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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 17, 1895, p. 2

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r:,j;&^ r"tt'A'.Wi-wj.-vi', "'."' '~:" ItlV i *-*, n\i SS EX FREE PRESS' E,'.. assjsEisc; _ owe. jfbllshod Every Friday Morning -I; pom tho cflVoo n Urn Iml un trial Worlm Jiutldintf, Talbot Bt. Tranninnt tsomotitH, is rato of Jpecial utiiontiion in paid to. Mi" publiuu- lo of matter of looul importation, uuaur- und rehuhlo rnportu of Town, hoinlibnr- [;T\)Wu*hip n\u\ County Gounoil prouuod- 3fe, .coal u nil iiotmty market ropurU, uU 'i,oart<fu.' aud judioiouti munap;i>moiit of .a Fhku Pinan-t, with ronpout to thonn iliuI ,igx ourrnnt mn.ti.orn of looul importa-tinn, IflKivou lb a widonproud prnntio;o in tho Jatru of Kanex oounty.whioh in reoup-ui-jjud Iron uf tint howl ti^i'iotiltuvul dintri(ifcJin lltum. 'fine Fame L'hhhii i tho {mly fe^iuin on-ouhuin^ thoroughly in AhtN fat ml portion of ihu CuutitVi ll,ul IH *?' puoutly,without. douhfc.tlioonly thorough y<irtiHio|f mudium for bunnum-i pi*op|b Bhm^ to roatsh that ohuin of (jiiHtcntirm,'-' aoHitr.Hi'ONiHCNdu:. [ur colutmw aro ulwayn opmi for tho lea bio dit-ouHUinn af niaM'jm pertaining flrroflponduiitain'iill iho nurroum'l- looalition furmtdi roliablo roportu of jutH of. intoro'ht, ocdiuTinu in their nuvoml Jhor*m; mid tho pnblinher in, at, all tunon eased to rotioivn inturuHtinU it.emu ot wb from any disponed to forward contri- *AU oommnntautiionft of a private ana fnflauntiitl mituro, nhuuld bo no murkod i tho ournide of tho onvolopu. "(lUilHCIlIPTION 1*IIICK- [fl.00 ptir annum, atriotly in udvunoo, j.60 por annum if not ho paid; ana all :roa.ry ulmrnud ut that r.itn. AUVlIItTIHIiMRNTn, lotful and municipal adver- uotiooH, etc., olmrgod at ton aontH per huo, for i\tat isertion, and live couta por lino rouoh uubHuquont inunction. All ouch Hwrtmomoutu aro mcanurod by a noale of /elvu Iiuoh to Mm inch, Looul roiuhm: and other nottcen pub- i\\at\ nmoi)(j looal uowh matter.uharp;od at io ratu of tou oun--n per running lino for _ioh infiorcion. [ All liotiooH of churnh or nooioty bntbr* .linmontM of any deaenption, at which an ilmitmioti fuo ih ahu.ri*-d, ii.ru regarded uh Ivortiuomontii, and tuil advortiHinti niton larjjed in all inioh cuhuh. Notices of i^aih- Iriufifl oi* m""tiiii4^ nnt for puouuiary bono- i't'or.itid, 'will ;>o oiioorfuiiy piibiiRhoa trw (f ohurp;a. Bpooitd oontraot ratoti nuulei for display \r Htaiuling.advth. AUH-^aror'profouuion- oardfi.midor onu inuh, 85 )o* uumuii. JOIl OR COMMICItCIAL I'UINTINO. Tha, I'uEB ~i*irKHtl'~"iTbb" Vrtntincr-D*- mrtmont in under tho nupt'rvii^ion >f thoroughly oomputout luochanicH, Hid upooiul uttontion ia paid to thin iranoh' of tho trado. Our facilitit-H for tho oxooution of all UimlH of Book nnd 'ino Job Printing aro unoxcollfid, Btuam )Owor preHH'j(3, .A O'til nolioitod. TlUHlHKHn RI!OUriATIOn. 'All -lob Pri.itinK * and Tranmnnt kdvortirtinu accounttf, atrioily . cuah. L(ivor'iniun 'accouutfl with roguhir .atroMH aro 'fiottlod quarierly. Sub- CoEipiionfl duo in advance. I No Hiihacriptiou to tho Lmikk L'kbhh, or UdvortihomL-nt pubhriho-.l in i" columns, Iwill bo diHContiuuMd until all urrunrH aro .Bald in full. Ch'UiueH for adyortitiumontH, to Booure InHortion in tlio curri.ut ihsuo, munt hn uuid'-d iu noi lator tlian noun of tha Tu.m- Itty-p-oo'ediiiiif and uoiico of suoh intuud- V! oh nigr) m retiuirod on tho Monday pro- Ofidnig. .. NoLios ot diHOontinuauce of aavoitirio- Lmotitrt mnnt bo nivon fit luuHt ono wooU in ffauvaiiou uf tho U*w* iu -l "" tX......."1 '-domr.-d to laHt appear. CHURCH DIREC7CRY Mirriioinnr.-Di-. Pumibti, I'uutor. fo*\t0t WoryHiHiiliiyatHa. in. tmilV. p. V1, Hi , ,', !*ohovWtu:ahp. m, 0. \a. Uuy\t, Hii]iiftiit<t .i ititrtUohool. Mpwnilh l,uiiKuiipmy'r"KUui I'uMidny iivt'idiuj at o'iiImoIi, (iomi.-u) V .V'" uni'tfti(,'on Tliurtidavoviiiihif:. tJiruiioir oi' l-Mfir.ANP Uv. A.I-.l'nv<o-ly, in mmiHont, (it. Puiilii, J-ItmuJt. Divnioimrvlot i oynry Siimliiv at 7 n'tilonU, P ' HuihIm HniiiJoliitHJa.'in. iVhdlY (- Itui-olt.NiO'thliidijr. i p. m.: Him dnyHolmol lit l,U>). in. Tim P'lblb: iil'o i'oi diiilly liivitfjd.' I'ai^iiiYTMHiAN. -Vf- M- I'lomlnc PiLtitov Mur vlnoiton HhIiIhuJi lit U n. hi, and 7 .HO p. iu Suh mth Hi-honl at J:'10 p. in. l'ruyor im othit- iiuO Haiitor'ji biblit oliofii up- Tnir.itny ut7.'