I iriJi foiSSil^: PRBB.'1 PRESfc, ' M1' Made Well and Strong. Paine's Celery Compound Does a Wondrous Wark for Mr . Samuel. Hanna. THE NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS WERE ASTONISHED. Like Results Never Accom plished by Any Other Mtdicine. The ou.no o( Mr. Samuel Manna, au ea- tfiarucd rimidont of ManvorH, Out., hau attrauted the attention of hnmlrads living in tho diHtriat. Siuca Mr. Hanna'i cure, bythauuo of Painn'ti'Celery Compound, tjorci who wara proyioualy ulcaptioal, are bow thoroughly convinced that vory word and fumtonaa of praise writton in favor of Paine,ft Calory Compound in th* past, ih true and dofierviutf. Ah a Bpflody cnv&r of JiHpaHo, a nraunth, enar.aud health-giver, thovaHt. majority of mon and wpmon in Canada admit that Paino'H Colory Compound han no- equal Mr. Banna writoi thou about bin wonder. ful cur: ' "After Hover* oicknoHH and lafferini; for a length of time, X am happy to state limb I wiih undo wnll by Painu'w Calury C*i- pound. To bs raiuud up fruin a low and weak atale inmdt of two wookn, it* a war- Vollouu work, which nothing aloe but Paine'*. Colery Compound could havu ac- oompliHliad. "AfUr uuiuu hull tho lirnt bottlu of the Compound, Iwm ttblw to Ji^ tho holun for i forty rod ieuco, and Uulp to build it. Bo- [lore uin{f Pain'a Ctlory Compound, I mid not uletp, and hud no uppuMte; now tttijoy good nleap and a health! ul appetite. Pamo'y Celery Compound iu worth iin 'tight in gold to any mifforwr; it in the >ut medioiuo iu iho world." BAMPANT jOHUIiKY.- Tho BLoa-i Under.tho Harur"' Ru^imo. USE liOTORlCUS CORRAN CK!Cr;i Itiiy l.iilmr IVrmlt" r dhi** aw Mm*.* "Tin*.. U (Ik- fntitrml Hj*ltNl * .tltn HJmlr hy lint Cvi*riu*H'ii( to ItrliiLT OrfVtW*)***-** * .lio-ltc** Ott'twii. Jini" 1. Tli-.' liurl (lint iHiii' ' tu-ii vim m Im '< <>i' elmsui-i nf tin- atrOf'intl-: I'l'-iudu wl'i>*j r-1 th*-:l id *iNU ffin.-'.U'iic.tinii o: tluit im P'Thmji ' "ii- tv hiit. ;-.ii WAS PRETTY QU.CK WORK. int.- uf tor Mullln tint h!i a^am .. ;ir, Iuu- 1XHvorott ami Mariinj*e ,\(*<-<tmpI!t4h<vd in Mbluiurl Ifiiildi in Tliirl.v Miuut^u. An event i\ c n ly tr. xinp.rvd in Urv- Ikm, Mo., whi> h ln.uk.* h ho Kb off Sioux -FiiUm, y. l).. to. r p d div rce:i and rapid man t .g<?s :miiicdlatuly then}- after. It bc-orii.-i il.a. Mary I;al>llt Mullinaux, who i.vt.-d n Gruinvllle.-a croBroadH town i i K. anU in County, wtta den-rted by h r i.usb.tnU, Thou mt i1. Mullinaux. SIk- ^"'v, tlr^d of waii- Jlne'for his return. Shr- , anu- to Union [the othor day and * n> oy.-d Col n 1 (aupln as her atto n y i-. n<-curi- a Iivorct;, sayH a co r ^r"n!-nt nf tho |!t. IjOmIm R. publk-. A h c ho watt In MMirt, and during u rvrt-H oi' a lew nlnutc-a Mm. Mi 11 naux. vb in a lit- Lit* red-hai ed wm an 'f 2?> y*i u h, and fivnn drtiswed in reel ..lico, ap. earud wlti her t.tto ney l. ml w.tn- a a Urfor.- Judjje i Kel, Ju-L i 1-ie m her p ti l.>n \v;-k ftl d \l h, was Kianttnl a dl o c . n asHumed h. r ma ..en nam, boliq 'XjUwIm. 33ut Bho %vn.H not to r>*inaln Mary Lewla very Ion/;. .ch- hiis l_d down- Btalrit in t!ie com tliouo . and ihor.- Frank ill. McCanire, a n-d hai;1 (1 buy of 1!) auniinera, was broalhlcssdy awai- InK to hear the outcome of th dlvor.fl coko. He wiiH her new 1 a'-i . Wncn I Alio told him that all wuu w-:i h'> heart went j li-a-pat. und the two *t p;t-d .\.- to t.e r.coider'H offic a xi secr.tn* : -. marriage li rnse. HU mln ti-s 1 - I they u-uiv uiiHtulrn a^'a n an., w r married by C. K. Ga lenkan.p, th jro- pl\ti- judce. wh. had 1 I" th ea t i reourt.lunj^ eurmpli tu tit* th matrl . i*- [^'nlal Icn-'t. The (1 tir p ex- edi ^-. ' - Hvon-O, laHuance of njarriaK i c i se an l Iwcd ! nix < (,r mony. w re p ifuc. t* i tyithlu Lli:rty n.,nute. liel'ore . ii" ! r,'.;AaU' hour the rod-headed kiooii; ana n ' "l-hclr.d bride h <d ]< t t w In a rm wapfion on iho.ir way to 'h'-ir n,lw jide in Mom IV*, u ntnall h a.Ion on I FiIbco road. n't Wash vtK- Them Out! No