"" .t ffJi-. .1* fl rHK H >-=i*^M X KKRh Pivh *->m 50.CENTS! nm BEST OFFER EVER MADE____i I ofjfuiidud haVc-Uccit. "Girhi Hn< THE ESSEX FREE w y ^ / For Ji^Tjalanoe of 1895 for 50 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. JADDEES E. J, LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Ont, V "WlTjfe^' tfaJr!#IL-BEEB. BY* O-H30. M A-bTAriLitjEI ^HlISIcT. ho m: roNiiNimii aid, 'and tion, the opinion of any frlondi in coming iisr* lika thin," "Your eouam id her*," iuid Gueit quick ly. "Weihairnot leave." "No, you will not leave me," aha holding ail arm with both hor hand*. *'Now, ba firm," whiapered Gueit, think of why you have nomo." "To forgive him," aho naid slowly. *'I hullovo thore ia nothing to forgive," mild Giiont warmly. "No ; you come ai Mi . good angel to auk him by hia lovo for you 1 to he open and frank, and toll you why he ha* acted thus. Ho will not apeak to hio, hisoldoat friend ; ho can no* refuse you. But mind," he continued earnuatly, "it 3 uitmt not bo told you under tho bond of aocrocy ; he muat toll you truly, and loave it to un aftorward to deoidu what ih beit to he done." "Yua," sho aaid, apoaklnp* moro firmly novy, "I undo rotund. I havn cnmft to help the man who wug to ho my husband, in lua wore tima of trial. Tho foiling of ohamo, degradation, and shrinking has puttsud wuy. Percy Guoat, I am strong now, mid I know. It m no ahamolcfia Hooping on my part ; I ought tn have como to him before," "God hloiiu you for thut, Myra!"' ho whu* Imrod oaruently, and ho bent down and tiaacd hor huiidn An h* raim-d his head bo found that K<lt*> had cropt forward, and wfl looking ai him wildly from out of her Utile lux-oiiflod huo(|. For tho moment, Gu'st thought nothing of all thiB, hut ut a aigu from Myra dre* ojtfln tho oui or door, and aim utood in the d.m'y lit entry ru if framed; aho let her imight i'a to tho peril ii Inn and K'lio'a auhuuung, houghf, after winch, tluoug Mvra might l>u fxpoat'il; and lio o*w him- Ht;lf atterwurd face in in.cn wuli father and aunt, hoaring tho.brunt of ilinir roproachua for what now begun to aoom a wild tin- capade II** waa brought back to himself in tho midst of tho ncmi-ilurUncHH by a low, catch ing sigh, nnd ho tinned sharply round to gi*e behind hitn, iu in another framo, the outlined figure of Edie. Ho took a itup toward hor quickly, but hood fall hack, and gazed itmight before h')r into tho quaintly furnmhod room an if wmpl'Ting that alio did nob at onoo oeo the olij t of lmr ihmiglitfl. T en they miw tnr take a oouplo of steps fui ward, and, if from habit, thrunt to tho Ii ner door, *lntiung in ihn sceno hoyond, mi-} h'avirg Guest and Edie in tho gloom of ilio Undjog. ! ^ CHAPTER XXXL VUOM IIOVB TO KHAR, For a fow moment nothing was anid, and Guuat paid in. hood to hia companion, hut y ii i hunt furwurd lieiuning for u>onn tic- i-niination of autpiiafo uttoicd by Stratum, or .i word from Myrn. , ltur all waa ailent aa tho grnvo, and, with h'K pulmm mor-unma; ih rapidity "f tlimr l.o'ii,di(t (i;ii?d ut tnn faint, narrow treat light, alinoHt wuiuu u-aoh of hi.' hand, >.