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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 7, 1895, p. 2

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<^r w5TS^ Sfr - ' Vfil li^: j-c^h-'^ kree pRBb^ ESSEX FREE PRESS Published Every Friday Morning SPURIOUS LOYALTY, Torlos Proclaim the DocaO- onco of Groat Britain. From the cfllao ou Talbot, Htnjct, noxb MONTAGUE'S RftDUTH HIS FORTUNE ' Dimntan Block. Bpooml ubtuntioii in paid to tho publica tion of mutter of local iinportiinuo, itconr- atti aud re-iublo roportn of Town, nmi'hbnr- m^ Town*nip and County Council prooood- intje, iooal nnd uounty murltot rnpnrtii. oto fctio oaftJa. and judiolomt manu^nmunt of Tiia Funic I^uicaH, with roiinnnt to thuno and other outri'til mattm'H of loan] importance, has fjlvuii it n. widoHproiid primU^o in Iho centra of Khhox uounty,whinli in ri-on^iii-zod as ono of tho bout iLgriouHural diiibnotn in Ontario Tub I"in4 Pukhh ih tho only medium oivoulutinn; thoroughly in thin mitral portion of tbo County, and \i\ con- Bequontly,without doubt,tho only thorough advortimuj-; modium fur Ihihuiouh poop I o wlwhiu^ to rouoh Lhat ohiun of tiiiHtomurn. OOUUKIlI'ONIH'N*.*]:. Our colutmiu aru ulwujii opon fur tlin peauoublo diHOUiunou of mat tors portainiitj-i tho public wolftiro. .bio oorroMpondnntH in all thu wirround- ' ctJitioo fnrninh ruliablu roportu at evunU of intoroMt, occurring in their iiivcrd vphertit-t; and tho pu'tdiHhur m ut all turn lluauod to roooivu iutcroHtiii^ itmiut nt VAvh from any diHpnund to forward contri titionn. A.U oommiiuiiaionn of a privates and ottduiitiitl niituru, iihould bu Honmik.d tho outnido of tbo nnvolopo. UUllHCmi'l'ION imuci:. U.OO por ainiuin, Htricily in ndvaoc , .60 pur annum if not ho paid; ana "-II fronru uhar^uilat that rati*. Anv]:iiriHi:MKM'H. Tranwient lo^ul and tnuuiuipal iidvor- tiRomoutu, notice^ oto., cluiryod ^ at tho rata of ten eontu pur Into, for 11 rut iDHortiou, and live confca por line for ouch nnt-mi-qiiuut inncrtion. All tnioli advorttnomoutfi nro inn null red by a noido of tv/olvo hnoH to tho inch. tjootil rciudnitf and oth.-r noiicoB pub- linhod anions loual nown matter uhar^ud nt "thrt rato of teu ecn'u per rumiini; lino for eaoli iniiartiou. All noticoH of church oi Hocioty outer- fninmonLH of any il.^cnptiou, at which an admibtiion luo m char^-d, an* roijardmi hh advurtiHuiuontH, and full advortininK ratou oharuod m all iiuch ctim'H NoLiuou of iiitb- eriup or mm riiiftn not tor pitciuiiaiy umj>' fit or aid, wdl bo clieurfully publiHbod ii-- of oliar^u, Hpooiul oontriiut rat en marto for diiipbu or Htandm'g advth. All l^ul orprnfchHion- ul cardti undur ono inch, ~> punuiniim,. jon on ci)MMr-uc!\r, rarsriN'o. Tim Fitici; Phkhm dob PrintinL' !>' partniwit' ul tumor' tho *|mrviu^.. of tliornuuhfy conipt'tc Tt iiK'cliaiiTi^, and iipocial attontion ia- paid to tin*, branch of th trado. Our facilirn for tho oxocntioii of all Juinin of Itooli ati'i Fiuo Job Printing arc unuxcollful. Steam power proHHeu. \ call noliciti'd, DUHINr.Hfl Itr.lU.'liATIONH. All Job PruH.io^ and Transmit Advortimni; accounts, Btriotly caul) Advortiymn aucouurK witli rogiil -r patronH ' aro sottlod quartnrly. Soli- Boriptionii duo in advance. p No -+4ubucription to tho Kiipk JJUu^m, t < advQi't^omont pu!>1im1icl1 pi in columni will bo (lihcontumed until nil arruarn sir paid in fqll. Chan^t.'H for adyM-t-i^<-nioniH, to ucciuc inaertion in thu ourr.ni i^ui-, iiuhl o bun dud in uot later than unmi uf L h_* Tie - day proondint,'. uud notice of Midi inu-nd ltd alimi^n ih rujuired on tho Monday |ir. oodingV Notice oT diHContinii'ince of auveiLi-i- inoutH iriUHt De tiiven tit le<uu ime uufk n. advance uf the insiu* in whion tnyy an- donired to hint a|)pL'iir. ADvuitriHiiiH, SubnnribirH and jiatronti y*'tn!i*illy ai'*- ycquoHLod to real" thu 'tbuvo ro^ulatinn- oftVofuMy, in ord'*r tii it confiirtiou in a bo avoided, afl Nn.y will in all ouhOn b,- adhered to. AddrouH all O'ltuiuniiMLiJonri to- . Jf. I,VKX<1CI!. Pulilinlior lh>; IOh-.icx'Fiu'.i: Pni:t*n, Etihnx, Out t lie t' I'd r ,.