other method of,.Jiotne dyeing givci colors one-half so fast and beautiful as ..C DIAMOND DYES. / All the colors marked "past" p'ivc full, bright, and handsome dolors that sunlight will pot fade nor soapsuds wash out, two things that are riot true of the inferior imitations of piamond Dyes* Do your* Dyeing at Homo with tho Original and Reliable Diamond Dyes. Sold everywhtu*. rv-lroUou Hook aud fori/ iiunplei of colored cloth tod.' Wxixs A lUcaAimaow Co.. UonUel r.Q. miltt'd in the fr.tm th'* [iiddir iti't'tjcii witJi liie t^nri""!!! hrithrt*. ni'ii yi hi'i'ii |filni^h<'il, m1i> w'.t how I'lujit;. thi* ili-eh- i-at inn ul' tin- Minirder of iviryu lual -.'ji:dun.' tliat lio U'UlltV \n\vlW'.-ul'l i';.f-t|h'. Nut only lum tin* Oo\<'ru (icnt fnilcd t-i hriin: niiv of the homlli-ir to justii-f, Inn J-lin nuid St. Luiiin, who i'T h id to ho tin' *'liif ofh'iuier, in [iro*;**- c utiiifr an net ion in the court m to n*- i.'omm* Sltlijlih) in addition Lo what he 1m* aheady rccri vimI, It ih true thai I'.riin- 'in 1 |M-.-.....diiiL'n iuvn iiiHt St. L tub; ha vt' iiO'-n iuriiituti'il, hut the pn'Hrrenii which ill -y Ij.iw- Eumii Hia-Niim diK'a not indi- c.t'1 that lla'ji: i.*. any di'tdre to put the I'onti'i-i't'H* to ji-u.v uioii' int'onvi'iiicni'c th ji i.s ni ci'unary to jrivij a e<iloi'iu^c to III!1 pi'rlciice that till' (j(iVtM'llin"iit in ill cm riH'Ht in Ui con me it in punming. Tlii' (io\tsriimiMit im in a Hoini'what em- Im rrasHinji' pdi-itinn in regard to thin iimdiiesH, i'ur until tin' country iIimiuuiiIh Ih it jiiHtiei' HimII i! donu tin; Depart ment oi' .IiiMticf in handicapped hy the (aet that St. J .4IU in in a coils in i> :n*. ti:at lio linn t on a gencroiiH rontriIiutor to tin* Con.-i-rVJL'tivo eloctinn fund iii Qutihcc. It mifjlit not lw mi in - tcrt-'-tiug tu recall tin- laetn of the utenl, iu view oi tlu1 recent ju'ipiKUil of tit. Loui." hy .Iik1|j;i' J^'Huoyen1 of .Mont real, mi the ground thnt the loo*mienH of Mai contract entKk>d him to jj;i't the inoiiov iif iwi-s cliarged with obtaining hy frauil, und of tin* di.i|]iitt; hi-Lweim the (Jonw.'rva- tivi- CjoveniuiiMiU nt (Jiielmc and Ottawn -- *.ii who nhall jiity thu ci>nt oi a new trial. In 1K02 Pjirliani'-nt vuted the depart mental extimatuH of. .fl7()t(M)0 [or a new, laid^e over the Lncliiue Caua1 itt Well- in*? ton-Htrect, in Miiiitrcal, and for the rvumvnl of tlm Grand Trunk Itadwny ' 'i"|."' al'jun'Hide. The work wiih proci*eil- ' 1 uith'.diiriiiK tl*e winter of lSl2di:r Th'- chief ciitfiueor and other iiHior oi lie- depiirtiueul, as well iih MiniHter HnB- faiH, livipiitnily visit ml the works in the cour;ie o[ eonntruction. The whole work wits under the 1 in mediate (tii|ierviHion fti the Dejwirtment of Kjiiluayn ami Oinali* it Ottnwa. It \vii- done -imdcr the day- l.ilinr hyiiteiiijjirid the remilt pr<ived 11 a ' iniii'h iimney rTuT~bTT KtTtU'il "laiihrr tia* Ottau-.-i re(^ime hy nrt'aiM of the daydnher The nutcide (|uiuitity u'i timber and lumber which could have Iveu u-ed' in the work- wo Li,.")!l-t,(i<)0 fret, hoard nieiiHurc, ret tlic re wan charged mid [Miid for .'t,(!Kt,()i)(t feet, or a Kteal of over a mil lion feet, repreHe-itiii.jjr at lenat ijilfi.tJWI for that iteni. T.he Alone outtiii',', which con -d hit ve tieou done for $lilM)(), cont $4<,0(M). llpuu the We'liiifTton-Htrei-t hi-id^e and thu Carrau hridj^t!, iih it Imu ln*e:i called to iiumnrtaliKi! tht- Suli- eitor-i.ii'uerH.!, the uont cA Htone-euttiiij; by piece work nliould have Immmi nhout i^hiOO;, the aiiiount paid l>y the liovewi- uii'iit wan fpl(i,V15, On the Orand Trunk hri dire, wii;it wmild have* cont hy piece work alHJiit (?-'{().)D uetiiall.v eoit the tJoviTiiiueut .'f'JM.lMO. The Htih-tiiriic tare huui<l have" o^t. aecordiiiLr, to tlepart- mi'iitul cutiiaate i>Gd(ooi). The jMiyllut foi ^abor-jiluni* <"tun\ with* LMlt taking intu a*'*uiint ui;i ti*rial, plaint or (a.we \vorkn, anuiiinted to $140,0(10. The (irni>d Trunk Kai way i.o.. uiwm the cHtiinate of CT.iof Engineer rtaiiuiiiord. uffered to bui.d tin* railway bri Ij^e for $70,000, of which -.linn-lit -Mr. llmuiMford iwore that he had u,lowed $10,000 fm pruiit to the coin|iiiny, making the eHli- [iiated coHt rp(!0,0i)<l.' i;di:r Mr. Hag- jrart'a direction it tout $i:td.