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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 3, 1895, p. 4

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tfn..... V 'Vi^" * I ' '- as Beautify lour Home - "Tbio nhoold bo thu duniro of every out- Your homo 1h yjur kingdom imil iibould bf1 jast ci aomfortablu and boa7Llful~iLn~j'oiiF BQeiuiH will u.1 low. ljittlo iJXpomu|ut nocoti Hawy to docoruto ymir rooulH with our Wall Papers! Hum! for humploft uud pointero on Vapor Huuginu. Consumers'Wall Paper Go., WIurtHOif, Out. The Essex Free Press. FillDAY, MAY , Ittltf. Commons; JSJol <sh. Mr. MilU(Auuap'jliH) wuutti LVrlmimnt to umoud tho Fiancbhc Act ho iui to with draw tho rinlit to vote from employee) of Provmeiul Legudaturo, Mr. ThOH. McGi'lovj, having bun do olaroct olpctod m Qub-1 \Vuit, by a ma- jonty oMivt) vcrou, otwi loeonut, took Inn out in the lloinio hint wpuIi. Mr. Duviu, Until An-nnobm, riivo none*) of tbo following nsohiuoo u, favor uf f i male nuffrufu. "'J bat m Hi" OjUinm'Vu' this IIoiwo the pnvilo^o or u>'in^ foi cfy,a idatoa for inembi'cflhip tlioreof hiihukJ 'lit* extended to \\a . n no^mim Un^quuiiti at- 10UM Wllicll Would UiiW Olltltl i Ililill I i * Il'Ct oral frnuchmu," A bill to Hinonri ihu Provincial Cuurt Judftao' Act will b i-itn ductd 1 y Sir Obnrloo Ilibbort Injpii -MUie- pro* on ilia ^o maUo tho H-ilariOH u^l\.o jmW^ci of tb<j Montreal Cucuit Comt .J,(JU 1 per tiunuui each; of, two Mtiuitobti County Cuurt <Iud Hfia 82,000 cacb and S'2, lOOaft-'r thruo yearn of aorvico;t tbo hhIuij nf tbo liri-iabColinn biiJiidga Admmiln, 51,000. Mr, Mu 11 nek biiwtiK introduced Iiih bill to out tlio bultiry of tin- Govurnor Genera' in half and talco away all uxtru allowauceu, Mr. MoMullcn bin fjiveu noticu of a bill putting tbo Hiilaru'H of tbo Jjieutenaut Gov ernors, Ho-propOHCp to ieduce thcwdiuicu of tho Lieutonunt Oovenioru of Outurio and.Quobao from 810 000 to &0\00u : of AJuu- itoba from 810,000 to^.000; of Nova Scotin, New Bruiihwick and Britmh Columbia,from $7,000 to 93,000, and of Prince Kdward Ih land from 37,000 to 8>l,l)00. Mr, McjUoan (York) Iihh introduced bib iHl<equirintf ovory railway tiam to bo pro- Vi^od .jfrith automatic brakon and with '.Cdliplora wmo^r-trrn^TTre^eaitUtrTT^ raou pausing hotwoon tbo cars. Au,u protootion to tbo public it la nho proyided that every conductor muat bavo hvo yoam oxpononcB &b a bralcoraan, and every entjiiiudrivor fivo yeara oxpononoo cm firerran. Mr. MoLoan sfcatodl that hia bill wu.b introduced at tbo raquost of railway employaeo of tbe country, nud tbat similar leiHHlntioa bad boon in troduced in many of tbo Stutoa of tbo tin- ion, and almoBt umvorfially adopted. KARLY CLOSING. NoUuo to the Hubuc ol' Khmcsc ami Vilty- Wo, tbo iitulMriiijii(rt morobantu untl ImHinrntji^m' n nf tlio Town of Khhou, atfrae to fjloHoour roMiioofcivo plaunu oftbuuincHU at (1 o'olook, town time, uvory Tuuuday and Friday butwoini May U and Ootobeir 19, A. I). lHll.l: \V J Dowar, morcbaiit tailor. .1 II Allifl't, liardwaru morobaut. J A Iliakd, furnituro doalor. Diol)(tl .t llnoluH'. W II Uiobardunn, hardwaro nh roliaiil. Jim Dou^biH, hIico inoroliant. O K HmitU AOo. * K riummor, tailor. ,J T llMcKlhcott, tailor. K Ij Paik, JQWolar. ' J M IIioIch, baUnr. B WdkmHon Foroytlu-, Andwrnon A Co. W Kvanfi, biker. M j; Winlo por-r II Wigl \V Giiunoll. 