-har<* tho iidgu of I tin mil it dnof WaB with- an u qmirt'T of an inch of th<< jumb "< Might I to have let hor go in olotiR f he i.i.! d himaidf. "Ought I unt to havoi'iib in fih, too ia tharo any rik 1" '.noii, quick as. lijfhtmng, followed nho drew back right to the groat baluntrade of ihu landing, and uupported horeelf ayainm it. "Edie," be> whiupered, trying to triko hor hand; but h ropuliuid him, and turnod htlr back to look down tin- opening to ulm hull. "Kdie," ho naid u^aiu i^mokly ; and thie tini- ho caught hr hand. "Don't touch mo I" ahe aafd In a low, pnnnuinato whisper. 'Nonmmio, dour ! Thoro in no danger, I think. Wo muat not (ituy bore Imtcmng [ it w.mhl bo bo unfair. Como atid aland In Mi. Hi otiiHiin'ij panuugo. Y'-u will bo out f tim druught and cold." "Dmi't touch mo, I say." nho wluapored und alio drew hor hand fiom his giaau with a idiaip atiatoh. * "Don't ho foolish,'* ho aald exoitodly. ' ('nino alonpr here." *'No no." "liul, E.lic, doar t" "lliw dure you !'* alio oriod quite aloud. *'Kiln ! Cap you uot truat mo!" ho naid rrpruaclifnlly. "It watt for your oakn I ap'dtt-. IVople may he comingup or gmng down Lot'B o buck to Mr. Brottuon'i donr "NT ," uho aoid hoaraoly; "J <#\\\ my hon " "Hut thore in no nood," he said genMy. *'I Know what you feel in your nnxioty ahoui Myra; but roally thoro ii no uoo(t C"inc." Ho tried to take her hand again, but aho ri-i*' lied from him o suddenly that hor lit- tlo ln>od foil hack, and, dim though tho HiHircuno landing was, ho could iumi tho blight littlu face before hnn wi convuls ed m ith anger, and that her eyo literally fl^heil. *Kdio !" he whUparod, "how cva you ho uo .tooliah 1, I toll you I will answer f-rMyra'H ajfety there withwy life if you like." "Myra l" ahe ai(| In a angry whia- nor i "do you think I was cimldaring her ? I on. It \u too much. How eftuld I lie so wad uid Ktuptd an to oomo 1" GiiBQt gated at her wonderlegly. At firet he merely attributed her aodone to her anxiety ke* ui'a h4alf,bntke* wereta PRESS eontradiotfiil that; and, utterly aatoutido ho ntaiiimtirid out I *fKiIiM- have you T ' What have I done T" "Oh, nothing It ia I who fnoliuh," alio aald hyK(rioally. o inlly aomotlitiua. "TIkoi there U nmnfthing," he Hani eagurly. ill have olfomUid you. Kdi<, J_- w *-lt------ ITfulnoTt hold of hor unwilling hand ami. in Hpito of her iiffort, diow it thrraigli Iih urni, and 1*mI hor tc Kuril tho abort pamia^ii in winch Hnittlfinn'n door waa pUcea, 11 You il'on't atiaw'tr mo," ho whiMpored hk thny ror.c'hud ihu apot wln*ro uho and her ooiiain bad wailnd only a abort Mmo lufoie, tunl hia lovu fot Iht apoitUmg now wnnnly m tho tono of Inn voh-p. "ICdie, diaieui, I would miiIIci anything Honiinr thah giviTyiiir pain, yorgiyo m il I have done anything; forgive mv, ton, for Hpoakino; out uo plainly ut a tiinnhlco thi", hut I do jovo you, d.ir Hug, imlecil iiidocd." An ho apnltn hn iaued her h^nd paiuum ate y, and yet rovrontly, to ilia hp'S nd Uie iiUXt moment he would havn pit; ieil u warmly, \>ni tho kiua waa unon vaomoy, fortlio hand waa aliarply unntched au ay. "It iu ull laUo 1" cried Kilio in ii low, angry voion. *'I do not bnliovo a word " "l']din !" ho whutpitrnil ronrnaohfully. 