| - 11 n'dn i > < ; i s leiii' :in l rill' J !55fatSJRnDE MarksW COPYRIGHTS.^ CAM I OIJTAIN A rATI'.N'IV For a Rromnt unmwr aaU im lmn:it n; mkui, wrltt* lo UiNS iVr CO., Who \m\\> Ii ul m-.t Iv Hi 1 ', ji- n-' orporU'tiuo in tlio p.irunr. Iniiiii. -.-. ('ii'iiiiiii;h. - llnnuHtiictly hmiliienil.il. A iiainlttonlc oi Jn inrmritlim cunc'rinnir ':iti'ins unit laws to <.i>- tAi.l tlintn sent iri'c. ^Imi ii c;i!hI'i^u.jci inef.inii- icitl iwul in'ioi'i Mix: Iii".t.~ -,'iii i i,i'. 1.'jimih niU'n Diiim.'ii .Miinn & Co. rf'-f-i-. (i Mieelitl Jintlco in tin* >" M'jili lit* An:(<)-i<'ii n. .r, [ tfniH aru hniirjtit -> i i'-i, Lt-Lm- i)ie p it tin- r. n n- . out COM. to Mid mveu'ur. 'I'his i'lili'tMini \< i .. :, jfitoi'-il wu"lc]v, cIcsiiiiMv .llu: tr.iti d li.i I'MmiI lan.'OHt nri-ulriicn ot niiv !icn'iir-nc u '-r It la [ > World. SIS ii ^ fir. mh I'H1 mtm-w cm iri'f. JtulUIfm,' IMsIUiij., Tiitmilily. i: <> ii vi ir. Sum coplriti, '2.ri ruiitr, ]*;vt*ry ii*i::iI<it ^I'tiiiiuiH In ,iu tlrul plnten, In citlorj', ami pliotnj.'nijitiii of l. > , iKHIJU'M. l>ltli pl.iii't, fii'ibllii-; I Mill ! ' w >.hii\v Ui> lali"-t" *i"':lfj)' iii:>i n'i:ur*j ft iiion* jtc irc-s cwtV r.r. cjj vw- ' PALACK! STfiAMBHa. LOW RATED CLEVELAND, PITTSBURG, ^ BUFFALO anij ~* ALL POINTS EAST ISVHHV WVHNINQ OTWUBN DETROIT #CLEVEUKC , Coiiuectliitrwltbenrllefit trnlnti nt Cleveland , for nil poinUi RaU, South auu Southweat, SundayTVIps Juno, July* Aurjunt HndSeptsmbor Onl;i VOUH THI^S HMD WMUK UKrWMHN TOLEDO, DETROIT ^MAGKINAG >ETOSKBV, THB "SOO," MARQU12TTH, AND DULUTH. yfoo new nttel pHQUcuttar ateniuero liave luat 0,'J built for our Upper Uikt- Uoute, coutinff ttoo each. Scud lor Illustrated pamphlet.. - A. Aa BOHANTZ, . m. * v. a. onrriQiT, WIOH. ,: mm t nmum mm m. r.a llr l.ux.lrrlilii'^ IM-' Ki'lily o llin Aiinnll- nut afHir UtfUnnl 4'uri wrl^lit I li< Vm Uld <-iierHIlcl,* iiui.L ii* "AriiU kiit^KitM" itfaliiHtllic |,|Ui'i*iil l'ollry - at Turin- for ktcvtitue Only Ott.'iwa, .Time It, There wiim one r<mtjire nf tin' budget ili'hnti' wliii h mut Imvo iinpn-jiiied tlii* newnp;iper-rendin|!: pub,ie, (Uid tha t wiw the i'iii'im'uI nviddn !,<' by tlie iitiverniiii'iit n pulojri.st.'J oi th"' "'"' - nider.'itioii of the meritn id the old ptdie.y nf conmn'i'cinl re^ti-ietinn ii]ion wliii'b th Uuu^i'rv.i tiv(! party will appeal tu the C'-uniry. They contented thi'iinel -,eji uitb (i K'Mn'ivil denial of itn biniefiil efl'.M" . nod u few nf the threinllmie , pliro e which luive il<;iie duly In it-t du'lnilf lor in.'iiiy year.t, but they ndvnuecil nn <ii.- KiiijiI iirKUiueiitii in itn jimthien I in op- pf<j|U'Iate to the altered ennditiniP* of the tiiui' U plaee of defeniliu^ their jcd.ey thej jniil tin* Oppoidticni th nuiip.uu 'al nf .'ilniniuK them jlihI reCd^lUK 'd I he Hlmitflh aud muindnean of lie' I.tl*< * "- pt.'i t/oi'm of tu riff for revenue only b. I'lH.N'.'iVurin/ij to prove t Im t It dm- > iiie.ui .\vli,i t iti linn, imply. Xl b I'veiup'il :e:i t imi of the truth nf t-tii lenient roupl ha ve hecn n i" fori I 1 (lie ;-pt'i eli iif tlie MeerW.'i r,V of ;^ .vliirh *.e,-i.< nnt a justification nf th- ti'Oial Policy, hut :i tirade nK'Tri t f.;ii. r.ii p;i rty iiirl itn lead -rn. lb1 i.icl,e*l tlie p.ilitieal hi:im|i bn dwt i- d- ciilei, in tiejireli of uititeid.-i'. wi III iJii'h t* lieHiiiiiTh n:id di'-cie Ul hi i ; i -," n tx, but t,he re Milt, nn jri\en to 1'. Il'ii-.', -howeij that hbi iiidii"fry 1..' i ** i bill im\i ally p-wnr l"d. I' i - i III ii-M h.id much tit d '\ ' li the eii'ort of the IV im - iii e, oi Inihitille, and it wan only t. h e\ [j.-eted Hi i L mieh n pow 'rful t' 'nii< :oi Sir liidiu"! ('n rt u'riir' " -In ml ' einii'- in for a nil/tie ef hi-i -iIh: - D-. M it.labile Iiiwilc iniicli of the f .< ' Mr1"* Sir liielmrl bod to fne-' oppusiti ip >!] : < il i< a point, lie wim uinler L i o<e -.ily of (inotintr Lb" folbiwin^ pa i e '/ '|ii Irnn a ! * \\ 'lil'-r, (Jue.: "' A., i ntiuuij-Jtic of. Muufr*1 '1_ f i 1 th oil ec d.iy : If tin* I,/ord would i i '\ lie Sir Uieh.ird "ai'iw v'u lit u" ; Ii il of Mcl;i.e-t.H for the icxt nix mouths, nvtlinij' in tie' Uomiaioa or out <>> it ( Hi*o power." I)i'. M'Mita^iii' ni.