THJi KtaSt^J? RRKE. 'PRE*. V' $ til An Permanent^ The Joyful Exclamation .of Mr Alexander Moffatt, of - Millbrook, Ont. Paine's Celery Oompoujicl Victorious After the Doctors Failed. Mr, Mnffatt in of opinion that nil hi'i uffurtiiKit and UnnbiiH Imd their origin in livor complaint, u b>rribly dai.-i'.n n tliub ih dtuin ,,ly IL ",Il ftl,d woman to tho L'nivc Thin dirt.Mino may bo uauto or cliroiiia. In ilia umito form, ihuroura Violnnt l.urniiiL' P'tina crmvo).d la the lilionldor mid ri-ht arm, uhort couli, invar, irrt)iilur bmvidu and cnmihputiou. In tho chroma form of hvor complaint, thoro am many morbid cninhtiomi, mum an onhinynnmt, noftenmn, abHcnmoi) and dufjunoratiou. Tim f.ymptomh arc, weight lu toiimuh, lmtnlciice, unuana, biliouu vomitiuti, IGuH of app.-titti, thirirt, white and dry totu.'uo, bitter tiiuto, and a lioat of. othur mibarablo aoiiditiouN. Lonu oxpononofl linn fully provud, that ruino'a Celery Compound in tho only moJ- ioiue thnt can Hiiccosnfuly (irnpple with the droad dinntuib of liver complain. Hon- stand abUi dootoni arc adviniuK Uioir pationtn to malm win of Puiiio'n CJolury Compound, for tho ureal, nmtion, that they Iui'ju i.f im or tier mudicinn that uivih 4iiiih pininpt mil Whctivo mmltH. The cure of Mf. M M ul itinply provn c\f-ry i.t*n- ni'iitninh m t'i\oi .if Piiiikmi CVlmy Cihiijm u'Hl, mi I I'll nrlv 'Irmoni-trati >> 11 to I net, i Lnt -vl]" i |.h\ men ii tin fail In euro, nature ' > (iumI (i'i" ir mrc r<i do tho i^uod woilc. rslr. Volla't write" tlinc : "Ilnviui; ^ mi a for \ t'urn from mnt'h- ptnihin Urn Hid-, back and breast, oaiuiul. I Hi mlv believe, by a Hhiijrmh liver, "I rec<M\nd tho treatment uf eminmit jiliyhiciaiiTi, tind u l rmnpi Hod to wem (l fur coat ouirmn r and winter ; I wan ml- vincii to wi'ur u uhamoH vent, lint nothing HL'onuid to do rot' nnj ^nod. * "At hut I .van tid.iHcl hv kind fri ndti to try I'aim-'n (Merv Compound; and af ter mint: nix brittle^, I find that 1 mil per-, niancntly jimd. 1'iiiiiu'h Golury Corn- pound liiia iiidud done wondent foi tao, You iiiii} piibh-h this for tho beuUU of miffurint! humanity." VKRY IIBM'FULTO LADIES- ^UlrU ttrllol, Willi mo Attor Wu|ilu- HUtiieuu* Coiiinx to Tlump ^'<> Vo Hotli Auior!iMwItlUi'y f nre. Wlnltt both neafMH are miffonirH from kul- -SiyTroiihlffiTi-ifrtuuy vo-pL.ctfl_Mflmnn_JI liable to peculiar wnluiBnen aud puin, be- oauMo|l.lii.oruni/ or tho kidney*. Obiootionm'aken, and rightly to many romedi.H bocaw of the method of iiw, ai aftor-anploMiintiioi-. Thu i uover tho cabo with South American Kidney Cure. XtttivoBPUHntn the patient in six hft'irn, ami noanunyiufi idfoutH follow, for in a abort tim, evii in u|r .rivaled ewen, mi .tttiourGiafT*otnrt. Thoro m o pjhor . wodioiue lilt South Amorioan Kidnoy Curo. It ih a remedy for tho UuIiiovh and ~ bluddorn only pacific that aa by Jffwting no cum SiBth Am^noan Kidnoy Curo doou ua p-riiculur work and docit it wall. JOBBERY AND WASTE Unparalled \n Any Country. Civilized THIS THE CONSERVATIVE RECORD Not Only la iba C<vrniueul Wlirully Wttiitttrul or Um> Ovorburdeortl Tv- imyer' Monry, Dnt Haa ltrn t'Mk-iy to a Unirlrii of Job* ami HInU, Ottawa, Jtmr* 17. An if an annunl ex- pondituro of $-10,000,000, a pnbhi' debt Ot $250,000,000, a ifrfint, ftctual and nn- ticipatod, <>! .fC.000,000 und n. yearly tax bill <vf $00,000,000, of which but $20,- 000,000 Rfjoa into tlui Troiwury \yiM-e not Bufficfently apjinilinf;. tho Gwonimcnt Coca on with tlio riot or oxtrimijrajicti that !um ehawietoriziwi it administration since it (mHDmod tho reinw of prmcr ix- tpon yoam ago. TJvo Mintnter of Finance him a habit wJ*n addrcaHiaff public uu- dif*nce of clmllcujdni; Inn critica to point to any particular item in the ac count* that will huh tain the charge, knou'injr that on a pjtrtirun plutform bo in aafe for Uic time bcins in innkrue; tho bwuitful nnw.'rtioi)H with which hm pul>- lie utterance* nra filled- He never ihhui'U finch a cliallene;'* on the floor of tlie JTouhc of Corrunoiifl, for t> known well that there in an abundance of evidence Hvailablo to convict tlie Guvcruuient of the nu)t recldenfl extra i npanto, and no e-nd of