(hH \ur lahor alonu. Thf* original fhinnate o" cost Jur the Hiih-ntriicturrri ul' both hridgeu, allowing fur an IN-ioot nnvipi- tii.n, Wtui $122,0110. 'i'his wiih i.lt-t wartUi iiWi-eaHed to jl 'J,-/-loot uu viRa tion, for which the total coat wan en;L- rnatod at $1(10,0(10. The netun uoiit wan $i;l0,;i2n, of which .. ji.'-il) I,(MM), J>ai<l over u Htea! from the ta.\|]ayi'ry in -Mr. Iln^jrurt'i-* de|i iMiii'-nt lilinie of $2-'t4,0O(). It in eiitiiaated tluit St. Louiri, who wm-k th - contriu:tor for lalwir, nuwle $15o,OlH out of the job. II- falmiied the jiylintM, wliicli contain ed the utiiU'H ni in-Mi who were never iu ployed on the woiIch n,t all, and there were five timeii n many, men under ony iih were uecenmiry On March 8, lHlla, no lemi than 1H00 men were npou the workn, for every one of whom St. Louin won re<!LMviiip; pay. During the paid in ' *n Titary iuveHtijratiou of the "caud.i 1 last v ur, St.. Ijoimm nwore that he hii1. h *en inakiny" p4>litieal huIulm i ptiotm for 20 yearn, liarly in the fall of 18D3 th* (itivriiiie-nt wuu put in |Mineeh;don of the fiu/iK hy the rejMii't of the depni'tiueiita) coinmiridon, and attain tin* eviil-ne- wiih taken hy tlie Public AccoiiiitH (Vunmit- t'e of Pariiiun -ut lant year. A nuuihcr ot ui"ii were involved iu the coiiHpiracy, hut iu the fnoe of all the evidence. ul- fordi'd it the Governm *nt turn made no move nptftiiint them* offendern, oxecptinjj: hum individual, and the pvoHeciitinn .in. thin solitary cae ha* bisen cluimcteri)!*"' by anything but th" v'ltzor that woul * renHonahly lw expected from men pnt fe-tju(r to<he In earnoHt. Hci*o i tho oxcime given by tho Min ister of Jmiticc for bin failure to ju-o- coeil iiprainflt the minor offi-'iiderH: M It could iw>t have been anticipated; it wan not nnticipated hy the law offi cer*) of the Crown that muih an unfor tunate itiiHCJirriiure of jiiHtico would titlce place in tho city of Montreal. That w:ui not nnticipated, Iwit I da.Huy thin: Tluit if under the ovidenco that \v< proihieo wo can neither obtain a coin- mittul from a mnKintrato nor obtain tl: prmentmont tyf a bill from the ^mnd jury, then I do way, that t will udvia- ni,v eollen.(r'\1(.H ,(Illl i\w (.invuruineiit th't it iH abnolubdy futile and ihoIi'H!? t proceed njiaiiLHt tho minor and other of fender-it. That w tho coin-no wo* hnve ntlopt.nl. That In the course n|K>n whic". wc proceeded, and on mood advice; not only on the advioe I )mvo froth thoue immediately ikHnocint<->.t with ni" but I Candidly tt'il the limine tho iKiaitiou tli't t.ljc Govenimuut takea in that rpjriird. We are not miuttei-H of the ultiiatiuii. We miittt bow in thiH n'Hiiect to higher power*). We mimt Hidmiit ouwulven to tlu; tribunalu of the country even if u-e are dinnntinfiod and nioet tho ohtttaclen that wi'w not anticipated.'* Tlw Opposition haa deninndwl that evory effort nhull lw put forth to bring tha Wrootf-dofti^ to thfl bar f iiiHtle^ THIRTY YfcARS OF TOHTURr.. WIT H Ul 11; I !l A TI KM. M'Ih Utory uinuOIl iftfau in>wNm.rhiL' *'um* lo lOiiiule-i' Uu|iatcd i/ullmrti Mud kH"uiiM*liitnet. From tin* Kouiptvlllii Advniiuti. *1 uni nov/ alii obI- at- iliu fool of the hill ;)f li?e, having attained th*; 7fHh yar of iuv ii tie i **>'! MiHor dtirine; tlutt tiino hnyo I oind') ii Htuti.niMit mon: willingly and uooueiuiiiioUHl} than now. IM y hudy bun uuen tufturcd hy puin for upwardu ot thirty yeurn, utiued hy rlietiuiatitnt, and tliouitaiaiH are ondurnje; n, like ullluiMon that niiud not ii they woulJ but hood my L-XperiuiKie nud uvn.ll ihoninolv**n of tbn proper tneaiii. ul rtlief. The dimuiHU flri't affected iny hip und spread tu uiy iotin mid arrun. Lilte