.l() |> in. Hociiil iJnlon im Wiidt*'hi|av at H.lfiji. jiaJ'tuit t:ni;iKiir."H(iY.M. V. Cnmpboll l'n. tor. Hurvlmm uitali Huhb.Ltli at 11 u. in. nnii p. in. J'riLyor lilui'tilijj *'ii Winltinmlny <ivuuii.; at H o'clock. Noiilit frcn. AH aro umVuully wm GOllIOil. ' HOMAN CATIIOI.U). ]-'V. U. 1'. McAlnillillUl Pautor. Hur/lut. ovoj-y utimr Himility ut H.:tij ui. Hmiiliiy ichool ut ;t p. m. Hai.vation Ahmv.-'I'. II. Mcldiod, (liiptulii SiilvuLiuu uiiii.'tiii^u on \V< .lnc^il.Ly, Tliiirinlny and Hiiiiday ov(iidti;;n; i-'r.H- si'id |-;mi>., SiLi.tn day cvoidiiK mid :i p in. t.ujid.iy; lloium.'-.i imtt'tiia'. for uhriutiiLilM l-'ndiiy civtmnu; au.i ll a. in. Hui'i duy; Khoij Drill 7 a. in, tivwy Kuuduy. .ill nr-- Wnlcouio. LEGAL. X h. rr/rKHH Harristnr, Solicitor, Notu'> "3 I'ublio Mmiuy to Loan. Oillud our Strtitliori)' Jtiink. Kiii< \ Conlio. K A. WINMKK, MarrlHLur, Solicitor, Notur^ X'llbliu Ac. Muiiuy to loan. (J|lh:rn, Ui.ii ijtiin Ulticli, U[i-ntitirn, I'lhuriX. -1-ij C^UAUKK, IIAICTIjKT &. 1I\UT!jKT, Harrl. J turn, otc, OJllouu, Mi:dluiry iiloek, WimliK. I'riviiti* tiitnln to loan. A. JI.Clauek, L. h. li. N. A. lUaaxi/i a. It. Hautlkt. H. A. HKNHY 0. WALTKKH.L.Ij.ll., AMonioy an ' Cotiuiujloy in iitw; witii Arltinunu &. Uaiuli^- CouiirnMi ut. wont. JJotrojt, Mioh. {Caiuullau olainiii ttjjaiuiit porou In t,t Uuitdd Htat(!n (ji)llii. tod.) Jtuturijiium*! luiuoilal Hunlt. KaitinK, Out. .r U Pdtuni. Kut\., liiirrititur, oto., Khkhx, Oi 1C.A. WiHimir, Kmi,, ilnrrlnt(ir, oti:., lOtnujx, Oi J MEDICAL. iKini^U Momlior Oolhjf'ii of I'hyuiciiUi.-t ai.il wv.r ; >. Out, (frudtiaLoot Nw York. Ptinttir.nl ,.ito Mvdkial Kclioul. All cilIIh piouiptly ut tJ.idml to Alfio Hpoclnl ittu-ntiou [.-ivoii I. (liiuninuH or tin. luuiiii. tiiroat, iuiho, ovo-'ui,.l n.i- ..Oill'Hi .oytn Uricii tt, C'o'.'i. Drug Ktorit, itnd nl callii. niijlit or day, Utit thorn. Toloplioiui ji, coinioution. N. 11. CoiiHiilLittion roointi ground ilior auil ilrst flat iibovo. J*)B. DKWAH A-MoKMNZIK. '. T. M. H. Clrmlu .to Trinity Univorpity. .Motuliu'*- ' dlloi'ti I'nyt itiluim and Kurfjiiunii, Out. Ittitiiiioiicc-, Tulbo n. MiiBt. G.MoliiiNKiis, M. O. O. M., Fullow Trlrilt 'nclIcalCiillojio, tlraduafo Trinitv I'liivornii y UufiirieiKM:: Tulbot Mrout, w.m-i ol M. C, H, OmculionrH H toil a. m.,1 to:j amUUoH p. iu Mllco in (lnpuriil Itauh block, crmnjil lloor next to Thormi'h dnifj Htoro. t^. ii'(i.loL>lioin) in uoiuinutton with nlllno n,nd rcii* OnlL'i-H 1(t nt Thonio'H drnir Ktoro will l;< proinjitly iiiroinluii to. DENTAL. HP. MAUTIN.D.'li. K., Tj. D. H. (iru.luy.t * in Ijontiutry, Itoyal Co11k of Doi-t'il hivyooiiH, Onturio, mid Univovnity of Toronto 'Jhur(joK,iiiO(|nrato. UiUuu, ovor jiriou & C" ^ Ivui; ^torn. lH-ly which thjy aro :t6uhHf:rihpra ADVfiUTtaiiUH, and patrontj mmurally aro j'-roniu died to road tho above rouuhitiona r-ou-rofully, io ordor that confumun may bo av.iuod, an thy will in alt uanuH bo adhered io. Addrortii all oo nmunioationfl to IS. .1. LOVUMCI3, > Publislior tho'Easicx Fhkk l'u\:m, Euhui, Out W VETERINARY. II, KIUUAHD.SON, Vottiruiary Kur Kion, (i ratluiLt.it ot tlio (.hiUriu Vntur- ilinry CoH";;u, Ttrtuto, triii*t,n all diMi-iiion ol douiuhticattid unini.ilh Ttdbvoono in connec tion Uontihtry iu hpdciali.y. Koh:iIohc, roor doors lioutb ol Grist Mid Olllcu in ouHtollii:.i building; liillnoary diruotK oppoHito. BAKER. 'pIII'l oliltiitt biiHinm.i, m town. KbtiibliMUo 1. lH7ti. FirHt-ulatiU broud and calcoK of id Itlndii. Wndditif! cnkiih il KpocialHy. 'Irooonch proviiiloiiii, iIrmr,fotd, ualt and pork. Ooniec- niom-ry, i:roolt(0'y,^laiii,wnro. Cannod fvnltii and '/(igotublbH of all ltimlh. rjoodb iirmnplly -it* llvurod toail paitri of l.bn town. J. M. MICKH, ".il-tt T COPYRIGHTS. *^ CAN I OU'PAIN A PATI'.NT? lor a Sroinnt answer and mi hoiuiHt oriinion. write to SUNN tt. (!<>.. who liuvo twni ni'arlv mi:, y.-iira* oxporlonco In tho pt('nr. bii:.in.^s. (liiiimuiiiiiMv lloua Mrictly coutldonttul. A Ilnmlljook oi In formation cntlinTii 111(1 I*:iIi*iiim anil Imiv to (,)._ tJiiAttium uenr. irra, Alfo a (. innlofjua ol ui-j^nan- icfil nml mtlt'tit-tilo L)00|;m moiu. Uto. Piitoimi taliun tlinmuii Mmm ft Cn. rccniv.' aiiocial notlci'tntlio Sciciiiltlc Aincvic:i n. ;i;ni tiiua nro lirou:.