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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 14, 1895, p. 8

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.<U> ' pi(PW^ . r;)J* ' :-'fl rf" ' ,, V (^ 'J 11, i' f JA& D. ANDERSON & Cd, BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel, Essex. . Moiioy to loan on li'iivniartt' Nnttin: Nnl.on bow.'lit r Uollootod; Moiioy to loan mi M(iHj(tiKnn ilt ownt 1-iiBoh iuiiI bout torimi. Drafts iHHiiort tutyuljlo nt par at uMJ iirlnoipul .yolnts. Fire Insurance Agents, otc, T Fifi, E;SSii;JC FREE PRB3> '-.lr Tuppoc SoIocIm Ono Caao For An Inorotso. 0(|At& PERSONAL Prof, atid Mfij, Lawronoo aro m *owk Mr. Jiiobol in Hpiincliuj* u wuok'ii vuontion Jm Ml. Cltmionu, Mioli. _. ' * Mw. M. Dawnon, of Detroit,""!!! viiiitiui; her d&ufchttik1, Bin*. WpvO. Shaw, in town. Mm. Johu Mibj^iQ(t yntonluy for Tor onto, wborcytfCo oxpootn to rouido in futuro, Mi'H. J. G. Haakuoy, of Detroit, liiui boon ihti gnoHk Of Mm. A-lox. Wullaoo foe a fow Jayy punt, Uta. W.B. IMiiftt, of Comber wna tho 4juoab of Mm; J. A.. Hobo and other, fnoudii io town thiH v/ook. My. .1. K. McEwim returned r)n Monday evening from Stnithroy, whom ho attend ed tho MothodiHt conference. Mr. E. J. Batcholor, of the firm of Batch, dlor & Co.. Leumintfton, pawioA through town on Wednofidtiy., on life wheal. Mr. Jamea Doul'Iuu, of tho firm of La- oro A Dbujilaw, job printoru, Wulkeyvillo' was in town ou Monday and Tuesday. Mr. A. T. fiuHhiug luft town last Satur day for Toronto, to writo in Senior Mufc- *oouIution oxamiuatiouo now in pro^tcm), MrB. (llov.) M. I'. Campboll returned on Baturday from a two wook'n viiiit to hor jiar*otu aud "othor friondn in Brampton, jOtit. Minn Nolho Btraohau returned on Satur day from a two weok'a vifdt with her undo and nmit, Mr. and Mrs. ftlcCauuland, an. Dutroit. El-Mayor MilueiB in Chicago thin woek attending tho yathermc of mtiinberH of tho ijuprorae Lod/jo, A. O. U. W., of whiuh hct <* an oflieor. Jawollor Park Ima (.'ono away on a holi- day trip, his frionilo nay, and hau loft a tull baro-faood yo*u man to look after hla buninouH intercuto. C. E, Burdick raturnod homo lant Fri day, after upending a few davH with frioudH in tho city. Charloy'n health hau not boon of tho boHt thil Bummir, Mr. Fodham, who 1a employed at tho fltore of ForHytho, Andornon A Co., hero foriorao weoka, moved hiu faunily horo from Shoddou lant wook. They are oconny- .in(* u houno on Irwin avo. Mr, and Mm. Jait. nutahiunon wor ttur- priHGd it their roHidanaw ou Monday vun- -ing Iadt, by tho momborc of the Baptiit huroh ohoir, of which MrH. Hutohinnon tianlouq boon a mombor, and wore pro- oontod with a handHomo lomonade Hott. KftV. M. P. Campboll and Mr. Hanry Barlow aro attondinc tin moetinj; of the Wentorn Diutrict AHuooiation of tho Bap- tint church, at LaiauBville, Out., thin wook, tn doloqatou. Mrs. Caaj|jboll alno rook ai n dole^to from tho local Womoj'sMiHuion <>irclu. rHECURRANBKIDQE PROSECUTION. Ik- .<!>cHM4 I (Ion Kti < uuouuly OlUtoH*' ihf "twmim' \is t iiwHvrnmvtl 4'oiit.liU,k,lliu (In- Mull. 1>.....