'y.nh$m , 'fffwitf^ffiifi1 juwuww^: THE BSSE^f > FREE IPRBSP* * leautifv Your Home [ This ohould bo tho doniro of *vry omi >ur liomo in your kingdom and iihotild bo hxet ai aotnfortabU and* bountiful tin your icant) will allow, LjitlU i*xpoiuio|iH iu-im-u. try to doooruto yourJrooniH with our all Papers Build for naniplotf and pointttrft on l/aper Iliuigmtf, onsumsrs' Wall Paper Go. <-i-Ai>Mii\i; h*vh hash o.v *.V'n <' UUctl HlHlll I.ftmhm, M-iy fit.-Mr. (Ilndntmi" I" iiniv .-it Ifjiu-Jir l"n, uin'ii' In' I" 'pd'^l.v !i': s'liiijj I li" t inn* in Mi'riin*f't*tf 'li1 n.'..pu;ii.'ejit:t' an11 iiui kiiiK i'.\l-i'i'!,i*'" r"jr;ii'(| I'.'I [ . I'", :'ifr. li.'jtllli. \.,v: ' ' . r ' r i'ii' i: (r - nott'h iili tli' |iriiM-i[>al ppl*ni<-* In -Ul- for Ui.- ii'<si'it/irii'.' " lil" 1'ioKni- Tln> ..v-l'r.Miin-r i" I" <'X<'flh-ut Km .rlicn-v"! friri.di in I In* C-iblnrt, .--il:. i :h ,"r, 'ib.1!- Imi" ,,." l;,.|j- ;,C,i -H, Ml-' "-.-Vl'i'Illi'T .,. u ..i:ll :; !* i t 1 l i'i Hint "in uol i, i n il I In- i!cb.-i Ii'h H| imi thi: liii'.'i- NKW.ADVKimSEMKSTS. couirr oji* revision. rOWNHBIP OF MAIDSTONE. N' WJikImoV, Out. iin':; i>' ', .it i ui.' . ivj i"! i ;i< "li; Ml-I ' ! in th-' ;.<'C"|u !.. ibl il ;ii> ir HJU'.'Cll dii 'i t: i i1 . ,' ! :'i'uiii tin' I. If lb l<*ii"ll!" .--, .1 ,i'., W in vi w ii-li- i" ui n'i* E-T :, The Essex Free Press, PftIIAY,MAYl7,1H!)r*. TY BUILDINGS THE joint coiunittuhk ltA.VI3 AN UNOIllt- STANDING ii IV ntM.nr.1. I ri i ti > i i\y ' 1 I.lU'l'il >-',' i .' t i i .1 i > III : ',: will ;'.-li. j-*.|i;y, .vliirl. i ,i - I. Ki:-lnti'l:i.' i 'I'lVIs llwt t lie ii ii -itIi, tli'iir.'.'li in.iy 1) tu wri i ii: tin1 p.>IU:,y oi their [Full 'i'cxt t>( the tt-HH.-* 11!till I SI^IHMl. of; A(j;rc- LiiutThuriubiy, uft-:r a two dnt>' HiHhion, lie joint com mil tun of tin* city of Wiuduor ind county of Eanux couniutiug of Mayor lanqn unci Aid. Harmon, Emery, Duck id MoK wun for tlio city, tuid Ward on rrotfc and Ruoveo Ji'ox, Coiuu Wiiitmniitu llVuld for tin) county, iippoimthl to con- Lho qu'oHtion of union buildin^B, ur- Fat an UDfltirntundin^ as to thu cost, f.w, oto. For tlio benefit of unr rtadeiH fttll t'oxt of thu u^rfiomunt inliuro pre- intod. 1, It i'h hereby a^r*'od by ti'id botwoon \ho Haid two oommittai'H that u joint build- i^ au uforoaaid will lo nroutud hh hoou us ^SHiblo in thu city of Winduor. !. Tlmt Mm city of Windsor will furniHh iuifcnhlo into to hu cUosonJaud oolecstcd by liommittou of (iixro^iuim;utativuH from tl.o funty of'Kyfiex and a li leu nuiubor from |o council of the city of Windtuir, und in lo event of tlio ymd caiumiitoo nut tit- [Wug at a.doaiflion or having a tio voto, ifi^i fti u.