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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 28, 1895, p. 1

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pppf^^PfP^? m "'"^^pss?^^ v!-% [WILKINSON'S van V;C,' Ohoioo Freah CI-moor ion, .':;'. Proyiaioua, Tons, Oolfuoii V> audi BpiouH. ::; Speoiul linoH in Oroukory', Christian Endoayor Ht. Paul's .Church, TTJEGDAY EVG., JTTLT 2nd Kyorybody Come. VOL XL No 20. ESSEX, ONX, PKIDAY, JUNE_28, 1805. WHOLE No. 547 mDMG STORE OF ESSEX. acGooda well bought are half sold%v is a saying true aa it i& old. A merchant cannot buy lear and sell cheap. To buy fght, knowledge, experience id ready cash are required. >r our Bupplica we go direct To the'source of procluation, with the spot cash, thua ef fecting an important Having in cost. The days of the long-profit fcraderH are numbered. With us it is.not.*ihoiv-much can we get," for an article, but (Chow little can we afford to take" We look for our profit in the volume of business done, and , in the solidity of a business built upon correct principles. We have conhdence in our values and can compete with anyone. We show our con fidence jn a substantial way, namely: if you 13uy'"an'^rticle from us and afterwards think it is unsatisfactory or not good value, bring it back and. get your money; we do not allow any misrepresentation of goods and desire to sell everything just for what it is and on its ,...own merits. .<->^=>- AftiiiKitfiTJuma. . thigh T. (Jmiiiimi. of Windsor, visited in town on Monday. A. IU. Hrown Inft on riaturday for Tole do. O., where hii lni.fi a eitnation. ])y, Tauter returned on Friday from liiii viuit to liiii purttntH1 home lit Grimsby. Mi*. Hymmgtnn, of Detroit, visited at David Bailey's on the rivet front tliio wook. Tho drodgo commoncod, ou Tuesday, iilling in tho Mullon-Gatflold's now coal dock. Thomas Balmom in spending a wook on Polos Inland on buHiuonn for J. D. Jlurk, Martin Mullon of tho Cuddy-Million Coal Company of Clovohuui wan on a yitiit hero on Tuonday, Misses Laura and Lillio Button aro taking n trip up tho lakes with their fathor on tho ntonmor A. A. Parker. MiflH Eliza Bort.rand rctumod homo on Wednesday. evening from a conpto of months' vinit at Joseph King's in Detroit. Miss Ada Hum on from tho Ypwilanti Normal school ia spending a woek with nor sintqr.'Mni, D. Irolaud, jr, Edna, tho youngont daughter of Robert Hanrtcnok, who had boon ill for tho pant two wook with plourifiy, died Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D. Austin wont to Detroit on Wed* nomlay to attond tho marriage of hor ma ter, Minn Annie Ilobson, to Philo F. Tur ner, of Louisville, Ky. D. It. Luoklmrn will, next woek, move from bin residence on tho riyor front of Alaldon .into Park '& Borrowmau'a runi- donco on tho corner of Dalhousio nfcroot and Kankin avonuo. PI11I04 Roaumo of J. D. Burlc'a ontab- litdimtmt wan at Tboomsoh on Tiioaday acting ao grnorankaan at tho marriage of hiH cousin, Frank Roaumo of Walkorvillo, to MiasDugal of Tocumaoh. Jamou Gilloan and wife, of London, aro vuiiting ut the Lake View IIouuo for oruo holidays with their Hon, Jaw, R. Gilloan, and family, Thoy will also visit Olovo land holoro returning home. Mm. Harry Brown has boon quito ill for tho pant few wooUr and on Saturday last waa taken to Graco Hospital, Detroit, so havo au operation performed! Tho opera tion, waa.not nocosHary and she has boon improving no much thut uho wan brought homo yeuterday. NORTtl UIDGK Mm. John F, MuGroory waw in Chatham luitt Wfmk vihitiuii' roliitivwi