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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 28, 1895, p. 8

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.u.,.,/nn^,:* .rtsarw.MjAfc**! m^^)f?<^ r :!~t i V i' netr*-1- *- JfiS. D. ANDERSON & Go,. BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotels Essex. Monoy to loon oiiFannnriT Notoii; Nnlitfi boui;lit. or Uotlootcd; Monoy to loun on Morttfiiiiwi llt Owuut CututJ and buut torum. Praltu iBHijod payn.blt ut yin ut ull| jnlm Ipul pointu. Fire Insuranco Agonts, otc- MONTREAL SOICIDKS. Thro Dotormlnod Attompts at Solf'-Deutruotlon. MOTHER AND S0:4 BOTH SErK DEATH OOAt&PCRSOriAL ""K Alderman Itouo upont Monday and Tuou- day in Detroit. XtnnVG Wiula, of KiuifHViIlo, paraded our fitrouts WoihieHday. Mibb Lily I'iUputnck, of Dotroit, iaMio uoei of tho MiutuiH Notibit.U-" *""* Me. K. FlummGr^tfW, jB BpimdinK ft week with bin bro#f,or ju Ohio. Mr. Bon. F(je^hami 0f Shoddon, m vmit. ^^OHotoriii Smith Hpotit Snndny hint KorhonQs horo. Mnulda Hicki, town, in yiaitnnj rain- tivo is Walkorvillo. Mr. II. 0. WuUorH, af Detroit, wufl in toxvii on buiiiaoHS cm Friday taut. Mra. \V. EC. nollorou, of KinnnvilU, culled U frimidsi m town thin weok. Mr. Ii.O. Slonu, of tho Fmx I'iujqh, iu liolidayiuc at his homo, Loiiuiinfjtou. Mrs. -Tau, Andorson, Dotroit, iti vimtinn lior mothor, Mm. Jan. Uall, town. Mr. Dolbort Wiglo, of Chatham, in upend ing hiu holidayu undur tho parental roof. Mm. Wood, of Dutroit, iu viuitmp* bur 4>tothor, Mr. II. H. FioldH nnd family, horo. Miss Bella Kyle, of Surma, in tho guoat of tier nistor, Mrn. William^ of thiaplaco. Mrfl. Tom ForttytuQ and childron, of Berlin, iH vieitiu j> hor brother, Mr. ,1 .Dultf- leiuh. Mra. J. R. Aahplant, of London, iu tho Knout of her mother, Mrs. J. D. Audorhon, ibis weak. Mr. and Mro Xjr V. HuIIh, of Detroit, aro yiaitiuu tho lattor'n puronttf, Mr. aud Urn. Vim, natch. Mm. IIr*mplor, of Detroit, apent Sunday and Monday with her daughter, Mr. II. H. Fiuldu, town. Ifr. and Mrfl. Enoa Edition, of Grind XUpids, wire gneatH of Mr, John Gormley und family this wook. MrR. E. .T. Lovelaco and Mibb Whitney ere Hpoudiug a wuok with Mr, and Mro. D. J. Wbituoy, London. Capt. and Lieut. Harper, f tho Ehhux S. A. oorpfi, aro attending upooml mooting* ut Port Lambtou, Mr. and Mm. Alex. Wilcox attended the St. Jean Baptinto cclohrution and picnic at MoGro^or on Tuesday. Dr. Forguoon viaitod old frioudn in Ehbqx lane wook. Tlit Dr. now cnjo^H n luorativo practise at Tilbnry. Mien L'mra Wii;lu, wlio hao been uttoud* mg Toronto Univoraity, ih Hpouding a fev, duya at hor home horo. Mm. Samuel May, of Potroloa, and Mro. Tuon, Cbuter, of Winduor, aro viwuiuR- thoir parontB, Mr. mid Wr Geo. Burth, Mr. and Mra. Stidaton, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. IIullH.of Detroit.and Mm. Hutch, of Kudos, npoat TuQHduy at Cedar Beach. Mr, Ilarold Thoruon, Proaident o' the Tiroi Natioual Bank of Minneapolis spent a fow days rniH wook with Mr. J. D. Au- vlunon. Dr. B. Puttoraon, Barrie, forraorly of B twrrjanvillo, wlnlo ou a trip to tho North- v--, , aulled on Mr. G A. Shornu ttio X K. Ire. V, i-rr, accompanied by Miuh Wri^l ti -o/ vT.ni^iona, Hpout Bnnday tho gueu of mv, li and MiaH Leo, horo, h V C. Hood, of