*ht wldoiy boioro i-ho pulilic ,-.n n- out cost to tliu Inventor. Thin htiienoul niipcr, liiinicd wo'oltlv. elounntly ilhifnit^o, tin r.r Hie. JaruoHt iiirailiirloa of tinyeciontltH! v/unc in tlio world. iS:i u"f'lir. Mimulo niuM'i : cut. lr,:i!. . iiutlditm Kdll-tuu, monthly, S^.r.l)n y.-;ir. sini,lo eoplod, '<> ciiiiw. Kvry iiumiiur coatuuiu Iilmih- tltul Fliitou, in colors, ami photojjraplj.i of new 'houses, with plar.H, oiulIiIIik; liitlld'- oi'Ikiw M* lotoyt "-"iU'iiH imd Hi>Riiro contrnoi*-. AOdn^i \iO- " "'J VllW YOUli, 'tii't't 'll.'HAlWAy '"Jttotly KoNteil, Mad at a e." '1'hat io what it ih whan travel ling on tho faut truinu of tho Chicago, Milwaukeo it St. Paul Xlailway; hoiddoQ thero in no ohanao to "kioli," for tho aooommodatioiui. are up to dato..tho trainti lioop moving ri^ht ulout* and p;ot thoro on time. Thoae linoa ihor-' GU#llly oovor the torritory botwoou Clnoauo, liaUroftHo, Bt, l*aul. Miuuoapoliu, Abor- doen, M-ituholl, Biaux FiiIIr, Sioux City. Yiiukton, Oounoil BlutTa, Omaha and Nor- tihom Michigan, All tho principal.oition tnd towns in that torritory aro roaoliud by the "St. Paul" linoa, aonnootiuu at Sb. 3?ftl. Oouncll Bhi0s und Omab'ii with'all lines for points \iu tho far wont. Writo to ^J.Tftylor, Oatiadiati PaHa'r A^ont/, 87 TCotk Street, Toronto, Out., foroue of tboir \Jt* ninp tmio Ublon and u|bronbnro, Riving ^dowriptioii of tho pomparfcmont Blfopin^ Ikrt. XiakeU fartuHlmd i>y any coupon Mfaket agehb in *hoUditod States and Oah- j^u- ,Tb^peet dining cars in tlio worltl W* IM on tho, solid Vtiutibulod, elootrio- ighfceA *nd atoam-hoatod trainn of tke^Ohi- |ft|, MUwak A St, IVul lUilway. SOCIETIES 0..0. 1-' KNTKHPHIKK l.ndcn No Vlf iiitiutiHivory TburKdav, ovouinj^ ut 7.HO ir MdfnllnwH Hall. Io third -itoroy Muniituti Hlock ' /IidtliifjmoaibolH of otlior lod(*i h will rmirivt- : .ratortml woloimio. .1. .)(:![ NsTON, N, (j". OKNTUAIi KT'CAMPMI-INT, No. tiO, mmitMi; )ildfllnwh' rinli, lii.imtiin'n lilocik, on tho \rt \nd third TiitiHdn v inoach i Mouth. Vt id torn -oi It filly riiccivdd . Mo in born of inbordinatu 'jd;;of In tin. juviitdiol inn, invitoit to join. k.) IIVNN'AN, C. P., O F, IULL, (i. 3. tpHSKX OKNTltK l.ODtiK, Ko. 10, A. 0. U.W VJ M-'otM rtuonnd and fourth Mondavi' In oaid: i. in. Pliiitini; lirethron will ho ipvi'ii :i fraturiml wd nonio. JOHN IrVINU, Miintur Win knmi. 0. H. ?UTdjKU, Itmiordor 1,^1 HI-; UKKlADr,. Tlio Fiio Hii^idu nitMiLr Huiiond Wfiduttiidav uvi-nniM ovory uionlli ut B p. in. in tilt: comiull uliaiMhisr." All llivmai. riiilUoHloil toattoud. J. Mr.MUiUtAY, ('bird ,J. F. McQUKKN, Soeroturv.- puiJUT itoy\L, no. lii-j. i. o. k, V ,' MuuLh Hooond niid fnnrt )i 'I'uoHiliiv'h in caclt month ill t. O. O. ! p in Vihltiii); broth'in will lio ^h'tui ,t lrat1 nml wnl- <:oiiid. M McCiui-land. (.!. U., W. (I. Sli iw, Simy M.J.NViijlu.O.D. H. (.Ml. uAfJD AND LOAN AGENTS f'" KOUOI'I J. TUOMAfl, CcuvoyiLiicor, Com- vT iidHttiDnor, in UIkIi Court of JuHtiuo; dualoi n Itoid Kmatc and MortKUKOH, Moooy to loajj rit tho lowoHt ratw of inturout. Farmn boiiRht iml nold. Inmu-anco taltoii in too niontrollii.hU -jompiiuiuH. Drawing of duodfi, iiiortciifjon and .oiuion ii hiiucinlty, Chai-ROH moderate and all jUBUiuiiB promptly uttoudod to. Call at the ]uiit,rul TniuTihoiiu oUlon, I'hmoxOontro. Bil-lf MARRIAGE LICENSES. IV7- V. HEAMAN,' Iunuor of Marrla^o LIcomifH. Innuranco anpric- Nl(jhtoJl\oo at Uwollhifi. TALIIOT HTHEI-VP, KflBEX THE IIYAMS ON TRIAL For tho MurdoK--of- William, Wolls In 1893. THE CASE WILL LAST FOR TEN DAYS M HAHltFTT, iHiiuor of Mar.^o IiIoododk. ltX CommiiiHlonor ir 0 .J., oto. Gontu, Ont. MARBIAGI3 l.iuonaoH.or Woddliifj Ittnpi oaa lo prouuroi t E. L. X'urli'u, tlio old - liabln juwullor, Ehhox, Ont. LANt> SUWVEYOW. TAMES B. LA1UO. Provincial Land Burvoyoi and Connty Enqinoor, Ennox Contro, Ont OlUoo, Vtmatau Dloolt, uiietairii. AROMITtCTS. t onvTrS AYOOOK, AllOniTECT, &o Room 10 and II, FlomluR Buddinij. Wlndwor, Out 'PhonQlO. UNDERTAKINC H I'LUliMKH, Undortakoi and PunrtUkf Daalor. Oofllna.diomu and fnotorymvd* llHi^vkki^ ini * to 180, Moroo* Out . H^^^i^uM^ii fiti Ilk- XV<rl1iiij<il Not IVrililll.'il T# Appear rr<njllr ii'uflti^ it .Hufy -Mr. iUittv .i<i>.. i'iMt-14 tho Jury uiid.iliti b n.u UHikhu 1'iit On tile KUllld. Torniid,, Afiiy 10. The trial id Hurry "Inn.