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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 14, 1895, p. 2

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tts. ' J\'l ^FTFTT "; "T ESSEX FREE PRUSS Published. Evory Friday Morning From thucllloo on Talbot. HtrcL-t, nnxt PAY $141 DRAW $476 riiltj In tho Danlii of the Super annuation System J-htnntan Block. Rpttohd attention id ptibl to the. pilblija- tion of mattiir nt looal important, luxur- ato uud re'table report.*1 of Town, neighbor ing Tuwianip and (Juuuty (Nmnuil proi-eud- iny.p, louitl ynit enmity market, roporta. etfi,, tho onrufu. and judiointin m:iuu'.;t mont of Tiik yiuiM i'lticHU, with rwipout in tho in and othtir ourront nmtrorit of local importation, han j;ivcn it a widespread pre'itij'ti in tho contra of Kinox county,which n reroo;ni/,eil tut one of the beet ne-iiciiitiirid dhitriotii in Ontario. I'm; Kuiu: l'i:i;in hi tlin onlv rnodium onuiilatiiij; f,hjiouf^h 1 y in timi uutful portion of thw (.'"tnilv, and 11 con- HiMpiuntly,without douol,the only thorough advertum)'*; medium for hii-nin on people wiidmu; to reach th it <:l-i : of cu'.tuinnrn. <*ni!H]'.si'i)N"]H:M'i;. Our cnltinniH aru alvnvi i ponoeuhlo dinouifMioii < to tho pultlio wt Ahlo eorron pen for thu Tn.u ti*r'-t iit'i-Luiiiiiu! I'l!. ____ limit,iitii in all tin: -un 'imnd- nj.v"^roTTiTTitirn lurm-h lehuhh leport-- ol ovo'uth of inttm-it, ui'<uirrinr' in iheir M.'ViT.d Hplun-oii; ami th- punii'do-i' i-i 'it all hoick lloil'U-d tO lVeeiVO in.-l*."-IHV: lUUlM of OWb from any diM'o.'ed tn forward oontri* itionn. Ml onminimiuiUioiw o[' a pit\.it> uml nfldontml intiiiri\ nhoiild ho hoin.'ukud tho qim-ide <it tin* i'iiv< lop '. ni'i'.ii'isii'rios i in* i:. $1.00 per annum, ntricLly in iilwnee, J>{'\ pur annum if not vi p!H I; aim all /roar" uharmed at tint i ate. Ai.i i'uii ur.nw rn. Transient lend and municipal udver tiHOtin'iitn, notice, itc, chal^'t d at tho rate of t-*u ci-ntr. per Inn*, tor liri(t lUlUM'tioii, and ii-'i' e, nL'i p">' hi'1-: for oHish itit'^t tpicnt ui-'-riion. All -uich acJvttrtiHcniuiU'i nv mi'iMnrjil by u flcalfj of twolvu Inn-" to tin- inch Lucid rc'iidii'H -tnd 'tthcr noticcri pub- linhod simonij I'tcul n- w* i/utter churiiLid at the rate of leu c-n'.f pi-i runniui; line for oach iri'iorttoti, All notuv;- ot I'luiroh or hcoicty enter- taiumuntri of m\y deH^npinm, tit which an ndmih-ion Id n chare-d, aro ro^iirded an ndvurti^.MuiiiitH,-unl full advcrtihiun niton charged in all '.in'li i-iLni -i. Not.iccH nf tjuth- orin;'Li oi oio-tiu^' nr*t tor pecuniary bulu ll b or aid. will b- *mi' Tt'ully pahh-ihed fr..-fs ol' cliurffj, Hpooid conlj-'K't rat'-i) made for diHplay or nUinlmi; adv.L-%. All K't,'al or prolrsHion- ul oardii under oin> inch, i"i iter (uimi'u, jon oh co-iiumtciAi, ritini iN'n. Tho l:i:r.L Pui.^s .Job LVinttiii* Oe pitrtinQiit in under tiiu . Hiiporvinio!] ot Llmron^lily (-unipotent nit c.buiiiCs, uud Hpi'cud attuMtiou ' ia paid to tlnn branch of the trade. Our facihtu-H for tho ex'-cntion or all kiiulri of BrnW: unci I'ine dob 1'nnf.i:!^ trt- uuiAcolloa. wtuatu pQwcr'prtiH-ii-ii. A v lII solicited. itu^iNr.sd nr.i.uIjATIonh, All .lob Prin tiii^r und Traiihitnt iiuoountH, Advortiriin^ accounts pairouH uro t-i.-itlod HcriptinnH dm; in iui\anc.No HUhHcripti in t' th.- Fnr.i: Piii.hs, or iidvoi'tirtuiii'Mit publi-dit'd im 1' i i-'dumiih will be discontinued until all arrcarw urt- paul in full. CluintjiM for adyi-rtimjim-iitH, to si-curt; inHertiou in tho currriil is^ni-, rnti4t tn haudt'd iu not btti-r than noon of the 1'uoh- day preceding, nul n-itico of hucb iiiicnil- d oiiiiii^u ifi rcqnireil un llie Monday pro- ceding. Notiou of dihuonttnii iiicf <>( anvcitlhe- raoutH inurit Oe .;ivtm tit Iraht out- \vi; di in actvanccof tlu- iTiii-- in which t-bty aro doHirud to luit, appear. AOVl.li I'lHl.l.H, BubiicrilnTn and patrona [*eiH!rdly aro roqueuted to mi I the above re^ulutimiR oarofully, in ord^r that confusion