i \r. inanLfr-lri'iiiTa! w.il ! Hi^.-i-a a MiniHtrv. ' Tho l'nll .Mall C.i-.-M bury will i.ss n Ciovi'i'iinn'iM' >-i Ijfird I!..: .-> i al'toriso n. Hi by !h>- i.-iii" n, at thi> i';i-lr,- I ] .,.r.' thi^ "U': ii IU . .\ in hriiior,1;. ^uliinltlci -1 ler. The (J.'iii-.-tri v?-----j,..,..[^,utu. Hill' jra V.- J,on! Ifi ', u j..... with th-- i>. ii ' i I.-, 'r. r. 1:l.ii.i,i'; . Ii*. :n- ! LI ; -..ii't' " I luivf! tiilKMi Ayrjr'n TMlli for mnny l'i-ai'i, ,-nnl iilways dniivi'il Uiu Im-it vu- :>ulH from tlirlr nso., For Stomach and Liver tnmlilcs. ritid for tlio fttirn of lioail.'nilift rausi'd j)v llii'si' dcr;ui|;oiiii'iils, Ayi'r*:i nils i'iiun"i, bu u(pi;tiuil, Tliuy aru cusy to i;iko, ami Arc the Best nll-vound finnllv mnllPlnn T hnvo ovpr kiiiwu." Mrt. MAY.IoUNa(jii,3CaKliluir Avi:., >*uw York city.. AYER'S PrLLS Hlrvho^it Awarcla nt World's PaW* A i/c r'ft .Vrt maim villa, forth a hload* Hcr.mil \ ' ... . -, id DRAINAGE BY-LAW NO. 84. n a y t i. a i: i;: i: < ,-s! < .In v :;. '. ! V .'.:.:; . r. l:t d 'lid 111'. i i. i i.i- ....... IV' 1 'A' la I* tsl it..;, f.-r, ta.; . had iiiitr ji: ;nii:r, N.Y., . i V, !:: : ;iv."'lv" y st" i : iii llai" i h' I ' \'i <.:. b\i- ii_:hi Id: Jul ii lay ,, i'| al \): n'iir. tdiv. h'-ii:_ hi' W".;; i;;;: 1 ni.:"ill. ! MM of I-Jxccwi iv*r clfnifii'-y nr al ni.i a.-uvi't- mLtTi' p-d a n.-w r-iiplt.-. Wir.i.- Hi I'-i 'i i In : - ll.iwin.!-,' in1 \V ;i r<i ii K.tl"-, a ial irad.- " I di rod IliinU- th r.>. y i--U'h' n H '. ' ii v: L* |..,i,-'..n- ai'tci' _ mw i h- r. siUzoil tor da y ,.! li|;i liooNi ' im s in his th- ha i i I'CIl an lii -.tiiiM a-. al Way;* m. iino a--L tai: now lc:.;- ' r..ut him 1 >>ai -d m in 1 . ^i/.L'" <" to !. lii.- d:.iy ii'.dU:' I r i r 1 [i ' ic "il.iit;.- <d mi ' > .is a ^Lay, I la \<- no Tlr ii w" >; just n.:n.,- i do-'-r "i' ! 1|.- i|,',it!i i in i.' .'idi.i it liiai. y. Imh hud Id' .1 I'tli'-r ;id- -.-\-ioriif-y' A H-V-XiAW. to Kinivido lov ilrniimjiu worlt in tint Townidiip <d Mniflid.nii-'. in tlm ('minty (if iOmu.'X, mid for biDTownu; on 1 ho ororht" of tho iiniuu*i|m:|iy 'd (li^i)i'lfi N'uv'li, tli mini <f Tint**! Huiuiind un'l Ninof,ytlii'oo dnlliLiiviiiid uino u.m.ih, idiu |iii,|njitmii to In.' uiaitrdiiitiid by inuil iniiiiioit>n-liLy fur cnmiilni in;. I In1 i-pumo, ProviHKMitilly iulo|itnd ih> y.l'h iluy "f .linn', lWl.r>. Wlll'liKAlit Itiniv llnwoll, owiini n| hit j!l, in Ihti r.tli (inntiiunitm nf Ihn TiiWiii.liip of Muld- iil mm, itnl'vnd npuii l.l'io iiiiiaiii||nil emu mil ni (In* imiil fnwnrhlfi, u writiiai iintii'-n lh.il. r..n J'ii.m nr No. U\ Tup I mini, uilj'.iinilly (imiittnit.-tud Under Ui provinlniih nf tl.n nnhii'.ia hiaiiiTi^t Act..' v^'iiil nniijli out of ropidr and mi.jiMM.ti>d Uml iL lj ropuirl ItiHiiinlii.H'ly r.lal u> pn'vnnt. 't(iinit;m u lifii linnhi by ilii ovtail jv/ (if wnim- IT-om Ltui Kiiid ih'iiln. AMO VVm:uiUii thnrnii|i(ili Lhu miUl uomini! Imti prncurcd n\> i-vu'd tin" Inh tn Ik* iku'Ih by .'u- S. Iiiih'd, f'.kij., P. Ij-H,. tinliu; u pin'-Kiu i:inil|itilniil, [tir ilHull pilt\,i 11 \ ii' tut ..i.i I irn i. ].r i|u n'l t'l Im ill'llhicd mid (,lin lia-naii niliK,m,-'"l f'"' tlln dndinit'ij I.linn nl.n ii'l <,l' r.i lm- in u \i\ i, u.| p,,,,l>i HiiliUi 1,1) lllltllJimilllMlt II 11(1'ir Uli'l Ad., All'I lllLiI 111 III) pl'IKMll'll I pIlLll'l, * I""- !l" di.Ul:. llli I *. i'Hil il'-H nf tin* dial ii.i ('() w'drlf tu liu nnulu riy Lin* nidi I Um, W. IjiiIi1'!, and an i'M ih^ui.hiI. i.'i iin.nil'i h,' -lau or tint liLIldil li'lld f(Hi-il t liu l)MHi'l\l.l"il hy Mlnh ilfiiliiiiijn wnili nil a Ol oI.ikh* hr.tids iui'1 roul- h M bin lor uuilLi'lbiiMoii thnnitii. iitatiini an nnurl v ml ll*> ) Ul.thn proptit:t,nni nf inii"lii, niit.p'i. i n iliLV uml in 1 livllill liftliMily, wllbdl, ill liiii opIlil'Hi, Will biuUii ivi<1 ui* inn irmd in cmii.