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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 24, 1895, p. 1

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M :** WILKIItSOH'S row K- Olioioo Kronh O rooftnuH, Proyiaioua, Touh, <Jnn\ton and BpiooH. Special ImoH m Orookury. THE REE Christian Endeavor Society M. Paul's Church, TUESDAY SVG., MAY Kyorybody C6mo, VOL JH. No 20 ESSEX, ONT MilDAY. MAY 24. 1895. WHOLE No. G42 LEADING STORE OF ESSEX Wo desire to draw special attention io our DBESS GOODS STOCK at present. Wo avo making a Bpocml effort to gain trade in this depart ment and arc offoi ing a largo variety of the most desirable, htyliah, reliable Goods at uionoy-fiavinp; pric'CH, IJo- bidoa all tlio now thinga in^plain and fancy all wool Goods. This depart ment mcludca the latest rualcos ol Wash Fabrics, sateens, Challioft, Crinkles, Duckings, etc., aa well as a n. complete stock of Linings, Laces, Trimmings, Blouso sillcg, etc., at the vory closovt prices obtainable. Ladies, We Invite Inspection, ka^ W> rMk> north imxiK. Mm. John IMoyoirt vimturl in Detroit liiiit wut k. Mmu Floroneu Muloanlnr oallud on bar /[rati Imnthcr horn lnut week. IIuuU Stuod loft for Toledo hint wouk. ho mtondu to remain aud work tliuro the coming iiummgn, A. \V. Bridj^dn rained the frame of a utablo, on Iiih farm on the flth con,, hint Friday. William IIendornoH wait the f minor. Petor Gilbnp ban built au artintio wire (unco in front of lmi luuidoii'jo, which oou. nidorubly oiihunceu tho appearance ol our uomi roada. A littlo child of John Ttiyloi's not budly oeuMod with hot toa at tho dinnar table, at home, hint Sunday. Tho child ^ot hold [ tho tnapot aud pulled it ovur, upHottint; it. Tliore wiih another killing front lant Monday nijjhi. Small and hirtja frnita, tlovor and uarly potatooH [jot u ternblo iouhUiu! Wo uro hopum this will bo tho luut vtuit of Jack Fiont uutil Noyombur. LADIES' BLOUSE WAISTS in Print, I i\vn, "t.iteun and Dainty, kandaomuly made up, from loc each. LACE CURTAINS 2\ yardR lon^, bound all round, good patterns, "J5c each. Ladies' J'a-,t ULick COTTON HOSE 5c a pair, YOUTHS' TWEED SUITS 8-pieco, long Pants, fl:J a -mi, Fino Valencia Kaihius, 0 lb lor Fine Currants, 61b for *2."c British Columbia salmon Tiout (ic Good japan Ten 7-lbs for $1 (lOSFIELD NORTH. Mr. D. L. Maxwell vmitod tho Bol'o River ioad uohool Thursday morning. Tumiday niqht'e front damaged tho fruit in thiu vicinity, tint eruptt vinen putting tho largest Hhura of it Tho toa* in eating hold in tho Hello River Muthodmt churoli cm Tuohday ui^ht was woll attended, coii'iiuorinti tho inclemency of tho weuther. The leoturo on "Ireland and the IriHh," by 11av. Air. MoDouuch, of KingHvillo, wan very woll appreciated by tho audionco. In Inn lecture* Mr. McDou- ayh pave u very interesting ucuauut of tho neouory and climate, aud tho inhabitautH aa to their edueutioiilind nili^ion. Of rs- h^ion he Hpoko brat, of when tlmy woio in Pa^uniHiuT jLiid afluwaidn when thuy bit came Christnini/.od under the prAchini of l'.Ltncuih. Incidentally tha htu of him whom wu oiill St. l'atru'k watj imrrutud, ivhicli provtcl trio moat. IiitoroHtinR pait of the* lechirw. Spicy Mtnrn h and anccdotcH wt-re mi\ed all through, Tlie lecture ulonc wan