* 11>- iiii.h mifj Dall ut Tlii'odoiv Ilya:im win hi-nili.'ra, for 111*' ninrdi-r nf Wil- ' 'iiii' <.'iiiiuiid: Wrllit in tit** ('(tlhunuiHit: ,v:iivliiut.-.i' rcn.tfjil by, tin1 pvhioncru, on -hii.Ki,lsp;t, tipon.'d.'iil ilii- Viirk \hh\w (,ou:d lief hit Mr. Jimtico fttrnet Ji ml i jury. The trial, which will . hut n'i h'jif.t . Umi dayn, will pruvif in ninny v- ' ( the inii^l.. roiuai-knhlc (>v.T-lwn i' ' in f.';i nad'ii, A crinio timro torrihl" th.in that with wliicli flic iiri""n*,r< Jircrhni^- i'd !i;im never, {u'rhapM idnrlh'd lhinonii- ti in'i it. Tlio mot hod of Ui<' pi-UuniM-h, ii 'tho con I rut inn of (In1 Crown m cnrr> rt, wi. ii fdmpl i-m "'Ivp--. into Hut (^nod-will ot Hir 'i' orpli.m", pri .iiiei-K cniii'lod lini! ai lln' nhiti'i-H, i'in- n ily hi'i'otnintf Iut nfiin nc'd lnr-hnii'l. T!i.-;i Ih-' two iiiMiri'I Ih' 1'iH' nf Ih- hnr i..."r iir a hii'^i! ;-nni, ih<' sint<-r hii-!' in-1 ' the hi-ni'iii'inry. 'I'li'Mi tli".v d:il ,i'l I h i'in iiinrri"d 1 |n' i 1 -r. .mil tho two jilworU'd Hi.1 iiiM".,1- Jl l'Ci. .Mr, Lniiut ai'niii! mid a-de'd ill.' iml id r i'v.c-" nt tin* ooiirt in [wnnittinK Mr Km ic:m L. \\'cllmnn, a distiii'-cninh"i] .n.-nihtT of th"* Ni'W Vurlc bar, tn hi- in-- ^oci.i ti'd in tin: defi'mv uf tho nroiiHc'l. .IiiMtit-i- Stri'i.'t, in n ply, nuiil tluit !. : ! lie did nut fi't'l jiuitifh'd in ratiibliid.iir^ -ii\'!i :i. prrt'rdi'iit unl"r-n nh.-M)luto iioc--- dly thtTi-for cxistnl and it did nut up- p';i;- lu him that it did i:xint. 'I'h" r n :h'tiit!ii ooiild ailvifio with tho (ttlici1 oil ..--id nml ^ivo tin'in thi' boncHt ui iln'i r kni)wl<>d^i'. Iir doc li nod, hi >wo vov, ^.o nlldw Mr. WidlniiLii to cxniniin! wit- IIOHKI'N, I'-.'.-.h tliM.ii !)() mimiti'H wor.' iioi'iipit'd | .n ' nip.-iiitdlin^ tin: jury, nlthonirh tin' ' d'-i'i rv p riMiipturily t-lia lli:::^od it^ I'd! " "inpli-iiumt ui -10, I'tit'iv wen- ho idi:.l-! if ; (! lor chuko. Thi -will Indp tlio ' I'.-ad.-.r. I .\; (.ilij"-]* of Jin'oi'H on p;OL..il. . . 83) A f .I't-rod to th'di' iiiimui) , BO ! '. ..r.'-i.K'.'d bv 1 lurry Jivanu . 'JO I >' :- ! '(Ji-il h\ DilllaH Ilyuuni. . 20 j --iti'-'d ;ihUI' hy Orown. 16 i Km*. .a.*il i^n u^oDiint uf Hluoiiii , 2 '-i\i' (1 IxH'uuHo Imd ' nil ii '1 itiinlo [ I'd.". Oilor in tlio euiii'.-d; <[ hia ii(LclroH-> | wi;i.:* Vviii will havo io prop in_' yuiir^oli , w.r ,h<- huIdiiiii duly iinjio.-sod upon yuiij by >'.ih iiijj: niudo all you havo hoard and; V;Ml. Try and eliiidnato everything eun-' ^cridu^ tho cn^e and lntye ymir' niiu'h; ( Iroo to ' reooivo tlio ^evidi'iioo. | (Mid . . , i I:; 1.S512 nn ' a^rucmi'iit wan arrnn^od ' liy which tin;* LLyaniH ^ecui'oi! . ;, ".'Too irum Wolln and bin nin o-T r: v i, (j; io pay the indur ,s;i() a month;. i.'.'i- :; .n the ni to do no, and h , i.iy Kl 1 -H p.'i' cen;. iatei'o.st fur th> i ':. i.'.v in i ho -meantime, l-'veiitnally tin* j '.n;i i. nf the loan was ni'ulo up I." i V';*'";10. IplllOl) Ili'illK HUhsri-ibed by tin* j t'.'ul man and ,^.1.1) UJJ by oueh uf \h" : t,:s.,rs. Cunnei'ted "A"Lth the lunu wa mn| ;.ji'i irineii; tu provide for tlio employ - I n n uf the deeoaHisl iliuI at.no fur h'.- i I;, n Iter - iu - lA^\', Ayhihworth. 'l'hi , J -d..u- ly wiih th' rehitionHhip an it atari* hL II. ]'. Il.vairis *uliHO(pieiH]y niu.rrie;! cii" of .lie Wo'.Ih tdtitem. Tb" pritioners Uad. mi office at 1.1 Ivimr ii i'i i't wont. It v.*ill h pp"n r h-doro yt'.. ,bni tli'-re was not inrndi hu.-dticsu cur- j ri"d ou. In NovonibiT, J.SD2, vln'V .ion' | a warehouse iu Colburue-Btroot and cnll j C uiipany. .From Novendier, lS'-Jli, im i j a p:*ririd throe lnoutliH after tho d< a ' | of \Vo11h the pl'i.ionoi'i! unteu-ibly c.:i.i... , uii luif-i in-.-,;* in ,he wa rchuuio1. I nay < - I i*> h.iit little or no busiiiC'.'-u wn-i cnrri 'd j mi, In lhut wanilui.u.'io were oinp'oye i Wil'.i.'un \\V11h, AylcHWorih and Misa !. | . inji r. 'J'hey vwit- paid weekly wu^.i In he IriHenient of tin* wu roliDlMe o-., ; J.in 111, l.V.j:t, William Wolln wim kilic ., Why Mhotild ,b-y kill liimV lu Ann. ., a Iiie inMirniice. policy wa.-> taken o:; in '!'.