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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, p. 8

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I " i : v'......"-ttJUljUi-i | <rEj bvS|15X H'KBb PKES8 Pin A'TH-OH SUGAK And Increased the Excise Duty on Spirits. lljOUIl CllOOrH, THE BUDGtT SPEECH YESTERDAY Mr Ulrliurri < artwrlulifw Utply Nut (on- clmL.I -Tlio Ui-ndt. HiJ.oua^KW << ti* Hot by lurretmed TaXufloh A ICMIigled Htntrnitiktt Of UnhllHtf*. Ottawa, May <i.-Hon. G. 13. Foi.ter wan i'IhmtvmI am h<? rino to m-U bin Budget Hpiwoh ytHifrdny. Ho pltiHKi-d at oupp Into Ii1*hh, tfivlnfc thn following enm|iaratlv( HtutiMiicnt of tlm piiHt lineal vonr'ii ttnunrt-n: Hc-v*mim for 'OH-O-l- CiutoniM, $10,* 1JiHrlM: (ixcim', $aai,0Hfi; iniw-Mlauc- <nw, ^70ft,.i8t>. For JHl>a-Ia- Cimtoma, 920,mti,0<M; oxcim*, $a7,aft; iniw'ttl- JniU'ciUM, $H.17,241, iiialclim a ilWfiviiee lr $i,7o,nf. . - The ox|Hnditutfl. Ini* IfiWMH vm* L$a7,K8K,02rt, and for l/02-l>a it wna f$afl8H,0K2f a i]iIfeHi? of $T0fl,?l7r [Th.* 3C|M*ijiljtUf*i"lii 1R03-.1, *37",KBB,02K, "Um&ttTor $1,210,3112, and in 1H02-03, $:!MH,0K2, or a mirphw t $1,384,- CKB. D'-alinR with thn o^iwitulit\i:-<v which WiiH tlnt'o-ijuartorti ot a nullum in I'xciwi of the provioiw yor, In1 mild it wight lm cowddoroU a Incfc n( furiMilRlit on tin1 jwrt of the Govcmouiiit m a yi'iir of financial triiig(wy to incryatio the expenditure. That view would not hold when the fiR- mroq were looked at, an out of thin thn* <IiuirU-r million $712,112 had Knp i Inlorx'st on the debt and nnhnidioH to ta<* provinces an increiuio which could not lit! n voided, Of an incroaMi-d *x- Kionflitiirc, there were thrc* Items Which would fnniiHh re\<-uu* to tlio Government rveiitimlly. Tor th<* tnamifactum of mothvWUi-d Hjviritu u Item of rxiHMiiIitUro of $HH,fl5l appear ed, for dniry'ndvancoi $30,000 and for Wmlnr-twint- factory $7t,2H. These umountfi would in due time corao uiiek to the Om'ornment, and it wiu exported that $40,000 would bo returned from tho binder-twine factory alone. Ill ad dition to thciie cxppwliturea tlirro wan ___nn increoffo in poiitoffice work of $90.- OS8 and $13,428 in premium, dincouot 4tnd exchange. TM revenue for the year bad fftilM to meet Um expondituru by $1,210,832, which measured the Hite of that unwel come visitor, tlio deficit. It raimt bo remembered that, included on the ex penditure wide, wan the Hum of $2,181.- 3R0 for tho ninkinp fund. So that really tho revenue mot all roqnlroinmitw of the xjuntry outside of tin* capital laid up aj-ainHt the debt, a aum of $1,100,000. (Iwiud lIum-i-i,) It immt not be for- EottiMi, however, that from) I87fl to 1801 the totnL net nurplnn- wmi $7,-l70,8t2.. Thin further fact nhould not ho over-' looked. la 18.>3-0t 303,703,(177 jiounds of Mi^ar "were imiwrted for home con- Bumptiou, on u Inch no duty wait paid. II the rate of duty prevalent in 1800-01 had been imposed on tho impir import ed lat year, it would have left a mir- ]>lun of $-1,821,205, which would lia\e Mwept away the deficit and left $3,- 010,873 to ko townrdfi diminution of the debt. (Cheem.) The net i-ewult to tho jwople of Canada wan that, while it cost them $38,321 ait an intcreut bunion to carry the deficit, they had saved in taxe-H $1,S21,000. (Cuoert and eounter- choerj.j Dr. IjiiMli-rlvin . \\" imi-*t thuiil: the McKinlej bill for the reduction of thi UKar duties. Mr. Foriter, coiitmuinR, aaid . "Laut jrear'd eapital t \peiidituie miix uhowu to Im $3,^0.1,118, an linr'Mrp of $830,4-28 over tho pre\iou- uar, Tliia wan t*x- plainud in detail b; tho Mun.ster, who ^'iv.> tliu following [if^uit'H. 1803--1, IUilwnjn and CanaU, $3.fll2ji 013; Public WitrU, ^lOa.ORS, Domuuoii landa, ,>U0,l-i0, tutul, ^.{,h01,L18 Add- iutf $1,220.^S5 lui uiihvay uulwidiuii, it m $D,0i)l,(K).t. Fur 1MI2-03, tin* Utxwr'fi were: Itail^i vniytt and CnuaH, $J,7S2,4.S0; Public Wort, $181,877, Dominion UuidH, $115,- 036; total, $3,070,105, and with $11,- _294 fur* railway miu^idivy a grand total oT$3,SU0,800. The otattMiu'ut of the debt wan tliven by Mr. Fowter with much detail, after Which ho took up the revenue and i't. iwudltiirea of 180-1-05, triviii^ the folk Lowing fip-uren : Total u^ciiue for 1893/J.l, $30,871,001), and total ex^ but the revenue up to April 20, ISiH, win .