W' ....... *&., svr-a'-' $.*/, ~y fey':;:-.." ' fiP^Pifpi^ I it THE -EQBBlU FREE PRP^ ivtac This ahould bo tho duwiro of ovory 0110 P Tour homo in your kingdom ami uhouhl bo L\r , ist a.9 comfortable aud^'btmutiful an" your \l, , raeana will ullow. Litthi m:|)un!ie|iH iil-cuii- I / sary to decorate yourJpoouiH with our Papers tiuud for namplort'iiml pointom on Consumers' Wall Paper Go. Wlndnnr, Out. ..The Essex Free Press. FBIDAY.JUNH 7, IHfif*. \'- DOMINION PARLIAMENT. WHAT TIIU MKMJttKBS AT OTTAWA AUK 1X0INO. I'lio Hot W.mthnr Mukwik-liidiicari Mot lOt'I-lltfM. Htm. A. 8. Flardy, by mi urdor-in-eoun- flit, haw bouu iippoliitu-i actiiiy rrsmiur of Oatai'io, while Sir OHvor Muwat ia abuunt in England, whithor ho ban jjoiifl in con nection with tho O.Mtiirio local option law, shortly to b, pluocil boforn tho luiporiftl Privy Council, Now that tho warm \vi:u.thi*r i oih'O mora with uu it would he woll for thonit bnaily outfn<jod in tho uctivo purmiitfl of-lifo t not* tho Mordn oE Mr. Clmuitony Popow, who, unoiikintj of S.'crot'iry GreHhaitVn doatb, partly from overwork, ttaya : I hive learned from ohoorvation thud thrco LUiBCn iiurely happen, n. man who wnrlfH nUadilv without roUxatioH. In tho iirHt plniio, ho becomon nurvnuo, irritablo and bard to along with. In tlie ancoud placo, tho i;rad of bin work fallH off and he in liable to err in InV judnmont. In the third pluao, ho ilion HUrldouly. It in uu in- oontrovoi'tibla law of Nature. CROP BUM,1mNT. Intitrt itfiiir lkurtleu1uir ' IZe^urilluc: tlio Ulntu of tlio Cr|># lu Varlouw t> Wen ecu. A bulletin luau.id by tho Ontario BareiU ef Indartrien, dualtt with the cordt'.iou, of oropn Oi> tho 2dth nit.: THE WKirnEi'.. . The mouth of May ap'\oed very wj,r:r, and thou occurred th moat imp--jrtau6 weathor chn,ni*o, u HaucL-wsion gf fro-ti^ .'r^m May 12th to May '.Hut. Tuea*j fr.HU wen* oiceudi(jly Govern in nearly til parta uf :he proviuco, a.u well as iu ihu adjoining States*. Tho oiroond frogt W'h felt in mimy pi in the HOUthwent, where tho firut liid dono uttla damaffo. The inland an J Higher 060r,iown Buffered excutMiiu^ly. A narrow atrip aloutt Lalcu ' Kriu and Ontario wru more fortunate, eHpeciady whuro Hhultored by~hij;hor lund. Tbcuc froHtu liavw dono excenuive damage to tht mam tender fruits, darly vo^otablea, nui-huarin-j trees, nn- jBortaut ahruha, yonnL* hi:dcoe, and, in sonia distriotji, alyo to the rail wheat and iiprintf gratnn, but tho probability in that the amount of injury ban beun uuinuwhat ox- ag^oratcd iu many dintnota, and that many oropu rnt-y rocovor. I'ALIi WHKAT. In the western half of tliu province,while many upleudid liultlH are reported, Iohh by ioo haH boon uwuiuon, rauyuij* froew odd patchoo in low-lying fields in tie vera! of tlio gr'o&t fall wheat conntitMi to-a tbiuuinq out of uoarly fifty per cent, jn prcportiunh uf iho ooantv of NorfoHc. Tlio frusta of May 12th