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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 24, 1895, p. 7

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- Lvf*EJ jSSi.X ^frC^.^/ jt^rirffcfejt UK FAMOUS 14 KW- BOOK. -... r-Za (<JQuriLuuM>uuil UuyilKli,Moir_iiiaiii In thin now >n'l Hiiporbly ttilhlntmU'd rock n ljnl)l(j CliriHtum Jwomun" tullu Mm lj.nlhtu(-utory uf hut* (jui'doiutl t-xporienuo |i Koiipul, tLinipt.'runoo, miuuiou, and rcm-uu- /orlc in it Croat oilv. .No ruuuui pubboa-. |o ii uoiiinuuidine; no ntunh attention nor |iih any I'llioi' "idled forth iiuuli rnu'in|* toYiln of "tl'iil-iipenil" from lYnuhdoni and (uiiitonL woman, It hiiH been p ranched Ibout n'nni i'mmnm puljuth, rend by lenu of LijouhhikIk <>r f-iihiicribiitH, mid nnuln the libjtmt u( nlai'iy a durMyiimn'u Sunday [veiling l'.iisLurn, it-i uuUinrnhip ai four' phi, itii font' author.-! benn; no lona than : |.Irw. IhAvM t.!:i*nnb.ll, Ih'V. ^yniLii Abb.nt, >. J)., (Jul. Ill'-lll'l,:' '-','. ICM{jX, IUji'I IlH|ifli- lor TliDiiuui Jiynn-.h, Chief of i-liu New [fori: l>oloc:tivir Jim'iiiti. Mr**, Campbell, Ibij prmeipd writer, err- iinly wmi it wuiimn i,nininiH,4ioned uf dud, ktitl "In IIin Name" npent many ^e.ara tut mfcy iiiiiihionary 11 if rally "In Darkest Itow York,". ..W.liatu wonderful work tdui ||(1. ][0',V deVopid Ulld bha-liVd lief llUJul'K Worn. It in u "itory never to Ihj foreoiten. thin uniipio volume pio-ientii these tlifilhn-; )X|Kjnum:i:ri of Ghri-dani) ondenvor willi tho lUmiri-dh of pathetic and aiuu-.iu^ hcoiiwi liiat worn piiL'kml into them; It purtraya ]tc iii a uruitt oityjijuliiy and by m^lit "An 'oon by rt \VTirniLiiT'; it hIiuwh the power of ho CuHpo! to redeem ouln from the lowent. iopdha; it j;ivou itU'iluruj UatimoniuH of thu ludoomud; and trutn all thuHo nub and furiod oxporioiiceH it drawn living tr'iLbi lor boad uiiJ heart that am worth Ut any foadtir ton tiinuH tlu: prico uf the hook. ftlru. Ciimpboll'ii uuoount of rune no-worn full of woudorfully 'touuliiu^ incident*. IttrunjjjarHtorion aro liorc tnld than ronuintut Ivor drtiuiuod ot, cvory ono of them drawn- [rom roitl lifo by a woiiiau'H bund. In [very oiiaptm' nbo weibveu in iiuuudy'.o ultur Inticdoto, inoiduut after meident, utory af- t'or ntory, and tlio ruudi r'a attontjmi ii. held brofithlQHH to tlio end of the vohinn*. "Straugc, but mout Bii^noHtivn, m the fact,' aayn T3iylioji C'ixe in Wiinnlv coirimoiidirij; thin volume, "tb-.it Chrint iu U> bovjt*iU;d in lllliHO duHH and divui; tlici'L: iu e ibo.iu wlioni Un will hoar in mind when He huv*_:_ ' Vo visited iau'; or, wliun ho nayo : KY.< did it not to Me.'" Uov.-I^:. layman-A*>hnt h litt;don^ inte rcut in (Jitv Illusion work, and hi.- pergonal nbaro.in that work, pre-mninonLly fitted lum to write for tliiH bnnkv in. liin Intro duction to it h HuyH : "My int-iroht in tlni^e plitiHt.iu <il eiLv life datcii from my col e^<; dnyn7 From tliiit day to lIhei L bavo continued tlio Hind ion then be^tiri, and thi! BLibj'-'et uf thin book Ii.ih bee:i uue honiu- tutieii in litenunre, oft-m in li'o." No nppeiil ^from 'tmnpeiancts 'idvnonti'M tin.1 eitmsu of tern- pcraiK'n tban the thrilling nuuinrH and inci- dento a.) well di'Hci'ilied, at leant md H-.:y .