-ipi'Miit.-. in -aii-li driiiii- a liu wnrlt ly nvnry lit-ul Or Int, ni' pur Mini of In I Llm mi id ii"tiii.'..iuinnL .1 > in i..tn Imui ; ilm ii'jituHiO ni'iillt lniiMhiii.ft'M" by tJlbi hydiiw (Jiniotud tn Im iiumlimil an.I luviml h|mm> i.ii.i fictd-i <md lnti>, or tuirhi of lotu, linviHiniftor hi tbiil. IJiitmK oiti'i'td-diy m.i fmxa .unl ilnnin'Oii-1, -uid tn- rnanrt. nf Lli'i i.uld ,hiti. H. Ijidril in rnnptvib tbtin-nl, uinl of tlm .irniuaijn wii/lc, l.tilin; .i.:. iu'iham: To tlai Ittiiivo. Din.iiLydtouvti mid Muiticlpul i/inmcilluin, nf t,)m Ttiv.aaditp of Miiirlntniio, in coun cil' inm'inililtiil: ' (ir.MTI*K.MKK,~ III iitnioi'diuicii wil.h I ii HtmnMoUU froin yiiHi* ll'mnialiln binly, I li i.vn InKinj tint i til'.iuii nii;nnii by IliUiry Hnwidl aiul InU'n 'i.'tain irmd N^/Hli L'n |j Uihui, Knmvn Hilln' I'ii.m llrniu, from tbn'towiiliiai 1ml wmm 'hmlitdil ISni'tli uml M^rrfiiiimn nurili uiui.i: ilu. .a-m.; (,i inri ;,[ n cnii. (if Mtildiltoiin to tint Maldnil roiid, mid b.'i! to report tlim-iioii im anlo. i; I (hid tlnii Llm iiiiiil dm in wim iiniiHtruuLiid hIkj h. lii yti.uii .k;.., .L\ni that. I nn. Inui Imnn imlli- illi; doiio to it hlui:", ttoc]d, a lov.' ii.;pi tal.ini out olitnvt-ry Imv \i"'ipa. I idsn llnd I hut Hlo tsaul ili'ain in i;rianly lUhul up " Ml' mtudi in imi"l of nnprovniuui.t, 1 liinl 11 ml thru: i . nuly a i anil .'!'"0 ucriiH ill ibn 1'ilid Townn/dp 01 Mimluioiii' Lliat. call ii.-.ii H'lid di.L.ii. ai.U > .....n Omi V- a vitv ulitdii tixUail, 'I'licrti i> V.'.ll ncri'ii in t.lm Tuwndiip 'U' (ionlirld .snri li ; ml '.'l:i in i i,o 1...'. a nl l-'hsiifi, that Will hit lh ii i>niil drain m. :i n i.ulli I lln'nur.liaUL itn ."i.ili - ,rj.j;Ui i Una llmi n, "Hi m ,t, all I'.Hpuinit.-ii imaudi'd. -?'o'n tn pill. c dr. ( H I in-i innnan: I Im vc 11.,xu-1 tin In mill in Middiiloni' lor lniii(il"il,^"i! i -..'lii I'l, and ivi , '.ji iui ,d , ii, ( m'-lii1 Id Nor IU fur ou tint wiih i i* \ Willi .~i;i.i#U- tor out lei. Acromial ma.;; yi'-U will lind piniO', p.i.ldi" nll- niiiti!ii ulid all olhnr puper'i iicdi hh.u , tor ^nidmn'-i in tin- ni -unit..; oai m .-..,d di til . I'lint ilniin iilnill bn laipl. Ill r(!pitir bv a ln.\ i>i, l in- In In In .Did runiIn Ho".' u ili'iim prnpni'Muil OXi*f*l*t tint I'.'lilhO'i l' III idiai'lln'id tin.- <:] ill, tn Iju cliitnijMd. 1 1 InVii tlio liot.or Li> bn, !!"iil hain-n, , ou i nlirdliait rtia'Vuiit, lMF;u-ib JAM!>i S. I,A I K 11, i.i. h. H. Mhhux, Oct. 1, lh'.d. AND WllKUKAii tho i:oiuii:il ..f hh id imui iuipnliL> of Mi\ idatnnn .lid M'l \ '> - i; n hoail uf tin; iniUi- U)inulityj/I (iiinliiil.l -N'ljlii Willi a <;i ,|i, nl i.hr ii.ni\.t r.'iiD'l .mil ni l.liu .iln.vr- int'l. t iuiit d [diiliU, iipt'l)ilh;iifioii;i nlid i'li!dunl.r't loi Ilu- !' .- ilinui A-Nil Wiu.iu:.\h Mie miid eon nidi id (tnoiiuld Nm'th at'n id lit-- i jduaia tii-n, i h -in. inir:n ul fiat iii'iiii diihcrilitnl ittdi!iiinildo. ' Tlniri-forii t|.n mud luuiiicip d comndl of t.lm nilld '1 nvVd l!il;i of l.ndl.irl Null,::, }.ilr,,uaiit tu tbn IH-oviHiollH Of thn DniNJiiKM Ai:t, IMU, nniinOl mi Inllnu:- . hit. Tho :iaid rnjiort, platui, ii|ji;i;ilu.:al.l<ain uml amn'i'inni-lil.'., an fur u-. Mn.-y i-dnti: l.o I In- 'I'oWli- ahlpof (ionlkdd North, uui Uurnby u<loj>l< t (Ui'tli, idnUl linliiiulu ulid cnin.liUi:Ln,l in aci-onl.ioiai l In.i'nwudi. iniiy linrinwno tlio crciht ol .an I'm poriU.ion of tlio "tin id Towiniliip of (luMinld Nurtii tlio iiiiiil of .