^20,2(11,171, And the expenditure $25,025,570 The revenue to April 20, 1805, win $20,2(11,- 171, and the expenditure $25,085,570; the revenue to April 20, 1S05, wan $20.- 2G0.757, and the expenditure $25,tl8t,- CtiS, and the n venue to June 30, 1801, wan $7,113,521 and the expenditure $12,. * 490,151. /;" Tliene fijriucB were m^nllicaiit, but the Goverumi'iit had good n-.tnon to look lor a fni brightei kIiowiu^ in the hnl- an^*' Of the year. There were certain jjriflyiH bfi l^ttcmieirt, by wli.eh h> esti mated tli" ievenue foi tue }ear would reaeh $33,K0O,000 The tnt.il exi'iidi- turo would, ho figured, bn $38,181,113. but lif et.in.tte(l o i u conn evative biiniH $lfi'l.li;j em.ld be mived on thin, nick ing tli.* nctn.il i-xpi niiture $38,300,000, malting the tot >I r\i-,-t.l deficit St.- 500,000, on a b \*\a oi total actual and estimated revenue ui ',i33,800,001). lie had tii"d to be ,ih co in'rvativ an pon- lbl' in hit) fi^uivii, and to give thi IIoiiBi- the pliiui fict'i of this Hituition without garniture. '1 he rinanee Mm later eulni-god on thin allowing, giing quit*.* freely into detniln. An ro** the vtiluni' and bulli of imports thin yriir, lie mil they were ju .t an higli an in [j it yt'ai'H. The chief n*a on for tip redut'tioii in cunt miji ilatii-.i win the derrean-d vilue of good'., The hi i- don Eeuiiom ^t euti'iiited the f dl in prlcuH ainco I.'iit y ir an 7 1-2 v. " ' t. (Hear, hear.) Ai other reaooii for ' V falling off iu tv\*mi< from cu'itmui * \n duo to the changCM and ivduoti > ui tho dutien 1'int year, tlu ehang" li Ml ud valorem to ttjicciric dutiea tu d tli1 increnH.-il iiiijiort.ition of fio* goo in. '[ tfi qunnt ty of nugar which will enni" in thin ye.tr would produce $(,000,000, if tho old rated of dutv prevailed, ho th.tt the people of the cnnitry had that Ainomit in their pooletn. The capital cx|K'iiditiire thin yc-r would amouiit to $5,000,000; add ' to tlmt the oRtimatod deficit, $1,500,000, . luakiui? a total of $9,500,000, f>dti/t Iron) thio the nlnking fund an 1 it left .11 ( addition to the debt this year of $7,- 300,000. The addition to the debtfiom 1800 to ISOfi aniouuted to ^15.05'i,- 087, In 1800 glum*, jtnthmpito coil and Hiigar were dutiable; to-day they wcro freti. On tho \u\hU of tho dutieii imposed iu 1800, them nrtlcl?u -ttou'd ihftvo produced in five yearn a Hum of .$23,000,902. (Gheurii.) Had tho duties Iwon rfltainod, not only would thero tiavi* h<nixi no IncrJiuo in tho dobt in 'ib6e yeara, hut <wu and thrtso-iiuar- 4er uilllloa- would have Ik-nn available t*or, doerciue of tbo public dabt. (Cheer*.) - . Wo modem conutry oonld abow anch a yen nit tho Domlupin. nuil OppOHltWm oh, oh'it.) H mie eim^idonitioiv' ^\"',, 'i"1" pu'wnt- imI lit telly mi lo tliu j;enenil fondltlou of (he euiiiitry hi the yeai'tt in which it had punned through the loeent deprennlou. Jliit ehtef objeet wan to ot the fuiitu of the canii nj^aiintt th doloi-oiiH cliargetj tin' Oppodltion liad mattered liroadenHt, A couittry'n ci-uillt iu the central money murliet'Aof tli world win* the lient tet of iU dlniidiug. In Oetolier, 1801, Cnn- nda put a big loan on the London uiiirkei, i\ lieu money would no I loave itn lildlng I I ire except for the be.t Hccurity, and w hen colnni.il icciit itie i were at their loue-it, uhen nine (Jnnada'n levenue wan 1 tiling off. A loan \uu put for two an 1 a ipiartei* million at 3 per cent., at a minimum of 05. What happened? '1 he endeiii were mnnt widely dinli ibuted, nd mmly 12 niillinu^ were tendered lor The i-omuU wan it floated at 31-0 per ""'lit. net. The mere recital of that (net a mil I go farther thim all the loud tall: f Canadii'n detiaetorn at home or hroail. Mr. Fo'tier, amid the cheei i of tin* <*iu- ,|,rv.t tive be lichen, went on to idiow that iiiothei' evidtineo of th' good condition of Canada h to lie found iu itn iiavingn. Mr. MiIIh Hear, hear. Mr h\ttcr: The member for