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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 7, 1895, p. 7

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it', ' , / i'.\<! U \HLK i^SSJbCA. KRJS.kv jHUvr^fci BEAUTY ON THE BENCH. mil A Frally <JlrI Oncn Hut Willi 4'HlllurnlA's Huprrnin <'onrl. "Kow INioplrt-Hi'^Hwftf (lint n wo man onr* Mat on thu ttuprmmi Imnch in Callfortiiii," ahU\ nx Simitar*. ol'Statn TIkuhhh lb cL. A lonk nf ii'iciMttultty nvuivprtmd lliu fWitriu't, of bin liminitiiH "U'hh Uu t, nnviM'tlnilciw " contlnM"'! Mr. Iti-ik "It hum in Wi-ll ricviT mind Lnn your, hut I wn thou urn r> t-iO ot Hint.' mi.I court whs lining h-hl '" Srtri June to Jmltfn Wa u< wtt* <"' thn 1) ni)i Htnl Hinoii^ thus* in thuf.Hpi tul utj dm* njf tlni wo^mn wh< <""l Shall* r did u nuinhfi ni his nUicnrH Tlio colom-I wan acvnnipuii'd hv hi-J dnnirlit r, -| Veiy voun", bn ;ht " hand^uni' mi .4 "()n HMD u.ny at [ho hr-'.-iUfa " fi,( in ih (iold n fti^n* Hot-1, .Mh.uo Wall.f k,-i<1 : 'Mihh Sh.itrt'r, I ( (pntc idtfrbt d Strict \ oil h.tw bf--n (ji Kaci uinmitfi . mi have nnt Imuind to visit um. Won t \r*n nnim tip t'Mn morning: and nit \v th 11- a ham* t Mv coll JC'Ui', .Ii| l;,r (10 -- r, M ahiumt, *tnl \ on mn;lit in well on ii|n hu BOflt."" "'Oh, \i"j, ('II cnnin,' rwtinm'd MK'i Shaltci and thn Mihjuft >\ :n din|ijwd ami I inn mnr Jtidifr Wnll.r " 11 wr reninm! that the invitation wou'd Im CCp((Ml, "Ahnntnn Imur .ifiqru'-inl, Mi-i-. Sh li ter, live "iripaiilad h\ nno of ill nllunin of her (lilu'i h Ht.Ut', enmo to my nllue and -*uni iIihImIh* wmit'-d *o ^d tn th' Siijirmjie Court Would I (alto lim J With pit ustii a. And away w went A \ounjr attornm wrr &i truing a niwV when wii tMitcroii tlio court Up dpi not notice ui ay we t-uii tly ut-atud our- moIww, and wont on with ino-u Inillutnt Inqu mico. Jud^o Wallace hud bin lytnrt on the arm ot\lm empty clmir ami vpoddi'd tn my companion to takn it. n' 'Shall I go un'-1' sin- Htiki d of nil*. " 'Why, iMirtalnly,' I tfHpoiidfd *It would ha diHCDiirtt'oiiH to thu bmich noi to do ho. ' "Sho liOHitat-d a ht'lc, but ai Jml^r Wallani) rnjranh'd her with a uniilin invitatloo nntl patted thu chair piovok in^ly, all arono and lirirdv and with tho jfruco of a quctiii, wallccd up tho aiwlo to thn platform Thu jud<^i4 rono and gravely bowod. Wailaco topped forward, and, extending Ids haul oHi'ortcd her to thu vaiant chair "jand " udi juslii'o was prf-Miutt'd to her in {"turn Kiid hhoolc tho tun hand of tuoir ; dainty nnsnc a to. Misi Sh after w;w " fjuito equal to thti occasion, and, how- iujT, look hor H-at Hiid let ihn <ann pro- i-Cficd. That voun^ imorimv, thoiifrli, jiloHt hiH hca(f, and ttfttirw.irda lost fin ' can. Whether ho wmlnd tt> liiaUo an ,, jimproMuon on tilt' now itHsoi'iaie or ' j-wh t\v r"tlw itian^t'iiets of thn piocoed yin^s ruttlnd iiim, I n< v r lc<irut*d, ljut ho liffot badly tied up in h.M neioiatmii. }& "VVhatTim^iT^nVTrilaV do.J'"TV7w: AVER'S iHair VIGOR Beatored natural color to the hair, and also prevents It falling