\Iih. Mary A, Jjivunnoru and i\J n\a Framed JC. Willard. One i)f tlio moat ubsoid)in^;ly iiittTe^tint; portiouh of the book in that written by Iu- Hpaator Bynieti tiiviu^ thu .ripu L-xnuriuneo Ot thirty yenth of dnieuiivu hfu. Ahmy ot tho Hiartliuj; revelation^ lie iimkis are tnk- on from bin pil \'d- e di.iry. Tliey liavi.- noyt'r before b.-on uulili-di.^l. Q'lllH fah(jiniitii];i volume in indeed u "Wonderful tale of Chri^.f-n hue iuid f-uili, all aliv-j with inteiiHLi h.j i hti dung reabf, Tho beKt of it ih thai, it is a purr, and elo. Vutinj-J hook from be^innin^ to end n vol ume for tl:e family oindu. On riurf- voini the wordH of Rr-.v. \)r. 'L'wi^h.dpwli,, i,,Ul ,, family of tun children) i-.ud Uev. Dr. ..J i- g'uiii. PrOHidiiiit I iwiL fvollc^", ari: wm'lli quoting horo; Dr, Twifohell writeti, "M^ Wil'c Hiiy.i that hh-j in *4.'inj^ luhutour \oun^ ' P'loplii on the bo./k n^lit. oil, Im tin- j^ood it will do t,lK-m"; and I'renidc.jt Mhi;niic Bays, -"My f.'iinily I'iikIk, wh-Ti other bnokHtii] oiu'ohoiveh lack inlerenL, tlnti oi.t alwHVH hoIdH mid rewards fitt'.-ntion," It Cnntaiiib 'lu'i ,-uperh ei'graviii^-. every onH.of tiiern made irom pbtiii./^r-Lpbt. inltci, from Id'.;, niii.-.tlv l>y lla^hlii;lit. Jv. ery face In 11 portrait, i:vt;j*y i.ce.ie in a ality. In looking tu tlu-M: uplcndid illiiMi.ru tionrt tho rt-adur huok at a ^iiLu-.- j>j*t ln-w ! Ouhpel work in tiurritd on b> d-ty ,r.:d by Hlfibt by ri'Heue hand.-.; be imhnwii htrunge Bightrt in out o! t.lu: Way plm-.en that it. e ruroly or never-h-.-^n by Llie u.ouial vmitor lit: iH-tn,la-n--inht-i"ii'iip Io.lni.n^..lio.u.-eh jiml colI'.irv; nun th,: homes of ib pour: inm UCWSbuyB" (! lutiiiine Bcr.iuu to be omiMed. We du not know when Tin pa;i.-H hnvt- Riven ih ibore ^unnim, pl-a-urn. If w(- HpQulc warmly of HiH book, :r |S|j,.,:il,Jhj,, j;' riohly Ui'RervcH it. It it. noh| oulv by a^en'b and in meeting with mi enornnnj. Hale. Agoutu who iiitioduec maeh u work ouidu t-o b" onidially welcomeil, A b.-Uer work him ceilaiidy ntjvur'ootiiu to our iaule. It - will tie iei.il over and over u^in by old n\,<youuui Willi e\or wrcreamiit! [ilciiritiie ilu.i liLBMiifi pr.di't. The woik ih' [.ubliflhe.l by the old uml Well U'iio-m; iii in o[ A. I): Won hiiiotoii A 'Co., Uiutford, Coiui, wboHi* imprint ih ftuf- ficient [mai-anteu of tlio t'-xeidh-iiO" of ihif 'tfrat afohn v'ohniio. Itoyal Oetivo, 710 ptien.. 253 llnu pi ,toa, porti.iut,-', and text , JllUHfratiom*. 11 I h'-vi; i,.!....n A\ it's I'ill'i fin- iiKiny V'-iiis. : 11 n t :i. \v;iys "d.'i'ived | in* lie:il i'e- : .,,: - 11"'.ill i I.i[l' li"t'. v:T'S^:i];^di and Liver h-. ui ii for iho eure of lie:\d;i<*lm' iVrin.r.-'ineiiPl, Aji'l"".'! ("inalf-il. Xliey are e.isy 1, \. 3 est /.re i'li-nin,.) f.Miiilv in^iliriiii' I h;uv ever l.i,nwi!."-.\!i\, ..Iw.iuii \Sf,x,;u,i Killer Ave., New \'irk ril.y. 1 .> 1 i-fA ^..> li SLd.-<u ' t ;'hor.i / >v,: rdf, at World's ?;-.lr. .i iji-y'n .'-'i\;/-.s..'J 'tti-it'ttt fui'the blo(nlt GUT OUT TO PLEASE. Unsatisfiirtorv VoiinH' Man- Sir, love \our daiiLvhl'T. l'a her So do I,- Soineryihe Joii. ual. "Willii*, do yidi know wli:it thei Kaster sea-oil i- "^pcidn-'lv nor.-d f':ir?" " \'e-'iii ; i 's tho only s :imi.i of the ynar wlie'ii lb li -us lav 1 A11 r d eu'iVS." ,1'M lv ,'deit en ! K.x 'i m:n -r 1 ny m iu,it onm of .! ' il . .' A [.piieiini : r er Hi ti is in1 I :l \e tlll'l'M ll'M'.ll in- iiii \ 11 your or I ii.