Itoth- *wll doen not Iwlieve that 7 (Oheern.) i!nt the figuivii I'Htahlmh it lleyoiid all eiivil. The figured or failure" were alno another fair indiention, thern being a nearly average from -IMZiJu 1878 of 22 inillioiin,iiul-fHom *1^00 to 1801 <if inly 15 million'!. Jle might timnmarizo the tr.nle idtua- loii in thin way Iinportn iucrented in \alnn by $3,500,000, and they had in. renpil in vnliime by a large amount <d coin-He, owing to the deeieatu> i i value I'he e\poi*tn had iucreaiied i'i value b,?2S,00O,()0(), and ui volume, id eoui-ne, much more, and were in 1801 the high- sL in vain mnee Cnufedcrition, with the t \eeptiou of 1S03, and the higlieat n volume of any year in our history. *\e ha 1 a net inn-plim during tlint peiioil foin 1800 to 1801-05 c.r $7,170,813. We !.'i\e i a ken off taxation on nugJLr alone $11,000,000; we have talten. off taxation mi t\w> oth *r arttclefl to the amount oi nice nn I three quarter million dollura i>3,750,000), nml we hn\e taken off u aige ajiiount on itemn generally in the nnff, tlo re\iwi(m of which took plnec hint ji.|ir Wu i,u>[> inereaned the debt hy $4,500,000. Th net inteivnt on the publii; debt, howevi r, had b-en lucreiused hy only $100,000, while the i>er enpita i." intereHt bud fn'leii from $1 8(1 to $170. No hn.dm lad fallen hi tlmt per iod In Canada through the htreai of hard imen, not one. Our uidinitrieH have been well mniutn.lned.' Want and jio\crty have been practically unknown hiOniuuhL iind compn.rati\eIy the Cniiadiiin peo ple have outridden the f,torm with ven seln h'HH battered and alia h'sn tattered than any otlier country in the world (ChcornO And in the very mldat of the finniicin-I and huninea'] tompcat Canada inn Iter flag of credit lu the vavy cen tre of London up to tho very hiKhewt notch on which it hnu been unfurled from the time the Canadian province!) united. (Renewed clicem.) The tide, lie hcdie\ed, had now turned. Prices were recovct- 'rg,-eonfidence in growing, trade h in- creiihiug, tho demand of the consumer strengthening, rcvonuo in beginning to mend, and, working on her well-laid bawiw of renourceii, rich as they are, the wide faciliticThfor tranHport with which Canada in splendidly equipped, a wound fiscal policy and good financial manngeuioiit (renewed clieern, and in terruption from Mr. McMullen, " Gowl boy "j Canada, Lid t'tao Miniober, wnn to-day emerging from her period of triaL into an era of briglitneBfi and pro- n|M!rity which would surely rmrpaaa any in her previous history. (Loud cheora.) Mr. Foattir briefly corn-pared Canada'o eondition with that of other conn tried, showing that while Eugland'n cxjiorts and importa liad ateadily fallen off since L800, that tiioAe of France, Germany, the United Status and Aimtralia had dropped iu Like manner, Canada'n im ports have increaaed 22 jwr cent, and her PxpurtH had held their own___Then, couipiinug Canada with hGrxulf, tho I'ltJince M.nlHter took up the i-ecorda to prove that our condition to-day wn/t far better than what it wn during the period of depreiwioii from 167-1 to 1878, w h.le in the matter of the management ol Canada'n fiunuccu the coinpar.iiou wan c^n'atly in favor of tho pronent ailmiiUH- ciation. "We have panned through the [teiiod of depi-OHnionfn uaid Mr. FoatT, i in id loud cheom. That wan not bin opm- 'loit alone. It wiui the unaaimoUH uttor- nice of every reuponmble. newHpapor iu C.mada, of every competent liuancial nuilmnty. The Minister then gavo a tabulated ntatemont to idiow that rela tively the recent depruBiiion wh light in iw effectii on Canada. Paauiug on ho Save the (igure-i of the debt of the coun try, its origin, etc., to nhow how it wan made up, and that tho asnet more than justified itn ci-eation and maintenance. Looking to the future, he mini that thero were obligntionn amounting to $0,513,-100 which had been incui red, uub- hi lien already voted. Then there were Niilmi Hea voted, but not under contract, bunging up the total cuncnt Uubilitiet tu $0,700,000. In view of exuding cir- eumstanepu, hi/i object woull be to make the revenue meet current ex|ieiHonr no