and aorjuam- tUllOt.'H, A numbor of our oitizoii't wont to Cedar (Jrouk lant Friday with tho Outturn Plainii pnhlio lioliool piuiiiunni. (Jluirlcii Cnl)!ey, of Potitiac, Minln/jan, (laiuo hurb un bin 'biko' one day hint wook on a vimt amuni; hut rohltivoa; ho uuyu tho uropu in Kiiuux aro a uoud dual farther iLhuuU than in Mmbifjan. Mm. Roliort Taylor, of Maidfitono, oallod on hor (ioiiH, William I. and John Taylor, of Goiintdd North, lawt' Monday; hIio wan ticcumpuniud by Mrn. Orotmway, ilIhu of Muidiitdmi. Mm. William John Jobnuon and Mm, John Liekman, nf Maidutono, oallod on ruiatiyoH and old tiaio nuqutiiiitaiicou liuro lunt Tuendtiy. Our. bout thanith aru hereby tondorod to tho KiiigHviHu Baud for playing that bent of all tuntsH, "Nimror m/ Ood to. Thou," hint Buuduy dvoiuiil'. whan thoy wuro hoiijoward bound from chiuuh parudo in lUuuox. Mro. Jonoph Garter; nuo Miuh Charity Ih* Todd, luft huit Friday morning for Now York City, Bho goon thoro to Htjo hor huuhnud wlao baa returnod from South America; who arrived in Gotham nafc, uc. cording to a letter she Hont hor mothor, Mian Jants Viokum, of California, in South GohUoIcI, in the guunt of Minn -Tunu Manloy, of this place, at preneub. COTTAM. Mr. Sidney Kollott, ban utarted out with a peddling waj^ou ullod with uonwrul otoro HoodH. JaH. Brown and Wm.Tior, from Mothor- w<-ll Perth Co., viHitod Jno. T. Ilrown and othnr i-alativoH horo luatl' wouk. .Thoy wero a^rooably auprmod at tho flho appour- anuu 6f EniiflX. beiwu no much bsttor than aniiuipatud, tho crop pvoHpeotii look buttor than in Pefth Co. Que of them bein^' u widowor wan HtrouRly adviood by ono who had mudo a necrrmt} matntnln7Ta1~>^rrtartr| to follow bin footfitepn, but an ho had boon a reader of Dickmn, could not divewt him- nolf of the advico of Mr. Ilillor, "Humray beware of tho Widdors." Tho uama ^ontlo- man ban ainoo aftnured me that ho hiiH hov- urul HolectoH for him to raako a ohoioo from on hin next vhdb, About 16,000 pouuda o! milk daily ar riving nt tho ahoeuo fuotory, A ahlpraont of tko May oheoau wan made this wo&k. Tho lURpuator upoke well of tko quality of thoohsGQC, I^imJiiHuliir 1j<iu^ii^ l"ool hull- * With fiuoh (',oi)d profipof.'tH for fchn r.hain- piauHbip, it wuh a doublo (lnifui|ioiuliu(jnt wont to tho Kwiux ulub und uupportnrti whan, on Saturday nitfht, tlu*y lorn, the bout ^anio of Llin HnaHim tn the M. A. A. or Uotroit. Howyvor it wiw no cltn^ntuu au tlifl vi^itin^ tiiatn lian a poi-jimml!, unfit]r- paimtid ljy any Uani in oiLhar tniti, tint wuntern, or Toronto Jjniij.;no-i. Tlie Ur^ur p'irt of tliorn at out; timi worn tin? main- utayn of tho onp holdern of tho W. F. A. m iH'.H. Tho Soaforrh Iluronn, and tho othfirti, iiavo been tho 11tH.ru of varioiiH ofclior oi'^anixiitionn. But thin detraot V iry little from tlm nhiigrin of our defeat whon it wuh nn aokuowlodj;ud Hunt; at half time that, the tiaino wan ourn. i'hmox had aliundanue of oluinecH to nccru at leant half a dn/,on tnnua but thoy didn't. Do- troit hadn't any uhuiiueij til; all and thoy ncorod twico. Tho toaniB hm<d up an follnwH GAINED A POUND A DAY. A I. AN A UK COUNTY FAttJU- Klt'M 'ItKW AKIiA IJIjIH UUKK M. A. A. F. McDonald W. McDonald I D. MuDonaldf H. II. Lai'tje) I. Wales Northwood | .1. limidorHou F. Ay re W. Sloan F. Corbott H. ForfluHon J t;oal backa hiilfa Cfintro .loft ri^ht Emh(ix. J. Fuerth J. Gonrlay J. M. Short {R. II. Barrec D. I). StottH G. AlliHOii J. DeO.w JM. DoCuw '(A. Gonrlay K. N. LainK V. Dainj; Rotorea Wil- k Goods delivered, promptly to all