-.ii:;ilire -ti, SJSh-.- nll'-e r-'I'llSi'd man a oil b ha. i i mil mo, .-jno-iJiix- Laiidiody (: , ho rjiK-iie-i Hill U droom . " I liuw uni-r nf ibn\ IInil U"drooin '.'011 art* ([intn ri'.:']ii. nuidain. It'.H all ; CUiwjiu 'l'iiii"S I liM'ald. Clara -1 wonder if j; is true Unit ono :s iikidy to <-audi something from Itoin^- kissed:" Maud Of course, not. You'vo iie.-n kisHfd imoUiih, hut rmi haven't e;ui:'J_d_aii^iiiinj;' ye.t, bava son j1 Now. York Ibrald. ' "7" A ioinn to do, tinw ihalyoii hive amas-ed so larji'e a for- i ink' / il - 1 shull retird I'roin Imsiiit'SM, : nd ltd! e\'ery IhkIv what a burden w.-ahh is. ami bow happy I was wlnjn I p |)i:rScbalU. 0|(d-a< b - What' niade you fool mono ih!in- '1'ibbii t's chartu'tor ? l[o 1ms an awful h'lnp.'i'. You fold nit- lie. was an baby a-y to <4*ot- alon^' wiib as a baby. Noo- p"]i - If you (iver had anything to <lo v, illi inaiia^'ini;- (i baby vmi would bavo i iuii*.-'-it nod im'. in tin* first place.. In- uiaiiiipoliri Journal. hie. Tlieory. Iln Orear Heaven's ! Pvo lalljui;* 'o you for thiv.! hours. * Hi, il soems only Imlf tine-. Ih'. Liusiininfinely) Wli-y is tli.it, I V.'OlldlM' ? nion that I -uppo'M* it's beeausi- one lorjjots HO1 ipude Dy me- dr "'ID SKEdiKK i\1A.I!';S1'Y. LADULb ARE CUHIOU-. TO Gti'f A GLIMPSE OF THL QUtiEN- ll w I'.opl.- <rW<l <h- hlrpfl* >vi.i lltu* MnJ**4)y Mill I'an'i -<Ue <ii"' ItrekNi'H - Her il'aliii 1-. <-.nol, A London ( orn>npnuilent of a Nei Ynrlt paper write;'" < Hi the i-ki-o oeea lilt.dllj Whi'll Ibo gueen d(:i folium to (v. ,. don lior uubjeeui alwayn : lm\V i?,i> 0UK*'ni(!ii:t Lo eiLtcb idj;ht of her, ainl.ti. luipciit of tin: inidrnp.dlM iiii'Ivit,' <pi!to a curlouM elioni:e when tin- Ho: ; tdandnrd In Moaibu.: from Iln* Hud Imi'kliiifham palace. I'.y nvi ely-w: i, llUr ultOllt the W-\d I-;itI ! an. c-rlai" . could t. II thai, (he <ji.....ii bad arrive.: fVf'ii if ibu daily paper had not nlr-'u-: told me :-\:: < and portenii' whleb mean ruyal.iy i . rt-idrh.-nee. ' >ne i.,\* flie uie:M i:\ '-,i nnd fpiulnt of tin ' the old lw.:i./ Wlii'n the (.Jlieeii h; ppnu' to.Ik- In 1,- iii mi Ihe oh: i'1-vi'i* v.dll not fall lo j;.,! Ihe siwann of old Iadh"i Unit r;wei-[. I'.k- "\v;u'ii; nl' |ofe.:l: lh:n::v,ti tie- : -1 l' t' and lanen <d' our city- '1'hey are all 11 y In;; to nee the f Jiv-en. (J la re a ;i.t on popei-nia n and you will IInd him rounded i_,y old Indie!*, w'f.o t-xj-eevhr he ueip rain ted with every Ihiri-'i at pniiHi-:; tbrmi.e'n the mind oi w .1 (..irlyl.. i-nll:- " .Ma j!-:d.y." V.'lea-., ! Majesty drl\-e, and wln-n V prom w! a1 pito of inieklnidia m 1'alaee will i:- enrrl;tj-:e of .Maje:dy. beans and wha< precise linnr V Tho:-e jnid 11 t lifiima n olluM' cpier'tlonK. drive the nie;i in h!u- almoat to doapalr, when the court !:- hi London, iiut the.energy and deieriolo ation of ladlesi deidilomi of Hei-liu; the Queen overcome all obiitaeh'M. 'I'lie> will atand In the mud or frafa fv,r iioiir.- cn the clianec of caUdiln'p; a e/llmpse of tlio royal uarriaKc, and many of Hem travel up from dlidnnt country pbt'.'e* merely In order to wavo ;i liandkeitdd-f end tjlvc vent to aniunnur of weletmie. 