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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 7, 1895, p. 3

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\V'V %,' .^am il p,*lWi SJJtWPW! r kri rP^P^P l^^^^w^^ Mi A CARLETON CO. BACK TO 1I1ALTH fAITKlt TlaiJtTV VEAIW OF ttXTKUMi?; KUPFEJMNG Violated c b A.dvl*e ofn Prlnud aud Obtnlnrtf nlu Throe l>*t (r hmal Called t* incur*, From the OtUwa Jjurnul. Mr, Gcoro Ar#u in one of the but known Urnjwra m tli* viaiully of North Gower. He htia pinned through an ex perience & painful an il iw remarkable, aud bit utory h.h told a reporter will par ka)** be of Value to olUerH. "1 wu born iu the ooutaty of Carletou," said llr, Arjue *'*ud havo lived nil my life within tweuty mile* of the uity of OtUwu. Tun yean of that timu have bauti year* of pain aud misery almost buyeud endurance. JtiUvea jeara ago I contracted a eold whlali reault- ed in pleunay aud inflaeamatiou of the lui^s. Other complication* than foJUwnd and I w* eonnued to nay room fr fiv years. Tha dooter who altered )e thronyb that Ion* lllnnatt Maid that tba ro*- gon I w*b unable to tuovo about wan Una to tba eowtrMOtiug of tba muaetoti aud I CUDLD HOW*!,* 1B00WA OM CHOTCHKB. neryetf of my hand* aad feet through lon(; eoafttietxient to Vd. I oould bobbla arotmd a little oti crntoban, bud wna wall nigh bulp- lean. was ealtud iu who doolarad my trouble wan niuul complaiuk. Notwithstanding medi- oal adyico aud treatment I wan sinking Tower aud lowar, lid win recardodl > in curable. I was now iu hucIi a stata that I . wai unable to leave my bed, but determin ed io And a ouro if possible, and neiit fcr ou *f the mout abla pbyuioiauH iu Ottawa, I wm under hia oare and treatmant fr three yean, Ha bliulerod uiy baok every _ thrift or Jour weekn and exertad all liiu skill, but in vain. I w&i {rowing waakar aud waakar aud aeuan lo think tba and ooaid not be far off At thin junofcura a friend atrongly urgad, ma to try Dr. Wil Hama' Fiuk Pillu, I yielded to hia Holioita. tiouv, and by the tiwo mx haxtu of prlla warn tiHod I found myoelf i.'utin^ bettar. I uaad in all thirty boxos, aud lUoy have aoflompliHhod what tou yaaro of trnatmauh under phymoiutiM filled to do. Thauka to thlawouderful modicina, I am abla to at tend to my dutiae and uw aa fioa fraua du awo aa any man inorainary lioaltb ia ex- peoted to bo, I ntdl ova Dr, WilliamB' Pink lJi 11a. und they are the uiadiciue far me, aud aa lon aa I live liball ae ho other. If I hud flat tbeia pillu teu >eavi ago X am aattbaad I would ant have suffer ed an X did, aud would hctv a^ved aoraa hnndrtida 6f dullurB doator billu. It ia only those who havo pnaued throutjli tmoh a terrible aie^e aa X bava dona who can fully reahxethe wenderful mertc of Dr. Wilhama' friukPilN." Mr. ArgHo'e axperianoo should oonyiuoa von tho mout Bkoptical that Dr. Wilhaana1 Piak PilU nUnd far in advauou at other kaodioinos and are one of tho grealeas dis* ebVerios of tho agu. Tliora in no diseuae duo to poor or watory blood or ahattered nerve* which will not spoadily yield to tins treatment aud in innumorable oiuaa pa- tie'ute havo been ruatored to health and strength after phyaioians had proncuvoad the dreaded word "inct*rahlu." Sold by all deulere in medioine or iieut by mail paot paid, at 50oont a box or oix boxes for 92.G0 by addroHain^ thu Dr. Williams' IfaidoiuQ Co., Brookvillo, Ont , orBoheuao tady, N. Y. IWuuo unitatioua and do not ba porsuadad to trj oomt thing else. Bevoral IlorOu of Uuft'aloeH Aud thouaunde of gUb, dcoi, etc., uro to bo found iu tho Yollowatonc i'ark. It is the only gjlacu whore iho buffulo oan bo found to-duy, vo muruiluHulv havu duty boeu lattghtered. 