" ":$ THE ESSEX ETE^EE PRESS, 9 \\'-. Savings Company. CAPITAL - 51,000,000 Money to Lend on:Mortgngos Ofproanotlvoiron.loHtiito. I'aruuWwiiiilhiK to borrow monoy lit l>ot Vutu, Intuit axuouuu and too dolay should uppiy mttwmiilly to Tim CJJiat- bam Lotib and KilvIuuh Co., Chatham. H, V, OAllDNiin, MimaKiif. tr.-j~ FKIDAY, JULY 6, 1895, ^# TALK OFTHETOWN Dominion Parlinmimt may prorogue nuxt weok. M. J, "Witflo A Co. are tho elafcliiaru of A nnttibor of important now itniUH uro crowded at. thin wttfik. Mr. J. K. Millar an4 fotuily havo moved tfc ihohouno on Alice Bt., owned by Mru. In tho running race at Kingftvillo on Dominion Day Hurry JHutoliiUHon"!! boroo won firtit naonoy with flva oompoting. Call aud Hooueo ono of tboKs ft'-i. 75 Trump watohoa at IVrli'fi. Btom wind itud t)tt; fully warrauUuVantl ftritt olasB tiiviorrt. JGd. Williara* took Hocond priao, a mlvor mdal livViio naif milo biayolo race at bviUq ou Monday, nnd John Brown took UQoond.a Oliver modal iu tho milo raao, J.oil on parufiolo, straw hatn, top ahirtti, andgoutu' fiuo hIioob ut Swutn'n, Tbo O, & C, now btoamora a,ro now rim ing Tour tripn per weok between Toledo, iptroit and Mackinao. Sond lor tboir il- tratod pamphlota, Midnumraor Vovagoo Maolciufto. Addroim A. A. Sciiantz, G. A,, Detroit, 'A wico lavjj;o-mrod office nafo for tmlo at 'il ba*u*in. Apply.ot tbo Finn: Phush office. Mr. Chan. Clutho, tho well known Tor onto upooialiat in tho euro of rupture and doEormitieH, will bo in Ehbox, ut tho Amoficau Houuo, on Wednonday of uoxt week, July 10th. Poraonu afilictod wikb theHC nitiliulioH should not fail to conwult lum. 75 aoro furrn for .Halo in parth or wholo, cheap. ,G. E. Smith d' Co, " ..- Mtimbnri of tho Tonuifi Clnb, with thoir frioudH t* tliB numbor of about f)0, Hpent Vory delightful afternoon aud ovouinn on i-^ho grounds at Maplo Villa, ou Dominion Day. A banliot lunch wuh eervod at bix O'clock, fciovoral livoly ^uihub woro playett, during afternoon and evotiiuK.. A nice anHortment of ladio'a and boy'ti shirt wftiHtH at Muy'H Bazar. Dominion I)ay wan onu of tbo qui*tent holidiiya Ebbox pooplo havo enjoyed for yeara. Mont pooplo attendod tho Colobra- tiouB at Kin(jHyill,o Chatham and other plaaott. Boiue wout to Cedar BouoU. The Ebuox Council of Cliouon Fnondo altio pic- nickod at tbo latter place, aud spout a very pi o una ut- outing. !ParanoU at half priuG at M. J. Wiclo & 'Co.'u. On Monday lant Mr. A.. II. Bcarff took pOBBOBflion of tho ^rooury Htook ruountly purohaHed from Wm, Gonnell. Mr. Soarff i& adding now and froBh cools, und ib placing hiraoolf in a pooition to moot tho demands of tho trade, tlo tu an enter- prifliu^young naan, a.id will QOubtlonH mnko aBUOOGBOof hit) vouturo. 