The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL the ReeRX 'i*ihh $1*600,000 Money to Lend ontMortgagM Of productive wm.1 anUU. Faj-Mor ".wanting to borrow tnonoy ut het raturf, leant axpouHn und no dolny nhouhl a|>ply ihn-tmnnlly to Tho Ohat- hiira Loan and BavlmjH Co.,Chatham.----- B. *\ OAltftNWlt, Uiiiiit|(r. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 18BS, ET9 <Qf TALK OF THE TOWN 'J* 'V Newton Gnrdnur and family will kave to-day for Blind Kivor, JJgomu Dlitrio*. to btr the etnplov of tha Blind llivor Lura- ker Oo. That uuw oroBiiiiiji ut tho juncture of of Laird Ayd. and 1'ulbot *tr*fc ban boon llnally ]aM, d*idly iraprtvin# tho apear- atioa of that M|>ot. Two faioro of thona oelabnttod Brawtford Bioyolos jubt arrived at Kiohardttou'M. If you want out) dou't minn thin obanoa an they arh&rd to got, W. II. Rw&tm&u, of LoamiufctoM, in iu town thiu weak and ia preparing to optiu tho laundry lu the Toiaparimao Hall nfcora. Ha txpsotu to bo rtady fur bum noun next Woek. Mr. Juo. Milue'u Hale of proportion m town on Tueiiday aftonioon did not ut tract buyam uufftoieut to take up all the parcels. Fair prioau wero realized for what wuh diu- ponad of. At tho Uwn tvoiLHiirtr'H tax sale an Tao- day mora in*, quit* a number of pieo of property ware dinpoa*d of, and tho balanoa lafi until Tuesday nxt, Juua 4th, to whioh daU tin* sala ban bean adjournad, Owing to tho Domiuion Sovernmtnt having refined to make a Hpoial grant for the lloutroal World's fair, tho iJoa haa boon practically abandoned of holding tbo fair no*t year, an wuh orii/iaally iotandtd. Gents' flue whito ahirta, 90 aantu aach at South'*. Tha fur cap uoaBon ia ovor. S^raw hatfi lb auditing variety, aud right pricua at M. J. WifiU A Co.V D label t!fc Bricker pay tho laighoat Cbiih fnoo for wool. Boya1 nuita S1.JJ0 up, iimu'm suita B3.25 Up, beys' pant* 50c. up, men'o pauis $1 up.-OAKHBmCin ------ If you want screen doora and windowH that will last for yoara to como, ^o to Laing, Broa., Eobox. Tor *y the. Andomon & Co. arc open to buy au unliniitod quantity of wool, uishor washdd or wnwaBwcd, and will pay tho hifihont priodB tliorofor, either iu oanh or trado, Seo them before deposing of your clip. Promotion examinations in South Ehhux, Windwor and WulkervilU will bo held on Monday, Tuouduy, and Wodnosdty, Jubo 21th, 25th, and 20th tho throe dRyaproyi- oua to tho High School Entrance Exu-tnina- tiotnu Wool-buyerB wha are advjninG f^iaeri _ not to waidi their v ui aro mulaadint! *\ tbaha. JJunUY.hed wool at a low prico docH not r sail no aa much aa the nauo wool wanhod at tho hitfhuat price. Biiowh A WlOM*. Tho Bt. Clair Fivor, whioh" waa, laHt July, at tho high en t point which it haa reached for eight yearn, bun biiua falling ntadi)y UnrinR la&t wiutor and thiH apriuc and is now about nine mohos hglow tho loval of lattt July. Tho annual Dintriot meating far No. 1 Bidtriot, I. O. O, F.. will \nf ti^tTaCOom'-' bor on Thuroday. June 5th, bagiun ii at 10:80 a. m. The repropnntativuo from Bh- aox Lod^'G aro Monara. T D. McCreory, E L. ParU, and B. riuuamor. D. n. Terry, of