nidiiy Diiffcroni I npurod nei- tlmr trokhlu nor ritpmimt 'in Hueltinu Bonio- tiling to alleviate thu pain. The diuuaiio bud madti mo ho helplcKH that I wuh unablo to put on my iiout mill my Imndftand fiiif'- era weru liuing iwikj,| out uf iiliupu. There Bowradd not llie shudow of a hope of roliuf und vory iiH.turn.lly I bueamv diHC0tiraKid and dinhuiirlunod, and lioiu aftor umo havu 1 cWqii up .in rk'Hpair. Whi| >iu Arixoua throo yoarii u^o 1 hourd uf Dr. Wilhathi*1 Pink Pille. I wnur. for mix buxeu ih ardor fo (jiv<i them u fiur trinl. I followed Iho dircctiouH oloiicly und h> thu tiiuu iho fourth box wan fimalmd the piiiu had graatly Icmioned und I -.van inuuLi improvod. Mv frienda haviiu; witnohHcd thu woudor- 4?-'-<>s4\ n, " . Ur. If. V. nfrrftlt. No Other iedicine I Wi UMAIlLIf TO PUT OH MY COAT. uffcoc upon iuy hody could not help udmir- ingthn Pink Pillu, und boint; about to leavufortho eaHt, I yavu tho romttiuinu twohoxonto thfiM. Cnfortunately I na- JTftectwtTJ^ttin^ another.supply for nearly a year after rotiirriinf* to thm part and I fU that, to mo Piuk Pillu wore one of the neecHminen of iifo. Lan6 npriug I prooured a few luxe** and huvo becu tukiuji thorn aiiico with a very aatiflftiotory efftict am Ijlad to nay. Now I feol hltu a now man, cntiroly freo from pain or ntin'uoaH of jaint. I huvo a flliulu uumnnoHK of feat and halt wuytqtho Unco, bat am cnnfldout that thorn) pdhi wid rulicve thiH fooling. A|. though well advuhced in youra, Iain able to, and do, walk many milou a day. For rhotiuatium Dr. WilliituiH' PinUPilU ytund prt-ominently above nil othor modicinoH aooordiHj; to my expt*rienca and I ar^i a trial on all yufferiue; from thin puiuful malady." Tho nhove ig an nuyarmnhed atuLtomont of fauti at* told tho Advance rgceutly by Mr, George Sullook, an auteemod rflHidont of Miller's Cornem, and no one hoariu/; thu carncHt manner of itu recitul could fail to be couviucud of Mr. Bollook'v uiuaoirty. Bat if thin wre not enough hundrade of witneRHea uould ho summoned, if uod bo, to prove tho truth of ovary word utated Mr. An^uo Buchanan, the wolj kuown dru^^iHt ami popular reove of Kumptvllo, upoakt) of Dr. Willtame' Pink Pillu an one of the moat popular remedial! known, hav- inRo, ntvu.i oalo among his antatomora and fiviii^ ^ouural uatiufaction. Khoumiaium, aoiatiaa, uoural^ia, partial pamlyhio, locomotor ataxia, nuriouo head- aehe, usrvoua prontratiea, and dieoanee du- pendib(; on huuaorn iu the blood. huoU aa aorofula, chronic orysipoluu. etc., all dinup- Dear buforo u. fair treataiunt with Dr. Wil liam*' Pink Pi Hi. They give a healthy clew to pale and tallow oomploxioni and .build up aad ronow tho ontiro oyatem. Sold by all doalerg or neat pontpaid at fiOo a box or nix hoxo for ft'2.50, by addrutmiuR the Dr. Williama' modicino Co., Brookvillo, Ont., or Scheneolady, N.Y. Don't bo per suaded to tuko uumo lubutituto. The Xtocky IMountiilns Alonu the line of tho Nor thorn Paoifie Railroad ubeund in lar^o gume. Moose, door, hour, oik, mountain lionu, ote., can yot.be found there. Tho true aportBmat* ii willine; to \jo ikero for thorn. A little hook called "Natural Game Prfnorvo," published by *h*i Northorn Pactfla IUilrwad. wil] bo nout upon rocoipt of four conku in tampu by Ouau, S.Fim, Qon'l I'aua. A^out, Bt. Paul, Minn. Oood Health Aud a good appetite 'go lined in hand. With the !">> of appftito, tho lyittm. oun- not lnnt nuotaiH itNelf. Thim tho [ortiflaa tioiu of good hoalth are broken down and the nyutnm ia liable ta uttaclt* of diooaMo, It is iu auoh oaHON that the modisuial pow> on of Hood'i Baraapurilla tonlify - to ltd ^rt>at monta aa a puriter of the blood, itu pttwern to restore and uharpim ,the appatito ant) prorooto a healthy aotlon'nf the diten- tivo r^aiiB. Thwu It la, not what w nay, but what Qood'u Savuaparilla dou, that tfilli tb# atory and oondfcifcutou tUe itron^- est reoortJinoudatioH that ami he ur^od'fnr anytaedlrih*. Why nofetakn Hoad'tf Bar- uaparilla now? SO THOROUGH AS Sarsa Statement of a \W11 Known Doctor "No other blood medicine Unit T.'