- My t.nutlcr In-- <'lnt-*<i tile I'roKt'i'Hihin iti Mr. K(. I.oitlx In ll Hhltili ESSEX NTlLiL IjICADS. Biuua\n& o( Ii I'ouliiaiilar Poo tbull jEumduiti Woh Lout Druwu Pointa. li^ox fi 0 1 11 M. A. A. -i 0 2 10 \Vi..i>.jr 110 H :I) urn iiidJ 0 5 1 1 U-lkurvillo OHO 0 The cuna butwemi Wul ksrville i')id Jin-ifVr-to^ Uuve been played to-day, lina b*-'jl, dofanliod to Khhci, Wtukurvilltt Ji-viuii ^fat mosiago that thoy would not tout^nt tlto match. Several Herdu of HiiU'iiIoch And thouuaudu of elH, d<:or, etc., are to 4>o found id tho Yollowfltonu Park, It iti 'tin* only place where the bnilalo oan bo ^f on ltd to-dny, ho moreiloHHlv huvo they boun iHln^litered. They aro none' from tho plaiuH and ^.pvairtefl.aiid thu rommtut now left can thank tlie Unitod StatoB Govornmont for tho priwleKu of.liviug. Thjj Yollowutone Park ih their homo and there thoy uro huEu. The Park ih putrolled bv iioldiieru liotli . Bun.....>* und winter to capture roachu ' lTenderB and Bevore puninhment in jaj<"ioa out to intrudoni. In. hummer the huffulo raiif^e in tin; liii/hiiiiida; near YellowutoiiH Jjako. In wii lor they work over into I lay don Valloy smcl riirroundhif! country, where thu hot flpriinib und watom keep thu nuow melted . aiwuy. Dor and oik rmifjo over the oiitiro . "yollowHtouo Park. Thu-* bcni(lcn tho (jrout njtttvrlu of nhturo mot within thiB wonder- .ViN'l.th'jrearo alao tho'lincflt Hpoaimuun of outlarao gaind* Tam* *nH~ dooilo, thoy .tfeat' not man. Bkutchoflof Wondeiliiid,. hu illustrated .ibiok pblitthd by tho Northom Pooillo Blilroid deaiTihfM clua wonderland. It .-w/ill bo Hoht by Ciiak. K. Fk, tho Gou'l ...Aiiant, Wt. Paul, Miun., upon rrooipfc of .:mx. udiitrt lu utampa. Mr, Ah-MiilU'ii : Tint npininn In cim- In, ' t t:i-' I.\iyu.\. '>y . i i : hi't'i' wt-iv li'T) '-' :; n! ;i|| !;;niU .1 l|il \\ \vi!ll(llt. I'li.VfH' i' iimmjii tin- (M*vfi"iiiiii';it (irhiti'iti'ily '.,'i <'<!'nt l'in' it if iv is'iui: tlifi iini'T I'.'l. .'ii'". Iiiii'4 (Vdild w.'( ri'juit Ihf nn-|i-u!r un- - ' In . .. had lici^, imhi' inI'lt*rut 11 llllillfT' : '.'*' In1 (iovfi-iiiiifill :iiid the Chi'11 i^.fn. 1'l.' f.ir-l ilui.1 tha iiiiiii'iti'i' u'M4i mi'.hie ji* unwilling 1<> ' cn.v tin- ntntu- nifill tr.irniiiti'd tint (MhicliiMn.... Dr. .Spi'inilr, whi) vt'i-y /yirely Oimi^. \v\ i li the (iiiverniiif nt, uiid tlitit In- ru* ,..; think llii' MiniMtiT x>f .Timtico hau in idi1 nut ii rum1 niiifii'ioiitly ntnuip; tu mivimv the conitnittcc tli;it-tln jpdjrc-'y ..l.iry idioiild hi' in t".-ci*d. \h> a^rffd -iili Mr. MfMull'Mi tint the judjron were i.'irly well. j>aid. ('"iiipiired with tin1 ihiiiIh'im nf otlifT [M-'il'i'Nwioim wliii'll rti- ;:in'tl c(|ii:iUy liiwh i|imlific;i tinii", "the iMri.'M nf jud^fH with hi^li eiHHiirh, .'i h-'ii n. ptiKiiion <n hfiu'li hffiiiiu- v.ifji:'!. V'lv av.im ii rush nl' litwy*M'ri fi>r it, wlio v>r.' williiif,' In K:c"pt tho pay attained < ih- r.fi';-.-. t'u: T*ri'ir, .hi" nf th ri'pre seuta ti vew of i i. -I (..iimhia, sup|nn-tiii|^ 'I: ini'i'i'iiM', Kaid that when tin' li-ailfT 'h" .(>|ip(riii<m and Iuh fi'ifiwiH wfn' thai ci;v Ihi'.v {ri-anii-ifd incrfaHi*H in -!-:i"-i and larjj;'" eNpfndituieii on pub- i- in-!;., hut win!n it canif to a paltry ?;'tit -. |M.v u itc not prepnri'd to carry r. Ih'-ir |)1-ijjium'h He i-lmrKed that th l.ibiTab' nhvnJH 'ipjuiHi'd ilKT-'IWCH in Mil- i"- a nd railway inilinidicH. .Mr. I.anricr said Unit he had no uhjfe- :-mi to n'jH-at what he had naid in Vic- : : iii He luot sai.l that 1 lie entrance to i." line harhnr of Victoria, which wan i'-triu:tctl by a roc];, iihonld havi* a :iCht. ff lie 'had had the honor of heinff In- ia'Miibi'1- for VietoriiL he would have i '-ii Ii'ih infltiiMieo with the (lovenmient '.'i havr a light upon that rock, rather '.hail to p;et a poittoffici1 over which Hierv had Ih'imi .it'iiahhliiig ainoni; the laitblnl hi to whoro the tutu