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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, p. 7

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?%: "i'r *$krM ^!f5l|| '- ' . ? ! rH i TT^f^ ESS. **. < : iwiia tea -<rA l':/-C"- 7 A UUWER HOUSEHOLD, .CANNITJAL . GIRLS. SAVAGE DWARFS AND BOOMERANG THROWERS. ilttat'ii-.i /.". JIut<!.'\l)if;j, CURED PERMANENTLY UY TAKING rs " I v.'ii'i Iroithled :i Inntr ilnnt wflli skk 1m>;w1;i'1i". I trh'd ji frond hkihv reim-diey Vfc "iiiiit'ii.lt'it fur (111:! Ci'milii'Mi!; hllL 1L WAs llt'l lll.'.li I Began inking Aycr's Pills that; I rrreh-ed (irniiiinriii hoiii'iU. A. tin,'In box of llit-.so pills fiT-il tin' iroui lieadnehos, and I am imw a well man." . JI. lluTcniNcri, Kast Auburn, Me. Av/cifdod Wlodal at World's Fair -^ -.11 -mit Ayer'u SarmipurllUt ia tho licut. 1AHIT.H <><i;,l\ HAUt HKlItVKCIl Hiirdnl Itilofiiiiiilon to lEo Hulmilltnl to Hit? <;<>v<-rniiU'iit IvOiidon, May 0. Thn committee* act* inpf in th" jnlvjuic.-iiii'iit ui ' improved Tninti-Atlinitic mail mm1 vice with Can ada .i-i'Ci!iitly en Hod for :l quantity of oprcinl informatinii relating to tho pro poned time oT ten u>it ol" tlie iiiuihi h,y till? pl'oji'Ctfld HOW lilH? ()[ H tin HUM'S lit.'- twee a Canada., tin' United St:it-'H and the Et, and alnn for inform.-) tinn in re- pjard tu thi> St. L'lWivnee roiitu. Tim information naked fur li.is b-'i received and r thn commit Lie in now (i/i-pnn:::; n report to be. tinhmitti il to th1' (iuvern- immt. ))jir^o Antwerp, May ti. iui Chv- eminent in dispoH'd to ivc * Miler H7'1" qiieation of tin- lmijk.rt.vttoij ui" Cnaa* dian cattle, tin' rentr;etiun < upon,'^i.i.d: have for hour1 tini Ijtii prohibitory. r'niutfllait !>air> n'l-mliin1 in J.^mluii London, Mny (>. ol chctJMt* n,nd hut I'M1 tMiuiii;-',' ia imin C.'iikliUi u:-' very nn i'M'.i lil nr.A iinp^r- tui-s niiy it in qnit<: iiuj-cahli: to uy, r- ' (itock tliu nunicot.. New iiriiml ini:i!> lli:irl London, M:iy G. S.r Uivn-.t- U'i Is-tn i.. lil'fly \<> ncci'pt thu L'haij'in.t ni-.iiip ui' th- lira nit Trunk road. A in.'.n- an I ri.i-.in-: bouni jfl l^iji^ foriiu'd. h ui:i inrja-ii' fom' iii'.'mbiiiii of the old hoiiril :tinl th.'vi; memliLTfi of tho commituo, iucLuUiuy Air. Joacph Trico. At the U-.inh. ol* rii-fiiiHl. The Efto of tho Hank of England boars tin estimated annual valuo of C70,00rt Thin sum, If capit'-ll/.pd nt :i p-t rent... would it pre^ont a mpisk v:i]:;m of t2,l")"i, 000. .-\ v::|il:s. printing, rinrl T.a-'^MTur rn'i' 1:i:i -. r-t".. nt .t00,ri0i) nor", !' v/lll hi? :; > that t)\(- "plant" nf tin- Lank in'it I ir- v....-IN ovr.T 51^,000,000. Add t" tills tli.-. avi-r- Jl^C? niii'iinit (it bullion, fnln, M"fiK',.'h-.":1 and I'nissm-d not."""' nanally b<-!d. and you have the form's' ir'sma nf l"! :'n,o.t lpd.*o tci-Jln :r, or'?(i')D,nun.) ).'!. nil licnji.-d 'n a ppnff of lops than I'mir a -i-.-'.-, Nowiiri-i.- Olsff III lb.'."- wnrld is t! .-ri. i-'i!i'!i ;m rur- gre^atlon of actual nod poi'-nti.-i] wimIi Within ^o .'inial :in ;ir-a. In fta onrly day1- tin* banl: i-iFipli'Vi i flhy-four clci'kn, and tin- >- i rv litt auinuiucd to !,::-'i t; < f ac countant and the sccrMnry ri.-cdvintr 2;>0 each. At the jirosent time th" f-nlal nunibcr Of employes i? ahoiit l.a'iu. the -sahirh-s and wages ani'nint i;i^ t" i-v.-r i.".:'.*i....... rr,-i year, ami tin- pmsiniiH {.