ahlo cnticti to pritneut it. What \n the una of Mr. I'\wter talking a4>out economy, when hia ever/ word in con tradicted by facta now on n^eord ? A fow, inntanceo of tti manner in which. rtJie peoplo have (wen i-obbi-d will show tlui-l-not only huii the (i<tvenimont tiecn JXtmi'agant^ but Uiat it luw biHjn a party tiTa wrwa of jolw for which it would be difficult U> find a namllol in luy Civiliwd country. Tho GovoriuntMit Jnui thrown away on Tuppftr'H "Bear Ondordonk," $1,118,000: on the Tay Canal, .familiarly known an on tho Cariuiuot Riiilway $;mo,OuO; on Little ItajiiUH LocJt a tow taw work which ha tt/) traffic and yiuldw ]M) reveuuo, $124,- 000; on tho Galopn Rapidn Channel, wluch thippinC men wiLI not iuie beotuau <i\ it* daugor, $000,000; drodginj; wot Iuihiu contrary to tttrxwi of contract, $22,500; allowed to bo ntolun in cntH*ction with tho Quebec Harbor CnuiinUwion, over $1,* 000,000; in connection with the Levi* Oravii Dock, $\lMjiW (ho Cnm.i wu i contract, $02,000; .Eaqniraait Graving Dock, $207,000; Carrnn Bridfifi-, over -.10,- O00; paid the "Hard Pju" cIuimantH, to which tluy had jwj lopfal ripht, $272,000; HiirrlH Land Job at Bt. Jolm'fl, $100,000; Bheik's iHtand Data, $12K,000; Bt. Mary' BrltUre, Fi-LKlerietoi*, $1172,000; Laiiguvin Block, 1,-hh tliayj )(.(50O,000, and foi which ,r f,;7Hl,o,)0 waa paid $281,000, and .thure in an otitstandinp; claim oi about $2C0r00O; waiited, Btolon or Uiodl- *d oil tho Bt. Charloo Branch of the In tercolonial Kailwu.v, $l,fSUO,000. fhcbe itdnri, not addiujr up ntandiiifj; cXnlma "ii the' Laiiffevin Hook, ivnwinnt to over ^7,000((100. Then thoro wafl the liquor "lit^u-., $00,000, J!or the purpoae ol rkl'tff and KJuttiiur to one oido the pro- tBm question, ' ho loco of tlnH amount of money V; bood'.od or fltolt)UT Mr. Foster toll tbft pcoplo tliat their nifairn n'economically managed. Thu a Farliamout haa i^>^*-1^ addi- A l*0HWo0I CI I l/.T.N VUUH1H BOUfU AMUHIC^N niii:i '.UTic CLltK. William 1Vjj, Norwood. f)tit. ; "LaMt ChrifltmaH I oould hardly .vaile, ami wan noarlv doubled up witu rhoufwit.iin I procured thj'-c hottl. a of S.mili \rwLrienn Hlifiumutio Cure from W KutherforfJ, dru^t'iht, of Norwood, ai^j found it the bnut ind quiokL-Ht iiutiuy medicine I ever hilw. The lirul done tfuvu rehnf, and rho rhrni! bottlea con dletely cured me. I huvo had noithor ache nor [mm from ikcnnia timu nice." Kvt'ry wlirrt We Go Wo find HOinu one wliu h in buuu enrorl bj Hond'H Sarmiparilla, and people on all liatnlH aiu itruiiiiii^ tlun uroat medie'ne for wWai it ban done It.r liiein and tbt-ii Irici dn Tukej in tmu H'-od h Sur^ap.irnlu |r yenlb acrmuH ij|ned uy ^ecpiti^ the h! ucpare und ail lie. ->r[;tum m a healthy con ditjon. It ih the LM'eaL blood piiriln-r. iloud'n IMh b-i.orntj tin favonie cnih<*r- tic with evioyoMt wno tri^n them. 2oc. per box. Lional fvidonco ctf -tlva lad that tho Got* eminent in absolutely cat-dnta d the in> tert'HtH of the jicoplo ta the cccnonditur* of their hanb-earned monoynu No orw findH fault with tho Qovornraftot tot havinK giviMi tlin b.tft flir JoUu Thompt ttoa u otatu huierali, fo# wtuktevejr differ** ciw*oh oi opinion thoro may have boon o* to the ivjlitical views oj the Lato Po- inier, oh a <liHtiniruiiifiod Camullaa atatc** uiau lie wan bono red and reflpoctnd. But that the Govermnerit ahoul<l liavo taken ndvantapo of the occasion to throw awaj tlioua,iudn of dollam needlet*ily and reck- lebuly in a matter that cannot but bo deplored by every pood eithajo. The Bri- tiHh Government lKre tho eaqocnwio of tranHportiiiff the remalnfl of the d^ad I^re- mier to Halifax, and all tliat remained lor tlie Canadian tiovermaent to do woa to prejiare for the funeral ceremony "tuid the interment at Halifax, Yet. for thij the Government apcut tlio ciioniKMx* atua of $25,000, The funeral of the late Sir John MacdouaJd only coat $0000, wliile that'of-tho Tnte Sir George CartSer eoirt but $L0,OO0. and no one will nay that either of theae ntoU'wucn won lewn oin- wrol^ motirned by tho people of Caiuulu than he whoao life went out an tragi cally midat tlie glories of Windnor (iuitl. The Opposition members would have mcci preferred to Iiave itllowed tlie voto for the fuaoraj oxpeaiwa to piu in nHet&tbut, in Viou- of the urter dinregard of tlio public" intereut thjtt had morkiMl tb* oft* cjiaion, they could not cement to the pa*- wjgo o/ tho item without protoat. 