Toronto, wuh tho j,au taS&r. J. F. McQaoun and other old tiDDO friondo'bQro lust wook, Mr. Hood ban ituicon up tbo study ot moaiomo. Mr. E, D. BurnB, of Ohiouffo, is tho guuf t of Mr. aad Mrs. Straohan 'and paid, a il>- ant^ vmit to Cedar Bvnah, tho popular wn nmer rouort of Eusox people. Vlr. (Roy.) Vming, of Winduor, waa m io.vu on Mondav ovnm, and gavo a vei JM'aroBtinn paper on "Woman'ii Work f>r W mi an in India," in the Baptitit ohurch Minu Oarrio Griflitha, aooompaniGd h> >I a* Wioket, of Walkorvil'o, and Mi** C rr, of WhitBon Settlement, Maidutonc, *-,ioir Thursday with Mm. Doufihui, Alio> et et, Mrn, J. 13. Kounard and bou A. It, B. who urn mavtng from Applotou, Win, t" JDivei.N. U., apont ft fow day a in town * j Kutiab of hor brother, Poiitmanler li.uli. ' ' E;*-M*yor Miluo WftB in tow a. fow Aayo Jaut we&k on luo wuy from the annual mn 'Otinii of the Supromw Lod^o, A. O, U. W. yt niiicaao. Ho Will her out tar live in iToiwnta. Mw-ibrn J B tiourluy and J. M. Short, t'lfl fmu >uh tttam of bii^ku for thr"T>fcBx FiotbullGlub, havo beon cnuo-Ucd by tLo oha npmnHhip toam of tUa W. F. A to ^Hi4 thi^t team in a matoli h*tvreeu t' Tn onto add W. Is. A. leawuffl, tor the cliannjiouahij) of Ontario, BpuukH wi-U for 1-UhvX football dvfeiiBp. Hw ^Vi-tich fitiiiKlliiii 18(iinIi<nrM niid Thulr I'rcu* Vlrw thu atruuitlv for It*- kiinllul Ij*w IkvMUoyrrM" lt l>Iy to Tupiwr ^titiriil Moutr>l NdWi. Mi^utronl, Juno 2ft. Thorn wiu* a "ad '< no at tho Polico Court Hiiturdny, u'Jiito a Woman mi moil (Juilinette mid ln*r nu, ntfud 10, were Iwith OIimik^J with haviiifj; nttomptod miicido. Mni. Gnitnii'tto utartiMl for tho rivnr mid would havi' ]um|w-d La had nhe not ht-cn pr-i'viMiti'd by tho polico, and tin' liny trh'il to eut liU tbrojkt with u rax -r. 'IMii1 IniHband and fa tlmr ti'iitifh'd tli 11 liitt wifo wiui a gooi\ woman, hut hnr uoifit IiLiilt wan ill natum. Mr. Jonciw, M.P., iu bin n^ffuhtr |ir- liamoutary correnjiondniicu to l/llvcn - mi'iit, miytK "Wo hnvo Jint rend the* [wu'itoral letter luldri'Micd by Bin Lmd- nlup Bf^r. Gravol to tho pi-ojih1 of Inh dhici'Hc, aUo that of Cardinal L*'d(R'how- hUi, and wi* cannot luslp hi'licvinK mid miynij; that a inor<* tnop[>ortiine fKe.ituuM unit Id nevtsr have bt*eii cIhIwimi thim llio pii hcnt to Kiro Mich ii dorunn'iit publi city. Fin from (ruitlLiifr uh, tlm ! td r of Cardinal I^'docbouulu, Hitttcii, iu> doubt, with tho bi'nt Intention's \w create new I'inliarniHriuii'ut'* t<> tlin^i* wliu arc honestly working fur th' chum>- w Iim !i Mpfr. lliavi'l pleada no i liH|Ui"itly. No doubt m-veral lU'WMji.ipct s, an \\ ell na nu'iulii'ifl <f Parliament, who jire buitile juiyway to lutervontion, will not fail to une thin document to create pn-judico and attempt to make it appeal tli.i.t tin Fcdi'ral fJovi'riunent i b< in^ foitM'd to obey the word of the Church of Koine. Mr 1), Gimuard, MP. for Jcquoa ('artier, \\ ho arnvod in the oity Jrom Ottawa 1bai rnomiiiK, when linked if it waa tine that t!nn e e viatod any dinNonuion n-e-ardiue; the Manitoba School question in the rankti of the C*>naervativo party, Raid, "I am not aware of any, or of any troublu whatever in tbo party, nnd tlu rejtort to tho effect that there wan ul Mum t a eriHtn is certainly mi true and without foundation." "What