<> ..' :id. ^0,000. Tlifi pn-s-'nl pric n!' i'.anic - T'lnj^land 100 hIku-'-s-jh t':v^, m;il:i":: ij-t- cn'pital of fbl,nr,::,fii)u wurth L-i.s.::;.:..-., ;,i.",,. ftbOUt $2-10,000,000. The usual riSvLb-n i distributed Is equal t<~> 10 jht c-i-nt. on '.1.- oiiKlnal capital. The solhlby i-f i!.- bank 1h thiiH Hbown to ) opin ion ui' fnv-stni's. I'Munl Ii. ibiti '." ;-.. Tiritish ("Jovernmeut, ii.h (!:> /bdd -. Lank :-,l,.a.vc:i at tin.* unhaiicr-,| ] .i- i. -, i, -J oil coi.sidri hi nearly tin; i;:uiii- i p^i cent." lu;vlew ol' I'tcviewn. M<iri| ro.Kiljllilir. Tai_fflad of one thinjr, unylinw," unld 1.1'm boy, wiioye.father hail ln-i-n talKin;: IfboLiL 'tin: Income tax, -Wbat'-s that, Hiram V" 'Tin Kliul they didn't wt up Ha- In come tax In tlnio to five the man who wrotu tlie algebra a elianee tf) put in questions about it" Wnahlrifrton Ht.ir. Haw Vorli'M ilia ('nititt Krlirmi'. Albany, New York, May 2. In the Ah- Bcmbly to-day, J. N. Syowart'H bill, in- crtVpnratinpf the Maritime Canal of North America, to connect tho Hudson River and the Grunt Lalcen by enimUvm Lake Chamjilain, who n-portud favorably;," Vriiejiirlnii IU-IiHh VirlorlouM. New York, May 3. A opccial from Cji nican, Veno'/nela, huj'h: Tmopn liavo huon fhnt to Valencia, when* the revolt ImH aHHUinod propurtioim. Thn rebeh lie- fan tod one- column Hunt ugaiiiHt them. A Xti-|tii t.u- SpihU th.i >>j.y Willi 'l'liiMn f'ni-iiiiit f^opln <lut1i<Ti-Hl 'riit<ithcr Ki-otll All lli) Oilrl Coriioi-M of tlm. <]Iobo~'l'l>u Mhldny MtnW, '" " In an /-mi. nldu Htrnnt. In'Now York.nrar MadlMon .^qiiani tiard(n, hntwi-en Hccnnd and Third avenues, Is a plnU4J.lm'u-ntoroy brick buildinp: In Kew York. Tho oumml tiliKorver, rising to the ncmnhm, ndghii raniily lur/urd tlm opinion that thin wim a biiardlug-bou.ie, and In thin lnfitaiu:o tho ou:.ual observer would be about rli(ht A reportnr hud heim dlrenlod to thbi biiildlii;r when ho imiulred where tho "iahnohiKirnl UonKriiHs'* 'lived. It In liore tho fn-aliH nf th f<i'i>Jit Ihirnuin (.'IrmiH urn doniitdli'il. In a large, Hfpiare mom, ncated about and upon a rniiKb deal table, were half a dozen IndhuiH, They would i-onuiiand ji!.ten(|oii anysvluire. Tall, nt might, aw an arrow, dignified dignity hi their long unit. They were peculiarly and juirlially riot lied, 'One wa-i completely dressed, wearing an ulster anil a .sembrero,' In contrast to him another hrnvn was huro to tho waUt. On the table wiui a i i "OHOAI*. WII.r.iK," AN ARIZONA. IKDIAK. ( beidcei'-buard. ft wa.s evident, that after a long menial process they bail about rimcUtdi'il to tfilnt a whack at the exolt- iiiL' and venerahlo game, when interrupt- od. The rejiorler was then introduced to JCu.-diula, a Supal Indian, eo'tisin of Sehe- riini, chief at i he tribe-. I In wain very dig nified brave and hmvod politely, Ills neiee (-'half-din, a goinbluuldng gii;l, prob-" ably sevi!nt(!iMi years tjld, was called in. She was very niiy and mailed coyly the while. The llualapai IndlniiH, Messrs. flhilo, banba, lfukujiiva and Mhifi Dcschlknvn, were introduced. They were somewhat susiiieious in their -demeanor. (Jhilo, generally known as Capt. Jim l-'ieliling, is their interpretor, and, speaking for them, siiid tiny were having "Plenty good iime not wish to go home." At this Mlagi'of the game a shrill voieo coining fro j n thn top