8om* of tho cliar(?efl in the aeconnUi arc nothing flhort of ncandaloua Over 35,000 yards of blnclc cloth, with which the HtrecU ol Ilnlifax u'oro draj*ed (wpjftl U> over 20 mi leu in length wore cti/Lrgi*'! npainnt tli* country The dworuilon of St. Mnry*H Mary'n Cathedral, Halifax, coot $H771. Another item ih $33S for lipjlitinfr the pro- vmeial building for a few in(?hta. Tlie llo\.ern cmrt $1025 The undertaker aud lit -4 a^HiHtnutt* for *iini|ily oi^uinp; the oa*- ket Kot $10. 1'Vir removiuir the c-aHkot from the jjrovincial bjiildingw to tJie lenir donee of John Pn^li, in Halifax, and re turning It to the provincial buildintfri tlfl undertaker and bin 10 oadHtant^. charged $100 The charge for remodelling two wnptoiiH for Coeveyim? flowern and u reatlm wn $125, which in eoimidorably more than the wngouK themwelvcH would be worth For repaiutiup* one wagon a charge of $^0 in made. Tlie Htate funeral car coHt $Ui00 ilero are an mo Raniple iti'inn: Frniriei'ii pairn of new lcn**e bootn for the uutertukorfl, $*i0 ; 14 hlnek cloth ovieoitH, $2H0; 14blnck huts, $50. The chief untiertrtker got !j25 a dny, aud bin afldntimtn $10 each a day. The OpjMMiition wiia ju-itified in dividing tho Ilomie on thin item, parti cularly In view oi' the ntatement of ttie Milliliter of Public Worka, that tho 11 ihIi union who had mipplied wnrea mid n-rvieeti liad extorted from KO to 75 1*t cent, more from the Gt>vernmen>t tlau market pricen. Anothei evidence of the manner In wluch th.* money of tli" tnxiKiyerfl i tlnou i tiwny, if Indeed liny inore evt- (h-ncc wrn required to HiiKtain the chart," which Mr. J-Wer him +ime and iignrt denlL-d, in th- bid of M*-. tie urge i:. K. ("o-Mhii-n. StP.r who went fo Chi- cngu im tn' C-Oiuuiiriilunor of the O.inu- dia.i Gov imneut. If nny on dmibte that h- had a plc<iflM.nt numm"r at the 'ipenae of the Can/idi.iu pcopi.*, \( t kin; is ad hie of p-rvmni, - XJ;MI 0l|*' which Ik bei b< oii;;!r down 1L u. tail h ion' tli-- 1'nb i A.-c.i'i'ttt i'uci ui tee B'loiV 'the to:al ex;niditu-e -^ 'given* Wit,', (1 I W t'Xt ii 1 . .>.,) ii ()l . ' VVoi I'l'n Coliiiulihi.j Bx.dhi'lo'i, Cluctigo' (r or^o IL JL Citekbura, CiituiuiNHioiief'^ 18H!1: '* -wj-U W* und 204 *])onaeH from Toronto to Ottawa 'ano r- turn........* 20 00 May 22 and 20, i<x|mmii'H, To- loiilo to I'hlfngn', Ond u'hil (I- ie and return, li d-d b U $ lO.i'O...... "I VI lay MI, Jilii" 2, exp ii" Tn- mnto to Ottawa, tli' nee lo Moid ren1 to me< ( lion, Mi. Auu'ei'* it nd Mi\ Tn me . -H d(l Iiiii 10, Nov. I, 1 M d.iui, iii- c'udinu' exli a Hiipplien for C und an I', \ I'wni, en' n, r .11- u n,\ llil< , |'Ol ti'rage, e.Mll- hi liu.i i iitui in'i h, e\( i._i_ Hii ii< ih, etc,, i \.|ir 'i.i t'linigea, ci- gii a fo. |-J. vi hm, etc, . . 057 OH <y i m I " rfotil b lla, mi voiiehmy . . V -*.!-0'."J. Total .,..- -V I,.".: O'J ' I I,.- eh.\ reitlfv that Mi i. i i nl . * i 'hull ,-1 voueii i> w,i \\ ho I;. {<> ' h ' * il tl] ' CniUiJllH- !',( ! |[| ( > I '111 t ua.tion, in the p.u t I'M u 'lie i. (S -r icd) (Jlid. i:. 11. l th'KIIl U.N. IMtnua, April, IS'.U, lleje in e Hi Mil" tn the d< to ll't (I t. i I, 1^'M. I he Virg.nui Ilnlel, Chi ngu M K Ji (Vk'lthnru, Ui. . I'o eipie.n cliillgiM 2o>., di-ng-t I Oe mill :i.k .... . . . $ I " I'n pud enti men 50c and 7f*>c and HO- :,iid .>1 50.....-i -5 I'o older in: ijilui'in, To*, ine'i'M'ii- p:er 25-........100 To te 1 h kets, $ I 7.1 , hhne< blacki'iietl, 50c . , . . 10 2S I'o telrgiain, 10' , C (J. D. I'itddri, $| 20.......100 $1.20.......1 0i) Paid 17 10 10 5(1 o-t. | I, IV.I.'I. The Virginia cdel,II Chicago W> ti. K. It. Ciwd>.huni, D.. : To ImiKl fiom 0..'10 to 10,1 t, tun ueeU.......$2(2,1. 00 To \muea and liijinn n, extia in -nl lil 10 To 1 Hindi.\, in hiding In,, 11.\. ed t.ihle linen, and wa.Hliii]^ it * . 'IS 10 I'o IP cry........25 50 To n -ua .stand....... 