'i'bo uncertainty Ibr.i prevail:! a^ to 1 li-- Itoyal movenienlM Homellmea leads to rather comical iuvimu. About balr-pasi four on thy last drawhiK-i'oom day I vita walking. ([Uietly ii]i I'lccaoilly. when I noticed a gradual hiuUe over taking the people whom I met. Sedate ladles suddenly begun to liunlle, Hind* nuYs Oi/.-.s^^' s.i.ui . and ran, oven serene Individuals m tfi'., hats and fur coutn ca-ue;bt the Kener.il Infeetlon, and there was a P-auDir stain- "pede. ' AU'whu^n"el~iiuT"'cT^~eTnitiiiu- lilly on the trot. When I looked ba'd: \ found, the cause of the cunfuslou b> ho the Horse Guarda retilrniiiK fnuu tho palace. Those uood pi'Ople lain hai tbey were e.scortinp; the Queen on lor iiftornoon drive. I wan at Victoria sta tion to witness the royal arrival, and tho. crowd extended from ie Kta.ion yard all the way down l..aekiiie,ham 1'alace road. Th* train was a quarter of an hour late in reaehiiiK the tor- minus, and the ten royal earrings, al. of them horsed with line- hay.-', had a Itjnjr while lo wait. The giK-en'H Indian attendant drove out of the yard hr:u in. t a brougham, accompanied' by two I Indies, then came the Guards, then tho * uutrldera In scarlet, ami then the Queen'9 uarriaKe and four. The hoops wi.ui:- T.iUn.',.. :..._ a. by command of I.I or Majesty, so thai all could plainly see the sovereign, w!:-. was very warmly wrapped up, and win. bowed frequently In response to t'.a; loud cheering and waving ot Jiandiier cbit-fn. Tin: Kmpre-ss l'*rederitdc, whn louke-d an if sbe.liad a uadd, aal at tin- tjueuu'a left hand, and I'rIucer'H ll...-nr> of HattunberK was opposite. The tjue, 1; licemed to sit much lower In the car riage than usual, 1 thought. 'J'he Km- lu'c-^s l^rcderieli, who was of course. In black, wore a Very bmi/; thin blaek \-i-\which blew about in the bitter vim. as the earrbiK'- went by, 1'riiie";^ Henry way looking the piel uiv <>.' \i< alili and very handsome. She- holA hersi-h' -HpleinUdly, even regally, and was fh en.^od tn'a beautiful 1 ikh t fawi: coat, triinrueil With sable, uml won; n bat wiih violets. The bors--s -troti.- : very idowly, so that every one was able to have a Kood Ionic at the (iiio-n, who Im in excolent health and spirits at pre sent, 1 ir; ttii*i',J::N '.-s iii:K-> -. It has bt'i.-n pe|nti.-d -'uiL that tln^'e wli< maiinhh- at lie- (.ji:e,-ii';-i i'impli il y >.' (h'eiJsare rnista ! tb:t'. s: dies not encourage Liade. During ;! pari year she had nearly .--evenly Anaemic Women with pale or sallow complexions,' or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous; |>Ioocl,wUl find quick relief in Scott's Kmulsioiv All : of the stapes of Emaciation* and a- gcncral decline of lieillth, aro speedily cured. Scott's Emulsion takes nway the pale, hapfgard look that qomea with General Debility.- It enriches the blood, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. ForCounhs.Coldfi.SoroThroat, Bronchitis, Woak LuriRG, Consumption and Wasting Disoasos of Cbiklron. Sendjor our ^tniphh-t. Mul.-d FKEIC, Scott& Bowno, Odllovillu. All Urtrjijiida. DQc. h%\. if t^il ^Va^v-..'1 <./**- Featlxorliono Corsets muat not. ho confounded with thoao "whick were made" flvs ~or six years ago. The IFeatherbonQ Corwet of to-day is a'va far removed from tlio oil stylo, as 'black is from' ^hito. BUY APAlinvND YGUT/ILL BE PLEASED. Wi . - V A J 1 ' 1 V.I.J I I. ii I J II I. a .! ,*: i.i t!i - I ;ll 1, ' \va - im <! .:i!.'i- -,: ui.. ;, aod iii, - ti-'U--.