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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, p. 5

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- 'ittX&>*Attt' THEi ESSEX F^FJEE PRESS Savings Company. CAPITAL - 51,600,000 Money to Lend on!Mortgages S^!Pduot!v6 ^ *tulo. ttannura >anthju to botrow moBoy ot LchI ta.Ua, Iont xpollno Sim! no aelay should apply vttiontilly to The Ohnt- Hom Loan and HavlR Co., Chatham. _________B, h\ QJUiDMlBIl, Uaiuttfar. FRIDAY. JUNH-.31, lQo5, A^fP TALK QFTHE TOWN It is expecUfl that Dominion Parliament may b* prorogued by July 10. If is feared thn'triioxvorn of tlio punt few days will npoil Ihutmiikll ijemeH. Uhvo you uoon thouu now private pmtt oardn. Tun Fiiiiin Pui:hu kaojiu thorn, Havoral Emmbx paopla utLtmdiid the open ing of tbo tlttwaa at Kiuguvillo liuit Mr. O. H. Brioker has purahuaed a lob at CedurBuuuh, u.ud will ersot ahandnoma cotta^o thor&on. If you waut Hereon doorw and windowii that will last for yoain to ooiua, t;o to Laiti(>, Brou,, Kqhbx. off Mtmj&ior gootln at Smith's. K'ngsviUo propobob to colobmto Domm ion Day with a trade* proocmiion, biiiiobal] gnmon, horaa y&cov, eto. Our friondndown by tho lak^ a.ro i'oing to fling thomrjolvoH this year; "l Brown A Wiglo arc payiutj tho hiiihont *tioon ii onnh or tradu ut tlioiv mill for Wool. FurtioflhnvicK wool to dmpoRQ of Bbouhl call aud'Hoo thorn Unit. 2t off utraw hitfi, fanoy uliirtfl and rondy- made alothing at Smhh'R. Au oliotneul plow buti bueu mv/iitod wlnoh tvirnH up an nore of ground/ in an hour. Byo and byo thy farmer 'will how and reap bla land by simply pros mi c a button. That ntot watoring aart mad* itn firt apparanoo on Tuonday ovoninR, with John MoOJintio ut the holm. Itn debut w&b bailed with Ratwhiotiow by tho buvi- uosa intercuts alting main ytreot. Pro met ion oxaminatiouH in Soufcli Easex, ^Vinduor und WalktrvilU will bu held on Monday, Tnesdny, *nd JWodnosday, Juno S4tbt 3Gtb, and 20th the tbroo dayi prgyi- ohm to tuo Hi^h Softool Ectrauco Exumiuu iionu | off jmrtuola at SmitU'd. Dr. A. J. Royoraft rotarncd thin weok from a trip tbrotifih parta of tho atalo of Ohio. Ho has finally dcoidod to bang oat bib Hi ingU and bajjiu practioo at FoHtoria, Ohio. Fostona i u nico littlo town of mbotit 10,000 inhabitants. Rpad Smith's ^ off aal* advt. The mtmboi'u of Conrt lloytj. No. 2V2, I. O. F., will attend ditino oorvjoo at tho Muthodint obarolw on Sunday morning. ItfcV. E. Collins, rootor of St. Stophon'a ohurob, of Detroit, a membor of tho order, will deliver a aaruion to tho brothron. 75 acre farm for oale choap, Q. E. Smith & Co., Ebhqx. Wilmot II. Donyan, bi*ker for Mr. J. M, Jiioku, waalodfiod in tho lfk up by Con- Stablo BiBflon on Wodn^aday evouiu^ on complaint of Honry EritEon, that Donyua bad inBUltod Mra, Britfcon, with whom ho was boarding. Ma^iBtrato Baaraan lof uued to hoar tho cbarao, und Dtnyaa wau ro- lauod later in the ovauiu^. Dr. Dawar parehaatd abandoomocream colored homo of Mr. Geo. Robo, Ilarrow, on Monday laut. Tho iln&I football match of the Pannnm- lar Leagno aerieH will bo played at Kqhux at six 0'clook, p. ra., on Saturday, botweou tho M. A. A., of Dotroit, and Knnox toama. An tho couteot for the trophy now lies be tween thoio two toamH, thiu matah will de ciae tho qucotion. A hot oonteot ih ox* footed. For froBu ouUeH und confectionery of all