Amhorhtburt; and Eatiex, had hi* left arm broken botweon tho wriat and elbow onto day laot waok by falling off bin binyolo, just aftor turning Wilk'nson'a certoar, at Amharatburtf. Dr. Proudfoot aet tha fraetnre. Thi ia tbo Dtcoud time that Mr. Tarry baa had that arm brokan. Bathing auitu ut Bmith'r, ohnnp. Paraoobi at out pricn at M. J. Wigle A Co. Tho Ontario factory inapeotor for tha Wootern Diatriot roporta that bo found a mill ou tho iihoroa of LaUo Krie in which wormy applan, paalmga and rottan fruit were uufcd.jn tho noakinK of oidr. If the una of euoh material ia not prohibited by law, thou tho law whould hu amondod at onc#; and, if tha prurient Htatuteu oo\r tha oaus, they ou^ht to bo oiaforcud. If your advortimaR in what it ahould be and'uuocnod iu building [> u profitublu buu- iueim you cannot put into fi^uron how couch a force of aalenuen in worth whioh hrinuH to your Btoni fluoh an array of purohaiisru. If you cannot uptmd 91,000 a week in advoitin inp, npond 9500. If jou cannot Hpond bo much, Hpp.nd SlOO.and if your huainoda will not allow moro than 91 to bo oo invested, vpend that. Do not aay that thcro i uo uan in advortiomu exoopt in a largti way Onu knight utt woll oay that a flvo cent paolcaRn of aaudfl from tho flnriot will not grow na wall ao tho Htttno noed boughfc in buuhoJ rjuutitititm. Have good noed and plant it in pootl floii; in other wrrde write a good aJvur- itiaowont mid put it in a good paper. M.J. Willie <fe (Jo.'u Wacou i on the roailfl collootiug wool. ,All kindi cannotl rjoodn oHpaaiall^ far pio- nioa and canipinjj at Bmith'H. ,-'.. If the peopla of T'jHiax propoao to oala- brate Dominion Day", it la high tima a uiovu wai balurt made. The flrnt of Juno In at hand, and barely four waeks time in lttft iu whioh to make uuooyiiary arraii^o' aaonta. Faraoara, Wave yon ean th* n*w Milnar Wa(jou that Kiohardaon in uollm^; it i luudaonou aud Wall proportioned ia all ita partu, Jind tamti tlmta nqtial in carrying capacity, ca of rmmin, and durability to duy wn^oii made. Call and aea it. D. II. Torry, photof rapher, will ba un able to atl.nJ hiu ^ullory at BaaoX noxt week, owiag to a brokan arm. Partma waiting until July weak iu iCcuei will bo favornd with otio doir.rt kt oabmeU, aud a oahuiat frarao for 8U. D. II. Tkuhv. Two tr*u wer nlrranted hare on the Quaan'a Birthday for breaking into a bond- od tirain uar on tho U, O. It. Mugiatrate Baamaiiuava thorn a hourly and ton dnya aoh in Bandwioh for their, fun. Thav ^ave tbfir named an John Varied, and Adrian do Younu. A couple of Menaboru of tha B,\xia unanty battalion of volunteura, hailing from Bt. Tho man, beoamo Htrauded in town after olohratiui4 the Quoon'u Birthday in Wind- not*, and did not nt out until Monday.when thoy hoardod a Miohi^au Contral "Blue Lino *looptjr"lor the land of their adoption. Extra values in hum ourbiiinti at AI. J. Witilo A Co.'a. Dot rmniliu and ombroideriaa to match at Smith'u, Ernargonay hoxcu will shortly bo pi noed on all pnsitonger tramq of tho Canada divi. uion of tho Miohigan Contral Railroad, for tho bonoflt of