'Thoy aro ^ouu from tho plnmo and pvairiea.and thu reiuuuut now loft can thank the United BUtes Qoverument for tho privilege of Hviug The Yollowutone Park is'their home and thoro they uroaafa. The Park iu patrollud by soldiara both imam or and wintor to eapture poaohe aud otfoudore and ecvoru puniahrnona 1b motod out to intyudero. In Hummer the buffalo rau^o iu the hiahlande, noar Yellowatone Lalte. Iu winter thoy work over into Hayden Valley aud Hurroundlug oouutry, whora the hot eprin^D and watbru kciop feho buow melted away. Dr and elk rauge ever tho entire YellowHtouo Park. Thus bosideu tho Qrsat uarvule of uature mot wilb iu this woudor- latid.tberearp luc the ftaeot opooitnena ef owlaftfe game* Tame aud docile, they fear not rnau. Bkatohee of Wonderland, an illustrated book ptibllihrd by the Northern Paolllo Rallread dagarihaa this wouderlauil. It will bo Bank by Cms. B. Fuk, the Gau'l Agent, Bt, faul, Muu., upon rtaeiat of U oents iu ataupa. Tunis inM- a:aiV WK ht t.onn The Couunlly'* I^k|>n-r i>^ Ulirlr ICIrlicllrti Slock ft h i.'iiti Trolll Montreal, .Tun" :i. >! rteitl of comnnvnL junt k*w <>v'i M -hhi, Niohnlurt and Michael Oommlly* bund Home lHUlllii In tli'lr tllfhoth'ti <^ On tario Company'M d4ial, yot no omi K'idK" thorn* ontcipi ImIii^ and hurd- worldriff K^nllonion tli<'lr uoo'l lucl' 'V\\r Connolly llron. a your or two nlwo pin- cluii'od ;i000 Hharcu ot Itlcbolhiu at ?!), ujul (joni rolled mattorM tfurn-rally, ny their unuiKy nti<l jjood JiuUrmont tlioy put thu company on IU foot, and It hi now undi-iiJtood that ttn'y have ahmu all Mold qu{ ut tQK. clearing In tin* tiimn- actlon not \wn than IlliO.Oou Thcv an* now cm th outltwiJc for now woildn t oohciuor. In conncc-tlon with the latent pro'i.vl lnu taken atfaliMt Kmii ntic-l Ut. lymlM, tho Curron hrfdim i'ntmctir, and In wliloh eiiMo a true bill uau found by th Krand Jury. Ratiuday uftcrnoon, u curl ono Incident ban up to no v n aped pul* lie attention. When JihIk> Di-miuji'i ' elaborate _ decmlon luul be<n prep.in d and handed to the prod'i. It wan notW o ' that the judgment wjutkI up by th. Htutemont that there wn nothing U> prevent the Government from brlm.'lnf,' the cane before th Oiand Jut y, 1C th' plulntlrfa ho*> rtt to do ho. It uppparti however, tiutt thl clauno had b. n omitted at a MUbHivjuont date, and the judgment uh read In court nude no reforvnee to> the pow<*iti ot tlio Crown. eoriMeipiently the iturpt hn* of the do- fond tint waa very tfroat when Uie iuj- tlon iitfalnnt him wan renewed. Xilx-Ald Lt-duc, wlio waq burled yeu- tc-rday, laavaa an eiitJLto valuud at $100,- 0OQ. tVvrrnito, Juwi S. rtralffht vollom qiu>to<| as A4.75 to VMS, Toronto frc-l^htK. Ilnui ntialiMMi In bruu qulot and prl*Mut $13 to *1U 'forwitu frelffhta. Hhorta obt at *17. Wliajit Ttw> markM la Irrflprulftr, with oonly llnlt&d ufferlnffi, HehUira mtk $1 to 91.02. No. I MiuiUi.iwi hard aohl at n. VoYt XVIUImu, and at |1.Q6, VoriMito freight, IIurlAy Tuo market U firm, with No. 2 quot>uI at 5&o mid t<uxl at 82n, Oat! I'h" market |i quint, with prlooj t/<fuly. Whlto aold a.fc 40o chi Nortiuira. Cam on trook nomiivaJ ut 43o tit 44a. p(-an Tim dMnand li fair and oWo*d fit in at 63o to 65o. ouAaidv, Kj.-liuliwtin quint, with limit*/ o41*r- I -tfn. Qua aro now worth bZo to 6+o, *ut- n I ile.. Hi rUwJu^.it nothing (lotoe' **ul prlwM ar puyly nominal. (Vtmfortablc Hhmier-llfttli*. A certain doctor on - day met a neighbor, and Inrjuirvd "Well. Jack-ion. how dd yo ir wife mannpfo her new oliowc -b'th **" *'Oh. sh" lad mt*. arood luck Vn. Smith told h'-r h' w h e mniut'ed hti h She made on o Ind-iillk bo- d w. h a bltf pht>c to It that came down ovi rh r shouldern " " Kho w-r m I! o' for h"* palnM.' wald tho do tor, Impatl tlv. "', hAt'a not the vti'y." * " So my wife t*-o pr^t " "And vour wife dd nothing <t V c ldnd T bope." "Oh no. no. My wife he us d i.n umbrella." A ITliwtner In n Iturrv Jrd'-,o (to prisoner) IT lvp you any- UtliiK '"ort l^ 8'iy ? PrlHonoi No, My I^ord. onl T wouM nnk you to be (juirk. in 1 1 n r th * dlnnr r * O' r, nnd If T "T" to tro to 1'ion T t-h ul 1 li^e in K'* 'her li M o for tho Boup. IvC pLtlt Fiancahi IlhiHLie. *-lo ICiifw lllni. "lie will turn tie ta 1 h <a you If yon ar" i Ov c r f il," .sail on- worn in to nnothei. who was brratlnir her hut- band. "Turn nnthlnpr.*' fch exclaim d: "h"- t no laxy h< wouldn't turn a tabl .f 1 was on io 1 th," Mio '-till ObevH "I thought >on mid ab ut a yH. a-ro, that you wmild n t t Ido h I icycl , nn your huj'Vand dii not like ti luv. 