out. Mn, H. W. Fenwlok, ol Ditfby, N. S., ooya 1 "A llttlo mora tbim two youra ujzo my liair bogau to turn gray and fall out. Af- tor tlia UHO Of. ono bottlo of Ayor'a Hair Vigor my hair was restored to ita original color mid fpa.qr'd falling nut. An occasional appliration has nineo lcopt tlio hair in tjood condition." Mrs. H. F. Fenwick, Dlgby, N. S. "I luivo iiBOfl Aycrv9 Ttair VIpfor for tbroo yotirH, and it hanrostorod hair, which wan fast bpooming gray, back toils natural rotor." II. \v. IIa.skluofI'-, lJatraon, K. J. Ayer's Hair Vigor WllCX'AItWD Y PR, J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS,, U .S, A, Aucr'v JPilln cum Sick IfciutucJic* A1.. iju;,lu.:.n. Klou tit 'Iillnl ott n at diniu'r that ivonuu ho eonfeired I'jWflth tho now jud^u and liuitttd upon ^ her ot'cupyinff tho seat on thn benen next da\. Alter diitu r hu ask-d me tn raku a w.ilk with him 'Bt-L-k,' mid h , 'if you biiny that j;ii I into cnmi 111 the monune; I'll havo piuce din^s iiiitaun 1 "nrlaio your position vacant.- ban cinco Cull. COOKING ON A TABLE. (5 ' ___________ ^^Th liltrlieu ltuiitr<' thu hn ICnilrelr l>Is- licnm-fl S>ltli SlrrrnJlt-r. t ElflCtricltv liai u ui lc' d ehan^eq ^ I'j^reHt in (ho liitiihei. an an\ w i.ci ( elsi Below aro shown t^o vi wi o l)i iat |l OHt methods of e Mikhu All opeia'io - (joi cookili{< except baking nut p riuiuio . 1 Ui ^ O Vj m COOKTSa OM TUT T\l ' 13. on n mod- into nl/"d t l> ' mm I the nv t tot* baking* in shown 111 th e u d in On the 1 ibl - ui tin* liiit * u .11 .t . > iei trie tfrhldl ', for wli eh , 1 ,il . li"i 1 1 1 .-andeleuiio s< n* in lid chaliui; dishes, a plain uaiin 1 broilern and --t -we h, \ To show tho elite lenry of the oil tilt am! to prove how rur it .n hm^r tie & neia introdiletion ol ceekin^ \*\ Hulncih iVould be, a (jompaiiv ot a do/am tuund^ Tnn bakij ovi s'. ranbivit-d to a dinner of six cniiM . /jlicll Wn/l cook d In tiled m , l() ,,, ,, &jp hoHt 1)\ th l.ply ol th bnu , u n IhO lllp 0f h liulb'i, tlio entn e 111 p,ii ,1 [on t'onaumnifi leu** tlnui an ho.....I , jilt', during vdlK'h tnno the an t. im 1 (linn 10 fOnviTHi* "ith h< r ^m s s ,1 , 1 Updrintend tlj so tin.; ol the nil I b ldo3. It UlUht eiiiu'tily b" .idnnlKd IwAa1 While .itklll^ Up Vi)V\ llttl que ' hi in.unfii^: all-til at jiy of fookhi^ i* ^up- nor -o the o ay in nui'y If q (IS 'I he tet.il b jt[c of heat in 'ho mom wli'te Lli )kin^f in dono cannot be pj.n-el t > Im^i'b, HR vry Ih-ih wifo wid to*LiM [tyli ph*aHUi'-!. !i RiihlkifuM Itt-rorn I'louuurti. jBrlff^ MNh J'oplin heat mo tha [rpiglit ffiiineH ol uibhii^o tlt otli.u' rht. IriJTK's Ifl that wluit you do when Lciifl on liori* W^g-H That was beforo her mother K up to bud. Smith, Grav & Co.** toUts Tlii"hi t &At tho liiHt church toa-(lght did tho i&inff ladios tako part ?" , 5f**No tt&y took alb" W-' . ' ^ , e I to Si it Inn i'i . a j Haul *, " iLIIll OIK 1 '" V h; , 1 I i , s t tl > I ji \. lib Man I 1, Hi . I h i\< n'L ya\ th 1 o e -. (;n ihe, 11 y bo> , but " an if ti lie \ u 1 u s.nMcri 1 ipli.itl 11 I'll t 1 joi w bat I'll tli). ! 