floor was heard. The owner of the voice was apparently wind clear through, although what ho aid was wholly unintelligible. "That's the high priest on the fourth floor, "Ho is pursuing his dally task of kicking at everything. Let's go up and (ii"in him. " Tin* high priest paused when he lu'held tho ft ranger, and for a wholu minute was silent. Like most I lindens, lio is very thin. His legs would never do in the bal let, lie won; a light, airy suit of gauzo. When the introductions were gnna through with he rarnfnlly unt led hU whiskers, which lie had wound about his neck to keep unt I ho chill northern zephyrs, and howed somewhat stifily. Hi; stepped mil into tho hallway. This was more than a kindness, for there was a most powerful odor of cooking in his room. The priest beckoned the reporter to his private room a hall bedroom. Ho gave his name as Ilarhagei: Itamdcee-Pawal-Da- doo-I*antee-N/ij:ar, and then drew a long breath. Harba^ee, which mcanH priest, Htarted out to tell tho reporter a long Uumfcreil "TripI* Alllnno* Itfu.\vnl !<>nl<!<l. Now York, May 3. A Hjieeinl to The Uuraid . from Ilorliu eayn: Thu report tliat Gormany how afiked the Cakluuin n| Vienna and itonu) to renew the Triple AUiaitco in denied* l*eiite ItclciiH In Arniriiln, New York, May 2. A tipccial to Tho IU<raid from St. Potoruburg Bayn: The Ottoman ; KinbawHy here contradicta tho Itportu ciruidatod in England of an al leged rlHiuff in Arniuuia. Everything, It' Ih Ht;vtod, in jwrloctly quiet in Arme nia. KilUorlnl IE nt lie at the l'ollu \L CatlmrlncH, Out., May. 2. A clonoly- on\LHte(' c'ec^"1 wan held in the unit ed 3tW|C1Vtr'cl1 a,1(1 3t. Jamea Wa.rd horo io-day.^Nl"1'11-'11^ in the olbctinu of W. B. BLirgoyi)W pdiiur ol Tho Standard, over ills rippS^111' Joiia s- M-jCadlnn!, ortilcir of The T^ti'. by . majority of two witoa to fiTr\.tU0 Vttn:'it cllI'if in. tho douiuul. THIS IIIN'DOO HIGH I'lIIKST. string of complaints, lait became so oxolf- oil that he luid to appeal to,tho interpret er to help him. nut. oTlio entire rear top -fkior'wag taken up by the, C'in'glialrse ainl natives of tho south of JjUUn... -^Mioli"- enief 1h Ilavariila, a parthMiIaidy Iwl^ht man, wlio is a sort of banker forytho Uavin^ of his frlonds. Ttr-^Vus tiotleeilhlo that their apartmenta wrfirVniiit. ami cluun. They wore not talk ative, in fact, but one of them, Ismail, tho Hiiako charmer, could fmimk lOngll.^h, Ho was a very bright youth,'withan irre sistible inclination to Hinilo broadly at tho most uintler-of-faet questions, IJown one flight of stairs into a dark hallway went tho investigating party, then into a large rear room. 'Like all the rooms in this queer house it wan Kimply furnished. Tho room was occupied by Tamlle and Cotta dwarfs. Tho Tamllo dwnrfs dwell in tho moun tains of southern India not on the nunm- talnH, but actually in thorn, for the caves uro their natural homes. The dwarfH are most' remarkable in ap pearance Ingonomla is tho bond of tho family. Virumglais MtMvifo, and (foula la tlm flvo-yonr-old daughter. Strictly Bpoaking IngQiiomia 1h tho lioad of tho family in immq only. Vimnigla, hlswlfo, wears tho Inuroln of authority with oany graco. Ingonomla tioldom wiya u word, but his wlfo (Ioqh , c<tuHldornbln talking not only in hor native tongue hut in Eng lish. (3oiiiff down ono mom flight tho Inst of the Htranger boardorw wore encountered. They wore- Haineami T^inla, a ohlof, and hi* wife SoTi'itsl, Mllo nml fds wife ; Ponmli and lflndla'i'. In tho. adjoining room wo to Howl,. 