'Do you think I dm ulmd? Do you think hocuiuo I am ao youn^ that I am a child >" "I I don't know what you moan," hn fiiUorod, uttnrly tahnn abiclt hy tho uiU-nt vohemonco of tho pmmion dinplayod liy the quivoring htthi lady In forn bun "It la not ti up. Yiui am d Cfivintf me You, too, wlioin I did ihink bonoat und trno. lint you aro all alike, and I win mud to come no, I waa not, for I'm very glad I did, if It waa only to loam that yon am au full nt dup'icity aa your friend." "Am I 1 Woll, I auppoae un, Kdio, if you think uo," ho mid duimally. "Hut wo ciuiki h< re to try and g"t" out of a tog I'vo g(>t farther in. I didn't know I wnu nuch a had onu, though, and >ou might be fair to mo and explain. Como," bo cried, changing hia manner and apeakiug out in a frank, manly way. "thia in not liko vou, Uttla wo man. If it'u to teiao mo and kcop mo at a diutauoe becauna wo are alone hnro in tho dark it ia not needed, Kdio, for Gnd kuowa thatif man over loved a woman, 1 do you." "What!" "audact toward Myra as I aaw juit now?" "Toward Myra?" "Yea; I know nhe'na hundred timoa nicor than I am, but I did think I. did think------- 0 Peroy, how could you kiua hor band like that'" __IIu_cnlight hor to hia broaat aa alio hroko down into a fit of^eobbm^, imd bold hor thorp, "0 Edie," ho aaid, "you aillv, blind little thing ! Why, I nov^jr even thought oh, hut go on "I am lo glad jualoue of mo liko tljat 1 Thou you do lovo mo dearly, and you can't deny it now." Edio mudo httlo elTort to oacapo from the clone oncircling arma which hold hor tight ly, fluttering liko a bud ; nouo to dnny Gmat'u charge. It waa very lonely and dark upon the ataircaae, and in another moment alio would have boon shrinking from hor nompanion'a kiaaos ; but, moved by tho Hamo impuliie, thoy Rpraug apart, for from Stratton'a room a wild, appealing cry broko tho ailonce of tho echoing utaira. CUAPTKR X.VXII. A WOMAN WQOS IN VAIH. "No, no, don't como with mo," whinpoi- edGneatiui be apratig toward Stratton'a room, but Kdio paid no hood to hia worda, mid una clono behind him ua ho panaed through hrat ono and then tho othor door, drawing hack, though, tho next moment to cloitu them both. A fow minuloa boforo when Myra had performod the aamo action aho atood gazing huforo her at tho figuro ueated at the table ; and tho attktuJ" of dejection, tho abjoot minory and despair it conveyed to her mind, nwept awuyull compunotion. Kvery thought of hor visit being unmaidonly, and oppoaed to hur duty toward horeelf and thorn! who lovod bar, waa forgotten. Her hands woro involuntarily rained toward him, and aho ntond llioro with her hpii apart, her head thrown hack, and* hor evoe half cloaod and awimrning with tondorneaa aa hor very being aoeined to bieatho out the one word "Come !' Hut Stratum might hayo boon dead for all the change that took place hy that dim ly lit table. He did not Btir; and at laut. seeing that ho muat bo Buffering terribly, anil, taking tho thought cloao to hor broaat that it wan for per nuke, aho moved for word iilowly, almost gliding to tho hack of bin chair, to nland there looking down yoiirmngU upon bun till hor huauin houved with a long, deep sigh, and raining her bandit toward him onoo moro she laid them tenderly up>n bin head. t "Malcolm 1" The effect of that touch waa oleotno. With one bound St ration leapt from hifl chair toward the niephice,and there ntood at bay, aa it were, before