-- : O ., ii| - li ' n nr oi'Hi ->i. in. ' in1 rrI d : 1 Il Ve.;, '. ; .*. . i 1 -, -in : 11 n . at ':b..'. ' .-; lie hfn 1, ' i;t 1 w as n Vi'ta 1 I Oo' beeri . :! . .| hark v, a ip.. wh c. i; ! d d would l .; d t Im r 'e I It I ll ' -1II IIp e|eilea U i'ae.' P I l >wtar. i II , and had llie ear- ave been li liai in IV,T *ii i"'p..rer s'opp'-u and d. Th-- ! ma n 1 nine up out o| h 'I !) -1 i,a1-','-t paid of |,.-- mr lit . doiio.'i Ija. i eiril,' iuu//.:e ioa .uif;' li ; . ii.i, ;o.td d a ml cap[ d. Tii,.-- w;n- 1: d r one arm. Ihub-r the otb t was a Ih1 lo. "! '.o-.-.." saiu he.Vvip n^ bis L-r-.w/'you a- ;iui a iv-lbur.: boat a whd -m itiw in ib- ; e. ' o...Is," "V" -. 1 hav- In aril (d'ii but I take no sto I; 'i i" " "i'.-*:: -av hd.'s a' pa lliiM" ?" ": o he,, do, ha, 1 b y iir,- W!-n;i^-, It's ii.'h' ,1 i> , lo.*/ th id h.ri^'i on* 'ty tir! - ' "I'oi po".'e|-riil :rlad Wi hab jmi sav aal. 1) >\- (i -opl ro'iiid In-re an' mo, lnj, b e;i _' i ion to ebur b a 1111 d ' "Si iba'l's \\ hat you Imv- the .shpi^uii I'ury" 'Vesso-. Mber at de ehureli you'll in ^\ Mk-dy ti.al a t.aek o',trtlus " *" J * 11 r I ^-e y -u have a llihle.. Isn't I'uiih bcti r (ban a ^hot^uoy" Th ,,hl b-lluw seraudi d b,s h ad. Hi*, wm^ pii'/zl d ' \fs. bo .. I'aith is hi'tt.ej-'ll ;\ .slint.li'UII, bllt a 'di -,:ilii is a handy tldi lo carry Vniin" t - ,ake ear.; o'\oiisad' ami not ^'in do Ivd' i no un- ti"ei*^sar\ t roil hie." Jacktiouville Time I'ldon. 1 hat he w'.im a man ot at ! ! ha h bad ha : his hair is d\ e , ami made other e.f- 1 :.is !o iked so i\\ l:. a a much i'.i.-d.rr (ban vou I hinU.' 1 I-'ur'Tn ill iiK (lie Wt'iithrr. ; ..He was iiieliuo ' to bo humorous, but '. -oned i: 11 - s iinwis-. lb*, ha I tor^ottiui to supper and be knew what l >.\ .oi in >dnri*. lor h in when he. slnaild liu- ' al'v l1' d 1 here, so ju.d to be pleasant and ! :d.-na i-.iii-;' he -'it -.niii.! in in ia turn ' !;i^:it a to* store and put them in bin i norket. "Joliu Henry," i-xidaimed his wif.% j as b . "1 should , ihink you'd lie a-dnum d of yours -II' to ; u'at \oiir Wil'e, wnh so little eulibidera- | tio .. .' ' 1 lie slowly unrnlb'd.his littl [larka^o of llati's, took out a siplaiv red on-, with 1 a hlaek square in the eeiiter and lasteu- t oil it to tie- mantel, ' ' What's that V" mIic demanded sharp- Hi < tl.. l!:. Ai An tlio BLrouK'.b ot a bmlilinu dr-p.adh upnu- tlio holiday ul \$u foundation, no hcahli dopein.H upon 'tho onndit.iau yf the bipod. 'Xd -xpi-l imj.uriliev; urnl ouurtu the ^^:Vv'>viitti ihnd i-o tii-t: imo' vii-ei'omi itijd ' life Rl'fl'1 Rlv";Mi yr' fsaivuparilla in t!iu nioRi KA^-V'Mtt'tirinl n"'! ittwiyi nuiuiUM in \ut<. J;,--.. ' "Storm s ^'nal," lie inplhrti pleasant- She drew h 'ielt' Up hau^blily, (hire, or twiee idie seemed on ilu; point o: -;p akiii^', but eoiitrnlled bus If, ill , liaaliy Ml o d eol lly away. !|u .n i"el\ took down I'm r.-d Ma4' and re pi rial it with a while one with a I dark e U'it. "('olil wave, " h *-uid. Thi'i'i'. was a m annul's sib'TUM* and ho >.^v tii.it her fe -lin-jH wore burr. "Vmi re iTU'd|" sh said at last. 'You-iiy iuv:-y from dinner ami then a conn* hiuun iu.tt to make lun uf uu, I |.