81 Qilk-voHtB for ladiou redueod to 75o. at Bmith'a. Othor linow from 5 cents up, Confiidorablo annoyanco in ouuHyd went oudrtBidentB by partiou who apparently pruotico tliiovini; for a living. On iiovorul oooanionn lately residents iu that vicinity laavoloBt qnantitioo of fruit and pardon vegctablcH. Tho murauderu can bo prutty safely guoonad ut, and on tho next oocuuion will rocoive tho benof'n of tho law. Big Bargains in hoao aud t;levoH at M. J. Wifjlo & Co.'b. Mian Maude ircetUam met with a very painful aoftidouton'Mouday hint. She wao Standing on i, chair performing uomo houdu- (bold duty, whou tho ohair tipped, throwini; lobr forward to tho floor. Sh received bruiHBH about tlio head which roudorud her mioontoioiif. for H^veral hours. Dri*, Bnon A Briun are uLiuiiditi^Uor, aud una iu io- oovoriug. Don't forgot the quartor-oC huIo undH Saturday at Smiths, Dr. aud Mru, A.J. H03 craft left on Tliurn- day for thoir future homo in Dayton, Ohio, whom'Mr. ltqyoraft ban decided to locate for tho prnotico of bin protoimion. Mr. Uoy- craft ban lived in Ebhox for the puwt' ton yearn, huyinw located iu Euhux to Htart bin vrViool of fortune revolving when ho ac quired bin title of V. 8. Biuee that time liohaumiidu many triendd who regret, Inn dopftrturt*, and has alao boon fortunate oiiough 10 acquire a snug littlo property here, an wall ana good nized bank credit, partol which, at leuHt, ho will no doubt earry avniy with him. About throe yearn agoMr. lluyovuft douidud to adopt thi< praotico of tnedicine and boe.au utudy at tb'o Dotroit College of Modieinu, with that end iriyiow. Ho diiipouod of hiu veterinary praotoe her about a your ago, Tho Fiucis I>UE08JoineH th many friondnof Dr. and Mra. liayeraftin winhiiig them happiuoitB .aridproFtpority in thbir uow homo. GirlH* Tan and Blaoll Blipporn at ubuutt baU-prioo at Bmithla. Mr. Thoa. Barrett, a Xllhonburg wt>f chant, IlUB leaned th viwaut Btoro i the Dimntun Blouk, and will open biiHiuonn tl.toro iu a fuw dayH,, M. J. Wiglt- A Co. want 10,000 da. ogK. ' MlwlDoohitniinr, having iveu up br oUuh in muaio, Mru, W*.' Lidug hai* de- oidod to oontinuo tho hainw aml"^will he plunaod to meet any donning Inwtruotioini on piano or organ* Hooondhand niuyolo in good eondition pneumatic tiroH, for mdo at a bargain. J. W. GnmoN. Mr. 1?. fl. Adamn rooontly purohiuod the J.O. Paok property oppouite ,-tlio Induw- trial worlcH, and in rorwodollhifj; the fu'i- denoo. Hu in preparing to move hiM> liar- uohu ytnra thereon. A' stuff of mb nr b 11 tidy uM^a^od.- , If you want doraou doorH aud windowH that will hint for yearn to norao, go to Laing, Broii., Jilunox. ' Mr. II. MoDouald, wlio in uohiovuu' a nplondid roputntiou iu\ a l>aas-noloii(t, in in town uopotiatiiig with tho ftjothodiat okuroh oboir for the node of a "now pipo organ. Th* ohu'foh oortainly noodii a bettor orgau than tho proneut ou8 4iieiicl1il*^4fc-_J_i_ VVOMEM OLAU1JN WOOD. A NEwTnOCESS BY WHICH SILK I' PRODUCED FROM WOOD. . AlroMly K*inlv4'Hy Wiiwl Tint Nw M11- l^rlul <)**y J-*imm Thau Nitlural KI1U inul In HiOit t*> l.t lU.nutlrul, NOTICK All purtiafl >in"Tfldft!T5*Uko notice that noxiouu' woodu aud Canada thiutlo* mnat bo out not hi*or than tho 19th day of July iniit. If no^lcctcd thin work will bo done by order of tho ntr*ofc corn- miimiouora and tlie nxpomie ch&rgod a^aiuat tho ownerH of landu or preiuiHOEi, whon thoy aro found growing. By order of tbo oounoil, John WAi/runa, Clcrli. A 15 jowellod Waltham or Elgin movo: mont, in a gold ullod oo.ua warranted fur 15 yoara for "Jlfi.OO at ParkV.a auap. It in now uaid that any man who trjakeH any protoutioiiH to bo in tho swim of