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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, p. 6

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....dm 60 CEN XPIE 1- -.;: -*'* PR F; R PW foRS* s= OFFER EVER MADE. BEST / THE ESSEX FREE PRESS ^_, Fortlie balance of 1895Zfor 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. ADDRES R J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, ; Essex, Ont. to tfjiE DEED. S-^T GEO. ^IA-ZSTVIXjIjE *F-E3:EIiSr (to iin*coNT]Nui:i>,) tng nt the pictures her notivo brain ovokod till the iigony wan maddening. Then, to malto hor horror culminate, doubt nteppcil in to ank har, as if in an ia- irtdnouH whiapfcr, whether alio could boliov it to ho all truu, and not some reporter*! error. She tiilt iui if bIio were withe-ring beneath boijir cohl mental blast, and in finite of the horror, hor hopes and ilniamn, which would Iiiivh plae^, fihin.nk back again. For it .'might hu n mistake. Home other wretched twin had btrivon to cncapu, and in tho hurry und diukncan had been mintulten for her husband. Jin<. hnpo camo agiin directly, and while shuddering lit tlm th-nighta, aim recalled how explii'it it. lind all been. Then- could bo no mistake. Sho wuu wife no longer tied iu> innio by thonu bated bondn to a wretcln'il ndvmiinrer whoso nolo ailli liuil tiOt-n to get her hulicr'u rri'niuy aho wiih free, and Malcolm Strati on had told her------- She shuddered ngaiu at thu honor of dwelling upon HUoh thought* at a moment when her aura wuro ntunuod by the nuwu of death ; but the thoughu were impuriouu. Bhn had never lorod thiu man, and the ceremony had only been prrfnrmed under miiappreliL-niiion. Once mmu nho vtnu fre '- free to give herself to tlio man aha It now Hhe lovud. , What had Malcolm Strntton iiaid what bad ho iwul ? A init hail (MM.r. gaLlu-ring abou:. her mentnl vhdon, and nlie uiupgored toward hor ht'dmd". once inoro io dink dnvni and bury liyr hnniiug f-u^o i;i ln-r handu, fur hoi emotion was greater than uitu cuulJ, hour. - CHAPTKK XXI. "tfU.lCNOK ttlVKA L'li.s.SCM." "Oh, it'll you two again, in it. ?" Hai.l Mini Jerrold, in a tono of voice which mi^iit llUVO been bnrr"cd from b.-r brotln.r, d.a Strntton and Gubt worn ahowu up into her protty litlln draw it" K room, wlnre aho aat road7 In prefiiao over hor oh'ina ton, tray with its quaint SfViv en pa and imuceru anj parcel gill upostlu Hpuom, while a lull Bland wan on her lott with ita bronze luittjo hum ming and whimpering, aud tutoring a plfna- niit coo now and ihen, ac it full the warm kiiiiffi of thp npirit lump. Rbratlou'H brawn anruraetod and u look of resentment darted from hiu oyeu a" ha tftappi'd uhort, hut Gumt laughud uud iniid airily : ^' i*. t your humblu iiorvant onctJ H^nio. **Well, o-nd wlmt Aft yon want?" "Hour that, Htniibon?" an id Ouat. "A lady Rendu you her c>irdn, -At homo, Thurs day, four to nix;' we go in the cxpi.-nso of new lavondcr kidu no, come wlmt may. I will ho trtithful, mine arc. only ftunhiy cleaned no, truth shall prevail I a glHs over from the hatter'ti iron <lrrit ounjulvtiu all thifl wuy we^t to pay our ilm'oirH 1 drink tea ont of thimblca, and eat, nlic*;n of butter thinly Hprinkled with bread crumb.1*, aud tbo lady say, 'What do you want?" *'0i' courso 1 do. Tliote, nit down, both of you, and, Malcolm Stratton, don't put' I , on that wicked, nn-lodramatio frown; it ^' 'donii not become you.' You're a pa:r of im- poBtrirs, Think I'm. blind? You don't oonio hor to call upon a poor old woman Hki)-/ , Quick, Percy, my dour boy! lUow it out ; wo ahull havo tho room in a *'N<>, uo, bo cool," iud OucBt, ftnd ho mud'j for the apiric kottlo, whoou Inmp liatj 'booomo ovorlieatod, and wuh tending up quito u volunio of flame. But Strattou wa uearof, mid taking out bia biuidkofchiof*'lio fcutjiiod If into upad, and duubod 'it joif *ho tci.fi!i*. ami tho lipbt vvua ouiothered. "<)h, dear inr!" siglied Miea Jsrrold in toiien full of rnlief, "now, that was clover. I d' like prcftenco of mind. Sugar, Mr. S'. i'.i ton !"' I It- bowed Ht.itlly. 