Hhnuhl he. Sir .lulin ThniupHon had naid $(100 a year wan ii fair rcmunnration for the jud^o, connider- inK tlui.t in three year.1* tliero wan only one ' af.ii Im'/ohi the Admiralty Court. If tin* haa. gentleman wiotihl dicliar|o hit* 'lutii-H properly to tho city of . Victoria, he would |ni>t fi^ht for thifl |M)tty item, hut tiort that there i Hjrlit for the harlior of that tfr<*at city, I |iou the Miiiiater'H undertakiac to- hriiij^ down full information on the mil>- jcot the comiulttoo reported tho reiiolil- tion. The Oiirran bridge Hteal, by wfii^h the country vmn roblied of over $U00,(>0O,waii cfca!\d by the vote of $0700 U> complete tin- payinciit of tho Pxpeu>ien of tlu> cohv minHion that unearthed the wrong-doing, la ifMpoiiHii to a dimmed l^r Mr. Dnvii'ii f')i- information, the Mitiinter of Jnntiee naid that Hti'pn liad In-iMi taken to lay th;1 evidtMiee taken liefore- .Tudgi- DfHiioy- ith, but tlu ability of the prone4;utiou t hi that liiid lweu called in ijuetitiou by the defence. The jMiiut wiut whether the Doiniiiion or Provincial (Jove rumen t Khouiil pay the eiiHt of the ww trial, ndff JiiHtiee T.aeontc wnii now consider ing the arguuieutH addretuied to him. Mr, Moloch: I preHame in the event (if the court requiring Hecurity from th^- Doiniiiioa Oovurniuent that it will Iwi -givcn-7 __.......------- Sir Cbarh'H Tup|M-r : I think it would bo Yi>vy unwise mid quite extra-ordinary at the prone nt juncture that we Hliould Ht'itf what we would do in the event nf the court iloinu; a certain thing. We are ((iiite confiilent that our application will miceeed. Mr. Mnlock called attention to the de lay that had occurred in bringing the guilty poi-maw to jiiMtice. lie Hnid that tin1 cointniHHion had n'|iortd that a whfileH'ile friiud hud been committed, and that information wnu in the jm>h- neuHiuj] (if the {Jove mute nt in Novo nder IH'Mi. After two -yearn had olapned tiro only protfreNH made in the matter wim thit tin' acciiHed poniou had carried the war into Africa, and waH prosecuting a Hiiit againtit the Crown for more money. On the eve of n poKHible general election then1 had hoc n a mniiifontation of energy on the part of the (ioverumont, hut now the (ioverniuent wenied to have I-Nt fll its energy. It wan an outrage ; h . t the mlili \-y i!i id 1 have t:ii.eii place, a.! that tlii'ie wis i\,\ pern in behind the hti-H for it. Thin lethargy wim mi in- iici'inen*. t'i oHie "-1 to do wrong. .Sir 'V. den Tn,!;!-!1 |.iMl'-rtL,- 1 that tfic (iu.e ni:i a', w ih pi'.'CCi'iliu.!; in order and ill '[eeeney. Mr. 1> . \i";' fi mi men t c-1 upon the fact th t th-- i". l.Ience had he--u taken iu- \'l\in: i uutuli'M* oi m-u in a eoiiHjiiiucy to del.- nd the (J,i Oi'iuti'iit. No ntep h :[ h'l-.ii ta .eu to puiiiMii any one of th.-m. Sir Chai-l.'K Hii-iii that th ' iiiHt ructioiin o." tie.' '.Kihtic- Ucpa.'Ltn.Mt from ch-'.De' pi:tine,it o. Ki.!l\\'ii,VH and ('anulu wore ; ' prooe'd hot agniliHL one man, but ...:a:. ..sl any anil a.l: who were in any v. :ty coi heel.'. (I w.tll ('lime. Mr. I-aiirji'i-, after Kt.iliug the fact that two yea had clap ed without any- tiling having he.-u done, poitited out that n pi i*n'(-ution coid: not It* eifuctive mi- U ii uiid'.