2<> $32M o:t July 15, 1^02. The Virginia I Kiel, Chi "ago. .Mi. G. It. It. OoeKbiirn, Dr.; To hoaid fimri 7-H to 7-15, one week, at $20.....$140 00 To extra mi ala, wiueu aud liqiuri U.'t I'O To hiuudry.......1 0I> To livery........5 00 '!<> viiflh pjiid to have hat preaacd 1 00 To c.'ihIi poid to newiJ utand . . f ' Toe h jn (1 for flouoia .... 3 M To caah pjUd ctb man .... 1 2.r $18 4 0 Paid Aug. 12, 18JI3. Tho Virginia Hotel O) llutfrtlo Cnrbnge Xiti'iiprr* <:* * ttw Hani- rinw u. tae i^t-ii'itii ai^n In tenia tionui Bridge, Out., Juno IB, The thive men itnciited for dumping J11 tli in Xiagara Ilivor wore brought he me John T. JanvH, 10'ove, and Join ilethiuiM, J.P^ charged with an infrac- . ion of the Public Health Act and plead ed guilty aud were lined $50 ami c<vpIb ' i.cb ami tho fuiea and n*t wen-1 paid by Mr. F. C Hibb.ird, ojie o^f the owneri. "ftheacowa. F.C. Hibliard un^alwi fine' >'oi an infraction uf the naiui: ivct and hi'i fine wan forthu'itli jiaid. A bond wan cnteied into by the ofP-iidiug dredg ing (ompany, binding theinaelven uudei a heavy jaMialty not to C(immit the of fence again. The tug and wowa wer*' aeif.ed by tlin collector of ciihtomn foi brf'ukiug bulk In Canadian w atem nnd he in awaiting' iii--tincl! m f:oni Ottawa Tlie Ottawa authorities have imi>otuk a fiiif* ofp-1500 Irfin^ ha f the wtliie of tho tug and iicowH, which had not yet Ml 1IKI.1 I KMM I in AuwiHlr<] it Hit Hitli-diflut-j It^itlf llauiJ- ell (w til** I'tnioti Constantinople, June 10 Tho Suit'in, learning tliat the Jlntihh Cabinet had met to couHidcr Turki'j 'ii iej>ly to the plan of reform in Armenia, mibmitted bj Great Ilntain, Prance ami Itunnia jei/Ar- day, telegraphed to Huutem PhhI-ii. tin Turkmh AmhaaHador in Louchm, intMict tug him to aak tho Karl of ICinilwr'.ei , Ilritiah Foreign Mminter, to poHtpone j decimon in the matter. The Lnil ( ' ICnnlH-rley acceded to the requeat In tie nie.inu hilo it ih ntatpd that the l*i);t' ycHterday handed to the Uritiah, Vi m-h and Itunmau nnibaHHador* a fresh nnd hm tiafactory reply acceding to the pi nici pie of control by the ]touern, but aal;.ng that the itertod he limited to three yearn ur. uah i- <. > ki:e: iuv. Th Craml Jury ltc.e.,4 "No IIIII* In IBU 4'aLC Montreal, Juno 15 Fiinaiiuel St. Xjhuv ia perhaiw the happiest man in thin c it} to-day, tho grand jury having^Trttcr c; nniimng a largo ninubflr of wltneHHCH in the Cm ran bridge caeo, docided that it wan not one lvhorein tho contractor in qucntiou cjuld bu indicted. Connequeutlx "no bill" vum tlui finding of Uib grand jury. _____ ___ l.llH'rnlt B-w Hitvprii"-"- Iicmdon, June 16. result ot th livu-elcctlon in Invt-rnetwhiie, hci'.l to (ill tlu* vacancy In the Hoiih of Pom monn cauned by tho r-pfprnallon or" Mr. Donald McGregor, L b ral, wan a - ncjiincetl late yesterday. "The I-Aber l~* have lohl tho conntttuency, tli'* v..i standing: Mr. HailH , Unl nln, :iT.I Mr. IMaerat*, Ijlboral, ii.111. Wfhlam O'Hrlen'H m rtyrdnm is rom- pleto lie hfLa ceased to be a mcrnb i of Piii'llamont, and in due couth** of 1 w bin neat for Cork will bo do'-lar- u va cant. The prnqp^ct hi far f on p e i Ing to tho Government, b^cau .l ro election fb?ht in Cork mennM the .ib aence of a few of their Nation I'lat a - If- from Wentmtnnter, with ctf n.^jii' i.t lono of voten, becauso the Totioa r,rune to pair with them, ft Ih prelum d, therefore, that th" iamie of the wri vill be delayed an long an i>nn ibh*, thus postrwinlnfj the pn_jji tni. rentln-- eloctornl Htrtig-gle In I roam d since Tar- nell contented Klllcenny In this renp ct. Its honeat citizens are npolilog- for n flftht,an<l It a"emn n pit to .drtfr thM hai)pinc\sg In deference to paltry con nldoratioiiH of political expediency. In HcnnHnm K'mlc^ii'lx VII. Berlin. June IB, To-duy, the nevonth nnniveiwvry of tho death of tlie Empor- ar'it father, Frodoriclc HI., tho Kainer ptlil a \b*it ti> the dead mdnarch'n tomb Pad laid upon It a huge wreath of white itJh'ea. Tho Emjioror, who \\\tn alone, knelf hy tlie rtluV'o!' kin 'dead fattier'a tomb V1"^ spoat a quai-te^ of an hou In prajtr. Affcftr pIh departure up a|r mewt co.Vntknts' atunbor' of " floral o'tfer- IntCH wr> rocoirotl aud pkicod upon thtf dead Euip^)w^r' grave* ayer's i one Hundred Hair VIGOR Rout or ob natural color to tho hulrt and. olOo provouta It falllnir out. Mra. II. W. Koawlck, ol Dl^by, N. S.b Buys i "A litflo mom tliun two y-iirn np;o -.