'I :iivut't burnud yourtiolf, havo you, my .lo.ii- .'" "(i,i, no; my glovo prntouted niy hand," -"id Si ration, looking at the BtilT, formal, lnii'1-onin old body; half aniuued, half pleas- d, l',y Llie maternal "my dear." "An, no a- vou're smiling at mc," alio said rpiiekly. "Sugar, IVrcy !" "A goml dual, pk'UHo, to take tho IiihIo of your haiKli woida out of my mouth." "Then1, thfii two liimpH. I Utiow you t . k tin gar. Malcolm Sl.ratton, and ereum. ^' 11, my dnir, I'm oldigeil to Hpi:ak out| f--c you reitlly are a pair of impuiitorH, and I .'uunot. bav.' toy hoiiHR iiuid'j a meeting plaeu for wonld-ho lovert*. 'J'hc.ri: iheni, Mr. SlrMinn, don't pr.iy lUruliUo 'bat,' and loidt u.i if you werf going to ruall iwivy. Mini) in a vi:ry didicatn pnKitiou,ainl I know my brolher will bo t.;ik:ng nie to la^k ii'iinn day about thi. Now, do tako my udvire; ami givo it all up------ Foray Gue-a, if you bretli th.it cap I'll never for- tjivt- v.'ii. It c-aiinnt, bo malehed." "Woul i you advi.so us to go mid try our lort-uo'vi in Auatrnlui,, M imh Jerrold ?" euid f}ii<-m i]iii:llv,ioi he replaced llm tiny cup in tiio middle of jiu Hnuccr, ufter nearly M'ud'.ng it on tiio carpet,. ' NTo, I would not, you ntnpid 'l*i if re;-' I don't moan you .at idl. j l v Edie will be hilly enough ind with a look i.m, and lie cmi'iiL ov*-r eould ?" hu faid, (JuifHl li-t'1'1' ln di* Uk* painting of the tioy. I dnn> to lirt von vvjieedlfl bur into matrimony hi/mn day _llKoU.^O" _,: Cii.-i,:. lotiiibc'd Iiib lirtotiiT;; ,' ...T***"' "Vou? Xu," Haiti ilm-T4n'i|^__Hl)arply, "Ivlii- . lltii you tuu are noTv.'dii;n. I w at 11 11 L.r about Mr. Sinittim, Imro. Now. ,t..u'i. you tliinlt, my ilear, you had bellwr ^:\ I' It illl Up'.'" S;n- b' Id "lit h'-r h rt ntb* \ nif at hy i.o u,d ki.-a-d it. "Do vou think I in n Unv voiee, wbiio pi i v great iiitereHt in fitrilp.' .Vo, I Hnpposn not," w'\(\ MibJ Jci-rold, .' iitt n nigh. "It'n vr.rv aid, yn mii\ poor l;" I, t.hf'H g'ditg tbrougli 'i euriona morbid tidy cluuiL,red ,hor. Ail ihatliuii: >lu: li;ul brr idcuH that it wuh ' and I do hon- c-ilv beliitvn that if tli t in.ui had lichavod, Ii Miinoif, bet-n i i!t-isi-d on a ttuktiL of ' << |{i:L of what tin ihi-y call tliutif ticket ti, l'..ri!y?" "Leave," Raid the yonug barrittter, grave ly- "Yi-h; of courtif Hhe wonhl havii connid- ( reil it tier duly to yn to hini if hu enmo to i-luiin her; ai'.d iIhoj dio of mi->irrv anil dt:;>- (,p . ii' in a month " "II ul wd not, be'.ior idiani^- tho eorivi'r- 'nation, Miat* ilorrobl ?" hind NlniUoii ipiiut- ' Yea, of courne. I'm u very mupid old womiin, 1 nuT)pnno ; bill Myra iIooh vi-nrry mo a grral deal. Out! moment, and I've joiii), and 1 luiiipoHo things rnu.tt-tako their .