may bo avoiiied, a a thi-y will in all oanCH bo lid he red to. AddroHs all oo umnnicationii to K. J. M*V13I*ACK. Pubhhhor tho KhhkxIFjii:!', Phkkh, Khhox. Out at rietly (;:iih. with n><rul ir (piuvterly. Sub- MK, m "SjwEATSJRADE Marks m . copyrights. , CAN I OBTAIN A* IMTKNT-T Torn Rronipr. iinswcr ami un lioiu-x {iii.nton. wniij tn 1UNN te (Ml., who have limt nearly ttity ymt-j' oxporltmuo In ilio paiont biiMlnc^a. 0niiiiiuiiic(i- tkinHUtrlctll' eniitlitentlitl. A lliniflhoolc of In. formution tunciTtimt,' I'utetit* mal limv to oli- tiil.i tliiim neni. ri-t"1. AIhou cni:ilf>i,ruu oi niticlnui- le/jJ nnil Mt'Kinttlli) 1j(ki|.;i i-r'iiL lno. Putunts tulii'ii tliioiitili Miiiin & Co. ri'colvi!' Bpccllll noMcf) in lliu Si-iciili liir A mei icu u. .uui tlnio mo liroiluia ivjitelj' Uuiuru tliu publii-iMtti- out cdHft to tlin Inventor, Thin hiHcimiil inipcr. iiiuuod wo'iltlv, I'lccnmlv iltiiMiiiti-d. lius hviuritiu J.'iririiiit rireiiliirtrm or any tcn-nntiu work m tho ^._-..l,l t!*** .i ... ... .. Oiinu.l...............,..,, f-.. -. laroH* .'-"ilirimuiHl tu'i'iirordntnio" , Mo.' ,V CiJ Nun- Vokk. :iuAddremi ^1'WAT PALAOB STBAMKHO. LOW RAYHC. CLEVELAND, *+> P!TJ?B,LJFQ' ^ TO BUFFALO and ALL, POINTS EAST ttVmmV HVHNINQ OTW1IM DETROIT $ CLEVELAND Cotiuectlu^wltH eatllcftt troln* at Cleveland for mil points Eutit, South aud Southwtyit^ 9undayTripsJunf July, Auguit and Seplenibw Only Toledo. Detroit # Mackinac SBTOSKfiV, THU " SOO," MAJftQUfiTtW. AND DULUTHL >o'nftW (tttclpiMcnKct- Btetmer* -haw Juit I built for our TCpjKr I^ika ftoute, cosiiaa too each, ScaiX for Illustrated pamphlet - l owrnoii. Mtdri.< DHRDIT 5 CLEYEUIIO STUM MAY. Ml ."!'!. M'MULleN 'EXP.1SES ABUSES "M'f ' >vt tilllloiiH U.oKt u\ i)te ii+j'ttr) liy Li;|N s>i.Iiiij a Uki uf I'jiyim-i, hiuI \lll.Ii*)nii>ji|s :,is Jim VEul^l -<><il I>> spritHcr > :\ i .( l> tui _.. .Iiii, ^'. -1.. th |(,,in yi-di'r- ." :i l i *' "(| [ | , in >ti . MMll- .. ' i L|, en il Vrviei - i' t.uiiiii.itMn , y.[. ii. Mi, ! ') -,1,-r ^.. ' n -u<hi -ii h.i- ind iivi i* tiiii.il tli. '" }/'V----i':~'n' hi. 1 In- Strfl'n . 1. 'I Ml. lit, Hllleie Mi*. 'u;11 j;iv :..ui .i pi.-utivi' jin*- I, it In* u m ! h i v' on oppurt unity \\\.'\ in".' tl.e i' -fir I r' idlntf of the. i '. A '.'ii- tv i i n if i .riln'omiuj';, Iu- , < < i'b, lb* lil.'Hle ,t. j-i i i rt'i tion ii. t).i ntni'-iM ni tli" in iindi r 111hi U" vi Mneiit. f i-i vin>; .11 at il.iv ai the f ul>J> ri, .\ i .ib,-- i ii:*1 .'lit u it h i-^reiit *'|em>* ilid l nv i ii i rjjil'ueiitu for the r ni iteill. i i* . (Hit : Ii il in 1 -.J1 the rvi-eipL. ot mm ,\r , Ii.!,:t7-l, \\ Idle the , ' '.,. II || lit. .1.1..1 I .'.Illl-lUlt e.l to .: .:, 'I !. .i m IMP' i iiiui.'il p.-i J'lnent ."i.")l o oniii ,.iitt > win -w*i 1 T< i r nil! '. r i;; n [...u.i! p.i.vnu nt by tlio . '. '.:!ii :.n- u:,u I i .t y<-,\ r were pny- 1. : .-it*, tl.e inn, v,,,< .Sll.K). ]|e r-liuw,- 11. t ii,.. ., -t | ,^4 to f he eoiuitry i. ' ii li i i.pi-r.i nmi.i t uni ,->oteoi -iii.ei- b i.--lii n. -nt inn muted to $\lX>'^' .' I ,i.- iiiii',il;il, b1' f>ln -we I, Iri'l lint i i I -i- 1 he pn.'p i w lueh t Ii.1 -. i ,..! !,.-, i, . , b i.difd. b.i: h id , L 11, ii i oi i i >: t ii-- pun t.' t re i ii !py. by i ;, up r i i.nii'i t ion, u !i !i t lie -, li'. ,.' ; . .ii'.i i.e. i ill < nl'iee-. j, i by ;i . , I mi i rl.11 i"ii.- m : I r r >>v 4 t.ppi 'L ,. i < \\ l,rl w i re 1" ',- i i 1 J I ' I' -C e.L' I UMlU P '. |i < t . pi- .\ thii, :i i I ttiadit ::. ,ii. ,\ el.Ml' Wli.i: lie \ln.-' pinVrllnll j' + it Il.i'1 be.-il or . I. r. d by lid. Ii.i\ i-riiinent tlifl i iii.'ieliui", by \S liirli, i* 11 i l tl ,ii! Jill i [i ett, the (j ii vi I'll Hie) it . rid oi nit", i i.i to line kplm:e,'< for H-.eu,i/J, J nllou ih); U ii li^t of ti(ue uiperon- . -".en oiiiMiili. n* tired by < JuiHervn tivo ibi\i i-ii.'ii-'iil.i wiili the tiinonntH juiid In i y th. in ..jtd tiie anii'LiitUi drawn out by .i' in: Dim u in P-iid in. out J>j'xn-n.....