-Mi my uiur - - *1' Lc turn ami fall out. Af ter tho UHU O f one, hoi th' of Ayer's Tfair ViKor rnY hair was ivsLorw! tn iln original color 'Hid censed fallirifr "ul. An ocfuMoiml applicilioii hjis.siiifc kept the hair in paid condition." Mrn. II. F. Ki.wvu k, l)\^)>y, N. S. "Z have used Ayfr's ITair \riror for throe years, aiid it has rostoroil liair. wliieli was last lifeoininuL'niv, buck toils natural color.*' If. \V. ILaskuioit, Patorson, K". J. Averts Hair Vigor WlKI'AItKD Iiy PH. J. C. AVER & CO.. LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A, Avcv*a l*Uln cure 8lck Headache* NI'IWLY In <M1 4'aiinc!t.t!i ' da liici n I'nv V\ \il t..i n- lus New Y<iil', Miri" l.ri I'i.lm' s '"'.mi , th Irnpovci P-. ed klm- ot , i. n I l-i w nt to Ui I i..rl' in 1' lie (' 11 \ i * day and ih i< n U d XI] I i '/ . i ol! , n u'd man \ horn In had 1 t o" ri ti. e ', o, I'.n'-d, .unl \'born In bad li c ni> t i'i nih-d in lib pi o ipi'io1'1' d..y . i'idK ".hh nrreiUe-i !n \\ >'.La '*i.- t t 1 ht "(or - di> on (he eoripl dnt o* a it i.r"'-e live Ironi '.-.'v .1' r'u-j. , ii I i\n, tn .i 'hria In en lo Jk d lr. thi' ' a 1 ii 1 '] v\ n>(e tn , v V.'i'i, a i' w , Miir ft i his arrest, ami tV la t< , tol ; .In-tb- W Id in li I a I in f'nun vo t nnbow III' old lil ml ha I cone t> kp-'Oi. "\\\- v.r l.o;,n io ' Lh'-r in - :i*i.i i.i, Ha Id V r. " I "Ho \% im wealthy a-id lost h i* II I1'1 \v< nt *o N<-w J r o and b-'^an i-cbl'mp; v. i'h a t; am. of- Iioim .s \>lili'h I K'a"!' h : h f'i, to satisfy Id prid , I t o'. a nua ^m^c M't'-r my fallor ilk- mort^im'. f 11 I - to th- liniwlH of Jowph I.ldtleJl o' N'f-w I runnel-h, Mr. I nlh had h-u .Vc Jer ry, and now tln-y urr HtMl him in Went Chonter." Polly p.. Id t nt lie hud Left N<-v J n- > and cfiin1 to \^ tv Clio tor with th'- f 1 Knou 1 rJtr (if 1. dd il. n rid that be r l Kard'd his nrr<*d cm IlK^al at d in (v:t n i >.' ___ .Tumi e \\VldTH iMTTi it he i ellevt-d .- injur i <' b"e: <Pmo. lie ad o r *-d th un 11 t -d y. If'* -icf s . "> ludd .'* r. I'o'l t i'i "a.ri hnrr r *n 1 lo <. Ii - .1 r - y d- t cth e to f,- t !\tr 'ii'l n ;.)>< r:-. WANTED To buy Vnniitnro at pnumi that am right down to hardpau, ami propareJ to furnndi * very tiling m tlio nLiapo or Furniture thitt a i;ood hoiHukfupur- neodn, AIho a lino hue of It thy Oarim^eH at prieoti that are rifdit eloito. K'ndly call and limpoct tho Ijoodn, it will p-iy you to do no huforo buy. mi; olnowlioiu. It couth you nafchiiiK to (jot prictn. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A. hpouialty. Kverythind douu up in e;ood idiupo. All nucenmiry cumulih furuinhcil. IlUHuinnn promptly attcjndnd to at all imurn. Will compaio pricea with any undui-Eakor of auy town. Have two fino lioarnoa in /jood condition, and will not hu uudcrnold m tho liuon I roprutiunt. CHURCH DIRECTORY li.inoiMiiT, 111*. Phmiiii'i, J'uucor, Horvtoo vf.i > HinidnyiO II h. m. mid 7. p. in. Hubbutdi loltonl ulLi'ti'i/. in, (J. II. NitylocBuporiuLond- riLol nohool Kp.t/oith Ii*)iii{iio)'riLy)rmooUnii IniJiiday tiviaiini; at U o'alnuk, (Utiim ' mmstlriwon 'J'hiinulayevoiilnt,', ifttl pruyor OK K>.oi*am>-Kov. A.LjItiVurly. In* X>WlillMI( Cuuuui/ ami lam t, Ht l'aiihi, Kunint, PlvnanioVvioo fvcry Himday at 7 o'do-k, p m Humliuf Holiool at 10 a in. J'rlnitv t'bincli, North Hlctjio -Divbiiiiiarvlccii cvory buiulay at ;j p, ui.:Hua' lity Kohnol ut t,l!.p, in. Tim publbi cor- liiUly Invited. fntiiiii-vniiiiAN. W. M.KInipmu, 1'nntor' Hvr- viaeaoi) Hablmtb at U it. m und 7.110 'jiith HchnOl nt i!:!K) p. in. Vyil^uy lmothift and I iiHtoi'ii bibln claim on '['lunaiay ut7.:HJ y. m- Hoclal Union on Wodnomlav at H.lfip, iUl'TJur (JlKiUUI. Jtnv.M. P. (Jtiwipboll, IJu*- tor. Horviccm eanb Sabbnth at 11 k. m. ami 7 ji. m. I'rayi i uincttn;: on Wmim-ft'Iuy evening ut H o'clock Htmiit Iyi All nm cordially wot- ctimod. Jtovu.N OAlilomo. Vr. i. I'. MuAfonumio tsuitor. Hor/ioi ovary othur Huialay atB.llt) in. flu ii day duhool ut .