-i-takeu imine;liately. The MiniHter li[ .1 in tice Haid that Ite w..nl 1 tell the ho.i. gentleman, oiuce he . ad h"Mi foicevl to dn ho, why the'de- ; i tineat had not runlu-d poll inell ugaii.Hi ev-iy ofleniler. It whh not mi- t eipated by tli- law offie h of the C.'own that Hin-h an unfortunate tnirtcar- riage of jimticv would take place in Montreal, li tln-y could not obtain a eoiuinittiil by the inagiHtrate or a true hip from the grand jury, it would be futile to proceed ugahmt the minor of- (" adera. Mr. huurirr naid that in the proeccu- tion iff t|ie rha.gH agahint Ht, Louia t!icre biul bee.i a want of energy and u want cif (h-tei mi nation that win* evi dence to n majority of the ]>oople and the country that it had been a tdium p/onocutiou. The diseiiHrtinu wiw con tinued until after midnight, when tho do .we adjourned. Ottawa, June 7. Sir Charlea Tupnar, ,\bo ii umhitioua Jor one of ' hi iunnu- turc -yeart and limited uxporionco^lmd ;u opp'H'-n.ii-y yeu:erday pi tdiowiiig what hi' could do In the fund turn for -which >i> was a candidate before tho hoiii' u u. gnu. Mr.. Foster, wan "away doli.vermg a:, . ration at Montreal, and lio ,loft his you.iig eollengiu* beldml to leud the Uoune and tnhe care nf tho policy. It mnt ili iV.iii.'cBi-K'il tlrat Hir Charlon did fairly we'll, . omparingjdi' leadeiMhip with that which nia boon luIlUitd upon tl^e IXoum luc^i the (iiM'iiIng ff tho simmon, Tho Ilon-in preMeid'y wont Into roninilttee on Hlr ChnrliH' rentdiitlon fixing the'Halarien of the following judtfen: Two juiIgnN ef the Ciivnit flourt o| the lHHtriet of Montreal, murIi i^JJOOO per annum."-- Five County Court Judgeri In Manitidm, eaeli $1!000 pr.r. annum ihiring the rirttl (liree yoani of nervico, after whicli eiicli $L'I00 per aniinin, The local jmlgcH of the DiHtrial of Hritiidi (Vdiimhi'i ^|0(H> per minum. M-. Dnvli'ii took exception to tlm laiit nivipnunl, which inraiiH that Chief diintice Davie of Iiiitiidi Coluinb'ui nhall have an iolditiiui of ^100 to bin iialu yyj The irroimd taken by Mr. Duvien wan that lie* judi.'oii in other prnvineeii, notably (Jn- tario and (Jueliec, Imd n crent dearuioi** work ta do than the Chief Jiwtico of il.itinli Cohimhia, uud that if judjcinl nalarh'H were to he Increimed tin- other p.-ovinceii were entitled to ciinidderatioii. Thiii wan a mo.-d iuoppurtune tiiue to increane iialarien, ^'ir ChiirU'h Topper fNplaiiiod that the na nry of the pi-iatent ohicf jimtice of Itri- titdi Coluiiihin wan hda than that of hi" preiieia'iiHrri*; Sir Matt lie w fleghoo. 1 fo now received (^HOUO n-i chief juidiee, and l^IKH) ait local judgi; in udiiiirn Ity, where- nil hin preifei-eiiaor receivi-d an eliief ju-1- a-iuihalty, making altogether $IHHJI>. He tice .^TiSLM) and ,*S()() an local judge in proponed to iuereiuio the tiala ry. oi' the prone nt chief jimtice an local judge in jfiipium *M(in|$ <i\ ODI1^ uioaj .Vi;ii.iuu|iu hi.i total inciinio ifiiniil). Mr. Ivlgar, in Htroug. terms, protented ii^niiiHt. the incre.'oio, which hi.1 naid wan iii.-p|i<ii'tinn' and improper, Mr. Me Mi i lien took xception to a wtatoni ail. made by the Minister of .lun- tiee that th.' judge'n HalaricH all around dioul 1 he iiicnaiHed. He lield that judgi-n we i-i' -well paid for what they did, and he Hind that it wan the duty of every layman in the Houn to protoat againiit the proponed iucreaKCH, Mr. MilU naid that the increaHc of the Mji.ln ry of tin* Tlhief Jufitice of Itri- tifilt <'oluiubia would make an iuvidioua distinction. lie called upon the ininhi- ter to idiow that there wif< . MUffifitjiit work done to junlify tie- ini't-oa'-'o. Air. Duly held that the pur|wmf of ".he resolution wan to wipe out inviilioiin distinct ion, inn; much oh tho judge in !!:atinh Coliimbin did not get an iimclt an jinlgeH in Admiralty "lnewhere. Mr. Laurier pointed out that by an to l panned in IB'H the nalaries of jinleavn .i Ad mi rally had been fixed in nccur- duiice with the umniiiit of Work |nir- ( mod by each. The Halary of the lifi* .'