m the policy of tho Govern ment V "I ura not a Cabinet miniotiir, but n an old politician it Hoeiuu to me that the Government la bouud to carry out the Itcmedial Order,'* "\VlionV" "First, wo havo to await tho official aiiBwor of Manitoba. II tlioro in miffi- <-iL'ut timo to conflklor thia qiii'Htioii dwr- uiK the present torra it should bo done." La Miuervc Mays there iH no excitement umoupf the French ConRertative mi'iii- b<'iH ar"Ottawa,' and demei* ttntt ihey havo iiut any ultimatum to the Cabinet On the Manitoba School question. 'II.en it ndds: "The groui of Proteataat liicm- Uth aro far from being uuaiiiuioiiB un the action to bo taLon; prejudice in at work and the -\arioun I'rotentant Hj-nodn an* almoHt uimniinoiui iu t efiiMnn; to grant to the Catholic uuuut itj tho right of exacting tlw evictitnm of tlie judgment ol the Privy Com.ci without takiuK into aecount the i.ict la it tho inopportune pub i< ation of certain v -ry n Hpectahle doimmei tn h;M uddi d new fue, t(t the iii*j v rtjn-etheH ,r the anti- All th sc ai c gieat have lo b>* overcome. ii* iibl to f' el a itLer but thin h t hi \ b i niiHu of the ,' \1 .1 it.dia." . ii;e kIihCk hnn not .is at mt,' tin* mono rin- follow i iPs urn the tbo Catho ic elcuie'jl difncu ti.-H u hit It 1 li Libfi a a .ilo ,i iHed over Pi 'ii at the ' \,> ir i.fTJOt.h 1111 III | I i Hhi|)inent o l h< .It II* h'l U ,i -I in i af- t.r.ii.o... 'i pin i b << **at t e ii i ' nhee|i loi h eh en ;i ijr i mi** "i'J. ! ^!T> S; i niji, I) -,k 'uLifiu (Jatt e. i .'li] fi u. , J.l\' J |K>u .'iTi) .i it Ioh'm . . . ."m!M * i i ijin.ui i i."U on . . .112 n i ta, l/>n a i . . . . 1 *h i i n i** ro v ... '100 O M (j a J, t,\* . . . . tl*I . .ii i< i Hi ii.it , . . . il)4 Sheep. HIS Mil r.27 72 VMV2 M78 \1m* Orpen an 1 h h ;iiiibn I i' mi o, juat.c 31 ULi ill in >jr>22 -ir>til jip ned be- t ,>_IH) 1 o ji in ! g U .unt)(e aini 4ht it out A ttei ay ii nd ^ai.tv 1 in. bail w.iti placed h ilo "\- au\ iu 1 the hrjju \t\, at it woul 1 rnivi' them m i n'\ but tliev decided to . ml u hat U may. loin uVnisbiiM, ij'ie., Htatea 1.1' a It i in'i no; nun) un eji tr<nu that .. l.tjr* Ihih iidopte 1 a uuiijttc and cfee-* . . , ii |,ni I3 litiiu iite, mi'thofl of heejH 1 if-; hlH h<'i'|i from junipia^ fenectt Ho 'an in imt, hmiiHU iinjr, the uhoe fl-ck ml him .'It them to [itch for their Uv- u(5 in HiIh ain'iitahle coalition Ann; le" low too jd ice on tin* Sou- I u^eh C.inal hiHt ni^tit hetwcii two lltnsi in uoi-ivineu, and in the toin-e of h .ilf .1 one, drew a utilctto and stubbed nirt ..ihernary, by name John Let 10, be- we-ii luo Hhoulderfl. r The wouiub'd man l'-,t (.oimmousiK'HH. The w ouud ih ..n l^1\ one fully four inclien in deiith, mid i-ubU are expreined an to hm ieco*,ery. Mr. Donald MncMimter, Q.C, Hailed 'or EuroiH* ou the PariKiau. J.imcH liiown, who attempted to com mit Huieldi* a week olnce by jumping ut-. the canal, was arroHted thin even- .:r^ for vatciancy. and wh.le In the <*I1 tuok a Unlfe blade from Mb boot and ." can to Haw bin arm. The pollut* rtmh- 'd In and Hbisscd the knife, but Brown deolari'H he Ih Ueterrnlned to talcu* hlo <wn life, and will succeed Rooner or later. The unfortunate man bulla from ChieaRo. " 1 iu Mi.iinlei ol .hmtice, s[ii'ahlng ""iu hm H*at in the