tho door of tho clonut ga/ingot her wildly for a fow mo menta, an it at aoino unreal thing. l'hon bis handa went to hiwhrow, and the inten sity of hio gare incieaiiett nil, *.n and took one aLop toward him with extmided arm", tho wild look in hia haggard fucu changod to one of intenuo joy. "Myra !" he criod, and the noil momuui ho bad claiiped her in bin arma. F-o a moment H waa a different man fiom ibe wretched being -who had crept back to h a rooms heartsick nnd dospuinng, while, afmr rthriuking trom him wuh the reserve begotten of tho doubt and umiory which had been her portion for o long past, the warm claap of his anno, the ten der, paaaionalo worda lie uttered, and tho loving uareaneo of hia hands aa ha drew her "fare cloaer and closer to htn swept away all mmnorira of hia lapse, and of the world and lift way p. He had hold hor to hu throb bing hreanl ho, the man to whom hor heart had firnL expanded two yoara boforo and she knuw no moro, thought no more of anything but tho supreme joy that he lovod her dearly Mill. Brief pleasure, Sho iaw hia ayes gazing piiKwioiiaioly into hora, full of. the newly found delight, and then .thoy contract net, hn> brow grow rugged, .and i'h a bourns, sign, he -Ii ran It from hur embrace, lnoked wildly round, Atid then, with a. ehudtlor, whiRp^red : ii is no dream ; but, why why liavo you como ? It i t'oo humble." "M .Icolm 1" aho cried pitonu&ly. "D n'l don't look at mo with thoHu appealing eyo*. I cannot heir it. Pmy piay go." her hand to hia arm, "when I have at all coats uomu to you liko thia 1" "Yea, yes, go at nttee," hecrUa, and he shrunk from her an If in horror de.ireat \v hfl moanedi "you shrink from me. What have I dono V He was silent in the terrible struggle go ing on within his hreaaU "You do-not apeak," *he whispered, as if in dread that her wqrda should reach t/he tera of those without, "You cannot he so ciuol us to oaat me off for the past, I did not know then, dear I was a mere (Hrl heart whole It was AJUCIIANDLEDTREATY In Which Canada GIvob AW and GotB Nothing THE FRENCH TREATY A BLUNDER III Urn {'nluiilPM mid u too/en 4'ouu(rlea tun Hen(I (heir l-nttoN In Here at u Minimum larlli. itoi lax 4'nniolii lo Hie Hilt Ottawa, Out., June 24. Another minii*- b hi . o.t \i hicii hi j in I'll tin* i'i I'd it tn C i mill i hy iihihini; it appear in In cut Hritnin *l liu t the (roMTIIllli'llt Iuid l^llM Nl.lltt'1'd the At- 1 uit n olid Do he t^ih]icru>l hondo, \Mi-i hi'nii(;ht to liKht hu tin* Donne to-ilny Kei.nu.e the (iuv ej illlirn t of tiieut liiitnin V, oil Id not ciMl'ieilt to tin1 (^['luiiiK1' <>f lo tlfH n t Minn with rronce until le^iidn- tin ii hod Iw-eii jH'tiinll.v immi'il h> Ihn Nonunion i'mliniiient, cvti'inluu; the beiie- fitu of the eonvt'iitinii t( nil nitlioiiH en- tilled ti immt liiwiii'd nutum 'ticiiltiient to C.i nudii Hiid to tho rent id llei Mn.