tluit tliu capital ov|ieuditure of two and a half iuillionn required for current habilitieii would not iacroane tho debt by a single dollar. That, he thought, might be considered a iiouud, clean and healtliy pomtion of affaim. Tho revenue for lb05-fJ0 ho estimated at $35,000,- 000. It ww the deniro of the Govern ment, a deniro rdinrod unitedly, that the I'xpenditurfiB nhould be cut down to aH law a point oa poanible for the coming year. T*n to twelve lnillionii were con trollable in tho eatimatvB, and, with the exception of one department alone vit., Trade and Commerce, there had not been an Increase, but, on the con trary, large dccrennen. The cntimntes Bhow cute in tho Dp- minion police, penitcntlarlua, civil gov ernment, loginlation, arta and agricul ture, c.uarantinc, immigration, mount ed police, junaiona, xnilitiu, railwaynand caiiabi, public worko, etc. Yet tbo grantu afl a whole bIiow a broad-minded policy, oonoiatcnt with the financial idtuatiou. Tho total reduction wan $2,387,018 iu tho csiiinatea, rii compared with laut year, or a net decreaiie of $1,000,000 in tlio expenditure!!, statutory and control lable. In flomo acrvicen' Htill further rcductionn were poiiaible, civil govoru- ment, for tuntauce, into wliich the Gov- crumopt intended to look carefully, H reaffirmed bin statement that__ tliero would he no iiupplenientary oatimatoa for lfiOCuOO, and emphaflitcd tho fact that a policy ol rigid economy had boon do. tcrminod on, and that tho Government pr.rpoBOd establishing an [equilibrium be tween income an(l expenditure and do It fur tho wako of benefiting tho financeu n( the country *ln futuvo, nn the main tenance of IU credit la of fan-roaching: iniportAnco. Th,o MiuintoT continued: when the revi'imca woro buoyant and wo had large uurnhuM*, this Government dealt with tho aervlcW of the oantry tfeuoroualy, many my lavlably. h\A that they wont on with tfce wrlcca of the country. ccuer*uly nobody can deBy/^TuflJr hfu) rara|ai of iiaH i&tf. thy-;*Wr'W will carry on the flervlcop oi tlio coun try, but at thn iauie thnu out of tlme buoyant reveniien uo will relievo tlu> pen- plu from n portion or tho tiuitUm mid iey did II. tCiieerii.) Iu 18110 and 1801 they thin and it. the tax on raw migar, nn we in- UniiHi! well know, won taken off benefit wax conferred on tlio coun try, a benefit whkh will appear when thi- riKUrtid of Ihe lin|M>rlMii*' < lime Jins road and a cumulation In niiHle of what would have accrued fruni that rate of duty. In J80L, undur the new taiiff, there went imported 11,000,000 odd poumb ol nugar, the duty on which, taking nn uvomgi! of tho old rate, would be $227,-i-17. In 1802 the quantity w.u 327,000,000 iiniiuiht, thn duty nn u hich would have lieeu $5,200,000. Iu 1803 the quantity wan 252/(00,000 pouudti, the duty on which would have Ihmmi .* 1,000,- 001), In 1801 the auantity Was 303,000,- 000 pmiudH, the duty mi which would have been $1,821,000, in 181)5 tin' actual Import and the untim.ited iveeiptu nn the futtuu biiHiii would have hIiowu impoitu of 310(tU,000 |wiimdn, tli" duty on which at the old ratei would hnve b en $1,010,- 74)11. That ii on the ui-tielu of niigur alone. The tux on raw nugar wiuj pjud cevtainly out of the consumem' potketH, it being a tux not on an article grown iu the country, hut on a raw pioduet brought in, which mnnt nay the tax at the emit of tbo coiiuuuioi* of the article. If hon. inemlierii would add them; Item* togother they will find tlmt the lemimdon of migar taxation in t|iono ,>eaiH up to the ciirront year aggi-Lgated $l!t,175,333: (Cliuera.) Some ouu may fnirl> Hay. Hut if the duty had reinalned at the old rate thero would not have hern ho large iui importation. Cutting off whatever pro]jortiou you plenae, you will atill have an amount ol from $15,000,000 to $10,000,000 removed from the people'n .dioulden.. That wnu not during the time when we had mirplmien, it wiui during the time when the people, t-Hpecially during the piuit two yearn, have been piummg tbruugh a puiiod of depn'iudun and what have been called hard timeii in Canada. Now, Mr. Hpeaker, the country, I