kinds go to Shoemaker, th.o bakor. \ When it wan anuounceol a few daya ago ,hat the date of tho camp at Loudon bud oon changed to a wools lator, it waa con- cludod'tbut tho FumliurH aould not attond the oeltbrntion m Chatham on July 1. A delegation wont down to London from Chatham, and shy huvo been able to hc- care both tho Sevontk und the Twenty flrut for Dominion day. Thoy will leavo Lm don on a ipooial train at 7 o'elook in tho morning and rotuin tliuiiaino ovorm)^*. At Chatham both battalion* will tako part in tbttdiiiplay dopioting the battle of Tol El Keb Ir. Xhpy will aloo have a aham battle* VJxti. 8boomak(jr is now procured to do- iivor tttsuh broud to any part of tho town, give him a call. The lornonado iioolftl aiven at Dufforin Itod^*, tho bandiomo homo of Dr. Bnen, by fcho ohoir of tho Itfethodiflt chnroh laot Friday avoninc win very liberally patron, ijisd. ThiltO, O. F. Band, beinc p"aent, faelpo'2 to enliven tho ocoavion with loveral oboioa nelootiona. Dr. J. W. Biien gav8 an exhibition of olnb awiH^ing with illa- jannod olub whioh gave a very protty #ffot. MIbh Flo. HutUn, aa ^Robekah *.i tbe W*Hi" awiitod by "Inaao'* in tho per- rv ion of Mr. O. Krietlhoff, dispemed ooohnc jfyfraahownts durinc the ovening. Th %Vaitt-g ltdio* of the ohoir, uu waitsra, Wre I very attentive to th* wanta of their pat. .' ro. NoaJfly W WttB taliiaod. Ladlea' flno Hhoai at half* prioo at Smith'!!. Tli KingHvllU woollon mills reooived ordtre laut week for their goods from Win- uipoj;, Bfitiuli Colnbobia, llontroal, and in fact from towuu fiom tho Atlautio to the Paolflo. A men aHBortmeiib of ladio'u and boy's Hhtifc wautH at May'w Haxihr. Tho yonnt; people of tbe Baptlnb nburoh will (Myo an ice oro'nm and banana aoolal at tho rnLrnoua|/Q on the evsniu^ sf Friday, Juiu/^fcJ, Watch for furthor untiouna*" knuiitu. - Seoondhand biayol* in t!ood coiidition JUNJ3WKOOINO. V,m*vx Lea One of llof Moil I'opulnr pueumatlo tirow, for Male at a bargain. J. AV. Giwiom. Thrt Gottam baue bt'l team oamo ia Kkhox on Wednoailay, and tiavo tho homo team their firet frntatt of tho eoanon. It proved a wlk-ovy ior Enuox. Tho Hoore stood H to i agaimit tbe vinitorn. The home toam will otart playing next w*ok. Tho Mottuwtta, ICin^iiville, was opeuod ou Saturday Iau, iu tbe preuanae of a lar^a uuiubar of viuitoni from Dutvoit, Windnor and Ktivrounditifi townn. Tho houno waa taiitefully doaorated for the oooaHiou. Mr. Autifidalo, who baa olaar^o of tho ra1- (tort, entortainod afternoon and oyoninif. Mm. .1. A. and MUu Ethel Homo, of town, were praKont. Tbo Womeu'M Mieuion Oirolo will hold a public mooting in tho Bnptiut ohurch next Monday evonmc, Juno 24tU. A pood pro- Kramnao will bo given; m whioh oovoral ladioH of tbe dif/ofeut town ohureboti will tako part. Mm. (Rov.) Vining, of WindHor, will ^ivo a papor on "The Work in India." Mm. (Rov.) Gumpboll will occupy the ohair and tho mitt boxoa will bo oponed. BuHinodH m6n, If you want tbo baat olami of printing, tmch aa lotter and note heading, ivoicn,oountor}ilaukg,onvolnpou etc, yea wdl find tho Faun I'iikhh the mont finfciaEaetorj' pbaco to gflb them. We npttro noithortimo uorexpsnuo in our efforts toplouua ouroutOttie*rn, and tho work turn ed oat of thin offiaa cannot be oxcollod by any printing bounoin Ontario, Spooial do- uiguB prepared when required. Fnrmoru h&ve takan to the