%reaitto rotor tho matter to tl.o lountyjudgo to duoidu uud(throw thu-cnw* lua voto. - S, Tlutt u, building Hiifliciont for city and jounty requirHiutiutH tipnroximatiiJy ]0) foot by 110 foot;in hizc, of| a auhrtLiintial latonal and of or::dit*tblo uppoaraucio, will jo urectod at a ooht of not letiti than &5(),('00. That tho oounfcy annjfa to pay 3^0,01 0 yrards tho coHt of crooti'jn of h.u'i! build- ;><, that btsiutf thomaxiuitim amount tin t county council can voio fur uuch u pur. ^flij in any one yoar ail,] tho maximum lount tbat would bo required to rernodi-l prtbout county building at Sanduich, .That VVmdHnr in idditioo to fmuinh: a uito will contribute S.'iO.000 t" com- Lo tho building. That WindHor underl'ilies to reino\o ind rolmild tho ro^iHtry cfliuti from Bm d- fiaH to Winduor ob the hmiih nitt; jiail aa alpHo ii3pr.toticablu to tliujiow joint build- l.'L'h'it whoa tho building is linin! ed tiodnor will oxociuiu a d^od or;i,clouuinoiit Ivini* thooonnty in perputiiityjtlio owiilt* |ip of half tho KMuudriJtui.l builiii 3, re luinfi tho other hulfjin perpatuity. p. That tlio inaiuton:tncti|itinl^cnrutalsjng |II bop'Ud oqu!tlly](n:tlf aiid;iialf) by tho ity and city. "That Wind.-torjniib-rlakL'y to furnish iow baildiu/4 wilh]fruo fuol, an lon^' nn 1*11] gas furuiahod hy tho Natural Gaa "liaiiy li.ddn out, aud]watr Juud li^ht. 10". That tho Windsor comnictoo undor- Iq to take tlio uoco-iflaryiattipHjiir, once to [o a pr>ip(.>r by-law ^uiibniittHd to the [plo of Wiudaor toj Uavojlthe nem yuarv mjlit-for ftito and building votnd by tbo jpayoianot later than two^monlbb from '., That the county council oemmittoo lortako to reoommond to tho uonuty io.il to hold a npooiul aoHHiou ilh ho(jd an f**vVindnor hy-lnw'ja oarried by the rate- /ora( m order to aide the countycounc 1 to" |u tlm propor by-law to voto tho HUaru of county to tha'uudortakiut!. \2. That if tho city of Wiuduor and the mtyaonucil voto tho noooaaary funds, tli corporations will bu mxud by their [apootivtt coraraitt^oH to obtain at Toronto lio nooeHHary order-iu-oouncil and lefiis- fation that may bo required tovrmuovo tbo 50u*t Iioubo and oflioo. 18. That if thoBohomo iaauoceBHtully ct>r. riod out it will bo tho duty of tbo aoun y id of WiadHor as noon u,a tho county lildingf aro vaotxtod in Sandwich to re- Jodol Mid enlargo tho proBonb m"1. tl o nuuty paying ^-G aU(* Wiuduor I ti of tl a said work, whiah Ih tho proportion of tl o muarship of tli6 two aorporatiorm in the kndwioh building and which willoontiimo ba uaad jointly for gaol purpouor*. N. A. Ooato,' ohairman of tho county imuaitteo,, authorised by a nnanimoui rota of tho oonlraittoo to nign tbin a^roc lObt, X), Willis Mas (dm, ohairraiLutof tho Wind* ir ooiamittos, autliorizad.by u unauimous (rota of the oommittoe proaont tojni^ii this rreomatit. iin-iii ., h:rr 'iiTiv- ' !: I ,'NI 1 ".' t :. i,. lit- :;i K 'i -f tal it Wken Uo tunuy peorli ilys taking and iring benefit from Hood'u Barm-pariUii, rhy dnH yoajtry it y*rwlf ? It ivlii^h- rooMidJ. u.i li >' rejer ! l (r . r . i,, ii ' * ii t ei..... i iM'i.i'i;., i tll.nl-l 'i ' llir.l.i " 'h .pi'.i lint li I .i'n' t ri,(',',.|-(!i : ii-1 < t .'