-..'J l.ir.'i bolii; nulii in in nana lit) 'n nioooilion ol tlio tmida inmunHnry tor Llm '.I'ui'li, .unl niav in^u-j innn'iii ui'-!.-. or in.-. " n -p^rntioii in ttni.t, iiliioinif, ill lUllliH ol ii'oLdiaift tlnn. > uui". imoi tlio <lnla tlmi'r'd. with in t'c rent at tin) into of t> |inl' tan it, nor aiiiniai, Unit i.' !.o ;;.i',', in livi^c-pi d >. null 1 i lint dint'libi, nilfifi litdimilui'.'H to b.i pay ilblu a t i|n- lni|n -rial i anil. al. Lim Yn.vu o: iv. .'.x a.,d tu ii.i.u a I Lndiud to tiioni t!i)U|ionsto"r tbu puyiiiiiiii. ot i.n.ur, :d. ' lll'd FtH" puyini! lh" mini m tad 1 ,uid roada 101 honi'llt', lilid tlio iiuiu uf :":h".I.OI,' t huhlllly, ilimi't in.in Ltiu lundu ami rnad., l.idulli'lii,; Lo or unutioiintl l.j tin .iiullimp..hL>'1 11ml fur I'ovtvilii' iiiLel'im: tliennui lor tivo yiai:i ul Ljin ratu ol liVo inn" cait. pur unaiuii, U10 inlla.', in- tot.d iipeeial uilou, ov.-r and uhuvo ull.uLlinr rut-Jri ahali ho .lh i* i uid iMllnoL.id i ai Lno Mian) lilUllllor nilll attiio Hr.nio -liuiu lUluLmjl' taxnu. ll ru luvii-il and r-oll.;i:i..:d u ...nii niid fr-.-n Lii.; nmlni'- nimillniind lotu or pul'Ln nl' lotri, mid road.... and iim'.iaiuii.it"OT "ttm :rua tutai ^j ,-ii ,\u.i,. uinl iijLei'fHl lU'aiiiat t-afai lot or piU't ol 1>>L rn.ip.icUv'diy. alnUl bu dividnd ml.o UVo i-i|iril paiU, and i.UOiiindi-paiL Hindi ho UnM'-ii'd, U'Vlml and coll. -i:fd it.l alrjic-i.Uil, lh 'anal >o..t lor m ti ytair.-l ill tor tliu thuU pimiilii1^ nt tliin 0) d.i'.v,dunii! '.vbiuh t.hu t'.ud dnl taili'.ria! iia1, i- lo 1 an. rfidmihilo of Wilds AHrir.-fJiied in O-i^tud-l Nurin for th.j i'uc.r Uraiu Ji. pairii m M luii^aniu 5f - ': J. GOURLAY fc SONS, ESSEX. ONT,* '"flrt!, " '.'.'li ' 4 * ,y|'ir ... THE THIUWI^H COttM SHELLER Tliin Afiichino onMHi.sts of u Imrizontul vau\1 cylimlci', with wrought iron b;it'9, with hlcoI Louth holtod to tlio cylimloi- h.i'hh to lf( nivorfiiblo wlion tho Loolh hoennio worn on tho Trout nido, running in n, }>orfor:iio*l concavo ii'orv r-liolt, which tlio hIioIIimI corn |uh.-i^s through into n sIhkH iron cusio, with a. la 11 nr cUruHir iiILioIkmI hfilnw, whicii l.ako-H ail tho (hint from tlio grain. IMiq choiLjioiit, ho.*,!., m"st Himphj and dunihlo' J.'owor Corn Sludlor in uho; hIioII^ corn porf'notiy cloan in any oonditicn and cleaning from ono to two thouMiind IiusIkjIh of oiivh per day. according lo^pKS^1'/*^ Ui,mi;n:uons. i'L^?^k^')litlU:y!,10 in, fliam^ of.or. (1 in. l'not-; Molion, liOH to H0() rovolntioiiH pur niijW^_Wci;/htf 5H0 Iba. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. ^^^ ,^fc J- COURLAvHcSONS. 4 up lii i ol' I aisiui f.'liaplaiit W In tbn ohuir, Tim con k win n th" Iron ' aih r w s ; '.VUIIR 1 ' -, ha . a. i >v i! k*fl r.a in ( : Ir, t !iat 1h, ' liu l'-a h.m inn d ... ii had ?i - h.H'-d wln-n h<- roam, and d d Tin; iMIl'l^dit w,.s I'Ull lllt*-ti:-: t-v nf tllK i-y.' O-Uli'Ml them, tit tho aftt-i' HcVi'n Stx:n||fls \";i^' -Vftllt*. U-liiTi. ' it 1-.-IT1M 111, Cork, ,'JlIlK- 'jM.^-JTh.- el i,,|t yo:i.t. i'ur <"o k (*; i . rt'thoiii'. ni -.f Me. \V.ji, ui ' ' I hold y:-l; I'day. ;m 1 n-s .il, d turn of JI r. d - ia '. X. ()'!:. volar of -i,;!'!:* in i.i:;;: j\ir .M.". 1 Hie lh" tn till i.i by hd a, \\:ia U 111" h'- i'-n l-y :i :<K;h'\ 111" PariPdliL" ci ndid. t" UlllK HilVtl Lhe -SfUt. Tim .