bioyolo in parto of Ohio, and thty go to town on tho wheel irtetoad ttl driving. They make long tripu in the namo faahion to oitien that hitborto thoy havo Boldora viHitod, Ouo livery utablo keeper in uu Ohio town Han bought aomo bioyoloa to ronfc. IIo uaya tbut everybody ridos tho wheel, while fow peraonn'Yido or drivo honied, no he io pradu- ally ch&Dginf,' tho oharaotor of hiB buameas. Tho four year old sou of Wo. Littlo, of Muidntono township received a very daufj. oreus kiok from a home on Wodooaday. The UorBo waa paitturmif in the orohord near the bonne, and tho child unfortunately wan playing too clone to tho animal, wbon it roceiveti a kick in tho lioad amaphiup tbo ekull. Dr. Dower waa oummoucd und dreiHod the wound, but little hope iu en- tortaiued ofita recovery. D. L. Moody: If you don't like the uhurchot), t;o in and make them hotter, but do not bocomo a gfumblor, Keop your- uolf aloof from tbat olaaa of poople, for it ia tbo oasieat Hort of thing to f5nd fault. Any atupid man can do that, but it takeu a umart man to unake things - better. When a man bociuo to grumblo and find fault, you can auohim up for a ligh(-wei(ht right away. There in much diHuatiafactiou oxproused among rural volantour companioa at the action of tho Militia dopartruont in chang ing tho tlLte of the annual otioarapment to June 25. Tbe change moaiifl that all tho yulanteore will bo compelled to apond Dominion Day away from homo. Many of (ho ofiioorn and man are intoronded in tho auooonH of looal cjlobrations, and uat. urally would profor being at horno on our natal day. The bupremo Lodfjo of the A. O. U. VV. now in EioBRiun ut Chicago, have by a large majority permitted Grand Lodge to iaBUo certificates for $1,000 The priuoipal of graded aoBsr.!inieQts baa boon afilt.nrd and Grand Lodges may adopt a scheme which ban boon approved by tho Supremo .Lodge. Buffalo was Bolootud an the next plaoe of meeting. A roviaod ritual was adoptod. Many inoportauB raattorH remain to be con- Bidored and tho aonsion will probably olouo to-day. Tno oitiaona of Chatham havo doaidod tr hold a monHtor Military Demonstration on Monday, July 1st, tho ocoaaion of bar entrance ou oityhood. Tho oommittoo ia charge of tho programme havo decided to roaka tho day memorable in tho aunaU of the Woatoru l'oninflula. Tho morning pro gramme will oonuiufe of a tradao proconmon, inaugural oeremonioa, batio ball matob,'. - and othor attraotiona to bo hold on tfooum- oh Park, froo to ovoryliodv. In tho aftor- noon thero w^^lu^-bioyole race*, laoronfto match, and other athlotio Hporbu. In tho nvaning thore will bo a mauniiiooub pyro- tcuhnia display. x Firutoftho Season. In npite of the vory threatening woafchor of Woadnoriday laat, tho ladion'aid of tbe Proobvtoriwn ohurch have ovory raaaon to congratulate tbumReWcb at tho yuoocaa of their otrawborry aeoial, hold on Mr, John Laing's lawn on WodneBday oveninfl;. Thb weather wan suitable for the re freshment* provide.!, Tho berrieo were dolioiouaai only utrawberriea oan bo, the Band wan apparently in Uu beut hnuoor, and evorybody appeared te enjoy thaiu[J bbIvoh. The tables wer orowdod until tbo people went honie. We underataad that about (31 waa roalUed. An event that baa bon looked forward to with Interoit by a largo circle of rolativou and warm frlendu of tho contracting partial, wau the marriage of