11 j^et it f >r j<> f you'll cum' u it h m-." " \\ In 11 to and bow far "" "'1 o Un ibetiilHt'H at the 1 orner. Th^ ov Hi r Im a 1 rfend of eiine, n<\ \\\l\ lend m- tli* ii'rin- y. Hut wi'll h.1%' to bur ry, is r \v nit to e.'tth 1 tialn." < t o uret- 11 n k Ins muni y, thecieditoi it*,. . .1 ae- companh d Smith tt tin heroi ->' 'i> vvhirli tlie\ fi-und on thel e trmo' LO Im laii ly nil* tl with < us oitii is. " Ciinlound it " sai i Si 1th " ,P H' my hu K, and I am In a hu ly to I must H't Mr Pills and > x1 l.n 1 mj ei- rand," lie Htepp'd foiward .^r\CI writ h"h1nd tie eoiinter wh< 10 t'c pr<>pri 'O. re is in tl htm with a emdl.Ll smiV. S . tth In hi -l w hNpf-red 1 <.n cisutio'i \\ ith Mr Pills, fiwpii ntlv Ind cat im tie* 1 all' iu it dltoi li\ .1 motion nf lua 1 an ' 'I'1 1 n he ( .ill'il IT-liriH UJ> to the lOUIlt" * '1 In hu-ri itlv k! uifMl ai Ids wilu li " Mr I 111 -1,111 tlx bat v l! \o b " lid I m s rin to c t b my rain nou i> h , ' a 1 ' off h . e t. ' Th it's II Hj-ht, h, * ai thr cle m- i"t, in a Llieil.. t n. t th cr dltoi, du-'t sit il un ^ f. u m n le - n 1 T v i 1 ttl. ih -l .itl'i r f i on s " -Mr ll.ini.s at o n \ ih i ii - f r< ll"t, and u. i < d M '." o m nut s At tin oiel ol th it tl n ih (he st Inlnrrl hlrn, and mot! n i d til to !oi o v Into | i \at. i. OMi -<h , aft i t los- " 4 tb lotu, In t->Ii! in m i, ^c i ,j ' N" ^ ^-Ir.' h s< d. . b n'ulh "'>ov loin h s r! N anal 1.. n ^ n ^ on " " It ' a I'll d ' a 1 \ I y, L ,, " Well, ii i (finniii' s s iK u h d l t inn e-i.jio lo im 1>, f, i I cou d h ve m nl. it all ilf-' t l'.i- vni " " ir<>\\ *ll i I Ktm ^ '" I Ut Vmii niif. Ml ' u\ /in t Bn e- f mil'] b l\ e I\ n \,, i ,f]\ \'r " " \<\\ U < b Ii in">' T in I'hil o' (K If "I'm ha- i"i't i ii fo (\\ It . ' S ill I! iish " C t t .fiii\ I h in-i ! ? I li i < i " f fr- i 1 T h \ 'J d"itu th hi' mi;'1 ' '* \r 1 t w h if 1 I v, i nt nmnev 'T rri'in to nn ih h nd'it c n ' nt t e.i' hit' t h 'i bwd b n an " h ' v Ii ' i it1', f e ii' i i H ' v fot til d. i r ' t i!^' n l \\ bn t "i0 you *n el th r o ids vrrn tnl1' * ! 1 > 11 i t UniM 'Mill ' ) * d ' m 'I {'n pi ' I' i it 'i>' " 1 I I n " f ph i] uin di H oi > r i' 'i n fr n- s d;i m Ih.'l '-on h.it \ nil W" fd Ire n ti" > \i ' V 'il f nn li' tli i 'T r> V i 1 ' n I'll ' ' t h I nil n q h} p' e f1! mis : "l' 'o * t tv f bf fill1 fl fn me ( hi*o'"i' linn i* \ -nd n ^rlfln'i- rnr l'n n TT n v r ' n il ni nn nj bn T n<te s on 1 't \ e ' I'M pa " r*!! fo . n t " \ '1 * *rifj th" <it ' f*t ,-,,!-. ' hi' "< "r Mid t' f 1 tl v r to li ten tn v 'ic iln. nd Aln . nt mil < I ii nt i " Matinee." c ;^ " b'i O 1 ' ' v.. lit i V ho A PEN PICTURE OF VICTORIA, (irniilili l>fncrlptlon of the Queen oi IfuulKutl In Ur bvcllnlns tony*. Wrltlnir from thn Riviera, wVi (iliiu'll Victoria in now Hpnndlu^ a month nomr Nlfe, Mr, Ornwl'oi'd tin Pari** rorrowpondttiit ol Mr. Laboii fhiiiH'ti Trutli. Haya: "I wuri at ouru nhid and worry to h tho Quewii m nh nli^hti'd. 