'ou mike your iv If < ormpl uoum " " So 1 did " ' "Will whv do >ou r dc no-v V jfnr the name reason. *'y hunband '!"t\ not 1 W to have mo makii myudf i ont.i-Jvi.uuu." G,O0O Feet Above) the Clouds. Noarly throo milcB abovo tho bqu, aud 0.000 foot abovo tho whito, Qilont oloodo that ho in uwoopin^ plain bonoath you, in Hotnothinulto think about tlmo aud time again aftorwardo, lon't it ? In tho on mm or of 1891, tho Pafiflonuor Dopurtmoat of tho Northorn Paoiflo XUil- road fitted out an expedition to olimb tho highoot mountain uoulh of tho Canadian boundary on the North Paaiflo Count, aad the Rraudoet peak iu the Unitod> Sta?o& Mount Rainier or Taooma. Tba party roach ml the higheet point of tho mountain, after a lone, aud daugorons ehmb oyor rooks and anow aud glauiors that were gaubodby orovueaofl, and returned iu patefcy. Thin maimillioont peak io hotwood 14,000 aud lfi.OOO feet hi(jh, ,aud indeed may bo found in the futuro to bo ovor 16,000 toot, or noarly throo miles in hoight. In u beautifully illuntrated book, jaat publichod, the ntory of thiu aaoent ia ^ivon iu izroat detail, .together with many foolH about thin old mountain that wuu onoo a seathiug voloauo. Tho Yollowatono Park and other parte of tho great North-West aro aluo illufltratod aud written about. In every ronpeat this hook 1b now, Co contains uothiug thin Railroad upaaam* faaa heretofore publlahod. lta Home la *'8ketoheH ot Wondorlan, and by aondiug threo two-cent ntampt eix aenta to Ittn. Ouaa 8. Fhb, tho oral Paowuaer Agent of the Oouapenb Bt. Paul, Mnou., you will YMaivn tho ratura. Are you all ilrail out, do you. have that tlfcfd leellaa; or ilttk headaobe? You can be relieved of all these by takiua; Uood'e iBalaaparllla- 'ETERBOttO MYSTERY Vai D.mlol Soolllo'a Doath Caujocl Bv Accident? KC BODY HaS BEE** EXHUMED !.. Ili'iulltaa OuriM*' -ul lmrla Kiiil.lliiU In OI.inilK. 1.1 MUlilliu *u f*r*tt, ut Uuiuuy. UuVd <M">-*'d JlMllt (<> Iu wwlilMlt Tfirmito, June J*. Wuu I>nvid H/'ollle of HuMtlHo 'J(,w imliip iniiiden'd, luu heiul . ,[f und mcH'ted mid the honu in hi li li Iiv*d /lied, ii ordor to dimtroj n I'videii'e of the ^"entet- crime, ti> et .' si.oii of tin old in.in'ti larm, and to il r tlie iiiHUiaiKe uliicli liad hi'en '1 . ii th li us. nnd it i (untriit i ? U u.ih in oid.-r to either eiliihlnh tho h tjf tin* mi jiu io.nK eiui'rtained by a X iimiiber ul tho lemduntu of Otoua- u <n to net at rent thti i iinuim that he" l'roMiuial Detective John Mm ray d it pomie o-f hu'^'oiih rVom tluH city i'I the town of Petnrboro vlaitud tho meters in Otonnliee Towimlilp Batur- i } nrd exhumed the pimiiiiiiih of Boollio, ii - cli.iMi'd 1)vh1j wan dntf from, the ihiirt of a dii' ulii li dintioyed the lioutui itf 'llioiinm (Jiej of tin* 11th ccnice-diion fl tlmt touimhip on tin' moruini; of Peb 2.1, |S1)( It mu with tho Grey family that i; olhe lived '"hii'f MuiTty Ihij< hadvniHity Intricate i m H to tinmve] diiniiir the juurt fi*"ur inoutliH, but it in doubtful if ho luu had iv more difficult nwi th ia tliat which 1ms in at piiM'ut < u^A"d ou. Ii sever il rei.icelH the death of SeoIlVo nembled the alle^od murder of Wlllio Ui'lUi by the IlyaniH twiiiH. Tho'corxvnor ii* <.e|)twl the tragedy n an necfd^it, and the |niblic, while entrriaiuinf? hu- pieiotiii, Kept their (ipiuUMUH to tlicm- m Iven, ami a ie.tr or more |wuinod by without the atitJioutH'H bohifc ctnnmuui- iwited with. Fiiin.ll} thna fiimiliar with ibe cireiinmUvuceH ljccaine le** guarded in tK-ir tJilk. d tliirfo of doubt apread it- Hi If over the whole crnimiinity, Jind tho fuiHpieiniHi which by the Hequeaee of eveuti* had slithered Htrcn^th in every mind ucrc ojm.ii1,j os-prowunl and tho At- toniei-GeiK'ral'H Ucej-artmont win* com municated with. Whilu tlve cvldonco .wo far known to tho public U not Hiifflclont to warrant the nppreheiwdon of aliy poron on tho charge ui murder, yet Dotectlvo Murray, who hafl given tho matter W oan>et nnd bet attention for mow than a fort night jwiflt, Iklh uinny facta fn liU poAaoe)- Hion, which Iw dMlimw to- divulga. On Fob. 23, 104, tliere livwl oath* 11th conctyydon of tho Towiwldp of