Mr. Jatcied L. Naylor, B. A., now of Oladatotin, Mich., but for Heverul yof ru a ruuidcut of En*ox, to Mlfte Mariotta, eldont daujlitor of Mr. and Mra, Wm. Chnroh, of thin town. Tho bridu hae literally ^rown up with the town, haviatf epenfc bor uohoohlayM ohieily hre. Sbo hae been oommotod with tho Mothodiift ohoir about ton yearu, and haa baon organ- iiib for the paab ueyoti yearH. She hnu alao for acme yearn beon proininonlly'connuot- ed with the Rnnday aobool aa a toaaher, with the Epv/orth Laa^iio, and in oburah work generally being a moyiug npirlt. Mr. Naylor, who ih tbo younger hou of ox-Mayor Jameu Naylor, mobi* yearti ago chouo an bin profeuaion the praotico of law, and Iru.t full auttlod in GladHtone, Miob , aftor upending about a yoar m piaotico in North Dakota. Both purtiati bomg no well-known and highly reapooted iu aooiul nnd-religiouN work, it but follow* that thoy have many frienda and wall-w'inhni horo. Ths marriago oeromony wan performed by Hav, W. B. Paaooo, D. D,, at the rotd- donee of thobride'H parent* ou Wedneuday evening, 10th, at 8 o.olock. Thobrido wuh aupported by Miue Naylor, Hivtor of the groom, while Mr, Wm. Church, oldest brothor of tbe bride, acted uh groomHmun. The brida and bridoamaid lookei graceful in uoHtumoa of Swihh dot muulin trimmed with hothouaa roHBR. Tho iutonor of tho hoaao was alao decorated with flowora, plaubi, etc , giving a bright and noaionablo off cot. About forty-flvo guoatn were pvantnt, all of whom woro relativca of tho brido and groom, and aftor tbo oeromouy all nat down to a vory numplouH wedding dinner. Tho nowly-nrarried oouplo thou loft on the late ovoning tiain for Ciuongo, from whono^ thoy will travel by bout to thoir homo whioh in in the northern part of Michigan. At tho railwny/lopothora they wore mot by tho I. O. O. F. Bras* Band and by a large crowd of ladies and gontlo- raonJ who bad turned out to ahower con gratulation n (not forgetting a liberal aup- ply of rico) and to bid them faro well. Tho proMiitd wero yory uumoroua, ootly and appropriate, and eam6 from friondu at homo and abroad. On Saturday evonmf* lant momborn of tho choir and of the trnatoo board of tho Mothadist oburch waited on Mies Church at hor homo, and presented bor with a boautifnl gold watch and chain bearing tbe inscription*!, "Marietta," and "A re membrance from the choir and frionda of tho Methodut oburah, Ennsx," and air. C. E. Naylor, nn rooording ato^ard of tbo Official Board, tondorod her tho following : "H'iHOLUTIOyB OK Till: QUAIU.IUM' ltOAIUJ oiJ cuiaci! enencu, Btisjux:" "lliiBOLVnn, That it in with groat regret wo aocopt thoreuignation of Mim Churoh, aa our orgamut, und wo hatoby pluco on record our high appreciation of hor Chris tian wpirit, the zoal with w )ioh nho tilicd hor peaition, and hor ^reut efficiency. We wiuh evory happinoan iu her futura life, and a happy homo in tho Fathor'ahomo in Heaven." Tun Fbku Piu;ufl joino thoir bout of frionda in wiahing Mr. and Mrs. Naylor many yeuro of happy woddod lifo. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' PEDIGREED BULL FOR SALE. Tho ritillurrtiiil Whorthern IliiU. "OliuiiUiInn ot X doanmil," relntennl hi the Bnniliiloii Hhurt horn Uord llenkua No. Ull'iHl. oulviid .lunu li'Jtli, HUH, In offiiriul f>r wile on roaannablu turnm. For further partloulairii apply to tlm ownnr, AliVKWO J. FOX, Ollmlii, Out. FOR SALE. opmiWK kkami: hou'-'kh, in tiik mwv L pan at the '1'owti tit JUmi\, will be Mold FltAM I tlin ohiiap. Apply to or to iitl-ll 1 W. I>. lUH'KU'!, Ijondruj, J. It MnKWAN, TaxC(j)liiOoi\ liiiiuix. IMPORTANT MORTGAGE SALE, THNJtn WIMj HK HOLD AT TIIK hil Itltl'J* li A.ifierleau Hotel In tho City of Wind- nor, In tho County ot F.miiox, ou Saturday, July 6 (805v at IIki hourof U a. ui imii-ttine, tlm following vahialdu (iirinn: Int. Tin. Alfiel Wallnir fn in, tlm (iwit half el tlin nrntli liulf or tlio weit hall.t.f tul No 'H, in tlm 0th con. of tho Towiihlilp ut Cuhilu ntei Houth~2S iiorH. Und. Tho Win. niforiUiirin, wont bir of uoith half of lot No. ill iimlthii north half of lot No. IH, both In tho 7th oon. or the 'lownnlnpoi Cul- chiintor North, onntuliilnu ir>u acrdfi. Jlrd. The Ami in A Hinith ( mn.tljo mint half of thonoutb half or lotNn.Cl), In the H.ih ami, of till) ToWDHlllp of lioiilielil, i ijiitiiinlit)* -'" aunni For furthor pitrtiiiiiliiiH nu poiitnri. t>\ apply to OltONYM & ItKTTH, 2fl-:il VuikIoih' Kiillcltnin 'I?, 22nd to 30th Everything in warm-weather goods must go, having over-bought in some lines. We mean to sacrifice profits and allow lA off the following lines: 1 vl Mil- He, Fiuiey und Plain Dross Ducks, ChallioH, Dolalnofl, Fancy infj-H, 1 ivperns, ZnphyrH,0hambmufl, Ginghams, Muulins^ .nee and Embroiderios to xnatcli. wit % off SOO Ladies' Parasols. K.KETJ bntih'i'l Kkuei, por doz Pottttoes, per Oniona Apploo Turn if Carrota Bootn Parnnipn Xuikoyit por lb...... DucltH ...... ('elcrv pQf Joz ......, Cahbugo ...... A Musical Treat. Wheat red pur bimhet Wheat, white (lorn OatH Timothy Rood Glovor Bond Alsike Ilay p< r ton........ Hoof per cwt........ Porlc ........ Mutton ........ Jliden ........ L/hiaWuiH pur lb...... Butter_________LL^t.. Lard ~ ., ..... ..& 7" to HI) HO 5: :ifl to ,(. 2 r,i) 5 7." ia ~) 7.1 fi 50 ', 00 to IJ 00 ," 00 to I Vo t o 1 Ul) to 1*2 h M) to 7o to m to b to :, no fi.-i0 1 0(1 H 12 10 IO r*o so no 10 so 10 .i I 00 HKlruihi WdlUot-.1: s<mih Hm-lK-l Ilcpoi'l No, 1 llye, par buubi 1 .,.. -15 1 Corn .... 15 OatH .... 2b Tho ahovo pricon nif paid by, II, Wu liter Bonn, Wallcorvillo, Out. MICHIGAN CISNTBALlt'V. Fourth of July i:.Yt'iirriuiiH. A grand or^iM recital will bo t!lvon in tho Motuodiot oburah on Wodnpaday even ing of next wok.' Professor 8, A. Re&ume 0( J30troit, will preuido at tho crand organ. Full choriiHOi by tho ohoir, oolos ito,, by looal talent. The organ naod for tbia ooouoion m a Kii.ru, and Iiuh boon furniiihed by our pop ular naunio doaler, Mr. n. M. FiluIb. Adraiiwion only 15 oouta. Corno all und onjoy a f;ood muoioal ftaat. VETERAN OF WAR THE IjATE Cui*od of I'lultorluir of tue KlenrC nnl SmotlioHiiu; Spollw by Or. ltnow's Onro Vov ilto Heart It alwnye Bo- llOVt'S IU 30 rtllllflK'N, iiutl tllUM Sjivcw XhoUHnndN of lilve". Mr. II. II. Mnnoelmaw, member of tho Q. A. 11., Woinaport, Vn.t writen. "I have UBeU two bottles of Dr. Aflnow'a Curo for tho Iloart and havo bosn entirely, cured of tfttlpiiatioii cr iluttnrinfj of the heart and Huioiherinj; spolU. I took ton bottles of oaruaparilbi., but it failod in any way to relievo mo. I do not thiuk tho yuluo of the heart euro on-n be oatimated. It Vina wrought uiioh a ohaimo in ray condition that I tool like a now man." WOOD'S 3?IIOrIIOniNDG3. Tho Gvont .KntfUuh Ilenuily. BixTHickaa> Guaranteed