Uou-te, Ih covinud by his imuiuititivH, and if, instead of nro- t<ctiiig tlm ttuictiouaiiio of the hiw, iui h ih In duty bound, he ('xpwteii thorn to the male vole 11c of thu public, tbo only remedy left to the maRiatrato wboii* reputation bun been niiHailed i to refer to the tetitlrauny of tho public, among whom he hoa exci-ctHPil bin func- tio-iii during nearly 20 yearn." XIiuh opoke Ilia Honor ,ludj*;o Oeenoy* lire, reading the deiipatch from Ottawa concerning Sir Charlea TnpiM*r'a remark oh IIib ilouor'u Judgimmt in thu St. LouU cane. Coiitinniug, Jiidgo Domioyoru natd: "I havo no ciuibc* for K>*levance ngaint the Hon. Mr. Lauricr, lor the nimplo roa- flon that he |K>ko in term becoming public man. lie disapproved of my con- clUHionfl. 1 do not complain of that. lie may bo right and I may 00 wrong, but between that nnd tmying that I canned a mtficnrriiiffo of Juatico there in a wido hi'a ol diffuronco. but I muat say ho In the flr*t difllutoroKtod poroil that I have hoard o far oxprotwlug hl opinion lu that ftuuoo, after routing ray liMltf- uiout Bavoral Judge* of the higher cotirtM uvl lawyers foromoot ih tho pro- ftwwion, a* >wt)U BJ cltlxoiu of high ui&nA- lag and Intulllgeuce, havo eudocMd nyr **M*hwlotu*' SAFETY OF TRAINS. In What 1'iu-t Hhrfiild thm -Ciiutlotira JClil.i 7 * *" ' " - One of tho unnolved probhnnn iu mll- roadlng In the qtn-ntlon hh to the nafe.it plnee on :i train AliLiiy have roll tend ed that It Ii Jiint mi m if e on tlio tinftim* an It |m in the en la, mni point to tin* fact that In many innliuioi'u the t'liglm- ha 1 pii'ined over a biolcen bridge whl'u the balance of the train went down. Othjn'tt hi'dnt th.it the ruir cur Ih tho Hafffit, bi eiitiiie tlnne an* fi-wer toakMtid col- llbloiin thim uny other kind. 'I'lime an* p' o| h \\ ho an hit iillg lit Hie lielier" tli it the.e lu no placi- o 11a ctj orn lialn, and Ihut one iiinu un mil li r.nk In one ttpot an In another. On Him'1 roudii i.p elal eniM uie alwuya plate 1 In tin- c< ntr* of the tialn, but for wIull piirponc id not clear "'1'liat lu 11 haul nm-htion t an.iwer," nahMiem ml Maiinper I ii-idlmrv, ol the Jjtke Kih' j-i VVi-:Wi ni, win n Intel rotat ed, "for It b like luslclni;' uhen* Im the bent jdace for a man to fall. Tin Muni tion of nafi ty dept nd >, In a meamiw, on the length of a train. A train made up of a (imokor and n day eoiub could have no particularly wife npot 1, and th paniienger would be In an much danger in (he event of a colliiilori In on** raic un In the other. On long tralna I think that If thin hi any dlff<*rt*ne(- thoru l*t rear of a tntln. Ifowi ver, I generally ilde In the rear car, Men have iKicorne old and'grey an cunductois and engl- neein, luul yt't youiiK men are killed i\u often an any other." "I Hliould nay two or throe call from the rear of a long tialn," nald Gen eral Superintendent Van Winkle, of the Hig Four. "If tin re Im a Ivad colli .1 >n, the cam in trout of the train take the brunt of the u'.uili, and Un* earn are no well bulk that there is not much dan ger close to the rear of the train. This hohlH good in the e\ent of a r ar col lision. Cain mad in our font trahui aro 1,0 bea\ My vehtlbuleil that thi-y cool 1 not Hprlng over (ach oth r, aa unod 10 happt n with the light coachi h In 