woll worth tho admisi.ion fea >)-, )C lilen's lied Hani^t shoo--, Hinjng and comfortable, ^1 a jiaii* Ladies'Fine Uongola slioen, Oxford Tics, and buttoned, .special yalut, Wool Waatsdl Highest Piiei'Tind. Tlie ltot'ky .Alountaius AUint,1 tho lino of tho Northern Pacific Ruilrond tibcuiid in lar^o pa mo. Moose, ili'ei, beiir, elk, mountain iionu, etc., can jet bet fiimd there*. Tho truo Hportf*man n willmj; tj ^ii there foi thum. A litth hook c all* d "Natural Gamo Prcaorven," j uhli-'hi d by thi Nurlliorti Pacific Kailr*jad will be Hont upon icfcipt nf four cuntu in tani|in by C u\d S I'm: Gui'l PuhO A^ont, St. l'aul, limn St'irk'h PowduiH, tMich package of which (iintaint] two [>r pur-itions, oiki in a round \, onu u \ni\, the uuv r of wlnuli forma a nifcja utf for oiil doHu, do iniintidiuto it'litf for ljHtiVuiiey-i, Sick Hi adiioho und Htorn- in h, alho N< niabna aud all kindti of^tiLrv. ohm painrf, and uriothcr m capwul^H, (from f u, i of oiif in an oiduuirv dotJu) which acta on tho bout U, hvur and otomach fuinun^ ii hi ylI faili ii^ pi rfi ^L ti c iLjticut for all li< ad and bUmiudt comphimtu Thoy do not an mont iulU and so m my other rnodi- Liiiei do losu their (fl-iut, or produce afttir ciiiiKtipii.tit'nj, tliLj iliu nice Lo take 2V: il lio\ at all mi diciiiL loulf rn. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. IXOOIUCJ'tf-IGH. Br, Joachim, May 11-ik ",lfj Oonnoil mot ilk a court of rwvinion on tlio a"m ufiiuuiit roll Aflor faltinj; tlx outli of ofiic, fiavh miiiTibet took Inn m at ut tin* couuoil hoard. Thorn wore but two uppcalu ontnrod. Got). I.ruk, lot MB, con C, aluimv ho w ati- iK'HHud too hitib, Kumusl Wilcox, n. o. pt. of lot 1, K U ]t.,chuinw ho m khihuhuU too Inch. Mr, Ii*nk wau heard. IIu cl?.imcd tlio 100 uori'H cornpltiinod of_waii not worth tho pneo iLMHomiod ut, niiumly, fl,;t5(). Tim umipmior, too, ulnimnd it wuh hifih aud that 91/200 wmi about ri({ht. Mr. Ltak dncidful appeal a^umat lot t27, oou, H, ownoil by Chriti fiimou, Thia lt m acroan tho road from Mr. Loiik'u and j only nnHpHHod for tf'JGO. Moyod by Ladonoer, uuaondod by tfyl- vefitio, tliat thci ftHieumnclit of Mr. Goo. Loalf, lot 28, oon, fi, boroduood from 81,HC0 lo ftl.200.~Car. Mr. H. Wilcoi had purchaHod a vdlago lot and attaohod it to hm farm und aukud that it be anyuod at tho name rate tin bin farm. Mr. WiIcoVh cruo wtin hnTovcr till nxr racjQtm^ of tho couit. Gouit adjourned to moot at Kb. Joachim, Katuiday, May 2f>. Council mot for i^oMurul bumnonn. Mm uteri rend and canlirmod. Mr. A. W, Cohoo tippliod to tho council for auHihtanua to ditfjh on com. t, opnointo lot 2H and 2f). Dr. Gaboury, Planta^niot, Out., who Qwnn a farm on the Duck Ortiuk addroHH(-d tho council irt ok'anin{l out oaid Creole. Alovd Ivy Wilrox, ucconrlod by Sylventro, that Menarw, ijadouccur and Dowhtrnt ho appointed to look into Dr. Gaboury'n com plaint and roport Car. A ltttor wan read from Tilbury Wont UHkmi; for tho appointmont of a putlmiau- tcr on towHhno ftom Middle Road dotith. ward. Goorgo MaloLt wan appointed. Mi. Wiloox reported r John Graliana'o complaiut, lli ntated that it 'would talco about 200 rodu of ditch tountuf.y Mr. Oru- ESSEX, . ONT. It \h a jrLuti (.t<* duy foj a man when ho tn tit iiwcovoiH tho value of