faah- ion, will havo Inn uppor lip nhavod thiu uoasea as tho buardlena fuao ill tho correct thing in Now York now, aud ia rapidly bo- doming faHhiouttbloin all tho leading towun. The warm weather may iu nomo runpeet be reuponniblo for tho fad but it in not thu principal factor. "For froiih calcea and confeotionory of all kind* go to Bhoomaltor, tho baltori MonnrH. J. B. Gourlay and J. M. Short rotumod on Tuoaday from Ingorsoll, \ihoro thoy played an bacliu foe tbo woatoru team for tho championubip football matah bo- twoou the Western and Torouto auooia< ttontj. Tho Toronto toam wan aucoeiiftful in winning by two goalH, whioh, a* Toronto, admitii.werg woo ou errors in tho flrefc fi(- toon minuteBof thogamo. They wore-the only tjoiila TreOToTt1irrtrrei**ni8) , Lk(!]'*!i' blouoo iiotto, bolta aud bolt pimi, at'Park's. Tho latent journalistic venture it* the Nuwbnry .Tourual, wbioh io weloomod to tho Ji'ukk Phkqb oxohango table. Tho Journal tuudo its first appoarnnoo lant w,eek with tho namou of J. C. Whitney, of llodmiyTaVproprietor, and B. J. Howe, as bumnciiu raauager. Tlieao two gontlemon aro both well known in Ehhcx, huvinlg lived here in former yoara. Tho Piibhh joiriH many friondB in winhing tho Journal linauoial sucoohh, 3 oz tillver case nicklo linod, with 16 jowelled Elgin or Waltham Btom wind n-iovoment for 911.50 cuah, at Park's. Thg following ,notib"'waa found pinned to t. tree with four woodon poyn, in the towmdiip of Ontario, a fow daya ago. In it any wander a nowupupor couldn't thrive in that municipality ? "1 offer for flail on tho 1 day of jung one 000k Htovo chairn and other thingn 2 oil oauu broom lamp 2 BnaoothiuR ironH 2 dozen wtool trapa one onbard onu table out* tub potn and puilo diehosofa mvon and forka ono brick loading nhot gun ono bull pup." FOUND. A Dabk Cull. Owner may have name on applying to Fm:i! Pnicuti of- lico and paying oouta. Some ol tho farmorw in tho vioiuity ot North Ridgo aro nomowbat alarmod ever tho appearance of a plant whioh , rauv prove a noraowhat troubleaorao wood to exterminate if rot nttnnrlnd to in time. It belotifTH tn th^ ereaa family and in knn . to botaiiint aa Lepidoum oampontio, but. in oominonly oallod tiold popperwort or pup- per e;ruuH, It has boon intruduood from other parto of the country probably in im ported need aa it it) oonOuod to certain lo- oalitioB. LOST, holmging to Muokintouh; otripo lining. Lent between Eqbmx uud Codar Crook, or Cudar Creek aud Kinguvillo. Howard on Kiuviiig at "PnisE PincaB11 ofiico. The la** Cream and Banana cooial given by tho Baptist Young Peoplo'o Union on the parsonajio grouiitln lant Friday night wau well uttoudtid. ThoI.O. O. 3?. Band ridded to the enjoyment of tho oooasion by heir preuenoo, and thoir niuiiioal BolootioiiH. The evening wan delightful and likewiHu thu refrMHlimontB. TIioho who attondod report 11 very onjoyablo time, and the B. Y, P. U., havo reason to bo tratilled with thin, th'jir Urhtatwial. The prooooda amounted to Sal.70. Wm. Hhoomak(r iB now proparod to de liver frohh broud to any part of tho town, give, him a all. A vory plonHimt evening \Vaii npnnt ill Milne'u grove hint TuoHday by about uixt > \ouug