'Don^l nnti rieil, r'iJlHI Poboa, , Cohaa, lUiiuiUiiol Gum Cowa ana Ji.ovtpou," nntlvori of tho fill barb islands tlm do* KcemlantM of ennnibalM, Tlit) Klji.'i worn ulHforrt In thabouwinml wmoked elgavhi, Thu Gilhnrb Inlander* are all whorl; of ataturo, anil wear tlndr hair long. The iudu w^- about tlm room, wmio of them do/lng, aoov|ple at tiioni chatting and ono of them making mpalruin a straw .mat. -......----------.......- JHt then a boll rang. There wan a con- fm;ed murmur of volcow urn! a rush from all quartern to tho stairways. --------- "What'n tho trouble r" HHked tbo rii- porter. "Dinner. Come down atalrn to tli dining-room. It's werlli looking at." There were two tjthleti In tho dlnlng- WHipi, which wuu located on tho ground iloor In the front of tho house. Ono wan xuvy long and mil tint ontire binglh of tho room, Thn other was small, and Was placed in a corner near the window. It wan at the big table that tho strang est Hcene was presented. N'els-Cha-Ne- Yeo, a Now Mexican Indian famous as a silversmith, was trying to fell Havarida, the Prlnco of the Cingalese, that in Ms opinion it was perfectly good form to ask for three plates of meat. Smokestack,.tho giant Mojave, was venturing the opinion to Ponuili, the Sainoan, that, Ham Ken Paul, tho Hindoo Milgh priest, was an eighieurwarnt nuisance. Ismail, the Hin doo snake-charmer, tried to point, out that hoiuo allowance hud to ho made for high priests with limited facilities for praying. It. was an odd aggregation of humanity from all parts of the globe, seated peace ably together at, their midday meal. People sat on one side of table who never imagined that the kind of people on the other side of the labia existed. And how they did hat! They appeared to bo at peace with all tho world. "What do they do with their salaries?" asked tho reporter, as ho loft the dining- room. "Everything that is without rhyme or reason. A very few of them save . it. Most of them buy bright cloths, handker chiefs, beads end firearms. Why, they have bought enough revolver* and rifles to start; up a good-sized arsenal. It looks as if the mortality list would jump up with a rush when they reach their native haunts next fall." C6ughing. For all the ailmcntH of Throat and Lungs there is no cure fco quick antl permanent its Scott'a Ktnulsdon of Cod-liver Oil. It fa palatable, easy on the most deli cate stomach""aiitl" effective Emulsion NEW BOUQ.UET HOLDER. Tlis Lilt list WrhiUht in tho iPtwillnry I.hiii In a ]>md<IctI I m provemt.'nt. The very latest wrinkle with the jewel ers is the bouquet holder shown in the il lustration. It, is useful for all flowers worn In bunches. It is a decided im provement over all methods of fastening JioweYs to tlm dress. ,?t is_ mnd.U-..of. Ktor- ling silver and serves admirably to set oil the flowers. The helder proper consists of two curved wings wbieb, operated by a colled spring stimulates tlie appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis.and gives vital strength besides. It lias no equal .'is nour ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcome:; Any Condition of Wastiny,-. SniJ for pamphlet on Sctif/'s /:';u::.',.\/;. / /*/,*. Scott h Unw.