to Slit diti further injury to fall wheat in IVoMtorn Ouiurio, but the crop offorod leua cocnpanitivuiy than the nprin^ l^raino. Thoro wau a Mingle rufaronoo to tho tloaaian fly from Kunt. Sphimci wiikat. Tho aoroii^Q willbu much fluonllor thau uaut'l thin yrar, oxuupt in tho Bt. Lawrence and Ottawa couutioa. Muoh of tho crop WUi not far enough adyancod to bo injured by front, althouHh many oarly llulJa j;ot tonohod, haiiucyJ Thli crop, liko nearly all the Hprieg gtuiiis, wan |f)t into the ground undor fav- oralilo oonditiouiJ, but iu every district it hau neon more or Iouh lujurod by frort In muny quartoru tho fluids looked yellow from tl uauvo, as corroHpondenta wrote, but tho expuotation provailod that tho crop would roeoyor. oath. Wbilo mnyeorronpondeHtnupuak highly in roapoot to this crop, it wouldueum an if oatw have Buffered moro from front than iu many years. From every aouuty croup ropertauomo of tho youny plant being nip- pod by trout, but, an in tho orho of harloy, it wan thoughu that favorable weather would redeem the crop* fjilte tho obbor uprintf grains it auCforod ihdml Wearily un muoky land. I'JUB. Thin orop, whoro howYi oarly, wat*caught by the frost und considerably injurod. However^ many farrnurn hud delayed Mow ing in order tj eaoapo the bug, and it t ex- parted thitt ptau will j*st tfavorablo Rt.art. ruuiT, ta tho Lake Enu' eountioa grapow and Btrawberriau havo bona muoh injured, ex- copfcou Peteo fuland, where fcho proiprtota re sported an vory wood, Orohatda and vineyards ueur tho Uke havo euu'ered lusn .' tlian others, Olyteritm hayo boon ynf*ilv injured. pear* and ponohoy not m nmoh ; apple* prorniao a fiood orop/ i>I[;iuji, Out. ,hiiii> |,-- The Itnvi'i'n ::i 'ill ^'vtih'i-.i.'iy v\n.-; 1'uj- c! t<> iu l ';<* ,l :ni':iili:i liny; luirl.iii.\vn . ,nii i lir>'<> of i!'; -.1 ^llrM'i Wi'lV j: 1 '.'O.I .1 f,; ijUi'.uir by 1^,'i^' ll.Mijur, tin' li'M.li'P of th.r Iluiiti', tin! '-!i y w\\\ iutt h.iiiii hn-^.-t. W'ln-n Mr. Kumht ninvn! Hhr ll"i;-" i.uV Tuiti'Mit with In vor-T i".iiltd 1" hri : 'S.'W'ii .i iv i:i'?l in ; ;iiiMl- tif ptin*nnHr r l: I.ni.i-llc <>f *' '.U'A ! >\\> M.tiuiiiir i.1. !ii ' .-Mii.i.y, Ui -i.^lj .!! nl been ocdntsl In tnrniuli tin- h.iiM'111,1 linn fmii" yi'lli:H .fro. 'Iii.' iiiiiiinti-r liini /i^'i'ii ilir ix- -ihi' Hint !li" piipi'r.) h ul i> i,t,i hui Mr. ItrmK'iir M-iLrd thJLt In* I* id :v</ri v.mI i..i'oi'!ii-'itioii tlmt th".y u-:t.' Ui tlu* h- i"';l -if ilir- d-'p.'irtiiiiMiL Mure t'..;h tint, n (..irlioii i>\ tli.' p.p-r.-i .-.'ti'l ' ' !i.v' ii"M: li.:i; w.'i-.' |/,'o In '* court vr (ii'ii- i j- | ij.'i'i nfl'.-i^-.l roi MM>'vll'-r r\ ,!-. Inr :1j, f ilin-i' to Ltivi* tin' ii'iiiinnii lion (tint ' h'1 ]' i>>vt of 1 lie [io.