$ l>l)t $ n.S'Jli 1' ire. Trillion, Kuff, . \HH) JK.'SDI) i'loi.i-b.ti . w . . . Tft Lt,MJ|. i'n.-k . . . .r>o 7,r*oo f'- J" w. , . , . . f-M). T1.7.MH I urlie.s . . . ^iins~ t'."\ .'.... b- i:rb t...... li iP leu, I^uidoii i'.U. " . \' i-.-i....... \ritLstn t,tx . ... ' .i'l.- , ..... 1' -ill" 'ri)~r'T..... Ji vin...... i; n....... 1- .unit...... <" iM.i dund . . . . i *" ti ii'i <ai..... t ' ,2711 la.liOO HO 7,G."i(] Mil) ^,1110 210 !lr!(bfi ;{-i5 ij.mh 120- nVlliO -un ii,"no Ciiu ]:i,i)no 200 7,7:ts 1,-100 17,0110 .Vf ei........ 250 vh.-lOO ' - i.i .....r>ui in.120 " i i Us-W^l .... -U> l*,2s2 !!i..L'iin USS-I I . &>."> i:t,.s(i() ' - MM-lb (1*.S(>) . . lih'A Ki.KIlO i iikint , ......|05 11,700 : -lull ii.'.dii, Mont r-'.id. , M7.'I T<1 ri ' -n! i,i. St. Juhn . . . -120 11.750 i i.......GO 20,:<;t2 I.lMTlit . . . , -.- ._____L'O 7,0m0 I- i-r.iirie.....;{;',! 12,000 I. - , Oi tjiw.-i .... 25 7,020 I. I. to,T'j.s M .ft.-r. St. -hdi-i . . ! H;i) K.'teS i . M. i'-'.-How, Inspector, U .1.m\;..... i0l ' W . I'et.rby , . . . hill 1 1.-10(1 T. J'. ri.iuM ..... 82 -1,0M> I'on j. i'[M, p.i:.r. . , nio 15,120 n.-.t , 10 H.iisr* I'. f/uinn ,..... 7o 7,.'!02 ii. \\\ K-i mi -v . . . . '.U\ 7,0." 1 a. i; i i . . , , .. u K'.i.-'i i:. r. i: . -t . .-. d-io hj.nYm P. bnlii.I^e, Public Ib.rki..... i". 11. - -ntt .... J. ,'. :-..i>t|!, . 1 --'.ii n.. , I < ' 1 mi '. \ !',C ..t 1 . \. .. .. teed . . lo :io,oio sno , in.twin , 7.">o !), Ulll . . . n.'i -i,iii-t 2."o o.in.s . . 'j.n7 bt.o^2 . . 7 10.1 (it? . . . i,:ioo in o;s!) . ; '.i r,\ , I'.'i., Mont. . 1,000 o.liOO . K. Mi ,-/ i.ve . . . 2M) 2.N.0(1-1 . . 11. MeCr-.i !,7 11,112 'Iu;; tli !' lli.'l'e Ii it t"ol at pie out " !i I t i'i is I be: tin* l-i ilint ry about Ml n,;;i net tl \ :ni!t r ,M". M'-Mi.l i'h b ol [in' enti'd m i.il en- im- 'ib * adoption of bin i '-Ir. ^peaber tilled tbot it wo-, out 1 . Th t!iird clause ,11-iivid -d th it i I. (biveri.meut --bould, upon lb'- death '..i who ire now paying into the : ., p iy to tli up h dr-i or exeeut-nrH "i . iiimiut- of their payin'iit^ together . , ii i L'l' t eopipouii led nl 5 per rent., .1 M.. >p< i ber* . ]>iint won that, hh '.: 1 '-m'i -ti tuted a elmrjrii upon the re- .-' im-.. it ctMild only he iutroilna-d by a Mm iMi v of the Crown. M' M.'di demurred from thia view, find Mr Davied recalled that ji renchlthfl) of th mum* nature a** thin cdaumt had been ntrodiieed by Mr lllabe and debated iu th- Hume fevr iieveral dayii, without any [mint of order heinK taken, and there could not ha a, whit of iliffeai'iiue botuecn a i-es->luti<rti and n bill. Mir Kiehard Cartwri^ht iwxinted out tint the bill,did not contemplate, an ml- dlli'ui to the inmloua of the country, lurt a diinitiutioii tyi them. The iIiHciisHirwi o| tho point wjis, not e 1'iipleted at 0 in/clock. A jietition wn proHiMited to Parlia- it VfiXiiy from this Atiditor-Gv.iieral, -MutliKS out the iimiiffioioncy of clerical Ji dp allowed, lum f<)r tho work devolving upun liim. WliiXo comparing tho Mtaff Ulowed hhrt with other dttpartmeutu the Amiiitor-Gencral luppearfl to liave lotft -*i irht of tho fact that ho hriH liecomt* hit lto noir of tho Government, winch ict, no (Uwilit, nccoimfj) for the com- p-tmtivudy Hinall amount of HHiiintaiico lloWed hlln. Tlio moro aHHifltnnce im h-iH tho uioro officie-nt Ih'codu'h tho work >t hit* deiMLrtmont iu koopitiK Govern-' a-int cximUture strniKht iuid tliuCabi* e"t liu clicok JDCo iH>tnta to tlio fact thai h Minlstor of Fliianco iu hi <wn le- i n timuit Uiu* a; taf< i-iicJuiKuk; flvo flrflt- ttijirf clarkM, Inwidftrt four chief clerk*. * uut," tpi <(Uotfl th auditor's own wa^fa, "tltft Mlikiftot* iwiyH.that it 1 in w>Kroat .- 1 of u-iiotliLMi draft - olafltf :U*l-k; tlia-t'no i yrutlftod in ad- .liiH< itnbaviug Oil* olid Bdvlil also :ha (lointf awu.y with, awry rcttrlotlou U> tbSL aynpiutiii*oi that, oxUta la tlio --/ ill; l^JSh-,JS. KRftR HRi^.s \T H-il H..,-vlcrt Act." lint I ho AndlUfl'-Gi'iioral In tw modo'it L*> ..ay Hint tlii clerk MhiiMnf J"iwdur U p P'|li>K to |trutiu>to, waiving the (li- vi! :-'...