A\tir'n hursapu iillnati ii blood punfiur \Vitli tliiH incdi- elite, he Kuuwh lit ban found u rt mody up on uhiuh be iniy icl>, and that Iiih life, I ma, muludy h at liibt uomjucn d Huh euit,d otlitrn, \vi|) c iry >ou Several Ilcnls of iSullaloes And thoilhandn of Uah, dt*or, ate, arc to Ik found in the Yillountouo Park. It in tho only pluoo whcru tlio bulfulo can bo found to day, bo tuuroilobbly huvo they boeu Mlaujihtered Tlioy aio ^uno from tho phunu and pi an it B.aiid tlui i oilman t now left can thank the United titatoB Govommoiit for tho privilo^o of living Tho YollowMtone LJurk ih thuir homo and thoro thoy uioHato. The Park in patrolled by uoldiom both uuminer and wmtor to capture yoacho and oifoadom and acvoro puiiiHhmout iu iinitud out to intruclora. hi Hummer tho buffalo raupo in tho hiuhlutidii, near Yollowuton* Lake. Iu wiutoi they work ovor into Haydon Valley and Hurrounthnt; country, whoro tho hot oprmdu and wutLrw koop tb ouow molted awuy. Door aud oik ruugo ovor tho ontiro YollowHlono Pnik. Thnn bomdoB tho (jroat nmrvola of uaturo mot with iu thio woudor- laud.thero lire alao tho fluent (ipeoimonn of our lar^o ^ame. Tamo aud doailo, thoy four not muu. SliBtohoo of Wondorland, an lllufltrfttod hook publisbod by the Northern Paoifio Railroad deacribea thia wonderland. It wilt bo eont by Chu. S. Fjck, tho Geu'l A^ont, Bt, Paul, Miuu., upon roooipt of blxcontu iu utampa, ham. Tho council recommend that tho work bo dime under the D. A W Auh. Rev. J. IIondon.011 applied to council for ridfuud of hiu tax on ineomo. Laid over till next meeting to look into aaacHumont MOtlCBU. Mr. Potur Cotter appeared and addrenficd ho council re Separate Hohool, Muidntone und Rochentor. Mr. Cottti altio aelu d for ditch on Sharon lino, oppoaito lot I Mr. H. O. V. Airiblio addrcHHed the coun cil re opoiimn up road ht twomi 5th con and J'llbuiy Wewt townline. A petition trotn tho nitepuyorij mteic-MtcU was also lead fjuid over. Committor John Dowlm-at wna uppouited to look into Mr Cotter'H complaint, and have iho work done it neceuuary. A petition wau road from ititepayirn of South Woodwloe ahluiif; for ttl'2 j to cou- utiuct abidewalU Laid over. Mr, John McKmloy applied for bridgo over Maiden Uoad limn, con. H. Moved bv Dt'whiiut, Hpcondud by HylveH- ttu, that Mi. John Mtlviijley b complaint bo laid oyor till next uioutiujj. Muwma. M. liyrno aud II. Arolnbald ad- dretiHcd the council ahUiu^ t< r refnud of I*atnck llanluv'n tuxca, Ufa tie la in pool circuiiiHtaneoH Dowhirht and Ludoucoui, that tho Hum of *>H be refunded Sir llanley. Cai Wiluui. ami Sylyi atie, that tho auditory inulco a i<pcuial audit of tho Treanurei'u accounta fiom .January 1st up to the IHth day of Bliiv, Ih'Jj, aud send iu then rupoit. Car. Acc'th paHaed . Joa, I^it/.^eruld, fftj, re palling uulvurt. .1 M. Tioinan, S2U, pint cum. PoMh diiLiu, J. K, Foi^uuou, &U^5, pait paj inua Potts drain, N Buauliu, 8j. chanty, Ueniy Chilur, bUtut'j lubor.ftlO.