-n:, Belleville. All DrutjoMr.. DOc. El St. A CABLE C0NFE!(OCE Imperial Covorn o .ont Quos- Lioi * ,' It. Ci.LGlUMM.'iyRc^0V;.irs:.rJ13ARCD Tin* (aivcrnrnrui *<niiT> f:i bu-niuthm I'm;- ri'ruHi^ the P:'u,m>sc(1 out Wl.intlc .Unit s<-r\ h-i- '. .madtnii Itairy ['ri.il,irr I'liH)(tJ:;;r lt:e CojmIuii 1J;iri.-I. Long Waist, Correct Shape, Best Material, Combined with the. best filling in the world, makes tho " Feathcrbone Corset"" unequalled. T1!*^ J&. Pair. J.- GOITRXAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT. KtfliiHuE h'littolitfoWM. >w+*: t SHELLER . -h,r IIhii..', wnia-u [IT'S >;;I ! I-onduii, y.-iv "]> ............t..... . t-i-- ;- v. iili a.!,;-.. 1..Lidity M-i iitori -s to *t he ' di.--1,,| j- i i., ,',f I'ai-ii.iue'iit i 'I '.:e -. i/i,' ;,; ii-:":i \,>i\- I .el ; ie.t Ui.- gr ):i-ii[ f, 11- th M' r'p >\i"* * i* I-1 i"i f.'h.t Ol 11-- nu'hripii'r di'l'.-Ml -d ]\'.:> pn.ji,. :;\',.; Uy ii: I iauitii.^ ti.a t i i:epro|;.f!f;.. th;it l.<- V-'nidd hive p'/r; ii : i t y I a prop i -r n jiotii'T I'.u yrj: r"~7ii-:,i-i'. "" ft a.'..ft b"'_l;oi-i":;-""n l-n-.i. . -is a type', o I!' IM'tlii kI. ' Ib',-!S Woilt.tr) lillO.V I ii' gi pnblii.-ly ami tii-'o alhnv h.s to ii vapiir.i t", never in t h" n . Hai-ourt'.i i^' the an us ii Con* .' ui nuy- il b;isis of ihrt that iiiiiiiiiM'iit. v..ir Ii g; i, on in . 'dor ailgi't woo II op- mini. I'oart i f.-el- iiii'.'i'i* ""TUK'XKW rLOWRU VIS. at their joint, embriice closely tho bunch of stems. The spring allows them to be opened to insert tho llowers. {for fasten ing the holder to the dress there is a pin at tlie back. FIRST' LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. Oh! Mr, minium Drnvo tho John Hull and it WtiH Ki'gnrdoil an a Ilravo Act The ma-n who drove the first, locomotive in the states is still alive. Ho Is old Wood Him'sdh, now BS years of ago. Ho met with severe reverses in tho last ten yoars, and Is .now; au inmate of the work house oil Hlackweir.s Island. " In that In- Htltutlon he acts as librarian. The Ilrst engine over run in this' coun try was railed tlie John Hull, and was imported from England. No one was found who would bu willing to take up a position behind tho throttle until old Wood Henson, then a young mechanic, volunteered to run the curious machine. Ho had worked in tlie Brooklyn Navy Yard as an engineer, and had made many trips on b'ulton's steamer, tho Clermont. With wide-open throttle, the gallant little engine started off, and soon had reached t he breakneck speed of srvoa miles an hour. Tho trip being successful ly concluded, IJenson wa appointed en gineer of the Ho Witt C. Clinton, tho ilrst Amc.riean-madn locomotive. She ran from Atlnyiy to Sohoneetady, though for many days the cars were umpty, owing to tho timidity of the public. Thin was in May, 1B:J(>, and for sixty .years after that Houson was in the service' "of tho New York Central Kali road. Mr. Benson has no teeth antl not a hair on ids head. He lost, thorn both in a very curious manner, while running from Buffalo to New York in 18-ip. He was nypi-naclilng the Herkimer bridge; near HTyracuse, at a speed of about forty-live miles au hour, when ho noticed that the brldtfo was on lire. A froHhqt hud cover- od the nil Is with about threo Inches of water, whllo the aupporta and framework of tlie bridgo wore on lire. Tho Herkimer hrldge was situated on a curvo and Hon-/ son did not soo hin dangor until cIoho upon it. lb was too Into to stop, and with open valvo tho train thundered over tho totter ing bridgo. Tho onglno and ears got Hafoly over, butBonBon inhaled tho steam generated by tho flro nnd wator en thu ;i iitime ^iirr-'uhTiag any of the advantages lie i..