. hv't ever used anil I hnve irleil them all, Is so thoroiich lu iis action, :md eilVfts so inany peruiaiient cures as Aver1.') .Sarsaparlll;!," in*. II. P. Mj-:immmji Augusta, i\le. Ayer'si^l Sarsaparilla Admitted ot tho World'o JPalr. Aye/r'u IHlls for llticr und hotveln* 1.4H'AVrit M'.f V! KIMHkNK^lN IIIIumIiiu Heir te > '.*.'(.oiio toiitnt mi ii-i .(.)- her n I tirin. . rtuf;"nlo, June S. T'iirce or four '.vei/i ne,c a.is puhlhhi'd a romantic .sto.y oi a fortuie* o; Sjr,,i)Ji() uwa.ttnK >uun^ II.'. Ipln I leriu, from the death o: bin aunt In Three Rivera, Que. Tin- youn>r nian'H i areiitB renide in ihlH vity, . bit they b/tve bad no word of him hut once Miner- he left home 10 yoai'H Of-co at ii-K<' 'd'. 1(1 to' fv-olv bin fortune. That oo- eu.slon was eln;ht yearn u^o, wh'ii ho wrote Irorn Han I'Vanelseo. A in.'WH-.aper adv rtlr.em.e-it In The I'eininnton, Alberta, Jp raid >e< in.s to li:dh uti.* to the parentu that tlndr son Is heated there and they have written l a;: >rta]n win.-tin r he Ih the mlHsltu: hein------------- i><cAiev iti;i.n:j" i:xn;i>iii(v*oleiiil^ln \1SI1 Ai**io|"iu> II la Sdnly (Tio 4Jlne(<\rn. Chicago, June H, When the Penry re lief expedition h';fven Kt, John,.** *.P., for th Art tie Circle it will be neeoinpanl d by J'nd'. SaliHliury of Chicago I'nfver- Hlty. The party will be under tho di rection of Mrs. Penry. it will that v:.cIt Riudtn Hny, ("ire-nlnnd. A nuni- l.er of HCiellt'.Hto will t-'i k" th* tpt) Htudy the jLjhuders and #<' 1(*al u .ri- ditlo'tUH "f the eountry. l'r. f. HalLshmy K'a-H an far an DiHvn, near lnKhslde Hay. lie oxpeotK to return In Dctoher. wojiikn in naitiu ah AiitK llt'-ir ltitrlit lo loic ut Vestry UlertlucH OKrwuhfil Ann Arbor, Mleh., June H. The 1 ad- Inp feature of the Kp'nr: 'jtal dioc h ii eonvenUun to-day wuh the spirited dis- fvuH^lon an tu wh-th-r woa-.en h1i:.u d he |>eruilttet| to vde i'ur the in"-nil era of the vt*Htry In parish luectiraiH. '['he n.'HUlt of the lenptliy and enthuslustle debate was to lay the matter aside for at least another year. Thu oppone: tH of tlv* women had devoted all their eti- >-i y,y tuwail:; raisinfi' t'-chnl a] and 1-*- e;nl ob.1--etlii.-.s, and tln-y Mnally won their p-diit, the matter bel:<B' ret'r."d to a crnnilttee of two clergymen and two laymen,, who will report one year from now at the next annual conven tion. iitovt.M:i <>it i irozi:\ to ik.itii. RutrvLvorrn T u ^ rci-U HiilTe't' Terribly frm <^ill._. Victoria, B.G., June 8, An account of the wreck of the Hehooner Kodialc, on Kodiak Inland, han reached here; aii>o the loss of the Hehooner C. G, \Vhite of San Franclaeo, near the Hame plaee. Tt:n of the crew of the White were lost. Many were frozen to death while lonhed to the rigging and othern were drowned. The survivorH crosned the mountuins throuKh the deep siwnv to Okyak, where medical attention was Klven them. Harry Harn^Om, P. A. Sweeney, A. O'Brien, A. Johnson, *\ F. Kopern and K. W. Ball had their feer amputated to eavo their liven. POWDERS *, Cure SICK HEADACHE und HonralRla i i . so Mftjurrza, *bo C -.imI Tomcih*, Diz/i- j nf-i-i, litd'nism:::'!, l'ahi in tho Sidii, Constipation, 1 T'rpiil Liver. Ihul Urr-odi. to at.iy cm uii also | ruRulatu thu bowuls. very Ntcu iro taku* . "pptiott sg oirMra at Dkua Grotwsf ii ir-"ifiT_"raiWf ti Short Journeys on n Lonir ttond. la tho ohatautoribtio titlo of a profuooiy il- huitratud book containing ovorouo hundrod pagoH of charmingly written doaoviptionn of mimmer rodorta in tho country north and wost of Oliioaofo. Tho ruadiny mattor la now, tho dluatratioiiD are now, and tho in formation thnroiu will ha new to almost ovoryono. Acopycf "Short Journeys or a Lour Rond" will bs Bant free to anyone who will euoloDe ton oontH (to pay potag) to Gro. Ii. HiuvvonD, Gonoral Pwiengor Aijent Ohleapjo, Milwankeo its Bfc. Paul