^O, MoiHo Vormetto, do, 51, Uciny I'mpjotto Uo^8.!, Clouient Titiiaiiiur, do, i^.i; Frod Tiutochurd, do. Ki> Stauulau Paiutiouuulb, do, ^J, Frank SylvuuLra, uoiuiuiaaionur, 57, M liyiBts, Slo, salary au aMUQHuor, do, U2, C of It ; Jau. Murphy, ft2l0, bul. 0th oon# brid^o ovur llUMJom, Adjourned to nioLt ai a court of royinion on abtiOhumunt roll at St. -Joauhim on Bat urday, May 25, 18'J5. Gnuio, May Urn 1H95. Council mot a* por adjpurnmout. Proocut: Reovo Burrott and counoilloru Cava, Kennedy, Redd and Thomas. Mia- utoBof proviouu mooting read, aud on rno- tiou adoptod. Reeve ioad a eommunioatiou from Can ada Co.ro commutation of otatute labor on 9th conauenion. Reevo reported laamug oheoU to John Wopburu for 910 60 on Wi^lo drain on order of Jan. 8. Laird. On motion approved By-law No, 303 wan road tho noaonaary immbor of timoM paaocl and adoptod. Mr. Kennedy appointed to havtt ditoh uorth of railioud ou wout bide of Gurry sldoioad ohtautd out. Mr.' Oaya to meet Rfovou of MaUon and Andordon to too nbont ^'radin^ ou wont townline south of Maldou road. Tenders word opemud for eoutraot ef Foi tor drain. Ou motion DolphinPa wan J ftwurdwd No. I job at S.'tlir. ami Win. MoCuf- fory No, 2 job at 3400. Haul jobu to ho oomplotod by tho flrnt day of September R BronUor applied to have nom ditohint; done ou nouth rear toad, Mr. (Jaya ap point- d to look after u. Mr. Knano aud Mr. 1'lnllipn applied to have ditauiiuj done on uoilh ioar roml by iitatuto labor. Mr. Uodd appointed to lay it out. Ou motion court of rovimcu on aHHi'HH- uiL-nt roll nut for June liit at tou o'clock in tho forenoon. On motion ohcclcii granted for tho follow in(: Mia, Lair, charity, Si- Mrw. Laframboiii, charity, (JTi. G, Putoihoii, balanuo pait on WigU drain, $2. Cyril 1'afjnotto, part aidary un amiDHHor, SfiO, ThoH. Woybui n for work on Witflo drain por order oommiHHionoru Laird and Thomaa i 13. ^-----. Ju, knapp for oloaring treon off north rear road, oliaii^c d to lot 7, can 11, %'l J. S. Laird, balauoe ooiYimuimon ou Sny dor hranoh drain, $11 GO. J, S. Luird, balaiico cjomniiHSion on Witjlo dram, 827. T. \V. Woyburn for workclonoon Snyder branch drain, 82. H. J. Woldon, poiitu^ft to (Uto, SI.40, F. Sweet, foi Mrn. Donmy for koepnif" hor indigent mother, to appiy ou ta\ua for 1893, U. Ou motifiii callcctor'a time extended to Juno 8th. Council adjourned. J. A. Cot Mr.ii, Clerk. Hlfill Scliooi NotftH. A.NOTJIER Pnhllc Scljool Notc9. PiiiuipnrH lOQtn, Humor 4th oltnm: total murks I Kt. Obtained : F. Riohardnon, 110, G. Irwin 111, G. Stone 102, J.DoImore 100, Ii. Rui ii on 100, S. WilHon 0.1,13. Lam 80, U. Labur 70, L. Ilillir-r 75, L. Wilo flfi, S. Brown 51, N.Cotton 50. J. LUtfar 17. C. Baii^limaiLand B. Tlirjmiu, abyout. Minn Wilhamb' room, DLnior third olaon; markti poniubh)75. No. obtained ; Arthur Gourlay GO, Willie Log o7, Florence Lcflor 47, Lothii Wiftlo 17, Arthur Brunor in Neiiino Aloxauder >U, Aichiu Laing ,iij, Walter CraHuwellor '.io MihM Ud^ar's iooiu, junun ciccoud olaao, marlts jiomhle 100. Obtained by tho hi^li- ent tc u ,~\Y. Naylor Hi, V. Burdick Bl, O. Whito 80, A. B. Buck IH, A, Robinuon 7(1, It. Ramon 75, A. Wightman 71, 13. Laird 73, T. Tu/./mnan 70, C Wi^lfi 05. Mihq Shaw'o room, junior hocoucI c)n.flo; marltn ponmblp 100. Obtained by hiyhoHt ton E Stacny 08, D. Faul (*7, II. Allt-n al, L Allaj 7.1, L Dihbloy 70, M. Thorn- Ion 00, A Howflon OS, J Davm 0G, II. Baughman 50, M" Del mere IK). Mii'n CruHHwe ller'u loom, junior part acc- oiid, ittiirlu | h bio b() Obtained by hif^ii c*-.t leu -M, Riohaiduon ly, J. McMurmy 17, F LiuiiK '15, K. Davm 4 J, N.Lee 39, ftl. Koddieli .M, II. Cran-iwolloi 31, M. Congdon .'13, DeF. Kllnworth 20, L. Alurna 28. Mish Bwcklov'a room, part brut; mailib poudiblo 5u Senior: B. Elford r>'i, M. Wymim 51, It. IIanuau51p II. LaMurtdi 50, V. Youuu IH, J.SiaHon IB, B. May 45, D. KUm-bila It, L. Buamau 12, M. Willaher 10, L Irwin 10 Jiitiior;-K. Gardnor.'U, P Ohyor >:\, A. Leo 22. .