- jpiit,> 'h Doiiimiioiih, Mr. h'o-'tei pi i,l-hi d Iiim lull leMjieetliiK tim French Tn.itvof 1MM Ah on|j;iiiJilly introduced the hill mum tfeneni? in it*4 elm ciu-ler, but the iniiiiHter, nfter t'oiiHideratinu, di-toi mined I* * bunt Mm o I'pli' o t if m to the Ticneli Tn'ii ty, leji \ ing I'm rluini i'ii t to b-giHlnte nh it' wen fit in re -pi'f t to niiy future tro:itieH th.it may be nuuh* Tin* l*"i diey Tri'.ity (itU'Htion him iif-vimicd a vn-*tly dilferent nupi'ct to Hint uh.cli it had Hlmii two yenm hjjJi> the MhuhI't 'd I"' iinnci', i'\i'ii with the limited undiTHtntid- iiig; of itfi obiiri\irfiiM footllii'H that he then liod, thought no little of the a r- r.iiigi'iiient thnt lie would not ilhU I'nr- liainent to latify it. At that time it \vu\n believed to b'1 mm ply a ici'ijirocal nrmiigi'incnt botuoen Cniindn and Frnuci for tin* ex- rhmuri> of a few of "C|n prniluctH of the two rouutrieu. Kven u[hiu that under- Htnwlinjr it 'wiih vi^oi-oudy ileiinuui'cd by 111" teillpenuiee jieople jl lid by tllO IHltiVe wine produceni, who, for entirely dif- f *i cut reiuunm, united in oppo-d hi: it.- The tfovci niiii nt hml no incliiintion to [Hit the convent ion before Pai'H.inient, renli'/iue; how devoid it Willi of ndviuitne;e to Canadii, hut the |m*ihohh1 vanity of mie g11eater than the (invermin-nt, tin' llijrh CimimiMHiliner, wn.i at Htiike, nnd lout hohhuhi a hill wan brought down confirming the treaty. The hill won m verely ciithiNed, but it got throiifrh. Mr. Ko/iter thmig-ht thin wiu all thil won iieccHsjiry i( the cxchnnjjre of ratifi-' catioiiH between limit Ilritain nnd Tiaiu-e. It wiih not until Lotd. Uipon, on Oct. 22 buit, cnbled over that tin AiiHtriuii Aiiih'tK-vudor had comiilaincd of the Uim'i-iiniiintion agiiiust Austrian pluiin under the French treaty, in violation of Kngland'H tii-nty with AtiHtria, -ligin'd in I)ofiuibort 1S7(J, and later thnt the Im- IxTial undent to the French trenty win given on it he dit-tiuct undetntaiidiug thut the- rciiuetiou of duty granted to Franci woiilc be extended to the natiuiiri eiu- titled to tho benefit of tin: uioit favored nation chuwu in Canada and to the it nt or the lUituih Dominion thnt tho Goveriinient here breurne awn re of th** fact tl.iu addilioual legislation w..o neceHHury. The extraoidiuary feature of the whine buwim'hi id that while the ratifientio'i biJ| wax Indie veil by .Mr. Foter to b HUlfit-'ii nt to hniiK about the ujti'biii gi of ratification!! iM'twi-en Gieat Until nnd France, both tins M'miHter of Fin iiiice and the Minister of .fiiHticu iliclmeil la the I fount* to-day that it \\n* thoi oughl> underhtooil during the [irogrets o the negotiatioiirt that the favoieil nntioi rlnuho would apply. If that wen* tim the iinentioii (limhch how caiiie it thai the ratification bill of 18!) fc otnittcd ti 14:rant the adviiiitageti b iitowed ujioi Fi n nee to the other eonntrieii eujta nu fuvoied nation treatment and lo thi Hi itirth CoIonii'H 7 Duiimx the diHt'tHKioii of the Buppb-iiH'n- tn ry i utification bill to-day the fnct w.ih ineutioned hj Mr. Edgar that th fi'Uouiug foieigu powem will, undei ti t nties with (ii eat Itntaiu bee-nine en titled to like privileged in Canada. a Hi anted to France: Aigeirjinn, Auntri i llimjxary, Iielgiuin. Itolivin, Chili, Oohini In.i, Ctmta Ku-.i, Gli many (/oliveietn( MiiHeat, UiiHHia, San fcs.tlvathn, Swede, and Norway a.id Ui uj^uny and piohibl Vix\ pt, Montenegro, Mexieo, I'eui . Smith Afiiiau UejiubLic, Yen /ml.. oi[} ju j|u.hIh uy ym '.n'qiy.iii^ k- lintiHh co'oniea. The remilt will be tl a pi- ifnjiil-U a.in,">an \\}.