.,n li'l.i'.,-. A M"rii(ui ui tin* 1'rivy t.'uiiiii'il wim lifld i t U'i.iirli l.npl _li" i'1-er.v w.i: j i<- <i- ji '. Tli* I'l-i'inii'i-i','i n- ii"; Iii-ji 1' the pre ; ii l. \mn\ t \iin (if 1 h" ti ivi'tMti;"!!', w :,i,-]| ].* ,[\u< solely in tin' On',.!, -( I,i,jlc iihriiiv Jii'l tin1 in'- "aiuiiia t inn .,i .' j .p:.--i .or' m:,'\ ' d-i.-iil1., sin-h ii" tlir * Mnj-'Hty. Th' 'mi i'ii \,Tilii-:i iliiit I'arlia- l ^ :i->: il!- .. .U'-il Until iifter slie .t-^d i dreided " 'll till' lli.- ..Ill, i..11 :Ul:|l 1)/ 'jlOHtpOIII'd llli' il .**l(i' il i*; i v ','t. I.'vi'ii'.*;, (in w,\ !-, may pi-uve h( riu|r,'i 1 'i li1' \i ' tin- exitI'.rd |ht.,o:i- the nl'i'iei.tl vt'r- li.i i I .i u-.l i;(.-.,>11,- t-y 's I i ii-;,- (>i nieiii- 1 ! ' --i n:.'l 11 P"-"pl inn u|' t 111' Nil - I.ill [*.! I Diuh nu th" i-veiuiit< ol i in.-iii:;t w.i.-i I'ljuiil tu tin' nt- iliillii:il/.'i wilieli ]|<> ii*'f.'i*^d i*i'- "'" ly. The i',i'ny j i Hi ir which wprend vi-r hirt feiitur."* and tlic heudu i,f |j"r.-,p;r.'i:iiis wdiii siuod out upon hii- Jl"-' mIihWi'iI tlii' :ttne]; U'iih Hi .111" t li in*,' :;ji:.'li iiinr.1 : j i*11::i tluiii il wjih hnid t" be. llowi'Vi-r, ]j( ritni^Ic'i cliccriiilly tu I'-'rl'iii'in liiit duti-s. All.T the Hitting of Hie Muiifli' r,f I.ordn I-'rlduy he hud n. euii- fi'l'eiiei' with Ml'. H. Cjl.l'lllibidl Hliiiiim-- uwin, Secretary of S:nte for War, mul 1 lie ii went to hi/1 mo nnii hi at Epiuui. Lord liusid) -yy iv.id hi.4 |iliysii,'i.inn 'ire mutually Hiunewlint dintrusted. Tin- "ii'tors iv^nnl Lhe Premier an intract- | bli-, and lie ridicules' their nimlnnus .Mr. (i!aih-tiae* ' lias hiij:'^* -sted tn 1'i'ii that he banish all puliti ea I pursuits and d.-vate bin lei- riin-e to the i-tudy ui .uiei'-ut theology, v t u in ndviHi'd liiintu i'-'ad French iihwIh. Th this mi^^eHtioh Lord KoHcbery replied that lie bud tried fin' plan, but- it had tiiilod utterly. Mr. I eaipb.-li-Jainnei in.in retio ted that lie iai:;*ht mjt to read- peH^ilni^tic literature, bui . Ki.urie> of ^ad Vim (. ure and rouia i:ce. 'ib'ajiwliile tjhV f'reiaier hut- ctiu.-^'uU'.d to 1'ort.Hiiinuth mi the Adiu.ralty yacht I'a.chaiitreHi on May l.'J and cruine throuffli the chamn'l. ' "" The defeat rE Lhe C>vemineut in " the If 11J1 Si * 01 (.'{) 11 ] 11 Hi 11 , \H not <: t ) I. n'l 11C i'e d lil: -ly. Tip' rn nk ami file of both par- U'-s do in it wiMi to interrupt with th- turmoil of ;m i-L-eti.iu the return oHn- diijitria 1 prosp -city which is nppn rent everywhere. The l-Jciiiiiiuiist . pahli-he^ reports from tie- pinviiice:* nho\viii|? ; incre;ise in th bo..kin^ of order*) nod itn upwa I'd niov'-iii ait of pric.-s. The SjM-i'tatnr, in an nrtiel,- mi tie- situation in the fist, ex presses the be lie!" that niter five yars of uiie;isi i coiit'Iict bet wee ii UnsHin. and "'ill he inevita hie. .In pan, t he pa pel- s. will Mp -in! ihr i.alemnity she re- ei-iVcN fr.uu Clii..a in briutfiu^ 'n'r .