Xltiilway, Ghiaace, III. Hnaltb and happintva and roUtivo oon< ditiouu; at any rata, there oaM bo IlttU UuppiuBBi without health. To (five the body its full tneaaure of strength and energy, the bloo(l should be kopt pure and vigoroua, by the ie of Ayr'B Baroaparilla, One Hundred >'KWl-iY WANTED To buy Knniitnni ut pruajii tlmt aro ritzld down to l.ardpan, und prepared to fnrnndi i vory ibintc m tho iiliapo or l"urniliiro that il 1'oul liou-ekcepnr needii, AIho a fine line uf Ituby Curriu^eH at pricun that are ritfhi clone. Kindly call and iuiipuot tho (jnudi, it will pny yen be do no heftiru iuy- mt; elHewhero, It coiitH you nothing to ^i;t priuuii. . UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING iV urienitilty. Everything clone np in uoort nhiipe. All neuenniiry carria^eii furnitihed. Iliimiieiei promptly attondud r.n at nil hourti. Will coiiipnnt prieim with uny nndortaknr nf uny town. Ilavo two fine heurfidh in good eondition, and will not ho untleffiold in the linen I ruprciiunt. J. A. Hicks, SX "tirty KcKtert, Mitul ut Biwo," That in what it ih whoti travollin^ on tho fant traina of tho Chicago, Milwaukoo & Ht. Paul Ituilwayi-benidoii thoro in no ohanco to "kick," for tho uoaotinnodationij aro up to duto, tho traiim koup moving ripjit tilonn and got thoro ou timo. Thoao linott ihor- oue;hly cover tho territory between Clncajia, La Uroiino, St. Paul, Minnoapoliu, Abor- doon, M.itclioJl(,Sioux Falhi. Bionx City. Yunkton, Counml Blufin, 'Jmuhii and Nor thorn Michigan. All, tho priuoipal oition and townn in that torritoryv(tri} ronchtd by tho "Bt. Paul" linuB, oouneotin^ at Bi. Paul, Council Blufhi and Omiha with all linen for pointH jiu tho far wont. Writo to A. J, Taylor, Canadian PioWr Agout, B7 York Street, Toronto, Out., for one of thoir .ow map timo tabloii and a|broohnro, (iivin^ deHcription of the Compartment Slocpine, Jani. Ticketfi fnrnihhed by any coupon ticket utfunt in the United Btaton und Can Via. The fluent dining cam in tho world- rnn ou thu aolid ventibuled, olootric- lyhted and Hteumdioatod trainH of tho Chi- la^o, Milwaukeo it' St. Paul ltuilway. A Boon to Hon omen. Ono bottlo of Englifdi Spuviu Liniment completely re moved a curb from my horno. i take ploaHurf! in riicoinrneudina tlin remnJy. iib it uctu with myi)tcriouH pramptnouH id tho pomoval from horHon of hard, hoH or cal- louHod lumpo, blood (tpuvin, HpliutH, ourbe, nweouy, HtilleH and Hprainon. Geo. Dobh armor, Mark hum, ^Ont. Sold by John Thorno, DruuKiat. ......... ...... * "Th*Nagar* Falls Route." QOIHO KABT- raking offoct May l'Jth, lyOQ. Mail Exp. Exp. a.m. ii.ni. a, ni. 0.20 U.-10 6 ."SO 10.10 Dotroit,...... Wlndeor .... Polton........ Maldatonoc IGubux....... Wooiloloo ... IlUQOomb ... Comber...... Ridfiotown.. itoilnoy....... fit. ThoHiad 7.15 7.40 8.03 S.U H.ai H.'tf 0.4B 10,17 11.30 O0IHO WEBT. T.^C 10.H3 8.47 10.00 p.ni London......... 12.10 Rt, Tboman... Rodnoy ......... Illdgotowu..... Combor.......... Kunoomb....... Woouiiloo....... Eonox............ Matdntono Ur Polton............ WfndHor......... Dotroit..........i 2<n it.li'J e.ho. fi.U r>.5Q B.SIO n.i-t CIS 7,10 11.50 1.05 a.m. (1.35 10.31 UMO ia.4fi Accom [i.m. 4 40 B.tfl 0.10 6. at) 6.8!) fi.M C.50 6.01 7 10 7.ao M.40 a.m O.iG 0 33 7.-13 H.flU O.HO 0.38 0.45 9 5-1 10.04 lO.lil 1C.30 10.65 AnitaorHtliuro; Local frultrn. WliBT KA0T p.m. 11.10 0.25 0.2B 0 30 0.60 a.m. a.m. 11.50 B.lti 13.03 12.10 12 30 13.M) 0,32 11.35 H^i5 Ediiox Gdftara 7- LE&DHXlnfi 0.50 MoGronor 0.4B Auihorntbarfl M0 nan. a.m. p.m 7.15 0-50 C-IW 9.411 0.115 o.ao 9.10 5.10 4.53 4.SO 4.30 .All tritlna aro ran on contral standard timo, wbioh ia olxty minuton nlowor than Kcnox timo. For inforaiatlou and rnton to oolon- lutn moving wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pas* noupfor Acoiat, Ht. Tbomaa. O. W. Rudplon, Gon oral PanaoiiKor apd Tloltot Aftont, Oblooco. Ill or A. 0. Btlmors, Aqont.EaHox. L-E. A D. R. Ry. TIMETABLE NO. 17. taklnH attoot On Mondny, Nov flB, 1001. Trainu imn^y Eaatorn Stand ard Time. Dally oioopt Sunday v) V M .8 * 6 % 11 - X It X IS 0-35:11.00 0.S2 11.19 0.30 11.05 0.43 11,00 d ft 0.50 . 