parte of town and vicin ity. All goods marked in plain figures. it1' ityV. One price for all. If not trading here we so licit a trial purchase. r ESSEX, ONT. LEAMINGTON. Charlsy Croijihton in yoiny to (^o aud do it nbortly, - D. LI. 14 oil ford, Windsor, Hpent Weduon- day in town. Mm. Lutz, Kid^otowu, upont Sunday with frinudH in town. Milton Hoolttwith in viniting at hiH hoiuo in Oourtwri^bt. CImh. JtmoB, of Tilbury, npont Sunday with friondn hero. Mro. tloraoo Wii'io, Kingitvillo, in a guiint at Mm. J^Qii.'Tuart'H. Mr. aud Mrn. Puuqu, of Detroit, aro tho mionLn of i^lia. A. L. Ruflnoll. Fred. KuhugII, Detroit, npont Sunday with bin pirontu, Hov. and Mm. RuoboII. Moaorti. Leu. Konuody and H. F. Dom- ing are upending u couplo of dayn in De> troit. K. O, Luck, of the American Houhg, Ehhox, wub viuitin^ fnanda in town ou Wodiion.lay. Mrn. Butler, St. Thomau, upout Sunday with her husband, Coudaotor Butler, of thiu pUoo. Dr. W. A. Pipor attended the Dental aRHOoiation at Dotroit ou Monday, aud at tb bantjuut in tho evening. Waltor McKay, who bun boon laid ud with a Qoro throat tho punt low days, ban rutumud to work ayaiu. MiltiQ Lutou and his sinter, Miia Uuy( of Middlo 11 nan lulo, Ohio, are viuitiiif; thoir uualo, P. DeLnurior, of Pt. Poloe. Mr. aud Alru. Auislio aud family, of Chiotmo, aro upending a few wuckHin.tojwu. Thoy uro titayiuR at the Woatoott Houuo. J. B. JohnBou, M. D., Pittoburg, Pa aooompiuiiod by bin wifo and younger eon ioupoudiugafow wookn with J. E. John- uori, of Tbo lJoat. Mihb M. 13. bcott, Iiuh boon staying with Mro. Dr, Eodo during tho week, and ou Tiiomiay guvo a ploaHUbc aooial ovoniug to a numbor of younu frionda. ELFOUD. Mr. Oakoy in boring for water at Mr. Bai'lacVu. Mr. ThoophiluH Brown han blood-poiHou iu ono of bin fingers und may kuvo to have it amputated. Everybody ih going to colobrato tbo lnt of July at Cedar Beaoh. Tho tea- mooting hold horo wan a anoo fiaa in ovory particular. An oxoollout suppor wan provided, whilo un ioo-oroam ataud ou tho grounds took in about fifteau dollars. Aftor nuppc-r a good programme waH duly rondored, Mr. Foothara.of Eobox, proaiding in, tbo chair.__Ab there wau a largo ntock of providioni left uutouched a toti-oout Heoial wan held ou Monday night. Tbo prooeodu amounted in all to about forty-fivo dollaro* Tho law-uuit bobwoou Siraou Wiglo and 3wcotmau Brou. renultedin Simon's dofoat Mr. Wm, E-lford, jr., has parohauod a now hugcy. Ehhojc won tho tonn, aud liamii placed the ball for IiendorHon. Tho kiakoff waH lof,t to tho Khuox halvo and from otarb to Uuinh thin half of tho gauio waw a repetition of tho Winduor gamo ex- oopt that tho goal Ennoxjiot wan not grant od Dy reanou of tho Ituforoo'u not undttr. ntanding thQ_r.alcH of the ^'imo. Fa ond_ half, J. DoCow kicked off and tho ball travelled right down tho ilolcl to tho II. \. A. jjojI. . A. Gonrlay narrowly oaicoing a scoro, for fifteon minutoH tho game con. tiuund in our favor, but whatovor possutiH- od tho forward*! wo don't know, for they minnod ohanpo aftor ohanco an failed to uooro,..J0.ha hnlf-baoka and baokfl wero do- int; everything that could bo required but not getting very much to do, became a Jittlu oarloHit, diHCOuragud by the ill-luck of tto forwards, and IlbuderBun managed to ncoro, Thio Boomed to rattle the Ehbux team tor in a few minute* Sloan repealed tho act. Essex defonno now awoke from its'lethargy, and gavo no moro chauccH, but in opito of the bunt oonditioiiH, thu forwards coiiuinned to fail in scoring. All Ehoox played a Hplo did gaino and