puuplo, 'phe baud being uiuone lh< unmoor, enlivened the evonit.rj with a fev, PuleotinuH. About half pabt hovcu tin oompany nat down to nupper. On bobnit' of tho friendn, Mr. C, Kriogholf tendered a few wordo of farewell to Mibmuu Leninv: and Doohntader.who aro loaving our town aud ahto two or tbroo othom who aro about to luavo nhorM/fot a fow' mouttia. A.htun mutt o'clock tho oompany diin&ort/ed, fooiing lull of joy, Uwaraajda anil auka. ' A pvoci^M biiH been dliiC'tV" red I y which 11 miiturlul cduii.'ly n-iirmi-lln mlk may hu iniuioriiolucfd l'rotn w . d V n now women are walk im1 al out lb lunotii of lOur.ip.Min c:tn n >n .lb'- .. 0 i .iluliorntf' icownn at utile In thr nuuuM'a turn ol' \Vhlcih tlie worm hud n J,n fiu-t, tho jillkworm lnui lo;it It i n < liatlftn. Tin1 piilm for thin valuable ilhi v in chi'inltuii H'liMicti inina k-j to Su!. h in--!' by name, In the luvi-iitor 01 th [H'liciiii. HiiKV y(SLll( ll|;o he IJCf.Mll tn Ill-iU djiier\jitlnim In the habits und 1111 >".;;i(':' hiii-autoiiHtii^i of tlie Hllkuorm ami It. eJl in* e Ihc v od th i cml I a -ilon wh I. LOnk pl.lf:i." in l li- Wm ... In pro c. li.r\ I; iicrx.U, JLiiti ; t (ti.d L.nir.i Mo; ^..t Ii " fumt'-rfclt tin* \\ ni'K or nature. s t-n vhu'('il did he become uf the fciudblllL of bin ldeafi that he hocu ahjin<b u ' all other work und devoted, bin t lin to thlH Hlngle utudy, in which he lin achieved a Jitunul trlumrdi. In the proeetiM of mauufaoturliig th- new fabric the principal lnp;re<li<-! t lined uro sprucewood pulp, cotton or Jute wiiHte, etc., combined with a lai. (pianity of aleoliul. The nne of the unb- Htantlal or uolhl miitnriaht an ntio.it; , ei-i.'ate.'i a market for what was hitherto 01 no uhc whatever, h.lue; binned I. factory t'uinacen to get It out of th way. Hpruoe nawdust now h;.n a marke value, for thhi, an well an the other ma twiulH, are dlK^stod by a c:hi-mlc:il pm ct'HH in which alcohol play an tinpor. ant part. The material t.luiH fll;;'^ti d s sii much like the cucooii Hpun by th silkworm tnat when tin? two are pla " Hldo by side In a Hnished stat? it tak* an fsxpert to determine which l:t wld<*h. The artificial mateilu.1 at (-lie nli.t in In a Ihpiid male, and of a ilen...t. about equal to the ordinary, ayrup <>i "otnmen-e. When In thiH state ;l nn- chlne of pr, b^hner'^ inventlim, wlili-:i may be called an aitilielal mlkw-rr..., cumeH lnto~pia^'^ T-hni-:uachlnel.w_hleji_ is very nluipie in coniitni"t loll, retjnh in :io littlo attention that It can be kopt ut Work with nbout ;ih itoieh labor as I (leveled to a tweiit;--f.-ui- hour oloi-k. performB ex:ictly ibe s.imn meehanieal Work that a tdlkwT.n doerf. It draws from the liquid a rnnilnuoua unbroken thread of even diameter *ind unllmlto.l length. Ah thiH Hinnd Ih iipun another ^portion of the rnftchjr- taltea It up and twlntH It Into any iVsiivd thicknoBs oi yarn with perfect regdarlty. Thus the fabric can be jmulo of ar\|i H, ho that *l will he HeaUonabl.; :tt -ill llmeH. Thin artificial silk h h be n tipun In Hrauford, England, and worked w into a larpo variety of fahrjes. In th-- dying, weaving' and llniHlfin{; of tlw*a no special tifntnient ban\ been found necc-HHury. It Ii.ih been dyad in all Im aginable .shades and col"rH, and owlnu to the peculiar qualities of the miUerinl It talcj.