-a-.i power to a form liable fnoti:!^. Jtiihsiu ki;nw* this, and will jxjve Lo Spain the chief pbiL'e in the ari'a hiXeinenL of new nee-utin lions, I.M'anse tin' owner of tl.c I'll lipoiaes would ln< useful to llus.-ia ii. the I'M.'iil of a .lapani'm; war. Tlii-\pidj)i t-* uf 10,'J of LtHid'iii'rt church i- will .!);.' occupied on dllue Hi by woln 11 wli.i will preach a unni|)ai^'a of reli^iim. teinperairCi', m.iil pari iy and oppo:-i tion to th-- turf. A dciuoiK.'trn liuii in fm or of mono- iu in I Umiu is projected in Louiou. Sir William I in i-eum-l, i'h;t i.ci-lloi* n: the Hxchupler, tins ct .;..- n teil to iCCeive a di-pniut.oit iiuide up ui in. in.t -r-i till) 1 [m ll.-e ol tVimiiioi.n, t ne <i LTllOl-.l 111 til" lii.llv Ml' KllJA'iilii- .Hid several ba a. .- >, . npoa nii.> ik'c ixiu,, h- ,\ ill d -liver :: iinp.-rL.'i .it .-p-ecn ..p.a tin' ii re-^sity I'o. urn i nlai nii.e; lIh- pre.-iciit hj .-ii. in i,f ni ,- ri'iicy. Jlnl|:ird SniLh eabl-'s: l! is not U-.s bery'M i-i ^::;uaLio:i, Mil II ireoiirt's i,. temper il.ai i.i the uiosi d.. a;;i'i oil:- |-.i. nlieiid lur the (ioverunii'-il. lie pel's s.- :u his deti'i-iidaaiioii io brine; lorn i; t o L i In- fi jv, t 11pport uid ty hi>; bill ii 11 local Veto on tile liquor ll'niiie, tllolL'-i'i, , l Iwui 1) :m "iippoi'li-rs of lhe UoVeruiueni in tin House Willi (lecid-'ll dil'.iV.H*. Ill I'.ii:. lhe general pruKi^i.-!'i'-.i ijuii is that i. it is i-vi'i' bnni^cliL to the second' read", the (jo VenitneuL will lull. Il is ucl. 1; now u tha i the Li hern I leaders in ; ': lliil'tk* of Couiiuoiis have never tor^ivei. Lord lioseb-ry for ^cit.u^ the (ireinicr* ship ov.-r his head. The only i'-ui ehiacu ol sucee-ia a the le'XL rh-etinti tlU! UlUt illis LB ||uV. have in on the liquor ihsiil'. This qiu-a tin a hJUJ wrecked evury Govern mciu that ever took it up owinw to the enormous reHoui-ccH ot the brewi:itf in terest uud the "widespiv id or^iiui/.uiion th-; br-'wers havo Jit their command i . the public hoUHi'H. There w.m .a tiine, not so lon^ n^o idtlii.T, when thu re turn of Xew S-nitii With-'H to tlm fruu trade policy, nltci its period oT wandering nhout tin; pro- tectioniHt hwauip at the heels id Sir tieoryu Diiibs, Wuuld have created a wide and deep enthusiasm here. Vcrlittle, however, ban buou said about it', A certain letlmrgy on the whole sub ject of turiiftt is undoubtedly percep tible nowadays in England. Th.- Cm den Club Committee, for instance, at th- uiiuuilI iiicotiiu; the other day only j;ot a milHll percentage, of mciubera to^ethei-, and tho Only buninesH ti'ansacted wilh thu deciHiou that there could bu no dinner thin yena*, because tl(*ro aru no IuijiIh in the treaonry. It in not nt nl, that thinking men's opinions are chang ing, but that tlmir entfrruotw to do bat tle for them ham faded away. otioii: i * TiKiciany oivkm thiit tiik, llrnt n!i 'biifnf tho flour I. nt Huvlnion or tha niiuiiiinnioii- .11 uf th 'J'ownnhip of