\K'( '.Li-tliyit'-M rv. --------v Tim UenSy .Hdiiln -a-imirt the Tm'lrs Dublin, Jiiiu' s, SpcuUini? thin even- illK ii-t a p.. Uienl </,;, tln-iduS in ll.i.s city, Tim'*tli.y .llo.itly. anLi-Panirliit.: member ui tin- Ibni^n of Conn onus in:' Xortli houtli, naid Unit ii" tint Turi-ri n|i- I irunv lied In-; a ad with n hui table jiiu- Krnm he uanild ii|ij>rt it, but lie 'did not bulb: vis that llie Tori en wuubl Kulmiit tioli it prot;i*a.ia. He did not njipr-.v,' ,a the reHi^nutiou til" the Lihern.1 (iuv- aL'vmnent, which hud thondiy I.d't tin: Irish "'J inorey tf Mr. l'.alinur'H police. Xhronielc soys that Mr. Tlmmius MOIl Si* anl^"-*->arn"iliL,,i iTH'mbftr of tlio of CoiiininiiH tor North ha.H finally dotdded to rc-trntur /' i.oitn ltiro.*, in ivkin loiilnl EErprchriilnlfvr-H for iTIIh Cnur- * "" t?*y ttt 'flit-in. London, June :JR. Tho repr'-R^nta.tlvr.g In Lt'ondori of the varluiiH liritlsh col onies callod in n. body upon Lord Hip- on at the Colonial (.ilii,-.- to-day. Sir Ghnrlos Tui.por. Canadian "IHkIi Com- rnlrtsionor, ncl'-tl as Hi-olvosi-nnn, and uj- on behalf of hla cal|t;aKii>-.'i and hmin<dC oxprciiai'tl the S'-n^t? of tlndr- obliga tion ftir the cm irli.*:;y and a.tieiHinn they had Invariably received duniif, hlw lord- shlp*s t'-mire of nflioe an S-( retiiry or Ktate for the Ooh'iites ' Hponlcin'K of the i.h-ve|i.|.uienls of T.ard I'.Ip'.n'ii a dn liu intra idwn.Hli Clin rh a Tap per referred to ilie two lnnuvatlun- wlileh hl.s h.rdMhlp had a.ssb-fed to ln- troducv. both cabail.ite.l fi pimnnie the unity of the ,-nipire. Th.* ilrst wils the ' oxtennlnn ntnl r-'-'iffiiition of th time 'of honorable servb-s, a.s an [mII-mUo i tliat .Hel'Vie.-H lenilured ill the colon."S Xv\U in tin- future he regarded us Im perial H(*rv|ees. and the ^r*e. M 1 \\a.s in.. inclusion of the JihIk.-m of ihe Ki'eat col onies In ihe .Iiniudal CoiniuiUee uf ino Privy Couneil. Lord Hipon thank.al Sir Ohnrlpa Tup- per and IiIh onlb-n.^ues for the lndp a - corded him in the \V.,rU of hin ndniiniH- tratlon, and said he would always continue tn feel gr, at inierest In col onial qiiORtlcms. at' in-] ihe X"- li.t :if',' in upen ai-p.l d t lirst I7la vnli-:, and I c i| Lo 'I 10 for. r.d sr-. - onds, Wbon i'l was tiiriud .If tie- ;di:-'- sh.dans inunedia t'dy <ma nf ,nj' - v 'h*:...' of life, and after a hur.i d x.nnlna- tion ann.iunced'thu i 1 ;ut ban . n was nor. (b-ad. They w.-jv aldi; to ueh-et a slbvlit idilsatiun'nf the h'-an. and the ouiaeni -was itlnva! n at ndl force. It was not rodib'.-d this time, hut was ll' I'l at 17-10 volts for S\ se oi.dH. At ll.:;j.r..". tho eiin-eiu wa.; a^ain turned off. and this time the victim whm jiro- nuune. (1 d-ad. Tin* an tups y ^lv i wort the usua I chainrfs In the . ouditlon nf flu- brain and arteri al syst-in. The most remarkable fea ture was the >{ /..- ,,f th'* brain, which weighed but 111 I',-! nun.-en, or Una than thrce-fuurthH ihe nvorajjo. I'lN.lim \\" i\ .om>o,n M*vrn lliliulKtl 4in-*iU AllfiMl n Domlllloit lk:i> S*jirl.t . London, July 2. The Dominion Diy party naven by Sh>- CMiarb-s Tujiper, Canadian Mi^li Coiiuid.s.-ion"i' to Lon don, iind Lady Tuiipi-r, was a great Kueoa-HS." ' Tim ilivil'tbuis exeei.-deil 7i)(). and it \n ])i'nb.i|.b- (hat so many were never asj-i-mbb-d in Lntidnii. The f;uests dispersed very ,1a to. Anions those in- vite.1 were -nil Up- col. ni.il ivpreaonta- tivcH In Lnndon, ihe ' Marouis and Mu.rchion>-s.s of i:.; ,,u, M r. and M rs. Joseph Clin mli'-r],.. jn, th" i-hud and Count' ss of J'-r-s- -j,, hind and Lady l-'Iayfalr, Iiarnrie'-s .M aeiionald.Lnrd and Lady Kelvin, Hir ltichard WohHt.-r, Mr. and Mrs, balward idake, Sir Oliver and Miss Mownt, c.-ii. and Mrs. De Winton. Sir Ainlims.