-(riirne. lint, all thin treating hurHn.lt an a 'widow and- tln-if -clu-io I Imvu duiin. T Huppofui I need not toll you they :ui> eoming bore tq-tliiy ?" " [did hope to eo Mikh------" "Hush ! Don't call her that, my dear. Ii must be Mm. Barrnri, or nho will connider n.THulf inuidtc-5. Ah, fclm\ a Htrangn.giii. Mr. Ktratton, hut wo oun't ln-lp liking Inr kil tho name, qan w :J' Shu bold onfc 'bsr hand to him with a o.i'iisant ninila and n nod ; utid, Gucib saw i.ii fi'icnd'ii cyoa brighten, and thou uoted ok passionate, eager look, au tboro waa iog and kuocU. r>i But th Ud! who oame tip wre ftnd it Wm Hot uutil quit* tb It that Myrtt and hor couiin arrived, tht forinor la bUolc, and with, a calm, resigned look in hor pale face, which hud yrown very thoughtful mid dreamy during thw W nioiitha which had aUpaed hi nee that morn* Intf at hroakfruit, whu th'*kiawn cam* of JtLmoH DitU'i tragio end. And now bar ay^M aoftnnnd ua'tdia grout> ml Stratton, and ibn Hat talking to him itt a'fjiilat, mibduod Way, till tho gfntUiioou look tliajr leave, and made tbuir wuy hack t'i Tbmeher'u Jill). Hardly a word wim, Hpokon till tlmy worn in StrattiKi'd room, whoro OuoHt tbrw bin hut and umbrella down hnputiontly, wnlk- ed uiraiglit to tbo door on tho. left of tho drop uce, optmocl it, want In, and returned witdi a cigr boic, which hu not down, and thon wont buck to fetch out tho apirit nit ml and a tdphoti from Hnothi*r uludf, while, dreamy looking find thoughtful, Strut ton uat bank in an anjjr chair watching Ids frinud'u froo and nauy, quite at homo wayn, but thinking the while of Myra, 'Might havo troubled yourtielf to get tho gluHitflH," Maid Oitoat fll-fiutnoredW, au he fatchvd a coudIo of tall, ureen Venles .-,.- iroin a ouoiimc, poiirnu ont mnim wbtky, frothed it up with tho mphon, and drank. "That'll lUittar," h<t nald, with a wigh of utiaUction, "Artm't Yu U'g to Inave oim ?" "I'reHHutly." *'I'reneiitly ? Hah ! It'll always pr- nently with you. I'm tirnd of prnKcntly. Kdio would oay 'Yet.,' directly, ami I euuld got Aunt Jorrold to coax tho old man round if ho wanted coaxing. Hut it'n always tho iiamo. book licr> ; if yon don't keep your cigarw woniHwiterfl hihd, and not on a xbclf over ttiut damp bath, I won't nmolui 'em. Hardly get pm to light. Hero," bo continued, thrum* V&K a cigar and a niatcbd>ox into Siralton'w licndu, "do onioke and talk, you givo u fob low tlio blucM with 3'our diurnal IooIch."__ "I'm very Horry, old follow," imid Strut- ton, lighting tho cigar. "I am not diainnl. X fcol very happy and contented." "Then you'ro caaily Batiiifiod," cried On out. "Yob ; becauito Iihopo and behftve thai U I am patient, my time will oom." ** "Not it. It'n too bail of Myra." "No ; I would not, have hor change," iiaid Siratton dreamily. "It ia a hard and long probation, hut I can wait, and I love her all thomoro dourly for hor true wo manly behavior. There, hold your tongue, f'ou miRerablo, aelfhjli rovilor of one whom U your heart you look up to an a pattern of womanhood. Tlio joy would bo almont ([reater than I could hear it who nakl lYett,)' .mtehe. in right-, ami I will palinnlly waitf for Botno day tho time will conic." Sir Mark drew her tij-htly to him, and hold out Ida hand to Ktratton, "Hoon, duar, v*ry oonu, but it itmt hi* very qulot, and not from hrf." =5! PK1N0K (iMVmmi HIS QniLLlANT SCHEME WHEREBY TO SWINDLE HIS FRIENDS- ' Anything, my datlinjt, to no0.you hap| oiico again. Tho tiiitl'M junt thi'ii brought in and tln*y could Hon the lovo light from hor oyeu. a lamp, bemiiiui CIHAl'TKK XXII. at thi; Piu;s'r nonn. Kveii v.h I'orcy '("Jflout nmhed Rt bio frieud'o door to bring mm foot Hgajimt thu lock with all bin might, bo ftdt tho futility uf t lift prooL-iediug. For he knew how Hohd thu old Mik outer panehi had been made ; but he did not puuau, and au bin fool ntruck iigaiimt it thorn wmi x dull iiound -nothing mor. Gueiit drew back ngajn, fully impreHHod by tli* hnptduHinoHK of bin proceedings, for thu outor door opened toward huu, and tho efloot of bin noxt thrust wan only to drivri it agaimtt tbo jamb. lie wan recoiling again, with bin inu'dea quivering from tho vi'dmieu of bin offerUi, when Miun Ji:ri"dd