Midildtona (or thuyce I'i'.l'i, will bo Indd tit tlio Town Hull, 'Mii.Ii1iU.oiii< "ii Katuyilu*/, tlm Unit duy of .liuin 1MI5, nt tun n'olonk a. ill. OlnHt'iiolIii.i, Wundidurt, May in, istlft. M. HnMHOH, a0-;ii (!li*rl( MuiilidjiRllty of Mnidntonri. COURT OF REVISION TOWNBHIP OF COLCHESTER NORTH rpIlK FlitHT HIT'CINd OP 'I'HF, OOUKT OF 1. lUwlitioii on thu iiHiiiiiiiiiDfint roll of tlm Town lilp nM'filsliudtnr North will hii held at tlio 'I'uwn Hull un SATURDAY, JUNE I, (895, nt thrj hour of 1() o'clock in ihn forcMdou. J. A. <:ori,TKH, Towiiftbip Clerk. (Iciilo. Mqv l.'l, 1H!)."), liU-'JI . WOTSCE TO CREDITORS. Is thk Mattku oi- tiu: IIstmi: or KOHKUT IiOOrJOU, I)i:.'!:a"i:o. NO'CKi-V^Ui- in*1UKIlX*.(ilVKN PUJtMlIANT to Hie piovisienti uf K. S O., lf-M7, Cli-inter lin.noolion :Hi, tli'it nil ( redit-erf! nail nilu-rs buv- ln (* el nil ns n j.:ninm. tht euluto of Kobi-rt Moo pur. Into of liie Townsldp of (iralhihl North, or Mje County of l,,.s:<.\ Join nor, ileeuil his I, who ilieil un or about tlm 'jrtii ilny olMmcli, A I). In'.M, nrc horeliy ri-ipiirnl to imint by pun I, piaipn 10, or -le liver to l\ A Wimuiir, Kns-us, Out , on or h< I'or.. tho !i*7tli <liiv of .^lay. A. U. It-'-T., n iitatmueot- io Writlni! ol' their nnnicn and mhlrenHen, and lull pmiieularu of their chiiinx, properly veriliuil, find tbti Hiu'iivitii-R (if imyi held hy tliein. . And take noticii tliut,.ii.ftni t)m nsil 'Jsth duv at Maj, A 1>. lhW, the lulininlHtnarlx of Uio iiiiid pntiit.ii willVrocoud to ilintributo the usuots of tho iiiiiil ohMiLij iimiiu^ot. thu porHuns cut itle.il thoieto, hnviiiK reifurd only to mien clnims us tiho hUhI) huve inol notice (if, ami slut will not ho liable for thoiiuid uiinetH. or any purt t)u-ruot,tn nay jkusoii tii'.tmn.outi of wIkjiu) claim or clnims noticu tiiall not. Iiiivo been civen as iiforeiuiiil. Datflil ut Kunix May til, lhil.i. K. A WIHMKH, iiO 21 Solicitor for thu Administratrix, Khhux IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. OHANCLKY DIVISION. N -ty pe ice, I ilairin I \ " In I ho Mutter of ihn Wo fit Half of Lot No. i, in tbu aUi eon, of the Township of Gmd'odd Huiitb, in tho (Jounty-of. K*isex. joTifn-; r nKitiinv ciivijN that sam- nel J-'. Ilftniloiflon, of tho flity of Detroit, in tho StaUi uf Micliifiin, Ajj lit. hiui iniidii uppll- (jH.tion to tho Hi((li d v.it of Jiliitieo for Ontariii. for n certiflcutu of title to tlm ahovo mmitioiipd nroporty, uiulir the Quieting Titled Act, mal ban orijOnei'd evidnauo wherehy he apjjciirn to hd'tho'.vnir tlioroof in fuu>, finn from-all eil- cuui'bruncfiii. Whfiivl.urn any btlior perHon having' or ju*o- tfMnlint! to havo any title to, or inter* si in, the Hfiid IilihIm. o: niiv part tboronf, in rcipiireil on or heloro the Itith da> of June, now next otinii- inij, to llh* a statement of his or her claim, vcri- 11 ad by iiilhlivvit, at my uhamlxjfii in tlm Kluiii- iiij/ Hloclc, in tlm tlily of Witnl