0.57 10.02 10,00 Ifl.lfl 10.27 10,87 10,45 10.NI 11.11 11.20 u.as 11.35 11.43 11.GO 11;55 lfl.04 12.11 12.10 1Q.24 11MB r.M, v u 0:20 .Q7 (IM 0.44 11.40; 0.G1 11.6B! fi-B 12.08 12.20 12.40 1.01 1.30 7.03 7.10 7.17 7.aa 7.40 11.a017.Bc U,4 B.12 .8.0Q 0.30 8.62 4.1C 4.40 4.45 H.t'tt 6. IK G.40 H.W 11.10 v. w.b.w tun bm aim 6.44 8.51 8.M 0.05 0.13 .17 .25 iws Btationb. Hop Walkorv'lo Ar Walltorvlllo Jnno. .........Polton.. ......t Oldoaatlo...... ......t Panuetto...... ......MoGroaor...... ...f Now Canaan... ... + HarHkllold.... ..... Harrow ...... ........t Aw or......... ......RlnRBViUo...... ...... Tlutuvon ...... . Lramlocton ... ......Wlumtlev...... ......i Uonwiok...... ......Ooatuworkh ... ......4Glouwood...... .........Merlin......... ......f Buxton......... ......fluadlwm ...... ..dOmlarBprlnfia.. Blonbfllm Jutiot'n ,.. Blunliolin....... .:......vtWIIklo......... At UldUMtawu Dap & ii w a tH c^ d 6 'A % X M x u 0 10 5.00 004 4.45 8 57 4.84 8 K3 4.28 8 47 4.10 8 42 4.11 B JUJ 4.01 B 20 IMH 8 22 3.41 8 11 8.23 8 01 3.11 761 3.&S 7 40 e,40 7 24 1.B0 7 15 1JJS 7 10 1.S3 700 1.00 (I 52 HUM fl45 hi.ia B 40 12.00 nSl ll.SS 5 24 H.! aw 11.18 010 10.15 0 00 10.00 a.m: P.M. J V M 7.00 0.54 0.47 0,43 fl.37 0.112 am 0.10 0.12 0,01 5.51 5.41 B.flO 8.14 5.05 5.00 4.50 4.44 4.35 4.U0 4.91 4.14 4.10 4.00 8.50 M f ilTlttfl SUtlong. Trains atop only wh^A*0 kPMw5eM at or for the6 BtofloaB. WUed ovu *W>LIii.TT. OaawMBttpairliiteiiantM CHURCH DIRECTORY 'iriiloDi:.'!' .-Ur. 1'iuumut, I'auLor, Horviuo very hiiniluv nt 11 a. in. Hint V. p; in. HjiliVjum School at l^i'M1- ni, ('. 11, Na> tot-, hunurhitfir:d- nl, ol hcIjcmI. i.pAiiitJi- IjiK'imupruy'.rinuutlnii :.,<>. nay iiviuniit ulh n'i:loijU. (]omi.'u.l \>myT 'iiiutiit(j (in 'I'liunuliiyovoiihiH. Quujuni ni' j*:j((H.AKri"-U(iv. A.b.hnviniy, in -ii tun hunt, Ht. I'linU, I'jUhuK, DKnnim.rvUM) ovoi'v t-iiiiiihi-y at ' 7 n'clrn-lc, p m hlunUntf iiohool at 10 u. in. I'rinltv Clnindi, Nortli Ulrlijo DivJtMi iiiirvicjii uvury hiimlay atll.u. u.i fctim- Jity HcbfJol at It-ftp. in. 'IIhi pubho iin> wmt- iiitll.V iitvltitd. I'ui'.Jiiiyn'.HiAM. W. M.FImnhij!, Piuitdr' f4or- vlooii on Hiibbiith id. 11 u. in. und V .30 p. in. Hu.b- oath Hohuol at 2:3u p. in. Prayor iiudhjaad I'antoi't, bibb- chiiii. on 'I'liti -iiny at-V.30 p, in. Hrtoinl Union nn WudiifMhiv at H.15p. Jt^l'TIHT UllUIUJH. ItoV.M. I", (Jllllipbtlll, 1*1111- tor. Hnrvloim oaoli Hahbath ut II il. in. uud 7 p. in; Prayur inni'thti.; on W<i<iii<u.<Iay ovonhift ut t( o'ulouk. H<-n.tti frt'-a. All nvn vordiit-Uy wl- oomod. Homan OATitor.io. l'r. iJ. 1'. McMciiamlu L'antor. Kor . v<iry nthur Hiniday utH.30 m. Hnnilay Scliool at ii p. m. Halvation Ah'my. T. JI. McLuod, (JaplalH. Kiilvatida nioutinub en Wudnui'day, Thursday and Hiinday ovrndnjjfi; i-'nut and J.')miy, Hattirday (ivonha; and llp.tn. Htmilay; Jlollnunn moutiiiKB for idirlittiuiiu l-rUlay ovoninj; aint 11 a. in. Bim- day; Kiinci Uriil 7 u.um. >vtiiy Handily. All lueo wc-lciiau, ^~- LEGAL. Tit. Vl-YVKHH Bilrviiui^- Publlii Momty toNuOan. Fltrutiiorn' hanlc. J-Liiiiix Onux> Holloltov, Notuj. Utlioo ovc I J riibllo Ao. Mouoy to loan. Offlceii, Dm titan Illo(*l[, up-(itnii-(i, I'Ihikix. 4-1 y CLAUKK, HAHTLF.T A UAllTIiKT, Itarrtl tom.otu. Oillcuu, Mudbury lilouk, Wiiulaa Priyata fiindu tn bian. A. U. CLAitxn. L. Jj. Ih N. A. lUii'mtcr. A. It. llAllTI.KT, U. A. HKN'JIY C. WAbTKItfi.L.Ii.U., Attornuy and ComiHclnr at law; wftb Atldniion & Hfilchr-0 Confjcomi ut, wont. Dotroit, Midi. (Canadian claim a ui;iuniit pur nun n iu tt United Htahm coll^ctud.) Itiifonji'ctini Imperial liantt, Knitux, Ont, J. L. Putorii, ICnrj., Ilarriuttjr, otc, Khiiox, Of E.A. Wiomor, Kiki., Uarrintor, otc., IOiihox, Oj MEDICAL. T dt EN, M. D fKiiiHHW "I Momhfjr Colloco of Phynloliinii and Buy- K