'Mingle \\*hx wan du t" ifolmjf lor lier th d peni roHpei't, and to ro^jiidmi;' In'i an a rpnta xcopkional inemlmi of h e.iHt- indtuid, ho that I nlwayH < i ain< n wlion*vtir I hear "God nave tli C J ii -'ii." Tim MOtrow arose from Henin Jio\y yeiirn tell on liur She was fri en utofiiMid. How w<aiy who looked, .nfw \et linw kind and obll^nu ami w< II i" ptj.fd to pl;iv her nai t in tie* rapnll ac'in^ pa^-ant. sfie tieem >d uiiahle in raine her In ad Tin upward ^bine -, tlint nlie i ast on nil went to one .s hem I, ">ihe looktul up ami aniund under her eie'nb, itK U wanting stien^lii lo lo A ofhejwise (hie tnt^lil ha\ thought thHl hIh- rliiY not fn. I tier leet Uielei i ei .im sh" tiled to de*-eeiid tli Hlonpin i;nii,'wii\ from h r tiain into ihn s nl <i li use Two Heivantu ii^u.illv hep te r Hut, no doubt to leml heiM-ll i . th function, Him lean fl only on one oi the Ii diau m rvantH, who jiljipoi ted h i Veil Thn bloo l left Iiim 1 iee , s , toinied down A painior worths ni tho name could hav e iioiio an imntot. poiLinit it he caught Inn a>. thai m >' uwiiu JIh should not b a f i\o o . An tlilioni Vienna, oi a faHluon pi ai list horn Copnuhaunu ; out a mod m Velampie/ or a Il.na on Ij. paire, wit thcoiiiHj; to be alisohitt ly tiuthlul and the ability to liaiuder to canvas ah the history lhi' (.Uteen'H face hU^esl . all the i xceptional uXpermnco of liei exceptionally lonp: refill career h uioro than hintu all her coiibtautly re peated and iirinly I ttl filled desne to k.- *| ma rifjht pa tli, and all her woman h jn\s and miiiowH, which aio written in nlai chiraciorn. That iiiiinttir Would liav Haid with hiH p< ncil: Sh- wa.s un-.wei s niffly ^ood ; at 7(1 bIu* wan invented with a umjOHts tliat ul o^other eeun d to ite pond on her lotty station, that way eip tiroly p"rnonai, and a mora, lact atran^u ami lutoruHtme;, "The Hinile that t-Ht o( dispOHition wait most Biveut. Tlioro wan no trace ol tho gloom which i'i no cliutacturi-tic oi to many of tho Quueti's photo|riaph , not ono winch conveya a moral poitiait o! hor. How wan tho Qtioeu di\-sse I / It would be haid to diHciibo. Th clothes wore all looau. Whero tli > bundly? I'orhapH, but they uu'tod li f. They convoyed tho idea that uho was hor own law and that nhn iiad oih r things to think ol mom iu.portunre Im far than hor clotln-H. Couvonumco alone \wih connultod. Tho bonnet was of svluto butin vuilod with black hue and tiiiiiumd with ribbontj hilling down on tho nupu oi the neck, A modorn \ el abfjuo/would havo bi>i*n ImMilul in no- tinfc tliHO details aa giving- an index to tho royal mind. lie. would havo so' t in thoin evidence of a nature nupei o to atupul cenvontioualitieu. For t ho want ol such a painter 1 tear one o thn frriuLt lefadons oi tho Queen'h 1 i will bo lout to profjpouty. She on 4 n hertiaitur to fnjuiwin tho National d 1 lory an tho aiitits p o( Ueoi e;<; the 1 1 l3tliiouuy e;ieaiur mnacde in Junior than that tlio Quenn, nut li a a-dm ,m piiurud to me at Nice ami Mich a-. 