--------------^.----------. TJlKWOKLJVSDISHT TO CON- GK^OA'flBONAIjISM. May nxainiimlKiiih. Htud<*ntii ever 1('u. Soiuor leaving work, mux. 1500: M. M. Allworth H71, D. II Trimble Hf>9, D. B GiIIk h Hfil, Alifi Gard'ujt 801, C. B.miou 0511, R. Il, IS'inott Cs^. The b^iil in each culip t I arc. Kijuh"h Grammur and Philology, uiitx. 2O0, M M. Allwurtb 117, D II Tnmblu IOH, p B fJilln h 107 fj'jinpofiiiion, ni'i.v 100,' D. B. (JiIiiph 82, D. II 'J'liinhl 7">. BtHHio Ciiiupbfdl I ">, A. Giiducr 05, W. Guuiiiii({liam 05. PtMitirul Liteiatnro, iriuv. U0O, Tnmblo 1J J, Gilheui:i:i, M M. Allworth 1.12. Ihnlory. nun. 150, Tinribla 11H, Gilhen 110, Gunniiiiiham 0.1. Unuhni, max. 150, GiIMoh \V,\, Trimble Oh, M. M. Allworth 00, Ciiunin^hiim 110. F.ucIkI, max 160, A. T. GubhniK 12'J, A* Gardner llfi, Gimnin^hiitiii H.I. Trigonometry, ina\. 110, -M. M. Ml- worth US, 'Inmble 100, A. G irdner H'2, Gilhoit 82. Olnmintry, max 125\ 0, ltarucj in. f'hyiiicu, raiti, IS j, U. IL Barrett i,H. Botany, max. 75, GilTiou IB, Bairott 17 U. B^rnon 41. Zoology, max. 75, Gilliou 5J, C. Barneu 10 Fionch. max 200. M. M. Aliwmth 128, H. Campbell 120, A. fiardnar 101. Gorman, max. 2D0, .U. AI. Allworth 11(1, A. Gardnor 90. Latin, max ()0t A. T. Ouihin 128^ Trmiblt. in Greek, mux, 200, TrimbJo 88. Junior I'ftavin^ ami Pai'i Matriculation work; maximum I5O0, G. McKco 1020, Jonnio Millti 80H, F A. H77, Beitha LyppH 721, Laura Buil 72:!, Hattie Arnold 722, Kiln, Roid 085, Enidinh Grammar and Rliotoric, mux. 150, Leak 90, L. Bud 8f) B Tuivillel.l. CorapoHition, mix. 100, B LyppH 09, Knmtar 00, \U Kee (17. Poetical Literature, max. 200, McKoo 110, II. Arnold i:t0, Leak 118 llititoiy, max. 150, M^cKoo 117, Knndur 88, Leak 82, A. Gardner Hi. Arithmetic, max. 200, Leak 123, J UiIIm, 125, B. Raid 109 Uuiebiii.nmx 150,-J Milh 127 L Uud 120, Leak 103. Luetid, mux 150, jh, ,1 MOIh J Ej 120, A. F Kinj; 10H. | \$ CIk mu.tiy, max. 200, J. Alula 178, Mc- K. " 17^, FI. Arpoli UM PhyiioH, max. 200, MclCeo U2, K. Hold 91, J. Millb 91. Latin, mux. 200, M. M. Allwftith 119, L.ak 111, GPIiorOS Finneh, max. 200, KniHti r 1 12, King lib After thiH year it ifi expected thut tlio Htaiidard for the variouti oertilieatei will bu miidtj canmdoritblv higher, and 114 a cohho- (jiioucr an nunnnall\ lar^o number will wntoat tho cxumiiuitioiiu this year. It doLa not follow though that more will puHH t/ian UHual at all likely that thiH will bo the carte. -War IN WINDSOR Yon remember how wo downed tho enurny on OvorcoatH laor wmtor Well, thp uiimci lb;lit ih now on oytTi MEN'S SUITS. We arc a^aui maHttrn of tho tif nation. $3,95 $3.95 In our prion for miin'ii Huituwcll inidnaud tnm- mfd und iih yood in evoiy way an other utoien nro trying ro^ot S5 SO for, unci lit thp Hiirue time toll you they uro m "m^ uheap. OUR BOY'S SUITS At &1 05 inrlmlo Kiurn from 8IJ ta $1, you