-rvice Aid, .1. Ithi relutivo Joukiim. Iff puiiitaout th-at It ubotibl not Ut left <M\AIKiV HOItHJH IV IOVIM1-*. Two ('HVit.Md *le* ii kOi --nly Ml-Wanl' f+*li> of UrlUxli Amthur- .iuulliU ,............................._ ......_ N'-w York.Jiim' 10. Tho Wnrld'H iVwi- t*i VeGmvi-iinii'.it i.f tho liny 1o doter*tWin onbb- unyit: A h-avy conHlnnm**nt in-.i the iiuiniM-r o*i elerieal lndp thnt |. m! ! In1 all.^ved the eildit office, iv* (I ' ir AtidHoi*-(iein*r'i1 d/eii lii-i duty be innl li * \vj th the (Juv* -the- |i . lien! (UKiniile\iou nf Uui dominant. I . I'lmeluidiMi, the Audittn-fieiinrnl -myn : '" \ lou;c 'it y< ur jtelit ioucr io in bin ; nui-tter what pnrly , . fie leiipi /,)" pouer, every effort will nmdi; to l;cep (be I'iiiiiiicinl n,ffn;-;i . ,-Jit, rind in c.ib'^ whore it in iin.|*.M-iblo ' do (but lo DtiMke it lei cb'.-i.r n iiomu'i- r In- f ai p.,y.-j-i *t\ i lie con nt ry con - ., -tn " Mr. ib L M\/hiri, i-x'-bn.pi cti-r o;' " 'i,i, mi^-.ien, [.iihib'hc*! m b-tir-i eurn- i - Lin)' on S'-nndir Molnti";,' re out !*' - , ;. rbu nil M r. Moylini'!. ib-tenc-e Ol J)e- oly Wfii'fli'U I* 't'/.iuiniiiunn ol' New \ 'oMtiiilii'itf'r i'enOenti.'iry. Mr. Mo>lnn d iioiinecM M"lnii'-M an niRlbvnIn*:' b'lin iMuybui) uriuer i ovi-r of I 'nrlliiii:oiitnry ,<* lvll"ft:, en Om I l.o :ii iiii'.nr a (U:rtp- IMililM d onb*"-!.' ' kcr, ILIlO c.iiellKb'M: "It . ii.i i.uilt of the lum Sfiiutoi that In- r, not ;i (i -it- oiii'i, nt 11:i:;( In c .ji.'i ; : I.ey. 1 lo.. , X'll.'Lllil'ri t ,t ' !: ( a snioll 11 a jiarty. or tli- :l , I bin ill* ti pi-oitili-d o'lb i -.J'-i-ltei wn! . il.e bul a M'irry nniiK by the ah'pl.iv - hi:; lull: v "i- nraln j> hvit." ,V t t be l; ui\\ :iv ( o'liiiiiti-'e t In- hill r - , *-1 ti i l" t'i ! (.'- lit I'rl ' ' Mlw tue'ie ..IU , f- . r : f ' un| i i ip v/.is pa-.' - <1 P-o-nt. 'I h<> inl) ;* - On illy , * ^ t'-n. i -u o1 v. n y.-ii r-, ' ii: oviilui", t li.it r it I.u. u by t In* 1* ; ot' Jo unary 1 h n to lie lmiit niit.iin II v until tl i' i 'iltipl' t ei,. o lie . t b: l 11 i i ."-' 1111 it- r, 1 .,1 I law with <r. 11 t n. till 17. i Me. v , -! fiO . ,t to 'I'uroiiio. ; ."iiitrr- \\\ ]4- hap '>it( imIh britu'lnr uj ill tie I-'i'iiati-tb.....o" t uui i.f msu .in' ..'" cli.l'Iri n. oji'i lb t- i" ( ot i.i'te t '( il.e im ..'.iial . ]< li n i. ii i ur Itr-.ll p-1 e I 'I I tin'* '"V. iinn t l I. i. ' th .r i'-[ - jitioii to t ; ) s t ici i -t is .P'iinlt. Iy > f t tlf.i thnt ih r vi! . . no Iiii,' ei-b'lij n* ion ; t I h . ..-( but li "ih ; ;i !- i pje ' . on tin- i uiu1 ui ; ';i ni.itn ni i .'uiy are nnvioiis to j;ut buiie hii:kii op i:tiTV7T~nnt .n *i 1. ;e- vv leil : :->r]ii> .l]iri)nrr ut lihinn <';ipteJ*'<| i.. < aail-ii'ii.i 4.'d4-iiti iM tfe U.. I V* Alhtny, NY,, The rnliii^' ol ;i..int. I be l.in-Xlle .1 Ac ' cm, \\ )ieeiii,en Ji.H'O cull., d |,'re.it di Mactl.n ji 'ih I tf 1'i'J'iliuti jide-tl i', i' "11," 'tie' ti^ nl^bt nt a iiueiiuir- .. , I ehi a lbdei J\i-i,rin-.e here, I lie in--lh>d-' i i Jelei m U'Ti1 diM-M-."ed at lein^l li, no !.d.-jiiiii'd mid >ptkl.en ot in lot ,i tei i. m nri7ue?l" I A' /iboiu '.' . nitieii, mid inn mz that nuiiiiter we - ' lideiH, uiu* .'i -*b of : id, i or ii ii- pi \/<- - ..iid desire p. r . .- .1 "t.iteil tli.'it .1-- Jillljio-i- V. JiH t.i dt - i:i M'birii e! tie fy-\.\\', p. ml p'-le: ; i :t-'ii] ('bii. II iiiea w Llhoiit iiiiy a ..'rlit it'll.-oli The llief'tilitf W11-- .'in lief1. (" LT ' hl^-.tioii idi .'i.i Ot the Ji.euihi ,, ,,x \. lint wou'd l>e tu il.e b' ,". : i .1 u: I '!.'.- i II rideiH Me , -r.-.. II . i -i :'i-r ..ml ot 1 o-j -i . poke to l be,, i'If I i i, I I.i' flit i;:e the rarinir <:\ < , - nb! rid- for moi,e\T in--te.nl of p: . ,1; Th' :e, ult oi tin* nieetiiij,' wo- ' > pp. iu i i^r oi a roie in tti < tn con.., '.li-'l' ideas |.{ (he matter ol ji.-ofe--- . < ..y\v.