11 tie years ago The\ ir- "-olid'y <oip; d, and that fant jr v<*i tH ih-m norm crushing each otln r. An engln-' plu.ig- Ing into a train could not go ibiongli two or thn-e i oiu-hett It might get part way Into one coach, but that Ih all. The danger from cioHslug colll-donn, wlv n* one train ntrlke an th* r in tii * Md , m urn.ill, Thaui am fow mieh a--r-ir|rriTnr nowadays. We all know that soui1 tlmej; the 11.ti ear of a tr.iln mining a h jh Hpt-ed 1m 'whippe 1' 1 r, in the ril> n a nharp curve, but th it .sol loin hap;*in." ? about an tafe an any,' na n <; ia Managei Har/mr', o 'h 1 10 1 a d Kami rn "I fhink my ell the rem e id of a tiam b- Hifc lor a j asn n *er, I'm" ih*' ivn'0,1 that ther - me Imv i r ar end toll in Ions than then* an* butil -g c f> lml ns AL> t > neiai in n h t h ^ bee demonstrated that ih -jigln an o - in two rant leaving the rails m ldn :> p 11 olln-i hie- with 'h ni \' ' 1 h y ,- 1 oft' th tin It, they bri ak tin tra n hue Thin f tn the bi a * a, and stops t 1 oth' 1 can. I usually ride at tin r> r en ' 0" th trdn, but I hue ne*er ro si'ered the f-iicuion you have askt-d." Indlan- ap(dlu Ni wti. MICHIGAN UMNTKAIj IVY. ~ tthi.ilnloi- Buy Wxi'uraloiiN. An excursion rate of one lowest first-class fare **>* tho round trip in nutbori/ud for th aliova oo* oaiiion to toriitory and upon oonditiotm nuiiifid below: IhttoH of Halo ; -.luno p!), 110 aud Jnly 1. Limit for return : Until July a, lflOfi, iuohmivu. An excursion rato of oro and ono-third lowest first- class faro *r t1'10 round trip Ih author, i/cd for tlm above Oceanian to territory and npon conditioiiH named below ; Date of Hale : Juiih UN, Limit for rtiturn : Until duly 2, lHih"., innlumvu. Children five yearn of ago and umlor twiilvo may he Hold tmkolH at one-half the adult rate, Not good on limited truinH. Tinumoitv. Bctwsoii all iitiLtionit in Canada and to Dotroit, alno to T. II. ife H. Hy. pomtH. For furlhor partiouUm ajiply to A. O. Stiw.iui, Aiinjit at Kmiox, TARTAR ON THE TEETH, I'm allur MultcH Trniiblti DlneiiMe 'I'lmt t t M11 u \ . 'lJt "i le .ne to Ing their teeth from a n u came riowa ,a> h,' -ad a dental 4111 gt- n to a Waslihiglf>A Stai r porter "It Is a complaint which tei nia t> ha\e b 1 * mi' con mun o ily wlihl 1 tho laat Ibte-'ii .voarH or So, 'lie-ess on of the gutii.s,' It Ih 1 ailed. T.u tiir ih dep wited at an abnoimal iate. and this carbon ate of 1 nu* s"i leted from the a iliva publu.'J tin* gums back fiom the teeth. "It, Is a veiy p cullar dl ease. In as s far .idv.mct d It can liaidt* bo r nr d Thatjis^o say, the tendency to an accumulation ut tarttr 1 annot li Mto[)],ed. All that an be done la to pievent it from accumulating by scrap ing It away at Interval i and h> medic inal applications to the g huh. In an early stage, however, tho complaint 1b pirfectly luiable, and the tenoen -y In most easen can bo overcome. Iiut much * tii e and l on 1 In mil atte ulon are 10- (pilied. Otheiwlse the poison wll have lost h jme of his teoth by th time be Is fiuty yt ars old, and af-er that the it t of them will go rapidly. "hTe making of falae teeth haa ar- ilved at gieat peifoctinn, but ut \ e^t tln*y are pooi flubstltutoti. A3 I havo said, this niaj le mgarded as a new dlseano. At all evt nts, it Ih only In re- c nt