-ido the aKHeilion tb.it tin* I.iber.il policy w\ih not a tariff for ii'T.*1!!!!!' iHily -thi* pnli<-y tluit the Jaber- (il party h.oi proclaimed but free trade ..** it__iii iu__ICnurl-'t iid., TIih In- folbiu oil up u ith an attempt to ilincicdit the ia- et i tiiUoiri <A (Jp-jvL Britain, and to prn\e lb,i L for want of protection the urea L- iii >-.-i oi the Mother fjimd in- \ aniMhiilf*. 'Dr. Lifnderl:tu tonic the tiecret,*irv of State and Ida coltoa^uen tm Uu>l in lie no wt/nIn : " TJui lion, gentle man told im of the decay of linKlmid, and I think it ih about tluic tlint the Cnbini't in iu in tern of thin (JovermiH'iit nliould ^ive up their tiuu- laden ajjain-it Ureal Jlritnin. What noii- lenne to iju'iil: 'abt/ut the dtsny of I'.ri- taia I Sir, he is the uihtreHH of the world. She ui tin- land nho\e all otlier lands that ha.i p;-(M'la lined liberty of pet'Lh, liberty ot tin- pie-. , l.hei ly ui the m.liji'C t, tile hbei , \ ol I>arl..'iineiit and tie- liherty of i\ ik"mi It i> from her that we ha v lea .,ed our 1.1 e -t \ , n ml co we oi th..*i sid of the ibai.-e vn llio oiir eejnir.'tiou With 1'JiKb'Uld and with fh e\e in yr'ntle- ii.< n opjn.sit", who s.ty : I. th.* r-.VHtein of pn4i '-t ion i had for II..: i h e,,iin -e- t ii mi, ho inn h tin* \\ ii"-. - jut I!nti-h ' "ii- Ji"' ton '! h 11 hind ol loyally it ic mir ln/alty. The M.i.bstetr o: Ji: - <iet;irv td State, ihe int'iiiliM fi r V.nat flat*! i l'h I Mr. Northrup) and -rv r-i! <i'h- r C i i' iv.dlw iii'iiili-r,'. hn ve inaile *L tir.-il" n^.on-it th- in-.tit'itioii- oi Korbuid i'i th's I [nu ie I hurl bni k th -i r . t-Vii ,t- tii :n at thim, an 1 I tell them 'hat I' -j;- I'lud - i* i !i,',\i'\\ ' When th, y tell im that I:. :,d i i <r. mir to th d.,"--, thr\ !v-in ter Th'V Jcno-w that Knirlniid ' !' mill tii it m]u' ivill ever If.-nl as I lb ' t tih -tnteiinen n re 11 tie to tie prm- i i *>ffir--o[ llx-1 ty and rieo-l--m" II el not the Se.-ri'tni-,- uf St i te j nit-- dli-d-for pi-i-.M-juil nUael; mi' iie-nibiT for South Oxford, Ih. I. !< ' n woul I ii-it h.ivc b'X'ji uudi'i* tie- ii.-1-'- i'of r-plsii.if to liiin on that (- ore !'. it . > il uit:i he won jiiiitified in quo* iu - a cvii!did n|iiniou of Dr. Mouia'tru' > *.- d by K. K. Sliepj>-ird of Sal\i'-|i\ N :>at, who in !H)t only a rVm-'erwi 11 v -, hut who rJPi an n Cnnn'i vu 1 i ve ran 'i I ii in I fa I 11- nci.-il n |Vw year.-! awtj. Tlii*. i'i wha'. .Mr. Slcpp'U'd H.lid of tlie man who attacked i* ir Kb hard OnrUvripht : Tin* M iniioba fli'hrn>I queHtinu coatinueH to he the burning Mpot on t he imii"!i- Iiirdeui'd lle.sh ol the eb-rtonile nf (* >u- .' da. 'I'll'*re in no utartlin ;ly new jit a >e <if it evept iny; the election of Ih* \\ m- tji^ue In Hn Idiiuaiid. II!h ele lion i- ci r- tainly a widl-deurvcd tribut" to jii.j..>p- nlarity, not t< liia jinijcipi *-, for he Iw.h i on". IIi-< pennonali t^ in oxen-din;-. \. \ c- tr tell ve to an audience cornjioaed of ilf-e \rlio would rather listen thnn re,-,son, nnd *.h'* belief th it lie in more tlii-a 'm itver- oe- niai. bi.stw with thorn- u Im never in- qni n-, after listouin^i n~^ to w ha t they have hi-nte-ht nway with them. Notori- ou dy hr i,i oratorical w ilhoiiL beinj? ediieatiniial, elotpient nioHtl.v in tlie <Ie- ' i-iiii^ of titatein-'iiti- that a i'e mir-IeaiU n^f riiuniKi'oU'i nuintly when be baa a nia- jurily ol mippoi-t.'i-s, .