-*iofi icr iiifpi*'* tor iii ' ||.' i-.i-ii- wn ' o[ I! t'Ollli:!l'.! t till tj I I IIIV ;-'ir .lohii 'Mioiii] nimi h.;;J. lasi. si-rtsitm dr- | Hint tin* ivpori Hlr.l!'l h' prmhir nil .'mi] Mr. lirnl-ur Imhl ili.i-L Lin- i*o-.t- iiHO'li'r-Ui'ni'riLl li:id no rijrht t< kd be hind ili- t. Sir A'ltd phi1 (I i roil k,m.i'i! t h:i t In* Iim ii told the. ni.'inhr lor lloiivillc wln'u ' \\i<- fiilhj'Tt w.-i-' li-l l-.- t.li>' lloii.-r, tlui-t tin- P iji r. I.a-I hf/u tr.-iiisli'rn'il jroni li'.: il.'l'.irl iiHMit to t|,;' ricrrrl n'.v ot .St;iLr, \\ [. ,: .Ml*. Ch.ipli'.'iU h.'ld ll:i! i.flier, r.in! \\i 'iv ii ut iViUrm'-l. 111' li.'sd tii'.1 I't'p.ir. uf tli'1 iji.ipt'Ctor in his ofl'iiv, but it w.-s.-i -i c j;.ii:|fjii i.i! report a ud would no.- Ik pr.j inci'd. i SU\ l.-iii;;i'T ri'fr,:inlt'd tin*- n'a;-Hi-< givm i;y Sir A'lt'lplin CirC'ii for hi( failure tu I'oli.ply with thi! order of the lluU-r, made '. oir V'Mn ii^'u, a.; nio.-tt * : rjiordilia ry. I'Iij' .-I'-ler w.i.n made fdi1 r.iipii-.-i ui_ . Ik; ( p(i:isi>.Mi(in, a ml nut '.or I lie i.ritfiitaK, ]Jc had M'nt ihe coj in.-. I.i tli" S'-rr.-t-ir/ of .State :ti.d tlir.y liad : !! io.n. \\'i:,it did it in.".it"i* if the -pi.'.s luid lit'cn lcjt 7 Sir A'l..;pii' iVi-nm; I ki.v tlu> orij^iiuiIn v.- b.i'u ludt. Vii', 1. ;i ii r:'!': Tin1. Post luustc r-(ir i:e nil .id t:o bu.-iursj! in sniid the (>rii;iiui!ri U> .la- .Se<.'p-t;iry of StjLtc. lli wiui only .. rliM-ftl by ill,-: I lou -i: to I urn Uh i'i|M';i 1 tlieni. If tin- hon. KrntU'tiLLii Ihi-h tlu-'i" ' cuuu'iit* iu hi.4 dcpjirtui'Mit, bo ban . derei*H.*t iu his duty, ft in jLtdiai* ,;: \\-\i a-. . . - .Mr. Ilatc^Lrt aiv.tfi to tho rc-cue (A tho -<>r'!y 'linirt'srf"d P<stii.as*.cr-(i<_'n<:ral. lie :-.ok tL'.- bliiii.*.* t-i;tirely iijmiu hiiiu-t.'li. lie ai 1 ti^at wht.'r: h* w;w PoHtiiuurti-r-Oon- r.il. La- f^-i:l th" orif^iiuil jwiprrs tr> Mr. .'.... i^rati. th-n Sicn-tary ttt fcitato, who < v -r r'-turaod them. Mr I^ii'ur iiitrTJ- <:ted tli.'it he hnd .-m in the court in Montreal. Mr. Ih.^irrirt r-pli.-d v-jhiMiiuntly that .Mr. IIrod"i::- \\\i* . 11. The only p.'i "!-.* in the Purttofiiee Depart incut wi-iv 11].- l-!ivi-|u; <r which hnd .-erved n.'t .mi .'iiiibit iu tin c.uo "and tli*'"iuifj*i*c-# II ir'.. report. Mr. Jlajrtrnrt made the Htatcinent; that ii-- Uovi-nuui'iit hui the right to refu~-e .o ln-i:ij;' down |i.i|i'r.i of a ctjiifidi-'iitial .. i tin-.'. .'.]. .>Llh- i-'iitirely di (t'T'ti'd from the .-",:.,d , .k"jj |,<v the .Umi^ter of Rail- " . il'- 'hid vh.it ilir (.loveraineiit ..! ( (,pjin'c ii motion for pupcr*, but 1. < ili-' or.li.-r wa-i niurle the Unren:* ,f li ai no rlirht to di .ob.-y it. 1.. e. ; til ' I'nrtlnffire [a-pau tor llli-'l :i chirked with a eon'piraey to iv- - : *".'!f tip iu deiiaaee ..: ill ' order nl' th Uoll .-, i:)d luri d.-- i. r 'i th.it li1' won :| not brjnic dow i i.i.euiueiit unl'i- 'd hy t'li" ; l.m e. :-ir AiJoljlie (.'-tro.i ' iid .hat Ir; did at "pit. lit lu d: piti,- li.