ycats tl.at It ha I ecomo preva il nt, It is impoitant th.it piMple'-*. at tention Hhould be c lied to il Kr un 7 years to 20 care must be 1 aken of the t eth lest they d n ay Th *re h littl ^ danger of that att *i th' U;th yeai Is piiHHed. Hut from that Limp on one Hhould lode out for t rtir. A m >uth affected In the way I speak of n a moat worse than a badly d cived mouth. The tioub'e means pei tain lo'-s of th teeth unh*HH lookt-d out for i.nl tieatcd. Mo;h school Notes. ThoHo intorontol in tho nijjh Hcbool will repjiot very muoh to hoar that id inn Lon- nox bun remaned hor pouition aw Hoicnco Tflnolior tho ruHKjnution to tako effuot thin iummor. Tho Virut Form promotion axaminiitioun took plttqa on X'riday, Monday, nnd Tuen- day lust. Itonnltu will bo publudud iit-xt wok. Tho Commercial examinations woro hold on Woduouday latit itnd th Ilifjh School ontrauue uxaimnatiouH oommonoad yoxttr- daj, ThorinnltH will bo publmhod an pooh au received from tho Education Duptirt- mont. tE90tolE2Xa2&!mm-^imwxir*rv**nflMM OF NEW tuoa'i imr. r*,wTWTTrniFtrtvi7 JEZsaaa ORlxNGKMKN'ii I>KMONSTXtA. TIOIV. London, Jujy litli. For tho abovo ooouhioii, rato- EhdojI to London and return, 2.-10. Balling .Inly 12th, and (jood to return July L'lth. Childron half-faro. Tickotfl not ood on limited tramn. For further information apply to O. W. lluui'iLi'H, G. P. A., Chicago, Jno. 0. Lav- jiii, C. P. A., St. ThoaiuB, or A. 0. Stimeiis, A^ont, Eniiox, Last wook we filled our Btore to overilowing with Special Low Prices on Drews Goods, and our cfForfcB were appreciated. This week we have opened 5 cases of new Ureas Goods. The lot compriHeB Silk Dress Gostumos, Blouse Silks, Wool Dress Goods and wash Dress Costumes; newest creations in Dimities, Chambraya and Satootts. Very special, 60 pieces of pure Wool double-fold Dress Goods, regular 35c goods reduced to 20c yard 15 pieces finest Armure Wool Dress Goods, regular 75c goods reduced to 4!)c yard 50 piocos Simpson's host Qhallies, regular priea 20c, re duced to 10c yard All our regular 12c Prints, including Orumm's beBt English Prints, reduced to 10c yard 50 pieces of regular Be Prints reduced to 5c yard 15 doz uadies1 fast black Hose reduced to 10c pair 4 doz Corsets odd lines regular price 1 for 50c. 15 pieces Veiling worth 20c to 40c yd reduced to 10c 10 doa Ladies* Summer Vests roduced to 5c each 15 Ladiob' Capes at about half the regular price Our Grey and White Cottons are proving a wonder ful drawing card. We offer 33 J yds for $1 and a reg ular lie Bleached Cotton for 9cyard Extra good bargains in Boots and Shoes thoyo yourm J. C. Not many hu linefiii houHon in Uuitod Statofi can boaet of fifty Btuudin^. Tbo buahioHH of Dr. A.)or it Co,. Lowed!, Miho., whono incom parable Saraaparilla in known aud ruled ovurvwhore, hiu panuod Hh half-oentouiual and wuti nevor ho vi^^roufl as tit prone nt. To Smokers To moot th" wihIiob of their ciiHtomors, The Geo. Jk- Tncloitt <fe Son Co., Ltd., llumiltoti', OnE^havo "placed' upon the market A Combination Plug of I low tint Clilmw <iiittrl<>. A Chinaman, wh -n his heart to In the biiBlneBH, ma ken an id al gambler, lie never getn excited or 1 )aen hlB nerve and no oxprenalon of feel ny; ovei nhows luitdf In bin face. Ho wlna or he b sch with apparent