- Jl pu- up a hiuu \V*'tz. "Hal a or hiimv," ho said. "Why do you want to be ho ino'in?" sin' ask d tonrtully', "Wb r:\jLi "h hi* the d ar, kind iimn \ ou usud to-be i* I won't b>* erosK a.iiin.'1 He. put up a y h:'i. "\;\>, ' rail' wealle i,' p. .^-,\ ",,!,! n]*-* a Hajf of truee. I .-ap.tu at lo o-ars," And du: who ' . , ,- ". uvuuhi'-i'.-.-Ci- . *, .iiii*. .-ina!;er aJ-ui", rdloary ur! < Ir< The ree'-.on why p---. i,ile beim'tn-- tin.' Queen in'/ -r bus new ttiim/v I : tin1 new are exactly like the old. ways aver::** .to e"iin-*e, inertly ;.,* (a;di ion's .:iki-, tin ' jiif-'ii insi:-;,;' i-i la \ 1..K h-.-r i-.o-aos all made .,[ ., . that Htie may av'iVi-l I to: fe-diiu; '! .1 .--!:. has on ne.,' el-dl;os. and hi,, as omv n 1.hie as in the old. On either side of 1'., Iodic,- she- has .a small pile!:.-! m;.. fn; bt-'i' wa 1 edi, the oth'-r for her <-y<- ... So exactly l!<e ot ' position, so as to tic Pumd wit i-na - trouhp.'. .Jnsi lado-.v th-- cl]::r - , r.icb, by tlie way, is ii'-v-T ;l i 1<. e.. >! fashion:-! ],- h-lv,ht or tiKhtiLc:-.s---h- a rota-el. jiuekel for ilc- Ki;V OF TUIv HKSPATi.MJ |i(>\. A!nren\ .-j-, im mail/r v. hat t!m ma terial fif the U'-U1!!. a 1 lev of crape la - to he placed upon it somewhere, ': Queen bavlni-; k**pt v.\> thin en ao:ti i-vi-i idia-c ! wi 'ir.v'r......1, l-c]' MaJi'Siy i- very particular ah-./ut her nh've-s, Hhe hm- very small hamlH, 01' which sin- is, perha p.", a tride proud: Thou,^ sin* posiit >:f.--s mat,'al.:cr-nl far:a she very i-vb dor.i wears them, le-nr?e per ,-oh > j j t ion of fn 1 !e r-.?>~l i^iielr f:aid'e!--ai lin* d i* - : - iui:-roo:ii oaused co-ed'iorahje ;j; 1 (i-d'a--- tton, t'ealsltlo.1 nIic cannoi ninav, and ill- eve". 1 dislikes tile SUU'11 of it. It WHS noticed nl the drawln^-:'"o;a- laal. wc.-k that a fj,a"f'at many of th,. ynuni," lao'io.-. and not a few also of tinea.- who have rraebed middle a;re, wore their hair puffed out over the ears,' in the m-w Parisian fa.slilon. Tim stylo \n rather niore universally bee.mia;- tldin sov;e of those wliieb. have bc.-u the ra.e;e late ly. TCiu-fhah halrureaterH do not. how ever, c(>vor the whole of the car. a tin- mode Ih in Paris, and the hair, wldei- is very thickly waved. Js raised at eael vP'i* of tl.ie o-nici' partlii;;, wl\dM. the pulT, which partially covers.the ears. Ih Imhl in Its place uirnlivd the coihi at the back by lHth* jowelc-d ciinlm, hlic It an < lUor ItlinO. lie I'niii" into In- aiiokin-j.- car and sat (I -Hii oppo-.ite an-1 li- hti'.d bis pipe, I trad. ,. b'-ast do, a :id., w d ! 1uIs in s- r.ot.s ai.d solemn as la* smoked that I veiriir d h> ask him il' 11" litl ; r-'C (vol bad news. "No, 1.. r so ver. bad, ' ha niiHWer'd. "I w.,> k-iid r thinki 1' how a man kin make a I- ol o; hi.-'>--l|." "We in- - |; 1 ab| to make mUtak-H. " "Y 'S 1 ..ucss w ar*. How oil a.man won d vmi lak " 'M )b." ;,! .).,t of).1' ' ,-N'>, -i j A 10a '1 o- you; .'ui- slioii'd ba \ . i.i . h ur a ml whi-k-ers." ""ben'v'Ui could tell that lliev was <\yrt\ ' "At Ihe lirnt %\ imv " ""ic-.. ! --u s \' C'-ul I," he reluctant ly :.