> p, in. KaIjVa*iion Anaiv. T. II. MoIjOOiI, (Jiii>tal*, hahallon nitaitifiMH on Wodiicsalay, Thiifaday and Sunday ovoiilnn". l-rm und l^uiiv, Hatiirtluy iivoniuc, and Spin. Hundny; Holinomi muOtluKfl for clolnLiaiiii f rid ay nvoiimc and 11 a m. Hun* diiy, Ktieu Dilll 7 a urn. levciy Hlimlay, All ilm Wdlcouio, T L. PKTHHH Hami.Ffa,. f3 ' i'ublio Moimy to toiu,. Jtrutlioni' llunli. K mox Ctaitrn, V ('.1 i>*%l \i o^ ,i((> 'i ' (i Ibc ' (>. 'i i m i. 'ul lll-lll < 1 ia' l1' !V t -I a: > 1 ^ I 1 1 th t a 1. Ct h h Vt < r y\; r.J I.o.i In , Oi_=-Vh IVMIy X 'V.-'t, - ; ' s lb>- , ".^i, ^- ti the III v . Ai "a,!t..'Ion I'uMl- l"'..-r ,vj :.,'n-' no d to ]> .. -a id t l t u.iiili . ' nit ai d bu nd v '] i lo e to b-' ', .. .d Hi 1 i . ii. "i'i tIn o . " th di'r)"- i 1,-s o r i Jiai'slou .\ moo , ! th.i ji sc t ( Tant 1 h tiie llan.bur--- iii. rh ,t 1 n !; hirt t ' .^ h [' ,s d h<*r b.tnd p]a>lm,r Ih I. ill o at o ai ,.nto- in, Mr. i da'.m.j it , vlifivi- o i the bur loaoo tlclt of dn- T. n - 11 n Cu;die too! m lil hat wb'-n h ln'i"i tie Iil- mlMar btia nn l' "<'n<\ H vo ihe",nic('. l" Tn*' jiiihs iifi r- i n the i-'n . 't Ii'. ma'* It fir fti-tl h m w.t-. l ^ cbo r- 'I'h 'I'antalloa C'antn* v.a.s moor d o t U.t:n- btir--r at 1 o'cloek hit cMnlnp. 'i'h ld> r' and enbanlf nvntH were dena'dy crowd' d -vllh people, who watched tlie urrU il of the Bteamer Theix* is Home id<'a of arrariKlnp; a m * tin , bt tweo-i I'rint" Bin alek and Mr. t'ladntono, but It l.s Impiobablu that it will be ef- fuct"d. ri..>lu *** m(!* - No mir<* of llimrlnirlli. Pt. Tct raburs, June M. There is tho bi i t iiithtiiity lor denying tho report- d n fj;uthttlonH with Chi a forces th * e-- h! in of a htilp of Man- h i ia t na'. o K' a'-i'i to lay an extonnivc tians HibiT tan railway. Huaula ha : ru nieiulo i China, to ooriatruct her i,,os, which could \mi laid oo oa to join th<-* Siberian route. A OtWek Motluiit. Mr. Coahon Vat are you Haying to I hey, Itcbefca ' Mi-H. Coahen I'm tea/'hinff him to count. Mr. fViah-'ri- Veil, you'll rvove-r ^et Ikoy ti> u-a: i! Hi u way, H'-b-oa. Cloef him norn-.' pi nni- h, vhy don't you. QLiid hn ve It *"> '* y\u Corfl C/CW MEADAON& ntl Ncuralf-m in ao MirJurao, nl o C'uid ToiiHUe. Du?t- HP3'i,Uiltmiinur.r i\iln m tho Sidu, Coautlpadon, Torpid Livor, Bud lircaih. to any cuiud alut rcfiuloto thu bowdu. \jtiRY Nioa ro taho. V/Otf2fi OuNr my Dnua SrottBS.* "r*minf*<*V*#t* ^4'Lt^!^---^ ********* Short Joiu-noyH on a Lout; ICoad. In thnohnrautoriRtio title of a profaiioiy il- luotratedbookaontaininrj) ovorono hundrod pagofl of huruuu^ly written doeoriptieuo of summer reuorteiu tho country north and wont of Ohioaifo. Tho roadmg mattot ib new, tho illuutrutlonu uto now, and the in formation therein will bo now to almost oyoryouo. A copy of "Short Oournoyt oh a Xjou^ Xtoftd" will b Rnt froo to anyone who will etioloHo toil oontM (to pay nonta^a) to Gko H. HfiA^voluj, Geiioral l5aiBene-'r Agent Chtoaco, Milwaukee A Bt, 1'aul Kail way, Chio^, III. ' wt<:<I, AUiul at Kiwo." That in what it m when travulliup; on tho fitnt traunt of tlio Chicago, Milwauhoo A: Bt. 1'aul Ituilway; btiHidcu thoro ih no ohiiuoa to "Iticlt," for the ticuommodationu aro up to dato. tho trainn liuup moving rijht ulon^ and /rot thoro on time. Tl.onu linon tlior- ou^hly cover the turritury butwoou Clnoa^o, La CroiiHo, Ht. Paul. Miuncaiiolin, Aber deen, Uifclioll, Bioux Falla, Sioux City. Yankton, Council Bluffn, 'Jmahn and Nor- thorn AliehigiLu. All tho principal citiou aud towiin in that territory tiro reiicliud by tho "St. Paul" linen, oonucotin^ at Be. X^inl, Council BluJfii und Onialin with all linen for pointn pu tlio far wont. Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pana'r A^ont, H7 York Street, Toronto, Out., for one of thoir &\v map time tablcn und a|brooiiurc, jjivin^ deiicriptiou of the Compartment Slcepim1 _Jaiu, coupon .icltot aj-ont in the Unitud Btutea and Can .da. The finest dining carH in tho world run on tho nolid veHtibuIcd, eleutric ijiiitod aud uteam-houtOH tmina of the Chi- jif^o, Milwanlcuo it Bt.'fuul Railway. -/------------._______ N At*. \v"K\n"11' ["-printer, Holloltor. Nr*tm Htim Hloclt, up.fitiLini, 1'innnx. 