to promptly, nml pormanontly euro all forma of A'!ri>oui Wentinftia, Kmtaaiana,Svcrni* diarrhea, Tjiijio/uiiiT/atuI fill effedn of Ahuta or Etoarjiaes, ^ Mintal Worry, cttcemivo m jstjoro ana Ajtor. ^^ wh{oh toon Jmd (o Jn. flrmUv, Jmanitv, Contumptltm and on <-ar/y oraw, Jlafl Uoau proscribed over lIByoftni In tliouKandit of ciiBeBi I* tho oly IieUa,bla ami Jfoiwst irtlletne Jbu>u>H. AnkdrURKlotfor VVoiiiVh IflioupliodhiojII ho otters BOiuo worth|csa m&llclno la plnco of thin, lnoloflo prlco la lotwr, nnd wo will boiuI by return ninll. Prlcn, one package, *li ulx, (fi, Out wit pUaae, *l$ will cure* Tamphlu u froo to any anrtrcK 1'lie Wood Ooui]oiiiiiyr Winilaor, Oat. Cua<y HU 1b Wmis* by nil ftMjfftiita. C- An excursion rate of one lOWOStfafO *or tl10 round trif* ih uu- thonzud from the following ton tory : Tniuuroiiv From Detroit and Ht. CJhtir, Mich., Bui.- ponHJon Bridge, Niagara l^alli, N. Y., and Buffalo, N. Y., to all local Htationn iu Can ada within a radirni of '20G mtloH from ini tial point of ticket; to nil poiiitn on \,\\o T. H.& B. R'y, via Watorford. From Hunponfliou Bridge and Buffalo to Toronto, via Ningnta 'Ja tho hike and utoamor; and to pomtu on 3t, Catharines and Niagara Central IVy. No tiokotn will bo nokl botween olationo in Canada, nor from utatinnu in Canada to pointn wont of Dotroil or St. Clair. Tho Hale of thorn- ticket a must be oonfln- odtotrmnQof July 3 and 4, good to return not lator than July 5. Hulf faro tiokom will bo aold lo uhildrou flvo yoai'H of a^o and undoi tftolvo ut ono hulf of tbo adult rate, except that no half furo iH to bo ra ido \om than 15 coutfl. Not ood on Iiraitod trainu. For furthor purtinulara applj to A. O. Btimi:hh, Aijeut tt Euaoi. yy"T,V ARriAGE CuTunnuT At the Manut, Kauox on Thurwday Juno 13th, 18(1j, by tho Kev, W. M Fluininu, dohn And row Cuthbort of Colaheoler North, to Blanaha Allio Jahuooii of the town ot Kfistx. Stkwaut, At Epnox. Juno 18 tb, tho wifo of Johu Btewart, of a son. GttiEBN, At Bbbox, Juno 14th, the wife of 8. B. Green, of a aon. Q'OohnigIjIi. At llaidntono.au Tburflday, Jono 20, Michael O'Cottnill, agod about B0 yoaro. Cbixtlm. In Banclwioh Soath, ou Wed. nefeduy, June 10. Clmi. Ohattle, at an advanced a((o. Nearly everyone tusda a good tonio at thiiBeauon. Hood'y Baruaparllla in tbo ono true tonio und blood pander. % off Fancy Straw and Felt Hats and Fancy Shirts. % off Ladies' and Q-ents'Fine Shoes and Slippers, from $1.26 pr. up;"ciiQice range irt Black, Tan and White, ^^ lA off Men's and Boys' Ready-mactesQIoth- ing. HERE AKE A FEW ^vri3*i*rwrjB*. pecial Snaps! White and Colored Skirt .Embroidering 46 in, wide, regular $1 and $1.25 yd., for 30c Gents' white Shirts 30c. each. Boys' two-piece Suits $1. Job lot Ladies' fine Shoes at half price6 regular $3 for $1.50, $4 for $3, and all of the best makes. Kf OW XB waa TOMHr don't wait till the best is sold, i K"' WHITiNJfiy BLOCK, ESE>C See this Wagon before you buy. It will pay you. ARDSON Hardware, Essex. ^ tf^S^SgS^sfepgS UBE DRIVING Loses all its charms if you do not have a bright, new turn-out.* Give us your order for a nice Pbooton or a Buggy whilo the roadfl are good. +- Good Hand-mado work a specialty. Prices away down., J. Bate, Carriage Works, Talbot at. east. t-< < K Mf. 'W M. .1.1. 1 -iWI*L 't\>S? ', w 18

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