% ;'! the iii r i.de im- ea-h -The i-ei-fetary wan di i e ted ti* enri'i"ijjoiid \\ ' tb tmil*en ui*' 1 P'ojik itern olid M'e il they have any ol ] eti'-.jii> to nllou inj^ pt-. CesKioriaN to t:il pc rt in iTi'H H and irivmi,' eauh pr 1/ *c ' ', Kek i-'U'l tlliU it the LnifTlie "j A,. . it nil (\*. i-li^tt did not jret ii-pi-eten, * ! i rd oi iM- h A,Vi jt -p.. m-u'd be taken to hci'iiio rinitr. ul III- racing intere'd.-i, mid ineirriiireH i* .' i tin- nianufiii't iinu-'i and racine- um ' - <'|i|e hnrk the lea-JTlie lip it i-> i'.\pee* ' .. it tie- f.A \V. u ill have Ui ell'e- li ill," 11-' p.esi'iit met in 'dh oi' the t'/ ', |.*.Mirue ^%*i 11 astKuau' e-mitrol of 1 in 'i-iliK lilltillcsH. . IOJ 1. BlO VO> <Ol]lI!sm0V iri> \> ..<> '.tl!l li.'tiorl on (hi* llttiul <llH'stlol( Toronto, .fntie 0 The Cnhinet have up ,"i'.iite.! tin lollowlne; jjc - r-. ol the Toll Ibiads Couun.:>--:ou: ,f '. i -on, Hamilton, chniriu.iu, 1'. II. A. !! ..- Areiiibnld \"implied, CM., St. ThumiiM; W. S. Camp - 1 bruit County, The coiiiiiii--iiim i ' r:u 'I in aeeord.-i -ire with |ej;-i.-,1a tion o --ihj el at th- recent whHtoii of tie -i i;i - .n t ore. "' :it oinJeiil hoc I fly nf Cttiliiili) I'.rnmotun, Ont,, June u. The Hl.-iti r -.1 So h-ty u; Canatlu lu-bl tln-ir a -, In-re yeKtcnluy 1 , t'i ' nir t I'o-iti.'. ('anon Hull of N.uk . -. i-li- -L'-d pi-4-Rldont. Wlllb-ini \iv i,| >:' iit-t, h Si-i-retiiry-Treamirer, Can- nil prcsniitod hi.i anniiid lepoit, wbi ]. am:1 full of interest. Mrs. Cun-on of 'I ."onto, follow d w th ;i paper up n r iiln-'en' cb of the Count es of Y"rk u c a: 'ijn f.*;fi\M- a mrmt Inti rei-tloj^- papt v n ' n.'utlan nut ho ra. M I: h J-'U-z.^lbbonM u ruiito . ibli-fH.^od the iiieoilnK uml w-'is i. (-11 rLcelv. d. Hiiikla M'flklnc a tlnrhet for <'iti Washington, Juno C. o i eeivt tl at the Department o.' S.. . loin Cuiisul-Oeiieial John Karel. at 1' vuvaburu, U HeuniH tho United i'tat * not the only country haying tro i nndltiK a fore k" in r ei t' r ia i; ia! products, ItUH.sla h in h > n 1 ,j coriMideidne; how to ovenvon o i .1 Maole.H whli h hindoi her ex.ot ..ttlo und moata to the dlulorent lit-.o ..'-un markets. l npUey'k *< liny liiitinuM4]i*rx, London, June fi. uior ha,d a lonfr Intervi'nv wltu-lh iithurltlea of tho Foreign Oflloe th:- . .ternoon. ::a0 Men >iR,i, naip by Vfr*>- Jackaon, Mich., Juno C. FIjre Inf- ,iKht deutr-oyed tho plant of the Colli. Manufacturine: Company, manu^aotu th ot cari'ltijyefl and wagons. Lu H75,U00; itiHumnco JlOO.OOa The oon.-ei; oinployod 300 naen, t rHstVolt MJflh-. Jfuno 6. The plant nj ih I>etrolt,|Woodon Novelty Compa -.vats burned to-day. L.pau $30,000; pa,rtl> ..murtd- - nf Ounadhtii uurl Aim-rican hornen wiim ya\i\! "li'-ri* yoqierday. Tboy WU' mnoh udnilr'-a and round ready buy cm. Tweu- ty-nlx Camullan horiien nvi-raK'd s0 iTnlTrriur-fiMi-i-rt^nr^uFr^^Cainuiliin hor:t'ii which wfr*' lujH\<>t\ from th*- rttr-niniT ( arllulo City ji few (\<iyn uko. wen* Hold ut the imint! avorurje prlco. Tin* June numb.;r of Tho Author prlntn u mnnlf.'Hto of tho f-hicMy *>r Autborn in op|>r)Hltlnin to tin* Canadian Hnji.'-rhrht 1:111. ft ty^lns by niyl'ifC that It Ih linpo-rllde to deaf with th*' "nnnPlnn *op\ rljrht A-t of I^ MO, or to o:u tlnu.lt- thn -dT'ct it will prodnee if It hi allowed to nmifi into f..-e--. It rof'-r i lo the pienont poidtlon of th'* ropyrlj;ht il:- up Imperial fpiontlon und no un In tern, itlonal question. wiii KiHiitov i'tuNt:u'K i'a I-inn Uuy IiM-lixlo \ikltiHl>lri imttorlcHl lk>r*i- tiouis Jti'livllnt.- I Ijome Uui** Don.Ion,.lime lo The nxi-eutorM of tho will uf the biti- f'harlou Ht'wnrt I'lir- n.dl biiv di-oldoil to dc.troy hln polltl- onl i oi v :-poiid--in:o. ' Tin- rji.ti UH' Ion haiJ i-alled I'ortti ve- b'-inoui protest:' i> fun 'ro-n s* of thi' decia.t-d ntat("o|i;tn nt^ Limit wiplnjr, uiu valun I do hb.tfirb-.il rerun In Thn letter:? over tho tlno- from tin- rl'l'ii; of I' Un.- tluii, and liii-lud.- lepurt1^ of Iruervicwjt wirJi ruid eoininiiiih* 11 loiui Mini Mr. f ilaibd on.