- onle,' ol tl.t .on i1, hut an nr -. IloUie sl.nu.d '. it n.s|- li 1 in to briu^ down a cmil'ide>i- ' I dni'uui"!, t.. "j- iiibhei't Trpp r -.'iid th 11 th . r .c tire \\., ;]u, \elh?n a u*i i ii'nil u. > " ' 'V.i1! ;.i i-l i' ii' u r.-t.l a, a e-ii:l'i- .ei'thii jin pei- iv a nut h i'. ai :- '!(: do v. ntile^rt it w..h Hp.'i-ifiea !ly nt.utio n-d. Mr Mi'!a -rciiii'ijil. d the Mini.iter < - .Ii..ii;"e t.'; ; t in t ] l i --. *,:;.s>- tln'.n was a n.. ; o. f.-uu I ..^aii.Ht the Iu.!i>i\,tijr. 11 '.v.ij i\^: that rea -.ini that hia rrp*,r: w..h w.unted. Mr I/iHt.'i- F.;.;d that Ii-r'i'e the (.rd'.'r \\(in jjii-.sm.i -jt \'il.i th- duty of thi" Pi.r';- ::i'."t -" (.J1:.e.-.i. to lu.vt- n-'.i: cd to p.o i: u * lie I'i . t. .-'fii'i! li. [ic'.' 11--".I iv j ..ir: hi' did not iiiti-ud to 'oinr it do\.-n ii. '! -. Ii h ,il li--: i '.ll-lU"ll"L* .to- 1 il. ^:e,;il hy the ;|,..:; p: .tll. \\ i|:H|,M- t: i * h;M \\ , prii'-ti,*!' h mil j; '. .i i ip';'. , ;. i,.; t h;i L ' !- ep.irt n|) "] \> -. . ..Jn i-d '1'heru h: d hern a i.oi;]ii; o:'ti'.r. L'p : :he rep" ft 'i'.' ;t P'-i Li iff 1'. r 11:- pee tor ,t i. ' ':[ -.sed, and ima\ thai ;t li M_ ' , i'it:.h"l-dii.d that the IW'.v ' '"'e f., j'e the Ti Yr.-Mi'ent '|'('fU-.< d I ' tiiore 11 f iii to h:.i pi..'-.11 ion and with ' lunnej'-'t jirdi/e .U.-- > M" r, Itl'adi hl.i trip . i'!ii'f W'ti.in ii hui' 'r-eil inij-n <>f <t\t. ,vn a pf,'iLnianlrr, wh(< . th' r.-'tn ty' ,i i.i inli-[ hnd up'ui the i'"p":-L :,' :i Pc-Htnffh" ! -.p"etor been -.rdii-iod iS. frr;- vc wnsiip; i-iii(T It had lii'i'ii rrport.eil hy the ^pc'.'totr tint li'tirr- had hce'i npcr.e in tliin tmilii'h po.it;-fH -c, mrl yet li" Vid-.hiii 4io;jiti<'ii. If., wua not 'the ' i Htnntntt'1',' hut il Itiwyrr pr.-u'l binu; h> p'ofcmiion, and nmw hid it 'tlei t ! lid not reeoiyo tho (Muni'-innontii of the j.'fieu. Sir Riclmrd Gi.rtwrijrht said thnt when cmi'P w/tfl nh.owu ('o-nfifh-nti-'il re- portn fihoii'lid lu.1 produced. Wien n ehm-Re w;us nuido asadiiiHt (an im* pee tor of Hiich gravity, tlun-o wan every r.1"- -on. why hui report hIioiivI lie. brought down. Tin; elmr^o.-i- whieh the Ita'peti-r h il il miuh> (ijj;al,n'rt tho P.'iHtni^ter nt Sto. An)?oiu do Monnoir, n.nd on whi*' t!tc PflHtmiij/tor-GcHU'ral*. had dimuinn d the nfficiiuL. had \tct\\i ivo broil vJioIly iiiifonnded and It wn ch- piMifuil t'lurt- tho ivprirt <.'ii which th' .Gov-1 rruntmt had toJcpn action Klu>u>ld h" produced. Mr. D:t.vicH polatod out that tho qmtion wii-ethor 'tho report tilwuM ho, prodneod hail tormod tins flttbjoct o-f an, liour'i dln- rujioioiL luiHt HCfllo>ii and that . Sir John ThminpHori had tlion hold that,AvhiUi In Ki'iioral L'o)){l>il6titlni pajK-rrt -MhtMiId not 1 "brought" dowTtJ.HB oxcwptWrn iniffht ho- muJlfl wi-tlw Cftn.of it. pnjwr that had 'mUlftil ilio ootioii of n. departtnent. Purtiri'T than that tbo Ilotiito had do- otd*ul hmt msauIon. tiukt thl HiAirtloular dofimiunt nhuaM hi produced. Tbu d:a- i>lwdh6ii ol tb* ard&tf vraui f *-oAtt>" *-' MoiiHfl with tniirlifld contunipt. 