OtOna- Iiec, County ci Petrl>oroF*d3C iall*a from the town of Petorboro, a man of (17 yfiAM of ago, named Daniel Ecolllft. floolllo won a bacholor and livod alono oti a email fj wn, of which Iw wan tho ovnor. lie worked for a tlmo with Johu W, Weir, a highly re^poctcd ami prominent far mer of tlui towiiwhip. With bim workod riioraaii Otey, who, about b*voh y&bv* jirevloiwly, camo out with hLs wMOjand- family from Iinland, 8coll(e OjwI Hrey lx- iiur brought m contact with each other while empl-'iyod at Weir'H farm, bocnjno wrwiial frioiulM, In addition to tho email arm which he owned, Scoilio, who was of a very frugal nature, [jouflonsod a, niun of money, which he hud loaned out to nfferent [Mirtiew. The old man had one fllHb'r, but He had her own Ikhiho- hold to look after, aud finally Scollio ^u^gceted to flrey, or tho ouggeetlon may have com,* from Grey tu the fiwt pi.ice, that Heoliie ahoul 1 pro to live with the (Jrey.i, the old man onterinff lirto mi afi;rtement to deed tho farm to tbo tir-YH, provided they kept him tor tho balance of bin natural life, flio agnw- incnt wnn dniwn up and sulwcribtHl to, and Scotlie wont to Mvo with tho Greyn. After ho had remded there about a war, the Greya became dimiatlHfiod with tli" bargain tliAt th*y had ontorod into, ^collie wan an ahlo-bcwlle^l and^vigorwia man, and, eo far as any pomon oould jiMle;o, v/iui liable to live fo* 15 or 20 i earn. The Oreyfl finally told him that the probability woo that ho 'wwild live o long that the flinall farm which lie had deeded would not half pay bin keep, . V-oltio fiikld ho wnfl wUIIok to ounce 1 the ffrreement and pay the GreyH a rwuwuj- ble num for boimhutf him up to that . ier and provided they deeded the i nu back to him. The Oroyn denmnuV<l ?1Q09 for tlic op of Scollifl. The old man wau natur- ny indipiuint, aa he thought tho amount w ia exorbitant, and dtvMuod to pay it V lawyer wjia tlioit <Millnd In. but In gave h G cjh no eucourammwut, an<l t/dd li 411 tliat they had tetter Hticli to their jirgaiu and keop thu old man until he i d, and no thli.gu renininod. \ wliort time aJtorwardw the old man - ollit; mot with a peculiar accident. A "Wi*r pot on tho window upataiiH iu li hoiwo in which he Ihed ^. h the G ova foil and utruH him im h ;td, inflicting vory painful i.ijui.'H li iigUbiu-n took charRO uf fctailiie i h rce<j\ered. Tho Gre> e\, I . 1 h ticcu.o it by fltatiiiK th.it one of (.lnhiri'.t h.ul Ikjcii pliiiiuj; w.th tli; u,r |)t ana aeUd --ataUy let it fa 1 i* i xpl tnat.(JH w mm i\f'Vi p'e 1 bv the i-hlxi ti, althongti they th ai^ht it i i i^ ' iliut M.i . Giey uia nut .ittoad tt .. l. jtired to-ui, i oiitiidei in that lie wcus rti.lii <* in the hoiiue with Iter, but al- uwe.l thu neighlu'r-4 t> do o O PeU-u-iry 2U tliu hon.io cxenpied by ' Gixyn Uy.il. fjio Grey w-nu nw.iy from Miie at the tune Mm. Giev tan to the .' me of Givy'n hruther-in-law, a mnjJ m.'d McGregoi, ^00 or ()0 yaidH leuiut, and p;..ve tht alarm, although doing hi iihe piiBHud Huvural uthe: ot wn. When McGregor uriived only the on i r portion of tlie houwi wan in flaiiioa. ^i Givgor inquired tvliom tho ehildien w re, and whether iM man SiMilUo luul ixen got out. Una. Giev roiillod' tliJLt ahe had rouiiird the children ulth icrwtt wficulty and thaL he Ipui called to vollie hovuivlI tlnioi, but that" ho had .ot reoi>oudod. She oxphilnod that tioollie vvoh in thu nabit ol reading iu bed, lwul . robably /alien aflleop, and the lamp hud exploded, and thmi cmiucd tho fiw. Mi'Orcgor attempted to ontor tho liou to reaeuu ScoUio, but as tho"itaire and thu whole of the lo-wor flat woro in flajnoe he \vr driveu back. 1'ho houeo woj burn- ihI down. ( ,t Next mornlnn; a ftjireji^l tho ruliie uJiia nmdo, ami tho body oJ aoalllo woe lound. Thp old man bnd boon to tbo hnbit of sloop!tip; in a bedroom, hi tho i rout part ol tho houao, and It wm tbfa jiortiou of tho houso that was oo tiro when McGrepfOr arrived aud that biirud down firat. Sco1IU>'a body, houwwr, waa i round In too roar portion, on th* irround fheew,. tlw.fkww abovo lm*in rtollai*ed and earriwl tlw body devuru with It. W wna geniireJIy buppoaod at tlHV tinw that Bcolllo had loft liU bwl nnd laid \UtWf\ on u. eofa wwLr. tb coal atovo In tho other portion of tho houe. Aitumtf [hoe pretaot when the body warn duar bait w*> Mr. JTohn^a ^Wtilf. - Cbnta>pa4#* eejqarle* m*m cncl/*e*6d %ast One Hundred NIJVVIjY CANCER ON THE LIP OTJItED BTT A Y ER.'S si "I eoniiilted dnrtors who nroHrrlbod for me, hut to im purpnio. I auliured In agony sewn loin; yearn. 