- mars to treat so bghtlw- '1 ue troubles i;, 'tin- Cahiii'd have tlie> nrigia in th.- old ciistun,. .iliiting from the iueiiuiljiMiCy of Mr. ('>'. ' htoii'* i7j tiie. l*i:i.'nii.'r.diip, of aiUnvi..-,- the Chaiie.-|!or ol' the Kxelu-quer uvn.i lati tude in the matt.-:' of nui king Ihidg -t jjrojiosala, and per.'t.itfiiig liiin to olj.-;erve -tjt-rrct secrecy ii; rvgard Li t:>in. Thin practice oi' wi tiii.old tag sindi .iufoi-ma- lioa l'roni his Ministerial eodi-a^i:'s luis engendered jUi^-goo.. deal ol bad iVckng. Until iiniiiudlutrly bei'on; the lhnlg.-t was presented tc*^jit* House1 of Commons, nut a iilngie mi-VWi*;i'" ol the Ministry, with the oxenptioa orf the Chai.c-.dlor of the Exchequer himself, was ,aware of tho nature- end seope of the jiroposalH for which the eatiive (.Hbiniit saw the draft of the budget Tliiinalay morning; it wan cicvediiigiy simple, and Hi'emed to pic- cludu the necessity of a pn. tree ted de bate, but wliL-ii it was pr.t.ieateil to the House it had a vastly different aspect. The Ministerial iu.-ipeetion of the ir.ensnre gave the idea that it was a bill whieli every lueinher rould subscribe to. unauiuioiis ia favur of putting it through without diday. Some Ministers, huwi'ver, Vver.j disposed to pusli the Irisli band bill and th- WeUh Cliureh Discs tablisht unit bill ahead of the Jtadg-'t or any utli.*r n.i'ii: fllii*u for party purposes, This pro cedure whs iippo.-s.-d by th.- (Jiiii..<p4J,fM i of the Exchequer, who declared tiiat the iinwt of the tiuii.' of the session until Whit-Sunday, all of it, in fact, was properly ids. De- fore this, however, Sir William wished to have the Local Veto hill passed through i.ts second reading, although it is well known that several Liberal mem bers "will vote against it. This probably means its defeat. The Speaker describes the Local Veto bill (us the only uncertain element in tho life or fate of the Ministry, and it con tinues by 'declaring that every Liberal has tried to insist that no headstrong action be taken thereon, Tho Minister who was responHiblo for tho catastro phe to tho Government through the, action on tho LicoiiBO bill hus never been forgiven, Tho Premier and many of bin collea- gtieH in tho Ministry havo ntatcd that tho House of Lorda qucation ia tho one upon which tho country; Would bo naked to pronounce at tho hoxt election ' and it would ho a distinct broach oi faith to imbutituto another for it. This undoubt edly roproBontfl tho intention of Lord ItoHobery and a majority of tho Cabinet, whouo troubles aro chiefly poroonal and not political. It in go no rally io marked tliat Air. II. Campbell-Banucr'aiuan, Sec- rotary of Btato for War, la tho only, ono o! tho Ministers who (worn) to bo on good terme with all of hla colleagues. Sir Georgo Badon-Powell luui given notice that in tho Sloxim of Com- jnona on- Monday Ilq will rusX Mr, Sydney Bnxton, Parliamontary Bocrotary (or tho Colonial Officoj whether tho Govornracnt has rccolvod a reqaeflt from Canada; to call a