- mil d as In :il .; up for a .other --ino!, . Tliai'-. whar I mad a bail of my*-it \> y '1.1'.' the bride'when wo |40l 01 at .1 ckson *' I d.du l iii.ice. Have vou been j4'ct- Shu's in tha tin; 111 .rrie y Acting through th blood, Uuod'u riaiaa- lainlln ULfc ouly oiirtiha.uiolu'a, ..,,1 u.i-u titc,( but i^ivca beinthVnd vij:m iu wu v,n u boily... ' Pruv-il. Wlfo "Don't you' think .1 am more ccmuur.lcal than 1 was ri. year nffo ?" limlinnd ','1 hnV'-n t I'vih-ud It." Wife rotn'onclifu'ly) -"Why, dear, 1 |S'-t twice a-' mnrt'y tldn';;:-' with tlie.aanu money." , '( Jol ,pl ici-d yisterda next car back " "A :;ir or wid-iw ?" "Hi"j].r wi 'd r *(, owns bsoacr-Kot land mid is ol dinn ed ^'on i Inn).in'." "Than you are to bo complimented, and I hope, you will he vt'iy happy.'1 "Thanks. 1 should U^-\- belter if I hadn't made a tool ot' inynelf." "How was thafr"' "You-hit my aire purty clus. Yes, I'm (10 and a lectin over, and il' I had..', this dye on uiy hair nud whisk era would I mi as whit"' as snow. When I 'l-e;Min to court the widdi-r a year a^o I thou lit I'd sprue np and look as y< ifnjr as I eouhi. I went to tho harbor a nl ,:ot ibxed up, and it cost ma lif'ty cunts a Week ritfhl uluny tub ' the dye put on." "You wanted to doe'dve ilus widow as to your n^'e?" "Waal, ye.H. 1 kindor wan fed to ba about 'IM or 50, you nee. Fust and la-t this '>re dyehr'lia* cohi ine about -.">." "Iuit it accomplished the object r" ' 'Tliat's what 1 thought nil alnny till wo got married yisterday. Tlieu what. d'ye a pose. I lound out l*" '"She sufipeeted the dye, perhaps?" "Nary time, pay, Htmnjj.T, that Widd(tr Ih iii^h-ttii?hted and color blind to boot. Sli novi'V even knowod that I. had nay hair on my lumd, and as I'ur whiHktn-H, ulnt thought tbov waa whito and waa tickled to duutli about it." " "Then th" dveln' waa all Warn d non- umiHO, and I'm^-^S out .o:..nm'lxl'.t,J.Uttl. thu wldder would Imv bin glad "miff to marry me oven if I'd been croHa-oyed, hald-lvadod, bow-h^ffod and had lost ono luiier in tho cornfield. "-^Pblladol- J. GtOWStATf .'& SOWS, ESSEX. ONT id ^iSl-V." 1 ^ :."7.|V.',,."l,:.'Tr,.-*r wary WH tt-^-^ ^^.^iy^^^^^^^is V Av^J^fes^-- -*iP^- <: .:-t.'il . .-.'THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLER . , Thi-; M,ir:|iine consists <if a horizontal cast eylinder, with wrought iron }}uin, with Ktt-ol fc-tli bolted to the cylinder ho a$ to be rcvorHiblo whon the leelli become '.vmi on tin; front hide, running in a perforated coucavo k'on >hell, which I in* shelled corn pa:;.^:.- through into a sheet iron cnao, with & fan or cUv nor at,t.ielu.'il below, which takes all tho dust from tlio grain. Tha eheiipent, he-.l., nee-l .dipiple and durable l}ower Corn Sheller in uho; bIiqIIb eoi'n pevfeftly cieui in tiny conditir,n- --lirdliug and cleaning from one to two, thousand bushel:; of ear?-; per da\'. ticeordii1.^ to power. MiMi.Nsa.Ns. - Dejitli, -j ft,. I in.; hmiuth, 5 ft, Ii in.; Pulley, 10 in. dium- ('Lfr, (i in. lace; /.[(iiiioi, [iiHJ to si)!) revolutio'iiH jter iniiiiito; Wokflit, 550 lbs* every Smeller'WARRANTED. J. COURLAY St SOUS, r.;,???-?^^^^^ STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. ff^GURES GUARANTEED OR.WQ PAY! mornlnpin noiim- lalile una irritnbloi ... drruniB nnd niclit ]ii!.i'i-i; r. -pes'.; Ini--.;;ii:d fookinj.;; weak hai-k; hone junii-: hair loom-- nlcera; Boro tbrontj vari-'oi.,-!..; li.-ptoit in nrinc imil dnda- .'.t ta.-'l; di-iru.