pasaou^oru aud employai. Dr. W. K. Smith, division aur^on, aud W, J. Orr are inatruoting paynon^or orawa in Dotroit, in "^ir^b Aid to tho Injured,' and how to uua thoHe boxou. Tbo Uinou Aaaooiation of Young Peoples' aooiatiga of tlnu town, held thoir regular mouthly moatiug iu tbo Preuby< tenan church lank Monday avoning, Thero wub a jpod attandancn and au nttraative program of addroawea aud muaioal selea- tioDs from tha varioun workers pr*nont. Ern, Lamg, Viofa-preuideut of tbo Union AniiCfiiatiou ocoupiad the chair. Tint Finn: FuuBiilfrtBformed that anJEa^ hox town conntablo became co hilarious au tho si^ht of tho "KiUiufl" in Windvor on the Quoou's Birthday that tho in tiro Wind wr polioo foroo waa ordorod oat to father him in, lie wau aafoly landed iu Windnor'u bautila for about 21 hour*, aftar which bo iu Haul to have cooled down, and allowed to go with a frioudly udmaaitiou, Ladie& keop cool by woaring aumuor .ooraotB and,eilk voeta, goo thorn atBuuth'a. A hico auHortmont of girls' trirarcod uail- or hats at M. J. Wi^lotfe Co.'n. The attontipu of our readora iu directed to the unnouncuinont madam thin ihhiio by tho Kui^ayillo WooUou Milln. Thoy want liO.000 pounds of wool at onoo, and will, as uuual, pay the bijdiont priooa in ouuh or trado. Thoir poddlori* will call arouud &a formerly to purohaho tho wool auit Hall thoir mauufaoturvti. A iploudid now line of droda oodii and ilauuelu is offered bj^ftT thoui thia Hoasoa. A ohango hai baou made in tlio aloQo Beanou for baaa flailing in Ontario and Quc- bo, whiok will iutoreat tba augloru of tho two Proyince'B. At tha preueut time thu ueaaon extends from May 16th to Juuo 30th. The oxporianoeof the departmental axporto in that thia poriod n too long, and an order- in-council hau buon )aaood filing tho clouo aeaoou from Muy 15tU to Juuo 15th, or two weekn earlier tbau at preieut. Tho obau^e will apply tibiu uuanou. Cedar Beuoh tumu- aru will remember thin. Tbo city of Wmdwor'n Queou'n Birthday celebration committee moitho othor m^lit. The treaBurur reportud roooiptaof 96715.B0 luoludiiijj priyato uubuoriptiona, and ux- peQdituroii of 8-1109. Thoy will refund BnbfionhucH-to thtLfaud about 4Dporoont. of the money paid in, beoidos grants of 3200 to tho Driving Park Anaooiation and $-10 to tbo 43th HuRimDBt Band, WmdHor people hay(j rcaaohu to point with pride aud gratification to tbo nuocyaa of thoir uolobration. Whoat toaohod ono dollar per hoahol thm week, that boinR tho prico paid by Mr. James Naylor at tho EbhuxFlouring Mills. Tho trouble with tho avorugo hlbaor county farmer iu that h* hau bosft obliged to dis- poiti of his atoak of whoat to meet the no- oeHHitiei of Hovurai moatbii ago,-.A fow, howevoi, wuro fortunate enough to Itavo a, few h Mild rod buubalaef old whoat on hand on whioh thoy huvo real aod duria^ tho ptouont ]ump. It puta a few more diHoea in oiroulution. All lumuor ^oodu at bargaiun now at Smith' o. Fruit )ar are lower iu pnoo thau ovor at M. J Wuzle Si Co.'a. Sad Hallway Accident. Last Saturday afternoon a yountf man natuud George Baltor. non of a ourringo builder at