think, will not quarrel with the Govoruniont when we aay we think it bent for- tho credit or the country and itn general good to iicuiiru an equilibrium between expenditure and revenue, when we hIiow our hon a fidca by cutting down the ex- Ihiihi'h of the country to the oxtont of $2,500,000, and we have jnat dono our duty iu that regard. I think the country will not complain and thin Ilonae will not complain if wu itslc tho people In the year that us to come not to pay; back to tin an equivalent of tlicold rate of duty on (jugar.but to ^ivo us one-third of the amount of duty placed on it in 1800 and 1801, thuu necur'mg to the people a romiHHion of two-thivdii the taxation on nutfar iu the year to come, and nnk them Him ply for a return equivalent to one-third of the old duty imponed. (Hear, hear.) So it in proponed to place one-half cent per pound on raw migar, and to lncrearip the protection upon re fined Hiigar and the nrtlcleii into which migar largely enterH proportionately, and only projKirtioiiatcly, to the jnerem- ed tax of one half cont on raw (digax. On the iraiKirt which will probably eome into the country this year that will give $1,200,000 or $1,250,000. That fin ~iioT quite want. We mnnt be careful, if wo aro going to place taxea on tho pfjoplo for the avow ed purpoBc of filling up the gap between ivvenue and expeuwe, not to make the miutake which Sir lticliurd Cartwright made, and put on a large taxation, but yet not fill up the gap. We mufit add ruough to refitoro tho equilibrium. We must be ure that to talto a little more it will be enough, in order to Iw cer tain that what we propone to do uhall he fully and thoroughly done. (Hear, hear.) So that a little more in ncceHHary, and I propone to impose a alight additional tax on dintilled npintu. The exeme duty on BpirltK in now $1.50 per gallon, and we propone to add 20 contH per gallon and make the excise duty $1.70, The cub- toniH duty on nji'tritfl hi now $2,121-2 l>er gallon, and we propose to make that $2.25, an increiute of 121-2 ccutn. That, we think, will bring in a revenue of ubout $500,000 or $GOO,000, which will give uh $1,700,000 or $1,800,000 of taxation. This will, under the, estimate I have pre pared and nubmitted to tho Houae, fill up the gap, restore the equilibrium, and bring uu out at the end of next year with a clean fdicet, and if tiinen improve fair ly well, may bring uu out a little to tho good, which certainly will not be de plored by tho country, and not be a bad thing for it. To Bhow tho bona fidon of the Govern ment in doing their ulure, and of thin Houno in submitting to ita oharo for tho bMtormont, not only have two and a half millionn of dollarn been taken from the controllable voted entnoateB of the Country, for- the year, but ve proposo a well to intermit (or tho micccoding year what wo have bean lu the habit of doing with a gedierorifl hand, namely, tho giving of aid by way of mileage aubhidien to railvwiya to be conatructed. From 1881, when the policy wan first adopted, until th' proii- ent time, wo have exp'uded over $12,- 000,000 iu pnymeutH fur theac railway Bubnidieii, that iu an average of about $1,200,000 per jear. There aie thuoe running and current, which I have apok- en of, which we will gradually wipe off tho nlatc; but for the coming year it la felt that it would be imprudent to odd to the lint of our liubiU'tieu.bi bring ing down any Railway SuUsidiea bill granting mileage uubtddica for the con struction or rallwaya in the country. Thcfie iwintfi then briefly imm up tho position which the Government animmeu, the action which it recommendu to thin nouae, au actiou whlcli it believca in dic tated by prudencu und by a deairo not to over-burden the country, but while keep** tng itfl nervice fairly well mippliod, uot at the name time to go to the ver#c oi Imprudence or extravagance in public unarktt aud public service^ which in a time Hko thin, with our first-rate cquijl- meiit and linit-rate f.icilitieii, wo may fairly diopeuno with increaaiug for ft year or two, while tlmea are on they are. [ deairo, Mr. Spealcert to