nr, in the County of Ehm.'X, mid to FMirvfi a uo|iy on Meiiiir*j. fllarko, Hnrtbd tt Jiiirtlut., of the Citv of Witniaor, Solic- itoi'ti for tho saitl Hioiiuel i*' Iloinbtrsou. And In default ovury huehuhdin will no imrrinl and tb i title of the miid Samuel ! '. Hendoiijon will hucoiuii' uiiHolntu unit iailufuitsihlci at law. and iuVi'iiity, siihj"C-i only tn tlm veBCrvatinnH irtoutiouo'l in thu i!0th Suetiini ! tlot mini Act. Uiiti.d tbiH.'lrd day uf May, A..I). l.-.i?i. M. A. MuHUfiir. *2U-iii ). .1. Knhox MORTGAGE SALE. IN T1IK l'lcndcil Cullty uud Wu Heutencrd lo Montreal, May. 11. Albert Dbrlon, thu" youuif iMifitofllce elork arrodted yester day by Dotectivo Canwutor for otuaiiu^ money letter*, and who admLttod his guilt, waa Motauead tc throe yoam In tho pttuitoutlajry thin morning , by Judgo D*!BUoyor** Town of Essox, Cosflold North and Colchester North. rTNliKn AND IiY VtliTHK OF THK I'OW I aai which will be produinjd nt tlm thnu ot Huh-, then: will bo ulluVt-il f "(r n-ili! I)v piddle, (Uintiou at, tio- Aliird(iori llotol in tlm Town n( K.shwx. on Tuesday, (Way 28th, 1895, at "J o'clock in the afternoon, the folluwiu1; pro- pci'ii'm.vi*'.: All tlioHO certuin pare.ob) or tntetn of bind mul pruiiiihtiH Bitiiiitu, lyini: ami hfhii; in the Town ol Fii-M'jc, mid bt:iu^ coinpoiiitil of: l-'IKSTl^y Part ol'r.oi. No. 10, I'lau No. IHI.of part of the u'rtb huU or Ijit No -Vi, outh of tho 't'ull'Ot loud, mul mora iiartieularly deii- drila'd ii.t fohows: (\>ioiuo;H)ini; a*- i.lin .iorth ciiHt ai'tllo ot hind Lot No.^JH, thonoe woiiterly idoiiM Liu* mod Tnlhot rnnd ^' feot. tbenee oiith- . rly ( iirnllcl with the iiatitt-ru limit of naid hot No |0, in) i,-ei; thence oimterly jiara'kd with tho 't'albot road :v.) i'eot i. ) tho nnutnrly limit of naid hot; tluMiei) iicrtherlv nlon*; said cantcrl;,' li.uit Hit fn'L, to Uio placu ol biijariniiiiii nubjnut to il riiilit of way on the wei-o-i'ly V-i font of thu abavo lnnori>'i;d liuela mul |o'i-inimift mild riyhl. of way havuic noun Imretofoi-i: L'rantnd by tlm niart- i-iiLjur to othern, tie* ditferont owuur.i of pa tn of hot No. 10 alori'naid. hi". I'ttintf composed of Lotti No. 18, 1!) *:li(l 71, in nn,jd Town uf IOhhoa, uh hIivwh on a ldtiu nl a mibdivinian of part of the houi li half of I>ot No. 'JH;i, bouih uf Talnot rniul, wbudi plan wiih n Klntercd in the rotilKtry olllco for the ( i'ilf. TJUHl.-Ly-IioiiiK partly In tlm Town uf I", fox und partly ui thu TowimUip of (iotiiluld Nortli, anil beiuu comi'iHiid nf fjotri N'nii 1, ii. 7, H, J, 10 13, M, IR, Ui, 17, 1H, 10, 'JO, Si, '22, "tl, -J7, 2S, ia. :t.l, ui, s^JJi^aT. iw, :j*j, -to 11. -in, 4:1, II, 1,1 and J7, aH Hhowu on a plan ef a. riiib-diviH- Iim of paftof liOt No. !isI, north of Tulhot ljiuI,' which plan wuh rouiatorod in tho rnj.;ltry oflieo forth" Orttintv of KKLJ*>Jt Hfl No. Ulia. FOUUTHL.Y Lotn Non.71,bQ and HI, na nhown on rouifitoiod plan No. 17tl. l'TFTHLY Tlio