-and LadyShea, Sir (b-oi'^e and -Mis. Ihuun lb-widl, JusUucs Hail I and Street, . !. .-. ':" q <a r* ____ 11 > 11.', I ;i() I'l V!l> l \V [)t i^ 1 00 ;i ..o I'- pt Do 1 al) M T K '21* a o pt w li J.'i i;> r.o 1 7* u w [it t-> id ro iJT'.l o |it :>') 1H t'ji) 'J7'J h (J pt in a 40 J?'.) e hf w !if ')!) J 7 no *J7'.i w lit w id' ."id 27 00 -Jsil n w pt !h o OMlJ .4 c pt nil il 01) '>D a hf 101) ,V| Ub liHl n pi h (jr i;j 7 00 2^1 u pt H o cor l >l Utfl n Id' ti hi 0(1 , si 00 j^L h hi a lif ol) V...... 27 (JO 2rtl n bE u hf .11) 27 HO V.} n W pt o 1 Hi", Jft"2 8 e pi. *^l 11 :ti Total i'ur bin adit 1 01) :i7*.i o-i " outlet ;J7'.t oi " IMJUl lug Uoiulh of Munici'pa lty 10 0.1 Total :v;i:i n\t I '20 70 2'. 2 10 h :;n 7 "> > N,", 1 lo 1 lo a ,t."i i 15 h :jo 1- M .11 1 la I la I lo 71) \ 7li .-i '.IU a '20 1 7-1 1.1 I'd) Mi HU of J In (i -o III l.V ;li i.-i j[ %, :si ir, t'.'2 ;ji) ti 10 C", ;i. in :ji In il lo a i;;i i;i id : 12 ;to I r.i 11 <;u ^ j. :i, v. J- _ r- i. r. -*! j; ..i / a ;;. C a1 i 7h 1 Ul ;i,i :i l-J j ."ni 11--^ 1 >:, i; ->;i li T-i l p'.) li %s vi do 1 n'2 i:s (J -2;; 0 '2d r> -r.i 1 i;j 2 tj'2 MH .10 ;{ . i. V yVi LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD R'A'CE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN i.i: ttLaOM ! o w [J'd w i .ai. .nnii e mid fotlv in joutli, ovfrexertinii nf mind mid body indue I I" lu-.t.and e::pn^!iri! am cuiir-iunUy wrenltiin; lint livi-ii nnd future ,.(.; t,i ni.-MiJHiifr: t.uiii-: men. .Some fudnand wither at ua early iuio. iai r.bniK I. ivliil.,<.ih'.i" uro b.rcid lo drrttr *>nt a wury, fniitldtili HTld - . , . i uiiinvi reii'di tinil riuiony bib li al ni>;-ol;ienot -nutfort tliore. The .. a'! , aiuo" of lif--: The funii. thu oilier, tlio ^.'a'lodiop, tho pOlI>tt(|.j ""-:""-- ----------------------........... H PfV-JTO/rf-^-fO-M-Mr/OOD BY DR&.J<^& K* .. A Yv :ii.jt-Li-Jil. .nle "\\;, y MltH,_L!H,\H. l-'KItltY, t:HAH. FEilRY.; iT^t'if N'[' Aia ki: tim:.\tmknt* Divorced but nnited ORidn "rT7T7cTl?a^THTTn^T^5:Hf.lONIALS USED WITHOUT VRtTTEN CONSENT.-(-:it SVVHttJS E(v;fyy cfcOWS vtfTlel.- I*-' irt,Ynli " ci L>--a-e." \\u\. t\. Walker of h'.lh St rein'. i-nyH: l'I liftvo nuffered i.nb dd ie.;<.iiii'H h>r my "),eiy lif(>." ], \vn>iindiiicrer'fc when >oan ':uul iiaiomnt. An "One of tho liny.*" I contrite! mL^ S;.i.l.ilii and niher Pri vnt'tdii'idi.'-c'i. 1 h:id uleeia in '-tic|a no.atb :uid laio.tl, bnne i.ainn, liair lnoj-e, pimplcii on** face, I.h . nailii i-aine nit, e: isi-hni-i, hi-cunitj thill l.nilt^t der--pniri. ul- S,-Vea di.cioi'M tjeaied mo wit It Mi*rotiry,t*R Potn-ii, i-te. Tliey lielp.-ti hid but; roiiid not, ear" tno.iW1 I'd nail; n fri'.-iidiiiihii'. iLiMi-tiiii-.',' ! >r i.iCoiuiedy <tlu rt*iin.|i" W v'*-i !m. Their rreiaiiient i'l ^'one",-rtd.tw mi'.'-'-ii gaininK m cry tiny. 1 IiiiVm m.-ver be.nrd id' tludl' hiilinii to euro initmn^lorfk STttlCTURE CUP; ED t." '-"CURES GUARANTEED OS* MONEY REFUNDED no hi i.,;i no no 7H Itli For paying tho buui o( -r-10.0.1, t.ho itinoiint imses^od uipiima the mi id roiohi mud iandu) of the iiHUiicipidiiy, tiud rur covin due, in t.o-.;t.t. tlitin-Kii for live yirn.ru tit Oui rale ol live [.or eeiit, per iLiuiUlU ii ripL-cial ULt-o on tlio dollar, hiilheimit tu proiluco tho feiaured ytmrli aiaoiint. tlii-n-rnr, thud o vor uinl iibovu id I nthur i-,tt.--.-;,b.. lev mil uini colk-ctiid I ill tlio hiuno nnumer mid nt tlio Hiuno OuiotiH tuxeii firo lovioii mid ue!!-' \<td.) upon uml mini Lho whole ruteublu pronoiLy in tlio f.dd L'o'.vim'ldp'of U'.htiuld North in uitch s mn lor Urn pul'iod ol tlvo yoiir.i uitnr tho ttiuil piiHidiifs of thin bv law, duniiL'whitdi tho Hind ibdnintui'iai Iiilv.