.Mi Columbia .fudge Imd th n been i\'d ii-* .TdOl), It wan for the ininister .o iihow that the work Imd increased .urricieTTtly~tfi-j\vn.rrn7it^au ini'VeuHe. Sir CluLflet' itaid that it wjim notoi-ioio , ii the Maritim i Pr.ovincon tha.t the I'ldgen were not adequately paid. - Cm motion of Major Carponter, nec- dod by Dr. Uoonie, tho coinialttoe " ideil to recommend to the 'lo.orn- .i-nt to adopt nonio melhod of anidfitlng rult-Kroworo of Canada to pln.< e fruh r- the Pmgllah marlcotii by meann of old Htornjro fmalltlen. Thin reaolutiop as tho outcome ot' a valuable address y Mr. John Craig, hortUmlturuU of the rjruentai Faj-nT, in which ho guvo I'eHiiltH of certain cold HvorOf"" i'X- rlnientH mado by hiih In Montreal st year. J,lr. Craig hollevcs that by system of district cold storage- ware- uHi-H, rttfrigGMitor oars a:id coTd iitmeiits on steamships it Is possible place the ponchos, phiniH and gnipon i" Ontario upon tho Kngllnh market In yiiur quant Uif;t. Major Car pen tor 1'! talo- steps to Iniliuv the Ciov. rn- iU to make a trial Hhlpim-nt o:' i']tp$ from tho Niagara rctiinstila this ' -,ir. 'i'here won* "wlgn on the gr-i-en here in ouii-etloti with Sep:i rate School ma:- -. rs. The announi-emcnt that the corn- _ ;.l.;sion unpointed by the Ontario ("Jov- nun-'nt to Invi'Ht^gato the condition f the Catholic Separate school of On- ,awa lias ben blocked has caused a genuine sensation . The commission as appointed at tho request of the parate Rchool I!(ard, and the Govern ment acceded to the request with more tiiun tho usual alacrity on account of : a attack made on one of the Depart mental ofllcers, Mr. White, Provincial r-iliool Inspector. For no mo time there has boon a growing feeling of estrange ment between the Fronch Tlrothera and tin- inspector and iiIko certain mom- la-rs of the School Hoard. The Brothers ' barged the Inspector with furnishing 1 ports to the Hoard contradict iry to those given themnelveH. This, with the ijldle indignation meeting, presided over hy Judge Valln, at which stronr r* t-'olutions wore carried, capped tl'5 climax. At the meting Inspector Whit" \."us openly ealled a'lLar, and bin. .mo tives went openly attnjrk^d. The Gov- ernor-in-Oouncll en^wsed tho rc- litest for a commission,1'and Ttev. Fath- -i> Foley, Farrellon, Mr. Cheny, Plant- <^< not, and Mr. William Scott of To- "iito were appointed. This commls- -e-n was considered an eminently fa-l one, Mr. Cheny wn.fi to represent th" I-'fiifh-Cnnadinns, Fiither Foley th h-rgy, while Sooit la a Protestant. The commission wan to have commence-1 woi-It yesterday, but at th" eleventh hour Fatlvr Foley reft.good, und hlc .< Hon was Immediately imitated by Mr. Cheny, leaving Mr. Heott the sole mem- be- uf the commission. Father Folr,y a., in Its that he resigned In deference 'o the wishes of Archbishop Duhame', \' ho regards the appointment of th- cmnilsslon with disfavor, and in fact ( iistruei) it us an attack on tho Chris tian Brothers. Vhc Department of Trade and Com- at-'-rce Ih advised that important cm-' slons have been made to Mudda-t'- Aisti-allan Steamship Line by the Ha- ' alIan Government. Under a loglsla- 1 v.