KidgotowH, in attomptinR to bonrdauM.C.n. train at tho Wolliutou Htioot croHHinjr. at Winaflor fell bCwoan thu mirH and wun fatally liurt. Thfl am- bulunco was Hmnmonod aud tho injured man ooovoyed io Jlotfl Dion. Ono log wan cutoff mid the other badly tuiuigl" d and there Wfm oIho Homo worioun injury to hirt hnnd. lie (hud in a n)mrt tiine aftor rt-aohinpthfl bovpital. .The uniortunato yonng Inmi'H futhor wan Iwfcgraphed for and reiiohcd Wiiidor on Biituiday ni^bt, loavniR for home with tho body the aamo OV("llll)({. Boya' uuiU olothoii for 91,00, o.\ Smith's, In the rapota of the raeatingcfJ^Aoati4 of Directors of the Great Boutbwoalorn | Fair, published Uat woek, tha nartio of Dr. Brian, ex-M, 1*., was omitted by the oom- poaitor who put the- report in typa, and in tho hurry of pabhabinf the paper nearly a day earlier than usual, owin to the <jueen*B'Birth<Uy, il> omlaalon was not Motlaed until after the paper bad beau oiroulatod, Tha Kuh But-a can bat glva an apology aud publiwh thia xpliuiatiou> hoping thu Dr. will take no effeuse at what waa a wholly nuintcntionalomualou, Ex-Mayor John Miluo'a honk of friaudi* in Eaaox town anl oodaty will regret to learn that bo haa deoided to move from Jtiaaex to Toronto. Owiug to hi- ooniioa- tlauwith tho A.O.^J. W. he will maka hia headquarters in tha Quean City, mid will ditapotia of hia EbrbX intareBteauupued- ily aa pounble. The [orkalup of the Eighth Diviktiau Oourt, it U oxpeatcd, will bo trauaferred to II. W! Allan, M. I'., una will bo'attended W by Mr. Wm. Laiwy while Mr. Allan in at Ottawa. Arthur E. Milne oxpootu to remove bm family to To- lado, Ohio, whore ho hau uoourod Iiih form- or tpeaitiou, Tha nwxt NilfciULld of the Diviuio oourbu in tho Couuty of Ebuox will bo held an ful- lowa: Kiuiitiville, Tuouday, Juuo 18th; Leaw- w^ton, WoduoHday, June 19th ; Combur, Thuraday, Juno aOth ; Bollo Rivor, Mow- day, Juno 21th ; Ehuox Town, Tueflday, Juno ftSth; Aunhorutburg, Wfldueuday, June 'JGth ; Wiudaar, Thuraday, June (J7th A. Cottam woman baa invented what une oallu a "urioro-divortor." It iu com- pORed of a hood and a fioobion of flexible pipe, Whou her huoband'a 'onoroa ({row uubearulilo tba hood in loworod over hia hoad, and tho onoro in oonduoted in the bauemobt. There huau't boon -a rat bqou in tho houns tunoo tho diyorter waa uued< Fancy gnodu for ladies' bathim; nuitn at Smith'*. ---------------------------------------------------------------------^ i .I . - Publl School Notes. Principal'!) room, nouior Itholaaa, marka poaaiblo 181. Obtained : E. lUinea, 123; E. Kiohardaon, 120; E. Laing, 114; J. Dehuere, 112; 6. Wilson, 85, Gr. Labar, 81; C. Baughman, 78; S. Brown 75; L. Wiclo. 