\\. v\ wnu,) .in|w \antae-e tut the imnlinll'iii tiiilll .m a ivw articlen of e\pnt in the Fn-n<'li mark"t iihii will p;i ve tin* udvantug'i'H ol th treaty not only to Frame, hut to In and {jMJtiudjIy to 2a, othei inieigu conn tnoH, au,i to the biHter vo onien, whiL-1 Kivu her uIj^o utelv ' nothing in return Thoiijifh the i orieHpoiuleaee that hatl "i-' + HU >1,,,'r!J 'upi'U t) tl.ia.wjoti pOHhial an 1 l'lauou on the imbject wnu not aval - al)e to-day, the Upptmlion int inberii w In toi-k part in tlu1 t-ihcub-'Um inu;eeetU'il i i Hliowiny; what a jiijx-hainl:eil ai ini.ic Ilieut, the Li eaty IH. Stiont; protei>tH Men1 made 'i^niiiHt th .ei.Hiue by Mi A Jci, Mr. MacCi-ejj. Mr. (jiI*h'i on beluLit ol the wine p u iM.at.'p; -.i[^ -01,0 i j u lopio.w ]o Hie. ut [ii)|,>>>ji|o in" u ut -. ii(| ' i j^ i tin x; *o ^ . e t\ i. i wain ; 1$rouii 1, and ! Maclean made the Hii^ixeatio i that l!- lion*., ii'i. fth-'U . - oinpt.hHnie Lh live ^ni" in.ike.h ! y"i"p)".,\ i.ik, then, w i a eohtd tre * '.> tlieii |no 'net. i ,ie i miH'iui twin n'no tnlii'ii part i to- Si i -Ii hi C.n t w lifj-lit. Mr i; .-"! , Mr. M U ,-; . 11.,, i. Mi, Me.Mnllen. Im pilli ^iii;n:.'[ | iklwii s\\ lle.Al.il ku.w |,; | pit ti \ ^li the eoiuin ..lee Hln^e. ill a n I'hr t* Ivy l-'juli'il i#.*J hen S'rjxwil V, If i M miux i a i i-iiii h, Tr..vi ifp Cltv, M ch.. Juno ^S. A re*--!- (I nt n ar Tinvi r c U'ju. h,a r .sort ih:ee n.l es fi-uin lieu*, w.i^ K"ieaily aki nu-_i yisiid.iy m'rulnsr at th u.ppea.-n < of \\hat h*o 'd lie* a 1 O..Hi . 9 i po t. [ ft'ia d!-eoveuf| by tae h Idivn >f Mi'H. Wlili'.ni*. The n.onster lltnt a. - peared a hundred feet from shore. I- r ImhI ItH ho. d from th water *abo t fr >. I ot. Hhow ner a fliwln',r nwr." nrd hu~o 11 pp tb on the no.k, : nd 'onu; h. r on tho bach. Mrs. Whltitip; went to the n-oie i-nd oxnmlnfd It through opera la9tte. It gambol]:U about or an hour, Lut ItH e.itho length could not L<: e<n. Frank Durfee fired hia tthoterun ftt th* creature without porccptiblo ftffeot. S v- oral Bhota followed, and finally th" ir- pi*nt, after roaring Its irrcat hairy hoatf Into tho air and flHpphifir Ue wlntfS. dln- n; poarcd, creating a wild dlsturban o In the water. Hoi^u who saw tho ob ject doclaro It wa Hl^ty te^t lonff, and that Ur jawri extondod a foot, with Inner fnngH In the upp6r ahd lawr Juwh. All the wl,tneaaeo arewell Itnowu and reliable.1 ',' MIOHUJA.N CUNTiCAIj IfV. <;(,i iti> Uxi'iii'wloiiu tn '"uiiudIn ii Norili- ui'Ni, vi n orth icuy. Fiom Kutiet to : IJulniiiiiu........................._..i^b Hoidnn.........................." W Kntinan............................ iH Hiiineurth ......................2* MooHoinm........................ "H I'l'l^ina....................... n .IlllllliJO/....................... " V uktm- .........................* Plllllt! Al'.ert........................Jo C t I(4ii I v ........................ Edition toll........................ 1' lted Dun ....................... 10 liUI H Ml H\IJ IMi I.IMI In. Tn'lu'lH tn no no 1.1 .1 into Jo, Innirod to ie turn uiilil Aii^nat'21, IH'.Fj. Tii'lo tn to ht uotd -F ill % 0; hinitod to re turn nitUi S* pi em In r H iH'ia Tiiltiitt to iif ho"I.IuIv 'Jo, limited to la tum until September 22. IH'la. For fuiiber piutieubtrti apply to A. 0. PiiiMi its, Audit nt EhmjWebster's at: r>i<Stioiiiary [Xuvulwihlithi01floii,Ki>huft1,uiitt Uomti Mvw /rum Cuvt-r in Cuvvr ^'^'{^t^^ ' " ' ntibi if/^-. fi. ' ' ' uulo',1 f I thl i { > (,.. : h,'i, -JT, v '""'I i .11. I S. i>f/ , S||j,,, ,1 i I i, I ,)|(| if- .