1 hau ahown heruell m the Ibty ei h yeaifl of hur*ri i^n, shiuhl n ounit rt priinei, cuhuuiei, tiaii^jir-ur 1 otteinn er tho House of ll.umvor m Kn^l.ui I In a MibsiMpumt letter Mih. (Jrawloi I adda: "Otvui^ to thu Cjuueii hniiiy un able to Htaud alone unlebs suppoit d, her tii'e-svomeii lino it liaid to ill es her. Coi.set.s and cIohu luting cors.c;, havo been tfiven ti|) She was Ion., threatened with Iumii^ the use ol h 1 hinbh, but the first tune alio i:\pi ri< m . tho loflu ot Liiem wa.s last hummer at 1 )> borne, A council wa- to have tak 1 pkuo there that day. ' it it was put in (onsetjiieiiru. 11 1* health is ^uni LonHdeiiu^ all tin n^',s Hut it in menus ol hei dinneis ^m n 111 rn French papen be e;nuu lie, it is iistuii ishuu that alio ih so well, The Qu>* 1 .should now 1 at meitdv to live, and mi should be hi r stall ol lite ^h slum 1 isru up tea, and tko black colli nm li ns It ill^a^ietJh With llei ) alter nn lunch This meal ahould be tin cln t repast. No meat oi ii'.h, only m \u cy^i and tK'hh vegetables, almu bo taken 111 tlio evening. h mutton and n-uiui ni sin II lish a 1 much poison, Tli* b si tihh are uli 111^, tioiu and vmiii^ liaddoi I., ,\nd in onl\' nmals chu ken and wul, the ^ 11 noils pa 1 ts ol u hu h ai 1 11m 1 suit ib to siille ets ti urn i ur lima n ^011 Sa c y was tin < aien tl witli losing n Uni> ul Im luubs ..ml hi ml i(*s li. In n h son ed to a u ' ime o h-.li, \ i* t t t b! inn anlie t.iKi s no un .n 1 -.1 he siilji-i ed I mn 1.1 lit! nu\\ ilishke-. 111 1 innid mid bod s hasr 1 - .n 11\ it ol loi im s t a b < J Ui 11 keep, U t II ai 1 f01 hei nip i j the 11 Ion eoiu ' 1 n 1 lie 1 -iiil'p 1 I 1 to L > tb.i t tn dm .oi i se tn iiei d n1 > l<u d ' ami 1 hind. pns itio.i U d lie Im 1- iO>i It d til '1 lie lon^e, ll\t'S, fl)M - " .s At I. HtlL I III bet Ho-tl (o "irrvr str.iitlM 1 rlt'1. Stnnsbeiiits ,n e astonisliin_ \ mh tins \ t .11, an i i hov ^iv t pi onu < ot 1 iuj; che.tpei thairiisu.il win 11 1 lit 3 sb 1 ai 1 ive in plmiL> Popiil u a-, l he s t iu hei 1 The New \ 01 u 011 1 \ > 1 v h* hold i know the d 1 . its ul -ei v tl iii un.ii 1 us om d Im 1111, Lake, Im * \uinp 1 , is a ot> \v sooi tt ake is K ' I ll \ 1 Ollst IS, - . ; ho It \\ti bbt> n , I' si 1 1 mi made |u -j in ti d, this doiuat ai two si pjl ate r-.ni is -I lie c.ike \ ai tet,j and the r hi 1 1111 p 1 1 ma le u th ami not nn -en. 1 h ~tc m e tin n pb t and lb hi r I le twe n and o 1 top, h u <i;iei ards eo^t re i with a 11 11 s O,.,' iliori. . ke k.h _, 1 11 .v )' t UlL l.t \ ' plaeen I into b !i 1. h in ,| 01 I lie o 111 o t u| dm e he t sp eeak" is baI d 1 1 nm ' un-, a i-iii h I 1V1 r is sin iinninl >l u-it 1 \v bippt ci am and well su aii*<l b'-rrm-. clos Is m tm r' A pretls amt >^\ r^nll il way iii^' s.r \\ b 11 ie,s s with the, and dipp. il in -u 1. Tb -y eaten Irom nil the hu'N, htdd the Ime,-is Tins nn th 1 ! pi of s liu'.s a j botss v It". r1. lo-*-. id ji and tli le Is Itl - add) ' mi' > im \* 1 l r! ill juice, ads-antii;. e ot the b trie^ not Jn vu lia illenni t nidi' din w.it r. Il tlu-.s piopeils puk d uodiit.reinainH 011 ihem Straw hn rv Hasarian cru.iin, atraw iieny cr* aril* tartu and Htniwourry as Nil bub* am