1-ly CLARKK, HAltTIjKT (k liSH'VhK?, llarrlf turn, otc OOIouh, Mculiury iilock, Wtndwj Private fundi) to lonn A. JI. CxiAuki., r.. I,. H. n. A. IUiiri,i.*r, A. It. ItAU'lI.KT, Jl. A. nKMt\ C. WAT/rKIiauliJl., Attorney nn<1 t'omiHi lor at bin, with Ailiinnon .t Ilaichtt" Con^roHHHt. nunt, JJutroii, Mich. {UiiiiiKilitu clahiin ajiainiit poiuonn in tl United BtiitrificolIOv ted ) ItfiferMic-flfi- huporial Iliuilc, Kniiox.Out. ./. Jj. Potom, Ktuj., Hiirritti-r, otc, KniieXiOr K.A. WJinnor, Dim., Hairiator, vtr.., Kfmox, Oi MEDICAL. A Boon to Etonomou, Ouo bottle of KukIihIi Spuvii* Limmeut completely re moved a curb from my horse. 1 talte pleasure in* rcoonimondiut; the remedy, nb it aotu with myntoriomi promptnoHH in the rumoval trom bornon of hard, aoft oi cal lounod lumpfi. blood npaun, Hplmtn, curhn, nweouy, MtitluH and HpnimuH. -Geo. Dobh armor, Markluiu, ;Ont. Sold by John Thome, Uru^iot, ij^'VV; Michigan QgNTg^ " Xhe Niagara Falls Itout&." OqiNQ EAUT TakJiiRtmuot MayilOth, 1h05. Dotroit.. .. Windsor .... 1-olton... MiLidnlonoo Khhcx ... Woodnlua . . Kuaoomb ... Comhur ltidfiotown.. Itoduuy.. . St. London ...... Pt. Tliomaii... Itodnoy....... Kldtjotown..... Oombur....... Kuacomb...... Wooduloo...... Eiiiior.......... Muldiitono Cr Poltoii.......... Winduor........ Dotroit.......... Mull a.m. 7.1S 7.10 H0.I H.11 ti-J.1 adrf b.:i7 9.15 ]0,17 il :;o Exp. ii. tn. 0 20 0 50 Exp. a, uu. tt.JO 10.10 7..'0 10.US B<7 10.(30 OOINO W1!HT, p.m. l'J.10 a-io 3!J'J 107 R.110 &41 6.50 (I.1U (i.ll 11 50 1.06 a.m. 10.31 li.W 7.10 PJ.10 12.46 Acoom p.m. J -10 S.OfJ 5.11) BS') fi.;i! DM 5&I) O.UI 7 10 7.119 a. 10 a. m 515 o35 7 33 aim o.:ia Oifi 061 10.01 10.1 icao ltl.Bfl Ainaerwtlnutr luteal fralnu. WliHT KA0T inn, a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 0.10 11.60 B.35 Etniox 7 15 0.50 C.JJ 11.2.1 W03 8.25 Edftlirn 7 00 0.10 G10 am 12.10 0.:i2 L E & U li Xing 0.6O OltS 4.63 (1110 12 30 Bfti McftroRor w.4tt O.aO 4.00 OCO 12.50 8.05 Amhorntbnrff ".30 0.10 'l.Ju Alltratnaaroninon central ntitndard timo, which in nijtty niinuton Blower than Emios tlrao. For information and raton to oolon- iuto raoviuK wmit apply to John G. Lavon, Pau- iienRor Acont, Ht. Tiioinaii. O. W. RugKlor,, Qen- omlPanflonKey ana TioUot Ationt, ObtcuRo, 111 or A, O. Btimuro, ABont. Ebbox. L.E.&D.R.Ry. TrMKTABLENO. I7,tftldiic offoot on Monday. Nov. iW, 1891. Trahifi run by Eantorn Btand- ard T/hno, Daily oxcopt Sunday ci**i A a] O 'A A M A M t) 25,11.00 UH3U.18 (1.30 11.25 O.-KUl.iiO u.Gon.'io 11.65 M o Cu A 0.B7 lOOii 1(1.00 10.10 10.27 10.U7 10.4(S 10^3 11.11 11,20 11.20 llltf 11.4'J 11 GQ 11 Ni noi 1311 11!. 1(1 1324 19.86 P.U. 13.0.S 12.90 12.46 1.01 V u 11:20 fl.27 fl.QU 0.44 U.51 06 7.0U 7.10 7.17 7,28 7.aB 1-45:7.40 3.20!v BO 3.4f> 8.12 .1.(15 :l:jo S.EJ 4.16 4.40 4.45 5.05 6.16 MO R.B.1 MO V. M.b'.M. ("I.L'l U.20 H.1U1 HM Hfil 8.50 our. U.12 .17 Btatiohh. DopWalltory'lo Ar Wulltorvillo Juuo. ........Poltoii........ ......f Olilcimtlo..... .....\ Pnquotto..... ......Moflroflor'..... ...t Now Canaan... ... + Mnrshiluld ... ..... Hiirrow ...... ........+ Arunr....... ......KlllRBVlllO...... ......Htithvon ...... ... Xjonmltiatou ......Whnatley...... ......f Uomvlok...... ......Coatawortb ... ......tGlonwood...... .........BXtrlln......... ......f Buxton......... ...... RnudlHou ...... .* Oodar Bprlnsd... Bloiihflliu Juuot'n ......Bbinhohn ...... ........fWilkle......... At Uidgatown Ppp A U 0 10 9 01 8 57 8 r,n 8 4V 9 42 aao 8 so an 0 01 7 01 7 40 7 21 7 IB V 10 700 IIB'J (WH fi *a 0H1 a mo 600 A.M- d "A A M COO 4.46 4.84 4.28 4.10 4.11 4.01 U.48 U.41 .aa a.n a.05 2.40 l.BB 1.20 1.00 12.30 la-io 12.00 11.2A ll.SO 11.15 10,16, 10.00 Cu M W P u 7.00 0,5J .47 0.48 0.87 \\M fl.2fl 11.10 0,12 tl.01 0,61 6.41 5.80 6,14 6.06 6.00 4.50 4.42 i,m 4,31 4.14 4.10 i4.00 "' MoinbnrCollouoof Pbyniolaim nun hvy- ti o. Out. Gniduiitoof N<*w York. I'acitOrad- ... "" Mtuinuui .m-w jturit. j'aiaurnu- ato Morhcal hobnob All calhi promptly a*- coudiMl to Alhn n.iooial attontiou nlvon to (llHoiLhuii of the hmjiii, throat, noun, ovo