-iijd up tti djite.haH bhown kin hravery >f character alinoHt viitin-ly in doiap; wron rather than in ndvocatiiiK riixht. Ilo in an evidence that ft 'in eader for td.ctors to follow men than principleii. The elector <f iruldiuiu nd is not, per haps aware that he hoi miulo hin Hf?ht on otlwr ponple'ri inuuey. There in no uuiii in the (Jtt.iwa Ministry w-ho baa been a more milmerviiMit political hack than Dr. Montiprne. Everywhere he luoi been the paid -.pouter, the tap through which the wind of the Ottawa Miidntry ha i been mpurt'-d, , and if any of hia ciithiudi'Htic friends ever paimo* to (;x- .iiniuu thu aituution; tiiey will notice that fill hih oraLoricul purioiiH are pjiid for by Home one who putn up his money in ordor to gain an udvmitnu;n that tho people of Cnnnilu, iiitolli^untly fionHidur- iiiK tho queHtion, would not ^rant. It in nidthitr politic nor prudent, perlinjio, to ivrieet' uik)u this clam o( politician. Ho in omiiipronfiit, beo/uisn ho linn <i prum (Jr hU rnilwny fare in paid; bin poworn of conviuciitK' the iniblic ai-o nut hiudcrod by thoiiKhtu of a nogli-ctud bimlumfH ofc /in ungruHiMMl opportunity, yut bo In the luuiit UftiiijoroiiH quantity that could to Injectoit into tho already ta-intod blood of Canadian politlcH. If mou of tliin orfc aro to bo our rulorHf wo huvo n tight to iwk oiirriolvosi how unmt w& oxpc&t to bo rtilod7 1b raohth to bis dioooa In, pa-ofocouco 'to prhicipjlcrf* An* audacity niu! bidotnltiiblo cln*ok to " pri-/"mu] to i>lltknl vlrttnv7 In Uuai- lity ill tilutiiKbiM1 (Hio*ri ivttltudo Ui Im ai>- p'aiiled, a w w-o^uld liuiKti at awl 'np- piov.) or' tho nhttCrt of Uin clown In n flrcm V ft iioa Ihuuj Dr. Montn^n^'s. i;o(wl for line to e^cn|w> hy"hbi Miiavn miuv- ner -itn); _ivcendhiu; K'^Kl-followfllUp tho mticiMi'i uf |M>ople who neither Kdlevo in him oi a ataieiunan nor approvu oi him in .iiythiui*; but a county heeler. I* i* (pii ' poMidble flmt he nuiy rvxieb tlio Jin;hi*t,t oche hi Canadian [Mi'litlcH, for 1 ' baa e rtaiuty proved hlinaelf able and ' i adopt any device necivwuiry *o hot 'win L, inlMlead or Imtrny tluuio >vho p,i/. the enpacity of the mouth rat he i 'ban loyalty and p;nodncnn of heart. That a man can bo clectoi! w1u> in ' ueh a political haai^-r-ou, whilo the. bane wi\n o-ne of HUpremo impfirtaitco to O'ninda, marlcH an epocli In our liintory u I eh th u^hffuli men nliould jmu.*ie and con odor. It u'.v. 2 o'clock on Thuntday uioniliitf. when the threu weelca' dobato ended. Tint the LiheralH hud tho Iwt- b'r of th- arirumi-nt, thuutrh not of tint vote, ii generally lubuitted. The dlvl- 'ion w -h upon S-lr ICIchrird OurtwrU^ht'n 'Uiiendnii'iif. deelnrinir for a wvi'nuo tariff, and it re .ml ted lit a majority of in l\ -In foe (he finvnrniiieiit. A feature of tlie divi-doii win the defection of Mr. Hi ruin fu 1 vi n, tle Oonuurvativn na-em- ber- for Frontenae, who \-*oti)d a^aiiiiit the (oiveriinient'M policy of protection, ii nd for a revenue tn riff. Tfon. Thonmu McfJi.....vv iriv.* h'l-A firnt Con lervati V(* vote -d.tic" bin "ndinhilit'itioii," and the Mini <teri lint*' cln-'-red hi in. Tim- mIh- ceriiy of t1! effort of a portion or the ("oi|.,.ry. t ve pn 'I i to re i mdi a to Me- f!i*"cvy iim.v be jud'^-d by the following note nddr-1 aed to him: FORTUNES IN WHEAT. Tho Heoont Rise Has Many Wealthy. Made ONE MAN MAKES AMILLION DOLLARS SIoii<rrl Cfaiu uuil Vlour M^ ttrmflt by vlr, tb HUInr. thA ILiieltlrrf* or the I,on (Private.) Ffoiifte of ConunonH. To Thorn , . McOreevy, I^iq., M.I'.: Dear Si i* vote oi the Imdsret deh'lie ' will \y til lco-| on Monday lii(rllt or Tiu"-d-iv nt the latent. Kindly In* w;t Inn" 1 -li cell. IJv onl'T. ADUIKN DMSUOSinilS. M'.y Hi. lS'io. Tor tie- Whip'. dd O'llrien. who has declared bin hos tility lo the fJover'nin nt and it' policy, vol >- I v,-;tli the m.'ijoritv. 1* h in Iwon aim eit deeiib'(l tint 'h' lo-aril op'-'iiin; of the Satilt Ste M i ri" '\i :i" I t li ill tal.o piece on -In- e 1 ,'t and in con nee ti<m then'wi 11* th-' M.