^ to ma. r. tl i TlniLtlii.-i bydaw Hlmll l,o puidhdiod uin:u m ovory woel;, I or four umummtivu wuolai, hi tlm fhiirx't'iur 1'kl.kh nnwi.]mpt'r, puidirtied m tin- '1'i.wu of Kwiiiix, ami Mutt Lb in by law id mil cunio into turiiu upoii mid ultiir tbn liunl piin;,!:.;; Llioiuol, (uid amy uo cited und ndorrod to it:i Llm "No. M ur Pueu Pruiu Hopuh'H hyduv.." .....,, ... .,,.,.,-, .. 11IW l<iiL'iit-ill JOHN 1. Il|l()\\!\, Hiihyo. 1 h ' IS.VtVC JACKSON, Clerk. J* Cat.t. Clno-i. Vf.TV niv,'i:--"[ ir.ve my lifu to T)r-. K. .v. Is,' j^Af 11 I learneda. bad iaihii. Al. ^l "hud nil Ihe ;.\ uu.iniiin| rt T :i m-^-- and Hperinalur ha a, I-.iiiirtsioiirii J^wi" liridii la- trad v.vaM>]iii!Lf my vitality. 1 nutri'ied all flj/2! niKli'i' ndviee of my liunily doetor, hut it. ivjh fi^ad ejeperi. mv hi t:it,*iilM n months \v-- wei" divnriTd. ihi'ii cniisi'ilted Ih'w. K.A', Ii., who n-Htoi'i'd me to, iniiuliood by their J\ru> Mc'.h'hl 'frr'ntwht. 1 felt.a new life thrill t liromd a I! IMPOTENCY ,e VA^2C0ELE :& EMISSIONS :fe JCUREC inmemi tiami." it'iy Oi-rvra. \\v Were united miuiu and are hnpuy. Tliin \vi;d .;.. ____ \JVJ IU___gj nix yearn it.i*o. Di>. K. ti K. two (itutsutilie tipeciali.'itH and L htuftily recoinniemi tbuui." _ *N t?,'*"//' treat and cure. Varicocele, I\mt\sbns, Xen>m/s Debility, Semir.altf* II mJL'hcss, Uitct, Strkturs, Sy/>f:t'/t.;, Unnatural 'j'k/w/'W, Self'Aliased . - , . ,Fflt>i' Ti 1 lit- lirnvCi'UTi'l' y thI. ihti I'on uoiny in il tnio copy of u hyduw provliiioimily itdoptoil an tho -itu tluv' ol'.lium. IV.il, by tlii. limni.dpal council ni llm i>uld T'owii'ihlp of <i.hlKdd North. * , ISAA'J .lA(ds.S,0N, lowmaup Cmrlf, rrc3>Bjr'iC3E3. Ill III M on lillletl IIIh liir.l 1. , fc^-. i>,i C-.IMA nr iim thko at. . jVr<*T4*iT!l Ueiilh al kj|>- (wn iimid to lt*- itif.' 1'aUeii mill sintt New Vorlc, .Line LIS. The ib-rald'n But'iiofl AyWH spcoial h.-iyn; Vnun one of the ndadri wlio ei;eap-d irap'an-e bv t h. Govorniuont troopa utler flu- 'hihiu^ ni deleat near Huntti Aim, Iiio i'l rami..' pu Sol, Bra id 1, tlio following iletndn id tlio Lint battle, in which Admiral Im Gaina tooft [ia ;*t, and oi liin Miaride ^e;-,- ^ jObtaiitod: The Admiral, at liie In aid o. ' "It00 fiailofrt \'. an eii^a^'eil by a In .jra de ol Govern meat soldierH numbering l-oo Tim bat tit) hiMted l'ivo hmtrn, and at leant 1100 ineu were - Idlbnl or wounded Borne of the inmirL*;eiit>i advised Da LJain.v to retreat, but he ruilined, and they .flbamloned hint. With a handful. of men the Admiral repulno.1 five cha^.-rt of the Government cavalry, but tho- at I'utf \viih hnpele^H, nnd, .s'eidu^ tlmt nil \or l<it, Da (li.iintt ortltMwl a' retreat', and 'then eat bin own throat Da Oalna'a boily wim talceu to, Banla Ana by tl"' 'ioverinm,'iit triiop-i, nti'il =tlu^rf .liorrlhly inuLilated. |l mIho nxt-rts l*a th'1 "llinuvtH of tnauy of tlu* enntiin.il helH Were cut by Uie victorani i ^n;ilii,e , Tlu.' .vebelH Hay they will cinj^iiu" the flirtiK'jfip. .: iil-eniil H" .ii.U 1 mil i..i Plttshiir:,'. duly U. Henry Mason and bis \\ ife at i .-aded a phdilr ,; t It ss G ove Saturday afo-i Huoii, and crossed the Al- leedii-ny Kiver to a ho. IhoiiHe win.1 re llqii'M'S v.'ei'u :udd. Th*ae ^T;ison aeciiBe.l bis ulie of unfnitm'uli]e.:H] illu^ s;ii(j Jie would' kill her. While reero-Hlnp the river Mason ujmet the boat, but a pass- iiiK boat roseued his wife, Tn the even ing- they :; tar led across ntfnhi with Isaac: A.drian and William Barbour. Miu'i'ii n;;.;in a i tae]. ,.t1 h[H wife, but the otlvra pulled him off, whereupon Mason 'dellb'-rately upi-ei the boat, dr,wnlng his wife and Adrian. Mason Is In JaiL OTTAWA IN MAI KOI Mil A\|b sir iiRi'rbrri Hurra.