'rhi' fil'iJitloit iw>w heojuim w> orioiw that th" r.caihn-of the CoLennncnt found It iH'ee-ti :-y to tidm :i h" ud 111 the. (liu- ciit-Hinn, He iippio\el uf the pnt-it bni liU-i"'ii h llw-MUiitL'r uf .llinLicr Lh.it con-fidiMiu: .: doeumiont.* Hhotild u-- livnt-il iui coufi'Stitlnl. hut h wild that if. uu Mr. Dmvih luvl Ht.-uod, n *l> *' '*- ui-tWr: Juiil Ire Mloplnd, that n . ji (!.iin-n.|ii.iv u.n. that ree .rt oii^ht to he hroM^ht dnv. ..- It In '.....n.rt!(d>y i.eei'u^ary to m.i.\ t: a -. thi:. Hi ' i U tii" race t. t.. t : Gere.vil t';c M.ni -t r -i '* the M .1,(01- of Jii.-.tie.- -ue ii.-a' n the Oar- of the Oppo.l.tlo.i 111 lll.-.'le. V, :; . liad Ui'.. atrivln- to ti-.n-n- tu. .n ti. n dlltv t ' -the llnil.il) and I.- l.e' p. op.'-. Mr. M-Mullen M.'id tlmt tic- pn:n>;:.:iv f ,),.. Iim-*' iu Hit' i" ittrr ol ee .in. ,, iiil'orni.uioii . hmil I h." invad -d ny . Cuv. rnni'-ni. 'riu- Holler eould not upor .ii ..Hoe, ,he tiriverumi'.it to "it iu jn : ii.. ij L uj..,.. i, iji l.i how far ' .-I.o.dd H ' (iiiii.ioa th a d Llie th.Vf rt i 'U.l wo..l . ,-...', d tile lo'der.l of the H...;..- it Uo.d'. .., v' ! m I.- ainh-. _. Mr. i-'i'.-:i r :h-':i Tot up .-i i i.uulu-' U." l\ i .lit.I lion 'ol tin liovr, iij : a,. eoia- r|e:r. He t-ii'l 'tilUt In; Il al .alt I*' 'Il.e ulalmieiiL upon the l.ypolhe.d'* i.i-nt ii i Ml*. iavies had it.'id .vih 'o,T-e . lie ii;id Inn.id .hat a:i Ord r >i tin* ll-oi .- nail U-uie dim* a up",-lii<- p ,p,-r. It woai I '.herefiKU' be bromjit down. (.Liberal a;. pl'llll'e.J Mr. M. r'in, Mr. Frfu;er, Mr. Mulotdi ai... .Mr, I... ia;- li'T t*\ r ../,'.y eon', .ciinied iJt eoiuv oi .:; ' I'o m ia infer ii.'.M'i'.iI .!:.a tin tii. V.. a -a e at in * 11" ia j > -. h;a' to i ^'u Jre ill" nraVrt .a the lIoiISi!. The (iuv < .*:.aJiM l w i.-> mi '!i uly relievi'i \,|iei' il.i- i ),.puai lii i,, llli * l.v "jet iip, end w. II i '.aijht lie lin- a uare huniilia :- injr ha-dt ai a'.i wn.i n.-Vi-i- micii in the- llnUH.' ol Laalilioa.*._________ . . Tin-* ( o...iii.LL..(' on Av, I'i- nttUfL* am. Colon./...:.o;i had a h-ii;;tby so^s.oii^ ii. the iiiorn.ii'-r. when f. ih-jait;; i..on o ihilryiueii and drali.-i-H in.iniry jiio-iiii.-i:- 1'roni I'll^'eTIl OliLTlo a.in.1 i.Jili'ljo.* V. t'l'e h.-ard. .The deputation' iru.din.led th'1 I'oUowinK iith-ne n: Joh- pn 1'. K'-l: nu-nd, [', .-aah-nt of t.h<- J1; oek'villf 1 aii > tuen'.s Hoard ol' Tr; d'"1; it. J. I.J11- ioy, S 'ei'oi..iry; t It. .1. J.*lly, C 11. Smith uf (.'hurit.-iy, If. S, l-'nator of Kiiowlt.oi^ <.iu--., Artliu iioa^s n u.al ]_).A. .Mum her.'*on ol Moil ll-Cill. i\Ir. Ifuilfon, ol' Montreal wan th llint '-.p'-nk'-r. lie naid the intcri'iUH ol tlio Afoiitreal mef'.dri Ills n/i'l the I'a- - t',[\ hi n were ldeiitleal in verylh hk / on fining the <:he,-yc trade. Wlta re- Kan I to tin.- iropoHa 1 tli'at tin? (lal i' (ji"- in'uhe .should hi.