wi'.h the exception of tho shooting ou goal, thoy play u much superior gamo than do tbo M. A. A. The M. A. A. defonsc iu an oxoellnt ono, howovor, and do good stsady work, Tho toarxi as a whole aro u nplondid lot of fellowu all Canadiann but on(^and if EttQex ban to lose thoy couldn't lose to a better team. Thin loaves Ehbox with tho* bohb ulaim to eocund place. No more garnos will be played until the tall bouhou. Tuk^n with VillloiiH I'.'vor, Mm it lor kI- ttiowt to tfio <jruvn~lie <J1it4liy NiknulcN fur tH Ikcnnht or uilior ^uU'<-rcru, Hmltli'BFalln llnnor-1. Mr. JoHoph N. Barton, who Iivmij about a milo from, tho villagn of MMrriekvillo, i ono of tbo bent luiuwii farniorH in "the trtwunhip of. Montagu.*. (Jp to the Hprin^ of 1801 Mr. Itarton bad always en joyed the bone of health. At that tiirm, however ho was taken with a bihouH fever, the ef fects of which loft him in a terribly weak- flnod oonditifin. When the time cumo around to hogin spring oporiitionit on the farm ho found himHolf too wouk to take any part in tho work, find not withstanding that he wan treated by an excellent phy- nioian, ho was contitantly growmg waakor and inn caHO not only grentlv alarmed him- solf but his frieiida.' Having road ho much conenrnincDr. Williams' "Pink PiIIh, he detormmod tn ^ivo thorn a trial, and with out consulting hin physician he began tbeir UUa, He onlj UHifd ono box, and, not feel ling hoMor, ho discontinued tho use oT the pills. This wan where ho now aclrnitH he made a Borioun mistake, tm he not only foil back to hid former woaknenH, but bweamc w.oroo than before. Ho could now do no work of any kind, and the least exertion left hina almDHt holpleiiu. Life wau a mianry to him und hu was on tho poiut- of ANOTHER ing - War IN V/INDSOji Yon remnmber how \' tho enemy on Ovorco? winter. Woll, the jr light, in now oc c\*i MEN'S SUITS. Wo aro again miiHtors of the Hituatinn. $3,95 $3.95 Tn our price for moo's Huits.weJ] made and trim med and an ^ood in every way ufi other wtores are trying to tjot 8^ S'i for, und at tho mirne time toll you they arc Hnlling cheap. giving bin oaHQ up ns liopelosd when a friend My". nuiia vt*. Wihou the syfifcom ifl run dewu, a, porvon beeumes an oaay prey to aonobmption or orofuta Many valuable lire* tiro saved by uhi nt; Boott'n Binulsiun a* hoou as a dn. ohue iu houlth ii observed, UettBonablc Advico. It io not often that wo burst; int* long, butyosterday our advartiiing editor,nuffot- ing, it is Hupposod, from the doprossiug offeotu of th weather, perpetrated th following ltuee aud ruahed with them into I tho nanctura. Aflor tho debris had boon roioovod by the ofhae boy wo dooidod, as a mark of rospoot to hiu widow, to publinb the vorneo as his epitaph: If you want to riyu iu trad* "Kight away," Aud to have your fortune made, Theio'n a wu>: Just imitate the wise, Aud you're sure to gain tho prize Start in and adv^rtiBo It'll pay. Taoru'a a now year ooaiiug in Bturt it now; Bo it groceries, dry goods, tin,, Or a plow- Got a paper that you know Will to > out buj era go > Aud an "ail" You know how. Tuoro are mi Won a iu thin wrinkle ' I givo you. If you take it you'll get riob ta Any Jew; Keep your pricoa at bed rook, You will oon hoII off your Htook, Aud thou vou can ory "Oeok- A-aoodle-do I" . . The Bad Mon of israncford. . Toronto Saturday Night: "It would'neom that Drantford is a teww iu which the lend ing citizens act an example in law-breaking to the canaille. Tho othor day Mr. A. J . Wilkos, Q. C, Rd Gamo Wardon Mont gomory wero among those