-iin'o of II-: i I way it and Cannbi eon t - niplale ; a hie; deinoimtrn tion to *i.: uili tho completion of th In imjiort- ant enter|jrine. Mc il1; irjj.'i rt Iiiih nceordinprly anked h lio'iiihe-n of the Opposition in tie1 fin us" jf i hey will Join iu it. There _ih >' will consent to do no, Wliali*\or dilh'reiireH of opinon ex- eit hetween the tJoveriiinelit and the "' !' ii:ie.i in re y ii rd to the tn a inter of h co st rip'tion (if tho work, there never 11 % I i" . two tijii nions art to the rn-cen-. i v of h tit I li'ij^ ih" canal. The Oppr>- ni th-.ofore, no'il h.),v uo heidUi- i .a r i imc p-ti L in 111 denionatration, l-hou-h llu: Patron elnu.nl in the lion*.' ' " j'c t to i -y km-di ejLpi-ndituiv *or pui p. - ol tin- chained*. It in not i.i.m el io in.i'.e itiv larfje expencittius* fo- th; if ii, ui l thereloi" th" day Ii.ih :. e -* 1 '-ted wh-n i'.rrlia aeoil will ntjt Ii . tti is, if. I ,e \ .'UorjiU- fin i-ti. A -peii! tj ,;>. ,.i,i c i i-i-y Ihe lileinb I'H of , '. i epri i>- ma Liv h ol t hi- t,i w a a,'l return. J.lliieli- v d a m\, m ml t h iijieninn u il! .ci^i in Jvi'-'piij-^r w ith Llu* ' :m'i' of the work. ro*.t Cm id.i ^2,-Mi;{,-P.I.S and will pi i d> i lily c nn . Ii n cvi'r' Ihin^ i'4 ci.im- i haian.-l ol 2U n et t.iriei;<hi.iil fi'( in Su- 'I he lii'A h<--k b*. :uaj Wld". J', . n: ai ,; ! -i ir - il l K o . w ih*. e (-. w :. i ie i eli\.- b- ol a . h , - . initio- ia! I.i,i i lie ca i .,1 u <ia o L. 1 o.*.; to lol . II i'-l: . ,.h lei! U - oe >ih ol \\ all !' in, In 1IL1. li CL loil^r h. li^' I lit: .4 U-.SI 3. V' oi'.M'lihl.t.il l.ir tlie lurLty [Hsclaiitis Ui -p<ui<li>lll(y Q i'i! im n lit 'u,i. Lori'loii, June J.- l-suai: II,Ford ' a* i 4 Tho uiitro'v* at ,!< idah on tin- cmii .1. ol' Iihi'-jkind. Fiaiiue and Uus *ki i.*, a \ cry Morluua nli\ ir. KiKht liodomn .m- siL.islu.M li: oil iiui' th'- consular p I >*, ih'hberuujy. v.-iuitonly. The I Ji iia.n ooiiHiil wan Mnn^on-uyly uoimd !. n .1 ' the Vlce-Oi-nsiil wn.s niuiib'i od out- ri'du; tlt' 'itlu'c consul.s won- ijiiin-il inoro or !t-'is Hi-rlourily. T!il* Adiiiii'o !iy prompt!;, oj-'eit-d three vi; : 1 f * J . >:' t!i Mi'ilni-rr.i ra-an ih et to .leibla li which is toe poi i lor AU-r ca. Turkey ola in * wn < i roLy ovr .l'-ddah, lau iia .111- 1 hority is \\ e.ik 111 Arabia. W hile tin; orline was com: 'lit'- ' nnoi- lually iitiilcr the* TurklhJli 11 .k ro..jion ,1- lidlty for It will bo disch'irmM. li m a jaohalilo- Arab Hympnt hie** i'i,r tlie T: 1 I : :.>i"i*H of tho Ainn-nlnir ii;:\*e ii ti;, till lif; trj 1 io wltll the olttr'f,'-. I nt the mcUJ'-nt may increa-o th.* anti- '! ui! Ihh t'"olinfc in lOnKlnnU, .p< 01 111/ ..' .rfio^s atronta have bi-i-u 01'- " I"'1! by t'-o ])oIlci; in M- rj-ih lo tilt; Ihllkh, l^n-ncli nri'l ltUH,':-n !.*] .-. o' the Armenian f'ornnii'-Hion ami lb Ir '-.-I \ - II t.S ll.l \ " I i'i II iltiill'l'i- l.Tlli' I'm Ie Montreal, June J.-Tlu-ru aro happy fat'ou on 'ChiuifU' tlu'iie dayti, and your corroapondont ban been enabled to rIvu the naniea of tlul men who huvu niado their pilo In the reuiuit rhio In flour nnd t,'iuln.,H In no aecrot that tho ohluf ot Canadian mllloru, Mr. W. W. f>irllvlo, han made morn than u round million* wlillc hi:1 uehfhbora, tho L-nkc ot tho Wooda pool ilo, Mr. Robert MHKhun bo- Ir.K the central llKiiru, count tholr pro fits at J.'.utl.UOU. JUiKh Mi-J^lhin bad with otheru lout heavily In the pa.st, but It la boliovod that hiH recent d. alu netted him a pro fit oi* SI.'.if.OM) at h-aat. i;oh M'.dalb' and bin friend William SL-wart ot* iho KliUfiton Forwarding Company did not (dear les ^thaii <7r.'J(W ca.-h, whllo Ab-x. M> Ko*, hi bin wheat and. corn deaht, nia^de poi bass than Ji (HI,Olil). "-* A. (k Mi-P.i'iOL bud. a f,'ood , deal of wheat on the Anrn-ib-an market when th 1 me came, and thorn* who know, u;iy In- came out ?H)u,(JOI) ahead. Cram* & Unlrd have Uk'-wiHo, no ru mors ;ay. .-leare.I al leant $lu0.000, and 11M ladnne" Harry Itaphael to bo from 57r.,OU() to -'UJD.OnO richer to-day than ho wan two niontha i\U". .bike liurmiek-T haa mado from JoO,- Of'O to $73,001) Iu Hour If he baa made a ,11-nt. Adam Thoni[)ion and JOwan M.e- li.fiirmn are brokers, with a r/or.-*ou:il ' d al thrown In at limes, and their pro- i I:t.s on tho tramiaetionn of tho lattt fow luri'kH are L'Htimatt'd by caroful mom- !boiu of tbo corn exchange at not ]ohm ; tli."U y^ti.tjoi) eneh. ; d.ni Canuthora ha^ cleared from $75,- i '(> to -Jluu.OUO ami Robert l'oddie':t pro- : I,... on wheat, corn, and rye will o*tc cd !j;.i,*rl, and may' puualbly ruach $100,- l Oeii. I ,1-irni'K Campbell, a dealer, and FJd. jf'i.'iK, a la ok", rr have each niado i*roin I Jlit.iiuO to ?r,0,0;)0 and are happy on. the j o 1 \ is hip'C. '- K'x-.Muyor Mr-tfhnno, who hOHblon bo- incr :t (llLcnlflcd men her of the Corn Kx idi.in,'i , ia called "Tin* IVoplc's Jimmy" ' oiiisnle eountH IiSh profUfi at $50,000. .J 1, Kinlth & Son had a hlix lot of Ih.nr on hand when tho rim; Htrucic the t"n a/and conse'iuentl/ made n.'