72; J. Edgar, 61; N. Cotton, 61; C. Stone, 49; L. Hillior, 45; B. TaonW, i2. ' Miuh Bhaw'n room, marks ^oanibla 90, Obtained : G. Viok- orH, 89; E. DeCow, B8; O. Hobinsou, 8!J; M. Baufihmuu, 80; W. Ohatterton, 77; G. Dib- bloy, G9; D. Walker, 67; E. Koowa, 59; G. Hall, 64; C. Puller, 47. We want your wool, hitfhoat cash price at Smitu'o. Ladies' summer belta, belt piiiH, and buckleo, at Smith's. WordN of Praltte. Tho London Advertiaer romarku : "Let ub cougmtulato Mr. McGregor, M. P. for North EaHox, and Mr, Allan, M. P. for South Eaoox, ou the bucoolb of thoir efforts o luvo tiuhormon on th* St. Clair Kivor, Lake Bt. Clair and thu Detroit River placod on tho Biimo footing uh thoir brethren on tho Onitod StatGB HidflB of tbono watorw. For years the Canadian fishermen hava boon deprived of the right to fish in Their own watem, whila exactly opposite them tho United Statoa ilHberrnou Imvo been plying their calling. Canadian nulurman uould not bo brought to boliovo that it wan wrong for thorn to earn ao bonont penny lu the oarao way as their uoighboro. At hint tho Dominion Government has boon mdnoed, by tho importuuitiou of the peo pled repreuentativeu, to remove the re- atnotion. Tho only fair fiahory regulations are bhouo to whioh tho flBhermon of both Canada and the United titatoa are raado uubjoot. Ah rogardii international ntroama and lakoa, tba regulations ahould be in ternational. Hylimd, Ou Saturday, May 25th, tho wifo of Juo. W. Hylaud, Edyar Milli, of * daughter ARriAGE Lallky At EnfltiX, April 2nd, "J5, by Kbv. M. P. Garupboll, John Lalley, of Sandwich Eaut, to Homo Jon on, o( Goo- uold North. Butler At Eatiox, April 17th, by Ruv. M. P. Campbell, John Butler, ot Ebhox, to Elimboth Irra^haii, latu of England, HiiiniBON At Essex, May 38rd, by Rev. M. P. Campboll, John J. Harn- nou to Annio ^luuter, both of Oolohoutor North. ^ r-_tn.3 I'lavw a Ureut Reputntoiu .(. B, Taj lor, Eq., merobant, Wd'and, Hiiya : "Stark'w Powdoru have (Jfeat rep utation about hero aa an immediate, afl well ao a permanent euro for Headache, BiiuiuflnoBB, Nournlcia, Livorttnd 9tomaoh CnrnplauitB, CoBtivenceo, I know of paoplo who hav been ({""it'i'uu'eroro, who hava Tied -ulrooiit nvor>rliihg, and lutvo been furod by them. Wo have unod them in our own family wuh rcmarl'abU buoooob." Two pronarationn in t-auh box. Soldbyall mediobio dealers at 3jo a box, 5 boxen for 91, >Iioototttk. 3-8 " te Wants to Succeed Rose- bry at* Pi omlor- THE LIBERALS IN A BAD WAY. Am Vjuriy kUtwdi>tlo tM-ulrrd by Tlit-tn- i'Ih- rulinil4( iTurum - Ui kiitiJulU^J.Uiirt'U JUiiUr4 in i'nw i-lniiat- n lie-1 , itii * L'liidnii, Md.\ lft. Tb' I'lilonint lend- 'ri h i vi' di'onlc 1 i i int-.t.poj * .i dcciaivc ^1' of tin* .itn-ii|jfLu itl tin- Gnvorimn'iit '..itil iii tmi Wintrtmiti It*. Tin' iVlnuti* i> iv id j.cccjil tlu' challiMijfi' n.ill-h'mi*Lm-' >y. Tin' nmk Jind hh i the LiIhtjiI jurty him iiit'1: tit tin* uucmi tmuty of the "if nation n ml. desire im* iliumhiitiun o) [ jir inn 'lit. Sir William Vi'iui'it llar- "uiirt, Di in -ilor ti tbi' KKi'lii'ipit'i', \i\\U in-iMy in tin) lulihy Hi tin* Una-.'- of hi'* tt'^in* tn di-noliiti' m.d ul liia vvihh lor .i tfi'tiriul I'li'i'tutu tu liilv- pl.ioi* at tliu en rill* ,1' tiiui*. It ui an op'ii ..t'crt't tint ui1 i. cuiihdciit of th-> retire* iiH'tit of P.riini' Minister Itrmi'hi'ry when the piv-tiMiL |wii'iiaini ut in cjidi'd, and tluit In wmU tu M\.