want any of tbopo bit* bargaina If COME QUICK HEALTH AND UAPPINKSS flhIs cliurrli fiuvo to ilio World (t IJSforlmr Hour ulso Wliut tlio Io\, S. Nlchollu, it 1'ioin- lmiilt 'JT<>roiit< <'oni'flgu- tionul IflliilMCer, Suyn on un Importuat NubJ<'<t. tlenry Ward Boeclun bobevud man's re- Ii^iouh faith wuh Lolored largely by tho Loudition of hu hoalth. He had oaid from tho pulpit that no man could hold ri^ht vn-wH on religion wbtn hiu btomach waa out ot order It in quito eertaiu that no pronulici can pi each with effect if Iiih head iy htuifod up with told, or if he in a mlffarur from outairh. It ih not Hurpruunjy, there- (uro, that if we hud th loading oler^ymcu of Canada Hpoakinc uo highly of Dr. A#- now'a Catarrhal Powdor, for cold in the head or catarrh Thy know tbu ueoeulty hotter than anyene oIho of boinji relieved of Hun troulile Kiiv H NisUoIIh, of Ohvot Cou^io^ationul Church, Toronto, io one who ban uood thin medioine, and ovor bis own Ri^uatiiro haw borno tuntimony to itu bonQfioi.il character. Oiiu abort puff of tliH broatb through tho Blower, supplied with oaoh bottla of Dr. Afmow'u Catarrhal Powdor, diffUBOfl thio powder over tho uumil paBHii^efl. Paiuloan aud dohyhtfu] to uho, it roliovea iu ton minutort and pormanontly oroa oatarrh, hay fevor, colds, hoadaoho, soro throat, Loiihilitui, and deafueHs. Bixty coiitn. Bold by J. Tlioruo, druirciDt. Saruplo bottle with blowor Ront frco for two tkroo oont HturapH. S. G Detclion, -14 Church St., Toronto. The outline Alortt Of Hood's Barnapanlla wine friendo whore- over H i* fairly and houoHtly tried. To have porfoot boulth, you muflt bavo euro blood, and tho beat way to have pure blood \b to tako Hood'ii 8aruap*rill&, tno but blond purifier and atrength builder, It ixpolh) all taint of scrofula,' nttlt rhontn aud all otlier hnmorn, mud at th uauie tim buildo up tho uyatem. Wall papo^ 2o, roll May'i BaM.t. Have you bogh tliouo haw privfcto poat card*. Tub Fiucm Pin: us kep tho to. HOW XT WAS FOUND 15V A LANABtK <J()UNTV LAO V. Sli lind KnftTfirod for V*arw From Wciikneau aiul PiUhh In tho Him It - s< latlcu CompllcatiM! tlt* 'ITroiiblo aud Addod to Uor Mine ry Her Jllraltli Almost tKlniouloiiHly II e- to red. The lhoekvillo Hi corcler On a prouporouB farm iu tho towimlup of Montague, Lanark county, livea Mr. and MrH. Wood, RUteemed bv all who know thorn, lira. Wood wuh born m the villnfo of M(.rrickville, aud pent bet wholo lifo thoie until her marrnifio, and her many frioudH are congratulatuij; hor on hor rocovory to hoalth and atren^th after yearo of pain and suiionne. When tho oorreapoudout of tha liucordor called at tho wood bomuatcud, Mrs. Wood, al- thouKb now not looking tho leant like an invalid, an id that ninco girlhood and until rooontly, uha was tronbled with a woak baolc whiob gavo her groat pain at titiioa. A.n alio grow elder tho wea-knowi and pain incroaaad, and for nearly twenty yoaru ulio wiui free from it. About a yuay uo hoi naiuery was incroanod by an attack of floi atica, aud thiH with hor back troubloforoed ber to tako to hod. whora oho remained a UelploBs invalid for ovor four montun. Different dootorn attended la or and huo tried unmorouH romodiou naid to bo a euro for hor troublu, but dnnpite all aho oon- tinuod to (<row