*, fl.euvou Tlie <iovern- i'"'.i !* I inr 111 (In im* St. John'a, Nlld., July 1. Sir H"rb' rt Murray, tho British JlolleC Comnda> inn er, b-ff t'tir Kntfland aHturday nljrht, af ter a tliree-nionths' stay. Tltk relief op erations include the vlnde c untry. It is est invited that h- d stributed 5120,000. 'I'lK- C'lVerritin'iU :s paying nil elalinH of d-'beiiture-hobb ra and its o1,11ko- viniTs o.' liu' y eh; ra u-r tu d y! i I ii'-i-al el conf at exists nvr th" f- fnrms. Ii :.s al'e'i'i 'y the op oslt on pren-- llint. M-waamdl ml nficed I.. ^ive Canada ihe w ado of Ijalii" dor a.s a se- ourliy f,,r ;t [ ,.,n (lf 5ioi|j(iL)0 l:'ua ylv- lof-: fjiuada fu'i t;. nu-ol .if the pr.acdpal ISsh rl.-H. (* *0 Oj.'tr-i K--W Tori;, j-.jie '{0. The Sun's "Lon don e.".lde h > . i"-s dou-.tiul it' mouoy wiih ever lo uid at lower r 'to.-; than dnrl'.ib" Hi" eurr iu v.a-ek. it ih nt-.-os- flary that tlio -itrif-h 'u .vei-urne.it Khmild i' new 'J'reauui'y b.i.; -irn'mntlnr to *O'in.ooo. Th" t-nde;., . m.^t-.d t0 fCO.DOO.OOO. r.nd :h' Iowchl price, which w b accepted, ftxed the Interest at 'a trlfi'. under elevoii-Blxtcmntlui of. 1 per cent. Nol ico in lmnibv f^ivt n that, llio 1'ouiL ol H.-\iidou will ho held at the Town Hull, CoUum, ou Siitui'duy tlo: ^7Hi day of .July, A. U. lv!'a. a', p) o'clock in tlm rurtmooii, for tliu luaU'iLH uud trial 01 aiipenlH iii'ide ueaiimt thii idmv^ uiitioi,:iiiii:lit. or any part tlua-ool', in lim ui.uitmr proviiled by tini liraiiiiife Art lhlt 1. nlld tlKU any pei .-,011 intonduiK Lo appeal ut-iimn the uhuvu iiiihtiHrtumilt, or any part thurunl1, uumL, ma luier than Lhudu\ ij..tore thu tuuo tl.\isd tor tho lioblh.i; id ^anl court, nerve on the clerk of the liiunieiiuLlliy a wnttini noticu uf >uch appoalor otborwinu liu will Lnj loii lulu to ho heard In Mint ijidiitll. -., i And further aolaco in hcrobv uivtui that nay jhii'sihi mteiuluiC to luiiltu aiiplicatiuu 10 hicvu biiiih hv-hi\v or nii> "part Una mil, tumslied, nim,t, nut later than tea iluyti uEtur tho llimi puiiiiiun thuriioif horve aimtmo in writing U|,on the Uoevu nr utlmr lmml ullicor, and up.ai thu olerl: of tho Municipality of (ioslleld Not Hi of lim iiitt.ntioii to niultu ujipla-atioii lov t liat.pnrpoKo lo the tlieb Court u* Toronto, during tlio dx Wculiii iibxt oimuini; thu final i.iu.hii.;: nf ilnH ly-huv. b IriAAt! JAUhst>N, Towutthip Clink. Uatud tit Goiillukl North tlm il'Jtli duy of .Juno, 1M15. I ii ilii TiBiitir- ....,, ~.-~.. ^t.117^1 n~-TJ,. .i^^a^^mmati=.-i---------,-. ,--. Several Herds f IJull'aloeM And thoiihitudH of tdiin, deur, etc., are to lio found in thu YellowHtnne l'arlt. It jn the only place where thu bntlulo caul bu found today, ho moreilorinly lutvo they been sliniLibterod. Tliuy are liouo I rum the plnum and pra'irmH.aud the remnant now left can tlutuli the United iHutoH Govorniuent for tlm pVivilefm of living. The Yellowutone. I'arlt ih their hume uud there they urn hhEg. Tlie Vark in patrolled by hoUrta Lotli uunimer uud winter to capture j.-oacln- and offeudein and .Bevcru puiiishmeiit in muted out tuiutruderit. In MUininer the buffalo rau^e in the hJLjhlimda, near YidlowHtone Luke. In winter they work over into .11 ay dun Valley and Huri'uiiudin^ uouutry, whtiro tho hoi Harmon mid watera keep the uuow molted away. Door and elk rmi|Q over the entire Yullowutouo Park. Tlmti bonideH tho avail iiuirvuln o( unturo met, with iu thni wondor- lund,there arLMdso tho iinont Hpeoimuuo of ourlur^o rritrao. Tumo and dooilo, they four not man. ykutohen ot VVouderhiud, an ilhiHtratotl book published by tho Kortlioni Paoiflo Uailtond denurihoH thin woudorlanu. It ..willboiifnt by Ciuh.