anil o> Ofllri. avvr Jlriun & (Jn'u. bju^ Htoro. mid iirf calls. mht or day, lult thuro. Tolophoiio In (lonnoction. N. U. Coniiiiltiitinu rooinn nromiJ Ilior and ilvHt Ilaf, above. Y)HH. DKWAlt & MoKENZlK. P, A. Dr.WAii, M. D. C. M , P, T. M. 8. Omila ito Trinity Univnrufty. Member Collaao Pbyi 'efnmi ami Hnrueomi, Ont. Koaldonoe, Tftltio st. Kant. w0;!510.1^1^"1, M* V- " "' ^Ilow Trinity Modlcul OdIIokc Oniduuto Trinity UnivoHltv IloftifJonoo: Tiilbot htroot, wmit of it. 0, It Oincohcuni-Htoda m.,1 toa nd fltoflp. Ui '^fllco in huiiurial jiK,.i: bioolr, ground Aoot, noxt to Tliortm'f, >li-un' Htnro. Tolouhonoin couuijction-with ollloo arid rotrf- donoo. Onh'i-n loft ot Tliorue'a dnui ntoro will bo promtitly atto inou to. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D. IX H.,L. D. S. Gradual in Dontiiitry, Itoynl CoIIone of Poutal BurRoonB.Onturlo, and University of Toronto, OharRnii, liiodorato. Ofiioo, ovor Urion A: Co a dnifi utoro, la-ly VETERINARY. WH, ItrcnAHUBON. Votorinary Btn?" . fjoon, Graduuto of tho Ontario Voto*- inary CoIIhro, Toronto, troatn all dinoanoa of domontlcatuil nniiualfi. Tolophono tn oonnoe- tion. DontiHtry a npucialty. Konldonoe, fonr doorii iionth of Gnat Mill Onloo In pOiltoOioe building; Infirmary dlrootly oppouito. \, BAKER^ THE oldocit bunmonn in town, Entiiblmbo* 1870. Flriit-olanii broiul and onlioh of tl klndn. Wedding oaknii a npooiality. Qrooorion nrovInlonH, flour, food, ii alt and pork. Gonfoo- tionory, cmokory.dlanDwartJ. Cnnuod fruits and voRotablofiof all kindu. Goodri promptly 'Ja Ilvorod toall iiartuof tho town. J. m. HIQKH, toi-tf SOCIETIES Lodgo No JIM T" O. O. F.-ENTKHPJilHK at 7.H0 *)'l(lfullowii Hall, In third 'itoroy Ounntnn Blook VlnitiiiRmornliorH \>t othor lotlctcwill roaoivoo jrutornul wolcomo. J. .iruiNRTON, N. G. UKNTHAX- ENOA31P.MKNT, No. 00, moctHlu Oddfollowi,' null, bma.tuu'11 Block, on tho ftrat \nd third Tuoiidav moach mouth. Vialtorn ioif dlally rooidvoil. Mnmbornof nuboydinato lcdp;o( tn tbh jurhidfotion, invited to join. C. IIANNAN, C. P., G. K HILL, ii. S. E iiBHBX OENTKE LODGE, No. 10, A, O. U.W li Moota oouond and fourth Mondavi] In oaob nonth.tu tlin Oddfeltow'n TTall, at 8 V. m, Viiiltlun brotliron will uoflivon a tratornal wel- couio. JOHN LAING, &rnntoy Workman G. H. FULLER, Kooardor. Ii j^SSEX FUtB BUIQADR MEETS EVKKY Friday oveniog. David Wuonor, Captain; Andrew Purlcor, Ldoutenant; Palmor Dilse, Soorotary, Frudorlctc nyutt, Troaturor. COUBT BOYAIj, NO. 2W, I. O. F. Bfuutu aucond and fourth Tuogdav'a in oaok month in 1. O. O. F. null at 8 o'alook j>. m. Viftitiug brethurii will bo fiivon it trattrnal wol-' corao. F, MoCaunland. O. B.. W. G. Shaw, Hooy. M. J. Wifilo, 0,1). H. U It. lAND and loan agents GEOROE j, THOMAS, Oonvoyanoor, Com- huuiiibncr, in Hlflh Conn o* Juafcloo: noalor n lloal Eotnto and MortifafioB. Money to loan atthelowoot rate of lntoront. Farms bought and oold. InmiVauoo takou hi tho moat rollabla jompanloa. Drawiufjof doods, mortemjos una .canon a npoolalty. ChargoB modorato und mM jaslnflBO promptly uttondod to. Call at Che Oontral Tolonhono offloo, MflBOxOontro. 50-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. T D. BEAMAN, Imiuor of Rtnrriago IjicouHca. luHuranoo u epeo- NlKht oflLon at Dwelling. _ '* TALBOT STREET, BSSKX i m, r, hi ji.b*. ________________________ . i- ...... """ ' " '" "' ..... I ,-] . , thriag RtatlonB."*TrainB stop only when ihew 4ro .paaBCttsor* at or for thiwe utttttone. '. Mea tratua are at al times aubjoat to be oauoolled VflS WOOHiATT. Geneml Baperta*idit*ii MBABRETT. iHiiuur ol MavxlAtfo Iiloeiiaefl, . CominlBfllouorir O.iX.ota. .GoBtu, Pot. MABHIAGB LIoonHQflor Wedding Bincb cob bo proonrod at E. L. Park'u, tho old *- llttUlo Jowollor, Eiinox, Ont. _______l^jSURVE3^ YAMKB B. LAntD, Provincial Iiaml Hrveyiw "J and County Enclnoor, Hesox Ooutre, Ont 'luloo, Duvotan Block, npataiM._________________ ARCHITECTS YOHN'Ai'MAVOOOK, " '. ABOnitEOT, &o.. ; BooiBlOandll.^lomiusBuildlmj. - Wiudapr, Onlj 'Pliono 010 i il UNDERTAKING- < H^ FLUMMBU, Ondertoker and TaxfKW . DwiUr. Coffins, home of'"1----------A* .cm 3k> CSO. UcGrogbr Onfc 85 2058