In lifference. Some of the waya In wh ch h r.H1 a blu m n y aie novel and umunlng-. The/Otbi-t dy a Gleaner npriB -ntativt^Happen d to be In th Chlnetie club Ii/thls city and waa introduced to a form of gamblme; v hleh wafl exceedinfirly nlmph, yet ono in which the partLl.antt so-nol to take a great deal of In ten in. The ro- poiter wan given permidHlon to write ii bout what he oaw. To commence with, thon wh t wloh t j enter th r am pay I ,vo 01 three ahllllnKO anil wrbe their n imcii on Heparato Blips of paper. Theno b 1; n arc phaken up In a hat nnd one bi nelected nnd placed In a nmnll banket. Vhkt bnnl-et Ih Buapcnded from the cell ing nnd the Chinaman make tliilr b ta . i to who e namo lu In the- banket. Tho binlcct r mains suspended for a fixed 1 n^th ol tlm*. Tho luchy trtin vhoio i ume fate has noloctod, wins the po*d Kinffnton. Jamaica Gleaner. "T & B." SMOKING JOB A COO This supplies n long felt want, giv ing the coiiBiimer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cunt piece, or a 5 cent pioce of tho famous ""X* 8c 3*" brand of puro Virginia TGbacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on evory pioco. Wanted, 25flflfl-lbsWool. We pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. DIEBEL&BRICKER- WOOL ! WOOL! WOOL FOlt ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Ohinaware, Brica-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. WOODSLEE OOQ* VWlMbiM'!' Lnmp In the llllvoirt. Aftr-r a aatlofa tory expprlmental trial \* e a a h 1 m a have h en d ftnl'oly it opied In the Sophlciibo-1 tail coomn I'temo. t i vKhlonablc ana mblv* too.nn of \ ' i\\\. ' 'i'h o|ilil Booti, io dblp fle of t e . ea ' nt ' di-s do * o*, u o t In form i>; con . pht tijr iny mor than th*" ' M'e he el c r c h:h', b ca i.ielr fa < app or too p*lo, Th - H at tiualro In G<-rn any to l<tr diio* th** WelBbar W. G. SMITH, WIXL NOT BE UNDERSOLD., The boetof LoHtbor and flrek-oluHB Work- nmuuhip. All baud work. Every IlarncBR wold hy inn matfo in Wood' flleo. MyStocl^ atltitlht aud Heavy H a rue an itf now completo, and a flplon- did utaek of nil Horae Goodn. Wanted A FOE THE CUMING SKASON, AT THE Kingsvillo Wootten Mills t For which we will pay the Highest Price, either in Gash or trade. Something New this Year in Dress Goods,* Flannels, Flannel Skirts, Shoulder Shawls, Halifax's Sheetings,Blankets,Yarns, Etc., all our own manufacture. li-paitrmn done promptly and ohenp. > l OCQ---- WRIGHT C. SMITH, Sputh Woodsloo. Impoitant. Having boon much annoyed by pai ties id tlria county soiling spurious goods as our manufac ture, wo hnvo adapted tho annoxod trademark wlriok will hereafter appoar on all pur blanket tioketo. and ovory slcoin of our yarn will boar our label. Any goods not having our trade mark will not bo our maimfaotnre. NI, J. WIBLE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ESSEX. Our Peddlers will bo out on theirfueualfrouten this summer. Wait until they call on you^nnd nhow you our Goods and give ton our pricp. Only our authorized agents handle our goods. Don't be deceived hy false reports. See that our name is on\f* all our goods. ii:V M " ' ' ' t BROWN & WIGLII Kingsville WooUen Millfi-. ., _ tj ^ \^/~ ^ ^'T^l / 9 93 65

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