-, Dir-l Kaiulnlpb Coin eh ill, the Karl of ("arnarvon and Arohh'shoiM \\ ImIi and Cpd e 'Plin irb lePi nmln- til. tl'Li tb" b-tturn would 1> N-rtnln : - r- v \] jiuuiv :o,ite M'i-retn whlcii won1'! jn:r ify the . x '.,' lb i, up I -r oiL_Xi..i rs, but tlie\ h .1 I 'h t tli y b;iv- no i*i;rht to '1 :t nv lie in. .M: 1 'a t in Il':i .stall* |'p uui..', t" i ay In in tie- pound. l\*-r K*.t>*Ni'iu[-)'.t H s, ui-ti l,'i*r Homr IIlli- *ii]|.i. Hut Id'- s r<-IkIh lot.1, ^Viani p. _'. MnM., J in if 't. -Tie' 'iteainer -Vbthat .,. bound from ltat 1'ortaRe to I'oi't 1 i-ai.e. s, Kniiiy Jvakn, loaded with p.iri .'-iiLo-i j, j,inl ir-'ip;ht, v, n^ wrecked laiit llu pi ! 'i, -T.ie j iim ft j-'i'i j-i Wei re'Cind after '"m diftiiidiy, but tin- freudit wait lout :mii [)," v.-^.(_ u'r.-i'h"dr" 'i'hiH if. the II..ji' \en e[ u-.-i <-I: -1J at the Mam" plnoe, wi tit111 eijrhl tnoi,i Im. Horsemen. 11-! l*.,Oi'> .i!i)H\i;ii ' /u] i.i,si by Jhnti .,i/.ds Whip Ari^a le- ' u-auli it l>y 3')i.oii. .'1 Hit.. .lum ;). -VUr WiirtcmVierff :':..+ A:/'|i,'itr oi 'Untt{,'.\rt prililn a ia, .ui- i .. . -, V. - th- t .- V.-. 1 "d t. v, ., i rt t I I e p a:ai b-i (i '< cov. ., La vri tail' d v'i'iiuiii iii the ntoi inn -tl V --"A ' pt throii-jrh Ab.ai'e, ',' iiinei r . ^Hitherit Ilavarb'i i i 'ory 'i bur: th ii.uiiibi: a ml i b" ii.ii," w hit h jieeom- tiLu :'i ntl i-i'lv ib'Mt ro} ed .', . pp .. air! \miiit r-t'(* i, p i ! tin- ,'ip- L lllbilel . u > and th i -. i in L' Ol .1 V tf Th" tbuiif-a ti ! > .ii i -ion 1., Imr *"t,1 -, nil* i']i, '! 'i-1', r :c. ure t ie wn Iii > "Ui a,, o :: l . il . tin_r- abollt tie- Mil, face. It. i- ;u y 1 imoo sibl to iitiJUit* the i.\leiiL(jl lIi ' il.i in i;; done, hut :t :h .'iMHnioiiH. Tt.*- \i n.r ol V- urt- i mhur-r bnh ^mie to Dal i,., , ..a . -l.i tin reio.lt of th* o\-'i*l,'.,i ,l: ol the lilvi-r IC.mh'Ii, llll p.. son. ar mTowh to have led their liv.-a, A lai- i . m! ' . of Iioiih'., were destroyed mid ihon-anu a! p-oplc- an- bom dens. Catarrh in the Head Ih n, diin^oi'DUH (lirionut! bocniiHc it U liable to r*'Hult In Iohh of bearing or ftnirtll, or dovnlop into consumption. UlocI tho following: "My wlfii Imu br^'n t* Miiffornif from onturrh lor tho jiiitit tnuv yenrn und the dliiouHO bud Rono f>o far that her oyeid^ht wiui nffiwited ho that for neiirly a yt ui nhi> w*ri unubUi to rorul for moro than five mlnutui lit n tfmo. Hlio ttuf/ered unvon piibiH In tho head rm<l nt tlmwi wiut ulmoid dlutnictod. About ChrlHtman, hIki oom- moncocl hiking Imod'u Hnriinpitrllln, und uinco that tlmo lum Hteudlly bnproviid. Bho huH tulrrm nix bottlcH of Ilood'u Hur- (taparllhi and Ih on tho rood to a completti cur-o. I ciuinot (if teulc too hlffhiyof Uood'H Ba/Haiiarlllu, und I eboerfully ruooimntnd IL." W. II', Fuit'ilKH, Nowrnorlcet, Ontario. Hood's BairssparBIla lot tho Only True Blood Purifier I^romlntoitly in tho public oyo todny. Your kind utteuhnn iv, i-miuohM for il moment, while 1 r j,,,-. y(lll of thn exiiollont viiiiM> of our c(-lb- brutod Derby Comliiion Powders. They ha\e burl Ihn patronunr* of a number of vetennarv iuhcooihi for ii quarter of n (..iitiiiy. 1'rico yfiota. per lb. pMoltu^i-. Voiini truly, E C A. GHERRIN, iscx Medical HalL ESSEX. Holler Mtlis* IA^lKs NWhuli 'iiHni, tniit oinniiuuuty ni iiiiiininii-irj ... t-o" p')'M lo (-f tlin T(kvii and County i.T hiHMx, tlmf In- In-j, riii"Odiilti0 tlioKll- hnx I toller Mi Ihi ni.iioidio;' tn pi un*) nrupiiro'lby li, N, "ru e, Ht,'rtii'in.e., uml lne' iibiii injourO'l the horvli'n. ot Hoin ai S'i'i\i ha***, un fjxpori- in .m1 un 1 ihfiniinpJv i '.nipi t nut loilU'f. 'I'liiiiiMni: tin. peopln el the town ii>ld COlfejty (or tlin p 'iMiliai-o lnjt tewed li'inn Inir. b: tllO punt, v,-iil ;:.i irnnti u niirictlnii m tne'/titiLro, Gristino: and Choppinp; a Specialtv. TiTK li]>,T fih .OOKN.MI . I I A .' i-K OF 1'hOUIL Pi.I'.DAND .I'T IN mod, AND 901,0 jdiiT i*ni(ji-;s. IHnn-^'n 0311a c,iro h^'hltn-il onnstlpa^ OOUU S 1 1113 tloU4 rrloo 2Cc. pur Lux, |)Or;s NOT liriMTATIC, itUT Soil til AiiU'iIenii K.tilio *, t me i'nrcN Kid iiey Illne ii ut* Spi>e<Ii) niul I It. Cllp'l) > . It ib rcruirkubb- ib-t tho.