-H a dye more readily and r;lycn a more brilliant effect than the pat urn article. In texture It la the equ.'l f the lif-at of ChineHe and Italian srlk Fiucic being soft and nllken to the to.a li. I la expected that ll will be u.sed larp 1 in combination with natural nl;k an cotton for producing brocaded off- i--. TheHo latter have been ho lately aa to be out of the rvaeh of ;-l but the fattest purs--a Tho n-w In vention will reduce the cost. Tt'would Hcem that this n--w proo. s would Kive an immense Impetus to th rnanuincUiro of'textile fabrics all -\e:- tlii- world, and It probably will, b t Dr. Ijt.-hner also differs from the a. i-r ;'ge ln.V(-ntor In that he combines Una. i lal cunning with his remarkabl genius, ho that e\Qry yaid of ihl ; iv ' i.ia.teilal mad- will put man/ pciinl into bis pocket. I-'atents on the procoso have been ob talnc-d In most of the Kurop an c-onn tries, aud an application for one in t:e I'ult, (I Stiite.4 Is now on file at W::::'m 1 ;gton, as well an in the patent oill of the Canadian (.lovernnient. A co i pany with a capital Btock of Jl.r.fio.o.i Is about to bo formed in Montr al *n manufacture the material. There luu; Iready been formed In I iind.ind company ha vine; a capital stoek ; J'.-IO.O'IO, th>- Inventor receiving flUti,'- la cash and $180,000 In full-paid n) ar the renialninj.;.$j00h0OU beh.fr used ;i a working capital. It wiifl originally lnt-n-ied to rn-nu fact; re the ar.lcle in 10n Ian ', but \. hen the d m mstrailiur itlant was r--- t.ibli.^hcd at Bradford It was o.i:- that th' re was a prohibitive to. i.i oi jilcohol used for manufacturing p: r poses. For that icason th; plant w located at GlaUburg, near Zurich, <:or- tnany, where, there Is no tax on ai: do used In .manufactures. From thH p'a e the raw material is s-nt to 10m. iq, i i for inanufaetuic. New York World. (|NKW ADVBKTISEMENTS: PEDIGREEDBULLFORSALE. "pho l).illninil ftnurtUom Hull, fOh.unplou of 1. . OdHtldlil," feitititiiftiiliu tint hoinluion Hliftrt honi Ilovd HiKilt lin No. nU'itil. eitlvod luno 'i'.Rli, lmil, hi o if lived for xitln on reaiinimblo b.rntn. l"ov further partUuilnt-n apply to thu owndr, AU-'KK.I) ,T. FOX, ......... Olinila, Out. FOR SALE. ------- npirilKK KIlAMFi HOUHKH, IN TIIM HKHT J pioi of dm Town of Kuikoi, will bo riold ehrap. Apply lo or to WWW W. I). blKlKM-J, TjUIHlOll, J. It MnRWAN, TiixCrtlUiu'ov, lOmiox. D/SGoiui/on *pf Partnership, VIOTICK IM IIKUKHV OIVKN TUA'I' TIIK l\ pnrtneriniip lioretbfoni nxhitlni!- Iiotwjun .hicob Mitoladl unci 1'oter I1'. Cnwdll, under Un> Hiimn of Mitchr U A Ciowoll, ilonleni In ii(jrieul- tural lui]ilinu[itii, lum bomi dbniolviKt by inutuiil comutiit. All uccotintn owud by tho firm will bo (uittlml liv Mr- Mltlnll. Datint at'Htmlh Wootlitloo Mavtl7th, lRHfi. litl.'Ji l'KI'KU COWHlJb. IMPORTANT MORTGAGE SALE, n^nrdtK wibb hK hold at tiik mtrr- 1 iuli AiiKiricim Hotel in thu City of Wind sor, In tln < bounty of I-Ihikix, on Saturdays July Ov 1895, at the hour of 11 a, in., nun-Uino, the lollowhn: vidmihlo farimu ba. Tla> Allrml Wallun1 firm, tbo eailt hull of thu north half or tho went h .U of lot No, ih, in the fith con, of the Towniihlp of (Jelulioiitur Hontli il'taisrcti. Unit Tin.' Wm. FMorrl farm, wout half of north half or lot No.