11 G I'lvanit, aboo m ik< r .1 K Htm o H Konloy, itlioo tnaltor M .1 Wiglo A Co. JuiiKui McMuriav. Hardware. ,]. A KranciH, Mt ilIhuU. NEWFOUNDLAND NE up i^SS^^- PKNINSUI.AItroOT BALL AS- SOUIATIOM. IVnlltcrvlllr i'u. ICuuox. Tbo iuioond tianio for tbo Khuqx team thin uca4nn wlih playoit li'it S iturday, tlio 'J?lh ult. Tim 1*3 tlio first tmio for over a jtar tb it Wiilltt'rvillo ban benn on J]ai\ ^roundH itpd it wau oxpcrj,( d tliat thev would bai. much better toaro than forrn(rl>. Tin {{a no was cillud for .) p m. but owing to Homo dulay n. tbo arrival of tbo vihiMmh tuam it was 1 p. m. bt'foio U foroo Wilinunt. l; >t iliu t unii in ordur. Tney Imtd up hh fo low-*: Walkcrvillo. A UurroujibH ,1 I1 himth ) l'j CiKIKtOllllJ II Ftowurt-j C Kirni D IrolundJ A Grcono ,T Porter) W Utirrot} A Dougborty M Kundall Goal Haokfl Ilalfri Contro Itight Loft J Fucr.b f.J Gourbn \ ^ M Short (K Bot*mat. h IJ Btottt. V Copoland A Dixon (M DbC\w a\ Gonrlay Uiiluu W itli Oniuulii, th Only Cuurt Opnn to tlio Old Oolouy. St. Johns Nlld., Apill U7. Tho romilU of tint Coiifoduratlnn com'eroueo paHlol- liatfid In by Nowfoundlnnd'H dele^ato^ Jiwf mturumt from Ottnw i.iiofur um nimlo publlo ycHb'i'day, liu ren^e tlio foolliiK of uncm ttilntj burn.' AppiiujiiLly tint mutiti of th i.ooplo dppohii union with Cun- iitbl, but thi'lo In n, foollnc Unit no other eourhii is opon. Tlin folhrvorri of I*rinlir Wbltiiway Hcom to ho Hlmlnlnp; ovory norvo to ^riippln with tl " Hltimtlon with out HiibmittliiK tbo qui htlon to u popu- lin* doclhlon. Tho Whltmvay nr^un, tho TolKmin, yoHtowbiy publUhul a propnHod Govorn- mnnt rotnmHimont wbomo pmvldinp; for tho abolition (jf ii hit of oflUon and for rodnoiloii of mvlarloH, It In ocllmiitod tbat uudor tbo Hcliemo an iinmnil wtvinp; of JJi00,(l0t) could bo nlfootud. Tbo plan nieotM with kdiiiu f.ivor, but much orltl- olsm in nvnkod hi'ciuiso It wan not pro* po'ed bttforo. Tho WhitimnyitoH ulno im- uounee a rovldlon of Iho tariff during tbo Kinilng hCHslon of this IjOtfbilutuw. Mom- born of tho Opposition party hi tho Lolti- latnro hcouho thnin of poitponhijr th YjOffUlutlvo M'hHlou bo an to imilco It hu- pomdblo for tbo peopbi to votn on Confcd- umtlnn A rovoH anions the Govoriimont Hiipportorn In tho A^MMiibly would havo taken plaeo but for thn fact that mont of tbo OppnMtlnn Confeilcniten would then have joined tho Government, and bavo doddod thn question Immediately. Hon boning people and the mlddlo olaRsOH fa\or (onfi'deratlon, but tbo majority of tlie peoplo hhnyv a disinclination toward Us adoption. Sir Ilerhort Murray, Ihn Jlrltish Coni- mlssioiier, now hati hW men rrivployrd on relit f works. Two more healing bteumerh arrived In port ji-hteiday Tliey report fair rt suits and that tbo remainder of tbo scaling Hoot ha*, doiiu fiilrlj ^ell. HE WOULD NOT TALK. Lieut-down nor < lui)ilouit Dtirllnen to !>1m iihh Anunxutloii. - Ni w York, April 'JT. Lieut -Governor J A ('hivjileau, (jf tbo I'nnlmo of Quo bte, is a! the Ilrnn-AWik lie Is-on his way bourn from Athuitb; City. On DoliiK*] askidifbobad sis n tho resolution ru- nontlj adopted by tl e LoglfllHturu of tliiw stuto hi wlutb ConK'ess wan asked to In vito Canada to anm \ beiself to thu" Uni- ti d *- ales, In- i< plu (l that he bad not scon it \\ lu n Infnriiu d of thn tenor of tho liMtlulhm 1 i> laujjcln d in on amused way tii'd ^ild" "Vtdl, AmerbJt Is certainly a pro^iessne (ountrv I cannot bay any- thlut'. I am not In Canada, or I inltfht gt t oiT a pat rlotli speech, but I cannot do It now. As for annexion, I prefer to llhten to tbe aiKonuintH of others to HprtiiKhiK Into tbo lirench and talking." COMPLET i THIS APPLIES TO OUR NEW SPRING GOODS! , i . , mmflfi brielit intl fi'Ch, bought i" t'o l)ot