1 Inally, 1 began taking Avi'h Hiriapnillla. In a woek or two I ii>tl<ffl a (luelded improvement Jmcour- ncred by thW leitilt, I poisovorod, until in a inonUi or ho thu worn bepan to heal, und, i' ei iiHini; the Hit taparllla forHlit monthi, the hist trace of tho cancer disappear^!.*' J.v.mi-4 i), Wiciiolhon, Ploroncovlllo, N. B. r'si^Sarsaparilla Admitted at tho World1*; yaly. _ f unit e '. Ik 'e' time tlmt the lun.d of the njd mac lfl t "Mug, pat ti uln h ii" ' h <'d Uttl a.gli of he I ig In ' pp.\ th' Ire bo ,\ w.u mU r 1 ml I 'n a th i w i' n lilnnl t \v l i\>\ d on d i I neitliM- tli b ' till ~ 1 it lie w i e 't ii " but n< d Ten1 my tirim* up :i nbifh the dioii i'l ^ ion w i n if. bar i "1 at ,i '1. \ i h'T i the b d} of tie1 di ad inn how h'rei - tli ' he -t i ul Ur \ lag i \ e i It en i uge 1. \ tlior nigh *< ir li f tli t i i win , but no ti*H* w'lit v. of the i could b' d. < ivril 1 emoncrV Infpi h* w i In Id, *i"d h bet of nrcideitil d'.Lth return ul. t bodj of Kcollie v. ii i.terred in tin- ti'ntant C> meter} on the O'ou.ibeo i r, a uhort diHtn ivoe f l run the aeene lit" death, ^i 'hi lira remnlned, altb/nu'h tlw fact ' . *d f<>r $200 and the lw-umo itwoll lor 0 coimidembly mow than the ne-tgb- thought tht Groyn wore JuntifWvl in 'ting on the property n.nd eff<w?b, used Home talk. 1 h" GreyH rebuilt on tho property, nd "-M]nently Hold the farm mid left for 'i Uaitol HtJNt'H The euHpicioim which -I lieon engeiidoreJl did not die out. ven-or. find finally, after uune thnn ) -ar, the nttontum of the Attotn-v- o iirH-^S'iMirtment waa enllwi to th . itter. Itealixiiig tlus inii*o.i-tiLiico ,of tlu1 oart% _i_nilty____AtU HMioy-Coru* tfih On I'tw r i glit Mpntehod Chief Pwninclal D"- ctwo John Murray tti Otoiia-lxte tj i ilic Imostigationn. Aft*w- Inomrug to all the circuuiHtiinoort lie, on Situr- i V la/wt, vmitpd th" Otfnuilxv <. -mv y with J>i. John Ca,\o - 'bvsor (f pathology , i T< onto . tvenuty, Dr. Ah'xnmlci Prunrowe, ;i- -tjtnt prufeBHoi of nnutonn nt 'loum- b'liivemty, and Dis, Ho'|idi.\ and ' uchor of Peteiltoia, '1 h ' ho'\ of fcJto - w.w exhume 1 u*1th the object of a * r'.tilling whethei the h"id d th i'1 iwl luul bi'en cuL >fl uith a * h t trument, or huiiieljiff in ' fu--. i . ei to Miib^t/tntt it. oT ii futt* tl j t hi i lertuiiu'd in the ivdghb m lioo I tli t'b- > 1 in i ii had Tir^t h *e i Uille 1 hi- In in' ut o?f .ml M'crvi'-d, in 1 f *u f e .iled, which de^tr^-d th' dellin; Owing to the eoiiimmi ol the toip it wiih impoHKibti* foil llii' "irf n -s u) I I i\h the re-^ult of th ' hut i ie ' p ^t in m to a I'xainlnatiou ma ie on Kat in d \ \\ < > 'h1' the he.id had Uhmi cii; off or en e i il. S.V lire Port out ef tin tipin-i v 11* lt were, however, removed, and t i. < chnrgi* oi by the *uig ojih, nf'ei wtnei the body ww re-intent d. A tnitin i- aniiiuitiou will be male of th'i poriio-i removed and a icpoit jtrtveuted *n tl e Attorney-GiMiernl w4tlnn the next few dnye. It 16 poaiiblo that the outcome will be to eatabltsh that tho death of Soollie u/w purely accidental, and tliat iw> blnme uttaclie* to any i*eriw>u coiinoctod(thco with, but, in vjiiw of the many'aeua t tioual ruiuoM which aro current in Oto- miboe tn connection with tbm reiu-arlcab'e cam, Mr. Cartwright in to be commend ed for aending an efficient officer to the acono to enquire Into all the circumstan ce! in connection with the matter, aud nndeayoring to remove any ittigma of guilt which tho neighborhood umy attach to partioa whoio nomas havo boon coupl ed with thla tragedy. v WANTED Tn buy Purnituro at pi nam that aro riclit down to haidpuu, mid prepurud to furniwh evory thing in tbo Hbape of Purnituro tliat ii nood