nthni pleasui"' VHilotnwn. a tliintyuoit, In m-ikiny (li hocoikI ot thoiiy,' H'liw th Ivrrb-H and mix with corn Ht.ireli, ad line; whipped cream when this mixture la put inio'tho pantry. For wylhtbub -ut th" b->rrio9 into tfm oven and a rain out tho juiuo to add to whlupad croam. Don5t Forget thnt when you buy Scott's Emul sion you arc not' getting a secret mixture containing worthlcsh or liurmful (lrup;s. Scott's Emulsion atJittotbe, sec ret for an amilysis revouls all there is in it. Consequently the endorse ment of the medical world means something. ovot;comcs Wastingy promotes tho making of Solid I'7rsht and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Bronchitis, Woak Lungr,, Consumption! Scrofula, Annomln, Emaciation* nncr- WttStitiK Diseases ot Children. Scott& Unwtie, Oollovillo. All Drutjoistu. GOc it t WANTED TO SCARE HIS WlfET" ------------ ^ tlolni'tt llirtat (n llanur IUuiu**ir n Ituue (a <lnb-i YSury'n "I I It- Toiigui-. Jo1 n Mill r, or -115 Wint Thirty fltth Htrect, wis ni rai^ne I in I ho .hdl'i rinu Maikot pohen court the other (l*tv on the (hni-^e ot attempted tiuculi*, H.iyn Tim Kew \ oik Itecmder. At lOo'ilnik on rnilay ui^lit Marv Mill 'i- .lohnN yoiuitf ^ (e, rushed brea'hbssly into the Wi t Thirty- huvi nt h pollen station, hci e'linin^ : "M\ limbaiid is Homy to han-r hnn- Helf ' ('nine quit k, oh ! come quick, or he II h'MbMul V1 ri'lutinau IVpei tui binned o(T with tlie woman wro explain* d that she had had a iow with .John, and lie HAid ho wnu jomir to kill luunieir "Whv, Im had th" lope around his neck when I tame out,1' subbed who. Tlio door of tho MiIIimh' rooms waa locked. Tho policeman forced it open, There waa no light Tlieio waa tho A IfAKH f-UICIDID. stllhii'M of death, as tho pnlireman and tho wiln groped their way toward tho bud room. ThiH room waa blrtck as ink, and tho frightened gaspw of tho woman blew out'tlio first match which tho po liceman lit.______ _ _ Another match flickered, for a min ute, tho a;ai was lit, and what tho po* liconian saw made turn fall over on tho bed and laugh until ho cried. Evon the And-faced wife nmilod. * There in the hod, uleoping comfor tably, was John Mdler, with tour yards of elotlieudine coded about his neck. The policeman woke linn up. Jolin'u even blinked, but an he was fully dressed IVpcrtnl \anked him out of bed and took Iiim to the police .station, whore ho hum locked up In court ho denied that he h id uny d"suo to kill himuelf, only to HCiire bis wife. "S e's been gottin' pitrty flip with her tongue itteJy, and netsledquietin'." Mrs Mdler r duscd to make a charge a>;a, nst linn, and he was diHcliai^od. DIDN'T MIND THE FIRE. A. Hhii \\ Ih I*ri hi 1 vt 1 IIIh I'olll-r'iirfit M lille llir lltitirtf Win* ttiirnlnjr "rI hi- t'ooh-st man I OS or saw," said a vt t< ran liieman, '"I mo* at .1 hie in a dwelling house Wn found him m an ii[ st.iiis front romii tir 'Hsiiu, lo go nut 'Ihe Im b\ tins tmio svas bi'in' up tliroim h th* house a at gie.iti.lt " Hello, lliei.d' w* h'lilend to linn when sv< looked in at the doer, 