.OOO. TdKar .ludtfe has; made $"0,000 on Co' r, ;-hd fli'u, Mo I'.can it Co. about the .-im" amount in co.-irM" j^raliiH, while ih 'j ro*i!tsi.f li. K. V.'ucht, a brokor, nr- f.\t,.-il all tbo way irom $(f/,000 to J50, ) -1. lioshlfH trn-.se> Hpiondid rosulta hu.nl- \% ai e il.-a lei a, dr> -,%'oodH men, who:e- a Ie i-tocois, oil mo'rcbantH, etc., have aii taken a hand with more or les.-. an i. It Ih safe to Hay, in fact. th.".' muiy of th.-in hav-* cleared fpur. f!u Hi'; to f:;ilO O'M). an,I the ]>r< Ctn rn"do by 10.1' Idi-iM will foot up to half a inlllion. \ Lund deal of money went out ol .M .ntreal during the l:mt thro<- yoars but it will be soon from above tha l thro-" or four million dollars ha\e i.lil" bark. I hui. Thnina.s Croenway will not fro f" ' ttawa in-evlous to his return to ' latilioiia. Attorney-C.enor.i-i HI. tuivhai: X ne to Now York, and tho Prembu* will li'iivc for Toronto to-morrow moni- itiL', flis stay hi tho Queen City will (! 1 ii-nd upon Iho state, of his health, ai Premier Creonway la anythlnfr hut a well man, having taken cold .since hks arrival In Montieal. Tie- Department of Justice'is Koln" to t iii-'.w j-rr'"ii money aft or had., a' I Chief IieLoctlvo Shonvuod obtnln-d ' U ,ivc :it the police Court to-day to j pio^eente '"outraetor St. Louis on j e,i.ii-Ke of 1'alHelv obtalnlnK JMO.OOO ir, 1 on in-el Ion with tho Cnrran hi* do-e 1 0:1 rueiIon. Action Ih taken under sec 1 1 on .",!." of the Criminal Code, which j 1 on, t*. tie* prosecution to carry th*1 I .' *--e o the Queen'!) FJench, IrrcHpoctlve tilt dwaiilirr-c over tin ;. ' il - 1 if t be powers 1 e;onn;;. T 1 0 n t'lna 11 ' . .11M1 lb 1 : b -'. i*'a, . 10 ii.< d io( ' iibli- - , 00 ly I t 'i ui 1 1 y. 'I-.' .' o ;: o ' t 1111" : P...I y lo I he [1. ll'p ' n |o I Iy to |ll";C o\ l*i ' p- ireiitly in ; 1 in 1 \>\ In, pi ul n >n 1 '.luby t,,ij 1 ,1! 11 1 ni iii June " -- the f'oi 0' ipo. ala ai tlV- em to .' 11 I II ne! . 011 P >!lf I 1 . i . t J a ' t i 111. I'ka in e '.nd l 1 loiio I ml- tin* 'I 111 l:'Hll i'rl ' "I ' 1 mt'iii t. "'he si t ii'i Pui M. a it ' -! Tin* npli'i iripf 1 .' ' ,.' 1' j on ti I 'e1 1 out ha:* nio.i 1 tIC.i,* pel ..OIULHe.i. 1 nt I' ll -1 MOlSl 1 Oil I I J 1 l- 1 I .11 11. .iu, 'th, 'Tui I kih [1 ;ic Ncvi l.tr.iti <,'! .1 -' I Mli. I'.JK ia Ini-ir-lie lo %i- IH'SS Rt. John's, Nild., June 2. It- 1*1 o t>- from Ihe 'ounirj it wn-- k!.v. k, a t J s uisf.action at (bo obtain-m; of 11 ^ loan. Tho p> op to i ejon u ,u . te- j*. e^i r- plii nf . The - p. - vatlon of autonomy ^nd 'h<- 1 oik. the proposal of a Crown mi on WhltewnVilli Hii[>portur: h 1 \.. l-ariuf,' a reception I'ov Co nolo! ,*' taty Ilond, but he has },'m- o. 1: land to ciuicludi' '.ho loan i.e.. li-m . i, , wo the tlernon.stratloit hau be, n po i_ on- td. Tlie tflVct of the loan m aire..a, Been In trade. Pusinea.uneu ui n"ii:i an Increaue In orders to-tlay .S10 I---, arc helnpr ordered Irom nb.-o m, j.j { verythbifT betokens a vi^o ohm re bound towarda prosperity. A dlHCHHc, Hiijipqaeil to Ie m iltsriia ni. typhokl t'over, Ih rava^lm; th. Pr-*ie,j liiiheinien on tho woat coast of the is land. It huH Hpread to resldenp;. and many deaths huvu occurred, Tne Clov- ernment liau taken uti )-a to Juo ate tho raacfi and prevent a further ypread of the dlHcuac, Colonial Socrotaiy Rond'n BUect'Bfl hat out on toot a scheme t j run him' for iho Frc-mlorflhip to replace 'Sir William Whltoway. Mr. Bond leads tho Kudl- col olomo&t ot tho Whltoway. pj^rty. ' i e niUfrisLrnto'M decision. W h n IIui. J. A. Onlmet took nfll " m|,| ,4-t ion to the Minister of Pub \' e*k:; iv.is promoti-d In Laval b* '. Pi'M.ijd, advocate of Mont real. The rim-r spoke very .'