proseoutod, fount! guilty and fined ono dtlar and oosto for au infraction of tho lrioh and Game Law, Theno gontlomon wnt flsh- iug for trout ou the first day of May, whoroas the season dooH not legally opon Wntil the 2nd of May. The trout oaught by those culprits wero confiscated, but whofchor thoy wero appropriated by tho just and upright judge or by the zoalous constabulary of tho town is not known. Mr, Wilkei, Q, O.. iu legal partner of Hon. A 8, Hardy, and Mr. Montgomory in a game warden of high dogroa, no that neither oan woll bo excused, uor aan we symputhitio with them for thoir loss of timo, flah and cash. Later accounts from Brautford announce that other prominent oitiKens, including the prosidout of tho Brantford Biojolo Company, havo boou fined for riding wheels on the sidewalks. If tho town dooB not aottlo down it may bo uoceanary to call out the militia." This is a droadfnl reputation for any town to obtain, but in uorao points along thiH line Essex haa nomo oxamplea of law- breaking, by tbo mon who mako the laws. Wo refor to thu local wator by-lawa. A by-law is in foroo prohibiting tho watering QJU&wnfl boforojiix, and after eight o'clook iu tho evenings. Iu spite of this, the Fukk PiiBdfl oan point out members of our twn oouuoil who allow {h, by-law to bo brokon ou nearly overy day of tho week. Wfaou the authoritlon set authority at dofiauor, what oan bo expected of tuo rest of hs, of tho oomraon herd. I OAtNKI) A PODNP A DAY. Htrong-ly urgtd bim to again begin the use1 of Dr. Williamfc'Pmk Pillo. Ho agreed to do so, and by the time ho had Used three ' hoxns thoto wan a marvaloH^ ehftngo iu hio fippsaraucfl, and he felt likt a now man. He still continued to uhu thi life-having medicine, with astomhmg results, Dur ing Ino illnoH'i ho had fnllon iu weight to 135 pounds,"T>ut lie soon i_ncreased *o 180 pounds. ia:lact, arfjiu Bays", the increuflti. averngoU ab^ut a ponud a day while ho wau takiuff the pills. KU is now ablo to do any kind of work ou his farm, and it is noddies to nay that ho m not only a Arm behover in the ofilcaoy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillo. but loses no opportunity to Hound abroad thoir praise, with the renult that othorn in. hiH locality havo benelHtod by his experience and ndviao. To those who are weak, eusilj tired, norvoUH, or whono blood is out of condition. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla como ay u verit able boon, curing when all other modioiuos fail, and rontonag thoue who give them a fair trial, to a full lueauure of hoalth and Ntreugth. They will oe found an abfiolute oure for fit. Vitus' dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysiH, noiatioa, the aftor ofluots of la grippe, loss of appetite, hoaa- ft'oho, dizzinoBtt. ahrnnio orynipolaa, scrof ula, etc They ar alu6 a Npocilie for tho troublos poouliar to tho female system, oorrootmu irretinlaritios, nupproasionu and all forme- ot fomale weakuoes. In tne ease of men thoy effect a radical euro iu all oan (is ariaiug from mental worry, overwork, or oxconaos of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are uoli only in boxes bearing the Armn' trade mark and wrapper {printed iu red ink), and may be had of all drug- gistn or duootby mail from Dr. WlUiawB' Medicine Company, Brookvillo, Out., or Sohenootady, N.Y., at 50o. a box, or six boxes for $3.fi0. OUR BOY'S SUITS At fll.05 include fchiitu from 83 to 8-i, you want any of tlieK.u big bargains COME QUICK If THE UANGMAM'N SAJLAIfcY. UudnlTvu Im ii . Oomjjuliin : <>Aleck- ^ %UQQ per Aiiiililii. *t Woodotock Seutinel Roviow; "Vor\T"few" people know what remuneration Hangman lUdelive ots for helping murderers to sUufllo off tniti mortal coil, and a great many mistaken ideaa are hold. At one time not verv lone ago tbo oftloi- atinp; Hheriff had'to lind hi own man and pay that man.himself tor taking tho dirty work off his hanuw, Now, howover, the hheriff m relieved tioni all trouble in the matter. Radohye is a Dominion offioor ho ia Qanpmaii-Cieuoml ut a salary of 8G0O per annum with hotel and travelling expenses paid. Ho carries out executions from Brit ish Columbia to Nova Scotia, and when a man is condemned to duath ho in notified and immediately prepares for tho working off. InHpeolor of Prisons Chamhorhtiu is urg ing upon the Ontario Government the de sirability of providing some pluoo in a lonely but central location wboie all oxeou- . tions way be carried out. By bo doing by ' arguou that the objootinnable Bonnes whion talto place in towus under tho present sys- tem will be done away with, V A Boon to Horsemen. Ouo bottle of English Spnviri Liniment oomplotoly ro moved ft curb from my 'uorao* 1 take ploaauro in recommending tho Xovaaly, an it aotn with mysterious promptness in tho removal from boraoa. of -hard,- aoft or oal- loubed lumus; blood spavin, splinta, ourbti, Rweouy, fltiUoH and spraiuoH. Goo. Dobb- arme^' Markbam, ]|Out. Sold by Joua Thpme, Drugglat. ^r Joinecl the Mwjorlty. LaHt weok'd Bloubeim News contains the following roferauco to the dbath of an aged reBideut lady of that town, TUo "dd- oeaHcd, au will bo seon", was tho mother of our. ontotmied citizen, Itocvo JarnoH B Laird, who attended tbo funeral Inst woek: "Mrs. Joseph Laird passqd away, after a long and uaoful life. The ond had boon expoated for nomo timo and she faded away. She was born near Edinburgh, Baotlaud, m yearn ago, her maiden name being Janet titowart. Aftor bar marriage uho came with her husband to Canada, nettling *u the farm on whiali uho bad lived for the past 53 yttara. Kind aud loving in word and deed, sho was known but to be likod, and wub all her lite a faithful member of the PreabytaKlau ohurob. The, funeral aotvioe took plaoo' thin (Thurflday) f- uoou, llev. Mr. MaOUren offioiatmg. She Uayos to mourn her lo^t three aaus'Utt'd two danghterB MrB, Campbell, JlarahaU, Mo.j Mr. Jarooa Lair*, BaaexiJohu J.; AroU., ana Mary, of Blenheim. !, : . Short Jourmey's on ii Lontr Koad. Io tho oharautoriHiio titlo of a profuaoiy i\-, luotratod book containing ovorone hundred pdgosof oharmiugly written doaoription* of summer rosorte in tho country north and west of Chicago. Tho roadiug matter ia new, tho illustrations are Bow^and tho in- fotmatiou therein will bo new to aim oat ovoryono. . A copy of "Short Ooornoyt on a Long Road" will os ont ft0 t0 auyq0 who will odoIoro ton cents (to pay postage) ,to Geo. H. Hkavfoud, General PasBsnger Atfent OhiottBO. Milwaukoo A St. Taul Railway, Ohip&go, IU. ' A Ijoridou lOtafsteinU Mr. B. A. Mitchell, tho woll-luiowu Lon don druggiat, says of Btark'a Powders, the ertrnt now oure for sick and nervous Hettdacho.Coustipafciou. BiUousnoBs. Ooi- tivomvm, Neuralgia. , tbo fitoraaob and Liver: *My,oatom*,,(H ^Port that tny are an invaluable remedy -far. thow' dia- easeB. B, A. Mitchell, drugfiat. ..XiondoaJ'v'-' They are nice to take, immediate and nr-.; mantnt. Tv/o pripaxatioDB in eaoh box. Bold ataSo a box by all dmgBietB,- 5 boxes i \ . -*i'. :f* '.Vl-: '.;' ^Ky,i^0i^iMij4^

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