'the liousi is afire !" " 'Would it disturb sou if I nhnuld re main wluln , ou are putting it out r" lie said, lifting the comb irom Ins hair ami looking at uh, He had on a low waist coat and Inn dieBH coat lav aeroua a chair. ^'Softiitg us Htaring at him he dioppi d bis comb into his hair again and svent on combing. But aa a matter of tact ho was about road v. Ho put down tho comb, put on Ida coat ami hat and pick- od up his overcoat, " 'Now I'm *oady, gentleman,' bo uald. "We Btartod, hut tho stairway had now boon closed up l>y fiio. We turned to thu wmdowa, The boyw had got a ladder up on tim front of tho bonne. " 'Now then.' wo Haid to him, when wecfimo to tlio window " 'After you, geiitlamun,' ho said, standing hack mid I'm darned if w-* did not have to go down tho huldur lirut and lot bun come laat." ^EATHEBBONE SKIBT BONE ! FOR GIVING STYLE AND SHAPE A Hi/lit, plniblo, olaotio bono madu from fpullH, It Ih Hofb and yielding, anntoiinUitc ruadily to foldu, yob -givinu ^propar_uhapu_tO-Hliirfc orDrouu.------___ Tho only Hklrt Bono that may bo* wot witboufcjnjury. TO Tho Celebrated Foather- bono Corsets^ aro corded Ladies' DreSSe&t ! with this material, Vnr wain by Uiaillmf Dry Ountbi Dnnloru, nm J. GOURIiAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT.^ ' Wi * . - THE TRIUMPH COKN SHELLER , B . This Machine consists of a horizontal oast cylinder, with wrought iron bara, wish flieel teeth holtod to tho cvlinder ho as to bo rovorBibio whou tha teeth become worn on the Uont hide, running in a porforated concavo iraw hollf which the shelled cin> pas.-CH through into u shoob iron ciiho, with a fan or elo-uicr attiehed below, which takes all tho dunt from tho grain. Tha cheapest, bc-tf, inoht -Hiuiplo and dnrahlo Power Corn Hlioller m uho; Bholla corn porluctiy elc in in any eoi diticu diolhrig and eloaniug from ono to two thousand bushels ol cnrH per da\. according to jtowor. Dimensions. Pulley, It) in, diam eter, fi in. laee, Mu'iun, jO(i lo 80i) revolutioiiH pei iiinTuTeT'Woi/'-lit, CjO Iba* EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED, ' ^^.-h-mvo m . J. COURLAY 8c SONS, :mm*&m&swaam -BTRKTZtfRx r^ACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. VB*GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYS A DC Vflll 0 N,,rvn,Iil ltn'l doiipondiuit; wnuk or tlohl AllC IIIII If bltinn mtnnory poor. niHilv fi inflH Htinknii, red mid ItlurrLcl; ponpl ihllitatetl; tlrwl mornlnanf noiim- fatiiu'eil; oxcitablo una IriiUbloi . . ;>hiu on fiicoi droiimn and niaht loafioa; rtntlnin; hiiamird lookiiifl;; wi'itk buck; huno pain, Imir lt>oi,o, nlroru; florothrofit: Muictifolc, dfpti'iit in urhm niurdniinH at Htool. diftrutttfui; wnntof conlldoncoi lack of onoryi und strniif-th WE OAN CURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DR&. M, & K. JOHN . M\NLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. OHAH. TOWERS. CHAS. POWElIfl. DlSFOItL i....iiJlhM. .v.h.ii.1 a HUNT. JlMOin. imi v jjih.N'1. . lUfT'liiui.IjimNT. NO NAMES On TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSEtul Jolin A. Miiuhu flfiyHi "I wiw ono of tho conntlo/m -9111- tiiim of emd> miionuict) comnionctd nt 15 jouru of no. I trnitl auven medicuL firtiiH nnd HpnnK JOOO witliontnvafl. I Kiivt up m ihnpinr. Tito drninu on my flyut**m wer* wrakeiuin,' ni] mtelli ft un well nn myHoxual nml pliyntcnl lift) Aly biottu r ii.lvii.ntl nto u * n Infit rciHtirt to confltdfc Urn. Kimnt'ily ."IKi'iffiin 1 nimnumctd thoir Now llothod Trcntnit'iit anil in u n*w uLckn wan u now man, with now lifo und mnhitniii. I'lnn win* four jonrn ao, nnd now 1 am nmrrii'd and Iiappy. 1 rocuintnund thoiio roliublo opocialiHtu to all my alllictod fullowmoii." VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AN5 l.v) POTENCY CURED CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Tho irtcofi of oiirly boyhood laid tho Foundation of my rnin. Lntor on n, "ffiiy HEo" mid oxjwmire fo Motid di- flnnnoH coiiiplotnd tho wreck. I had all tlio HjinitmiiH of Norvona Dnhlliti flnnkontiyofl.endMFilonn, drain, in nrino, norvonnnrnB, vouk bank, oto, Kjpliilii* cunt-etl itij hair to fall out, bono pninn, nlccro in mouth and on ttuitftw, l^blotclieu on body, tc, I tlmnlc Ood 1 tried Dra. IC' himmIj A Kerjiun. Thoy rontorod mn to lindtli, vinor and InippinnEH." CHAS POWEUS. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele,. CureiJ. fmVVe treat a?tdcure Vancoch; /?wrrstr>}i<;, Net vow Debittty\ Seminal Weakness* Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Din/iarges, Self Abuse, $ Kidney and Bladder Diseases.____________ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. Hr-flnf R I Arn yon n victim? Ihunjon Inht Impn? Aro jou cont'-mpliittiKf innr- riL.r\UL.n 1 riiutor1 Huh >out IJlootl h on iln-oiif 1 tlJ Iln\<> >on nn> wrnlnit"--!.-' (Jar Now Mothod Treutmont will euro yon What it lum druwi for ntlinn* it will do for ou. CONSULTATION FREE. No mnttor who him tre itt d von, wrJto for an honn-'t opinion l-'re t of Cliamo. ClinrKfH roanonablo. BOOKS FRtC - "Tho (Jo J don Monitor" (illni'tratod), on DifiGiuion of Mon. IhcIoho pontiifio, 2 ciiiittt. tea Jed, ra^rNO NAMES USED WITHOUT - RITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATEi No medlcino o nt C. O. l~> No namna on boxes or onvat- opes. Everything confidential. Question list and coot c\! Treat*- mont, FREE. __,_________ DRS. KENNEDY & KERGftW tfegaafflfiB^ESfflfflsmara^ Wo. I48SHEL V3-. 1 DETROIT, MICH. f= All <>M U'H'tjUitm. ?5-r, wt, vrv*v, i^gSSS^S5gaaK^^^ King: of ell - Bicycles. ^ Llfflit Weifilit and fy&^j^ Absolutely ^^ the Best. Superior Hatcrlnl kisWIt;. ICvcryMa- chi.v \diy vvcrrarit set. and Scientific Work* <0Swr\m^ s Styles l!lgFiest Honors ai ihe World's Colombian Epslflta S<jiii! two-ccat titamp <or ur 34"P*>co Cataloede-A work oT Art' Monarch Cycle Company, liSti Retail Salesroom. 380 Wabash Ave. Lake nnd HaLsted StZ., CHlCAOO, ILL. W .'_ ** -----------1 I"1 ' '. .......* "VV. , LTlt- -^ ' nil' 'i 1 1 ' / . "It rrt JF "The mantle of Ms Mustrtous' fctpm \^n& 48 21

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