- S. Jj'kk, thu Qon'I Ayont/Ht. Paul, Mwu., upoii rcooipt- of .nix oontH in iitamno. ' Uody Rested, MliiU at Kuse." 'i hat ui what it, in wiieu travelling on tho Cant truiiiM of tin; Cbioii(j,f>, Milwiinkue .v tit. Paul Huilway; bohides thero ift no olntnee to "kick," tor the aueoumiodutionH ure up to date, the trains keep moving rij^ht aion^ nnd uet tlioro on time. Thewn Kiioh ibor- oitL'hly cover thu territory botween Chieaj'o, La (JrobHis, 'ot. Paul. Minueupolia, Ahor- deun, Miieludl, Bioux Falls, Bioux City, Yunkton, Council Hlut'lH, 'Jmaha unci Nor- -tliern iUiuhigtm. All tlm priuoipul citiea mid towiiH in that territory nro reaulii'irby the "Bt. Paul" liuon, eouiiecitiiii^ at Be. Paul, Council lilulfa and Omalui witb-all linen for pointn 4iu the far wont, Write to X. J. Taylor, Oumulin.ii PuhhV Agout, H7 York Street, Toronto, Out., for oub of tlioir muj) tune tabloH and a|bvoohurD, (jiving dpRuription of thu Compurtmeut Bleepinu Jam. Ticketd fnrniHlicd by any oouiioir icket ugont in tho United Btatuu and'Hun; .Ja. Tho tlnofit dining cam in .the worltf vim ou tho oolid vostibulod, olootriti- iijhted and atoiim-hoatfid tmiun of tho Uhi- jigo, Milwaukoo A St. Paul jAuihvuy. . s Kidney and Jilatt'det Diseases* 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CU.-};D. NO RISK Hi )l>JH-an(!dof:Iueii. Incloao lHudaite, 2ceut, Scaled. rt C'/"NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN/ CQNE^NT. PRI- Mv/ATE. No medicine sent C O. D. Nonames on boio-ii nr envoi- ones. Everythlnff oonftdontial. Question hstaal cost of Trout-1*? mont.FREE. -------------------- .....KENNEDY & KEMN^S'S! rrrf"fcjr n"*-in**_*"ir"V"ir,w,vTB",i" "i/""V" v ~w^*V ii'"irTr*"V 'V .tl^SffiE&iSS^!?^? King of ell Bicycles. Li^ht Welsht and Rigidity. Every Ala Absolutely the Best. Superior Material and Scientific Work- cliinefully warranted Highest Honors at the. World's Columbian Exposition. Send twoacoat stamp (or our a^-pngo CatoloBuc A work ol Art* Monarch Cycle Company, RotnU Salesroom, a8o Wabash Ave. Lflko and Halsterf &tS.f CHICAGO, ILL. K i k V i ( i W v % '. .,':li' "Ono of my niok hnuiaohofi," yon will hear people frequently uay, an if tlio com- plaint wan hopeloim and inuuriiblo. Aa a K-atter of faot.TAyur'H Pillf- uot only m- liovo oiolt hoadaohe but ofYuotually romovo tha oaiiiio of thici diutrning oomplaiut, and ho brinti about apormau'out ouro. A Boon to Horfiomon. Oiio bottle of Eu^tinh Sptwin Linitnoiit oomplu't'oly ,w moved a curb from my horoo.. 1 ^akQ pleasure ih rooommontUnK tho romoJy, ua it aotn with myfltorionn promptneHH in tho removal from horned of hard, iu?'fc or oab lotiBod lumpii, blood apavm, itpllntH, ourba, oweony, HtifUm and cpralnou. Ooo. Bnblv armor, Matltham, lOut.. Bold by John Thoruo, DruKKiet. Along tho lino ol the Kortlioro Paoiii%^^ Itailrond aboiiQil i largo game. MooBe^ door, bear. olU, mountain liona, etc., cmhJ,1/,.-^ yot bo fonnd' there. Tho true aportsmiifc^%;P0. h willing to u tloro for thoto. A. "..littUja^'^S book oallod "Naturul Garao ' PMBerye'a^jjW publiflhed bythrtKorthorul^aoiflslUilroa^S^ will bo bout upon reneipb of^ four cents .lBbii'-'/? tampe by Oiun. S.V'hk, Gnn'l Pass. Agoq: " Bt.Pftul.Minu. i . Villfe tfi^fru ' . : U u - \L'tt]-Ml 'T0 '.>: i/,.-V1:1y'

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