-ill and the north half of lot No. IP, hcith in the 7Mi con. of tho Towimhip of Col- ulimititr North, doiitiilnini! l.r>() ncvoti. Urd. The Auiitin & Himth tiirm.tlioonfit half of tho iioutb tiiilf of lot No. ii'i, tn thu Kith con, of tho Tov.ui.hlp of (rOiiUidd, eontidnlnt?" :^ aerob. For rnrtbor purtiuularH Hiiu pontnrs or aj.ply to CItONYN & HKTTK, 2*>-:ii Vondovii' Hoili-ltorn. Portable Engine for Sale. T AKK NOTIOR THAT IN ryilKUANfJK OF 11. H. O., Chap, liiil, H^c. Ifi, then) will bo uold ut l'nlilic Auction, by batiiel Sinclair, Auc- tloucar, at th Town of bunoi, at the 11 aehino Hbop of tlifl iin<lrai^iiod, on Saturday, July 13, 1895, nt thro 11 o'clock p. in., ono Fortablu Kujdno, miido by Htovoim, Turner A huruii. Thin mUo in bad to rwalizo tint mini of tf^Ol.na, lioinu ttio iiuiotmt duo by T. JJ. Whitn, to tbo unduinlfintid, for iildll and maturing hoiitcwtjd by tliuni ni'on tho naid oiaiinn, unit for which thoy claim to ho untitled to a llun upon mad un- niuo, Uatoil at Eittiox tho 1th day el July, 1W13. J, OOUHIiAY A: HONR, Maobinhitn, I-'.iibox. nUKETJ Wheat red por buabel ....ft 7"> to 7-r Wheat, white .... 70 Corn .... 50 Ottta .... 30 to ;) Timothy Sond ____ 2 50 Glover Boud .... 5 75 to 5 7o Alnike ----- fi j(l Hay p-;r ton............ 7 00 to 8 00 Hunt per cwt............ o 00 to 5 50 Pork ............' 5 iTj to 5 25 LMutton ............ 5 00 to fifjO flides ............ 1 00 Ohiul'.citiM por lb.......... 8 H Butter .......... 11 U Lard .......... b 10 JijiHH, iior doz .......... 10 Potatoea, per huahul .... HO to n0 Oniono ___ 75 to 80 Anpleo ___ f'Oto 00 Turuir.H .... -10 Carrots .... -10 BootH ___ 50 Parnnipti .... 10 Turkeya per lb.......... a to '.) Duelot .......... B Cnlerv por doz .......... 1 00 CahbuRo- ____...... 25 IIIrani \VnlterV Koim UlurUet Rcpurt No. 1 Hye, por huubol .... 45 1 Corn .... '15 Oatn .... 2G Thu above pncoH aro paid by, II, Walker Soiih, Walkerville, One. Tho l.nst Monioet* ni a Otie..... _, At 10 o'cl. clc the tur.-koy, T^arlvl-;- wan sent by the eonoli-i'KV Into th- >e I ami to him we o\v>- some Knowt il;^- o vhnl p;ism-d there. Marl* AnLuInett- .said u> hnn aadly : "Larivad*-.-, v,. r uvi-z qu'on va ma faire mourir. U t h u votre renpectahU; mere" (the IihIu-. i could not have been present) "qU'* Ji* 1 ivmeri'le de Res flidiui, et que Ji; a charge de piler Dleu pour m d." Tlir Judaea aoeompanled by .the- [jn (lie Fabrleluu, entered the eel], 'Tlie c>u e. waa kneeling In pra.yiM- aj^aloHt her lit tle bed, hut rofie to roc Iv tin- function arieft. They told h- r to attend, as her sentence was to be road to her. She replld in a firm voice : "Such a readliu; is unelenn ; I know the sentence only too well." They lnslnU d, and tho ch-rk rend the document. At that moment Henri Sanson rtp-* peared, a younK man ol' j;1k"-: t.c Ht.i.t- ure. Ho said roiiKhly to the poor wo man, "Hold out your Imn-'a." lie Mnjosd.y retrodtod a step; and pl""de tl at ihe King had not I ecu bound. "Pa ; tori devoir," cried the Judaea io 3ii. ^on "O, Hon Dleu !" cri'd the -wretch" ' Queep. Rile thought that pbe wau the and there to bo aHHO-xaLnn'.od. B-.n o rourrldy weizod the flhrln'-in-^ ban n and tlf,d them with cruel fore,. to. tf. li behind her bade. Rhe hi k:\-i up t heaven, and tried to -restrain her t h; Her hnlr, when cut oft', S ir-'-n t' ru:- Into hl.M pv-C'vttj abd It wa> bur 6U,1" tl\c voatlbulo. Tho Quarterly IteiJCH'-^ Curd of ThanltM, Tho undorsifihed desiroH to thank bib uoitfhhora and friondu for tho very kind aHHiHtanoo roudorod to him and bin infant child during tho lato severe illueaa aud duuth of bin wife. John Stbwaut. Eiibcx, July 2. 1805. Ladion' tan, lace and confront! Hboea, if^ulur 82.50 line for 81.72, .lob lot of black hIiooa at half-price at Smith'u. CoNNiNniiAit. In Oololitintur North, en Saturday, Juno 20, the wife of Chan. Cunningham, of adauediter, Bonjiy, -lu Gnaflcdd North, on vVoftHoa- day, Jane 30thf tiio wife of A. Bondy, of a tion. WOOD'S PHOHPHODIXE. Tho Gvoat En(fHli Ilemedy. Sfa ritoknof-9 Uunrantucil to prompts aud pormnaontiy car* all formn of Kervaiin. Wt!nknr.sn,Km{ttutotui,Siieri>t' aiofrhtm, Iiiwotenvyaml nil effcotn t\f ^loiiflo or Kmeaaen, tfttntttl Worry, exoeaaive vao Before and After. ^ , ,,,,,',Jflon,,a(, toJn. ftrmtty, Insanity, ConaUtiiM fon and tin early (jraw. IliuiboonpruHerlbatl ov<;i* 115 yoara la thoniiaudi) of amen; is the onlu liclittblti nnd Honest Skdtolna knowti, AulturiiKBltf"r WoOiVm Xu'i*plioiUiioi tt lm ofturfl'ftomo wprtliloaa motllelno In pltioo of thlit, litolfiao price lu lottor.'uud wowillHoiulby witun mall. Price, ono paoUaRo, l[ nix, eB. One wll l>lcaaa, atx villi outv. rumphlotn tmo to any mlrtmi' WiiuiHor, Out.. Cuaad , Bold in Mi;aoit by all dBdiKiHlii. 'I; . , , ...::- '#".\-~ ' ' "*"""' -l ' ' "' " 1 v#"V' .....-(. 30th . ' .it, -' 'V- - Everything in warm-weather goods must- go, having over-bought in some.lines. We mean to sacrifice profits and allow % off the following lines: Fancy iunl Plain DvorS DucIch, CliallioH, DelninoB, Fancy MattiiigH, Grt'pons, Z^|)liyvM,Ghambnvufl, Ginghauaa, MubUiih, etc., with Lmci.s and lilnibroiderioB to match, % off 200 Ladies' Parasols. % off S'ancy Straw and Felt Hats and Fancy Shirts.-, % off Ladies' &rid 'Gents' Fine Shoes and Slippers, from $l.S6^pr. tip; choice range in Black, Tan and White/" v % off Men's and Boys'lleS^tmade Cloth ing. HERE AIRE A FEW cial I White and Colored Skirt Embroidering: 46 in. wide, regular $l and $1,25 yd., for 30c Gents' white Shirts 30c. each. Boys' two-piece Suits.$1." Job lot Ladies' line Shoes at half price regular $3 for $1.50, $4 for $2, and all of the best makes. EtfQW J-tK*-* **> M^i'.^ |j 3?IMBr don't wait till the best is sold. paa WHITNEY 15LO0K, ESSEX Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Farm Iraple ments, Milner Wagons, Buggies, at very close prices this month. Hardware, Essex, Loaes all its cfiiirms if^.911 do not have a bright, new -turn-out. Give ub your order for a nice Phmton or a*; Buggy while the roiidfl are_good. ; Good Ilund-inade work a specialty. Prices away doMrxu-' 11' *',K j Carriage WorkH, Talbot fit, east. V .^iiM^^i^y^ 93 70