conference* of tho colonica Intorofftod in thenmtto* with a view of arranging tho dotalM ot laying and maintaining a eubnmrino Po'^ ciflc cable betweoa Canada and Atifltrart l\a, and what docieion, if any, tbo GoVh ornmont had roachod In rogard to tho; imbject. Notico han ako bcon given by Sir- Grorgtf Badent-Powoll that bo will raovo ft WJo|4 Iution in tho ICouflo of Camnionfl calling ttttontion to tho nMOsalty for> nt.rat0ffi<5 and commorcial reawoaa of ostabllBal,ng a Pacific cable without dolay. The annoiincomont ie mado tliat an aiN yangomont baa boon mado botwoon tho fiuatomalan comraittoo and tho British agent'Hont to concludo a iiottlomont, that tho Gtiatomalan debt nhall bo paid on toU Iowa: Tho extornal boudholdoraubaU receive C75 bond at *l por cont ia oaelt1 : (.1 . . . THE TRIUMPH CORN Tbis Macliitui cnnsiHta of a horizontal caat cylinder, with wrought.iron bur's, with Htcol tooLh hoi ted to tho cylinder ho iim to ho reversible- wlion tho loolli become worn on the front side, running in a perforated concavo iron r-holl, wliich tho shelled corn jmssoK Lhmugh into a sheet iron cfiHO, with a fan or clemier attached holow, wliich takes all tho dust from tho grain. Tho cheapest, best, most .simple and durable Power Corn Shellcr in uho; sholla corn perlectly clean in any condition r<hclling and clcanrug'froin ono to two thousand bushels of ears per day. according to power. J)i.>rKNKioNs. Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, 0 in. face; Mollon, 300 Lo H00 revolution.1! per minute; "WoitrJit, 550 lbs. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. ^^llMi M . h^wII%' J. COURLAY & SONS. ISINFUL HABITS IN'YOlFfHi ^ LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD |f MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN K l^TUP D pTO|jl Toi ignnrnnconnd folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body InuW:|jr Itrt II L tlLOy L I I'd by liiKtnndexiioMim an c*mstinitly wrekin tho livuniind fritnrpH !^hriiipineti!i nf thousands of proniisin^yoiunr men. Momn fado and wither nt rm early ngo.*J" ftit tho hln-nom of innrdiond, whilootluirn nro forcrd lo drrif.* out a wears*, frnitlona andfc Hiiieliuicholy KKistfinci;. Othiirn roach mittrimotiy but. find no solace nt* comfort thilro. .T'lioll ;vii-tinirmni found in nil slJitionii of Hf:-Tho fiirm, tlie otlice, V.vi v-orkoho*), tho ptuplt.C1 the Iradta and the professions. ._____________ W jg RESTORED TO MANHOOD JBY DRS. K. cS K. 'W.. A. WAIiKEtt, Wsi. A. WALKKIt, MHS. CIIAB. FliltllY, CIIAS. FERBYo< SKaKyoiii: riiUAi-HEN-; ai teU tukatiii:.-^ plvorccd bnt united nguiu lirm NAMES Ofl TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT V/mTTCN CONSEWT.'Cd SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Win, A, Walker of lilth Street rush: "I hnve nnfforod untold UKonit'H for my "way life'."""! wafftndlDcrrf'trwho]"', yoiiiifrand ignorant. Ah "Oneof tho JJoy-ji" lciintnioto*J Hypldlis itnd other XMrato diticnww,. Iliadtilcnni ia the mouth and throat, bono painii, hair loncio, pimpled on face, iiiiKnr iinilo cnniooff, omiRsionfi, bociiino thin undi di'.ipoudtiit. Hovdh doctorn treated mo with Meronry.n liftYmilfel gcilKe. I'nttiHh, t>tc. Thoy lutlpod mo but could not euro mo. illy n friend induced nm to try nni,lConn<idy A Korean. io in a fw woukn. Thoir trnutiuont in wendftrt'nl. I havo nuver lajard of thoir failing to euro ia auinfrloiQl ___________________Finnliyairioiidindiictiiiniototrv l3rn.KonnndyifcKorcari.