|njilitM tin* iiiniu^iit when lu1 i-.iii im/,i' th" hMidi'iNlup ui tin' party. * On th* ntln'1* linn 1 Lord Ito icbory, an In' gnidmilly utihim i hiu health, hecomnt nuiTi' reluctant to l*> .du'lvnd. llr tiioi to piTrtimde Ida ertllcugui'H that tin bent in- ti'ivntH of tliM p.irt.v will he nerved by holding (hi Aj; tlnw couiHr iiiohL o( the MinwtfU'LiliHtu iin1 oppmiLMl, ri'lyinj; on tin' ooiioeimuji of opinion nrf the jrnli- ticjil iiKiMita thrtUiKhoiit the country that tin1 longi'r tin1 gi'ii : I eloctlon in de layed the hetli'i* th" pioripectft for an il[J- gnivated deleat u'l the Liheraln. The re|nict.-i of tho Unieiiintfl Ji(;enta "hnw tlmt rilunild ParhaiUfut bo dia- nolvod now .uid a general election Im> lie Id tlmt party might Heciiro a * weak vvoiMnpj majority, tilmuld di/ianlution l poMtponed for nix monthii, they would be likely to- Hocim hucIl a ntrong pojiition tluit 'they would bo able to keep -the Liberal* out of jMjwer for the next wevi'ii .yejirn. Ihith aiden are convinced that disHolution in uejir, and have Lieguii thoir caiii[mi{rn. The ajrcwta haw been instructed to get: ready their can- vjoui bnolta, while many candidaten will open on the ntump durinp; the Whitwun* tidfi receflfl, Tin* pro("nim of tlie Uriioniwtn aa do- e hi red liy Mr. Jowpli Chamberlain at the deiiw>iiHtration at St. .lumen' Hall coinpriwrt old iirp in5naionii for urtiHauN, a limine purclniM* hcIioiuo, impro\^ d dwt'lliiif'H lor woi'lviiKnien.i aid to1 agri culture, and tlwi cicatiou ot j^aiiant pro- prictoru. "You wlh luive to decide," Raid Lord S'lliHbury, HpenUinp; at Bradford, "whether tho noeial irohlnmji will lie longer ih'h yod of nolutioti, , whether England will Haiictiim any more tliP Myntcm of lopt-rolliiifr, wiietJiOjlJi con federacy coiihihUuK "f I' ifh, \\c1h1i and Scotch coutiiiKi'iitH, each fijrhtinif for thenLSJcIve-i, iili/ill keep in power the party which \h now fluatain-d entiiely Ijy the net inn -of (iquabblin^ inei-cen- arii,." Tlu' latest calcul.itiou in that the electioiiH w.ll take plave in tlie third week of July. The Pm rlianientnry Committee, con- ^latiair ehii'fly of UnuiiuttH, foritie<l to Utnry hvatein is , a jrned by-every Itiph't Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Mr. Edward Brodio Hoare, Mr. [tichard liid- dulph Martin, Mi. Ifenry Ivlniber, ami J10 ntluT.4 Sir William Vernon'oiirt'H rtutcment that the Government would not send n'pi-e-.entativcH to a confer ence uhUmk intemntional hi-uu'talhhin im excluded from tho dihcw-fdou, dooH not imply tlmt the propowaU for a con ferviu'0 arc aquelched, Although refu^iii(r to nllou Lii^laiid'ri monetary h\Htem to lie debuted, the relation of hid .a witu international currency ai raiixcment, can be referred to tlui conference The uddrcHW of city baukern and niorchantn preaoutod t(j Sir William Veiuoii Ilni i oilrt n^ liiwt a change in Ihitniu's tii'jiie- tJiry HyHtem ih hi^iumI by cv ei y badiii(r financial ho-iLse,except the Uoth- cliildH. Anions tli*- fonde/n hor-c< that are ex pee ted to atart in the Derbj th'T' ih not a ftinglc wood rne. Tho t.intei-n are all at wa coiu'eniiin? the favorite, and exirtn Hjmak of the Liat an a \\ r^tchcil lot. Uooliionkern find their buniiienn on thin event paralyzed, public intonnt in th.j race boiu^ very Khjrht. At prchent 111- betting otandit 5 to 1 uKaiuttt I.