- I' ' I 11.. 1, I ' 11. Si h. \\ II I 111' xikIkI I ' p. il J ' I Mm li ' i I I illlr Il mi v |!lM,. Ii I f .Ii- ! Tn .III . II .1 I I.I . '- iiinn- 77/c One Grant Stniul.irtt Authority, , t * ') urlt' a 1I"M. N..I. I n t-11. Jnslli. t . S. Hiijn un- ( - ml ^ \ I otN-i^o I'li'Htdeiit \\illi"<; ' I'm- "< ii'O \<.H]i vllh'li Iho c,n lliifl* Ilio , " u ot il ti mural, for it< curio v ol' !< IInt- / "lion, for. el)octlv<* iiietIioiln lo n.ill- i "( illner proniiaclulloii, for t' i m1 \<l , ' .iiip-eheiisl \0 hlateiiieutH of |n1-, i'l I . , i \ '\\ chuler'n iitlei n..t iiiu.il' j l \ , , oo> *ot Iter wlnirlo volunif." y <:.< 'C. iTKRItTAM CO., Ptthllhlwrt, ? y.Iirln})fttil(t, .1fjii4., r/.vS.yt. ur-Hcinl)'tlmpiililhliein tor tun *mmj>liM ua~ ln> naLlniyi in- ip leiiiintioi uie 1' i ' < atloiin, ^CKKKH>0 O 000-00<WVXK>< ARE LEADING the trade in all Jundd of Buildinc; Material, Woodwork for Iioubcs, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of .dignifies, Doot'*vSash, Chestnut Coal. * -'v WINDMILLS. Wo me Solo Ae;cntH in tho County for Of Chictgo, which tnolc IlmhoAt Awaidii at tho World'B Fair. ' Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outiits at lowest prices. A written ejutiruiiteo with ovory Outilu__._____ Laing Bros., \. MONEY For the benefit of every one who wishes ( to invest in a few ohiireH of..... i. Ontario -Permanenii Building and Loan Stoek, J. R. O'iver, <renr-nil agent, will he in town for a few weeks and will he pleased to explain the workings of this A* socintion. A post card or letter mailed to Easex P, 0, will receive prompt itttention. jr. it. oxrvTK, Ase*iit VISIT TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Our MR, CHAS- d-UTHE, the Expert in designing and fitting TRUSSES and APPLI ANCES to RUPTURED and DEFORMED people, chas, cluthe wj|| visit personally, TILBURY CENTRE, March and Hotel, Monday, July 8th. LEAMINGTON^ HufFman's HoteL Tuesday, duly 9th, ESSEX, American Hotel, Wednesday, July 10th. AMHERSTBURGv Lakeview House, Thursday, dulyllth WINDSOR, Crawford House, Saturday, duly 13th. Any purton nUF^YURED ihould como nnd 100 tho new device to not atone HOLD tha RUPTURE undor any clrcumatancos, Including bathlns-, rldlnjr, ilaopins:, otc, without nny belto, walirhlnff but two ounces In nil, but P-OSlTIVteLV CURlNO you by .Imply wenrinK day nnd nTaht and following othor Instructions for throe- monthn, Tito prlc Is reason able, and to ohtnln thin euro, have tltla dovlco flttod to your panon by th* Inventor, who may bo consulted as above. Bom Oluu feet SffaAe Natural by Patented Appliances. Olu CiiKr.su, Ont. Duar Silt, I tnncon-h thanlt you for the rnir- aculoui curii you lm\e pprfornu-J un m> toct. I can now walk -wrfectlj* mr.iight, without the .tnl of a crutch or tanc. I wan born with club feet, winch if fe I wcro fl 0V-t;rB t','lt * cou^ never Mm % 1 Und alone, my feet taint,' UUt) I m | | two rounil h.illu and my toes i\\I V--.