|j|' Tlnar New Mothod Tnmtmont cured mo in a fnw woukii. Thoir trnutiuont in wnndiiil'nl.flj JVou ffol youceiuU'eniiiiHij every day. DTCURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Zl undor tulvicfj of my family doctor, but it wnu KViuid oxporii-nco. Iunif,*htoi,n montlm \vu worn divorced. I &., who rciitorod mo to manhood ""by thoir jVcwit/c/ftod Treatment. I folta now lifo thrill through uly norviw. Vv'ow R .'orennltiid afjain and are hnrjpy. Thin \van) ___'h'. K. cfe 1C, are ticiontifie HpeeiiifiHtn and I hoartily IM POTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED K recommoiid thorn." , pST* We treat and cure, Varicoceh^ Emissions* Nervous Debility, Seminal ^Weakness* Glset, Stricture, Sy/>/iilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse \*J<Cidr.cyandBladdet Diseases. ______^______ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,OOO CURED. NO RISK Pi New Method Trnutmnnt will en ^CONSULTATION FREE. "*....."* &otrftr4iro f Aroyouavictimi1 Hnvo you loKt hopof' Aroyoa cnntomplntlnrr nin'-H **KEAUIc,K I riiwto? Huh your Blond boon (l.iMcnHod? Hiivn you any wnalcnewd' Onr|| '" will euro von. What, it 'hnndono for otbtrn it will do for yon. Nomattor who hu trnatod you, write for'an honetit oi)inion froow^ "ofChnrKO. CiinrueiVniiifionnWo. BOOKS FHEE-"Tho Ooldon Monitor" UUoBtratod), on|| HUwouscaofiJIion. Inclose ljoatnjro, 3 ctmta. faoalcd.. V IS E33T-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-D IP\/Ab4r7NYin, mndlolno uentCO.D. Nonamea on boxosoi- onvol-*1 KSY^E" wiKrvthlrfi confidential. Queatlon list and.oost of Treat-! open. Evorythlna coi rnen*,FREE. kDRS.KENNEDY & KERGAN, DEtrot, m.ch. s to No. 148 SHELBY ST". mil bridgo, and hla tooth noon after dropped 100 and tho internal bondholder*! shall out.. Tho fhunoa fllngod ovory hair from rccolvo a olmllar bond In each 80. Tho his head, and It han boon aa bald i\u an o#jf Pall Mail Gaeotto In commontinff on thl ovor fllnao. Mr. llonROn dlaplayn a Iluo ,Bay*<: Quatcuiulo could \)t\y tho sum sot of tooth, with wliioh tho railway oom- demanded .-if rtli.o curod to ho honont, but pany proaontod him, thlH' holnff tho enly.-.:fow mo'rn lnH^jiB. to South Amoricaurf .oomponnitlon ho obtained for hla bravery ' mush jw havo buott tmijrlit at Corinto aro Durlnff bin Horvloo with tho oompimy ho onvio^ly^c^y,- " King of ell Bicycles. Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- chlncfiilly warranted Absolutely the Best. Superior Material nmannodn conBidomhlo Htun of mouey, bnt lost.lt all In speculation. In oplto of hlH inlfifovtunoH, tho old nian Is an upry tin pOHHlliio, and tahco muoh ploaauw in tolling tho titory of IiIh oajroor.. TuhIjh of- tho raammbth" h'ayb:., boon. foutut of a lenRth of uluo foot, moasurod alonir tlia ourvo- \i m v 5 Styles ..... ighfist; Honors at Ilia World's Golmnblan BposlfIon. . Swidiwo^cattt ataiup for our 34-paa'ii Cataloitua-Xwork of Art, Monarch Cycle Company* Retail Salesroom. ttB^ Wabasp Ave. Lake arid Hftlsted 5tS.v CHICAQOt ILL* ^ssssssaas^^^a^ssss^gs^^y^^g^s 'A i I I i I* i * 3 K I A>1 :i i :'i,u \**'-i(f'i^'.V-'V .'v.-.:rr. : Up.vuL*\.vi \:.<.i j^\>'< Wa.h- h atfiuJ'itSlVt'j! M, :?:4

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