<i\eu . nud KiM'onteur, 0 to 1 n^aiait Solndo. $ to 1 a^aiimt Levar, 11 to 1 atf.i unt Kirkcimnel, aud 20 to 1 iitfunmt luunpton and Lombard. The Spni tinir Timce privv oithcr Lilvmu> or Solado .im the winner of tho race lor the Man chester Cup, Banquet for necond place at oddr* of 11 to 1, iiuds r'<idy backeia. The anti- gambling crimadern Hont a clerical cuntiiitfint to L c Iliimiii,;! ..iu racco, wlu'ie they hihik h.vmuH md p.aj I'd, Tho crowd p, o-tent pn j.s'd 1 ijein ri'HiH-'ctrul iiiattciit.on. A deli ^.ition w ill nlo hi1 present at tho D-rby, but it h thought th it they v\ ill he a >t so 1: n '1} tn-atcd there, and policemen will lie required to protect thorn. SirdiT Naruhrulla Kb in, Ww necond koii of tlv Arneor of AfK,luiiu.utau, who is aov\ vi/titin^ in England, ^vill r ni.tin at Dorchi'itter Hon o, wliitlmr he v\ ii immediately upon bis an ival in L"n don, for nix weeka. II.h v"init will co.. tho Government (100O exclu*. v of t - damage th it will result from tl'O h.ih.ts of tlv 00 natives of ti.' nuiiO '1 .e exitoriciu't; met with in tho vi it of 1; fatUt ti> England barred huu Horn he inn; lodtr *il ni any royal pnluct', n.-. it wan louiul iiceL^anry in oi.t i< e-tr lie pl'U'e occupied by tho Aiiii'M' .iftei he and hii tjintc had left on tnoir retii'ii to AltfliaiitHtau. The ci^lleeLion of \\ir. by tli* old miibters in the old Jidieln ter Houno have either b m*- i jciu ive.l i covered up to piotoot tl.i m fium m d^tinyuit hed vifl^oro and IX, itmh i.i ficeiM are in oh i co of tenia^:' v< rchlde-nco of the i*i\nc" wf Vf^.^mi o ,1.1 to keep it ojj far m pt^nla.o from be mi? duniaB'd Kaiyruliiilula K'-un fan ii difficult to follow tli' program maae i i him after k-avuu? I'o-.iawur. IU- in i >: ' ed upnii a halt b',in{r (iiiade when-v : the whim wi .cd fi'm Th" Mirquis ol Qu.'Oiud)ri*y linn hppl ed to tnc rreiuniry to lecoiip ,i.m Li H2000 expeuue I in tu* \\ .M>' im . '1 i TjvaMiry offeiol Urn C100. Tii Mnrqu iu r*ply aya that mil nj wio.mtii.jn ed lie will raiao the qu ritiou iu 'I'jirli.i ir^>at. ' - WILL ON WANTn 01EK |E|!|.1S. l/rfifli Irluluucu N'ot to siini>ur<>. WltlHiut Blione lInl.- Liverpool, May 20. ' !n thin elty Sunday, John Dlllo.i. Uu wi 11- Icnown Irlnli lendor, snld that th't liHu Parllamontnry party had m.ul" uncoa'*- inK effortH to secure tho rcleaac of fe Irlnh political prlnonei. lie dee lure J that Irlahmon should not vote for tho Liberal candidates at tho general olor - tlort unlotiH Homo Kulc wan placed at tho forefront, ot their program. MITH & INVITE YOU TO T^^ i m a INSPECT THEIR STOCi Of Hiimraor Droas Goods, such ae Dot Muslina, Fatioy iiodk/'# Plain Ducks, ehambniH, ZephyrH, etc., with Lace and others Trimmings to match. Our stock is very complete in the abov*4<J lines. In Staple Dry GoodB prices are low. Extra good Shirt-*; ings, Towelings, Printa, FlannelotteH at 5c yd; standard shirt* inga 10c yd (regular 13c goods); heavy cottonade 16o