woiitorly ar> foot of Lot No. i, an hIiowu on rwidatorprt plan No. l^n, heiiifj il froiitnuo of J15 foot on Talbot iitrui't, ami oxtond- lutf to tho rour of aald Lot.. HIXi'ULY Tho Boutlj ipiurtor of Iiotn Non ^fl aad 'J7, mi uhown on rt;itoi-od plan No. 179. -------b tn Noil .ill, fill, fil and 52, au WOOL i yvo want _75p_000 po'uulij_or:go.o(l^loiui wo<l, for whio prito, wo utny a full lino of goodn from tho K.n^v.llo woolon AlillB, wliioh wo floll nt mill price*; WAIT FOR THE WAGON. In it fow (layH (inr wngoii will be on tliurohd with KingHvillo MillH, to exclmiio hv wool. POTATOIES. We will h'lvo n our load of nxtm /ino potatoes, which wo will noli at close 'I.uoflduy and WedneHday, iilut, ynd. TwcorlH, ilIho llluiikotn, uhoetinHH, yuniH, ote. from tho lose pnco.4 lor canli 1'rotn '.ho car on DtnsTST-iLKr BLOCK, ESSBS- :bf MOtififyinfj (juairnnorn; p.rhapd that, io why wo do .such a largo clothing tnulo. TIiih 19 clearly tlio people's Htoro. BebtT'is the word, tlmt applion to ^ouds, onl, malic, trim, stvlo and wear of our giirniontH for Men, Boye, Youihsa-.d (Children. Kvcrvthiusjjcw; made this voar, and to hoI! thin year. r ' on Clothing we handle tho boat fnal;o m tho m-irlcufc. Call and sou Tor yoinsolvon and jn-ieoa will suit, Giiarantood the greatest values in tho country for the mon ey.. Talco u .suit lionu.' nullipara with uny other you can buy in fcho weHt. If you :iro im; a:itiaiicd tlmt our.-* aro not thebost hfinf* back tho suit and jjet your money hack. at raw hiits a.t low ns o.c. Btundard shiitmyn lUc pi r yard. Oi(;ponH in all shades for, wuistcs. we ciirrv a full lino of Dry < iooda and .Groceries, hli-fca. and Caps. Vtiifoywt.- ' A Vance^s Old Stand, Essex. rC/*VT DUGT OAT "^ ^*fl^V/-,^?iO ^:^3r ysm&wyvKmt*,&*iViifi\[iKA jiiiiiiiiiTirr^riii-iiiii' liiiiiiMiTjiiii-iiiiiiiiihiip FEATHEBBONE ' SKIRT. BOHE FOR GIVING STYLE AND HlflVJiNTI-ILY uhown nu rotjiiiturod plan No.'^'l. KICillTHkY Lot No, 411, no uhown on plan No 181. KlNTIirV Part of tho wont half of thu aonth half of Lot No. 28'1, notith of tint Tnlliot road, CQntainliiR 37 aoroo, moro or hum, I-oIhk hlookii 9,11,4, li iiutl n.^Lii nbown on tlm plana of thn Town of Kuhox; and ahc tlmt portinri of Hald liotNo. 283, Routh of tho Talbot road, in tho TownhIiip of Ooloi'OHtur North, In naid County, lying wotti of and immodin'tuly adjoininir tho ftforunaia IjIooUhO 3, 1, 5 utul 0. TENTUliVr-Alno tho notith half of tho imut half of Lot No. :il, north f thirMahlou road, in Un* -mid Townuhip of Colchuutor North, contain* tun 60 aoron, raoro oi loim. TI&RMB OF BALE: Ton p*r aont. down and balunco in ,'J0 diiyn.ojr aa msybotiKrend upon. Tor furtlu-r particulu.ru uvplv to DANIIIIj 81N0LAIR, ortJ IS. A. WISHER, . Aiietionoor, Euaox, Vondorn' Solicitor, 20-2| iSsaax. 'bMntlraclory kleuultH So Ray ii Br. Oarlott. and old and Wonor- d praotitlonor, io Bullovillo, Outntlo, who tptiteH: '"Forwalntint! Dlnunaua nod Bcrot- UIlitt.ve uuad Soott'H Ematniou with th moit .tiitftotory riultu." TRUNKS, VAUSES. A Jingo Rtoclc, :ll now goods and latent Novoltioa. 