* bnui'.i'Mi uh all Cana- dtnn (;hee:-i(.'f which (juestlon was th*- ' a- tho do]>iitiitioiiM wore Invited to Ot- l.wa lo dh-iciiHM, Mr. IIu.'.Hon HUbiiiitte-I ii ri-Holu't ion pus.a'd by the (dtocMi* ;*llip pt-r.s of MonLi-eal reei-mly in favor o. Urujidiiif-;, . It would lie a handicap or :u hast a ivllei'tlon on tin; Montreal iiicr- iliant;- 1,1 branding was not ad ipl'-d. Joseph 1'. Ilealrnond of llrnckvllh' aaid .bo UntfjkvMhj .Ualry'nien'H -Board wvr as a. \y_hul.. oppo.sod to tlio hi*.", tiding o1' the datf of make, hilt-WL-ii;. .hi Iji.VLn.-Ut. the lii'i inline of the locality In which the cht-ost; wan made. Mr. . liu.-di, M.L.A., was stron-^'y oy- , post d to branding of -Jut*- of.make, an 1 contended the fanners were opposed n. It too. Trof. Ilohortson. the Dominion D.ilr. CommlH.Hioner, In the whole, was op posed to com iui l.-oi*y brand inf?. I i-- Hnid our choose should -be Sold on lis irioritH. \ft- seemed to regard the agi tation In Kn^lnnd for the Urandln).-: of dates as a nrhi-liie to onabh* the hhl;;- llHh deal era to cut down prices. If branding h-jrlslatlon was piur ed. v.* would pay for it through our nose *. lie sutftfe.steo: that tile {pnestion Miould bo laid over for a year to pi*rmlt of more Information as ti the public feel Ihk Uilnj^ Hi-i:u!-*'(I. "DnriiiK the din tis sion It eanieruut tliat In certain case - AnKUHt-mado cheese iVail pror to : hip- merit to l^nprland, been brand'-d lu Montreal last year as Septoniber eh .-ese Tdon, Mr. AiiKefs, Minister of A^-r- cultnre, .said the object of Pardnment must be to protect ihe produceim, n -t Die sbippera or doalei s. If we bfinde' eh'eesi* as July make we would be* g-iv intf a written evidr-j-eu ;irtlnst i J-s fiij-mer. Mi'. Anders hehl. th:.'.t t c August-made ehm se had, r'rlor to sir .' intH oT KiikIIhIi dealer" hi C!ai- itdit at present, could readily p;e! the dates of m:ik" If tlu-y* \v-'vc want d ;i- called atlenL'ou to the d IT e i ellraatle conditions l-i d ffei'i-nt r> ' ' i'- of the country, Ont nlo, foe It sf n -, perhaps makh y; thst-cdas". e" o se d i*- lriK a month In which a pi* >v n'-' fu - flier west would make an inferior qual ity.. Before the deputation were rtVelye 1 Mr. Kproiilo* elui'rman of tl.e lOimn t- tce, announced tlmt -r.dll circular let'.*1 had' been sent out to tho chiv-M fac tories throughout the Dominion, nsklo:: for an opinion en the brnudlsR (jues- ticn. Already IIIn replies had been ic eeleed and opi-no 1. Of these, HM we-' h. fuvnr of brand ne1, 10 were tifpiln-n 'tri/l !> were doubtiul. 'The commit. < will nnnt next Tuesday to further com Hlder the matter, A new invention for the dohornlnpf u eattle, nnd put' nted by Mr. ricu-;; N'ablo of Flsherville, Ont., hns bi" tient to this eity, und Is boinw v i > hle.hly commorub d. Mr. N'ablo Is ;v loading German In his district, and h> a nkllfel meelnmic. I I wo wimI. 75,000 jionndp of good clean wool, for which wo are propurod to pay tlio hitfhoiit inurltol prif'o; wo carry-it hill lino of goon a from tlio King^villo woolen JUilU', wliidi wo noil at mill price.