- p'i i.v fur ^iJUt0()O, in a do p.iyah'i: r Mi :* lio Weliri. Tlu're wore ill- !:: - Iditioii u Covenant Mutual p>> Ih. > ->i $2t)()(l nnd nun, h.T puli.-y nf r^l'sii in a Jill tln'-f1-- union:: n.l] : phyab.e iu Mnrtha Wells. Th p; ei.d mil on ', he ipltil.OOl) |)niioy Inul h".1: piii. hy l.ho llyaniri, and II. 1'. llyau- \i wji.n that In: wau to pny tin p:v i.iiuiu nnd w.in fihsn-io p iy Well* 1 l.l'i e ye in1:' $U"il)() for the u*i-* of h' iiimi'V. Hurry ilyaina also claiiued ,!) "i::h to i: a im.' the h uofieiury. I'll-' firri' quarter\s iU'eniium wuh puid b :: I. y hniidi'.l hy iiiw of l ho prliuinoi's ',. W'-IU, \vl;ii in turn paid it to the ii^vii .'.nu her qunrter'n prciii'niin ^ unld ha > fa I let: rluii idiorMy after the date o . !ii<h W 'Us was killed, unit .hU ]>remi!: :. 'il k:i vo had to be paid in order ti Ice]. he pdi-y llllv-.. O.lly one i|ll.i. . . lieroh ro paid Tie ;i, ii;-i innu . W lit*' idinre ui he .$01101) ndvuLiiee.il h; ' ti iiu, 'If and ft hi, en to tho Jlyuimi h in*, h-hi paid when the trnp'.ly occurri- ; ii . l'.e CollKirne-stVi'i't wit rehu.i.^e, Venn: Weill, had e^ine down to Pii-ki'riutf n few da yt- before and uri'iLiij^od for .lie pur chin-" of a hiiulU farm, il finally be!:: s" tied that Monday, Jan, Hi, Welln an i.i.-j -18:01* were to j^o to I'ipUerini; 1< el,,-, otintloiiH for the purclmut- < : lie farm. Thi/i wilh nil the explicit i; . di.-1-B uudiiiK that i,n the 10th ITynni- would pay yoiinjr We'dn iho $1000 the; owed him. Therefore, you hoc* the ni-ei1 to y exUted for the payment of the $l()0i on he morfdn^ Wo',In waa killed. There was little hii-duea-- doun iu tie Oilhorne-Ktreet warehouse, aa I 1um<- ;ijiid. It will bo for you to nay iwm-thei the n'nf.un; of that wandioiuse wuh no. part of the whoim* which cnlnii.iated ii the tlouth of Wi-lla. It will appear tba< in that Wiiruhoiue u yoiu.^ woman wir omployisd wlione nolo occupation wiih 1 ailurt'KH cnvelopi'H that were nevoi inn lied. Now, woh that warolionf tb'rdy rented to ffivo an appciranct! o: a buijitican with the realization ol th- innuranco ou younp; WcIIh' life' itij'ti.. ultimate rt'Hult ? Hr, Oale-r toon doa-sribod tho olovator in the Colborne-ntrout wanibouiio. ITe wlnljaJ the juroi-fl to pay particular at- teutiou to the Inct that notwithntand- tho little uuo to which tho olovatov wan put tlvo priHOiiorH were constantly .tluk- erinw with ,tho olovator. " Tlioy built n platform With tho avowed object of .taking off tbu 'weight from thiiu to tluiu, an occoaIou roquirod, and ohan^- hue It for a Ilghtor oufi. , fn tho ordor ol cyonta tlio pt-lwhiBrs; Wulla. AyUaworiU ,aud Miw Lattluior idujuld bo at the oflice th*t Moad^/ niornfiipf, Ralurdivy nU-rht Mini* rnttfiir-'r i wlven throe Inttoi'M to dolivor on Moll- *hiy litorniuK before whii oouiOH tlowu. 'L'he Cl'on'n Hun^oiitu that wan iu ordirr Unit hIio laijdit bo out of tin: way'. That' h'ft Ayh'MWortli, lio>y.*voi',.- .. Ou Hunday iin ordnr i loft for Ayluiworth to <. over the Don u.iiil inaUo uoiuu luiipiivio .. Aylewworth la thua oiifc of tho way. Ai order in ifivoni for Welti to bn do-wi:, curly at tho office. WoIIh' hi K'diil?r to Whithy with hiH iist"i- on the midih-.v tra.in to iiwlIco the payiu-nt on tlio fuiiu Then* in no reii.Mon ' iveii why he nhoiipl lie down. The ni -v-'iv .Jio j^oodn to tnl:- i|U nothing to he niovviKdilow flat .-t". M.p t. \V< tin jk found dead. It in clniineil tlint the weight slip pod from the rope. Wore thin i-n, i be gravity would brtnp: that w-Me-ht down pretty utrnijcht, oi/on if it. hud caup;hi. The crown olajum that there wnii not i*nfii!jcli play iu tint Inix to i;ive th" woijrht tilt onoui^h tn nUp uff the i-ope, Mhortly after tho accident, II irry liynr.i., wlin '-.coined tn have Martha Well:' pretty wel1 ut.diT cnnti'ol, commenced to abiuin ehi-fjneti from hor nntU two aiiiountn of ;i;i7n0 and $'Jo()l> wi-v olitained. Ahout ihi*- time a friend told lier thut tin' huU'ie ami office furniture of the Ifyaiii.'* were uiid'-r .:ha t L<d n>"rt*j;.i|;e. Then /die he- eiim.* iilariii'-d nod couVultod a noHoitor.. HidHefjiiciitiy /die went into retreat in, a, eluioeh hehmd, with a \i>w of breul.i:}; off all relation* between thoin. Harry llyiuii^ roihal her loeutiun, visited her, ( (involved with her nnd as it .