marltotn, nud Every dopnrtmont is now filled with choico now gooda. miRim SPECIAL LINES IN LAOE CURTAINS. Tab.0 and Towel Linon-. Tablo Napkin, White and Grey Cotton,, PnnU, Cbambr,,.. Verona Cord,, Glovo,. Uci-o, Lacoa, Carpet Warps, UmbiollaH, etc. WE LBAJJTHB TRADE ------- ' FORRELiIABLiB OLOTHING. hcc what wo aro doing in Everybody claims to bavo tho ohoapust; our aim m th., b03t for ll.o 'oast money. MOn , o buy no shoddy goods. Coffees a Hjiocuiity Htmd0ome Farlor Olocka arxd PinoFroaoli Mirrors Free DTrirSTAlT SLOOK. SSSE22 \ CunniuKhatu Keleroo, Hou'ry WilhnniH. KsiiO-v won the toufi and cboio tbo oantorn ^oalihavmg tho wind and aii'i m thoir f i vor. In tbo tirnt lialf Koiok bad tiling dtcidodly tlioir own way, but acorod twica A. Gourlay Hconn^ thu iirst and L L'uni; thy Hceond. In tlio Bscond half tbincH worodifforont, Walkorvillo liavin^ tho ad*, vantiijjou of nun and wind winch enable i them to hold Ehqox down and ucoro out goal tlioratielvoa. Thio wan all tbo scoriu^ dono.tho ^,'amc ending two to one in favor of JShugx. 'WalkorvillQ pat up a ood ^nit, o^pocio.lly Kinfi at contj-o half, Greeno and Kendall of tho forwards,and if thoy should curtail thoir desire to educate tho roforee tliey would bo aokuowlodtfod ono of tin* heat teama in tho loaguo. They play Windsor Saturday , and Ebhox meoS tbi= Diamondn in Detroit. Tbo result of [{amen ho far leuvoH Kohox at thu top. Thiu \a the ataudiu^: ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR- Ih* Number or \our .fiimoi Iittiitilator JAmhI n Ibln Kiutli. MrtRftm, Out., April 27,-On, of tho ohW inhabitants of this town, If not thn oldest, in tho iierhon of Mr. Jnmos Ban- nlfltor, passed quhily away yostorday n orninp ut tbo age of 101 years. Dccciwd wnsiircfiiRi'ofroin slavery and camo to this country when quite a yonnK man lociUlnB in NlnRiira. ^horoljio has lived cverKime. bl^bly reS^ted by nil who knowhhn. Anuu-rlod duuBhtor, iUo a rrsldont of this town. Is the only relatlvo loft to mourn tlio loss of a kind and affcctloimto father. Tb All Whom it may Concern; And it concerns all the purthn.p;ii public.in Enaex: and elsewhere that J, A, Francis has got his ne . j-u Ooing ^n full blast. in each department, comprising to know His st6ck is up to date' Tbo Noi' Wt-ater, a daily papor Htartod in Winnipeg, Iguh than a yoar a^o, Iiuh boon uold out by tbo bberiff. The liabihtioa aro about U 15.000. Tbia luauothor oxamplo o tbrco paporH in a two paper city. Nowh- paporn can be run on wiud for a timo bat they aro apt to ot out of breath and then tbo oboriff cutohofl thorn Multiplying EOWBpapora beyond tno needH of a com munity in an excellent way of nibbing Bionoy, boflideH boin^ a iiumauco to buei iiona men. Toama won lodt Kbuux 1 0 M. A. A 0 0 Windhor 1 0 Diamond U .1 WalltervilleO 1 drawn 1 j 0 1 0 poiutH 3 2 o 1 0 Itetoree WillianiH handled the Cr no fairly and impartially, and ^avo fiatiufao tiou to ri^ht tluukiog raombera of both toaras. i*. ROPE AND BLOODHOUNDS. Itenltlcmtu f Indluiia ]'rnpoBo to Uuvo a NocU-llo Tarty. Andwaon, Ind. .April 27. A mob of 200 cltl/ons of IiiruIIh, with ropo and blood hounds- and p;uih. Is In pursuit of two trampfi who assaulted Mrs. Wm. llumon, a respoctablo woman of IngalN, whllo rIio was gathering flowers In a prove. Thoy drove a linifo Into bor howobi and cut her arrows tho heart and breast and hips. Sbo was then thrown Into n, collar, where aho whi found liy porsons Who Haw tho trumps running from thd liouso, Mro. Humes cannot llvo. United StattiB Indium in North Dakota ] ftvo rinon, and (ih their Liii'tLinpmeiit ih i 'ar tho border of Manitoba they aro al- i oady giving trouble to Canadian acttlerti ' 'io danfior is tbat on the appearanco of 1 'iitod Statea troopn they will crou tho 1 rder in forcu, whou, of ooumii, tho Can Maw Government will bo ' ompelled to < il with thorn. Our mouir.