ydj^:. ;l Feather Ticking 15c; all wool Tweeds 30c, We are overstocked in Shoes. To reduce we have cut prices. Button Boots worth $1.50 for 05c; Walking shoes* 75c; also job lot ladies' Shoos and Slippors at about half reg ular price; Gents* fine Laced or Gaiter Shoos $t,g5, worjfl $2. Our stock is made up of the latest styleH in Tans aw* Patent Leather Trimmed. In fact wo are in tho load quality, style and price, Ready-mado and Ordered clothing We have had great success this season and want to close this month, balance of* ' spring purchases. To do so we offer 2-piece Boys' Suits for* %\\ men's all wool Tweeds, regular price $0.50, for $4.50. This line has no equal in Essex; $8 line for $5,75; $10 ami. * $12 for $7.75; $14 and $6 for $9,75. Space will not permtev;./ us to give full list of the good things we have. Come aadEC'/1' see, it is no trouble to show goods. WOOL ! WOOL ! ! WOOL ! ! ! We are prepared to pay outside priced, either cash or' u trado, for any quantity oLffiashed..or UnwaaheoLW.Qol^JDon'fe^V sell until wo give you prices. G E SMITH & Co. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX **. ., ^^a^^gafc G BT OUR PRICES <cxixr Riding; and Walking Corn Cultivators ! IT WILL PAY YOtT. W.H. KICHAKDSON Hardware, Essex. =fc To Smokers To moot tho wndifis of their cu"tomtwH, Tin* Goo. E. Tuok^tt <fe Hon (Jo., Lid. Hamilton, Ont , have placed upon the market 1. ~T ; HU KEt* 'J, A Combination Plug of & B J J SMOKING T0BA 0G0 ThiR supplies n Ion? folt want, giv ing tho consumer ono 20 cent ping, oi* a 10 cent pince, or a 6 oont piocc of tho fatuous lll*ll & B* brand of puio Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every 95 to COMPOUND. Areoont dlwsovery by an old jibydlnlnjv, Suecatsfwtty UMif viontkh/ b^r thousands ttf XMJUta, id Htm oiily porfootl,* -^ip^ Rfifa nnd rollahle modlcluo db oovoredi UowArt ot unpirlnclpled dmaglaU w*( otfov luFurlor mtnlloliiofl lu plaoo of tlil** Afikfi. ('onk'ii Cotton Uoat <*ompouuil. ialrn ho sub*1 *u((74or IncIodeAlabdfl contain yatitoito hi Ictt p.nd wowlUmmd.BOftloiKihyrflturinnnll, VuIIhoii) pnttlouhu** iu vhilu onvoloiio, to laiUea only, Btamnn- "Addriisa Tlio Coo** Ciiifcayf Wlinlflor, OnL. Ouuldjj Mold ih Ehhjx by til' 4(^uto. Wheat red por bushel....8 Wheat, whito .... Corn .... Oats Timothy Soad ... Clover Soud .... Aluike Hay por ton............ hi of por owt .*.......... Pur It ........." Muttoo .........*.. Uidue............ uhiokoiiH por lb.......... Butter .......... Lard ......... Rutin, per doz Potatood, por buahel .... Ouionfl .... Apples ,,,. Turnir& .... Currota .... Beotn ....-^ , ParHiiipH ..fc<i' *-. Turkoyn por lb..........' Duckn.......... j' * Ookry por doz .......... OabbiiKo .......... lllrum WuMkcrJc SoswIMarltul Ilcpoi No. 1 llyo, par hoahol .... P I Oorn .... w OiitB t .... Tho abovo pnoofl are paid by, n, WaJkc Soub, Walliervillo, Out. , o5 to > i a 7u to 5 ii G fi 00 to 6 6 00 to 5 6 25 to C 5 00 to 13 ' 8 CO to 7fito 60 to *(/tttO Wall paper Uo. roll -Mtty'g Ba^at. J>b l.i Smith'i. J>b hit lidicu' fine bhoon at half mi > -'4 "^SSHBiii^ -';-"'j .* /