-("nidt iu- dueed .Martha to inai-ry liliu on tin: fol low i,^ Tue,.day. A.", n result of thir. npi rr'-iu:", with tho exception ol ^d'KJd or i-ioUOO, p-iveii hy Martha. Widls to her -. AylehH'ortii, tho prpiom nt hav" nbhorbi'd every dollar or tin: in- Mtirn i.ctt money. If the prison.1 r, I la ivy Ilynim-, thuiii;ht iu murryine* Martha Welhi- hi: would have, influence cmni^h to j-ioctirt! the Innili'MiK-f, lie thought i'or- rcetly. if their oliject wna to icill in order to jjfirt the money that object ban been utta-ined. Ebruoznr W. II. A/hvworth, the hro- ther-iu-l.iw of the nend man and of the prisoner, Uarry llyanm, wan the linit wiLuc.s,.* (.'.illuil, lie n-la.ted the ijiitjal meouni*; of the Jlyam* and Widls faiui- liea si.\ ye.'ir.'i ai^ti at the house, 05 Gould- atn-e.t, win:re they all boa rdod. Tho n^reonieiit^ hy which th1! witiiesn, Willi-! Wells and.Martha \Wlls loatietl ,*j-.i"0()l) t<j the prii.onors was put ia and re- cijj^nizod by wituusn, who testified that Wil.io WollH put in about $10(11) of the nun nut. The prisoners were then onr- ryij.i*; uu businoss un financial" brokera at 11 Kin(5-sti"i'i]t west, under the i'irm iinim- id II. J\ & D. '!'. Ily.nu.t. Witni.'HH went into their employment iu A Larch, 1SH2. Wells had lwoit em- phiy.-'d there as il writer of mercantile reports fur a short time before the wit- ne.-Hii coinmiiiicod work. The wnrehou.-dnj*; businoss was opened about Sep tomb:**, \W2, n miiath after the insuranco of .-po.OOO ia the K.Y. Life was placed. Witnriw then detailed tho euiployinent he wjifi put to in the wa-reliounu. It com iated iu copyinfjf out nu/iuou on tho mi>ri*ujitili; iiKeney report*-, llo did. not Jaiow to what practical use theao cnpii*n \ver.' put. N/> person uvor ejime Lu to inquire for theui to iiis know.Ledp:o. One hundred sheetii, oxiu't copies, nil in-tho* luiiiilwriting oT deeeaHod.wuro put in to supi tort .the Crown's contention that Un! llyjiins' had no need.lor clerical work, hut merely kept, tlio deceased employed to f;ll in time. Another part of the mip- ]0Hed work was to address cnvelopen eiivolupoH produced wldeh had been i'oiind in the office uuniaih-d. IIo know of un result from the work of either h'un- nolf, deceaatd or Misa Lattiine.r, auocher rlcrk. ' Aylcaworth then detuileit the pntpimi- timi iiuule by the prisononi to '."illii; Wells, that he sUouhL uisure bin Win tor $3D,OU0, the prisouerH aicroeinj; to [tfiy tho proiniuins and to j^ivo deceaKi:d $^5(.M) nt the expiration, of '2 1-2 yearn for "the use ut his name. PriHoiaoi-H at the same time wiuitod Ayh'HVtfurth to insure hiu life for tho sain.- amount, hut he reidied that ner- 'clier h<! nor Willm WLdla could afford tu pay $1200 a year - in-premiums, u.ul he dill, not allow n-uuther man to pay for lii1* lira nee ou bis life. Ayh'MWortli told of the presHiue; do- uiandr, of the doeeasod for the $1001) duo 'aim hy prisoners, a.-id of tie- final pro- Mii.se oi tluj prisouem on Saturday prior to the tragedy tint they would pay it on Monday. Wells hnd tnade arraiqo'- ineuics to ku to Pink Hii'-,' with H. I*. Uyji.na on Monday nouu alter reoidviui; ihe $11)01) from the prisoners and close : In: deal. On tti.it urday We I la wrote out a tt Ii'Kimiu to Uriah Jones of Pickering itaa.uK that he would b.; down. Harry Wol:s was pj-.'seiit whoa thin telegram wa.s written and it was arrau^nl that tho prisoner should Head it. Then witness told of the message left for him by-tlio prisoners to u to tin* J'-jih:, bind anil make enquirii'H instead ui -joine- to the war-house the uioriiiiiK uf the tr/if^edy Ho ui-diaarily went to the war bouse at HdtO to '.). Wiiiiess deaerilied at length the idoTa-- i.or .'U^t!, the lift and their niirruiindni^-. lie .