n. Out. firaduato ol Now York. lJant Orad* uto Mi-'ilical Hchoal. All cullu promj.tly ftt- LJudnd ti). Ahio iipuoial attoution jjivon to diFioauon fit tbo hinijti. tbroat, lioim, oyo and oar, Oillcu ovor Uridii &, Co'ii, DrU(! Htoro, and all calbi, ididit or dity, loft tburit. Tolopiioao In connection. N. IJ, (Jonintltation roonm eroiuul tlior mid (lrnt 11 at abovo. "pvKH. PKWAK & McKKNZIB. V, A. Dbwam.M. D. C. At., P. T. M. H, Gradrj Lto Trinity Univornity. MontVjor (-'ollofio Phyi ioiunn and Buruoonn, Ont. ItotiUIonoc, Tulbo Ht. Banfc. -. . ...... G. MgKknzii:. M. D. C. M., Follow Trinity Modlcal Collofjo. Graduatn Trinity Unlvorulty ItoBldonco: Talbot htront, wont of M. 0 It, Otllco bourn b to li n. ni., I to 3 and OtoHp. m " hioo in (uipuricl bunk block, Rronnd door, uoxt to Ttiorwt'iidruK htoro. Tolnphouoin aonnoction wltli oillco and roiW- do n oo. Ordorn loft at Thornu'H druc utoro will he promptly attondod to. DENTAL. HP. MAKTIN, D. P. R., L. D, 8. GraduaU In Dontintry, It oval Collo(fe of DontAl BnrKoonn, Ontario, ami Unlvonilfcy of Toronto. Gbarou,modorato, Otllco, ovor Brlon ds.CoH druR otoro. 18-ly VETERINARY. WlTT^KcaAl^lDBONl Voierlimxy Sn7- . jjoon, Graduate of tho Ontario Votor- Inary Colln^e, Toronto, troatn all dlnoatioa of domutiticatod nulmalii. Tolophono in oonnoc* tion. Dontintry a upoclalty. Iloiddonoo, /our doom iioiitb ot Grhit Mill. Ofllco in poatoftt** biiildhif!' Infirmary dlrnotly opponito. ^AKIER^ THE oldofit huninonu in town. Eutablinho I87ti. Flrnt-clami broad and oakoo of al kindn. WoddinR oakoo a apociality. Groooriny pr'ovinlonn, flour, food, milt and pnrk. Oonfoo* tlonoryrcrockor*y.lafmwaro. Cannod frnlts and vo go tabic n of all lilndB. GoodH promptly *io llvorod to all partu of tbo town. J. M. HICKH. 101-tf SOCIETIES r O. O. F. KNTEItriUSE Lodoo No ttW t montoovory Thurmlay, ovoniiiB at 7.30 fa Oddfollowo Hall,In third ntoroy Diinutan Block VliiitinnaiomborH uf other lodttnnwill roooivoo jriitorna] waJenmo. J. JOHNflTON, N. G. OBNTHAL KNOAMPMKNT, No, 110, mootaln Oddfellowo'TTull, DmiHtan'B Hlook, on tho flret tud third T no inlay inoaoh month. Vlnitoreiot dially rocoivod. Momboni or Bubordlnnto lodR^i In tbn juriBdlotion, Invitod to join. 0. HANNAN, 0. P., G. F. HILL, G. S. tpaSKX OENTItK LODGK,Notl0,A.O.U,W CIj Mnotn nocond and fourth Mondnvs In each nonth.ln tbo Oddfollow'u Hall, at 8 p. m. Vinltincbrothron will bofiivon a fratomal \rol- como. JOHN LAING, Mantor Workman 0. H, PUIiLEH, Kooordor. E88EX FIKM mtlGADR. MEETS KVEItY Friday oveninn. Dai/id Winmer, Captalo; Androw ParUor, Lloutonant; Palmor Dilfio, Secretary; Frodorick Hyatt, Troatiuror. pOURT ROYAL, NO. 212. I. O. F. Kj Miiotii fiiicond and fourth Tuondav'fl lu oack month In i. O. 0. F. llnll at d o'clook n. m, VlfcitiuR brothorn will bo iivon a frattrual wol- corao. E MoCaunland.O. It., W. C. fihaw, Hoy. M. J.Wiclo.O.U. H. O. It, LAND AND LOAN AGENTS fNEOltGE J. THOMAS, OouvoyaHoor.OoiUi VX miBHionor, in HitfU Couri of JnBtloo; doalfty in Koal Rotate and MortcaRoo. Monoy to loan at the lowent rata of interest. Farms bottat itndaold. Inourauao takon In tbo moiitr^Iablfl oompanlofl. DrawhiK of dood, niortKaRoB' aiifl loaaoa a npoolalty. CliarROB modoraw> ajjfl ia!) onsinoBO promptly attondod to. Call at the Oontral Tolonliouo oftloo. BBsescContre. BO-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. D. BBAMAM, III v/ W. Iaauor of Marrlatie Llaoimon. luanranoo a Bpeo- KlfihtofUiJO at Dwell InH. Talbot sTiiKayrj-HiafiEx M UAHUKTT. ihHuor of MrttKi^i iHHiMi^ t Commiaaionor i C *J*IfW^JQftfl^OQ^ MARRIAGH liloonaoaor ^a*dlii(fWifl*)6aJ bo proourod ftt JJ. a JRftft'ft.^fiifllA^ liable Jowollor, Kbhox, Out.'M f . " r^- . rpfAy '.'.VIS ' r.'.l LAND SVkH^^y^^ t} and Comity HncinoeH>'an"ajta*<j * Omoa, Pnnatan Ploo^gP^yaiiifciqjiOj^tl' M]\n uovijj ei3w, "OHN A. MAVCOOKuvav.-orl ,kioi|nuif vom Boom loWd ll^5famii)faiBuiliUnH/io wriX . ,w him ^UodiioiH *svM4?foWw'/ Phono aio. $ JSifi t.4&;f