-i.fub \\nul. of conlidoncoj luck ot n'.-r;ri-iiniUtreiiHth- VJB OAN CURE YOU I ft F?1^ VnJI "0 ^."rvnim mid tla,"]irni'li-nt: weak or dchilitnteit; therl HllET' I L? U i bilioii exeila ' i'\i-H HimUi-ii, r.-d .aid hlnrci-d; p'iiiplit on fuee; i\RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY ORG. K, dSr Km CH.VH. HfiWKP.S. ciTAfl. i-owrcua. Diiro.it o.l-A u.i_.-S'i'. . ufci/i'aifcNT. NO N.".i.,S OR TESTlMONbUS 3Efi WITHOUT WniTTENCONSENT, VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS Anfi I-.V! POTENCY CURED ""',Te!ni A. J.fr.-iiiTi r-jiyre "Iwuaoiii'of tlio countto^Q vlo- tini:' oi" fin-1 j i;:;..aanc(! eoiiiimi.iei-d nt. 15 ywirH of ago. I tri.,-,1 n.'Veti fL.'dirid (iriiiH tuiil npi-rit S'JOa without iividt. I imv.- np in th-i uit*. Tin' it rid mi on my Hyfittm worn v.i-al:i'jiJiiii- my iiin-lkvt aa well an my hpxihiI and phynicnl lib* .dy lii'uL :.t ad\ io-d a,e ;. Uim, KaiJi'"^ \ 1\- nruu. I c'.-'!iinM!".vd thnlr Now Mcttinu f!':Y;d/,:a'a,a';<pn a p.w \vcAtt xu[>. a i*.^ rt'irdi,'ttith how lito and iirio.iimii. J-'hib wa*; fniir yoiirt* Ht:', mid -now i am mtu'rii.-d and Uappy. I i^C'Jimneild tlienu rollnblo' [ipociHlibt^toallmyutllicted Mlmt-nii-i-.V CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDIZNTAL. "Tho vlcOOof onrlj-hoyliood laid the fouruliit'ion of my mm. Later on a "Yray life" in d exponiir" in Ido. d ili- HDiiHi'ti ( omplfh'd I lie wn-edc. I had nil rlie h.\ lapieinn of NorvuUH Dehility-^PiinUeiieyi'H.eiiiiMaoDf*,drain in urine, Tinrvoiinnei<H, wunlt buck, t-ic, Syphilis am- --d my |i:dc to fall out, hono pain.*., ulceni in month and en tmanie, I__!!!."__ bldtehcH on Imdy, utc. I tlmnk (Jm! I hied 1V, ]v ir -dy & Kcrnau. Tboi* rotorml mo to hi-aldi, vi^-.r and liiij.jiiaeHH,1" ?ynlillfs, Emissions VaricocelB,. Cured, CIIAS, I'OWEUB. 2^?" We treat and cure VaricocrL-, F.wisttom, Ncfvous-Debilityt Seminal Weakness, Girst, Stricture^ Syphilis, IJnnattuai Dtschar^dst Self Abuse, \ Kidney and Jiladder Diseases. _____ ' 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. k RPAnPRl Arn yon n victim? Have jam lent linpci* Aro yon efi-iti'iindaHnn; mar. W CM U MZ. Il , riniai? Man your PN.oil I. en dincriwil? Itnvc yon imv \v.'.'ihia'-s? ()nr fei Now Method Trout numt/vill can* you. Whalit li;t- dom for nilh-rH il will do for win. H CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who lu/t licuhd you, write for an lium-d, opinion Fn.o of ('luirRO. (UmrifoH rennnnahlo. BOOKS FRfcK '"I'tii* Ooidon Monitor*' (illuntruted), <.jg n DlfiOfifii-H of Mon. JncloHn jiOHtiiKii, ;} fnnlM. Sealed. ^TNO NAMES USED WITHOUT RITTEN CONSENT, PRju VATE. No mndlclno a ntC. O. . j No names on box- s or onvol- u. opes. EvGrythlna* confidential. Quoatlon list and coat of Tront- ft mont, FREE. _______________ j No. 148 SJELr VS:'. ! DETROIT, MiOH. DRS. KENNEDY k '^pi^jCTtLLiZTiZB3>u. T*/r**7w7v:"v. L"i.,T*'-"i"'T*rI * aaafii-^>*>:t:^^^^ King of all Bicycles. ^^^ W Light Weight and Absolutely the Best. Superior Haterlal W^r- WW 3 Styles Higiiijsl Honors ^IM World's ColamMaii Exposition. . . Monarch Cycle Company, KaCill Sqlesroom. ago "Walusli Avu. ; XjitUs and Malsted 5tS.'v*CH!CAQOp JLt*' 1 :x:M i;tksS5gg"jgS^g?a^^ rv-^. > -.7 '".' , '.$& '^L:^kJ^ :M,u;Mi^

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