-.wore positively that from the time of -.in- ivutintf of the warohoiwo until dan. HI the. only practical use to which Ihu elevator was put w;m to carry up i hre or four loads of grocer ion aud lur- uiture. A% h'swnrth told oi tjio arrival of Dal las";, t the house in (iotdd-Htreet with lutol.ie-euce tlwifc Willie WelU had been budly hnrt. Datlu i cinnidainod ol hi- back, stating that \\- had strained it lifth.B tho v-'uie-ht. Hiu fiugen wire aha. hhe-ing. Witness bound up tho fiujp'rs and assisted Dallas to bed. Then he went tu Dr. King's, aud in con oqui nee of what ho heard visited liuiuphrey'it uudcruikiiiiJI OMtabliabmont, where por- mim-iiiii to view tho hotly wax refused him. Iiu then proceeded to the ware house. IIo In and the rope off the pulley, tlio boanhi which hold it in place hfiug off. Tho weight xrn.n off the ro|K! an : ranting agniu/it the ooiith aide of the ele vator, ejLrit of tlio casino;. Tho eml uf tho weight was on tho ground. There wan bluod hi two different places on the floor. Tho blood dpoUi wore half a foot apart."" When witness hHkod Harry HyaiuH, who camo in shortly afterwards, how tho accident occur rod, he rejilied that Uo didn't Uuo\y, that ho wiw not at tho warohotiHo at tho t'nuo o! tho tragedy, neither waa Dalian. Lutor in tho day witiioflp viewed the body ol decojuiod. The Hkull wiih fractur- od acroiiH tho centre and there wits a guoh over the right eye,which wan driven in. lu tho himomont }io naw a suiall chisel, which ho had novdr oeen before, coverou with blood, mid thero won blood on tht Ujindlo of a hiimmbr. Thoro wan an ai about tho promisoB, but ho did not nee it on that occimion* AylCHWorth teutiliod that tho dead bay wore gloHiies porrnauently. IIo wiib verv uoar-uightod und had to wear yhuiuei all tho timo, ovon to walk about, WltjMiw teittilied that klH wlf-s ro- Cftlvcd $4,780 o! tho hwuvanee moiioy ou Well*' Wo I" Soptombor or October ol Tbore wtu tt dotoot lin the elovator, and tba'Cs-fffl would, catoh oeanflloually abouttho -woim1 atory. It could bo vbmflfo rtleiued'bi- phlllnK up tho ropo. Thiii wa nothing, In the wttrohouwo which would Piulro tho uo of tho ^jswaUr <m ibt morntaff ol thg truody. jWr. 3Honi<* Jlannett KOHllndale, Hoatou, He Cotild~Not Live W*M what frleudu Bftid, but Hood's Perfectly Cured Dreadful case of ' Chrohlo EcxehiRH Such tt tttlmonlttl un we )*lvo below few uiudlcfndH can produce It hi ouuo( thotui- mdit poHKOHHod by Uood'e. Barnnpurillaf nnd provoy tho tnorlfc ot thin- modlclno. Kidiublo, honctd., iDdiiHtrloru), Is what all Hny of Mr. llennett. Jio linn boon nf;eged :i'i /: i^-llttnr in i-iCeUon for ;?' > yer.rs, with Tu: [[ UUBBBMMWmm Your kind nUontioti in r-npieHUd1 for a momotlt, whrle I r.iti iiui yon of.tii(i..itxmjJient virtnt- of our colu- brated erby Condition1 Powders. Thoy luivo had tho putname/i of u, uuiubor of v.'turjiuiry siircronfi for a (piartor f a cnitiiry. l'riee 'iittilu. per Ih, pnchiift*'. Yourn truly, G- A- SH^RRlNy Eseac Medical Hall. /. '.- a 1 Uuow n; .til, "ill'. \Vi;i*!iii;;ton n :' , nnd Aiu- :, : i.., .: ' ' |'"d '.'i- -i i- Mi vc:.'.r. o-^y l ..!. >.*_; o )o:'"j-.* Snvr-'ci My l.V,--: 4,..i y?r ti-:o 1j.;-m". winter, i".',;r n::re;:siir-3 .;t . -.*.':..:!, I cmvLit' f m-verij. cold, a'.u:c ', . i Oiireii'.c cezcmi nr^enrcd tin Ll;3 . and.npr'.ad /til over my low-')* limb from hiu-o to nnh'lu. find tha iLchiuc; and hurnint; v.'na fic-n-cUiiiigf aw ful. Added to this wan n uovcro pnln, (joomingly Urtho bono. At hnit it becnino HO that 1 hnd' to ylvo up worlc und Wat unublo to widlc. I hnd to have my leg bnndiitfednllttHitl.rjnoniid frotjuentrdmn^- cn of tho cloths. For nine months 1 nut In a chair- Ohv.lt.Wn Dreadful! prlondiioiilt! Tcould notlivo long. In nil X had noven different phyalclanH, all to no purpotio whatever. I know the morlt of nood'aBnrHavarilla an I hnd, nomo ycarti before, takon it with benofU, and docidod: to try It for my nprjurontly hopolonB cbho. In two or th-co dnyu a'ter I botfan ^Y <-P- ?ot*to *vn8 bei.tur and my cournnrorevived, o mnlcoa lonrjf nt.ory nbort, th* eruption pnt'reiy dluappeflpod, nnd -^bo-flwh on my BSSEX Holler v Mills* IAllJ'lh NAVI-.0U 'niton thin '.vppnrtunity Of atiniiuiicpi .. uio pnopln cftlio Town and Count'/of Ktinox, tlnil, be linn ruiiodel-'il thult'si- liex Uiilliir Mills mnairdlni; to pinna pn-purod by II. K. .hrlco, Ht. 'rhoiini", ami lnm iilim seotirod tha tiorviees or lioni.uT S'liiACiJA-N, an (.-xporl- it not)'I iomI thoroii|Oip/ <--mipnti<iK sillier. Thaalilni: i.lio t,eojiic nt thu toy u uml county for tho p'U i miu-.p Iji.ht o*.