-evcivly of Mr. Pel- : il. and was repoi ted In The Star. Ilait] entered an action for Mho], and 1 b"U'.di the Jury found that the re- > a "v. is perfectly eon cot 1 hey pom- *. ti'-d the ji.-i j>i'i' to pay $l."ill to th I'i' if. jfo'-d.iy the Court of Kcvicv- .iiidament, and The Stai .. 1 It will tfi) to appeal. V)4>I M> ICIbB \>; A HIS I IT, ':.hJ al :>ra:3t il a Cl-Yrnr Olrt I.a<l It- NnrOi Vurft 'I'"-" 'o, June 1, Verm-r White ' l II, on o( Mr. Uohert Whit ' Id-ton, North York, w ' '."'! in pi iciajjj a utrap ari>uud *i.d. in hi-i j'alher'H mKJ on WodncM 1 after:, miii, wnon ia some 1111 ' >iii 1 a hie nu nner he Kot ciin-.-'it < 1 i :. a remat, flic -di.-ift rC\o!ved : t '..' ' e,, ', ,ii i rate. Vomer \V,.ite v round 11111! run 1 1 tlie -haft, h . . ,* mot \'. it cd iu a horrible mm "P. tt'U.o-ui-d hi) son Archie, \\ h< ie . iik a 1 horL di.-na nee away <' 1 "I to iep )ir the hiat. and it \i. ; i.ev flr.-t necn nie aware of p, ' > i coil." , n di.id, .IiiL nt cury houu ui bi.^ b.<. ;. . -i a. o. cu. I'llii-U jn a l*:jirii Ifnlultrr II'iTrbdon. Ont., May 31. Wldle ro . if-Liiu,' at a barn rnks.iitr l-i.-t n ; P'.ihiy Mt'L' od was th.-o , u 1 rom 1 l idli.in;* by tho timber breakin;-. , .. 1 ie. ..ivi d injurieu irom wh ch he d.ed. 'i .jJ ,, Dunl-irk, N;Y., M-iy 31.- Clsle Co1 ' uri:i, 1 aiifchter of the kite Wil'iuja T "oh iruin, a wi nlthy bnn'iur of this clt v lop'inilittd sule'd" Tuhc n.ffht. by uhoot U\K. Sin* war, ^1 -.oars old, and a pro:,e lllellt Society Kirl. 1 Ifu-fiiiu- .lNi HfH<* li ltullci JTopv.ortJi. Out., Atay 31. A woll-to- do larnur by, mime'of John WarnocU l-vIiiK about a mllo from .the. vt!W(r- o IlepwtU'Ui. whot himself In tho old tin xaomlntfi roaultlny m.hla death. Hood In tbo Foui-idiV1o of ~ tha Wondnrfui Cuvva by Hood's Sarsaparilla That Is Why tho cures hy Ilood'g SarwparllUar^CuuM. That Is Whyll00*1"1 Simmpartlla, VioaUIvely donjj euro tbo HovcruHt nanca of SorofuU. Stilt tthoum nnd nil other blood-diaoiuftB, oven wlum ull other liropartttlonu tuid prcscrlptlona fall. That la Why, tho toslhnoiduU In behalf of Hood'a garnaparllln aro olid facb-J, and will utand tlio cloaofit Invontl^atioii. That Is Why tho pooplo havocon- Jldciico In liood'H Sai'HupurilliL, and know that wbut'.vcr appoura In ita ttdvertlsinff Iu strictly truo. That 13 Why Hood'H FaraapaHlla 1b recognized by nil ji-i thu ataiulaiil bulldinjf-up nn-dicino. That Is Why it ovortomr-i That Tinnl p'oelino', tflvvn owv^y \n pluco .of (.'.\liaiHt.ion, lifa UiHt-.-ml of languor. That Is Why tno alei of Itood's SurHUpurillai bavo ]uurnrtnd Y'ar after year, while other prppamtjons of less merit hav* coinw, held a llttlo tern- porary favor, and aro hoard of no more. That Is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla require* for its production the largest Laboratory in th*s svojld, That Is Why -t 1 a *-ru norvo tonio, cur-^i nervouflnosa by feeding tlio nrvB on pnro biood, and builda wp all tlie organs aud tlaauoi* of tho body. That ib Why Hood's Sarsaparilla I Is the Only '^~ True Blood Purifier X*romh*)iint!y In tho public ey today, Uo nuns to (f**t Hood'-* and only Hood'H. Your Liver I out of or der if you bavo bit tor ojOo. off ch id va breftTh"; nick headache, ulltfht fever, btorfu!i" ni'*e in tin 11 t 11 n \ ". -I 'ec ,|jjt' nir:i, or nftu^fia. TToo'"j "" - t h.- l!v--i' c.i - 1 'niliei -iiitM, r (? J."!.' TI i 11" *'. - 'I* " 'l' AUCTIONEER K.%KY IlKDltli K, Auctioneer H it I n t- pnnnjUly 111 tern led lo. Audrehii Honil, WooUhIic, Out. I'ei wini. .U-Hinni; to i'-enro me may limvo wont at tin) luvr. I'ltrns eilicii. tf 11. nnDituiK JI I). SlNCh-MH, I-iKdlNSKI) AUUTIONKEIt for tlin (Joiiiity ofi:*u,cx. biLilitlof Judith DlviHiufi Court. All kunlrt nf Fitrin and othor HiiIuh o'liidncted jiromptly. Itiittm ruur-nniLldo nnd furnihhi'il on ni)[ilicntioii. KmiuirerH inav apply nt \V. V. Jteimiiin'i. eillco, or in tho olllci of Oivimon Oimit C'lrrli, Mi*. .Jol-n Milne J OHX (iOK^bKY. lutlKNnKU AtJurUiNMI'dt for the County of Htihi-x. All liiil'lii el fiirni i-ti-i-lt iiah'H, etc*., ouniiuctfil pt-oti'ptl) ibid on uhort noticu. ItutLH nn.Hui'aldn ['urNonu (U --iiiLblii to itrninf-e nalun ruay i<> '* by t-nllin-; nr tl'u l-'ncc []m>iH nttlno or hy uniihuiK to 4 .1. (iOUMbKY, P. O. U01 15r) J'-iihox. Out. t[M<ANK MoUIjOHUKY, AIiLidhtonit, Uilrty- Huvon yiiiio."X|."rM!ii"ij 1:1, an imctioiiiifrin tboOouutv ( I'jHuitx. riiilob uonitnott'il pi-omptly, uml nn luiLiiniiiLlilii tenin*. l*artien*rlonirin ' to Ax tho Unto tin 11 sale ('.in hum) Lliuniijelvef a ih'iv by cidlniM at the l-'urr I'm *th ottice. \Vu lliivii uri iLin;i'il with Mr 'ii-t'leiiltny and v.