caught hiu arm. ".Mr. (JuoMt," nho miid firmly, "thin in miwlnCNJj, You will bring a erowd of peopU about uh, and only workmen could open that door." GuuHt hoaitatod n moment or two. "Stop !" he tiaid. "Jliii friend, Mr. Brottinon, inin*?ho next cbumberH, ppfhapii. I'M (jo and Hi'c." "Conn-', Utbceca," naid the admiral ttcom- fully ; "wii have no bmnueun born." Hu held out his arm, but his sinter thruut it away. "Vi: ; 0 havo hunine.KH here," nho naid. "If, an Mr. flitefit tuiftpcotn. Home nccidcu; bnn In-fallen Malenlm SlriLtton, would you care to meet Myra without having heoti thero!" Who whiHpnred thiu to her., brother. whilu Cucut had i*ono io lif ctt.inou'i) door, at which he knocked ulrrply. Tin- admiral turned ti rcely upon bin ni.i- t(;r, I'tit idle did not idiiinU. "You kaow-it'u ritihL,"- idiu n.iid. "' "It-t ruuHoniLhlo, Marjt, Maleolin Siratton could not have inmiked nt all like ih|r,." "I onn't make him bear," uuid (Juc-t, after * eccond uliarp fUinmoiiH ul I In; i uhuu u door. "I imtiit fetch up a carpenter and 1 jiniik'i him fotco open ihia dnor.!J ' "| "* *tYoTTUiv7S",*^>-Wglri~lo 'prniiTTud^t!!' mioli violent nieaiiiiroa, Mr.MJuent." '" '-'" "Tlimi I hhall tt'oBtHiui thu riffht, ;tiir. I "_Tjci 1 i.y/thftTi: uVy'fri'eh<l jiea Imltind i'uat duor ' wounded or. murdered fur iho n-iki' 'of' *r,iiu rtoilfiV* ho lilid ready for bis "eddi'ig triii, -Tiud.d'r^oai-.tliink I am going to *" .puiviulf^ttt-rt time likf tbi^';" nlii id on V t;."Jijr8Jt*rrnld looked very white and 'aint .ii joint-niiid nt-ictTy': v t'tIo_iH'fi'iii(tt-pig1ui~\birl-.' "(>irt w(irl:rrmrrV-i4(o'n, in "There you go again, l'rescutly. It'u all very well for you with your calm wor- nhip of your ideal woman, and your high- faliiTin talk about womnnhood, otcetera, 1 but 1 love my liillo Kdio in a non-tentlinUc, ChriHiiiinldc", utanly way ; mid il'a madden ing lo bu ulwayu Uupt off by the littlo thing with', '*N", not lill 1 si:o pour Myra happy Then, peril a pn, you may begin lo tnlk.' Pei'bapa and presently makfl poor food for i f.-llow lilitt me." ..... Snatii'ii ainiled at him gravi.-ly. "Thi '- laugh tit mi!. Toll you what, Mai, you're a poor lover. Why don't ymi auk brr plump ami plain?" Suiittnn made no reply hut Hat hitok RMiukiug, and bin friend n>ul no rnoro for a time. At last, quioily : "Xot Hticb a bad eig ir after nil, Mai." Si rut! on diil not reply for a fitw niniiiQiitii. Then, m a low voice, full ot amotion : "Pirrry, liuf, you muni hour witli me; it all too deep for wufdn. If wo eould J l change placi'K ymi would d Speak to brr? pruy to hor? i) 11 ii Hove do. not ..k'o, bin bead, and id. Bur tbt-v I'll1, tiiin of I |,i' while, an be niii-iit Upitai: - donv; all thiu till now when hor ovi*h g.i/.o in mine with tludr gentle, ploutlinp; calm, and nay to mo bo patient.' If you love inc. H,v me limn till all ibise florrowa of the past have yrown blurred and faint witli dirttanco.' (jlni'st, old f*-11 >w, (the given me uo b'lio. ,Jfhiru in nn verbal promiao, but there is tunnel liing in Inr gntle, oompafiflionato look winch nnyn' to mo if t:vi;r I marry a iimii it will be you ' " Ttiuro wan a dee|) .silriiee in tlio mom, and f.uutly hoard camo tho tour cif tliu great l eity ni root. Strut.ton wiiy.i.hi' fir-it lo hi oak tbo hiKuico by Huying Hoft ly to himself : "\'t!f; wait; ihn time will oi>m<\" Again tho Hib-no'i; wnti hiokeu, tliia timr by u (itrangi: hurry im*. rustling nuiind hu ll ind tlm wainscni, followed by a dull thud. "Wbat.'a that?" naid tiui'nt, Hharnly. "Thai. ? Oh, only the ratn. Thorn are plentv in ibis old bou-o." 