-!. WAIT FOR THE WAGON. In u fow days fnir wagon will bo on Llie rond" with TwocdH, hIho illanUotn, Hhoutinfis, yuriiH, etc. fmm tho Kingflvillo JMilla, to oxchunKo for wool, POTATOES. ^ We will have a car load of extra fii-o-potutoos, wliich we will soil at oIoho priccn i<r cnyli from tlio car on TnuKdity and Wcdnoaday, lilst, 2^nd. I) pi^jGloods, Groceries, i nMrw'AMiijg i.i hi iimtf^ Hats and Gaps. "Wlien yo,u need Clothing and Dry G-oods, Hats and Caps, we handle the best makes and at the lowest prices. Our Grocery Department is always stocked with Fresh Goods. Don't fail to.call on us when you need Tea and Coffee. You will find that its Money Saved for You ! $1.00 - 20 Pounds Tea for - $1.00, Vance's Old Stand, Essex. Hli'iiHiM'H <'(linie .011 I,;tlo' Alurmi Alpena, Mich., June 1, The stetuner Norman and Jack wore In. eolliBlon .u a. den.se foK near Middle Inland, ly.k- Huron, last ntght. Tho Norman Han *, earryin-^ down with her the stewaid' wife, a watebmnn aiul a deck bund. 'Hi Jack wafl alloat at latit nceotints, bio in a badly dn-nuiKed condition. !'t : captain. mnteH and engineer roftiaecl i. leiiv*; her, and are still on the boat. Th- tuilance of the Je.ok'n crcv; {i.inl thai. u. the Norman took to the lifeboat'*, ;ti were pleked up by the steani-bur^e fc-i.j ken, and Inndeu here. The .Ta-dc Im new,-and wan built :ni owned by the OMvln t.'ompnny of Gar den Inland, near Kingston. She Ih vn/iu ed at .$00,000. She hi the nteamer wli carried away the /ratew of the Well Canal a -couple "of .weeica hko on ho first trip on tho lalcea; IVhKty rime In \'tl>r;iHl'n- Chapmnn, Neb., Juno 1. A cyelom titruidc near hero yostorday- and deiiiot iKhed everything ln.ltn path. The ho.n-i of A. Bailor wno blown to pUu:en. btv- Brdlor and two children woro fatnlly Injured. -,.:- -* -H ' b-vmitralliiitM ntVlftKbnrc; PLttKburg.' Juno 1, Yo.'-t'm'day and'.t'i- dfty more ciukw ol untrok<vnnd pr.o.**ir::* tiiHk* tram tho lifijxt wnra rtiportdd tuui; aro tu-tial fan ihjo wnrnwat dayn of mldi-flm- nwr. Thjo wiorkmen titnplo-yad.iin tho Sroi millfi utfr greatly aUd a mimbor hlivc bcon proatratod. , , .'. . GOSFIISL.D SOUTH VS. MfcK SEA. jrii(lcinc In un Kiuportant DralunfKf Dluputo. Rt'ferao Britten ha reudorod bill di(io- ion iu the draiuago oaHo of Goaheld South vs. Mfirt-oa whiuh wati iriod hint l-'obrunry (j and 7 and rotteryoA J Thiu wiui an appeal frora the oHHeuomunt of AIox. KairJ, uu- Ijiuoor for the townfihin of Moriio-i, ff'n.M- by he aauofifiod landn in Goatiold South for injuritiR liability in re-ipoot of aortuin pro pound di'iuiiuqo worlcpt nt tho mouth of Stingo" Oroek. Thia io the flrnt cuho in whiuh tho quuHtion of iujurim* liability haw oomo up for