bou-akoepur nnfdii, Aluo a fine luiti of Baby Gamagau at priaeirthbt aro ritfhfc oIoho JCindly null nnd muptiot the (foodu, it will pay you to do so before I uy- mj! olHowhere. It coat* you untiling to get pricon, UNDERTAKINB AND EMBALMING A HpoQiiilty. KvtrythniK done up m ood Hhopn. All neoeHHary carrugeu furuifihed nuHinaiin promptly attendod io at all houm Will oompari priceu with auy uudortalcor of any towu, IIuvo two nuu jiearucn in good oondition, nnd will not ho uuduruoht ib thrt linen I represent. J.A. Hicks, SX u Hotly Kotcdv Mlwd at JffiaHo." That iu what ib in whim travolliog on the /ant trnina of tbo Ohiou'go, Mllwaukoo A Kt. I3aul Railway; bnnidoo thoro mnoohanoo to "look," for tho accommodation!! aro up to dato. tho trainH koep moving; ri^ht alontt and got thoro on tiruo. Thoso linou tbor- ouf>hly aovor tho territory botwooa Chioaco, La Urofitto, Kt. Paul. Minnoapoliu, Abor doon, Mitchell, Bioux Falhi, Hionx City. Yankton, Conned Bluffa, Omaha and Nor thorn Michigan. All tho principal citicn and town in that torntory are renohd by tno "St. Paul" linen, connecting at S.. Paul, Council Bluffs nnd Omaha with all hnea for pointti (iu tho far went. Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pmm'r A^nt, 87 York Btroot, Toronto, Ont, for one of their ^vr map time tablou and a|broohure,KivinK description of the Compartment Bleeping Jurfl. Tiokotfl farbiiihod-by-any coupon loket a#ent in the United Stated nnd Can tla. 1 bo finoot dining oarn iu the world run on tho Holid voHtibulod, olootric ightod and uteam-boatod trainH of the Chi- (jo, Milwankoe A Bt Paul Railway. PKKD JLTUIIX'H ORATII. Well-Wiwwn Trv*arr nnd Conner News- V*prr Mi*it ftiiddenly Huc^wmlt* Toronto, June fl. P. J. Jewell, 220 Crawford - atroot, traveler for Miasm Gwatkin & Son. printers1 mip- phea, wan taken imddonly ill at ihe Wel lington Hoftel. Grt'dph, on Friday evening laat, and after helnff takwi to thfl Gen eral no-pitaJ of that city died at mid night Mr Jewell wan imiumoned by teli'Krnph. hut bfore hIio ctm\A arrive her buiband wiih dead An Hiqueflt was held, and ad- joiinied till to-day, but the body will in the meantime nrrive thin morning, en mute to Colborue, where tho burial tnkoa place Mr Jewell hud twon nioro or le*a con nected with iiowapapor work for many jean He w on oihtor of Tlio Narthumlwr- land Iintei prieo in 1881* and afterward* 'llr Stnyticr Sun and Glengarry N^iwa. IXc had been for throo yoar* with Gwatkin ft i3oii In 1887 he murriod Miaa Maggie UVbW\ of nelloville Docoaaed was 88 yiMim of age, ttad laavoi a widow, but no children. Cure SIOH NEADAOHB abd Heor>Ibi in jfo MfNUr**, TfcO ClMtted.Jptyauit WH- uoaii, lilliootncis. Pain In tba Slda,t&irtlpaikn, TiKpld LWef, <! Ureih. ' |o iuy^ared also* raaulate the bowela. ifmmv.miom TOr^araT. foer m Ommrm at Omomt mrcmmmt e)je^p> A Bocu to Ilorfemon. One bottle of Eujjlinh Bpi'Vin LiniBuMii l< mj Icltlj re moved a ourb from my homo. I talc pleasure in rcoommonding tho remoJy, ub ituotn with myoterioufl promptneBH in tht ruraoval from horHon of hard, aaffc or oal lotieed lumpn, blood npaviu, Hpliutfl, aurbfl, uweony, utifleu nnd Bprainco. Goo. Dobl armor, Markbara, *Ont. Bold by John Tnorno, Drnj^iat. " The Magar* Fall* RouU," QOIiJO BAST Taking oWoot Uuy 10tb, ltiUS. Dntrott...... "WindBor .... I'olton . Mnidutonoo IS no ex .. WqouhIoo .. Buaoomb .. Combat HldKotown.. ItodnBy... St. Tbomaa London Ht, TbomiiB.. Itodnoy..... ItjilHotowu .. . Comber...... It unco m b .. Woodfiloo.. XCaiiox M.udhtono Cr Polton . . Windiior..... Dotrolt..... Mail a.m. 7 15 7.40 HiXi Oil H'JI tfiS H J7 0 45 10,17 1130 Hxp. a in. 0 20 a to Kxv. a. in, 0.40 10.1(1 7.2fi 10 33 6 47 10 00 OOINO WliHT. p.m. 1210 2 4() BUO 4 07 6.U0 5 41 A&O H :io C.14 0 15 7.10 11 60 1.05 A 111. 