'Uj-li! Hrut.es." "Tbcv only have imuh behind tho pan- olitij_'. They never couminto ibu rooniH." Theni Win another Hilmtco liefuro Oueut npok<"Mai.old ebap,"lio uaid.'Tma iniHerab'e, tmp'iiieiil bi-nni. Vou uro (juit'e right; I'm in mv ordinary Horno-H onen more. Kdio upeukn jii. *t. aH you do, ami he':: ^ wine ilillb; thing a a over htopite.l. We tmwit wait, old mini; we inimt wait/' 'Malcolm Stratton wait'-'I till oiu; even ing, when fortune favored him f -r tluo mo- m>-nt. ono-1 again. It W-m hy iicoidnnt that be found Myiaalout!. Hi! b.td hourd tbo toiieji of tbo piano aw hi; went Ufi to tbo drawing room in I'minic iSi|iiar, aud bin liearl bail bi-^'un to beat wildly and then it h pul- uationu grow to throb;! anil bound:i,a>i ho wont in, to find her alone and playing eoft- ly in tint'half light. Shi; did not cnun<\ but ln-r Hugom utrnyed on over tho Itcya, and onco more an hiri arm routed upon tho piano, tho chorda thrilled through Ida ve.ry being ; and when,without a word, hiu handa worooutstretohod to take lift- to hiH breaHt, bIio iunk upon it with fl ingb ofroliof. At tkatmnmonti ntopil wore beard.upon tlirt bindings and Kdio and Miua Jorrold eutorod iho rtnoin dreioted to go to aoi'no ooneo'rt, Sir Mkrk following directly afior. from tho dlnintr toimi, with Quest. __j ,-n me iiou mti nut iriiiii titration till all bad Heeii what bad tokun place. , Then, Riuvely crotoiiug to her father, hIib laid hor bawhi toyeihor upon, hiit bream, while ho waited for hor to apeak. Tho wordn camo ut-ltmb: "Kather, dear, Malaolm baa aBkod mo tu bo hU wife," if.l wonrrrmnf vt-on, in Iluaven's nann sir, or the police." ("incut took a uttp toward lhentairs, bu; luroed again. "I don't like the expooe, mr," he ii.il I uharply. "Tlnrro might le: ritfiKoun why uhoiild repent gning." "1'ut Veil must have that dnor opened at once." cried Sir Mark, now mice more fowiii ' e*oiiiMi, an ii oin::ti, it manner wore contagious. (jlue.Ht irew bin hand over tho door in "nenTch-nt i hold to try nnd diiij,' it toward him, ondi, >i; by thru*liug u in bv tho lottttr ulit and g. "in it a vigor.,.!.' Hi; witli hew it, KW.i.-l":. pjLtnted, for etep.4 w<- p.iH.'ifd tliu tlaorway ap i buildiu^ and died ';>-\ i , listened, all Henincd I't .' and down. "Wo rnuilt have a -rarpotil er." lu; utid aloud; and,once more placing In.-i ear to the letter fllit, he liatened, and then (Mine it Wuy to where Sir Mark mood. -Thi certain I beard breathing within there," he whiHpnred "Bcnin-mm is listen ing, and I'm nure ti.#ri is nuinething wronj-; but I don't likn to li-ive yoii here ajone, S.r Mark." "Why?" "In nvSL-iinuio Hootiiidrel lihoidd make u Hinblfo ruHli ont ;ind eni;aii'\" "Ki'teb a policfinau," Raid Sir Mark fllur.lily "Lot biir try ir- whilu you ur gone At that moment,* in-'."! Ultered au t-uger cry, and thrust hiu Iwiod into hu pouki't. "I'd forgotten that," h.- Huid, in unawer to MiftB ilorrohi'a inqitir;n^ h.uU ; "and I don't know .io\v Miat it will iii." Ho bail taken oat lib* biteliltey on thu chiuico of that wliiuJi httl the luck of one ot ofidiiLhiberii fitting i-ba:, oTiiunthur,aiid, thriiHting it into tho keyhole; he wa ui lha act of turning it when, an if hoiiicou* bad Inmii liatening to every word and act, o bolt wan Hiublenly ahot b <-Ai, and tho door thrown open ngaiiiMt (jU'-'I'm ehent. lie Htarlodbaok in aHtouin:. ii..mt, for tbero, in tho dark opening, utond Ma colm Siratton, bin faeo of a nickly h dlow, a Hirango look in hiu'eyeH, and a general unpect. of bin having ijuddonly turned ton yearn oldor, Btactling all [>re3ont. "What do you want'/" bu an id handily. Tho quoatinn wan ho Ruddeu that .Ouent waa utunncd into muieueua, but tho admiral ( topped forward fiercely. Now Y"rl< Kooloty Nweiln Knolft'l ly u You ml; UTThhIuii Noliloiiuui llow the l'rln5i_Ar]ruiiu<i^.ti>.