^d pobco nr i tablo aaan, but are a nuall body, and ula not find it oaoy to k up flftot-n hund- l Indian warrjora in hand. Thoir chiefs, * vevor, probubly Ituow cuounh, aa Bitting , i 1 did, to ltoep tho pt.u.ou in the Quood'u . ^otry, and our goyommont will perhaps iblo, as in Inn oapf, to arrange for tho . -mlct of tho bodtdua to tbo caro of the \, ..tGiil Statofl n^aiu. Stark's Powders, each packa^o of which contains two pre para tioriB, ono in a round wooion bux, tho cover of wbiob forma a meaitura for ono douo, au lmmooli&to rulief for coutivonois, Sick Uoadaeho and Stom- LCh, also Neuralgia and all kiadu of nerv- ouh pamo, and another in capaulaa, (from | to a of one lu an ordinary douu) which acta ou tho bowels, Liver und otonaach, fornurif; a nnvar failing purfoct troatmout for all Hand and Stomach complaints. They do not, as most pills and so nanny at tier inediciuea do, lur.e tlioir tifeot, or produce aftar constipition, tboy aro nice to take. 25c a box at all modioino dealers Farmers. Get iteadyi Farmers and othera havinncorn plauterti roqmrum ropaire, aro reqnoLtod||to bring thorn in early, ao tho man willg ooon oom- meuoo. I will bo in a position to handle a lot of rapturing, anting tho next few weeltn, and will aluo bavo soma Ono now pluntora for aolo, wo have promiaoaj of an oarly spring, bo don't delay. Fnuu EoniKHOH Talbot ut., oppOBitaDr.McKauzie'urctu- dence, Enaoi. tf Far-mom, wo want all your wool; will pay hi(*hout oanh price. G. E, Birith it Oo.,Ehro3. TnB KMl'KnOB OY JAfAK "' illp*]p2o. roll May'* Bazar. c ti -.w hati fv men, women, boya and U .. atM. X WIk1*Co/h. COMPOUND. Arooent dUoovory by unold phyalcinib. Suatnufaliv wd Month It/ by tAausjMtla t\f Latlhi. %t tfio oaly Iwrfoctly , _ Bat* nud roliaula modlcrnotlU- covered. Ikiwura of unprlnclplod drtigglatii who offor Jnfwlw modlctno* lu plnco of thin. Ask for CooU'i t'0(l*M UOOt ClOdll'WHHi U&C HI* tubftif* t\fte,ov Ino!o*o|l*mlO contain putriQA In letter mid wo vlllMmli MAlodi by rotnra mull. FaUiwilod I>artloularii lu plala ouvoloiui, to ItAiut nly S BtnmiuL Addf^jM *tUa Conic CAMDauy* Bold In I**n* by **: J.u^ ... To Support IJcII'b Fnmlly. London, April 27.-Tho Mothodifltq of lllack Heath hnvo docldod to support tho wife and hLK children of Hov. Jonathan Hell Mr. Hall, father of tho girl whom Boll la Bald to havo betrayed, la mirprlsod hocaut.0 ho him rocelvod no communica tion from America regarding his daugh ter Ho will take stupi at ouco to loarn the faetfl concerning bor disappearance and death and to bring to punlHhmunt the persons responsible for both. Tbo police HtM say thoy havo no direct Information us to tho case._____________ Tlio Dowm'or KiiripreM Hurt. London, April 27. -Tbe Central Nowh*. correspondent in St. Potcrbburg Bays hat tho Dowager Kmprefifl, who Ih in a doll- cato condition, waa injured this week in tlio palaeo olovator. The car ntartod un expectedly whllo sbo was holplnpf her pot dog into it, and her foot wua umplit between it and tho Bldo of tho Hluift. Tbo injury Is not dangerous. A Toronto Man A l reutucl. Buffalo April 37. John WhankH, of To ronto, was arrested yuntordiiy on tbo charge of forgery. ShiiiiUa paused a check payablnto John Gr.7 on a Canal street Kiloon keeper, who dtscovorod that tho check was a forgery and cauhod fahanku arrcHt. Tho latter ploadod guilty. To I>ft*i"l.Um0o,ll Stuiulnrd. London, Aprli 87.