-e ,vbo f.iif- fer from kidney ih-ii':is["i "row unpiti'-nt if tt.ono moditiiiit-H that me slow ni tlmir cure. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL I Eanev, - Ontario. ^ (', 1,1'l'K ('I'OI'kll', roit, II VS UKKN I v thnioii|-i 1. jutinted ttud ,1'epli'iiiii'lioil within^ in mi . -1 li\- tlio pruf-ciit proprietor. I.AI.t.l li MtS P.' Ki.S'MC'llll.S', ]-'ir .(-(then Aceoiii ulutlon (iuiirantued. Wlio cnj'iyn pui',? Tl.o b'nut\ ut S' nt li A irieric'tn Kiil'irv; Cure i- thnt if relieVf-H the 'Miff'-rei" iibii'i--t in r-i i,: ineMiia- Iy. Wh.it "ick ohm ilfieH nut l.o \v the dr-. Indit (hut eoine-i when fii-iu i< dhi-vd".' Kuiin'3' onro au a fplain iri'itter of f ', V" liever"thft niO'tt di^-I res-iin;; I'.id.'u'y iwi I bbiddfi trmihlifMin mm bourn. Tt ih bird io nay unythiuj.' nmr.. for it. Who .vaiiUs more Hfti 1 for it? tt dd by ], J'liorne, ImfO'iiit. 15 To Male** Pure lilor,<i. Tboro m no ru'-duune befnro the p"bpln e<]iit I to 11 ond'i SarHuparill'*. If li tho t)tn,ndard upriu * mffdicinu und blood purifier and it poiinairibi pi.culiiit m^rit which oth er1* try in yain to rraedi. It rmtlly makoH tl) wiak btrmi/;. lJo not nt-L'Ine, In pntify your hloo(| thio ipnun. T.d-..* IIoou'h Sar- upHrillii now. W*r*vi'iity Mm-n i.-tl hy Diniii. Vienna, June JO. Further noun from tlin lioberndof V.illey. w hieb wan h e[ t by ii Htnrm on Thnrnday, wn.s n e r.ei thin mornine-. The pri*\ ioi-h rcjiort i of devuHtation and death were tint e\ii;i;r>'i- ated. Seventy pen-ionn ore known tn have been killed luul many others are mi.Haing. TD| 11II. KIM.* > >IX IN.II Iti:i fearful Hiiindi'l p i nn^A'il hy t\ toir Trnta IteliiL' Itenitled. Idttle Roi-lt, June 10. A Trljrhtfnl wreck occurred on a Hhort line iailwa\, ojH.-ratefl by the. Lit tie liay Comp iny in Uuar-hita County. Tho train was riinidnf; at a rapid rati'-, wh-n tlm i n- R-lne left th" track, cm miliar tin- whib* train, load* d with lotjn, to b*- dump d Into a conglomerated masn, in<-n, bojs oriKlne, earn and Io^h all in n pile.Three men werc killed and alx injured. Two IJIillilrra Mlriu-h l>y a lullliic Trlr- pile tie PoLn Rldj^otown, Juno ]0. An accident op en ire d Saturday that may cuu.se two Children to lot>e tli-ir Uvea. A heavy pole bcintf filled by a Hull T.-lopbon- Kiiiih" craHhed through the plaa.c--Kla.sd front of H. David ton's stnre, Htriku k Amy McLean and Ciraco Hidley. Both are In u, preeariouw eonditiuil. AUCTIONEER KN'ItV ll'KIlltK K ' Auctioneer Sub pnnnptl V iittL-ml "il to. Aiidre:e, South Woinltileo, tint, pen ooh deriiriii'; tn leeni'D me LUIiy lokVO Wl.l'll lit Ll'ij I'lU'.i; t'lU.hH OtlU'e tf JI. HKDHKJK II r\ hinclau:, IjUM-JNSI;!-* auotioni.kk I '. for tiie Coinif, of Khsex. b ulitf of l-Jiuhtb Divihioii Court. All Idlnln ut l-'uiin und other >iilu>i eondiietcd promptly. Itutuii ruu-oii'thle itnd tiii-ni -lied on inipliiaition. I-aii'iuinifh id il v a-)iiil> ut W D. iJeiLiiiivn'noUice, or u' tlio olliu^ of Divininu Court Clei k, Mr .lubii Milan Hss-Just Kscelved The Fis3l and 'Boofs and SS^oei In E^sti^ Great Value in Mop's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladies' and Chil.Jren's Shoe?fc. and Oxfords. Cheapest in the Land, and qamlnoand bo Con vinced for yourselves. Jas. Douglas, Me, u ui Hie Golden Hoot, Wh i - Essay ~ The Cal llinovii H-'nuii HiK him! ?*.lllc<l. Tjomlon June 10. Friday "William Ad ams, re.stdlnKnn concession 3, Delaware wan drlvhiK. when the hor.Sifi *-h' i: i? canned tho dlslodKmont of the ho., t throwin Mr. AdmiiH on tho hard road, fie alighted on hia liead, and when found shortly after was doad. *. .tiaiuMiM mv. >iuo\t. .11 i.v JOHN (niif-IldlY. JdCLNHKD AUCTIONKKH lor thu County of l-'.hiiox, All liiii'lh of farm hUil'K he.li'.i, etc , latnductetl proinjith niol ou whorl notice, Unit h ru/moi ahlo, I'lir-oiiH dt siraliiit to arrini'-i" ili [any toH>b> cidMnf; ut tho I'ltni: I'iu:*-h ollloo or tiy ni'l'liliii' to . 