1 take no back seat on .prioos. SGHOOIBAGS, f havo a large 'stock, cemghfc at bottom pricos, and can b-?at thom ail for price and qimliiiy. CH and hoo tbon>. PRICES AWAY DBWN - ON -. Farm Harness, Truck Harness. Heavy. Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TO sses A litiht, plmbto, fliiHtio liouc made from (|nilln. It ih doff, anil yieldiiifj, ^ uonforming readily tn fchhi, yot yiviujw propor 'hapo Co Hltirr or Dtohh. Tho only Hltirt lioue chat may bo wet without injury. Tho Celebrated Feather- bo n o Corsets_ are corded I with this material. For sulci by 'umilinQ Dry Crooda Doaleitfl. SHEEP ES7RA Y. \ KPT MY raEMIBKa, 8-W \ LOT IH, CON. Ij ii, Tp. (VoKtialil North, on Tbiutiday.Mai-ob U, no vim own nhmtp, four bidni; ytiai'linijn. lial- imco oldor. Kuoli of thorn luin il holo in tho mir, ami a flit ouS. Oiui baa ratboi a. brown faun. HuiUbla rowartj will bo fjiviMi fof inforniation lumliui! to tLudr rocovory. JiOHT. H. l'OX, IB 'il . . South WooilHlnn.P.O. RoviBion of Aesosament iqr 1895 0?owuship of GoBfiold North. TAKlft NOTICE TnAT TH1E FIRBT MlflKT- I liif< of tho Court of ..luvlHlon on tho iiiiuobo- mont roll for tho Towndhhi of OohiIoIiI Nortii, for tlm vuur IHD5. will be h..hl at tho 'lowh Hall, \f 25, l'-OB, ut tlio hour etui of ii]>pnal nnalnnt A largo stock nnd it rouflt go. Call mid boo mo boloro buying elsowhoro Evaryfhing in the Horse Furnishing Line. F. S. Adams. Two doo>eat { BfcUVOurrlijo WrkJ, V\am>x. CotUinroH'fciuturtlav.MwySS.'l^a, at tlio hour or 1 o'clook p.m. Ml notio- A - - . - , tho naid iiooaiiuuaorjt; munt bo nout to th undor- .Hin-d ootlatcr than tbo "jJ^J^^S. Olorlt of Opnilold North 18-31 SParmern' Got Ituadyl Fnrrura and othora haviiifioorn plautoru roquiriMtf ropai-Bi-nro rfcijuoutodl to bring thorn in oarly. fl tho rtmh will| noon ootid- tubnop. I will bo in a pouition to lutidlo & lot of ropainuK, during tho noxtfow weeku. and will kIro hnvo aomo lino now plaJstors totwihi wo havo promieoejor an arly HprhriK, fr'o don't doluy. FnBD RobiNBOtf Talbot ut.f oppoilto Dr. MqEotizle's resi- dontie, Ebttox. it NEWLYs WANTED To btiy Furniture ut pnoen tlmt aro rlslil clown to l.ardnan, and proparod to fnruiHli uvury rhiriK in tlio. nhupu of I'nrriituro Umt a (4ood hou alteopcr nfli'dii, Alao a. flno lino of Baby Curringpn at pnaos that mro rinht ulohu. Kindly oall and innpoot Uio fjoodn, it will pay you to do ho boforo buy ing oliaiwhorw. It oontH you nothing to ((ofc priooii. UNDERMINB M EMBALMINB. A. upeoialiy. EvryHun dono up jrj good uhiip*. All inoooHBury oarriKoH rutHiHhed. BuBinHfl promptly attoudodto at all hours. WiU comimro priooo with ony uuderiakor ot uny town! . Hiivn two flue nearsea in good condition, and will not ho uudetaold in the linoa I ropreueutf. KiHiWi il;Vli &'^^^^^^ 49 5459 69