-Tho HpechU com- mtttoo appointed at a mooting of r*pro- Bontativo monouiotrilliHta on April 5 mot yontorday and rosolvod to form society entitled tho Association in Defence of tho Gold Standard. Thoy drafted rul.w which will bo submitted to a general mooting In tho near futuie. Terrlb*u Floodh. London, Aplrl 27.-Tho Dally Nowb' oorroopondont in Vlonna aya that tbo Hungarian towns of Monrln, Kutozas, Vtlova and KudolpliHgrad hnvo boon nearly doatroyod by dooiU and inimy por- BOiiHand hundrodri of cattlo havo hoon drowned. Tho damago amounts to nearly 10,000,000 florins. _ Novelty and Staple Dry G-oods; a com plete line of Hats and Gaps, and G-ents' Furnishings...... Our Clothing Department is one of the leading features of tho store. You should see our Men's and Boys' Suits beforo purchasing elsewhere. In Groceries we have a full line. They are arriving daily and are absolutely fresh. We oxfcend to all a cordial invitation to all to come in. No trouble to show goods. J. A. FRANCIS Vance's Old Stand. Essex, Ont. Now ammoth Furniture Store Mi*, rurnell Hotter, Boriohton N.J.. April OT.-Tho con dition of Mrs. Vnvnoll 1 more favoral lo than at any timo hIiico tho iis*ult. bho exnorlonced no convulfllonH yeHtordny and- Imli taken conaidorablo liquid nourish ment. _________ Don't Want tho Hohoob Pctroloa, Ont, April Afc-Tho by-lftW Hulmtlttod Ui tho p6oplo of thiu town to riw> (tlxtoon thoneand dolliwH for tho ewwticMi oi o* owtnU wjhooX, woo o>- <w-a wtArdAT bf % toajoritr. of 56- Harness Emnorium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A large stock, all now goods and latest Novelties. I take no back soat on pi'icos. SCHOOL BAGS, I bavo a large stock, sought at bottom prices, and can beat thorn all for price and quality. Call and aoo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION* A largo stock and it must go. Call nnd boo mo before buying elsowhero Everything in the j Horse Furnishing Line. ------o F. S. Adams. Two doom mj* t Sato's 0*nia Werlu, Eimi. OK1 THE WEST. purHuccoss is due to our motto, "Quick Sales and Small Profits," FOR THE SPRING TRADE------- Wo havousod every effort tomnko the host selections of all classes of Fur niture to suit tbo buy or. In tho past wo havo mado you pricos to livo and lot live, and now for tho coming season wo will go ONE BETTER. Wo havo just recoivod a large consignment cf Baby Oarriagoa which wo' will sell at $5 and upwards. Our Drawing Room Sotts, $2fi ond upwards, of many designs. Dining Room Setts, Loathor,Cobblor,Canc and Hardwood soat Chairs, largo vanetioa. Extension Xablos of many styles; also Oak, WaIuufc,Chorry and Hardwood Sido-boards. ** iiOO Bed-room Suites to soloct from. Wo have a very largo lino of all kinds of Furniture at vory low pricos, Tome and soo us before buying and judge for yoursolvos. You -will savo both a-onoy and timo. Window Shades, boat in the market. Curtain Poles, Oak, Maple arid Hardwood, 25c upwards, cowplolo. AS FUNERAL FURNISHERS------- Wo bavo tho largest selection of both Oaslcots and Coffins Mofcallics, Clofchi Walnut, Oaltrina Hardwood always on hand. PROFESSIONAL EMBALMING . , ray 'Phono, 115; night'Phono, 103-2it. All ordcra promptly attonded to. WHITE AND DARK HEARSE--------- 73 and 7$ Sandwich st.. Windsor, Opp. Crawford Houso^ ~' Lassalyie ^.jSoni - * I.* Sto/lo-i I )..uA

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