dooieion. Tho cost ot jiropoflod work won oatimutod ut 91.020, .which waHiiHHcaHt<d Ufjainnt lundu mid roadtt in Mernea at an c-Hidiaato of 8&U0 und ajjainHt laude iand roudu iu Goiafleld Boi'ith utftlSO. Tho total -umKHdrauut f0r hocbUt wub830, outlet liability ftlfi, and injuring liability, 8081. Tho intention of tuo'sohumo wan to ro oltii'iii about 35 aorob of laud in tlutn at tho moufcji of the crook, tho value of which wIkki roolaimpd wonld bo contu'doni-bly Iokh th"n the oout Of tho proponed work, Tho roforoe daoides that thor* mu.at bo noma rolatiou hatwaon tlio injury and be nefit that land cannot ho injurod to ft yroator amouut UBtimated in mouoy than tlu. entire valuo of nuoh laud, and the in juring liability intiu> numo way cannot bX- Cti*d that. Whunovi'v a ohho ooaura whoro a work to hr-woflt tho pofcitionorfi oanhot bn lone oxbupt at a oo.it far Jn oxooh of th* boiw-nt, htioh work ou^ht not to he (tro- ooodod with morely ,for tho nakt) of iuoh ,bcflk.-' ] The rtiferofl holda ifaii '*Uhouah tbo council may nppcavoof work, h" still liH- laflfifiiotioia fta ppliotiou Hy auothr municipality to pro yon t tho work aoint* on at thtox'ponao of tho municipality assooued. Tho rofureo also .iualf. with tho quoution of tho mode of auHemdn^ for lniuriiir* If: ability and dufcien of en^i'naor iu ronpoofc thereof. Objection wao fcakon to tho oci- uoRr'u report un tho ground that lands ub- itouiud woro not taiflluiontly deuonbod, and and this tho roferoe nuataiuod, bo!dinthtit landM uiuat bo desoribad fully enouuli to onaUlo any onu to kuow what htudii aro iutondod. This in a matter whioh, how ever way bo amended, Tha appeal wa allowed with cnutn. Olurho, Dartlot & Bartlot for Goaffold South, and Hnn.ua & Oowau for Morftoa. To Smokers CALL AT 's Bazaar, FOit ALL KINDS OP ' Window Blin-ds away down rChinjiware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, *> Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paperfronx 2 cents up. To moot tho wmhus of thoir-outomui, Tho Goo. E. Tuoluat & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., havn plaood upon ihu market WOODSLEE A Combination Plufr of a ii T & B SMOKING TOBACCO Tills anpplioB n long felt want, giv ing tho ooHBumor one 20 cont pint?, or a 10 cent pioce, or a 5 oonfc piouo of tlin .famous kk* &; $** brand of puro Virginia Tcbuooo. The tin tag "T & B" is im every piece. Wall papnt 3a. roll May'" Ba*r. Job lot ladioi* flnoahoeK at Half prloo, ut Hmith'B. '."'. WILL NOT BE UNDEHSOLI?. The libnt of Louthor'and firnt-olaHB Work'. muunbip. All hand work. Evt-ry Harn^aftHold by mo mailfi in Wood. wh'o. My Stpok of LitilH und Hoavy Htmi.uHH m uow compUto, aiid a, Mplen- did Htoek of all'Boruo Goblin..- . , Ri'LmlrinuuoneproniptlyKnd ohotip. , si_ooo WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Woodsld^. ffi^^ii^lgg^ :,d_ '.vWi.',';^'."'.', ^'fiJli^Kfl'.Ai iti&Mii^ 90 29 09 49