*-< -n upon hi in iu tlio piuil.ull! etiarantiM-mi.tinriii:tiiii) l;i tlm tntura Gristing and ChoDping a Soeci'altv. THR T'.KST OHADKH OK FhOUlti, FKKDAND COKMMKAI- KMPT IN' L- I'OOK AND tiQUV at main- p'tiowH- Cosh Paid for Wheat and Oats, THE AMERICAN MOTEL I Esoox, - OntorJo. *y,^ o. hvv.K, puoiMtir.roit, har htsen J J* tlntvoimlily piiii,t,ii and yeplcniHhsd with :i-*w turnittou bv rl"* printout proprietor. XAUOV. IIAIIM IN r-i.NNKC'i'Mi.N. I'irnt-d'fuu AccoiiKslaitoii Uuavnnti?t!il. ESSEX lutf resumed perfectly healthy wppenrunco. 1 wiib Mooiinb'.o to walkabout. I can not toll how nmti/.od my ~> lifrhborH nnd frlendu wore. I can now well, without uny lamo- ood's 0a*82iUa nmi), us well uh ovor. fi^ ^ \ f^-f^-C HftvonotthefflightefltB i' ^^ eruption or itching or VfeB^" %^(lw%^> bnr'jiinpf, oranv hort of trouble wbntovor vith my lep;. Tho ^raiitud*: I owo Hood'fl f'Trniiurilbi i-t'iimidy uiu:pcnltftbIo.MTnofj. Hi-:: '"f/i'T, L7'Z tiycii'inorc St.. lloslindalo, iin.'in, Mniin. Try HOOD'S." VuC-i^US iTt.Ub tiv,.. AlLdrui:^::.j. ^-a AUCTIONEER j Jl-NJIY 1!KIH(|< K. Auctioneer. H n lot 11 l-USMptlV iilU-ii'lml Lit A.iuri:Hii SillltL \'. tuj.^n-.-, Out, PfiMtnh lu Hecui'o nit nay )i-i\i; worn nt tlio J.'ni.i-; io-.i.** ulllcii. 11 Ii UMliJllOK. JY -MN'LMIi, LlCK.Ssl^h aUCri'lONKKK J* ii. ii . (.:,iniltv .,1 l-,i..,o-t. liMiiillui l.iulilh 1'ivih.di, . (nut. All lumu (j i Km id uml 0;her ' ii lor. <: -'iHliii'Li il |iiniu|al>. Kiiic dii.ihln io.it no noi.i-ii im ai'iMiouiajut. l.Jiqniri;rn .may .i Pl'i' 'I', W \'.. \u iuin.ii'.., \i\v.v, u\ ia thu uttie" i i I.'!vu,ii.n cmi. 1. Hi, Mi .mhjj Milno i i (UIN (i(iH".:],l'.Y fl- J.PJi.NhKI> AUC'niWl-KIi for tbn CounfA* Ot iLb.M'X. All lilll'lf* Ul 10,111! rH.uii Hllllllt, lit!.-.,, L-iii4il\.Lli;tl pu-ij-iMij mi.I i/ii churl nol,)uu. lint.-n ' ' --I'h- I'i inn i- m..-, jut iie u, nnlu.|,M **,tUis i ,uj <i, ro h> t-iilliui, .ti, (.uo J'iu.k p|tc:ih olUi:u uf bj m-i I j .na to i ,1. tiOHMI.F.Y, ' IV O. Mux U>. i'.fhu.v, LtiiC. I^H-mSK Mi CLOftKVi^ , Maiihitoiii- thuty- i t ,:Ven y.-ai t-' expi^.j Ji-1,1*1 lit- till -.-.uuliitll"HI Hi tin-Ci'-untv "f K-ibux Salni cnmluctecl laniiiptly, j Ito n i Diiiii'iiuhli tt:ii.i,. I'tmlii* -Iuhii -a,: to ti,\ ll-t UlL[n li'-I 11 mill' "Jilli h.iVI' \.t>t)UWll.'l>* a' tiri/t M vulhiin lit i-iie T'lo-.K I'uKhh i.iiai. We I'-dVO iTiini^-'l Woh ,\,n \i; .'h.hl.ej i.ii-'I --ill llx 1 he UiiOjii t< iilei, OV o h'iij iipo .iil.lit fl1) tM.'t- O' e i(, tin- pi-ii,,i. liiilih. l tin .tuJi . All- '1 rttHi- l*iiiiii .' Ii:(J1oi*kl,v .\li-.iihu> i.i i 'rfisn, Ont, deoirge S:. iJ'oa&es, MIHHliltVMAN, RUTHyEN, FSSEX COUNTY IV-.uh. Vmr, Plum, A-pple aud Qtoece Treen, Hnht-H.' Ilver^n er.n, lh". ry 1.:lnHlu't.,.Kiiflpb*-vry> BUichbfrr-y au.t (Jinnmt Btifllies. Al! hrtn-ulanb Hri.-uk. Bavo a^entb* Big Profits ami writ* tor prit-M'H. \V will ulivor- lulty iintivuwr > ou ny ru'tnin u.uu. Hss Jus* .Received Tfie F!nssf and"' Kesi fissoriment of Boofs and km$ hi E^sex, Gar^-eai; Value-iai Men's'Fhoes nnY9xfordsi . Indifis' ami Chrl^ron's Shorn and Oxfordsv. T.ii^ Chcnpent in the Land. pall nn-1 Eqamlnnu-wd bo Con- VlnqecT for youroolvon- das. Douglas,, Mi:it <>> * <>i()tfii izoot, :1 mss (lUi'Hiioi-. **in...i: h tiitjv.-i; Imintry Stouh, Wei -jutiniiiteu r,utintiictifni ' +,ii, i up1 eBohtatlvoil and. iir mu i-orji-i* mt ih hn-L'iit !n> tin) Uuiiiinioi., nv.o im) .uui;i, No HiihStitution. in ni. i iut*. i..M--iiii'V" tori-itory an.I iihural turiUSi. to whoio or p.irt linn: nu-Mitri. Wrlto an, sT^JNhj A \VKIJ,lN(U'ON, (Ht-iid i'tli(;i') 'J urouto.Onb (Th-. nnlv mirnnry in Ciunula imviuli titittiiiR; nrchimli'.i -t-l-'im AVuitModotwnnil prnErcsslS:o ]-'<>r eii.-a-lni;iii! oc Uituniiiuloa wlin-t* \ IIU MAWLLfcN FIRE ARMS CO., New Hnym. Conn. FOR TWEMTY-riVE Y ARS WDER THECOOK'S BESTFRIEND LARGEST SAU&tN CANADA. i i.io. iu itio wmi'.-I fur ynuti-4 Wi'U una - o.iu-ii in hi." tiro a llunhtua ^ih'e'Ltii.H.f-lmrthaiidpOC.i., iu-Uia l"t>nit Hm-int'iw Uidvurnlfc-*..U>" i.'-r,, MluU. Iilim nitft.l.tntuliiuud. l-'riMi U.....ii'iaan: All l^Vcdtt, VV F..IKWK1.I,, I'rew '. K. Bl'J'JNL.T'lltt,tu,y* Splendid Apple Trees, On uond t'rivirl.ivo Fniii Pwip^yi.y at aj a 0 p'i ouii't. htvaiiiht. No Valuation Fee's. IS" Oi*ivyaneinj( Pono np in Nettt Btyl. "'' .'."Vj Al ni every yin-p^et, $12 PER 100 - SB, Fire and Lit* finance. , -'...., UytAGE^'^m -0fficr; Whltuey Blorl<, upstoa ;!fe^'M'M : ': V..- ,' :^'\\\-'*J^M ^^it^h^^^^^^i^ ^i& :,:-M iftiiife

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