thank you and tho Ilotwe vory heartily for tho forbear ance with which you have llnteiied to my ravtlicr lo,ng cxpoflitionu. Ulr Kli hu-a CnrtwrlcUt u It, ply. Sir Richard Cartwright ron^ to reply shortly after 8 o'clock. This wan, he aaid, tlie til fit tlmo lu 10 yuarti that a Budget Speech had b'jou delivered which did not contain laudatory r'fer- oucco to the National Policy. The Gov ernment had climbod to power on tho old policy, and now laid it away on tlio dhelf. Another innovation in this year'o budget was that it was contend ed that tho people wore eurichod by tho removal of taxes, when, an In former yeara, it was claimed that thoV woro enriched hy putting on nddltioiml taxa tion, lie congratulated tho Govern ment on this more wsmdblo theory. Speaking ol the present trade depred- bIou, ho cloiiwod that the Reiorra Admln- iwtratiou trom 187U to 1S78 weathored . uwich more Bo-vero period of trado do- prewiron, aud yot the total doflclta ol i hut ir!od woro only $4,500,000, while bhu prowjwt deficit (or a uiuglo year yfM admitted to he xactly that amount. 'flu! deficit* of thojloruwr period coum .'.).* >& out of tho porlio-tH of tho pnopto of tho United Htatea In the ITaltfax flMhnrlea uwnrd, whll" tho preKent deficit wonld t'Ollie Ollt Of til" po^htitrt of the peoplli of Canada- Nor wan thin all, he uaid, for from INTJt to 1878 only $20,000,000 came out of the pooketw of th iwopln of the country In taxation, whilw at piowent $00,000,000 wan tin- amount of taxation h'\leil yearly on tlio people of the roinilry. The result of the proponed duty on Hiigiir would lie to tux tho country to (he ctl-ntrof $3,000,000, onlv $l,5Ott,O00 of which would find it'i way into the piildie treiHiiry. The ii.<'ieaned HiiUngH in th" luitiki, he innleiidiid, wan no e\i- deine of protqienty, hut niniply mIiow- ed that titer.' wm a Uiek of prufitable ,mntnientii, mid the p >ople weie eoin- pelled to allow tin ir i.aUugi to aecti- tni.liite ia tue banloi, earning only time per tent, iuteie.it. '1 hiu Htate uf aflaim, he contended, uai Urg.lv due. to tin' iiiimeijHe depreeiati<iii in the value of farm and town hiudi, wii'ieh lu Ontario al/ine nuKJimted to $200,000,000. Ueleiniig to tliu deltcit he adductdfig- UH'i lo nhow that the actual nhcei'talued deiielt wan $l,700,00t). Ue wim willing, however, to take th h'lnance .\iuunter'ii Hliiteuieut that tbo deficit at the end of the year uoull ho $t,r>00,0l)0. The laut loan made by the Government bethought a good one, hut he found fault because it wan not largi enough. Every cunt of that loan win pledged, aud tho Govern ment w'.in under the necenidty of nego tiating anew loan at a jH'nod when it could not bo obtained advautageounly, to meet current expenditure. Touching the question of the country'a lUibilitn'M, be claimed that they were much l.nger than admitted in the atate- uicnl of the riimuru Minlitvr. According to the rititeinent made by tho Milliliter of Kuilwiiyit the other day, there would Iw required for railway Hiilmidieii $8,720,- 000, for coni|detion of the St. Ijiwiciico Biver Canals $0,000,000, lor capital ex- pendituie on Intercolonial Railway $1,- 000,000, iu all $l5,72'J.000,not including what would he requned to complete tho Trent Valley Canal. Hut thU wan not all, for there wore other contingent lia- bilrtiei* ijucJi aH the CUignccto Road, $170,500; milmidy to the fant Atlantic .wervtce $750,000. Would the Milliliter of nuance nay that thene were not liabi- litieH to which the Government wan pledged'/ Mr. router. Tho Government in not yet pledged. Sir Richard Cartwright: Then there i the propuned Hubttidy to tho Hudnon Bay Jtailwuy. He thought tho Gov ernment ought to inform the Houuo what other meiiHiirea involving exjwn- ditureH would be brought down. Mr. FoBtei said the Budget nhould not_be_jniule the cxcuhc fur demandu lor information an to the policy of tho Government. Kir Richard Cartwright: I am qtiito within my right in demanding the in formation. Tho Miniater of Finance arose to ro- tort, but "wan called to order. Continuing, Sir Richard proceeded to how that the caah on hand wan iicarco- ly Hiifficiont |to meet preaeut liabilltiea. It wan quite clear, he maintained, that iiiBleiul of tho luwcrtalned liabilitien ho* Ing $9,000,000 thry really were $20,000,. 