0 35 1U&4 11 dJ IV 10 12.45 Accom j>.m. 4 40 6.10 BD0 8J10 5U1 6 50 flOi 7 10 7:1a tuu a m 5 15 6 03 IM SR0 oao D.aa 0.46 B64 10.04 10.12 1C.30 10.WJ Amitcretburn: tocal Tralua. WI,bT KABT a.m. a m. 11.60 8.16 12 03 8 ifi 13.10 o.aa 12 SO 8.35 m.0 8.S5 All traina aro run on oentral etandard tlmo, wweb Tl ility minuton Blower ttann Uwox time For information and ratoB to colon- ittta movlna wont apply to John G. Lavan, Van- orurFaflflWorandTlokotAKont, ObleBBo, 111 or A. O. Btimora, Attont, Baaox. j) in 0.10 0 25 aw coo O60 a.m. a.m. p.m Eniiox 7.35 9 50 B JO Edcaro 7-00 040 5.10 L E & E> II XtUB CM V 35 4.C2 MoGrORor o.48 0 80 4 00 AmborBtbura U.30 10 4.S0 L-E. & D. R-Ry. VIMKTABIiEN0.1?,taUiuB offocrt on Monday. Nov 20, IBM. TraluD run by Kaatoru Stand ard Time. Dailv oxoopt BuiiUay ____ ;-c S9 % AU 1 M o-26:n.oo 0 83 11.1 a VM 11.05 0 43 950 057 10 03 1000 lfl.ie 10 07 10,87 10,40 10A5 11.11 1120 1108 11 tu 11,43 1160 11 OS 1Q.04 ltt.II 1*16 1124 18.85 "A 0:20 B.27 B.!Wl 0.44 130 8.52 4.15 4.40 4.45 6.C6 6.15 6.40 6.55 ..__ M0,_ t p.M.biK.b^W. *2Q B.KH H.44 Hill B.M 006 .ia .17 .as ,90 Btationh. Don Welkorv'lo Ar WafkorvlUo Juno. .......Pelton........ 11,80 B.44......t OldeaeUo...... 11.40 0.61 ......t Paquette...... 11.55 0.6 ..... HoGroHor..... 12.08 7.03 ...t New Canaan... 13.20 7.10 ... t MaYnhflela ... 13.40 7.17...... Harrow...... 1J>1 7.QA.......A Am*f'...... 1.80 7.98......KmaavUle...... 1,45 7.40...... Huthvon ...... .a0 7.60 ... r>ettmuiKUin ... UM&A......WUeatTey ..... J.06 H.l......tBonwJoJ...... ......OoatBWonn ... ,.m..* Glenwowb..,.. ...Merlin ....'. " ..i Buxton......... ;.,... 8a"diaou .. ...iCadarSpringj..; ......Blenhebn *rt _____ Wllkia..M..-, - K A.M 0 10 0 04 8 57 B53 8 47 843 8&0 HG9 0&3 8 11 8 01 7 51 7 40 7 84 7 18 7 10 7 l 0 52 0 45 tl 40 0 81 S94 520 0 10 o X M 5.00 4.10 4.S4 4.8 4.10 4.11 4.01 8.48 Ml U.Q3 .8.11 S.55 .40 1.60 1.38 uw 1.00 IKS 18.00 11.33 ll.CO 11.15 10.15 10.60 P.*. a 6 'A V M 7.00 0.54 6.47 0.43 0.37 B.S9 6.25 0.10 0.12 8.01 B.Bl 6.41 &.W 5.14 B.05 SOW 1.50 4.43 1.36 4.S0 1.21 4.14 1.10 ijoo 8.50 i r i i .( .( ! a m-t \ii. ' .1 W^F 1 ------------ eeite*ea>e>t* .1 ,-i i tai weTfTtfaTtATffV - - h CHURCH DIRECTORY -Dr, 1'umgou, I'd it tor. Borvice mn.i.*wuini, . ui, jUHoou, rumor, fiorvtc* ovory Hunuiiy ut 11 a. in. und 7. j>, m. Sabaatb ' ftohool ut B.b0p. m O. U. Naylor, Bnperlntend- jutof hobool. Kpwortb LefqjuApraynrmaeUci CatiBdtiy ovtJiiliiH utH o'clook. uouoral prayer oaocthiKon Tburaduyovunlnff. Cmuikju ov Kno^ano Uev, AJ^Uoverly i- oambont, Bt. I'milH, Mbbox, DHinoBorvfflo t>Vry Mmduy at V n'chx-k, p ut Bund Hohool it in u hi iVlidtv Onurob, North H -Dlvlno Ufuvlmuj nvery Hunday ut 3 p. m * JayHohool at l,4fip. in. 'Iho public aro W- llully InviUd. PiiKiniviMitlAN, W. M.lliiuilurt, 1'aetor____ viooH on HubButb ut 11 .. m. uiul 7 ,WJ p. m Bob. nnth Hobool ut 2.\H)\k m, Triivor m<otiugand l*antor'nbiblo uhum on TiHmday at7.'JU p. m* Huolul Union on WoiIiidhiIuv ut H.15p. tiii'iiHr CjiijUoij. itav M. 1'. Catupball, F&e-A tor, Hi!rvit3fi uaoli Kulibiitb ut ll n. m, und 7A l>. in, 1'rayur miiutiuif en WudiioBilay ewGuinify at B o'clock Huutu fruo. All urn cordially Wei- " 601)10(1. HoWAX OathoMO. 1-> ll. P. AlaUununtQ t'antor. Hurfici uvry other Huudity at8.B0 m. Hunday School at 3 p.m. _ HALVATION AUVV. T. II. WdiivOd, OnpUlB. hiilvatluu inudtlnuM on WtidiioudiLy, Thursday nnd Hundiiy ovoniiii'ii; 4'rtio and lluny, Hnturday* ovonlnn and 3 p m Hunday, Holm (tun mooting* for ebrhithmu Jirlday ovuuiuaiiud 11 a. m. Hui*- dny, Knon Drill 7 a, io, Hovory Huuduy. All aro woloorno. =c LEGAL, T t,. PKTnitB Barrliitor, M Pitblio i, Holiuitor. Notar# Mouuy to IjOftii, Oilloe ov* Htrutborn' Hank Khuux Centro .----------------.---------------___,.---------------------- |,^ A. WIHMKK, BarrlBtur, ff,nBKfli. Kctar> " V- .^"'dfe Ao; UoriuytolouM. OitlooM,Do Stan BUiok, up-ntiiini, Khiiox. 