-uiii.Ui> W-K:r!fLulMi. KalnofHoyal TrimHiiriiH* Not ninny Caniidliuiu will nyinputliizo with tbo tuft, hunting .Amorican.'i who havo boon takim in ])y ji real, livo HuhiiIhu priitce, Tlm idory of bis adventure, how- evor, hi bitenifitlrijx. I'riiico Alcxaiubu' ("Jiill.ziiti*, ii young RiikhIuii (if plotiHing innnnei'H, at presimit nmiociaMng with mnnibm'H, of thu IVour Ifundrod In Now York, in not a humbug nobleman, but ho la a noblu btimbug. Ilii tltlo hi getmino, and tboro in no queatlo-n that bo Ih one of tho wreat anddiJitiiigutBh- od Galtjilnu family no intimately connected wit'i tho bbitory of Ktimda. Hub tho Pi'ineo is "on Ida uppurti," after an oxoitlug career at Monte Carlo, Park) and ohiowhero. on the Continent, where ho ran through a fortiinn, mul ba_hjiiUiow concluded to swindle tlm b'our Hundred of Now York'K itwoll Hooloty. Finding bim- iioKrecolved with open armn on all nidea, "the Pi'ineo baa decided to maku hdiiio money out of bla princely name. Uo Ih fully awaro of tbo ennimeixlal valuo of tbo name of prince. .^ Tin; I'riiico tit.dinves that be can enhanco the value of any urticlu with which his name in n.HHnciated.and that n,-ID-cont china jup; can bo made to koII forS-il) by labelling it "From tliiil'rlncef-.iiliLzino Collection." In thin curious view of commercial valueu tbo I'riwco is undoubtedly rli^ht. IXutwhat will bis friends in the Kuur Hundred havo to way now that the I'rlnco Btanda exposed as an ndvnnturer and a swindler? It is only a few weed's .since tbo first of the alleged "Galitziuo works of art" woro thrown upon the New York market, when tbero was a scramble among; society peo ple hero for their possession. The catalogue announced that It was a "sale of personal property, including an tique and modern furniture, tapestries, rugs, draperies, embroideries, Russian and sterling silver, bric-a-brac, oil paintings, miniatures, porcelains, arm.s, sculpture, diamond jewelry, utc, belonging to tho lute Prhimss f bilit.zine, of St. Petersburg, Russia." "The late Princess Galitzlno" was presumed to bo tbo mother of Prince Alexander, who iiad recently died. Tho Prince appciU'tjd at.I.bes;tlu.as a-tcuarautce- of good fiiiUi, imd was much admired and courted by the society women present. IIo Ih a inediiiin-Hi/.ed, rat her handsome young man, very modest, in bis dress, and withal of distinguished and cbiirming manners find with an excellent command of tho Kn.ilihh language. Soeii'iy condoled with the Prince at such a sacrifice, but, ho said ho was glad to know that the precious heirlooms were to be come the properly of friends. .Several friends of the Prince bought in articles which l.hey did not wunli, to sparu his -ilpblivb-elings rr-uni tin* pain of ^m,ng them go to'iiaVd-heartV-il strangely.--.TJjis also plea-ed thu Prince. Put towards the end of that. lirM, dny'.i side an incident occur red which rust a gloom "over tho proceed ing*. A rude man (not, of the "Four Hundred") came in and served a paper on the Prince. I In was a baililV! The Prince "gozed sadly at the paper and saw that suit; had been In^un against, him In the Supreme Court here for .^."i.OUO by Henry do Ciesue, a jeweler of Paris, who Bd< -outidrol !" hV roared ; and an rVatton *teppnd back tlio old man followed- him quickly into the, room, and.oiHifchfc dim'by. tlm throat. "Murki . Marif I" Iad ..MIbk JW ^.llowine/ to oi2oi'*?r brother* orm. While .. oum*i^^ fidin*at "wv**11*5Sto-ll1t^:1.'!.1?