* act of lust year the Government i-mlts to that company nil the port > '. urges except pilotage and water. The Act authorises the RxeciiMve Council to make contracts for mall service be tween ports of the Hepnhllc of Hawaii inrl NorthAmerica, Australia and In tel mediate ports, and to grant aid to -.- y Hteamshlp company for the term of n-o yours, freedom from all charges at th port of ironolulu for wharf.igo, igbtfl, buoys, blanks at the Custom1 ' tonne, and harbor muBter'H fees for the -eoamshlps plying between said ports, i.rl also grants free ubo of tracts of d In Honolulu for storage.--of'coal, not exceeding :iOAO tona at any ono time, ' >v. the use of company's vessels. The :Ji<:amnhlp company, on tho other hand, agrees during the term of two years to iirry all Hawaiian mnlbi without charge to tho Government, and to ho'd to the preitrnt schedule of pnBBcnger ind freight ratco, ISfUWH tO Hill lfUU Hamilton Juno 6, Joaeph Carter, .red 7-lrNiB lylnir.at dcath'B point at St Jouoph'B HoBpltiil. He was thrown from liM wagon, lighting on his head, nnd is now completely naralyjwd. Coi-ter 'tt a fanner. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. i * iOtAlMWl'lLU NOM'MI. tliiHTo, Junk Ut lHWfi Council mob n,u Uonrt of Hovlnlou on UHueBnmimt roll. All the matnbora pruuont. - -Tho iiiounwaryoutijH of oiiiu weru Lit It on and KUhnoribed, . Ou motion Thou, 1-hillipn, Win. IMiillipu, John iMiillipw, iTMir.uo PbillipH, and OlmirlAfi IMiillipu wuro each uubuhkihI for -10 aoron of lottlT, N.M. R Mru. 1'apinob.n, M auroN boiuf; u p u ^ lot i, oou. 7, ano. II. W. Allan, 1 aero part ill. con. 8, 9'2W). .Richard Oodo, lot 13, rjonctiHuinn H, lidO aoroH, 8!ia00. Alex. MeGhiu'ii aiiHCUHtntrnt lowered ftGO, and iiurmitcii reduced I acre. Thonmti Jones tu hnvu ouo dy Htruok off. '- VW.vn PioUott'ti iuiiiunmont rod viand to 99/10.. Goo. H. Tuttlo'n aiiMonnmont ruducod from 8.1100 to ftfllOO. Mru. It. EUord put on an tenant on ti /, lot 20, con H. Win. (Jo\ve]l Htruck off an tenant ou n pt lot 21, oomotiwHiou 0. n. II, Herman put on an tarntnt on lotii 15 and 'Jt ooncciiuion 12. Mark Butt put on tuuaiit on lota IS A 1-1. lot \i, conconaiou 12. William White put on an tuuawt ou part lot 11, oauceuuion 7. Thou. Till ho li put ou au tenant ou north pt ni, lot 7, oon'cnunioti Kl. Adulph Chevtiliar put on an tenant on pt 13. couooHHion 13. On motion umiORfimmit roll conurrood a roviaod and corrtjetod. Court adjourned. J. A. CouIjTku, Clork, GK.no, Junk 8t.h, 1895. Council motau pr adjournment. i^eBout ooHnoillorii. Caya, Konuody, Kod'd and Thomau. On motion Mr. Itodd was appoiutad chairman. Minutoi of prtivious mtictiiif' read and on -motion adopted. ^* On motion clork to notify T. S. Laird thtvt tho dirt on tho 13th eoncoHUioii from tho drain muut bo ]ov*llod at onco. John MiUor'n ittatuto labor oommtiliod for two yearn, Mr. Kcdd commiiiaionor, On motion chouko wore iimuod for tho following: E. J. Lovolaoo for printing an per no- count ronderod, $8.10. Win. Irvine, quurtor'n ttolary au janitor 8(i. . Youa Olhou, balanoo" on lOlU oouaounion drain contract, $50. T. Caya for Robert Atkin, Colohoater's nbaro for grading on wont town line be tween Colflhenttr North and Andordon, Mrs. Lair.Jcharity, tfi, Mru. Laframboia, charity, 85. Clirintian Auhou for work done od Wi^lo dniin, by order commiHtupnor Luird, charg ed to n \ bit 18, ooncuHuion 8J 81.CO, T. W. Woybuin for work Vlono en 8th noucuHHion draiu per ortior conaoaiHaionor, 820. On motion oonucil adjourned. J, A. CouhTisn, Clork. To Smokers To meet