000, not including ntatutory liabilitie of $1,000,000 more. He quentioned the real value of the proininen of retrench* meat made by t^he Finance MiniBter. Tho actual cxi>ondituro hint year, he claimed, wa $1,000,000 more tlwui tlie main oh- timaten, though leca than tho total oati- mated expenditure. ThiB, he thought, won uu judication of what would" oqcur during the coming year. Tlie country luul had a better experience with tho Intercolonial Railway in swallowing money on capital aceount,and he won in formed on good authority that a very large expenditure on capital account would toe required to place the road in the condition it wa a few jenrn ano. Turning again to the queution of de- ficitn, die claimed that tho deficitn ol 1871, 1870 and 1877 were caused hy tlie adminiutration having to provide $1,000,000 annually to pay the interest oju n public debt ol $0,000,000 incur red under the prevloui Counervativo ndininiiitratioiifi. During the pant 15 yeam he claimed we had been living on capital aud borrowed money. The mir- pluHoa were obtained by taxation,which took $10 out of the pockota ol the people for every ono which wont into the public treasury. The Finance Min- inter, he Hiiid, had laid much ntrenii upon the prtmpi-ctn of oai improvemout of trade ia the United Statcn aud tho prleo oT grain,which depended entirely upou competition. During the pant 12 yoara he r.lnlmcd two processed were goinp; on in Canada. Firut there wan large expenditure f bor rowed money. He did not mean Govern ment loaim, but loanii which were poured into Canada, amounting in that time to $30,000,000. Thin canned large importation*! of dutiable goodn, which brought in much revenue. To-day wo are being called on to pay the Interest on these loana. The $10,000,000 which the country wan called on to pay as Intercut on Government loaim win only a nmall part of the money which was going out of Caaiada to pay interest on loans. If thia money had been well invented the prcmsut calla for Interest would not bo burdeuHoioe, but millions of the borrowed money had been wanted in wild cat uchomos which luul Injured the credit of the country on the Brltifdi market. 'Uo quoted from The London Dconomint to piove his nfwcrtioiui. Thero Wis iicarcely a town In Canada, he wiid, which did not contain monument al tomb ntoucii of tho National Policy. The flficnl policy of tho Govorumont, ho claimed, wan largely roapoiiRible for the shrinkage in prices of agricultural pro ducts, which iii a fow yearn, ho aid, Tell $20,000,000. lie contended that ever since 1878, when the Government were piling up fictitious aurplusco, the nation al debt had boon Increaaod by $90,000,- 000. He warned tho Finance Milliliter not to count too much on the future, but to tunko preparation)! for a continuance of existing conditlona. lie quoted the figuiea of tho deficits from. 18KB to 187ft to bhow that pcrlodH of deprownon woro In the habit of touting a connldorablo tlmo. In conclusion, ho maintained tliat tho Oppoaltlon had a full right to know and tho country would expect the Gov ernment to announce nil tho liabilities the country wan pledged to,or was likely to bo pledged to.during foe coming year. The Opposition woro to blame, he said, for allowing tho Govornnioivt In tho post to riudi through hate In the noHHiou moa- aiircJi involving largo expend it urea of public money, ol which no mention wan nuado in tho Budget Speech. ,Tho Gov ernment "was bouud to Inform tho Houuo of all tlio financial liabilities tho country was pledged to, and what meanurcH, if any, it vt&a Intended to auk involving an expenditure ol public money. Ho moved tlie adjournment of tho debate, na he luid wot had an opportunity o' ex- amiulng the tariff resolutions, and an he hJt'd atlU caiiui.deru.blo to aay before concluding lite remarks, A dUtftiiBslon took place relative to resumption of tho dobato next week. The Government wanted Blr