woroo. Bho wan advised to try Dr, Williams' Piuk Pilhi, but alio hud donod hornolf with bo many modioinoB tliat hgr faith in the healiug yirtwau of anything was about cone, und who had fully undo up hor mind that hor trouble wai incurable. At loflt a friend urged hor yo atrougly that alio censoutod to ^ive the Pink Pilla a trial. Btiora the first box waa all uaed lio felt a alight improvemonti vrbioh determined her to ooutintie tine treatment. From that oafc tihtt utoadily improved, aud wan noon able t be up and aboftt the howae. A- farther ub* *f the tink PilU drove away ary yoitige of the pains which had 00 lonj afllictei ber, and she found horuolf onjoying again the blu-i-iug-of perfoot hoalth. KiRhfc inonlha bavo raflucd Hince alio ooiiDed uamg the L'ink Pills, and in that time nhe haH been entnely frco from pain or woaknenH, aud HayH iiby ih cotifidimt no other modieme oould ha\o poiformed tho wonder Dr. Williams.' "Pink Pills l.avo douo for hor. hho Hiiyw "I fir't-l bnppy not only nooauBo X inn now frfn from piiin or ache, but be.----- oiuho if ray old trouble nhould return at any time I km w ta uhut remedy to look foi a leloiiBo." Dr. WilhumH1 Pink Pills aro enpecially \aluahlo to women. Tiny build up tho blood, rito re tlu ut rv-a, and eradicate thoho in ul b 4 which niuc'o the liven of o mtinv woiupii, i Id and joung, a bnrdoj*. iy\j,nu hr, palpitation of the heart, norvoUH boaihichu and uurvouH pinatration upcodlly yiwld to tlim woudorful medicino. Thoy aro Hold ouly m boxen, tho trade iu?ik and wrapper printed in rod ink, at HO oentn a ' box or hi\ boxes for S'2 HO, autPmay bo had of dru^ihtH or direct by mail from Dr. WilhaniH' Midicme Company, Brookvillo, Out. IIuvo a Great Kriuitnton. J. B. Taylor, Ehq., merchant, Woll&ud, hiijh : "Hturk'u Powdero have a tfreat rep utation about huro as an immediato, an woll aa u pfcrmancnt cuio for Headache, BuiouHLOhb, Neuiulfiia, Liver and Btomaoh Couipluiuts, Costivtnt no, I know of people who have boon great mitforerB, who have triod almoHt everything, and huvo been cured by them. We bavo mied thorn in our own family with remarkable aucoous." Two prepaiationD in each box. Sold by all medioine deiloru at 33o a box, 5 boxca for 81. ^icototuke. 3 6 Your Pliyslcn Condition Needa attentiou at this time. If you are tired, woak and norvoun, it iu oloar that your blood is impuro, and without doubt thero baa boon toojmuch oyer-work or.atrain ou bram and body, The courna of treat ment for bucIi a condition in plain and nitnplo. The blood mnst Urat bo purified ao that tha nervous oyfltom, and ^ fact all the ortfana will be fed upon pure blood. Intelligent poeplo without tmwbev have taetiflod that tlio best Wood purifier, nerve touie aud Btroa^th imparting medioine ie Hood's Saruaparilla. Nervouauba*, loss ef sloep aud general debility all vaniah whan Hod'a SaraupatilU is persistontly iaken ; iu a word, health and happiness follew after- taking Hood's BaraapariUa, 8atl*fnctorr HeUlt So saya Dr. Ourletfc, aud old and konor- ed practitioner, iu Bsllevdlo, Onlario, who writeH: "For rfaiBtine DiBttases ansl - Ssrot- via I have used Scott's Emulsion with the most satisfactory results." '< ft. (V.-- ^ h 1\i t.H

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