-j 1 j t\x thu (lllto'i for -eilta Ie. Ii'le;,*. ajdi, 01.tirdy b'co of llll cliuri't' 10 t he iiinvjii liuldni'; tne -,-tio Ail* droiii- FriUiL *iluCloi.iu'\ .Mitnl .tuie l'roni., Out. ma Qsore X. JT'oa^es *r NUUHKUyi'dAN, RUTHVEW, BBSBKCOUNTY Pcuuli, Poar, Quiuco TrntiH, Apple and Everffri uTJH. PI urn, JloHCH, Borry HuhIu'H, lta.-iphorry, llhiokherry and Currnnt Biudiui-. Al! iiiH(*jI:iHEi Btooli. B.tvo a^uiith' - Big Profits and writt* for nriooH. Wu .".ill uhm>r- fully anflwor you ly return uiaib Horsemen. Yflur kiud atbmtiou i wquohied for a Motnciit, wbilo I n.u.lnd you of tho oxoullimt virbao or (Ji)r aolo- brutnd Derby Condition Powders. Tliny liavn luui tin. putroniin of a mimbnr of vntnrinnry imreeoiirt for ii f|uurtor of il OMitury. IVioo 2^otB, por lb. iiuckii(;o. Yonrii truly, C. A. SHERRIN, E^sex: Medical HalL ESSEX flollor * Milk* TAMKS NAYI.Olt 'kimim tldn oppnrtunity 01 ' llliliouili'lll . .1, tuft pii'ipln c.f tlin Town tuul County of huntix, tlnithn him rni-iodolui! thnV.n-. "ox Hollur -Villi' iu-f-rdlii--1.. pliuni prejnmidby H.n. 'neit, f-it.'1 Inmiiin. anil Iiiih iiliio firiourod tho M'i viemi (ii KdiiLiir Hii'Af has. an oxjittrt Oliced no. 1 tli<ii-nui;lil\ cf,in|,c tout Inlllor. Thu 11 Ion( the ioo[ilti nf tlin town and ooutity for th" imtinnuj.-) hcitov, en npini hi in In tin* pant, will t'u.iriiiiicjij hull ifiujtlon hi thu tuttifa Gii3ting and Choppinc: a - Specialty. & TIH'U.UKSTItAI)bh "! I'T-Oim, I'KKU AND .. COJC^iMKAI, KKI'T ! . STOCK AND HOI-D AT JCKiHT 1MUOKH. Gash Paid for Wheat and Data. THE AMERICAN HOTEL ! EonoK, - Ontario. T? C. ItVrK, I'HfU'lilKTOli, UAH BKHN J thnroufthly pun,tod and i<0]ilmilulitul with now fnrnitiiio lo tl.ii proiiant propria too, LAIUlU IIAItN IN CONNKf-TION. KCirfit-Chum Accniuodiitlim (iiianuitofid. ESSEX Scot and ShoeStore Has Just Rece.veri The Finest and best Ass-ddmenf of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords. Ladies' and Children's Shoos and Oxfords, The Cheapest in the Land* Call and Eqamlna and bo Con vinced for yoursolvos-- Jas. Douglas, Wh > 1 iliill ol the ColUiii Itool, W ^ti.JD JL JD J-i* Sulehimn to limidlo our Ilunly U-illtidiiiU Uiown NniHory Htnck. Wo KUiimnti'u fautinfnotion to ri-jn nsciitiitlvoil and ( iii'toini'ih. Cur iniifliiricK uri*. tho lurcoiit" in ttio DoiniiiKin, over 7011 ucrcti. No Mihstitutlon In ordom. ! ,uuivn torritory and liboral tormB to wholu or pui 11 itiMi ti-jniitn. Write nn. b'J'ONI. & WKI.hlMlTON, (VJf ml o(l.<!i )'l (.i(>ntf),Onfc (Tho only nmfi'ry In ('aniidii. hnviui: tenting orchuniri.) u-:im Moat Modern mid progrcasive I'or L'iitiUnj?iio or Jnforiniitlou wrlto to TMI; MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Ilnvcn, Conn, FOR TWENTYnVE Y-ARS THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SA!~ IN CANADA. Splendid Apple Trees, w I'hifio in tho tvorMffu* youu,'uion uml wonmu tn iicnuro il lluufuoaa Kdiiciitl'M., Shorthand,oto., in tlw' Pftioit 1i-|H{iiniin UnlviiHiltv, tio- ir-ut. Mich. Illuiitratodoiitivlojiuo Prcn Ki'i.-oniccH : All Detroit, l-\ Ji- WlOLli, pi-,.-* p. u. rtri-lN-'WIt, Hio'y. Ou qond prndnotivo Ffinu Property nt 5J. St ii por oout. Rtraittht. Al iu ovory ronpeot, $12 PER 100 -$12. Ho Valuation. Fees. &. * Oouvoyaiiouijj Dono up in Noiii Style Fire and^ife nsuranc-6- 4. E.LOVE LACE, ESSKX, ONT torOffior; Whitney BlnrU, upfitairs' i ,.3 * \* i ..jr. "j"/iVtiS ., ' iu Mti^^" A ,.'11; 'lib

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