^ j dried up The ntroii(r Icvoraire % ^i V j/ of your infltrument Iian mndumy ^ *V*y l&jr feet nerfectlj natural, I .im now doinfT the liouwework of faintly and can walU as ucll as anyone- The other parties near by uuing your iiistrumentn the came time ft I did are a natural as mina. We all than1* you incorely. MAGGIE JANE YOUNU AucAsruB, Ont. Ciias. Cluthe Eiui. Tho instrument yon mm. piled ihruutrh inu for my pationt, a boy 6 nioiitlis old. double born club fcut, and a very bad cane at that, haa made the child's foot and limbs n.itura from hinn to sole. I Miovo It { the moHt practical yiitcm in existence. Vour truly, GEO. DEVKY FAIIMKR. M.D. M- rritfhtffll Oa.ua Cured. Pout Huron, Mich, The Scientific Truss fitted, hy you, altera n years trouble, madu me n new md.d. And now cured entirely. S. D. AIRMAN. Wn trt a terrible state before you fitted mo with one of your tniHses, but am now without the name for several months, hoini*' entirely cured. Si-vend of my frtundtt, whom I uent to you, h.ivo nlu>' been mcuh pleased. My casu was auch, that you took a photograph oflt, and you arc permitted t.t uhow It to aiyhouy interoHted. Yours trul>. Picuvili.k, Owt. UOIiRT O IVKU. ....................'lH'f Am tH HUQ0#ff in, ov*rooroitutf tttttaw aud X)<brmltl*i depend* on th jroiurJ. *inintion of tho oaao, tttto i wa opporfcuaity of oofl- Wcp*10B* w*' ' *" "jj" *"" JL lady ot Wwouty Yoilvi hd to boXtoll^< to tho table for Three Yettrg; wan S, s Potrfdctly Mulplouy. V Chas. Clutiiu, Ehq. Diiar Sm, I thought I would writo you to let you know how I am -jettiittr nlontt*. I am splendid now. I can walk any dlntance- I do nil the work for quite larifc family. You know thai when jon came to se me ^hat I had to be huld up while you ine,u.ured die. When I put o* tho Spinal Supporter iirst I could not wnlk alone, but truj firut day I could walk through the lioiit.e, and on tho third day I walked out to meet-> my brother. Oh, Mr. Cluthe, I feel that I can nevof thank you or n:ty eiioujfh for whal you have douu lor mo, whan 1 think that for three lonpryears I warn . _____,_ , _ a poor helpless irirl, Kometimen tn bed for four months at u time and eottiog wortja every day until I iyot the inatrument from you. Any one wishing*; for fnrt!ierir(iciilanconcerning m> cawi refer tlieui to me. Thniiknijy you once more for what you have done, I remain your true friend, Putuuiiorouqii, Oi.t, MATTIE GRAHAM. Rivuk IIi'iutRT, Nova Scotia* CllA. Ci.UTHU, Esq , Toronto. With (jri*at pleaMiro I forward you the follow- , inc testimony i When three years old my son hurt lu^Au.a.^,. his knee. It ijrow wonwand wonio, brcomiiifif weak, the cord** contrac,t- inir, ll* miiM-les nliritikincr. After havlrnj applied one of your white bwHlini; liiHtrunionts to his kne the lutf K'W nntiiml in'twt>-yearK,'aad how uiiei lea* ia tut loni; an tlwothcr. Tint cure wrought for WV son nfier r^i hftwti years Mi(rrin^ of n& *,i , value to him thjui thousands of ,'* dollars. -l . 'r' Un^ollcitod. I gh/e the atatement ' , Iriivmy out many important portfo , - ulars, in Knttitutki to you, and tot - tho beneiit of aflllctod humanity. I wnairt. yours resiKctfully. *, - -'J / ""' '(VI J. M. PARKEBI ' T'u*tor of the River Heert Baptut Church. 'I'll THE dHAS. CLUTHE CO., TORONTO. Canada i-ii'.-K L^^y^tai^^