4-ly pLAItKE, IUIWXr.1' A IMllTrjET, Harrk \J toYtt, uta. OUloeu, Mndbury lllooU, Wind bo Prlyate fundi) to louu. A. 11. C/.AiiKii, L. L. H. K. A. JUutlujt A. It, IlAIlTLKT, U. A. HI3NUY U. WaLTMIH,Ij.Ij. , Attomoy and Couniiulorat law, wltli Atklimou &Jl^l^h^, Conitrenn nt wont Dotrolt, Mioli. (Canadian aliUinn. Agalunt pornoriH lu U United Btatim oolliu tod.) Ilefnrenoniii Imperial Hank, IIbbox, Out. J Xi. Potoru, Lnrj , UnrrlBUir, (jto., Khmox, Ol C.A. Winmer, Kiin., Ilarrmtor, otc,, IOnuex.Oi MEDICAL. T ' ,'J E^' ^IxJSuJUl C. l>. A B , IKIurhU ' '9 MomboyTfoiloffo of PJiyalelanu nud Bh- a Qi- Ont. ftrnduato of Now York. Pant Grud- ate Medioal Hcliool. All oallo promptly nt- ijudod to Alno Bpocial ntWntlou yivow fta ulnoaflofl ot thu Iuohh, tbront, noao, oyo and oar. Ofnco ovor Brion &, Co'h Drii(f Btoro. and an oulln, nlRbt or diiy, \att tborc. TeJ&pbono lu cnunnctlou. N. 11. CommlUtlon roomn f/rouud ll'ior und Unit flat iibovo. D UB. DEWAIl A MoKBNZIK. P, A. Dbwaii, M. D. C. M , F. T. M. B. Qradu ato Trinity Univorafty. Mombor Colleite Pbyi IoIioib and BurcoonB, Ont. Ittiflldoueo, Talbo Bt. Kant. G. MoKibhbik M. D. 0. M., Follow Trlutty Modicitl Golloffo. Graduate Trinity Uulvoraity Hiinidonco: Talbot Btroot, wont of M. O, It. OifloehourB H toll a. xm, 1 toS ami0 to8p. tn 'Woo In fmporlttl Bank block, ta-ound lloor, next toTlioitiB'bdruKBtora Tolnnbonoin aonnootlon with ofuao and roaV Jonoo. Ordora loft at lliorno'a dnia Rtoro will be promptly attended to. DENTAL, HP. MARTIN, D. D. 8., L. D. 8. GrftdunW tn Dontlntry, Hqyal Collofje of Dental BniReonH, Ontario, and univortilty of Toronte. ObarROB.raodorato. Oftloo, over Brfen & Ooi dmn atoro. 18-ly VETERINARY. WH. KICHAIIDBON, Veterinary Bur- . Roon, Gradaato of tbo Onturlo Veto*- inary Collr^e, Toronto, troatii all dhioaaea oi domouticutoil nuimalB Tolopbono In eonnoo- tion Dontlutry a apocialty. Itoaldouoe, four tlooru tioutb of Griot Mil] Oflloo In poatouloe building; Xiiflrmary diraotly opnoslto. JIAKER^ "l^nEoldoiit bnflliiuBB in town. Eatabtlaue 1 1870. Flrnt-olann bread and oakoa of ai klndo. Wedding enkon a npooiallty, Oraooriee provlnfona, flour, fondr aalfc and pork. OonfH tlonory, arookory.alannware. Uannedirults aad voRotablooof all klndn. Goods promptly 46 llvarod toallpartnof tbo town, J. M. HlCKH, ~ 101-tf SOCIETIES f 0. O. P. ENTERPWBE Lodfie No ttW i moots every Tburaday, evonlnB at 7,80 In >ddfollowB Hull, in third storoy DunBtau Blaek ViBltinRmeraberB vf other IndpcBwtU rooelves .rntomul woloorno. J. .lOIINfiTON, N. O. UKNTItAL EKCAJIP5IENT, No. tfO, meets lu OiMfollowc'Hall, Duuotan'o Blook, on the flrst *ndthird Tuesday inoaob month. VfaltorSQOt llally rooolved. Momburn of uubordlufitolodgea In tb* lurludletfon, invited to Join. O. HANNAN. 0. P.. G. P. BELL, G B. EBBKX OENTHIi; LODGK, No. 10, A. O. U.W Moots aooond and fourth Mondays lu eaoti x month, in tbo Oddfollow'n Hall, at 8 p. ra. visiting brethren will uogivon a fraternal w*i- como. JOHN IjAING, Maator Workman ^' 0. H. mjLLBJt, Rooordor T?SEX PIHK BIIIGADE MEETS BVHHY Friday evening Dacid Waauer, Captain; llj Friday evening Andrew Purkor, Lloutuuant, Palmer Dilso, Booratary; Fred oriole Hyatt, Troauurer. COURT KOYAIi, NO. 2W, I. O. F. Moo to nooond and fourtli Tuoadav'B in cook month in i. O, O, F. Hall at 8 o'clock u. m. Vifilting brotborn will be glvou a fraternal wol- como. E UoGauflliuul, O. It., W. 0. Shaw, Beoy. M J WIclo. O.D. n. O R. AND AND LOAN AGENTS GrjORGE J THOMAfl, Conveyancer, Com missioner, In High Court of Justice: dealer .n Haul Estate and Mortgages. Money to loan at the lowout rate of intaxanu Parms houuht and aold. Insuranoo taken In too mostrollable oompauioB, Drawing of deodi, mortgages and leasos a speolalty. Charges uodorato and all buaiaoetf promptly attended to. Oall at the Oentral Talenhono ofuoe* E^aaxOentre. SO-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. ^%f>^V> vjrr D. BEAMAN, Issuer of Marriage Xjleenses. lusuraiioo aepee- Nlobt office at Swelling. . TALBOT STREET, EBBKaC M BARRETT, Issuer of Manime Lloonaeo, a CommiusionerlD O.J..ota. Gesto, O&t. StJrAIlRIAGH Llcouaoaor Wedding Rings o* M be proeurod aipM. Cj, Park's, tbebld *^ flnolo jeweller, Ksqax, Ont. 1 u JLAND^tp^_______ JAVC&B B. LAIRD, TProvineialliaJad Surveyor . aud Comity Ruufneor, Essex Contra, Out, Oftice. Danatau Block* upstairs, ARCHITECTS ^OHN A. MAVCOOK, . , AROH1TKOT, Aa.. 1 Boom 10 end 11/Flaming Building, Windier, Onl 'Phone BIO- i------------------------- i . W UNDERTAKING. w~m PLUHMHR, Undertaker and ' Fnmta*. .' M to4litofte1l' McOteoorOnt ,^ fM,^v P ^M^^&M^^^i^^ 4139 5983

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