4 J. (tOHMI.KV, V <). Iio\ iri'l Khs.ev. Oat. I7WANK McCWJSKMV, Maiditonn, thlttv- 1 Ht'Vun yoarfi' oxt'orioncii as un aiictioiu-orfn thot/OUilt> if Kaaux. fialin- conducted iiioniptlj, iiml on idasouiitde ti*riiu. Tardea dutiirin,; to ilx thu ilace for u miki uim iinve tla-Miiiulve- il diuu by callini' at tho lrm:]-: Tarns otlna- We lnivi* arraniidil with -Mr. Medlonituy tiiul will iix the dattui for siiIoh hy teluu-ntph, ontirnly h'eo of all uhiirj'u to tlio poyhon bulihni: tho aiilo. Ad- ilrutiB Frauli iMcOloiiLev .Alunhiteiip (Jrohh.Out, 1115 Qiooicgo 3*. iJ'oKiQSpi NUUHKHYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY An fnl<>*rrw|it4-il tuui'tiil Hrvl at ('leve- 1 IhI. Ohio. Cleveland, Juno 10. A hymn was boinp miiif; over the tmpiKjaud reiminii of Henry C. (rlaH-unan yontorday, when tho undovtakcm walked iu and inform ed tlu* mouriiuru that thoy were weep- incover tho wroup: cor|o. GlaHHinan diiiapiM'arud two woekn npo. A bodjr was louud in tho river, whioli wmi identified an bin, with tho exception of one articlu ol underwear. lliu wife paid for tho "eofliu, notified tht) F<>r- RBtoro, of which Grlufwman \vn a mem- lr, to conduct tho norvicen,, and too', itopn to fmcuro lliu iimuranee money. Tho body wan found to be that id John W. Lhieon of Stratford, Out. The run- oral broke off abruptly, and tho body will bo sent to Canada. GIuaHnmn hnj not boon hoard 0! yet. Yl)lN>Hll WMtrUtMH atlou* Trado Ih qulot, with ilomand re- utriotttd, ttirulffht rollora nuotmi nt $4,7fi tCoronto frclfflitg. ilriui biialaMH hi bran qulot uml pr|<-m $12.60, Toronto frolghtJi, Hliortu unoluuiff- <l at 91G.G0. Wbo*t Tho -nurkot to-day vu qulot. bul1 th*. fotdIn-j Rftrwrtally lu vary atrouu fttld hlKlwvr priuoi uhtlolputiHl. Wldta miu *od quoted outnlUa at $1 to 91.02; M-iiit- tobii flt-ra ut il-06, Torouto frolglit-. ihitU.\y rTrailo dull> . *ud prloM totily, . Itaod oiu>t*il at 620 to &3o. ... ' Oftti-Tlwi- ntarke-k U qdl*l. 'wltW1 pr*- i^toftlningfKl* t piu- lofci -ot, vhito oW to-day mX 3ffo, w; '. , ; Ilyo-Bu-Lix** qolot. wHh prlo** ttnt|J od -U 62o to 63a, out. I it* BuokwlMxtt-'Tbora ! notbto^ dolii-/ uml W,X1lX^ JLJuAoV Hule.fimen to bundle our Hin-.iy t'liimdnin fhuv, n NuiHnry Block, Wo Kiniriintee .iatittitiutiou tn injioi'HtiiitatlvoB and euHtoitnoH. dir mn-^era-i, are tho liti'L'out In ttiu 1 >o 111 i 1 iiof., (.vii' 700 iiei-i.1. No nubfitltutlon iu or.Ii*i h. h.\C'ii avn tinrnory ami liberaltormfJ to whole or pari iimo in'.-nti. Write 1111. hTONK A- WELLINGTON, (Ui ad (iljico)Toronto,Ont (Tie* only uun-ory iu Cninula luiviay ttintliifl orelnirdti.) -1 p.'Jm I^Ijlhtost, Eh-; I est Working, Most Accurate* Compact,, Mo-it Modern and progressiva Fer i-iunUiKiiu or In tor mat Ion write to THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., New llnven. Conn* Puuch, Pour, Plum, Applo and Quidgo Tro oh, Rouen, Evor^reonH, Berry BimheH, Raupborry, Bluokbotry and Currant BuBhu4. All urot-ohiHh Btooli. Suve a^ontn' Big Profits and writo for pnoou. Wo will alioor- fully annwor you hy return mail. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YSARB DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest Sauc in Canada. Phioti iu tho worMJor yoimifmon mid wouion to aoourn a I)uBinens F'dnoati'ir.,Hhortbn,nd,eto.,Is tbo IJotioit mmlnnBH UnlvoraltT. "De troit, Mloli. IHuiitratwl ootalOKiw Froo. Ilornroiiccn: All Dttbrolfa, W. P. JKWKIilj, I'niH P. It. arKNu'HU, Heo'y. Best Splendid Apple Trees, AI in ovary rsa|p#ott i $12 PER 100 - $12. toioan On j/ood prnditetivo Furtu property at' 5-J A fi pi'r Gout, htmiuht. No Valuation Fees* |- Ctouvoymioin TDono up in Nonfc Btyte: AM Fire and Life hsuranee. A.E.LOVELACE, O-no*; WhltufV Bl^k, uptttain, ., "I t-.;. 'iSm^S^^k.' iAi^^ ^^fc^ Hfcr^^^iii^^ '.-i-.,i."',..'(',/IT

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