tho wiwhei! of their cutitomoro, The Geo. E. Tuolcett <t Ron Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Out., havo plaood upon the market A Combination Plu of "T & B." SMOKING T0BA GCO This supplies n long folt want, giv ing tho consumer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece, or a 5 cent niece of tho famous u11 <Sa DSy! brand of puro Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & J" is on every pioce. CALL AT -^mmmmmtm May's Bazaar, FOK ALL KINDS OF Window BlindB away down Cliinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Eancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinda, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents ap. WOODSLEE --0OO W, G SMITH, WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. The boat of Lout hor and liret-alftna Worli njftnnhip. All hand work. E-ery H&rncHi* tiold by mo nriftdo i W*d vhm. My Stock of Light and Heavy HurnoHu ie now comploto, and a r>lfln- (I d Htoak of nil Horno Goodn, RopHirintf doae proiuptly awri ohoap. wricmtV- smith, South Woodsfee. sr' GREAT twmRTvr*aT{m,tmxiflfr'"' * OF NEW SALE- jutaMcaAatat-aMt GOODS. 1: >'f'-ii LaBt week we filled our wtore to ovorflowing with Special Low Pncos on DrcBS Goodg, .and our efforts were appreciated. This week we have opened 5 cases of new Dress Goods. The lot comprises Silk Dress Costumes, Blouse Silks, Wool Dress Goods and wash Dress Costume*; newest creations in Dimities, Ohambrays and Sateens. Very special, 60 pieces of pure Wool double-fold Dress Goods, regular 35c goods reduced to 20c yard 15 pieces finest A.rmure Wool Dress Goodn, regular 75c goods reduced to 40c yard 50 pieces Simpson's best Challies, regular price 20c, re duced to 10c yard A-ll our regular 12c Prints, including Crumm's best English Prints, reduced to 10c yard 50 pieces of regular 8c Prints reduced to 5c yard 15 doz i-iadiesMast black Hose reduced to 10c pair 4 doz Corsets odd lines regular price '1 for 50c. 15 pieces Veiling worth 20c to 40c yd reduced to 10c 10 doz Ladies' Summer Vests reduced to 5c each 15 Ladieb' Capes at about half the regular price Our Gre^j and White Cottons are proving a wonder ful drawing card. We offer 33:\ yds for $1 and a reg ular lie Bleached Cotton for 9cyard Extra good bargains in Boots and Shoes Wanteri, 25,000 lbs Wool. We pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. DIEBEL&BRICKER. ^ WWH' Wanted 60,000 FOR THE COMING SEASON, \T TUB Kingsviile Woollen UilU t For which we will pay the Highest Price, either in Cash or trade. Something New this Year in Dress Goods, flannels, Flannel Skirts, Shoulder Shawls, Halifax's Sheetings,Blankets,Yarns, Etc., all our own manufacture. BRouun a. w I gle kINGSUILLE s,y ^'^irr*" '" '" ' Important. Having boon much annoyed by partiosin this county Boiling.spurious goodB as our manufac ture, wo luivo adopted tiio annoxod trado jriark . which will horeaftcr appear on all our blanUei tickets, and overy'skoin of our yarn will beat our label. Any goodo .not having our trade mark will not be our manufacture. M. J. WIGLE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ESSEX. Our Peddlers will be out on theirjueual routes this sumioer. Wait until they call on you and ehqw you our Goods andgive: a on our price Only piir autliomed ap;ent8 handle our goods, A Don't be deceived by false reports. See that our name is on all our goods. . , BEOWN & WIGLE^ KingsvUle WooUenlCllsv -M 2

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