Richard Cart-wright to continue hla Hiweeh on Monday, but Mr. Laurier urged that it flhould be Tue*d*yrHwd ou thia Uador- Uudirigi.the o'clock. House adjourned at 10 Diebel & Bricker's G-IG-ANTIO i 30 Days' Reduction Sale! $20,000 worth of New Dress Goods, Olo'tMng, etc., to be sold Prices cut beyond recognition so as to make a short, sharp, decisive reduc tion of Stock, Note some of the great opportunities to buy the newest crea tions very cheap: 100 piecesiof32iiu 12J[c Prints^ light and dark shade?, for 10c yard. 50 pieces of regular Be print for 5c yard 20 pieces heavy I2jc standard Shirtinga for 10c yard. 25 pieces of Koechliu Frorea 44c, French wool Challies for 25c yard 18 pieces 32in. Cotton Challies, regular price 16c, for 12^c yard. Elegant Blouse Dimities at 10c, 12Jo and 17c yard, 100 ijadies Vests for 5c each 25 doz ladies' fast black Hose 10c pair Great value in Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, 45 pieces all wool double fold Dress Goods, tho newest 'shades, worth 35c yard, for 25o'yard 100 pairs man's Tweed Pants, regular price $1,50, for $1.00, 25 men's black worsted coats and Vests worth $7.50 for $3.98. 50 men's Tweed Suits reduced to $5 a Suit. Boys' all wool Tweed Suits worth $3 for $,1.75 a suit. See our immense stock of Brussel carpots, Wool carpets, Union carpots, Tapestry carpets, Hemp carpets, Matting, etc, _ __ The Great Corner Store,____ rDIEBEL &BRICKER Ask- to see the Solid Oak Folding Furniture we are giving away with every $30 purchase. Joy Brought to Another Home. Paine's Oelery Compound Saves the Life of a Toronto Lady. Mrs. J. Wicket Says: "After Using Two Bottles of the Compound I Feel Like a New Woman." A FIBMLY F.STABLISHED FACT : When Doctors Fail and Ordinary Medioines are useless, Paine's Oelery Compound Always Cures. Reualti! boneit roBulU 1 l marytUotii VG- muUb 111 conviDoiHR and aatiaf aotory to nil fair-minded mou and wora. Eveu tlie Hkeptiaa &d ftooftertt ara brought to u. know- Udgvof the truth by unannullable, reok- bottom f&ota tad proofi. In the V.tt lield of modioinou and md- loEil ptropavfttious,tim, flxperUnoo aud t*- tmltH have amply demiuti:.iUcl tho truth o! tht oft-ropcatid tttatandout, that FaUa'ii Cilery Compsund in th only trua aad bouoet lifo.eavintf medloino ovor offered to aufforint; huraaaitv. Xho itronif and vigorona toailraony ot lira. J. Wioketfc,[oE 100 Oak Btret,Totonto, Bbould fill tbo falutluR and dpairing hiartit of all flufferra with troali hope aud coufidouce, aud should at onoe lead ovary atokly peruou to tho only modioinn that makes p4plo well. Mm. Wiokott'a Uttor roadH bb follows:-- "Last yoar, in tho month oINovombor, 1 wm Boddonly takn vry ill with plontiay and UhUrulcltt. The paina In my hoWdara aud baok woro tooat iatenBe, and oauacd me oxtreme ButfetinK. S'or val ^aeka Iwaaundeuth.dootor'a care, and grad ually VecoVarod frona th* -"* ot Pa rlay, bat nana of lfi. wt4W praaorlhad for mo Boetuod to hav* aay affeok an tha neuralgia wblohhad|.\>y thia tlmo, spread all over my body. I gradually beoanw woraa; my appetite wan poor, and the pain aetr imad to laavo w* for an inhtaat. My life waa be coming a. bnrdau to ma, and I began U think I v/auld never recover, I graw dia- oburagod with the medlolnea I waa taking,, and hapvonlng to sea a testimonial in the , , J newspaper abonfc 3?ain*' Oalery Campeand /vj I aonolMtttid to get a bottle, aHhoURh I had very little faith inpatonb naadloinaa. Before 1 had flniahai my flret bottle, I bag an to feel better, the pains and lore- nea* g^aatly decreased, and teaming hof a by my improved health. X flniohed the fiirut bottle and bought a aacond. After uaiuC two bottlea of yonr Com pound, X f*el like a new woman; my, petite haa returned, the neuralgia ha^lelt.^ me, and I am an well as ever. L&H v**fA thaukfultortha honefit I b^<S derfviSfl Ifm your medioine, and takjf pleainr*, rooommoadiuK lb to ray blende* Shotil| any one deaire faller.partiaQUra, it '^ffl will oomtnunloate/frith me, I will be bapi to oblige thai y* . t^~-V" Ufx. iX.M&k kk$?J

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