_5i*_""Jf-^iLn kfl IMIIXCK AI.KXANDF.i: OAMTZIXK. -crut: ly alleges that, the Prince secured jewelry, etc., from him ia .Tuly, ls'.tl), and has failed to pay for it. The Prince threw the hateful paper to t hu floor of the auction room aud stamped upon it. Then the plaintiff's attorney announced that, lie had grave doubts as to the Prince's ownership of the "royal heirlooms," which wen; being sold at. auction, aud that, but for this fact hu would have levied on them. The.su duubtsof Lawyer Kekorson as to t.lu un til en I icily of the alleged heirlooms of tho nubh: Russian house were, uufnrluuntidy for the Prince, published in the papers of the following ilay, containing notices of the suit, and the bottom fell out. of tho "sale," so far as society was concerned. Here is t ho copy of thu contract which he signed with the man who put up tlio bogus ancestral treasures: New York, Dec. liS, ISill. Ill consideration of the sum of one hun dred dollars (100) to be paid to me before the sale hereinafter specified and the II1-2 per cent., also mentioned, I, Prince Alex andre U-alut/due, agree to.represent myself as tho owner of certain paintings, brio a-brac, bron/.es, vugs, tapestries, jewelery, etc,, to be put up ami sold at public auction in or near New York City; I also agree that my name shall be publicly used as that of the owner, with the statement, that said paintings, jewelry, etc., aro historic heir looms of my family imported by mo to America and to personally guarantee tho authentic history of each piece, traced through several generations to some ro- muntw episode or royal giver, and never- thereafter to deny any of .such stjvtomeuts. It is also agreed that in consideration of such guarantee and use of my name I nm to receive- three and a half per cent. (!) P2) of the gros-4 pi-wilt resulting from audi sale, freo and clear. 1 also agree to in every 'way u<- niy "uio and social posi tion In New York towards making Haid Bftlo a Hiiccass-and.to do what I ean to in duce, my weaUb'y friends in this city to j purchase Mich articles as may bo olfeucd' at auction. - 'lb Is also agreed by.mn-l)bat tbreo-liuj^'l drat dollars (S3U-0), which ui ed to mo in. addition to mentioned, shall be deducted froni tVju"tiefcv profit coming to mu an ftiVHitit of such tntlo, &!(H) of tiiis sum to be paid ,mo before Jan. f, 1605, tho remainder of wdd advance (201) to bo paid, mo before hu hi auction nalo.' ' PltTNUK AI.KXANDKU OAMTSSl!NirV- Tht) second bogus Hide .oftieirlooms of pMM I Zx lb will pay anymio to call and examine our Larue and WelbuH. aortoil Htock of PINK li'IJItNI- Ttllll!.. if tlmy wuht to.fiel jyiy. ... thiiiiiprhjg. '. JUSTREAfc fc Fino Dodroom'Sott (all complete) FIno extension Tables, Cood Bedsteads Ion li ft 00 I 75 CUT And ovctything itfc. PRICES XXX All iiooiU r] olive rod free of charge fiooil Liiiu1ji.t tiilmn hi exolmii'io for funiltiuo Uniclortaking and Embalm- a Specialty. Pricon an low, If.not. lowor, than nuywhcro olso for quality, '* J. k hick;; . & co KSBEX, ONT. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE ttd NmiralRla In so MtNUrica, nlso Caati:d Touruu. Dirzl- nes:i, liilimnucn-i, Pain in tliu Side, Constipttlon, .Torpid t,lvr. Had Itc-ath. to ai;ty curod also rcKulato tlio bowi.-ls, very jv/o ro yauBw Vr/ob SIS Gtrtvra ay Drtua Brctnttaf A Boon to HorHomon, Ono bofctlo of Enfilifih Bpovin Liniment completely ro> moved a curb from my iiorno. 1 tako plcaauro in recommending tlm romoJy, aB it actn with rayntcriouH promptnoHu in tho removal from homos of hard, iioft or c&I- louped himpti, blood npaviu, Hplintfl, curlm, nwcony, ntillcH and Hprainen. Goo. Dobb armor, Markharo, ^Out. Sold [by John Thorno, IJmugint. ' TcHtliitr IiIm I*CoiieHty Your druggmt is honcat if .when you awk him for a bottle of Scott's Kmultuon ho. fjivea you jtiHt---wl)ttt you ask for. Ho kuowHthio iH tho best form in which to tako Cod Liver Oil. M23&U& " 'Ita Niaoara Falls Haute." aOINO I3AHT ralmif- olfect Nov. lBtli, 1894. Exp. Kksi;.v....... Woods uu... Com ln-r ..... KidfM^eivn. St. 'J'bf'inan Mail a,in, 8.i a K.'ill H.-II) 11.50 11.t'i a.m. fl.ir> itsn I-lMhlfX,................. MuKlhiono Cross I'nlton .............. Winduor ___....... OOINO WKHT. Exp. a, m. 11.51 ......... ld.2(l I^uuilncrtoii and WnnUorr ii.in. H,i!0 H.Oli 7.:. 7 7.-17 7.'10 7.l!7 7.0jj (',..').'". ii.tl c.-io is ;m u.-ifl' NOHTII p.Ill 5.10 I. sa i i.:i.t 1.-.M t.1.1 1.00 :i,50 . ;u.rj.... ;i.:n , ;i.2'J "":i.i>b"". -I'liifj Btatloii. Windsor Pulton Xlnfj Aluidiitoue Crons ICsflox Woodnloo Iluuctuub ... Combor,... ItOflHlvn ...... ..... Btiiploa ...... Oakland...... ...lilytbonwood ... ,..... WlHlo ...... Lake E *fc D ll'y TjjaniinctOo, ... Exp. p. m. 10.35 10.M 11.05 1.05 Mail p.m. ti.aa fi.Wl (1.10 7.00 ilunrr -~, . ~>- BOUTtI a.in p.m H.:i.l 5.2(1 H.si 5.UU " 0.01 fi.15 11.10 B.M n.iil o.un U.-10 o.art 10.00 c.iia 10.10 C.JO 30,10 (1.-10 10.21 0.61 10.135 G.55 10.111 7.01 10.-10 M0 Am{fceYtliM.V#jkociil IVulus, P in. ti.Jir. li.iil a -11 7 05 WKHT.' l tJ ' .'..' w* rt.nl j tUR'"*., Eflfiox 1 S,:i& J .EdRitrn ::w tiE&D II Xing' oUf) MoGniKor 10.00 Amboratburg KABT a.m. 7.15 7.00 0.BO G.tfH tl.30 p.m. 1.26 d,10 -1.02 4.00 8.-10 AU tiaiufi aro run on contral ntandard fcimo, wfilch In oixty mlnuton. olowor than Ennox time Tor information anil raton to oolou- istd niovinR west apply to Jolin G. Ijiivou, Pail* suiipor A[*ont, Rt. Tbomiui, O. W. Rumnloii, Gon- oral PaiinonRor and Tlckot A'cont, Olaicoso, 111 or A, O. Btimem, Aqont, Eoaox. L. E. t& D- ft, Hy, TIME TABLE NO. 17, taking ofl*oat on Monday, Nov.*'!, 1B0-I. Tralnn run by Eastern Stand- , ard Time. Dally oxoopt Bumlay M:3 CI*"* W o P< 'A -II. *t: toluidviWlctJ'43 '.". L^M^ii: A 31 A M O.iH;11.0O o.:w;ii.ni u.:ii) 11.25 o.i:i u.tio i)..ri()!n.io 0.51 II.57:11.fi5 0 5 mo'j'iQ.os: 7.0:1 10 li'.llii.'^l 7.10 io.l;l2.J(i; 7.17 P M (i:20 0.27 0.3(1 0.M I0.t!7 10.J17 10.-10 10. Wi 11.11 11.'JO 11. w u.:i5 1 50 -I l.M 01 11 15 W.U-J n.flj :i.Ki .(. 10 <Ufi 5(Wn 6. in 5.10 5,fi5 li.KI p m.Iv. sr. 1.01 j 7.GH 1.80 7.:ifl i.4fl!7jn B,tlO;7.Sft 3.-lrf,a3S a.05, a.ai Station 11. awi H.li H51 H.tsn 0 05 0.1a .17 .25 111). I*, xt. DopWalkorv'loAr Walkorvlllo Juno. .........Polton........ ......^ oidofldtlo..... ,...f Pnquottb..... ......MoGroflor..... ..f Kow Canaan.,. ... i Uami)Hold ... ilnnpw ...... ;.......( Arnor......... ......Klnrtavillo...... ...... Hutbvon ...... ... ItdiLmbiL'ton ... ......Whontlcy...... ......t Itomvlel'...... .....'.Coatiiwortli ......(GlcmwoMl.....^UlW-l.m) ......."..Morlln ......t Huxton......... ...... Handlnon...... ...1 Cntlav BprlnRii,.. Blonlmlm Junot'n ......lUonholm...... .........tWi.Uio......... Ar ltliigutown Hop A w t)10 I) 01 8 57 aflil M<7 H43 h no ecu Bit 8 01 7 51 7 40 7 CJ1 7 Ifi 7 10 6 IJB'J 0-ili M 40 oai QQ-l II 21) (HO (lOfl A.^r.1. A M fi.00 il.-lS 4.S-1 .4.2B 4,10 4.11 4.01 0.-1H IUI U.W a.ii a.fifi ii.-io 1.60 l.JW ltBfl V2M iii, 10 13.00 Hi:aa 1I.S0 11.15 10.1R 10.00 P.M.1 a. M w I* M 7.00 0.51 *U7 0.40 0.37 U.H2 , 0,20 0.10 0.12 0.01 B.B1 Ml 'fl.H0 fl.H B.WJ 0.00 , 4,00 4.H 4.11S . 4.*10-. 4.21 -r- Mi ; 4.10 4.00 . ' .8-60 ..^ .0. Tralnn ntop only when tboro ^/;J*|gI Ut or for thoiio otbtlonH. Mixed. .'^^ UuieM \ibjot to bo aatiooHed|;|:;.' '},l$rj! ' Vlag8tatioua. vo piiBiieiiR-sm .trains arti ut ul War WnOLrjATOJ.. Gonoral Suporlntonilentx place, and society Is disconsotate.

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